Course Descriptions



All credit courses are listed in the Catalog. Following Students are expected to meet valid and necessary the course number and title are the units of credit that course prerequisites and corequisites. For information on may be earned. The course descriptions describe the to- challenging prerequisites, corequisites, and enrollment tal number of lecture and/or laboratory hours that are re- limitations, see page 29. quired for that course per semester. The following section presents a description of every Course Numbering System course offered in the College. Each description is self- Classification I – Courses Numbered 001-099 contained, i.e., each contains important information on These Freshman and Sophomore courses generally corre- prerequisites, units and hours, limitations on enrollment, spond to university or senior college lower division cours- recommendations, scheduling by semesters and other data es. which may be required in making a decision to include the Pasadena City College recommends that universities and course in the student’s program of studies. senior colleges grant subject or elective credit toward Ju- nior standing for courses in this classification. Specific Prerequisites/Corequisites/Recommended course credit, however, depends upon articulation with the Preparation senior institution. Students should consult the catalog of A prerequisite is a condition of enrollment, such as the institution to which they plan to transfer. successful completion of another course (with a grade Some courses numbered 001-099 can be accepted only as of A, B, C, or P), that must be met BEFORE a student can meeting elective requirements at four-year colleges or uni- register for a course or an educational program. Suc- versities. For further clarification, students should consult cessful completion of a prerequisite demonstrates readi- counseling services. ness for the subsequent course or program. By meeting Classification II – Courses Numbered 100-399 the prerequisite, the student shows that he or she knows These courses are technical, semiprofessional or occupa- certain skills, concepts, and/or information without which tionally oriented or they meet community college general the College considers success in the subsequent course or education needs. program highly unlikely. Classification III – Courses Numbered 400-499 A corequisite is a course in which a student is re- These courses are non-degree applicable and are review quired to enroll AT THE SAME TIME that he or she is and foundation-building courses which are used primarily enrolled in another course. In the corequisite course, the to qualify students for courses in the transfer classifica- student acquires certain skills, concepts, and/or informa- tion by satisfying subject or grade deficiencies. Except for tion without which the College considers success in the certain sequential arrangements, courses in this group are concurrent course highly unlikely. open to all students. Basic skills coursework provides op- A recommended preparation statement in a course portunities for students to improve their skills in the areas description means that a student is advised, but not of mathematics, reading, and writing. These foundation required, to complete the identified course(s) prior to level courses are designed to prepare students for success enrollment in another course or educational program. in further academic work. The skills, concepts, and/or information gained in the rec- Classification IV – Courses Numbered 900-950 ommended preparation in another course or educational These courses are non-degree applicable corequisite cours- program will prepare students for success in the subse- es for specific skills development. quent course or program. All prerequisites, corequisites, and recommendation Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID) preparation statements listed in the course descriptions The Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID) is a are periodically reviewed. Students – especially those new statewide numbering system independent from the course to Pasadena City College – should consult the Schedule of numbers assigned by local community colleges. Classes and the Counseling Department for the most cur- A C-ID number indicates that the course is comparable in rent information. content and scope to courses offered at other California

PAGE 364 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 community colleges or participating universities (primarily Manufacturing and Industrial Technology CSU campuses), regardless of the course title or local course Marketing number. If a schedule of classes or catalog lists a course Paralegal that includes a C-ID number, students can be assured that Statistics it will be accepted as an equivalent to a course identified Technical Education (General) with the same C-ID number at another community college. Welding In other words, the C-ID number can be used to identify comparable courses at different community colleges. COUNSELING The C-ID numbering system is useful for students Counseling attending more than one community college and can be used to avoid repeating a class that has been successfully ENGLISH English passed at another community college. Students should always go to to confirm how each college’s HEALTH SCIENCES course will be accepted at a particular four-year college Anesthesia Technology or university for transfer credit. Because these course Dental Assisting requirements may change and because courses may Dental Hygiene be modified and qualified for or deleted from the C-ID Dental Laboratory Technology database, students should always check with a counselor Emergency Medical Technology to determine how C-ID designated courses fit into their Gerontology educational plans for transfer. Health Sciences The C-ID number can be found in the catalog description. Medical Assisting To view the complete list of PCC courses with C-ID Nutrition approval, please visit: and choose Nursing Pasadena City College from the drop-down menu. Personal Care Assistant Radiologic Technology Grade Mode Definitions There are three grade mode (grading options) at PCC, KINESIOLOGY, HEALTH and ATHLETICS however, not every option is available for every class. Health Education L – Letter grade. See page 51 for a complete Kinesiology – Activity description. Kinesiology – Theory A – Audit. See page 67 for a complete description. Kinesiology – Intercollegiate Athletics P – Pass/No Pass. See page 52 for a complete description. LANGUAGES American Sign Language Arabic DIVISIONS Armenian Courses are listed alphabetically by sub-department. Chinese Divisions of the College, with their sub-departments, are: English as a Second Language Foreign Language Study French BUSINESS and ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY German Accounting Italian Administration of Justice Japanese Automotive Technology Latin Building Construction Linguistics Business (General) Portuguese Business Information Technology Russian Computer Information Systems Spanish Cosmetology Culinary Arts LIBRARY Electricity Library Electronics Engineering MATHEMATICS and COMPUTER SCIENCE Design Technology Computer Science Fire Technology Mathematics Hospitality Statistics Machine Shop

PAGE 365 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 NATURAL SCIENCES Journalism Anatomy Photography Astronomy Theater Arts Biology Chemistry Environmental Studies Geography ACCOUNTING Geology (Business and Engineering Technology Division) Laser Technology Microbiology ACCT 001A FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Physical Science 5 units Physics Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH 131. Physiology Recommended Preparation: ACCT 010 or BUS 014A. Study of the concepts and techniques for measurement and PERFORMING and communication of financial information and interpretation COMMUNICATION ARTS of financial statements. Total of 90 hours lecture. Communication Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ACCT 110 Dance Grade Mode: L, A Music Popular Music ACCT 001B MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING Speech Communication 4 units Speech Language Pathology Assistant Prerequisite: ACCT 001A. Television and Radio Principles of managerial accounting. The use of accounting Theater Arts information in decision-making, planning, directing opera- tions and controlling. Focuses on cost terms and concepts, SOCIAL SCIENCES cost behavior, cost structure and cost-volume-profit analy- American Institutions sis. Includes issues relating to cost systems, cost control, Anthropology profit planning, and performance analysis in manufactur- Child Development ing and service environments. Total of 72 hours lecture. Economics Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ACCT 120 Education Grade Mode: L Global Studies History ACCT 010 BOOKKEEPING — ACCOUNTING Humanities 4 units Philosophy Basic accounting principles and methods of recording Political Science business transactions, maintaining a general ledger sys- Psychology tem, and preparing financial statements. Emphasis on Religious Studies Social Sciences service and merchandising systems for sole proprietor- Sociology ships. No credit if taken after ACCT 001A or ACCT 101. For Special Education Technology preparation for ACCT 001A and office support, marketing- Statistics merchandising majors and those who want a knowledge of bookkeeping for personal use, but open to all qualified SPECIAL SERVICES students. Total of 72 hours lecture. Special Services Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A VISUAL ARTS and MEDIA STUDIES Architecture ACCT 104A COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING - Art QUICKBOOKS Cinema 3 units Communication Prerequisite: ACCT 001A or 010. Design/Media Arts Introduction to accounting systems concepts and software Fashion with PC packages such as Quickbooks. Topics include gen- Graphic Communications Technology eral ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable, inven- tory, and basic payroll. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 ______hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L *Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 366 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ACCT 104B PAYROLL ACCOUNTING nation of the contemporaneous hiring processes of law 3 units enforcement agencies, including but not limited to prepa- Recommended Preparation: Enrollment in or completion ration of the application, oral board analysis and overall of ACCT 104A. examination of the system requirements. Total of 54 hours Concepts of payroll accounting, including microcomputer lecture. application. The course is based on the curriculum for the Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: AJ 110 Fundamental Payroll Certification provided by the Ameri- Grade Mode: L, A can Payroll Association. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. AJ 012 CONCEPTS OF CRIMINAL LAW Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of AJ 010. ACCT 104C INCOME TAX PREPARATION Historical development of criminal law; legal research 3 units methods; classification of crime through critical thinking Introduction to federal and California individual tax prepa- analysis as seen through the eyes of the investigator and ration. The curriculum follows the guidelines developed by the trier of fact; in-depth analysis of homicide and related the California Tax Education Council. Total of 54 hours lec- crimes against persons; survey of property crimes and drug ture and 18 hours laboratory. and alcohol related offenses; thorough exposure to legal Grade Mode: L concepts for those considering careers in law enforcement and related legal professions. Total of 54 hours lecture. ACCT 106A VOLUNTEER INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: AJ 120 (VITA) TRAINING Grade Mode: L, A 2 units Preparation for the IRS and California Franchise Tax AJ 014 LEGAL ASPECTS OF EVIDENCE Board Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA). 3 units Introduction to federal and California individual tax Prerequisites: AJ 010 and 012. preparation using the guidelines developed by the IRS. Origin, development, philosophy and constitutional basis The VITA program certification exam will be administered of evidence; constitutional and procedural considerations during this course. Total of 36 hours lecture. affecting arrest, search and seizure; kinds and degrees of Grade Mode: P evidence and rules governing admissibility; judicial deci- sions interpreting individual rights and case studies; evi- ACCT 108A VOLUNTEER INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE (VITA) dentiary requirements justifying the use of force or deadly 1 unit weapons by peace officers. Total of 54 hours lecture. Prerequisite: ACCT 106A or the equivalent. Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: AJ 124 Preparation of tax returns for low-income and elderly taxpayers according to the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Grade Mode: L, A (VITA) program guidelines. Students must be VITA certified in order to enroll. Pass/No Pass grading. Total of 54 hours AJ 016 PRINCIPLES AND PROCEDURES laboratory. OF THE JUSTICE SYSTEM Grade Mode: P 3 units Prerequisites: AJ 010 and 012. Structure, jurisdiction and procedures of different courts; functions of various administrative agencies; criminal pro- ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE cedures from apprehension to conviction, including bail, (Business and Engineering Technology Division) extradition, search and seizure, examination, modes of ac- cusation, appeals and writs. Total of 54 hours lecture. AJ 010 INTRODUCTION TO THE Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: AJ 122 ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE Grade Mode: L, A 3 units History and philosophy of administration of justice in the AJ 018 COMMUNITY RELATIONS United States of America from its inception to its role in 3 units a culturally diverse society. Identification and explanation Prerequisite: AJ 010. of the various components of the criminal justice system; Survey of the relationships of the criminal justice system theories of crime, punishment and rehabilitation; exami- and the community; symptomatic aspects of community mistrust, lack of cooperation and misunderstanding. The ______process of interaction between the criminal justice prac-

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 367 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 titioner and the citizen. Analysis of how relationships are AJ 130 FIREARMS developed, maintained and changed. Total of 54 hours lec- 1 unit ture. Prerequisite: AJ 014. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: AJ 160 Moral aspects, legal provisions, safety precautions and re- Grade Mode: L, A strictions covering use of firearms; firing of sidearms and shotguns; various chemical agents (gases); and training- AJ 019 PRINCIPLES OF INVESTIGATION related first aid. Total of 9 hours lecture and 27 hours labo- 3 units ratory. Prerequisites: AJ 010 and 012. Grade Mode: L Basic principles of all types of investigations utilized in the United States justice system. Includes human interactions AJ 185 HOMELAND SECURITY in dealing with the public, specific knowledge necessary 3 units for handling crime scenes; interviews, evidence, surveil- Prerequisites: AJ 010 and AJ 012. lance, follow-up, technical resources and case preparation. History, ideology, and tactics used by foreign and domestic Total of 54 hours lecture. terrorist organizations. The United States response to the Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: AJ 140 terrorist threat, countermeasures to prevent or mitigate Grade Mode: L, A and recover from acts of terrorism. Case studies of previous terrorist attacks; a working knowledge of weapons of mass AJ 022 CONCEPTS OF ENFORCEMENT SERVICES destruction; a study of the religious, social, and political 3 units paradigms which motivate global terrorism and the impact Prerequisite: AJ 012. on American law enforcement. Total of 54 hours lecture. Theories, philosophies and concepts related to the role ex- Grade Mode: L, A pectations of the enforcement officer. Emphasis on patrol, and public service responsibilities and their relationship AJ 190 INTRODUCTION TO FORENSICS to the administration of justice system. Total of 54 hours 3 units lecture. Prerequisites: AJ 010 and AJ 012. Transfer Credit: CSU Basic concepts and overview of the Forensic Science field. Grade Mode: L, A Topics include terminology, crime scene processing pro- tocols and techniques, types of evidence, lab techniques AJ 122 FIELD PRACTICE IN ADMINISTRATION available for the recovery of fingerprints, fingerprint iden- OF JUSTICE tification, an overview of criminalistics, and of specializa- 2 units tions within the discipline. Required instructional trips. Prerequisite: AJ 012 and maintain enrollment in 7 units Total of 54 hours lecture. or more including field practice. Grade Mode: L, A Supervised field experience or employment in Administra- tion of Justice, on-the-job training with local criminal jus- tice agency. Student must meet all requirements of partici- AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS pating agency. Pass/no pass grading. Total of 180 hours laboratory. (Social Sciences Division) Grade Mode: A, P AMER 125 AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS AJ 128 USE OF FORCE 3 units 1 unit Constitution of United States; American history, includ- Prerequisite: AJ 010. ing American institutions and ideals; principles of state Methods required for the use-of-force in the law enforce- and local government established under California consti- ment field. Preparation for taking law enforcement self- tution; present-day applications and interpretation. No defense test. Protection against persons armed with credit if taken after AMER 005 or POLS 001. Total of 54 dangerous and deadly weapons. Demonstration and drill hours lecture. in limited number of holds and come alongs. Restraint of Grade Mode: L, A, P prisoners and mentally ill persons. Use of baton and ap- plication of self-defense kicks and handcuffing techniques. Total of 9 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 368 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE in America. For students interested in understanding Deaf culture. Total of 54 hours lecture. (Languages Division) Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, P ASL 001 ELEMENTARY AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE 4 units ASL 109 FINGERSPELLING Basic study of American Sign Language as used by Deaf 1 unit individuals; development of receptive and expressive skills. Principles of fingerspelling. Emphasis on receptive and Introduction to Deaf culture. Maximum credit for ASL 010A and ASL 001 is 4 units. Total of 72 hours lecture. expressive skills, including the proper handshape, clarity, Transfer Credit: CSU; UC speed, smoothness and correct English spelling. Total of Grade Mode: L, A 18 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P ASL 002 ELEMENTARY AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE 4 units ASL 110 METHODS OF COMMUNICATION — Prerequisite: ASL 001. HEARING IMPAIRED Continuation of American Sign Language with an emphasis 3 units on receptive and expressive skills, signing parameters, Methods of communication with the K-12 hearing impaired spatial locations, classifiers, and lexicalized fingerspelling; student and the application of these methods for the para- vocabulary acquisition with practice; Deaf culture and professional working in the classroom setting. Total of 54 customs. Maximum credit for ASL 010B and ASL 002 is 4 hours lecture. units. Total of 72 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P ANATOMY ASL 003 INTERMEDIATE AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE (Natural Sciences Division) 4 units Prerequisite: ASL 002. Intermediate American Sign Language with emphasis ANAT 025 HUMAN ANATOMY on basic conversation through receptive and expressive 4 units skills, signing parameters, spatial locations, classifiers, Recommended Preparation: Completion of any college- and lexicalized fingerspelling; vocabulary acquisition with level (1-99) course in the Natural Sciences. practice; Deaf culture and customs. Maximum credit for Study of structural organization of the human body from ASL 010C and ASL 003 is 4 units. Total of 72 hours lecture. cellular to organ system level of organization. Gross and Transfer Credit: CSU; UC microscopic anatomy of the integumentary, skeletal, mus- Grade Mode: L, P cular, nervous, sensory, endocrine, cardiovascular, lym- phatic, respiratory, digestive, excretory, and reproductive ASL 004 INTERMEDIATE AMERICAN SIGN systems of the human body. Total of 36 hours lecture and LANGUAGE – LEVEL 2 108 hours laboratory. 4 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: BIOL 110B. Prerequisite: ASL 003. Grade Mode: L, P A continuation of intermediate American Sign Language with emphasis on conversation skills and storytelling; ANAT 110 DISSECTION ANATOMY continued expansion of knowledge of Deaf culture and 2 units Deaf community. Maximum credit for ASL 010D and ASL Prerequisite: ANAT 025. 004 is 4 units. Total of 72 hours lecture. Study of gross anatomy by dissection of a human cadaver Transfer Credit: CSU; UC with emphasis on musculature, brain, and organs of the Grade Mode: L, P thoracic and abdominal cavities. Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. ASL 015 INTRODUCTION TO DEAF CULTURE Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Investigation of Deaf Culture. Emphasis on historical ANAT 115 HEAD AND NECK ANATOMY, events that have impacted members of the Deaf community. HISTOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY Explores American Sign Language; addresses the diversity and cultural identity of members of the Deaf community 3 units Prerequisites: ANAT 025 and PYSO 001. ______Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program. *Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 369 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Anatomy, histology and embryology of the head and neck Introduction to the theory and concepts in the proper use with emphasis on the structures of the oral cavity. Total of and safe practice of delivery and storage of anesthesia 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. medications which includes: Stocking of the drug cart and Grade Mode: L, A, P assisting anesthesia care provider in the preparation of medications. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY (Health Sciences Division) AT 114 BASIC ANESTHESIA EQUIPMENT-THEORY AND LAB 1 AT 110 PROFESSIONAL ASPECTS OF ANESTHESIA 3 /2 units TECHNOLOGY Prerequisite: AT 111. 2 units Corequisites: AT 112, 113, 116. Corequisite: AT 111. Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Anesthesia Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Anesthesia Technology Program. Technology Program. Introduction to the theories and concepts in the adequate Introduction to Anesthesiology’s contribution to quality function of anesthesia equipment to include, maintaining patient care and the relationship of the Anesthesia Tech- equipment, repairing defects and trouble-shooting compli- nologist to other Healthcare professionals. Focus is on pa- cations. Total of 54 hours lecture and 45 hours laboratory. tient safety, universal precautions, and student safety in Grade Mode: L the Healthcare environment. Total of 36 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L AT 115 ADVANCED ANESTHESIA EQUIPMENT-THEORY AND LAB 1 AT 111 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ANESTHESIA 3 /2 units TECHNOLOGY Prerequisite: AT 114. 3 units Corequisites: AT 117, 118. Corequisite: AT 110. Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Anesthesia Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Anesthesia Technology Program. Technology Program. Introduction to the theory and concepts of advanced an- Introduction to the theory and concepts of functioning esthesia equipment used in cardiac, neurological, and in a surgical environment including a fundamental under- trauma anesthesia. Total of 54 hours lecture and 45 hours standing of a variety of anesthesia equipment and basic laboratory. case set-up utilizing anesthesia supplies and equipment. Grade Mode: L Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L AT 116 ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY CLINICAL EXPERIENCE I AT 112 ADVANCED PRINCIPLES OF ANESTHESIA 5 units TECHNOLOGY Prerequisite: AT 111. 3 units Corequisites: AT 112, 113, 114. Prerequisite: AT 111. Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Anesthesia Corequisites: AT 113, 114, 116. Technology Program. Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Anesthesia Introduction to the theory and concepts of clinical prac- Technology Program. tice in Obstetrical, Pediatric, and Outpatient anesthesia Introduction to the theory and concepts of the use and to include: General, regional and conscious sedation tech- function of anesthesia supplies and equipment used for niques. Total of 270 hours laboratory. various surgical procedures to include cases in: General, Grade Mode: L regional, and conscious sedation. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L AT 117 ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY CLINICAL EXPERIENCE II AT 113 ANESTHESIA PHARMACOLOGY 5 units 3 units Prerequisite: AT 116. Prerequisites: AT 110 and 111. Corequisites: AT 115, 118. Corequisites: AT 112, 114, 116. Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Anesthesia Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Anesthesia Technology Program. Technology Program. Introduction to the theory and concepts of advanced clini- cal practice skills. Students operate independently as an-

PAGE 370 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 esthesia technologists in all aspects of patient care in- ANTH 001L LABORATORY IN PHYSICAL cluding: preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative ANTHROPOLOGY surgical phases. Total of 270 hours laboratory. 1 unit Grade Mode: L Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of ANTH 001. Laboratory to explore selected topics in physical anthro- AT 118 ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY CASE STUDY pology including genetics human variation, the living pri- AND PROGRAM REVIEW mates, and human paleontology. Total of 54 hours labora- 3 units tory. Prerequisite: AT 116. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ANTH 115L Corequisites: AT 115 and, 117. Grade Mode: L, A, P Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Anesthesia Technology Program. ANTH 002 CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY Capstone course utilizing theory and concepts of the clini- 3 units cal practicum for demonstrating safe and effective anes- Origin, development and extensiveness of socio-economic thesia care for all surgical patients to include: preopera- groups such as tribe, clan and family; religious phenom- tive, intraoperative, and postoperative management. Total ena such as ritual, belief and worship; language phenom- of 54 hours lecture. ena and thought processes. No credit if taken after ANTH Grade Mode: L 002H. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ANTH 120 Grade Mode: L, A, P ANTHROPOLOGY ANTH 002H HONORS CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY (Social Sciences Division) 3 units Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Honors ANTH 001 PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY program. 3 units Origin, development and extensiveness of socio-economic Explore the field of physical anthropology, emphasizing groups such as tribe, clan and family; religious phenomena the evolution of the human species. Topics include hu- such as ritual, belief and worship; language phenomena man heredity, mechanisms of human change, human and thought processes. This enriched course is designed variation, and the reconstruction of human evolution- for the Honors Program allowing more student-directed ary history through examination of the fossil record and discussions and more extensive writing assignments. No comparative studies of our closest biological relatives, credit if taken after ANTH 002. Total of 54 hours lecture. the living apes. No credit if taken after ANTH 001H. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ANTH 120 Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ANTH 110 Grade Mode: L, A, P ANTH 003 INTRODUCTION TO ARCHAEOLOGY 3 units ANTH 001H HONORS PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY Methods, theories and practices of archaeology. An ex- 3 units ploratory survey of how archaeologists discover, describe, Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Honors interpret, and explain the past through the analysis of program. material remains left by ancient peoples. Topics include Explore the field of physical anthropology, emphasizing the history and interdisciplinary nature of archaeology; the evolution of the human species. Topics include human field methods, analytical practices, and dating techniques; heredity, mechanisms of human change, human variation, categories of archaeological evidence; professional ethics; and the reconstruction of human evolutionary history and selected cultural sequences and archaeology site ex- through examination of the fossil record and comparative amples. Total of 54 hours lecture. studies of our closest biological relatives, the living apes. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ANTH 150 This enriched course is designed for the Honors Program Grade Mode: L, A, P allowing more student-directed discussions and more extensive writing assignments. No credit if taken after ANTH 004 ANTHROPOLOGY OF RELIGION, ANTH 001. Total of 54 hours lecture. MAGIC, WITCHCRAFT Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ANTH 110 3 units L, A, P Grade Mode: An introduction to anthropology through analysis of the origins and development of supernatural beliefs from pre- ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 371 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 historic people to contemporary societies using archaeo- and family, and the impact of gender issues in the contem- logical examples, cross-cultural ethnographic studies. To- porary global culture. Total of 54 hours lecture. tal of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A, P ANTH 012 AMERICAN INDIAN CULTURES ANTH 005 INTRODUCTION TO LINGUISTIC 3 units ANTHROPOLOGY Introduction to the societies and cultures of Native North 3 units America, their beliefs and behaviors. Topics include social Overview of human languages, their unique nature, char- organization, marriage and kinship, subsistence strate- acteristics, the varied social and cultural uses of language, gies, political organization and cultural change. Total of the ways culture and communication mutually influence 54 hours lecture. each other, including language socialization, social varia- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC tion in language use and cross cultural communication. Grade Mode: L, A, P Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ANTH 130 ANTH 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY Grade Mode: L, A, P 1 unit Enrollment Limitation: Permission of Division Dean. ANTH 006 ORIGINS OF CIVILIZATION Individual research project; emphasis on field work or on 3 units library research techniques; written reports. Total of 54 Introduction to the origins and development of human cul- hours laboratory. ture, from the beginning of tool use to the rise of civiliza- Transfer Credit: CSU tion and the origins of the modern state. An archaeological Grade Mode: L, A, P exploration of some of the most prominent ancient sites and civilizations from both the Old and New Worlds. Top- ANTH 030A ANTHROPOLOGICAL FIELD STUDIES - ics include early tool use, the domestication of plants and MESA VERDE, COLORADO animals, the emergence of metallurgy, advent of writing, 2 units early village life, and rise of complex social and political Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of ANTH 001, systems (civilizations). Total of 54 hours lecture. 002, 003 or 004. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Field investigation of the regional cultures and cultural Grade Mode: L, A, P artifacts in selected areas of the world. Required instruc- tional trips (an average of two hours each week). Total of ANTH 007 ARCHAEOLOGICAL ARTIFACT ANALYSIS 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A, P Recommended Preparation: Enrollment in or completion of ANTH 003. ANTH 030B ANTHROPOLOGICAL FIELD STUDIES – An introduction to the concepts and techniques used by RIO GRANDE PUEBLOS, NEW MEXICO archaeologists to examine varied types of archaeological 2 units materials. Basic instruction in artifact handling, identifi- Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of ANTH 001, cation, classification, cataloging, analysis, and curation. 002, 003 or 004. Total of 45 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. Field investigation of the regional cultures and Transfer Credit: CSU; UC cultural artifacts in selected areas of the world. Grade Mode: L, A Required instructional trips (an average of two hours each week). Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. ANTH 009 GENDER, SEX AND CULTURE Transfer Credit: CSU 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Explores the anthropology of sex and gender including the relationship between biology and culture in human evolu- ANTH 030C ANTHROPOLOGICAL FIELD STUDIES – tion, archaeological evidence of gender distinctions in pre- history, cross-cultural constructions of masculinity, femi- CALIFORNIA ninity, and sexuality, variations in sexual division of labor 2 units and economic stratification, gender differences in religion Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of ANTH 001, 002, 003 or 004. Field investigation of the regional cultures and cultural ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 372 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 artifacts in selected areas of the world. Required instruc- Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of ANTH 001, tional trips (an average of two hours each week). Total of 002, 003 or 004. 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Field investigation of the regional cultures and cultural Transfer Credit: CSU artifacts in selected areas of the world. Required instruc- Grade Mode: L, A tional trips (an average of two hours each week). Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. ANTH 030D ANTHROPOLOGICAL FIELD STUDIES – Transfer Credit: CSU ROCKY MOUNTAINS Grade Mode: L, A, P 2 units Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of ANTH 001, ANTH 031 MEXICAN AND CHICANO CULTURE 002, 003 or 004. 3 units Field investigation of the regional cultures and Analysis of Mexican-American culture and society; religion, cultural artifacts in selected areas of the world. political interests, economy, customs, institutions; cultural Required instructional trips (an average of two hours each adaptation of the Mexican-American to the dominant cul- week). Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. ture. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A, P

ANTH 030E ANTHROPOLOGICAL FIELD STUDIES – ANTH 040 APPLICATIONS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL ENGLAND FIELD WORK 2 units 2 units Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of ANTH 001, Beginning field experience in archaeology. Basic tech- 002, 003 or 004. niques of archaeological field work, including survey and Field investigation of the regional cultures and cultural excavation; field artifact identification and collection; and artifacts in selected areas of the world. Required instruc- site mapping and recordation. Required instructional tional trips (an average of two hours each week). Total of trips (for a minimum of two hours per week). No credit if 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. taken after ANTH 030H. Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 Transfer Credit: CSU hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, P ANTH 030F ANTHROPOLOGICAL FIELD STUDIES – ITALY ANTH 140 ADVANCED APPLICATIONS OF 2 units ARCHAEOLOGICAL FIELD WORK Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of ANTH 001, 2 units 002, 003 or 004. Prerequisite: ANTH 040. Field investigation of the regional cultures and cultural Advanced field experience in archaeology. Continued artifacts in selected areas of the world. Required instruc- instruction in the methodologies and techniques used tional trips (an average of two hours each week). Total of in archaeological fieldwork. Enhanced exposure to site 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. survey, excavation, mapping, and recordation techniques; Transfer Credit: CSU field crew supervision; report writing; and select field Grade Mode: L, A projects. Required instructional trips (for a minimum of two hours per week). Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 ANTH 030G ANTHROPOLOGICAL FIELD STUDIES – hours laboratory. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Grade Mode: L, P 2 units Field investigation of regional cultures and cultural arti- facts through the study of local museum collections. Re- quired instructional trips (an average of two hours each ARABIC week). Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. (Languages Division) Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A ARBC 001 ELEMENTARY ARABIC 5 units ANTH 030I ANTHROPOLOGICAL FIELD STUDIES – Pronunciation and grammar, practical vocabulary, useful BAJA CALIFORNIA phrases; reading, writing and speaking. Introduction to 2 units geography, customs and culture of Arabic-speaking people.

PAGE 373 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Corresponds to first year of high school Arabic. Total of 90 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A, P ARCH 011 INTRODUCTION TO ARCHITECTURE ARBC 002 ELEMENTARY ARABIC 2 units 5 units An exploration of architectural education and the design Prerequisite: ARBC 001, or the first year of high school professions through topics such as design, drawing, con- Arabic, or placement based on the foreign language assess- temporary philosophies of design, and theory. A study of ment process. the past, present, and future of the architectural profes- Grammar, oral training, written composition and reading sion and an examination of various related design profes- of elementary Arabic texts; customs and culture. Total of sions including landscape architecture, interior design, 90 hours lecture. industrial design, city planning, and urban design. Survey Transfer Credit: CSU; UC of the various roles these designers play in effecting the Grade Mode: L, A, P built environment as individuals and how they interrelate as a design team. Observation of significant architectural examples will present architecture as a unified expression of an architect’s dream. Required field trips. Total of 36 ARCHITECTURE hours lecture. (Visual Arts and Media Studies Division) Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A ARCH 010A ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS ARCH 012A VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS I 3 units 3 units Corequisite: ARCH 012A. Corequisite: ARCH 010A. Recommended preparation: Enrollment in or completion Recommended Preparation: Enrollment in or completion of ARCH 011. of ARCH 011. Introduction to formal visual principles through design ex- Development of two- and three-dimensional drawing con- ercises. Emphasis on developing creativity and effective- cepts, principles and techniques using mechanical and ness in communicating a comprehensive design concept. digital methods. Critically examine an iconic work of ar- Analysis of the built environment focusing on the interac- chitecture through hand drawn orthographic paraline and tion between art and architecture and their environment. perspective drawings as well as state of the art two-dimen- Application of investigation techniques and ideas to the sional CAD drawing and three-dimensional digital modeling analysis of built form focusing on the connection between and rendering. Study of presentation types and how they built form and its meaning. Execution of projects using can be utilized to communicate architectural ideas using a variety of communication skills including: traditional state of the art digital imaging/illustration/composition drawing, model making, computer illustration and digital software. Development of skill sets required in correspond- imaging. Required field trips. Total of 36 hours lecture and ing design studio courses. Required field trips. Total of 18 72 hours laboratory. hours lecture and 108 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A

ARCH 010B DESIGN FUNDAMENTALS ARCH 012B VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS II 3 units (DIGITAL MEDIA) Prerequisites: All of the following: ARCH 010A, ARCH 011, 3 units ARCH 012A. Prerequisite: ARCH 010A and 012A. Corequisite: ARCH 012B. Corequisite: ARCH 010B. Application of three-dimensional design principles to the Development of advanced digital communications repre- execution of simple architectural projects. Emphasis on sentation techniques using state of the art computer soft- developing a structured architectural design process that ware including: two-dimensional drawing, three-dimen- will lead to solutions that are firmly based on concepts. sional digital model building, digital rendering and digital Field trips for active research and exploration of project imaging/illustration/composition. A critical examination sites. Study and application of abstract architectural theo- of iconic architecture using conceptual and analytical ries of three-dimensional form, space, order, program and three-dimensional diagramming of architectural systems, site in design projects. Required field trips. Total of 36 concepts and theory. Development of skill sets required

PAGE 374 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 in design studio courses. Required field trips. Total of 18 projects in the design studio. Application of critical struc- hours lecture and 108 hours laboratory. tural and building material knowledge to architectural de- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC sign projects. Required field trips. Total of 54 hours lec- Grade Mode: L, A ture and 162 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ARCH 013 ARCHITECTURAL PORTFOLIO Grade Mode: L, A PREPARATION 3 units ARCH 020B ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Prerequisites: ARCH 010B and 012B. 6 units A study of advanced individual student architectural de- Prerequisites: ARCH 014 and ARCH 020A. sign projects for portfolio preparation. Development of Development of principles and processes of architecture individual student portfolios which emphasize student through more complex architectural design projects. Ex- accomplishments, instructional objectives and unique ploration of complex programmatic relationships through portfolio content required by different accredited schools concepts. Comparative analysis of a broad range of archi- of architecture. Subsequent portfolio development for in- tectural building types as they relate to student design terviews in industry. Exploration and analysis of portfolio projects. Examination of sustainability and environmental presentation principles and techniques. Development of issues of climate and lighting and how these issues can digital portfolios using computer illustration, photo imag- be addressed as integral components of an architectural ing and page layout programs. Evaluation of printing and design solution. Field trips for active exploration of project binding techniques. Maximum credit for ARCH 013 and sites. Required field trips. Total of 54 hours lecture and ARCH 100 is 3 units. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours 162 hours laboratory. laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A ARCH 014 MATERIALS AND PROCESSES OF ARCH 022A ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICE CONSTRUCTION 5 units 2 units Architectural drafting conventions. Relationship of draw- Recommended preparation: Enrollment in or completion ings and their functions, schedules and related detail of ARCH 020A. drawings. Preparation of working drawings for a wood Hands on exploration of materials and methods of con- frame building involving light framing and heavy timber struction, properties, assembly and fabrication of basic construction. Total of 54 hours lecture and 108 hours labo- construction materials as they relate to building design. ratory. Examination of historic and contemporary architecture Transfer Credit: CSU focusing on building materials and structural systems as Grade Mode: L, A they relate to design concepts. Review of the basic types of governmental regulatory constraints that architects ARCH 022B ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICE must understand to design a building. Analysis of the ba- 5 units sic structural forces that operate on buildings. In depth Prerequisite: ARCH 022A. examination of the sequential processes of construction of Continuation of architectural drafting involving more a building. Required field trips. Total of 18 hours lecture complex structural systems and materials. Preparation of and 54 hours laboratory. working drawings for a structure involving steel reinforced Transfer Credit: CSU concrete and unit masonry materials. Emphasis is on de- Grade Mode: L, A tailing. Total of 54 hours lecture and 108 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU ARCH 020A ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Grade Mode: L, A 6 units Prerequisites: ARCH 010B and ARCH 012B. ARCH 024A HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE Recommended Preparation: Enrollment in or completion 3 units of ARCH 014. Development of architecture from Prehistory, through Exploration and development of concepts through archi- ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and ancient Rome to the end tectural issues such as site, circulation, program, building of the Medieval period. Development of ancient, traditional structure and enclosure. Critical examination of architec- or indigenous architecture of India, Islam, China, Japan, tural issues and ideas discussed in the context of student Africa, and the Americas. Influence of geography, religion

PAGE 375 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 and socio-economic factors on architecture. Total of 54 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A ARMN 002 ELEMENTARY ARMENIAN 5 units ARCH 024B HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE Prerequisite: ARMN 001, or the first year of high school 3 units Armenian, or placement based on the foreign language Basis and development of modern architecture from the assessment process. Renaissance to the present day. Influence of technological, Continuation of grammar essentials; practice in reading, ecological, environmental, and socio-economic factors on speaking and writing Armenian; customs and culture. Total architecture. Trends in contemporary architecture and of 90 hours lecture. environmental design. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A

ARCH 070A WORK EXPERIENCE/INTERNSHIP IN ART ARCHITECTURE (PAID) (Visual Arts and Media Studies Division) ½ to 8 units Prerequisites: Completion of one semester at Pasadena Art courses are frequently required, regardless of transfer- City College and completion of one course in major. ability, in order to develop an acceptable portfolio neces- Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. sary for admission to selective four-year college art pro- Provides students on-the-job learning in a paid architecture grams. position. Development of effective work habits, attitudes, and career awareness so as to enable students to become ART 001A HISTORY OF WESTERN ART - productive employees. Credit may be accrued at the rate of PREHISTORIC THROUGH MEDIEVAL ½ to 8 units per semester. One unit of credit for each 75 3 units hours of paid work experience. Survey of the history of architecture, sculpture, painting, Transfer Credit: CSU and the minor arts from prehistory, through the medieval Grade Mode: L, P period of Western civilizations. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ARCH 070B WORK EXPERIENCE/INTERNSHIP IN Grade Mode: L, P ARCHITECTURE (UNPAID) ½ to 8 units ART 001B HISTORY OF WESTERN ART Prerequisites: Completion of one semester at Pasadena 3 units City College and completion of one course in major. Survey of the history of architecture, sculpture, painting Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. and the minor arts from Renaissance to present day in Provides students on-the-job learning in an unpaid Western civilizations. Total of 54 hours lecture. architecture position. Development of effective work Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ARTH 120 habits, attitudes, and career awareness so as to enable students to become productive employees. Credit may be Grade Mode: L, A, P accrued at the rate of ½ to 8 units per semester. One unit of credit for each 60 hours of unpaid work experience. ART 001C ARTS OF AFRICA, OCEANIA, AND Transfer Credit: CSU INDIGENOUS NORTH AMERICA Grade Mode: L, P 3 units Survey of art, architecture, and visual culture within select regions in Africa, Oceania, and indigenous North America. ARMENIAN Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ARTH 140 (Languages Division) Grade Mode: L, P ARMN 001 ELEMENTARY ARMENIAN ART 003A HISTORY OF ASIAN ART 5 units 3 units Pronunciation, reading, speaking and writing; customs and Architecture, sculpture, painting and minor arts of India culture. Corresponds to first year of high school Armenian. and Southeast Asia; includes religious and philosophical Total of 90 hours lecture. influences on art forms. Total of 54 hours lecture. ______Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P *Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 376 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ART 003B HISTORY OF ASIAN ART of the visual arts across time and diverse cultures. Total of 3 units 54 hours lecture. Architecture, sculpture, painting and the minor arts of Chi- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ARTH 100 na, Korea and Japan; includes religious and philosophical Grade Mode: L, A, P influences on art forms. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ART 007 PRE-COLUMBIAN ART Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units A survey of the major monuments of sculpture, architec- ART 004A HISTORY OF ANCIENT ART IN THE WEST ture, painting and the minor arts of Mesoamerica and the 3 units Andean region of western South America from ca. 2000 A survey of the history of Western and Ancient Near Eastern B.C. until the Conquest. Total of 54 hours lecture. architecture, sculpture, painting and the minor arts from Transfer Credit: CSU; UC prehistoric times through the fifth century A.D. Includes Grade Mode: L, A prehistoric, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Aegean, Greek, Hel- lenistic and Roman art. Total of 54 hours lecture. ART 008 HISTORY OF MEXICAN AND CHICANO ART Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 3 units Grade Mode: L, A, P A survey of Mexican art from its beginning to the present. Includes pre-Columbian, colonial and modern art in Mexico ART 004B HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MEDIEVAL ART as well as contemporary Mexican-American expression. To- 3 units tal of 54 hours lecture. A survey of the history of architecture, sculpture, painting Transfer Credit: CSU; UC and the minor arts from the fifth century A.D. through the Grade Mode: L, A, P 13th century A.D. Includes Early Christian, Byzantine, Is- lamic, Carolingian, Ottonian, Romanesque and Gothic art. ART 009 HISTORY OF ISLAMIC ART Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC A survey of the history of art and architecture of the Is- Grade Mode: L, A, P lamic world from its beginnings in the seventh century through the eighteenth century. Total of 54 hours lecture. ART 004C HISTORY OF EUROPEAN RENAISSANCE Transfer Credit: CSU; UC AND BAROQUE ART Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units ART 011A FOUNDATION DRAWING A survey of the history of architecture, sculpture, paint- 3 units ing and the minor arts in Western Europe from the 13th Introduction to principles, elements, and practices of draw- century through the early 18th century. Total of 54 hours ing, employing a wide range of subject matter and drawing lecture. media. Focus on perceptually based drawing, observational Transfer Credit: CSU; UC skills, technical abilities, and creative responses to mate- Grade Mode: L, A, P rials and subject matter. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. ART 004D HISTORY OF MODERN ART Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ARTS 110 3 units Grade Mode: L A survey of the history of modern art that provides an overview of art and architecture from the Western modern ART 011B INTERMEDIATE DRAWING period of the 19th and 20th centuries. Total of 54 hours 3 units lecture. Prerequisite: ART 011A. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ARTH 150 Exploration of artistic concepts, styles, and creative ex- Grade Mode: L, A, P pression related to intermediate level drawing, focusing on complex subject matter and concepts using a variety ART 005 ART FUNDAMENTALS of drawing mediums, techniques, and methodologies. 3 units Students will build on fundamental drawing skills to de- A general art appreciation survey that offers a broad intro- velop personalized approaches to content and materials duction to works of art through the study of theory, termi- in exercises covering multiple historical and contemporary nology, themes, design principles, media and the history approaches to drawing. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. ______Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ARTS 205 Grade Mode: L *Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 377 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ART 011C PORTFOLIO DEVELOPMENT OF DRAWING ART 016 PERSPECTIVE 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: ART 011B. Beginning elements of one-and/or two-point perspective To develop an advanced portfolio of drawings using tech- utilizing the grid and freehand methods. Total of 36 hours niques and concepts learned for previous art experiences. lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A ART 018 RENDERING ART 012A BEGINNING LIFE DRAWING 3 units 3 units Recommended preparation: ART 015. Prerequisite: ART 011A or placement based on the art Graphic visualization for convincing representation em- assessment process. phasizing contemporary presentation techniques with Drawing the human figure from observation using a wide markers, chalk and pencil. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 variety of drawing media and techniques. Descriptive and hours laboratory. interpretative approaches to drawing the figure. Total of Transfer Credit: CSU 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ARTS 200 Grade Mode: L, A ART 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY ART 012B LIFE DRAWING 2 units 3 units Prerequisites: Completion of art specialty sequence or Prerequisite: ART 012A. enrollment in last course of sequence and permission of Continued study in drawing from the human figure from department chairperson. direct observation. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours Individual projects in art. Total of 108 hours laboratory. laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A ART 020A BEGINNING PAINTING ART 013 FOUNDATION PRINTMAKING 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of ART 011A. Introduction to the various methods of making two- Introduction to principles, elements, and practices of dimensional art works in multiple printed forms. Making painting. Focus on exploration of painting materials, per- of printing elements for the production of original ceptual skills and color theory, paint mixing and technique, works on paper or other substrates for the purpose as well as creative responses to materials and subject mat- of visual communication and dialogue. Screen-print, ter. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. monotype, lithograph, intaglio and relief process. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. C-ID: ARTS 210 Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A ART 020B INTERMEDIATE PAINTING ART 015 SKETCHING FOR DESIGN 3 units ART 020A. 3 units Prerequisite: Quick sketching techniques for beginning design and il- Investigation of formal and conceptual issues in painting. lustration students utilizing a variety of media including Development of individual aesthetic in art historical and pencil, pen, markers and a variety of papers. Emphasis on contemporary art context. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 developing visual communication skills for advertising, hours laboratory graphics, illustration, jewelry, product and interior design. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU ART 020C ADVANCED PAINTING Grade Mode: L, A 3 units Prerequisite: ART 020B. Development of a series of paintings related by form and content for exhibition or portfolio. Synthesis of formal ______and conceptual issues in painting. Aim to distinguish an

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 378 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 individual artistic voice in preparation for transfer. Total ART 023B PRINTMAKING — LITHOGRAPHY of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours Laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Basic black and white and color hand lithographic printing Grade Mode: L, A from plate and stone. Introduction to direct drawing with dry and liquid materials, transfer, and photo-lithographic ART 021 CONTEMPORARY PAINTING PRACTICE techniques. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours labora- 3 units tory. Prerequisite: ART 020C. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Exploration of individual artistic authorship in painting. Grade Mode: L, A Production for portfolio to transfer. Preparation for professional artistic practice in the broader community. ART 023C PRINTMAKING — MONOTYPE Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Exploration of printing unique images using a variety of Grade Mode: L, A painterly and direct drawing techniques on plexiglass and metal plates. Introduction to stencil, viscosity, texture, ART 022A BEGINNING WATERCOLOR PAINTING and transfer methods. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 3 units hours laboratory. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of ART 011A or Transfer Credit: CSU; UC placement based on the art assessment process. Grade Mode: L, A Introduction to the fundamentals of watercolor painting. Emphasis on the basic techniques and principles of wa- ART 024 PRINTMAKING — SILK SCREEN tercolor painting. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours 3 units laboratory. Basic fine art screen printing incorporating paper stencils, Transfer Credit: CSU; UC screen filler, drawing fluid, and photographic emulsion. -In Grade Mode: L, A troduction to edition and monoprinting techniques with an emphasis on color printing. Total of 36 hours lecture ART 022B INTERMEDIATE WATERCOLOR PAINTING and 72 hours laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Prerequisite: ART 022A. Grade Mode: L, A Investigation of watercolor techniques and experimental uses of watercolor painting. Total of 36 hours lecture and ART 025 BEGINNING SCULPTURE 72 hours laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC An introduction to materials, methods and techniques with Grade Mode: L, A an emphasis on the development of ideas and personal expression. Materials include clay, plaster, cement, ART 022C ADVANCED WATERCOLOR PAINTING wood utilized for both carving and construction, metal, 3 units plastics and mixed media including video and other digital Prerequisite: ART 022B. technologies. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours Individualized, project-based exploration of technical and laboratory. aesthetic aspects of watercolor painting. Total of 36 hours Transfer Credit: CSU; UC lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ART 026 SCULPTURE Grade Mode: L, A 3 units Prerequisite: ART 025. ART 023A PRINTMAKING — INTAGLIO AND RELIEF Expansion of ART 025 with emphasis on discovering the 3 units medium that best relates to the student’s individual ex- Basic intaglio and relief fine art printing processes. Intro- pression. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. duction to wood and linoleum cut, drypoint, etching, and Transfer Credit: CSU; UC color printing techniques. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 Grade Mode: L, A hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ART 027 SCULPTURE TECHNOLOGY — METAL Grade Mode: L, A CASTING AND MOLD MAKING 3 units Prerequisite: ART 025.

PAGE 379 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Sculpture methods and techniques in bronze, aluminum of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. casting and mold making. Work in wax, mixed media for Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ARTS 101 direct casting and drop casting. Total of 36 hours lecture Grade Mode: L, A and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU ART 033A PRODUCT DESIGN APPLICATION I Grade Mode: L, A 3 units Introduction to the product design profession. Students ART 028 FIGURE SCULPTURE create hands-on projects with emphasis on innovation, 3 units design methodologies, social and environmental issues, A study and exploration of the basic principles, materials consumer trends, sketching and presentation techniques. and techniques in dealing with expressive contemporary Completion of the course results in portfolio projects. solutions to figure sculpture. Recommended ART 025. To- Overview of the industrial design professions which include tal of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. product, transportation, environmental and entertainment Transfer Credit: CSU; UC design. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU

ART 031A COLOR AND COMPOSITION — Grade Mode: L, A TWO DIMENSIONAL DESIGN 3 units ART 033B PRODUCT DESIGN APPLICATION II Introduction to the concepts, applications, and historical 3 units references related to two-dimensional art and composition, Prerequisite: ART 033A. Application of three-dimensional design to industry with including the study of the basic principles and elements of emphasis on product development. Portfolio preparation line, shape, texture, value, color and spatial illusion. De- and development for transfer and job placement in the velopment of a visual vocabulary for creative expression field. Covers the related fields of Entertainment Design and through lecture presentations, studio projects, problem Transportation Design. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 solving, and written assignments. Total of 36 hours lecture hours laboratory. and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ARTS 100 Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A

ART 031B COLOR THEORY ART 033C PRODUCT DESIGN APPLICATION III 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: ART 031A. Prerequisite: ART 033B. A study of the principles, theories, and applications of ad- Emphasis on corporate product and graphic planning; de- ditive and subtractive color in two dimensions. Topics will velopment of student portfolio. Topics can be with Product include major historical and contemporary color systems, Design, Entertainment Design or Transportation Design. cultural usage, and the perception of color. Explore and Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. apply color theories in the development and application of Transfer Credit: CSU design elements and principles in two-dimensional compo- Grade Mode: L, A sitions. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ARTS 270 ART 034A APPLIED DESIGN I – MATERIALS AND Grade Mode: L, A PROCESSES 3 units ART 032A DESIGN — THREE DIMENSIONAL Recommended Preparation: ART 031A. Introduction to traditional and contemporary concepts 3 units and processes in a variety of design media such as metal, Introduction to the concepts, applications, and historical wood/fiber, and glass/plexiglass. Emphasis is on design references related to three-dimensional design and principles in the development of aesthetic forms based spatial composition, including the study of the elements on function. Geared towards students with an interest and organizing principles of design as they apply to in jewelry, product design, interior design, and sculpture. three-dimensional space and form. Development of a Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. visual vocabulary for creative expression through lecture presentations and use of appropriate materials for non- Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: ARTS 280 representational three-dimensional studio projects. Total Grade Mode: L


*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 380 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ART 034B APPLIED DESIGN II – MATERIALS AND ART 038B CERAMICS PROCESSES 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: ART 038A. Prerequisite: ART 034A. Expressive use of ceramic techniques. Individual experi- Intermediate experiences and research in wood, glass, and mentation in clay forms; experience in firing. Total of 36 metal. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A

ART 036A JEWELRY/METAL FABRICATION ART 038C CERAMICS 3 units 3 units Introduction to a wide range of methods, techniques, and Prerequisite: ART 038B. material to create jewelry and small scale artwork and ob- Individual projects integrating the aesthetics of materials jects. Includes the study of historical and contemporary and ideas as may be considered in utilitarian and sculptur- practices of jewelry-making, small metal casting, and fab- al ware. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. rication with a global cultural perspective. Work with alu- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC minum, titanium, copper, brass and silver; creative com- Grade Mode: L, A bination of materials and basic stone setting. Total of 36 ART 038D CERAMICS hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU Prerequisite: ART 038C. Grade Mode: L, A Advanced projects in ceramics, integrating multiple tech- niques used to produce a cohesive body of work. Total of ART 036B JEWELRY/METAL FABRICATION 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Prerequisite: ART 036A. Grade Mode: L, A Expressive use of metal techniques. Study of hollow jew- elry construction using nonferrous metals. Simple faceted ART 039A HANDBUILT CERAMICS stone setting. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours labo- 3 units ratory. Introduction to ceramic materials, and processes including Transfer Credit: CSU basic design principles, creative development, hand- Grade Mode: L, A building, throwing, glaze techniques, firing and ceramic terminology. The course covers aesthetics and creative ART 036C JEWELRY CASTING development of clay objects examining historical, 3 units contemporary, and personal modes of expression across Prerequisite: ART 036B. cultures. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Creative use of mold casting techniques. Basic and ex- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ploratory techniques in jewelry casting using non-ferrous Grade Mode: L, A, P metals and lost wax casting techniques. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. ART 039B HANDBUILT CERAMICS Transfer Credit: CSU 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisite: ART 039A. Experimental approaches in the development of handbuilt ART 038A CERAMICS ceramic forms. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours labo- 3 units ratory. Introduction to ceramic materials, and processes including Transfer Credit: CSU; UC basic design principles, creative development, hand- Grade Mode: L, A building, throwing, glaze techniques, firing and ceramic terminology. The course covers aesthetics and creative ART 039C HANDBUILT CERAMICS development of clay objects examining historical, 3 units contemporary, and personal modes of expression across Prerequisite: ART 039B. cultures. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Individual projects in handbuilt ceramics focusing on the Transfer Credit: CSU; UC development of personal aesthetics. Total of 36 hours lec- Grade Mode: L, A, P ture and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 381 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ART 039D HANDBUILT CERAMICS ART 052A INTRODUCTION TO ILLUSTRATION 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: ART 039C. Prerequisite: ART 011A. Advanced projects in ceramics, integrating multiple hand- Recommended Preparation: ART 031A. building techniques used to produce a cohesive body of A study of the common techniques and media used in vari- work. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. ous illustration fields. Emphasis on problem solving by cre- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ating illustrations from specific themes. Projects will apply Grade Mode: L, A to the areas of print, entertainment, and galleries. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. ART 041A INTERIOR DESIGN: SPACE PLANNING Transfer Credit: CSU AND MATERIALS I Grade Mode: L, A 3 units Recommended Preparation: Enrollment in or completion ART 052B ADVANCED ILLUSTRATION of ART 032A. 3 units An introduction to the design of interior spaces through Prerequisite: ART 052A. study of space planning, and an understanding of histori- Recommended Preparation: ART 031A. cal interior styles, materials and furnishings. Emphasis Refinement of media and techniques with an emphasis placed on application of principles and elements of design towards developing experimental uses. Emphasis on ad- in three-dimensional space, ranging from domestic to small vanced problem solving by creating illustrations from ab- commercial projects. Design communication and visualiza- stract and personal themes. Projects will serve as portfolio tion skills are developed using hand drawings and model pieces for specific illustration areas. Total of 36 hours lec- building. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. ture and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A

ART 041B INTERIOR DESIGN: SPACE PLANNING ART 070A WORK EXPERIENCE/INTERNSHIP IN ART & AND MATERIALS II DESIGN (PAID) 3 units ½ to 8 units Prerequisite: ART 041A. Prerequisites: Completion of one semester at Pasadena Recommended Preparation: Enrollment in or completion City College and completion of one course in major. of DT 008A. Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. Intermediate course in Interior Design. Emphasis on space Provides students on-the-job learning in an art and design planning, and selection, use, and detailing of materials. paid position. Development of effective work habits, Design communication and visualization skills are devel- attitudes, and career awareness so as to enable students oped using hand drawings and model building. Total of 36 to become productive employees. Credit may be accrued at hours lecture and 72 hours of laboratory. the rate of ½ to 8 units per semester. One unit of credit for each 75 hours of paid work experience. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, P ART 041C INTERIOR DESIGN: SPACE PLANNING ART 070B WORK EXPERIENCE/INTERNSHIP IN ART & AND MATERIALS III DESIGN (UNPAID) 3 units ½ to 8 units Prerequisite: ART 041B. Prerequisites: Completion of one semester at Pasadena Recommended Preparation: DT 008A. City College and completion of one course in major. Emphasis on space planning for commercial and institu- Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. tional interiors, and the selection, use, and detailing of Provides students on-the-job learning in an unpaid art and materials and furniture. Design communication and visual- design position. Development of effective work habits, ization skills are developed using hand drawings and model attitudes, and career awareness so as to enable students building. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. to become productive employees. Credit may be accrued at Transfer Credit: CSU the rate of ½ to 8 units per semester. One unit of credit for Grade Mode: L, A each 60 hours of unpaid work experience. Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, P

PAGE 382 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ART 075 EXHIBITION AND PRESENTATION OF ART 145 PORTFOLIO DEVELOPMENT AND VISUAL ART CRITIQUE 3 units 3 units Recommended Preparation: Previous art-related coursework Development of individual art practice through production and demonstrated ability to produce art independently are of new original work (in any medium), a written artist’s strongly recommended. Also, satisfactory completion of (or statement, and group discussion of art, texts, professional simultaneous enrollment in) English 001A or an equivalent practices and preparation for transfer. May also include English composition course is recommended. field trips or meetings with visiting art professionals. Development of individual art practices and preparation for Students are expected to initiate self-defined projects, to transfer or professional applications through public exhi- execute them outside of class and to present this work bitions of art. Presentations of exhibitions in the campus for in-class critique. Previous art-related coursework and art gallery or another site, in consultation with the in- demonstrated ability to produce art independently are structor. Includes writing about art, visual documentation, highly recommended. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 professional installation practices and in-class critique. hours laboratory. Class meetings may also include field trips or meetings Grade Mode: L, A with artists, gallery directors and other art professionals. This course is best suited to students who have already created a body of work that they wish to exhibit. Work in ASTRONOMY any medium is accepted. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. (Natural Sciences Division) Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A ASTR 001 ELEMENTARY ASTRONOMY 4 units ART 106 ART SINCE 1945 Prerequisite: MATH 131. 3 units Methods of investigation used by astronomers. Positional A survey of major developments in 20th century European and practical astronomy, dynamical astronomy and modern and American art since the Second World War. Total of 54 astrophysics. Use of instruments, techniques of observa- hours lecture. tion. Night lab occasionally substitutes for a lecture pe- Grade Mode: L, A, P riod. Total of 54 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. ART 118 ADVANCED RENDERING Grade Mode: L, P 3 units Prerequisite: ART 018. ASTR 012 DESCRIPTIVE INTRODUCTION Advanced graphic visualization for convincing representa- TO ASTRONOMY tion emphasizing advanced presentation techniques and 3 units styles by use of marker, pencil, chalk and gouache. Total of Recommended preparation: MATH 125 or MATH 127B or 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. MATH 128B. Grade Mode: L, A Origin, characteristics and evolution of the solar system, the stars, the galaxies and the universe. No credit if taken ART 135 PORTFOLIO DEVELOPMENT OF JEWELRY after GEOL 016 or ASTR 001. Total of 54 hours lecture. AND METAL FABRICATION Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisite: ART 036C. To develop and advanced portfolio of metalwork and ASTR 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY jewelry utilizing metal fabrication, lost wax cast, and 1 unit setting techniques. Exploring advanced project techniques Recommended Preparation: Enrollment in or completion such as conceptual and design research and planning, of any college-level (001-099) course in the Natural Sci- safe studio practices, and execution of jewelry. Total of 36 ences. hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Enrollment Limitation: Permission of Dean. Grade Mode: L, A Faculty-guided independent study of a topic in Astronomy. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, P

