Agriculture and Rural Life for the Protection and the Promotion of Inland Areas: the Case of Subapennino Dauno (Apulia)

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Agriculture and Rural Life for the Protection and the Promotion of Inland Areas: the Case of Subapennino Dauno (Apulia) Anna Bozzi Agriculture and rural life for the protection and the promotion of inland areas: the case of Subapennino Dauno (Apulia) Abstract The inland areas, in general, are disadvantaged areas where agricultural activity is functional to the protection and preservation of the natural environment and the socio-economic development. The case that’s going to be studied in this work refers to the sub-region of the Subappennino Dauno (in the province of Foggia - Apulia), fragile from the physical point of view, which is subject to severe and widespread hydrogeological instabi- lity, thin from the perspective of anthropogenic, having known massive forms of exodus and emigration of the population, and marginal from an economic point of view. This is an area where the rural life helps to delineate the identity traits, identifi ed in the heritage of values that human group living in there expresses and hands down, such as: cultural specifi city, care of the natural environment and respect for the landscape characteristics. The analysis of the Subappennino Dauno business characteristics helps to understand the local agricultural system and suggests to look more and more at a multifunctional agriculture that may come into circuits and wider networks to compete on the global market and improve the socio-economic situation of the area. Farm operators and administrators are promoting initiatives that support the development of the region through the promo- tion of local identities. They are trying, for instance: to provide food chains, to promote organic farming, to ensure trace- ability of typical products, to retrieve rural settlements, to promote historical and socio-cultural backgrounds. Keywords : Multifunctionality, Local development, Subappennino Dauno (Apulia). Agriculture and rural life in the EU’s guidelines The concept of rurality is stated in Art. 2 of the for the promotion of inland areas Charter of European Rural Council (1996) which defi nes the rural area as “a stretch of inland or The CAP (Common Agriculture Policy) sup- coastal countryside destined to different purpo- ports disadvantaged areas within the EU urging ses other than agriculture”. Its characteristics are mode of multifunctional agriculture that includes listed in later articles: and combines attention to the environment and • the predominance of agricultural act; the landscape with the modes of production and • low density of population; services. • natural landscape transformed by men’s action In reviewing the most recent major regulatory (world heritage); contributions it can be how the EU’s interventions • local culture deriving from tradition-based in favor of disadvantaged areas, even inside, have knowledge. gone from considering initiatives of economic Rural areas perform, therefore, in respect of compensation to the disadvantaged areas to en- the human groups who inhabit it, a threefold courage the exploitation of local resources and function: economic, ecological and social. services, focusing fi rst on maintaining a suffi cient From the economic point of view, the farms level of agricultural activity and then on the pres- in addition to performing their traditional func- ervation of natural sites and promotion of rural tions, they can all become producers and provid- areas. ers of services, including tourism for leisure ac- In 1988, in fact, in the European Commission’s tivities. The ecological function of rural areas is document “The future of the rural world”, rural realized in the preservation of the environment space includes a set of different activities ranging that promotes, among other things, the sustain- from agriculture to crafts, trade services, such as able use of natural resources. They are, in fact, tourism, for example. the right environment for a number of habitats 114 AGEI - Geotema, 52 favorable to the conservation, reproduction and the physical environment, are all qualities that settlement of wildlife and not the place for conser- agricultural enterprises translate into everyday vation of fl ora and forests. Finally, not be forgotten practice” (Fiori, 2003, pp. 148-149). the social function of rural areas, complementing The multi-functionality is expressed also with the needs of the urban population. business strategies of diversifi cation of activities These functions are also recognized in the new in response to the demand for goods and services strategy for the European Union action, whose ac- expressed by citizens and consumers in relation to tions look as differentiated according to the poten- the primary sector. A sector that is located in an tial of the endogenous development of rural areas economic and territorial system more and more and are based on an integrated approach to their opened to a criterion of district that has a diverse development. heritage (environmental, landscape, tourist, hand- It is a “balanced growth of all the activities that icraft, agricultural, small business), often rich and insist on a specifi c area, alongside structural inter- highly attractive, that the legislature distinguishes ventions, relating to agricultural, forestry, process- in the art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 228/2001 ing and marketing of agricultural products, meas- in: ures aimed at the development of rural areas, such • rural districts, local production systems charac- as the recovery of the rural villages, the promotion terized by an homogeneous historical and ter- of handicrafts and tourism, environmental