DESCRIPTIONS OF MEDICAL FUNGI THIRD EDITION (revised November 2016) SARAH KIDD1,3, CATRIONA HALLIDAY2, HELEN ALEXIOU1 and DAVID ELLIS1,3 1NaTIONal MycOlOgy REfERENcE cENTRE Sa PaTHOlOgy, aDElaIDE, SOUTH aUSTRalIa 2clINIcal MycOlOgy REfERENcE labORatory cENTRE fOR INfEcTIOUS DISEaSES aND MIcRObIOlOgy labORatory SERvIcES, PaTHOlOgy WEST, IcPMR, WESTMEaD HOSPITal, WESTMEaD, NEW SOUTH WalES 3 DEPaRTMENT Of MOlEcUlaR & cEllUlaR bIOlOgy ScHOOl Of bIOlOgIcal ScIENcES UNIvERSITy Of aDElaIDE, aDElaIDE aUSTRalIa 2016 We thank Pfizera ustralia for an unrestricted educational grant to the australian and New Zealand Mycology Interest group to cover the cost of the printing. Published by the authors contact: Dr. Sarah E. Kidd Head, National Mycology Reference centre Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Sa Pathology frome Rd, adelaide, Sa 5000 Email:
[email protected] Phone: (08) 8222 3571 fax: (08) 8222 3543 © copyright 2016 The National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry: creator: Kidd, Sarah, author. Title: Descriptions of medical fungi / Sarah Kidd, catriona Halliday, Helen alexiou, David Ellis. Edition: Third edition. ISbN: 9780646951294 (paperback). Notes: Includes bibliographical references and index. Subjects: fungi--Indexes. Mycology--Indexes. Other creators/contributors: Halliday, catriona l., author. Alexiou, Helen, author. Ellis, David (David H.), author. Dewey Number: 579.5 Printed in adelaide by Newstyle Printing 41 Manchester Street Mile End, South australia 5031 front cover: Cryptococcus neoformans, and montages including Syncephalastrum, Scedosporium, Aspergillus, Rhizopus, Microsporum, Purpureocillium, Paecilomyces and Trichophyton. back cover: the colours of Trichophyton spp. Descriptions of Medical Fungi iii PREFACE The first edition of this book entitled Descriptions of Medical QaP fungi was published in 1992 by David Ellis, Steve Davis, Helen alexiou, Tania Pfeiffer and Zabeta Manatakis.