Notes to Chapter 1 Pp
Notes to Chapter 1 pp. 1-24 1 Danielle Bajomee, Duras ou Ia dou/eur, Paris, Editions Universitaires, 1989. 2 'La douleur du dialogue', in Maurice Blanchot, Le livre a venir [1959], Paris, Gallimard, 'Folio', 1986, pp. 207-18. 3 Jacques Lacan, 'Hommage fait a Marguerite Duras, du ravissement de Lol V. Stein', Marguerite Duras [1975], ed. Fran<;ois Barat and Joel Farges, Paris, Albatros, 1979, pp. 131-37. 4 Carol]. Murphy, Alienation and Absence in the Novels of Marguerite Duras, Lexington, KY, French Forum, 1982. 5 'La maladie de Ia douleur', in Julia Kristeva, Solei/ Noir. Depression et melanco/ie, Paris, Gallimard, 1987, pp. 227-65. 6 Bernard Alazet, 'L'embrasement, les cendres', Revue des sciences humaines, Vol. 73, No. 204 (October-December 1986), pp. 147-60; p. 152. 7 The present study takes L'Empire frant;ais. Avec trois cartes, written in collaboration with Philippe Roques and published by Gallimard in 1940 under Duras's maiden name of Donnadieu, as Duras's first book. 8 Patrick Rambaud, Virginie Q. de Marguerite Durai//e, Paris, Balland, 1988. See also Dominique Noguez's skit, 'Aurelia Steiner (Trouville) de Marguerite Duras', in Semio/ogie du parapluie et autres textes, Paris, Difference, 1990, pp. 114-20. 9 Guillaume Jacquet of the magazine Reaction retitled an extract from Andesmas as 'Margot et ['important' and dedicated it to Marguerite 'qui ne sait pas'. Duras did not take legal action. Le Figaro published a letter on 22 September 1992 written jointly by Antoine Gallimard, Jerome Lindon, and Paul Otchakovsky-Laurens, in which they defend their 'rigorous' standards of professionalism.
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