Owen Lattimore Part 2 of 2
100-1630 I-Eeltitzore _ , __ U M __ oIFIST . __A,..,_.92.. ~**~ ' J1.-*~ The LAETIHORES and the SE3LEShY£KS were observed to walk to the S BLSSNYAK automobile perked on F Street one thereafter this car proceeded to rkin; lot on 12th Street between 3 and F, Northwest, where Mr. and re. 2* E IMOE3 were observed to got out of the ear and proceed to their own, which " 92 s on the parking lot, When they returned to the SEELZSHYAK car, 0133 .;J-_ - Ln3TIEOR3 was carrying with his e briefcase same type as issued by the ¬evern- tee», meet!, The LAETIHGRBS re-entered the SEILESHYAK car and were thereafter driven t to the Union Station in Washington, _ _ ti ' 10:50 P.H, LATTIEOEE proceeded to the Pullman ticket window, where W I T heard him toll the ticket agent he had left his ticket in Baltimore, 2 Agent that _ reservation was on the Pennsy1vanic.Rei1rood train "The Federal", T? I leaving Unshington, 3, C,, for how Iorh ct 11:00 P,H, LATTIMCE3 thereafter purchased B & O ticket for train leaving ' hington at 3:00 A.., for Few York, .~ <1 5 92 11:15 P.M. ~ OKZN LATTIKOR3 was observed apparently bidding goodbye to his wife and the SEELSSHYAKS, as the three of then then left Union Station ._:§_~,.. o..__'. while LAEIIMOR3 proceeded to the train and was observed to be occupying berth eewre nuuber 2, car 5282, of the 3 and O train, will be noted herein that OHEH LATTIHCRE was subsequently under surveillance in New York City on Hay 5 until the tine he left for Baltimore -.-q-.--qt- by train, but nothing of cpperent significance was noted, ix Ir*iu cording to inforzation furnishei by Confidential Infornent I-11, the P'92'P"'"have purchased the house at 1318 Bolton Strrut, He deccribe it as a rour ' brick house ani he has learne; thet the SIBLIGIYAKS will 4» conience occupying this house iuring the Fell of 19é9, They purekase the 1101.150 for $11, see.
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