Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 11 / Thursday, January 16, 2014 / Notices 2883 objects excavated from the Rudder site Dr. Thomas O. Maher, TVA, 400 West Schedule of the United States, that have have always been in the physical Summit Hill Drive, WT11D, Knoxville, been found by the Department of custody of the AMNH at the University TN 37902–1401, telephone (865) 632– Commerce (Commerce) to be sold in the of Alabama. The 205 unassociated 7458, email
[email protected], by United States at less than fair value funerary objects are comprised of 1 February 18, 2014. After that date, if no (LTFV). ceramic bowl, 2 ceramic water bottles, additional claimants have come Background 199 pottery sherds, 2 pieces of graphite, forward, transfer of control of the and 1 sandstone pallet. unassociated funerary objects to The The Commission instituted this These unassociated funerary objects Muscogee (Creek) Nation may proceed. investigation effective November 15, were recovered from six burial features. TVA is responsible for notifying the 2012, following receipt of a petition The human remains from these burial University of Alabama and the filed with the Commission and features were either not collected during Absentee-Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma; Commerce by Utah Refractories Corp., excavation or have been misplaced in Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas Lehi, UT. The final phase of the the last 74 years. These burial features, (previously listed as the Alabama- investigation was scheduled by the however, were derived from Henry Coushatta Tribes of Texas); Alabama- Commission following notification of a Island phase strata in the mounds at this Quassarte Tribal Town; Cherokee preliminary determination by site.