PAGE 383 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY AUTO 144 AUTOMOTIVE CHASSIS MAINTENANCE AND LIGHT REPAIR (Business and Engineering Technology Division) 4 units Prerequisite: AUTO 140A. AUTO 100 BASIC AUTOMOTIVE FUNDAMENTALS Intended for the incumbent worker, re-entry personnel, 2 units and/or persons seeking a career change into the automotive Vocabulary and theory of the internal combustion service industry. Part of the Maintenance and Light engine. Covers major vehicle operating systems including Repair (MLR) program. Essential chassis system theory, ignition, fuel, transmission, driveline, chassis, suspension, inspection, diagnosis, service and repair of the following brakes, heating, and air conditioning. Recommended for undercar systems: steering, suspension, alignment, wheels Automotive Program students that have no experience and tires. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. and/or did not attend a High School automotive program. Grade Mode: L, A This is the only Automotive Technology course that has no DMV or uniform requirement. No credit if taken after AUTO AUTO 145 AUTOMOTIVE BRAKES MAINTENANCE 032. Total of 36 hours lecture. AND LIGHT REPAIR Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Prerequisite: AUTO 140A. AUTO 101C AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE CONSULTANT Intended for the incumbent worker, re-entry person 3 units or person seeking a career change into the automotive Prerequisites: ENGL 001A and AUTO 100. service industry. Part of the Maintenance and Light Repair Enrollment Limitation: Must possess a valid driver’s (MLR) curriculum. Focus on developing workplace skills license. DMV print out showing valid driver’s license is allowing a student to competently perform detailed brake required. Must be able to stand for long periods of time. inspections and repairs on disc, drum and parking brake Typing skills necessary. systems. Appropriate lab activities are included. Total of Organization and function of an automotive service con- 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. sultant. Development of effective Walk-around inspection Grade Mode: L, A skills. Use BAR and California standards to create a legal service repair order. This course prepares students for the AUTO 146 AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS ASE C1 certification exam. Valid driver’s license required. MAINTENANCE AND LIGHT REPAIR Total of 54 hours of lecture and 9 hours of laboratory. 4 units Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisite: AUTO 140A. Intended for the incumbent worker, re-entry personnel, AUTO 140A VEHICLE MAINTENANCE and/or persons seeking a career change into the automotive 4 units service industry. Part of the Maintenance and Light Repair (MLR) program. Essential electrical and electronic systems Intended for the incumbent worker, re-entry personnel, theory, including inspection, diagnosis, service and repair and/or persons seeking a career change into the automotive of specific electrical systems (battery, starting systems, service industry. Foundation course in the Maintenance charging systems, lighting systems, gauges, instrument- and Light Repair (MLR) Program. Focus on developing panel warning lights and power accessories). Total of 54 workplace skills (detailed multi-point inspection and fluid hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. maintenance) on select vehicle subsystems. Appropriate Grade Mode: L, A lab activities are included. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. AUTO 147 AUTOMOTIVE HEATING, VENTILATION Grade Mode: L, A AND AIR CONDITIONING MAINTENANCE AND LIGHT REPAIR AUTO 141 ENGINE MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE 2 units AND LIGHT REPAIR Prerequisite: AUTO 140A. 2 units Intended for the incumbent worker, re-entry personnel, Prerequisite: AUTO 140A or one year industry experience. and/or persons seeking a career change into the Intended for the incumbent worker, re-entry personnel, automotive service industry. Part of the Maintenance and and/or persons seeking a career change into the Light Repair (MLR) program. Essential heating, ventilation, automotive service industry. Part of the Maintenance and air conditioning (HVAC) system theory, inspection, and Light Repair (MLR) program. Essential engine theory, maintenance and light repair. Total of 18 hours lecture and inspection, diagnosis, service and repair. Engine inspection 54 hours laboratory. and measurements with an emphasis on in-vehicle repairs. Grade Mode: L, A Total of 27 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 384 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 AUTO 148 ENGINE PERFORMANCE MAINTENANCE AUTO 201 ENGINE OPERATION & TESTING AND LIGHT REPAIR 6 units 4 units Prerequisite: AUTO 200. Prerequisite: AUTO 140A. Enrollment Limitation: Able to manipulate up to 50 lbs. Intended for the incumbent worker, re-entry person in a safe manner. Work at an average 4 foot working height. or person seeking a career change into the automotive Technical course with hands-on experience related to service industry. Part of the Maintenance and Light Repair automotive engine theory of operation and methods of (MLR) curriculum. Essential engine management system testing. Extensive practice in using pinpoint testing to theory, along with inspection, diagnosis, service and repair diagnose failures. Practice in disassembly measurement of the following systems: ignition, air and fuel delivery, and reassembly of various four cycle engines. Use of electronic engine controls, and auxiliary emission controls. precision measurement tools and assessing engine failure Total of 54 hours of lecture and 54 hours laboratory. conditions. No credit if taken after AUTO 220. Total of 54 Grade Mode: L, A hours lecture and 162 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A AUTO 170 WORK EXPERIENCE INTERNSHIP 4 units AUTO 202 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION AND Enrollment Limitation: 40 or more units in AUTO courses. TRANSAXLES DMV license in good standing (no points). 5 units Supervised unpaid work experience in an established Prerequisite: AUTO 200 and AUTO 206A; or AUTO 032 and professional Dealership or Independent repair facility. AUTO 050; or AUTO 200 and AUTO 050. Designed for students accomplishing the All Automotive Enrollment Limitation: DMV print out showing valid driver’s Systems Certificate to assist in employment transition. license is required. Must be able to stand for long periods of Analysis of professional and technical style and performance time and work on overhead automotive lifts at a height of 5 outcomes. Occupational Work Experience Education: This ft or more while standing. Must lift and manipulate 80 lbs work experience course of supervised employment is or more in a safe manner. designed to assist students to acquire career awareness, Theory of operation and service of hydraulic and electronic work habits, attitudes and skills related to the student’s controlled automatic transmissions/transaxles available in college major. Credit may be accrued at the rate of 1 to automobiles and light trucks. Laboratory procedures include 8 units per semester for a total of 16 units. Additionally, disassembly, inspection, reassembly of a common hydraulic students must work 60 non-paid hours per unit earned. controlled automatic transmission. Safe and correct use of Total of 240 hours field practice. special service and diagnostic tools is emphasized. This Grade Mode: L, A, P course prepares student for A2 ASE Professional Exam. No credit if taken after AUTO 223. Total of 54 hours lecture AUTO 200 AUTOMOTIVE FUNDAMENTALS FOR and 108 hours laboratory. TECHNICIANS *C-ID: AUTO 120X 4 units Grade Mode: L, A Recommended Preparation: AUTO 100 or AUTO 032 if no previous experience with vehicles. AUTO 203 MANUAL TRANSMISSION, TRANSAXLE, Enrollment Limitation: Valid DMV license (print out). AND DRIVETRAIN Introductory course intended for automotive majors and 5 units individuals with some automotive knowledge or experi- Prerequisite: AUTO 200. ence. Automobiles will be covered from the service techni- Enrollment Limitation: Must possess a valid driver’s license. cian’s view covering all roles and responsibilities as recom- DMV print out showing valid driver’s license is required. mended by BAR, NATEF, and all Federal and State agencies. Able to work in a standing position for long periods and Theories and fundamentals of the automobile’s major op- manipulate 80 lbs. or more in a safe manner. erating systems including: internal combustion engine, Theory of operation and diagnosis of manual transmissions, ignition, fuel, driveline, chassis, suspension, brakes, heat- transaxles, clutches, differentials, driveshafts, constant ing and air conditioning. Lab activities in automotive in- velocity joints, and drive axles. Laboratory procedures spection and maintenance service are included. 54 lecture include removal, disassembly, inspection, rebuilding, hours and 54 laboratory hours. installation, and adjustment of manual transmissions and Grade Mode: L, A related assemblies. ASE A3 examination preparation. No credit if taken after AUTO 222. Total of 54 hours lecture and 108 hours laboratory. *C-ID: AUTO 130X Grade Mode: L, A ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 385 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 AUTO 204 AUTOMOTIVE SUSPENSION & STEERING AUTO 206B AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 6 units 4 units Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of AUTO 205. Prerequisite: AUTO 200 and AUTO 206A. Enrollment Limitation: Must possess a valid driver’s license. Theory, operation, and maintenance of microprocessor- DMV print out showing valid driver’s license is required. Must based automotive control systems. Electronic fuel injection be able to stand for long periods of time and work on cutting ignition, body computer modules and on-board diagnostic equipment at a height of 3 ft or more while standing. Must systems are covered. Use of digital scan tools, oscilloscopes lift and manipulate 50 lbs or more in a safe manner. and trouble-shooting procedures are practiced. This course Theory of operation, diagnosis, service and repair of prepares the student for the ASE A6 Electrical test. No suspension and steering systems. Wheel alignment on credit if taken after AUTO 151. Total of 54 hours lecture Hunter and John Beam Equipment, tire service and repair, and 54 hours laboratory. tire diagnosis including wheel balancing. This course Grade Mode: L, A pertains to the Snap-On Industrial Certification in Wheel Service which includes alignment. NATEF Tasks are the AUTO 207 AUTOMOTIVE HEATING & AIR basis of all lab work and ASE Student Certification Exam is CONDITIONING required in course. No credit if taken after AUTO 225. Total 3 units of 63 hours lecture and 135 hours laboratory. Prerequisites: AUTO 200 and AUTO 206A; or AUTO 032 and *C-ID: AUTO 140X AUTO 050; or AUTO 200 and AUTO 050. Grade Mode: L, A Enrollment Limitation: Proof of valid DMV license required if working on vehicles in the Auto Facility. AUTO 205 AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE SYSTEMS Air conditioning theory, methods of testing, diagnosing 4 units and servicing automotive air conditioners. Introduction to Prerequisite: AUTO 200 and AUTO 206A. new technologies, safe handling, reclaiming and recycling Enrollment Limitation: Must possess a valid driver’s license. of refrigerants. Students will have the opportunity to DMV print out showing valid driver’s license is required. Must take the United States Clean Air Act MACS Section 609 be able to stand for long periods of time and work on cutting Refrigerant Recycling and Recovery Certification Program equipment at a height of 3 ft or more while standing. Must to obtain a refrigerant handlers’ license. This course lift and manipulate 50 lbs. or more in a safe manner. prepares students for the Automotive Service Excellence Theory of operation, diagnosis, and repair of ABS systems (ASE) A7 Professional Exam. No credit if taken after AUTO using ABS scanners. Emphasis is placed on complete brake 215. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. services including related machine operations. Prepares *C-ID: AUTO 170X students for the ASE A5 exam, ASE Student Certification Grade Mode: L, A testing is completed in this class. No credit if taken after AUTO 224. Total of 36 hours lecture and 108 hours AUTO 208 ENGINE PERFORMANCE laboratory. 6 units *C-ID: AUTO 150X Prerequisites: AUTO 201 and AUTO 206B. Grade Mode: L, A Enrollment Limitation: Must possess a valid driver’s license. DMV print out showing valid driver’s license is required. Must AUTO 206A BASIC AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL be able to stand for long periods of time. SYSTEMS Theory and operation of electronic engine controls and 4 units includes: electronic fuel injection, electronic ignitions, Enrollment Limitation: Valid DMV license (printout) re- onboard diagnostics and current emission systems. quired and uniform. Laboratory practice includes proper setup and use of digital Fundamentals of electrical theory and how it is applied storage oscilloscopes, scan tools, engine analyzer, four in modern vehicles. Understanding of basic automotive and five-gas emission analyzers, and dynamometer. This electrical systems: circuits and lights, electronic devices, course prepares the students for the Automotive Service starting motors, charging systems, batteries and indicating Excellence (ASE) A8 Professional Exam. No credit if taken devices. Building of automotive circuits, testing and after AUTO 226 and 227 or 208A and 208B. Total of 72 repair of DC automotive circuits. Introduction to reading hours lecture and 108 hours laboratory. schematics, and troubleshooting. First level course in the Grade Mode: L, A preparation for the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) A6 certification program. No credit if taken after AUTO AUTO 228A ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES 050. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. 1½ units Grade Mode: L, A Introductory class to the vocabulary and nomenclature associated with alternate fuel vehicles. History, design, and operation of alternate fuel vehicles will be covered. ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 386 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Dangers of working on high voltage systems and the proper BIOL 005A TOPICS IN APPLIED BOTANY – URBAN use of industry standard safety practices will be taught. TREE IDENTIFICATION & BIOLOGY Proper use and testing of personal protective equipment. 1 unit Total of 18 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. Lecture, laboratory and field investigations focusing on Grade Mode: L, A topics of current and general interest in applied botany. Total of 9 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. AUTO 228B ALTERNATIVE FUELS TECHNOLOGY Transfer Credit: CSU 4 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Prerequisite: AUTO 208 and AUTO 228A. Hybrid and electric vehicles. Theory of operation of high BIOL 005B TOPICS IN APPLIED BIOLOGY – BOTANY voltage systems, batteries, internal combustion engine, FOR SCHOOL GARDENS powertrain, and supporting systems. Testing of hybrid 1 unit and electric vehicle systems utilizing industry standard Lecture, laboratory and field investigations focusing on diagnostic tools. Safety when working with high voltage topics of current and general interest in applied botany. assemblies, along with proper set-up and operation Total of 9 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. of diagnostic tools is emphasized. No credit if taken Transfer Credit: CSU after AUTO 228. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours Grade Mode: L, A, P laboratory. Formerly AUTO 228. Grade Mode: L, A BIOL 005C TOPICS IN APPLIED BIOLOGY – MEDICINAL PLANTS 1 unit Lecture, laboratory and field investigations focusing on BIOLOGY topics of current and general interest in applied botany. (Natural Sciences Division) Total of 9 hours of lecture and 27 hours of laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU BIOL 002 ANIMAL BIOLOGY Grade Mode: L, A, P 4 units Major zoological principles, both invertebrate and verte- BIOL 010A CELLULAR BIOLOGY, GENETICS brate. Animal development, form and function, natural his- AND EVOLUTION tory and economic relationship to human society. Total of 5 units 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: CHEM 001A. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Investigation of the principles governing biochemistry, cell Grade Mode: L, A, P biology, metabolism, genetics, and evolution. This is the first course in a sequence for Biology majors. For majors in biological sciences, but open to all qualified students. BIOL 003 HUMAN BIOLOGY Total of 54 hours lecture and 108 hours laboratory. 4 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID BIOL 190; BIOL SEQ 130S Introduction to structures, functions and processes of the (WITH BIOL 010B) human body systems and diseases of those systems; human Grade Mode: L genetics and human evolution. Includes microscope work, and the study of models, computer applications and case BIOL 010B THE DIVERSITY OF LIFE ON EARTH: studies. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. STRUCTURE, FUNCTION AND ECOLOGY Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. 5 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Prerequisites: CHEM 001A and BIOL 010A. Explores the diversity of living organisms, the structure BIOL 004 PLANT BIOLOGY and function governing their form and function,and the 4 units ecological principles that guide their interactions. Second Basic botanical principles; plant evolution and diversity, in a 3-course series for Biology majors (BIOL 010ABC). the cell, photosynthesis, respiration, reproduction, hered- Total of 54 hours lecture and 108 hours laboratory ity, ecology, and importance of plants to humans. Total of Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: BIOL SEQ 130S (WITH BIOL 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. 010A) Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A, P


*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 387 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 BIOL 010C GENETICS tal of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Prerequisite: BIOL 010A. Grade Mode: L, A, P Application of transmission genetics, molecular genetics, genomics, DNA technology, and bioinformatics to genetic BIOL 016 MARINE BIOLOGY analysis, problem solving, and current issues in genetics. 4 units Total of 54 hours lecture. Marine organisms and their relationship to such environ- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. mental factors as temperature, salinity, oxygen, minerals, Grade Mode: L, A ocean currents and depth; introduction to measurement of some of these factors. Collection and identification of ma- BIOL 010F BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH METHODS rine organisms. Laboratory study of preserved specimens. 1 unit Required instructional trips. Total of 54 hours lecture and Prerequisite: Permission of Division Dean. 54 hours laboratory. This course provides training in discipline specific research methods within the biological sciences. It is intended to Transfer Credit: CSU; UC prepare students for work on independent projects which Grade Mode: L, A, P will be mentored by a faculty member. Students will learn how to develop a project, collect and record data, conduct BIOL 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY and analyze experiments, and communicate their findings. 1 unit Recommended successful completion of any Natural Sci- Recommended Preparation: Enrollment in or completion ences course 001-099. Total of 54 hours laboratory. of any college level (1-99) course in the Natural Sciences. Transfer Credit: CSU Enrollment Limitation: Permission of the Dean. Grade Mode: L, A Independent, faculty-guided student inquiry, project, re- search, laboratory experiment and/or field investigation. BIOL 011 GENERAL BIOLOGY Total of 54 hours laboratory. 4 units Transfer Credit: CSU Basic concepts of biology; the cell, nutrition, a survey of Grade Mode: L, A physiological systems, reproduction, heredity, develop- ment, diversity of organisms, evolution and environmental BIOL 025 FIELD STUDIES biology. No credit if taken after BIOL 001A, 002, 003, 004, 1 unit 005, 010ABC, or 011H. For non-biology majors, but open Investigations of biological organisms in their natural to all qualified students. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 habitats with an emphasis on ecological relationships. hours laboratory. Required instructional trips. Total of 54 hours by arrange- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. ment. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be Ar- Grade Mode: L, A, P ranged” (TBA) scheduling format. Transfer Credit: CSU BIOL 011H HONORS GENERAL BIOLOGY Grade Mode: L, A, P 4 units Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the honors BIOL 026 BIOLOGY FIELD STUDIES program. 2 units Basic concepts of biology, the cell, nutrition, a survey Investigations of animals and plants in their natural hab- of physiological systems, reproduction, heredity, itats with an emphasis on ecological relationships. Re- development, diversity of organisms, evolution and quired instructional trips. Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 environmental biology. No credit if taken after BIOL hours by arrangement. This course may be scheduled using 001A, 002, 003, 004, 005, 011 or 010ABC. For non- the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. biology majors, but open to all qualified students. Transfer Credit: CSU Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A BIOL 028 INTRODUCTION TO BIOINFORMATICS 3 units BIOL 014 FIELD BIOLOGY Introduction to the structure and function of proteins 4 units and nucleic acids including molecular modeling, sequence Birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, trees and shrubs of alignment, database management. Computer programming Southern California. Identification, ecology methods of with Perl or comparable programming language. Design- observing and recording. instructional trips. To- Required ing and managing biological database using relational

PAGE 388 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 database applications. Data gathering and analysis using BIOL 071B EXPLORING TOPICS IN BIOLOGY spreadsheet applications. Recommended basic computer 1 unit skills. Total of 54 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule Transfer Credit: CSU of Classes. Grade Mode: L, A, P Lecture focusing on topics of current and general interest. Total of 18 hours lecture. BIOL 030 FIELD BOTANY Transfer Credit: CSU 4 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Collection, identification and classification of native Cali- fornia flowering plants. Field identification of trees, shrubs BIOL 071C EXPLORING TOPICS IN BIOLOGY and wildflowers common in California plant communities. 1 unit Required instructional trips. Total of 54 hours lecture and Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule 54 hours by arrangement. of Classes. Transfer Credit: CSU Lecture focusing on topics of current and general interest. Total of 18 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU BIOL 038 CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Grade Mode: L, A 4 units BIOL 102A BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY – Prerequisites: CHEM 001A and BIOL 102C and one of the BASIC TECHNIQUES following: BIOL 011 or MICR 002. 3 units Basic principles of cell and molecular biology presented Prerequisite: BIOL 110. using mouse embryonic fibroblasts and mouse embryonic Introduction to the fundamental skills and competencies stem cells as model biological systems. Includes types, bio- necessary for working in a biotechnology laboratory. Basic chemical regulation, structure, and specialized functions of skills include use and maintenance of standard laboratory stem cells. Cell culture and manipulation techniques used equipment, solution and reagent preparation, sterile tech- to perform directed-differentiation of mouse embryonic nique, quality control protocols, basic cloning procedures, stem cells to study the underlying cellular and molecu- production of an industry standard notebook, and labora- lar mechanisms guiding various in vivo differentiation and tory safety. Course is taught in a laboratory setting allow- developmental processes. Representative methods used in ing students to develop workplace competencies. Total of biomedical and academic laboratories performing research 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. in the field of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine. Grade Mode: L, P Total of 54 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC BIOL 102B BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY – Grade Mode: L, P ADVAMCED TECHNIQUES 3 units BIOL 039 MODERN HUMAN GENETICS Prerequisite: BIOL 102A. 4 units Advanced skills in applied biological technology An introductory course exploring the theoretical and prac- with a focus on DNA and protein applications. Skills tical applications of human heredity, genetics and bio- include: use and maintenance of standard laboratory technology. Introduction to cellular and molecular biol- equipment and scientific instruments; methods to purify, ogy, Mendelian and molecular genetics, evolution, human quantify, and analyze DNA and/or proteins including genetics, applications of genetic engineering including column chromatography, immunological assays (ELISA biotechnology, forensics and molecular medicine. Total of and Western blot analysis), PCR, and electrophoretic 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. techniques; and the production of an industry standard Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitation. See counselor. laboratory notebook. DNA and protein sequence analysis Grade Mode: L, A, P performed using bioinformatics tools. Course is taught in a laboratory setting allowing students to develop workplace BIOL 071A EXPLORING TOPICS IN BIOLOGY competencies. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours 3 units laboratory. Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule Grade Mode: L, A, P of Classes. Lecture focusing on topics of current and general interest. Total 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A, P

PAGE 389 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 BIOL 102C BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY – of recombinant DNA technology, molecular cloning, and CELL CULTURE TECHNIQUES genetic engineering. Demonstration of various applied mo- 3 units lecular microbiological techniques routinely performed in Prerequisite: BIOL 102A. biotechnology laboratories. Total of 54 hours lecture and Advanced skills in applied biological technology with 72 hours laboratory. a focus on basic mammalian cell culture techniques Grade Mode: L, A, P and specialized applications. Skills include: use and maintenance of standard cell culture laboratory equipment; BIOL 104C RESEARCH METHODOLOGY aseptic techniques for cell culture; methods for the growth, 3 units propagation, and maintenance of cultured mammalian Prerequisites: BIOL 102B and BIOL 102C and BIOL 038. cells; cell quantitation; cell imaging; introduction of DNA Capstone course integrates the use of a variety of into cultured mammalian cells; cell culture laboratory research methodologies taught in existing biotechnology safety requirements; and the production of an industry core courses to illustrate the interdisciplinary nature of standard laboratory notebook Course is taught in a cell scientific research. Coursework includes participation in culture laboratory setting to allow students to develop hypothesis-driven research projects focused on the use workplace competencies. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 of various gene regulatory mechanisms, including RNA hours laboratory. interference and genome editing, to study the biology and Grade Mode: L, A, P function of mouse embryonic stem cells. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. BIOL 102D BIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY - Grade Mode: L, A, P LABORATORY INTERNSHIP BIOL 104D COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: BIOL 102B or BIOL 102C. Prerequisites: BIOL 102B and BIOL 102C and BIOL 038. Advanced skills in applied biological technology. Intern- Opportunity to participate in scientific research projects ship in a biochemistry laboratory. Maximum credit 12 in collaboration with a local research institute. Practical units, 3 units each semester. Total of 234 hours laboratory. experience provided with basic research methodologies Grade Mode: L, A, P and strategies used in academic research, specifically in the field of stem cell biology. Total of 36 hours lecture and BIOL 103 BIOETHICS 72 hours laboratory. 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Introduction to basic ethical principles through investiga- tion of ethical issues resulting from scientific research and BIOL 110 INTRODUCTION TO BIOTECHNOLOGY the development of emerging biotechnologies. Total of 54 3 units hours lecture. Research in the biotechnology industry and in academic Grade Mode: L, A, P research laboratories. Includes lectures on fundamentals of biotechnology combined with laboratory experiences to BIOL 104A APPLICATIONS OF FLUORESCENCE demonstrate research techniques, allowing an opportunity MICROSCOPY to explore various career pathways in the field of mod- 2 units ern biotechnology. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours Prerequisite: BIOL 102C. laboratory. Introduction to the fundamental principles of fluorescence Grade Mode: L, P microscopy. Exploration of specialized methods and practical biological applications of fluorescence detection BIOL 171A EXPLORING TOPICS IN BIOLOGY and imaging using microscopy techniques currently being 3 units performed in research laboratories. Total of 18 hours Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule lecture and 54 hours of laboratory. of Classes. Grade Mode: L, A, P Lecture focusing on topics of current and general interest. Total 54 hours lecture. BIOL 104B MICROBIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS USED Grade Mode: L, A, P IN BIOTECHNOLOGY 4 units BIOL 171B EXPLORING TOPICS IN BIOLOGY Prerequisites: BIOL 102B and BIOL 102C. 1 unit Overview of the development of the field of molecular Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule biotechnology. Instruction on how utilization of microor- of Classes. ganisms and their biological products led to the advent

PAGE 390 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Lecture focusing on topics of current and general interest. BLDG 215 MATERIALS AND METHODS OF Total of 18 hours lecture. CONSTRUCTION: FLOOR THROUGH ROOF Grade Mode: L, A, P FRAMING 3 units BIOL 171C EXPLORING TOPICS IN BIOLOGY Properties and erection of structural materials; lumber 1 unit framing, structural metals, masonry and use of other ma- Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule terials. Insulation and glazing for energy conservation. of Classes. Hardware and shear paneling for seismic reinforcement. Lecture focusing on topics of current and general interest. Construction inspector’s duties. Total of 54 hours lecture. Total of 18 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A, P BLDG 218 INSPECTION OF ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS 3 units BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Properties of architectural materials, lumber, roofing, wall finishes, flooring and covering, glass and glazing, finishes. (Business and Engineering Technology Division) Engineering principles pertaining to heat, acoustics, hu- midity, roof construction, interior and exterior materials, BLDG 212 PRINT READING FOR CONSTRUCTION finish carpentry, hardware and trim. Final inspection pro- 3 units cedures. Total of 54 hours lecture. Interpret working drawings in the field of building Grade Mode: L, A construction. Topics include: reading print specifications, materials, and symbols on construction documents; and BLDG 219 LEGAL FACTORS OF CONSTRUCTION analyzing multi-view, sectional, and isometric drawings. INSPECTION Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Overview of the major elements of construction and inspection, laws, codes, and code enforcement processes. BLDG 213 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CODES Understanding of the legal aspects of the code and the AND STANDARDS inspector’s legal responsibilities, performance at hearings, 3 units and court procedures. Total of 54 hours lecture. Codes and standards enforced at the local, state, and Grade Mode: L federal levels in the building construction inspection field. Accessibility, earthquake mitigation, energy efficiency, BLDG 221 ELEMENTS OF GRADING INSPECTION and fire protection code and standard requirements for 3 units construction. Communication expectations of building Earth moving operations: Site investigations, soil analysis construction codes and standards as an inspector. Total of and soil mechanics. Plan reading; review of soils, engi- 54 hours lecture. neer’s foundation inspection reports. Foundation and steel Grade Mode: L, A reinforcement inspection requirements. Hillside construc- tion and inspection requirements. Total of 54 hours lecture. BLDG 214 MATERIALS AND PROCESSES OF Grade Mode: L, A CONSTRUCTION: SUB GRADE TO ROOF FRAMING BLDG 222 PRINCIPLES OF HOUSING AND 3 units ZONING REQUIREMENTS Building materials and construction techniques and 3 units methods used in most residential and commercial Purpose and intent of Zoning and Housing regulations. construction. Structural plan reading, site layout, site Land use, buildable areas, yards and allowable projections. grading, foundations, walls, and roof framing principles History of parking requirements. Reading and interpreta- used by the building construction inspector. Accessibility, tion of plans. Non-conforming rights, Code enforcement, seismic design, energy construction, and hazardous Criminal Complaint Applications, Administrative Abate- materials in building construction examined. Total of 54 ment of dangerous building and the appeal process. Total hours lecture. of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 391 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 BLDG 223 PRINCIPLES OF PLUMBING INSPECTION ing and motivating teams, and controlling organizations. 3 units Total of 54 hours lecture. Plan reading and inspection for underground plumbing Transfer Credit: CSU (water, gas, drains and vents); above-ground plumbing and Grade Mode: L, A venting; finished plumbing systems. The Uniform Plumbing Code enforcement process. Total of 54 hours lecture. BUS 011A BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS Grade Mode: L, A 3 units Prerequisite: ENGL 001A or 001AH, or 001AS. BLDG 224 PRINCIPLES OF HEATING AND Principles of effective business writing and oral communi- REFRIGERATION INSPECTIONS cation skills. Develop writing skills for goodwill, negative 3 units news, persuasive, and employment messages, report writ- Plan reading and inspection of heating, air conditioning, ing and creating documents using Web sources. Prepare refrigeration and ventilation systems. Ducts, conductors, business presentations and practice professionalism at fuel supply, controls, insulation and refrigeration. The Uni- work. Total of 54 hours lecture. form Mechanical Code enforcement process. Total of 54 Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: BUS 115 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L, A BUS 012A BUSINESS LAW 3 units Development and functions of common law. Definitions BUSINESS (GENERAL) and classification of law, court systems and procedures. (Business and Engineering Technology Division) Law of torts: intentional torts, negligence, defenses, strict liability. Law of intellectual property and cyberlaw. BUS 002 PERSONAL FINANCE Criminal law and procedures. Law of Contracts: requirement 3 units for enforceable agreements, defenses, third parties, Consumer financial management of: financial records and performance and remedies. Law of sales and lease contracts: budgets, savings plans, taxes, automobile purchasing, formation, title, risk, insurable interest, performance, housing, managing credit, risk management, and invest- remedies and warranties. Constitutional Law and Business. ment fundamentals. Total of 54 hours lecture. Business ethics. Business entities and agency. Total of 54 Transfer Credit: CSU hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations.See counselor. *C-ID: BUS 125 BUS 009 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Principles, concepts, and functions of modern business BUS 012B BUSINESS LAW TRANSACTIONS in a global society. Examination of the general business & ORGANIZATIONS environment, economic systems, business ethics, opera- 3 units tions, project management, and technology. Emphasis on Prerequisite: BUS 012A. the fundamentals of economics, business ownership, en- Review of ethics, principles, and application of rules of trepreneurship, finance, management, leadership, and law relating to business organizations. Topics include marketing. Exploration of career options in business and negotiable instruments, creditors’ rights and bankruptcy, the development of business problem-solving skills. Total agency and employment, business entities, government of 54 hours lecture. regulations, personal property, bailments, real property, Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: BUS 110 and landlord-tenant law. Intended for Business and Grade Mode: L Paralegal students. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. BUS 010 INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Exploration of management concepts, theories, and prin- BUS 014A MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS FOR ciples, with a focus on a manager’s job responsibilities and BUSINESS — FINITE the role that managers play in planning, organizing, lead- 4 units Prerequisites: MATH 131 or 150, or placement based on the Mathematics placement process. Algebraic and geometric concepts applied to finding ______solutions of problems in business, economics, and social

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PAGE 392 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 sciences. Special emphasis on mathematics of finance, career awareness so as to enable students to become linear and quadratic functions, break-even analysis, productive employees. Credit may be accrued at the rate of 1 supply/demand curves, systems of linear equations and /2 to 6 units per semester. One unit of credit for each 75 inequalities, matrices, linear programming, sets and Venn hours of paid work experience. diagrams, combinatorial techniques, and probability. Total Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MATH 130 Grade Mode: L BUS 070B WORK EXPERIENCE/INTERNSHIP (UNPAID) ½-6 units BUS 014B MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS FOR Prerequisites: Completion of one semester at Pasadena BUSINESS — CALCULUS City College and completion of one course in major. 4 units Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. Prerequisite: BUS 014A. Provides students on-the-job learning in an unpaid Techniques of calculus with emphasis placed on the position. Development of effective work habits, attitudes, application of these concepts to business and management and career awareness so as to enable students to become related problems. Applications of derivatives and integrals productive employees. Credit may be accrued at the rate of 1 of functions including polynomials, rational, exponential /2 to 6 units per semester. One unit of credit for each 60 and logarithmic functions are studied with special emphasis hours of unpaid work experience. on system optimization, cost and revenue analysis, Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. marginal analysis, elasticity, consumer and producers’ Grade Mode: L surplus, and continuous flow of money problems. Total of 72 hours lecture. BUS 112 BUSINESS ENGLISH Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MATH 140 3 units Grade Mode: L Recommended preparation: ENGL 400 or ESL 033B. Review of grammar mechanics; writing effective business BUS 016 BUSINESS COMPUTATIONS USING communications through study of word usage, punctua- TECHNOLOGY tion, sentence pattern and structure, and paragraphing. 3 units Total of 54 hours lecture. Comprehensive study of business computations using Grade Mode: L, A current technology. Topics include banking services, payroll, markup and markdown, interest and loans, taxes, BUS 114 BUSINESS MATHEMATICS cash and trade discounts, and depreciation. For students 3 units interested in business careers. Total of 54 hours lecture. Mathematical processes and techniques currently used in Transfer Credit: CSU the fields of business and finance. Emphasis on solving Grade Mode: L, A business problems related to financial decision-making and the management of cash flow. Calculate percentages, trade BUS 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY and cash discounts, markups and markdowns, simple and 1 unit compound interest, bank discounts, present and future Prerequisite: Completion of two courses in the Business value of annuities and sinking funds. Total of 54 hours of Education Division. lecture. Individual business-related projects; research techniques; Grade Mode: L written reports. grading. Total of 54 hours Pass/no pass BUS 116 ENTREPRENEURSHIP laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU Fundamental aspects of an entrepreneurial mindset as Grade Mode: A, P an essential life skill. Application of proven principles of successful entrepreneurship and the steps necessary BUS 070A WORK EXPERIENCE/INTERNSHIP (PAID) to identify and create opportunities. Development of the ½-6 units process of identifying problems, finding solutions, and Prerequisites: Completion of one semester at Pasadena making business connections beyond the classroom. Total City College and completion of one course in major. of 54 hours lecture. Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. Grade Mode: L, A, P Provides students on-the-job learning in a paid position. Development of effective work habits, attitudes, and


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PAGE 393 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 BUS 117 HUMAN RELATIONS/ORGANIZATIONAL BUS 152 PRINCIPLES OF IMPORTING AND BEHAVIOR EXPORTING 3 units 3 units Study of the interpersonal skills needed to succeed in the Overview of importing and exporting as drivers of business environment. How people work and relate at the globalization. Explores the benefits, costs, and risks of individual, group and organizational level. Special atten- importing and exporting, as well as trade regulations tion is given to appropriate communication skills in the involved. Covers cross-culture comparisons of foreign workplace, team work, motivation, leadership skill and business, legal and political practices, trade patterns, and how to handle organizational change. Total of 54 hours markets as a means of implementing successful import/ lecture. export plans. Total 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L, A BUS 118 INVESTMENTS 3 units BUS 160 SALES AND CUSTOMER SERVICE Principles of investments; types of investment programs 3 units and securities. Analysis of financial statements. Total of Analysis of the steps involved in the selling process and 54 hours lecture. the delivery of effective customer service in order to en- hance goodwill and improve company performance. Theory Grade Mode: L, A, P and skills include building customer rapport, handling BUS 128 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT problems and complaints, communicating, dealing with 3 units difficult customers and projecting a professional image. Human resource administration of public and private or- Development of the relationship between the company and the competition. Total of 54 hours lecture. ganizations including personnel administration, supervi- Grade Mode: L sion and training. Emphasis on actual personnel problems; principles and methods involved in recruitment, selection BUS 161 APPLIED BUSINESS PRINCIPLES and placement of employees with regard to affirmative ac- AND PRACTICIES tion programs, training, experience and aptitudes. Total of 2 units 54 hours lecture. A study of appropriate business policies, practices and pro- Grade Mode: L, A, P cedures; business etiquette/protocol; cultural diversity in the global workplace; and conflict resolution. Total of 36 BUS 150 INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL hours lecture. BUSINESS Grade Mode: L, A 3 units General business problems, theories, techniques, and BUS 170 WORK EXPERIENCE INTERNSHIP strategies necessary for the development of business 1-3 units activities in the global marketplace. Topics include the Supervised work experience in a professional organization impact of culture, political and economic environments on to assist in employment transition. Analysis of professional international business operations of countries worldwide. activities, behavior style and collaborative team dynamics. Global perspective of business fundamentals as they relate Requires 60 hours of non-paid work or 75 hours of paid to international management, communication, marketing, work for one semester unit. Total of 60 to 225 hours of finance, and ethics. Total of 54 hours lecture. work experience. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A, P

BUS 151 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING BUS 180 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 3 units 3 credits Marketing techniques and strategies necessary to Examination of the process of planning, organizing, and incorporate international marketing concepts into the controlling the flow of materials and services from supplier global marketplace. Promotes an understanding of the to end users/customers. Focus on coordinating supply impact that a country’s culture and environment have on management, operations and integrated logistics into a the marketing mix as well as the challenges of competing seamless pipeline to maintain a continual flow of products in global markets. Total 54 hours lecture. and services. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L

PAGE 394 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 BUSINESS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY spreadsheets and charts. No credit if taken after or con- currently with BIT 103A or BIT 103B, BIT 133A, or BIT (Business and Engineering Technology Division) 133B. Total of 18 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A BIT 010 BASIC COMPUTER KEYBOARDING 1 unit BIT 105 BUSINESS SOFTWARE-MICROSOFT ACCESS Touch control of the microcomputer keyboard, basic key- 2 units boarding skills and numeric keypad operations. Total of 9 Intermediate to advanced relational database concepts to hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. create database tables, forms, business reports, macros, Transfer Credit: CSU and queries. No credit if taken after BIT 105B. Total of 36 Grade Mode: L, A hours lecture. Grade Mode: L BIT 011 BUSINESS DOCUMENT PROCESSING 2 units BIT 106 BUSINESS SOFTWARE — INTRODUCTION Production of business documents using word process- TO MICROSOFT OFFICE SYSTEM ing software including proofreading and proper gram- 3 units mar and punctuation. Development of computer key- Comprehensive overview of the Microsoft Office System ap- boarding technique, speed, and accuracy. No credit plications including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access; if taken after BIT 011B. Total of 36 hours lecture. integration of applications to create reports and presenta- Transfer Credit: CSU tions. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L BIT 025 SURVEY OF COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY IN BUSINESS BIT 107 BUSINESS SOFTWARE — WINDOWS 3 units 1 unit Survey of Business information systems and technology, Use and management of the environment and file system networking, e-commerce, ethics and security, systems within the Windows operating system on both local hardware and software components, and commonly used and cloud systems. Concepts and terminology; end-user business software applications, including word processing, techniques for searching and for basic diagnostic and spreadsheets, graphics, and database management. trouble-shooting procedures. Total of 18 hours lecture. Applications of these concepts and methods through Grade Mode: L hands-on projects developing computer-based solutions to business problems. Total of 54 hours lecture. BIT 108 MICROSOFT OUTLOOK AND Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID; BUS 140 PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS Grade Mode: L 1 unit Use and features of business communication software, BIT 100 WORD PROCESSING BASICS email software, and emerging business technologies 1 unit including Microsoft Outlook and Google Drive. Electronic Recommended preparation: Enrollment in or completion document routing, organizers, calendars, meeting and of BIT 107. facility schedulers, and collaborative techniques. Total of Introduction to basic concepts and software to create, edit, 18 hours lecture. store, retrieve and print letters, reports and simple tables. Grade Mode: L Recommended BIT 010, 011A, or keyboarding/typing speed of 20 wpm. No credit if taken after or concurrently BIT 109 BUSINESS SOFTWARE — MICROSOFT with BIT 128A, 128B, 012A, 012B, 012C, or 012D. Total of POWERPOINT 18 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. 2 units Grade Mode: L, A Concepts and use of presentation graphics software to plan and develop effective business presentations. Total of 36 BIT 102 SPREADSHEET BASICS hours lecture. 1 unit Grade Mode: L Recommended preparation: Enrollment in or completion of BIT 107. BIT 115 BUSINESS RECORDS SKILLS Introduction to basic concepts and use of spreadsheet 1 unit software to create, edit, store, retrieve and print simple Introduction to records management concepts and data- base software using Microsoft Access. Records manage- ment systems for organizing business information, materi- ______

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PAGE 395 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 als, and records by applying standard indexing rules and BIT 131 PROFESSIONAL SKILLS FOR CAREER using manual and electronic filing systems (alphabetic, SUCCESS numeric, geographic, chronologic, and subject). Total of 3 units 18 hours lecture. Navigating technology at work; creativity and innovation; Grade Mode: L, A interpersonal communications; time management; organization skills; effective listening; valuing diversity; BIT 117 COLLABORATIVE WEB-BASED WORKSPACES and value-added service. Includes role playing and critical 1 unit thinking activities to teach these valuable skills in an Introduction to web-based collaborative workspace integrated manner. Total of 54 hours lecture. software to enhance work, data, and content collaboration Grade Mode: L, A, P in an organizational environment. Emphasis on working as a team, and on workspace sites, workflows, content BIT 133 BUSINESS SOFTWARE-MICROSOFT EXCEL publication, discussion boards, document libraries, 2 units tracking tasks, blogs, wikis, and managing users and Application of intermediate to advanced spreadsheet permissions. Projects include the design and creation of software to prepare budgets, record accounting information, customized workspaces to solve specific business needs. and conduct financial analysis. Topics include formula and Total of 18 hours lecture. function creation, PivotTables and PivotCharts, macros, Grade Mode: L data analysis, what-if analysis, and charts. No credit if taken after BIT 133B. Total of 36 hours lecture. BIT 121 LIFE DESIGN FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Grade Mode: L 3 units Life and occupational preparation; establish a dynamic 10- BIT 135 BUSINESS SOFTWARE – CUSTOMER year plan which integrates goal setting, identity formation, RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT decision making, budget projection, online career research, 2 units skills identification, and life-long learning. Total of 54 Introduction to Customer Relationship Management soft- hours lecture. ware to compile, format, and report sales, marketing, and Grade Mode: L, A, P customer service information. Emphasis will be on CRM software to track sales leads, organize marketing cam- BIT 122 INTERNET RESEARCH FOR BUSINESS paigns, and track customer interactions. Total of 36 hours 1 unit lecture. Conducting Internet research, and evaluating, managing, Grade Mode: L and organizing Internet research findings to effectively communicate information in business. Total of 18 hours lecture. CHEMISTRY Grade Mode: L, A (Natural Sciences Division)

BIT 124 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS PROCEDURES CHEM 001A GENERAL CHEMISTRY AND 3 units CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Administrative support procedures, task organization, 5 units time management, team concepts and customer service Prerequisites: (1)MATH 131 or its equivalent, and (2) skills, business travel and meeting arrangements, effective CHEM 022 or equivalent skills as demonstrated through personal interactions to facilitate office work flow, and placement based on the chemistry assessment process. making ethical choices in the office. Career success and job finding skills. Total of 54 lecture hours. Standard general chemistry for science and engineering Grade Mode: L, A majors, with emphasis on quantitative methods and cal- culations. Atomic structure and chemical bonding, stoi- BIT 128 BUSINESS SOFTWARE-MICROSOFT WORD chiometry, gases, liquids, solids and solution chemistry. 2 units Introductions to equilibrium and organic chemistry. Quan- Application of intermediate to advanced word processing titative analysis using analytical balances, gravimetric and concepts to create, edit, and format business documents volumetric procedures, spectrophotometry and calorimetry. such as memos, forms, newsletters, reports, tables, and Total of 54 hours lecture and 108 hours laboratory. templates. Topics include mail merge, images, complex Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. tables, macros, collaboration tools, and master documents. *CD-ID: CHEM 110; CHEM SEQ 120S (with CHEM 001B) No credit if taken after BIT 128B. Total of 36 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, P Grade Mode: L

PAGE 396 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 CHEM 001B GENERAL CHEMISTRY AND and identification of organic compounds. No credit if CHEMICAL ANALYSIS taken after CHEM 014A and 016A. Total of 54 hours lecture 5 units and 108 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: CHEM 001A. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: CHEM 150; CHEM SEQ 160 Standard general chemistry for science and engineering (with CHEM 008B) majors, with emphasis on quantitative methods and calcu- Grade Mode: L, A, P lations. Kinetics, equilibrium, thermodynamics, introduc- tion to electrochemistry, coordination compounds, nucle- CHEM 008B ORGANIC CHEMISTRY ar chemistry, and the chemistry of selected metals and 5 units nonmetals, potentiometric titrations and electrochemical Prerequisite: CHEM 008A. cells. Total of 54 hours lecture and 108 hours laboratory. Standard organic chemistry for science majors. A Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. mechanistic approach to the reactions of alcohols, phenols, ethers and epoxides, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids *C-ID: CHEM SEQ 120S (with CHEM 001A) and their derivatives and amines. Photochemistry, organic Grade Mode: L, P redox, polymerization, rearrangements, synthesis and an introduction to biochemical molecules. Qualitative CHEM 002A CHEMISTRY — GENERAL, ORGANIC analysis, natural products, multistep synthesis and kinetics. AND BIOCHEMISTRY No credit if taken after CHEM 014B and 016B. Total of 54 4 units hours lecture and 108 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: MATH 125 or MATH 127B or MATH 128B or Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: CHEM SEQ 160S (with MATH 150. CHEM 008A) Principles of chemistry for health science majors. Atomic Grade Mode: L, A, P and molecular structure, chemical bonding, nomenclature, chemical reactions and stoichiometry, gases, solutions, ac- CHEM 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY ids and bases, pH, buffers, nuclear and organic chemistry. 1 unit No credit if taken after CHEM 001A. Total of 54 hours Recommended Preparation: Enrollment in or completion lecture and 72 hours laboratory. of any college-level (1-99) course in the Natural Sciences. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Enrollment Limitation: Permission of the Dean. *C-ID: CHEM 101 Independent, faculty-guided student inquiry, project, re- Grade Mode: L, A, P search, laboratory experiment and/or field investigation. Total of 54 hours laboratory. CHEM 002B CHEMISTRY — GENERAL, ORGANIC Transfer Credit: CSU AND BIOCHEMISTRY Grade Mode: L, P 4 units Prerequisite: CHEM 002A. CHEM 022 INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY Principles of chemistry for health science majors. Organic 4 units and biochemistry: reaction mechanisms, kinetics, enzymes, Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of MATH 131 or protein synthesis and metabolism. Total of 54 hours lec- equivalent. ture and 72 hours laboratory. Introduction to principles of chemistry with emphasis on Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. quantitative methods and calculations. For science and en- *C-ID: CHEM 102 gineering majors needing preparation for CHEM 001A, but open to all qualified students. Total of 54 hours lecture and Grade Mode: L, A, P 72 hours laboratory.

Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. CHEM 008A ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 5 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Prerequisite: CHEM 001B. CHEM 108 PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS FOR SUCCESS Standard organic chemistry for science majors. Structure, IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY bonding, nomenclature, isomerism, stereochemistry and 1 unit physical properties of organic compounds. A mechanistic Corequisite: CHEM 008B. approach to the reactions of hydrocarbons, alkyl halides, Development and rigorous practice of essential study alcohols, dienes, aromatic compounds, organometallics, IR techniques and course material for success in CHEM and NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Introduction 008B. Integration of supplemental instruction, problem to organic laboratory techniques; preparation, isolation solving strategies and critical thinking skills. Pass/no pass grading. Total of 18 hours lecture. ______Grade Mode: A, P

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 397 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 CHILD DEVELOPMENT ethical responsibilities. No credit if taken after CHDV 112B. Total of 54 hours lecture. (Social Sciences Division) Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L CHDV 010 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF TEACHING YOUNG CHILDREN CHDV 013A PRACTICUM IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT - A 3 units 2 units Examination of the underlying theoretical principles of de- Prerequisites: CHDV 010 and either PSYC 021 or 121. velopmentally appropriate practices applied to programs, Corequisites: CHDV 013AF. environments. Emphasis on the key role of relationships, Student teachers design experiences that promote positive constructive adult-child interactions, and teaching strate- development and learning for young children. Students gies in supporting physical, social, creative and intellectu- demonstrate developmentally appropriate early childhood al development for all young children. Includes a review of activities and lesson plans. Emphasis on child-centered, the historical roots of early childhood education programs play-initiated approaches to teaching, learning and as- and the evolution of the professional practices promot- sessment. Knowledge of curriculum content areas. Total ing advocacy, ethics, and professional identity. Total of 54 of 36 hours lecture. hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: ECE 210 Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: ECE 120 Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, P CHDV 013AF FIELD PRACTICE IN CHILD CHDV 011 INFANT AND TODDLER DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT - A 3 units 2 units Prerequisites: CHDV 010 and PSYC 021 or 121. Prerequisite: CHDV 010 and either PSYC 021 or 121 and A study of infants and toddlers from pre-conception to age maintain enrollment in 7 or more units, including CHDV three including physical, cognitive, language, social, and 013A. emotional growth and development. Applies theoretical Corequisite: CHDV 013A. frameworks to interpret behavior and interactions between Practical classroom experiences to connect theory and heredity and environment. Emphasizes the role of family practice in Child Development; develop professional and relationships in development. Total of 54 hours lecture. behaviors in student teachers while working with young Transfer Credit: CSU children; and build a comprehensive understanding of Grade Mode: L, A, P children and families in a classroom setting, including understanding of early intervention needs and practices. CHDV 012A ADMINISTRATION I: PROGRAMS IN Demonstration of developmentally appropriate early EARLY CHILDHOOD childhood teaching competencies under the supervision 3 units of CHDV faculty and other qualified early education Prerequisites: CHDV 010 and either PSYC 021 or 121. professionals. Emphasis on child centered, play-initiated Introduction to the administration of early childhood approaches to teaching, learning and assessment; and programs. Includes program types, program operations and knowledge of curriculum content areas as student teachers fiscal management, regulatory systems, development and implement and evaluate experiences that promote positive implementation of policies and procedures, community development and learning for young children. Total of 120 and family resources and relationships. No credit if taken hours field practice. after CHDV 112A. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: ECE 210 Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, P CHDV 013B PRACTICUM IN CHILD CHDV 012B ADMINISTRATION II: PERSONNEL AND DEVELOPMENT - B LEADERSHIP IN EARLY CHILDHOOD 2 units EDUCATION Prerequisites: CHDV 013A and CHDV 013AF and maintain 3 units enrollment of 7 units or more including field practice. Prerequisite: CHDV 012A. Corequisite: CHDV 013BF. Current issues in administration of early care programs. Opportunity to learn developmentally-appropriate early Effective personnel management strategies including childhood teaching strategies. Participation in advocacy employee advancement through professional growth and project and development of Professional Portfolio. Meets development. Understanding applicability of legal and partial fulfillment of the state requirement for the Califor-


*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 398 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 nia Child Development Permit. Total of 36 hours lecture. CHDV 016 HEALTH, SAFETY AND NUTRITION Transfer Credit: CSU 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisites: CHDV 010 and either PSYC 021 or 021H. Introduction to the laws, regulations, standards, policies CHDV 013BF FIELD PRACTICE IN CHILD and procedures and early childhood curriculum related to DEVELOPMENT B child health safety and nutrition. The key components that 2 units ensure physical health, mental health and safety for both Prerequisites: CHDV 013A and CHDV 013AF. children and staff will be identified along with the im- Corequisite: CHDV 013B. portance of collaboration with families and health profes- Opportunity to demonstrate developmentally-appropriate sionals. Focus on integrating the concepts into everyday early childhood teaching competencies under guided su- pervision. Students will utilize practical classroom experi- planning and program development. CPR techniques, pedi- ences to connect theory and practice, develop professional atric first aid; prevention and detection of child abuse.No behaviors, and build a comprehensive understanding of credit if taken after CHDV 116. Total of 54 hours lecture. children and families, including gaining experience with Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: ECE 220 Parent Conferencing. Child centered, play-oriented ap- Grade Mode: L, A proaches to teaching, learning, and assessment will be utilized. Meets partial fulfillment of the state requirement CHDV 017 TEACHING CHILDREN IN A DIVERSE for the California Child Development Permit. Total of 120 SOCIETY hours field practice. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU Development of social identities in diverse societies in- Grade Mode: L, A cluding theoretical and practical implications of oppression and privilege affecting young children, families, programs, CHDV 014 OBSERVATION AND ASSESSMENT OF classrooms, teaching, education and schooling. Explora- YOUNG CHILDREN tion of various classroom strategies emphasizing cultur- 3 units ally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches Prerequisites: CHDV 010 and either PSYC 021 or PSYC supporting children in becoming competent members of 021H. a diverse society. Self-examination and reflection of one’s Recommended Preparation: CHDV 013A, CHDV 013AF, own issues and understanding of educational principles and CHDV 020. in integrating social identity, stereotypes and bias, social Focus on the appropriate use of assessment and obser- and educational access, media, schooling, better informed vation strategies to document development, behavior, teaching practices and/or program development. No credit growth, play and learning in order to join with families if taken after CHDV 117. Total of 54 hours lecture. and professionals in promoting children’s success and Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: ECE 230 maintaining quality programs. Recording strategies, rat- ing systems, portfolios, and multiple assessment methods Grade Mode: L are explored. Child/student observations will be conducted and analyzed. Total of 54 lecture hours. CHDV 020 INTRODUCTION TO CURRICULUM Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: ECE 200 PLANNING 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisites: CHDV 010 and either PSYC 021 or 021H. Recommended Preparation: CHDV 013A. CHDV 015 CHILD, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY Overview of knowledge and skills providing appropriate 3 units curriculum and environments for children from birth to Recommended preparation: CHDV 010 and either PSYC age 6. A teacher’s role in supporting development and 021 or 121. engagement for young children. Strategies for develop- An examination of the developing child in a societal mentally-appropriate practice based on observation and context which focuses on the interrelationships of fam- assessments across the curriculum, including 1) academic ily, school, and community and emphasizes historical and content areas, 2) play, art, and creativity, 3) development socio-cultural factors. The processes of socialization and of social-emotional, communication, and cognitive skills, identity development will be highlighted, showing the im- and 4) emphasizing the essential role of play. Includes portance of respectful, reciprocal relationships that sup- language and literacy, social and emotional learning, sen- port and empower families. Total of 54 hours lecture. sory learning, art and creativity, math and science. No Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: CDEV 110 credit if taken after CHDV 120. Total of 54 lecture hours. Grade Mode: L, P Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: ECE 130 ______Grade Mode: L

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 399 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 CHDV 022 INFANT TODDLER CARE AND EDUCATION CHDV 024E SPECIAL TOPICS IN CHILD 3 units DEVELOPMENT – MULTICULTURAL Prerequisite: CHDV 011. ISSUES Application of current theory and research to the care 2 units and education of infants and toddlers in group settings. Topics of current and general interest in diversity, anti-bias Examines essential policies, principles and practices that and multicultural issues in care and educational settings lead to quality care and developmentally appropriate for children from birth to 12 years of age. Total of 36 hours curriculum for children birth to 36 months. Total of 54 lecture. hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A CHDV 024F SPECIAL TOPICS IN CHILD CHDV 024A SPECIAL TOPICS IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT – DISCIPLINE DEVELOPMENT – HEALTH AND SAFETY 2 units 2 units Examination of discipline theories and practices in care Explores theory and current health and safety practices in and educational settings for children from birth through 8 care and educational settings of children from birth to 12 years of age. Total of 36 hours lecture. years of age. Total of 36 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A CHDV 024G SPECIAL TOPICS IN CHILD CHDV 024B SPECIAL TOPICS IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT – ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT – CURRICULUM 2 units 2 units Topics of current and general interest in the practical Study of curriculum theory, regulations, and practice in applications of creating learning environments in care and care and educational settings for children from birth to 12 educational settings for children from birth to 12 years of years of age. Total of 36 hours lecture. age. Total of 36 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A

CHDV 024C SPECIAL TOPICS IN CHILD CHDV 024I SPECIAL TOPICS IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT – THE YOUNG CHILD DEVELOPMENT – ADMINISTRATION 2 units 2 units Examines intrinsic and extrinsic factors which impact Overview of early childhood education program learning of the young care and educational settings administration. Topics include theoretical perspectives, from birth to 12 years of age. Total 36 hours lecture. licensing regulations, and budgetary considerations. No Transfer Credit: CSU credit if taken after CHDV 024H. Total of 36 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A CHDV 024D SPECIAL TOPICS IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT – WORKING WITH CHDV 025A EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PARENTS STEM A – MATHEMATICS 2 units 3 units Examines theory and practices of parental education Prerequisites: CHDV 010 and either PSYC 021 or PSYC and the impact on childhood learning in care and 021H. educational settings from birth to 12 years of age. Total of Focus on the principles and methods of planning, presenting 36 hours lecture and evaluating STEM experiences for young children ages Transfer Credit: CSU two to five. Students will develop activities that foster Grade Mode: L, A children’s natural curiosity about mathematical and engineering concepts. These activities will be designed to encourage exploration, experimentation, problem solving and discovery. Methods for adapting math and engineering experiences for young children with special needs will also be discussed. Total of 54 hours lecture. ______Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A *Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 400 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 CHDV 025B EARLY CHILDHOOD STEM - SCIENCE violence, attachment disorders, and special needs, as 3 units well as proactive intervention and prevention techniques. Prerequisite: CHDV 025A. Topics include addressing why children misbehave, how Integration of developmentally appropriate STEM content to carefully observe a child, how to create a positive with a focus on science and technology into the early environment to encourage appropriate behavior, and how childhood classroom curriculum. The process of using to effectively address many types of behaviors including inquiry tools and problem-solving strategies and focused those that are aggressive and antisocial, disruptive, learning centers with content embedded in all other destructive, emotional and dependent. No credit if taken classroom areas is explored. Examine numerous evidence- after SET 105. Total of 54 hours lecture. based instructional strategies for teaching young children, Grade Mode: L including those who are culturally, linguistically and ability diverse. Total of 54 hours lecture. CHDV 113 HOME VISITING IN EARLY INTERVENTION Transfer Credit: CSU 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisites: CHDV 010 and CHDV 035. Overview of the basics required for an early intervention CHDV 030 INTRODUCTION TO CHILDREN WITH assistant to effectively provide services to a child (birth SPECIAL NEEDS to three years of age) with a disability and the family 3 units in the home environment. Philosophies regarding early Prerequisites: CHDV 010 and enrollment in or completion intervention services in the home. Topics include the of PSYC 021 or PSYC 021H or PSYC 024. diversity of environments, family systems and interpersonal Introduces the variations in development of children with communication styles. Additional topics provide support special needs ages birth through eight and the resulting relating to personal organization and preparation for impact on families. Includes an overview of historical and the visits, collaboration with other professionals, infant societal influences, laws relating to children with special mental health and developing appropriate home-based needs, and the identification and referral process. No interventions for the child and family. No credit if taken credit if taken after SET 100. Total of 54 hours lecture. after SET 113. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L CHDV 114 EARLY INTERVENTION CHDV 035 INTRODUCTION TO CURRICULUM AND 3 units STRATEGIES FOR CHILDREN WITH Prerequisites: CHDV 010 and CHDV 011. SPECIAL NEEDS Study of infants and toddlers with disabilities, atypical 3 units development or other special needs, both in the early Prerequisite: CHDV 030. intervention setting and in the child care setting. Covers curriculum and intervention strategies for working Explores strategies and interventions used in the field of with children with disabilities and other special needs early intervention. Current theories in early intervention, in partnership with their families. Focus on the use of early relationships, family systems, grief processing and observation and assessment in meeting the individualized stressors will be studied. Total of 54 hours lecture. needs of children in inclusive and natural environments. Grade Mode: L, A The role of the teacher as a professional working with families, collaboration with interdisciplinary teams, and CHDV 118 LANGUAGE AND LITERACY IN EARLY cultural competence. No credit if taken after CHDV 128. CHILDHOOD Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU Introduction and survey of the range and stages of Grade Mode: L language and literacy development theories, practices and activities that support young children’s emerging language CHDV 105 CHILDREN WITH CHALLENGING and literacy skills, birth through age 8. Total of 54 hours BEHAVIORS lecture. 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisites: CHDV 010 and enrollment in or completion of PSYC 021 or 021H or PSYC 024. CHDV 119 ADULT SUPERVISION AND MENTORING Overview of the developmental, environmental and IN EARLY CARE AND EDUCATION cultural factors that impact the behavior of young 3 units children, including family stress, child temperament, Prerequisites: All of the following: CHDV 013A, 015, and 020. ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 401 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Methods and principles of supervising student teachers, year of high school Chinese. Total of 90 hours lecture. volunteers, staff, and other adults in early care and Transfer Credit: CSU; UC education settings. Emphasis is on the roles and Grade Mode: L, P development of early childhood professionals as mentors and leaders. Course is a requirement in order to apply to CHIN 002 ELEMENTARY CHINESE (Mandarin) – become a Mentor Teacher with the State of California. Total LEVEL 2 of 54 hours lecture. 5 units Grade Mode: L Prerequisite: CHIN 001, or the first year of high school Chinese, or placement based on the foreign language as- CHDV 122 PRACTICUM IN EARLY INTERVENTION/ sessment process. SPECIAL EDUCATION Continuation of Chinese 001. Further development of 2 units grammar and sentence patterns, oral and written compo- CHDV 030. Prerequisite: sition, reading of elementary texts; customs and culture Corequisite: CHDV 122F. of China. No credit if taken after CHIN 002A. Total of 90 Preparation for teaching basic academic and life hours lecture. processes skills to students with disabilities. Theory and practice includes the basic principles of educational and Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. developmental psychology; the art of observing, teaching Grade Mode: L, P and guiding young children; planning and administration of developmentally appropriate inclusive educational CHIN 002A ACCELERATED ELEMENTARY CHINESE activities; school safety and health issues; and the social (Mandarin) and emotional foundations of early care and education. 5 units No credit if taken after SET 122. Total of 36 hours lecture. Intensive training in oral and written Chinese. Designed Grade Mode: L for students who already have some degree of fluency in spoken Chinese, but have had little or no formal training CHDV 122F FIELD PRACTICE IN EARLY in reading and writing of Chinese characters. Improvement INTERVENTION/SPECIAL EDUCATION of oral expression. Introduction to Chinese grammar essen- 1 unit tials, readings of simple contemporary Chinese stories; oral Corequisite: CHDV 122. and written composition. No credit if taken after CHIN Practical classroom experiences to make connections 001 or 002. Total of 90 hours lecture. between theory and practice with infants and young Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. children with disabilities and other special needs, including Grade Mode: L, A, P understanding of early intervention needs and practices. Demonstration of developmentally appropriate early CHIN 003 INTERMEDIATE CHINESE (Mandarin) childhood teaching competencies under the supervision of – LEVEL I qualified early education professionals. Emphasis on child- 5 units centered, play-oriented approaches to teaching, learning Prerequisite: CHIN 002 or CHIN 002A, or two years of high and assessment; and knowledge of curriculum content areas as student teachers implement and evaluate experiences school Chinese, or placement based on the foreign language that promote positive development and learning for young assessment process. children with disabilities or other special needs. Total of Grammar; oral and written composition; reading of inter- 60 hours field practice. mediate texts, Chinese customs and culture. Total of 90 Grade Mode: L, A hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P

