

Curds. POKTIC. 1 E'IVIK'II l»:n I. i THE IRON ERA A few mouths ago two gen'lcmen wenl A family on Pine strciit oo a jiup o Perhaps the uwat ftimilinr of inybtori- IS VAIX. xcerr THAT ^OUE WORE IIUDI; OIIS'A A fumily named Smith ban recently (niflHfuirids nro tlirm protlnciul liv Uiu fCDUauiffi Busy SATCIDAT I t K. A. BENNETT, Af. D , .HIVIJI] toOenminlowiJ, uml Mr, s"[iut to fiKbt a duel upropus of an nclrcss, the KcnTouQdliitid brand—ono of U.HSI Ah, paldoti nith tliu Iruntlng njljn, AND OT1IEI13 WEIIB TATTOOI'D. add 11)13 ia Iiotr inntturs p:mai!tl: 51.libyful creatures with misehkvaitH even, Yi'Dtrifaqniat; fitniiliar, 1JUC.IIIHB ulfiioat .J.V, utrilr)quih(, mny mike biuiBelf a gold buried i» ]m ceUa*", along with i novice. Although tbo motivo of tlic most ijcH'ilderiiiff fttctrivcr loihoao wbo Ii. vnhi, mylittiu maidl or's Iulund, sitnntrd closo to New Iro-wholn lot of human h on en—people bo'i to affect the mother more thuu it aid I lie . J.L..JL A WHENCE, laad, we noticed canoes coning off, nn duel wax by no menuB serious, tho sec- dutigliter. Sbo thought it waj so caw- listen to him. Our power of determin- Dt-iir lit tit licart, Ihu wpiliiR I" il<'(id, killcHl Aud lie saya tlmt \m futlicr is aou.ln of M. Ollivior imislt'd tbut tbo com- ing tin-exact direction whcutiu ii soiitift PASSAGE TICKETS stopped io see wlitit ibu blauku, or rntb<>r j, uml Unit lie umkcK «ll tho li-Kd to lenve n but on Iho «ofn. A wenk SURVEYOR TUs gniiiiiicT ia on the wano ! saviiges, wanted. About forty canoes bat should only caacn when OUG of thelater a new hut bad come into the bom i Wan than wu usiiully imagine. TO kVD JWDH 'Xia mi omply world when <>m luTt in Ilid- turtliquukes that happen unywlieres in two advetfiariemihoulti find it impossi- It is mud tbat Hjvillu Carey, who chould cume alongside, with crows of from no iu tlio world, The old man'll como witli tbe glad nun light of Its preaonuo Tia a Liitttr bllKbt wbtu «t- buv tU bt-od, ble to bold bis sword, Tliey wished the ' itb tliu wliistliiig of tlic win.], would Surveys, Levels mid Grades to six men, bringing n'llb them lmiiuiii, houio al uight, after there's boon nn It was worn ftami town the day of its Liverpool and Queenslown, Anil find no (irtam'J in ruin 1 eocuanuts, aud applos. Theae itreadirus combatiintfl to liuvo their ban da nud irrival, aud on tbo return of tbo n-enrer ^-xntitimGsa,uus]l liy nxerchiing eiirtliqwike, nil covered with nwaut, and tins art in a jiubltu eufToe-house ; sumo an the following SUiiDililp linos : mide for Public and Private Improvement,. In vain, my latlu wblill wore no clothes of any kind, burring a BO tired ho kin linrdly stand; Hill futys it was laid on tlm parlor table. An hour few who Bpoitod bond drenseH. lf i protected by gauntlets, lest tlm ator tho playful dog was discovered ia Oniei: SUSSEX STKEET, Ww-p l-f.ir tin- niurtiirul tur-r* ero Uind, '- Hiicb Imrd work. affair nhould bu Uinniuatcil by an uniui- a hilarious game of foot-hall out in the f tho gueslB nt. otico rose to sco wbctb- LNMAN, WHITE BTAR, Tliey stand about live feet futir, ntllior r tho windows woro quite closed, wDilo [Soar tin Cio.l BrM|;«.I And Tall UD tlm hoirt lilo rain ; 'And Bill told too Unit once when ftportjnt [vouiid. To this proposition (be ynrd, wttb jiiHteuough fuutber aud straw NATIONAL, veil miulo. nut stoat, auv of tlm drap s.-couds Df M. Feuillicrade refused to Us 'there would but Urn up their coats, naif Tlin IthK-mn ot liTo icets liutil ** we flud bluck you hoc in tbu Atricuu imgro, but mnnenmo innnnd tbtiro trying to sell left to tho object IIQ was handling to Drafts on £ a gland lad Hoys." Bant of THAB 8 J DOVER, K. J. ten. MM. ChajTon and Vvron alau ihow bow readily a dug wlifch wants to _old. Sir David Brewsler notices a ven- The sun gone out JIUJ -onr I-.TCJ* KIWU bllo raoroofn Bongnloo oulor and uppcar- Jiglifning roih, his lather gofc mad and .ril«ioht nf uxceiJtional akill, M. St. the lowest ralos. (it bim, et bim rijjlit up, nnd lio tnkos projHjecd that no doctor should bo pros- plity foot- citn udnpt him^i'If to any E. L1NDSLEY A 80K, Agents. Anil all nur lo?iug In vain I a'.iuc, Tbo huir noems to IIIITO bi=cu Gille, who one day entered u cbuxpb J. M. BASSETT. bites out of erervbodt bu Cumoi ncrost. opt. Each of the adversaries brought jjbstance ia the nltacnce of a regular Dlackirt-U filroct, Dovei. N.J. In valn» mj liltlt ma*a I originall.v bincU, but tb^y dvu iu two or with him f£* pair of swords, and cbauce bull. Tbo mother was exasperated al- wlicru some monUa wero luuieuling tbw ibt-L'o different colors, as a>luck, green, "That's what Bill tells mo. T.iat'na)l L-uth of n hroLl'er ; uuddiiuly tk^y beard Civil Engineer and Surveyor, TUB S0NW*OF ISLAM. I know about it. And ho U'lo ma Unit decided in favor of those of M. Feuilho- most beyond endurance by tbo iucidcut or white ; uoine ull red, or n brick ulu.de. rade, but M. Chtiprorj having declared —not against the party frum Nuwfound- _ voiea as if Irom over their heads, be- it in cut nhort, hut witli nbnt I Jo nutouco lie used lo have a dmr ooo of tlieso wailing tbn.condition of the departed in Dr. P. A. HARRIS, HOCK AWAY, N. J. htlla kU,d o! 1lu, but outy.' one could bis kite, nnd just (or fun ho tried tho ;huir M'nutof '/-au\. ' Not suspectiup; tho PHYSICIAN null SUKGBON, 1U OBDERS PIU11IPTLY ATTESTOR TO, lutestring nub big do^'s tail. And then were croFsnd, and nfter tho first pass M. lot ou a tuble instead uf putting-it away 1O9 . WiihAmrEI Haiti. Tovrud we HCO witli a rinpf tlnoimii biu uuso. Qaillard inUrferod on tho cronnd that iu tbe closet where it belonged. itcl;. they fell on tliuir fuceH uud cbaut- . DOVER, N. J. To iho cymbal clunH, uu<) tie IUIKI Tlicra wero a lew iuttoced.piit to ftvi'r y tlio wind atruek bur and tlio doc went il the fle Prtifundis. A committee ap- 1 liooruiii'down tbeolret-t, wttli Ins liind M, Ollivior hud boen toicbcd in tho 1 T Til* BHtSEKOK OP J J FjiTCu cloupor of b.iM k pi iiii^ . email extent. unn. M. Ollivior denied this, and the , ointod liy lie Auuderuk dea Boiencc-a IORH in tho nir for nbont. a inilo, wbon Tbo old lady wan so dreadfully put out A. Of tho jivoliu'a itculy lligbt, We were rather surprised to find one duo) otwtinueil. At tbo second pa-ia M. Lo report on the pbenmncnu of vuntrilo- BUHVEYOri nui COLLECTOR Dr INSUIUHCE Ilia frrtortll at a HiKliToiibeRan to RO up, by tlio occurrence that uho had to drews -]uium vent with M. 8t. GiJJo to tiie Or tho llaithlufr nf spear and uwim., iu each boat liavo on hia riglit arm n fewand in about flfttion mimitCH tbe dogOllivicr waa disarmed, but was allowed KEimni STREET, no known by vrrsHries Bgiiiu crosw.1 8wi>rda M, 01- uMca, Sho rauduth o visit nud roturuedsbo benrd what nbo termed "ajiirit .voi- AND uitho Jit UD ilust titit wo raiw, nf [ifflice," Ttmt Bill mini do fiwuin homp all fho wnv in homewbat^ enluier. Sbo put sway her Even wbou first the AUnntic Octiiiii. ami wlmu liu Iniidud livinr, nllarking with rront impetiiini-ity MASTER IN CIIANCLim, O. lliii little dust w hmviti cvnry savage tnbn. and throwing himself on M. Feiiillio- things, and was going iuto tbo dining " above bcr buad, uudcruojith tbe ' 0. B. GAGE, oii by wlnte mon tboy wnvb tbo gruon. is logs wero ulln il>li1cd 'nffhy flliarkti. Of Iho movti'K caravau, "1 wish falhor'd buy mo n dog, Hn's I rnde's wcapou, won mn tbrougii tlio room wbou bbe met ber daugbter. Her or, uud iu dint out |iu,U vt tUu ruum, ROCKA"\VAY,N.J. I JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Or iliu cainui'k pittjutit inhi'4i, Tbese men seemed tobuqiiitu frieiul- iho chest; he staggered, fell, aud almost lace flushed utouce. Sbo could uot holp nd was witb ditQoulty couviuccd tbat . . trying lo mal;o us iipdorulund tliotu. ooulil send him UD Mint way, But I Oi the lUiej' uuuiovinj, orcli, novor have DO luck, liill snid tbat immediate!? diod. M. Fetiilberadu bad bo bittcrucsa from coming inta only spirit present waa tbo voutrilo- J. J. VREELAND, Ofllce on WacUwell Street, Ho tariff not Uiu ngtig olraoul We gftvo them n lot uf clothes and liltlo also receive*, a barcro wound in tbo side, jcr heart us she thoughtoE a carolcssaess ,-.jtic voicoof M. tit,Gille . firewater d *t 4, n, on 'lVi>'ii UI'UK (IIUIC, oonior.ol odds aud ciidu, Ktiivos they were whero (bey uw-d to livo ho went out on DOVEI1, K. J. tbo roof one dny to fly hl« kite, and ho,-hich laid him up for a fortnight. wiLboatexcuse, atidinocoBtitbad made. .ellsvf auotber maator of this art, Louis | Cnrpontor nnd Iliiililcr, -' -fvoll mid Biujut. HIB., Bni] Vunfclit & Kill- Hu eiiig or the light llmt hrcuka nnxious to get, but, aboro all things, 'ilio it|)onoil ou tbo subject, aud there is Brabant, valet do chambre of Francis I, Collodions attended to with UIURRUCO. . icr drug Hioro, purer, N:J. Wlica llio tbnndcr-i:l»ud is rlrcn, bottles. Tboy UHO tbo «lftS3 fur curving nat nn tbo top of tbe chimbly to eivn Alfio, Asopt for UIB bent lifo ftud tiro InHir- bor plenty of rnom, nnd while hn was When tho body of OUivier was remov- > toiling what 4be would bavo said had fhoBQ suit wus rujeuted by tbo parents Jobbing promptly attended to. Bnco Jompanloi. 14-ljr. Ho euiiR ol tlio lifo tliuL wukes oa wood. Ono fellow got a looking if a beautiful uud well-dowered r>irl with glass: be turned It round-and round, sitting there, thinking almut nnthing, ed to tbo hospital at Longwy, tl.o doc- it tbo advent of tha dog, kiting through Ttffl pall tbat cumcili frmii HJUVUU ; thorldtntn put nkeg of powder dowu ha ajiartuiaut witb bcr own hat, a brand 'hom bo was in love. lie called on tbo liOp. on IILACKOT.LI. !!., unit to Oa(s ,t MRS. A. BEEMEJl Qf a yuico in | |io iloacrt beard, up and down, just like a monlmy, tors who examined it found it protected .juther, nftor tho death of tho father, Hnlsfiy'slnmhor mill. LW. THURBER, wanting to sec the iosido, 1 eb&ll noter, below m tho (ii'Pi)laco to ctoan the sont i>.y n cuirius. Thia nff.iir created a grout low olio, in liifl mouth, diverted tbo Of a pr/it (lie p.Wo(fffj( (Jfttfr, out of Ibn nbimbly. And w)ion bo touch' sensation, anil tha mother of Ollivfor ?)mnncl of bcr thought. With a cry of ugaiu W urge his suit; and whilo bo waa '• Contractl taken, ftuu iDaLrial rurntaUcd. HJl'EWSTENDEHT OF F0DMO B0H00LS Is now roidy with all tUfi uew BIJ>1OI Ibr 01 a t Ircnglli tbat wuitotli a word (argot tjje laugh he gave whou at hut bo ire-tent flbo bonrd tlio voice of lior da- saw his blupk fuco Ju it, Tiio inttve bo f>d hnr off Bill was hlowed over agin tbo brought an action againfit M. Feuilho- lorror sbe dirlcd after bim, but bo mndo OF nonius cousTy. Or Iho biding of indent {iuw<;r. Btit Ghl tl d l ld his escape from tho house and dashed leased husbaud expressing remorso for ha /TANSIOff IIOUSU. SPRING- of 1876. laughed the move bis likeness laitgbcd ; pel linron UH| wns Iilowed over agin the rntlfl for having puluHiod a lotter from iiaving rejected L'mis Brabaut, and can- Ho wig urilio Ufa Hut take*, ho pou|d. not make it out; he imagined MM. Clmpron nnd Veron, to tho effect Iuto tbu ynrd, through tho goto and iuto Mko ovor OEO. KIOIIAItDH tt Co.'a BTOIIE, IU tlcep in t!|D Arri|i.of dentil, Bantiat Church ntdcnln, and lie lanilod iho street, Ilia ribbons and feathora uriup her to give ber immediate consent Corner or Dlaciwoll and Uusflbx BtK. Fashionable Millinery lljero wjis Home one »t i\\o hack of tlio nn ll)« wofltiioronuk with lits pants torn, tlmt. thoy regretted bavinR aerveil osse'e- o tho botrotbnl. Frightened and alarm* : : DOVfilt, N. J. Of tbedawu tbrougti tUe dusk that brenli glass. ondfi to n felon ; and M. FetiiUiorafle trailing'in tbe dust, and tbe straws purt- DOVER. N. J. mid Uioy aouMn't get him down for ogouo from another. Sho came bjick d, Bbo consented. Brabant, (.cemiug Sixclal ofHoa bours on BftlurdtivH fruin 8 A. That tbcdarkncii coni]Uerclh. Ihroo days, no he hung there, galna was fined for defamation of tho cloud. II. till a P. M. 1M' • lie B Tg or tho light tliat bluujia Tbe clothes wo bad given thorn had Yesterday tho survivors appeared beforo ritli a wliilo fnci-, aud auolt into a, mil deaimblo to behave liberally iu tbo p. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. only ono fault-^thut was, thoy did not round and round with tho wipd, and ihe Oourt of Assize accused of tnan- will) n groan of despair. TTvIl. J. \V, COLLINS, ; - And hunts in tbo bidden gom, bo lived by eitflufftho oromi tbat oatno mrriago urruugemonts, but having not THE * • Ho aatig or iho light tlmt loapit ttnuw how to put tlioin on, It wua tudi- jlaupbU»r, and on tho tnhlo of tho court " Waa that your Mat, ma?" inquired luch cash ut cimniaud resolved to try croufl to BOO thoui trying to putou vusts. nnd Rat ou him, because they thought werolaid the weapons wbiob had1 bonu 1 OFFICE and HEfllDENCK opposite tha And flamos ID tko dladom. hn wan mndo of shoot Iron aud put up ie dnughter. bother his voutriloqmatn would bo i H Latest Styles & Newest Designs It allows bow little tiny know «f white iiBod, and on the hilt of each was en- iflloacious with a monoy-lending bmikei: <\JtT T. LKPDItT, Ho sang of the floweringroJ . mot), If fioytliitig, \ie btteroi thorn **" 'mrpBfio, "Yes, yes," Bhcgroanod. "Eight dol- praved, "A man nmi Loon Clmpron. 111% gone to ruin. It sifeias as if I mimt is it bad been with Iho widow. Calling* SCHOOL MOUSE, -T orposna mwoNit DKIOK BAKR Of iho almoudi btoisomine, pipes, tobuuoo, uud njatohes, bat they ba 1 more fun tbnti enough. Ho Bnuvenir de confrntcrnite de terrain." tu tba old usurer at Lyons, bo managed Ho Bang of Ilia seed lu the clod, refused-them all. Now, tho first tilings lie." ;. Couasellor-at L^w, DPILDINO, DOVEn. K. J. -' wan telling mo tbo other day about aTlio ease was hardly prosnod ngniuHt M. bat tho conver&ition should turn upon MfJVE IIILL. N. J- A .hrk unlovely thing, a , who bus bcon ia company with sntiflafffl shiffcr bis b-o(hor inve ited. J\ Foiiilbemdo, who had boon forced into "Wby, bow could tho dog eel hold of ? Wbero did von leave it T? be subject of demons, apcctren and pur- . AND MASTER INaiUNpEBV«'c Y ATIESCEn 11) DA* OB HW Ho R*i)g of (Uo blado tiimngb Ihc soil, whites, asks for are rum aiidtubacoi). I wan a kinder machine that worked with tho dual h? the menaces of M. Ollivicr. gutnry. Snddculy was beard tho voice That oloiv.-H at tl,« hrcat|i nf *pf\n$, 11 K it prpbuulQ Hict Tlio Ufgoat and ntoitt complcto stack nt JTilli- novcr ooou a staatnor np Vfi\H-a tnen groaned Iho unhappy woman. loryanii Fancy GOWIB, („ I» fopnd in Dover '• Ho sang to tlia car of Out., iu tho full wan to fix ft nn tbo linff' baolc, oyi'iwhuiiuMiK i P»d it was alion-n tlmt, ir 'lorriblo fiufforiuffa bo was oudnring in 3LWJrw-t.LBT., "'• DOVER-N. J, oniiT.Binff ... Ha Hang the nong ol a Klnn I • beforo, nod, eyerytbiug being beyond and thon tbo ling'd work tbo tradle and inn duel with a Lioutonnnt do Delnti- "On tha bod ? ejueiilatod har dnitgh- mrgatory. and «aying that tlicro was no •W" ,er iu autonisbmout. " Was tbar. tbo llouuelx. Hats, Flowers, Feat* their oowprobouBion, aoeounts for thoir lioep on running it up and down until nap, flit* lieutcrtaut's sword encountered ••ay pf obtaining alleviation except by BRADBURY PIANO Tint boitifi frightcuod, i'tiny all Boomed the mnohEnc out tbe hag all up fluoan dthU cuiraoQ and wan bent almost double. ilnoa fot your but—tlio bud V" [Tbo ia KOU advancing mouuy tn tbo visitor & vrisianuotiiL & QSIITII, e I'm tUbljont: Lace§—real • t EBA-DIATIONSi ; liffrbly pleased. Rbovfld tho m«itt Into tlm Mm, Bill MM. Cunnrnn and Veron were tlio HCC- mother quailed.] "Didn't you know ami lmiutloii—Neuktles l tbo RaUo of run (joining Christians . MID TIIIC Raid bfBbrntliRr oilled.it E»"ry Hifi[ onds of M. OUivier ou that occasion. It better tli nn to leuvu ib there wbcro tho from tho bands of the Turks. Tho us- |ATTOBNETS& COONSELLOBS AT ami lioWB, Collars. , So .the* great anthracite ooal-ition. la .There wore about two bund rod of Jog could get it? I urn surprised, AMEEICAN OEGAN. f^uce and Liu en H'sOwn SMiffnr,' aud it worked' Bplnn- wnn also proved tlmt tho cause of Uio er waa terrified, but too much is lovo LAW, »eU, Cranes. Blournlug Bonnefi : broken up, Penot to its usbei. . ' ' (hom, auct a groat many wera cum (tig di'l. But Idnn'tkuow. 'Ppars tn mo's if duel. MUe. Adrian no Btiinwret, armed lotlier, Hint ono of your ego should nut 'ith nia gold to yield nt once. Brabant off; but we could not wtt(t . I have Hmrfi eonltln't be nn machino Ulcn that. her knight when ho went out to uuoouu- live moro judgment tbnn thar," milled Cur. BUcl.wflil ami B;IHHEI Bli. , "•rleta vert W, ball nt 1). A. DEIUIV'S »lori! : • nnd UnllH. A unttper'fi con ouglifc to mi\te a good /cnt noit day, nnd resumed the rouver- lIlHcknoll SI., Dover, N, J. (S-tf 1 ovury reiutuu tu buliove that wo mnrln But any way Bill eaid eo, lr nnntuer officer called IU. do Brie. io datigbtur, looluufr vrry miipli grinvnil, jation, when shortly aftorwarda were V • DOVER, N: J. A tine asscirttuciit of balloonist, for lie is a heirro'-aaugbt.. a good impression on tbejnVbut they whilo her mother grew very red in the "And he tnlil me abnut an nnelo of icanl tho voices of n host uf dead rela- ' • niWinunrlltb, 1B7>. 1-1)T g C! MAUIE, Jr., Chignons, Switches, Brain's, &c.J It in a curious fact tliot ]u tbe East BIO not to bo trusted. Wbon yetsela uro face. '-WUatdo you supposo closets ions, all telling tboeamo terrible story, aJ-AuWisusnd by tbe women to colur baton tbo islaridN, thoy.llwt talio tliu his iu Australia wlio wan ot by n big The court waa very sovero mton M. n-ere mada for, if uot to put things in ? i.'ti. OIGIUUBOUB. - A. o. aurrii. ; ind all pointing oat tho only way of qb- ITTOBNET AT LAW, 5.". . Also, n. voty'UrftB fntiatyo - ' ' *tliei' r cyelidK. In Eaglaad it is applied ship, then • nmrd,or the whltoif aad cut~>y*ter nnce, nud WIJOD bo got oajde boClinprnn, a young law,yi»r, for tbo jinrt Wbou WILD you ienrti that new data don't' ifnyeil Ihnro until he'd et tlio oyster. which ho played iu the nOPiir ; and ia or- - aining- relief. The usurer oould resist r II(l to tho ijainting of noses. them. The canoes aro vorj cicely cut jrow on c%cry bush V" [The . parent io longer; bo placed ten thousand •} r OVEH DIIOWN'S DRUG STOIII' 'ZEI»HifR GOOES, out of a log, nad prettily oiuameuted at Tlinn be split the shell open and took dnr to form a proper oitimntoof tlio con- moved nbout uneasily,] " Oh, mother, Blifl wo» plump and beautiful, and he half a onn for a boat, and ho nail along duct of that centlnirau, it is necessary trowqs in tlio bauds of the unatiapoctod ATTOB.NEY tho ends. Tliis they do witli sharp mother," cried the young girl, <> what in •oiitriloquiat, who. of course, forgot to Cor. Blaokwell anS Sussei Sta, • And (.fine ntoolt of... -: .. was wildly, food of ber, She hnM bltn, , '^bey use a small jiad,dle its muntil hf met. n snn-Horpent, and be killed to ntnto Unit Ol'ivior wna a mnrri(.'d mau. tho use of trying to Hvo in this way, with 1 it and drawed off Its skin, and wbea beWhat ricrht had ho, therefore, to fee) >ny it over for tbo ransom ot the Chris- ,iulics'Furnlsliing but, ^OKDOO-Ute, Bbs. Btnive to'.oatflU oar. On our btaamlng uboud, they ao- mouoy so ECaroo ? Why will you ba BO Aaas cither in 'I'urhey or anywhere else. • Counsellor at Law, m ! .bovEIl. N. J. him,-."Wba<.tv«8 he,?—Alien. ; eompaniod m two or three milea. but, got howa ha soli] it tn nu engine com- oDfniged by atkutions pnid to Mile. iudifllirent, BO cnrelosa, sa Iieadstroiig' ? i pany for a bo«e, for 840.000, to put ont Adrienne BuJpaorot; nud what right hurt When tbo naaer learned afterwards how thf'tt bt tUl. tndnu.al u op seeing they ooald« Dot keep. pace, ttieyl It breaks my heart to BOO you going ou fa Imdbetn duped, be died of vexation, oovuu; JV. J. •vrOSES BBANOHAUD, ; , '" Beggars slioaldn't bo oltow-sera," aa cave us a uradtohaor and turued fiome-1 flrcs with. Bill said tbat was actually M. Obaprou to inslft upon a duel do mart tko this." ' . • i.~ OBiM nn loconil iluor el Uio National Union • . ATTOUNEYATLAW, the man remarked when n tramp, wlio so, because he could show IHP a manunder such oirouraHtanoca ? It is Very jgllank BuffilniB. ,:•... , M-tf ttOCGstpd him fur tobacco, growlod be- who UBPtl tn helnnir to an engine com-dnabtfnl whether Iho Gulway regula- And tho daughter clasped lior hnndu UA8TEUINOHANOEHY, ( . ,... -• - cauae ho oQered bim plug lDBtcad ot : pnnTt I wiahfathcr'd lot tad go andtions,'in those palrnv days of duelling in, pain, and turned two despairing eyes AStovyotVnmliUiip:. - DOVEBNJ*- floB-cut. ''"T* .-' • -•' ••*•• "\'~s ••••-''"• •• •'"--•»i«a;»nd UrlMlMaiikiW" find a sea Bprpent like that; ont hodild^b' Si* JliBitbn; io.bei.Von^.TVhpiflupon tbti tuntber, witb .Some .twenty-ciglit ritars ago, rt One of tbo cbief Bights of Malta ia tbo don't let me bavo no chance to distin- ., ' Sir* Jonnli 'Barritrgtbn,' A new prouder in a country town ban iu oSpreasidtj of diBgilat, flQtl.,iuto tboSenator Junes,'of "Nevada, I uefii to ^ 1 Tiit of tlio Fmnci&cnn Convent, iu guish myself, would hnva sancMonod such deadly con- IOUSO tuid locked tbo,door.—:Danhury Furnishing -. Undertaker THE MOST DURABLE a bard time oa bis first round. Tbo ditiona iu so frivolons n cituso. MM. California, nnd on the way ont was an Rcrvaat'girl inyariuhly aaks him if lie is -. b|ch aro preserved tbe dried, bodies qf Netn. . • . —AND- the monks. A moak, balding allgutod "Bill wusfiaylncr nnly yestordny tlmt Clmpron tinct Veron called witnesses tn )lu* gambler, with a net out of faro boxes, ; UCEN31SD AUCTIONEER AND COMMIS- I a tramp beforo ehe will unlock the yard joulotte tables, etc. Ho took a liking to IRA C. COOPER, candle, wont down before us iuto tbe the Indian* caught him once and drove prove that their lionoety nnd Rood fnitb Night Si'FliCi ' atOSEU pF DEEDS, vault or crypt, into wbicb uirand a uuinll eli'von milrooJ'RpikcH through bin etom- woro above wunpicion. M. Jacob, ffltin- mo. and be said : " Johnuy, I'll (ell you TIIB CIIEA1M2ST. ' 'np; master, apoko tn the okaniotnr ot M. Pans }H tbo great centra of nttractiou s aecrtt tbat may Bavo you many a dol- Mason.arid Builder.. '•• A boy baa written a composition on tballowance e of daylight aie admitted by acli, nnd cat off hh ecalp, and it never >r pltasure-Beetors of all nations and All onlom promptly attcaaoa to. . >( Uift|»rou I Tbo Procurator of the Ho- lar. Da you see this'nlicet ? It's circle Tbo liniiarJoniiiBt anil tlo Jkit. ... turtle, .in whic!|; lio Baja— A turtle is window? plaoed higbt up iu tbe roof.'hurt him a hit. Ho snid he got away tUKWELL. BTIIEST, ' Dover, H. J.( ContractB taken for all klndj of ilaion Work , mblic, in reply ta oonnsol for the defen- ill ranks. Tlio millionaire)* uud tlio me- is black and red, and they bet on tbo aot so frisly as a man. but ba caii stand All round tlio crypt! in niobea,- stood iho by tbe daughter of tlio chief sneaking ihanio. tlic refined, the intellectual, nn.l JbW AI4.EKT, ^PAtUER/i BON, bodies of former tenants of tbo convent, bim out of ilie wigwam and lending him dants, demon awl tbo nequttfal of Feuil- lalora—a nearly ovon • cbitnco. Now, • . 1 HOItGK HeCnACKEN, . LIME,.FIlAf!TER>Ain) OEJtENT,- u hot coal on his buck longer wltbouii hrrndo, and only urged a verdictagniust bo vnlgur, tbo wildcat and raoat reek- vatcb mo,' Johnnj, ns I set hero and . squalling." nnd n moot-ghostly sight they wore, n borsQ. Bill tmva ahu was in loro with X BASIIFAOTORKR OF . FurnlBbei} at ahort-'notico, . . wltb catrt.facilitietrt.facilities fir p J3aoh flguro wits drcasod in* a monU'H him, and wiien 1 naked'him to let moMM. Ohaprou nnd Veron. Tbn jury ess of naughty levcllors, aud tbo staid,' jpin tbo ball. Do you seo mo gently mco nnucr "Tbo fron Rra" Office," Dover. TfiKOOWNOOWNO la t tbo table ? 