TODAY ON THE RADIO u14S13A.V, JAN. 24, 1935.

OUTSTANDING EVENTS ON ALL STATIONS. 2:15-2:45P. M.--Sir Gerald Campbell, British Consul General in New York, and Others, Speaking at Luncheon of New York Colony of National Society of New England, Hotel Waldorf-AstoriaWMCA. 4:30-5:00 P. M.National Committee on the Cause and Cure of War Meeting, Washington, D. C.; Speakers From Five NationsWABC, 5:00-5:15 P. M."Stamping Out Infantile Paralysis," Dr. Phillip. Wit- son; "The President's Birthday Ball," Henry L. DohertyWABCs WJZ. 8:00-9:00 P. M4Scene From "Cyrano de Bergerac," With Walter Hampden; Tom Howard, Comedian; Teddy Bergman, Comedy; Boswell Sisters, Songs; Vallee OrchestraWEAF. 8:15-9:00 P. M.Little Symphony Orchestra ConcertWOR. 9:30-10:00 P. M.Harold L. Ickes, Secretary of the Interior, Speaking at Road Builders' Convention, WashingtonWTZ. 9:30-11:00 P. M.Boxing Bout : Ross vs. Klink, MlamiWMCA. 10:00-10:30 P. M.American Composers Concert; Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, Howard Hanson, ConductorWJZ. U:30-12:00 P. M."Two SafeguardsofDemocracy," Representativn Finly H. Gray of IndianaWJZ. Where there is no listing for a station, its preceding program N on the air. WMCA....570WOR....710WNYC....810 WEAF.....660 WJZ.....760 WABC....860 WEVD....1,300 MORNING. 6 :45-WEAF-Setting-Up Exercises 10 :00-WEAF-Press -Radio News WOE-Gymnasium Classes WOE-Food-A. W. McCann 7:00-WEVD-Popular MUSIC WJZ-Smackout-Sketch 1:30-WOR-Sorey Orchestra WABC-Press-Radio News WJZ-Don Hall Trio WMCA-Buddy and Betty, songs WABC-Organ Recital 10 :05-WRAP--Johnny Marvin, Songs 7:43-WEAF-Rolfe Orchestra; East and WABC-George Hinkle, Baritone Dumke, Comedians :15-WEAF-Clara, Lu Era-Sketch WJZ-Jolly Bill and Jane WJZ-Resume, Elauptmann Trial WEVD-Morning Devotions WABC-Bill and Ginger, Bongs 8 :00-WOE-News WMCA-Poet's Corner-Art Egan WJZ-Mixed Quartet; Organ 10 :20-WJZ-Edward MacHugh, Songs WABC-Artells Dickson, Songs 10:30-WEAF-Resume, Hauptmann WMCA-Same as WNYC WJZ-Today's Children-Sketch WNYC-Dance Orchestra WABC-Resume, Hauptmann Trial WEVD-Psychology-J. S. List WNYC-Stories for Boys-Mrs. H. L. 8 :10-WEVD-Popular Music Hotchkiss 8 :15-WJZ-William Meader, Organ WABC-String Ensemble WOE-Beauty-Nell Vinick 10 :35-WEAF-Variety Musicale 8 :25-WJZ-City Consumers'Guide(Also10:45-WJZ-Press-Radio News WOE, WABC, WMCA, VVNYC, WABC-Talk-Ida Bailey Allen W1112 WOV, WNED, WEVD) WMCA-Child Behavior-Leicester 8:30-WEAF-Cheerio Musicale Harrison WOE-Talk--Martha Manning; Music WNYC-Musicale Series-Dr. Alvin MS-William Meader, Organ Eranich ; Dr. Lionel Sinclair WABC-Salon Musical 10 :50-WJZ-Viennese Sextet WMCA.-Barnaele Bill, gongs 11:O0-WOTh-Peauty-NelI Vint& WNYC-Beatrice Kluenter, Organ WJZ-Hazel Arth, Contralto WEVD-Italian Music (off to 3) WABC-Betty Barthell, Songs 8 :45-WOE-Studio Music WMCA-To Be Announced WJZ-Landt Trio and White 11:15-WOE-Frank and Flo, Songs WMCA.-Sports-Hal Janis WJZ-Tony Woos, Readings 9:00-WEAF-Dick Leibert, Organ WABC-Oxygen and Pneumonia-Drf WOE-Johnny Winters, Organ Jesse W. Bullowa, N. Y. U. WJZ-Dance Orchestra WMCATo Be Announced wABcvariety Musicale WNTETerrariaMontague Fred WMCA-String Trio 1.1:30-WEILFVia Orchestra WNYC-Neighborhood Quartet WOR-Tallc-Jacob Tarshfsh 9 :15-WOE-Home Town Boys, Songs WJZ-i3. S. Navy Band WMCA.