CHINESE CHIN 004 INTERMEDIATE CHINESE (Mandarin) (Languages Division) 5 units Prerequisite: CHIN 003 or, three years of high school Chi- CHIN 001 ELEMENTARY CHINESE (Mandarin) – nese, or placement based on the foreign language assess- LEVEL 1 ment process. 5 units Continuation of grammar, oral and written composition; Pronunciation and grammar; reading and writing Chinese reading of texts of moderate difficulty, including modern characters; vocabulary building. Introduction to geogra- Chinese literature. Total of 90 hours lecture. phy; customs and culture of China. Corresponds to first Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P

PAGE 402 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 CHIN 005 ADVANCED CHINESE READING AND Intensive practice in oral expression and comprehension of COMPOSITION spoken Chinese. Total of 36 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU Prerequisite: CHIN 004 or placement based on the foreign Grade Mode: L, A, P language assessment process. Reading and writing of Chinese texts with advanced written CHIN 010 CHINESE CIVILIZATION styles and syntax. Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC The study of Chinese literature, arts, philosophy, geogra- Grade Mode: L, A, P phy, religion and the social and political environment; Chi- nese contributions to civilization from the classical period CHIN 008A INTRODUCTION TO CHINESE to modern times. (Course conducted in English.) Total of CONVERSATION (Mandarin) 54 hours lecture. 2 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Prerequisites: CHIN 002, CHIN 002A, or placement based Grade Mode: L, A, P on the foreign language assessment process. Practice in oral self-expression and understanding spoken CHIN 012 CHINESE LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION Chinese. No credit if taken after CHIN 003 or CHIN 009A- 3 units B. Total of 36 hours lecture. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A OR OO1AH or Transfer Credit: CSU 001AS. Grade Mode: L, A, P Reading and discussion of major works of Chinese litera- ture in translation from different historical periods. Se- CHIN 008B INTRODUCTION TO CHINESE lected readings will be made from different genres: poetry, CONVERSATION (Mandarin) drama, essays and the novel. (Course conducted in Eng- 2 units lish.) Total of 54 hours lecture. Prerequisites: CHIN 002, CHIN 002A, or placement based Transfer Credit: CSU; UC on the foreign language assessment process. Grade Mode: L, A, P Practice in oral self-expression and understanding spoken Chinese. No credit if taken after CHIN 003 or CHIN 009A- CHIN 022 CHINESE CALLIGRAPHY B. Total of 36 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU History, development, aesthetics, and appreciation of Grade Mode: L, A, P Chinese calligraphy. Examination of Chinese character formation, evolution and etymology as well as a survey CHIN 009A CHINESE CONVERSATION (Mandarin) of varieties of Chinese scripts and hands-on practice of 2 units Chinese calligraphy. (Course conducted in English.) Total Prerequisite: CHIN 003, CHIN 008A-B, or placement based of 54 hours lecture. on the foreign language assessment process. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Intensive practice in oral expression and comprehension of Grade Mode: L, A, P spoken Chinese. Total of 36 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU CHIN 050 CHINESE CINEMA Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. CHIN 009B CHINESE CONVERSATION (Mandarin) Introduction to Chinese cinema. Chinese culture, society, 2 units and historical periods through the viewing and discussion Prerequisite: CHIN 003, CHIN 008A-B, or placement based of Chinese films from mainland China, Hong Kong, and on the foreign language assessment process. Taiwan. (Course conducted in English). Total of 54 hours Intensive practice in oral expression and comprehension of lecture. spoken Chinese. Total of 36 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P CHIN 150A CHINESE FOR BUSINESS AND TRAVEL CHIN 009C CHINESE CONVERSATION (Mandarin) 2 units 2 units Practical conversational Chinese for business and travel. Prerequisite: CHIN 003, CHIN 008A-B, or placement based Contemporary culture in Chinese-speaking areas. Total of on the foreign language assessment process. 36 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P

PAGE 403 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 CHIN 150B CHINESE FOR BUSINESS AND TRAVEL CINE 026B INTERMEDIATE FILMMAKING – 2 units ELECTRONIC Prerequisite: CHIN 150A or placement based on the foreign 3 units language assessment process. Prerequisite: CINE 026A. Further instruction in conversational Chinese for business Intermediate motion picture production. Editing of picture and travel. Contemporary culture in Chinese-speaking ar- and sound utilizing adjustable iris camcorders. Individual eas. Total of 36 hours lecture. and group projects selected from the following: commer- Grade Mode: L, A, P cials, experimental, documentary and dramatic film forms. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC CINEMA Grade Mode: L, A (Visual Arts and Media Studies) CINE 026C ADVANCED FILMMAKING CINE 007A EARLY FILM HISTORY 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: CINE 026B. Development of motion pictures from their inception to Advanced video or 16mm group motion picture production. the 1940’s. Total of 54 hours lecture. Concentration on the roles of director of photography, Transfer Credit: CSU; UC camera operator, unit production manager, sound crew and Grade Mode: L, A, P editor in the production of short films. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. CINE 007B CONTEMPORARY FILM HISTORY Transfer Credit: CSU 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Recommended preparation: CINE 007A. Survey of national and international film movements and CINE 027 CINEMATOGRAPHY developments from the 1950’s to the present with special 3 units attention given to the influence of Hollywood studios and Introduction to the fundamental technical and aesthetic directors in the world of cinema, art and ideas. Total of 54 principles of motion picture photography. Practical train- hours lecture. ing in the use of motion picture cameras. Introduction to Transfer Credit: CSU; UC image control through exposure, lighting, and selection of Grade Mode: L, A, P film, camera, lens, and filters. Examination of the cinema- tographer as a visual storyteller to develop a broader un- CINE 025 FILM ART derstanding of the balance between artist and technician. 3 units Examination of the different crew positions and processes Aesthetic and technical analysis of camera, lighting, of the camera crew. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours sound, direction and structure in short and feature films laboratory. with an emphasis on innovation. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L CINE 070A WORK EXPERIENCE/INTERNSHIP IN CINE 026A BEGINNING ELECTRONIC FILMMAKING CINEMA (PAID) 3 units ½ unit Introduction to the theory, terminology, and process Prerequisites: Completion of one semester at Pasadena of motion picture production for film. Includes basic City College and completion of one course in major. cinematography including the operation, function and Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. creative uses of production and post-production equipment, Provides students on-the-job learning in a paid cinema scriptwriting, camera operation, shot composition, position. Development of effective work habits, attitudes, lighting, sound recording and mixing, and editing. Total of and career awareness so as to enable students to become 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. productive employees. Credit may be accrued at the rate of ½ to 8 units per semester. One unit of credit for each 75 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC hours of paid work experience. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, P

PAGE 404 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 CINE 070B WORK EXPERIENCE/INTERNSHIP IN COLLEGE CINEMA (UNPAID) (Counseling) ½ unit Prerequisites: Completion of one semester at Pasadena COLL 001 FIRST YEAR SEMINAR City College and completion of one course in major. 3 units Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. Development of thinking strategies that can be used for Provides students on-the-job learning in an unpaid cinema lifelong problem solving in academic, social, and per- position. Development of effective work habits, attitudes, sonal life. Introduces critical thinking, information lit- and career awareness so as to enable students to become eracy, college resources, motivating factors and study productive employees. Credit may be accrued at the rate of skills for student success. Total of 54 hours lecture. ½ to 8 units per semester. One unit of credit for each 60 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC hours of unpaid work experience. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, P

CINE 126 DIGITAL FILM NARRATIVE COMMUNICATION 3 units Prerequisites: CINE 026A. (Performing and Communication Arts Division) Practical and aesthetic construction of motion pictures us- ing the principles and techniques of computer based non- COMM 001 SURVEY OF MASS COMMUNICATION linear editing for film, video, and multimedia. Total of 36 3 units hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Mass media as information distributors; print media, ra- Grade Mode: L, A dio and television broadcasting, motion pictures, public relations, sales and advertising and digital media. Rights CINE 127 ADVANCED CINEMATOGRAPHY and responsibilities under the First Amendment. Total of 3 units 54 hours lecture. Prerequisites: CINE 026A and CINE 027. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: JOUR 100 Recommended preparation: CINE 126. Grade Mode: L, A, P Advanced training and study of techniques and aesthetics in use of motion picture cameras and lighting equipment COMM 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY for those considering a professional career in cinematog- 1 unit raphy. Advanced study of scene creation as well as overall Prerequisite: Permission of department chairperson. visual design of an entire film. In-depth examination of Individual projects in the communication arts and scienc- the different crew positions of the camera crew combined es. Total of 54 hours laboratory. with practical experience. Creation of work for professional Transfer Credit: CSU portfolio. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours labora- Grade Mode: L tory. Grade Mode: L, A COMM 101 COMMUNICATION FIELD PRACTICE 1 unit CINE 129 CINEMA PRODUCTION PORTFOLIO Prerequisites: Maintain enrollment in 7 units or more in- 3 units cluding field practice; enrollment in or completion of at least Prerequisite: CINE 026C. one of the following: SPCH 005AB,018, TVR 002B, 014A-B, Cinema Production/Filmmaking portfolio development, 016A, 018, 021, 106A-B, THRT 012A. preparation and production for transfer to four-year Student projects and supervised on-campus experience in colleges or professional use. Advanced cinema production/ speech pathology, telecommunications, theater arts (in- filmmaking, in conception and execution. Development of cluding on-campus radio and television production), en- professional presentation skills. Total of 36 hours lecture gineering, newswriting, theater arts technology. Pass/no and 72 hours laboratory. pass grading. Total of 90 hours field practice. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: P

COMM 102 COMMUNICATION FIELD PRACTICE 2 units Prerequisites: Maintain enrollment in 7 units or more in- cluding field practice; enrollment in or completion of at ______least one of the following: SPCH 005AB, 018, TVR 002B, 014A-B, 016A, 018, 021, 106A-B, THRT 012A. *Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 405 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Student projects and supervised on-campus experience CIS 012 INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING USING in speech pathology, telecommunications, theater arts PYTHON (including on-campus radio and television production), 3 units engineering, newswriting, theater arts technology. Pass/ Fundamental concepts and models of application develop- no pass grading. Total of 180 hours field practice. ment using Python programming language. Coverage of Grade Mode: P structured and object-oriented programming principles and techniques. Topics include the basic concepts of program design, variables, declarations, statements, expressions, basic I/O (input and output), flow control structures, func- COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS tions and modules, lists (arrays), tuples, dictionaries, file (Business and Engineering Technology Division) access, classes and objects, class attributes and methods, inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation, and polymor- CIS 001 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS phism. Preparation for the Microsoft Technology Associate 3 units (MTA): Introduction to Programming using Python, Python Computer information systems with focus on hardware, Institute Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer (PCEP), software, operating systems, file management, local area and Python Institute Certified Associate in Python Pro- networks, the Internet, digital data representation, and gramming (PCAP) exams. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 digital media. Hands-on experience with word processing, hours laboratory. presentation, spreadsheet, and database software. No Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit if taken after CIS 010. Total of 36 hours lecture and Grade Mode: L 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC CIS 014 C++ PROGRAMMING 3 units Grade Mode: L Prerequisite: CIS 012 or equivalent. Application development using C++ programming language. CIS 010 INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION SYSTEMS Coverage of object-oriented programming principles and 3 units Examination of information systems and their role in techniques. Topics include C++ basics, control structures, business. Focus on information systems, database functions, arrays, pointers, classes, overloading, data management systems, system development, networking, abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, Internet and web, e-commerce, security, application virtual functions, file processing, templates, exceptions, development languages and tools, computer systems and STL (Standard Template Library). Preparation for the hardware and software components. Application of C++Institute’s C++ Certified Associate Programmer (CPA) these concepts and methods through hands-on projects and C++ Certified Professional Programmer (CPP) exams. developing computer-based solutions to business problems. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU: UC. *C-ID: ITIS 120 Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L CIS 016 JAVA PROGRAMMING CIS 011 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION 3 units TECHNOLOGY ESSENTIALS Prerequisite: CIS 012 or equivalent. 4 units Application development using Java programming Introduction to the computer hardware and software language. Coverage of object-oriented programming skills needed to help meet the growing demand for principles and techniques. Topics include Java basics, entry-level Information and Communication Technology control structures, arrays, classes, methods, overloading, (ICT) professionals. The fundamentals of computer encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, collections, hardware and software as well as advanced concepts such Lambda expressions, exceptions, Java I/O, Java API, and as security, networking, and the responsibilities of an database applications. Preparation for the Oracle Certified ICT professional will be introduced. Preparation for the Associate (OCA) –Java SE Programmer and Oracle Certified CompTIA A+ certification exams. Total of 54 hours lecture Professional (OCP) – Java SE Programmer exams. Total of and 54 hours laboratory. 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: ITIS 110 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L


*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 406 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 CIS 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY CIS 036 VISUAL BASIC .NET PROGRAMMING 1 unit 3 units Prerequisite: Minimum grades of C in 12 units of com- Prerequisite: CIS 012 or equivalent. puter information systems courses. Application development using Visual Basic .NET program- Individual projects; problem formulation, design, docu- ming language. Coverage of object-oriented programming menting, programming and testing. Total of 54 hours labo- principles and techniques. Topics include Visual Basic .NET ratory. basics, control structures, arrays, classes and objects, Transfer Credit: CSU methods, overloading, encapsulation, inheritance, poly- Grade Mode: L morphism, interfaces, generics, delegates, exceptions, file processing, Windows Forms, web applications, ADO.NET, CIS 022 INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNET and components. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours 3 units laboratory. Prerequisite: CIS 010. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC General overview of computer systems, networking, and Grade Mode: L the Internet. World Wide Web, email, telnet, ftp, news- groups, finding information on the Internet, and basic Web CIS 038 ADVANCED VISUAL BASIC page creation. Legal, ethical, privacy and security issues 3 units on the Internet. Total of 90 hours lecture. Prerequisite: CIS 036. Transfer Credit: CSU Advanced techniques in the use of VISUAL BASIC, such as Grade Mode: L, A user-friendly menus, internal program documentation and program structure; subroutines, file manipulation, special CIS 030 FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER NETWORKS functions, problem solving and graphics. Total of 36 hours 3 units lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Introduction to network applications; fundamental com- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC munication concepts; data communication hardware; pro- Grade Mode: L tocols and software; microcomputers and communications; network configurations, management and security. Total of CIS 040 UNIX/LINUX ADMINISTRATION 54 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU Prerequisite: CIS 011 or valid CompTIA A+ certification or Grade Mode: L, P equivalent. Installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of Unix/ CIS 031 INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE MANAGEMENT Linux operating systems in a small or enterprise environ- SYSTEMS ment: types of installation, device drivers, kernel, process management, scripting, packages, networking services, 3 units system services, storage, cloud computing, remote man- Recommended Preparation: CIS 011 or equivalent. agement, updates, monitoring, system and data recovery, Introduction to concepts in data and information manage- authorization and authentication, and advanced manage- ment centered around the core skills of identifying organi- ment tools. Preparation for the CompTIA Linux+, LPIC-1: zational information requirements, conceptual data model- Certified Linux Administrator, and LPIC-2: Certified Linux ing techniques, conversion of conceptual data models into Engineer certification exams. Total of 36 hours lecture and relational data models, verification of structural character- 72 hours laboratory. istics with normalization techniques, and implementation Transfer Credit: CSU of a relational database using an industrial-strength da- Grade Mode: L tabase management system. Overview of data quality and data security tasks, database application development, CIS 041 CCNA: INTRODUCTION TO NETWORKS and data and information management technologies that 3 units provide decision support capabilities under the broad busi- Recommended Preparation: CIS 011. ness intelligence umbrella. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 Architecture, structure, functions, components, and mod- hours laboratory. els of the Internet and other computer networks. Princi- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ples and structure of IP (Internet Protocol) addressing and Grade Mode: L the fundamentals of Ethernet concepts, media, and opera- tions are introduced to provide a foundation for further study of computer networks. Use of the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) and TCP/IP (Transmission Control Proto- col / Internet Protocol) layered models to examine the

PAGE 407 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 nature and roles of protocols and services at the applica- with social challenges and demands, legal and ethical is- tion, network, data link, and physical layers. Preparation sues, security planning, physical security, and technology. for the CompTIA Network+, and CISCO CCNA certification Preparation for the CompTIA Security+ and Cisco CCNA Cy- exams. No credit if taken after CIS 161. Total of 36 hours ber Ops certification exams. Total of 36 hours lecture and lecture and 54 hours laboratory. 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L

CIS 042 CCNA: ROUTING AND SWITCHING CIS 062 INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEMS ANALYSIS ESSENTIALS 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: CIS 010. Prerequisite: CIS 041. Information systems and the discipline of systems analy- Configuring and troubleshooting enterprise networks. sis to analyze solutions to a variety of realistic IT prob- Topics include: static routing, Routing Information lems. Develops skills in applying the tools, techniques, Protocol (RIP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Virtual and concepts of systems analysis to information systems LANs (VLANs), Inter-VLAN routing, Spanning Tree Protocol development in order to identify and apply constraints to (STP), EtherChannel, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol determine feasibility. Apply criteria to select the best in- (DHCP), First-Hop Redundancy Protocol (FHRP), Access formation technology solution from alternatives. Total of Control Lists (ACLs), Network Address Translation (NAT), 54 hours lecture. and Wireless LAN (WLAN). Preparation for the CISCO Transfer Credit: CSU CCT Routing & Switching and Cisco CCNA certification Grade Mode: L, P exams. No credit if taken after CIS 162. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. CIS 063 INTRODUCTION TO CYBERSECURITY: Transfer Credit: CSU ETHICAL HACKING Grade Mode: L 3 units Prerequisites: CIS 061 or equivalent, and CIS 012 or CIS 045 MCSA: MICROSOFT WINDOWS SYSTEM equivalent. ADMINISTRATION 1 Concepts, principles, and techniques for attacking and dis- 4 units abling a network within the context of properly securing a Prerequisites: CIS 011 or valid CompTIA A+ certification network. Emphasis on network attack methodologies and or equivalent; and CIS 042 or equivalent. appropriate defenses and countermeasures. Preparation Deploy, configure, maintain, troubleshoot, and support for the EC Council’s Certified Ethical Hacking certification server hardware and server software technologies in a small exam. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. to enterprise environment, including a cloud computing Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. environment with an emphasis on the administration of Grade Mode: L Microsoft Windows Server operating systems infrastruc- ture; storage solutions, server virtualization using Hyper- CIS 065 DIGITAL FORENSICS FUNDAMENTALS V, failover clustering, ADDS, DNS, DHCP, MDT, WDS, WSUS, 3 units IPAM, DirectAccess, VPNs, IPv6 transition technologies, Prerequisite: CIS 061 or equivalent. system and data recovery. Preparation for the CompTIA Methods used to properly conduct a computer forensics Server+ and Microsoft MCSA Windows Server certification investigation based on objectives of the International As- exams. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. sociation of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS) Transfer Credit: CSU certification. Topics covered include an overview of com- Grade Mode: L puter forensics as a profession, the computer investigation process, ethics, operating systems boot processes and disk CIS 061 INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION SYSTEMS structures, data acquisition and analysis; technical writ- SECURITY ing, and computer forensics tools. Total of 36 hours lecture 3 units and 54 hours laboratory. Prerequisites: CIS 011 or valid CompTIA A+ certification Transfer Credit: CSU or equivalent, and CIS 042 or equivalent. Grade Mode: L Principles of information systems security related to provid- ing, managing, and maintaining secure systems at various CIS 070A WORK EXPERIENCE IN INFORMATION organizational levels. Administration of network protocols, TECHNOLOGY (PAID) analysis of hardware/software processes, communications, ½ unit applications, policies, and procedures. Principles of cyber- Prerequisites: Completion of one semester at Pasadena security, risk management/assessments, reporting, dealing City College and completion of one course in major.

PAGE 408 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. CIS 137 MCSA: MICROSOFT WINDOWS CLIENT Provides students on-the-job learning in a paid position OPERATING SYSTEMS in the field of information technology. Development of 3 units effective work habits, attitudes, and career awareness so Prerequisite: CIS 011 or valid CompTIA A+ certification or as to enable students to become productive employees. equivalent. Credit may be accrued at the rate of ½ to 8 units per Installation, configuration, and troubleshooting of Micro- semester. One unit of credit for each 75 hours of paid work soft Windows client operating systems in a small or enter- experience. prise environment: different types of installation, device Transfer Credit: CSU drivers, networking services, storage, apps, remote man- Grade Mode: L, P agement, updates, monitoring, system and data recovery, authorization and authentication, and advanced manage- CIS 070B WORK EXPERIENCE IN INFORMATION ment tools. Preparation for the Microsoft Certified Solu- TECHNOLOGY (UNPAID) tions Associate (MCSA): Windows client operating systems ½ unit certification exam. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours Prerequisites: Completion of one semester at Pasadena laboratory. City College and completion of one course in major. Grade Mode: L Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. Provides students on-the-job learning in a unpaid position CIS 141 MCSA: MICROSOFT EXCHANGE SERVER in the field of information technology. Development of ADMINISTRATION effective work habits, attitudes, and career awareness so 4 units as to enable students to become productive employees. Prerequisite: CIS 146. Credit may be accrued at the rate of ½ to 8 units per Install, configure and manage Microsoft Exchange Server semester. One unit of credit for each 60 hours of unpaid in a Windows Active Directory environment. Configure work experience. Microsoft Exchange Server roles. Manage users, mailboxes, Transfer Credit: CSU security, and database. Configure connectors, antivirus Grade Mode: L, P and anti-spam systems, transport rules and message compliance, archiving, policies, client connectivity, public CIS 112 ADVANCED PROGRAMMING USING PYTHON folders, and high availability. Backup and restore Exchange 3 units Server. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: CIS 012. Grade Mode: L Application development using advanced Python programming techniques. Topics include the advanced CIS 142A MCSA SQL: MICROSOFT DATABASE Object-Oriented programming, advanced functions DEVELOPMENT and modules, packages, process management, network 3 units CIS 011 and CIS 031. programming, web programming, GUI (Graphical User Recommended Preparation: Program databases and manage and query data with Mi- Interface) programming, and testing principles and crosoft Transact-SQL language. Design, implement, and techniques. Preparation for the Python Institute Certified maintain SQL Databases using Microsoft SQL Server product Associate in Python Programming (PCAP) and Python features and tools. Preparation for the Microsoft Certified Institute Certified Professional in Python Programming Solutions Associate (MCSA) SQL: Database Development (PCPP) exams Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours certification. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours labo- laboratory. ratory. Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L, A

CIS 112D DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS CIS 142B MCSA SQL: MICROSOFT DATABASE USING PYTHON ADMINISTRATION 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: CIS 112. Prerequisites: CIS 045 and CIS 142A. Emphasizes the choice and application of data structures Install, configure, and maintain Microsoft SQL Server and and efficient algorithms in implementing applications, databases including managing storage, setting up user covering the most commonly used data structures such accounts, authenticating and authorizing users, securing as linked lists, stacks and queues, search trees, maps, SQL Server, backing up and restoring databases, perform- hashing, priority queues, sorting, and graphs. Total of 36 ing other administrative tasks, transferring data in and out hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. of SQL Server databases, diagnosing system problems, and Grade Mode: L ensuring high-availability. Preparation for the Microsoft

PAGE 409 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) SQL: Database Ad- Spanning Tree Protocols (STP), Link Aggregation, Hot ministration certification. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 Standby Router Protocol (HSRP), Enhanced Interior hours laboratory. Gateway Routing Protocol(EIGRP), and Multi-area Open Grade Mode: L, P Shortest Path First (OSPF). Preparation for the CCNA Routing & Switching certification exam. Total of 36 hours CIS 142C MCSA SQL: MICROSOFT BUSINESS lecture and 54 hours laboratory. INTELLIGENCE DEVELOPMENT Grade Mode: L 3 units Prerequisite: CIS 142A. CIS 164 CCNA: ENTERPRISE NETWORKING AND Implementation of a data warehouse platform using Micro- SECURITY soft SQL Server to support Business Intelligence (BI) solu- 3 units tions. Topics include SQL Server Integration Services, SQL Prerequisite: CIS 042. Server Data Quality Services and SQL Server Master Data Configuring and troubleshooting enterprise networks. Services. Preparation for the Microsoft Certified Solutions Topics include: Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), PPP over Associate (MCSA) SQL: Business Intelligence certification. Ethernet (PPPoE), Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), Generic Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Routing Encapsulation (GRE), advanced Open Shortest Grade Mode: L, P Path First (OSPF) configurations, advanced Access Control Lists (ACLs) configurations, advanced Network Address CIS 146 MCSA: MICROSOFT WINDOWS SYSTEM Translation (NAT) configurations, network security, network ADMINISTRATION 2 management, network design, network troubleshooting, 4 units network virtualization, and network automation. Prerequisite: CIS 045. Preparation for the Cisco CCNA certification exam. Total of Implementation and administration of Active Directory Do- 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. main Services (AD DS), distributed AD DS, AD DS sites and Grade Mode: L replication, users and groups, Group Policy Objects (GPOs), Azure Active Directory, Active Directory Certificate Services CIS 165 CCNP R&S ROUTE: IMPLEMENTING (AD CS), Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD IP ROUTING RMS), and Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) 4 units and Microsoft Azure services. Preparation for the Microsoft Prerequisite: CIS 164 or valid CCNA R&S certification or MCSA Windows Server certification exam. Total of 54 hours equivalent. lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Authorized Cisco Networking Academy CCNP R&S ROUTE Grade Mode: L course with lecture and hands-on lab. Advanced topic in Cisco routing including how to design, configure, main- CIS 151 VCP-DCV: VMWARE VSPHERE tain and scale routed networks that are growing in size ADMINISTRATION and complexity. Using Cisco routers connected in LANs and 3 units Prerequisite: CIS 011 or valid CompTIA A+ certification or WANs typically found at medium to large network sites. equivalent. Emphasis toward preparing for the Cisco Certified Network Installation, configuration and management of VMware Professional (CCNP R&S ROUTE) examination. Total of 54 vSphere which includes VMware ESXi hosts and VMware hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. vCenter server. Topics include cloud computing architecture, Grade Mode: L vSphere virtual infrastructure, vCenter Server architecture, virtual machines, virtual networks, virtual storage, CIS 167 CCNP R&S SWITCH IMPLEMENTING CISCO IP resource management and monitoring, high availability, SWITCHED NETWORKS fault tolerance, distributed resource scheduler, and update 4 units manager. Preparation for the VMware Certified Professional Prerequisite: CIS 165. – Data Center Virtualization (VCP-DCV) certification exam. Build and manage enterprise networks using multilayer Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours of laboratory. switching technologies. Covers enterprise network design, Grade Mode: L VLANs, Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP), inter-VLAN routing, Multilayer Switching (MLS), Cisco Express Forwarding CIS 163 CCNA R&S: SCALING NETWORKS (CEF), and Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP). Securing 3 units the switched network model, including setting passwords, Prerequisite: CIS 042. local and remote login, modifying default privilege levels, Installation, configuration and management of scaling and applying Layer 3 traffic management techniques to the networks. Topics include: VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP), enterprise network. Very detailed information regarding Extended VLANs, Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP), the role of switches in multicasting. Emphasis toward

PAGE 410 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 preparing for the Cisco Certified Network Professional CIS 190 WEB SERVER DEVELOPMENT (CCNP R&S SWITCH) examination. Total of 54 hours lecture 3 units and 72 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: CIS 011 or CIS 136. Grade Mode: L Foundations of the Internet and the World Wide Web: In- tranets, technical aspects of the Web, Internet and Web CIS 168 CCNP R&S TSHOOT: TROUBLESHOOTING AND Servers, hypermedia, HTML, scripting languages, Web page MAINTAINING IP NETWORKS development, basic data communication and networking, 4 units Web browsers, search engines, file transferring, email, FTP, Prerequisite: CIS 167. HTTP, POP, SMTP, TCP/IP, URL’s, Web Security, and empha- Diagnose, isolate, and correct network failures and per- sis on the development of a Web site. Total of 54 hours formance problems. Identify troubleshooting targets and lecture and 36 hours laboratory. use appropriate troubleshooting tools to manage network. Grade Mode: L, A Emphasis toward preparing for the Cisco Certified Network Professional, Troubleshooting (CCNP R&S TSHOOT) exami- CIS 192 INTRODUCTION TO WEB DEVELOPMENT nation. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. 3 units Grade Mode: L Recommended Preparation: CIS 012. The essentials of HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript including CIS 169A CCNA SECURITY their functionalities, syntax, and advanced techniques to 4 units create web content and designs that can be adapt to various Prerequisite: CIS 164 or valid CCNA R&S Certification or device form factors. Coverage includes HTML5 elements equivalent. and APIs, CSS3 syntax and advanced techniques, code Installation, configuration, troubleshooting and monitor- validation, form creation, mobile design for browsers and ing of Cisco network devices to maintain integrity, con- apps, and JavaScript and its application. Preparation for fidentiality, and availability of data and devices. Topics the CIW Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 Specialist certification. include security concepts, secure network infrastructure, Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. No managing secure access, AAA, VPN encryption, firewalls, credit if taken after GRFX 192. intrusion prevention, web and email content security, and Grade Mode: L endpoint security. Preparation for the CCNA Security cer- tification exam. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours CIS 193 CLIENT-SIDE WEB DEVELOPMENT USING laboratory. JAVASCRIPT Grade Mode: L 3 units PrerequisiteS: CIS 012 and CIS 192. CIS 169B CCNP SECURITY: IMPLEMENTING CISCO Client-side web application programming using JavaScript. EDGE NETWORK SECURITY SOLUTIONS Topics include JavaScript basics, control structures, 4 units arrays, object-oriented programming, functions, methods, Prerequisite: CIS 164 or valid CCNA R&S certification or expressions, Document Object Model (DOM), forms, equivalent. debugging, event handling, cookie creation, security, web Implement and manage Cisco perimeter edge network se- API (Application Programming Interface), libraries and curity solutions utilizing Cisco Switches, Cisco Routers, frameworks, and AJAX. Preparation for the CIW JavaScript and Cisco ASA firewalls. Focus on reducing the risk to IT Specialist Certification. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 infrastructures and applications using Cisco network devic- hours laboratory. es. Preparation for the CCNP Security exam (Implementing Grade Mode: L Cisco Edge Network Security Solutions). Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. CIS 194 CLIENT-SIDE WEB DEVELOPMENT USING Grade Mode: L JAVASCRIPT LIBRARIES 3 units CIS 170 CISCO IP TELEPHONY ADMINISTRATION Prerequisite: CIS 193. 4 units Client-side web application programming using JavaScript Prerequisite: CIS 164 or valid CCNA R&S certification or libraries. Focuses on React’s declarative user interfaces, equivalent. testing Redux, React router, React Redux, JSX, data flow, Install, configure, and troubleshoot Cisco Unified Commu- usage with React, async actions, async flow, and React nications (UC) solutions. Administration of end-user in- middleware to create effective client-side web applications terfaces, telephony and mobility features, dial plan, Cisco on the latest web stacks and techniques. Total of 36 hours IOS gateways, and Cisco UC solutions maintenance. Prepa- lecture and 54 hours laboratory. ration for the Cisco CCNA Collaboration exam. Total of 54 Grade Mode: L hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L

PAGE 411 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 CIS 197 SERVER-SIDE WEB DEVELOPMENT arrays, strings, file I/O, C++ vectors, software design prin- 3 units ciples, testing, and debugging techniques. Programming Prerequisites: CIS 031 and CIS 194. projects, at least 600 lines of code. For STEM Majors, but Server-side web application programming using various open to all qualified students. Total of 54 hours lecture and server-side technologies. Coverage of Server-side web 72 hours laboratory. development principles and techniques. Utilization of PHP Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: COMP 122 and Node.js to building database-driven web sites that Grade Mode: L, A, P incorporate lightweight, efficient, and secure web services and applications. Preparation for the Zend Certified PHP CS 003A FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE II Engineer and OpenJS Node.js Application Developer exams. (C++) Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. 4 units Grade Mode: L Prerequisite: CS 002. Second programming course in the series of Introduction CIS 199 DEVELOPMENT USING RUBY ON RAILS to Computer Science courses. Continuation of the C++ lan- 3 units guage including: classes, structures and unions, overload- Prerequisite: CIS 012. ed operators and friend functions, pointers and dynamic Introduction to Web Applications Development using arrays, function pointers, functors, abstract data types and the Ruby on Rails framework. Topics include Ruby container objects polymorphisms, inheritance and multiple fundamentals, Rails basics, Rails installation, Model-View- inheritance, templates and the Standard Template Library, Controller (MVC) architecture, ActiveRecord, Controllers, Views, test-driven development, application security, and exception handling, namespaces and separate compilation, deployment and scaling. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 recursion, creation of libraries, advanced software design, hours laboratory. testing, and debugging techniques. May be taken concur- Grade Mode: L rently with CS 003B. For STEM Majors: Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Mathematics, and Science majors, but open to all qualified students. Total of 54 hours lecture COMPUTER SCIENCE and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer credit: CSU; UC (Mathematics and Computer Science Division) Grade Mode: L, A

CS 001 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS CS 003B FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE II AND PROGRAMMING (JAVA) 5 units 4 units The history of computing, basic computer operation, the Prerequisite: CS 002. notion of an algorithm, variable definitions, expressions, Alternate second programming course in the series of In- input/output, branches, loops, functions, parameters, troduction to Computer Science courses. JAVA language selection, iterative techniques, arrays, strings. For non- including: Data types, variables, control structures, GUI engineering and non-science majors or for students con- and Object Oriented Design, user-defined methods, meth- sidering taking CS 002 but needing additional preparation. od overloading, user-defined classes and abstract data No credit if taken after CS 002. Total of 72 hours lecture types, accessor and mutator methods, collections, single and 54 hours laboratory. and multidimensional arrays, polymorphisms, inheritance, Transfer Credit: CSU; UC exception handling, recursion, searching and sorting al- Grade Mode: L, A, P gorithms, creation of libraries, advanced software design, testing, and debugging techniques web-based applets. CS 002 FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE I May be taken concurrently with CS 003A. For STEM Ma- 4 units jors: Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Prerequisite: Either MATH 007B or MATH 008 or MATH Science majors, but open to all qualified students. Total of 009. 54 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Problem solving through structured computer program- Transfer credit: CSU; UC ming of algorithms using the basics of the C++ object- Grade Mode: L, A oriented language. Topics include: variables, expressions, input/output (I/O), branches, looping constructs, func- CS 003C FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE II tions, argument passing, single and double dimensional (PYTHON) 4 units ______Prerequisite: CS 002.

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 412 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Second programming course in the series of Introduction to CS 018 UNIX SCRIPTING WITH BASH Computer Science courses. Topics of the Python language 4 units include: data types, variables, control structures, Python Prerequisite: CS 002. Objects and Oriented Design, standard and advanced Shell scripting, script parameters, looping, piping, back- mathematical libraries, tool-chain use and Python ground processing, pattern manipulation, functions, Frameworks, user-defined classes and abstract collections, subroutines, process forking, major BASH utilities, AWK single and multidimensional arrays, Python lists, tuples, scripting. For Computer Science, Computer Engineering, collections, and dictionaries. May be taken concurrently Mathematics, and Science majors, but open to all qualified with CS 003A or CS 003B. Recommended for STEM Majors: students. Total of 54 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Science Transfer Credit: CSU; UC majors, but open to all qualified students. Total of 54 Grade Mode: L, A hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P CS 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 unit CS 006 INTRODUCTION TO APPLIED LOGIC DESIGN Prerequisites: Completion of three other computer science 4 units courses. Prerequisite: CS 002. Individual projects; problem formulation, design, docu- Characteristics of digital systems, truth functions, Boolean menting, programming and testing. Total of 54 hours labo- algebra, switching devices, minimization of Boolean func- ratory. tions, single and multiple output circuits, Mealy and Moore Transfer Credit: CSU networks. Karnaugh maps, state tables. Design and opti- Grade Mode: L, A, P mization of combinational circuits and sequential circuits. Recommended completion of or concurrent enrollment in CS 038 INTRODUCTION TO SOFTWARE MATH 022. For Computer Science, Computer Engineering, ENGINEERING Mathematics, and Science majors, but open to all qualified 5 units students. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: CS 008. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Introduction to the concepts, methods, and current prac- Grade Mode: L, A, P tice of software engineering and the software life cycle. Study of large-scale software production; software life CS 008 FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE III cycle models as an organizing structure; principles and – DATA STRUCTURES techniques appropriate for each stage of production. Labo- 4 units ratory work involves a group project illustrating these ele- Prerequisite: CS 003A. ments. Total of 90 hours lecture. Recommended Preparation: Proficiency in the C++ Transfer Credit: CSU; UC programming language at the intermediate/advanced level. Grade Mode: L, A Third programming course in the series of introduction to computer science courses. Data structure concepts in de- CS 045 DISCRETE STRUCTURES WITH signing and implementing algorithms taught in the C++ COMPUTER SCIENCE APPLICATIONS programming language. Topics include: recursion, lists, 5 units arrays, binary trees, b-trees, AVL trees, heaps, stacks, Prerequisite: CS 002. queues, priority queues, hashing and graphs. Searching, Specification, development and analysis of algorithms. sorting and merging algorithms. Advanced concepts and Sets, relations and functions. Logic and mathematical manipulation of C++ pointers, pointers to functions in C++ structures used in computer science. Introduction to class members, functors and advanced pointer arithmetic. combinatorics. Programming projects to exemplify these At least two programming assignments of 1,500 to 2,500 concepts. For Computer Science, Computer Engineering, lines of C++ code will be required of each individual stu- Mathematics, and Science majors, but open to all qualified dent. At least one two student team project of 3,000 to students. Total of 72 hours lecture 54 hours laboratory. 4,000 lines of code will be required. For STEM Majors: Com- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC puter Science, Computer Engineering, Mathematics, and Grade Mode: L, A Science majors, but open to all qualified students. Total of 54 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, P

PAGE 413 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 CS 066 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING FOR COSM 102 HAIR COLOR 1 THE SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS 4 /2 units 4 units Prerequisite: COSM 100. Prerequisite: CS 002. Different types of hair color applications and techniques Number systems and their rules for arithmetic; basic for various hair color categories. Hands-on workshops with computer organization concepts; register manipulation, semi, demi, and permanent hair color to include: special pseudocode development; instruction formats, addressing effects hair color applications, lighteners, foiling, weav- modes, parameter passing using a stack frame; assemblers ing/slicing, combination color design patterns, alterna- and linkage editors; modular program design and devel- tion/partial highlights, lowlighting, gray coverage formu- opment. For Computer Science, Computer Engineering, lations, contrast-zones color patterns, and toner applica- tions. Total of 36 hours lecture and 135 hours laboratory. Mathematics, and Science majors, but open to all qualified Grade Mode: L, A students. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC COSM 103 HAIRSTYLING Grade Mode: L, A 1 4 /2 units Prerequisite: COSM 100. CS 080 SEMINAR IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND Theory of professional hairstyling techniques and COMPUTER ENGINEERING procedures. Lectures, demonstrations and practical 2 units procedures in wet hair styling, thermal styling and long Introduces students to current topics, career paths, and hair styling. Total of 36 hours lecture and 135 hours current research topics within Computer Science and Com- laboratory. puter Engineering disciplines. For Computer Science, Com- Grade Mode: L, A puter Engineering, Mathematics, and Science majors but open to all qualified students. Total of 36 hours lecture. COSM 104 CHEMICAL TEXTURE 1 Transfer Credit: CSU 4 /2 units Grade Mode: A, P Prerequisite: COSM 100. Theory of professional chemical texturizing techniques and procedures. Lectures, demonstrations and practical procedures in permanent waving, chemical relaxing, and COSMETOLOGY soft curl re-forming. Total of 36 hours lecture and 135 (Business and Engineering Technology Division) hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A COSM 100 INTRO TO COSMETOLOGY 9 units COSM 105 SKIN CARE 1 Fundamental theory, techniques, and procedures on basic 4 /2 units hair, skin, and nail care. Lectures, demonstrations and Prerequisite: COSM 100. practical procedures in basic hair, skin, and nail care with Skin disorders and diseases and the different types of skin emphasis on safely and client protection. Other topics services offered in the salon. Total of 36 hours lecture and include California State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology 135 hours laboratory. rules and regulations, health and safety codes, general Grade Mode: L, A science as it relates to cosmetology, infection control, chemistry, and electricity. Total of 81 hours lecture and COSM 106 NAIL CARE 1 243 hours laboratory. 4 /2 units Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisite: COSM 100. Study of nail disorders and diseases and the different types COSM 101 HAIRCUTTING of nail services offered in the salon. Total of 36 hours 1 4 /2 units lecture and 135 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: COSM 100. Grade Mode: L, A Theory of advanced haircutting techniques and proce- dures. Lectures, demonstrations and practical procedures COSM 107 STATE BOARD 1 in haircutting terminology, safety precautions, disinfec- 4 /2 units tion, proper use and handling of cutting implements, and Prerequisite: COSM 100. client consultation. Total of 36 hours lecture and 135 Preparation for the State Board examination to become hours laboratory. licensed cosmetologists. Emphasis is placed on State Grade Mode: L, A Board theoretical and practical topics. Total of 36 hours lecture and 135 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 414 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 COSM 108 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT an individual educational plan based on their specific aca- 1 4 /2 units demic/career goal(s). Short term class. Total of 18 hours Proper steps to take for seeking employment, customer lecture. service, business ethics, marketing, time management, and Transfer Credit: CSU the advantages and disadvantages of owning a salon or Grade Mode: L, P renting a booth. Total of 36 hours lecture and 135 hours laboratory. COUN 011 LEARNING STRATEGIES AND COLLEGE Grade Mode: L, A SKILLS DEVELOPMENT 1 unit COSM 109 SALON Analysis of college success factors and learning styles of 3 units student achievement. Development of strategies for suc- Prerequisite: COSM 100. cess in educational and work environments. Organizing Practical salon experience working on clients. Total of 162 tasks involved when studying and the tools to do it. Short hours of laboratory. term class. Total of 18 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU COSM 150 INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES IN Grade Mode: L, A, P COSMETOLOGY 10 units COUN 012 PERSONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Prerequisite: State of California Cosmetology License. 3 units Course is designed for licensed cosmetologists who want A comprehensive course that integrates personal and professional growth through the development of effective to become cosmetology instructors. Introduces principles communication skills, positive self-esteem, and strategies of learning, effective teaching methods and techniques, for problem-solving and decision-making. Analysis of life classroom management, and organizational skills. Empha- course events, self-exploration of social identity and the sis is placed on planning, presenting, and evaluating les- development of career and educational objectives. Personal sons in both the classroom and clinic/laboratory setting. health assessment and strategies for coping with stress. Total of 80 hours lecture and 240 hours laboratory. Total 54 hours of lecture. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU COSM 151 INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES IN Grade Mode: L, P COSMETOLOGY COUN 013 PEER MENTORING SKILLS 10 units 3 units Prerequisite: COSM 150. Principles and practices of peer mentoring fellow students This course is designed for licensed cosmetologists who new to the college setting. Practice basic helping skills want to become cosmetology instructors. Continues the along with learning how to utilize knowledge of higher ed- principles of learning, effective teaching methods, tech- ucation, matriculation and college success strategies. No niques and organizational skills, and introduces lesson credit if taken after COUN 103. Total of 54 hours lecture. presentation, classroom management and use of technol- Transfer Credit: CSU ogy for curriculum delivery. Emphasis is placed on class- Grade Mode: L, A, P room delivery and evaluation of student performance. Total of 80 hours lecture and 240 hours laboratory. COUN 017 CAREER PLANNING Grade Mode: L, A 2 units Career research and planning using assessments of inter- ests, values, skills, and temperament. Exploration of job COUNSELING duties and educational/training requirements. Job search (Counseling) skills. Total of 36 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU COUN 010 INTRODUCTION TO COLLEGE Grade Mode: L, A 1 unit COUN 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY Recommended preparation: Completion of placement 1 unit assessment. Prerequisite: COUN 010. Designed to help students successfully navigate the higher Individualized projects, research techniques, written re- education system. Understanding of college policies and ports. Total of 54 hours laboratory. procedures, campus services and resources and associate Transfer Credit: CSU degree and transfer requirements. Students will develop Grade Mode: A, P

PAGE 415 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 COUN 030 PERSONAL EXPLORATION OF CUL 158 FIELD PRACTICE IN FOOD SERVICES LEADERSHIP 4 units 3 units Prerequisite: Maintain enrollment in 7 units or more Introduction to the fundamental elements of leadership. including field practice and enrollment in or completion of Exploration of leadership theories and models as well as Culinary Arts course. individual values and beliefs with which to develop a per- Supervised field experience or employment in food servic- sonal philosophy of leadership. Exploration of how the es, on-the-job training with local firm. Total of 360 hours roles of culture, diversity and gender can play in leader- field practice. ship. Application of course content to daily life and leader- Grade Mode: L, A ship contexts. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU CUL 160A INTRODUCTION TO CATERING Grade Mode: L, A 3 units Small-scale catering; menu planning, food preparation, COUN 111 EDUCATIONAL PLANNING AND STUDY sanitation, food display, party theme presentations; cost SKILLS analysis, purchasing, legal responsibilities and liabilities 1 /2 unit and time management. No credit if taken after Food 160. Educational planning, study skills and transfer require- Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. ments. Testing to identify interests and abilities. Pass/no Grade Mode: L, A pass grading. Total of 9 hours lecture. Grade Mode: A, P CUL 160B ADVANCED CATERING 3 units COUN 112 STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Prerequisite: CUL 160A. 1 unit Advanced catering technique applications for off-premise Effective personal and social relations in the academic and services of special occasions for large groups; menu de- social environment. Problem solving techniques. Pass/no velopment for gourmet/international foods, specialty des- pass grading. Total of 18 hours lecture. serts, special dietary needs. Catering business strategies; Grade Mode: A, P cost analysis, time management, purchasing requirements, legal responsibilities/liabilities, safety and sanitation re- quirements. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours labora- CULINARY ARTS tory. Grade Mode: L, A (Business and Engineering Technology Division)

CUL 145C QUANTITY COOKING TECHNIQUES 10 units DANCE Prerequisite: CUL 145B. (Performing and Communication Arts Division) Designed to develop techniques and skills for cooking for large groups. Emphasis is on menu setup, basic food pro- DANC 002 HEALTH AND FITNESS FOR DANCERS duction including cold and hot buffets, vegetable prepara- 2 units tion, entree preparation, and fine dining service. Develop- Physical, psychological and professional health and fitness ment of team leadership and supervisory skills. Required issues and needs of dancers and dance related activities. instructional trips. Total of 90 hours lecture and 270 hours Analysis and exploration of effective training and condi- laboratory. tioning, diet and fitness, injury prevention and care, and Grade Mode: L, A positive behaviors for career and lifelong wellness. Assess- ment skills regarding diet and training products and the CUL 145D SPECIAL EVENTS MANAGEMENT impact of substance abuse. For dancers and individuals 10 units interested (in careers) in dance and dance-related alterna- Prerequisite: CUL 145C. tives, including, but not limited to, performance, choreog- Event scheduling, training and supervision of food service raphy, teaching, training and physical therapy; open to all workers in a dining setting. Banquet, fine dining, and students. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. theme events setup and take-down. Food and beverage Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. purchasing, dining ware storage and upkeep, written con- Grade Mode: L tract development, and common business practices. Re- quired instructional trips. Total of 90 hours lecture and 270 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 416 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 DANC 003 CONDITIONING FOR DANCERS cal and cultural influences, basic vocabulary of the idiom. 1 unit Total of 54 hours laboratory. Exercises as mental and physical preparation for dance. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Use of floor mat exercises and a floor barre to increase Grade Mode: L flexibility, balance, strength, body alignment and use of turn out. Relaxation and visualization techniques. Total of DANC 006B TAP DANCE II 54 hours laboratory. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Prerequisite: DANC 006A. Grade Mode: L Fundamentals of tap for advanced beginners. Study of traditional steps in various meters and rhythmic styles, DANC 004H FLAMENCO DANCE with variations and added vocabulary. Increased emphasis 1 unit on technique and expressive styling. Detailed study of Dance skills and techniques specific to Flamenco Dance tap history and cultural influences. Total of 54 hours and other related folkloric dances of Spain. Practice laboratory. includes: music, rhythms and accent, instruments and Transfer Credit: CSU; UC tonal qualities; body carriage and style; steps, patterns Grade Mode: L and combinations; variations and whole dances. Historical and multi-cultural aspects of Flamenco dance and music DANC 006C TAP DANCE III will be considered, discussed, and embodied. Total of 54 1 unit hours laboratory. Prerequisite: DANC 006B or equivalent. Transfer credit: CSU; UC Intermediate tap technique, with sequences of increased Grade Mode: L, A, P complexity, tempo and duration. Introduction to close- to-the floor dancing and air tricks. Close attention to DANC 005A SOCIAL DANCE I musicality, styling and carriage of the arms and upper 1 unit body. Participation in concert performance. Total of 54 Skills in popular social dances of the late 19th to mid- hours laboratory. 20th century, providing a chronological survey. Topics Transfer credit: CSU; UC include: Cha Cha, Charleston, Foxtrot, Mambo, Merengue, Grade Mode: L Polka, Rhumba, Swing, Samba, Salsa, Tango, Waltz. Pro- vides dance students with a strong foundation in partner- DANC 006D TAP DANCE IV ing skills and proficiency in vernacular genres of American 1 unit dance, including their cultural and historical origins. Total Prerequisite: DANC 006C or equivalent. of 54 hours laboratory. Intermediate and advanced tap technique, with continued Transfer Credit: CSU; UC emphasis on showmanship and the expression of narrative Grade Mode: L, A, P through dance. Close attention to musicality, styling and carriage of the arms and upper body. Introduction to DANC 005B SOCIAL DANCE II further tricks and to improvisation. Creation of a concert 1 unit piece for performance. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Intermediate skills in popular social dances of the late Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 19th to mid-20th century, providing a chronological sur- Grade Mode: L, A vey. Topics include: Cha Cha, Charleston, Foxtrot, Mambo, Merengue, Polka, Rhumba, Swing, Samba, Salsa, Tango, DANC 008A BEGINNING COMPOSITION AND Waltz. Trains continuing social dancers in more complex CHOREOGRAPHY partnering skills, providing further information and experi- 2 units ence in vernacular genres of American dance, including Recommended Preparation: DANC 009A, 011A, 014A, or their cultural and historical origins. Total of 54 hours labo- 015A, or the equivalent. ratory. Introduction to the elements and basic principles of dance Transfer credit: CSU; UC composition and choreography and their application to all Grade Mode: L, A, P styles of dance, including, but not limited to ballet, eth- nic, jazz, modern and tap; exploration and experimenta- DANC 006A TAP DANCE I tion through lectures, improvisation and problem solving 1 unit with varied literal and nonliteral themes, differing forms, Beginning fundamentals of tap dance technique; basic tra- working methods and processes, musical forms and al- ditional tap steps and combinations, elementary rhythmic ternative accompaniments in order to design and create and syncopated structures and stylistic patterns. Histori- movement phrases and compositions for individual and

PAGE 417 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 group arrangements. Final projects presentation/perfor- elements of choreographic composition and performance mance. Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. qualities. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L

DANC 008B INTERMEDIATE COMPOSITION AND DANC 009D MODERN DANCE IV CHOREOGRAPHY 1 unit 2 units Prerequisite: DANC 009C. Prerequisite: DANC 008A. Advanced technique skills in contemporary modern Exploration and application of compositional elements in dance; emphasis is focused on the dancer as “artist” designing and creating movement phrases and composi- with continuing development of dynamic articulation of tions of greater length and complexity with emphasis on the body in motion, physicality, expressivity and pres- technique and presentation; experimentation with self- ence. Enhanced experiences in the observation and anal- constructed/designed accompaniment of nontraditional ysis of movement, as well as elements of choreography style including sounds, silence, voice, words and phrases. and staging are explored. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Solo or group composition presentation/performance. To- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC tal of 18 hours of lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A DANC 010 MODERN DANCE PRODUCTION 2 units DANC 009A MODERN DANCE I Recommended preparation: Audition or completion of 1 unit DANC 009C. An introduction to the art and discipline of modern dance Participation in dance performance and staging. Maximum technique through fundamental skills and beginning tech- credit 8 units, 2 units each semester. Maximum of 4 en- nique practices. Emphasis is on awareness of the body as rollments in the Dance Production Family: DANC 010, an expressive instrument. Study and practice of the ba- 022AB. Total of 108 hours laboratory. sic dance elements of space, time and energy are engaged Transfer Credit: CSU; UC through movement combinations, traveling in space, floor Grade Mode: L, A and center work and creative exploration. Total of 54 hours laboratory. DANC 011A BALLET I Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 1 unit Grade Mode: L Beginning level Classical Ballet technique emphasizing proper placement and alignment, use of turn-out, musical- DANC 009B MODERN DANCE II ity, quality of movement, a creative approach to learning 1 unit the art-form, self-awareness, artistry, and expression. Rec- Prerequisite: DANC 009A. ommended previous dance experience. Total of 54 hours The study of the art and discipline of modern dance tech- laboratory. nique at an advanced beginning level. Emphasis is placed Transfer Credit: CSU; UC on developing the body as an expressive instrument, fo- Grade Mode: L cusing on technical skills and aesthetic concepts. Increas- ing complexity in movement phrasing, dynamics, spatial DANC 011B BALLET II clarity, musicality and creative exploration is introduced. 1 unit Total of 54 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: DANC 011A. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Second level Beginning Classical Ballet technique empha- Grade Mode: L sizing proper placement and alignment, use of turn-out, musicality, quality of movement, a creative approach to DANC 009C MODERN DANCE III learning the art-form, self-awareness, artistry, and expres- 1 unit sion. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: DANC 009B. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Intermediate modern dance; explores the craft of contem- Grade Mode: L porary modern dance technique at an intermediate level. Emphasis is on increasingly complex movement material including floor and aerial work, spatial clarity and design, energy dynamics, alignment, rhythmic abilities, musicality,

PAGE 418 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 DANC 011C BALLET III DANC 014B HIP HOP DANCE II 1 unit 1 unit Prerequisite: DANC 011B. Prerequisite: DANC 014A. Development of intermediate level ballet technique and Intermediate level hip hop dance, including more complex artistry. Emphasis on technique and combinations of in- vocabularies, styles, rhythms and cultural conventions of creasing complexity and duration, leading to greater en- the urban and popular genre. The class may include daily durance, control, and progressively refined, artistic, and warm-ups, phrases, dances and opportunities to “free- dynamic execution and performance. Total of 54 hours style,” using footwork, coordinations, gestures, patterns laboratory. and floor work typical of hip hop dance. The course will Transfer Credit: CSU; UC consider Hip Hop as a global cultural phenomenon, high- lighting it as part of the African Diaspora, techno culture, Grade Mode: L and mass entertainment. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC DANC 011D BALLET IV Grade Mode: L, A 1 unit Prerequisite: DANC 011C. DANC 015A JAZZ DANCE I Second level Intermediate Classical Ballet. Continues to em- 1 unit phasize proper placement and technique while performing Techniques, steps, combinations and routines in jazz dance steps that have greater difficulty and combinations that have to develop muscular control, endurance and flexibility. To- greater complexity. Continued development of an integrat- tal of 54 hours laboratory. ed and embodied experience of musicality, artistry, expres- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC sion, and the performance skills and strength that prepare Grade Mode: L students for advanced work. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC DANC 015B JAZZ DANCE II Grade Mode: L, A 1 unit Recommended preparation: DANC 015A. DANC 012 IMPROVISATION Intermediate techniques, steps, combinations and routines 1 unit in jazz dance. Dance studies of the elements of movement: Improvisation in dance and choreography. For all levels of form, rhythm, space and expression. Total of 54 hours dance. Total of 54 hours laboratory. laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L DANC 013 PILATES-BASED METHOD FOR DANC 015C JAZZ DANCE III ALIGNMENT AND CORRECTION 1 unit 1 unit Prerequisite: DANC 015B or equivalent. Alignment and correctives work based on exercises and Intermediate study of jazz dance techniques and compo- concepts developed by Joseph H. Pilates. Mat work with sition. Development of muscular control, endurance and emphasis exercises on improved body alignment, strength, flexibility at an intermediate level. Total of 54 hours labo- flexibility, control, coordination and breathing. Total of 54 ratory. hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L, A DANC 015D JAZZ DANCE IV DANC 014A HIP HOP DANCE I 1 unit 1 unit Prerequisite: DANC 015C or equivalent. Foundations of hip hop dance, including basic vocabular- Advanced study of jazz dance techniques and composition. ies, style, rhythms and cultural conventions of the urban and popular genre. Includes daily warm-ups, phrases, Development of muscular control, endurance and flex- dances and opportunities to “freestyle,” using footwork, ibility at an advanced level. Total of 54 hours laboratory. coordinations, gestures, patterns and floor work typical of Transfer Credit: CSU; UC hip hop dance. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L

