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1. Hungary in Europe 2. Ethnic map of the Carpathian Basin 3. Administrative divisions (01.07.2009) 4. GDP based on PPP valuation in selected European countries (1989–2008) 5. Per capita GDP based on PPP valuation in selected European countries (1989–2008) 6. GDP in Europe (1989) 7. GDP in Europe (2008) 8. International organisations in Europe (1989) 9. International organisations in Europe (2009) 10. Diplomatic relations (01.12.2009) 11. States in the area of the Carpathian Basin (1000–1600) 12. States in the area of the Carpathian Basin (1648–2009) 13. Thickness of the crust in the Pannonian region 14. Heat fl ow in the Pannonian region 15. Main neotectonic structures 16. Earthquakes in the area of the Pannonian Basin (456–2007) 17. Thickness of the Neogene in the Pannonian Basin 18. Geology 19. Subsurface of the Pannonian Basin 20. Physical map of the Carpathian (Pannonian) Basin 21. Geomorphology 22. Monthly average of sunshine duration 23. Winds 24. Annual mean temperature 25. July mean temperature 26. January mean temperature 27. Annual precipitation 28. Winter half year precipitation 29. Summer half year precipitation 30. Annual and seasonal mean temperature anomalies with linear trend 1901–2007, relative to 1971–2000 mean 31. Change in annual mean temperature (1978–2007) 32. Annual and seasonal mean precipitation anomalies with linear trend 1901–2007, relative to 1971–2000 mean 33. Change in annual precipitation (1951–2007) 34. Drainage system of the Danube 35. Catchment area of the Carpathian Basin 36. Long-term mean discharge of the rivers (m³/s) 37. Flood and excess water control 38. Major fl ood control systems in Europe 39. Main genetic soil types 40. Potential soil fertility

206 41. Land degradation 42. Soil water management 43. General soil moisture regime 44. Traditional and spatial soil information systems 45. Migration routes of fl ora elements 46. Landscape and biological variability 47. Area and migration routes of Alyssum tortuosum 48. Floristic-phytogeographical divisions 49. Climatic zones of vegetation 50. Natural vegetation 51. Faunal dynamics in the Carpathian Basin 52. Plebejus species in Europe 53. Chersotis fi mbriola in Europe 54. Protected natural areas 55. Natura 2000 56. National ecological network 57. Environmentally sensitive areas (ESAs) 58. Air pollution (2007) 59. Pollen load (2008) 60. Sewerage system 61. Waste generation 62. Municipal solid waste in Budapest (1990–2007) 63. Change in population number (1990–2008) 64. Dates of population maxima (1869–2008) 65. Population density (2007) 66. Natural movement (1876–2008) 67. Live births (2007) 68. Deaths (2007) 69. Life expectancy at birth (2007) 70. Natural population change (2007) 71. Internal migration and residential mobility (1960–2007) 72. Balance of internal migration by sett lement type (1960–2007) 73. Net migration (2000–2006) 74. Foreign citizens (2009) 75. Gender ratio (2008) 76. Ageing index (2008) 77. Mean age (2007) 78. Unemployment and economic activity (2008) 79. Unemployment (1990–2008) 80. Roma (Gypsy) population (2001) 81. Religious population (2001) 82. Religious affi liation of believers (2001) 83. Share of sett lements categorised by size (2008) 84. Sett lement system 85. Density of sett lements (2008)

207 86. Size of sett lements (01.01.2008) 87. Scatt ered farmsteads (‘Tanya’) (2001) 88. Urban sett lements with more than 50 thousand inhabitants 89. Legal designation of urban sett lements 90. Hierarchy of urban sett lements 91. Universities and colleges (2007) 92. Theatres (2007) 93. Hospitals (2007) 94. Main types of urban sett lements (2009) 95. Substandard dwellings (2001) 96. Ratio of vacant dwellings by sett lement size (2001) 97. Balance of migration in the Budapest agglomeration (1990–2007) 98. Ratio of daily commuters amongst active earners in the Budapest agglomeration (2001) 99. Spatial structure of Budapest agglomeration 100. Relative level of development (1975) 101. Relative level of development (1994) 102. Relative level of development (2007) 103. Stock of FDI (2006) 104. Regular social support (2007) 105. Income of taxpayers (2007) 106. Disadvantaged microregions (2007) 107. Registered corporations (2007) 108. Support from European Structural Funds (2004–2006) 109. Gross production value of agriculture (1989–2007) 110. Land use 111. Agricultural area by land use categories 112. Crop production (2008) 113. Livestock (1989–2008) 114. Animal husbandry (2007) 115. Agricultural area by type of enterprise (2007) 116. Agricultural private land holdings 117. prices (2007) 118. Solid mineral resources (2008) 119. Coal production (1987–2007) 120. Production, storage and piping of hydrocarbons (2008) 121. Total crude oil consumption (import and production, 1965–2007) 122. Major gas and oil pipelines in Eastern Europe 123. Total consumption (import and production, 1965–2007) 124. Fossil and nuclear fuel used for power generation (1955–2007) 125. Major power plants and electricity transmission grid 126. Power systems in Europe (2008) 127. Number of industrial enterprises by legal form 128. Foreign capital and gross value added in industry (2006) 129. Volume index of industrial production (1990–2008)

