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FORESTRY PLANTATIONS OF Pinus caribaea IN VENEZUELA AS A SOLAR ENERGY COLLECTOR Eduardo D. Greaves, Yelitza Marin, Francisco Visaez and José Vicente Hernández E. SUMMARY 6 The Caribbean pine (Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis) is a 113×10 ton/year of atmospheric CO2 and the production of useful species that has demonstrated its capacity for successful dif- biomass make this species of special interest for its propagation fusion in areas which were originally extensive savannas with in tropical and subtropical areas of the north of Africa, the Mid- oligotrophic sandy soils of low fertility, acid pH, and a wide dle East and Asia. The infrastructure created in Venezuela for variety of soil and pluviometric conditions. A reforestation pro- the propagation of the Caribbean pine and the extensive expe- gram in Venezuela has planted a 550000ha artificial forest, rience gained in over 40 years of development are a resource significantly changing the ecology of the area and creating an that could be used to ‘paint in green’ the deserted areas of the important biomass resource by effectively harnessing the energy planet, in order to improve the land, collect the energy of the of the sun at a yearly collecting power of 1710MW. The change sun, sequester CO2, help reduce the greenhouse effect of the at- of the albedo of large areas of the territory, the sequestering of mosphere and produce social welfare to the inhabitants. Introduction been accompanied by a great- America the disappearance of and semi deserted areas of er ability by humanity to ma- almost 5×10 6ha of tropical the world. To this end the Forests currently occupy nipulate the world environ- forest (Marín, 1997). To re- Caribbean pine has been suc- 4×10 9ha, representing 31% ment. In tropical countries, cover the energetic and other cessfully used in reforestation of the planet’s surface (FAO, the need for long-fiber wood benefits of the loss of natural programs in Latin America. 2010). They are one of the for the building and paper forest, requires a global level The Caribbean pine (Pinus natural mechanisms that gath- industries, and the lack of and aggressive reforestation caribaea) is a rapidly growing er the energy of the sun. tradition in forest plantations program that not only restores species originating in Central However, the progressive in- has led to a harmful impact the losses but also attempts to America, where it grows be- crease of the world population on natural forests. Recent increase the surface under tween 18º N (Belice) to 12º N and its economic activity has years have seen in Latin vegetation and reduce desert (Bluefields, Nicaragua), at KEYWORDS / Forestry Plantations / Pinus caribaea / Reforestation / Solar Energy / Venezuela / Received: 07/02/2014. Modified: 05/11/2015. Accepted: 05/15/2015. Eduardo D. Greaves. B.Sc. in USB. Apartado 89000, Caracas Francisco Visaez. M.Sc. in José Vicente Hernández E. Physiecs, Rensselaer Polytechnic 1080 A, Venezuela. e-mail: Environmental Science, UNEG, Agronomical Engineer, Uni- Institute, USA. M.Sc. in [email protected] Venezuela. Specialist in versidad Central de Venezuela. Physics, Manchester University, Yelitza Marin. Agronomist, Economics of Environment and Doctor in Biology, USB, UK. M.Sc. in Extractive National Experimental Uni- Natural Resources, Universidad Venezuela. Address: Depar- Metallurgy and Ph.D. in versidad Nacional Experimental de Alcalá, España. PG degree tamento de Biología de Physics, Imperial College, UK. Francisco de Miranda, Vene- in Geography, ULA, Venezuela. Organismos, USB. Apar- Professor, Universidad Simón zuela. Professor, Universidad Manager, Maderas del Oriente, tado 89000, Caracas 1080A, Bolívar (USB), Venezuela. Nacional Experimental de C.A., Venezuela. e-mail: franvi- Venezuela. e-mail: jnandez@ Address: Department of Physics, Guayana (UNEG), Venezuela. [email protected] JULY 2015, VOL. 40 Nº 7 0378-1844/14/07/468-08 $ 3.00/0 457 PLANTACIONES DE Pinus caribaea EN VENEZUELA COMO RECOLECTOR DE ENERGÍA SOLAR Eduardo D. Greaves, Yelitza Marin, Francisco Visaez y José Vicente Hernández E. RESUMEN El pino caribe (Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis) es una atmosférico y la producción de biomasa útil, hacen de esta especie que ha demostrado su capacidad para su difusión especie de interés especial para su propagación en áreas se- en áreas que eran originalmente extensas sabanas con sue- midesérticas tropicales y subtropicales del norte de África, el los arenosos oligotróficos, de baja fertilidad, de pH ácido, y Medio Oriente y Asia. La infraestructura creada en Venezue- con una variedad de condiciones pluviométricas y de suelos. la para la propagación del pino caribe y la experiencia ob- Un plan de reforestación en Venezuela ha creado un exten- tenida en mas de 40 años de desarrollo son recursos que pu- so ‘bosque artificial’ de unas 550000ha que han cambiado la dieran usarse para ‘pintar