WK(XURSHDQ+HDWKODQG:RUNVKRS UGWRWK-XO\ &DPS5HLQVHKOHQ6FKQHYHUGLQJHQ*HUPDQ\ Organised by the Alfred Toepfer Academy for Nature Conservation (NNA) Abstracts of talks and posters. Excursion guide. E x /HJHQG c u r s i 1 Lüneburger Heide o n 8 nature reserve t g h u E i u 2 Bergen-Hohne d r e o p Military training - e M a area n a H p e 3 Nemitzer Heide a t h l a n 4 Kellerberge d W o 5 Muskauer Heide r k s h o 6 Polish heathlands p , 3 r 7 Tangersdorfer d t Heide o 1 1 t h J u l y 2 0 0 3 , C a m p R e i n s e h l e n , S c h n e v e r d i n g e n , G e r m a n y Profile of the Lüneburger Heide Nature Reserve )LJXUH The Lüneburger Heide Nature Reserve 8th European Heathland Workshop, 3rd to 11th July 2003, Camp Reinsehlen, Schneverdingen, Germany List of participants 1 /LVWRISDUWLFLSDQWV ¢¡¤£¦¥ §©¨ £¦¡ ¡© ¥ ©¤ ¡ ¡© ¥ ©¤ , Isabel
[email protected] English Nature, Northminster House, Northminster Rd, PE1 1UA Peterborough, UK ¤¥ , Richard
[email protected] RSPB, c/o Syldata, BH20 5BJ Arne, Wareham, Dorset, UK ¤! , Fritz
[email protected] Zweckverband Naturschutzregion Oder-Neiße, Baut- zener Str. 30, 02956 Rietschen, Germany #" , Egbert
[email protected] private, Straße der Einheit 27, 02943 Weißwasser, Germany " ¥ ¤¤¤$© , Rita Merete
[email protected] Forest & Landscape, Kvak Møllevej 31, DK-7100 Vejle, Denmark % ¡ &¤ , Leonor
[email protected] University of Leon, Fac.