'Well, tboso red and blnok | Carriages and Sleighs, doiiRued ar mjutreJ «Dd wblcb Hosting t*lftto IF letter}: "You look precious down, old wooden bar placed before tbe . waist. np|kw>, be flnid bo dnrrwnt take nff bia •o cralnontly'iusUflcd to "roduue, man I Nothing wrong, is there, witb tbo Over each niche was. tbo • tmme, of tlio ulotlies or ba'd bleed to death,. He said euno Ilnlsflcret was fined 100 fraucs for Mi ity in it, all Hook to Paris for enjoy-' lompnrtuicnls nre connected by two sets not replying to the unmmnns of tbe lont. •Tbo Parisian enjoys lifo; Ins jf wires. I raiso my kneo when' X gee S. R/OSMTINV Tbi ton quiillly orfifatowlll lia mod and Hob old aunt wbb'B been BO bud ? I hops occupant, and. the date of hia.death. his own father don't knnw it, beoiinso s I-Bur. niaciwcll anil liorgcnBts, DOVEll, N» J. Dm, work nirranUd to prodnco all lie good One I saw bad, died in seventeen huti- Bill was afraid it might worry tbe old court. Thin ncandaians nffiiir, coupled iiiin buaiieaa in to gratify hia eye, bis that tho bulk cf. money is on tho rofi; r she's not'worse," Jack: "N-o-o-slie'a Dentist, : ffoctffctstlcM tod durable roof. - - , better I1,' ; ... drod aad ainbty something, otbvrs were man. with tbe ridiculous 'duel the other day _or, bis palate. As soon as evouing and tbat wire running through tbo red' I FKrticukr tttaaUon palJ tit rcpalrii •.,]•' .•• ALI.ES, PALMER A BON,, •:• between two deputies, should ezerc'tna trllle and tromhlca, so that the ball won't lfllf ' " DoVer.N. J. 1 qnito modara ndditiiSnB to tbo droa'ry Rbados hegin to gather, be ealliea forth, MOURISTOWN, N. J.; ' _ WP nro to live after deatli, wby company;. the most recent data I ob- "And Bill tole mo (hoy wasn't going fwimo influence on a custom which uoi- lutout upon ono or auothor form of rea- •eat on any red cell, but is repelled and . don't no bavo BOtne knowledge of it?' tn got bim to go tn Uundny Fchon], HeIher c&rtilnala nor kings IIBVO been nblo •ettlcs in Bomo blick spot. Johnny, re- ~ rvOV.BIl fcAUUlUTOIlY. * o Propnotur for. Momi County uf Foiwm'i aerveii was, 18G7. OUT guide bold tbo rentlou. Open nir amusements aro bis said a skeptic to a clorgymna.- "Wby light close tu each figure, BO that wo says bis father tins a brans idol that ho :o put down in Franco, We mUBtwait great daligkt. Foreigners smilo At tlio _nomber this whoa you have bagged yoar keepa in tho garret, and Bill Bnvs he has fonooin what light tho vcrdifltof the gold dust." I went into a. gambling ' AJUHJB anil Atulyw-B of ill ilcgcrlnilunti of . : rmrMt »idg«. 'EQETINE didn't yoa bavo somn knowledge of this might bo able to.see ull'tho revolting boisterous, hilarious, thorough way in '4it tbcrootofdlie»ie-l>y pnrifyiDg tlic world before ycm.cntLQ into it ? was tbedetails. Is one niche, tlio uhl) corpu- mndo up bis mind to bo a pngnn, and to jury in Ilio present instaneii will bo ro- bonso about a year aftcnvunl to mako u OK ES.AN DM J M311A LS hegia to go uaked. and carry a U>mn- nhicliPuriBuns ah^ndoQ ihomsoWea tu itikc . Tb'ero was a fine, fighting Gold Filling n Specialty* ,. : the lhar inct liidpcyi to JiPtli, inatio, retort,- ; • . . *lent figure of a moult lolled against tbo ^anliKl. It in not long UJTO that two revelry at tbo gay M&bille, tbQ Alon CAREFULLY MADE. niratinjt ttie aarromr.sntcffi..' -: the wooded bar wbiob supported htm ; hawlt niuWbow nnd nrrowDS soon aafbe foreign princes fought near Fountaine- gombior sitting there Bpinniuc roulottc. I'KGETINE Goroldino: "You shan't bo m,v aunt; warm wca*lipr comes. And to prova it theOloaerie dos LiUs, or tba GlmL \ti«}of.flnre£(wllll«jfiirniah«aDn»ppliMUoD, tbe jaw bad sunk, ttnd tbo tonguo buug biciu a fair duol Ono of thorn foil, nnd Honge, and, flurety.-tlicro IB no liarni le.nmiO'.DB compound, wlili-U girn- you BLall bo ray sister." AuntAnnoi an, lie nnys- bis father-has thin .town his adversary DIIII the four scennds were iid t« myself: ''Young man, I'll just i ' L.a jiiEnwiimi,. H \ho boweli, but a i«fn, plenaol out of tbo mouth. In another, a tall 'bcu at Bnmo in doing as tlio Romans "No; I am yoitr. papa's, sitter, and so I figurf. stood witb its wbltbcred hands, .... iindorlaid^with nitro-plycciino, nnd nil severely treated by tbo court. Tlio :ako apeup ntymir knees." Ho raised Doior Harris Cotinty!J..T. ' Grandin, House. -• ' lopnriry tho blood iad oiuBt be your aunt," Goraldino (after a ai noon an ho gets ready bo'n going to o. In Paris, mauy a pleasant oveLing oalib. like mouldy parcliiriont, crossed in /rout surviving prineipal, Priiiro Sontzo, was an his spent whilst sitting outeido ono :hem very "gently, and I plkutod mj ~ LOU YAKD8 FROM D. L. & W. DEPOT pause}: "Tben, was papa my uncle be* blow tbe old thing out, ami burst her soufencod in ilirco y Carpenters . T. P. Git AN DIN, Prop'r. 1: VEGETINE became borne, "I bare neon snoli* a no btirm in mentioning itto ran. A I'DEDB slowly pass by( and tho ovor- E.-ery timo I bit it. Tliat gambler got amart prenohor. Ho stamped and made expression, greatly ut vnriunce with tho ^lnnging throng of peoplo, in every 1 D«B roUanKlvD lo?«ltdi Into Tales linpci liy ruverout uttitudo ol tiie hands. Tlm Curious FacU About Kllud Tom. is evo ou mo. It was an -oyo full, of - Excellent- •ceonfmcxlatitiuiiTtr • truutient ,V |n In a stronger Itcticvor tllii over in tho ad- i _.id lie bccnti 't/f excite nlttmliou on a nnUy in n land tone of voice. Slid he: wasn't anybody aared go up nnd fight eotnathifiR olao to tell mo." musician nt tho BRO of four years. All lorfectly guv nud happy. From hero Didn't I tell you never to Roma hero), 1 viaabillty of burmuft tbo dead. I tliink >ou may go {o the Cliatnpa Eljaetss, and VEGETINE , hlBB.". ". • '"' -' " .',"*'" Tlio Smith boy, we think, will bo sounds afforded bim delight, even'tbel gain? Didn't I toll you this wan »- „ .... — opnnaa au.einonnient for KW tho Cremation Bucietyonulduotpruduco profitable to the youth of thi« comma- hear a EploBilid opon-air concert, or if "Wbon.B Briwktyn woman feels that "bore powerful-arguments ia its favor crying of a child cruiBos.Jiim to dducc ..luce for gentlemen? Tuis is a gentle- W.;8. &• K. F. UeCAMP, •„ timoby MmcofQiir bntt pbyilulina, * ' ' mtv.—tMax Meier, m PUladdpltia Bul- about in Q utato nf ecstfflby. "When at *ou prefer vocal or comio ontcrtointacnt' man's game. That man, gentlemen, it Is ;• Jobbing promptly attended to. most fncrtdaloaR In regard io It- ~ rc^latanco to tymnts in duty lu God, and (bun liy iui[i.irtiiiK aupie dojjen of dried, letin. , 'an liave but to enter any of the cqfet nppv Urmbiiti mbitt irdnnirdnntt frionrlfrionrlii an—*] snpporlLri" . hodiea fiom Sicily and Malta for c;bibl* home' be olleu bit nnd pinchod bis my duty to warn yon against; that NEGOTIATOR & PROSPECTORS kjcka-,hfirnba!*HmVithradgU.,tbe .front brothers and flitders to mabo them emit chantanti. Skatin^-rlnka aro now addeil loafer is a thief," 'Well, contined Jonus, S. J. l'ALMEIl, ArcllUccl. door.-Bbe'-ly.'rrowd tbo Bngur-plum-lan- tiou to tliQ EiiKlisli public. I titncy to Parisian ottrootious, and suchrinks 1 " M:;;; ••• v tailomJ of beiiiR a pufftd-up modloino hu eyp.n tlm prejudice with which public cries of pnin. If kept nway from a piano hod never in my lifo been there boforo, For Iron-Orel; anJ-Minoml-Proport orlieilltawrr uptoiU' prooent iftUitilnLlnpt guage of tbe pastor and cilia her notion TIi« Story of Iho IMJn. ho will bojit ngainHt tbo wall, drag chairs jo rich and tasteful in their decorntimis, jut X saw tbo scheme. If I resented Bi bwicmal ncrU ifa-coring-all diacaitei nn outward mauifeatatiba of:.".thlo.in- opinion clinga to tbe mihjnUliy aud diB so brilliantly lighted, that ontcrhig them oLlo^crwhetoforniliire^* . gusting plau ut endeavoviup to preserve Ooco as tho hod ja of Turkey was walk? about the room, and make all sorts of wbat tbo said there wore forty dpcca." . noises, Wbon ia London a lluto wan [rom tho ontaido gloom ia lito a nnddoa tbo bodies of tbo deail, nuutd receive a ...g in n comatcry by tho nido of a high- iluQgo into fairy-land. Gas from a fellows there, cuppura uud to furth, to : ^vluia i(i(cqunti'as, o i Of course," snyao returned^ summer slight Bhuka nn having occuiar demon- way, it occurred to him to-liide in an old liroenred for him of n very oomnlioated ;ick mo down stairs and rob me, BO X Organs and Melodeons ! P. O ai;BOONTQN;>N.* J. '* ' otitiraaurwonderra! pattern, and having 22 Iccys. Ho fre-:lionsand liurners flashing from bur- aoeklr fluid : M Well, sir, I do not wish :ntcB, alt«Jilt 'other rcmiKliog hoi) railed, I *i«- tauriut, "ope in tho cmtatry sees, among, straliou ot* wlmt very borriblb things tumb to watch whether tlio good aud jisbud reflectors, gleams and quivers ou .Ya. H. DiiCiur.' ' * En. P. DEOASIT Ucd tba laUntory aud uauvlDoec) raymiif of tie olhor things,'bfirefootedrnhidena lri|i' Dur mortal romaitm must become, even bad angela of judgmont would come. qucntlr rises up nt night nnd ploys thin .o tnnko miy ditlurbanco here. If you Repaired and Tuned instruinent, imitating upon it all aorta .bosaiaotb, hard, ico liboflnoriug, over lfonulnu mqrit. It.ii prepared from liarks, ping o'er tbe.dowy erass but.lbun.most under tbo moat favorable circumstances. Wbllo IIQ tins thus waiting, all nl onou wbicb, with a grtieoful, undulatinR mo- loo'twant uio hero I'll tako tny money . promptly, in any part i>r Morris County. Ad- ••oots «ud btrlxvcicb of wbicb it lilfttily cfToc- of 'embuve noro beoiB, and tbo romaure Tho old hearh on did "very wisely in d(5- thoro onmo tbo souud of bells; uml •if Rounds, whieli bo may bear at tbo aud go." :iTO, and tliy in ootnpatindod In eocli a tuaD- time. ' Once when tbo agent attempted tion, float saily-dre&scd woman, totb e -jrclI W. B. WMQllT, PASSAGE TICKETS' to iirMaco iwtonf uhltiE result." fodm oway.Jlke.n..wujhwg.lqf.U)ut ovur stroylnff. nit fur iw possilife, all difipust- struck with tlio idea tbat tho day of res- sound of brilliant and lively music, eaoli , . .. DoTOT.'NJ ' VSQETINE iq'gflssoeiationa witli denth ; and. Burcly nrrcotiou and tho last judgment were at to rnako him stop playing a piano in a night." ' • ; "fhfnniw? hntfl? at tlimo o'clock in tho itteoded by tlio moBt gallant, courteous, d&nateaamcncnilGd.bp phynl- thoro is much less shook-ta Boutimonlin band, lie orept out of his hiding place. mil uLUiiitivo of caraTiors. Youth ana An CnBophlatfcatod Batbclor. lecariCRtobo tbo bout putiHcr .Two liltlo girls yttsro lately^ pmttlfnff It wuHacantvtiu ouingby, uud Ihn mulua, |7OIID O. SMITH, , _... •, • : having tlio nsbea of thoso wo:"have joauty. mirth and grace; lond.tbo scene This morning a gentleman entered a DRAM,; HANCE & Co.'s STORE, ... tha blool yot illKOvorcd,* and tog«tlior, and. otto qf tlieai fiuiu—"We lost" croiilly (juanled Iti u tborary friglitoneJ at tbo suddun iippurution, aoining, Tom sewed him mid th^ewhim shop on Ififth street, nnd naked the - L'oassndn s)o«hjn ill pralisnlio luyo been k^op four servants,: bavo got six borsos iheir charm. Here, hand in band, tbeir uru, tbuu linowiuf; tlmt. Iho body ia foil iuto disorder and "stumpeded," through the door. In 'Washington he t-oiing voices bteodinK like silver bolls -Xak: -• • •;•••• ATTORNEY AT LAW; POUT OltAjVi; N.' Ji and a lot of carriages ; now wrtatltava throw a mnn dawn stairs wbo cams Into lying leaieriiiK batoiv,. uint-l all tliu Upon tbis the mule, drivers, fltioks iu in barmonions loagbter, come a chnin of " Wbat is tbo price ol knit undershirts DOV33Htf KT- VT. you got?" With quite, as tnncb iiriile • jxions uboi^iumionft- of , obui-cbynrd band, beset tbe hudja, ami inquired who hie room. Wlienathctuo in Georgia be. i tlio other answered, "Wo'vo g6t a bkunk roun/i and pretty girls, driving all before witb breast pocket" ?" Ho added : Omcc; Otf BZ.AOK.rBLI. Hi'-'lEHT, • • WHAT IS NEEDED: - trtb.-r-^liifta Correspondent- be wua, livca inn buildinir about two hundred ,uem. Tbo mostintricato cvoiutiona arc under our burn."' '_'" • , ynrits from fho house, and there remains "I travel a good deal, and carry large * \ Bniton, Feb. 13,1871 • 1 icomplished with graceful ease. Byes 6|.tr . .OPPOSITE Swim's FUsi, '* Adend mnn." *lona with bis pi no, plnvtagnll day nDi amounts cf money, nud I tlnnK.that ' j|r; n. n. sr>rrxKB: • . • -.. >,< j A rural, fotnalo 'beauty, nligbted.,. from '•TYbat are you doing out lioni, tbuu?" ipnrklo with pleAsuie, or eoftcn into idea of pockets nn excellent ono, and I f 11 jiglit, like one possessed: with madooss. tenderness, nnu, he-re aoti tbero, tbe fun JOHN DRUMMER'S • Q.EORQE A. BLAKC1IAUTV3; DeorBil-'About orojcsr ilnco I Ifou'nd tbo atflgo-concb, tliu atlior dny, wbeu a Onlv tukinu o wa!5." Bad weather lias na fJTcctnpnn bis musip. am surprised that BOIUG ono Lns not tnyHdrin^lblneomllUuity, , - .._. n fromgeroi-»ldtbll„.., rocommended; picca of ribbon dotacheir it'salf from' ber "Awfllk? We'll walk yon 1" And grows fnriotiB -cud fast. Now and tbeu thought of it beforo." ; ' MilU'lT IllllKllllIIIRR, In cloudy, rainy seasons, ho ploys Hnm- there is tko orcitcmont ut. n tumble,. .A SHAVING AND HAIR CUTTING IlESTAUBANT to mo l>r a Trliill who tud been tnncti bonoflt- bonnot (tud-fell inra- tbo liotlitro, of tbo they assaulted tholindja withGiioli vigor bor mnsie in minor oborda ; and when "•lteally, uir," ropliod tho "clort. 'T' >d by its n». ' procured Ibo article and carrfflgo. "You iiaye lctt jour how Tbu Mississippi Bteainboatinen wvm tbjitlio only cscjijiud with tuuuy bruises, flutter of flowing drapory, with a mo- Uiink myself it would ba a good plan, for ladicn and senlleincn, I1UKCKWEU, 61., i(tkB,,wm rcsloroJ to health 1 a thesun shinos .and tho birds sing, be mentary glttnpso ol a pair of pretty DOVBn, N. J., ticlween SIIP»CX and Murrla Sis; litauso. I reel quito confi- behind,: »ai4 . l»d.v pa»angor, "Nu I important in*laiul«moii"fl eyes (and ina broken bead nud two bl c«. oyes. • indnigrti in walteos and ligbt music oilb I nm sorry to say vm havo tione, and out that thor. li no tntdlciDo iDjKirlor to llain't; he's gono n-fisbiug," innocuatly tiiair own, torf' iu a.degree) uouording \Vheu Ilia wife saw him in such a ankles, or more, and a Ecoro of eager I did not know them were any made." Sometimes lio will hammer* away forbands am outstretched to Toiso o pros- ! A 1'INE llILUAin) IIOOM .rthoeacomp Inta'orwlileh ft 1* cipcclallv replied tb*4 rustle. to the dignity of tlio bi«t tboy wero on. iligbt, abo acked whero be catno from. hours, producinp; the most horrible dis- "You did iibt?" said tbo customer. roparcd. and iDUl1 d cbccrtOlly mROmmcnd ft For instance, it was a proud tiring to trate fair ono; A roar of l&nghtor drownB S T;R EE th h f tbat limy need aomotlilnir tu " Prom Ilio donil," said bo. " I lavo cords iranginn'ble. Suddenly a change 'Well, that's eingular. They ore ox- : illacliod, wllli Iwo eleitaut taMox. S: s irn-cLiioitUti.'- - A would-be eoinio xqan haa beon .(let bo of tho craw of mieb nUtoly cruft aa a ranltcred cry of annoyatoo or disgust, libitei in your owu window, and caught rtBtoro them ti elnring that th,o Tiirkisb towns and pro- boeo in n tomb." comes over him)-nnd bo indulges in nnd a gentleman is down. If ho acts a tlio 4leck Scott or tbo Qrand Turfa •• vYol). )IQ,T do things go oa in tlio mafrniflcoui bursts of harmony Jak my eye as I was passing." vinces, '&c.t nro alt named after es-Indies l^cgni HrcmoD, deck Imuds, and U^rtiora single pair of helping bauds he's lucky. A LEX. KANOUSE, atlior wurid ?" from the best productions of the mas "You must bo mistaken," said tbo ' • J)0VEB,N.j!. ' of the Sultan's harem. Vor instance, be belonging to tb.nso-boata wore dlstin- Tuoro is a queen of. flirts, flitting now ; , ' • UASUFACTUBKl. OF "Wby, wiffl, vnu bad belter lookout tcis. Since bin obildliood ho has boon liore, now llierc, a very butterfly of n,clerk. *'I know every article in tbe , Tuo placet nan Lcen entirely refitted In. ft n BoyatViGre is Sal Ontkn, Juno I«u, Sis [llltibmi jieraoungoa in Ilicir owu grade an idiot and ho played nearly as well at ' manner; IThotery beat* brands or. :;* '. 9ABBAPABIUJA, and SODA WATER, Tpva, Mary Tua, -Auu Dis, Bardy Null. J[ Hfo, anJ ttiey weio woll awuro of that there for one tlifng—nut to frighten tbe gitl. Occasionally, as Burgeons will tell store'." Ti, Ncr. 23,1672. Bophin, Bcaa AmbU, Moll Dav.n. Carry t mules." the' ago of Devon as ho does now ; bnl —but k>)d, one rainnnt BVOII tliink of onro *' But I rnn not," persisted the gentle- •:' ;;' - ' - - GINGER AU2,' T Ma. n. n flipt, too, A,sta.lwart darkov onco givo now his reportoiro is much largor. as be Foreign and DpmeGticSegarE So, BoiOradoarid Oou Stantiimpla, offonoo Jitfl negro ball iu Now Orleans or gloom in BUCII a scene as tliin. Bewarol man. "Step nrounit nnd BCQ foryonr- titled L«6er,Afo Mid Porter.. Fettlrali, I'ar- /lic|WDloH)c»o/VEGETINEfi!r enn play »uytfiing be bos ever heard AI.WAVS ON HAND. [ . ,8frtV liniiej roo Ljr ynnr ngent, xmj wife has used by putting on a good many airs. Finally AncL'iloio of I-o It in at tlio rinks Ihnt the Amoricnns ion «na pic-nin snpplioil nnnnpll;, ftt whuJc- with great bcneQL ' ' . •'My.dear boy,".6uid a buly to a pre- Ho now plujs* about 7 OOO pieces, and and Euqlisli most do congreg»t«, for UB.—An. editor otourna- id stepped buck belli ail tho counter. l^ 1B72. {Ufild:' ' ' is I ? \Vba is I ? I lot you know mighty to demand n cessation of hostilities in looking individuid. woo at first and last quaintonce, instead of-saying, "Four •'Well," exclaimed tho customer tri- . miOLE0«LKJMD t)l i. H. n. B_ quick'whol isl I want you nigger* to order to unaro furtber elTuBion of blood. glance woalJ bo taken to belong to thegolden-haired little cberubs cluster round umphantly, "nin't they there ?" Dear uir-T h tbo Rdvico and earnon l ahdemtan' tint I flies *1B njiddlB do* ooTho letter being written and neatly nobte brotherhood of boll punchers, ' and cxeonW; antl oiafcriol ftirnlJled, Hardware,. Iron and Steel, poraouuuD of iter.J 78. Bent, «r tbU plac I .WISE R^bY?ii]i !.™T!in Itnrt'cr tbt my heaHbstone and mafeo BQnubine for "•Yo-yc-a," said the clork, appearing ivre been taking * •EfWE -Ibr DySpo oo4 \]\a Mgliej; llio,t>aiifi.J- 'Quo mat de j\leck ScotlT That, waa HUfDciout. folded, 8301 lor a stick of spaJiDg-ivni. walked up to the bur inn Main Street my homo ; iota dainty^ darlings twine oa though, bo liudila fish bouo iu hia PLANS mi SPECIFICATION!:SAILS, BUILDEItS1 HAllD^ABE, crios. f'TbcreTh' V a well;ll" "nuotho tl r ona 'f bo bwbop fl| »U« fffffftd Turh. was a,It so huppciicd that lio vhn wan Bentsaloon, tbis otternuon, nnd, laviup JOWJI their dimpled arms around my neck, nnd tliroat. "They are there, unro raough. quietly p.bln a pa nip iu it, J?rnyoni nxn\ i|tritouyoqnHn.cgTq, wlm nirud hisim- on ttio commission bud bis bead tiikcn a etnqotli qimrtcr, culled for whiakcy. JEOTiHICS' A&D FAItMEIlS' TOOIS ANI Idas tbo furrows from my brow; four But, sir; those unilerslirtu uru not for rarnlaQoflLBlld eonlnetn-*aBcn forflll work. provouuGcncvpr hinder nny ir,i\i,'«Jimr- llPrtqupq yiith b:\lmy,ootnpbaeno.v. nud off by ft can nun -bull. This wusrepnrted Tbo hoikeoticr set out Uio bottle, nnd sweet, chililiBl) voicat carol joyous songs men, and tln»so pockets aro"—..ml at Tbo boat roftroneei! rinni* to capiclty ii OAMUAOE HAKEIfS aTJDS, . ney, Experieqoa. dnd wMoffl nru tt)fl was greatly anurietV by the circle in to holsoQ. "Spud number messenger the customer, rrosaing hw I^gs. placing from morn till eve, and fill ray heart this point ho dived under the counter oiery branch "ol tlio .6n>lnea«, and all ,«orl two bout fortune •tellers. Tbo aaretnuu whlah lio mured. Tlio young- 0(>]urcd for tbe wax." Raid be. It was observed tho forcfliiRor of bis left band Ormly on | GOB, WAflmjiDIBS ASB Bur" BTHttTfl, 1 with melody,"remarks: Fourlow-bcadcd nnd disappoarnd, while a young' ludy jnaruiloMi'" SoVBH K. J. • i arjr. man make a lialf*poatiy out "of a tar-poimlatiou of New. Orleans were much to him tlmt ihero woro irufora ou thobisooliJ und QTONpiug tho ucok of tbyoungeiero s plttj 'ciroaa' with my chess clnrk Bt;indinB ncur smothered a convul- MOBBIBTOWN. N. J. i Jan. 1,18T4. thing-; nnd a liberal man naalicasiiijouco givon to Eictiug, at twilight/an tbo t(\Uo, "Soud for the sealing-wax," he bottle with bis right hand, atliod ; •' In I on, anil 'horecy' with m^ cane ; fou sivoeigglain ft cuubric hnndUerohicf, ' L Dear Blr-Tli!»f«fc certifyy that I bnTbniOo aalld repeated. It was done, and tbo lottcr thia hero Bluff straiuod ?" "Stra.ted t" A.-, Beemer, A OOOTLCTK BTOCE or it retail 15* 1-8 doiifc (J851i boltbiboltlui)) ooff your of iL . Lonlc upon a bottle aud a plcturffl navemontaof.tlte haqU street*, Somo- iggcd nrcliins upact my inkstand auc uud started off with a very red face on ?EOETlNBalnceA' ] II 13,1870ia, 1870,, and cacann frnlj at o. good • dUtonco. Vain glory is. A bQdyEJHwaua beard sopicUna like the was Boated, Sonio ono iwid: "May I said tho barkeeper, with an astonished spill molasses nhero tbe cntpot—ongh important business to tbo roar part of Wooden Wnfo nnd 'ay mat It lias EIVCD , c. licit eatUfrclloeatUfrcllou ,of following, one evening! in ono of tfaoaa take Uio liberty of ai^lnR why, undo: no look, "strained of what?" "Look n' ti) bo, hut isn't; four nolny, uproarious tho store. KBAI. ESTATE AGENT, m.Tnim(Ml* for tbo ei laioi m ffu r wh(ch(b .it-b1$. floncnvliiotrnoTot'Ootnoa to ifuii. If localities.' A njidtllP-ageil negro woman hot n Ira* and after subli nn nooldent, here, roister," returned tho oz-ninDti^or, folly were pain, we Bbould have great bmts, with noses Umfc need—but don't Housekeeping Goods. rocomm PIW ml c that nUl Bcawo)y» projected lier hoftJ throuRb-a brobon- you.attached BO much iawortaacQ lo a" I've gnt an njitl mother baolt in Mia-got—constant handkerchief, ,Dover, H.J, loypaaaodwlUiontiL io btmr ctHtonitn tea- crying io every feotise. Your, looking- circumstanoQ ajipurontly.trifling ?" Hosaury : I cum out hern tb mulio a ataka A certain Wanuington gcntlpmnn, wbo -•-—-Sl»u or their pjine, aud BfatnUad (vety willing that tbo Bibol ot toy lioiuc. take a ft., iraa blessed with an nddition to Ms fam- PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, •ityinKtoltitoorill gtasfi will tell yon whnt fricudfi never "neighbors should bear aud onvy)', " V"ti ropliod i 'If I bail tnmle imauf n wafer, fort'bo old gal, auiUbuin't got it yi(. Irimift.. Umn ' ant or,MTeral vill. (tbaman'tlifttfippAbfl nlflti) .tri'tli to crack 'wiu-mitu* nnd 'litckj-nnts,' nud ily, concluded to advertise for ft wet an4 M.nahjctnren'JUUolts s'^nllj. BBoa of RcrofUlo ilpg oared ,by Mary Ann, camoiir(1o.ion8fldismlnuto I it wouMlmvf boon BU|1 wet nlicn'tho Bosidea, I WHS hroujrht up rclijun, uml cry bccaiisn tbcru nro only two jrur" is a cleverer fellow tuan be Is geuomlly StanainRuitt dab. faalta' 'long wid datloiter wan prGsonted tu the Grown Prince; my old marm told mo never to die till I nursn, aiitl caused tbo :folluwing notice HOUSES AND LOT£ ta'fen for, Tbe nnnil luotts uronnd bu flticke to tticb cliickru, nnd' iso clicko to bo inserted iu ouo oi the daily papers: Jm.e, Cement,, Plaster. Terr roit )ntr fnuli, an'Lcnh's do, barber qfl'n ()e ho would fiavo inferred tlmt tlio luttct wua prcjifiroJ to fftco tho munis ; I uin'l a year. AtOlt htlW ^nd thinks it ie tbo whole world. Turk wants . to ooitwcrsa wid wasficatufTiti a ljitrry, nnd that tre liad prorjaral to die ; and tvuut I Traat to "Wanted; a wot nureo to(tako ohorgo of FOE SJHR Bou. Do.1, flupoc RHwpbaWiOr Lima, aadau Tj.1 bo i\bo walk the tifguwy, ara eoma prdaaing occasion for it. Tbo wax kuaw In, if tbe snakes is itrnlned tint of in iufant. To DUO .who eaurcomowcU * ihr*j^Dg etonoa at thpse wl]i them air whiskey,"—-tfevatla Kevtille. Tiiank cOHKlut..«ii, lUtru ftro no nigro uf 'ttu •f-RommondDiI, porraaiipnt employment For uucriptloni-ofFrup&rtjs.nitlfFt d uarucud p tbi tells no lalm," Ttio monslor t TiUbagitardnlccd. Apply, Ac,*! , anaabl »t UIB olllcc.. Wonifltomi, Sept. 2M, 1871. THE JKO.V ERA. 5 ST0RE* PRICES DOWN 1876.IAS GOOD AS THE BEST M. L. FELL & Co. :,CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. CA .PETS P.EIH'IEI). THE TIMES. THE PEOPLES" CLOTHIERS OF MORRIS COUNTY,!