de verde’ las áreas desérticas del ecología del área y ha creado un recurso de biomasa impor- planeta, con la finalidad de mejorar las tierras, recolectar la tante que atrapa efectivamente la energía solar con una ca- energía solar, fijar el CO2, ayudar a la reducción de gases de pacidad anual de 1710MW. El cambio del albedo de grandes efecto invernadero que afectan la atmósfera terrestre y con- 6 áreas del territorio, el secuestrado de 113×10 ton/año de CO2 tribuir al bienestar social. PLANTAÇÕES DE Pinus caribaea NA VENEZUELA COMO COLETOR DE ENERGIA SOLAR Eduardo D. Greaves, Yelitza Marin, Francisco Visaez e José Vicente Hernández E. RESUMO O pinheiro caribe (Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis) é uma ano de CO2 atmosférico e a produção de biomassa útil, fa- espécie que tem demonstrado sua capacidade para sua difu- zem desta espécie de interesse especial para sua propagação são nas áreas que eram originalmente extensas savanas com em áreas semidesérticas tropicais e subtropicais do norte da solos arenosos oligotróficos, de baixa fertilidade, pH ácido, África, o Oriente Médio e Ásia. A infraestrutura criada na e com um leque de condições pluviométricas e de solos. Um Venezuela para a propagação do pinheiro caribe e a expe- plano de reflorestamento na Venezuela tem criado um extenso riência obtida em mais de 40 anos de desenvolvimento são ‘bosque artificial’ com aproximadamente 550.000ha que tem recursos que poderiam ser usados para ‘pintar de verde’ as mudado a ecologia da área e tem criado um recurso de bio- áreas desérticas do planeta, com a finalidade de melhorar as massa importante que captura efetivamente a energia solar terras, coletar a energia solar, fixar o CO2, ajudar à redução com uma capacidade anual de 1710MW. A mudança do albe- de gases de efeito estufa que afetam a atmosfera terrestre e do de grandes áreas do território, o sequestro de 113×106ton/ contribuir com o bem-estar social. 850masl and mean rain of in 1961 and 1965, when the 950-3500mm per year, exhibit- Ministry of Agriculture initi- ing a dry season of two to ated trials in Cachipo (north three months and temperatures of Monagas state) with seeds between 24 and 27°C. Three from Honduras and from varieties of the species exist: Brazil. P. caribaea var. hon- Pinus caribaea var. honduren- durensis was the variety that sis from Honduras, P. carib- showed the best results due to aea var. caribaea from Cuba its adaptability and fast and P. caribaea var. bahamen- growth in the savannas of the sis from Bahamas (Salazar and Monagas and Anzoátegui Jøker, 2000). states (Visaez, 1988). The The properties of this spe- success attained in these first cies have determined its mas- experiments resulted in a sive use in reforestation pro- large forestry development grams in Venezuela (CVG- program at Uverito in 1969 PROFORCA, 1996; Molina and at Chaguaramas and Figure 1 Plantation of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis at Uverito, Peñaloza, 2006; Castillo, Centella in 1972 (both south Monagas state, Venezuela ( 6º39’57”N, 62º38’26”W). 2003; Maderas del Orinoco, of Monagas state) followed 2014) and Brazil (Pongitory et later at Coloradito and Mesa altitudes, the occidental PROFORCA, 2009). This pro- al., 2001), and in a smaller de Los Hachos (south of plains, Carabobo, Yaracuy and gram aims to extend the scale in plantations reported Anzoátegui state). See Guayana states, including 0.55×10 6ha of planted forest to in 28 other countries (Le Figure 1. These large planta- also the Caracas valley. 2×10 6ha, an increase of 350% Maitre, 1998; Ugalde and tions were followed in more In December 2009 the by the year 2029. Species Pérez, 2001). Caribbean modest scale in many other central government appro- contemplated are Pinus carib- pine plantations began in locations in the country: in ved the ‘Socialist Forestry aea var. hondurencis as well Venezuela with experiments the Andean states at different Program of Venezuela’ (CVG- as other species, notably 458 JULY 2015, VOL. 40 Nº 7 Eucalypt (Eucaliptus urophyl- socioeconomic, industrial and Swahili: Msindano; Trade rock), referring to the habitat of la), Acacia (Acacia mangium) environmental effects it has name: Honduran yellow pine. the pine. and Teca (Tectona grandis). had, and to propose a program The plan contemplated the increasing the spread of this Distribution and habitat Fruit and seed description production by year 2014 of species in arid land, particular- 5×10 5ton of paper pulp, ly in tropical and subtropical Native to Central America The seed is about twice as 2.5×10 5m3 of sawn timber and areas of Africa, the Middle and the Caribbean, widely plant- long as broad, triangular and 5×10 5ton of boards. There are East and Asia as a way to har- ed throughout the American, pointed at the ends. (Figure 3). currently two seed orchards ness solar energy with envi- Asian and African tropics and On average less than 6mm with an area of 194ha for ronmental, economic and so- subtropics.