PAGE 419 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 DANC 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY DANC 022B DANCE PERFORMANCE II 1 unit 2 units Prerequisite: Completion of two dance courses and approv- Prerequisite: DANC 022A. al of student project. Enrollment Limitation: Retention based on successful Individual projects relating to dance including, but not audition. limited to research, written reports or papers, community Creation, development and staging of original student project, choreography, demonstration, master class, recital dance compositions presented in a culminating dance or concert. Total of 54 hours laboratory. performance/s. Development and refinement of perfor- Transfer Credit: CSU mance skills. Cultivation of personal artistry as a perform- Grade Mode: L er and choreographer. Requires participation in a dance performance. Maximum credit: 4 units, 2 units each se- DANC 021A DANCE HISTORY: CULTURAL AND mester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the Dance SOCIAL HERITAGE Production Family: DANC 010, 022AB. Total of 108 hours 3 units laboratory and 36 hours by arrangement. This course may Survey of world dance forms, including analysis of be scheduled using the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling styles, forms and roles of dance in diverse cultures, from format. earliest rituals to contemporary and global developments. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Examination of folk, popular, theatrical and social Grade Mode: L, A dance traditions and evaluation as these forms relate to geography, folklore, cultural identity, aesthetics, and DANC 023 DANCE REPERTOIRE social values. Total of 54 hours lecture. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Recommended Preparation: Previous dance experience. Grade Mode: L, A, P Enrollment Limitation: Audition. Participate as a dancer in an original or repertoire dance DANC 021B DANCE HISTORY: SPECTACLE AND piece under the direction of a professional choreographer PERFORMANCE ART (including guest artists and PCC dance faculty). Provides 3 units intermediate and advanced- level dance students the op- Survey of dance as performance and art form in vary- portunity to engage in a variety of professional choreo- ing cultural and historical contexts, including spectacle, graphic and rehearsal practices, being involved in artistic theater and theatricals, entertainment, performance and processes from inception through completion. Interme- concert art; dance as literature, criticism, theory and cho- diate and advanced dancers will be expected to work as reographic design; relationship to other art forms; study collaborators of an ensemble, practicing professionalism of prominent and influential choreographers, productions, within rehearsals and final productions. Dance styles may performers and writers and collaborative projects with include modern, postmodern, contemporary, jazz, hip hop, tap, ethnic dance styles, and more. Dancers will need to composers and artists. Total of 54 hours lecture. audition for each professional choreographer at the start Transfer Credit: CSU; UC of the semester. Maximum credit: 4 units, 1 unit each Grade Mode: L, A, P semester. Total of 54 hours laboratory. DANC 022A DANCE PERFORMANCE I Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A 2 units Recommended preparation: Completion of one or more DANC 025 MOVEMENT FOR CHILD DEVELOPMENT technique courses: DANC 009A or DANC 011A or DANC 015A; 2 units and completion of or enrollment in and DANC 008A. Survey of movement teaching techniques, activities and Enrollment Limitation: Retention based on successful experiences that promote child growth and development audition. from infancy through age eight. Focus is on development Development and staging of original student dance of the whole child, enhancing the physical, cognitive compositions culminating dance performance/s. Emphasis and social/emotional domains, through creative, non- is placed on development of performance skills. Cultivation competitive movement activities. Child developmental of personal artistry as a performer and choreographer. theory, principles and movement practices are engaged. Requires participation in a dance performance. Maximum Total of 27 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. credit 4 units, 2 units each semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments in the Dance Production Family: DANC 010, Transfer Credit: CSU 022AB. Total of 108 hours laboratory and 36 hours by Grade Mode: L, A arrangement. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L

PAGE 420 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 DANC 026 MUSIC FOR DANCE team and selected dental office lab procedures. Total of 54 2 units hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. Historical relationship between music and dance, including Grade Mode: L exposure to major genres and traditions of dance music. Strategies for listening, embodying, and pairing dance DA 111 APPLIED HUMAN BEHAVIOR with music. Basic music production techniques, copyright 2 units law, and sound effects. Develops musicality in dance, Prerequisite: Enrollment in Dental Assisting program. in preparation for choreographing with music, dance Principles of applied human behavior, psychology and teaching, and working with composers. Total of 27 hours interpersonal communication in diverse settings. Total of lecture and 27 hours laboratory. 36 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L DA 120 INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 unit DENTAL ASSISTING Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Assist- ing Program and program director approval. (Health Sciences Division) Participation in clinical activities, projects, research, etc. including experience in clinical and preclinical or DA 100 DENTAL MATERIALS simulated practice settings, practical laboratory projects/ 3 units assignment, lecture attendance, literature review and Corequisite: Enrollment in or completion of DA 123A. community projects. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in Dental Assisting Grade Mode: L, P program. Composition, characteristics, physical properties and uses DA 123A CHAIRSIDE TECHNIQUES of metallic alloys and non-metallic agents such as gypsum, 4½ units cements, aesthetic restorations, impression materials and Corequisite: Enrollment in or completion of DA 100, 108, new products currently used in dentistry. Includes practical and 110. laboratory experiences and chairside procedures involved Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance in the Dental Assisting in the use of these materials. Total of 36 hours lecture and Program. 72 hours laboratory. Chairside techniques to include infection control, basic Grade Mode: L medical and dental emergencies, cavity classification and design, dental charting, rotary and hand instruments, tray DA 108 INFECTION CONTROL IN DENTISTRY set-ups and procedures, oral vacuum and triplex syringe use, 2 units instrument exchange, dental dam placement and removal, Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Dental Assisting matrix retainer placement and removal, four-handed program. dentistry techniques, anesthetic syringe oral inspection Introduction to microbiology, infectious diseases, immu- and medical history procedures. Practical application of nity, infection control in the dental office, agencies con- preclinical/clinical techniques in patient management. cerned with disease control, OSHA standards and guide- Total of 36 hours lecture and 144 hours laboratory. lines and hazard communication management. Review of Grade Mode: L current rules and regulations as outlined by the Dental Practice Act. This course meets the eligibility requirements DA 123B ADVANCED CHAIRSIDE TECHNIQUES for the certificate in Infection Control and the California 4 units Dental Practice Act required by the state for unlicensed Prerequisite: DA 123A. Dental Assistants. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours Corequisite: DA 135. laboratory. Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance in the Dental Grade Mode: L Assisting Program. Application of advanced dental assisting chairside tech- DA 110 INTRODUCTION TO DENTAL ESSENTIALS niques, principles of anesthesiology, pharmacology and 3½ units dental therapeutics, product evaluation and dental spe- Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Dental Assisting cialties. Total of 54 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. program. Grade Mode: L Introduction to dental essentials, to include the oral cavi- ty, bones of the face, fundamentals of preventive dentistry, vital signs, principles of professionalism, the dental health

PAGE 421 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 DA 124 DENTAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Laboratory, preclinical and, where appropriate, clinical 3 units practice in a variety of functions delegated to the Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Dental Assisting dental assist and the registered dental assistant. Meets program. the requirements of the Dental board of California for Dental office skills aimed at developing the dental completion of all designated Registered Dental Assisting assistant’s abilities related to dental office administration. duties in addition to coronal polish, pit and fissure sealant Course will include but not be limited to the following application and Ultrasonic scaling for orthodontic band didactic and laboratory instruction: business aspects of cement removal. Emphasis is placed on the practical dentistry, dental team employees, patient management, application and technical abilities of each task, critical legal and ethical issues, technology, office design and thinking, communication, ethical responsibilities, equipment used in dentistry. Total of 54 hours lecture and competency of performance and a demonstrated concern 18 hours laboratory. for patient health and safety. Total of 36 hours of lecture Grade Mode: L and 72 hours of laboratory. Grade Mode: L DA 125 CLINICAL EXPERIENCE I 2 units DA 140 ORAL RADIOLOGY Prerequisite: DA 123A. 4 units Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Dental Assisting Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of DA 110 and program. 108. Clinical experience(s) to include but not limited to: chair- Theory and basic principles of intraoral and extraoral side skills and techniques, new technology, and specialty radiography; characteristics and methods of controlling practices. Students must provide their own transportation X-radiation; hazards of radiation; infection control and and meet all the clinical guidelines. Pass/no pass grading. safety procedures. Laboratory and clinical experience Six weeks. Total of 9 hours lecture and 87 hours labora- on selected patients; care and operation of dental X-ray unit; dental images, placement and exposure techniques. tory. Identification and interpretation of radiographs. Course Grade Mode: P meets and is approved by the Dental Board of California for Radiation Safety. Total of 36 hours lecture and 108 DA 127 CLINICAL EXPERIENCE II hours laboratory. 6½ units Grade Mode: L Prerequisites: DA 100, DA 123A, and DA 140; and enroll- ment in or completion of DA 135. DA 142 ADVANCED ORAL RADIOLOGY TECHNIQUES Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Dental Assisting ½ unit Program. Prerequisite: DA 140. Application of academic knowledge, communication and Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Dental Assisting technical skills to the dental office workplace environ- program. ment. Weekly clinical seminar, evaluations and related Advanced theory and specialized principles of intraoral ra- work experiences include but not limited to using basic diography techniques to include but not limited to: digi- and advanced chairside assisting skills and procedures, tal, endodontic, pedo, film placement, processing and ex- radiology techniques, and manipulation of dental materi- posure techniques. Total of 9 hours lecture and als. The students will be assigned to general and specialty Six weeks. dental offices and clinics and meet regularly to discuss ex- 9 hours laboratory discussion. periences, work ethics and other topics related to employ- Grade Mode: L ment. Students must provide their own transportation and meet all the clinical guidelines. Total of 18 hours lecture DA 149 ORTHODONTIC ASSISTANT and 306 hours field/clinical. 2½ units Grade Mode: L Designed to provide advance education in orthodontic training for the Registered Dental Assistant or Dental DA 135 REGISTERED DENTAL ASSISTANT Assistant currently working in an Orthodontic practice TECHNIQUES setting. Meets the didactic and laboratory requirements 3 units by the Dental Board of California Orthodontic Assisting Permit course approval. Specialty Clinical Experience. Prerequisite: DA 140. Students must provide verification of RDA license and/or 6 Corequisite: Enrollment in or completion of DA 123B. months’ work experience as a Dental Assistant; Hepatitis B Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance in the Dental Assisting immunization records OR HBV Refusal form; TB Test Result; Program. CPR certification, 8 hour Infection Control and 2 hour

PAGE 422 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Dental Practice Act or RDA license on the first day of class. Enhance advanced level of dental assisting skills, Total of 36 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. techniques and concepts in a laboratory, preclinical, or Grade Mode: P clinical setting. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L DA 150 CLINICAL EXPERIENCE IN A SPECIALTY PRACTICE 1 /2 unit Prerequisite: DA 149 or DA 123B. DENTAL HYGIENE Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in or completion of the (Health Sciences Division) Dental Assisting Program. Clinical instruction designed to provide students with DH 101A FUNDAMENTALS OF DENTAL HYGIENE the required clinical hours associated with working in 5 units an orthodontic office or other specialty office under the Corequisites: DH 109, DH 117, ANAT 115. instructors’ supervision. Students will be required to attend Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- an orientation and complete assigned hours in an approved giene program. clinical site. Total of 28 hours of clinical laboratory. Orientation and role of the dental hygienist in maintaining Grade Mode: L, P oral health. Introduction to dental hygiene procedures and techniques. Selected services on patients, partners and/or DA 160 COMPREHENSIVE DENTAL ASSISTING laboratory manikins. Emphasis on the United States and EXAM REVIEW California Occupational Safety and Health Administration 1 /2 unit Rules and Regulations and infection control in the dental Prepares the dental assistant with a comprehensive review office. Total of 36 hours lecture and 162 hours laboratory. of dental assisting functions, infection control standards, Grade Mode: L, A radiation safety, dental assisting and registered dental assisting duties. Practice and reinforcement of exam material. Includes but not limited to selected DA/RDA DH 101B FUNDAMENTALS OF DENTAL HYGIENE duties and functions. Total of 9 hours lecture. THEORY AND PRACTICE Grade Mode: P 5 units Corequisites: DH 105 and 116. DA 161 COMPREHENSIVE DENTAL ASSISTING Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- PRACTICAL EXAM REVIEW giene program. ½ unit Fundamentals of Dental Hygiene Theory and Practice in- Prepares the dental assistant with a comprehensive review cluding preventive, educational and therapeutic services of dental assisting functions, infection control standards, provided by the dental hygienist. Practical application on dental assisting, and registered dental assisting duties. selected patients. Total of 36 hours lecture and 162 hours Practice and enforcement of technical skills include but laboratory. not limited to selected DA/RDA duties and functions. Total Grade Mode: L of 27 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: P DH 104A CLINICAL DENTAL HYGIENE THEORY AND PRACTICE: PAIN CONTROL DA 200A DENTAL ASSISTING LAB 2 units 1 unit Prerequisite: DH 101B. Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Dental Assisting Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- program. giene program. Refinement of basic dental assisting skills, techniques and Clinical application of dental hygiene theory and practice concepts in a laboratory or clinical setting. Total of 54 with primary emphasis on pain control. Assessment of hours laboratory. patient needs to determine the use of pain control methods. Grade Mode: L Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L DA 200B DENTAL ASSISTING TECHNICAL SKILLS ENHANCEMENT LAB DH 104B CLINICAL DENTAL HYGIENE THEORY AND 1 unit PRACTICE Prerequisite: DA 200A. 7 units Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Dental Assisting Prerequisite: DH 104A. program. Corequisites: DH 108, 113A and 119A. Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- giene program.

PAGE 423 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Clinical application of dental hygiene Theory and Practice DH 109 DENTAL HEALTH EDUCATION, including assessment of patient needs, treatment planning, COMMUNICATION AND DIVERSITY pain control, oral disease control, delivery and evaluation 2 units of preventive, educational and therapeutic services, to Corequisites: DH 101A, DH 117, and DH 122. an intermediate level of performance. Total of 36 hours Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- lecture and 270 hours laboratory. giene program. Grade Mode: L Principles of communication and learning for the dental health professional. Patterns of human development, cul- DH 104C ADVANCED CLINICAL DENTAL HYGIENE tural pluralism and health behaviors. Health education THEORY AND PRACTICE strategies. Total of 36 hours lecture. 7 units Grade Mode: L Prerequisite: DH 104B. Integration of Dental Hygiene Theory and Practice into DH 111 CURRENT ISSUES IN DENTAL HYGIENE preventive, educational and therapeutic care to clinical 2 units competency on a diverse range of patients. Advanced tech- Corequisites: DH 104C, 113B, and 121. niques and procedures. Total of 36 hours lecture and 270 Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- hours laboratory. giene program. Grade Mode: L Ethics and jurisprudence in dentistry, professional rela- tions and responsibilities, dental hygiene practice manage- DH 105 PATHOLOGY ment, trends and current issues in dental hygiene. Total of 3 units 36 hours lecture. Corequisite: DH 101B. Grade Mode: L Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- giene program. DH 113A PERIODONTICS Principles of general pathology, with special emphasis on 2 units oral pathology. Total of 54 hours lecture. Corequisites: DH 104B, 108, and 119A. Grade Mode: L Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- giene program. DH 107 INTRODUCTION TO ORAL HEALTH Normal periodontium, gingival and periodontal diseases, RESEARCH types and degrees of periodontal disease, therapy and 2 units maintenance. Total of 36 hours lecture. Prerequisites: DH 101B and 109. Grade Mode: L Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- giene program. DH 113B ADVANCED PERIODONTICS Designed to provide students with the skills necessary to 1 unit critically evaluate current product research information Corequisites: DH 104C, 111, and 121. and scientific literature as it relates to the practice of den- Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- tal hygiene. Students will be encouraged to pose their own giene program. research questions, design and present research projects Advanced topics in clinical periodontology. Diagnosis of and evaluate research. Total of 36 hours lecture. and influences on disease activity, emergencies, treatment Grade Mode: L modalities, maintenance and legal aspects. Total of 18 hours lecture. DH 108 PHARMACOLOGY Grade Mode: L 2 units DH 116 DENTAL MATERIALS Corequisites: DH 104B, 113A, and 119A. 2½ units Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- Corequisite: DH 101B. giene program. Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- Basic principles of pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, toxi- giene Program cology and pharmacodynamics. Pharmacology of drugs Composition, characteristics, physical properties and uses used in dentistry, drug interactions and medical emergen- of dental non-metallic and metallic agents; practical lab- cies. Total of 36 hours lecture. oratory and clinical applications involved in the use of Grade Mode: L these materials. Total of 36 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L

PAGE 424 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 DH 117 DENTAL MORPHOLOGY AND OCCLUSION Dental management of medically compromised patients. 2 units Emphasis placed on patient assessment, treatment plan- Corequisites: ANAT 115, DH 101A and DH 109. ning, patient management, patient motivation and inter- Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- personal communications of medically compromised pa- giene program. tients, special needs patients, and geriatric patients. Total Oral terminology, dental anatomy and root morphology of 36 hours lecture. with emphasis on the relationships of form, function and Grade Mode: L occlusion. Includes laboratory experience in instrument adaptation to root morphology, pulp vitality testing as re- DH 141 ORAL RADIOLOGY lated to RDH duties of the California Dental Practice Act. 3 units Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- Grade Mode: L giene program. Theory and basic principles of intraoral and extraoral ra- DH 119A COMMUNITY DENTAL HEALTH diographs; characteristics and methods of controlling X- 2 units radiation; hazards of radiation; safety procedures. Labora- Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- tory and clinical experience in care and operation of the giene program. dental X-ray unit; processing, mounting films. Intraoral Principles, objectives and techniques of oral disease pre- film placement and exposure techniques; use of film hold- vention and control; oral health promotion through orga- ers. Extraoral exposure techniques. Identification and in- terpretation of radiographs. Total of 36 hours lecture and nized community efforts. Includes epidemiology, literature 54 hours laboratory. review, planning, implementation and evaluation of a com- Grade Mode: L munity-based oral health program. Required instructional trips. Total 36 of hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A DH 200A DIRECTED STUDIES IN CLINICAL DENTAL HYGIENE DH 120 INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 unit 1 unit Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene giene program. program and Program Director approval. Development of dental hygiene clinical skills in a labora- Participation in research and various clinical project tory or clinical setting at the introductory level. Pass/no including experience in clinical or simulated practice pass grading. Total of 54 hours laboratory. settings, practical laboratory assignment, lecture Grade Mode: P attendance, literature review and community projects. Total of 54 hours laboratory. DH 200B ADVANCED TECHNIQUES IN CLINICAL Grade Mode: L DENTAL HYGIENE 1 unit DH 121 CLINICAL PRACTICE IN ALTERNATIVE Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- SETTINGS giene program. 1 unit Development of dental hygiene clinical skills at a compe- Prerequisite: DH 104A. tent level in a clinical setting. Pass/no pass grading. Total Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental of 54 hours laboratory. Hygiene program. Grade Mode: P Practicum at an intermediate level in dental hygiene in non-traditional settings. Includes institutional, manage- ment and community health experiences. Emphasis on DH 200C CLINICAL BOARD PREPARATION dental hygienist as educator, resource professional and 1 unit provider in dental care delivery. Maximum credit 2 units, Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the dental 1 unit each semester. Total of 85 hours field practice. hygiene program. Grade Mode: L Development of clinical skills in a clinical setting as related to the clinical board examinations. Pass/no pass grading. DH 122 MEDICAL EVALUATION OF DENTAL Total of 54 laboratory. HYGIENE PATIENTS Grade Mode: P 2 units Corequisites: DH 101A and 109. Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- giene program.

PAGE 425 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 DH 201 DENTAL HYGIENE SKILLS ENHANCEMENT LAB DESIGN TECHNOLOGY 1 unit Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Dental Hy- (Business and Engineering Technology Division) giene Program. Provides students enrolled in the Dental Hygiene Program DT 008A INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL DESIGN AND the opportunity to enhance their clinical skills and provide FABRICATION support services required by the State Dental Practice Act 3 units and the Dental Hygiene Committee of California. Total of Introduction to digital design and fabrication through 54 hours laboratory. the use of computer-aided design (CAD) and technical Grade Mode: P graphic production. Design centric projects with emphasis on problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration and communication across multiple industries, software and prototyping technologies with an emphasis sustainable DENTAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY production methods. Integrated workflow processes (Health Sciences Division) including online resources, project management, sustainability and globalization. Career skills and portfolio DLT 201A DIRECTED STUDIES IN BASIC DENTAL development. No credit if taken after EDT 008A. Total of LABORATORY TECHNIQUES 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 1 unit Grade Mode: L Prerequisite: DLT 116C, or the equivalent knowledge and experiences. DT 008B INTERMEDIATE DIGITAL DESIGN AND Corequisites: DLT 116D, 117, 118A, and 119A, or the FABRICATION equivalent knowledge and experiences. 3 units Development and enhancement of basic dental laboratory Prerequisite: DT 008A or ENGR 002 or MIT 101. techniques, skills and concepts for second year students in Intermediate digital design and fabrication using computer- the Dental Laboratory Technology Program. Highly focused aided design (CAD) and technical graphic production studies in second year content. Pass/no pass grading. To- standards. Design centric projects with emphasis on tal of 54 hours laboratory. problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration and Grade Mode: A, P communication across multiple industries, software and rapid prototyping technologies. Integrated workflow DLT 201B DIRECTED STUDIES IN INTERMEDIATE processes including online resources, project management, DENTAL LABORATORY TECHNIQUES sustainability and globalization. Career skills and portfolio 1 unit development. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours Prerequisite: DLT 201A, or the equivalent knowledge and laboratory. experiences. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Corequisite: DLT 125, or the equivalent knowledge and ex- Grade Mode: L, A periences. Development and enhancement intermediate dental labo- DT 008C ADVANCED SYSTEMS DESIGN AND ratory techniques, skills and concepts for second year stu- FABRICATION dents in the Dental Laboratory Technology Program. High- 4 units ly focused studies in second year content. Pass/no pass Prerequisite: DT 008B. grading. Short term course. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Recommended Preparation: DT 110. Grade Mode: A, P Design, develop and manufacture of CAD parametric models and prototypes through design centric projects. Emphasis on problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration and DLT 201C DIRECTED STUDIES IN ADVANCED DENTAL communication in an interdisciplinary environment. LABORATORY TECHNIQUES Advanced material selection, product development, 1 unit systems analysis and strength and motion analysis for Prerequisite: DLT 201B, or the equivalent knowledge and sustainable production practices. Career skills and portfolio experiences. development. Total of 36 hours lecture and 108 hours Corequisites: DLT 118B, 119B, 124, and 126, or the equiv- laboratory. alent knowledge and experiences. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Development and enhancement of advanced dental labora- Grade Mode: L, A tory techniques, skills and concepts for second year stu- dents in the Dental Laboratory Technology Program. High- ly focused studies in second year content. Pass/no pass grading. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: A, P

PAGE 426 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 DT 017 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TECHNICAL DT 114 BUILDING INFORMATION MODELING GRAPHICS DESIGN (BIM DESIGN) 3 units 3 units Use of Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD) in the preparation Prerequisite: DT 118. of two and three dimensional Architectural/Engineering/ Introduction to parametric building information modeling Construction technical graphics and prototypes. Design (BIM) and its integration in design, construction, centric projects with emphasis on problem solving, criti- management, operation, and maintenance of buildings for cal thinking, collaboration and communication across mul- sustainable design. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours tiple industries, software and prototyping technologies. laboratory. Integrated workflow processes including online resources, Grade Mode: L, A project management, sustainability and globalized com- munication. Career development includes presentation DT 118 A/E/C MODELING skills and portfolio development. Total of 36 hours lecture 3 units and 72 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: DT 017. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Three-dimensional computer-aided surface modeling and Grade Mode: L, A prototyping, with a focus on Architectural/Engineering/ Construction industry applications. Coursework includes DT 101 FABRICATION LABORATORY 3-D modeling, animation, material application, light 2 units studies and rendering; production of technical graphics Project design and development in a cross disciplinary en- and prototypes from 3-D models; referencing multiple vironment. Fabrication of projects using rapid prototyping technical graphics to create models and prototypes. Design equipment of design projects within a design discipline centric projects with emphasis on problem solving, critical course. Design production using leading edge computer thinking, collaboration and communication across multiple aided design software, prototyping technologies, princi- industries, softwares and prototyping technologies. ples and practices. Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 hours Integrated workflow processes including online resources, laboratory. project management, sustainability and globalized Grade Mode: L, A communication. Career development includes presentation skills and portfolio development. Total of 36 hours lecture DT 105 EMERGING APPLIED TECHNOLOGIES and 72 hours laboratory. 2 units Grade Mode: L, A Critical examination of current issues in applied technology in relation to the future of work. Research into the DT 150 READING ENGINEERING DRAWINGS implications of current and future technological innovation 1 unit for industry sectors, occupational clusters. Creation of Focus on engineering and manufacturing technical draw- adaptive strategies for long-term success in a globalized, ings. Emphasizes visualizing and interpreting detailed technology-driven economy including entrepreneurship, drawings for mechanical components. Importance placed lifelong learning, and professional development. Emphasis on generating, modifying, and interpretation of title- on sustainability, automation and equity. Total of 36 hours blocks, symbols, dimensional and geometric fits and tol- lecture and 18 hours laboratory. erances, view representation, standard fasteners, machine Grade Mode: L, A elements, and weldments. Total of 18 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A DT 110 SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGIES 3 units DT 220 CAD TECHNICIAN INTERNSHIP Introduction to the fundamentals of sustainable design 2 units and their technological application for emerging green Prerequisites: All of the following: DT 140, 150, and careers using the LEED (Leadership in Energy and 008B and maintain enrollment in 7 units or more including Environmental Design) green rating system framework. internship. Analysis of principles, processes and materials in the Supervised, practical experience in an industry related built environment, manufacturing and related industries. professional environment. Pass/no pass grading. Total of Emphasis on collaboration, communication through 108 hours field practice. design-centric problem solving. Total of 36 hours lecture Grade Mode: A, P and 72 hours laboratory. DT 230 COMPUTER-AIDED MANUFACTURING Grade Mode: L, A 3 units Prerequisite: MACH 101. Production of machining operations on CAM software to produce numerical control programming (G-Code) in order

PAGE 427 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 to automate numerically controlled machinery (CNC). output devices. Design assignments integrate digital tools, Topics include CAD, solid modeling, work piece set-up, techniques, concept development, and composition using toolpath generation, G&M Codes, machine set-up, contour, text and image. No credit if taken after ART 040. Total of pocket and surface machining. Total of 27 hours lecture 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. and 81 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A

DT 240 GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND DMA 012 DIGITAL ART: PAINTING & DRAWING TOLERANCING 3 units 2 units Introduction to fundamental concepts, practices, and Prerequisite: DT 008A or DT 150. theories of digital art production. Topics include integration Analysis of functions and mating relationships in of traditional design, and compositional principles with determining geometric dimensioning and tolerance. contemporary digital tools. Total of 36 hours lecture and Continuation of the design of mechanical components using three-dimensional attributes of the component 72 hours laboratory. No credit if taken after ART 056. beyond two-dimensional dimensions. Application of Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ARTS 250 industry standards such as American Society of Mechanical Grade Mode: L, A Engineers (ASME) in solving engineering problems. Topics covered include tolerancing, form controls, datums, DMA 020A GRAPHIC DESIGN I orientations controls, tolerance of position, concentric, 3 units symmetry, runout and profile controls. Total of 18 hours Corequisite: ART 031A. lecture and 54 hours of laboratory. Introduction to the fields of graphic design & advertising. Grade Mode: L, A Concept development, the creative design process, production, and presentation techniques through the development of design projects on various media. Design DESIGN MEDIA ART and production skills including beginning computer software skills. Total of 36hours lecture and 72 hours (Visual Arts and Media Studies Division) laboratory. No credit if taken after ART 050A. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC DMA 002 HISTORY OF DESIGN AND MEDIA ARTS Grade Mode: L, A 3 units Survey of the history of graphic design and media art. Spans DMA 020B GRAPHIC DESIGN II from the printing press to generative art. Includes the 3 units influence of technology and digital media on contemporary Prerequisite: DMA 020A. art and design practices. Total of 54 hours lecture. Intermediate studies of the theories and techniques in Transfer Credit: CSU; UC the fields of graphic design & advertising. Principles of Grade Mode: L, A concept and design development are combined with the use of computer design and production tools. Projects are DMA 004 HISTORY OF DIGITAL GAMES produced for various media like: brochures, magazines, 3 units ePubs, posters, corporate ID, branding, advertising, and Survey of the history of digital games. Spans from packaging design. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours mainframe, text-based games and simulations to consoles, laboratory. No credit if taken after ART 050B. and the indie game development scene. Includes the Transfer Credit: CSU; UC influence of computer programming and technology on Grade Mode: L, A game design today. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC DMA 020C GRAPHIC DESIGN III Grade Mode: L, A 3 units Prerequisite: DMA 020B. DMA 010 DIGITAL ART: DESIGN FOUNDATION Advanced studies in the fields of graphic design & 3 units advertising and portfolio development. Projects, including Introduction to the computer as an effective visual a portfolio, are developed for use in seeking employment or communication design, production and presentation tool. application to a university or professional school. Emphasis Teaches current design software, hardware, input, and is on advanced concepts and presentation techniques and the application of visual communication concepts to print ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 428 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 and digital media. No credit if taken after ART050C. Total DMA 034 USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN (UX) of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Focuses on the quality of experience a person has when Grade Mode: L, A interacting with a specific design. A UX Designer focuses on the needs and wants of the user, as well as ease-of- DMA 022A TYPOGRAPHY I use, and designs for the best possible user experience. 3 units Covers the design process, documentation, and tools Introduction to the fundamentals of typographic lettering used within the UX field. Topics include user research, through the study of historic and contemporary fonts, information architecture, interaction design, prototyping, calligraphic, and hand-drawn typographic forms and and usability testing. Following a design process, students systems. Emphasis is on developing conceptual, design, will collaborate to research, critique, and design a project that includes prototyping and user-testing. No credit if compositional, and hand drawing skills, in order to gain taken after ART 063. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours skill in producing logotypes, fonts and custom typographic laboratory. lettering to for the needs of graphic design and advertising Transfer Credit: CSU; UC industries. Students will learn a variety of traditional Grade Mode: L, A analogue and contemporary digital techniques and materials. No credit if taken after ART 051A. Total of 36 DMA 050 WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Covers design and creation of websites. Exploration of Grade Mode: L, A usability, interface, navigation, and information design as well as creation of dynamic content in websites. Use DMA 022B TYPOGRAPHY II of HTML, CSS, CMS’s, and PHP/MySQL to explore simple 3 units to complex interactive projects for the Web. Creation of Recommended Preparation: DMA 022A or DMA 020A. a professional website designed in an interdisciplinary Intermediate studies in the application of typography, and team environment. Emphasis on project management and the creation and application of custom logotypes, fonts, and conceptual skills that comprise well-designed websites; typographic lettering to creative visual communications an interdisciplinary course. No credit if taken after ART design projects in the graphic design and advertising 198 or ART 098. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours industries. Emphasis is on concept development, design, laboratory. production, and presentation of artwork using both Transfer Credit: CSU; UC traditional and contemporary digital methods. No credit Grade Mode: L, A if taken after ART 051B. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. DMA 060 CREATIVE CODING Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Exploration of the creative potential of computer program- ming using Processing and Java. Teaches the use, and cul- DMA 032 INTERACTION DESIGN tural implications of code in the context of art and design. 3 units Fundamentals of programming (variables, conditionals, Introduction to human-computer interaction, interface iteration, functions, and objects). Covers generative draw- design, and interactive and time-based media for ing, image processing, 3D graphics, data parsing, comput- designers. Overview of foundational interaction design concepts such as human factors, perception, cognition, er vision in a variety of art and design-oriented projects, research techniques, and design methods for the design of media outputs and fabrications. For students who would user experiences and interaction. A survey of interactive like to explore computer programming in an art and design products, systems, interfaces and technology (software context. No credit if taken after ART 060. Total of 36 hours and hardware),constraints and trajectories for future lecture and 72 hours laboratory. developments and how these frame Interaction Design Transfer Credit: CSU; UC and production. Workflow, planning and organization of Grade Mode: L, A prototyping in Interaction Design. No credit if taken after ART 154 or ART 064. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours DMA 062 CREATIVE CODING FOR THE INTERNET laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Exploration of the creative potential of computer pro- Grade Mode: L, A gramming for the Internet using JavaScript, its use, and cultural implications in the context of art and design. Fundamentals of programming (variables, conditionals,

PAGE 429 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 iteration, functions, and objects). Covers generative draw- DMA 072 2D ANIMATION ing, 3D graphics, sound, and virtual reality in a variety 3 units of design projects specifically for web-based and mobile Covers the basic theory and mechanics of animation. output. Geared toward students who would like to explore Development of simple animation using principles such as computer programming in an art and design context. No squash and stretch, overlap and anticipation. Fundamentals credit if taken after ART 158 or ART 059. Total of 36 hours of character design, storyboarding, visual storytelling, lecture and 72 hours laboratory. and layout. Techniques such as stop-motion, onionskin, Transfer Credit: CSU; UC follow-through and rotoscoping using industry-standard Grade Mode: L, A computer animation applications. No credit if taken after ART 070. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. DMA 064 CREATIVE CODING FOR MOBILE DEVICES Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Exploration of the creative potential of computer pro- DMA 080A 3D MODELING & SCULPTING gramming for mobile devices using Apple’s Swift program- 3 units ming language. Teaches the use and cultural implications Cover three-dimensional modeling, sculpting, rendering, 3D of code in the context of art and design. Fundamentals Printing using industry-standard tools and methods. Topics of programming (variables, conditionals, iteration, func- include modeling with polygons, modeling with NURBs tions, and objects).Covers touch-based interfaces, genera- surfaces, materials, textures, lighting, and rendering. tive drawing, image processing, 3D graphics, data parsing, Principles of digital sculpting and methods to optimize computer vision in a variety of art and design-oriented projects for 2D and 3D printing. No credit if taken after projects, media outputs and fabrications. Geared toward ART 155A or ART 085A. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 students who would like to explore computer programming hours laboratory. in an art and design context. No credit if taken after ART Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 061. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A DMA 080B 3D ANIMATION & SIMULATIONS 3 units DMA 068 PHYSICAL COMPUTING FOR ART & DESIGN Introduction to time-based three-dimensional design 3 units and dynamic simulations. Animation, motion graphics, Explores the creative potentials in the field of physical and dynamic effects using industry-standard tools and computing for artists and designers. Explores innovative methods. Topics include basic rigging, animation, camera ways to create installations, interactive products, designs motions, paint effects, procedural animation, and dynamic and sculptures that combine electronics, sensors and simulations. Methods for post-production and output to motors to generate unique experiences. Students will video. No credit if taken after ART 155B or ART 085B. work individually and in teams to wireframe, prototype Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. and produce interactive objects while learning the basic Transfer Credit: CSU; UC principles of electronics as they apply to art-making. Total Grade Mode: L, A of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC DMA 090 GAME DESIGN I Grade Mode: L, A 3 units Surveys history, technology, narrative, ethics, and design of DMA 070 MOTION GRAPHICS digital games. Work in teams to develop novel game-design 3 units story boards, and game design documents. Exploration Exploration of experimental and new technological ap- of the interplay of narrative, graphics, rule systems, and proaches to creating original 2D and 3D time-based visual artificial intelligence in the creation of digital games.No imagery for use in design, fine arts, animation, and inter- credit if taken after ART 080. Total of 36 hours lecture and active media. Introduction to the integration of sound, 72 hours laboratory. graphics, video, and text. Exploration of motion design Transfer Credit: CSU; UC and dynamic storytelling to create movies, animation, and Grade Mode: L, A professional special effects for digital output. No credit if taken after ART 156 or ART 057. Total of 36 hours lecture DMA 092 GAME DESIGN II: GAME ENGINES and 72 hours laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Intermediate skills in video game design and development Grade Mode: L, A using a 2D and 3D game engine. Creation of projects in 2D, 3D and virtual reality. Utilization of a design sequence that involves brainstorming techniques, teamwork, game design

PAGE 430 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 documents, prototyping, and playtesting. Development of ECONOMICS project management for an efficient and effective game design workflow. Topics include game rules, balance, (Social Sciences Division) complexity, randomness, narrative, player interaction, aesthetics, and world building. Includes basic scripting ECON 001A PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS skills for game development. No credit if taken after ART 3 units 081. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Prerequisites: One of the following courses: MATH 125 or Transfer Credit: CSU; UC MATH 127B or MATH 128B or MATH 250. Grade Mode: L, A Macro-economics. Introduction to concepts and tools of economic analysis. Theory of demand and supply, national income accounting, economic growth, recessions and DMA 098 DESIGN/MEDIA ARTS INCUBATOR inflation. Fiscal and monetary theories and policies. The 3 units Federal Reserve system, tools of monetary control and Final course for Design/Media Arts certificates. Identifying, international trade and finance. Total of 54 hours lecture. pitching, developing and producing a student-lead, team- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ECON 202 based, interdisciplinary digital media project. Exploring Grade Mode: L, A, P strategies for self-production and project promotion. Exposure to mentorship and professional feedback through ECON 001AH HONORS PRINCIPLES OF invited guest critics. Collaborative and professional MACROECONOMICS creative-studio setting. No credit if taken after ART 180. 3 units Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: One of the following courses: MATH 125, or Transfer Credit: CSU MATH 250, or MATH 128B, or MATH 127B. Grade Mode: L, A Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Honors program. DMA 099A WORK EXPERIENCE/INTERNSHIP IN Introductory course in macroeconomic concepts and tools DESIGN MEDIA ART (PAID) of economic analysis. Theory of demand and supply, na- ½ to 8 units tional income accounting, economic growth, recessions Prerequisites: Completion of one semester at Pasadena and inflation. Fiscal and monetary theories and policies. City College and completion of one course in major. The Federal Reserve system, tools of monetary control and Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. international trade and finance. This enriched course is Provides students on-the-job learning in a paid design designed for the Honors Program allowing, for example, media art position. Development of effective work habits, more student directed discussions and more extensive attitudes, and career awareness so as to enable students writing assignments that include analysis of economic to become productive employees. Credit may be accrued at principles. No credit if taken after ECON 001A. Total of 54 the rate of ½ to 8 units per semester. One unit of credit hours lecture. for each 75 hours of paid work experience. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ECON 202 Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, P Grade Mode: L, P ECON 001B PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS DMA 099B WORK EXPERIENCE/INTERNSHIP IN 3 units DESIGN MEDIA ART (UNPAID) Prerequisites: ECON 001A and one of the following: MATH ½ to 8 units 125 or MATH 127B or MATH 128B or MATH 250. Prerequisites: Completion of one semester at Pasadena Micro-economics. Price analysis, income distribution, City College and completion of one course in major. Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. comparisons of market structures, resource markets, Provides students on-the-job learning in a unpaid design international trade, income distribution and the role of media art position. Development of effective work habits, government. Total of 54 hours lecture. attitudes, and career awareness so as to enable students Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ECON 201 to become productive employees. Credit may be accrued at Grade Mode: L, A, P the rate of ½ to 8 units per semester. One unit of credit for each 60 hours of paid work experience. ECON 001BH HONORS PRINCIPLES OF Transfer Credit: CSU MICROECONOMICS Grade Mode: L, P 3 units Prerequisites: ECON 001A or 001AH; and one of the following: MATH 125 or MATH 250 or MATH 128B or MATH 127B. ______Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Honors program. *Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 431 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Introductory course in microeconomics, price analysis, and effective learning environment. Instructional strategies consumer behavior, comparisons of market structures, for a diverse group of students including socioeconomic resource markets, international trade, income distribution status, English learners, learning disabled and physically and the role of government. This enriched course is challenged. Total of 54 hours lecture. designed for the Honors Program allowing, for example, Transfer Credit: CSU more student directed discussions and more extensive Grade Mode: L, A, P writing assignments that include analysis of economic principles. No credit it taken after ECON 001B. Total of 54 EDUC 100 TUTORING TECHNIQUES hours lecture. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ECON 201 Introduction to various learning styles, tutorial strategies Grade Mode: L, P and techniques; selected problems encountered by those rendering tutorial service. Recommended tutor eligibility requirements, which include faculty referral and satisfac- EDUCATION tory score on any required department diagnostic test. To- (Social Sciences Division) tal of 18 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P EDUC 013 INTRODUCTION TO ELEMENTARY CLASSROOM TEACHING EDUC 131 INTRODUCTION TO THE SCHOOL-AGE 3 units CHILD Introduce students to the concepts and issues related to 3 units teaching diverse learners in today’s contemporary schools, Physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of Kindergarten through grade 12 (K-12). Topics include the school-age child. Emphasis on the interaction between teaching as a profession and career, historical and philo- the child and teacher in the child care setting. Total of 54 sophical foundations of the American education system, hours lecture. contemporary educational issues, California’s content Grade Mode: L, A standards and frameworks, and teacher performance stan- dards. In addition to class time, the course requires 54 EDUC 132 CURRICULUM FOR SCHOOL-AGE hours structured field practice in public school elemen- CHILDREN tary classrooms that represent California’s diverse student 3 units population, and includes cooperation with at least one Preprofessional training of teacher aides and teaching as- carefully selected and campus-approved certificated class- sistants for elementary school. Orientation to teaching room teacher. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours field with special emphasis on extended day programs, activi- experience. ties both before and after school, developmental tasks for Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. C-ID: EDUC 200 different age levels, coordination with classroom activi- Grade Mode: L, P ties. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P EDUC 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 unit EDUC 150 EDUCATIONAL THEORY IN INTERACTIVE Enrollment Limitation: Permission of Division Dean. MULTIMEDIA Faculty-guided independent research or inquiry study in 3 units the field of education; research techniques; written report Introduction to educational theory as it applies to the de- and presentation; focus on working with diverse student sign of interactive multimedia. The emphasis is on the role populations. Total of 54 hours laboratory. of the learner and his/her approach to learning, the roles Transfer Credit: CSU of visual and sound elements, educational theory, motor Grade Mode: A, P skills, cultural biases, and learner motivation. Portfolio project. An interdisciplinary course. For students enrolled EDUC 030 TEACHING AS A PROFESSION in the Multimedia Certificate Program, but open to all. To- 3 units tal of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Provides prospective teachers a beginning foundation for Grade Mode: L, A, P the teaching profession. Exploration of the philosophy, history, sociology of the American educational system and the qualities of effective teaching and learning strategies,


*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 432 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ELECTRICITY ELTY 248B ELECTRICAL POWER GENERATION AND CONTROL CIRCUITS (Business and Engineering Technology Division) 4 units Prerequisite: ELTY 248A. ELTY 012 BASIC ELECTRICITY—ELECTRONICS Fundamentals of alternating current including series and 2 units parallel AC circuits. Circuits with resistors, capacitors, and Fundamental concepts, theories, laws and devices used inductors are covered, both analytically and experimentally. in electricity and electronics. Topics include: electricity Practical applications in electrical industries. Explanation hazards, electric charge, current, voltage, resistance: DC of electrical codes, standards, terms and components. and AC circuits; Ohm’s and power laws; circuit analysis and Hands-on laboratory assignments with state-of-the- troubleshooting. Hands-on use of electronics components, art measurement instruments, test techniques and lab equipment and instrumentation. Total of 18 hours troubleshooting procedures. Instructional field trips. Total lecture and 54 hours laboratory. of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L, A ELTY 248C ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION ELTY 217 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION AND CODES SYSTEMS AND MACHINERY 2 units 4 units Recommended Preparation: ELTY 248A or ELTY 248B or Prerequisite: ELTY 248B. familiarity with basic residential wiring and successful Theory and application of electromagnetic interaction in completion of first-year algebra course. power distribution systems and machinery for the electri- Residential wiring requirements based on current National cal industry. Investigates the theory and applications of Electrical Code (NEC) with emphasis on the importance motors, generators, transformers, electromagnetic systems of safety and quality workmanship. Inspection criteria and their interaction in power distribution systems and based on National Electrical Code. Plan reading, residential machinery. Principles of AC/DC equipment installation, service sizing, wiring method, and grounding and bonding safety procedures, codes and standards. Hands-on labora- for electrical wiring. NEC requirements for photo-voltaic tory experiments to develop knowledge and skills in elec- solar systems. No credit if taken after ELTY 217A or 217B. trical machinery. Required instructional trips. Total of 54 Total of 36 hours lecture. hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L

ELTY 248D PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS ELTY 218 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION AND CODES - 4 units UPDATE Prerequisite: ELTY 248C. 1 unit Exploration of Programmable Logic Controllers for industrial Prerequisite: ELTY 217. machinery and processes. Hands-on laboratory assignments Review of recent changes and revisions to local, state with state-of-the-art measurement instruments and and national electrical codes and standards. Emphasis on troubleshooting concepts. Projects include 3-phase motor, new methods of code applications and calculations. Code parking lot and traffic Light. Required instructional trips. reference on installation of new electrical hardware and Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. materials. Discussion of future trends of electrical design Grade Mode: L concepts. Total of 18 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A ELTY 250 INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS ELTY 248A INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL 4 units TECHNOLOGY Photovoltaic terminology, concepts, vocabulary, tech- 4 units niques and safety. History, applications and benefits of the Recommended Preparation: High school algebra. different PV systems. Basic electrical theories related to Fundamental theory and application of DC circuits for the photovoltaic. PV system sizing and cost estimating. Volt- electrical industry. Explanation of electrical terms, codes age, current, resistance and power calculation and mea- and components. Measuring electrical parameters with surements. Specification of the components such as in- state-of-the-art measurement instruments. Hands-on verter, charge controller, combiner, battery and generator. laboratory assignments with instruments, test techniques, Required instructional trips. Total of 54 hours lecture and troubleshooting procedures and schematic reading. 54 hours laboratory. Instructional field trips. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L

PAGE 433 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ELTY 251 PHOTOVOLTAIC THEORY AND ELTN 031 CIRCUIT ANALYSIS INSTALLATION TECHNIQUES 5 units 4 units Prerequisite: ELTN 009. Prerequisite: ELTY 250. Recommended preparation: MATH 008. Preparation for entry level employment in photovoltaic Field effect and bipolar transistor theory, audio preampli- (PV) industry. Instruction includes solar electricity funda- fiers and power amplifiers, coupling and bias stabilization mentals, PV safety, site analysis, PV system sizing and de- techniques. Analysis of small-signal models, application sign, required components and equipment. Product instal- of Kirchhoff’s laws to multi-mesh active circuits, matrix lation, troubleshooting, net metering laws and National methods. Mathematical analysis of feedback systems, sta- Electrical Code for PV requirements. Successful participants bility considerations, elementary transforms. Applications will be qualified to sit for the North American Board of of electro-optical devices, operational amplifiers. Complex Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) “PV Installer Entry operator in frequency response measurements. Total of 72 Level Certificate of Knowledge” examination. Instructional hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. trips may be required. Required instructional trips. Total Transfer Credit: CSU of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L ELTN 032 DIGITAL AND CONTROL ELECTRONICS 4 units ELECTRONICS Prerequisites: ELTN 009 and MATH 008. Introduction to logic circuit design and microprocessors. (Business and Engineering Technology Division) Design and analysis of digital, combinatorial logic, and sequential circuits. Minimization techniques using Bool- ELTN 015 COMPUTER AIDED ELECTRONIC DRAFTING ean algebra and Karnaugh maps. Interfacing requirements, 3 units truth tables, multiplexers, demultiplexers, A/D converters Prerequisites: Enrollment in or completion of ELTN 009 and and DAC’s. Computer arithmetic and preparation of assem- MATH 003. bly language programs. Laboratory experience using digital Computer aided drafting of electronic (CAED) circuits. circuits and microprocessors. Total of 54 hours lecture and Standards, electronic rules check, JEDEC specifications. 54 hours laboratory. Computer commands necessary to install and operate the Transfer Credit: CSU CAED program. Practice in using the CAED programs with Grade Mode: L, A emphasis on current limitations and decoupling problems. PC board routing. Multilayer boards. Total of 36 hours lec- ELTN 109A APPLIED ALGEBRA FOR ELECTRONICS ture and 108 hours laboratory. 4 units Transfer Credit: CSU Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of ELTN 130 or Grade Mode: L, A ELTY 240A. Application of algebra to the analysis of electronic cir- ELTN 025 LOGIC AND MICROCOMPUTER cuits. Review of measurement accuracy, precision and tol- ELECTRONICS erance, and the use of scientific notation and scientific 4 units calculators. Solution of linear algebraic equations, factor- Prerequisite: ELTN 032. ing polynomials, rules of exponents, radicals, simultaneous Introduction to microcomputer systems, functional ele- equations and quadratic equations. Direct current network ments, organization, instruction sets. Preparation of as- analysis using electronic laws and algebraic principles ap- sembly language programs, elements of structure, stack plied to problems arising in the laboratory. Use of elec- operations, timing analysis of bus operations. Micropro- tronic test equipment, measurements, collection of data cessor system interfacing, time considerations, interrupts. and preparation of written reports. Recommended high Multiprocessing and bus-sharing applications. Intel micro- school algebra or MATH 125. Total of 54 hours lecture and processors with emphasis on 8085 and 8086-type micro- 54 hours laboratory. processors. Introduction to embedded controllers, inter- Grade Mode: L, A face design, single-chip controllers. Software development systems and diagnostics. Development and maintenance ELTN 109B APPLIED MATHEMATICS FOR of microcomputer-based systems. No credit if taken after ELECTRONICS ELTN 125. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours labora- 3 units tory. Prerequisite: ELTN 109A. Transfer Credit: CSU Application of trigonometry, number systems and Boolean Grade Mode: L, A algebra in electronics. Right angle trigonometry, identi-

PAGE 434 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ties, vector algebra, imaginary operator, impedance, Introduction to the field of electronics including safety, logarithms, solution of exponential equations and use of electronics and the environment, atomic structure, electric a scientific calculator. Number systems and theorems of charge, current, voltage, and resistance. Simple DC Boolean algebra. Total of 54 hours lecture. circuits including Ohm’s law and Kirchoff’s laws. Reading Grade Mode: L, A schematic diagrams. Use of electronics test equipment for measurement, evaluation and troubleshooting. Simple ELTN 115 PRINTED CIRCUIT & ELECTRONIC mathematical formulas, scientific notation, use of scientific HARDWARE DESIGN calculators. Introduction to AC electricity. Introduction to 3 units DC and AC electric motors including some uses of motors in modern vehicles. Introduction to digital circuits. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of ELTN 130 or Introduction to microcontrollers. Total of 36 hours lecture MIT 101. and 54 hours laboratory. Introduction to Electronic Hardware and Printed Circuit Grade Mode: L Board (PCB) design and manufacturing. Design and fabri- cation of PCB’s with CAD software. Soldering techniques. ELTN 131 ANALOG DEVICES AND CIRCUITS Group system design. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 3 units hours laboratory. Prerequisite: ELTN 130. Grade Mode: L, A Analog devices including diodes, transistors and operational amplifiers. Field effect and bipolar transistor ELTN 117 INTRODUCTION TO MICROCONTROLLERS theory, audio amplifiers. Analysis of RC filters, applications AND EMBEDDED DESIGN of operational amplifiers. Use of function generators and 3 units oscilloscopes to analyze circuits. Analog sensors and Introduction to digital circuits including gates, memory applications. Simulation and analysis of electronic circuits circuits, microcontrollers, structured programming con- using software. No credit if taken after ELTN 031 or 121A cepts and computer numbering systems. Programming mi- or 131A. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. crocontrollers and interfacing requirements, A/D and D/A Grade Mode: L conversion, sensors, user interfaces. Writing and debug- ging microcontroller programs. Laboratory experiments in ELTN 132 DIGITAL AND CONTROL ELECTRONICS the application of embedded microcontrollers and inter- 4 units facing with digital and analog systems. Total of 36 hours Prerequisites: ELTN 109B and 113; or ELTN 117. lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Introduction to logic circuit design and microprocessors. Grade Mode: L Design and analysis of digital, combinatorial logic, and sequential circuits. Minimization techniques using Bool- ELTN 125 LOGIC AND MICROCOMPUTER ean algebra and Karnaugh maps. Interfacing requirements, ELECTRONICS truth tables, multiplexers, demultiplexers, A/D converters 4 units and DAC’s. Computer arithmetic and preparation of assem- Prerequisite: ELTN 032 or 132. bly language programs. Laboratory experience using digital Introduction to microcomputer systems, functional ele- circuits and microprocessors. No credit if taken after ELTN ments, organization, instruction sets. Preparation of as- 032. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. sembly language programs, elements of structure, stack Grade Mode: L, A operations, timing analysis of bus operations. Micropro- cessor system interfacing, time considerations, interrupts. Multiprocessing and bus-sharing applications. Intel micro- EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY processors with emphasis on 8085 and 8086-type micro- (Health Sciences Division) processors. Introduction to embedded controllers, inter- face design, single-chip controllers. Software development EMED 101A EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY systems and diagnostics. Development and maintenance LECTURE AND LABORATORY of microprocessor-based systems. No credit if taken 6 units after ELTN 025. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours Corequisite: EMED 101C. laboratory. Recommended Preparation: MA 115 or COLL 001. Grade Mode: L, A Enrollment Limitation: 1. CPR training equivalent to the current American Heart Association’s Guidelines ELTN 130 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRONICS for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency 3 units Cardiovascular Care at the Healthcare Provider level. Recommended Preparation: TECH 107A. 2. Age of 18 or older. 3. A completed health form evidencing good physical and emotional health.