&IEL WASTED! — TO THE FBONTI HARNESS crv- iil'.L--- Or. I1-L- oil r>£ red Lot -i.m :~tojK0£3i; l-d 0ASRU&EE0UIPiaN8.

NEW STOCE EVE7>"AEE CLOTHIEES. 1 ! S tv- * t:r;-Fi. - --- te *.• dK^y Wsrr a* EMTn 1 Lost! .A. JA. TAYLOR'S ! BLACKWELL St., V.-. H. BABBITT. ^.Spring Goods!; Compare YOUTSBlf it j -TPO VAIS lxvi us TSE KiSiiax aormi.) -„'"..• , A •--——--'-.M'HITK GOOD Notice of Assignment. , Cliri^ -ijii-v.. -ii:; \ PRICES QOTJTED "by SOLD BY z^cr VJHF-. P. K.. {'TIP 1PPB i KEWAEE E0C3S. IHAEXESS, SADDLES, yiAK.-LIl.LZ.--, a mtArjiii ! All Wool Suit, * 9 M. L FELL £ Co. WHIPS, BLANKETS, 9 5(i •w- s- BAI:RITT \ Silk Mixed Casslniere. -• HOUSE CZOTHIKG -Than Ever Before Offered j All Wool Cheviot, 10 9.501 a ...... OKKAT I'.KI- in this Market : fine Black Mixed. 12 11 . ZL.! "iT. .•". TIAEMTT. 2: «'^ c o. I Sew Style Plaid, H 13 VOUGHT & KILLCORE. WwgM PIaW 16 15 BEEMER & PALMER DONT PUBCHASEI ' 3 ! Black Diagonal Prinee The same snit b.r M. L. : ;..-.;tvi.J; STOVE. - - S5.O0 : j Suit, ?1S to23 FeU & Co. from in to 18 * ' 1 \T~1 a. EGG, - - - +.75 Until Yon Look in | Worlfin? Pante. 1.50 >L L. Fell «s Co. for 81.25 i CHESTNUT, - 4.50 ^ ! If the^e PRICES, when conjpalfri, &Q Eot convince ilie -* ;. *•- '.' C" i'.f. bl-±. : ^; j Sloms CocDtT that they caa do better in the old historic toirn thax •?1EI LINDSLEY & SON 1 *i>^r e^tn £n ^COETW^iJKK^ JTIS^ 3&t -tlieTci «it-oi> into tlje 2 ! MAMMOTH CIOTHIXG HOUSE " DOVER. -V. J. SESKHiiCEH Stoves. Stoves/ THE FAMOUS HISTORY! A E BI ;^/V^'Ji'- ?;Vr;.4'S^Ci^ THJ; OLI> STAND. ?A N WATOHES. OXLT AGEST FOE M. & CO, VTA1TEAM. IXGK k HOffAED ViTCHES. Pnwa rcdond tvtcrj to tfairtr per cent. Sf v ur TEE : nuVi^Tic vitli pri<»s on Mi Axst-ini. Wilrtr UNION HALL BUILDING, «.a'«.i«Tin. HcvtoGet a Vatcb «ilbwi! T., (D^mrr in adTir»Y. Call or rrit« for new pricr li.i. X. H. WHITE, Ko. HI BroaJ ,iin, Hot Air Furnaces, Stwirk. S 3. Mr and look at our STTIXS sad PEICZS. MOERISTOWN; THE CELEBRATED J. HAIRHOUSE, : : L. DAYIOX BABBITT lias Ml ctarge of the CUSTOM DE- 'i:;: .^"V; «;;'^l^^M^^k^ri5i STOVES.RANGES, WATCHMAKER and JEWELEE, PAET3IEXT, where he will be glad to meet Us old friends and Eho«BUCKEYE MOWER. GHOST! DOVEB, S. J. to them the kqgest stock of nsr coor»s over iatrodactd in the Conntj !.. .. bti rt£^Ttd rt wirtLfl; a rapcrb UMT1SCE( of • SPFiiNGand SUMMER GOODS HEDHCED PRICES for 1876. For tbe CESTESXIAL TEAS, 1876, consutirG ol o Ltd i (JM [T.-»•= v, J3S. jNOW EEADY! E. LINDSLEY & SON, Agents, . & PALMER FOEEIGX ASD DOMESTIC CASSMEBES FOB PASTS. AND DElAYEIiKDU} bUBSCBIBEBS A compute line of SIA0O3AL3 lot CCAIS in] YEST& The ktest etjle ol I PLAID SUrnSOS tor J1ETS rODTES" BOTS' ana CHILDBZKS WEAR . 'ft**: t//*£fUi PRICE, FREE OF POSTAGE, SJ. SLATS aXTTH DOESEtK TECT1X0!j cf all 2«oittjoBt. A fit scanatMd U crnj penn x. Li* «L-^/U, : Ut*. L, irooz), ' tw«beubai)t. B« iu al» pwetmd THE TOtHIT ALLEN & MONINGTON, tot?- v^Jt »rj :/ f'.-J 'ij" J'(!'''• Kb* r MAJOOB CLOTHING rjc, lU ynw/w 'A Oi'; t* of tb*; KitcnliSH MASONS' HATEEULS, AA tbe proper SEQUEL to tbe HTOBI Watches, Clocks and Jewelry DOVER, CHESTER, ' ! tl li I' V of tUt Mormtown Gboet, Ibe pal iBdtbeCnBXPEsTc1e2.MraiatI1l1arta70thtxplacc1stlt.Vmau. Defjio; tUooopfr BLUE STONE, FERTILIZERS. ltire, with xnach labor. itallk)stiifjrallbebn t^avctanbere. 11»e tptrial attealioa rf tl Uc to WEIIDIKO PBES2XIS. ^U« M a%d to tb. f*rt litt b» fca.esuUstl r «• hasd a'f.n ttoek c«Uie latnt aaTte^ and SUCCASUNNA, N. J. Secured from the County FOBKS ASD SPOOKS, Records the History of GEOBGE tothaposu,£Sc«, DOTEE,X. J v'i'i iirt'l vith i,n •••ili: i-t.il t'.a ami irqeto lor TlELE C8E »1 OEEiTL J Utt, MTT«- C U l the Civil and Crim- TIN ^JAPANNED WARE 1 fc 1^ 1C 4 ; FLAti nEDlTED TBICE8. bpKisI ittestion 7, 7, !i, '<7, »(*, 21, t'i 2-1; HjLtill«G \ ",. « V STOXEB, ii gitec to the foil *.IK !•«.<.-( l'v bit ::z*i, /7, t'J ; >f'/rrw—'J, 0. 47, 1 !M*"11, Hadi- inal Suits Wi, %'tl; Alt. Uii**-7, 7, M, W. I ••«; Ifcr. I. II. O!li i t l Mr. I'Aixsf zi.tT.ik ; Ifc-T. * CKI.I.Al; KTEI'i', Ct'I'IS' AT BAKER;A 7 I .W; ViMuim-K,- H, Vi, VI. 3VJ, ra, (3i«i*r. .WD CIKTEliS XVJCKH, A3IER1CAH WATCHES. lkV\A brought apanut Uogen \iy bU dopesd ; f following foil; tbe dc-riotu windi FURNACES AND BANQES, • JJJ. I'i, >J, i»'7. I.O», iji. t4 diBfTB of Agent for tbe Howinl, n^o, WUtium, 3 , ia. y, (i, \m, mi, •/., %V4\ Kitcalift; O,i/iin,('>^~ll'/n. J-jbn Hill, WHAKN'S PHOSPHATE, the U? J D iu eflurtu to coorict, aann d abo Springfield vatcb moTernraU. CTniman. Ii*y. L. I. HfTOUti.wr^L, \Un. A. ibowinbi g bbo w one of BogcnB * piosecatora ,f/Ur.k.> I, 17, 4ft, 4iC,, M, U ; Hrd/aM, J. JL X*i({liU>ar, Wn. W. Sfanb. -ftUijfc,) », JZ, :J7. 3J3, 21, «>.2O. Ilunc Dusty Cuanot Poudielti was brmetlf plucked bj the law. Tbia CLOCKB AT ALL PBICES. «cjj&w. A rotailwr '/f tie Eueatire fV/io- anpeodti ia an new to tbe present &ge &B DRESS GOODS of iashionable styles, Tw'Jr«ju«?r'« f-yjtt tth'jvtA— jea.-fpt* milt** w»* »!v^ tpt-oiLttil ffjin Httur wicitli* the original book itwlf, and va doabt HAIR -JEWELliY, rnuniny, il'ittn t/ii'i. Hit i.'io»ili j nut tbe public will appreciate Ibe effort* PLUMBING WORK '11*0 (>>niinilUe oa EnTolui^tit of J;tl«. MDtaioed ia Id dies pftltCTs Uwk made loor it fc/.J'l :J. rjV'T Hj**. 'Ih'-- I/-li('ti VaJli" WOOD eawed in Btove leagtliH. of tho 1 laying a mm pi etc ' : USIIOLTSOTICE. no \Ui itiuti-Aiittt f^:kawarjf;» I.MI W;' '4 •lf\hypXtat in ti*t«:r The j/r«c*', 'I*' niui'inv, ufi/J <^ud<^ Lj Urge ftudicmwi. - I'. If. Jliufffiiin, k At fTbVlfxk tit. c/or^iiti^a luty'im*] tu TAIKCErti GoiiD PEN, for thu brancb of the trade. not w# «,H';!J W> tin; Hurt Jt:r*j;y (U-.ti af^'] to UJ l)j* only p STOVE, - - - $5.OC GEOCEBIES, PBOVISIOIJS, CROCKERY, {'trdnl iimiUim ^iv; thi-ntt i.'n\ 1 noiNTputcd forflotn^yaoil gturatesullenc kkx-kii UJH KO-IJJ now, If'Jt 'Ji'^ijier ll ill i EGO, • . - - 4.75 We give tbe title nt tbe boot ax MUrwa: :|;'.:•;• •: '. - - PUDI and spMlfiMtioni gino wben required. I^t/jirt tliu r'«.Jlt. OjijhUiasK'r* A. r;| ]!<.-¥. J. IL fjioDios pif^i-lfl Iu tin iilj Agent for tbe DIA1I0KD n-nrji uf tbe |fruid^iiL CHESTNUT, - - 4.5C BOOTS jtN» SHOES, SPECTACLE ASD EYE GLASSES, i Hit; Kuudij SchtKi] cmw ii 'Hit Krvie** wnmxted wf » " OxitwiQix Ti/wa .Itlivcrr « eti,; Miw Kill W Of. AN" ACCOUNT OF THE BEGINNING. ROOFIXG, GUTTERS, &cM JM 3uy, *. fu Kf/biJiirii{ lit til* r^vifjl I t^mfimtnt M-rriiVf," and nn uUnwi IIT DI which are mincUctured frtmi Miunla Crjit Unm<\ tit u-i in the ns'] un iuci'ltrit uf *"ttvi H H. If. Tjn^, Jr., (rf lie* York. '«« rexfnn Oriten puy 1>o uldre,*ed .lirongb the M i Prbbltf, nniUd br (Mkm and dtrite tbeir atbwei. mtrket rate*." i V J J« wlio Lvl t^^u in Ihe hnbl MITT Minitifi " \t i "I*'JI3^1 liT uu 1 nTocittiou If TltANFACTIONS and DIFCOVERY of diamvod on account of tbeir birdctta and DRIED MEATS, ^ISHi SALT PORK; yiihulyhn>\ iu u-x-mi u ttr. Tbvwaa, folkwwl by ticking— is JiUciwtll Ut., r.«r HtiMarx, CT tt the m tiancj. h\i ti " lietart! Jthunii'M awful throw-, *•• am) i/jrjnl(Tfl. Hrnfiirii/ii noiuU.-'l DIJICKSHITH'S fJOALcoutbatljonht Wood and Iron Pumps and Pipe .(^n,., A',«TV uxilw i;iunl. ui In Iff. Erdumn iindft a jiravcr. "Owl over Who Induced aatij bj prct£0;isl Thee NATIONAL LINE 1.^ r.tf) Uui.U fin |«rt of tliin, U>':> lutvii :vt-ry lioar" mm «nng. <(Th*pnryer foroorj Warren Boiler Works. CALL .'AND SEE OUR Oar rainy fnn Mpenenc« la tbi abcre (nets FUB«T a Jnau utiut l.v a linn 1 lV-t mn •'.•[»":(lftflly>i':M tUJ-'itlllKH lll<;rit. la'.i'm*1 jr»H rwui, ft.id Mr, CTjtirch r*»d LIVERPOOL and In the County of Monii and State of uiablea m lo aiacrt with confidence our abOitj >'i)! 1 lie Mtcrctury f/f liawlnljilj, Ur. I). A. Mcr GOODS. tp do anj and all work la tfaii line of trade to j ilm Wljit(Ji-r'« *'C60teanlar IlyniD." "J/y PIHIXIPBBinC, N. J. (>>t>luiiu, i-Uipluuil, lie: rm'fUwv; 'A M 7, r«-j<'.-'rJl vjiiv«i,i'iiutiu I, Country 'tis of TlicJt"-mr'ftii!ifK and elating GREAT WESTERN Now Jorfe7, ia ths yea 1788. Ibe cntiie •atUfaetfoa of tbe tmplujer. J^iti,. n,« fnna IniliflT, Mr. Hi::.!, I; ulullx »cro omtlti'J iumiiu/n* nnU (l*n/l«r and rMfKiiuw) were rai/1. STEAM BOILERS, TANKS » I'*'UIMJ (IJH tin tlift t/j(» ff a cnrtt-)iiu [lil.i^. Y/l^tcvir M diUd wii« Dr. 'I'ynK »'«then intrndaMd and (sp^ko AltEj TVOKK GUARANTEED. tin; f.bthk UIKI I'J f;ta K~-'^t mJr(.n*- fornltouknu byor, bli miltject beiuff Uie one MAIL STEAMEltS Priolcd for cray Poretafer 1792. Ji':anJ ji y/imn lirui! lifkrvTurrl ^o ( fii^Kt u^ij'l Humkr h*;).'^!, (Ut cliilrJ wj of illuMintioiu ami the fjoafjiiiation in tencb- Stacks, Heaters, Buckets, LUMBER! LUMBER! Satisfactory reference given wbtTi rwjnired. t'/ii>';.J i.n'1 hfityUi in. One new MIUN ing traUi. / Did »*pacc pencil we fthmili] like PAttiKNGEKS B00KKD TO or FBOJI JUJ| ])t';IJ «>Mn<:'] iluilliu llm JHir, D. 8. ALLEX. . O, A. U0SEOTOS. ',;J thttri'/iffr, UiA Uin f;ntf. nud U)p conveiillon hrokft up with tl^ i KKDS UADE TO OBDEB, ^t/r'-n-r wa< i«tt/;fj.J,-l Uy Dr. W'thh Jr. VMI JJnyo", nt MoutrlU*, «ftid tfat erittllcticiO.'' - ' I Bristol or Cardiff. * bc-iii^ priutej in order to produce tb< SE1LEI8 Ei 111. K1KK3 OF 1876. 187& vlir* w*» >AAh'M in ttnuMf >.nu ut W i lir-l'l l/'^cLin'coanciU in J.in tavniiLij ork at nn «irly daj, and all onlcn cj**. 'Hit: \it/ortt]tl man IJ!W] (IOMI tn >Ji bail Uin w/Jl nlt-uil^L Oaaof iLt. Per TICKETS and PirliciiUr*«pp!» to ccompaniea witb Ibe monej will b On Hand and for Sale J^ojr.-J on Un- t*::U\>: iur ti|*"~:u,f r,f H,ii '/ti\n *tn carried (m faljrtljrby young int Dr, Sage's Catarrh Remedy ploecd on our books tut received, am u liof/atna. , r • CENTENNIAL YEAR! .. no |>tlcijt medicine humbug, K'JI U[< lo dupe E. LINDSLEY & SON, coniw?qiently ! Ons S0-H.-P. Ectnro Fine Eolljr. lover J'fn-.Ljl> riiui Cliarcli VJUI cLo*en M lite ignorant md crtdniouf, nor li'it rtnro- ODQ H>-n^r. CprlgbtUaller. LUMBEE; and SHINGLES. ktl QI beinielnjigf "coinpoMd oorrareaorlpreckr rare aorlprcckioi s DOVEU,N.J. Be».l In jour Ml«riiilioM mniKliatdj to Ono 6-H.-P. Upriglt Doller. . - bronebt .frotn the fuar ctrntn Ooc 4-IT.-P. Horizontal Builcr. P. H. HOFFMAW,; I. HUrT*t^;L r':fi4rVdaM!:t,'of n*O.O- rtb, carrarriei d «eroon times •crot•cotii the OreOrea Urr « \<>uu. vhlt in tlci Ktirnal City. H wLicli wi.-re Lakmi up *>i*ir.ib:ly, di»> t of SSah h tthho bbickki off fourlctf i One M-H-P. Ketnm Tnbnlir Boiler. •am* lUhy&l *:M yuytt/tm I'rar.<;'.\ |irr-a/'l -J 6»»-l fifialljf wloj^'l, I* f.il . .. DI1APTH on L1VEBP0OL ond'tlii LOUIS-A..YOGKT, Merchant Tailbr, j»K t» muviiUA MH} d<:ti»I.U:'l cmIir;fK;i: , ,',-.f, 'J^.t wM lmd l).n opjxrjodt of!).« BOILERS REPAIRED PROMPTLY w mulr. > |>trfi*t ripcciflc furuitirrh indCc IIOYAL BANK o( IRELAND nt LOW MOltMSTOWN.JS. J., ::t>'i it now ijf.t rceum-uK '•'>• ""t' itiiiiMl (,Wjrt«n'>! of tim dajii of Wil' tlio'llovJ; il*o /or OfftnUro Breath, Lou .. r aola rt tur MAatlt HvhWiU (it/lin, tlifi vwtiiptit: ht'hu ti 'I'fjo ntj^j^iifto u( imi bretlirun ut (lit irc In tt«j Hetd, uLcn earned, n tlipy >!• ri"t tl >n tintuuv HctKMl UwlON, fintreiu] iu irrcijnciilly arc, liy the tlulcncu or Cttar " utfMl, flfj'l is II'.W.T)OM1 ;m bf;i»;( (; 1H72, IION fMir I/V ytnr .jr3t-n lakcii up t MOKEIBTOWN.N.J. i ASD SCILERS IS QUAETER OF A. CENTURY, » liiftr," for l»« filt «t li'JiH'f with Ij^'iLitli, Mid liun nttcti({ll.r:ijf;(l nyii H. P. SANDERSON iLj.vl. „.,,] nirli.•„(•••. H. v,ill r,j,« llrlichl Ky«», refolar fcaturci *ul a tr; J. V. BENTLEY t liaro b«er able to miniitcr to tbeir WIDU in ; : inutiii ell HaiiiUy Kcl.'x.l n-^rlctM, wliil nreWIloprfxlorolbelf duo effect If tho H now ready agtiu for Uio P«Jl and Win! tlie lino or CL0TH1KO with small proflt bat tw cljarch at J^ir^tou tli<- «tli ^f Oc 'JuHie of twu duyx aoiU'l imji-r lifin rolled Tradti with % Itrijtly Jnercn*in<> luiur iu the two dayi, 1'K.in.n-Nn ixMijitu in tho lOOpaRGi more of tlifl uxt than an* onlinarr R "!18HIHEaBa toi mule yoo'ioreetiUiboot pat HjwilcM, II to 3. niclioi7Bpokci17-Bt»], llifi JiiJtjhifl Fliildx Knwxiif'iiwitit hnrjf. >r.:ntN nmi friundit rtfircwtnUid it. It, anil Ual)s,81tolfJl. l!imii,7-B(o2J. Kluftijiffi; Qnino Dlbl* nnbliahed. tDdcmbelllabpdwltn : 'f'K (froiirid, will, i)hk-n hU-jit urn t^[ liit'l wiUi UvJ for Ihu couventiou uud nth ntlrTKtLVEllUNUnHDEVOIlATIKOtLVEllUNUnHDE.VOIlATIKOHnH n HARD TIMES' n«ilidnv [inl"fiiWf ti/sccotiii»,ftli »'cvrlaio THE SUCCASOftNA 'oo.(a»»d Steel. IItt II tb. gnnOeit Bible In Oaf) BROAD ST.- ily luken. IJCCUUIU ulc/i"Ht tinr'(!.>p,i id iofo remedy for tbli oiirano tud iti fltich Itcnrnn. Otrrufio Sa«a; •!«> Track. Tbe SPRING .STVLE3.haie attilncd Unt riil'lbt; (,r GTRrj Mill iu tbat r].u4. rccm, iiicli aa-Suur Hinmtcb, Ifcarifjum, URU and lfcary Whcult, *t uliwl laclory ratl(t«rl, I.lTtr Complaint, com- Illoitrated PmumndoK IIlTe Die •CON'NET & Co.,_eod1ie«iute about ai^erlug sartnenU Iwtoi hut tuuru lo tit'; vnmlaliiKii of t/mruin lid tluit we Dinlcnvor tn tntln onr nebular* In IX n|t (if ih.i bxxl. low apiriU, ^->«ral rltbllll* FniBT-CLABS CAnRIAOE AND liiinarywltlth GMGM vaxrvrlag*; CtmpnbeniAn vfmlfrjff Hit! (tiiririf, tin: i/ioni |ir'ji,ii,x:ri lMtolba Stad/ of tbo Bible, » complete tbeywUlbeontorfaibioninafeirnoDibs. , uMtn of ^!f-f!cnUl lor OliriaVby ^ditrritif; «., jet ilnco Iho lalrodncifon tf Gky.tW- SLEIGH ORNAMENTS. , GILLIES &.Co.( *£r doablo-bnuwwi Frock Coats, the ftun* pf/rtion* of tin- trulj.f.jrc-in- nipi-lly ,\ii ifrHi inoiititlj umtihtt, with ji.rcnin nniJ Cot'.T i'L'.WKit wo bvliovo tbero In no came n 30BWINH HALt BUILDING, iorr at 11,3 W|i> of tbe Bible; C.liTt af^ I rnlloitJDK apeeb] and Hwtriff had »lonir cjpcricnco in tho Ctrrkge We w.iti Mijtniflr^nt vtewi tad DearriptiTi QAIKK-niui: J English diasonil wonted arc tbo mnit iiiHW.utUw. ii-ijdn, on Hiinilayettiiin« lotiuir itilnnlon- aia that rannot Ui immciHsUJy rrllcvcil, lanioiis stjablt-iinotol^dcoinpoUnt Jqa o ioet; Ikliciom Deoottlnitlon* anil CreedL worn, anil Tor ' ,ry uMri.'Wfii und rocuirn ituitroclion iti ml*. luion aotd (ant jtir wllhoal one CIMI nf B Ibo WorlJ; U,l,licil Nitanl Hilton aod rcjxjrtcJ. Oo to yirar Drojtfiisl, Votifjht if nny arlieln tooncclcd wilh tho bimiiieiii, ami SUCCASUNNA, N. J. Iltm:} Wll'lhur,,, vV, ;lii-ll,LJ,ivr,, ' iiiury work, ujiiibliiliifj witli UIIH A <:oii joit. •oiy owjn my furmnhlng them with tn arUck ail sizofl of FUX! and cnisii aniii rogot . fm n tfjjji'j ubnuunccil nt tlm i»reviolin inr»75cciitit. luiiatilQ to thdr w»nt«, anil al *• rcuoniMc rnirEia1iKriberlak< plMinrolDinforralni wiiB tlin futher uf itfum-iiiH f.unity, I: '-ia OVEEOOATS niol, tliu oldnftt, Is t!i yfirnrnnr of AFiihii llm f/L-ncml hiihjoct of work 111 K f^r llic Unlcn I7 loiter for Carrligoandf.le.chOr- o; other tblnn, cm- »AELOE, LIBRAEr, DINING 3150 Klitin, Iliq MfJCDiul, i« Minia.rr at 1'iirix ivlnur. MAItHIKIK impnU nlil tn snlUbly fill.-d (jr ndUue for ntat tbo abore lUud. " tajx: " •80. arc cnt long, and made of BUck mil Oxford hut [mrjrtjKo tlu-y aro wanted, noil wmlinfi ipcnrUIon «r Mr. J. BMITII.weH »na BED BOOM ri " 41.tM .'.'. 27.00 mixed dUgotula. Tbo • . ' • (!, C, Uio tlilrd, HLTTR-J ten Venn* in 'U»;r inmlrii »f tj Abu a Hit of Urge type ' GEEATLY EEDITCED PEICES. m it hai bcrD in ino past, to RITO inj costnmor* Iimil In Mini)r«/>tu jiulltloH, wliilof irt iix wluill liy tiu or AQRUII, tij I[»>r. Wm. Trcihcway, Henri- •AHLOR & KITCHEN STOVES, BBC0SD: iDllro iiatWiction, both In tbe fllttna udmal.- ullirm nro ICKM hnown clti/nmit of .Aliiiiic. llivilllllll l lHMl IIIOHt lullIlihMl. QUARTO BIBLES iece IN LLAMA LAC'l! SACQUC3. og ot tbeir gannrDii,. KHIU'rt. raioo to order, or Jllllltrook. 4Qik a ml! lino of O¥NTH' l-'ORNI-iHINn FOE BENT OR SALE I tEol[l.H0.M ....ffiilo'ccdto2a.fi0 mrfvtil, Tlifit tlio fitaln Awrfitljitiun bo at (meet from tl to 17.60, B7addn:ai.nr.ti*iVjWillMndBpL(,to- GOODS on baud. Aim a o*ut\ amortment of KnlftClirvfltiil, of Now Y'trlt, wont lo twLeil Iu add to tbo Ijlnuko fur lownUilii i! tiotiw and lot on Morrioniss itrect.neiitrect.ncitt lolo i""1!""."'.","""™'" UAltD-PAK IMca. mUlnins the Concordance, PMIIDI in Metre, Braph ol any trticls or furi.mro dnlrad. with ' J». «. ai". KADV-MADE OLOTIUNfl MTT eboap. u ]x)Iioo Btiiilon ntid anUl "I linvn no ol rt»j)cr1fl, Mix column* huukit with Uituo RS. 0. H. EAGLES and X iny TUohonMConiHm nr Klotl .III,,,,, „, „„ dp«rfplto I. with table*, Family Ikcord, etc, tetter Illo^ —"ee or photograph! ol vu of raroltnre. I " 85 «• on tioim: "Did jour nclioul nW-rru Uio Keren robniirn , bcufdeN kitehr>ii, 'I n* In have alino tha lai^cst autortnent of p. ii. iiorrniAis. liomo, nfir fnoiids, nmi T Imrn (niton or nrnyor in October luxt?" "IIiuin condition nod wull irupjilicd wilh kilctiou inrl tratcd thra nnj other cbcap Uiblti. riifiiyli 1'ilrin ptrwm Ui lull inrt," Hho M JIISH CAItREE EARL, rirllnatcr. A Ktud vln* andaacxccUcnt au2 jeketi; Wall Pocirli, £«!», Katie SUna>, I :: a»... :... •• S: i • • . UKHOIIANT TATI-OB. iIIdruiiH tiilMtiniinryHocicly \mva r.HltivoIy Jocliues 6iiii({ ?" " Haw ion ay of your ncbokn nro rr, N. J. Ifr.. Eafi!R. hi* Dover, M. • to oar doors. * BK*TBUCK QwtaumsK*.—We will mile hnt Htorc, on ElacWell BL, I>aTer, N. J. - mbcra of tbo churcb I'' b tincricncc In tliu buiincm, and fedp "t« 6. 1*. KOWKLL'ACo.,Kow [nr jutroni from Uxrrii Ornntj btte DO a deduction ol 10 iwr cent, on all Bates of PWn "" a rooms uvAUod vp in .I»t-«UBS style, lliulinnwrulinx'otfliriuiiuii for Gtmmpr 'Irsolvnl, Tlmt onr deJPgnfeii to other cnu-, t Hut nhn can jilum all who m»y for undPantj ateoadine. oatn, n wo which are cflerca *t 6, 12| and 20 eti. per yd. re BOltaWSfor nay kind of on offlce. lUonu nra Iioroby requtwtcA, wlicn rujwrt-1 or J tbonoit cunresleDf 'nnitaro nlore in tbe KENT LOW. Por partirnlon, call on or *&• pa t Jk-rgcu Ht., Ucrnr, N. J. t tilng JSl r. FIlEElfAV, OOUEBi Co, meotorcliuiea UOBT.OUtK Co., Portl rniNTatt BCI«, to ix ronoii. draw 'SilLta. PIEHSCN,Dorer. 2lStn -JO wi Utii it., «lTf roKK,, Dle»?litd MQIIID ID tbe world. ter, JUj Gib, 1670. . 81-lf Three Thousand S/nitha. The School Meeting- ANNALS OF, MORRIS COUNTY. rbvao efforls did nut rr-aflc nlirn Hug wan • HE FIRE LADDIES' BALL MAT0H. Port Morrh- ,. A Break In the Morris Canal. 