. -.. ,,...,...., I.&.*, .I . s.......... .^..““. .,. sic3 . - . ..-............ “_- S.-iiC U R I T Y GEKERAL s 12491 COUNCIL 2'j Sanuery 1952 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH . ,-------------*---_-____________________.---------. _______---_"__-"----------"""-------"--- Dual distribution NC?I'EDA!l'ED 21 JANUAR)I1952 FROMTIk ACTING CHAIRMANOF THE UNITED STATES DELEGATIONTO Tm SIXTH REGULARSESSION OF TEIE GENERRL ASSliNEU.tYADDWEDTO THE SECRETARY~GEXERPLT~SMMI~INGFOUR COMMUNIQUESISSUED BY THE HEADQUARTERSOF THE UNITED NATIONS COMMANDIN mEA Paris, January 21, 1952 The Acting Chairman of the United States Delegation to the Sixth Regular Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations presents her compliments to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and hes the honor.to transmit herewith, for the information of the Security Council, the following co~iques isgued by the Headquarters of the United Nations Cormrand,ss indicated below: Eighth Army conmunique 797, covering the twelve-hour period ended at noon.Tuesday, Janus.ry 15, 1952 Eighth Army communique798, for operetions Tuesdsy, Jenukry 15, 1952 Far East Naval Forces summaryof operations Tuesdcy; Janusry 15, 1952 : General Headquarters communiqge1,130, for the tven<y-four hours ended 6:00 A.M., Wednesday, Jsnuary 16, 1952 (k:OO P.M., Tuesday, Eestern standard time) , p/52-461 . S 12431 Page 2 EIGHTH ARMY COMMCNIQUH797, COVERING THE TWELVE-HOUR PERIOD ENDED AT NOON TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1952 United Nations forces repulsed attack by enemy company against advance positions east of the Pukhan River, Light enemy probes repulsed northwest of KBnsong, 1. No significant action was reported.dur-fng the period from the western Korean battlefront, PS United Nations forces maintained positions and patrolled.
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