-Talk-Dr. R. S. Copeland WABC-Services From country Church :30-WEAF-Danny Dee, Commentator of Hollywood WOE-Health Talk VTMCA-Talk-Connie Miles WMCAPress-Radio News WNYCBert Dixon, Songs WNYC-Press-Rad lo News UM-WOESinging and Song .Appreciation 9 :35-WMCA-Lucille Griflia. Piano -Joseph Regneas WNYC-Symphonic Music WMCA-Rudy Conrad, Songs :45-WEAF-Old Plantation Days WNYC-What Type of High School WOE-Adelaide Van Wey, Songs Shall Our Boys and Girls Attend-. WABC-String Ensemble Daniel B. Joseph, Principal, Jamaica WMCA-The Dentist Says Vocational High School AFTERNOON. 12 :00-WEAF-Story of Mary Marlin-Sketch WJZ-Resume, Hauptmann Trial WOE-News WABC-Variety Musicale WJZ-Fields and Hall, Songs WMCA-Same as WNYC WASC-Voice of Experience WNYC-New York Symphonic Band WEICA-Fallon Orchestra WEVD-Variety Program WNYC--Elzy and Lawrence. Songs 3:05-WJZ-Remsen and Heatherton. Songs 3:15-WEA_F-Ma Perkins-Sketch 12 :15-WEAF-Honeyboy and Sassafras WJZ-Eastman School of Music Cells W Beckett, Organ cert; Howard Hanson, Conductor WJZ--Cheri McKay, Contralto 3:80-WEA.F-Barry McKinley. Baritone WABC-The Gumps-Sketch WOR-Crab in Art-Karl Freund WNYG-Air College WEVD-String Ensemble 12 :30-WEAF-Cloutier Orchestra 3:45-WEAF-Imperial Grenadiers Quartet WOE-Mona Lowe, Songs WOE-Pauline Alpert, Piano WJZ-Farm and Home Hour; Florida WJZ-Three Scamps, Songs Orange Festival, at Winterhaven WABC-Easy Aces-Sketch WABC-Resume Hauptinann Trial WEVD-Mme. Zero, Soprano WMCA-Dr. H. K. Miller, Psychologist4:00-WRAP-Woman's Review; Dwellings, WNYC-Dance Orchestra Old and New-Huger Elliott 15 :35-WABC--liall Orchestra WOE-Elaine Jordan, Songs 12:45-WOE-Heat Waves Male Trio WJZ-Betty and Bob-Sketch WMCA-C.orner Orchestra WABC-America's Little House 1:00-WEAF-Resume, Hauptmarin Trial WMCA-Sports-Jack Fraser: Music WOE-Health Talk WNYC-Greenwich Sinfonietta WABC-We Battle With a Beast- WEVD-Polish Musicale Mrs. Grace Morrison Poole, Presi- 4 :15-WOR-D ance Music dent, General Federation of Women's WJZ-Sistera of the Skillet Clubs, From Washington WABC-Salvation Army Band WNYC--Police Alarms 4 :25-WJZ-Resume, Hauptmann Trial 1:05-WEAF-Market Reports 4:30-WEAF-Arlene Jackson, Songs WOE-Studio Orchestra WOE-Science in Your Home-Dr., WNYC--Gramercy Trio Kurt Haeseler 1:15-WEAF-Women, Business and Adver- WJZ-Norwegian Program; Herman tising-Edward 'H. Gardner of Pro- Wildenyey, Poet; William Morgen. prietary Association etierne, Norwegian Minister to U. S. WOR-Resume, Eiauptmann Trial and Others WABC-D alley Orchestra TVABC-Natfonal Committee -on the WMCA-Advertising Club Luncheon: Cause and Cure of War Meeting, Speakers, Professor Richard C. Bor- Washington, D. C.; Speakers, Mrs. den and A. C. Busse of N. Y. U. Carrie Chapman Catt, Founder of 1:30-WEAF-Federal Proposals Sponsored Committee; From London: Kathe- by the President's Committee on rine Courtney, British Chairman Economic Security-Thomas H. Women's Crusade for Peace; From Eliot,Solicitor, De. Copenhagen: Ruth Bryan Owen, U. partment of Labor: Sources cf the S. Minister to Denmark; From Reserve Fund-Employes, Employ- Utrecht, Holland: Cornelia Van ers. State, Nation?