1 Tho American pCii.jiJe nre food or cuuint- >h*i tin; Morria Cai.al, 11 Wi-,li,«.Fny, ut Morristnwi sny imi cxflite««'nt—a fuct alwn«H nutde it nrv, j. F. rt'TTir., b. n., PUKBIIHK? or ini;i<>i> wmtc tn Uurtor Job:: 'iVillioiH|i"ou. hint t •••• tiwe thwwaud Bmithnt r. nticl l't'tiicL-tfou Hook 4 Laddir Cutupany, of iu» knt Miiii'luj ciLiiliij: I L-vur rLiiicinl.cr w Iii-I. at II,.- E.JL:IK!III'< Mer rJiu Bio niiimront IJJ tlw election of a bclioul Trufctet. that "all tin' ConiiliiB i)f this Hi Me Ihat I L»vo iuji'nt any wliciol mwlmg br-i«rr, MLV- 011 their fniiiiJ! •; m>d luncb baslete, ill bent , SEPT. 9, 1870, Dover, hail tlu:lr aiiiiuul bill match a e. Ji J li For instance withe April scliotil tiK-clitig it IH W,111AS!I CDiiE'lE. 1M1UNA. linvJNgu rif.l.t K"" "n*. aud anzioUH ta iitinl ifiu, have dlttmlcl tn my rcqui.itfon l!d Htlwil lirniHt: ut JJi-Vi-T, win-nil L.ll 1[[, . 'J'bt' oqu biird work U» muMtcr » Kiiftieicnt nunilitT tu i lu I bin \iHcu on Thursday ni lliU wutk. ullivi' slooh in UieqroundH for jinnihiunB, with the tuwt clitcrful and come u'-'imi'iiti'il tnth it l<:ast s ftw of thai iniuHuct IniHiochH. uud n HI" 1111 hcOy of IUQII •Wd.l.liiglon, IH Jlorrl. Cnuiilj, N,w Tbe nr..om, Khk'b muy now bo cutmidercil a rnlgrntlnurii, wliom I lia 1 HIIJIIKIII ic Miuth <>f llie »TOf>hiiiR of ciinnntiulalile real;" nud to " Elbriclyc Ocirr, uiilcBpumd family. Tim beautiful who wnnt tu |my no Uii'B mi^'lit wulk in 'tiOCiVL NEWS. eicd om>, (iritiirintnil in n dialknue atut by tl tjyjerian^, snenr. Tlicru were SB v i't iul<-ui,' Unh-i>t,tiJunta twojL'snt afia- Idormt think tliu [•XcitiilU'lit Trill r inly tn ihiily IU-1 unil Mi|iporU'd li MaRtstfatt-s aud liilmbuaulit vt Ihia tits to vtim valti-jof ttiu "Nurifi Braneli" of tlio Ibnlui (liu Sfiitciuiwr nie«ti«c,' the ro»m ut (a. p 1 hlcli ihow tlio tmdurinRH uud buruiwm nfuur [n the match tbut rL-Hiiltbil tlie truck niua wire tit tbu ni) I la i-liettuiiiluy ui; it did in Ihi: cHitr.;. Il i* L-y tliis pier ir thi •r«. »t lior.'f *' JiJJ(]-dogB ~ D. I k W. E. K. TIME TABLE. great »ul cheerful Inr our rcliiif." {HparlH'ii hod ticeu tbu ncutic of busy liLor tut dr Tin im] nppri'uiatud in tlie form of «inliuwcrt:il c hutt thi'ro ib no flL-ctiou niutimt ani uuiih role, "OurhuttitiKgot'B on rapidly, ami Ihu cituie froui the InJepeiidontu to play at Murm- .. inB. W, B. Day, bcca-larv. i-ln- rcpnn ttvL'tii mi and seven o'clui'k a flm We'll l>^ -ill ^'llliliitiriti (if bin liorn, a BjiL'iber'fl and band si anil, a tall lib'-it; [ , LBBIUU Eiurcta, 3.D0 P. II ; EIHIOQ 01 ihu district clerk, Mr. Ira Mturcry. wa iriiH luadu by tho wator, nhidi In "III 1 under, cover iu a few days, ipcak«, with "tbo aui[ilo g towu,Biirl tbia IJDIU tho Protect ions revemd ;«it«.:.iH-ni»|,',Rny bcatfug tba InJejit'inf- and un more atleutian paid fojtihauif e LMuneil a h\tgv jinrliol uo off tl 1 linliullabbH, all ilmpi>il AiLli (1Q(;K. bi \mU-i: iii Iho Dover dibtriet, lo mw 0 P U Hnckeilitowu EiproBH, G.D1 I . M.; bonrdi (fri people of Jcnoy ;" r.nd laaac Collins, Editor ot tnln, iftur » done ami exciting coot set, on tlicir nd a flood soton) nrrivu, tnd aa tbolr Ilcnu Bwlft'u Tale of a Tub. They aid *\n nig, and tvergrteim. Tim muliltudu gut lit U,-v. I>r. Megii*, V.IB held ou Sloutlay e icawAl hv itqit o|H»!i nrliburg BpecUl, 10.40 P. M. tlioNuw Jersey Qseetic, uu tbo nluol^ntU of grnnndE. Ahliougli (lcfc»ted uu thU occasion, foringt are great, Ilicy will hu projinrtton- ivon give biin tbu poor rocnni[pfHBt uf a voti ..a', Ibe like of wbieh tboso in tl iK nml wan largely atluudcd. lluv. until tho - of Ui litii. Thin display 7KC11 IXIVtll GIHHO EAIT I ily clnnioroUB." Tim M-JW Engliutl troopa, Jauuary, HO)*B, " With jiU-asure, wo luforui onr tliu ludupundcntB eittndud to Ibcir g Ol llianlH for tbe vast summit uf lalur Im bud kk-mity nuvtir miv, Tho mviiii', nliicli liappii <1*JUM (u thu fullutviujj call; UxU: culkd the meeting lo onlur nn ( ix o nlnlU of (hut inoath, wcro it Pomp Ion ; readera, ibat our Army, which tbo uuetpectt-d gouoroui aiidunliouuiledhoBpllaiity, that (br dune lor them RratuitoUil' aud IIIB report wat H di'L'p our)ii|;li tn ruiiUiu t Bir.all rivur, m -.JiidCentuiiuial picnicliv tho (jinitli fi IIH orKiinizwl hv h« cloution of I>r. I. •frniir Iljirtniiif111ftt lIWi H ssvcnil I'qtiinfn tin > Hirrkburg PpecUl, 4.30 A. il.; Dover E*. llv. Aiifimuilmicuid. To*lium thr-Hitpi or I lie HCBBOU and \he to tils becom- Protect bun cflRerly awaited the lajiau uf iiiraetH'ntc'diiorK'jciHtil. Sir. Ilmwii nuil *nu,jM A. 1(.; K«cko(lgto«n Mull, 7.30 A. idDuctor Ttiachtr, in bin Military Juurnsl, r t niny cum'crnt or to tbo dL>>tci:iiilanto Yi;«torJfly/tlii-' Qitt'iTiior, rrrtjiiltsut Onmt, , "On tlie fmirtctntli, wo run elicit (lib lug aim._jt Imimmalile, lisd »ulTcrnI • ftw days r you-to hhow tlioirfni'liil* huw HIIIVCM-IV they Mr. Clark hnd vnlcil (lit IJcnun-mtli- tW.'.'t to- I'lil "f Hiittr. ulili-li t«JW (iti ttvr'tftly tn u Hfiiry Kinifli uml C'lirJalina HmUU ?tt , Easton Eiprcii, 8.*0 A. II,; BlnKliani|)ton Miutifuv "f llie l.wl iiiwH«j ' luiifl Sjnfiil'if. fif til'* Hcithh Cviiiniistjluii jriit'M,about three miles Iromilorrlstown, it of provisiona, are, from tho spirited >ppieclatud tho vvulcomo tlmy ttvttw.A un Ihat Iherfrn-ninnya.vcar.ji'tol llilrt clteti •" fi-i 'inptkil *i-vci«l u.lli-w bolnir into tho roRan ', snd tlielr diiidrcii'i tons and ilaiigliU i, 5.17 P.M.; ThroURh Mell, 2.E1 P. M.; tbn SiwTrlnry uml a»]in,vnttitiJiuvnll ] il Mr. A. K- Unrii! vlsilwl tin- live rfoek o woftrc lo build 1ml* fur Wlntcr-qau- fcicrtbi m.Uinfj, likely to bo well >nn- «cflniiiji. Accordingly a i-hatlungu van mnit !<• IMlccBof llie jtnlftit! i.bml Mr. Drowu cbdl- N'nvrLoU rt'uicmbftml that ilin nlmvo nun C Syracuse ExprcM, 7.W> P. H.; EnuUm Accoui- perBom wure lioru and bnm({bt up in Ilcadit ., . onnr whii-li Dr. Mcg» w' i-rocw.lr.l t- f.l«iv\-. ]u order t« (rxi'K'lso tlm rolt«, tln-y " The severity uf tlio Winter tuay ho ^torriatowti and a gmni: arruiiced fur tho day igod Mr. Clarli'd vule mill \u; waHcumiu'lloil piled." Littlo ThllK, ubrrii Iho tlwid at onto Ix^uu I .uu tuwu«hip, liuiilirdou bouatv. $. J. Andgivo nn fxlilliit uf tlie jin nt imnurinl ttii s-tio f-ciirf.il toil ligbt hu(tKy in wliiuli tlio Smodition, 8.27 P.M. ibove montioiinl. •rod Irom Doulur Thaclier'a deicrlptioi. tcimi) liotne fur tiia papini, uud they CIOH- iivoll tli.it toriiiJ, Hlotliml Btream ttitoarapi us of thu DiHtriot. Tliuru uiwt utuu ui(i ' It Wli dnrlDg this BC»BUO ot dintrons, Hut boilfurlbc-r rt-iitcmbmiid, ihat (lie ebildrtn's lovfnior nnd Ctipruin Lftudreih, chief oftho CHESTER BRANCH: 01} tlie polln wbllu ho was gone, I do imt iu. ^d Hinco tliu Ut of Anril S>9.01I».ai, an "Tho tnuw on the ground It uhaat tiro /out IlaDDili Carar, alto ot Ct\>tnn David Thomp- At shout two o'clock in tba nftumoon th« In- running river with a very ptrcuptlblo currcti children, dmvu to tlio pn-nc-iit gfiicriition, V^'tiunittirjtl Duruau, cjpactcd tutjikcaplfciw- lows: for lenclicm, 81,215; Con], $70,(15 BTAT1UKR. EABTWAKD, docji and the woatbor rxtromtly cold j, Ilio to'.- trad to say niiytblug tlmt wuuiil -lend lo fun Tim iniiHc.rif tlio break cuu'd be heard fur booby tnriivii aiul runuln-il to To? «il liunlti IJJJ Jnvc. H»vin/f (mveieil quietly a (short 2 rEITWABO, sun, of Meiidliam.ono day ted troop after troop eptudontn, ta the uuinhor ef abuut tbir- iside tod iuL-01 Kil li tho aubscnburd on Wed 11 i»ookn, Blnlitiiiery, etc., $105.07; rPiMir A.M. I'.M, ro iluetitutu of both ttnU »ud biantiDt*, tbo litllo spark Into a llntiic. Sunici' it tlinl lifstniife one of tliu cnltu ittftdtinii txhibitioii u. hungry Buldiein ; and aa lUi'j told tier ihcj ?, arrircd lu two Inrfiu tvi^nnn, drunu by , tbo v lay, Ktl>l, Ctb, ltfTIi, tiy ordui or tbu Com mitt MJ9.37 ; iuHtiiltnent on IJOIKIS, f 1,000 ; intu Chester (US 8.CS if tli.; lutetit funv in bis liiudti- ]«(JB by driv- noofttii'm aro actually bau-fooiedind utd ua mcatiB of pajiup tor, slio said tu tlitm, IB. Mtidlck, Windsor Kint mm Gttnw to lmld n (Jfiitounial pfc-ulc: and 11 wax 11.52 4.U iorsetc[iiiiB,Dtidatler Rruoii;-,u thul'rukc «ahiK and nuriuR n« ila way :nt on linuilN SJlfi; iiking ccomn nntl de.11 0.52 Hortou naked. Our only defence a gai us t tht Wallace were eiteitd. solml ibat tbix gntbtrittK nil! bo lidd 111 r ua in ih>: d.ihli bdiiid of llio enrriugi' with 0.5C 4.30 " Eat what you win I; jou nru viiKBgt^d in a iidi>fL> mieli B. large bn uti whool liullHR, i- )l.rj, rioaa 6.i7 Irmiit ur«, ti a bu grovo on tbn lurin of l'cttr Z. Hniith, lormorlv linli.'i'l-i; toil pivHi'iitiy g'ittiu^ (tim nf bin flnectitinnt 7.02 4.40 icluumncy of tbo wuallier coiisistn of brusli' good natmi.; and wa aro wlllioft to Bharo with It iu niyprlvaiii vpiuion Ihut wliun tbo Krual irarinl h Kmf b, riwnHnd, nnn mile Tim iivnilnW.! fr.nck of tlio ilistrict fur Hi L-t-.H Lu-.t liver the poll, ill: fell, lipKCtling tlifl ilcCalnsviilu 1.QQ 4.M rood, thrown lugHhur, Oiir lodRlng, tlio Ift't 0 03 lisa you, what we have, at long as it iMtsl" aad tumlUlo proceeded to |}R- vh) Ihndvlph US) rchanfiolsiimriionB un all U ojipriear helort thirty lo forty f«it ai'iiahalf InHtri-iuiu n l'eopaek,SoniiTaet County, reiiinindur of thu year iiinuunl to n little ovt ni^j-ftiii! di'ii'j^iling itw occii|muUi lntvery l'nrt Ornm 7.14 5.10 tijM fi.ao light, vna on tho frbieu grounil. Tliouo oDl IIuuiiili Corey Tbompooii waa only ono of a tlio Great Judge, wlin in 1111 runiMitlnr or pwr- £9, ^mimil. fha Governor nno biVQ tbo prlviluRo of a tiurio can No'iv ns it IB th« cufltom in Un SH.Mll.8l Jue from Stiito npjiropriiiliou, il, sroiil ci.nipnuy ot women, lilculndcd wltU ibreo o'cloflt!. Tho niluiy full of ra tonB, agrcatnuy pK.plu will JInd out what lldii-l ci)mliiiii-il ou ior bnura. Tbc couso- wup<:il unlinrt. Cuptain Ijimltctli mw not igu far each aud evcrv ono lo iirovido wntablo Uli from township npiiroprintioo, nud is liavo a blankut at IIDDU. Ilnflug w Iliuy bullovcd to Im icllsloii *">» only l>lfirl» i> lui-liimilc, ln-ii." oniwiib-nililv lint not so- hi rguir. It iu true, she gnvt u Impudent Tojy forenoon liaddriud ownv, iLu ^luundn -ncr It llmt tho cnual in thin viciuityi* roviHlniiH fur thi-mBulri'H anil somu 10 Kpuru iiimil Hum from Itdduiwny towusliii). id tlio HLon, wo wrr.pped ourscltea in ioiwly brniui-ii. The camii»f wiis Imdly : Weekly Statement of Iron Ore muei>tiou or icaidtnu watur, on a cer- plundidcoiidilii}!], aud qnilua largo .1 or a 1. r diuiiiou nliuiiat dry. Tbo damage fruin ir tlicir friundx, they will plontic do su uu Ilir . CI»IF, Bureal oar blnnVotBon the ground sucb i I)r, Comlict, tbe Clininnnu, miJ lie wihli .nntl iij). Thnt jnirt oi llu> c-Jiiliitinn iu not uecaBlon, >B mado lilui roar with pain aud ofapeclalora ivitru on band to nltiiesu tbogume, Idont knnw nhctlicr tliu printer or I w« uceidmt ia not an gnat BB fiptetcd. A to prcHunt onu milijoct to the lax-pnyem 'ASSIKd THE HACKEZTSTOWS 8flAI.ES, T ay down by tno siduofctou olbnr, five or ¥ ir tbe grove mure, abstain rrom aucb acts; but tben lL pruvDd up tu Km oml or tlio sdtii ianioi ruHpouBiulu faratalttufc Hr. ilufbvta'a icn»)«-'i hunt* ltu v sufTvia] hy hilitg ou nncvon lliiu time, 'i lie Shite lnr QSCH tho Lwhc M. & E. B'. E. TO PENHBXbVAKIA, FOR li logctbor, with large flrca at oar fuet, tetv- l'riih,ih]yihit moat inlfWitiiij; LorsoH lo [i a veiy inttrtBiicc out, dtB|iito tho lact tbi itco sermon on Hstunlay nlglit mule* placuB in (lie cental at tho tiiuc Ibo break •car at 200 IIILJ'B, but (leduutH tli ere from, UU tlio Wai turn lo keep it wull Lcart KBB largo tuwartls llio Buffering ly ai G o'clock in the morning, Smiths 'hi Li del ii hi a u nro tbu liirue nnil powerful TUB WEEKB KKDUja TlIURBDAV tVEKINO irrud which rcBtiltcd dinBHttouply tu them loliiliTH, tlio 1st (if Juniuiry, WiwliinutoL. dofondors of her country, Iu WUippaiiy, iho nail or both nines worn not 111 tiio balilt ut ofBondiy nlKbt, bul I kind (.'bid it U> tli mil liorHt'H, nml Ibe utill turner Perchnroa upiillcdwitli fuel daring llio night. Wn couM ur ell IIKL'S and cuudiUunn ill life began to appear UirthfUy, Deconitiou Day, tbo Fourtlt of printer. Il *»B • rightg iod wnneii, bi lulling all line cast!) by breaking tlieboaK. Onu boat ml ClyJuml.ili' HtallioiiH uud mar as ; aoino of September 7th, 1876, irocuro iiulther shelter uor forigc fur* our l>otatoc-hin, tbe meat-Lag, and tho granary of Hftyiiig ball at all. Ofconrtu tlio re vreto man) upan tbd scoue ; Journeying from erery dire July, TbinkHRiciDQ Duy, and ClmntmiiH, bronyli wilii culU-blinxlinl uiatlHlic*, H1IUWIU[ .. licssL Ltulii Fulls loidud wiiu coal, part 10111 in nml IT immlH !ii«h uud wcighiug 1111- gTATIOSB FI1OM. ' TOPS, CUT. \orsee; and tho poor imiaiala wcro ti^d to the Util ind AUUB Kilchil alwayi liau somo com- comical errora, but tltteowuro tu be ciiwctcd, louaiidin all cunceivablD conveyances, fro 1 Tbo (uacberH iifw) tiilce a week for tho buldiug ifac mimoy Hpcut, lbo HTIIB but, tbe orjibim of nliitb liai] acntck nn ftm Little Falls a^ue- 1 •«rdd of'J.000 pound*. » W tea, in (ho wiodu, lor tvonty-four hour*, fort tor tbo pairiutic nolalow; and tbo amplo anil affurdml coiisldorablo imiiHruicnt to tK 10 brjkcu nld farm wagon and ila spnviuf nf tlio Cou'ily TpnrhorH IiiHtitiitft, niidiinfj 1 efl rtilicrk'M, tlie crirnun coinrallted, (lit jaih (Iliiolilml part on Ibu canal pottum deduction ot eleven or twelve days from tin Tho mutch UHUM nre wciiilei-fjdly fine and liar It. R. (Hnrlou B, Conrln's, illout food, cicoiit tho burk wuicb they pouted r-rmorcldQ.niml\ViudB, ol Ituckuway, bad puclnlors. But there Vfero alBu many flue i)me to tho alylluli bugjjj with its liaudfiomo Ullud by imlulifviico in flrunatHr. >„. ^ ,^tl loner domi. Tlio wtiliihl ol llio cnal legnl emetuiont, for all of which tbo tcuch- iero nre lurfle iiiiuiliers of thoroughbred £. Snccamuiu, Vonilta and Chcs- om IliQtrtGB." "Tbe nholo Army, in thli not borno LarTCNta loo good for him tobotlow iluylauilvd. llutli mti. TLon bugau ono or lbo runniest aorlca crueliod thu Ijaat, and tbo load was to-day at ill erw receive tmy. And it oflfii happens tli nf nliilliojiB unit itaiiL'H, trotting BUIIIOUN $, tor Junction Station*,) '.,. 4t 10 cpirtmcnt, aro to he uug>i;i:d in build.og on bit hrotbrcn-ln-irms. Often, tlie soldiun, pitchers did well for tbulr rcupiclivo itidi-u, bin ID huntiuft llirough tba llililo for Ihu text I itrodnctionu ever »uon. Mr. Smith from Y< lying partly iu tbo cminl, but nn» buliitf rapidly wliou a liolidiiy oconra iifjir tbo luxt of t id iniireH, a U;\\ poniex nml inuleipand a . 2,538 UJ >g-liuti lot Wlnftr-flusrltri. Tbo ground fi KOBdud by buugcr, would eo iovcral wiles lo Ihupituliiiisur Zloulagut. Buemcil iho liardcsi round (ilium arijninoiiis for tho oihvr »llu canal In litnrr will ho lioavy; It in con- . 120 0T tliDg down Iho llnibor of oak and waluat.'of txeunton, ft happened ibat Etltthoth Tieritoo, beitfliJuluff WBB iloiie ty Jtoilney, JamicHun, ktnd fntui (be beginning tn rnnl;o men Juyrul oailt" fouuil jileoBiiro in each other's wiclulj {lit tlmt il UIG rjT.nillhp n-mninilepr ftomfrom Cnuadu. 'A freleliUgc, and tn ba n day bolilnd in a scholchool,, and Iho Hponknr tlioiujlit t 6i 01 nch wo bare great abundance. Ourliggago •ccani) wlf« oi Parson Qroon, or Hanover, litmliley and Qiccu ; HeJduii, Dhhriugb a vi-r> md nut toniflkolhcindmuk. nkcd by bauds of Smllbibip. LocJ. Smith J Ibfiii nre iuiiiorle.l uuil trart juli ID to forfeit so much fur delivery. tpncbiirpncbiirn wanlcd other tliuu thhe li-Rl Ii 'paillcularly lamented the loss or* fat turkey KODd player, necming t» IIAVU a day n(T. A foiu SO 13 mi, at length, arrived ; Hicincn flnd u very Sober driubtnjt IB health to son I and body. uru duflifjnated on Kmitti of theDrauch,Smith icy should loso theihi r jwiy fo Htich dny Ibat bad bcon .rrMWi'd for a Ulirlatinm din- over live Iitnulnid nniwniH, in- ; 017 07 lifficult lo pitch llielr teuts, in, thu froiec bound LHtcli by Jau.ltBOH W*M |>a> tlcularly lluu, Wino druuVeu with moiUiatian IH Iho Juy 'Bmithvillo, Smith from ttuminlt, Smith or There was nnotbor imitter Waterloo,. iliiiB un t of the luiincroiiB varieties, hnv- ner ;" hut her husbaud, althonfiU IIIB BOU, Aah- lUtl Lmduley liitdiiiyuiMbcd LiUiHuir by Uklii); tbo toul and the b'torl." For the Ladies •unpack, or nil Hiuitli gatherings cvor hold, mud j anil, notrciib landing hrgo ftrcB, we vdnlh to BjKnk oF f. AA your tien lant April we loroil; hut tlio grcnlcr tiumbor 8.871 Ol n liol, novur rometpberod to have seen him smilo, :wofllen. Uu tbu dtlmr uidt tbu citchiuif ul voted ououj-b inoiR-y tn run tbc hchoul witli i scarcely tooji from freoziuG- ^ adillliuti Dy tbo way, I wish tbo Morris County Iliblo AlmnBl any BIJIC of coiffuru can be. worn ' wialbomuHL peculiar iu QUO partici iiru' {luhilbr uml KUIUTH, tidiiio or the Imll porpotratcd qiiltt • scriptural jnko, " when lio i live prineip.il. Al ant tlio ffelioal mttanA uther luITurlngB, tbu nhola Army has bcon UkUatdu nut aa uaual flrnt-ulastf, au)j ono i>r tbu Jnbn Kmitli* ?nt tbirp, an !br« iime by (lie elwtiou of Sir Thwltcr an LOOAL JOi TINGS. fen nr clglil day outlu'ly dintltulo of tlio rather oxcmtl whtt tbe soldiers had done, HOD, OrulTaud Wont allemluil well 4o tho work ma a UiWo that WBB inadn to read. T|icy rovldiug tha mok iti neither loo lung nor too tas Dearly ovcrluokud, holng alwoja Eildrciied inty Siijicriutotitlont-, but niter n time Mr. tiy qnuting Ibcue vrorda from lbo UOT It of i'ro- ut lliu lu-l!u]il. 'Xhutiixiiti will tbuw who wtrv jiossiljle. A terrier weighing but two iffoflilej oar only food is mlsorublo Troib got tino ta our liouMO tut it in alt«n"llmr ibt>rt ; but \i\wn thoeo impurluclions cxlel. r l>m mMillfi nmnn, "iiuMs vim PiiipiL'oii. 