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December 2008 $7.00 Inside: Celebrating Our Tenth Anniversary! Design • Engineering • Construction Volume 10 Number 12 December 2008 $7.00 Convenient, uncluttered access to information from more than 600 companies dedicated to meeting watershapers’ specific needs Plus: WaterShapes’ Ten-Year Index Your complete guide to columns and articles published from 1999 to 2008 Circle 49 on Postage Free Card Circle 3 on Postage Free Card contents December features Ten-Year Index: 30 Author Index, 1999-2008 An illustrated guide to ten years of excellence Resource Directory: 56 Topic Index, 1999-2008 72 Supplier Directory Keys to finding features Your ‘white pages’ for of special interest watershape-related products 104 Product Table of Contents A quick introduction to the Product Directory’s structure 106 Product Directory Convenient, uncluttered access to key product categories 4 WATERsHAPES ⅐ DECEMBER 2008 Volume 10 • Number 12 • December 2008 columns 6 Structures 12 By Jim McCloskey A special conclusion to an exceptional year 8 Structures Index, 1999-2008 A topical guide to Eric Herman’s columns 12 Aqua Culture Index, 1999-2008 Keys to coverage in 18 Brian Van Bower’s columns 18 Natural Companions Index, 1999-2007 A complete listing of Stephanie Rose’s columns 22 On the Level Index, 2007-2008 Finding access points to Bruce Zaretsky’s columns departments 22 24 Details Index, 1999-2008 124 Advertiser Index David Tisherman’s views, issue by issue 28 Currents Index, 2008 Tracking the columns of Holden, Peterson and Gambino 130 Things Electric Index, 1999-2001 A look back at 28 Jim McNicol’s columns 131 Books Reviewed Index, 2001-2008 A complete list of books highlighted by Mike Farley 134 Book Notes Index, 2001-2008 A guide to Mike Farley’s On the cover: reviews and comments Illustration © WATERSHAPES (ISSN 1522-6581) is published monthly by McCloskey Communications, Inc. 6119 Lockhurst Dr., Woodland Hills, CA 91367. A controlled circulation publication, WaterShapes is distributed without charge to qualified subscribers. Non-qualified subscription rates in the U.S., $30 per year; Canada and Mexico $48 per year; all other coun- tries $64 per year, payable in U.S. funds. Single copies $10 per issue in the U.S. and Canada. All other countries $15 per issue. Subscription requests must include name, job title, business location, address information and a signature and date. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to WaterShapes, P.O. Box 1216, Lowell, MA 01853-9930. Periodicals postage rates paid at Woodland Hills, CA 91365 and additional mailing offices. WATERsHAPES DECEMBER 2008 5 structures By Jim McCloskey Editor Material Issues Eric Herman — 949.494-4533 Associate Editor At a meeting in Phoenix in August 2008, Kirk Butler of Cactus Stone & Tile Melissa Anderson Burress — 818.715-9776 described watershape designers and builders as practitioners of “the science of selection” when it comes to deciding which products and materials to use in Contributing Editors their projects. Brian Van Bower Mark Holden His observation immediately rang bells for me: At that point late in the sum- Bruce Zaretsky Mike Gambino mer, we at WaterShapes were in the final stages of assembling the Resource Directory Mike Farley Dave Peterson that appears in this special issue. Our intention in compiling this wealth of infor- Art Director mation has been, in fact, to advance “the science of selection” to a new level of fo- Rick Leddy cus and convenience for watershapers. From the start, we aimed at making our directory different from any that has Production Manager ever been offered. We exclusively targeted equipment and materials of specific, Robin Wilzbach — 818.783-3821 high-priority interest to watershape designers, engineers and contractors – and made certain that the environment would be uncluttered by items that, from a de- Circulation Manager sign/build perspective, do nothing more than fatten other available buyer’s guides Simone Sanoian — 818.715-9776 and make them harder to use than watershapers need and want them to be. National Sales Manager We began discussing the unique architecture of this Resource Directory several Camma Barsily — 310.979-0335 years ago as a result of direct requests from watershapers who wanted a product reference that met their specific professional needs. With their guidance, we’ve Web & Marketing Consultant done all we can to make our directory focused, comprehensive and easy to use. Lenny Giteck — [email protected] I offer thanks to those whose hard work made this package possible, particu- larly Robin Wilzbach. She has a full-time job as our production manager, but she Publisher spent most of the past summer calling supplier after supplier to ensure full partic- James McCloskey — 818.715-9776 ipation. Eric Herman joined her in September, following up with dozens of com- Publishing