-Frank L. Weil, Alich Van Wyek, President World Counsel, Merchant's Committee on Council, Y. W. C. A.; From Tokyo: Unemployment Reserves, at Annual Mrs. Tsune Gauntlett, President Wo- Conference, Personnel Research Fed- men's Pan-Pacific Union eration, Hotel Astor WEVD-Italian Varieties WOESame as WMCA 4:40-WEAFResume, Hauptmann Trial WJZ-Resume, Hauptmann Trial cis-wBAPLady Next DoorSketch VVNYC-Manhattan Concert Band WOR-Life of Mary Sothern-Sketch 1:35-WIZ-Variety Musicale WNYC-Joseph Posner. Songs 1:45-WJZ-Home, Sweet Home-Sketch 5:00-WEAF-Recent Developments in Par. WABG-Kassell Orchestra; Pat Ken- ant Education-Alice Sowers nedy, Tenor WOR-Visiting Nurses of Brooklyn-. 2:00-WEAF-Stones of History-Sketch Rt, Rev. J. I. Blair Lamed WOE-Dr. A. F. Payne, Psychologist WJZ-Stamping Out Infantile Panay. WJZ-Musical Art Quartet; Alma sis-Dr. Phillip Wilson, Former Kitchell, Contralto; Carl Engel, President. American Orthopedic Commenator Academy: the President's Birthday WABC-Marie, the Little French Ball-Colonel Henry Doherty, Chair- Princess-Sketch man of Committee WMCA-Jack Barry, Baritone WABC-Same as 'WJZ. WNYG-Poetry-Maeanna Mangle WMCA-Brown Orchestra 2 :15-W OR-All ce Remsen, Contralto ; Fred WNYC-Upside-Down Geography-J. Vettel, Tenor R. Saunders WABC-Belen Trent's Romance WEVD-Minciotti Players-Drama WMCA-Sir Gerald Campbell, British5 :05- WOR-News Consul General in New York; Mrs.5 :12-WOE-Pete Rice-Sketch George A. . President, Na- WJZ-Spanish Musicale tional Women's Republican Club WA13C-Skippy-Sketch and Others. Speaking at Luncheon WNYC-Art Talk-Forest Grant of Colony of Na-5 :30-WRAP-Sugar and Bunny-Sketch tional Society of New England, WOE-Walter Ahrens, Baritone; Hotel Waldorf-Astoria Cocktails-Flora Boyle WNYG-Swimming As a Leisure Ac- W35-The Singing Lady tivity-Mrs. Helen Little WABC-Jack Armstrong-Sketch 2:30-WEAF-Vauglan de Leath, Songs WMCA-Al Shayne, Baritone; Jerry wort-women's Program Baker, Tenor WABG-School of the Air WNYC-Hungarian Ensemble (Off WNYC-Empire String Quartet at 6) :45-WEAF-Resume, Hauptmann Trial WEVD-Italian Music (Off to 8) WJz-Joe White, Tenor :45-WRAP-Bryant Orchestra WMCA-To Be Announced WOE-Rhythm Girls Trio 8:00-WEAF-V1c and sade-Sketch WJZ.-Little Orphan Annie-Sketch WOE-Musical Revue WABC-Robinson Crusoe Jr.--Sketch EVENING. 6:00-WEAF-Cugat Orchestra 8:30-WJZ- A Capella Choir WOE-Uncle Don WABC-Johnson Orchestra; Edward WJZ-William Lundell-Interview Nell, Baritone; Edwin C. Hill, Mar.. WABC-Buck Rogers-Sketch rator.Speaker;Charles L.Sohn, WMCA-Blaine Orchestra President National Petroleum Assoc. VVLWL-Orchestra Concert WMCA-Hazel Walton, Songs :15-WEAF-The Farm Boy at the Cross- WEVD-Sylvia Bagley, Soprano roads-L.J.Taber,Master, Na-8:45-WMCA-Ben Alley, Tenor tional Grange WEVD-Emotions, Conflicts and Ner- WJZ-Ferdinando Orchestra vous Illnees-Dr. Smith E.. 3elliffe. WA13C-Bobby Benson-Sketch Editor Journal of Nervous and Men. WMCA-Investments-E. C. Olsen tal Diseases(Off