KVOL. VI. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSJEY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER U, 1870. NO. 39 Curds. POKTIC. 1 E'IVIK'II l»:n I. i THE IRON ERA A few mouths ago two gen'lcmen wenl A family on Pine strciit oo a jiup o Perhaps the uwat ftimilinr of inybtori- IS VAIX. xcerr THAT ^OUE WORE IIUDI; OIIS'A A fumily named Smith ban recently (niflHfuirids nro tlirm protlnciul liv Uiu fCDUauiffi Busy SATCIDAT I t K. A. BENNETT, Af. D , .HIVIJI] toOenminlowiJ, uml Mr, Brown s"[iut to fiKbt a duel upropus of an nclrcss, the KcnTouQdliitid brand—ono of U.HSI Ah, paldoti nith tliu Iruntlng njljn, AND OT1IEI13 WEIIB TATTOOI'D. add 11)13 ia Iiotr inntturs p:mai!tl: 51.libyful creatures with misehkvaitH even, Yi'Dtrifaqniat; fitniiliar, 1JUC.IIIHB ulfiioat .J.V, <m Saturday, leaned ovor tbo fence every country fair ia vitritcid liy one ur BENJ.II.VOGT. HOMCEOPATHIC Tlii.ii; ii. M luiili:Lire sivain! nmt Riive to our rejinricir nia im|»reHsiooH Fcuillit-rndo and OHiviur, tbe flnt "*w- Vhv. family are very niucj ultachuil to it. Yon may wait till the cnm',03 Hrlligbl diou, y nn tb b tinted" by MM. Peilcller and Gitillurd. Iu tbetio hard tiuiiu tu become uttncli n dUit'r of tha-e exbibitorii, niyhterifius, EDITOR i«o pr.oniF.Tor,. nf Mr. Hinitb'abuy, a li'd ubuutfmirtocu bcL-aiiMo tlio r«nl Knurco of suUnd d<ip« PHYSICIAN & SUKGKOX, Till Ilia fliry stjin tlnHli nut hi tbo ekk-a, 187C, iirnviuE ul H*tug KOUK yeiii-H old: tbcRPCond by MM. Clinprunaud Vcrott, U» u (IDR witli a Rund upjMjtile rocjui: Offloe on Morris Street near Blaokwdl. JJiit still you will unit 'M b, nfttir a very pleanant pussiige, tbe met ucur Longwy, upon forcigD territo- cunsidcmble cSurt, tu &:iy nutliiug not rurresitond with tbe aji])irent. It Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts., rVDiillier boiug flue. Tile piMnugoa fiotn "Yea, mo nnd bim nre right acquaint* liiM .vitbin tho province of tbo auata- TEDIla OF aUBSCaiPTIOS my hu <ll ry. M. l-'ouillieriulo was about to fight HOif-pMa-scHtion. A few duj'H ago a daugh (Oppoailo DoTcr Buik.1 Sydney to Iiuog Kong' are very tiitU ;d wow, )ji)k«oivsiuoro'u Idn, nod bc'fi fur tbe lirst timo, and his Bocinidti wen? tor left ber new Iiat on tiie Hofu. Wiw lygial to i-xpliiin bow it is Thy I,curt in lull of n K;IC] unrtsL , hud mure ox,)onenco. Biil miya his lath- DOVER, N. J., lioown aa yet. We camn tbe roidtlU men of no cxporioncc. M. Ollivicr, on HUB again saw it there was but a fewthat noino men can npcuU as if from the To lookup iiiliiufvcMnB in; |ia«nnge—that in, enfit of Nuw Guiueu, ur used to bo ii rubber" (Smith, by thetbe contrary, hud been out eleven times, straws and ubnut two. inches of ribbons Ktouincli instead of tbo tlmmt, uud with- One Year, ------- 82.00 ses uf Women and Children, ami .of tU< way is n deacon in (ba Prpslivtcrinn Ejo uid EM specialties. Tlirn-'s n louder via tilnK wiiltit. tl.y hrt-ao New Britain, ami Now XitilnnJ, Ii was a tmifcHaed duellist, and ono of liis left. Thorn tlio dog was holding in bisout r.rty perccpttlilu movctmaut of the <3ii Months, - - - 1.00 Thai willb tri bu fiiQ.lloU and rar-dB'tl, went of tie Solomon Islands Church, and a verv oxcelleut lawyer), eeconuB, M. (!liupron, had been nrau-nt lips ; but tbu porHon who c:in do tliia, Oflko noun: 7 to 0 A. M., 1 to B and 7 to 8 P. It "iu.il Iieliaa ton mi'llious of dolliirs in front pawn, uud gravely contemplating Tarce months, — - -----BO 1B301 Tbit pujfl ID t)« lovcil 111 vnitl 1 Ou piuwiug a. smull island calluj I'l.- ut tweury nflairs; nor WRB M. Vororj a them. Itwuaanenoua loss, but appeared ttio VL>utrilr)quih(, mny mike biuiBelf a gold buried i» ]m ceUa*", along with i novice. Although tbo motivo of tlic most ijcH'ilderiiiff fttctrivcr loihoao wbo Ii. vnhi, mylittiu maidl or's Iulund, sitnntrd closo to New Iro-wholn lot of human h on en—people bo'i to affect the mother more thuu it aid I lie . J.L..JL A WHENCE, laad, we noticed canoes coning off, nn duel wax by no menuB serious, tho sec- dutigliter. Sbo thought it waj so caw- listen to him. Our power of determin- Dt-iir lit tit licart, Ihu wpiliiR I" il<'(id, killcHl Aud lie saya tlmt \m futlicr is aou.ln of M. Ollivior imislt'd tbut tbo com- ing tin-exact direction whcutiu ii soiitift PASSAGE TICKETS stopped io see wlitit