protec- ritorial identity deriving from the integration tion and the protection of the landscape” (Bencar- between agricultural activities and other local dino, Prezioso, 2006, p. 222). activities, as well as the production of goods or In Italy, in 2001, the entry into force of the Leg- services of particular specifi city, coherent with islative Decree n. 228 of 2001 (the “Law of orienta- the traditions and natural and territorial voca- tion for the agricultural sector”), innovates the role tions; of the farmer, recognizing explicitly the possibility • districts of high quality agriculture and food, lo- to activate new initiatives of a multi-functional for cal production systems, also interregional, cha- the environment and society. In line with the EU racterized by signifi cant economic presence and guidelines, it outlines a model of organization of by the interrelation between farms and food the rural economy of endogenous type, integrated production, as well as by one or more certifi ed and sustainable. and protected products in accordance with EU The legislature indeed “opens new possibilities standard, or national legislation, or traditional for the farm, the sale of farm products, the organi- or typical productions; zation of educational activities and the introduc- The territory is not seen as a simple container, tion of methods of production and management but as a subject who is called to search, on the basis more responsive to environmental compatibility”. of their identity, for coherence between economic “Broadly speaking, the multifunctionality ... is activities practiced in it and own traditions and not new in agriculture, as it has always produced natural and territorial vocations. goods and services mainly intended at human nu- The “district” instrument also represents the trition, but also others not recognized by the mar- inversion to counter the characters of marginality ket and not explicitly valued: for example, a main of small towns, often located in areas within and component of the food consumption is security (...). outside the large communication networks, which, Current efforts to allow the use of traceability in- even if representing a great asset for the quality of struments are designed precisely to make explicit life that they offer, thanks to the sense of identity the security component, and thus allow to distin- and belonging, to the community values and the guish safe foods from those anonymous and less feeling of trust in local institutions, to the richness secure. naturalistic-environmental and cultural history, The impacts on the environment, territory and are often affected by the weight of an aging po- landscape, are another important implicit compo- pulation, a shortage of economic resources, labor nent of agriculture in any territory; all agricultural supply and adequate services. enterprises in fact, by defi nition, play the role – yet In particular, to speak about multifunctiona- unpaid so far – of maintenance and preservation. lity of inland rural areas means to focus on: the Another implicit component is the heritage of production, even on the net; the recovery and values (traditional, cultural, historical, linguistic) enhancement of the historical and socio-cultural that it expresses. The deep roots of the rural po- aspects of the area; the environmental and land- pulation in the land and its history, personal and scape traditions, rural tourism, management and community solidarity, knowledge and respect for protection of the territory; services to individuals AGEI - Geotema, 52 115 and businesses in order to promote sustainable clay sediments, calcarenite and marl, and charac- economic development that meets the identifying terized by “rounded hills and modest overall, but characteristics of specifi c regions. So: with very recessed valleys, in which the incision is • encourage the diffusion of quality products considerably furrowed river elevation values with linked to the territory, the spread of high qua- variables that extend up to exceed one thousand lity brands ensures the respect
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  • Appendice Sigle E Codici
    Libreria Digitale Pugliese – Linee guida – Appendice © Regione Puglia – Servizio Beni Culturali /Proprietà culturale: Francesco Lavecchia Appendice Sigle e Codici Di seguito sono riportati i codici e le sigle utili per la valorizzazione di alcuni campi. Codici PUGLIA Sigle delle Codice Istat 16 Soprintendenze pugliesi Sigla Regione PUG Soprintendenza per i Beni Ambientali, 05 SBAAAS BA Architettonici, Artistici e Storici della Puglia Codici PROVINCE 63 SA TA Soprintendenza Archeologica per la Puglia Bari BA BAT BT Brindisi BR Foggia FG Lecce LE Taranto TA Pr BRINDISI Istat Pr TARANTO Istat Pr TARANTO Istat Brindisi 074001 Avetrana 073001 Palagiano 073021 Carovigno 074002 Carosino 073002 Pulsano 073022 Ceglie Messapica 074003 Castellaneta 073003 Roccaforzata 073023 Cellino San Marco 074004 Crispiano 073004 San Giorgio Jonico 073024 Cisternino 074005 Faggiano 073005 San Marzano di San Giuseppe 073025 Erchie 074006 Fragagnano 073006 Sava 073026 Fasano 074007 Ginosa 073007 Statte 073029 Francavilla Fontana 074008 Grottaglie 073008 Taranto 073027 Latiano 074009 Laterza 073009 Torricella 073028 Mesagne 074010 Leporano 073010 Oria 074011 Lizzano 073011 Ostuni 074012 Manduria 073012 San Donaci 074013 Martina Franca 073013 San Michele Salentino 074014 Maruggio 073014 San Pancrazio Salentino 074015 Massafra 073015 San Pietro Vernotico 074016 Monteiasi 073016 San Vito dei Normanni 074017 Montemesola 073017 Torchiarolo 074018 Monteparano 073018 1 Libreria Digitale Pugliese – Linee guida – Appendice © Regione Puglia – Servizio Beni Culturali /Proprietà
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