208 130. Industrial employees (1990–2007) 131. Industrial employment (2007) 132. Major enterprises in automotive industry and electronics (2008) 133. Major enterprises in chemical industry (2008) 134. Major enterprises in textile industry (2008) 135. Major enterprises in food industry (2008) 136. Change in the spatial patt ern of Hungarian industry 137. Industrial production and export (2007) 138. Industrial investment (2007) 139. Industrial parks (1997–2007) 140. Volume of road traffi c (2008) 141. Road traffi c of foreign motor vehicles (2007) 142. Condition of public roads (2007) 143. Car ownership 144. Railway network (2008) 145. Railway traffi c (2008) 146. Navigable waterways (2008) 147. Airports (2008) 148. International air traffi c at Budapest Ferihegy Airport (Summer, 2009) 149. Primary districts of long distance dialling (2008) 150. Telecommunications backbone networks and telephone line penetration (2008) 151. Access to 3G/HSDPA network (2008) 152. Hotspot availability (2008) 153. Local television and radio stations (2008) 154. Banking network by region 155. Banking network 156. Banking network in Budapest 157. Trends in numbers of enterprises 158. Foreign direct investment in the reatail sector 159. Investment in the ,G’ sector (2001–2007) 160. Market share of the largest retailers in the FMCG (Daily Good’s) sector 161. Spatial distribution of main retail outlets (2007) 162. Changes in retail fl oorspace and numbers of shops 163. Household incomes and the dynamics of retail shops 164. The hierarchy of central places in retailing (2007) 165. Spatial diff erentiation of retailing (2007) 166. Foreign trade (2008) 167. Visits by foreign citizens by length of stay (2004–2007) 168. Visits by foreign citizens by purpose (2007) 169. Main tourist att ractions (2008) 170. Capacity and overnight stays in public accomodation establishments (2004–2007) 171. Foreign citizens as real estate purchasers (2001–2006) 172. Hungarians travelling abroad by purpose and length of stay (2007)


1. Ethnic stability of the state borders in the Carpathian Basin (2008) 2. Ethnic reciprocity in the countries of the Carpathian Basin (2001/2002) 3. GDP data of selected European countries (2008) 4. Territorial and administrative changes of the (1900–1947) 5. Partition of the Hungarian state among the neighbour states according to the (1920) 6. Total extension of diff erent categories of protected area (2003, 2008) 7. Land use types in nationally protected natural areas (01.04.2008) 8. Population growth and population density (1495–2009) 9. Selected demographic indicators (1900–2008) 10. Selected indicators for labour force movement (1980–2005) 11. Hungarians in the regions of the Carpatho-Pannonian Area (1910–2001) 12. Hungarians in the World (1930, 2000) 13. Ethnic structure of the population on the present-day territory of Hungary (1880–2001) 14. Religious structure of the population on the present-day territory of Hungary (1910–2001) 15. Number of sett lements grouped by population size and some relevant indicators (01.01.2008) 16. Number of urban sett lements (1945–2008) 17. Hierarchy of urban sett lements (01.01.2009) 18. The primacy of Budapest within Hungary according to diff erent indicators (2007) 19. Population change in the Budapest Metropolitan Region (BMR, 1990–2007) 20. Commodity patt ern of Hungarian agricultural foreign trade (million EUR) 21. Annual change in agricultural gross production (%) 22. Ratio of agriculture in GDP 23. Land use categories (1960–2008) 24. Economically active persons in the agriculture and food industry (1985–2005) 25. Persons employed in the agriculture and food industry (1985–2005) 26. Volume of timber production (thousand m3) 27. Indices of game management sector 28. Age structure of the population of small villages (2001) 29. Resources and payments of the SAPARD programme (2000–2007) 30. Mineral resources (2008) 31. Major power plants (2008) 32. Basic technical data of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant 33. Selected indices of industry within the Hungarian economy (1990–2007) 34. Trends in Hungarian industry (1990–2007) 35. Output of principal manufactured products (1990–2007) 36. Volume of freight traffi c (1980–2008) 37. Volume of passenger traffi c (1980–2008) 38. Modal split in freight traffi c by transport types (1990–2008) 39. Relevant telecommunications data (1990–2008) 40. Telecommunications data for Central and South-East Europe (2008) 41. Territorial distribution of the bank branch network and branch density (1998–2008)

210 42. Distribution of the bank branch network by sett lement category by size (1998–2004) 43. Hungary’s foreign trade (2008) 44. Hungary’s foreign trade by main partners (2008) 45. Balance of Hungary’s foreign trade (main bilateral surplus and defi cit relations, 2008) 46. Commodity patt ern of Hungary’s foreign trade (2008) 47. Outward (export) stock of foreign direct investment by selected countries (million USD, 2007) 48. Inward (import) stock of foreign direct investment from selected countries (million USD, 2007) 49. Stock of Hungarian capital exports by main countries (2006, 2007) 50. Hungary’s outward capital stock by main sectors (2006, 2007) 51. Economic indicators related to tourism (2004–2007) 52. Leading countries rate in public accommodation establishments (1990, 2007)

211 212