to 10) 9:00-WEAF-Captain Henry's Show Boat 6:20-WMCA-Press-Radio News WOR-1111Ibilly Music 6 :30-WEAF-Press-Radio News WJZ-Death Valley Days-Sketch WOE-Resume, Hauptrnann Trial WABC-Gray's Orchestra; Annette WJZ-Press-Radio News Hanshaw. Songs : Walter O'Keefe WABC-D alley Orchestra WMCA-Brook Allen, Baritone WMCALazy T RoundupSketch 0:15-MICA-Three Star Trio Songs WLWL-Russlan-Uicranlan Orchestra 9:30-WOE-The Strollersof Maplewood, 6:35-WEA.F-Verna Burke, Songs N. J.. in Play SparkinĀ° WJZ-Armand Girard, Bass WJZ-Harold L. Ickes. Secretary of :45-WEAF-Billy Batchelor-Sketch Interior, at American Road Builders WOR-Talks and Mveic Association ConventiOn. WJZ-Lowell Thomas, Commentator Hotel, Washington, D. C. WABC-Beauty-Marga:et Brainard WABC-Waring Orchestra WMCA--George Reid. Songs WMCA-Boring Bout: Barney Ross :55-WABC-Press-Radi0 News vs. Frenkle Klick, at Miami 7 :00-WEAF-Denny Orchestra 10 :00-WEAF-Whiteman's Mualc Hall; WOR-Sports Resume-Stan Lomax Helen Jepson, Soprano, and Others WJZ-Amos 'n' Andy-Sketch WOR-Channing Choir WABC-Myrt and Marge-Sketch WJZ-American Composers Concert; WMCA-String Trio Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, WLWL-Studio Orchestra Howard Hanson, Conductor; Speak- '7 :15-WEAF-Jack Smith, Songs er.Felix Larsond, Head Depart- WOR-Lum and Abner-Sketch ment of Music, American Academy Wm,concert Orchestra in Rome WABC-Just Plain Bill-Sketch WEVD-String Ensemble WMCA-Talk-George Rosette 10 :15-WOE-Current Events-H. E. Read WLWL-Mariners Male Quartet Talks; :30- WEAF-Minstrel Show WEVD-Newspaper Guild WOR-The Street Singer Heywood Broun and E. P. Joseph. WABC-NIck Lucas, Songs 10 :80-WOE-Kemp Orchestra WMCA-Folk Singer WJZ-Bank Credit in Relation to Re- WLWL-Interracial Program-Rev. covery-Charles 0. Hardy, -Brookings John La Varga (Off at 8) Institution;FredGarlock. '7:45-WOR-Comedy; Music Department of Agriculture WJZ-Nichols Orchestra; Ruth WABC-Stevens Orchestra Ening, Songs WEVD-Song Recital WABC-Boake Carter, Commentator10 :45-WABC-Voice of the Crusaders WMCA--Romance of Bible WEVD-Lane and Anderson, Songs 8:00-WEAF-Vallee's Varities; Scene From11:0o-WEAP-Talk-3. B. Kennedy Cyrano de Bergerac, With Walter WOR-News Hampden; Tom Howard. Comedian: WJZ-Siry Orchestra Teddy Bergman, Comedy; Boswell WABc-Little Orchestra Sisters, Songs WMCA-Al Shayne, Baritone; Jerry WOE-Motor Boat Show Talks Baker, Tenor WABC-All-Girl Orchestra and :15-WEAF-Berger Orchestra Chorus, Direction Phil Spitalny WOR-1lloonbeams Trio WMCA-Three Little Funsters WSZ-Broadcast From schooner Seth WEVD-Story of Surplus Food, Cloth- Parker; Sea Chanties ing and Coal Distribution-Lawrence11 :80-WEAF-Dance Music (Also onWO% Slattery, of Emergency Relief Bu- wEvD) reau Wig-Two Safeguards of Democracy, 8:15-WOR-Little Symphony Orchestra, Representative FinlY H. Gray of PhilipJames, conductor; Aux Indiana Young Maruchess, Viola wABc-sferidian 7-1212-Sketch WJZ-Jesters Male Trio WMCA-Dance Music (To 2:30-A. m.) WMCA-Harry Hershfield-Talk /2:00-mzDance music (To 1 A. MO' WEVD-Irish Orchestra wABcDance music (Tol.:30

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