'Xlien thu work Iui ir BinJoljib li afTcct'il vri.li i.ulnrlil Torti, 'MUD da not dcsplio a tlik-f, If lio steal :hu nioBi KUL'ceauful at tha bat. 1^, nml «womt N^ivrnnndhiiKl iiom of beet, ultliout broad, Bait, or vegolablui," too nice to handle. ire Hlioiild bo taken to drum tho hair low In OF course, thcro were uulrty Smitbs sud qnlot Coutcciiiiil Jisii ibit ion occupied imicli to Mtmry hlv soul wbon ho Is hungry 1'" Pro- 'llio FiOtucilonH wluulug (be choice, icnl tin- _ ....iiho HIM yivo. vurioty to Iho show, ;uo flrat iuMtunco and high in llio other. The Imillii, Inmbtul Kniilha and Smiths who flirted e. Aflcr Hint tho Priaclpal *TIH uwnj rhhm entne.with a right hearty good will, hl 11 the ttcbool one week, attending nu In- ipitz do((rt, Hkj-e nml Scotch tcrrifrs, «nil fDtlnwaro WklcrOap Hotels aro doiug t pnui mm mlo wilt apply to high, low, and narrow -ately with Biulthw or tbo opposite iei, J, 170,177.) from tha (armor* in Ueuilliain.Uliiltiatn, Dan- Religious- iti tit to in nuotlicr couutv, iroyhaiiuilH ftuiikutifiil, ninoiig tho hitter unliemU. One treqaatitl? BLOB a lull, B)lm . CciitGuniul niiiiLiirinii griU'hnunil, seven The senonl Tuot tbat that Wittier MM uno ol orcr, Horrli, and Pcquannock; and not only tuorutiiiMtdljlatiklug tlieTififtoifl. ID Hi" •JT. Mr. fanner "" pren-nfed from occapy- hoyBmlllte atitl thy Utila ftltl fimitli* I!fl oiilr slfiKrl thww IliinRii Hint fhry id family «ro nt Irl with k luug, Btiut'tiil upolt and wolUxhapcd iLbri o'nl, hum in tlii.i t-uuiitiy. »iiJ the [ Mr. figuR-lcU It. Bonnet . :rrlbto severity U null fen own) but wo may pruvWona, but slookln&B and abooi, coats snd i.oud iiinitig tin- tmck muu again Ulllod two, great capacity furtako; but among all ight ho lii-ought to (lio nttoution or tbe pnb- ond cnmplotuly dlnfigured by pi I ing a great 1. Tlio TriiHlt'CH hnd endcaTorad to econo- iropertj iithirtUof n mcmljer at iho Ans- tbo Centennial. blaiu ipuru vivid Idum or Ibis frol by a fow blinktll, Over ou Smith'* Hammucl, aa it j lbo butt) buys ono, miking tbe Bcoru 4 to I. by"tbo dan({oroni HIiiBs* or Lm slaler-iti-law, lanr hundred SinHtin tlioro nuro no izc in ovcry way. Tlioy. bud reduced Iho rinn CniiuiiiKKidii. 'Dm ilugn ni* nn nn cle- .all*, In llie New Jcrnoy Gaielte or February tint third luuiug ihu I'tutoctioni icortd aii, wlitdihiBBlucoDveniuBU'd in her Juuth. 1I« IQBH or huir uu lop of licr bia J, uutil BIIO re- dnindGu ar ruwdvisui Smiths, uml no distur- • J Worrli lowniblp pays over ono quirter of tlio .._. Dillod, beyond Hanover Neck, Ralph Inricfl of tho flrat four graileB from SI50 to ^tt!d floor in stnllH, no (bnt risitors can read- i, 1780, published st Trenton, lbo edi'or aud tbo Indcpuuduula ran four over Llio platt, mnblcs BU anlmatvil exclamatlou point. Again, bance'of nny kind marred tho enjoyment of the 1 Who'e county lax. ifwUU't mother tastnibk-d Ihu patriot women will undoiihledlf bo lu Ills acniHtomed nlsco HHI; DID mitb ^mdo frdifl S7Ufl to $5«), uud j* psimimo them. Lovers of dogs vinit !B, "Tlio wr-ufIior lisa been io titretnel? cold, nukiug the wuro 11) to 6 iu favor of the truck to-morrow. Bborl, full flgure having iho coiffure ontimly day.. lore. 1) Hilton Ocorpo, of New York, nm (alien llio to uow and butt fur tho Buklint. In Wlilp- 'is Principal from Wi2flO to-$1,000, beJiov- »>-ar two montlia uasl, that slotgbs »ud ilia. During tho next Ihreo Innings iho IIO>L nt or pruporlion tvlth lbo body. After all, a pany, Anns Kitebol and her neighbors are st 8«pt. 28th, 8Dth and OOlh Imvo Iiecn flxod oe *t 11 o'clock a Htnilb buslncm meeting iraa ig Hint in ttitbo times when tlio wngeit of Tlio hwivfer dmtt horxea jMratio araund a ghoitcr Htrbln Works. - tnply-arranged oolDTaro IB, generally apuaking, mr cm instil Don fxtH front llilH plicc to lads tiiado a duHiietotii, and ncany HUGCUHBIUI illod, and a permanent Smith orguutzatlun ervboily else wns reduced (lint tencucm Inick iirejwireil for that purjioMB nt three 51 Ihe dsyB of tbo moeling of tho Rtato Y. M. 0. Mr.Coll!B«i. nno of Urn dO»l aillscnj of Jit. illmttlpbli, ou tlio Dolnwuro, a eircutueti neu il to wljw out tbo luad uT ttiuir cijipouonti. lore becoming tlun aunperaluodaiiceofpuCb, inuld not bo escepteil. :lockuiid tho thoriufihbrud trait I tig bow- A. at Madison. Frominont aud riiHtinguiaueil itranl. IuUb Smith or Mil burn HUB elected 'Hopo, tiled nu Wednesday, nibired by ttio oldest itoreon ouiiuf: ing i teialofCvorutia to two and makiug rinilH aud f-lzzcx, wjjkh oltcn mar, it tboy do Mr. A. G. F. Henur nimlo somo remarks in nt 4 o'clook every aftcrnoun, Tito First "Mrs, I'arion Jdinti" and "Mr*. Counsellor apcakors ivlll bo present on tbc occasion. President, Abraham Smith of Puapsck, Vice- ot entirely conceal, the grneoitiL curves and nvnr of not biutdiim tlio Tmtttecu to n irigftdo Inml plays each afternoon during Mr. J.H.Sturopfina rarnflT ere dewing (Un ii." AB early BB llio cl(;biueiuti of Ducora'wr, Condict," ivltb ail tho nolle womon In tho gamo 13 to IU. All vera now uxuited and 1'rcildcnt, and Oscar Smith orthe Brauch.Bcc. -ulu mnkiiii? no bolidnvH bcyontl • tho timo tho lionscu uro pirmling; so Ibu "71*, mioWcor, wliu vfHllcd Bomoortho«nnl[i:r victory Imng in lbo bxlauce. Dat it did nol Mr. Andrew Ilubcror, Jr., bai onmploted tlie IIIDDBJ Hl>unt tbo nock and face. In these town, miida tiio IOWIIIB anil IinlttluR-noodtea relay and Treasurer. Itwaa alua duciJi'O to cgnl timctiiientfi, ns dmtli or itonio other UB- .or uot only Htta tlio dittplay but inny nl- llU tBDJuiii'BD. Tlio ProtUtioiu lu I lie aoi- pointing ortboraa«iury ur Bt.flfary'a Cburcli, tya great Utltudo IB a tin wed iu lioir-droaulng, L'aminm-iitB along tin hllli, iti tbo'viotjlty, i 4y on thulr tuiBsion at mcruy. Ttio memory of cautluue these rc-uulonaof tio family, tn bold mccti cutisQ uil^lit iiinko it iHrensuiry nt njoy tlio music of llio liaui], nil for lha Tlio Booulnn worumon hive received au iiu- wtiicligirei tbat Bpieudld edifluo tn onlirely 1 well BB iu head-gear, ntiJ uiuco there IB an !tt*B, "I fuuiid llio wcalticr excowirutr cold." the Morrw-cnunly womun of tbat Jnj la yut BB utu fuuiuf Ullled three and iiUnked tlidr iui annually 111 Iho uatuo place, and olwnya mo timo: but tliuu^lit it would bo well vi twcnty-llvo cents. Tho unmber of fiwrablo answer tn tholr petition. 1 jiost cndluBs variety or stylun, all ut wblcb inform tlio TriintduB tbnt itVns tlio atum ew Jersey Oazotto, DL-ecmlior22d- >70.) Ou dcllgliirnlas tho "traill of a field wblcb Ihe rbuda, secured five to ono ful tbo Morris town UT and grcatb hoautiflcd appearance. tho first Wuilucsihy In Buptumbor. inUorH tu (lio exhibition in tituudily on Iho Jleotlnjt of Ibo Mt. VmeAon' Baptist Partuli 1 my t>c doomed fa^hiomhlc, tlio most iruport- thin meeting Hint nouobut llio kgul lioli- D fourteenth of Jaunu.j, I" *] titirlmg led a Lord bath blessed 1" and tills tribute ta Uielr boys In tbo clgblh, and lu tbo uimb added tno Rev, Mr. olcltriiln, brother of the pastor 'IlilB mcDthig at an end, tbe company Huekod tie, tlio cold Men tli cr we nru now nt point Is lu decida Kbit 1. becoming. uys ho (rrnut«il. aving briugtng llio peoplo rrom diBtant and Cemetery AssDCiatlmi to-ilty. laehmunt ajjatiiAt Iho ciiistuy, on tilatei) •tli ID not woven tip of flctlooa, but or facts, moro and again blaukcd tho Independents, or tho Second M. V.. Cbuich, occupiud tbu lbo Ritat loug tablet, wbicb Actually bent iu force. Tho auth udmisaiona to-day Uii-H Carrfe Uip,o hut romnrcd tn r*tcrson, aud} and ou tho morning ut Ibe Qftoonth, linn tbo camo by tbo tn tills or 21 to 11. Couitia of crcrr ctmceh-thlo pattern and limed fram living Mni, and, thcrcforr, novrr pulpit or tha 21, E. Church Issl Sobbitli and hctmath (heir bunion of ttnbutanlla) food, «»(] _.!initi(ei! nt 5,7,523 to tha nmia cshlhi- Ramo throujtliout tras umpired by Mr. Air. J. 1). Iteyuohh, the Priiioinnl staled tbflt Klioro ilio will ODRIKO in huglnnHs. i rrubnotl ou tbo ice, from Eluwlmtlitowtt- may tboao women porinb From the memory or roachod two very valuahlu sfirmonn. tlio real Ituyiuoaa of tbo day wot bo gnu. 1'ur ion, niii' tu tho livo Htoek ahow 6,200. To- .bapo aru gnally tn vnguo, au.l (IUEL tlie batB> oClirihtuiiwumlUuw Vunr'tt it ml I'ourth of IW. (Lira or Stlrliuit. 2i 0; Hpsrki'B Wri • Dompacy fairly and impartially, aui) vaa not Mr. fl.Tiv*. drcentnyro, nun nf tbe nlttont cill- ihclr admiring and firatcfol JeBceiidttn'tii, luiutinin woro on ou« Bido of tbe head. louoit liour ronmUol beef, bams, inumuer- ily liolldiiyH occurred in tho mention and ny U10 Htenin fin- mghen had their contest mirred by oveuavitiglu dlsouBBiun, The Id- Rev. John B. Oar dim, lato staled supply of ings(ilWauliluRtonlvi.,i47.) Ttiu UudiouvaB oblu gnuilwlcticB, Imgo IOUVCB nf brend, pyra- Aha lukc on the cxtiibitiou prcunda; tlio cm of Horrlitoirn, dli-d on Tlinridny. is fretbytcriin Cbnroli of Hums Plain", fans Hlilouuuilin and fancy lulr-plnu aro ttlno much no therefore not do ducted from tho tench- BO bridged with ice as tuimrroil fQ.it-iitHBunporn Tbegoncroilty of which we bare ipokoa Is lowing scoro will Bhow the tiumbur of OIIIB and 1 liavo uot given tlio rcHUlt of thoir ob- mids of wku, and galioua ol enffoo dinapuearcil IR time, Tho dt crtit cosl-canjlnn enmiwnio* reprn- bcon ordained and Inslftlled pastor of tho l\o-used for ornamentlns iba balr. Somo of these srvntioiiB 011 llio powers of the different on- cton mini Sow Yolk ta lltibokvu avti Paului much enhanced by tbo fact, that tha people runs made ny oneh playcc, the tmiabor of men wilb mirrcllouB rapidity. After lha hungiv liolusaru vnry cliburalo in color aud Onlih, Tlio L'betioii of u Tmsteo WM next pro- :ae«, but tlio HiUby engine, of Oiieidn. FaUn, eol • combined npftal of 1335,000.000. .jpoiod (tionwclvci to bo giWtig.sod aot solJ- pnl out, and number of tlniua c»oh at- forbued Church it Mlddlcburg, N. Y. iltftudc had ticcomo mtiaQcd, nmi tha usiirl jeilcil with, i\nd JlGMrH Wm. T. Leport uud . V,, Till probiibly carry off tho hiurola t wan recently decided by (be Proniillng ,ll« olbcra aro of plain or corvrd tortolie- Cvmt IT. fliglitrr, KD old anil rejected rcit- liiff, tlicir provlelont. According tn Ihu price* partially ao, tbo oddrexH of tbo day was do- , 0. BIcrwirtb W«ro plucud iu nomiunflou. llio eld vuluiitccr Hrcmcn ttiniod out to- Bnt tho uniumH d ileplb atmiovt added to ilicll, cither real 01 Imitation. )f Paralppinv, died un Monday {ant. -Coulimmlal Currency-aiuied to varloui ar- art tbat t!lo next meeting of the Newark d by tbo llcv. OlurlcB IVoodunll or Duu- won resolved lo vote by imllot ami tlmt ny iii force. Wilh tho visiting companies io luti-iiuo snDcrli i or Lliu Koldlw*. OD llio ) ait, tunaiBlliig of a back comb, n!do Hn1lotlnr.aBfontidontth.it lliero im * tlcloH, by lot MBBlHlrates of Murrts-tounty, iu tin! Conference bo buhl la Hi'dillutr II. E. Itou, In the opening lio teforrod to thebca'u- iLTctiirieti nnd Tollora bo nppointcil by tlio tmrc immt hiivo been nenr 0,000 men iti combs, aud a pair or balr plna,h"». >0 tuu .VOH t, nonilually will, i\»j were paid far explaining Ihu miracle ot Iho IOIVCH and m&kinft airaimi'mcnU-fi>r"tbo[r oauasl fair, ?. It JlcDrtvit nuil A. Jiiilwn Con, Tt-Urn. ten for one duy nt leant. Droatl street t uvl.DlS |wm>ni, Buy Duetto, " wlillu I am inillns, ttio Hiorm cither in ConiiuoiilBl bills or ccrtllfttteii, both Jlliern,with itnltaiioua of pauuiu», etc. Ear- wbicb coiumoneeB Beptoiuhor 35th. Burecss lo bca to Ma hearers, told thorn tbat thcru t'floelc, Irom Cnriwater street to Col- IMr. P.H. 8-!oni»n h» i-omnvnl f-nn Thwi* Jmiik.oi— . _ . . , nccliUcue, and liracdcls aro fruquoutly lips iverodiHtrilnilod, llio Imllnts tost, nnil •nfiiog without." lint tliu great ht»i'pi ct oi whlcb tlipy.coiiBldercd AS marly worthiest. iro "Bobon thousand loaven and solicn Ihou- imbin, iivcuna. both «iilawalk» Wera urou-dcri, f iloffmau, p. 4 10 1 them. iie canutHkuwcd tliab&Ir. Ulunvlrtli rocciv- fa tlio «mtly l>ome«te»d lu "Mt. Olive Towd ditji. Winter hogan un tbv third of Jauuary,»lion Tlicir opinion of tho bills was not wrong, lndilBy.1.1. 4 0 9 0 nelccted ta correspond with thrsu hair tirua- inlflshcB, ao'ilu twolro 'poBllos ato'L ip.au1 do niridlo naa they didn't bua;." lie Mr. llimviitli KM declnrcd eliieted amid ITCOIH lo crowdiiig'thrfingb tlmmrtwiof nior- Total, iorrow afternoon will bo lteid In tlio II. E. 13 humanity on tlio pavement. All tog«lh- tod l)i thu hula, which were not jet riidy Jollari mtn lift wi tlioir bauds, wbiuh wow rOlLKTTEH. 3D givcft hlt'orypt the lirinch of Ibp gtcit nusidemble npplaiiHG, nnd lbo mcoling nd- imtucnt cibibllor st tbo Centonahl Hop 37 11 OT 11 ToUt, SI 93 3T IT r tho piindo IVIUJ a gnind WUCCCBH, niid i»rob- «i;'cup!itkn. - DocturTliachor UiusdoBcribcB never roileumid j hut,mauy oi them madu a Ohuich, iitd wfl] bo Jcil liy Mr, B. II, Berry. )V. UVFB CT IHNlSm. lith family there jumcrablcil, and closed bv l)ly tlw la«t punulo of tho VolnntoorFIm iturm (Military Journal, tHI); "On lh|'au u'rloiM mlHtskn In liidlr mliniatoortbocurliD- Ito». Mr. Blafcoilco Iwipllxcil and recElvod . Valuations and laxea. plfif; tlist lh"n B"IIIII »pnl might witness 1 V&<-or HlcLnrds l« still eonfinod lu Iil» liuiwt 1234 5. 6780 'Uimi^tiuoiit uf J?iitl 1dob 1U111 t."- Uouunry, 1780] " wo ixpurioccud ont'of catoa which wcro rodci'tncd with Interest. Yet glil IHIIVODB ID full mrmhrrniiip at tbe Union TlioCnnrjly Hoard of AKieiors rapt In Mw- ' Drakeville. [iiiU-pondoutd, 01430 9 0 1 0-11 icy similar re-unloiiH. Sept. 0, 1870. Ant • llio aoolilnnt Iliit occntrod list nook lint lt> many of tin-so men thnvr these cortiflratca —aa nuil qiiiotueu] holds nVniost imtlis- L'1'utcctionn, aacioiae •i-u School FTOUBO on Buuiky, lilown to Bpponluu tbo taxes ot tbls year Tlien fullowcil tbort »ml pleasant mlJrcsseu iJaally Improving. mtcilnnd univermil sway iu thin section, BD bered i no man euuld uuiluro [in v]uk|ioo mlnj away.DU worthli'ia, and e«lD(imcd tliomselves iiuoiigtbosivoral tawusbipB. The tnllowing UHPIUE—Mr. Tlide. DompuSy.orMnrristown. Tbe Presbytery or Slorrla aijd Orange will uncb BO that llio tbfng U becoming mono to- Attw dr*irl»jr Iho Jnrnrn mil InmHicUnu as tliiluK *« unpaid dttty ta their country. uuU'H wlihout tlsngisr tu bia, llfo. >*ovutiil ScouKUa-Iiidepoudontd, Ilultrj Dickcrson [ meut at Snott) Orangp, en Tuesday, IStli inet., table uhows tlio dobt, tax'ahlo valuation au-1 on H, nnd liko Koine of tlio jioliticlmis wo be- John H. Tat mage in Jail. ma in'nor htmtnoiia TO Monday Cnnrt ul- irqncea wore torn asumlur and Llown ro 1001 lone, Jolm 8. Oibgnn. number ut pulls in uach toMniliiji: in. Craig, apd AndL'rsaii, nhkh, altern&t- in to wixb for it elmnpj. It Is inloreafcUR to ascertain tbo prices or at 10 o'clock. *.«. Deputy Sheriff Cory nrrcstod John H. Tul- tr tho linkers' head*, lu tlio night, lud On the 28Ui uli., Komo'clgbtccn or twenty After euMrtt for tbodlffurcnt nluot and for Total I ig with music, occnplod tho iflornoon, Dj mriona arilclti used In tliu Camp, tbat Winter. ID the Eonnton M. E. Church on Suuday SO Tnlal of tba nicmlicru of Dover Council,'0. TJ. A. mdga iu fmut of thin cfHco on Tliuradiiy af- Tlio Woaton ctub of Broolstdo pin'voil thr Uii:auUllun» noio acinully cuvwud the umpire tha whofo pRrly returned to tho o'clockxloml* Qf du»l rUIiiK nboTe tlio hills On tlie twinty-scTcnth of Jannaxy, Quarter- tnijre probitlonorB wore admitted to full nicm- Di-bl. it., pnid a \init to Iloxbnry Council, nt Drake- nootii and hfiving onco hiid his hands on ilrl£Btcp<* or Chrgtor on Bitn^ny IORI nnd i-lrtDntsind hark-d, like nlicop, Until hnuBP, roiohlDg (horo about nix o'clock. Pnllx. IT try (lirectk n, iimrted Ibe departure front mas tor;TJuvrifl wmtty. "Tbo Jnatlcui, at their villo, aud together they hnd n. very pletuutut i held hiu grip. He hnd boon looking for now. MycomndcB and nijsulf weru rousi fcali d tliroi by 11con ol 26 to 21. Khortly oflor tho bnvor Oomot Dand, ibo festive scene of Iho IOIIR Itiica uf leninn and line, nnil tlio Itoxljury boys coucludeil Uint im just n week, Intt Tidnmdgo was niveto- raeelluH, cutabllahcil tho fnllowlng prices to bo Sevontv-nvo convertlous aro reported aa tbc kr...... Prt.,1, p,,,, Jr, MPclIek, "\THlv" i BIL-OP tiy HID callH of torn otScccs ibora at ivblch had kindly consQDtcJ to Ir niuqonnmod occujiauta, Everybody ncut liner lot of young follows can bo found 110- CIUH, na nnual, nnd ninungud to vluit Now Bf gl?oo for Hay and Omip tbruuRliout tlio itancc; ilir-ii marquee liiid blown di pUy on thin oc'dfiiuu, mnJo tlmlr appciranco, reaull of ibe recent camp meeting at Denvfllu. omo fully ButiBfli-d Hut no pic-nic hail ever lierothun thoiiiemberflof No. 0. Tbo vinit ork Stato nud get, homo onca or iwico la- _ iti nllwr DoTcritca butn vlBltoa HIP Oonnty [or Moms], from tho lit of December, id tiiuy wcru kimiiet utnoiboroJ In tlio Bti •Uii for more ttiau BU. honr dincouned too Dlib'op Janoi is reported Benouiiy 111 'tvilli ilauuver, 10 micccMful or bad given BUDII Boll nine- rill probably bo returned ero long. Itos- obolne neon. He did not drenra, bow- _JIH! ExliiuSiloD ulnca oar Isil. 1779, lo Ihe lot ol February next, nr until tbo ifore tboy coold' rmob our marquee, only Ji-fTeniuii, I MQ5U taiy Oonucil la doing very welt considering r, of {Linger BO near home, nnd WM greatly flucstmuili', sud wirotbo ri:oip[entB of many hiilnoy iliseiBQ it Uli bouso In New York. MurriB, ton BB tho preit Smith family plwilo al Yd- r^. fcstivil or the Udtas of lbo Jit. Frcodnm I l,0»,WM be times, The Lyceum AwMtotulion nt Drake- jiriHtd wliou Klicriff Cory rcrjucntcil tbo - ymls, and tlii'lr blanliut complimunlB, bolb from tholr homo frlendi and jlontviltc, sck. - 1 Tho clo'rjry of Morristown will bolrt services lillc, promiflEaJoJbftDoiuo au. important enn- uor of hw company iu jiiil. lluwiifiiir- (E. Clinruli. wbtnli wa« bold on Wednowliy. nearly bnribfl'ln tbo'inoff.' Wo (thi 'h» "rtsltorj.-npon their proflcl(!ncyi.