PAGE 435 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Selected topics in human anatomy and physiology. ENGINEERING Diagnostic signs and interpretations of illness and injuries. Development of knowledge and skill in procedures of basic (Business and Engineering Technology Division) emergency rescue and care. Preparation for certification for Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). The scope of practice ENGR 001A SURVEYING not to exceed requirements as outlined under California 3 units Code of Regulations, Title 22. Total of 90 hours lecture and Prerequisite: MATH 007A. 72 hours laboratory. Introduction to the field of surveying to fulfill engineering Grade Mode: L, A, P transfer credit and provide career exploration to entry level occupation in the field. Topics covered includes both op- EMED 101C EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY tical and electronic instruments, distance measurements, AMBULANCE RIDE-ALONGS stadia surveys, leveling and traversing using optical in- ½ unit struments, electronic distance measuring instruments and Corequisite: EMED 101A. total stations. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours labo- Enrollment Limitation: 1. CPR training equivalent to ratory. the current American Heart Association’s Guidelines for Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Grade Mode: L, A Care at the Healthcare Provider level. 2. Age of 18 or older. 3. A completed health form evidencing good physical and emotional health including required immunizations and TB ENGR 002 ENGINEERING GRAPHICS screening before the beginning of Clinicals. 3 units Clinical portion of the Emergency Medical Technician (EMED Prerequisite: MATH 008 or MATH 009. 101A) course covering selected topics in human anatomy Introduction to principles of engineering drawings in visu- and physiology. Diagnostic signs and interpretations of ally communicating engineering design and an introduc- illness and injuries. Reinforcement of knowledge and skill in tion to computer­-aided design (CAD). Engineering design procedures of basic emergency rescue and care. Preparation projects with an emphasis on the development of visual- for certification for Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). ization skills, orthographic projections, mechanical dimen- The scope of practice not to exceed requirements as sioning and tolerancing practices, problem-solving, critical outlined under California Code of Regulations, Title 22. thinking, collaboration and communication across multiple Three 12-hour shifts will be successfully completed in the industries, software and prototyping technologies. Total of field on an EMT ambulance for a total of 36 hours. 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGR 150 Grade Mode: L, A EMED 201 EMERGENCY MEDICAL RESPONDER 3 units Enrollment Limitation: 1. Minimum age of 16 years. ENGR 010 INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING 2. CPR training equivalent to the current American Heart 2 units Association’s Guidelines for Cardio pulmonary Resuscitation Exploration of different branches of engineering, industries and Emergency Cardiovascular Care at the Healthcare and functions of an engineer. Explains the engineering Provider level. education pathways and explores effective strategies Preparation of first responders for immediate lifesaving care for students to reach their full academic potential. to critical patients. Training of life saving interventions Introduction to the methods and tools of engineering while awaiting additional EMS response and to assist problem solving and design including the interface of the higher level personnel at the scene. A grade of B or engineer with society and engineering ethics. Students better must be achieved to receive a certificate of course will practice developing communication skills pertinent to completion for EMR. The EMR course meets and exceeds the engineering profession. Total of 18 hours lecture and the National EMS Education Standards for EMR training. 54 hours laboratory. This is the first level of EMS provider, as recommended by Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGR 110 the National Scope of Practice Model for EMS, providing Grade Mode: L, A basic life support. Total of 36 hours of lecture and 54 hours of laboratory. ENGR 011 STATICS Grade Mode: L, P 3 units Prerequisites: MATH 005B and PHYS 001A. Introduction to engineering mechanics. Topics include: properties of forces, moments, couples and resultants; two- and three-dimensional force systems acting on engineering ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 436 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 structures in equilibrium; analysis of trusses, and beams; ior; strength under combined loading; statically indetermi- distributed forces, shear and moment diagrams, center of nate structures. Total of 54 hours lecture. gravity, centroids, friction, and are and mass moments of Transfer Credit: CSU; UC inertia. No credit if taken after ENGR 015A. Total of 54 Grade Mode: L, A hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGR 130 ENGR 016 ENGINEERING CIRCUITS Grade Mode: L, A 3 units ENGR 012 DYNAMICS Prerequisite: MATH 005B. 3 units Mesh and nodal analysis of electric circuits using Ohm’s Prerequisite: ENGR 011. and Kirchhoff’s Laws; Thevenin and Norton Theorems; su- Fundamentals of kinematics and kinetics of particles perposition; transient analysis of RL and RC circuits; steady and rigid bodies. Topics include kinematics of particle state analysis of AC circuits; analysis of passive two-port motion; Newton’s second law, work-energy and momentum networks; polyphase circuits. Total of 54 hours lecture. methods; kinematics of planar motions of rigid bodies; Transfer Credit: CSU; UC work-energy and momentum principles for rigid body Grade Mode: L, A motion; introduction to mechanical vibrations which is optional for an introductory dynamics course. No credit if ENGR 018 INTRODUCTION TO NUMERICAL taken after ENGR 017. Total of 54 hours lecture. ANALYSIS Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGR 230 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisite: MATH 005A or MATH 005AH. Introduction to numerical analysis, computational ENGR 013 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS methods, computer programming, and problem solving 3 units using MATLAB. Provides a working knowledge of the Prerequisite: ENGR 011. computer as a tool to solve engineering and scientific The study of mechanics of material. Topics include stresses, problems. Understanding of programming and problem- strains and deformations associated with axial, torsional solving allowing use of these tools and techniques to and flexural loading of bars, shafts and beams, as well as extend MATLAB knowledge. Total of 36 hours lecture and pressure loading of thin-walled pressure vessels. Includes 54 hours laboratory. stress and strain transformation, Mohr’s Circle, ductile and Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGR 220 brittle failure theories, and the buckling of columns. Stati- Grade Mode: L, A cally indeterminate systems are also studied. No credit if taken after ENGR 015B. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGR 240 Grade Mode: L, A ENGLISH (English Division) ENGR 014 MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION 3 units ENGL 001A READING AND COMPOSITION Prerequisite: CHEM 001A. 4 units Physical properties of engineering materials; their reac- Prerequisite: One of the following: (1) ESL 033B; (2) tions to conditions encountered in various uses; processes placement based on the English placement process. by which they are produced and treated. Total of 54 hours Development of expository and argumentative essays. In- lecture. struction in writing annotated papers. Analysis of various Transfer Credit: CSU forms of writing with emphasis on expository and argu- Grade Mode: L, A mentative essays. No credit if taken after ENGL 001AH or 001AS. Total of 72 hours lecture. ENGR 015B APPLIED MECHANICS Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGL 100 3 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Prerequisite: MATH 005B. States of stress and strain; analysis and design of structur- ENGL 001AH HONORS READING AND COMPOSITION al elements; pressure vessels, beams, torsion bars, springs, 4 units columns, riveted and welded connections; inelastic behav- Prerequisites: One of the following: (1) ESL 033B; (2) placement based on the English placement process. Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Honors Pro- gram. ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 437 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Development of expository and argumentative essays. of literary works including consideration of primary and Instruction in writing annotated papers. Analysis of secondary sources. Students will analyze and evaluate fic- various forms of writing with emphasis on expository and tion, poetry, and drama through study of literary conven- argumentative essays. This enriched course is designed tions, inductive and deductive logic, and fallacies. This en- for the Honors Program allowing more student directed riched course is designed for the Honors Program allowing discussions and more extensive writing assignments. No more extensive writing assignments. No credit if taken credit if taken after ENGL 001A or ENGL 001AS. Total of after ENGL 001B. Total of 72 hours lecture. 72 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGL 120 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGL 100 Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P ENGL 001C INTERMEDIATE COMPOSITION — ENGL 001AS STRETCH ACCELERATED READING AND CRITICAL THINKING AND ARGUMENT COMPOSITION 4 units 4 units Prerequisite: One of the following: (1) ENGL 001A, Prerequisites: One of the following: (1) ENGL 001S; (2) ENGL 001AH, or ENGL 001AS; (2) score of 3 on Advanced ENGL 100; (3) ESL 033B; (4) placement based on the Placement Test given by the College Entrance Examination English Assessment process. Board. Critical analysis of interdisciplinary texts, including Principles of critical thinking applied to writing and reading literature. Composition of various written texts, including on complex issues which incorporate logic, inductive and essays. Examination of the uses and significance of deductive reasoning, the critique of logical fallacies, per- language in knowledge creation, community engagement, suasion, analysis and evaluation of appropriate prose mod- and academic success in specific disciplines. Emphasis on els, including those employing argument, other rhetorical authentic voice, collaboration, research, student reflection, and composition for the 21st century. Equity-centered modes, and critical thinking strategies specific to various classroom and curriculum. No credit if taken after ENGL modes of thought; selective use of citation and documenta- 001A or ENGL 001AH. Total of 72 hours lecture. tion. No credit if taken after ENGL 001CH. Total of 72 hours Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGL 100 lecture. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGL 105 Grade Mode: L, P ENGL 001B READING AND COMPOSITION 4 units ENGL 001CH HONORS INTERMEDIATE Prerequisite: One of the following: (1) ENGL 001A or ENGL COMPOSITION-CRITICAL THINKING 001AH or ENGL 001AS; (2) score of 3 on Advanced Place- AND ARGUMENT ment Test given by the College Entrance Examination Board. 4 units Application of critical thinking methods to literary inter- Prerequisite: One of the following: (1) ENGL 001A, ENGL 001AH, or ENGL 001AS; (2) score of 3 on Advanced pretation. Critical analysis, interpretation, and evaluation Placement Test given by the College Entrance Examination of literary works including consideration of primary and Board. secondary sources. Students will analyze and evaluate Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Honors Pro- fiction, poetry, and drama through study of literary con- gram. ventions, inductive and deductive logic, and fallacies. No Principles of critical thinking applied to writing and reading credit if taken after ENGL 001BH. Total of 72 hours lecture. on complex issues which incorporate logic, inductive Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGL 120 and deductive reasoning, the critique of logical fallacies, Grade Mode: L, A, P persuasion, analysis and evaluation of appropriate prose models, including those employing argument, other ENGL 001BH HONORS READING AND COMPOSITION rhetorical modes, and critical thinking strategies specific 4 units to various modes of thought; selective use of citation and Prerequisite: One of the following: (1) ENGL 001A or documentation. This enriched course is designed for the ENGL 001AH or ENGL 001AS; (2) score of 3 on Advanced Honors Program allowing more student directed discussions Placement Test given by the College Entrance Examination and more extensive writing assignments. No credit if taken Board. after ENGL 001C. Total of 72 hours lecture. Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Honors Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGL 105 Program. Grade Mode: L, P Application of critical thinking methods to literary inter- pretation. Critical analysis, interpretation, and evaluation


*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 438 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ENGL 001S STRETCH ACCELERATED COMPOSITION I ENGL 007 INSCAPE MAGAZINE PUBLICATION 4 units 3 units Prerequisite: One of the following: (1) ENGL 400 or BUS Prerequisite: ENGL 001A, 001AH, or 001AS. 112; (2) placement based on the English assessment Critical review and selection of creative material; design process. and layout of a literary magazine. Total of 54 hours lecture. Corequisite: ENGL 901. Transfer Credit: CSU Critical analysis of interdisciplinary texts, including Grade Mode: L, A, P both non-fiction and literature. Composition of various written texts, including essays. Examination of the uses ENGL 008 WRITING POETRY and significance of language in knowledge creation, 3 units community engagement, and academic success. Emphasis Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. on authentic voice, collaboration, research, student Writing of poetry in all forms. Reading of traditional and reflection, and composition for the 21st century. Equity- centered classroom and curriculum. This is the first in a current work. Total of 54 hours lecture. two-class sequence. No credit if taken after ENGL 001A, Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ENGL 001AH, or ENGL 001AS. Total of 72 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A ENGL 009 CREATIVE NONFICTION 3 units ENGL 003 TECHNICAL WRITING — ADVANCED Prerequisite: ENGL 001A, ENGL 001AH, or ENGL 001AS. EXPOSITION Writing and analysis of creative nonfiction such as mem- 3 units oirs, reviews, profiles, and nature writing. Total of 54 hours Prerequisite: ENGL 001A. lecture. Development of writing skills which can be applied to any Transfer Credit: CSU; UC career or profession. Emphasis on types of writing required Grade Mode: L, A, P to communicate facts and ideas in a technological society. Total of 54 hours lecture. ENGL 010 INTRODUCTION TO LINGUISTICS Transfer Credit: CSU 3 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Interdisciplinary course: English, Languages Recommended preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. ENGL 005A CREATIVE WRITING Survey of sounds, structure and development of language 3 units in connection with its social and cultural function. Dif- Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001B. ferences and relationships among languages. No credit if Creative literary expression; short story, poetry and essay. taken after LING 010. Recommended for English and for- Individual experimentation with various forms; students eign languages majors, but open to all qualified students. evaluate their work and work of classmates in light of con- Total of 54 hours lecture. temporary writings. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P ENGL 011 HISTORY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE ENGL 005B CREATIVE WRITING 3 units 3 units Interdisciplinary course: English, Languages ENGL 005A, 006, 007 or 008. Prerequisite: Recommended preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. Creative literary expression such as: short story, poetry, Origins and development of the English language, from its dramatic form and essay. The focus is on in-depth criticism Germanic ancestors to present-day American English. No of student work and professional writers. Total of 54 hours credit if taken after LING 011. Total of 54 hours lecture. lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P

ENGL 006 SHORT STORY WRITING ENGL 012 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001B. Interdisciplinary course: English, Languages Theory and practice in writing the short story. Total of 54 Recommended preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. hours lecture. Linguistic and cultural patterns; how and what people Transfer Credit: CSU; UC communicate. Designed to aid both Americans and foreign Grade Mode: L, A, P

PAGE 439 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 students in the development of intercultural understand- ENGL 025A INTERPRETING MODERN LITERATURE ing and communication skills. No credit if taken after 3 units LING 012. Total of 54 hours lecture. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A or 001AH or 001AS. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: COMM 150 Reading and discussion of poetry, fiction and drama, chiefly Grade Mode: L, A, P modern. Techniques involved in these literary forms. Total of 54 hours lecture. ENGL 014 CRITICAL READING Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 3 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Prerequisite: One of the following: (1) Eligibility for ENGL 001A; (2) ENGL 130; or (3) satisfactory reading placement ENGL 025C WOMEN IN LITERATURE 3 units assessment. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A or 001AH or 001AS. Development of comprehension and critical thinking skills Examination of the portrayal of women presented in prose, to increase ability to analyze critically and evaluate dif- poetry, and drama. Total of 54 hours lecture. ferent types of writing. Analysis of writing with atten- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC tion to the accuracy and adequacy of evidence, the logical Grade Mode: L, A, P structure of argument and definitions, persuasive and ex- pressive language and common fallacies. Cannot be taken ENGL 025D SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY concurrently with ESL 460, 432, ENGL 415 or 130. Total of 3 units 54 hours lecture. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A or 001AH or 001AS. Transfer Credit: CSU Genres of science fiction and fantasy, exploring their origins Grade Mode: L, A, P and contemporary expressions. Reading and discussion of representative works. Study of the techniques involved in ENGL 015 THE RESEARCH PAPER these works. Total of 54 hours lecture. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Prerequisite: ENGL 001A. Grade Mode: L, A, P Application of principles and practices introduced in ENGL 001A to a major research paper in the student’s field of ENGL 025E LITERATURE OF HORROR (GOTHIC study, using system of documentation preferred in the stu- NOVEL) dent’s field. Total of 18 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A or 001AH or 001AS. The course includes reading and discussion of recurring Grade Mode: L, A, P motifs and archetypes in the Gothic novel and short sto- ries of horror; analysis of the psychological implications of ENGL 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY such types as the doppelganger, the shadow, the anima. 1 unit The course traces the Gothic mode from its origin in super- Prerequisites: ENGL 001A, 001AH, or 001AS. stition and magic through the contemporary emphasis on Enrollment Limitation: Permission of Division Dean. the distorted or violated psyche. Total of 54 hours lecture. Individual projects; research techniques; written reports. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Total of 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A, P ENGL 025F COMEDY AND LITERATURE 3 units ENGL 024 A LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A or 001AH or 001AS. 3 units Introduction to comedy in literature and/or film. Examina- Recommended preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 001A, tion of comic world view as well as comic structures, plots, ENGL 001AS, or ENGL 001AH. characters, situations and language. Exploration of the so- Reading and discussion of the literature of a specific na- cial implications of comedy. Total of 54 hours lecture. tionality/culture, emphasizing the unique qualities of that Transfer Credit: CSU; UC national/cultural identity. Historical, social, cultural and Grade Mode: L, A, P geographic background. Total of 54 hours lecture. ENGL 025G MYSTERY AND CRIME FICTION Transfer credit: CSU; UC 3 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A or 001AH or 001AS. Reading and discussion of selected works from detective


*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 440 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 fiction, including the following: Poe, Doyle, Hammett, Say- Significant works of American poetry and prose from the ers, Chandler, Christie, MacDonald. Total of 54 hours lec- Civil War to 1945. Total of 54 hours lecture. ture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGL 135 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P ENGL 025H AMERICAN JOURNEYS ENGL 030C AMERICAN LITERATURE 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A or 001AH or 001AS. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. Fictional and non-fictional accounts of recent journeys in Significant works of American poetry and prose from 1945 search of identity and the sights, people and meaning of to the present. Total of 54 hours lecture. America. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGL 135 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P ENGL 034 MAJOR NOVELIST ENGL 025I POST-COLONIAL LITERATURES 1 unit 3 units Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A or 001AH or 001AS. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A or 001AH or 001AS. Intensive study of a single novelist. Total of 18 hours lec- Introduction to works that explore post-colonial experi- ture. ence and consciousness by authors primarily from the de- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. veloping world, including Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P ENGL 035 MAJOR DRAMATIST 1 unit ENGL 025J UTOPIAN AND DYSTOPIAN LITERATURE Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A or 001AH or 001AS. 3 units Intensive study of a single dramatist. Total of 18 hours Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A or 001AH or 001AS. lecture. Reading and discussion of poetry, fiction, drama, and Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. film, chiefly modern. Techniques involved in these literary Grade Mode: L, A, P forms. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ENGL 036 MAJOR POET Grade Mode: L, A, P 1 unit ENGL 026 INTRODUCTION TO LITERARY THEORY Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A or 001AH or 001AS. AND CRITICISM Intensive study of a single poet. Total of 18 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Prerequisite: ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. Grade Mode: L, A, P Introduction to theory and practice of literary criticism. Application of major critical theories to selected texts. To- ENGL 037 MAJOR CRITIC tal of 54 hours lecture. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A or 001AH or 001AS. Grade Mode: L, A, P Intensive study of a single critic. Total of 18 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. ENGL 030A AMERICAN LITERATURE Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. ENGL 044A WORLD LITERATURE: ANTIQUITY TO Significant works of American poetry and prose from the 1500 colonial period through the Civil War. Total of 54 hours 3 units lecture. Prerequisite: ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC; *C-ID: ENGL 130 Reading and discussion of Western and non-Western litera- Grade Mode: L, A, P ture from the Ancient era through 1500 A.D. Total of 54 hours lecture. ENGL 030B AMERICAN LITERATURE Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGL 140 3 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 441 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ENGL 044B WORLD LITERATURE: 1500-1800 A.D. ENGL 046B ENGLISH LITERATURE 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. Prerequisite: ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. Reading and discussion of Western and non-Western litera- Survey of British literature from the Romantic movement ture written between approximately 1500-1800 A.D. Total (1798) to the present. Total of 54 hours lecture. of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGL 145 Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P ENGL 047 MEXICAN AND CHICANO LITERATURE ENGL 044C WORLD LITERATURE: 1800 - MID 20TH 3 units CENTURY Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A or 001AH or 001AS. 3 units Literary, social and historical aspects of essay, novel, Prerequisite: ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. drama, short story and poetry in English translation writ- Reading and discussion of world literature written between ten by Mexican and Chicano writers with a survey of other 1800 A.D. and the mid 20th century. Total of 54 hours relevant Latin American literary works. Total of 54 hours lecture. lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGL 145 Transfer Credit: CSU: UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P

ENGL 045A LITERATURE OF THE BIBLE ENGL 048 ASIAN LITERATURE 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. Reading and discussion of books of the Old and New Testa- Reading and discussion of selected works of historical and/ ments selected from among the following: Genesis, Exodus, or modern imaginative literature from one or more Asian Joshua, Ruth, I and II Samuel, I Kings, Job, Proverbs, Isa- cultures. Total of 54 hours lecture. iah, Amos, Jonah; Matthew, Luke, Acts, Romans, II Corinthi- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ans, other Letters. Religious-social-political ideas, literary Grade Mode: L, A, P qualities and textual problems. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ENGL 049A FILM AS DRAMATIC LITERATURE Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. ENGL 045B LITERATURE OF THE BIBLE Critical analysis of film types, directors, movements, na- 3 units tional cinemas. Close examination of films through lecture, Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. discussion and writing. No credit if taken after ENGL 049. Reading and discussion of books of the Old and New Testa- Total of 54 hours lecture. ments selected from among the following: Genesis, Deuter- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC onomy, Judges, Esther, I and II Chronicles, II Kings, Psalms, Grade Mode: L, A, P Ecclesiastes, Jeremiah, Hosea, Ezekiel, Daniel; Mark, John, Acts, I Corinthians, Hebrews, Revelation, other Letters. Re- ENGL 049B FILM AS DRAMATIC LITERATURE ligious- social-political ideas, literary qualities and textual 3 units problems. Total of 54 hours lecture. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Critical analysis of film types, directors, movements, na- Grade Mode: L, A, P tional cinemas as they reflect societal issues, historical periods, ethnic and cultural views, and values systems ENGL 046A ENGLISH LITERATURE through documentary and dramatic presentation. Close 3 units examination of films through lecture, discussion, and writ- Prerequisite: ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. ing. Total of 54 hours lecture. Surveys of the literature written in the British Isles from Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Beowulf to Johnson. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P ENGL 050 AFRO-AMERICAN LITERATURE 3 units Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A or 001AH or 001AS. ______Literary, social and historical aspects of essay, novel,

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PAGE 442 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 drama, short story, poetry and oral tradition authored by Transfer Credit: CSU; UC African-Americans. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P ENGL 058 QUEER STUDIES IN LITERATURE 3 units ENGL 051 NATIVE AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY AND Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. LITERATURE Examines representations of normative and non-normative 3 units sexuality in literature. Total of 54 hours lecture. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Reading and discussion of selected works from mythology Grade Mode: L, A and literature of Native Americans; some discussion of his- tory and art, but major emphasis on mythology, fiction, ENGL 059 CHILDREN’S LITERATURE poetry and autobiography. Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A or 001AH or Grade Mode: L, A, P 001AS. Reading and analysis of selected stories for young children ENGL 052 ASIAN AMERICAN LITERATURE and of selected critical evaluations of children’s literature. 3 units For Child Development students, library tech students, Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A or 001AH or 001AS. writers of children’s literature and parents, but open to all Literary, social and historical aspects of essay, novel, dra- students. Total of 54 hours lecture. ma, short story and poetry written by Asian American au- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: ENGL 180 thors. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ENGL 060 MASTERPIECES OF DRAMA Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. ENGL 053 INTERPRETING POETRY Representative dramatic literature from the ancient Greeks 3 units to contemporary theater. Form, content, philosophical and Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. historical perspectives and criticism. Discussion, written Reading and discussion of traditional, modern and con- analysis and instructional trips. Total of 54 hours lecture. temporary poems. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P ENGL 061 INTRODUCTION TO THE NOVEL ENGL 054 CALIFORNIA LITERATURE 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: ENGL 001A, 001AH, or 001AS. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. Reading and analysis of selected classic and contemporary Literary and historical perspectives of fiction, biography, novels. Importance will be placed on historical and journals, and letters about California by California writers. artistic roots of a diverse selection of novels, allowing Total of 54 hours lecture. the students a space to analyze, interpret, and discuss the Transfer Credit: CSU; UC moral, philosophical, sociological, and societal contexts/ Grade Mode: L, A, P themes amongst other possible interpretations. Total of 54 hours lecture ENGL 057 MODERN DRAMA Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 3 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. Reading and discussion of continental, British and Ameri- ENGL 078A INTRODUCTION TO SHAKESPEARE can drama from Ibsen to the present. Representative plays 3 units by Strindberg, Chekhov, Pirandello, O’Neill, Shaw, Brecht, Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. Beckett, Genet, Pinter, Albee. Major theatrical movements: Reading and discussion of 12 to 16 tragedies, comedies naturalism, symbolism, expressionism. Total of 54 hours and histories, including the following: Love’s Labor’s Lost; lecture. Twelfth Night; Richard II; Henry IV, parts I and II; Henry V; Hamlet; Othello. Selections from the Sonnets. Total of 54 hours lecture. ______Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P *Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 443 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ENGL 078B INTRODUCTION TO SHAKESPEARE tery, test taking, and memory. Total of 36 hours lecture. 3 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. Reading and discussion of 12 to 16 tragedies, comedies ENGL 130 ADVANCED READING FOR ACADEMIC and histories, including the following: The Merchant of SUCCESS Venice; As You Like It; Henry VI, parts I, II, III; Richard III; 3 units King Lear; Macbeth. Selections from the Sonnets. Total of Prerequisite: One of the following: (1) ENGL 415; (2) 54 hours lecture. eligibility for ENGL 100 or ESL 033B; or (3) satisfactory Transfer Credit: CSU; UC reading placement assessment. Grade Mode: L, A, P Development of reading skills, vocabulary and study tech- niques. Recommended enrollment in ESL 033B or ENGL ENGL 082A INTRODUCTION TO MYTHOLOGY 100. No credit if taken after ENGL 014. Cannot be taken 3 units concurrently with ESL 460, 432, ENGL 415 or 014. Total of Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. 54 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. This course may Fertile Crescent (Egyptian, Hebrew, Mesopotamian), Clas- be scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) scheduling sical (Greek and Roman), and Old European mythologies. format. Emphasis on literary texts and creative expressions, such Grade Mode: L, A, P as art, music, and artifacts. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ENGL 135 FROM PAGE TO PERFORMANCE Grade Mode: L, A, P 1 unit Reading and viewing of plays performed in off-campus ENGL 082B INTRODUCTION TO MYTHOLOGY locations. Approaching the printed text; approaching the 3 units stage performance; relationship of text to performance. Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. Pass/no pass grading. Total of 18 hours lecture. Historical and thematic exploration of mythology of one Grade Mode: A, P major cultural or geographical area other than Fertile Cres- cent. Total of 54 hours lecture. ENGL 400 ENGLISH ESSENTIALS Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 4 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Corequisite: ENGL 902. Basic essay writing skills; reading for understanding; ENGL 082C INTRODUCTION TO MYTHOLOGY grammar and mechanics. Required concurrent enrollment 3 units in ENGL 902. Recommended enrollment in ENGL 415 or Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001B or ENGL 001BH. 130. No credit if taken after ENGL 100 or 001A. For native Intensive study of a single body of traditional narrative, speakers of English whose English placement assessment such as the Arthurian cycle; double, motifs; quest motifs; does not qualify them for ENGL 100 or 001A. Not recom- folk tales; fairy tales. Total of 54 hours lecture. mended for ESL students. Total of 72 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P ENGL 403 READING AND WRITING ENGL 100 READING AND WRITING SKILLS 1 unit 4 units Improvement of reading, writing, vocabulary and spelling. Prerequisite: One of the following: (1) ENGL 400 or BUS Individualized assessment. Pass/no pass grading. Total of 112; (2) placement based on the English assessment 54 hours laboratory. process. Grade Mode: A, P Corequisite: ENGL 901. Writing expository, analytical, and argumentative essays; ENGL 410 BASIC GRAMMAR developing critical reading research skills. Review of sen- 1 unit tence structure and grammar. Total of 72 hours lecture. Parts of speech; sentence structure; subject-verb agree- Grade Mode: L, A ment; pronoun case and agreement. Recommended for students in ENGL 001A and 100 who have difficulty with ENGL 110 SKILLS FOR COLLEGE SUCCESS grammar. No credit if taken after ENGL 001A. Total of 18 2 units hours lecture. Development of essential study techniques and critical Grade Mode: L, A, P thinking skills related to time management, textbook mas-

PAGE 444 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ENGL 411 PUNCTUATION ENGL 450 INTRODUCTION TO ENGLISH ESSENTIALS 1 unit 3 units Standard punctuation; troublesome problems and common Introduction to basic writing skills with emphasis on simple errors in English usage. Recommended enrollment in or sentence structure, English usage, mechanics and spelling. completion of ENGL 410. No credit if taken after ENGL Integrated with basic study techniques, time management, 001A. For students who have difficulty with punctuation. textbook introduction, test taking, problem solving and Total of 18 hours lecture. memorization. Pass/no pass grading. Not recommended Grade Mode: L, A, P for ESL students. Total of 72 hours lecture. Grade Mode: A, P ENGL 412 SPELLING 1 unit ENGL 901 WRITING CENTER LAB 1 Systematic approach to mastery of American English spell- /3 unit ing through applied learning techniques. No credit if tak- Corequisite: ENGL 100 or 001S. en after ENGL 001A. Total of 18 hours lecture. Development of writing skills for students in English 100 Grade Mode: L, A, P through the use of the Writing Center. Individualized in- struction with Writing Center tutors and computer soft- ENGL 413 VOCABULARY BUILDING ware. Pass/no pass grading. Total of 18 hours laboratory. 1 unit Grade Mode: A, P High-frequency words essential for success in college; analysis of root words, prefixes and suffixes to assist in -vo ENGL 902 WRITING CENTER LAB 1 cabulary development. No credit if taken after ENGL 001A. /3 unit Total of 18 hours lecture. Corequisite: ENGL 400. Grade Mode: L, A, P Development of writing skills for students in English 400 through the use of the Writing Center. Individualized in- ENGL 415 READING FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS struction with Writing Center tutors and computer soft- 3 unit ware. Pass/no pass grading. Total of 18 hours laboratory. Introduction to word attack skills, vocabulary, study skills, Grade Mode: A, P and basic reading techniques. Recommended enrollment in ESL 033A or ENGL 400. No credit if taken after ENGL 130 or 014. Cannot be taken concurrently with ESL 460, 432, ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE ENGL 130 or 014. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours (Languages Division) laboratory. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. The English as a Second Language curriculum has been Grade Mode: L, A, P developed sequentially for students to achieve the reading and writing skills necessary for academic success. Place- ENGL 434 TECHNICAL/VOCATIONAL READING ment within the sequence depends upon multiple mea- 3 units sures. Development of basic reading and vocabulary skills for students enrolled in occupational curricula. Individualized The recommended sequence is: instruction. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours labora- ESL 420 tory. ESL 422 Grade Mode: L, A, P ESL 122 ESL 033A ENGL 435 VOCATIONAL ENGLISH AND ESL 033B INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (BASIC) No credit will be given for the higher level English as a 2 units Second Language course if a student is concurrently en- Job-related writing and basic research skills appropriate to rolled in two different levels of this sequence. No credit the workplace. Technical vocabulary used in the student’s will be given for a lower level course in this sequence if a vocational area. Library and web-based research, criti- student has successfully completed a higher level course or cal thinking and problem-solving specifically focused on an English composition course (English 100, 001A, 001B, workplace needs. Recommended concurrent enrollment in 001C). a vocational course. Total of 36 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P

PAGE 445 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ESL 033A ESL READING AND WRITING — LEVEL 4 ESL 111 ACADEMIC READING FOR ESL 4 units 3 units Prerequisite: ESL 122, or satisfactory ESL placement as- Prerequisite: One of the following: (1) Eligibility for ESL sessment. 033A; or (2) satisfactory reading placement assessment. Reading and composition to prepare students for college Essential college reading skills and strategies with an classes. Practice in advanced sentence structure; methods emphasis on comprehension, academic vocabulary, and of paragraph and essay development; reading of college- reading fluency. Focus on literal and interpretive levels of level material. Recommended enrollment in ENGL 415. No narrative and expository texts. Attention to the relationship credit if taken after ESL 033B, ENGL 001A, 001B, 001C or between cultural references and textual meaning. Total of 100. Cannot be taken concurrently with ESL 033B, 122, 54 hours lecture. L, A, P 422, 420, ENGL 001A, 001B, 001C, 100, 400. Total of 90 Grade Mode: hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ESL 113 ADVANCED ESL VOCABULARY Grade Mode: L, A, P 2 units Prerequisites: Eligibility for ESL 033A or ENGL 100. Recommended for advanced ESL students needing to ESL 033B READING AND WRITING — LEVEL 5 increase their academic vocabulary words and phrases in 4 units order to comprehend and use advanced academic English, Prerequisite: ESL 033A or satisfactory ESL placement as- increasing their confidence in comprehending and using sessment. high-level vocabulary for academic and non-academic Readings in college-level texts including fiction and non- situations. Focus on advanced prefixes, roots, suffixes; fiction; methods of essay and annotated paper develop- two- and three-word verbs, collocations/idioms, word ment. Designed to prepare students for success in English families, and dictionary use. Total of 36 hours of lecture. composition classes. Recommended enrollment in ENGL Grade Mode: L, A, P 130. No credit if taken after ENGL 001A, 001B, 001C, 100. Cannot be taken concurrently with ESL 033A, 122, 422, ESL 122 GRAMMAR AND WRITING — LEVEL 3 420, ENGL 001A, 001B, 001C, 100, 400. Total of 90 hours 4 units lecture. Prerequisite: ESL 422, 490B, SPSV 490B or placement Transfer Credit: CSU; UC based on the ESL assessment process. Grade Mode: L, A, P Development of grammar and writing skills for academic purposes. Reading of low-intermediate fiction and non- ESL 040 LITERATURE IN A SECOND LANGUAGE fiction; written practice in sentence patterns and compo- 1 unit sitions. Recommended enrollment in ESL 432. No credit if Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of ESL 033A. taken after ESL 033A, 033B, ENGL 001A, 001B, 001C, 100. Introduction to the diversity of fiction, poetry and drama Cannot enroll concurrently in ESL 033A, 033B, 420, 422, in English and other languages. Designed for cultural ex- ENGL 001A, 001B, 001C, 100 or 400. Total of 90 hours pression and the development of reading skills in English. lecture. Total of 18 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A, P ESL 132 READING – LEVEL 3 3 units ESL 106 SPEAKING AND LISTENING FOR Prerequisite: ESL 432 or placement based on the ESL read- ACADEMIC SUCCESS ing assessment process. 4 units Development of word attack skills, vocabulary, study skills, Recommended Preparation: ESL 136 or 146, and eligibil- and intermediate reading techniques. Recommended en- ity for ESL 033B or ENGL 100. rollment in ESL 122. No credit if taken after ENGL 415, Development of advanced speaking and listening skills for 130, 114. Cannot be taken concurrently with ESL 460, ESL achieving academic goals. Task activities include group 432, ENGL 415, 130, 014. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 discussion, individual presentations, evaluation of lectures hours laboratory. and media broadcasts. Attention will be given to building Grade Mode: L, A, P college-level skills. Total of 72 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P ESL 133 ADVANCED SENTENCE STRUCTURE REVIEW 2 units Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for ESL 033B, ENGL 100, or ENGL 001A.

PAGE 446 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Review of advanced grammar structures, including adverb, ESL 171B EXPLORING TOPICS IN ESL adjective, and noun clauses, and conditional forms. For ESL 2 units students who need to review advanced grammar. Total of Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule 36 hours lecture. of Classes. Grade Mode: L, A, P Lecture focusing on topics of current and general inter- est. Total of 36 hours lecture. ESL 136 AMERICAN CULTURE THROUGH Grade Mode: L, A, P SPEAKING AND LISTENING 3 units ESL 171C EXPLORING TOPICS IN ESL Recommended preparation: ESL 446 or 442, and enroll- 1 unit ment in ESL 033A or ENGL 415. Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule Development of high intermediate to advanced speak- of Classes. ing and listening skills through the discussion of current Lecture focusing on topics of current and general inter- events and American cultural and social issues as well as est. Total of 18 hours lecture. the study of regionalisms. Movies, songs, TV and radio pro- Grade Mode: L, A, P grams will be used to enhance cultural competency and to build fluency in aural comprehension and spoken commu- ESL 172 ESL FOR THE WORKPLACE nications skills. Activities include oral reports, group and 3 units panel discussions, in-class and out-of-class interviews. Prerequisite: Required eligibility for ESL 122 or above. Some library research and reading assignments. Total of English communication skills appropriate to a workplace 54 hours lecture. setting, including workplace terminology, safety issues, Grade Mode: L, A, P reports and memos, job search skills, communicating with coworkers, and an understanding of workplace ethics. Total ESL 146 PRONUNCIATION OF AMERICAN ENGLISH - of 54 hours lecture. LEVEL 2 Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Recommended preparation: Completion of ESL 246 (Level ESL 176 EFFECTIVE SPEAKING AND LISTENING II 1) or equivalent, current enrollment in ESL 152 for eligibility 3 units for ESL 033A. Continuing development of conversation skills in a variety Further development of pronunciation skills through prac- of social situations. Practice and use of intermediate lan- tice of American consonant blends and advanced stress guage skills. Listening activities to help students under- and intonation patterns. Use of phonetic alphabet reduced stand natural speech. Vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, forms and advanced features of vowel and consonant and grammatical patterns common to spoken English. sounds. Total of 54 hours lecture. Recommended for students who have completed ESL 446 Grade Mode: L, A, P and/or are enrolled in ESL 122 and/or ESL 132. Total of 54 hours lecture. ESL 150A COMMUNICATION SKILLS FOR HEALTH Grade Mode: L, A, P SCIENCES 2 units ESL 246 PRONUNCIATION OF AMERICAN ENGLISH - How to communicate with efficiency and professionalism. LEVEL 1 Construct both formal and informal conversations, including 3 units questions, using various verb tenses and aspects of word Recommended preparation: ESL 442 or 446; or enrollment forms; use correct pronunciation, stress, and intonation in in ESL 446, or eligibility for ESL 422. the workplace with colleagues and patients. For students Introduction to American speech sounds, basic stress and desiring to work in a medical office or as a healthcare intonation patterns. Study of selected suffix endings, professional. Total of 36 hours lecture. speech mechanism and phonetic alphabet. Total of 54 Grade Mode: L, P hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P ESL 171A EXPLORING TOPICS IN ESL 3 units ESL 403 ESL SKILLS WORKSHOP Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule 1 unit of Classes. Individualized instruction in writing, vocabulary, and spell- Lecture focusing on topics of current and general inter- ing to assist non-native speakers of English concurrently est. Total of 54 hours lecture. enrolled in a core ESL course. Total of 18 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P

PAGE 447 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ESL 410A SENTENCE STRUCTURE REVIEW Development of vocabulary and reading strategies used in 1 unit academic and personal contexts. Recommended enroll- Review parts of speech and common sentence struc- ment in ESL 422 and 446. No credit if taken after ESL tures. Recommended for students (in ESL 422 or ESL 122) 132, 111, ENGL 415, 130, or 014. Cannot be taken con- who need review of common sentences. Total of 18 hours currently with ESL 460, 132, 111 ENGL 415, 130 or 014. lecture. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. This Grade Mode: L, A, P course may be scheduled using the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. ESL 410B VERB REVIEW Grade Mode: L, A, P 1 unit Review parts of speech and common sentence struc- ESL 446 EFFECTIVE SPEAKING AND LISTENING tures. Recommended for students (in ESL 422 or ESL 122) 3 units who need review of common sentences. Total of 18 hours Recommended preparation: ESL 456, 420 or 460; and en- lecture. rollment in ESL 432, 422, 246 or 122. Grade Mode: L, A, P Practice of casual and formal dialogues in commonplace situations. Everyday language functions and conversa- ESL 413 ESL VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT tion management skills. Listening activities to enhance 1 unit comprehension of daily topics. Idiomatic expressions and Word families, idioms, prefixes and suffixes, dictionary use. grammatical patterns common to spoken English. Total of Recommended for ESL students who need basic vocabu- 54 hours lecture. lary development. Total of 18 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P ESL 456 BASIC SPEAKING AND LISTENING ESL 420 GRAMMAR AND WRITING — LEVEL 1 6 units 4 units An introductory course in spoken English to develop basic Intensive practice in basic English sentence structure for communication skills for everyday life in the U.S. Listen- students who wish to prepare for college-level work. In- ing and conversation practice around daily topics, exten- troduction to spelling, punctuation, vocabulary develop- sive vocabulary building and practice of basic grammatical ment and English writing conventions. Recommended structures. Recommended: Concurrent enrollment in ESL enrollment in ESL 460 and 456. No credit if taken after 420 and ESL 460. Pass/no pass grading. Total of 108 hours ESL 033A, 033B, 122, 422, ENGL 001A, 001B, 001C, 100 or lecture. 400. Cannot enroll concurrently in ESL 033A, 033B, 122, Grade Mode: L, A, P 422, ENGL 001A, 001B, 001C, 100 or 400. Total of 90 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. ESL 459 TECHNOLOGY FOR ESL STUDENT SUCCESS Grade Mode: L, A, P 1 unit Development of technical skills for professional and ESL 422 GRAMMAR AND WRITING — LEVEL 2 academic communication through the use of technology, 4 units such as multimedia and online learning tools. Total of 18 Prerequisite: ESL 420 or satisfactory ESL placement assess- hours lecture. ment. Grade Mode: L, P Development of reading and writing skills for academic purposes. Readings in short essays and fiction; written ESL 460 ESL READING - LEVEL 1 practice in sentence patterns, paragraphs, and short es- 3 units says. Recommended enrollment in ESL 432. No credit if Introduction to vocabulary building, word attack skills, taken after ESL 033A, 033B, 122, ENGL 001A, 001B, 001C, and basic reading techniques. Recommended enrollment or 100. Cannot enroll concurrently in ESL 033A, 033B, in ESL 420 and 421. No credit if taken after ESL 432, ENGL 122, 420, ENGL 001A, 001B, 001C, 100, or 400. Total of 415, 130 or 014. Cannot be taken concurrently with ESL 90 hours lecture. 432, ENGL 415, 130 or 014. Total of 54 hours lecture and Grade Mode: L, A, P 18 hours laboratory. Lab may be scheduled using the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. ESL 432 ESL READING - LEVEL 2 Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Prerequisite: ESL 460 or satisfactory reading placement as- sessment.

PAGE 448 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ESL 472 ESL IN THE WORKPLACE ENVS 010 ENVIRONMENTAL HORTICULTURE 3 units 3 units English communication skills appropriate to a workplace Introduction to environmental horticulture surveying setting, including workplace terminology, instructions and the structure and function of horticultural practices procedures, safety issues, telephone and email skills, and in the laboratory, agricultural and natural landscapes. an understanding of workplace ethics. No credit if taken Examination of plant structures, growth processes, after ESL 172. Total of 54 hours lecture. physiology, propagation, growth media, biological Grade Mode: L, A, P competitors, environmental variables, and post-harvest factors of food, fiber, and ornamental plants. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Grade Mode: L, P (Natural Sciences Division) ENVS 011 SOIL SCIENCE ENVS 001 INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL 3 units SCIENCE Physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. 4 units Focus on soil classification, derivation, use function Relationship of living organisms to the environment, in- and management including erosion, moisture retention, cluding human impact on the atmosphere, hydrosphere, structure, cultivation, organic matter and microbiology. lithosphere and biosphere. Emphasis is placed on under- Laboratory topics include soil type, classification, soil reaction, soil fertility and physical properties of soil. Total standing of biological and physical science issues currently of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours of laboratory. faced by society. Includes laboratory and field investiga- Transfer Credit: CSU tion of ecosystems and the environment. No credit if tak- Grade Mode: L, P en after BIOL 037, BIOL 040 or PHSC 037. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. ENVS 012 PLANT MATERIALS AND USAGE I Transfer credit: CSU; UC 3 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Identification, growth habits, culture and ornamental use of landscape and indoor plants adapted to climates of ENVS 002 HUMAN IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT California. Plants emphasized will come from the current 3 units California Association of Nurseries and Garden Centers Interaction of human populations with local and global (CANGC) and Professional Landcare Network (PLANET) environments. Interrelationships of ecosystem and bio- Certification Tests Plant Lists. Covers those plants best sphere components. No credit if taken after BIOL 036 or observed and studied in the spring of the year. Plant GEOG 010. Total of 54 hours lecture. materials from local regions will also be included, with Transfer Credit: CSU; UC special emphasis on drought tolerant plants. Total of 36 Grade Mode: L, A, P hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ENVS 003 CHEMISTRY AND THE ENVIRONMENT Grade Mode: L, P 4 units Prerequisite: One of the following: MATH 125, 127B, ENVS 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY 128B, or 150. 1 unit Introduction to basic chemistry and environmental sci- Recommended Preparation: Enrollment in or completion ence for the non-science major with an emphasis on how of any college-level (1-99) course in the Natural Sciences. chemical principles relate to everyday life. Topics in- Enrollment Limitation: Permission of the Dean. clude: indigenous practices, natural resources, water us- Independent, faculty-guided student inquiry, project, re- age, pollution, healthy food, chemical additives to food, search, laboratory experiment and/or field investigation. common organic chemicals, pesticides, drugs, household Total of 54 hours laboratory. products, redox, soap-making, nuclear issues and compost- Transfer Credit: CSU ing. Required field trips. No credit if taken after CHEM Grade Mode: L, P 010. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ENVS 030 ENVIRONMENTAL FIELD INVESTIGATIONS Grade Mode: L, A, P 2 units Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of ENVS 001 or ENVS 002. Field investigation of the environment in an area of se- lected interest. Required instructional trips (an average

PAGE 449 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 of two hours each week). Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A, P FASH 002 INTRODUCTION TO FASHION INDUSTRY ENVS 040 ENVIRONMENTAL FIELD LABORATORY 3 units 1 unit Factors and concepts that affect fashion development, Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of ENVS 001, design, apparel production, marketing, distribution, retail 002, or 003. merchandising, promotion and the consumer. Understand- Observation and interpretation of environmental phenom- ing nomenclature and forms of communication specific to ena in the field. Required instructional trips. Recom- the fashion industry. Survey of career opportunities in the mended enrollment in or completion of any Environmental apparel industry. No credit if taken after FASH 101. Total Studies lecture or lecture/lab course. Total of 18 hours lec- of 54 hours lecture. ture and 18 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A, P FASH 005 PATTERN DRAFTING 3 units FASHION Prerequisites: FASH 001A and FASH 002. Drafting basic patterns. Flat pattern manipulation for a va- (Visual Arts and Media Studies Division) riety of designs. Construction of basic sloper and selected samples. Introduction to the application of computer pat- FASH 001A FASHION SURVEY ternmaking. Recommended FASH 021 and FASH 110. No 3 units credit if taken after FASH 107A. Total of 36 hours lecture Introduction to clothing construction. Orientation to fash- and 72 hours laboratory. ion careers, aptitude to fashion, life skills, time manage- Transfer Credit: CSU ment, and education planning. Industrial sewing equip- Grade Mode: L, A ment, tools, and materials will be used to produce samples of elementary level garment construction as foundation to FASH 009 BEGINNING TEXTILES the understanding of pattern construction, fashion design, 3 units manufacturing and production. Industry research will in- Textile identification, methods, production, historical clude orientation to online research. Preparation of a tech background, investigation of new fibers, fabric construc- pack. Recommended FASH 002. Total of 36 hours lecture tions and finishes. Total of 54 hours lecture. and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A FASH 021 PRINCIPLES OF FASHION FASH 001B INTERMEDIATE CLOTHING 3 units CONSTRUCTION Analysis of apparel, color selection, design principles and 3 units concepts. The study of trend development, fashion influ- Prerequisites: FASH 001A and FASH 005. ences, image and design applications for the target cus- Apparel construction using industrial sewing techniques. tomer. The interrelationships among social, psychological, Samples and garments demonstrating intermediate apparel cultural, economic, aesthetic and physical factors in ap- construction skills for womenswear, sportswear, and knits. parel with also be part of this study. Total of 54 hours Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A FASH 001C ADVANCED CLOTHING CONSTRUCTION FASH 070A WORK EXPERIENCE/INTERNSHIP IN 3 units FASHION (PAID) Prerequisites: FASH 001B and FASH 108. ½ to 8 units Advanced construction methods and techniques. Evaluation Prerequisites: Completion of one semester at Pasadena and implementation of solutions to advanced clothing City College and completion of one course in major. construction problems in tailoring, couture and alterations. Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval.

PAGE 450 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Provides students on-the-job learning in a paid fashion FASH 108 PATTERNMAKING BY DRAPING position. Development of effective work habits, attitudes, 3 units and career awareness so as to enable students to become Prerequisites: FASH 001A and either FASH 005 or FASH productive employees. Credit may be accrued at the rate of 107A. ½ to 8 units per semester. One unit of credit for each 75 Designs created by draping on dress forms. Patternmaking hours of paid work experience. from completed drapes. Construction of basic slopers and Transfer Credit: CSU samples. Preparation of tech packs and design room docu- Grade Mode: L, P ments. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A FASH 070B WORK EXPERIENCE/INTERNSHIP IN FASHION (UNPAID) FASH 109 COMPUTER AIDED FASHION DESIGN ½ to 8 units 3 units Prerequisites: Completion of one semester at Pasadena Prerequisite: FASH 005. City College and completion of one course in major. Beginning study of computer applications in patternmak- Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. Provides students on-the-job learning in a unpaid fashion ing grading, pattern development, flat pattern manipula- position. Development of effective work habits, attitudes, tion and the sizing of patterns. Pre-production technolo- and career awareness so as to enable students to become gies and production documents will be prepared utilizing productive employees. Credit may be accrued at the rate of computer applications current to the industry. Total of 36 ½ to 8 units per semester. One unit of credit for each 60 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. hours of paid work experience. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, P FASH 110 FASHION ILLUSTRATION 3 units FASH 105 INTERMEDIATE FASHION DRAFTING Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of FASH 002. AND DRAPING Recommended preparation: FASH 001A, FASH 021. 3 units Digital and manual drawing techniques for the fashion Prerequisites: All of the following: FASH 001B, 005, 108, industry. Emphasis on the rendering of apparel, texture 111A. and color of fabric. Digital color media will be explored Intermediate patternmaking by drafting, flat pattern ma- to recreate accurate textile representations. Production nipulation, and draping on dress forms. Development of flat drafting and accurate garment sketches showing exact pant and tailoring slopers. Construction of pants and tai- proportions and measurements. Presentation materials and lored samples of intermediate difficulty. Computer con- portfolio techniques will be explored. Total of 36 hours cepts relating to the development of sleeve slopers and lecture and 72 hours laboratory. tech packs. No credit if taken after FASH 107B. Total of 36 Grade Mode: L, A hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A FASH 111A INTRODUCTION TO FASHION DESIGN 3 units FASH 106 ADVANCED PATTERN DRAFTING Prerequisites: All of the following: FASH 001A, 002, 021, AND DRAPING FASH 110. 3 units Fashion design concepts involving research. Trend predic- Prerequisites: All of the following: FASH 001B, FASH 005, tion, fashion influences, target customer buying trends FASH 108, FASH 111A. and trade publications will be utilized in the production Patternmaking by flat pattern manipulation and draping of fashion designs that focus on a specific category, sea- on dress forms. Development of production patterns. Con- son, price range and target customer. Influences such as struction of samples with an emphasis on knitwear. Com- historical costume, ethnic clothing and textiles, military puter applications in grading the pattern size. No credit uniforms and fine art will be researched and the results ap- if taken after FASH 107C. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 plied to create original fashion designs. Artwork will take hours laboratory. several forms suitable for inclusion in final portfolio: full Grade Mode: L, A color renderings, presentation boards, line pages, and sales portfolios. Emphasis will be on women’s and junior’s ap- parel, with some discussion on men’s, children’s and boy’s apparel. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 451 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 FASH 111B INTERMEDIATE FASHION DESIGN notebook. Recommended FASH 005, FASH 124. Total of 36 3 units hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Prerequisites: FASH 111A and FASH 005. Grade Mode: L, A Study of design applications related to category, target customer, and commercial producers of fashion apparel. FASH 130 FASHION WORKSHOP Creation of apparel lines, using CAD technology to create 3 units tech packs, line pages and full-color illustrations. Addi- Prerequisites: All of the following: FASH 108, FASH 005, tional work may include sample garments and patterns. All FASH 111B. projects are suitable for inclusion in final portfolio, both Creation of a fashion line for design through pattern mak- digital and hard copy. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 ing, construction and finishing. Pattern charts, costing, hours laboratory. and spec sheets will be part of the process, as well as port- Grade Mode: L, A folio preparation. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. FASH 111C ADVANCED FASHION DESIGN Grade Mode: L, A 3 units Prerequisites: FASH 111B and FASH 108. Development of a professional-quality portfolio. Prepara- FIRE TECHNOLOGY tion of a resume. Design and create sample garments as shown in the portfolio. Attend an internship to observe (Business and Engineering Technology Division) and experience on-the-job practices creating a term proj- ect as a result of this experience. Total of 36 hours lecture FIRE 110 INTRODUCTION TO FIRE TECHNOLOGY and 72 hours laboratory. 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Provides an introduction to fire protection; career oppor- tunities in fire protection and related fields; history of fire FASH 115 INTERMEDIATE COMPUTER-ASSISTED protection; fire loss analysis; public, quasi-public and pri- FASHION GRAPHICS vate fire protection services; specific fire protection func- 2½ units tions; basic fire chemistry and physics. Total of 54 hours Prerequisite: FASH 110. lecture. Intermediate fashion drawing, production flats, coloriza- Grade Mode: L, A tion, and scanning of images using the computer. Explora- tion of computer techniques and methods suitable for use FIRE 112 FUNDAMENTALS OF FIRE BEHAVIOR in the apparel industry design room. Processes will apply AND CONTROL to design courses and will utilize skills learned in previous 3 units Fashion department courses. Adobe Illustrator and Photo- Theories and fundamentals of how fires start, spread and shop will be used as the vehicle for these processes. Total are controlled. In depth study of fire chemistry and phys- of 36 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. ics, fire characteristics of materials, extinguishing agents Grade Mode: L, A and fire control techniques. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A FASH 124 HISTORY OF COSTUME 3 units FIRE 114 FUNDAMENTALS OF FIRE PREVENTION History and research of dress from prehistoric to present 3 units period; relationships of related arts in evolution of gar- Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of FIRE 110 or ments. Total of 54 hours lecture. 112. Grade Mode: L, A Organization and function of fire prevention agencies; in- spection, surveying and mapping procedures; recognition FASH 126 HISTORICAL COSTUME MAKING of fire hazards; engineering a solution to hazards; enforce- 3 units ment of solution; public relations. Total of 54 hours lec- Prerequisite: FASH 001A. ture. Historical costume construction using industrial sew- Grade Mode: L, A ing techniques suitable for costume shop and wardrobe. Samples demonstrating theatrical construction skills for FIRE 115 FUNDAMENTALS OF PERSONAL SAFETY historical costume periods. Analysis of script needs and AND EMERGENCY ACTION historical research. Preparation of a sample costume and 3 units Provides basic skills in assessing fire dangers, handling common fire situations in the home and/or industry, basic

PAGE 452 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 CPR and standard first aid education. Study and investigate FIRE 142 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FOR FIRE a lifestyle that promotes health, fitness, mental and physi- PROTECTION cal preparation for and in an emergency profession. Does 3 units not meet CPR certification. Total of 54 hours lecture. Fundamental building construction and design, fire pro- Grade Mode: L, A tection features, special considerations. Total of 54 hours lecture. FIRE 116 FIRE FIGHTING TACTICS AND STRATEGY Grade Mode: L, A 3 units Prerequisite: FIRE 110 or 112. FIRE 146 FIRE INVESTIGATION Review of fire chemistry, equipment and manpower, basic 3 units fire fighting tactics and strategy; methods of attack; pre- Introduction to arson and incendiarism, arson laws and planning fire problems. Total of 54 hours lecture. types of incendiary fires. Methods of determining fire Grade Mode: L, A causes, recognizing and preserving evidence, interviewing and detaining witnesses. Procedures in handling juveniles, FIRE 120A HAZARDOUS MATERIALS court procedures and giving court testimony. Total of 54 3 units hours lecture. Review of basic chemistry; storage, handling, laws, stan- Grade Mode: L, A dards and fire fighting practices pertaining to hazardous materials. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY FIRE 120B HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (Languages Division) 3 units Prerequisite: FIRE 120A. FLNG 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY Flammable metals, hazardous plastics, explosives, exotic 1 unit fuels and oxidizers, radiation hazards, organic phosphate Prerequisite: Level 4 of a foreign language or permission of insecticides. Total of 54 hours lecture. department chairperson. Grade Mode: L, A Individual projects such as readings in literature, theater, history, philosophy; written reports on analysis of films, FIRE 124 APPLIED CHEMISTRY videos. Total of 54 hours laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU Applied chemistry for fire fighting and arson investigation. Grade Mode: L, P Atomic and molecular structure of materials; characteris- tics of chemical compounds; types of chemical reactions; FLNG 021A-M FOREIGN LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT nature of gaseous materials; organic chemicals and fuels, 1 unit nuclear activity of atoms and atomic radiation; chemistry Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of Level 1 of the of fire prevention and suppression and human physiology foreign language or placement based on the foreign lan- and survival. Total of 54 hours lecture. guage assessment process. Grade Mode: L, A Development of the foreign language skills for teacher preparation through listening, speaking, and reading in a FIRE 128 FUNDAMENTALS OF FIRE PROTECTION practical laboratory setting related to the foreign language EQUIPMENT AND DETECTION course enrolled in or previously completed. This course is 3 units applicable toward the state requirement for CLAD (Cross- Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of FIRE 110 or cultural Language Academic Development) for the multiple 112. subject teaching credential. For teacher preparation ma- This course covers the basic knowledge of fire protection jors but open to all qualified students.Each course 1 unit, within occupancies and applicable fire protection laws. and a total of 54 hours laboratory. Student will gain understanding in occupancy fire detec- Transfer Credit: CSU tion and alarms systems, heat and smoke controls, spe- Grade Mode: L, A, P cial protection systems, fire sprinklers, water supply, and portable fire extinguishers. Student will understand the FLNG 021A ARMENIAN installation, maintenance, operation and testing of fire FLNG 021B ARABIC protection systems. Required instructional trips. Total of FLNG 021C CHINESE 54 hours lecture. FLNG 021D FRENCH Grade Mode: L, A FLNG 021E GERMAN

PAGE 453 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 FLNG 021H ITALIAN FRNC 006 INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF FRENCH FLNG 021I JAPANESE AND FRANCOPHONE LITERATURE FLNG 021J LATIN 4 units FLNG 021K RUSSIAN Prerequisite: FRNC 004 or placement based on the foreign FLNG 021L SPANISH language assessment process. FLNG 021M PORTUGUESE Selected readings in French and analysis of major Franco- phone authors that illustrate the French literary tradition from the Middle Ages to the present in both France and FRENCH other French-speaking countries. Total of 72 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC (Languages Division) Grade Mode: L

FRNC 001 ELEMENTARY FRENCH FRNC 008A FRENCH CONVERSATION 5 units 2 units Pronunciation, speaking, reading and writing. Introduc- Prerequisite: FRNC 002 or placement based on the foreign tion to French culture. Corresponds to first year of high language assessment process. school French. Total of 90 hours lecture. Practice in oral expression and comprehension of spoken Transfer Credit: CSU; UC French. Total of 36 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A, P FRNC 002 ELEMENTARY FRENCH 5 units FRNC 008B FRENCH CONVERSATION Prerequisite: FRNC 001, or the first year of high school 2 units French, or placement based on the foreign language assess- Prerequisite: FRNC 002 or placement based on the foreign ment process. language assessment process. Conversational and written French: grammar essentials; Practice in oral self-expression and understanding spoken introduction to modern France and the Francophone world. French. Total of 36 hours lecture. Total of 90 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P FRNC 009A-B FRENCH CONVERSATION FRNC 003 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH 4 units 5 units Prerequisite: FRNC 003 or three years of high school French FRNC 002 or two years of high school French Prerequisite: or placement based on the foreign language assessment pro- or placement based on the foreign language assessment pro- cess. cess. Intensive practice at an advanced level in oral expression Development of oral and written communication skills and comprehension of spoken French. Each course 2 units, based on 19th and 20th century French and Francophone and a total of 36 hours lecture. readings; review of basic structure of French; customs and Transfer Credit: CSU; UC culture. Total of 90 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P FRNC 010 FRENCH CIVILIZATION 3 units FRNC 004 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH Customs, language, literature, geography, arts and scienc- 5 units es; contributions of France to civilization. French institu- FRNC 003 or three years of high school French Prerequisite: tions from earliest to modern times. (Course conducted in or placement based on the foreign language assessment pro- English.) Total of 54 hours lecture. cess. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Further development of written and oral communication Grade Mode: L, A, P skills based on 19th and 20th century French readings; finish review of basic structure of French; French and FRNC 011 TRANSLATING FROM FRENCH TO Francophone culture. Total of 90 hours lecture. ENGLISH Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P 2 units Prerequisite: FRNC 002 or two years of high school French, or placement based on the foreign language assessment pro- cess.