ibu blauku, or rntb<>r j, uml Unit lie umkcK «ll tho li-Kd to lenve n but on Iho «ofn. A wenk SURVEYOR TUs gniiiiiicT ia on the wano ! saviiges, wanted. About forty canoes bat should only caacn when OUG of thelater a new hut bad come into the bom i Wan than wu usiiully imagine. TO kVD JWDH 'Xia mi omply world when <>m luTt in Ilid- turtliquukes that happen unywlieres in two advetfiariemihoulti find it impossi- It is mud tbat Hjvillu Carey, who chould cume alongside, with crows of from no iu tlio world, The old man'll como witli tbe glad nun light of Its preaonuo Tia a Liitttr bllKbt wbtu «t- buv tU bt-od, ble to bold bis sword, Tliey wished the ' itb tliu wliistliiig of tlic win.], would Surveys, Levels mid Grades to six men, bringing n'llb them lmiiuiii, houio al uight, after there's boon nn It was worn ftami town the day of its Liverpool and Queenslown, Anil find no (irtam'J in ruin 1 eocuanuts, aud applos. Theae itreadirus combatiintfl to liuvo their ban da nud irrival, aud on tbo return of tbo n-enrer ^-xntitimGsa,uus<i hiuw>]l liy nxerchiing eiirtliqwike, nil covered with nwaut, and tins art in a jiubltu eufToe-house ; sumo an the following SUiiDililp linos : mide for Public and Private Improvement,. In vain, my latlu wblill wore no clothes of any kind, burring a BO tired ho kin linrdly stand; Hill futys it was laid on tlm parlor table. An hour few who Bpoitod bond drenseH. lf i protected by gauntlets, lest tlm ator tho playful dog was discovered ia Oniei: SUSSEX STKEET, Ww-p l-f.ir tin- niurtiirul tur-r* ero Uind, '- Hiicb Imrd work. affair nhould bu Uinniuatcil by an uniui- a hilarious game of foot-hall out in the f tho gueslB nt. otico rose to sco wbctb- LNMAN, WHITE BTAR, Tliey stand about live feet futir, ntllior r tho windows woro quite closed, wDilo [Soar tin Cio.l BrM|;«.I And Tall UD tlm hoirt lilo rain ; 'And Bill told too Unit once when ftportjnt [vouiid. To this proposition (be ynrd, wttb jiiHteuough fuutber aud straw NATIONAL, veil miulo. nut stoat, auv of tlm drap s.-couds Df M. Feuillicrade refused to Us 'there would but Urn up their coats, naif Tlin IthK-mn ot liTo icets liutil ** we flud bluck you hoc in tbu Atricuu imgro, but mnnenmo innnnd tbtiro trying to sell left to tho object IIQ was handling to Drafts on £ a gland lad Hoys." Bant of THAB 8 J DOVER, K. J. ten. MM. ChajTon and Vvron alau ihow bow readily a dug wlifch wants to _old. Sir David Brewsler notices a ven- The sun gone out JIUJ -onr I-.TCJ* KIWU bllo raoroofn Bongnloo oulor and uppcar- Jiglifning roih, his lather gofc mad and .ril«ioht nf uxceiJtional akill, M. St. the lowest ralos. (it bim, et bim rijjlit up, nnd lio tnkos projHjecd that no doctor should bo pros- plity foot-ball citn udnpt him^i'If to any E. L1NDSLEY A 80K, Agents. Anil all nur lo?iug In vain I a'.iuc, Tbo huir noems to IIIITO bi=cu Gille, who one day entered u cbuxpb J. M. BASSETT. bites out of erervbodt bu Cumoi ncrost. opt. Each of the adversaries brought jjbstance ia the nltacnce of a regular Dlackirt-U filroct, Dovei. N.J. In valn» mj liltlt ma*a I originall.v bincU, but tb^y dvu iu two or with him f£* pair of swords, and cbauce bull. Tbo mother was exasperated al- wlicru some monUa wero luuieuling tbw ibt-L'o different colors, as a>luck, green, "That's what Bill tells mo. T.iat'na)l L-uth of n hroLl'er ; uuddiiuly tk^y beard Civil Engineer and Surveyor, TUB S0NW*OF ISLAM. I know about it. And ho U'lo ma Unit decided in favor of those of M. Feuilho- most beyond endurance by tbo iucidcut or white ; uoine ull red, or n brick ulu.de. rade, but M. Chtiprorj having declared —not against the party frum Nuwfound- _ voiea as if Irom over their heads, be- it in cut nhort, hut witli nbnt I Jo nutouco lie used lo have a dmr ooo of tlieso wailing tbn.condition of the departed in Dr. P. A. HARRIS, HOCK AWAY, N. J. htlla kU,d o! <h,ge, ami fa was flyiwg they were not mifBoicotly pointed, those * JIJU. viit against her daughter who could know. Home wore, a incckltico, uuiuo of M. Ollivicr. wi-re accojited. Btvords ID Boirightfally caroleas as to leave n mrgalory, and reproncliiug tliem far Itirmngnut Ihoaimj; ofalrifu . ... brnculetH uf bli*>1lu, but outy.' one could bis kite, nnd just (or fun ho tried tho ;huir M'nutof '/-au\.
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