Medicinal Uses of Pithecellobium Dulce and Its Health Benefits
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2018; 7(2): 700-704 E-ISSN: 2278-4136 P-ISSN: 2349-8234 JPP 2018; 7(2): 700-704 Medicinal uses of Pithecellobium dulce and its Received: 24-01-2018 Accepted: 25-02-2018 health benefits Kaushik V Kulkarni Department, Quality Assurance, Kaushik V Kulkarni and Varsha R Jamakhandi DSTS Mandal’s College of Pharmacy, Solapur, Abstract Maharashtra, India Pithecellobium dulce has been utilized by antiquated individuals in treating various sorts of ailments due to its restorative properties. The bark and pulp being astringent and haemostatic are used to treat gum Varsha R Jamakhandi Department, Quality Assurance, ailments, toothache and bleeding. Bark extracts are used for chronic diarrhea, dysentery, constipation and DSTS Mandal’s College of tuberculosis. Extract of leaves is employed as a remedy for indigestion and to prevent spontaneous Pharmacy, Solapur, abortion and for gall bladder ailments and to treat both open and closed wounds. Ground seed is used for Maharashtra, India treating ulcers. Studies also shows that it might help in curing diabetes, inflammation, cancer, tuberculosis, veneral diseases, bilious disorders, fever, cold, sore throat, malaria, skin pigmentation, acne and pimples, dark spots, conjunctivitis, irritable bowel syndrome, pain, eczema, panophthalmitis, leprosy. Studies have evaluated its antioxidant, anti hyperlipidemic, anti-septic, anti-bacterial properties. Keywords: Pithecellobium dulce, treatment for constipation, fever, sore throat, anti-bacterial, abortificient 1. Introduction It originated from Mexico, then went to America, Central Asia and then to India. Although, these trees have been seen all along the highways in India, no one knew about its culinary use. It resembles tamarind and is widely called as Manila Tamarind.
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