PAGE 454 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Grammar and structure of French; vocabulary building, ac- FRNC 050 FRENCH CINEMA quisition of basic translation skills through reading au- 3 units thentic text selections from the Humanities, the Arts and Introduction to French cinema. The historical evolution of Sciences. This course is designed for students in many dis- French cinema as an art form, with emphasis on major ciplines. (Course conducted in English.) Total of 36 hours themes and directors including recent developments in lecture. French and Francophone film. (Course conducted in Eng- Transfer Credit: CSU lish.) Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A FRNC 012 FRENCH LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION 3 units FRNC 140 FRENCH PRONUNCIATION Prerequisite: Placement based on the foreign language as- 2 units sessment process. Sounds of French; imitation of good pronunciation and in- Readings in English translation of key works of French and tonation; reading of French texts. For those wishing to Francophone literature from the Middle Ages to the pres- gain additional proficiency in pronunciation. Total of 36 ent. (Course conducted in English). Total of 54 hours lec- hours lecture. ture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A

FRNC 014 WRITING IN FRENCH GEOGRAPHY 3 units (Natural Sciences Division) Prerequisite: FRNC 002 or two years of high school French Students planning to take more than six units of Geogra- or placement based on the foreign language assessment pro- phy should consult counselors. Some colleges allow full cess. credit for the first six units only. Intensive practice in French writing. Students acquire the techniques and strategies necessary to write French at an GEOG 001 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY intermediate level. Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Introduction to the natural environment from a geographi- Grade Mode: L, A cal perspective. Topics include geographic techniques, and their use to study air, water, land and life forms, with em- FRNC 015 READING IN FRENCH phasis on their interconnections, interactions and world 3 units location patterns. Total of 54 hours lecture. Prerequisite: FRNC 002 or placement based on the foreign Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: GEOG 110 language assessment process. Grade Mode: L, A, P Intensive training in reading authentic texts of a broad variety of genres in French. Reading of varied short texts; GEOG 001L PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY LABORATORY establishing a steadily increasing vocabulary. Introduction 1 unit to literary texts. Total of 54 hours lecture. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of GEOG 001. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Observation and interpretation of meteorological phe- Grade Mode: L, A nomena including statistical analysis of climatic data. Cartographic techniques and map interpretation. Global FRNC 016 FRENCH CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION patterns of the biosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere, 3 units showing their regional interrelationships. Required in- Prerequisite: FRNC 002 or placement based on the foreign structional trips. Total of 54 hours laboratory. language assessment process. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: GEOG 111 A second year course to build proficiency in listening, Grade Mode: L, A, P speaking, reading and writing while exploring the culture of France and the Francophone world. (Course conducted in GEOG 002 CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY French.) Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Study of diverse human populations, their cultural origins, Grade Mode: L, A diffusion and contemporary spatial expressions. Topics in- clude: demography, languages and religions, urbanization and landscape modification, political units and national- ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 455 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ism, and economic systems and development. Total of 54 GEOG 013 DATA ACQUISITION AND MANAGEMENT hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: GEOG 120 Prerequisite: GEOG 011. Grade Mode: L, A, P Introduces fundamental concepts of primary GIS data creation. Topics include quantitative techniques for GEOG 003 WORLD REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY collection, classification, management of geographical 3 units data, and interpretation of a variety of data formats in Introductory study of the world’s countries, cultures and GIS. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory cultural regions from a geographic perspective. Focus on Transfer Credit: CSU; UC individual countries, with topics including history, culture, Grade Mode: L, A society, economy, government, environment, and current issues. Total of 54 hours lecture. GEOG 014 CARTOGRAPHIC DESIGN 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: GEOG 125 Prerequisite: GEOG 011. Grade Mode: L, A, P Fundamental cartographic concepts. Design principles GEOG 004 WEATHER AND CLIMATE and creation of effective visual representations of data in 3 units different formats. Topics include ethical and appropriate Introduction to weather and climate, the science of weather, application of map scale, map projections, generalization weather forecasting and interpretation of meteorological and symbolization. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory information available over the internet. No credit if taken Transfer Credit: CSU; UC after GEOL 024. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: GEOG 130 Grade Mode: L, A, P GEOG 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY GEOG 011 INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHIC 1 unit INFORMATION SYSTEMS Recommended Preparation: Enrollment in or completion 3 units of any college-level (1-99) course in the Natural Sciences. Exploration of geospatial technology including Geographic Enrollment Limitation: Permission of the Dean. Information Systems (GIS) science and its applications Independent, faculty-guided student inquiry, project, re- to spatial data management. Learn how to identify and search, laboratory experiment and/or field investigation. acquire GIS data, utilize vector and raster systems, use Total of 54 hours laboratory. georeferencing, spatial analysis, modeling and Global Transfer Credit: CSU Positioning Systems (GPS), and build map layouts with Grade Mode: L appropriate coordinate systems. Designed to complement other disciplines or as an entry level course into a GEOG 030 FIELD STUDIES AND METHODS IN geospatial program. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours GEOGRAPHY of laboratory. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: GEOG 155 Recommended preparation: GEOG 001. Grade Mode: L, A Field studies of the geography of selected regions. Physical and cultural processes, characteristics and landscapes GEOG 012 MAP INTERPRETATION AND SPATIAL will be observed and analyzed. Specific physical and ANALYSIS cultural content will vary by geographic region. Required 3 units instructional trips. Total of 18 hours lecture and 18 hours Prerequisite: GEOG 011. laboratory. Further develop Geographic Information Systems skills Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: GEOG 160 through learning new spatial analysis techniques, Grade Mode: L, A, P including Geoprocessing, attribute analysis, spatial statistics, network analysis, surface modeling, basic python GEOG 115 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS WITH GIS scripting, and data interpolation. This course focuses on 3 units using geographic methods to answer questions and solve Prerequisite: GEOG 011. problems. Total 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Data collection and management skills. Working as part Transfer Credit: CSU; UC of a GIS team trying to solve specific problems from an Grade Mode: L, A environmental analysis perspective. Development of consulting skills and best practices for beginning-to- end project development. Introduction to the field of ______

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PAGE 456 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 environmental analysis and consulting. Total 36 hours week). Total of 18 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A, P

GEOL 003 EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE 4 units GEOLOGY Introduction to the principles and processes of earth and (Natural Sciences Division) space sciences emphasizing the structure and composition of the solid earth, oceans and atmosphere and Earth’s place GEOL 001 PHYSICAL GEOLOGY within the solar system. For students planning on becom- 4 units ing K-12 teachers, but open to all qualified students. No Principles of geology with emphasis on Earth processes credit if taken after GEOL 001 or GEOL 012. Total of 54 with a focus on the internal structure and origin of the hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Earth and the processes that change and shape it. The lab- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. oratory component focuses on the identification of rocks *C-ID: GEOL 121 and minerals, topographic and geologic map exercises Grade Mode: L, A, P demonstrating the work of water, wind, ice and gravity and effects of tectonic activity. Recommended enrollment in GEOL 003F EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE GEOL 001F. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours labora- FIELD LABORATORY tory. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of GEOL 003. *C-ID: GEOL 100, 101 Field observation and interpretation of Geologic, Oceano- Grade Mode: L, A, P graphic, Atmospheric and Astronomic phenomena. Re- quired four days of instructional trips (equal to 2 hours of GEOL 001F PHYSICAL GEOLOGY FIELD STUDIES trips each week). Total of 18 hours lecture and 18 hours 1 unit laboratory. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of GEOL 001. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Observation and interpretation of geological phenomena Grade Mode: L, A, P with emphasis on the origin and development of the geol- ogy of Southern California. Required four days of instruc- GEOL 004 GEOLOGY OF CALIFORNIA tional trips (equal to an average of two hours of trips each 3 units week). Total of 18 hours TBA lecture and 18 hours TBA Prerequisite: GEOL 001 or 003. laboratory. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be An introduction to the geology of California, including Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. tectonic processes, geologic structures, physiographic Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. provinces, local rocks and minerals, landforms, natural Grade Mode: L, A resources, geologic history, and natural hazards in the state. Total of 54 hours lecture. GEOL 002 HISTORICAL GEOLOGY Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: GEOL 200 4 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Prerequisite: GEOL 001 or GEOL 003. GEOL 005 GEOLOGIC MAPS History of earth and evolution of animals and plants in- 2 units cluding fossil specimens; emphasis on geology of North Prerequisite: GEOL 001 or GEOL 003. America. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. The making of and use of geologic maps. Topics covered Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: GEOL 111 include analysis of topographic maps and geologic maps, Grade Mode: L, A, P measurement of thickness of sedimentary rocks, use of a Brunton Pocket Transit, and field analysis of stratigraphy, GEOL 002F HISTORICAL GEOLOGY FIELD STUDIES geologic structures, unconformities, and cross cutting 1 unit relationships in the preparation of geologic maps. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of GEOL 002. Required: five days of instructional trips. Total of 18 hours Observation and interpretation of geologic phenomena lecture and 54 hours laboratory. with emphasis on the geologic history of North America. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Required instructional trips (an average of two hours each Grade Mode: L, A, P


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PAGE 457 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 GEOL 006 MINERALOGY GEOL 021 HISTORY OF LIFE 4 units 3 units Prerequisite: GEOL 001 and CHEM 001A. Survey course that considers major biologic and geologic Identification of minerals by physical and optical proper- events from the formation of the Earth 4.6 billion years ties. Introduction to crystallography, and crystal chemistry ago to the present day. Topics include origin and evolution and techniques of quantitative chemical analysis of miner- of life, mass extinction and explosions in diversity, als. Total of 54 hours lecture and 90 hours laboratory. phylogenetic systematics, and orientation of major clades Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: GEOL 280 in the Tree of Life. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A GEOL 012 PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY 3 units GEOL 021L HISTORY OF LIFE LABORATORY Principles and practices of marine geology and physical 1 unit oceanography. Plate tectonics and sea-floor spreading; Corequisite: GEOL 021. oceanic volcanism and earthquakes. Study of man’s use Laboratory investigations and identification of fossil and misuse of the ocean: human needs vs. ecological lim- groups with emphasis on major clades and their position its. Total of 54 hours lecture. on the Tree of Life. Topics include patterns in the fossil Transfer Credit: CSU; UC record, extinctions, diversification, geologic time, and Grade Mode: L, A, P character diagnosis leading to the building of a cladogram. Total of 54 hours laboratory. GEOL 012F PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY FIELD Transfer Credit: CSU; UC STUDIES Grade Mode: L, A, P 1 unit Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of GEOL 012. GEOL 022 THE AGE OF DINOSAURS Observation and interpretation of oceanographic phe- 3 units nomena with emphasis on the marine environment of the The historical geology and paleobiology of the Mesozoic Southern California area. Required four days of instruc- Era. Topics covered include dinosaur origins, evolution, tional trips (equal to an average of two hours each week). lifestyles, extinctions, and phylogenetic systematics. Total Total of 18 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P

GEOL 012L PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY GEOL 023 NATURAL DISASTERS LABORATORY 3 units 1 unit The geologic origin and human impact of natural disasters. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of GEOL 012. No credit if taken after GEOL 001 or 003. Total of 54 hours Laboratory investigations of oceans, ocean basins and lecture. ocean margins. Oceanographic map and chart interpreta- Transfer Credit: CSU tion, rates of marine processes, ocean-atmosphere interac- Grade Mode: L, A, P tions, ocean structure and dynamics and coastal hazards. Total of 54 hours laboratory. GEOL 030A CHANNEL ISLANDS - COASTAL Transfer Credit: CSU; UC CALIFORNIA 2 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of GEOL 001 or 003. GEOL 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY Field investigation of the regional geology in a national or 1 unit international area of selected interest. Required instruc- Recommended Preparation: Enrollment in or completion tional trips (an average of two hours each week). Total of of any college-level (1-99) course in the Natural Sciences. 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Enrollment Limitation: Permission of the Dean. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Faculty-guided student research; laboratory experiments Grade Mode: L, A, P and field investigations. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, P


*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 458 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 GEOL 030B PENINSULAR RANGES - SALTON GEOL 030G KLAMATH MOUNTAINS - NORTHERN DEPRESSION CALIFORNIA 2 units 2 units Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of GEOL 001 or Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of GEOL 001 or 003. 003. Field investigation of the regional geology in a national or Field investigation of the regional geology in a national international area of selected interest. Required instruc- or international area of selected interest. Required tional trips (an average of two hours each week). Total of instructional trips (an average of two hours each week). 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P

GEOL 030C COAST RANGES - SAN ANDREAS FAULT GEOL 030H INTERNATIONAL STUDY AREAS 2 units 2 units Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of GEOL 001 or Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of GEOL 001 or 003. 003. Field investigation of the regional geology in a national or Field investigation of the regional geology in a national or international area of selected interest. Required instruc- international area of selected interest. Required instruc- tional trips (an average of two hours each week). Total of tional trips (an average of two hours each week). Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P

GEOL 030D SIERRA NEVADA GEOL 030I PROBLEMS IN STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY 2 units 2 units Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of GEOL 001 or Prerequisite: GEOL 001. 003. Field investigation of the structural geology in a region of Field investigation of the regional geology in a national or selected interest. Observation and interpretation of geo- international area of selected interest. Required instruc- logic phenomena with emphasis on the geologic history of tional trips (an average of two hours each week). Total of western Cordillera. Required instructional trips (an aver- 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. age of two hours each week). Total of 36 hours lecture and Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor 18 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P GEOL 030E OWENS VALLEY - DEATH VALLEY 2 units GEOL 030J COLORADO PLATEAU Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of GEOL 001 or 2 units 003. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of GEOL 001 or Field investigation of the regional geology in a national or 003. international area of selected interest. Required instruc- Field investigation of the regional geology in a national or tional trips (an average of two hours each week). Total of international area of selected interest. Required instruc- 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. tional trips (an average of two hours each week). Total of Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P GEOL 030F ROCKY MOUNTAINS 2 units GEOL 030K PROBLEMS IN REGIONAL STRATIGRAPHY Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of GEOL 001. 2 units Observation and interpretation of geologic phenomena with Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of GEOL 001 or emphasis on the geologic history of western Cordillera. 003. Required instructional trips (an average of two hours each Field investigation of the regional geology in a national or week). Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. international area of selected interest. Required instruc- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. tional trips (an average of two hours each week). Total of Grade Mode: L, A, P 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P

PAGE 459 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 GEOL 030L APPLICATIONS OF GLOBAL POSITIONING GRMN 003 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN SYSTEM 5 units 2 units Prerequisite: GRMN 002 or two years of high school Ger- Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of GEOL 001 or man or placement based on the foreign language assess- 003. ment process. Field investigation of the regional geology in a national or Development of communication skills based on 19th and international area of selected interest. Required instruc- 20th century German readings; review of basic structure of tional trips (an average of two hours each week). Total of German: customs and culture. Total of 90 hours lecture. 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P GRMN 004 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN GEOL 030M PACIFIC RIM/PACIFIC ISLANDS 5 units 2 units Prerequisite: GRMN 003 or three years of high school Ger- Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of GEOL 001 or 003. man or placement based on the foreign language assess- Field investigation of the regional geology in a national or ment process. international area of selected interest. Required instruc- Further development of communication skills based on tional trips (an average of two hours each week). Total of 19th and 20th century German readings; finish review of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. basic structure of German; customs and culture. Total of 90 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P GEOL 040 GEOLOGICAL FIELD LABORATORY 1 unit GRMN 005 INTRODUCTION TO GERMAN LITERATURE Observation and interpretation of geological phenomena 3 units in the field.Required four days of instructional trips. Prerequisite: GRMN 004 or placement based on the foreign Recommended a 001-099 lab science course. Total of 18 language assessment process. hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. German drama, prose and poetry. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P

GRMN 008A-C INTRODUCTION TO GERMAN CONVERSATION GERMAN 6 units (Languages Division) Prerequisite: GRMN 002 or two years of high school Ger- man or placement based on the foreign language assess- GRMN 001 ELEMENTARY GERMAN ment process. 5 units Practice in oral self-expression and understanding spoken Pronunciation, reading, speaking and writing German; cus- German. Each course 2 units, and a total of 36 hours toms and culture. Corresponds to first year of high school lecture. German. Total of 90 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P GRMN 009A-C GERMAN CONVERSATION GRMN 002 ELEMENTARY GERMAN 6 units 5 units Prerequisite: GRMN 003 or three years of high school Ger- Prerequisite: GRMN 001, or the first year of high school man or placement based on the foreign language assess- German, or placement based on the foreign language ment process. assessment process. Intensive practice at an advanced level in oral expression Continuation of grammar essentials; practice in reading, of spoken German. Each course 2 units, and a total of 36 speaking and writing German; customs and culture. Total hours lecture. of 90 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P

PAGE 460 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 GRMN 010 GERMAN CIVILIZATION including demographic trends, basic theories, concepts 3 units and philosophic ideas, social policies, planning issues, and Geography, history and institutions; customs, language, services available to meet the needs and problems of older literature, arts and sciences; German contributions to civi- adults. Total of 54 hours of lecture. lization. (Course conducted in English.) Total of 54 hours Transfer Credit: CSU; UC lecture. Grade Mode: L Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P GERO 022 DIRECTED STUDIES IN GERONTOLOGY 3 units GRMN 012 GERMAN LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION Prerequisite: GERO 001. 3 units The Directed Studies course is a grouping of short semi- Reading and discussion of representative works of German nars designed to provide students with the latest ideas literature in translation from different historical periods. in a specific area of concentration. The course content is Analysis of major themes and literary movements. Select- thematic in nature and each seminar within the course ed readings will be made from different genres, including differs from other offerings in the same course. Total of 54 poetry, drama, and prose. (Course conducted in English.) hours lecture. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L, A, P GERO 140 APPLIED HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT IN GRMN 140 GERMAN PRONUNCIATION GERONTOLOGY 2 units 3 units Introduction to the German sound system, basic stress and Analysis of issues, services, methods, and interventions intonation patterns. Imitation and practice of proper pro- related to gerontologic practice and application of nunciation; reading of German texts. For beginners and strategies for identifying and accessing services targeted those wishing to gain additional proficiency in pronuncia- for older adults and their families. Topics include the tion. Total of 36 hours lecture. unique characteristics and needs of elders, the systems Grade Mode: L, A, P approach to working with elders, and issues affecting service delivery to this population (including diversity, GRMN 150A GERMAN FOR BUSINESS AND TRAVEL gender, ethics, special health and mental health needs). 2 units Practice of the skills for effective service delivery to elders, Practical conversational German for business and travel. families and caregivers with an emphasis on students’ Contemporary culture in German-speaking countries. Total attitudes and roles when working with this population. of 36 hours lecture. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L

GRMN 150B GERMAN FOR BUSINESS AND TRAVEL 2 units GLOBAL STUDIES Prerequisite: GRMN 150A or placement based on the for- (Social Sciences Division) eign language assessment process. Further practice in practical conversational German for GLBL 001 INTRODUCTION TO GLOBAL STUDIES business and travel. Contemporary culture in German- 3 units speaking areas. Total of 36 hours lecture. Study of globalization and related forms of social Grade Mode: L, A, P change. Analysis of economic, political, military, cultural, technological, and environmental aspects of globalization; history of globalization, European colonialism and GERONTOLOGY decolonization processes; impact of multinational corporations and global political and financial institutions, (Health Sciences Division) and social movements from cross-cultural and global perspectives. Total of 54 hours lecture. GERO 001 INTRODUCTION TO GERONTOLOGY Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 3 units Grade Mode: L Recommended Preparation: ENGL 001A. Overview of the field of gerontology. Includes a multidis- ciplinary examination of how human aging is understood,

PAGE 461 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 GLBL 002 ISSUES IN GLOBAL STUDIES zation. Maintenance and inventory control systems. Safety 3 units procedures. Applied organizational and management the- Historical background, current status, and future ory. New developments in the graphics arts industry. Re- possibilities of important transnational issues and quired instructional trips. Total of 54 hours lecture. challenges facing the global community. Topics include: Transfer Credit: CSU economic development and inequality, basic human needs Grade Mode: L, A (food, water, health care), human rights, population trends (migration, refugees, human trafficking), international GRFX 030 BASIC COMPOSITION AND IMAGING conflicts, and environmental problems. Emphasis on critical 6 units thinking about global governance, global responsibilities, Introduction to document production methods and digi- and global citizenship. Total of 54 hours lecture. tal imaging techniques required in the graphic commu- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC nications technology industry. Introduction to system Grade Mode: L operations and typographic principles. Graphic computer systems operation, terminology, system components, and principles. Emphasis on document production using text GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS and image components. Use of industry standard Postscript TECHNOLOGY electronic publishing systems. Required instructional trips. Total of 54 hours lecture and 162 hours laboratory. (Visual Arts and Media Studies Division) Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A GRFX 010 INTRODUCTION TO GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY GRFX 031 ADVANCED COMPOSITION AND IMAGING 2 units 6 units Introduction to printing and graphic arts. History of print- Prerequisite: GRFX 030 or 220. ing. Orientation to typesetting, camera, stripping and Advanced document production methods and digital imag- plates, presswork and bindery operations. Evaluation of ing techniques. Use of electronic publishing systems and printing processes: letterpress, gravure, screen printing, software applications for image capture and manipulation flexography, plateless printing and lithography.Required as practiced in the graphic communications technology in- instructional trips. Total of 36 hours lecture. dustry. Advanced system operation and typographic prin- Transfer Credit: CSU ciples. Emphasis on document development using image Grade Mode: L, A processing systems. Required instructional trips. Total of 54 hours lecture and 162 hours laboratory. GRFX 013 SCREEN PRINTING PLASTICS Transfer Credit: CSU 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Hands-on training in screen meshes, tensioning and selection; direct emulsion stencil and exposure; printing GRFX 035 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRONIC and registration techniques for one, two and three color PREPRESS graphics for a variety of decal and adhesive materials. 2 units Right-reading, wrong-reading and front/back reading decals on a variety of substrates. Safety issues for water- Recommended preparation: GRFX 199. based and solvent-based inks. Planning and organization Proper use of document layout, illustration and image- of production-- individually and in teams. High-quality editing software necessary to prepare files for transfer graphic printing and techniques for small business sales or digital imaging. Terminology, materials, and methods and marketing. Required instructional trips. Total of 27 used in electronic prepress. Introduction to preflighting, hours lecture and 81 hours laboratory. imposing, trapping, and correcting files used in electronic Transfer Credit: CSU prepress operation. Strategies for font and color manage- Grade Mode: L, A ment, re-purposing images for the production of plates and proofs suitable for use in various printing operations. Re- GRFX 021 PRINTING MANAGEMENT — quired instructional trips. Total of 27 hours lecture and 36 PRODUCTION hours laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU Prerequisite: GRFX 105. Grade Mode: L, A Theory and practical experience in production and quality control methods in a printing plant manufacturing situa- tion. Projects in plant and department layout and organi-

PAGE 462 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 GRFX 036 ELECTRONIC IMAGE ASSEMBLY GRFX 105 INTRODUCTION TO PRINTING 1 unit MANAGEMENT Prerequisite: GRFX 035. 2 units Procedures using electronic prepress applications to elimi- Printing plant supervision and management techniques. nate or repair errors in digital files. Skills in multiple page Principles of sales, manufacturing, finance, trade customs, document construction, imposition and trapping required organizational patterns, personnel practices and estimat- in modern digital workflows. Advanced study in Postscript ing procedures. Safety procedures, quality control, produc- imaging requirements for document output or transfer re- tion scheduling, computer applications and technical de- quired in the graphic communications field.Required in- velopments. Required instructional trips. Recommended structional trips. Total of 18 hours lecture and 36 hours enrollment in or completion of GRFX 010. Total of 36 hours laboratory. lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A GRFX 113 INTERMEDIATE SCREEN PRINTING GRFX 080 GRAPHIC REPRODUCTION 3 units FUNDAMENTALS Prerequisite: GRFX 013. 2 units History and industry overview. Safe use of inks, solvents Graphic art skills, design, composition, printing and pho- and equipment. Process camera operation and photograph- tographic processes. Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 hours ic techniques for screen printing. Preparation of mechani- laboratory. cals using tight registration and printing on standard and Transfer Credit: CSU unusual surfaces. Required instructional trips. No credit Grade Mode: L, A if taken after GRFX 132B or 134B. Total of 27 hours lecture and 81 hours laboratory. GRFX 102 TYPOGRAPHY Grade Mode: L, A 2 units Terminologies of the typesetting/typography of the litho- GRFX 114A PRODUCTION SCREEN PRINTING graphic trade; exchange values and appropriate applica- 3 units tions of numerical systems. Basic characteristics of type: Prerequisite: GRFX 113. styles, classifications, compatibilities, uses for emphasis, Advanced work with color and design for commercial screen copyfitting, proofreading, spacing and design consider- printing. Halftones and other advanced camera projects. ations. Required instructional trips. Total of 36 hours Posters and ads. Required instructional trips. Total of 27 lecture. hours lecture and 81 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A

GRFX 103 INK, PAPER AND QUALITY CONTROL GRFX 114B ADVANCED SCREEN PRINTING 2 units 3 units Classification of papers, common paper terms and calcula- Prerequisite: GRFX 114A. tion of press sheet cuts. Manufacture and uses of litho- Production of screen printing using the semi-automatic graphic inks. Common quality control devices. Required press and one-arm squeegee. Advanced work incorporating instructional trips. Total of 36 hours lecture. several stencil and/or ink systems. Principles of setup and Grade Mode: L, A operation of the small screen printing business. Required instructional trips. Total of 27 hours lecture and 81 hours GRFX 104 BINDERY AND FINISHING OPERATIONS laboratory. 2 units Grade Mode: L, A Theory and demonstration of bindery and finishing opera- tions: paper cutting, folding devices, assembling process- GRFX 115 BEGINNING SCREEN PRINTING es, including gathering, collating and inserting. Common FOR TEXTILE APPLICATIONS binding processes: adhesive binding, side binding, saddle 2 units binding, self covers, soft covers and case bound covers. A basic course for the beginning screen printing student. Required instructional trips. Total of 36 hours lecture. Emphasis on artwork preparation, registration systems Grade Mode: L, A for multiple colors, screen selection and preparation for simple textile applications. Use of four-color rotary press, flash and belt dryers, pin systems for accuracy of regis-

PAGE 463 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 tration. Safe use of materials and equipment. Required and wood. Four-color process, sublimation dye printing, instructional trips. Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 hours subsurface printing, etching for commercial signage and laboratory. graphics; table printing and use of semi-automatic press. Grade Mode: L, A Safety issues for use of water-based and solvent-based inks. Planning and organization of all aspects of production GRFX 116 ADVANCED SCREEN PRINTING FOR individually and in teams. Required instructional trips. TEXTILE APPLICATIONS Total of 36 hours lecture and 108 hours laboratory. 2 units Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisite: GRFX 115. Advanced screen printing. Mesh selection, press set-up, GRFX 133B PRODUCTION SCREEN PRINTING registration and printing of exceedingly complex graphics, 5 units with four-color process on textiles; four-to six-color spot Prerequisite: GRFX 133A. and index printing; special effects inks and sublimation Production, using the semi-automatic press and one-arm dyes. Advanced use of heat press, dye sub printer. Planning squeegee. Printing modular design advanced work incor- and organization of all aspects of production individually porating several stencil and/or ink systems. Discussions and in teams. High-end and commercial printing on textile on setting up and operation of a small screen printing substrates. Required instructional trips. Total of 18 hours business. Required instructional trips. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. lecture and 108 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A

GRFX 132A INTRODUCTORY SCREEN PRINTING GRFX 134A SCREEN PRINTING FUNDAMENTALS 4 units FOR SALES AND MARKETING Basic commercial production skills: hands-on training in 3 units screen meshes, tensioning and selection; direct emulsion Basic entrepreneur/printing class: hands-on training in stencil techniques and exposure; printing and registration screen meshes, tension and selection; conventional and techniques for one, two and three color graphics; single non-conventional techniques for stencil application and exposure; printing and registration of one-, two- and color halftone printing with water-based inks on paper and three-color graphics; single-color halftone printing. Water- board substrates, some plastics. Planning and organiza- based and solvent-based inks on traditional and non- tion of all aspects of production individually and in teams. traditional two- and three-dimensional surfaces. Planning Point-of-purchase graphics, posters, flyers for advertising. and organization of all aspects of production individually Required instructional trips. Total of 36 hours lecture and and in teams. Graphic printing for commercial sales and 108 hours laboratory. marketing. Required instructional trips. Total of 27 hours Grade Mode: L, A lecture and 81 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A GRFX 132B INTERMEDIATE SCREEN PRINTING 4 units GRFX 134B SCREEN PRINTING FOR SALES Prerequisite: GRFX 132A. AND MARKETING Advanced production skills: in-depth work with halftone 3 units printing, including duotones and four-color process Prerequisite: GRFX 134A. printing; four- to six- color spot printing; use of water- Advanced entrepreneurial: high-end printing of duotones based and solvent-based vinyl and enamel inks. Emphasis and four-color process printing; four-to six- spot color on registration techniques for more complex printing work, printing; wide variety of substrates using water-based, vi- including set-up and use of semi-automatic press. Planning and organization of all aspects of production individually nyl and enamel inks. Establishing a web sales presence. and in teams. Point-of-purchase graphics, posters, flyers Planning and organization of all aspects of production for advertising. Required instructional trips. Total of 36 individually and in teams. High-quality graphic printing hours lecture and 108 hours laboratory. and techniques for small business sales and marketing. Re- Grade Mode: L, A quired instructional trips. Total of 27 hours lecture and 81 hours laboratory. GRFX 133A ADVANCED SCREEN PRINTING Grade Mode: L, A FOR PLASTICS AND RIGID SUBSTRATES 4 units GRFX 134C SCREEN PRINTING - TWO AND THREE Prerequisite: GRFX 132B. COLORS Advanced printing techniques for plastics, including 2 units electrostatic vinyl, adhesive vinyl, rigid plastics, glass Prerequisite: GRFX 134B.

PAGE 464 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Design, layout and preparation of film and mechanicals GRFX 161 INTRODUCTION TO OFFSET PRESS for production printing. Correct selection and preparation TECHNIQUES of screens for commercial work. Establish proper printing 2 units procedures for a variety of substrates and ink systems used Prerequisite: GRFX 010. in the fine arts or industrial setting. Emphasis on prop- Evaluation of photo offset lithography from press to bind- er registration of multiple colors and quality of printed ery. History of printing, types of sheet-fed duplicators/ goods. Safe use of materials and equipment. Required in- presses and configurations of web-fed equipment. Charac- structional trips. Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 hours teristics of fountain solutions, feeding, dampening, ink- laboratory. ing and delivery systems. Paper and ink considerations for Grade Mode: L, A offset lithography. Common bindery procedures related to offset printing. Required interviews, demonstrations and GRFX 134D SCREEN PRINTING - FOUR AND SIX instructional trips. No credit if taken after GRFX 162 or COLORS 260. Total of 36 hours lecture. 2 units Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisite: GRFX 134C. Advanced concepts of layout and design as applied to GRFX 165 ON-DEMAND PRINTING AND preparation of mechanicals and screens for advanced pro- PUBLISHING SYSTEMS duction printing. Emphasis on precise registration of mul- 1 unit tiple colors, quality of ink application to substrate and The proper use and functions of on-demand printing sys- printing of fine detail. Discussion of current trends in the tems. Operation, programming and running of the DocuTech industry. Use of the 4-color rotary textile printer, belt dryer and digital color publishing systems. Overview of the size, and semi-automatic press for high quality production. Safe scope and career opportunities found in the printing and use of materials and equipment. Required instructional publishing industry. Use and selection of papers, bindery trips. Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. methods, computers, safety practices and finishing opera- Grade Mode: L, A tions required in the on-demand publishing field. Training in customer service techniques, job planning and quality GRFX 135 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRONIC aspects used in this segment of the printing field.Re - PREPRESS TECHNIQUES FOR quired instructional trips. Total of 18 hours lecture and 18 SCREEN PRINTING hours laboratory. 2 units Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisite: One of the following: GRFX 013, GRFX 115, GRFX 132A, or GRFX 134A. GRFX 190 IMAGING TECHNIQUES FOR LARGE Beginning computer techniques class: evaluation, import- FORMAT PRINTING ing, scanning and correction of images for screen printing. 2 units Line art; basic single color halftones in positive and nega- Prerequisite: GRFX 030 or GRFX 220. tive; making and trapping of spot colors; appropriate use Digital imaging techniques for production of large format of lettering and fonts for textile and flatstock printing ap- plications. Effective use of output devices and substrates graphics, including banners and vehicle wraps. File prepa- for screen transfer. Required instructional trips. Total of ration, troubleshooting, Raster Imaging Processor issues, 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. work flow concepts. Estimating, production planning, and Grade Mode: L, A material selection are also covered. Maximum credit 4 units, 2 units each semester. Required field trips. Total of GRFX 137 SCREEN PRINTING TECHNIQUES FOR 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. FLAT STOCK Grade Mode: L, A 2 units Recommended Preparation: GRFX 135. GRFX 199 INTRODUCTION TO DESKTOP A specialized course designed to prepare students for PUBLISHING screen printing careers in the production of posters, signs, 3 units and other flat stock. Techniques and procedures for print- Introduction to desktop publishing. Basic DTP compo- ing by hand on tables and on a semi-automatic press. Use nents. Written, visual and computer skills used to create of letterpress equipment for poster production. Advanced and produce original documents specific to the student’s techniques in design for impact, volume production and major. Overview of career opportunities by faculty from accurate registration of multiple color work. Safe use of various disciplines. May not be taken concurrently with materials and equipment. Required instructional trips. To- or after JOUR 199. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours tal of 27 hours lecture and 45 hours laboratory. laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 465 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 GRFX 202 PRINTING MANAGEMENT — GRFX 244 COLOR SEPARATION THEORY AND ESTIMATING PRINTING PRODUCTION 5 units 3 units Theory and practice in planning for print production. Esti- Prerequisite: GRFX 240 or 146. mating for printing including art preparation, photographic An introduction to color theory, separation methods and procedures, image assembly, press selection and finishing productions techniques using the electronic scanner, desk- methods. Analysis of printing orders from sales through top technology and photo-manipulation software. Princi- invoicing, use of trade customs, computers in estimating ples of analog and digital color proofing. Examination of and sales management for the printing industry. Proper color vision, color calibration, evaluation, color originals, uses of forms, pricing books and estimating standards for correction methods and printing production standards em- the printing industry. Total of 90 hours lecture. ployed in the printing field. Review of scanner formats, Grade Mode: L, A digital color systems, and imagesetting for the color ser- vice bureau and printing industry. Required instructional GRFX 220 BASIC DIGITAL IMAGING trips. Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Introduction to document creation for print, web, or other final product. Image acquisition, assessment, editing, GRFX 245A BASIC PHOTOSHOP TECHNIQUES correction using programs such as Adobe Photoshop. FOR GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS Creation of digital documents using programs such as TECHNOLOGY Adobe InDesign and Dreamweaver. Exposure to client, 3 units production team, and outside vendor relationships. Prerequisite: GRFX 030 or 035 or 220. Required instructional trips. Total of 36 hours lecture and Recommended preparation: GRFX 244. 54 hours laboratory. Training in the proper techniques to adjust and modify im- Grade Mode: L, A ages based upon the workflow and output requirements us- ing PhotoShop software tools. Study of color theory mod- GRFX 221 ADVANCED DIGITAL IMAGING - WEB els, separation requirements, resolution issues, proofing 3 units methods and file formats necessary in a digital workflow. Prerequisite: GRFX 220. Correct techniques in the operation of both the hardware Intermediate digital document production. Image acquisi- and software of a flatbed scanners. Practice in the correc- tion, assessment, editing and correction using programs tion for quality reproduction of scanned images. Instruc- such as Adobe Photoshop. Automated photo processing tion in the electronic masking techniques in conjunction and editing techniques. Creation of digital documents us- with the use of channels, masks and layers for image-edit- ing programs such as Adobe InDesign for print and e-pub- ing, special effects and color correction as required in the lication, including interactive documents. Exposure to cli- printing industry. Required instructional trips. Total of 18 ent, production team and outside vendor issues. Required hours lecture and 108 hours laboratory. instructional trips. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours Grade Mode: L, A laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A GRFX 245B ADVANCED PHOTOSHOP TECHNIQUES FOR GRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS GRFX 222 INTERMEDIATE DIGITAL IMAGING - PRINT TECHNOLOGY 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: GRFX 220. Prerequisite: GRFX 245A. Intermediate digital document production. Image Advanced techniques focusing on color correction, image acquisition, assessment, editing and correction using editing and image preparation using PhotoShop applica- programs such as Adobe Photoshop. Automated photo tion software. Instruction on digital editing methods to processing and editing techniques. Creation of digital achieve color enhancements required in the production of documents using programs such as Adobe InDesign for printing images. Training in advanced PhotoShop applica- print and e-publication, including interactive documents. tions for masking, the use of channels or layers as required Exposure to client, production team and outside vendor by various digital-imaging systems. Use of color manage- issues. Required instructional trips. Total of 36 hours ment systems and the evaluation of digital color proofing lecture and 54 hours laboratory. systems. Required instructional trips. Total of 18 hours Grade Mode: L, A lecture and 108 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 466 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 GRFX 300A-G PRODUCTION PRINTING elementary education, and for students seeking a teaching 14 units credential but open to all qualified students. Total of 54 Prerequisite: One of the following: GRFX 113, 121, 132B, hours lecture. 134B, or 163. Transfer credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Production experience working with a wide variety of jobs. Grade Mode: L, A, P Individualized production training on live printing jobs. Deadlines, quality levels and production responsibilities HED 050 INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC HEALTH expected from employees outside of the educational envi- 3 units ronment. Each course 2 units, 4 hours. Total of 18 hours The basic concepts and terminologies of public health, and lecture and 54 hours laboratory. the history and accomplishments of public health officials Grade Mode: L, A and agencies. Overview of the functions of various public health professions and institutions, and an in-depth examination of the field of public health. Total of 54 hours HEALTH EDUCATION lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: PHS 101 (Kinesiology, Health and Athletics Division) Grade Mode: L, A, P

HED 002A HEALTH EDUCATION – CONTEMPORARY HED 051 HEALTH AND SOCIAL JUSTICE HEALTH ISSUES 3 units 2 units Introduction to health inequities in the United States. General aspects of personal and community health How education, socioeconomic status, racism, and gender issues. Includes drug education and the effects of the use of impact health outcomes, access to health care, and policy tobacco, alcohol, narcotics and other drugs, and sex education. development. Analysis of public health issues and social No credit if taken after HED 044. Total of 36 hours lecture. justice. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: PHS 102 Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P HED 052 DRUGS, HEALTH, AND SOCIETY HED 002E HEALTH EDUCATION – HUMAN SEXUALITY; 3 units SELF-ESTEEM Concepts, theories, epidemiology and toxicology of 2 units substance abuse and its relevance to personal and public General aspects of personal and community health issues. No health. Emphasis on the biological, psychological, and credit if taken after HED 044. Total of 36 hours lecture. social effects of drug use on the health of individuals, Transfer Credit: CSU and on society. Discussion of concepts such as substance Grade Mode: L, A, P use versus misuse, abuse, and dependence. Risk factors, signs and symptoms, mental illnesses, and treatments and HED 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY prevention theories associated with addiction. Total 54 1 unit hours of lecture. Prerequisites: One semester in health education and per- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: PHS 103 mission of department chairperson. Grade Mode: L, A, P Student project on topics in health; emphasis on research techniques, written reports. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU HEALTH SCIENCES Grade Mode: L, A, P (Health Sciences Division)

HED 044 HEALTH EDUCATION HLSC 113 HUMAN DISEASE 3 units 3 units Physical and mental health factors; individual, community Examination of common medical conditions, diseases, and and school health concepts; the effects of the use of to- the disease process. Emphasis will be placed on docu- bacco, alcohol, narcotics and other drugs and dangerous mentation of symptoms, patient assessment, case man- substances; effects of sexually transmitted diseases and agement, including diagnostic tests indicated, treatment the importance of health and nutrition. Recommended indicated, client teaching required and ways to validate for majors in physical education, health education, and a patients’ understanding of their disease and treatment. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 467 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 HLSC 115 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY HIST 002B HISTORY OF WORLD CIVILIZATIONS 3 units FROM 1500 Medical terminology with the prime objective of 3 units understanding the language of medicine, analyzing Survey of world history from 1500’s regional isolation to medical terms by dividing the terms into component parts modern day globalism and its issues and problems. Con- (root words, prefix, suffix, and combining form to obtain a sideration given to the political, economic, social, and in- definition. Total of 54 hours lecture. tellectual forces present in the rise of the modern world. Grade Mode: L Particular focus on the interrelatedness of historical events and on the comparisons of cultures and societies in a his- torical perspective. Total of 54 hours lecture. HISTORY Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: HIST 160 (Social Sciences Division) Grade Mode: L, A, P

HIST 001A HISTORY OF EUROPEAN CIVILIZATION HIST 005A HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN TO 1714 TO 1715 3 units 3 units Formation and expansion of early English governmental in- Prehistoric man; ancient Near Eastern civilizations; Greeks stitutions, social systems and economic organizations; re- and Hellenization; the Roman Empire. Emergence of Euro- lations with continental Europe. Total of 54 hours lecture. pean, Byzantine and Islamic civilizations; manorialism and Transfer Credit: CSU; UC feudalism. Crusades, cities, medieval kingdoms. Humanism Grade Mode: L, A, P and Reformation. No credit if taken after HIST 003A or 003B. Total of 54 hours lecture. HIST 005B HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN FROM 1714 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: HIST 170 3 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Development of British political institutions, formation of the empire, social and economic progress, relations with HIST 001B HISTORY OF EUROPEAN CIVILIZATION other nations, influence of English law and literature on FROM 1715 American institutions. Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Survey of European history from 1715. Course includes the Grade Mode: L, A, P Enlightenment, Scientific Revolution, French Revolution, Napoleon, Western Imperialism, two World Wars, Cold War HIST 007A UNITED STATES HISTORY TO 1876 and the political, social and economic consequences of 3 units each. No credit if taken after HIST 003C or 003D. Total of American history from its first peoples through the 1870s 54 hours lecture. Reconstruction Era. Topics include the migrations to the Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: HIST 180 Americas, the colonial and revolutionary periods, the Grade Mode: L, A, P development of the Republic, and the Civil War. Emphasis placed on comparing different ethnicities, women, and HIST 002A HISTORY OF WORLD CIVILIZATIONS representative biographies. No credit if taken after HIST TO 1500 007AH. Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: HIST 130 Survey of emerging regional cultures and societies from Grade Mode: L, A, P the earliest civilizations to 1500. Consideration given to comparative and integrative analysis of their contribu- HIST 007AH HONORS UNITED STATES HISTORY tions to the fabric of world civilization. Particular focus on TO 1876 cultural evolutionary parallels and the diffusion of ideas 3 units through migration and trade on a global scale. Total of 54 Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Honors hours lecture. Program. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: HIST 150 American history from its first peoples through the 1870s Grade Mode: L, A, P Reconstruction Era. Topics include the migrations to the Americas, the colonial and revolutionary periods, the development of the Republic, and the Civil War. Emphasis placed on comparing different ethnicities, women, and representative biographies. This enriched course is designed for the Honors Program allowing more student-directed ______discussion and more extensive writing assignments. No *Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 468 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 credit if taken after HIST 007A. Total of 54 hours lecture. HIST 009B LATIN AMERICA: 1825 TO THE PRESENT Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: HIST 130 3 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Social, economic and political history of Latin America from independence to the present. Legacy of colonialism; HIST 007B UNITED STATES HISTORY FROM 1876 development of cultural, political, and economic institu- 3 units tions; relations between Latin America and the United American history from 1876 to the present. Topics include States foreign policies. Total of 54 hours lecture. industrialization, Progressivism, World Wars, Depression, Transfer Credit: CSU; UC the Cold War, the Civil Rights and Vietnam Era, and the Grade Mode: L, A, P 21st century. Emphasis placed on immigrant and racial groups, women, international relations, and contemporary HIST 012 THE NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN topics. No credit if taken after HIST 007BH. Total of 54 3 units hours lecture. Ethnic history of North American Indians; major native Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: HIST 140 groups; social and cultural organizations; political and Grade Mode: L, A, P economic systems; U.S. government policies; reservation status; contemporary issues and problems. Total of 54 HIST 007BH HONORS UNITED STATES HISTORY hours lecture. FROM 1876 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 3 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Honors Program. HIST 016 HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE EAST American history from 1876 to the present. Topics include 3 units industrialization, Progressivism, World Wars, Depression, The Middle East from prehistoric times to the present; the the Cold War, the Civil Rights and Vietnam Era, and the geographic characteristics of the region; emphasis on the 21st century. Emphasis placed on immigrant and racial cultural, religious and social development of the various groups, women, international relations, and contemporary peoples of this area. Total of 54 hours lecture. topics. This enriched course is designed for the Honors Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Program allowing more student-directed discussion and Grade Mode: L, A, P more extensive writing assignments. No credit if taken after HIST 007B. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC HIST 018 HISTORY OF SOUTH ASIA, SOUTHEAST Grade Mode: L, A, P ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 3 units HIST 008 Examination of South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific 3 units from prehistoric times to the present; the geopolitical im- California’s history from its beginnings to the modern era. portance of these areas; emphasis on the cultural, reli- Explores the multicultural and multifaceted “Golden State” gious and social development of the peoples in history. and its political, economic, and sociocultural development Total of 54 hours lecture. on the west coast of the United States. Total of 54 hours Transfer Credit: CSU; UC lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P HIST 019 HISTORY OF CHINA, JAPAN AND KOREA 3 units HIST 009A LATIN AMERICA: PRE-COLUMBIAN Civilizations of China, Japan and Korea from prehistoric TO 1825 times to the present; emphasis on cultural, religious and 3 units social developments. Total of 54 hours lecture. Latin American history from pre-Columbian times to the Transfer Credit: CSU; UC independence of Latin American lands; emphasis on insti- Grade Mode: L, A, P tutions of the past which have shaped conditions of the present; relations between Latin America and the United HIST 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY States. Total of 54 hours lecture. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Prerequisite: Permission of History instructor and Dean. Grade Mode: L, A, P Independent, faculty-guided student inquiry, re- search, project of historical theme. Total of 54 hours laboratory ______Transfer Credit: CSU *Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID) Grade Mode: L, P

PAGE 469 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 HIST 025B WOMEN IN AMERICAN SOCIETY HIST 027B MODERN AFRICA 3 units 3 units American women’s history and experiences from pre-colo- The history of Africa from partition to colonialism in the nial era to the present. Emphasis on multicultural perspec- 19th century to modern day developments; nationalistic tives, social justice movements, and sociopolitical issues movements, independence, and nation building; develop- in the context of U.S. and global history. Total of 54 hours ment of Pan-Africanism; African relations with the United lecture. States and in the global arena. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P

HIST 025D AMERICA’S RELATIONS WITH OTHER HIST 029A AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY TO 1865 NATIONS 3 units 3 units Legacy of from origins in Africa through Selected themes, problems, and personalities which have the Civil War; African heritage; slave trade and slavery in been associated with the creation of American democratic colonial America; African Americans and the American Rev- institutions. How U.S. involvements with nations in Europe, olution, the new nation, and westward expansion, slave Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia have been revolts, abolition, and the Civil War. Total of 54 hours lec- associated with the creation of American democratic ture. institutions. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P HIST 029B AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY FROM 1865 HIST 025F AMERICA AND THE TWO WORLD WARS 3 units 3 units African American experience from Reconstruction to mod- Causes and consequences of 20th century’s two world wars. ern days; end of Reconstruction and beginning of Black Consideration will be given to the nationalism, imperialism, Codes and Jim Crow policies; Washington, DuBois, and the and the geo-political forces leading to war and influencing Harlem Renaissance; pan-Africanism; African Americans the subsequent peace, and the transformation of global and the world wars; and nationalis- political, economic, social, and intellectual traditions due tic movements. Total of 54 hours lecture. to modern warfare. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P HIST 030 HISTORY OF MEXICO HIST 025I ISSUES OF THE VIETNAM ERA 3 units 3 units Mexico from pre-Columbian times to the early national Identification and analysis of key issues and events of period; political, economic, social and cultural develop- the Vietnam era emphasizing the Vietnam War, the civil ments; inter-American relations. Total of 54 hours lecture. rights movement, the anti-war protests, and the space Transfer Credit: CSU; UC exploration programs. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P HIST 031 HISTORY OF MEXICAN AMERICANS IN THE UNITED STATES HIST 027A TRADITIONAL AFRICA 3 units 3 units Survey of U.S. history from the Mexican American perspec- The history of Africa from scientific origins of humans tive covering historical periods from pre-European settle- through the 19th century with focus on the Nile Valley civ- ments to 21st century. Emphasis is placed on the experi- ilizations, the Agekoyo and Maasai of East Africa, Angola, ences, problems, and contributions of Mexican Americans the kingdoms of the Western Sudan, Uganda, the Swahili and the formation of Mexican American societies within city states, and the Zulu empire; influence of Islam and the context of U.S. history. Total of 54 hours lecture. Christianity on Africa. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P

PAGE 470 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 HIST 041 HISTORY OF ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICANS HOSP 004 HOSPITALITY MANAGER SANITATION AND 3 units SAFETY Asian Pacific American experiences and contributions to 2 units United States history spanning the years from the pioneer- Hospitality food service safety and sanitation practices af- ing 49ers through the Japanese American internment camp fecting individual operations. Identifies food-borne illness, experience to the post-1965 immigration waves and refu- contamination, and prevention control of food-borne ill- gees in an era of globalization. Total of 54 hours lecture. nesses through Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Transfer Credit: CSU; UC management; proper safe food handling; the flow of food; Grade Mode: L, A, P food preparation; facility and pest management systems; and cleaning and sanitizing. Includes study of worker safe- HIST 110 SKILLS FOR COLLEGE SUCCESS IN ty. Preparation for the National Restaurant Association’s HISTORY ServSafe Manager Examination. Total of 36 hours lecture. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: HOSP 110 Development of essential study techniques for success in Grade Mode: L, A history courses; orientation to applications of computer- based technologies in history; time management; textbook HOSP 014 CULINARY PRINCIPLES mastery, lecture outlining, test taking, and critical analy- 3 units sis. Total of 18 hours lecture. Prerequisite: Enrollment or completion of HOSP 004. Grade Mode: L, A, P Professionalism in the foodservice industry. Nutrition for the culinary professional, industry tools and equipment, flavor basics, product identification, and culinary math. HOSPITALITY Total of 54 hours lecture. (Business and Engineering Technology Division) Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A, P HOSP 001 INTRODUCTION TO THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY HOSP 015 PROFESSIONAL CULINARY FOUNDATIONS I 3 units 3 units Overview of structure and financial performances of Prerequisites: Enrollment in or completion of HOSP 004 hospitality industry; food and lodging, resorts, travel and and HOSP 014. tourism enterprises, attractions, and related operations. Recommended Preparation: Completion of ServSafe Focus on orientation to customer service, cultural/economic Manager Certification, California Food Handler’s Card. trends, career opportunities, foodservice, management, Fundamental culinary principles, techniques and opera- and service operations. Influence of globalization and tions with an emphasis on product identification, ingredi- forces affecting industry growth and change. Total of 54 ent handling, recipe costing, commercial recipe develop- hours lecture. ment, cooking fundamentals and professional standards of Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: HOSP 100 commercial kitchen operations. No credit if taken after Grade Mode: L, A CUL 145A. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours labora- tory. Formerly CUL 145A. HOSP 002 HOSPITALITY SUPERVISION, LEADERSHIP, Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: HOSP 160X AND HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Strategy, and insight into the various aspects of supervi- HOSP 101 HOSPITALITY INTERNSHIP sion in the hospitality industry. Emphasis on collabora- 3 units tion, effective leadership, group dynamics, team and indi- Prerequisite: Maintain enrollment in 7 units or more, in- vidual decision-making, benefits of workforce diversity and cluding field practice and enrollment in one or more required equity, and conflict resolution. Supervisory roles, responsi- courses in the Hospitality Management program. bilities, and essential managerial skills. Research to create Approved professional broad-based work experience in the alternative solutions to meet a challenge unique to the hospitality industry. Experience can be either paid or un- hospitality industry using critical and creative thinking, paid internship. Total of 270 hours field practice. logical reasoning, analysis, inquiry, and problem-solving Grade Mode: L, A techniques. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: HOSP 170X HOSP 121 PROFESSIONAL CULINARY FOUNDATIONS II Grade Mode: L, A 3 units Prerequisites: HOSP 004, HOSP 014, and HOSP 015. ______Recommended Preparation: Completion of ServSafe Manager Certification, California Food Handler’s Card. *Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 471 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Further development skills in Culinary Foundations where HUM 002 HUMANITIES, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY students practice and learn by repetition and variations 3 units of existing and new techniques. Essential competencies Historical and cultural investigations of the learned in this course include: Garde Manger, Charcuterie, interrelationships between the humanities, the sciences Salad and Salad Dressings, Hors d’Oeuvres, recipe production and technology. An integrated approach toward finding with execution of dishes and menus with little to no recipe solutions to current challenges facing cultures across the assistance. No credit if taken after CUL 145B. Total of 36 globe. Individual and collective responsibilities for solving hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Formerly CUL 145B. current dilemmas will be addressed. Total of 54 hours Grade Mode: L, A, P lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC HOSP 140 PROFESSIONAL BAKING FOUNDATIONS I Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Prerequisites: HOSP 004 and HOSP 014. HUM 003 HUMANITIES AND THE SOCIAL SCIENCES Recommended Preparation: Completion of ServSafe 3 units Manager Certification, California Food Handler’s Card. Interdisciplinary overview combining methods from the Introduction to baking and pastry techniques for use humanities and social sciences to interpret major eco- in a commercial kitchen. Special focus on: the study of nomic, political and social forces which have influenced ingredient functions, product identification, and weights the relationship between the individual and society in a and measures. Topics include: the preparation of yeast- diverse set of cultural and historic contexts. Total of 54 raised dough mixing methods, roll-in dough, pie dough, hours lecture. basic cake mixing methods, fillings, icings, pastry Transfer Credit: CSU; UC cream, and finishing techniques. No credit if taken Grade Mode: L, A, P after CUL 154A. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Formerly CUL 154A. HUM 004 HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Overview of the development of concepts of self and human HOSP 141 PROFESSIONAL BAKING FOUNDATIONS II values through film, drama, music, literature, painting, 3 units sculpture and architecture. Total of 54 hours lecture. Prerequisites: HOSP 004, HOSP 014, and HOSP 140. Recommended Preparation: Completion of ServSafe Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Manager Certification, California Food Handler’s Card. Grade Mode: L, A, P Continuation of baking and pastry techniques. Topics include: piping techniques, yeast doughs, laminated HUM 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY doughs, fried pastries, intermediate syrups, creams and 1 unit sauces, tarts and specialty pastries, puddings, mousses and Enrollment Limitation: Permission of Division Dean. souffles, intermediate cookie techniques, fruit desserts and Individual projects; research techniques; written reports. foundations of frozen desserts. No credit if taken after CUL Total of 54 hours laboratory. 154B. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU Formerly CUL 154B. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A, P

ITALIAN HUMANITIES (Languages Division) (Social Sciences Division) ITAL 001 ELEMENTARY ITALIAN HUM 001 INTRODUCTION TO THE HUMANITIES 5 units 3 units Pronunciation and grammar. Speaking, reading and writ- Present-day ideas, beliefs, values, and practices are ing. Introduction to Italian geography, history, culture and explored in the artistic, literary, philosophical, and music. Corresponds to first year of high school Italian. To- religious contributions to modern living from diverse tal of 90 hours lecture. creative epochs and individuals of various cultures. Total Transfer Credit: CSU; UC of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, P

PAGE 472 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ITAL 002 ELEMENTARY ITALIAN – LEVEL 2 ITAL 009A INTERMEDIATE ITALIAN CONVERSATION – 5 units LEVEL 1 Prerequisite: ITAL 001, or the first year of high school 2 units Italian, or placement based on the foreign language Prerequisite: ITAL 003 or three years of high school Italian assessment process. or placement based on the foreign language assessment Grammar essentials, especially irregular verbs; practice in process. conversation. Institutions, customs, culture, songs and Intensive practice at an intermediate level in oral poems of Italy. Total of 90 hours lecture. expression and comprehension of spoken Italian. Total of Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 36 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P ITAL 003 INTERMEDIATE ITALIAN ITAL 009B INTERMEDIATE ITALIAN CONVERSATION – 5 units LEVEL 2 Prerequisite: ITAL 002, or two years of high school Italian, 2 units or placement based on the foreign language assessment pro- Prerequisite: ITAL 009A or placement based on the foreign cess. language assessment process. Development of communication skills based on 19th and Intensive practice at an upper intermediate level in oral 20th century Italian readings; review of basic structure of expression and comprehension of spoken Italian with focus Italian; customs and culture. Corresponds to the third year on socio-historic aspects of Italian life and culture. Total of High School Italian. Total of 90 hours lecture. of 36 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P

ITAL 004 INTERMEDIATE ITALIAN ITAL 009C INTERMEDIATE ITALIAN CONVERSATION – 5 units LEVEL 3 Prerequisite: ITAL 003, or three years of high school Ital- 2 units ian, or placement based on the foreign language assessment Prerequisite: ITAL 009B or placement based on the foreign process. language assessment process. Further development of communication skills based on Intensive practice at an advanced level in oral expression 19th and 20th century Italian readings; finish review of and comprehension of spoken Italian with focus on the basic structure of Italian; customs and culture. Total of 90 specialized vocabulary related to social events and hours lecture. discussion of on-going political and cultural issues. Total Transfer Credit: CSU; UC of 36 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P ITAL 008A INTRODUCTION TO ITALIAN CONVERSATION ITAL 010 ITALIAN CIVILIZATION 2 units 3 units Prerequisite: ITAL 002 or two years of high school Italian Customs, language, literature, geography, arts and scienc- or placement based on the foreign language assessment es; contributions of Italy to civilization, from the Roman process. Empire to modern times. (Course conducted in English.) Practice in oral self-expression and understanding spoken Total of 54 hours lecture. Italian. For majors in music, fine arts and humanities, but Transfer Credit: CSU; UC open to all qualified students. Total of 36 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A, P ITAL 012 INTRODUCTION TO ITALIAN LITERATURE 3 units ITAL 008B INTRODUCTION TO ITALIAN Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. CONVERSATION Investigation of main topics, genres, and authors of Ital- 2 units ian Literature. Cultural, social and historical background of Prerequisite: ITAL 008A. significant works in Italian fiction, poetry, prose. (Course Further practice in oral self-expression and understanding conducted in English.) Total of 54 hours lecture. spoken Italian. Emphasis on culture and history. For ma- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC jors in music, fine arts and humanities, but open to all Grade Mode: L, A, P qualified students. Total of 36 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A, P

PAGE 473 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ITAL 050 ITALIAN FILM AS DRAMATIC LITERATURE ture. Total of 90 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. Grade Mode: L, A, P Italian culture, society, politics and historical periods through the viewing and discussion of Italian films from JAPN 005 ADVANCED READING AND COMPOSITION Neorealism to contemporary cinema. Critical analysis of 3 units film types, directors, movements through lecture, discus- Prerequisite: JAPN 004 or placement based on the foreign sion, and writing. (Course conducted in English.) Total of language assessment process. 54 hours lecture. Reading and discussion of Japanese fictional and non-fic- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC tional texts. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A

JAPANESE JAPN 008A INTRODUCTION TO JAPANESE CONVERSATION (Languages Division) 2 units Prerequisite: JAPN 002 or two years of high school Japa- JAPN 001 ELEMENTARY JAPANESE nese or placement based on the foreign language assess- 5 units ment process. Basic vocabulary, useful phrases; reading, writing and Practice in oral self-expression and understanding spoken speaking. Introduction to geography, customs and culture. Japanese. Total of 36 hours lecture. Corresponds to first year of high school Japanese. Total of Transfer Credit: CSU 90 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P JAPN 008B INTRODUCTION TO JAPANESE CONVERSATION JAPN 002 ELEMENTARY JAPANESE 2 units 5 units Prerequisite: JAPN 002 or two years of high school Japa- Prerequisite: JAPN 001, or the first year of high school nese or placement based on the foreign language assess- Japanese, or placement based on the foreign language as- ment process. sessment process. Practice in oral self-expression and understanding spoken Grammar; oral and written composition; reading of elemen- Japanese with emphasis on personal interactions and con- tary texts; customs and culture. Total of 90 hours lecture. versation. Total of 36 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, P Grade Mode: L, A, P

JAPN 003 INTERMEDIATE JAPANESE JAPN 009A JAPANESE CONVERSATION 5 units 2 units Prerequisite: JAPN 002 or two years of high school Japa- Prerequisite: JAPN 003, 008A-B, three years of high school nese or placement based on the foreign language assess- Japanese, or placement based on the foreign language ment process. assessment process. Grammar; oral and written composition; reading of inter- Intensive practice in oral expression and comprehension of mediate texts; customs and culture. Total of 90 hours lec- spoken Japanese. Total of 36 hours lecture. ture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P JAPN 009B JAPANESE CONVERSATION JAPN 004 INTERMEDIATE JAPANESE 2 units 5 units Prerequisite: JAPN 003 or three years of high school Japa- Prerequisite: JAPN 003 or three years of high school Japa- nese or placement based on the foreign language assess- nese or placement based on the foreign language assess- ment process. ment process. Intensive practice in oral expression and comprehension Continuation of grammar, oral and written composition; of spoken Japanese with focus on socio-historic aspects of reading of texts of moderate difficulty; customs and cul- Jananese life. Total of 36 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P

PAGE 474 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 JAPN 009C JAPANESE CONVERSATION JOUR 004A REPORTING AND NEWSWRITING 2 units 3 units Prerequisite: JAPN 003 or three years of high school Japa- Prerequisite: JOUR 002. nese, or placement based on the foreign language assess- Recommended Preparation: JOUR 007A. ment process. Fundamentals of newswriting and reporting: language, Intensive practice in oral expression and comprehension of style, organization and structure. Covering news beyond spoken Japanese with focus on the specialized vocabulary the campus, including crime, courts and local government related to social events and discussion of on-going politi- reporting. Total of 54 hours lecture. cal issues. Total of 36 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: JOUR 210 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A, P JOUR 005 MAGAZINE AND SMALL PUBLICATIONS JAPN 010 JAPANESE CIVILIZATION 3 units 3 units Introduction to magazine and small publication production Geography, history and institutions; customs, language, with emphasis on developing, researching, interviewing literature, arts and sciences; Japanese contributions to and writing non-fiction articles. Includes complete presen- civilization. (Course conducted in English.) Total of 54 tation of stories, photos, design and layout. Total of 36 hours lecture. hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P JAPN 011 INSIDE JAPAN 1 unit JOUR 007A NEWSWRITING AND MAKE-UP I Modern Japan; the culture, business and industry, educa- 4 units tion, politics, foreign affairs. (Course conducted in Eng- Prerequisite: JOUR 002. lish.) Total of 18 hours lecture. Opportunity to work on the online campus news outlet, Transfer Credit: CSU the Courier. Interviewing, writing news and feature stories, Grade Mode: L, A, P and mastering the processes connected with a news publi- cation. Required of all members of newspaper staff. Total JAPN 012 JAPANESE LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: JOUR 130 Reading and discussion of Japanese literature and its tra- Grade Mode: L, A ditions from the 9th century to the present. The empha- sis is placed on the unique qualities of its cultural iden- JOUR 007B NEWSWRITING AND MAKE-UP II tity. Selected readings will reveal both the stereotypes 4 units and anti-stereotypical Japanese characters. A comparative Prerequisite: JOUR 007A. analysis is applied to many genres such as oral traditions, Opportunity to work as an editor on the online campus performing arts, films, comics, and animation (anime). To- news outlet, the Courier, and print magazine, Spotlight. tal of 54 hours lecture. Writing and editing copy and headlines, mastering the ed- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC iting processes connected with the publication of student Grade Mode: L, A, P publications. Required of all members of the newspaper’s editorial board. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. JOURNALISM Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: JOUR 131 (Visual Arts and Media Studies Division) Grade Mode: L, A JOUR 009 PUBLIC RELATIONS AND JOUR 002 BEGINNING JOURNALISM ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION 3 units 3 units Fundamental principles and practices of newswriting. Stan- Basic aspects of public relations and organizational com- dards, ethics, rights, responsibilities and laws of libel. Me- munication for corporate, entertainment, non-profit, and dia literacy. New media platforms. Total of 54 hours lecture. other targeted organizations. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: JOUR 110 Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: JOUR 150 Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A, P ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 475 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 JOUR 042A BEGINNING PHOTOJOURNALISM the rate of ½ to 8 units per semester. One unit of credit 3 units for each 60 hours of paid work experience. Interdisciplinary course: Journalism, Photography Transfer Credit: CSU Historic and current trends in photojournalism and Grade Mode: L, P contemporary publications. Fundamentals of camera operation. Photography of news events both on and off JOUR 107A ONLINE JOURNALISM campus. Ethics and media law relating to photojournalism. 4 units Students can potentially publish photos in campus news Prerequisite: JOUR 007A or placement based on the Jour- publications. No credit if taken after JOUR 023 or PHOT nalism assessment process. 042A. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Opportunity to work on the campus online news outlet, Formerly JOUR 023. the Courier, with focus on reporting and publishing mul- Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: JOUR 160 timedia stories. Navigating software used for online pub- Grade Mode: L, A, P lishing. Mastering the skills of online journalism, includ- ing blogs, bulletins, breaking news, multimedia and social JOUR 042B ADVANCED PHOTOJOURNALISM media. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Interdisciplinary course: Journalism, Photography Production of photographs, photo illustrations and write JOUR 107B NEWS LEADERSHIP captions for student news publications. Advanced students 4 units take on leadership roles in the newsroom and help make Prerequisite: JOUR 007A or placement based on the Jour- publication decisions based on editorial guidelines, nalism assessment process. deadlines and ethical and legal standards. No credit if Opportunity to work as a manager on the campus online taken after JOUR 022 or PHOT 042B. Total of 36 hours news outlet, the Courier. Reporting, writing and editing lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Formerly JOUR 022. news and feature stories. News judgment. Leadership man- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. aging peers in their roles in the newsroom as reporters, Grade Mode: L, A, P photographers and editors. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. JOUR 070A WORK EXPERIENCE/INTERNSHIP IN Grade Mode: L, A JOURNALISM (PAID) ½ to 8 units JOUR 110 JOURNALISM FIELD PRACTICE Prerequisites: Completion of one semester at Pasadena City College and completion of one course in major. 3 units Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. Prerequisite: Maintain enrollment in 7 units or more Provides students on-the-job learning in a paid journalism including field practice. position. Development of effective work habits, attitudes, Supervised field experience in selected public and private and career awareness so as to enable students to become journalism enterprises. Minimum of 15 hours of field prac- productive employees. Credit may be accrued at the rate of tice each week. Total of 270 hours field practice. ½ to 8 units per semester. One unit of credit for each 75 Grade Mode: L, A, P hours of paid work experience. Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, P KINESIOLOGY - ACTIVITY JOUR 070B WORK EXPERIENCE/INTERNSHIP IN (Kinesiology, Health and Athletics Division) JOURNALISM (UNPAID) ½ to 8 units Scope Prerequisites: Completion of one semester at Pasadena The program consists of movement-based physical edu- City College and completion of one course in major. cation activity courses. Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. Provides students on-the-job learning in a unpaid Credit Toward Associate Degrees journalism position. Development of effective work habits, In addition to the two units of physical education ac- attitudes, and career awareness so as to enable students tivity required for the Associate in Arts or Associate in to become productive employees. Credit may be accrued at Science degree, a student may elect additional courses.