~ Indeed nory BabbatU at theLtitjatio \nylutn. Borne of the tnaro reilkss male- Smiths pro- :ero ; itbna twenty or morn niembcrK on Its icd'ona writ of enpiuu. inuncil' ont of.ijio' icatiHoaodfliJn Hktnr/lir wcnlnrt, ifflcem) aro greatly iavored In liavinfi a Bup, " llipyeBtsbfiBhpd tlio hoi |)»t Dioir crgtlealhn Mt. Olive,' Flanders- infed tho Icstivules fur iulo tbo nifihl, by a ill, nnd receiving addiliounl mem ben nenr- prBino Oourt of New Jersey, by order of' mr rcspectod frlond, Her. Wm. Trtlliomy, if strew Tor beililing; cror tlnn wo ipreail ii'ion ptrfcot and that their now loader. • every week. Mn.EDrroui-H may bavo occurred to yon, Political. mmlcoon bnnt aniniig tbomnuntainn. They mmiMltmcr llcace, of Jt;rney C'ity, nt tlio , i the tlmnkH or the craft of 'ha Eiu fnrti Mt. Ben. Splcor, has raw cquilH ta a co tarted about 0 o'clook from Futer Z.'B IIOUBO Uit of tha Conitolidfttetl Hank of Canada, by l'Un'belt, aud Tfilli cur cloth'aa aud.IirgoittiatAzaisasftcorrcBpondcDthaaboenBligbtly A llayca and Wheeler Club was formed in A duyor ttvongo, n Ron of tbo "villnge of Bno spplen prcaonteJ to them yoitdrda.r. ilaynr in thia section. Leon Altbott^nttornBy. TliOHUit ia'for 521,- a at ourltcl, wuilofourornro aracio«vdodl[||>[tlu,Dt, The miuio*l hot wc-albor, abBuncu Morriitown on f rlilay evening of last wooi nil fatlgnal ibe roul nlonfi llio Branch for ihickumitb" nr UmkovIUo, wrtfl.Tiyill treul- II Usndcrvllle, or romptnn Plilnii, vai .. Tbo scone prtieontcft it [lie linnw waa in ibout hair B mllo whoro two of tho bovii, with 80Q, money tidvnnccd to Uulnmdoo by Iho iRotlor, praiorvo ours^lveB from (reefing. Worn iho county, tbo pleatnro derived from with Ibo fulluwiQR ofDcen: nont on tlio part of hm fiitlicr, driven fram : animated one. Tuu patloiB of tho diffc mk, and Sheriff Frccinan ilonnmb hifl in 1 on Tbnrsd.iv. Ha HII «sal 91 yewn, t DID snffcrlnsa or tbo poor noklicra can^^1,^^ with frler>daorbvsaqi) d.ayiiana an ltd Carlo tiiii coon do(>, atartcj np tbo moua- its homo. A friend to tbo boy attempted to companiofl we're urilllintly iigfitttf,' atid filled Frcsidi'nt—Ilenry \f. littler. Bnra of $48,000. WIB liom, H'cd md diod in the i -cely he deBcrlhud j wlillo on duly tlie V am I (jo to rest Ukonln viewing tho hums of cbild- Vlcu ProBldoQts-Fredonofc Q. Daruliani, vioro apparUoood anfoltowe : [in difla In uotrih nt a oarnOwlil tnoiro to hi lurturo him tn return, when it woa found ttilhamorry ootnp-invof flro laddies and Charles £. Noblo, .Wm. E. Churob, Andrew Ihofa«orllGronort of coona. Ttiu rest vcro to thnt U10 futUer vim guilty of coudact not onlj "liiu bail TUlmndgn Btatci? he could pro- lavofilabty cipolcd to all .tbo (nclctncpor of kood and ita iurroaniJlDgs aro the dlvorUng •iTrti TAX. vltcd friondfi, prominent araoog whnra n Itaasoner, Antbony I, OlmnUiad, F. W. Owen. Cuunt lowanis the boy, but all the memboraof hh tiro, and drovo obout town in the custody trf loiiA.u i»» aootnmuicnllon re«poctinp a Blorm and eoiuro cold; at iilgbt, tboy now I lecljuRt here like repeating a row lit un tlio road until old Carlo gavo tongno tho lady Moiuln of tbn ProteotUna, who BBRII secretary—Oco. U Hull, Oonoral. bchool. 'i'ai. inily thnt would htvrdly bo tolerated in n 110 Donnty iSfheriff to procure it Ho found jve a bod ot slrtw Co tl|u gcouud and t alu- td could treo tho giruc. In ICHB than half an Itc of tbo ballot (u tho Order of Odd Follows :« ot Woodwork's boaotifol pofm. Troairanr—Cbftrlfii H. iialrymplo. mimnnity of bnrliariann, tint) ifti a wonder iiur men who would go his bail, but Hlieriff . 1 ;lo blarjkot tu each roan; they are bitdly olud 1 entorUlnlnp; tlioir gncsts, . EIPOUUTO Commftto-Jainci 0. Yon njjblorn], nir vaciforoiu balking was heard far up tlio ' ' 'i puUlopnluro wo tnnBl docllin w dnar to tbia heart an tfao MODos or my *3,U!U 4U lint it hiiH Ijeon iwnritledbero, AR usual, ^rcetunn decided that bo wamod as many ml tvmotra dc8ljtal9_Ql. thorn. Wo line At balf-piBt Btvon o'clock the colk)ioD was fiteplioD Horaon, Jainoi M. Bonsall, Jobn D. 0,911.0a nantaln nidi- and t )iov ktirn thnt "coom'y was aore jtist an good before ho canld tnko bail, Itrifnstlg .*1 CtaBuld, Jtmc* V. Dcntley, Willbm H. Kartcs, 11m is the caiuu. AVu wonld rcfipectftilly jntrlml a kiud of Btono enlwnoy, oaUide, .. uon lond roooilootlon presents them to view, S,OSt TO up a tree." Alter a breathes climb np tie nittlioeilra four nrenotoRvot fortlicom- ntolalr ind flnwmwnnd Latio Com- anuonueod, and tho largo truck room down. William Bccktr, Jr.. Honry U. DaviF. Ja-^eB D. Kk those who den) in tliia tafcronl liquid, to bo Montoia ¥0B Hanover, 4.11'Jl Vi id an opening at one end of our teat* fi' to orchard, tba mnaduiv, Ibe ileep-toagntid lire was thrown open, to tbo party. Every-, yhftifRer, Charlua H. Qroeii, Siilnoy W. Staltar, otieont, ntrug(,'lmg blindly through the iminb onr bhokainith with no moro of it. g. In ttio meantime 21ilmadge nsisHoil lost inDoucce that a milk Until will be run wlldwood, . " Jotfenwn, 1,'iit 10 a tbe bemllt uf Ibq flro .ifUhlp. Tl|o anoif ii lHaac G. , Brantui D. /Ucu, William 11. nOcrbnmb In the ilcnto ihrkiicKR, the tree ivnj His family needs all bo oan earn. Wo would ght in the- cell .lately occumed by that r nd wery lored spot which my Infancy knew thing hora bail boon turfy'arranged, - Thi Morris. ld,74Er US tlmt nid on and after April lot, 1B77. UnKay. . - ;i], anil Carlo watt found wpringing *t tlio ask thin in tho behalf of his overburdened bor prominent porHonngo, Henry JoneB, IOVT from Jour to pli feel, docp, whlcb BO OD- —- —^""Ing pond and tl)u mill thai docoralcd with flsga, buutupg, plo- Moutvillc, HU\H 1,'JIO ib jibBllkobelofion time. wife, whoso, toil Mono lms provided for the he mysterious horaothiof, nnd is still dwell- truets tboroadaas to pravoutoar receiving a turea and uthord.uv|ees,' and on ODB end alamo It Is rttlier inlorosslIoB to uocupy an Indo. Mtmdlum, ' 1,1)30 OU 2,M1 Jl trunk. a »ro d(dr«l la oorwal tljn nUtemotitpiido tit. Olivu, l !)U4 10 ibeliokl alniout vxcliifiively, wbiln tbo enrn- ng vritbiti iti' nicely whitowaahud \vullc, nud ipply of pnirisfona, For tlio Iwt ten tlayi, no I lbo rqok wljora tljo pft.Uroc.t pondontpoailloD and obsorve tbo torlnrot hid loadml with a, boDntlful political m>wn of tfaotbrco Morrlaiowa papers I,lfi7 59 1,M3 40 ih diRrrcditnblo Hints of things. 10 will bo occftfiionallv permitted to pneo tho lUiukaway V,M 2. 8,ati 3U Blonesand itlck* dial nib him In tho leant. 11 rpcetit mlo tn Ken Yurk riornun DroB. bread, Tba eouiequcnco I*i tbo Hjldlora are maybe rad in tbe great dailin and campaign I am told thntnomo party or nortiea from :orridor in front of liU cell. Wo ncknowl- (iiccldontthatrosnlted in tbe death or a ipait, and under their sktllfni hands pro- U11U U 3,'M I>1 Kl lenjjib, hatVb.vcr, Charley Tan Arsdato ifootlud Irom hanger snd cold, aa to ba extras beforo tb« publication of tbcao papi-rs, oanton think Hcrionuly of opbninn U>i aloro lgo tho receipt of a mcRsaco from hitn rc- •r cacsod tba annual Jonrnoj to ibo homo loDtodavcry pretty and artistic comblnitioi :limbca llio tree, and discovered Ur. Coon l«lng ; if H, M. MntluewH &. Co., to diHposo ol lestiug iiB not tn mention his "littlo Iroti- foreoBli *btofi h«» Jmt arrived anJ tboy Bt unable ta perform mlliUry dotj cr ior and Mother to be taken carder than of viands, fruits and flowers, At these Ublos rliiJ* Iha BaJltlfa ]• torraiy » r*capJtn!attan of low011 tlio ftrcud o» a sleudw brancli. A cir- imo old stock from n Boon (on* concern. )lo anil temporal? incarcoratian," nnd of ibor in constructing tlicir butt. II is well (be exploded political canards of a month The Iron Market ibla year, and althuugu aadness was lima Boon stfalod a company . of. nearly lo venti formed obout Iho ha so of tlio tree, mid, :uurso we regret thnt onr duty to the pnblio low ii that General Wai Mug Ion oiperiencea lioy must liavo a cnriaim Idcn of tlio intelli- tlio mocltnB room of tuo Yl M. 0. A. ha d with Ihe riaaanrca Incident to a VIMI: ono bondrod porsonn, Ineindlnn; tho Iedcpen- rovloufli . ' The unietllcd eon di lion of tho price P* cant, it*] trjtb cluba, tbu innti bo low celled to ineo nntl reuonroca of tlio peoplo in thin io- ^rovenL'jourobliginqlilm. So high-timed ft • ir grcatoit sofidtqdo for tho suffbrldga of bis en undergoing oou*13erablf> rcunviillnp; ani bomestead, yut Iho days of onr elt< douti and their MorriBtonn friends, roprcien- iyn tbo Engineering and HIulnR Journal, ha* ou, to think of iiupofling slnlo goodi on tlumuu us John IL ^Ulmailoo 1A deserving rmy and 1» BcnulUlo Ibat tbuy in goncralcoi Hon. Johnson D. Banghart formerly of Hon- irluy ID Bimko him down. Thin was moro pnlrB Includingtlia kat«ODiIninRortt)oiT»ll» 1 rapidly anay and Flanders* with Iti rrom "Vlallanl Hoso" tnd "City vury mnoli uuautllud tho minds or bu»tra of ein, nnd renp a fortnno therefrom. They f all the onnMdcmlimi ha will get, nud no lact pflb )i9Ti4c paUrocoind fortitude." terdan Count; or this alatu, lite a prominent Ily upolicn of than accomplished, but nt d TT!1 be re^ippotii tor pnbllo mvkc* o r faces, ploaiatit homes and new rail- imy got rid of their coodq in nomo way, but lore.—Morrla Republican. Dover 8tcamcr," and ether iuviUd gneatB, snd lawyer of Jerser City and ntyv a rcaldont ul iron who snllcinMB aa ostraurdluary roducllon Irtugthdown tntnhlcdlliD coon cianliing through This Htomi cautiQuod for mveral days, m .tvaa returned to. Tboaioalquiot, eicopl •bout tbo fortune, I—trill lot them try it +-%+•- . the FioteClions, Tbo posts or honor wnro filled HowYork,i8hi(;bly.vnolion ol'as tho Ilofurm in thccoHt of mailng pig Iran,and a corrca- inpuniod with violent wlndd, lyLJol/driflcJ e liranclios and lauding iv/(!i a soft tduttip on TTio Ilanuer and otherf papers nljcutiero UP rnada by- the' Iquamotlvea di awing by, Chief Eng Inner Me Davit, Forn man Bui iiiK roilnctlnn in lha prlca of irnn, A chockgfnghum apron WDB fonnuEoma. Jlr Al IticfairdB, otandlnff on the eritii D mow no that tliq ^dff icro irapaigablo. Ho candidate foi* Congress* from tbo 10tb Ward ol io ground, Thcro qas 9 rutdi of tnoo and hefu nlong tho rond botweon tjuccusuuna wk their rcnilcm to creilitjbe utory ofagen- loroarapiiuinssnd repaisins. ' of Ihe Independent's, and ox-Furcm&n Qsga of Although tlio prices realised for co;,! 'at tbo and it Iho Philadelphia, boat race* last woek, docp na» tbo ^now, ihat, In many places, 11 Now York Cily. ; ' >8«, * grand flonrlHli cf sllekn, indjiko a DURII ind Drake villo, n few oveningH pgo, which Califonim lluilicg a. buried trensnrc, the Protection*, who were supported by lbo auction Halo on Tuesday wero more than tno ecama cicltcd like *11 ibo-rest nhen co'vertd tbo topa of tlw team*, and let ma could _ , 4 be 30 ntt. Ibo Proabylerlan Society bold Tlio Wav York lit raid of Sunday informs n» IU conn had enoftpcnl md wai bo If way down tbo owner cnu hnva by cnlHua nt tlio now onaiatlngofn jnrof geld nnngola and dual ifflocra of tbe twii eompaniui. All hoartily cn- dollars of a reduction from nominal. Naff York Divenryck a beat tba London's and throii hie ic driven aver ilium. Undur il&to T >'J*ua- t| .nd~fost!val,tbodsy holnff pleasant tho tbat "Congron*man Cutler's hifalutitt npt-ecb 10hill, ffith 'bo dogs In hot pnrBUit. Then oottugo on Cheatnut Hill. • .. . GUSTO. krgo OH n. barrel. Gnptain KIdd mnst " 0 tt jiped ID Ibo work or fllipOBlng or lha \UndH, Combination rales yet U would bo an t'Strior- ) si so bfsh that ha failed to recover Ii. ,rj WJ. 17B0,1' an oQleer on Klmbnl.MU' wrjtc Ti o xrugood and (Msiwd cffplfassntJy, e wJtaoIi docs not worn taburtlitai much icro was a scramble, an the ticltod group tors Q paper ballooDB xcraiant up, ono of tholr wantu boiug kindly cared forby tho Indian, dlnnryconcoaBiou, iftl'pcr tonwero taluo oil g in Mormtown,. Tha deiccmiuiU *>1 ZaobirUb Stalth bold lie following liVtiydoHcriptiou or iho cundl'JoD i ~ Is New Jcrflpr district; olio, thst "c lonn Iho prcclpltons and beavllj-wooded slopo, liaa a superli affair of the kind. TbD re- snd at Ibe concision rctqarki-'wero or GO iu actual price wuloli ruled ior Taruaca coal lit. II. 0 MnrnVs rcsidonco oa Slaple Fiiilny, A ugust 20tb a new barn, b^li fi rand (•rally W-nntfln ani| pjc-nlo at PcapucV if tb0 Army, iu count,(jneuoo of tliia atorm: John IHU Is nailing a fow wire* Ior a rotnrq Hucl> beia tiju e DOt mue 1 rolling, sliding, and Climbing down, lod Dy tho trore otiir SI80, tuakloit a fair profit. >ro>r, •Puremitn Vulvir ami AsBlatont Qib- to wocka ftB°- S "°i ' veniio viu entered by burglars on Snndny ig to John Deem, of Snato llollow, ' - i Wodnonlajr, on the vary- *pot nboro ibeir Congroaa. irry notes oflh0 fllL'Balru to tbc Stato Eke tor lal Cuavuntlon llie ralo, coMriiluraWB coocesMlous may be from A trunk iu a Btora room on tbo Bocond icraca woro burned to death, nnd « lot of tcd more sluaorgly *r>q (tflly fdf Mirt'O flaya.' c,' Ijieamjjo railroad compaoy *o Smllh, wH bjr tlio Hfibt of a big bou-Qro, floor. Nothing elso wna taken nllbongh it ia (new was ilcstroyoii. There irns no insnr- - QB wow jlreuiut) 1 rt with Mr, Tlurp on the pr|oo of illlm liukl thin afternoon, at 4 o'clock-tbet In freights 011 coal, oro, aud limestone, and 01 K in wo eu-r did from til tlie Itcnulqtluna' nr ndo|iiittt|t>!ilB' w.ltb Suuu very fuilcituus ro- B rnabtcd'tobrluR him down from tali perch fQiild Uftvc been an cosy matler to hnvo car- \\Ym GnrSn, pho. ha* completed bU Iradu nl 41uildsdopotf.il and U Ix hopthil thn for lUndnlpli billing plavo at'tho Hoc lanttTaotorfd Iron, vo tbat %o sru quiti nco on tbo projutty. s nut l h a wan occasioned m*rka tbat ores toil rairn of laugbl#r, and In 1 iritb » ohsrgo of BWIO shot, Tho coon'l do>i) lod off other ortieles of vnlac. Tho tboft y soot) bu o» tbo groqad.' Homo. to liftTJ BnmBtllng of a oonceislira In tin the senilitl y ut' llipwcfltlicr ouddrtttlog 01 iciuslon prescuttd Futeman ftiiur wf ill tho hmly eracfilo tntimpbilproKialra ofBmllhn. not aiscoveretl nntil tie family nrofio tlio \x a WFIUPD trip, vlaitlng NlaBoraTall) ..._of iron btfuro long. Wonoto a nalo or i snow, wIiiToby tbo ruadu worp rcnilervd ball wbiob bad that day ht«n won. Forcmi From proHcnl liulietiUima It in probahio tbat ioxf morning- ' ..--•• kslngflphi, 111., ClilciRO md n tit or point BOO Ion or forgo on private tonuBand Koveral psisahlo nnd all Bopplloa or provialoQ cat ir. Wm. L. Ouleman w»< dleatcd Tru»- Bonsai briefly, but ncatl;, returned thu tliaui botbDemocratic and llepnblivan clnbs will be I'ttliee Nates, Several woeks ago lira Holmed and Sirs. mtCULATDJG LIBRARY, {rlfav woO, ffhero ho will probably local* hundred kins atTltomxs Itan Corn {ran, 4} Qur aumabo'B rsaidencca wcro entered and. a riff, until tlio elllcura wuo obliged to rvlenio [\l btu.ncii VCBU quietly attenilud to. ot Iho InHopuudeula fur tho reccplfon tboy very soon orj;*n!z«l iu tliis plaett. A yanng woman'of Itochanay, RIVIB^ tha quotallona. Wo quo* No 1 foundry at (IB; nflidtmljIurjtinntityofcIothinKtakon (lierc- Teviibblm BDOCOW, : mldlori Irqm command, and purmit them undent,to one ot tlio papers badKccivrd.- Mr, Wm.T.Laiwrt, or thol'ro- nntuo uf Sarah Juno Eenm, nlio haB been s Oar cx-ConKru»Bmau,Wm. Waller I'lit!pj|» Ho. J (20; and fui go 119 te (20, ow. Thurobjifl IJOOU no mention mndo of I ' flow will yoalwyo your ogRB, sab,*!. o go in*groat numlorB logutbor, to.got pni- tcctions, noit mado a vury II110 addresi*, ex- frrquont vliitor to Dover la the ovonings of HI large when uo aava bo bia Bald lo bo a cadldale for U. P. Scoatur, to Rac- heretofore ic tbu town papers, U just bav- pressing tlio catccro 61 that company for tbuli BLANK BOOKS, tidoD or A u nondrbka }" inquired tlio ob • wliora they could flud them. Tbolu- man andhaa blind to flnd ono. tie ITAS arrest ml hy 0 niter Wood on Saturday igconioto our knowledge, 'Wliothcr tio Idnji Oliver of a Mnmlon nonxo gnost tlie •I tbnw, but full ntterly to flnd guests, and assuring them' tlmt tboj_ atfatier Jui-ar*, tgut last, and token boforo Jnstlco Gags who poltcQ know nnytulng about it jot wo cannot (OrrdaT " Vfiint ila yea mmn?" wturne nahle spirit ia loeHSm; ilia loldion; aad, lo n o/by Iba Jlorrii Ke- would ulwiys find,a hearty wetcoino ami The De Mouth Family* ... Acaonlanoc with tho new lavr tliu folioniug llrortml lier tn'ffti home, irlth llie odraonilian HUJ, If HU tbey luwe kept remarkably still their rriondB, tbc Proteeilona, Other remarks lint ot Potit Jurors far tl« October Term "of hat ir tlio was caught'in Dover again uho about it By menus of nn intercepted loiter ijts strensor. "TiUrn, linrd; Hendrlcki je honor or tlio Botdicry, they recolvod what' 10 Am going tn vote far a llepubll- AoorrcapondtntofthB Warwick Adrcrlfscr. STATIOSTBIIT, followed by Chief HcDarit, Analitaiit Itod Court wan drawn in open Com 1 on Tuesday. mild l>e sent to the county Jail. A grtnt bu thief, named llujray, who entered aim, pR' orntod Oliver between bla grim. ;hi>y got with Ihsukfnlncss, and did little or . Elltors as-woltns corroipou- from Now Fmithlland, in connocilon wjilin J ha'ii houso was a short timo ago captnr- [TOOM *UO b»W attended tcivlcn at tin tniBC." (New JorRoy Gnsteitu, Jannary itinios got tilings roliod. Acota,' of the iloimBP.'.ci-rorOruaQ Oajn, Anniitant Julin B. Coi Charics H. linker, :roivd followed to tlio police o3\cu lo gmtifv dcBcrlptioi) of BOIUD ol.l rotlcB In tho pj'susH- _iu Mow York, and * portion of U10 goodtt ANOY. GOODS, •&&, !Gtb,1790.C • ' , .- - •.""'. Cilnloflba\igilau|B,J.Beward Limpson and Edward 1'. beach, Ang. 1). Ulau Jhol, ii'lr tnoilild curloBlty. Uabytorlao flbnriib t)io paat feff KOOH.CI KlonofMr. Thu*. DitMoutli, iayn: weta recovered and other ut]clen arc ktovru Tbo tnannncript Icttcra of Joseph Lowii, olbem. Tula pax lot tbo a&ttt c.iiu|ili'tc J, the rruM Ibemiolroi highly ploftiq4 vW> tbo ting- Tho nnceHinrx ot tlio I)n Jiouili family nrc tili Wormaii, ' • Mat. O. Wlii tlock, u bo la n pawnbroker's shop which it in ex- Meeting at lift. Pleasant. -VftlSX HTIXW I'ANCV S((TR 1'APEH, ilB of Mln Norton, a lad/ vlaltluff tha fatDlij lonrlor-nisitfr at Morrlttann^ prove'this do irty flJJumnPd nitb heart; clint-re fur tli tracnl bick tnFittiiff, fiom whiili place ttioy CJMM. A. Qillen, Thoa, froHt, f doliriuiu, tretnenfi, was irreitod hy OQlccr >octoiirt-rin, tfE.Undsley,E«j.1who baB greatly added • iadlea, Chief McDiTit, and tho comptnioB. ivoro drlicn on ai-eouut or thvir riolcslitit 'nod on Monday nui tikcu bofuro Justice- f stolen qooda wero foand at tba rendezvous dieplion II. Condict, t^Cflr Putorrtoi), uary, liu nroli', '* Va DP '**<>* an dtitromtoil I)I_ _% sUbe Bchool bonao for tho pnr- Ualf an honr later a street pirado WUB beffiin, taitli, and HOnjtlit mruRn In Hiunvt-r, a part of IRO vhu itunt him down for ttvt months. * in. Now York, man? ot which bad. been stolon want ot Pravlslan and CBBII pqn rjjske us. pdVor oltmg two "TrjHtpcB. ' Tho nwallnp; 1 1 from different tawnu in Now Joray, and tbo ov- Newspapers and Periodicals, tbo band leading, the Inujpandonta andguonti ihoderinsu ConfidL-i-otlon, fi-iini whlcti pUco o™n If',"'WiifJ*' ' \Yiu.