Financial services forum Pricing in a digital world 4 April 2017 Alex Graham, Director London office 1 Plough Place London EC4A 1DE, UK Tel. +44 20 7832 6700
[email protected] Simon-Kucher in numbers 980 97 £197m employees worldwide partners annual turnover 2016 17% 3,200 #1 growth rate* projects in the last ranked consultancy three years in Marketing, Pricing, Sales and CRM** * 10 year CAGR; ** manager magazin survey of top managers in Germany, August 2007 and 2011/IMB; brand eins Thema/Statista survey of 1,426 partners and project leaders from consulting firms and 1,300 C-level managers from German companies, May 2014 Pricing in a digital world conference: Retail banking 2 The world's leading pricing adviser "world leader in giving advice to companies on "…the world's how to price their leading pricing products" consultancy…" Peter Drucker "... in pricing you "pricing strategy offer something specialists" nobody else does." The influence of Professor Philip Kotler Simon-Kucher on the prices we pay for just “No one knows more about about everything is as pricing than SKP." little recognised as it is staggering Source: BusinessWeek, January 18, 2004; The Wall Street Journal, September 22, 2003; letter to Hermann Simon, Simon-Kucher's founder and chairman, June 3, 2003; "Business Consulting", Gilbert & Czerniawska, 2005, The Economist Books; William Poundstone 2010 Pricing in a digital world conference: Retail banking 3 Simon-Kucher works with industry leaders from all sectors Automotive Consumer & Retail