Lockers and Towels Locker room and shower facilities are provided. Stu- ______dents must bring their own towels. *Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 476 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Attire A physical fitness program based on progressive distance Students will be expected to change into clothes which swims using the front crawl. For students with the ability allow freedom of movement and are appropriate to the ac- to swim 500 yards in 12 minutes or less. Total of 54 hours tivity. Athletic shoes are required for most classes. laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. KINA 003A BEGINNING SWIMMING I Grade Mode: L, P 1 unit Basic swimming and safety skills for non-swimmers. In- KINA 027 ADAPTED FITNESS ACTIVITIES struction to include orientation to the water, floating and 1 unit kicking on front and back, arm stroking for front and back, Enrollment Limitation: Recommendation by Disabled Stu- and rhythmic breathing. Safety skills to include treading dents Programs and Services or Student Health Services. water, survival float, reaching techniques and pool safety Emphasis on exercises to increase level of physical, mo- rules. Total of 54 hours laboratory. tor and postural fitness through training with weights, Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. stretching exercises and relaxation techniques. For stu- Grade Mode: L, P dents unable to participate in regular physical education activities because of temporary or permanent limitations. KINA 003B ADVANCED BEGINNING SWIMMING II Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each semester. Total of 54 1 unit hours laboratory. Recommended preparation: KINA 003A or American Red Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Cross Level III Lifesaving certificate. Grade Mode: L, P Build on the foundations established in Beginning Swim- ming I. More emphasis will be placed on stroke develop- KINA 028A BEGINNING AQUATIC FITNESS ment and breathing coordination. Underwater swimming, ACTIVITIES jumping into the pool, and basic rescue. Total of 54 hours 1 unit laboratory. Introduction to aquatic physical fitness activities in the Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. pool. Swimming skills not necessary. Total of 54 hours Grade Mode: L, P laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. KINA 003C INTERMEDIATE SWIMMING Grade Mode: L, P 1 unit Recommended preparation: KINA 003B or American Red KINA 028B INTERMEDIATE AQUATIC FITNESS Cross Level IV Lifesaving certificate. ACTIVITIES Strokes included will be elementary backstroke, breast- 1 unit stroke, and sidestroke. Front crawl and back crawl for in- Recommended preparation: KINA 028A. creased distances. Diving from the side of the pool, turns, Intermediate physical fitness activities in the pool. Swim- and CPR are introduced. Total of 54 hours laboratory. ming skills not necessary. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, P Grade Mode: L, P

KINA 003D ADVANCED SWIMMING AND DIVING KINA 029A BEGINNING STRENGTH TRAINING 1 unit 1 unit Recommended preparation: KINA 003C or American Red Improvement of muscular development and physical fit- Cross Level IV Lifesaving certificate. ness through use of resistive exercises; training with bar- All strokes taught in beginning, advanced beginning, and bells and dumbbells. Total of 54 hours laboratory. intermediate will be perfected. Diving from the board and Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. the butterfly stroke will be taught. Introductory life guard- Grade Mode: L, P ing and rescue skills will be introduced. Total of 54 hours laboratory. KINA 029B INTERMEDIATE STRENGTH TRAINING Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. 1 unit Grade Mode: L, P Improvement of muscular development and physical fit- ness through the use of weight lifting and physical condi- KINA 003E DISTANCE SWIMMING FOR FITNESS tioning exercises. Total of 54 hours laboratory. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Recommended preparation: KINA 003C or 003D. Grade Mode: L, P

PAGE 477 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 KINA 029C ADVANCED STRENGTH TRAINING KINA 034A SELF DEFENSE 1 unit 1 unit Improvement of muscular development and physical fit- Techniques to develop the basic knowledge, attitudes and ness through use of resistive and isometric exercises and skills of self defense. Total of 54 hours laboratory. through circuit training. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, P Grade Mode: L, P KINA 034B INTERMEDIATE SELF-DEFENSE KINA 030 FITNESS TESTING AND INDEPENDENT 1 unit EXERCISE Intermediate techniques to increase the knowledge, at- 1 unit titudes, body movements and skills used in self-defense. Testing to determine individual fitness level. Goals estab- Total of 54 hours laboratory. lished and fitness program designed for each individual. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Periodic retesting after independent exercise to determine Grade Mode: L, P if goals are being met. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU KINA 036 AEROBIC FITNESS Grade Mode: L, P 1 unit An introduction to the basic principles and techniques of KINA 032A BEGINNING FITNESS ACTIVITIES cardiovascular fitness by using a combination of rhythmic 1 unit movement and low impact aerobics. Students will also Emphasis on achieving an improved level of physical per- work to improve their muscular strength and tone through formance through basic training with weights, circuits, the use of calisthenics and/or hand weight circuits. Proper aerobics and stretching programs. Total of 54 hours labo- nutrition and a healthy diet for peak performance are em- ratory. phasized. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, P Grade Mode: L, P

KINA 032B INTERMEDIATE FITNESS ACTIVITIES KINA 037 POLICE-FIRE AGILITY TRAINING 1 unit 1 unit Emphasis on improving individual performance in the ar- Instruction and practice in the skills required to complete eas of strength and muscle tone, cardiovascular endurance, police and fire departments’ physical agility tests. flexibility, relaxation and body composition. Total of 54 Techniques on how to scale a six foot smooth wall, an hours laboratory. eight foot chain link fence, drag a 165 pound dummy from Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. behind the steering wheel of a vehicle; unwind, drag and Grade Mode: L, P carry a fire hose. Weight lifting for upper body strength and general physical conditioning. Total of 54 hours laboratory. KINA 032C ADVANCED FITNESS ACTIVITIES Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. 1 unit Grade Mode: L, P Improvement in individual fitness levels through advanced activities. Emphasis on a well balanced program of physi- KINA 038 CARDIOVASCULAR CONDITIONING cal activities designed to enhance endurance, flexibility, 1 unit strength, cardiovascular efficiency, and weight distribution Achievement of physical fitness and efficiency of the based on a selected exercise program, aerobic work, nutri- cardiovascular system by utilizing aerobic point system, tional information, circuit training, stretching and relax- fartlek training, internal training, parcourse, obstacle ation. Total of 54 hours laboratory. course and various exercise techniques. Total of 54 hours Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. laboratory. Grade Mode: L, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, P KINA 033 STRETCHING FITNESS ACTIVITY 1 unit KINA 039A CYCLING FOR FITNESS - OUTDOOR Emphasis on achieving and improving level of flexibility 1 unit through basic stretching exercises. Total of 54 hours labo- Basic cardiovascular fitness through cycling: general cy- ratory. cling, fast cycling, sprints, intervals and hill climbing. Cy- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. cling safety, bike fit, minor repair instruction and cycling Grade Mode: L, P

PAGE 478 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 etiquette. Student must provide own bicycle. Total of 54 KINA 040B INTERMEDIATE YOGA hours laboratory. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Intermediate level hatha yoga course emphasizing intense Grade Mode: L, P stretching, balancing, and building of muscular strength. A series of poses and breathing techniques will be practiced KINA 039B BEGINNING CYCLING FOR FITNESS - in order to create a more strenuous yoga experience. STATIONARY, INDOOR Emphasis will be on principles of healthy living, along with 1 unit proper posture, relaxation and meditation techniques. Basic cardiovascular fitness is achieved through: general Total of 54 hours laboratory cycling, fast cycling, sprints, intervals and hill climbing. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Cycling safety, bike fit, heart rate training. Incorporates a Grade Mode: L, P choreographed workout on a specially designed stationary bicycle, using music and fundamental cycling techniques KINA 040C ADVANCED YOGA for a beginning rider. Total of 54 hours laboratory. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Advanced practice of yoga and meditation. Vigorous Grade Mode: L, P vinyasa flow to improve concentration, physical endurance, flexibility, balance and posture. Integration of yoga KINA 039C INTERMEDIATE CYCLING FOR FITNESS philosophy and advanced breathing techniques to deepen 1 unit the mind/body connection and reduce stress. Total of 54 Intermediate cardiovascular fitness achieved through: hours laboratory. general cycling, fast cycling, sprints, intervals and hill Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. climbing. Cycling safety, bike fit, heart rate training. Grade Mode: L, P Incorporates a choreographed workout on a specially designed stationary bicycle, using music and fundamental KINA 041A BEGINNING TAI CHI cycling techniques for an intermediate rider. Total of 54 1 unit hours laboratory. Introduction to the basic concepts of Tai Chi. Incorporates Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. 20 movement patterns designed to circulate and harmonize Grade Mode: L, P internal energy flow for the enhancement of health and wellness. Total 54 hours laboratory. KINA 039D ADVANCED CYCLING FOR FITNESS - Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. STATIONARY, INDOOR Grade Mode: L, P 1 unit Advanced cardiovascular fitness is achieved through: KINA 041B INTERMEDIATE TAI CHI general cycling, fast cycling, sprints, intervals and hill 1 unit climbing. Cycling safety, bike fit, heart rate training. Intermediate concepts of Tai Chi incorporates movement Incorporates a choreographed workout on a specially patterns which are designed to circulate and harmonize designed stationary bicycle, using music and fundamental internal energy flow for the enhancement of health and cycling techniques at an advanced level. Total of 54 hours wellness. Total of 54 hours of laboratory laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, P Grade Mode: L, P

KINA 040A BEGINNING YOGA KINA 041C ADVANCED TAI CHI 1 unit 1 unit Introductory course exploring the principles of hatha Advanced concepts of Tai Chi incorporates movement yoga. Fundamental skills of the ancient techniques of yoga patterns which are designed to circulate and harmonize to enhance wellness and well-being. Development of body internal energy flow for the enhancement of health and alignment, posture, balance, and flexibility through a se- wellness. Total of 54 hours laboratory. ries of yoga poses and routines. Meditational tools and Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. practices to improve stress reduction and personal growth. Grade Mode: L, P Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU: UC credit limitations. See counselor. KINA 042 ZUMBA Grade Mode: L, P 1 unit This course is designed to improve aerobic fitness through the use of a variety of international music and choreographed steps and movements to form the fitness

PAGE 479 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 base for calorie burning dance and fitness workouts. Total as well as understand and implement a physical fitness of 54 hours laboratory. program that features walking as a primary activity. Total Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. of 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Grade Mode: L, P KINA 043A BEGINNING FLAG FOOTBALL 1 unit KINA 045A BEGINNING CROSS TRAINING Introduction to the review and practice the basic 1 unit fundamental skills relative to the game of flag football. Beginning circuit, interval, and cross training programs Total of 54 hours of laboratory. in a weight/cardio gym. The topics of discussion Transfer credit: CSU; UC credit under review. include equipment orientation and safety, principles of Grade Mode: L, P resistance and aerobic training, energy systems used for various training regimens, and the benefits of exercise in KINA 043B INTERMEDIATE FLAG FOOTBALL establishing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle throughout 1 unit life. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Principles of short-field flag football. Instruction will Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. include rules, regulations, and concepts of play for 4-on-4 Grade Mode: L, P and 5-on-5 flag football. Total of 54 hours of laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. KINA 045B INTERMEDIATE CROSS TRAINING Grade Mode: L, P 1 unit Intermediate level course designed to incorporate strength KINA 043C ADVANCED FLAG FOOTBALL training and fitness concepts for overall body conditioning 1 unit using a variety of fitness activities. Students will improve Principles of long-field flag football. Instruction will fitness levels, increase strength and flexibility, and include rules, regulations, and concepts of play for 7-on-7 lose body fat while participating in a variety of fitness and 8-on-8 flag football. Total of 54 hours of laboratory. activities. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Grade Mode: L, P Grade Mode: L, P

KINA 044A BEGINNING FITNESS WALKING KINA 045C ADVANCED CROSS TRAINING 1 unit 1 unit Introduction to the performance of fitness walking as a Advanced level course designed to incorporate strength lifelong activity that maintains and enhances well-being. training and fitness concepts for overall body conditioning Develop proficiency and increased knowledge about using a variety of fitness activities. Students will improve fitness walking as well as understand and implement a fitness levels, increase strength and flexibility, and physical fitness program that features walking as a primary lose body fat while participating in a variety of fitness activity. Total of 54 hours laboratory. activities. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Grade Mode: L, P Grade Mode: L, P

KINA 044B INTERMEDIATE FITNESS WALKING KINA 045D EXPERT CIRCUIT TRAINING 1 unit 1 unit Intermediate fitness walking is a lifelong activity that Expert level course designed to incorporate strength maintains and enhances well-being. Develop proficiency training and fitness concepts for overall body conditioning and increased knowledge about fitness walking as well as using a variety of fitness activities. Students will improve understand and implement a physical fitness program that fitness levels, increase strength and flexibility, and features walking as a primary activity. Total of 54 hours lose body fat while participating in a variety of fitness laboratory. activities. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Grade Mode: L, P Grade Mode: L, P

KINA 044C ADVANCED FITNESS WALKING KINA 046A BEGINNING BADMINTON 1 unit 1 unit Advanced performance of fitness walking as a lifelong Instruction in the basic strokes of badminton: clears, activity that maintains and enhances well-being. Develop drops, smash, around the head clear shot, short and long proficiency and increased knowledge about fitness walking serves. Rules, strategy, playing terms and etiquette for

PAGE 480 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 singles and doubles play. Total of 54 hours laboratory. KINA 049A BEGINNING GOLF Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. 1 unit Grade Mode: L, P Basic techniques, rules, and etiquette of golf. Some class meetings will take place off campus for driving KINA 046B INTERMEDIATE BADMINTON range and putting practice and play on a par 3 golf 1 unit course. Required instructional trips. Total of 54 hours Review of the basic skills presented in the beginning class: laboratory. the overhead and underhand clears, the drop, the smash, Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. and short and long serves. Introducing the flick serve, Grade Mode: L, P drive serve, the backhand serve, cross court net drops, half smash, the forehand and backhand drives and the round KINA 049B INTERMEDIATE GOLF head smash and drop. Emphasis will be placed on condi- 1 unit tioning and skill development. Total of 54 hours laboratory. For students who possess the rudimentary skills of golf Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. and aim to improve those abilities. Students will hone Grade Mode: L, P their putting, short game, mid-long iron play and driving capabilities. The course is offered at an off campus local KINA 046C ADVANCED BADMINTON driving range who will charge a minimal fee for practice 1 unit balls. Required instructional trips. Total of 54 hours Review previous strokes from beginning and intermediate laboratory. levels of badminton. The backhand cross court drop, the Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review fast drop, net brush shots and advanced service returns. Grade Mode: L, P Emphasis will be on deception in holding shots, execution and placement. Conditioning and on-court drills will be KINA 049C ADVANCED GOLF stressed. Court strategy for the game of mixed doubles and 1 unit advanced strategy for singles and doubles play. Total of 54 Advanced technical aspects of golf match play will be included. Additionally, psychological skills for the elite hours laboratory. golfer will be incorporated including visualization, pre- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. shot routines, relaxation methods and self-talk strategies. Grade Mode: L, P Required instructional trips. Total of 54 hours laboratory. KINA 048A BEGINNING FENCING Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Grade Mode: L, P 1 unit Basic foil fencing fundamentals and techniques. Condi- KINA 050A BEGINNING WEIGHT TRAINING tioning for fencing. Emphasis on beginning bouting, strat- FOR WOMEN egy, etiquette, tournament fencing, directing, judging and 1 unit scoring. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Orientation to the basic weight training machines avail- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. able in gyms/clubs and proper gym etiquette, a study of Grade Mode: L, P the basic musculoskeletal anatomy and kinesiology of the female body, present the fundamental tenets of weight KINA 048B INTERMEDIATE FENCING training, discussion of how to maintain healthy body com- 1 unit position and information on designing a weight training Introduction to electric foil. Principles of strength and en- program to achieve attainable personal goals. Total of 54 durance. Intermediate foil skills: footwork, bladework and hours laboratory. body mechanics. Emphasis on intermediate bouting strat- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. egy, etiquette, tournament fencing, directing, judging and Grade Mode: L, P scoring. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. KINA 050B INTERMEDIATE WEIGHT TRAINING Grade Mode: L, P FOR WOMEN 1 unit KINA 048C ADVANCED FENCING Study of the musculoskeletal anatomy and kinesiology of 1 unit the female body, present the fundamental tenets of weight Advanced foil skills, techniques and conditioning. Intro- training at an intermediate level, discussion of how to duction to electric epee and sabre. Emphasis on advanced maintain healthy body composition and information on electric and beginning epee bouting strategy, etiquette, designing a weight training program to achieve attainable tournament fencing, directing, judging and scoring. Total personal goals. Total of 54 hours laboratory. of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, P Grade Mode: L, P

PAGE 481 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 KINA 050C ADVANCED WEIGHT TRAINING that target the major muscle groups of the body. Total of FOR WOMEN 54 hours laboratory. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Study of the musculoskeletal anatomy and kinesiology of Grade Mode: L, P the female body, present the fundamental tenets of weight training at an advanced level, discussion of how to main- KINA 053C ADVANCED BOOT CAMP tain healthy body composition and information on design- 1 unit ing a weight training program to achieve attainable per- This course is designed to improve muscular strength and sonal goals. Total of 54 hours laboratory. power, through a variety of intense physical activities that Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. target the major muscle groups of the body at an advanced Grade Mode: L, P level. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. KINA 051A BEGINNING INDOOR FUTSAL Grade Mode: L, P 1 unit Beginning course designed to review and practice the basic KINA 054A BEGINNING TENNIS fundamental skills relative to the game of Futsal. Students 1 unit will learn the basic rules of Futsal, which is a derivative of Development of basic ground strokes: forehand and back- soccer and played with five-player teams on a basketball hand drives; basic volley and serve; rules and scoring; court, with no walls and a low bouncing ball. Total of 54 court etiquette. Total of 54 hours laboratory. hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Grade Mode: L, P Grade Mode: L, P KINA 054B INTERMEDIATE TENNIS KINA 051B INTERMEDIATE INDOOR FUTSAL 1 unit 1 unit Recommended preparation: KINA 054A. Intermediate course designed to review and practice skills Development of strokes: forehand and backhand drives, relative to the game of futsal. Students will expand on the spin serves, overhead strokes; ball, top and back spins; rules of futsal, which is a derivative of soccer and played with five-player teams on a basketball court, with no walls rules; strategy at the intermediate level. Total of 54 hours and a low bouncing ball. Total of 54 hours laboratory. laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, P Grade Mode: L, P

KINA 052 GUTS AND BUTTS KINA 054C ADVANCED TENNIS 1 unit 1 unit Focus on improving muscle strength and endurance of Recommended preparation: KINA 054B. the abdominals, gluteals, quadriceps, and hamstrings. Development of strokes; lob, smash, spin; approach to net; Functional exercises such as squats, lunges and planks will advanced game strategy. Total of 54 hours laboratory. be utilized. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Grade Mode: L, P Grade Mode: L, P KINA 065A BEGINNING BASKETBALL KINA 053A BEGINNING BOOT CAMP 1 unit 1 unit Rules; techniques; passing, dribbling, pivoting, footwork Improved flexibility and core development through a and various types of shots; team play and strategy of variety of drills and military style movements. Functional game. Total of 54 hours laboratory. training delivered in an intense environment. Total of 54 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Grade Mode: L, P KINA 065B INTERMEDIATE BASKETBALL KINA 053B INTERMEDIATE BOOT CAMP 1 unit 1 unit Recommended preparation: KINA 065A. Designed to improve aerobic capacity, muscle endurance Rules; skills and techniques; passing, dribbling and shoot- and cardiovascular fitness through a variety of activities ing; strategy of team play. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, P

PAGE 482 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 KINA 065C ADVANCED BASKETBALL Total of 54 hours laboratory. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Recommended preparation: KINA 065B. Grade Mode: L, P Rules; skills and techniques; passing, dribbling and shoot- ing; zone, man to man, and pressing defense; high and KINA 082A BEGINNING SAND VOLLEYBALL low post and motion offense. Total of 54 hours laboratory. 1 unit Introduction to sand volleyball emphasizing the skills, Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. rules, tactics and strategies used in the beach volleyball Grade Mode: L, P doubles game. Specific conditioning drills for sand volleyball will be incorporated to improve performance and KINA 069A BEGINNING SOCCER develop overall fitness. Total of 54 hours laboratory. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Beginning instruction on the following soccer skills: tech- Grade Mode: L, P nique, tactics and basic rules of the game. The workout will be both aerobic and anaerobic. Total of 54 hours labora- KINA 082B INTERMEDIATE SAND VOLLEYBALL tory. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Intermediate skills, rules and strategies of sand volleyball. Grade Mode: L, P Emphasis will be place upon the development of proper passing, setting and serving techniques. Total of 54 hours KINA 069B INTERMEDIATE SOCCER laboratory. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Intermediate instruction on the following soccer skills: Grade Mode: L, P technique, tactics and rules of the game. The workout will be both aerobic and anaerobic. Includes inter-class competition. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. KINESIOLOGY – Grade Mode: L, P INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS KINA 069C ADVANCED SOCCER (Kinesiology, Health and Athletics Division) 1 unit Advanced instruction on the following soccer skills: Scope technique, tactics and rules of the game. The workout The program consists of intercollegiate activities will be both aerobic and anaerobic. Includes inter-class courses. competition. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Requirements for registration in Intercollegiate Sports Grade Mode: L, P Any student desiring to compete in any intercollegiate sport should enroll in one of the sections of the intercol- KINA 081A BEGINNING VOLLEYBALL legiate sport in which he or she intends to participate. 1 unit Basic volleyball techniques, rules and simple strategies. Athletic Eligibility — Men and Women Total of 54 hours laboratory. A student participating in intercollegiate athletic com- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. petition must present a certificate from the College physi- Grade Mode: L, P cian stating that he or she is physically fit to participate in the activity for which he or she is a candidate. To be KINA 081B INTERMEDIATE VOLLEYBALL eligible for competition, a student must meet the rules and 1 unit regulations of the Mission and South Coast Conferences Intermediate volleyball skills; strategies and techniques. and the Athletic Code of the California Association of Com- Total of 54 hours laboratory. munity Colleges. The Athletic Director and the Assistant Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Dean of Student Affairs maintain copies of the code in Grade Mode: L, P their respective offices.

KINA 081C ADVANCED VOLLEYBALL Scope 1 unit The program consists of movement-based physical ac- Advanced volleyball skills: techniques, positions and strat- tivity courses. egies. High level of competition through tournament play.

PAGE 483 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Credit Toward Associate Degrees units, 1 unit each semester. Total of 54 hours laboratory. In addition to the two units of physical education ac- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. tivity required for the Associate in Arts or Associate in Grade Mode: L, A, P Science degree, a student may elect to take additional courses. KATH 074 OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING INTERCOLLEGIATE - FOOTBALL Lockers and Towels 1 unit Locker room and shower facilities are available. Stu- Designed to provide a physical, mental, nutritional dents must bring their own towels. and instructional conditioning program for the student preparing for and/or interested in being evaluated for the intercollegiate sport of football. 4 units, Attire Maximum credit 1 unit each semester. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Students will be expected to attend class in clothes Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. that allow for freedom of movement and are appropriate to Grade Mode: L, A, P the activity. Athletic shoes are required for most classes. KATH 075 OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING INTERCOLLEGIATE - SOCCER KATH 070 OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING 1 unit INTERCOLLEGIATE - BADMINTON Designed to provide a physical, mental, nutritional 1 unit and instructional conditioning program for the student Designed to provide a physical, mental, nutritional preparing for and/or interested in being evaluated for the and instructional conditioning program for the student intercollegiate sport of soccer. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 preparing for and/or interested in being evaluated for the unit each semester. Total of 54 hours laboratory. intercollegiate sport of badminton. Maximum credit 4 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. units, 1 unit each semester. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P KATH 076 OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING INTERCOLLEGIATE - SOFTBALL KATH 071 OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING 1 unit INTERCOLLEGIATE - BASEBALL Designed to provide a physical, mental, nutritional 1 unit and instructional conditioning program for the student Designed to provide a physical, mental, nutritional preparing for and/or interested in being evaluated for the and instructional conditioning program for the student intercollegiate sport of softball. Maximum credit 4 units, preparing for and/or interested in being evaluated for the 1 unit each semester. Total of 54 hours laboratory. intercollegiate sport of baseball. Maximum credit 4 units, Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. 1 unit each semester. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P KATH 077 OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING INTERCOLLEGIATE - SWIMMING AND KATH 072 OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING DIVING INTERCOLLEGIATE - BASKETBALL 1 unit 1 unit Designed to provide a physical, mental, nutritional Designed to provide a physical, mental, nutritional and instructional conditioning program for the student and instructional conditioning program for the student preparing for and/or interested in being evaluated for preparing for and/or interested in being evaluated for the the intercollegiate sport of swimming. Maximum credit 4 intercollegiate basketball program. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each semester. Total of 54 hours laboratory. units, 1 unit each semester. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P KATH 078 OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING KATH 073 OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING INTERCOLLEGIATE - TRACK AND FIELD INTERCOLLEGIATE - CROSS COUNTRY 1 unit 1 unit Designed to provide a physical, mental, nutritional Designed to provide a physical, mental, nutritional and instructional conditioning program for the student and instructional conditioning program for the student preparing for and/or interested in being evaluated for the preparing for and/or interested in being evaluated for the intercollegiate sport of track and field.Maximum credit 4 intercollegiate sport of cross country. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each semester. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P

PAGE 484 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 KATH 079 OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING KATH 086 INTERCOLLEGIATE SPORTS - FOOTBALL INTERCOLLEGIATE - VOLLEYBALL 3 units 1 unit Intercollegiate competition for Football. Required instruc- Designed to provide a physical, mental, nutritional tional trips. Maximum credit 12 units, 3 units each se- and instructional conditioning program for the student mester. Total of 175 hours laboratory. preparing for and/or interested in being evaluated for Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. the intercollegiate sport of volleyball. Maximum credit 4 Grade Mode: L, A, P units, 1 unit each semester. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. KATH 089 INTERCOLLEGIATE SPORTS - SOCCER Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Intercollegiate competition for men’s and women’s soccer. KATH 080 OFF-SEASON CONDITIONING Required instructional trips. Maximum credit 12 units, 3 INTERCOLLEGIATE - WATER POLO units each semester. Total of 175 hours laboratory. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Designed to provide a physical, mental, nutritional Grade Mode: L, A, P and instructional conditioning program for the student preparing for and/or interested in being evaluated for the KATH 090 INTERCOLLEGIATE SPORTS - SOFTBALL intercollegiate sport of water polo. Maximum credit 4 3 units units, 1 unit each semester. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Intercollegiate competition for softball. Required instruc- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. tional trips. Maximum credit 12 units, 3 units each se- Grade Mode: L, A, P mester. Total of 175 hours laboratory. KATH 081 PRE-SEASON INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. 1 unit Grade Mode: L, A, P Enrollment Limitation: Athletics team candidates. Pre-season intercollegiate athletics including sport specific KATH 091 INTERCOLLEGIATE SPORTS - SWIMMING aerobic and anaerobic conditioning, drill technique, 3 units strength conditioning, speed development, and game Intercollegiate competition for men’s and women’s swim- play. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each semester. Total ming and diving. Required instructional trips. Maximum of 54 hours laboratory. credit 12 units, 3 units each semester. Total of 175 hours Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. laboratory. Grade Mode: L, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P KATH 083 INTERCOLLEGIATE SPORTS - BASEBALL 3 units KATH 093 INTERCOLLEGIATE SPORTS - TRACK Intercollegiate competition for baseball. Required in- AND FIELD structional trips. Maximum credit 12 units, 3 units each 3 units semester. Total of 175 hours laboratory. Intercollegiate competition for men’s and women’s track Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. and field.Required instructional trips. Maximum credit 12 Grade Mode: L, A, P units, 3 units each semester. Total of 175 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. KATH 084 INTERCOLLEGIATE SPORTS - BASKETBALL Grade Mode: L, A, P 1 1 /2 units Intercollegiate competition for men’s and women’s Bas- KATH 094 INTERCOLLEGIATE SPORTS - VOLLEYBALL ketball. Required instructional trips. Maximum credit 6 3 units units, 11/ units each semester. Total of 87 1/ hours labo- 2 2 Intercollegiate competition for volleyball. Required in- ratory. structional trips. Maximum credit 12 units, 3 units each Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. semester. Total of 175 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P KATH 085 INTERCOLLEGIATE SPORTS - CROSS COUNTRY 3 units KATH 095 INTERCOLLEGIATE SPORTS - WATER POLO Intercollegiate competition for men’s and women’s cross 3 units country. Required instructional trips. Maximum credit 12 Intercollegiate competition for water polo. Required units, 3 units each semester. Total of 175 hours laboratory. instructional trips. Maximum credit 12 units, 3 units each Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. semester. Total of 175 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P

PAGE 485 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 KATH 096 INTERCOLLEGIATE SPORTS - BADMINTON successful completion of requirements. Total of 54 hours 3 units lecture. Intercollegiate competition for badminton. Required in- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: KIN 101 structional trips. Maximum credit 12 units, 3 units each Grade Mode: L, A, P semester. Total of 175 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. KINT 006 AQUATIC CERTIFICATION Grade Mode: L, A, P 4 units Prerequisites: Swimming skills equivalent to the ARC Swim- KATH 099 INTERCOLLEGIATE SAND VOLLEYBALL mers Certificate, ability to swim 500 yards continuously, and 3 units ARC Basic or Emergency Water Safety Certificate or ARC Safe- Intercollegiate competition for women’s sand volleyball. ty training for swim coaches. Required instructional trips. Maximum credit 9 units, 3 Theory and practice of swimming strokes, diving, lifesav- units each semester. Total of 162 hours laboratory. ing, teaching methods and emergency procedures. Prepa- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. ration for and completion of tests for American Red Cross Grade Mode: L, P Lifeguarding, Water Safety Instructor, First Aid, Commu- nity CPR, CPR/BLS and Instructor Candidate Training Cer- tificates. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. KINESIOLOGY - THEORY Transfer Credit: CSU; UC (Kinesiology, Health and Athletics Division) Grade Mode: L, A, P

KINT 002 INTRODUCTION TO ATHLETIC KINT 014 WELLNESS FOR LIFE TRAINING 3 units 3 units Emphasis on wellness through the lens of reduced obesity The history of the athletic training profession, the role of and body fat percentage, nutrition, personal responsibility, the athletic trainer as part of the sports medicine team, healthy lifestyle choices and positive behavioral change. nutrition, emergency management, risk management and Physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, social, occu- injury assessment domains will be introduced. Lab: injury pational and environmental influences. Total of 36 hours prevention principles and techniques for the application of lecture and 54 hours laboratory. protective taping/bracing, stretching, therapeutic exercise Transfer Credit: CSU and testing, and environmental conditions/illnesses. Total Grade Mode: L, A 54 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. KINT 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 1 unit Grade Mode: L, A, P Enrollment Limitation: Permission of the Instructor and Dean. KINT 003 INTRODUCTION TO KINESIOLOGY Independent, faculty-guided student inquiry, project, 3 units research, laboratory experiment and/or field investigation Introduction to interdisciplinary approach to the study of in Kinesiology. Total of 54 hours laboratory. human movement. An overview of the importance of the Transfer Credit: CSU sub-disciplines in kinesiology will be discussed along with Grade Mode: L, P career opportunities in the areas of teaching, coaching, allied health, and fitness professions.Total of 54 hours KINT 027C EARLY CHILDHOOD PHYSICAL EDUCATION lecture. 2 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: KIN 100 Creative movement, perceptual motor and rhythmic experi- Grade Mode: L, P ences suitable for preschool children; ideas for equipment; evaluating and individualizing activities, assessing and se- KINT 005 FIRST AID - RESPONDING TO EMERGENCIES lecting equipment and creating a safe and active learning 3 units environment. Total of 36 hours lecture. Theory and detailed demonstration of the first aid care Transfer Credit: CSU of the injured. The student will learn to assess a victim’s condition and incorporate proper treatment. Standard first Grade Mode: L, A, P aid, CPR, and AED certification(s) will be granted upon KINT 031A PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES – OFFICIATING FALL SPORTS 2 units ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 486 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Rules and advanced techniques of games in season: bas- KINT 052A PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES – ketball, football, minor sports. Fall semester. Total of 36 BASKETBALL hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. 2 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Analysis of the fundamental skills of men’s and women’s Grade Mode: L, A, P basketball. Offensive and defensive strategy. Principles of scoring. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. KINT 031B PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES – Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. OFFICIATING SPRING SPORTS Grade Mode: L, A, P 2 units Rules and advanced techniques of games in season: base- KINT 052B PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES – ball, track, minor sports. Spring semester. Total of 36 BASKETBALL hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. 2 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Prerequisite: KINT 052A. Grade Mode: L, A, P Analysis of advanced skills of men’s and women’s basket- ball. Offensive and defensive strategy. Principles of scor- KINT 046A PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES – BASEBALL I ing. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. 2 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Analysis of baseball fundamentals; theory and philosophy Grade Mode: L, A, P of offensive and defensive strategy. Principles of practice and score keeping. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours KINT 053A PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES – FOOTBALL laboratory. 2 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Analysis of basic football fundamentals, theory and phi- Grade Mode: L, A, P losophy of offensive and defensive strategy, principles of the kicking game. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours KINT 046B PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES – BASEBALL II laboratory. 2 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Analysis of advanced theory and teaching of baseball of- Grade Mode: L, A, P fensive and defensive strategy. Principles of practice in baseball. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. KINT 053B PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES – FOOTBALL Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. 2 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Prerequisite: KINT 053A. Analysis of advanced football fundamentals, theory and KINT 048 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES – PHYSICAL philosophy of offensive and defensive strategy, principles FITNESS of the kicking game. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours 2 units laboratory. Implementation of basic concepts of physical fitness. A Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. wide variety of conditioning programs and techniques uti- Grade Mode: L, A, P lized in designing individual fitness programs. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. KINT 054 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES – Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. VOLLEYBALL Grade Mode: L, A, P 2 units Analysis of basic and advanced volleyball fundamentals, KINT 051 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES – TRACK AND theory and philosophy of offensive and defensive strategy. FIELD Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. 2 units Transfer Credit: CSU Basic and advanced skills, rules and strategy in track and Grade Mode: L, A field events. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours labora- tory. KINT 055A PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES – SOCCER Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. 2 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Analysis of soccer fundamentals; theory and teaching of offensive and defensive strategy. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 487 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 KINT 055B PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES – SOCCER KINT 180 INTRODUCTION TO TEACHING YOGA 2 units 3 units Prerequisite: KINT 055A. Teaching techniques of yoga. Emphasis on variations, Analysis of advanced soccer fundamentals; theory and adjustments and modifications of basic yoga poses for teaching of offensive and defensive strategies. Total of 36 teaching different levels in various settings. Focus on hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. developing skill for instructing yoga, including verbal Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. cueing anatomically supportive sequences, and stress Grade Mode: L, A management techniques for healthier lifestyles. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU KINT 056A PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES – SOFTBALL I Grade Mode: L, P 2 units Analysis of softball fundamentals, theory, philosophy, and KINT 181 PHILOSOPHY OF YOGA demonstration of play strategies. Total of 36 hours lecture 3 units and 18 hours laboratory. Introduction to the philosophy of yoga through history, Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. development of the asanas, and traditional texts. Major Grade Mode: L, A, P lineages of yoga and related practices will be covered, with a focus on the integration of these ideas in contemporary KINT 056B PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES – SOFTBALL II teaching. Total of 54 hours lecture. 2 units Transfer Credit: CSU Analysis of intermediate/advanced softball, theory, Grade Mode: L, P philosophy, and teaching, and demonstration of softball activities. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. KINT 182 ANATOMICAL PRINCIPLES OF KINESIOLOGY Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. AND FITNESS Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Designed to introduce the student to the basic principles KINT 061 THEORY OF COACHING of kinesiology and functional anatomy as they relate to 3 units core principles of fitness. Study of anatomical structures Designed for coaches at varying levels from youth league of body movements and teaching techniques for those to high school varsity. Focuses on coaching issues and aspiring to explore career opportunities in Yoga and/or problems and includes the philosophy, theory, and prin- Fitness. Total of 54 hours lecture. ciples of developing and maintaining an athletic program. Grade Mode: L, P Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A LASER TECHNOLOGY KINT 097 THEORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF FITNESS (Natural Sciences Division) AND WELLNESS 3 units LASR 215 FUNDAMENTALS OF LIGHT AND LASERS Mastering core skills in health and wellness, fitness, kine- 3 units siology of physical activity, goal setting, decision making, Fundamental properties of light, including its interaction leadership, time management, achievement skills, educa- with and generation from materials. Review of essential tion, attitudes and habits, and cognitive style preferences. components of optical systems, including lenses, mirrors, Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. prisms, windows, sources, detectors, optoelectronics, Transfer Credit: CSU polarizers, fibers, and gratings. Construction of basic optical test setups from industrial grade components and Grade Mode: L, A, P systems in the laboratory. Hands-on experiences with industrial equipment and tools. Total of 36 hours lecture

KINT 101 PHYSICAL FITNESS ASSESSMENTS and 54 hours laboratory. 1 unit Grade Mode: L, A, P Development of exercise prescriptions and nutrition plans to maintain or improve physical fitness level. Application LASR 230 INTRODUCTION TO OPTICAL DEVICES of Physical Fitness Assessments on body composition, 3 units flexibility, muscular strength, and endurance. Total of 18 Exploration of principal tools used when working with hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. lasers and other light sources, cameras and sensors Study L, P Grade Mode: of optical hardware and its constituent components; fundamentals of lasers to gain media, pump sources, and

PAGE 488 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 mirror cavities; investigation of camera components and LIBRARY essential chemistry. Hands-on experience with industrial hardware and tools. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. LIB 001 COLLEGE RESEARCH SKILLS Grade Mode: L, A, P 1 unit Development of effective research skills using library LASR 245 QUALITY ASSURANCE OF PRECISION OPTICS resources and other research tools. Focus on research 4 units planning, search strategies, critical evaluation of Overview of relevant industry and manufacturing speci- information, and documentation of sources following fications for precision optics. Introduction to quality as- standard citation styles. Total of 18 hours lecture. surance (QA) practices required to identify, inspect, and Transfer Credit: CSU; UC measure optical components. Hands-on experience with Grade Mode: L, P industrial materials and quality assurance tools. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. LIB 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY Grade Mode: L, A, P 1 unit Prerequisites: Completion of LIB 001 and approval of LASR 260 METROLOGY OF OPTICAL SYSTEMS student project. 3 units Individual research projects on library-related topics. Reg- Detailed review of the measurement techniques required ular periodic faculty conferences and written report are to ensure that a fabricated assembly or system meets its required. Total of 54 hours laboratory. procurement specifications. Design and application of Transfer Credit: CSU optical metrology instrumentation such as interferometers Grade Mode: L, A, P and modulation transfer function measurement systems with emphasis on test applications required in optical LIB 101 INTRODUCTION TO LIBRARY SERVICES FOR engineering and manufacturing. Hands-on experience with PARAPROFESSIONALS industrial hardware and tools in the laboratory. Provides 3 units industrially relevant laboratory experience to measure Recommended Preparation: LIB 001 and BIT 106 or precision optical components and optical systems. Focus on experience with standard office software. hands-on use of technical, industry-standard equipment. Characteristics of the main types of libraries with a focus Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. on tools and terminology of library services and the role of Grade Mode: L, A, P library support staff in library operations. Library principles, service philosophy, and issues related to library services are also covered. For students interested in working in LATIN library support staff roles, but open to all students. Total of 54 hours lecture. (Languages Division) Grade Mode: L

LATN 001 ELEMENTARY LATIN LIB 102 INTRODUCTION TO REFERENCE SERVICES 5 units 3 units Basic vocabulary and grammatical forms for reading simple Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of LIB 001. Latin prose. Introduction of linguistic foundation for fur- Recommended Preparation: LIB 101. ther study of European languages; brief survey of philoso- Basic tools, techniques and philosophy of library reference phy and life of ancient Rome. Corresponds to first year of services with a focus on reference interview skills and high school Latin. Total of 90 hours lecture. effective search techniques for assisting library users Transfer Credit: CSU; UC with basic reference and research inquiries. Social and Grade Mode: L, A, P ethical issues related to reference services policies and patron privacy are also covered. For students interested LATN 002 ELEMENTARY LATIN in working in library support staff roles, but open to all 5 units students. Total of 54 hours lecture. Prerequisite: LATN 001 or the first year of high school Grade Mode: L, A Latin or satisfactory score on placement test. Intensive study of vocabulary, grammar and syntax. Trans- LIB 103 INTRODUCTION TO LIBRARY ACCESS lation from English into Latin; reading from Roman au- SERVICES thors. Customs and culture. Total of 90 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Library circulation and access services with a focus on Grade Mode: L, A, P customer service, online circulation systems, and the

PAGE 489 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 organization and maintenance of library collections. Issues LIB 121 TECHNOLOGIES & PROCESSES FOR related to access services policies and patron privacy are DIGITAL COLLECTIONS also covered. For students interested in working in library 3 units support staff roles, but open to all students. Total of 54 Recommended Preparation: BIT 025. hours lecture. Basic processes of digital repositories including assessing Grade Mode: L collection materials, scanning, managing files for preservation, quality control and the use of digital asset LIB 104 INTRODUCTION TO LIBRARY TECHNICAL management systems. For students interested in working SERVICES in digital preservation projects. Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Grade Mode: L, P Recommended Preparation: LIB 101. Fundamentals of library technical services with a focus LIB 122 INTRODUCTION TO METADATA FOR DIGITAL on the tools and skills needed for library acquisitions and OBJECTS processing library materials. Issues related to collection 3 units development policies and access to library materials are Prerequisites: LIB 121. also covered. For students interested in working in library Recommended Preparation: LIB 105A. support staff roles, but open to all students. Total of 54 Basic principles of metadata development for digital hours lecture. repositories. Survey of common metadata schemas and controlled vocabularies. Emphasis on use of Dublin Core LIB 105A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGING PROCEDURES schema to create shareable metadata records for application IN ONLINE ENVIRONMENTS across a collection of digital objects. For students 3 units interested in working in digital preservation projects. Total Prerequisite: LIB 104. of 54 hours lecture. Study of the basic principles of descriptive cataloging, Ma- Grade Mode: L, P chine Readable Cataloging (MARC) formats, introduction LIB 123 INTRODUCTION TO COPYRIGHT ISSUES FOR to bibliographic control, and authority control. Emphasis DIGITAL COLLECTIONS on online copy cataloging using national standards for 1 unit cataloging. Focus on the OCLC system and local cataloging Prerequisites: LIB 121. modules. Introduction to basic principles of classification Introduction to copyright and privacy issues relating to and subject headings. Total of 54 hours lecture. digital projects. Includes an overview of public domain, Grade Mode: L fair-use, licensing, copyright status as selection criteria, and rights metadata. Total of 18 hours lecture. LIB 106 LIBRARY TECHNOLOGY INTERNSHIP Grade Mode: L, A, P 1 unit Prerequisites: LIB 101 and 104. LIB 124 SURVEY OF DIGITAL PRESERVATION Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. 2 units Supervised on-the-job experience in an approved library Prerequisites: Enrollment in or completion of LIB 121 and setting information. Pass/no pass grading. Requires 60 LIB 122, or equivalent skills as demonstrated through hours of non-paid work or 75 hours of paid work for one placement based on the Library Technology Assessment semester unit. Total of 60 hours work experience. process. Grade Mode: A, P Examination of core components and functions of a digi- tal preservation program. Topics include digital preserva- LIB 120 INTRODUCTION TO ARCHIVES & SPECIAL tion strategies, tools, and policies that work effectively COLLECTIONS for a variety of data types and cultural heritage organi- 3 units zations. For students interested in working in the digital Recommended Preparation: LIB 101. preservation program, but open to all students. Total of 36 Basic archival principles and practices including: handling, hours of lecture. storing, describing, organizing, and preserving documents Grade Mode: L and data. Use of Describing Archival Collections (DACs) for discovery of archival collections. Survey of current online LIB 126 ARCHIVES & DIGITAL COLLECTIONS systems for managing archival materials. For students INTERNSHIP interested in working in archives or special collections. 1 unit Total of 54 hours lecture. Prerequisites: LIB 120, 121 and 122. Grade Mode: L Corequisite: LIB 124. Supervised practical experience working in an approved archives, specialized collection or digital project in a

PAGE 490 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 library, museum, or other type of organization. Pass/ LING 014 LANGUAGE IN SOCIETY no pass grading. Requires 60 hours of non-paid work or 75 3 units hours of paid work for one semester unit. Recommended preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. Grade Mode: A, P Language in culture and society. Focus on the role of lan- guage in power, ethnic, gender, generational, and ideo- logical relationships. Analyses of regional differences, lan- LINGUISTICS guage change and loss, and multilingualism. Total of 54 hours lecture. (Languages Division) Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P LING 010 INTRODUCTION TO LINGUISTICS 3 units LING 016 PSYCHOLINGUISTICS: LANGUAGE AND Interdisciplinary course: English, Languages THE MIND Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. 3 units Survey of sounds, structure and development of language Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. in connection with its social and cultural function. Differ- Mental processes in production and comprehension of lan- ences and relationships among languages. Recommended guage. First and second language acquisition. Language for English and foreign language majors, but open to all breakdown due to neurological disease. Recommended qualified students.No credit if taken after ENGL 010. Total for Psychology, English, Linguistics, and Foreign Language of 54 hours lecture. majors but open to all qualified students. Total of 54 hours Transfer Credit: CSU; UC lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A LING 011 HISTORY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE 3 units LING 017 LANGUAGE ACQUISITION Interdisciplinary course: English, Languages 3 units Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. Origins and development of the English language, from its Introduces students to first language acquisition, includ- Germanic ancestors to present-day American English. No ing the early perception and production of speech sounds, credit if taken after ENGL 011. Total of 54 hours lecture. early word acquisition, the development of rules for sen- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC tence production and comprehension, and the acquisition Grade Mode: L, A, P of communicative skills. Topics include children with bilin- gual children and atypical language development. Total of LING 012 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION 54 hours of lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Interdisciplinary course: English, Languages Grade Mode: L, A, P Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. Linguistic and cultural patterns; how and what people LING 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY communicate. Designed to aid both Americans and foreign 1 unit students in the development of intercultural understand- Independent, faculty-guided student inquiry, research of a ing and communication skills. No credit if taken after linguistics topic. Total of 54 hours laboratory. ENGL 012. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: COMM 150 Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P

LING 013 PHONETICS 3 units MACHINE SHOP Study of Standard American English in phonetic terms, in- (Business and Engineering Technology Division) cluding the International Phonetic Alphabet for classifica- tion, analysis, and transcription. Consideration for cultural MACH 101 BEGINNING METALWORKING SKILLS and linguistic variations is explored. Total of 54 hours lec- 3 units ture. Beginning machine shop course focusing on operation, Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. inspection, safety, and developing process plans for Grade Mode: L optimal metal removal. Introductory mill and lathe operations with layout work. Total 36 hours lecture and 72 ______hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A *Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 491 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 MACH 102 INTERMEDIATE METALWORKING SKILLS MACH 130 CNC MILL MACHINING 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: MACH 101. Prerequisite: MACH 101. Intermediate machine shop course focusing on operation, Production of machining operations on CAM software to inspection, safety, and developing process plans for produce numerical control programming (GCode) in order optimal metal removal. Intermediate mill and lathe to automate numerically controlled machinery (CNC). operations with basic Computer Numerical Control and Topics include CAD, solid modeling, work piece set-up, Computer-Aided Manufacturing. Total 36 hours lecture and toolpath generation, G&M Codes, machine set-up, contour, 72 hours laboratory. pocket and surface machining. Total of 27 hours lecture Grade Mode: L, A and 81 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A MACH 110 BLUEPRINT READING 1 unit MACH 131 CNC MILL MACHINING ADVANCED Analysis of engineering and manufacturing technical 3 units drawings. Emphasis on visualizing and interpreting Prerequisite: MACH 130. detailed drawings for mechanical components. Focus on Production of machining operations on CAM software to generating, modifying, and interpreting key elements of produce numerical control programming (GCode) in order blueprints, including; view representation, title blocks, to automate numerically controlled machinery (CNC). symbols, dimensions, geometric fits and tolerances. Total Topics include advanced CNC milling techniques, faster of 18 hours lecture. production speeds, higher level of precision, fabrication of Grade Mode: L, A complex components, and 4th-axis rotary indexing. Total of 27 hours lecture and 81 hours laboratory. MACH 111 GEOMETRIC DIMENSIONING AND Grade Mode: L, A TOLERANCING 2 units MACH 135 CNC LATHE MACHINING Analysis of functions and mating relationships in 3 units determining geometric dimensioning and tolerance. Prerequisite: MACH 101. Continuation of the design of mechanical components Setup and operation of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) using three-dimensional attributes of the component. Lathes by explaining the components and functions of the Application of industry standards such as American Society CNC lathe. Includes cutting operations, variables in cutting of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in solving engineering tools used on the CNC lathe and associated tool holders. problems. Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 hours of Toolpaths such as Facing, Roughing, Finishing, Drilling, laboratory. Grooving, Canned Cycles, and Threading. Total of 27 hours Grade Mode: L, A lecture and 81 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A MACH 120 MASTERCAM 3 units MACH 136 CNC LATHE MACHINING ADVANCED Basics of the MasterCam program including three MasterCam 3 units projects: mill, lathe, and solids. Part creation, toolpath Prerequisite: MACH 135. construction and verification of g-code, drilling, tapping, Development of advanced student skills in the setup and contouring, pocketing, circle milling, and slot milling. operation of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) lathes by Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. determining innovative programming methods, selecting Grade Mode: L, A proper work holding setups, using optimal tooling. Topics include CNC lathe manufacturing and practical applications, MACH 121 MASTERCAM ADVANCED optimal CAM Code programming, advanced tool selection, 3 units and calculate tool motion for threads, tapers, roughing Prerequisite: MACH 120. and finishing, and canned cycles. Total of 27 hours lecture Advanced use of Mastercam as it relates to machinability and 81 hours laboratory. and fixtures and tool setups. Covers 3Dwireframe, surface Grade Mode: L, A geometry creation and solid creation, surface finish and roughing toolpaths, advanced surface high speed toolpaths, STL Stock creation and its use in solid model verification. Machine simulation is used to verify G-Code for collisions between the part, the tool and machine components. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 492 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Supervised work experience in any firm engaged in the dis- tribution of goods and/or services. Minimum of 15 hours of TECHNOLOGY related work. Total of 270 hours field practice. (Business and Engineering Technology Division) Grade Mode: L, A, P

MIT 101 INTRODUCTION TO ROBOTICS MRKT 132 RETAIL MANAGEMENT 4 units 3 units Introduction to the field of manufacturing and industrial Principles and practices in the management and merchan- technologies. Production of a complete electro- mechanical dising of retail stores. Includes critical buying function, solution using industrial fabrication, Computer-Aided merchandising, promotional techniques, site selection, Design, electronics and programming to achieve an layout, staffing, market positioning and customer service. autonomous solution for career exploration. Total 27 hours Total of 54 hours of lecture. lecture and 144 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, P MRKT 150 SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING FOR BUSINESS MIT 131 PROFESSIONAL SKILLS FOR CAREER 3 units SUCCESS Foundation of what social media is and how it can be used 3 units to grow a business. Focus on developing a social media Navigating technology at work; creativity and innovation; strategy and how to leverage social media platforms to interpersonal communications; time management; promote a brand and/or business to prospective custom- organization skills; effective listening; valuing diversity; ers. Total of 54 hours lecture. and value-added service. Includes role playing and critical Grade Mode: L thinking activities to teach these valuable skills in an integrated manner. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P MATHEMATICS (Mathematics and Computer Science Division) MARKETING A student taking his/her first mathematics course at Pasa- dena City College must meet the course prerequisites. Once (Business and Engineering Technology Division) placed in the proper mathematics course, students advance in the sequence according to PCC class prerequisites. Ini- MRKT 020 PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING tial math course placement is based on multiple measures 3 units of students’ readiness, including a placement exam, and Introductory course in marketing with the prime objective the level, age and quality of their prior mathematics aca- of understanding the marketing philosophy and how to demic experience. If more than one year has elapsed since improve an organization’s performance through strategic a student qualified for a course, it is recommended that marketing activities. Total of 54 hours lecture. the student see a counselor before enrolling into a math Transfer Credit: CSU course. Grade Mode: L MATH 003 COLLEGE ALGEBRA FOR STEM MRKT 123 PROMOTIONS AND MARKETING 5 units COMMUNICATIONS Prerequisite: MATH 131 or placement based on the Math 3 units assessment process. Principles and practices of promotions and marketing com- Algebra, graphing, and applications of functions; munications used by marketers to inform and persuade polynomial, rational, logarithmic and exponential consumers. Introduction to the field of promotions and its functions, equations and inequalities; linear and nonlinear role in the marketing mix. Total of 54 hours lecture. systems of equations; conic sections; sequences and series; Grade Mode: L the binomial theorem. Intended for STEM majors but open to all qualified students. Total of 90 hours lecture. MRKT 128 MARKETING FIELD PRACTICE Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. 3 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Prerequisites: Maintain enrollment in 7 units or more in- cluding field practice and one or more course in a Business Management curriculum.