*H. Naugbright, tiawronce Murtlia, clur^ad with ulealius Tbo Holdlera IIBSO ijeou rfldpfRd Iff t|fo |]ecea* il lcnco in tbnt }bo business is exleiislrelv and j " Tit»y " BufinejiUiod on tha uridgo Suad " o'order Ij U».b.'6; and Mr. contra, and tha Frotectiuna, wltli thoii they omiunitod-io Amvtko,, \$ juno, 1703, a Edward Ji. norson, Aaton HalmuM,. uli, at a bearing li^nrc Justicu'Uood IUI] lfaQ 'htomntically condneted.—Jtrstynum.' Doming watching sn uld lopsr i»hQ «rai In «ity of ivbbiflfr ioh}bit.autB> to lavolboli us CbRiPli Clislmian. Tha Cnan- trael, forming the escort. Tlio line or inarch which limp l"4t(j' runnpi) A uftttcmpnt in thi Jnbn Ulxts, Kdivinltosa, 1 Uhnrlci Arrow mni tli, Fruok JltKhniil, '* TTALTJ POOICETS, ialfilnRlna'trenieiiaoniyaTrn. "Pon'l . I lives." On Mtn HC!|t day, hn wrote," ff( •Jal rcporlftr tjifl jpaf wdffta jt'lffH * ??«* lucUnay Valley, Iu His prcwdt IVqoaanoo Uyram K.HtictK i-'iai Virile*, »i|tqli(o4 far four dara. ior nioatb BO wlda," B.ld P*lioy. " Why T ntill in dlitrcfls far wtnt of pro?Ijlont, Oui 11 1 ViDMIjy NEWS', IB rdii) ultiD clorjt Vlio va* iocre|»,r?l n * - ., ,.„.,.-„ ...... %ftt UtKingh piieMlmit, toRnylilp, ID Movrli Out^nty. 'rhvywero among --—1 A. Drake, llichml Hluuu, jkoDlrcd roi noio. " Cttiis thore'a a lair aglu BlBlutcM, RB woll arsmslh " " " cnoo .Jlnni, Jacob Leonard, Frank Bin I tb, charged wilb \m\\i larceny, 1 down Qrcliart), tbrongb Dlckerson, Korfii nud LliolraUbMt) Haulers In that* \alloyy and thu Cot,,Jnct)b T. Johnston, of Washington, BHA.0KETS, Ac, menln ubona on Sunday," Hgoly romirkoi from tbD Army, are bus; cglKutl _ 1 Anrim M. French, Sidney II. llreoiia, [xvo ball Tor bin nppctmnco it Court, Dybala IHackvflll lo Supaei, tbrou)[ll BUBICX to Mol'at - Intnily aro in rw9_»uiiWQa of many or tho alu U11 1 Ula rxjHBcaatun •. watch that ban boon in (|ajDOnsAr»haaloHooi Hhtshsols. . UBO. F. frittH, "••'-•'• ""- •TOWL-., Ian, and tlion ttirotiRli Ollnu.q ami Ha»»e dueilanndpaporflcouucruing Ihe pnrch Atei, HinithhasWon releisod tram Jnll on iatrcBiioii ana I ant told that tba troops nmllv 125 ycira. It is of English miko and PICTURE-FRAMES • itpoelai U ibo haute land dating from 1709 U> 1730. Tboy alia be- all, " _^ .. j:Tho Ilann« My* «h»t Mr. Mabl«i Oi, already experience (tie (food eBactu of tUolr ..is bout twice tlio IIEQ of the timo places of tin en mo tbo flmVltlera of fy^ fniiniiland, as Dy this lima Lio tables woro ekoroJ and ro: rmnl day. In 1823 Mr, Henry Millar, or KBB- Urine on thft Jockey llollatv roid sornellm. _D uttry. Wo ara wlahlng for m Or a plentiful Tolal 12,911* 75 Mission Work in Japan. 11ADETO OItD£n. To paid ti • l,t»U 87 movsd, and thow who fult Inclined to ilincc, tho lands fiiirrouiiilini; tho n\d stons IJ lijurcdhla toot by Mini la LU boot irritatinj ipllei." . Aud, in roil distress, bo writes Buv. J. C. Deurdrou, A graduAlo of Drew IU, repaired Ihowotch and after several yonra enjoyed thamselvoB in this paBtiiiiuIn tho t ' '' fcljmit f tat'"* nulo frou;i Browr,'* ^H It; the IoJnrywa«»«eW,sD4 no Mtlppat fint under tlio lacio dalo, " tlio alxly million dollark 33 00 siKr mm™ onuiurv and now located al Nnxaeati, Japai 111 uing, it wai hid nvny and nut bronsht out WAUi SiOULBINO and PICTURE HOOKS. room Tor a couple cf boivii; wh.(laj[|i!»9' 11' formerly u^vriei\ hy niembcrs of, h takfiaolitnotU It heeamo tnJuued..(Uul took lately collected by tax, matt be pat li 3. \*nDurc)i l^liofuli. ODD, isamiaaionaiy, writes to Mr. Wni. T. Lcpurt, ;ainuutil!ailm'ek, niton it win ovcrbanlcil wjap ^ianq'ovl, Invoiflc^m'hor UOUIOL'I qf um , family. Tlie n{on.'a *»t>n,>ut »\\\\ ^R, - too fern of ftgruigrone ; ovorjthlng wan dou hinds of lifo BHP^riBt?n4ont for tbo now par- if Una town, eiprefibinK groU cncoursiiei >y ilr, Henry &Illlar,of tbia place,pon ul tho mt, including a regular "MulUtfin Guard' tliu"fullflwlug:* njylhlca,! intcrlplio.u, '-'-pis, Gilbert's Pure Confectionery. is.' You will tberaforo bivo but Ifttti id EiHtonlan.—Star. Io tho ci« thu covVl bo, but to died t>D ltr~ 1 1TI3," ujjon i, triangubiT BtnnQ tbva VA9 A tlto stair bnt aaro prioress ot tha roim so ot gettlns Casu antllnorQ IHIUDB. I parade Ihrougli tlio etneta, pn-w !^ '? Tlw [loverI'ub!l3"8ohuolopoued on Monday (Ujrhit, ; •' ' •. •518 70 It vm ifpclca Ity «uo rpler try work In Japan. He fwirdji s> specituen oj The county tax in Souses Is WO.OtW; which ia (JDDICH Buonor than by H^rlldng now pmi* morninR uitli no attendance of 310 scnolurti, rafianuBO-EnRilBri (wnjioaiticn as » mmplo of 115,000 less than kit rear. Tlio lolnl t«Jtmtion 'CHOICE SHAKOS Or A large jicmbur of people BtiemlUcd . , ..\ Tuto ..r ^1 ahp||t tYfo'TO qUncl tba vtdlliii* tttxU: upoi| l\\a Ittnili. i!l»t Tfcr* i (ilicrUtKt Ujr lila wifo, whleb w.is Homowhat luorooJiod in tha after- lIlnh.mii'UloddownbTa pnpll fur corroc- m decreased 1013,480, and tha entonnt of tax . XabnrnmnT'rmcli, Bookaway,* on Tu'eBda; _ ,1 MP»l rttn s-wsy frfim MPIT!» *ml llvi I In thp District pier* for the h iilcn mw was Do IJuutli. Tho De bo mo ttntd bearly fircwoltii and clicur. Tie Bcliool WIIH opnnnil «Ilh davatlonal 1 at each morning loison. Tbo follonlng ' ifternocn lo witnuea tbo sport.anDonnoed In with joq At 'fronton pr nauid WUIOF pUco, men t bjAfccnt tbeac.Eoants tlie nUcd la *IO,212.33 icu than hit'. CIGARS. All roltllgst tb,e ucftasliin ^n a plrj^n.1 ni iHitittil a'tlono louso* forty or Oft;excrcnoa hy llcv Dr. Meglc, reading and A\V£I Uu copy " vprbntlm et pitaotuitlnt." tbatdaj. Tnero mra teverul neetcoa)ettcd, imoto Irom tlfli, to ipcuro tic fumi tbt 1 Tbujnat was than cbe Very alugnlarly tho county bag increased in preritwB u> 1773, wlmjj baa »D«O been Ing hy tho pnplls, an hitcrual^iu; *^ccb by tf persons know tluwueftoi oftbtir bid principal among which wcro »• donlilo toou alrundy cm-need Tnultltlldei," ; -ustcp fer tba term, flf throe acrcago to the luno of ovor l,0U0 tcma. ry qr durvaV iin 11)0 l)Jll Hold with tj Rtitl ruhulll, and Jolniug what Is i,u Dr. I. W. Condict, ttto rc^(\tns of, the u-iv rub'i nonduDts thunab a lilllo, tboy must MB( raco botweon the blsok team, Dover and Vnr- On tbo eighth of January. G"nernl ^Vaabinc Kj-Borttft* oboianln tUc Joaenh Lung, a minor employe a it Fr&t dlbor cr tlii-Hp compftlllCH tl (he BUia|lt>ll one, tM thu old stono home. Mauy of ibe l,y TrniitM I^iiilinrt^ w^ ^d.lrcasert by %. H. tud, hnt ir tboy tlo not cart tbo bad; they S. H. BREESE, non, Md ltockaway -Olil and Mr.1 Jsmce It. ton wrote front the Ford mansion, tlio csmroru manner 0 yeir, tai strnnflo tc ladliia toot crushed on Wcdne§d»y,3lBtnU.,by ibe tibjcpl Uulnir a toolal-rt.nnlou, am] tlm 1'ro. iidanta of tbo old Da Mouth family '" iur^ Bfnu, *? mton Durry, Her. W. H.ihJlho reducwl bj Bitan towards rnoro evil B*emer'« Plow Doj, .whicb nai won by! theo[ which mn«t bavft mado tlio safarinja of bin tho election p ^doff wltbaot oao diuontlng piece of ore wu!suing about 1,000 [ionntls fall lection* teal that tlioir. laily ftluiid* gained foi inlbo Itockaway Valley, upon, ani^i i, and Principal IlcynoMa, wlin, n lbo HFRI imanslly: but if they ki DOYER BANK HOTLDIKG, , pjow Boy snaiteckaiMy Girl waroUutr Boidicri seem tbe moro mfut: " Tbc present •o presoat about forty votei . ng 03 it. Thtoo toct haTO been amputated, volc. jLcm firRMaterboouTNtbun thi'y won wllli tlio iliort dlitaucL- or tho old homWl' ir-entive to tbo children, cnid tbat Bt tbc ctoso wsehtB ol thtir gnud conducts tb.rough tho •t cscU other, Plow Hoy winain lilt* o^tho Amir, wUrespoct\o.provJsio«, faded pJoaainily, which JB bat and ball. Attlidr tjci! aivellng tliey will iud il la probablo- thbt tho nhola foot will luv< and ercrythio \( iho term pries* vouli) be siren tor ji: it the; Biu*t ciiiiJiiiil the B)M> intention to have • tbo most distressing of any we luxve oip+n- r II. Plosaaat. By the way late proper m.asufea to rocoj;nl«i •§ ti-*l tliuy Mur.U luui.t, t:.ntcttnlu1. «. J. ilanci> aopntiutcnt, and ptottcloiicy In ^tnil bccnuBP thes Klult IR- [;-\ to many goods by good troiUoa mooting OD IUJI tmek tbe Ml (Deed llpco (bo U«inning.ot tlto WJH For a ration In our school hoi can ibo great obliRtliotn thur am \\m\\, Tlio (luiuniitloo qn.CcruU ^enqeat \\\ \^ rbu opening wi» an auxplcioui U'glnniiiff ol Tho proposed witer company Ia rhillipabar partor.tbo picwint month. t»4lbi c tb.0 lifttl'1, atl^l t HnrsoD's, opposite tbo Post A. . Prlcu U per ningle vial, or (5 pt-i ad hU ij»w broutn. Tliu accident happened •. will t>o no Auger la croeiiag. Tliii hu ore l4- A, IHjSi ' Chairman of C01 Dover. Pnrch.siri! lunkinic tor .Lwlthful loMttoa, been conaldored a dtnRcrbua place, nnd we ire tli iil-'re»icd, taspcail to tho ippe ID fortnor tilJjei, bn nf nv« viaU nnd ti vial nf iwnilor UenrMi. Erniu'it rtuWenec.iD WmUlnRlon, lioiommfrmiiltnre.nicunUlii icenerr. Is HIP ttoff , p pp up all tha articles In ilto vturo, u« lUiUvr at llliborlioal tjrtic" Mr. Ika- An4 Ifl thl*,ionu were mporlol r to'' i=. ptnpk tbat «a Hha I t«kcn". : -•••- btiriLn Df nffordlnB lmme4J»te ttlinl, an- Udnn, ^t»ng In iho nr^enlings. bahlUnt, nrrkililre Vftlli-y, Slnrrli Co., S, J. 39-tt DOV.SR BANK. riiOCLAMATIOxN! SHERIFF'S SALE! ESTABLISHED |Qg() BEEMER fi PALMER SALE 0FLA.NDS! FALL and WINXEIt. .SiliM'llllATCU BV THE SUTU'l'St' IN l'AUTITION. .irriHtVniiiuiiii Pii-fc- Cutirt. Win. II. Haiti 1 Freeman Wood, JKillUX ]W virlnt1 ut r-it IT'IITuTMrxt O Cixi-ti-i und Al-ilitiiit' Jt N!H!r vs, Julin Gaynor. hi. In. JOB PBINTIN&! ik- IJUII. i-t vr. hi drl.t, LII dc-eki'ted juiii*- TO ALL WHO WAKT TO BLT THU UKNT iutceBMir lu Srsur's linn's m COAL, WOOD, tit-ii i-1'W..t M.irr.-iCom.n HI-I.IK v> n. B. B. WATERS, inunl. Itt'liiiuul'lo fi OctoliL-i• UVrtn, A. I). PIKE WIUTLOCJC & LEWIS. GOODS AT THJi 1J"» WS 1' PUICEK, (IO 'JO ollie "lliiiim lianll al Hovel.- ,ni.,,u» I,,.,™-, ii,,. .,,i;.crl .,'(.,',„,;£ 1B7B. M'.T. I.EI-OltT, Atf.v. 1 nni'-H a]i|nnjin-i( li.v iln- nnn] J.,•>,• ••, „ ( TpV virti't Hi li;.- atrnvu Plali'.l writ i.f fieri KAB0HB HATEEIALS, 1 1 <; J ricias in in, IIUDIIK, I wlifll i-xpuee Tor NSURANCE AGENT. IT'!H"H^'diM^'iz '-! **$"" V'" | '- BBIO a: I'jblii- Vend 1111 at tbu United olulei Capital, -$1OO,OOO, ; l I l : Dealers iu BLUE SIONE, FERTILIZERS. i«ii^-nt..ll,Vl.iHb«.i U'iil.'r,-it){!t. Il i|.;,J ^.' RESTAURANT, itcl, in M(-nitit Aln-jAjj.-utUi-r tlio all- H The Iron Era DRY GOODS, ELACKWELL ST. il G n'fiucli I1. At,, tlial H (c snv, ut 2 o'clock DOVER, TV. .T. irutlc tm J. H. M-ifUiiti A (»'•. I.«i»il"u. r-»r!|u'l(1 (tie Kltmiirwu ol uuid day, at. Iliut tract (ir lid JJIIIIIIIIL Jluiitnif' (.'iniij-iiii}', lii'laiid. NEXT TO THE UNION BANK, _rctjl i-r Iu ml mid jirunilriL'H, tfluate, Ivios and Lcptllj >ulliotin'd •i;fiil of tlio Miertie nut. F1IOST BltlOU, M. H. D1CKKIWOS - • - I'ronlilqnt mi\ili in tlm tumi*bi-i uf Itauilolph, m the FIHJi CLAY, FIBE DlllCH, A'AIIIIBN WKOUlt - - - - Catbiei Mxiuiv of Mur-iH nud Hiato or New Jcrucv, KH conriatiit'R—tlm l>c^t iu tin* w>rhl; d and denrriU'ri n- l.ill.r«rii(iB DRY GOODS ine i>r Julin O. CmUI'B Und nl Groceries, DOVKU, N. J., josjtiJiJ and illnurilied aa (ullowt: liiMii^imrl [>f tlm lirMt tmi-t ofkuil in 1 ducJ IONDOX nuil LIVEHPOOL nod PLAO STONES, CUItUING, muunji.si- cilXiH '."fit" '"•""'('••iB'it invite* all Iii« friends and tho gcncrul pul-lie to rum Iknrj- Jlcl-arlnnd ind wife to Julin W. (ILOI)B, Ciiiiilal 8°O,000,O30. AT GREATLY ltEDUCED PIUOE8. rail on him auU be cimvinctd tlmt liu linn lliu [mill, mid lux nmsllv ou \Uv bomb fitiln or tliu 3ELLAR 8TEW, rjOWKO. 3IUJ), UCTBI* tl<*twr iad ic-tiHiife' rroin Dover to Miiiu Hill and finaiti Crockery, finestflnarttri.In thisaociion, andfrtnliuurliimlv ANCAS1I1HE nl jrANCHESTED, ASD CISTEIiN KEC1IB, AI.O. n'HITLUUK, 0- O. i'ALUEII. ahlu nilli Ms increased furililli'i. to uicf-t their 'ginsnlau iron stiLo fora, cor HIT In tliu sixty*a irtli tidu «r mid rnad iu ttiu clo-*ln lino of Cuiiilal 810,000,000. if HIMOS aiiMEL. clclity . STEAM JOB PRINTING 1 R luwijiili trod, fourcliaiuti fioni Llie li^i^Jiiidui/ DRESS GOODS, WIIAiWS PHOSPHATE, £>(f; Ml -rucr 01 Hnid tract,uud ruim tlii-ncc along euitt TATE FIUE INSHBANCE Co., Dover Savings Institution, -—..-nioH HDU MEALS AT ALL HOURS, oting line, ita rieec-ut UunuK (1) HUUIII "'Li" . ""'•nml au"'<>™f /.nr*n IB "'. JIM. "'»'» •<. "l Ih iMtt-ihu I #...,.. ^.n i I, HUH. Glass IVaro, iulitutn di-j-i-cL'H utRt trn cliitttwi tbeiicc (2J Capital. »300,000. tie J)u«l, (i'litno, rouilicllc, L'll'S I 1 PRIM'S, MUSLINS, &c. .II.I ; [.»] Hoiith, t-renty^Ii .le^,,,., ,llit( preparedlo order, promptly aai ebfiijily. itinli i-lylitv-Ovo and tlinc-tiuuricr d^rten DOVER BANK. cs east, th irk-on nhairiitainKiri-iitT-liirLfl nut two rlmlitK; IIIUIIL'O (3) uojtli i>lf[litcen 10YAL OF LWEHI'OOL, ninu-. lit-jrciK CUBI ten rlmiiu; ilmnw) (4) hontl) LAND PLASTER, fltaLa-nliilon-.-sin Iho liH0 «rS Caiiitnl S10,000,000. Hoi".-ll'' i lan.l; fill Boutb, nrtj.QvP (|^ OYSTER^ SHAWLS,' SKIDTS. ennt, iwcnlt-iiiin- ultaiun oiid twuaty links in a .ft-ved In every stylo, nuri m.M [,v tlm lim.diod WOOD sawed in stova lengtlis. Htuko "-»-one*. In corner nl I8I,I!H nf Ulnlvi '1IASK1JS OF MILADELPHIA, JOnN IIANCB - - niriJoiitiG.Orater-t?! ROUUI. ii-ur ESTABLISHMENT, Wood & Willow Wave the flame Imet vt I a ml cnuTcycd to John lailtii rMdy-maile SUITS in • YAItD PRICES: I. IIu< nr tliouMiiiJ. Tlm clioicost lirnndn or iir by Jtilm W. Hand aud nlfu by deed Caiiilnl 85,000,000. JAMCH II. IiKWIS • - taltd Aitcunt 28th, A. D. 187J, and roo.rded In BCH AUTOS, IVAIUIEN HliaUIt - - , ;sovon links aton'-j tho lino ("/'"Jnlm OTC, ICOH Htjvo, p 7OBEIOK ami DOMESTIC SEOAItS, CMOITU county r-iaord-i of dtidH in bout I I0.ME, • - " 000,000. per toi r ton O. Crater's land tj.s mils and HttHUM : m m roEeOai.i.!. GRASS CLOTH AND LINEN ig, 6-ia EfiR, oltiitf! lliu Uio inlrl Cralcr'H landa snutii, fiiriy. i )y alivnvs bo found at my place, aa veil as l'lERSON A. FISECMAN', KliorilT. ITAE, Jorsoy City, " 800,000. huHlniit, 5.25 Chuatnut, flvi> ia(jj*r(HH tlifrl** minuii3rt wcsl, four cbttluH I IIDIII- ID thu pliice of iH-uimiiuj' ilii muiUm iuipiovi mcnts, tlm luttit bly a supply of Eato.1 Jtilv lilili, 1870. rrr. ft en (0 30 hlch mil bo nlil at OllE.lTLY ilEDVCCD Town delivers 40 els.; ILtno llill 8D eta. Ilenryllalior, HARDWARE, IUD30N COUNTY, Jersey Oitj, St.U.Uiekuraui. >-niz lin-lfllnrr..! nt !.[,,£ IIKEBALWATEBS, C0NFECT10NEI.T, etc-. S76W I'ltlCES ID cloud llii-m out. n'o havo ricoircd Orders maj bo nildrcmod throng}) tho FDBI ThoB.ll.Crittcud of ,#vjn>, uml fireUelnsa presses nnd ! lilng w Parlies, Balls, Fcrjlivalt, do., eupj.licd with our FAU STOCK or OfUco Loch Hoi 23, or loft at A. Burner's ofllci Alex. Wight on. Cliai. M. TanK i County or lyntom. Cream, Conl-'ctioL-ery and mher duli- ADJOURNEC SIIEUIFF'S SALE I Ciipitnt $300,000. JOB. llodiirur, iniirtiinc'ry, is now PHC of the (•iL'u, iunlttiil>!rcriulrv, Aclmli.imrators "I t'allv O. SylVCBioi Oicbtrti Ilichnrd 'inklus, i wLvdprc*,.ivii ou all ]m. lliiKloi)(,Bitolainnnt, nnd Aaron L fur milu eliL-ap, and DatoilJuno Ctb, 1870. SH4v In the District Court of the United Dlancliitrd, MntibiaH Wbltluek, Jamon I>. NATIONAL UNION BANK States for tho District cf ITow Jor- llillHl, IHJWIK, ClmiluH 1'. Guj;u aud Fredciluh JI. Hcrris County Surrogate's Office, OF D0VEH, NMV JEESEI, eoy. DENTISTItY Dcacli aro ilcfenilanii. Ituiumaulo toOctO' CITY COAL YARD. JULY 8th, 187(1. N tlio matii-r or 7iin«AH OBAM. Bwlrnpt. bur'lVnu, A. D. 1H70. HOURTIS TO LET. In llio matter or Edmund D, ITalsoy aud Win. I -rticMld Itaiikruin imvluK a-iiillod to llifi Cvurt Cor. Dlackwcll and Morris Streets, AT W. T. LErOIlT, Sol'r. Mr a illiclmrijo frctu lilt debti. iij- orflpr of llio II. linker, Exe«utorn uf William JI. D-tkor. Capital, • $200,000. Court, luillrfiti Itereby ylviiu to all rrcitlt irx vtio Northern New Jersey: pUKsalu on behalf of tlio alxirn-ni'niwl nar- M. SIGLER, * duco-uicd. ijui'iotj&to'r} ordvf to limit cmU- L Ilex, in rdjourned <<> tabo f-lnco at tbi llave pnw,(l thotr itobn. mil otber ). D. 1H7G, bolwecn tbo liouri. cf 12 JI. and G 'HE HEnOlIANT WHO I1EST l'LEASSS tbo cniliti'ra of llio UKiftte of saiil ducedont to wby a nlncliarug slum Id uot be gr-niluJ to ibn uld " itl'.H. bring tn tlicir dubts, ilonianda and claimH llaukrupt.- MONEY WISELY. HIS OUSTOMEI1S 18 HE WHO STAYh 1 COLUMBUS DKACH, Pros't. 38-3* W. ij. DELVILLE. Clork. M0UKISTOWJI, N. J. rilinsON A. FIIEEMAN, BltiTiff. OO-A.1.-, BRiliiBt tlio same, miiiur oatli, within OIIIL LONQEST AUD SUCCEEDS. tnonllis from this .late, Uv netting up a copy or JAY. S. TREAT, Cashier. BLiNK BOOKS, E CAN convince vou tlmt jnu can nave Tile beat sets or AltTIFICIAL TEETH, with caJunolCib, lti7G. 87-1' Delivered fn all imrtn ol tlio City ami vicinity tbla order, within twuuty-JAVH licronrlor, in live money tlilB SjirliiR anil Hummer by buy- urtbo moit puuiio \i\Kiis in'tlio count) of Mar- W Nitlnnous OUMB nnd FOLaOM'S TAT- ot tbo LOWEST JtAlU'ET l^HIDES, in D I It B O 'J O II & . inj! vonr Wool, alii] filioca at Oro. W. Drain a qiiaDlltii'x tu unit purcLnitcrs. rln fur two niiiDtlm, »n;l nlea nilliin Ibu stir GBOHQB RICHARDS, EHIIUIM LINDBLEY, Utiiiti, Uoot utid Hlioo 9,orc. Out no* dlock 1. ENT HIDCJE attadiL'il for ' ALL KINDS OP The Old Reliable Market in IT I1B;B by advcrliflinc lliu funio In tin MANIFESTS OK WAY HILLS, nutv in and was ncvur more I'uuiiilpto in ovcry MUSICAL INSTia'MKNTS, fcn.v nncor tbo iic^mpcrRuftbin Htaio HUDSON IIOAOIJAHD, JAB, W.BnornEitxoK nwet Ilian it Irani,1 livoi y 5 mlrablc HTlr NEW QUARTEItSl CARBONITB. AiDEiiT It. Riaae, CoLuaiica BHACH, if hiliM', gi'iilu', iriinuuu , >b, 1870. Masc n3'Material, &o, i MANAGE US: LETTER CIRCULARS, WM. HAKEIS, •it It Is of tho bint. All kluilH or dato, lij Belting up a cop; ttf tbla orilcr, «ULln ISH, Wooden, Copper, Plain nnd Jupauni-if ROCKAWAY, IM. J. [wont; dnji beroultcr, in Dvo or thn moit pub- IHENEY MoFABLAN, TINWARE. XT ^1 Or 33 fT .A. 33 ri 33 J9, COKCTAMTLV OK BAUD. - lic places m tbo county of Morrli Tor Ur ir.YSi'rAenmr.mi or WATCH MAKER and JEWELER, MOEKIS COUNTY kept on tiau-l i\a Bonn ns tbiy appear in tlic raoutlm, and also withlu tbe said tnenty diy_ EPHIUIM IJNDSLEY, Oil Cloflis, Carpots, Lftnipn, PalntH anil Oil: mtrkolo, nnd uold nt,rcQnonalilw prices, Bergen Street, near R. R. by advrtlrifu-] tbo name in tbo IBON ERA, OQO uird CngcR, F-iutYrri,, Prmfi Aitrai Oil (um :hill anil Dry S:nul Itolls, Tlio tilgbcntii-Brkct priced paid In cmti, for or tbo Downpapura or tbia Btatc, for tlio same t W. CONDICT, explnelr--.) Alao, k>or IIl'K'B, Vial tjbluB nml Hlioop Hkinn, bou({hi atiico or timo (tlio Sorrogate Jodgiuj; *cy fur- JAMES H. SIMPSON, Sussex St., Dover,* N. J. iber nolfco to ho nnneoctiiary): and if any 1 KOTE CIHCULAES, ami all hlndH Dr .t Uio i-Mi-bct. OnMlomor* an-ipllid Ijirng-.o COLUMBUS BEAOH, DJIALIHR.IN COAL,. inTueaJayn 'n.urwdiiytt midHatunlujH. creditor Htiall inttloct to prthtlit MB or bur daht, W. H. LAMBEUT, ••••illhccp a full natl select slock of goods coiuprt-ilDg 17-ly LOTS FOB SAIJE dttnaiia and claim irttbln tbo eaia period of nlno montlix, pabilu ttotico bcinc given an I. B. JOLLY, Uooling;, Plumbing nnd Jo .OltDEItS of DAN01NO, MACHINE & IRON Co, ROLLING MILL WORK afureeiid, auuti Rrnilltnr ilmll ho fnroti>r WATCHES/CLOCKS, on Uio ren,il lt'idin-; from duliarrcd^f tiinorbcraciiua tbhrcfore against Work promptly nlteudcd to. Ibo Bald Executor*. - fctY BtcFAIl'iAN, Prosidoot. •ETHRAIM UNDflLEf, Vied rrceidtut. \TENT 6TEAM COO fEWELUY, BOLID GOLD IUNOS, PLAIN, Engines, Pumping Machines, DOVER to MOUNT HOl'K, GEO, RICHARDS & GO,, E. E. WILLIS, anrrognlo. j ' JAX a TREAT, Treasurer., 1'1'AIIATUH. " PAMPHLETS, ved and En Kino-turned. Ladles' and A iron copy from tlio minute*. •? d2-l( _ Chain*, 8ETB of JEWEUIY all new do- DOVER," N.