Office panies as we tried to press e-mails past spam filters and delicately persuade busy McCloskey Communications, Inc. people to spend a few minutes to make this guide more useful. Our national sales P.O. Box 306 manager Camma Barsily also played a key role, defining and cultivating the base Woodland Hills, CA 91365 of more than 600 companies whose watershape-focused products have been in- Tel: 818.715-9776 • Fax: 818.715-9059 cluded while filling this issue with pertinent advertising. e-mail: [email protected] On the technology side of things, consultants Lenny Giteck, Kathleen Pittman website: and Trung Nguyen set up the Web-based system that helped us compile our data- base – and will further assist us early in 2009 by translating everything you see here © Entire contents copyright 2008. No portion of this publica- into a digital edition that will raise the value of our Web site for watershapers around tion may be reproduced in any form without written permis- the world. sion of the publisher. Views expressed by the bylined contribu- Before I sign off, let me add a mention of the Ten-Year Index that also appears tors should not be construed as reflecting the opinion of this in this issue: This is a compendium of every feature article and column ever pub- publication. Publication of product/service information should not be deemed as a recommendation by the publisher. lished in the magazine and is yet another tool we developed to complete a year- long celebration of our tenth year of publication. Printed in the U.S.A. This special issue has been a complex project: We believe that our hard work will translate to an Index and Resource Directory you’ll use with ease and, we hope, with great frequency in the year to come. Next month, Editor Eric Herman will return to his familiar spot on this page as we embark on WaterShapes’ second decade. 6 WATERsHAPES ⅐ DECEMBER 2008 Circle 119 on Postage Free Card WaterShapes: Structures Index, 1999-2008 As its title suggests, the editor’s column opens each issue with the aim of providing readers with a conceptual framework for ap- proaching the feature articles and columns that follow. When inspired by the content of a given issue, “Structures” has explored the thematic threads that run through the publication. Other times, the column has stepped forward to offer discussions of current events, key industry trends and the magazine’s role as an outlet for information and a forum for ideas. With its “by the trade, for the trade” format, WaterShapes is in- deed an unusual forum, and “Structures” has always been the cat- alyst, offering the perspectives of an observer who revels in the po- tential the magazine has to advance its industry. The Magazine/Philosophy The Power of the First Person: Finding Breathing in Water: Shining a light on #100 – and Counting: Celebrating a value in personal perspectives on water- healthful benefits. Jul 08:6 special milestone. Jun 08:6 shaping. Apr 99:6 Classic Derivations: Borrowing from Across the Waters: The value of look- Powerful Influences: Appreciating the the world’s greatest. Jul 06:6 ing ‘over there.’ Nov/Dec 00:6 power of ideas. Jul/Aug 01:6 Deconstructing a Hazard: Zeroing in All Good Things: Making a case against Pride, Not Pretense: High-end projects, on a difficult topic. Nov 08:6 complacency. Mar 08:6 mass-scale inspiration. Feb 00:6 Dousing Disaster: Thinking about fire Artful Borrowings: On embracing Resolving Resolution: Photography in suppression. Jan 08:6 precedent in watershape design. Dec 99:6 the Digital Age. Jun 03:6 Free Floating: The direct, personal val- Beneath the Surface: A fresh look at a Roaring Up the High Road: Fueling a ue of hydrotherapy. Jan 04:6 shop-worn genre. Sep 06:6 client’s ‘dream machine.’ Jun 04:6 Healthy Pursuits: Focusing on fitness Big Ideas: Building a sense of social re- Shapes of Things to Come: A look back opportunities. Dec 06:6 sponsibility. Oct 04:6 at watershaping’s future. Dec 04:6 Healthy Trails: Embracing the healthy, Choice Words: Selecting your terms Starting to Click: Making a case for tak- helpful news. May 08:6 carefully. May 01:6 ing pictures. Mar 00:6 Higher purposes: Shaping water with Core Values: Beauty more than skin Troubled Waters: Caring about water earnest intentions. Apr 03:6 deep. Jan/Feb 01:6 on a global scale. Jun 07:6 The Home Front: The drama of front- Correcting the Record: Setting things True Vision: Finding ways to treat wa- yard watershapes. Jan 05:6 straight for a reccent feature. Jul 07:6 ter as art. Sep 07:6 Important Steps: Fine lines between Ends and Beginnings: A new column The Ultimate Canvas: Tuning in on vic- success and failure. Aug 06:6 with a difference. Apr 08:6 arious pleasures. Oct 02:6 Information Access: Gaining access to The Future is Now: The joy of working Watching Rivers Run: Working in nat- watershapers.
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