* J. ALL B1ZEB OF Dotcr. Fob. 17,1873. )Mf k'* Scales nt Mamtfm KlgnH and at consldorablr icdnccd prices. By M. Sigler, turer'a price Cliildreii-a amt Mianea' Ear It In go in great varl- GEAKINU &l"LILLKVg. c-ty. Gold and pitted Bttids and Sleeve Uut- AT LOW PBICE& Morris Orphans' Court. Old Iron, Conpor. BraiB,' Load, .Eacs ai Account Hook Headings, tnn-i, ct rnduced Ocurtfl. Hilvor Ilinf-ri ana MAY XJiliSI 1876. 1776. CENTENNIAL I 1B76. MINING MAOIIINEKV Qroouuacks takon In oxclinnco for goods. ' I'liiuiblot, ltubbor and Jtitibon Clir-ins for Udloa In tho mntlor or Marj £, Jones, Eiojntriiof and Rents. Also a clioleo selection of KILVEIt AND 17T6.- 1876. QAT KEDUtrnON IK rHIOE3 AT JAMES II. UnUEN & Co, [•LATBD GOODS, of thu ngncst aud most Timutbj Sontbird, deceased. Halo to uliow Ball Tickets, Ag:rioultural Implements, caut-D why thrro uhoald not bo t aalo of lands. Iwftullful dcflicnH from Rofrors' iictod New Ye*-'" DRYGOODS, KocLair»y,Matcli!tlB73. . • • ofOASTORHjCAKETl/ Hoisting Apparatus SJtKDS, FEHTlLlZEnS, CULTIVATORS, AHYII. JON1W, iho l-^Gcutrtx of Ttmot^y TH,buTTEHDI8IIEH.BYnur0UPa,0VBD M HtiuttisrU, lalourtlio Coll tily of ftlorrlB, Bimk Notices, CEIVEI18, FHUIT BTANDB, TEA i'OTB, iDctalityi anil PLOWS, HAnnowa, SEED DIULIB, Uiittasad. having mtdo and oxlnliited to tills lton., Bnoon Holdera, Qohtotn, Drinking Court, oiidcr oatb, a juat and true eccoantor Cunn, Vauca, Cull Dells, Pio Knlvca, Napkin at Shorteftt Notice. POItElQN and DOMESTIC. DAD aCHlTERH, BUOVELB, HPADIM, IIOES, TOVMB. Iho pur-) itml cstata and debts uf en hi docoancd, isTar an abs hai been ablu to dii ' lionds and Coupons, IlicRfl, Brooking Bota, Knives, Forks. HpoonH, AlOWIKO MAOniKEB, Horao italiV), Il»y CliltdrcDB' Kuivci anil ForJia, Ac. Alt-fays OD stmo, by which It apncaia that the r TU iDUiioriber having junt received i I^ARQE band d flue mortraont oT BPECTACILEa Mid cildom, Ao. LAWN MOWEIIH, nollon, W uRlalo of raid deceased la 1 nanfficlcnt to nay all j( \ . ; "BTOCKof KYE OLA68EH. A fltio lino or QOLD PENS, Work,Kilos, Vaioa, OBOQDET,to. Orindit hUlmtdcblB, and Btitlngilial laid dcccaBod or AiDorcnt makes. Tlic moslca refill attention, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, etc. died adxad or lauds, tenutuouts, boiedltHniootn with a view to BRILL iind PHOMPTNES8, STEAM ENGINES. Turned and Grooved to Order, dl cnrbi, encumber pninpa, Ac. All - - ' - 1 estate, ultttdto in tlto County -.f Morrts ] EEABY-MADE CI0THIK(J Law Cases, Riven to ItEPAIIUNO of Watchei and Jewelry. DltAIN FII'E, DIRT BAIUIOWS, Ac. r.jyltig tha aid of tbo Court la tho protn- IECB. Tberufuro, it la ordered by tbo Court., fir Springing Hummer wear mllolTiT thorn to GAS PIPES CLOVEB, TIMOTHY, AND AIA OTHEB tbatiilp.riona intoreslt<],in tbelanda, tono- CLOTHING HAH CDatomcn at tho LOWEST FIUCU, BS follom; FOUR BEASONS BOOTS and SHOES, FIELD SEEDS. monti, liurodilam-mte and real estate of Hid Bill Heads, A _VZ) FIXTURES COT AND FITTED A foil aaiortment THORBURN'S GARDEN docoaw-d, do aiipitir bofuro tbf Judgonof tulti vui AIJ. anfluu) nrnoslBS RAILWAY TURN TABLES TO OltDUR. Coort.ut tbo Court Hojiso tn Morrlstnwn, on itou'i Snitpt, . - ... *7,O0 to tia.00 CONSTANTLY ON HASP THE LAROOT HTDCX IF WEDS, LIHTKU'ti ami ALLENTOWNBOSB, Bttnnlsy, tho tuvonjb -JUT of Ootobor, i.D. Bon's Wonted Costs wdVoats, 7.60 "12.30 1. P, LIMB, dlnsolfcd bone, blood, and ptni' 1870. ind [bow caaao, ir auy Iboy 1»TO, wbj so Ucn'fl Black Goatn, - - • -• * 5.00 '" 13.D0 J. W. BABBITT,) FRAJVE COX'S uomtia OUUNTV. muob of. thu Kaid laqdi, toncmonta, hercuiU- Bills of Lading, BRASS CASTINGS guu.no, doublo trcdncd poadmtto, plnaler itfas' anils, O.00 ". 12.00 •ntB and roil estate uft. sai.d, dMoaicd\,...... uuuou|(,u. _ , „ . EMPIRE MEAT MARKET, inOJNtuitl IlltASS CASTINGS, at lonait trado -priccB. ' ~ ' S.60" " ; O.M OFETOKY DESClUrriON. not bo sold as "rill bo Gufflolcnt topavbis i?cbta; uoj''s aalts Hills of Fare, MINING CLOTHING :; ' E. E. WILLIS, BarroMla, - Cblldrou'a BaEls, - 2.00 '" 7.00PBAOT'IOAIi TAILO] WARREN ST., DOVER, K. J. allontlon giviiii to HEPAin WORK Vborheea Brothers, A trao copy from the nilouteu. 85-0i "---••-- «•• • 1JI0 (SEST TO RODEnEB'H BUOE millEj EIPTIONa HAEDWABE HEB0HA1T 8. extra, 2fl-5m MOEEISTOWN, N. J. BOOKS, SPECIALTY. SHERIFF'S SALE A USOK QCUiriTE OF FIRST. GREAT BARGAINS HATS and CAPS; InCbinwrycf New Jonty. Fi, fa. For-uloo' 1TX moiuimTpWN, baa boilt up » lai tnoriRaficd proralsua. WlinrcIA Tho Glob and iticrcas.DR trade nnd now loads tbo city) UCBVUBO tlio stock is largo nt all llnien and E. & G, H, Ross It Brccsc, Miners' Oil Company; -Untaal Lifo In nranco Company is con> his lino with tho Urgent lUiro, Urgent itod embrncoB ovcry wriely ofFiiESH MEATS, .ALWATH i L.UWE ABB01ITVOT. plainanl, and Frnacin N. flovn, Alfred..'. Gents' Furnishing Goods. best workinon and Ion pricot,, ^ • Business Cards, .•HJOAlt CORED IIAMS, SALT KHIK, UF^I£UAL nni: A5D LIFB . Taylor, Iloraco W, -Fowler and George J PllESII nml HALT F1BII, and all klDdnof FURNITURE Aim PA1OLT MEDICINES. Itcnton aro do fond a a t». Itetamablo to Out FllurrrlftntlVEGETAIlLESintheirBcnsonB. borTorm, A. D.I87C. • : Qxeoodlngl;low, and a goacral assot'lmont of Men's all Wool Double am Ccrtillcatcs of Deposit, Insurance Agents, PHEDEIIIC , Bol'r, SECOND. By vlrtno of tlie IUUTD slated wrii or (lei CLOTJIS, CASSIMEKES, Twist suitH onir - - 810.01 li'mnso especial ralnfl lira takfin thnt Iho A.T COST! nice, Old lion Bank Ihlllilliig, HINEllS' OIL COMPANY facias in my linnd<, I nbr.ll CXPCBO Tor salo ,t Certificates of Stock itnck hlmll bo nl.njB 1'RESIIi GOOD And l'UCLIO VENDUE. it tbe UniLod Btntcs llot>l Good Heavy Suits • - - O CLEAN, tho VcgiUitles boinR tocolvoa ilnlly iuMotrlatowD(N.J.,on • Diagonals, Worsteds, Vestiags, Ssa, » noon on.they OTpoor'ia tho Kmrlfo.k AT THE OAEPETS, OIL CLOTHS. Lnbricnting and Burning ITorkelK, nml Bold >0 lapiilly Uml no ulalo Morristown, N. J. MONDAY, {he 11th day Stytcmhr, WM by tbo yard .nil cnt gratia. Ctnthlng Working Pniil-i - . 1.00 CHEOK.S, ;OOI1H nro over found about tho pronbjcr CHESTER CItCCKERY, Tin, Wooden and Oils for Miners' Use. A. D, 1P70. bctWDcn tho bonra of 13 M. _1 _ tn ordor in tbo boat aaa Utoat atylo fttabor t ENfttNE, o'clock P.M., .but Is u> say, at 2 o'clock la, bo nmlog. All gwnoga ilsalrlos anything la tbe U . 'Sextm 1,50 THIRD. Willow Ware. •Eltir C0UP7) 5IA0 Y, ' altcrnaon af ml,] iky, nil llio following deaoried FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS! A. J COE, Collector, EXTItA T/XLOW dOMP'D >raet or pM-cul of land »nd vroiLinei, ultnte, abavo-moDtfopcd line or good, aro aavlica.lo. Commutation Tickets, Beminse ronrtesy in waiting on cusrloi Groceries und Provisions. NATURAL WEST VIItQINIA. Ijrlog and bfiug iu ths township or Jtoibtir, [n call nud eumia'c Uila atock and con^der ti|0 flood VTprkiuB; Pauls Double is a. rule of the market, nil cuulomcrs being DOVEB. N. J. Olli are especially ad-iptoi] to Mining, '••"cuantjorMnrrisiniJ Utnteuf New Jew-/, prlee., wbich are nQoh LOWER tban over trcnte-1 alike, am! pureutuwfi Iwing ticlivcrcd — whicb is called tie iUotmtB-nPond loUtit extra ...... ei.78 FIEST COME, FIRST CHOICE. Uaoblnenr and Btti snuuitooil to mil. Sperm.' bcglnt at a t-hi.rp rock in tbo norllmu-.t r~ befuro «>]d In Dercr. Do not rorget tbo place frca of cborgo. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. Orpconoa, Cannot] QoaJa, Dria .Ytaato, OiiTu, Meat's i'oot, I^rd, IiOli., Cod tn- !. • • . . • • ' • • . ••.,.**. - Curds—Visiting, eiM, Caliooa, fiagara, Sp[cea and Nth OiU. of tbo tract j tiiraco (1] sonib Hfty-Dii enciBtMTcn cbains to a bctp of itaei: FOUBTH. - Ameiioan Kntnal Ins. Oo.t at KBWOI] . thina ill tbo Orocory line. Sample! furnlaiicd on application, And coodi AVM. SIMONV onttiimEN's .amM A SPECIALTI EccflUBO tho priccfl oro rando to itnit the OR Bntsoribor, haVIn-c do term I and CIOL ilpwd laprimo ardor, -lei & 134, MuJtlcn Lnoe, Ksnofl (S) a rtb wmmiy-jovun Wrooioaai Deposit.Tlckcts, nntblieutiro stock orFurmturo,ufleri*itrei ion cbains to a iiup of etunf*; tbenco(S) turlb l>ockct books of tho people in theeo titnea T N.J., Arattiover $1,00.000 FLOUR AND FJ3ED. ntty tict-rcei east slitCFti cbftiM to tk'trco SUSSEX S(., near niackwrll lalo. AT COST.oc and aflor tbUdat^onttl [b< p.W.WKADE,Trcwarer. WIIGQ CIICAP wiigea .leinand chenp eatables, whole stock.In aold. Tbla li not iniundcil tc rock - tUenco 14) north Ibirty-S-Je doi-i-eo ntd Dover, H.J., April SSd, 1810. J3.iy' it liberal iliwount being innila to UiOAu who Mcrahaats' Uatual Lis.'Oo.; of Newarl tbirtymiiyitoi- ,«st thirteen cbifm andnnj Iran ctmtraien! aud then flol! at old pdces, bnl COOKING STOVES. ' a. r. CRAM, Aecut. Drafts nnd Notes, ,, litiy a (juantity nt o> time. , i a gonnrrin • nn>r, thn nniirMTlhrr Intrnrllnir tr S. J, Aiaftnir COO.OOO links; ihnw «) uoi th forty-thrvc degree weal SEW WOOD fttid COAL WILD in DOVEJt. largo D,BOrtmoot of FIKE CL0TH1NQ lot titlro from'tlie furniture builntu* urn! cnt twent-f-cJcbl chaius and forty links tu ihtpUeo Tha inbioribcr IIAS opcoci] a now van: CALLAOTD BE C0N7INCED. ipon.anotiior entcrpriao. I'I Hutnal In. Co-, of Howart, of bcfntininp, containing tbiriy-aii-acru ict* A MEN, YOUTHS' and BOW . OHAS. I.- GAGE, tblrty-cieht Irandrodibs of an aero; bei« (In. tor iheiileorOOAIjand WOOD, on IlLflJK- Election Tickets, - M.J., Aratls over 500,000 naino premlsei cootoyod to ouo Ohaios F. JVEIJilftiJVEIJilftinexlt(nexlt0 UAQB & HAlSsBXMit PKAMK OOX, Proprietor, • . x». o. Uuryoit by Balpli Caruy and wlfo by duootatMl berYtrds. Oonitantly on h-tnd all kindi. u, H-ly. Iron, Stool nnd Ml nine Slalortnts of all 1.1 dealw In UUALi- LKHIQU. BORANrON AND 1IITD- : OVEB 2,000>A1B OPPAN'tS. Ocrmraia llnlml Ins. Co., ot Newirl ntrdcr and PDHD, B^im micl QRH Pi no ,„. tbo eleventh day of Oelobcr, ouo tbaaand HINOOB COAL,DEUVEltBDTOAKYPAnT CIIKSTEIt, N. J, lltingi, CutHaili, UQlUlora' Ilardnire, Black• debt bnndrcd and lijtj^b, and rocoilodin Extra-thick Tickets H.J., Oapltol, 100,000 nlllii anil Curmmtcra' TUUIB, Stpant ravklac iho clerk's offlco uf said county of Hirii in OF DO vnt oft VICIN rry. . 'wuSn. b A INMANLINE, aa Insurants Oompan, of Hartford, of nil kinds. book W Gof iJwjds pngea 6B2, Ao. ,'* Don't fail to call and'see lboBARQAlN3 and . And aim nil tho folio-*, inK doscrilKd pveel f f lawodaDdlonKfsaletthddlU bo utomtliod at tho tow prims Tor Roodeloth- Envelopes, U3STDERTAKIJSTG. OJM,, Asstti, 5,000,000 LUMBER lied and premnei, atltiats, lying *nd Ding ID NATIONAL LINE, tbe towasbipof UmbtiryritorfMiJ: Bunning An o«porli>nc« of twelve jean in iho bnilneti, ' Bodies prcBorred with or irilboat ice. and OontlsDatal Inmranoa Oompati;, of Koi at» Khltc-oalc and otouca In tbo edge pun olil warra jtB. I think a perfect knorrludso.or it, am tbc material* or tbo business nirnlalioilat tbi Con. I.LAOKWEIX and BiJSSEX St., Bold, beins; » corner or Job L. I3runn:tlicnte all wbo favor mo with tlioir palronige, mav «•>?• J. W. UiBIiIT. Festival Tickets, LIVERPOOL and ahortoat totico. JJcluff poiBCBicd of all tbi Toft. Ospitel, 1,000,000 running (1) Booth fifty-three dftgr-3os>it fivo rely njiOD roll veigbtB, honest dcaliEh, LOW DOVER* N.'j. and chiiniantitblrly-flvo links to the odzoof tho PtClLtS and prnmptnni In ttlllnB orders cra appliances pcrtaintnj- to tbo trailo, aaC Mntttal Benefit Lifo Ins, Oo., ofKowarki - FANOY OABDS 11 HIJI.H w|lh nsmoiL railmad ; tbi'iico (3) atonj; tbo earn aiuVar (lie Offlco In J. J Vr«eland'sCarpeniLTHhop, GBEATWESTEBN ng considerable ci peri one, I feel con fid nn I U.S., Asiots, 6,000.000 1 railroad -iouth ttrcuUMtiviiti tlcgrt-es oat ibrw Freight Bill Heads,, topcrfarmitadnHes BatiifacloHly and rciso F. N., JENKINS,- obalQH and twenty-eight links; tlienw 3) I'.ill Wm. HILL. TIMBER. BIODC tho out side or Ibo railroad ROQV tlitrlj- Dover, An * 5tb, 1870. ably towatd tlioce nbo rcqniro Bucb lertices. >l ln w u firo do^recs c*it two djiioijunlolgty-eiefit ,. '* ™' " •••w.w runs, li.- MAIL STEAMERS. P. C. YA\VQEIl HARD WARE! DRUGGIST, ilnka; iboDee «j tttll along tbe oailaidB of BMirl Freight Tnrifl's, » conjiloto Dioek of : •id ornor popular eliroinoi, «ch a« r«t long, onljr • ••• •",- • mo, ' "" thi railroad soutb tblrty-afto »nil ooiquarter •- -sop, ooo r.ujsESOEns BOOKED iojn rr.oa degree*, can tlirco chain* and twetT-tfcLt to ceutta ricfi. 33-lir

linhi i tboDco (6) itf It liooft Iho oaat alo or tbe ^- 1ATIONAL OHIIOM•».•••»* «^.«.O ,CO. •-•.••HAu«.aaj.,t^, PIiIhdolDiiwf at ... , It. lAverpaal) QucenBtoivh, Glas- BUILDERS' IIAItDWARE, railroad south furly-nt,-. and ibree-qurtor da- Tbo Bubscrilnr takes ploamro in announdii k'ptytUomancy, or Boul 1'h-arming." gow, Londonderry, London, 1 o (bo ruiideDtu of Clititor and Tlclnlly tin. SASH, BLIND, DOOR, Handbills, MeohanloB and Tarmer's Tools, limlriiR atoroUnow cmuplntud with & rrcnli roes cast tbroo chains and tlilrty-to links; ^JT flow either aei may fudnata »nd gt3n tbe Bristol or Cardiff. BOILER WORKS nock of tliu pnrm DHUGS (but tbe mn.rl.isi 5icnco (61 Hill along lLceaBtsido'£ tbo rail- suntly. Tbii slmpU,i;c. tooti and turec-qnirior dcgrsci oailthirty-txi'o Inland Bills of Lading, POWDER AND SHOT, Dbains to a bop of a tones abuvoii old orch- f«nr<..wltblir.«f tn'aiW llwin- .P. H. JENKINS. ard ; thenco (ID) ,outh efgbt-f-OD'andlhro- BEDUOED PRICE. Dover, N.J. -narlcr degrees um twenty cbUs and any UJ. CO cent, nil! .ecura STEAM BOILERS, PISHING- TACKLE icalcr, N.J.,irayailli, 1870, 21-U 1 Insurance Notices, DRAFTS on LIVERPOOL onj ib. jk-itoa Lcapof «t Htli, 1870. ^ (Pr. t. M 10 xirffTAjj noonxa. inxim*a praiionB to rcinani lo their new atora and he*?;-. V&*B. XmtiTH&n' BQtV HunnSre whom liberal term* and eielmlTB territory «ro 40 But Mlht 8C, Union gqa-arc, Oct. UU Tickets, Wrappers! Htelph Itnnhen. Otmifffl Bowitf alto Track. SimODDS, ICE pOXES, and orcrjibbg por^ Tu Urn !»];<. UDO itoro TWO DOOIS ADOVE CARPENTERS, olTcrod* Porty^t^bt TOIQUIC'L aToriir|iies wicli. anil conltininR nearljr 3,000 IIIDI- Ills OLD STAND. (Utuly occuploil fay J. ^ iutBB ID giro uj personal a Kent ion in all caiei K iUom, mil compluUi tho urloe, Bnbicribcri ROOMS TtfLET! INSERTING, EXTRACTING, >jocU\ laJncetneuU to tnii in*t., Haraca iVa>t> WBDDINO OAHDS, TBAN8PBBS OF FIRST CLASS CAHRIAQE AND Tbompisti) and ODD door from Malhrd, 8oa when oallcd noU will endeavor t* moot all uppllitd with two TQlarnet^k complete irork) r»iJ.fioBi,«»ntjf»cturor«MiaDo»Jon,IBiBroau3- Co^'a dothiDir slorD.irUart bo will bo plcnuod't and BUILDERS nonlhiy* Elctron monttia dolivBrlca (91 TOI- A ITLV TO r. Sew Yort. ' 3B-l-f StiEIGH OTlMAMErfTfl. requirements In tlm beat nmnncr, at tbo to imenj arc now te»a-*. Prico—In «tolb, gilt PILLING-, Ac'. .. leo all hii old costomorl ud mu; aow ottos. cat rates. eil. WifdalaanaDIpiomMatfard-tl . STOCK, MONET HE0EITI8 IN 11 Ion 1 1 1 IT*Tinc b: , , K e- intboCarritgo I2J3»'3. raw Irs;. •'•'ISJ'A ' " --. ««' "p.- M. & I. j "VTO tildltianal chargnfar oxtractinir where s Businei,«H, 9^HHH.«w^->- -—— — ^-.ropotent jadf'.o BOLE AGENT EN MOMUSTOWN ' M. F. DICKEUSON. KASOJ, Publlrtir., J.1 now Icotb aro inflorlod. Wo are now rnak- ": ; Centennial Bib e . arlieie conceclu] «llh tliobnitneia, ini 40 ing .beaolifnlBcU or tooth for ' BOOKS, POSTEBS, TIME •uy pcrsoca favoring mo with tLoir erf-.tr ra-.; FOB THE SAI^E OP E. O. HURT'S n my furniiblnff them with mu Idi DOVER, N. J. WANTED, FOK CASH, To Agents, or anjr wb neoi Work.. 1 to tlioir iranU, and it ai rcn*uosb1i CELEBRATED SHOES. F0EHENT 0B SALE I FIFTEEN DOLLARS, ;. 'AOENTS WiMEDFOrtTHEaiffiAI '. ' TABLES, SHOW CABDS, • prlrca *B nan bo oiitaimxiat nny otber nltco. ' HAGS, PAPER, OLD BOOK 6T0CK, nEhra.i 1HE BIG BONANZA?'VinS.;,'.* Ordcri by letter for Cflrrlajjo md Bloigb Or- my pre.o— . _„._„... ALL WOUK WARUAftTED. CENTENNIAL BQOiK. jmmontB -alll to sottably Bltel to •tatfiitft- LEAD, OOPFEIt, DRASS, &o, T v wb»t pnrpnw ibey are wantod, ind Mnffln Custom Work and. Jobbing eaten marat, bcaidpa kitcliou, I. in i Dnver,SGp[cmbcr3slfa,]BT5, - • • • '': ••' '- nnd overytMng imnginJblo in the JbD money enwiRh to coror tlie imonnl. lot AT conditinn aad ncll aapplioi] wltli kill pntroniRola n«i>cctfuUy loUcitcd. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. MICHAEL WELSH'S, wall ittter. A Rood Tiotr and an excellent •*< tblamb liwuraityQurpo UmwlDonto* . PRINTING line. Qite us a call, ciatn- Jobbing in General. licallliv location, Anplr tn - liyan*llo««l«•«• "fMUnomiiift tortthura. AU. FDD. 3 York, lur nampblot of 1D0 page,, eobtalD- ' JjtMEB B; BEEMEU DUSS CoNcw S3 OppoillA DOTCF Depo Q-eo. W. DRAKE Dccmbcrllth 1370. ddreBa by mail Sltl * 1"1T llatB or 8,000 noKanamjr.. and eatinBtei jnootir prices aurl flee our Bpeciiaena, lWf Borer, X. ' BlictorRdvrrtlBlnir laly '