PAGE 493 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 MATH 005A SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS I proofs and problem solving to gain deeper insight of single 5 units variable calculus theory and applications. No credit if Prerequisites: MATH 007B or MATH 008 or MATH 009 or taken after MATH 005B. Total of 90 hours lecture. placement based on the Math assessment process. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC. *C-ID: MATH 221; MATH SEQ 900S Limits, differentiation, and integration of functions of a (WITH MATH 005BH) single variable including the Mean Value Theorem and the Grade Mode: L, P Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. No credit if taken after MATH 005AH. Total of 90 hours lecture. MATH 005C MULTIVARIABLE CALCULUS Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. 5 units Grade Mode: L, P Prerequisite: MATH 005B or MATH 005BH or placement based on the Math assessment process. MATH 005AH HONORS SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS I Parametric equations, polar coordinates, vectors and vec- 5 units tor calculus, partial differentiation, multiple integration, Prerequisite: MATH 007B or 008 or 009, or placement Green’s theorem, divergence theorem of Gauss, Stokes’ based on the Math assessment process. theorem. No credit if taken after MATH 005CH. Total of 90 Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance to the Honors hours lecture. Program. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MATH 230 Limits, differentiation, and integration of functions of Grade Mode: L, P a single variable including the Mean Value Theorem and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. As an honors MATH 005CH HONORS MULTIVARIABLE CALCULUS course, students will be expected to complete additional 5 units assignments involving more extensive proofs and problem Prerequisite: MATH 005B or 005BH or placement based on solving to gain deeper insight into single variable calculus the Math assessment process. theory and applications. No credit if taken after MATH Parametric equations, polar coordinates, vectors and vector 005A. Total of 90 hours lecture. calculus, partial differentiation, multiple integration, Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. Green’s theorem, divergence theorem of Gauss, Stokes’ Grade Mode: L, P theorem. As an honors course, students will be expected to complete additional assignments involving more extensive MATH 005B SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS II proofs and problem solving to gain deeper insight of 5 units multivariable calculus theory and applications. No credit if Prerequisite: MATH 005A or MATH 005AH or placement taken after MATH 005C. Total of 90 hours lecture based on the Math assessment process. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Differentiation and integration of trigonometric, exponen- Grade Mode: L, P tial, logarithmic, hyperbolic functions, polar, and paramet- ric equations; applications and techniques of integration; MATH 006A CALCULUS FOR LIFE SCIENCES I indeterminate forms and infinite sequences and series.No 3 units credit given if taken after MATH 005BH. Total of 90 hours Prerequisite: MATH 008 or MATH 009 or placement by the lecture. Math Placement process. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MATH 221; MATH SEQ 900S Standard topics in differential calculus with an emphasis (WITH MATH 005A) on life science applications used throughout the course. Grade Mode: L, P Topics include algebraic, trigonometric, exponential growth and decay functions; limits; continuity; derivatives and MATH 005BH HONORS SINGLE VARIABLE CALCULUS II applications of derivatives; brief introduction to integrals. 5 units Total of 54 hours lecture. Prerequisite: MATH 005A or MATH 005AH or placement Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. based on the Math assessment process. Grade Mode: L, P Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance to the PCC Honors Program. MATH 007A MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 1 Differentiation and integration of trigonometric, 4 units exponential, logarithmic, hyperbolic functions; polar, Prerequisite: MATH 131 or MATH 133B or MATH 134B, and and parametric equations; applications and techniques of MATH 139; or placement based on the assessment process. integration; indeterminate forms and infinite sequences Algebraic, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric and series. As an honors course, students will be expected to complete additional assignments involving more extensive functions; inverses of functions; equations and inequali- ties involving transcendental functions; zeros of polyno- mials; graphing techniques; angle measure; mathematical ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 494 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 modeling. For mathematics and science majors, but open tions of systems of equations, algebra of matrices. Total of to all qualified students.No credit if taken after MATH 90 hours lecture. 009. Total of 90 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MATH 250 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P MATH 015 EXPLORATIONS IN QUANTITATIVE MATH 007B MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 2 REASONING 4 units 4 units Prerequisite: MATH 007A. Prerequisite: MATH 131 or 150 or placement on the Math Trigonometric Identities and Equations, Solutions of Tri- placement process. angles, Polar Coordinates, Conic Sections, Parametric Equa- Skills and techniques for problem solving using mathemat- tions, Sequences and Series, Mathematical induction, solu- ical methods and quantitative reasoning. Topics include: tions to linear and non-linear systems, vectors and their elementary logic; combinatorics and probability; statistics; applications. For mathematics and science majors, but set theory; and finance math. For students with non-STEM open to all qualified students. Total of 90 hours lecture. majors. Total of 72 hours lecture. No credit if taken after MATH 009. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P MATH 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY MATH 008 PRECALCULUS TRIGONOMETRY 2 units 4 units Prerequisites: Enrollment in or completion of any college Prerequisite: MATH 003 or placement based on the level math course; and permission of division dean. assessment process. Faculty-guided survey of contemporary mathematical top- Trigonometric functions and their graphs; inverse ics and student research. Total of 108 hours laboratory. trigonometric functions; unit circle and special right Transfer Credit: CSU triangles; trigonometric identities and equations; polar Grade Mode: L, A, P and parametric equations; polar and rectangular forms of complex numbers and vectors; matrix algebra and Cramer’s MATH 022 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Rule; mathematical induction. Intended for STEM majors 4 units but open to all qualified students. No credit if taken after Prerequisite: MATH 003 or MATH 007A or CS 002 or place- MATH 007B. Total of 72 hours lecture. ment based on the Math assessment process. Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: MATH 851 Study of finite mathematical systems. Includes set theory Grade Mode: L, A, P logic, combinatorics, relations and functions, matrix alge- bra, Boolean algebra, recursion, graph theory. For mathe- MATH 009 PRECALCULUS MATHEMATICS matics and computer science majors, but open to all quali- 5 units fied students. Total of 90 hours lecture. Prerequisite: MATH 008 or placement based on Math as- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC sessment process. Grade Mode: L, A, P Algebraic, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions; inverse functions; zeros and graphs of functions; MATH 038 FOUNDATIONS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL inequalities; matrices; determinants; sequences and series; MATHEMATICS: BASIC NUMBER CONCEPTS binomial theorem; mathematical induction; permutations, 3½ units combinations and probability; topics in analytic geometry Prerequisite: MATH 131 or placement based on the Math including curve sketching and conic sections. No credit if assessment process. taken after MATH 007A or 007B. Total of 90 hours lecture. Introduces problem-solving strategies and quantitative Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. reasoning to develop skills and explore topics in Grade Mode: L, A, P numeration systems and the real number system. Designed for prospective elementary and middle school teachers. MATH 010 LINEAR ALGEBRA AND APPLICATIONS Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. 5 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Prerequisite: MATH 005B. Grade Mode: L, P Vector spaces, linear transformations, determinants, solu-


*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 495 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 MATH 055 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS MATH 115 SUPPORT FOR EXPLORATIONS IN 5 units QUANTITATIVE REASONING Prerequisites: MATH 005C and MATH 010. ½ unit Ordinary differential equations with emphasis on the lin- Corequisite: MATH 015. ear equation and its applications in engineering and phys- Review of core prerequisite skills, competencies, and ics, series solutions, Laplace transforms, Fourier series concepts for quantitative reasoning with an emphasis and their application in partial differential equations. No on critical thinking and problem solving. Intended for credit if taken after MATH 055H. Total of 90 hours lecture. students who are concurrently enrolled in MATH 015: Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MATH 240 Explorations in Quantitative Reasoning. Topics include Grade Mode: L, A, P learning strategies and mathematical knowledge necessary for successful completion of Explorations in Quantitative MATH 055H HONORS DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Reasoning. Total of 36 hours laboratory. 5 units Grade Mode: P Prerequisites: MATH 005C and MATH 010. Ordinary and partial differential equations, nonlinear dif- MATH 125 BEGINNING ALGEBRA ferential equations, systems of differential equations, se- 4 units ries solutions, Laplace transforms, numerical solutions, Prerequisite: MATH 402 or 400B or 250, or placement Fourier series, functional and harmonic analysis, Sturm- based on the Math assessment process. Liouville theory, chaotic dynamical systems, and an intro- Simplifying linear, polynomial, rational, and radical expres- duction to Hilbert spaces; taught with the rigor, breadth sions. Using properties of exponents. Factoring polynomi- and depth expected of an honors course. For students als. Applications and solving of linear, rational, radical, going into research in mathematics, physics, astronomy, and quadratic equations. Graphing linear equations and chemistry, geology and other pure and applied sciences, solving systems of linear equations. Maximum credit for but open to all qualified students. No credit if taken after MATH 125, 127AB, and 128AB is 4 units. No credit if taken MATH 055.Total of 90 hours lecture. after MATH 127B or MATH 128B. Total of 90 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P MATH 131 INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA FOR STEM MATH 065 SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING FOR MATHEMATICS 5½ units 1 unit Prerequisite: MATH 125; or MATH 250 and concurrent Exploration of the potential of applied programming methods enrollment in or completion of MATH 331; or placement for mathematics. Fundamentals of scripting including based on the Math assessment process. generative plots, graphs, animations, computations, and Topics include algebra, graphing, and applications of simulations in a variety of projects with an emphasis on functions: polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, and using the open-sourced libraries and packages specifically logarithmic. Designed for STEM majors and some Business for mathematics. For students who would like to explore majors. Total of 90 hours lecture and 45 hours laboratory. applied coding in the context of mathematics but open to Grade Mode: L, P all students. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU: UC credit under review. MATH 139 PLANE GEOMETRY Grade Mode: L, P 3 units Prerequisite: MATH 125 or MATH 126C or MATH 127B or MATH 103 SUPPORT FOR COLLEGE ALGEBRA MATH 128B. ½ unit Geometric facts necessary for advanced work in mathemat- Corequisite: MATH 003. ics. Deductive process emphasized. Total of 90 hours lec- Review of core prerequisite skills, competencies, and concepts for college algebra with an emphasis on critical ture. Grade Mode: L, A, P thinking and problem solving. Intended for students who are concurrently enrolled in Math 003: College Algebra for STEM. Topics include learning strategies and mathematical MATH 141 SURVEY OF MATHEMATICAL IDEAS knowledge necessary for successful completion of College 4 units Algebra for STEM. Total of 45 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: MATH 125 or MATH 127B or MATH 128B or Grade Mode: P placement based on the Math assessment process. Study of practical applications of mathematics, including topics in finance, probability and statistics, and geometry. Additional topics may include graph theory, health and nu- ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 496 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 trition, voting, history of mathematics, and logic. Total of MATH 330 SKILLS FOR COLLEGE SUCCESS IN 90 hours lecture. ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Grade Mode: L, A, P 2 units Corequisite: MATH 125. MATH 150 QUANTITATIVE LITERACY II Development and rigorous practice of essential study tech- 5½ units niques and course material for success in Elementary Al- Prerequisite: MATH 250 or MATH 402 or MATH 400B or MATH gebra. Integration of web-based supplemental instruction, 127B or placement based on the Math assessment process. life management skills, strategies for successful classroom Study of practical applications of mathematics including experience, and critical thinking/problem solving strat- finance, probability, statistics, geometry, measurement & egies. No credit if taken after MATH 110. For students dimensional analysis, and functions: linear, exponential admitted to the Math Path program but open to all quali- & logarithmic. For non-STEM majors, but open to all fied students.Pass/no pass grading. Total of 45 hours of qualified students. Total of 90 hours lecture and 45 hours lecture. of laboratory. Grade Mode: A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P MATH 331 SKILLS FOR COLLEGE SUCCESS IN MATH 171A EXPLORING TOPICS IN MATHEMATICS INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA 3 units ½ unit Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule Prerequisite: MATH 250 or placement based on the Math of Classes. assessment process Lecture focusing on topics of current and general interest. Corequisite: MATH 131. Pass/no pass grading. Total of 90 hours lecture. Critical thinking and problem solving. Intended for STEM Grade Mode: A, P majors to develop study skills and mathematical knowledge necessary for successful completion of Intermediate MATH 171B EXPLORING TOPICS IN MATHEMATICS Algebra for STEM. Total of 45 hours of laboratory. 2 units Grade Mode: P Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule of Classes. MATH 402 PREALGEBRA Lecture focusing on topics of current and general interest. 4 units Pass/no pass grading. Total of 45 hours of lecture. Prerequisite: MATH 450, or placement based on the Math Grade Mode: A, P assessment process. Basic algebraic skills involving fundamental mathemati- MATH 171C EXPLORING TOPICS IN MATHEMATICS cal operations with integers, fractions, decimals, and per- 1 unit cents. Simplifying algebraic expressions and solving equa- Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule tions. Maximum credit for MATH 402 and 400AB is 4 units. of Classes. No credit if taken after MATH 400B or 250. Total of 90 Lecture focusing on topics of current and general interest. hours lecture. Pass/no pass grading. Total of 18 hours lecture and 18 Grade Mode: L, A, P hours laboratory. Grade Mode: A, P MATH 429 SKILLS FOR SUCCESS IN PREALGEBRA 2 units MATH 250 QUANTITATIVE LITERACY I Corequisite: MATH 402. 5½ units Development and rigorous practice of essential study tech- Prerequisite: MATH 450 or placement based on the Math niques and course material for success in Prealgebra; web- assessment process. based supplemental instruction; life management skills; Number sense and basic algebraic skills involving integers, strategies for successful classroom experience, and criti- fractions, decimals, and percents. Simplifying algebraic cal thinking/problem solving strategies. No credit if taken expressions, solving linear equations and graphing. With after MATH 110. Pass/no pass grading. Total of 45 hours an emphasis on how and where mathematics is used. No lecture. credit if taken after Math 402, 400B, 125, 127B, or 128B. Grade Mode: A, P Total of 90 hours lecture and 45 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A, P

PAGE 497 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 MATH 450 NUMERICAL FOUNDATIONS mail. Banking. Financial procedures including professional 4 units fees, billing, and collections. Meeting arrangements and Building whole number arithmetic skills. Includes a brief travel itinerary. Marketing. Legal implications of medical introduction to fractions, decimals and percents and in- practice. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. corporates study skills for success in mathematics courses. Grade Mode: L, A Total of 90 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P MA 120 INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 unit Prerequisite: MA 122A. MEDICAL ASSISTING Research or clinical project including experience in clinical practice settings, practical laboratory assignment, lecture (Health Sciences Division) attendance, literature review and community projects. To- tal of 54 hours laboratory. MA 109 HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Grade Mode: L, A 1 unit Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Medical MA 122A CLINICAL ASSISTING TECHNIQUES I Assisting Program. 2 units Practical use of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in actual Prerequisites: Enrollment in or completion of all of the medical settings, which cover the cycle of health care following: MA 111A, MA 115, PYSO 100. delivery in a physician’s office including front office, back Occupational Safety and Health Act regulations; medi- office, and medical billing/coding. Real-life scenarios cal asepsis and infection control; vital signs and height/ will be given to practice the creation of electronic charting. Total of 9 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. weight measurements; initial medical record documenta- Grade Mode: L tion; maintenance of the clinical facility; specimen pro- cessing. Total of 27 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. MA 110 MEDICAL OFFICE MICROCOMPUTER Grade Mode: L, A MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS 1 unit MA 122B CLINICAL ASSISTING TECHNIQUES II Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into Medical Assisting 2 units Program. Prerequisite: MA 122A. Introduction to concepts and skills needed in the medi- Patient history and interviewing; techniques of assisting cal office through spreadsheets, accounts receivable, in- the physician with patients; sterilization techniques; mi- surance entry, patient demographic entry, and scheduling nor surgeries and sterile dressing change; staple and su- systems through hands-on computer simulations. Total of ture removal; theory of x-ray examination and treatment. 9 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. Total of 27 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L, A

MA 111A MEDICAL OFFICE PROCEDURES I MA 122C CLINICAL ASSISTING TECHNIQUES III 4 units 4 units Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into Medical Assisting Prerequisite: MA 122B and enrollment in or completion of Program. MA 124. Basic office procedures for medical assistants. Topics Administration of medication and pharmacology. Patient include: patient reception, human relations, therapeutic education. Techniques of assisting in a medical specialist’s communication, appointment scheduling, accuracy and office. Electrocardiographic methods. Bandaging and first maintenance of patient records, telephone techniques, aid. Nutrition and diet modification. Theory of physical computer data entry, initial processing of managed care therapy. Total of 54 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. patients, legal implications, and ethical considerations. Grade Mode: L, A Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L MA 124 MEDICAL OFFICE LABORATORY PROCEDURES MA 111B MEDICAL OFFICE PROCEDURES II 3 units 4 units Prerequisites: MA 122B and PYSO 100. Prerequisite: MA 111A. Corequisite: MA 122C. Patient processing. Medical records maintenance. Written Methods of specimen collection. Principles of assisting the and oral communication. Patient instruction. Processing physician with routine office laboratory tests. Techniques

PAGE 498 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 for blood tests and urinalysis. Microbiology pertaining to MUSIC medical office procedures. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 (Performing and Communication Arts Division) hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A To learn more about the Music Department, please visit MA 126 PHARMACOLOGY FOR MEDICAL ASSISTANTS ing-arts/music/index.php 2 units Prerequisites: MA 115 and enrollment in medical assisting MUSC 001A MUSIC THEORY I program. 3 units Introduction to the principles of pharmacology and medi- Corequisite: MUSC 002A. cation administration in the ambulatory setting. Reading, Recommended Preparation: The ability to read music in at interpreting and documenting medication orders. Calculat- least one clef. MUSC 041A and/or MUSC 040. ing dosages for nonparenteral and parenteral medications This course, through guided composition and analysis, incorporates the following concepts: rhythm and meter; used in the ambulatory setting. Common medications used basic properties of sound; musical terminology; intervals; in each body system. Total of 27 hours lecture and 27 major and minor scales; diatonic triads in major and hours laboratory. minor keys; dominant seventh; basic musical structure; L, A Grade Mode: figured bass symbols. Development of skills in handwritten notation is expected. Recommended enrollment in MUSC MA 127 MEDICAL INSURANCE 004A. Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 120 Prerequisites: MA 110 and 115. Grade Mode: L, A Types of health insurance and billing procedures. Proce- dure codings. International Classification of Diseases — MUSC 001B MUSIC THEORY II Clinical Modifications. Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisite: MUSC 001A or placement based on the music assessment process. MA 128 CLINICAL EXPERIENCE Corequisite: MUSC 002B. 4 units A study of common-practice diatonic harmony and part Prerequisites: All the following: MA 122, 124, 127. writing. Principles of harmonic progression involving Supervised clinical experience in a medical office or clinic. diatonic triads and dominant seventh chords, an introduction Analysis of medical assisting clinical experience. Applied to species (2-part) counterpoint, four part (SATB—Soprano/ psychology in the medical office or clinic. Total of 18 hours Alto/Tenor/Bass) writing and arranging, harmonization of lecture and 162 hours laboratory. given and original melodies, bass line construction, non- Grade Mode: L, A chord tones, phrase structure, and a brief historical survey of the development of harmony and texture in Western music. Recommended enrollment in MUSC 004B. Total of 54 hours lecture. MICROBIOLOGY Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 130 (Natural Sciences Division) Grade Mode: L, A

MICR 002 MICROBIOLOGY MUSC 001C MUSIC THEORY III 4 units 3 units Prerequisite: MUSC 001B. Prerequisite: CHEM 002A or CHEM 022 or CHEM 001A, or Corequisite: MUSC 002C. placement based on the biochemistry placement process. Incorporating the concepts from MUSC 001B, the course will Recommended preparation: BIOL 003 or 011. include: introduction to chromatic harmony, non-dominant Structure and function of bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa 7th chords, secondary/applied chords, modulation, and a and algae. Elements of microbial physiology, genetics, con- study of binary and ternary form. Recommended enrollment trol and nutrition; epidemiology; immunology and allergy. in MUSC 004C. Total of 54 hours lecture. Survey of microbial infections. Aseptic techniques. Total of Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 140 54 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, P MUSC 001D MUSIC THEORY IV 3 units Prerequisite: MUSC 001C. ______Corequisite: MUSC 002D.

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PAGE 499 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 This course completes a sequential study of tonal harmony include advanced chromaticism, modulation, modality, and includes an introduction to 20th century techniques. complex use of rhythm and meter, and an introduction to Topics will include: borrowed chords and modal mixture; atonal music. Total of 54 hours laboratory. the Neapolitan and augmented sixth chords; enharmonic Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 155 reinterpretation and modulation; altered dominant and Grade Mode: L, A 9th chords, contrapuntal techniques of late-Romanticism, and 20th century techniques such as: pandiatonicism; use MUSC 004A KEYBOARD SKILLS I of synthetic scales; set theory; and rhythm and meter. 1 unit Recommended enrollment in MUSC 004D. Total of 54 Corequisites: MUSC 001A, 002A. hours lecture. Primarily for music majors. Keyboard realization of theo- Transfer Credit: CSU, UC. *C-ID: MUS 150 retical and harmonic materials from MUSC 001A and MUSC Grade Mode: L, A 002A including melodic harmonization with basic chord patterns and transposition. Fundamentals of body, hand MUSC 002A MUSICIANSHIP I and finger control oriented to the keyboard using a first 1 unit study book for piano. Development of sight-reading skills Corequisite: MUSC 001A. and elementary repertoire. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Application and development of the materials of MUSC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 001A through sight-singing, ear training, and dictation. Grade Mode: L, A, P Topics include rhythm, major and minor scales, intervals, triads, and simple diatonic melodies. Total of 54 hours MUSC 004B KEYBOARD SKILLS II laboratory. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 125 Prerequisite: MUSC 004A. Grade Mode: L, A Corequisites: MUSC 001B, MUSC 002B. Primarily for music majors. Standard upper elementary rep- MUSC 002B MUSICIANSHIP II ertoire. Keyboard realization of theoretical and harmonic 1 unit materials from MUSC 001B with emphasis on basic diatonic Prerequisite: MUSC 002A. progressions. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Corequisite: MUSC 001B. Application and development of the materials of MUSC 001B Transfer Credit: CSU; UC L, A through sight-singing, ear training, and dictation. Topics Grade Mode: include rhythmic subdivision, diatonic melodies, intervals, MUSC 004C KEYBOARD SKILLS III alto clef reading, chord progressions with diatonic triads 1 unit and inversions. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: MUSC 004B. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 135 Corequisites: MUSC 001C, MUSC 002C. L, A Grade Mode: Primarily for music majors. Standard repertoire representa- tive of music from the Baroque through the contemporary MUSC 002C MUSICIANSHIP III periods. Development of functional keyboard skills corre- 1 unit lated with MUSC 001C. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: MUSC 002B. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Corequisite: MUSC 001C. L, A Application and development of the materials of MUSC 001C Grade Mode: through sight-singing, ear training, and dictation. Topics MUSC 004D KEYBOARD SKILLS IV include syncopation, non-dominant 7th chords, secondary 1 unit dominant chords, and an introduction to modulation. Total Prerequisite: MUSC 004C. of 54 hours laboratory. Corequisites: MUSC 001D, MUSC 002D. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 145 Primarily for music majors. Standard repertoire and func- Grade Mode: L, A tional keyboard skills, correlated with MUSC 001D in prepa- ration for the keyboard proficiency examination. Total of MUSC 002D MUSICIANSHIP IV 54 hours laboratory. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Prerequisite: MUSC 002C. L, A Corequisite: MUSC 001D. Grade Mode: Application and development of the materials of MUSC 001D MUSC 007A MUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE: through sight-singing, ear training, and dictation. Topics ANTIQUITY TO 1750 3 units ______Prerequisite: MUSC 001B. *Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 500 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Comprehensive examination of the development of Western an end-of-semester jury performance. Topics include in- European music from Antiquity to 1750 through listening, termediate technical etudes and exercises, tone produc- score analysis, and the study of musical techniques. Survey tion, scales, and short performance pieces. Recommended of historical details, including cultural, intellectual, and enrollment in smaller ensemble and/or jazz groups. Total social influences on musical trends and styles. For music of 18 hours lecture and 99 hours practice laboratory. This majors, but open to all qualified students.Fall semester. course may be scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) Total of 54 hours lecture. scheduling format. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 105 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 160 Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L

MUSC 007B MUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE: MUSC 009B INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION II 1750 TO THE PRESENT (CLASSICAL) 3 units 1 unit Prerequisite: MUSC 001B. Prerequisite: MUSC 009A. Recommended Preparation: MUSC 007A. Corequisites: MUSC 010 and one of the following, appro- Comprehensive examination of the development of Western priate for the student’s study path: MUSC 043, 059, 060, European music from 1750 to the present through listening, 061, 062, 063, 064, 065, 066, 082. score analysis, and the study of musical techniques. Survey Designed for the intermediate level classical music major, of historical details, including cultural, intellectual, and this course consists of twelve 45-minute private lessons social influences on musical trends and styles. For music with an instructor on the Applied Music staff, participation majors, but open to all qualified students.Spring semester. in a weekly music recital class, and an end-of-semester Total of 54 hours lecture. jury performance. Building on the foundations already Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 106 established, emphasis is on representative intermediate Grade Mode: L repertoire, continued technique development, and intro- MUSC 008 APPLIED MUSIC duction to appropriate style and interpretation. Recom- 1 unit mended enrollment in a chamber ensemble class. Total Corequisites: MUSC 010; enrollment in one of the follow- of 18 hours lecture and 99 hours practice laboratory. This ing: MUSC 043, 044, 056, 057A-G, 059, 060, 061, 062, course may be scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) scheduling format. 063, 064, 065, 066, 070A-E, 074, 075, 082. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 160 Enrollment Limitation: Audition. Grade Mode: L In-class instrumental or vocal performance that reflects in- dividual study with a private teacher (at student expense). MUSC 009C INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION III Development of interpretational, technical, and presenta- (CLASSICAL) tional skills. Required end of semester jury performance. 1 unit Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each semester. Maximum Prerequisite: MUSC 009B. of 4 enrollments allowed in the Applied Music Family: Corequisites: MUSC 010 and one of the following, appropri- MUSC 008, 009C, 009E. Total of 18 hours lecture and 90 ate for the student’s study path: MUSC 043, 044, 059, 060, hours practice laboratory. This course may be scheduled 061, 062, 063, 064, 065, 066, 074, 075, 082. using the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) scheduling format. This course is for the advanced classical music major, Transfer Credit: CSU; UC and consists of twelve 45-minute private lessons with an Grade Mode: L instructor on the Applied Music staff, participation in a weekly music recital class, and an end-of-semester jury MUSC 009A INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION I performance. Emphasis is placed on appropriate interpre- 1 unit tation of advanced repertoire, as well as addressing pos- Corequisites: MUSC 010 and one of the following: MUSC sible new technical demands. Recommended enrollment 043, 056, 057A-G, 059, 060, 061, 062, 063, 064, 065, 066, in a chamber ensemble class. Maximum credit 2 units, 1 082. unit each semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed Enrollment Limitation: Audition. in the Applied Music Family: MUSC 008, 009C, 009E. Total This course is designed for the entering classical, jazz and of 18 hours lecture and 99 hours practice laboratory. This commercial music major. It consists of twelve 45-minute course may be scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) private lessons with an instructor on the Applied Music scheduling format. staff, participation in a weekly music recital class, and Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 160 Grade Mode: L ______

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PAGE 501 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 MUSC 009D INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION II MUSC 012 INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC COMPOSITION (JAZZ/COMMERCIAL) 3 units 1 unit Prerequisite: MUSC 001B. Prerequisite: MUSC 009A. Survey of contemporary techniques in composition, Corequisites: MUSC 010 and one of the following, appro- contemporary literature, and notation. Writing of short priate for the student’s study path: MUSC 056, 057A-G. pieces for various instruments and voices. Development of Designed for the intermediate jazz and commercial music a personal approach to composition and an awareness of major, this course consists of twelve 45-minute private new compositional ideas and aesthetics. Total of 54 hours lessons with an instructor on the Applied Music staff, par- lecture. ticipation in a weekly music recital class, and an end-of- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC L, A semester jury performance. Building on the foundations Grade Mode: already established, emphasis is on representative inter- mediate repertoire and improvisation, continued tech- MUSC 015 SEMINAR IN CONDUCTING nique development, and introduction to appropriate style 2 units Prerequisite: MUSC 001B or placement based on the music and interpretation. Recommended enrollment in smaller assessment process. ensemble and/or jazz groups. Total of 18 hours lecture and A seminar in the art of gestural communication for the 99 hours practice laboratory. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) scheduling format. instrumental and choral conductor. Theory and functional Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 160 application of conducting techniques.. Conducting pat- Grade Mode: L terns, cueing, dynamics, and music analysis. Study and preparation of basic procedures in rehearsal pedagogy. To- MUSC 009E INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION III tal of 27 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. (JAZZ/COMMERCIAL) Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 1 unit Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisite: MUSC 009D. Corequisites: MUSC 010 and one of the following, appro- MUSC 017 RECITAL AND AUDITION PREPARATION priate for the student’s study path: MUSC 056, 057A-G. 1 unit This course is appropriate for the advanced jazz and com- Prerequisite: MUSC 009C or 009E. mercial music major, and consists of twelve 45-minute Corequisite: One of the following: MUSC 043, 044, 056, private lessons with an instructor on the Applied Music 057A-G, 060, 062, 063, 064, 065, 066, 070A-E, 074, 075, staff, participation in a weekly music recital class, and an 082. end-of-semester jury performance. Emphasis is placed on Individual or small-group instruction in the standard lit- appropriate interpretation of advanced repertoire, as well erature for the students’ performing medium – instrument as addressing possible new technical and improvisation or voice. Historical context, form and harmonic aspects, demands. Recommended enrollment in smaller ensemble technical demands, stylistic nuances, and expressive con- and/or jazz groups. Maximum credit 2 units, 1 unit each siderations of the pieces studied. One half-hour weekly semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the Ap- with an applied music instructor and participation in an plied Music Family: MUSC 008, 009C, 009E. Total of 18 Applied Music recital class. Required end of semester jury hours lecture and 99 hours practice laboratory. This course performance. Preparation for transferring to a four-year may be scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) sched- school or entering the music industry. For students playing uling format. at the sophomore level. Total of 18 hours lecture and 99 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 160 hours practice laboratory. This course may be scheduled Grade Mode: L using the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) scheduling format. Transfer Credit: CSU MUSC 010 CONCERT MUSIC Grade Mode: L 1 /2 unit Development of techniques of critical listening through MUSC 018 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCE SKILLS lectures and demonstration. Required attendance at con- 1 unit certs and recitals. Maximum credit 2 units, 1/2 unit each Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. semester. For music majors and minors primarily, but open Corequisite: MUSC 010. to all qualified students. Total of 18 hours lecture. In-class instrumental or vocal performances that reflects Transfer Credit: CSU the individual practice on selected materials under the Grade Mode: L guidance of a faculty adviser. Development of interpreta- tional, technical, and presentational skills. Required end ______

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PAGE 502 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 of semester jury performance. For students performing at Introduction to jazz: its development, major styles, and college level. Total of 18 hours lecture and 36 hours prac- innovators. Non-technical analysis of jazz’s musical and tice laboratory. multicultural elements through lecture, demonstration, Transfer Credit: CSU; UC reading, film, and required listening.Required concert at- Grade Mode: L, A tendance. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC MUSC 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY Grade Mode: L 1 unit Prerequisites: Completion of two semesters of a music MUSC 024B HISTORY OF ROCK MUSIC sequence in the subject area, and approval of the student 3 units project. Survey of rock music from the late 1940s to the present – Primarily for music majors. Individual projects such as a its socio-cultural and historical development. Emphasis on concert recital, original composition, music arrangement, the roots and early development of rock; its stylistic trends musicological research paper. Total of 54 hours by arrange- and influential artists throughout the years. The politics ment. of rock and the impact of technology. Required concert Transfer Credit: CSU attendance. No credit if taken after MUSC 127. Total of 54 Grade Mode: L hours lecture. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) scheduling format. MUSC 021 MUSIC APPRECIATION Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 3 units Grade Mode: L Introduction to western art music-its understanding and enjoyment, music elements, performance media, style, and MUSC 025 AFRICAN-AMERICAN MUSIC literature. Emphasis on critical listening skills. Required 3 units concert attendance. Total of 54 hours lecture. Survey of the evolution and development of African-Amer- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 100 ican music. Emphasis on African roots and influence of Grade Mode: L socio-economic factors. Slave songs and Negro spiritu- als, ragtime, blues, R & B, jazz from New Orleans through MUSC 022 MUSIC IN THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD avant-garde, contemporary Black popular music. Required 3 units concert attendance. Total of 54 hours lecture. Introduction to the music of current Western culture. Em- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC phasis on contemporary classical, jazz, pop, music theater, Grade Mode: L film and TV media, electronic computer synthesizer. Study of prominent musicians, composers and performers. Re- MUSC 027 ASIAN MUSIC quired concert attendance. Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Survey of the music of the East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Grade Mode: L Asia, Central Asia and West Asia (Middle East): historical and cultural influences, social and religious implications, MUSC 023 MUSIC CULTURES OF THE WORLD instrumental and vocal styles. Required concert 3 units attendance. Total of 54 hours lecture. Introduction to music as a worldwide phenomenon cover- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ing folk, popular, and art musics of major geographical Grade Mode: L areas. Emphasis on music as a component of culture and on the unique ways diverse cultures organize sound into MUSC 028 HISTORY OF OPERA music. Special attention on the musics of ethnic groups 3 units represented in Southern California. Required concert at- Analysis of representative operas by the major composers tendance. Total of 54 hours lecture. of each period from the 17th through 20th centuries in Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Europe and the United States. Origin and development Grade Mode: L of related musical genres, forms, and styles. Emphasis on critical listening skills. Required concert attendance. Total MUSC 024A THE JAZZ EXPERIENCE: EVOLUTION of 54 hours lecture. AND ESSENCE Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 3 units Grade Mode: L


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PAGE 503 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 MUSC 030 MUSIC FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD MUSC 035 MUSIC PREPARATION AND MUSIC EDUCATION COPYING 3 units 2 units Survey of music teaching techniques and materials Prerequisite: MUSC 001A or placement based on the Music suitable for children ages infancy through 8. Functional assessment process. skills in reading and performing children’s music Notating music with pen, pencil and computer software. literature: development of principles for organizing a child Preparing lead sheets. Extracting parts and producing re- development music curriculum. Total of 54 hours lecture. duced scores. Reproduction techniques. Pertinent music Transfer Credit: CSU business aspects. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours Grade Mode: L music laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU MUSC 032 INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC EDUCATION Grade Mode: L, A 2 units Recommended Preparation: MUSC 001A and MUSC 009A. MUSC 036A POP-JAZZ THEORY Survey of the philosophical, historical, cultural, psycho- 3 units logical, and curricular foundations of music education in Prerequisite: MUSC 001A or MUSC 040 placement based on the United States. Guided field observation and analysis the Music assessment process. of K-12 classes, and in-class teaching demonstrations. For Major, minor, modal jazz scales. Chord construction: triads music majors entering or considering music teaching as a through 13ths with alterations, poly chords. Chord families career. Total of 36 hours lecture. and functions. Common jazz/pop forms. The II-V-I pro- Transfer Credit: CSU gression with variations and voice leading. Ear training. Grade Mode: L Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC MUSC 034A JAZZ KEYBOARD SKILLS Grade Mode: L, A 2 units Prerequisite: MUSC 004A or 041A. MUSC 036B JAZZ - COMMERCIAL THEORY Recommended Preparation: MUSC 036A. 3 units Study on the keyboard the harmonic and melodic materials Prerequisite: MUSC 036A or placement based on the Music of jazz including blues, bossa nova and standard tunes. assessment process. Introductory skills to play with a jazz feel, create bass Jazz-oriented scales and their applications, contemporary lines, accompany singers and instrumentalists, and chord voicings, polychords, substitutions. Moving line pat- effectively sight read lead sheets. Technical exercises to terns and harmonic counterlines. Basic chord progressions. improve piano efficiency for jazz and other related styles. Song forms. Four- part writing and arranging. Ear training. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours music laboratory. Total of 54 hours lecture. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be Arranged” Transfer Credit: CSU; UC (TBA) scheduling format. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A MUSC 038C CHINESE MUSIC ENSEMBLE 1 unit MUSC 034B ADVANCED JAZZ KEYBOARD SKILLS Performance techniques and cultural context of Chinese 2 units music. Playing techniques in the zheng (Chinese long zith- Prerequisite: MUSC 034A or retention based on successful er) and other Chinese musical instruments. Music for duo audition. and small ensemble performance. For students interested Study on the keyboard of advanced techniques and mate- in understanding, appreciating, and performing Chinese rials of jazz such as: blues, ballads, standard tunes, and music. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each semester. modal jazz. Emphasis on the advanced ability to play with Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the Chamber En- a jazz feel, create bass lines, accompany singers and in- semble Family: MUSC 038C, 044, 057AEI, 070ABCDE, 082, strumentalists and effectively sight read lead sheets. Ad- 133E. Total of 54 hours laboratory. vanced technical exercises to improve piano efficiency for Transfer Credit: CSU; UC jazz and related styles. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 Grade Mode: L, A hours music laboratory. This course may be scheduled us- ing the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. MUSC 040 PREPARATORY MUSIC THEORY Transfer credit: CSU; UC 3 units Grade Mode: L, A A visual, aural, and kinesthetic introduction to music lit- eracy. Reading and writing rhythmic, melodic, and har-

PAGE 504 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 monic notation in treble and bass clefs. Elementary the- course may be scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) ory, including major scales, the circle of fifths, intervals, scheduling format. and common triads. Fundamental aural skill development Transfer Credit: CSU; UC through rhythm drills, melodic dictation, singing, and cre- Grade Mode: L, A ative exercises. For non-music majors and music majors with minimal experience reading music notation. Total of MUSC 043 PIANO ENSEMBLE 54 hours lecture. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. Grade Mode: L, A Ensemble experience for the pianist. Varied levels of both duet, duo and multi-piano literature. A variety of musical MUSC 041A FIRST YEAR PIANO I styles and their interpretations. Maximum credit 4 units, 2 units 1 unit each semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed Primarily for non-music majors. Orientation to the key- in the Instrumental Ensemble Family: MUSC 043, 053, board with emphasis upon finger, hand and body control. 060, 062, 133AB. Total of 72 hours laboratory. Focus on reading music notation. Study of a first year pi- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ano book. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours music Grade Mode: L laboratory. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) scheduling format. MUSC 044 PIANO ACCOMPANYING Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 1 unit Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. MUSC 041B FIRST YEAR PIANO II Introduction to the techniques of accompanying vocalists 2 units and instrumentalists. Study and performance of accompa- Prerequisite: MUSC 041A or retention based on successful niment repertoire: art songs and instrumental literature. audition. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each semester. Maximum Primarily for non-music majors. Continued study of a first of 4 enrollments allowed in the Chamber Ensemble Fam- year piano book including repertoire representative of vari- ily: MUSC 038C, 044, 057AEI, 070ABCDE, 082, 133E. Total ous styles and periods. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 of 18 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. hours music laboratory. This course may be scheduled us- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ing the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) scheduling format. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A MUSC 045A INTERMEDIATE IMPROVISATION 3 units MUSC 042A SECOND YEAR PIANO I Prerequisite: MUSC 144 or retention based on successful 2 units audition. Prerequisite: MUSC 041B or retention based on successful Techniques of improvisation including a background of audition. theory and skills. Experience in combo performance. Total Study and performances of varied Grade II materials and of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours music laboratory. This standard piano repertoire. Emphasis on required instru- course may be scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) mental skills. Primarily for non-music majors. Total of 36 scheduling format. hours lecture and 18 hours music laboratory. This course Transfer Credit: CSU; UC may be scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) sched- Grade Mode: L, A uling format. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC MUSC 045B ADVANCED IMPROVISATION Grade Mode: L, A 3 units Prerequisite: MUSC 045A. MUSC 042B SECOND YEAR PIANO II Advanced techniques of jazz improvisation for small 2 units ensembles. Harmonic, melodic and rhythmic approaches to Prerequisite: MUSC 042A or retention based on successful jazz improvisation. Altered and extended harmonies and audition. associated scales. Transcription and ear training. Total Continued study of Grade II materials and representative of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours music laboratory. This piano repertoire. Emphasis on technical facility and musi- course may be scheduled using the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) cal interpretation. Primarily for non-music majors. Total scheduling format. of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours music laboratory. This Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 505 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 MUSC 053 INSTRUMENTAL/VOCAL WORKSHOPS MUSC 057A JAZZ COMBO 1 unit 1 unit Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. Rehearsal and public performance of representative litera- Theory, history, rehearsal and performance of all jazz ture for varied types of large and small ensembles. Required styles from New Orleans to avante-garde using written instructional trips. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed arrangements and lead sheets. Multiple jazz combos will in the Instrumental Ensemble Family: MUSC 043, 053, be selected to rehearse, prepare and perform jazz musical 060, 062, 133AB. Recommended previous instrumental or repertoire. Opportunities for extended improvised soloing vocal ensemble experience. Total of 54 hours laboratory. as part of a small jazz group, typically trios to septets Transfer Credit: CSU; UC including horns and rhythm section. Required instructional Grade Mode: L, A trips. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the Chamber MUSC 054 LANCER VARSITY BAND Ensemble Family: MUSC 038C, 044, 057AEI, 070ABCDE, 1 unit 082, 133E. Total of 54 hours laboratory and 18 hours TBA Rehearsal and performance of selected band literature ap- laboratory. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be propriate for sporting and community special events. Re- Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. quired instructional trips. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 180 each semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the Grade Mode: L, A Marching/Pep Ensemble Family: MUSC 054, 055, 061. For students playing marching band instruments, drum set, MUSC 057B LANCER JAZZ BIG BAND and electric bass. Total of 54 hours laboratory. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. Grade Mode: L, A Theory, history, rehearsal and performance of traditional and contemporary literature for standard 17-piece big MUSC 055 TOURNAMENT OF ROSES BAND band. Development of reading, stylistic and ensemble 2 units skills. Instrumentation includes five saxophones, four Audition. Enrollment Limitation: trumpets, four trombones, piano, guitar, bass, drums. Re- Rehearsal and performance of music and marching drill quired instructional trips. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit techniques appropriate to parade functions. Schedule of each semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the required rehearsals and performances published at first Jazz Ensemble Family: MUSC 056, 057BCDF, 133D. For meeting. Required instructional trips. Students currently students playing at college level. Total of 54 hours lecture enrolled in a high school band program are eligible to au- and 18 hours laboratory. This course may be scheduled us- dition. Maximum credit 8 units, 2 units each semester. ing the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the Marching/Pep Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 180 Ensemble Family: MUSC 054, 055, 061. Total of 54 hours Grade Mode: L, A to be arranged lecture and 54 hours to be arranged labora- tory. MUSC 057C STUDIO JAZZ ENSEMBLE Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. 1 unit Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. Theory, history, rehearsal and performance of compositions MUSC 056 VOCAL JAZZ ENSEMBLE and arrangements by the important jazz writers. A 17- to 1 unit 20-piece big band for the more advanced players. Develop- Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. ment of aural, technical and interpretive skills. Required Enrollment Limitation: Audition. instructional trips. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each Rehearsal and performance of literature suitable to the vo- semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the Jazz cal jazz ensemble. Vocal and choral techniques and impro- Ensemble Family: MUSC 056, 057BCDF, 133D. For students visation. Required instructional trips. Maximum credit 4 playing at college level. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 units, 1 unit each semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments hours laboratory. This course may be scheduled using the in the Jazz Ensemble Family: MUSC 056, 057BCDFG, 133D. “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. Total of 72 hours laboratory. This course may be scheduled Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 180 using the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 180 Grade Mode: L, A MUSC 057D SWING BAND 1 unit Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. ______

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PAGE 506 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Theory, history, rehearsal and performance of music from 4 units, 1 unit each semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments and in the style of the Swing Era. A standard 17-piece allowed in the Chamber Ensemble Family: MUSC 038C, big band with vocalist. Development of jazz and dance 044, 057AEH, 070ABCDE, 082, 133E. Total of 72 hours band interpretations. Required instructional trips. Maxi- laboratory. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be mum credit 4 units, 1 unit each semester. Maximum of 4 Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. enrollments allowed in the Jazz Ensemble Family: MUSC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 056, 057BCDF, 133D. For students playing at college level. Grade Mode: L, A Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) MUSC 060 COLLEGE/COMMUNITY ORCHESTRA scheduling format. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 180 Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. Grade Mode: L, A Study and performance of standard and contemporary lit- erature of the symphony orchestra. For students playing MUSC 057E JAZZ GUITAR ENSEMBLE at college level. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each se- 1 unit mester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the In- Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. strumental Ensemble Family: MUSC 043, 053, 060, 062, Theory, history, rehearsal and performance of compositions 133AB. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. and arrangements for jazz guitar ensemble. Development Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 180 of reading, technical and interpretive skills. Required Grade Mode: L, A instructional trips. Recommended completion of MUSC 111A-B. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each semester. MUSC 061 LANCER MARCHING BAND Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the Chamber 2 units Ensemble Family: MUSC 038C, 044, 057AEI, 070ABCDE, Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. 082, 133E. For guitarists, bassists and drummers playing Recommended Preparation: Previous band experience. at college level. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours Rehearsal and performance of representative band litera- laboratory. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be ture. Emphasis on development of music reading, instru- Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. mental skills and marching techniques. Required instruc- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 180 tional trips. Recommended previous band experience. Grade Mode: L, A Maximum credit 8 units, 2 units each semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the Marching/Pep Ensemble MUSC 057F LATIN JAZZ ENSEMBLE Family: MUSC 054, 055, 061. Fall semester. Satisfies one 1 unit unit of Physical Education Activity credit each semester. Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. Total of 81 hours lecture and 63 hours laboratory. This Theory, history, rehearsal and performance of music in course may be scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) the Latin jazz idiom. A conjunto (smaller band) typically scheduling format. consisting of 3-4 horns, rhythm section, timbales, con- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. gas, bongos, hand percussionists, and optional vocalist. *C-ID: MUS 180 Required instructional trips. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 Grade Mode: L, A unit each semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the Jazz Ensemble Family: MUSC 056, 057BCDF, 133D. MUSC 062 LANCER CONCERT BAND Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. 2 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 180 Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. Grade Mode: L, A Rehearsal and performance of representative band lit- erature. Emphasis on development of music reading, in- MUSC 057I VOCAL JAZZ COMBO strumental skills. Required instructional trips. Maximum 1 unit credit 8 units, 2 units each semester. Maximum of 4 en- Enrollment Limitation: Retention based on successful rollments allowed in the Instrumental Ensemble Family: audition. MUSC 043, 053, 060, 062, 133AB. Spring semester. Total Theory, history, rehearsal and performance of all jazz of 108 hours laboratory. This course may be scheduled us- styles from New Orleans to avante-garde using lead sheets. ing the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. Opportunities for extended improvised soloing as part of a Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 180 combo band and jazz vocalists, typically a rhythm section Grade Mode: L, A and 2 horns. Required instructional trips. Maximum credit


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PAGE 507 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 MUSC 063 CONCERT CHOIR each semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the 1 unit Musical Theater Production Family: MUSC 067, 074, 075, Rehearsal and performance of literature suitable to the 076, THRT 075, 027. Total of 54 hours laboratory. This large ensemble (80-100). Extensive training in vocal and course may be scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) choral techniques. Required instructional trips. For stu- scheduling format. dents singing at college level. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC unit each semester. For students singing at college level. Grade Mode: L, A Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the Choral Ensem- ble Family: MUSC 063, 064, 066, 133C. Total of 72 hours MUSC 070A WOODWIND ENSEMBLES laboratory. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be 1 unit Assigned” (TBA) scheduling format. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of one of the Transfer Credit: CSU; UC following: MUSC 055, 057A-G, 059, 060, 061, 062, 065 or Grade Mode: L, A retention based on successful audition. Rehearsal and performance of standard and contemporary MUSC 064 CHAMBER SINGERS woodwind ensemble literature. Concert(s) each semester. 1 unit For students playing at college level. Recommended MUSC Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. 008 or 009. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each semes- Rehearsal and performance of representative major works ter. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the Chamber suitable to the small ensemble (30-40). Advanced cho- Ensemble Family: MUSC 038C, 044, 057AEI, 070ABCDE, ral and vocal techniques. Required instructional trips. 082, 133E. Total of 54 hours laboratory. For students singing at college level. Maximum credit 4 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC units, 1 unit each semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments Grade Mode: L, A allowed in the Choral Ensemble Family: MUSC 063, 064, 066, 133C. Total of 90 hours laboratory. This course may MUSC 070B BRASS ENSEMBLES be scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) scheduling 1 unit format. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of one of the Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 180 following: MUSC 055, 057A-G, 059, 060, 061, 062, 065 or Grade Mode: L, A retention based on successful audition. Rehearsal and performance of standard and contemporary MUSC 066 MADRIGALS brass ensemble literature. Concert(s) each semester. For 1 unit students playing at college level. Recommended MUSC Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. 008 or 009. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each semes- Enrollment Limitation: Audition. ter. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the Chamber Rehearsal and performance of representative vocal litera- Ensemble Family: MUSC 038C, 044, 057AEI, 070ABCDE, ture, for 4 and 5 part small ensemble (20), of the major 082, 133E. Total of 54 hours laboratory. historical periods, i.e., Renaissance, Baroque, 20th Cen- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC tury. Advanced choral and vocal techniques. For students Grade Mode: L, A performing at college level. Required instructional trips. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each semester. Maximum MUSC 070C PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE of 4 enrollments allowed in the Choral Ensemble Family: 1 unit MUSC 063, 064, 066, 133C. Total of 72 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: MUSC 087A or 087B, or enrollment in or com- This course may be scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” pletion of one of the following: MUSC 055, 057A-G, 060, (TBA) scheduling format. 061, 062, 065 or retention based on successful audition. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 180 Rehearsal and performance of traditional and contem- Grade Mode: L, A porary percussion ensemble literature. Concert(s) given each semester. Recommended: MUSC 008 or 009. Maxi- MUSC 067 MUSIC THEATER PRODUCTION mum credit 4 units, 1 unit each semester. Maximum of 4 1 unit enrollments allowed in the Chamber Ensemble Family: Prerequisite: Audition. MUSC 038C, 044, 057AEI, 070ABCDE, 082, 133E. For stu- Rehearsal and performance of literature from the musical dents playing at college level. Total of 54 hours laboratory. theater. Required instructional trips. For students per- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC forming at college level. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit Grade Mode: L, A


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PAGE 508 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 MUSC 070D TROMBONE AND TUBA ENSEMBLES MUSC 072 SECOND YEAR VOICE TECHNIQUES 1 unit 2 units Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of one of the fol- Prerequisite: MUSC 071B or audition. lowing: MUSC 055, 057A-G, 060, 061, 062, 065 or retention Further development of voice techniques, posture, breath based on successful audition. control, tone resonance, vowel placement, registration. Rehearsal and performance of standard and contemporary Emphasis on performance in class of vocal literature, in- trombone and tuba ensemble literature. Concert(s) each cluding folk songs, musical theater, religious songs and el- semester. For students playing at college level. Recom- ementary art songs. Materials adapted to individual needs. mended: MUSC 008 or 009. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 Total of 27 hours lecture and 27 hours music laboratory. unit each semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in Transfer Credit: CSU; UC the Chamber Ensemble Family: MUSC 038C, 044, 057AEI, Grade Mode: L, A 070ABCDE, 082, 133E. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC MUSC 073A VOCAL PERFORMANCE TECHNIQUES Grade Mode: L, A 1 unit Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of MUSC 009C or MUSC 070E CHAMBER MUSIC audition. 1 unit Preparation for solo performance; the aspects of learning a Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of one of the fol- song or aria: background, meaning, musical and dramatic lowing: MUSC 043, 055, 057A-G, 059, 060, 061, 062, 065, analysis, musical and dramatic interpretation. Materials 070A-D, 082, or retention based on successful audition. adapted to individual needs. Total of 18 hours lecture. Rehearsal and performance of standard and contemporary Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ensemble literature for strings with or without other in- Grade Mode: L,A struments or voice. Concert(s) each semester. For students playing at college level. Recommended: MUSC 008 or 009. MUSC 073B ADVANCED VOCAL PERFORMANCE Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each semester. Maximum TECHNIQUES of 4 enrollments allowed in the Chamber Ensemble Fam- 1 unit ily: MUSC 038C, 044, 057AEI, 070ABCDE, 082, 133E. Total Prerequisite: MUSC 073A. Further development of musical and dramatic of 54 hours laboratory. communication through performance. Project preparation Transfer Credit: CSU; UC and performance (recital, audition recording). Materials Grade Mode: L, A adapted to individual needs. Total of 18 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC MUSC 071A VOICE TECHNIQUES I Grade Mode: L, A 2 units Exploration of the fundamentals of vocal technique and MUSC 074 OPERA WORKSHOP singing for the beginning voice student. Posture, breath, 2 units tone resonance, registration. Class singing and solo sing- Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. ing from basic text and supplementary materials. Total of Preparation, rehearsal, and performance of opera excerpts. 27 hours lecture and 27 hours music laboratory. Study of stage movement, musical styles, and dramatic Transfer Credit: CSU; UC techniques for the intermediate and advanced voice stu- Grade Mode: L, A dent. Recommended vocal training. Maximum of 4 en- rollments allowed in the Musical Theater Production MUSC 071B VOICE TECHNIQUES II Family: MUSC 067, 074, 075, 076, THRT 075, 027. For stu- 2 units dents performing at college level. Total of 54 hours labora- Prerequisite: MUSC 071A or retention based on successful tory and 54 hours laboratory using the “To Be Arranged” audition. (TBA) scheduling format. Continuing development of the fundamentals of vocal Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 180 technique and singing for the second semester beginning Grade Mode: L, A voice student. Solo singing from basic text and supple- mentary materials. Total of 27 hours lecture and 27 hours MUSC 075 MUSICAL THEATER WORKSHOP music laboratory. 2 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Interdisciplinary course: Music, Theater Arts Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. Techniques, skills, theory and practice of musical theater performance and audition. The practice of songs, scenes ______

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PAGE 509 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 and dance for performance on the live stage. May not be MUSC 081B FIRST YEAR CLASSICAL GUITAR taken concurrently with or after THRT 075. Maximum 1 unit credit 8 units, 2 units each semester. Maximum of 4 Prerequisite: MUSC 081A or retention based on successful enrollments allowed in the Musical Theater Production audition. Family: MUSC 067, 074, 075, 076, THRT 075, 027. Total Further development of right and left hands and fingering, of 72 hours laboratory, 36 hours “To Be Arranged” (TBA) shifting, arpeggios, legato, exchange technique. Major and scheduling format. minor scales, seventh and augmented chords. Fingering Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 180 and interpretation of elementary and intermediate level Grade Mode: L, A guitar music. Solo and class performance. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours music laboratory. This course may be MUSC 076 OPERA PRODUCTION scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) scheduling 2 units format. Recommended Preparation: Vocal training. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Enrollment Limitation: Audition. Grade Mode: L, A Preparation, rehearsal and performance of a full opera production. Maximum credit 8 units, 2 units each MUSC 081C SECOND YEAR CLASSICAL GUITAR semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the 1 unit Musical Theater Production Family: MUSC 067, 074, 075, Prerequisite: MUSC 081B or retention based on successful 076, THRT 075, 027. Total of 144 hours laboratory. audition. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A Continued development of the technical skills and musi- cal understanding required to perform intermediate to MUSC 077A DICTION FOR SINGERS – ENGLISH AND advanced classical guitar literature. Legato and barring ITALIAN techniques, Segovia scale fingerings, tandem finger move- 2 units ments, sonorities, playing in seventh position and beyond. Basics of singing diction for English and Italian repertoire. Form analysis, ornaments. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), transcription and hours music laboratory. decoding skills, speaking, and singing of texts from pieces Transfer Credit: CSU; UC assigned in course. Total of 27 hours lecture and 27 hours Grade Mode: L, A laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC MUSC 082 GUITAR ENSEMBLE Grade Mode: L, A 1 unit Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. MUSC 077B DICTION FOR SINGERS – GERMAN AND Rehearsal and performance of original and transcribed gui- FRENCH tar ensemble literature. Emphasis on preparation of music 2 units for performance, developing ensemble skills and improving Basics of singing diction for German and French repertoire. sight reading. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each semes- International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), transcription and ter. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the Chamber decoding skills, speaking, and singing of texts from pieces Ensemble Family: MUSC 038C, 044, 057AEI, 070ABCDE, assigned in course. Total of 27 hours lecture and 27 hours 082, 133E. For students playing at college level. Total of laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A MUSC 081A FIRST YEAR CLASSICAL GUITAR 1 unit MUSC 083A BEGINNING GUITAR Use of right and left hands and simple strokes. Basic theo- 1 unit ry, elements of musicianship. Fingering and interpretation Basic right and left hand playing techniques. Tuning, no- of elementary guitar music. Solo and class performance. tation, basic music theory, reading and playing of simple Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours music laboratory. melodies and accompaniments. Recommended enrollment This course may be scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” in MUSC 101 or 102. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours (TBA) scheduling format. music laboratory. This course may be scheduled using the Transfer Credit: CSU; UC “To Be Assigned” (TBA) scheduling format. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 510 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 MUSC 083B BEGINNING GUITAR MUSC 087A PERCUSSION INSTRUMENT TECHNIQUES 1 unit 2 units Prerequisite: MUSC 083A or retention based on successful Recommended Preparation: Ability to read rhythmic audition. notation. Extended chords in first position, bar chords, movable Rudiments of standard percussion instruments with em- scales, arpeggios, note reading in fifth position and simple phasis upon snare drum. Recommended ability to read solos. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours music labora- music. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. tory. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be As- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC signed” (TBA) scheduling format. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A MUSC 088A STRING I 2 units MUSC 084 INTERMEDIATE GUITAR Fundamental techniques, including position, fingering, 1 unit bowing of standard orchestral string instruments. Reading Prerequisite: MUSC 083B or retention based on successful beginning level music. Total of 27 hours lecture and 27 audition. hours laboratory. Guitar literature and techniques. Emphasis on individual Transfer Credit: CSU; UC progress in execution and interpretation. Total of 36 hours Grade Mode: L, A lecture and 18 hours music laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC MUSC 088B STRING II Grade Mode: L, A 2 units Prerequisite: MUSC 088A. MUSC 085A WOODWINDS I Continued development of fundamental techniques, includ- 2 units ing position, fingering, bowing on a standard orchestral Fundamental techniques and care and maintenance of string instrument. Reading beginning-intermediate level standard woodwind instruments. Reading beginning level music. Total of 27 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. music. Total of 27 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A MUSC 093A INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC BUSINESS MUSC 085B WOODWINDS II AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2 units 2 units Prerequisite: MUSC 085A. Overview of making a career in music with a focus on en- Continued development of beginning performance tech- trepreneurial skills. Understanding academic programs in niques on standard woodwind instruments. Reading begin- music in higher education. Introduction to fundamental ning to intermediate level music. Total of 27 hours lecture business and personal finance skills, analysis of current and 27 hours arranged in the music laboratory. trends in advertising and marketing music and musicians. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC For students in the Music Entrepreneurship Certificate Grade Mode: L, A program, but open to all interested students. Total of 36 hours lecture. MUSC 086A BRASS I Transfer Credit: CSU 2 units Grade Mode: L, A Fundamental techniques and care and maintenance of standard brass instruments. Reading beginning level MUSC 093B THE MUSIC BUSINESS music. Total of 27 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. 2 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Prerequisite: MUSC 093A. Grade Mode: L, A Overview of music in the marketplace, including the pro- cesses of promotion, publicity, artist management, talent MUSC 086B BRASS II agents, recording strategies, selling music through the in- 2 units ternet, copyrights, and royalties. Total of 36 hours lecture. Prerequisite: MUSC 086A. Transfer Credit: CSU Continued development of beginning performance tech- Grade Mode: L, A niques on standard brass instruments. Reading beginning to intermediate level music. Total of 27 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 511 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 MUSC 094 INTRO TO MUSIC TECHNOLOGY MUSC 099 MUSIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP PRACTICUM FOR MUSICIANS 2 units 3 units Prerequisite: MUSC 093A. Prerequisite: One of the following: MUSC 001A, 040, 041A Analysis of case studies of music-related projects such as or placement based on the music assessment process. recitals, recordings, business plans and music videos. The Introduction to music technology tools commonly used by practicum culminates in the planning and presentation of musicians and music educators. Basic computer notation, individual capstone projects. Total of 36 hours lecture. MIDI, recording, digital audio workstations, microphone Transfer Credit: CSU techniques and sound reinforcement. Total of 54 hours Grade Mode: L, A lecture and 18 hours music laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU MUSC 101 MUSIC FUNDAMENTALS 1/ unit Grade Mode: L, A 2 A multi-media music course. Introduction to music notation, melodic and rhythmic. Note values, meter, time MUSC 096A INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC RECORDING signatures, the grand staff, major scales and keys. Total of AND PRODUCTION 27 hours music laboratory. This course may be scheduled 3½ units using the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. Prerequisite: One of the following: MUSC 001, 040, 041A Grade Mode: L or placement based on the music assessment process. Introduction to computer music production. Use of MIDI MUSC 105 POPULAR SONGWRITING (Musical Instrumental Digital Interface), methods of trig- 3 units gering MIDI (controllers, sequencers etc.), samplers and Theory and practice in popular songwriting. Music funda- synthesizers, digital audio recording, signal processing. mentals, lyric construction, and marketing techniques. For Aesthetic principles of music production. Total of 54 hours students interested in developing their songwriting capa- lecture and 36 hours laboratory. bilities for the commercial music industry. Recommended Transfer Credit: CSU enrollment in MUSC 102 and/or MUSC 041A. Total of 54 Grade Mode: L, A hours lecture and 18 hours music laboratory. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” (TBA) sched- MUSC 096B MUSIC RECORDING & PRODUCTION uling format. APPLICATIONS Grade Mode: L, A 3½ units Prerequisite: MUSC 096A. MUSC 112A ELECTRIC BASS TECHNIQUES Production of music projects using modern recording tech- 2 units niques. Utilization of microphones & preamps, hardware & Theory and technique of playing electric bass: hand posi- virtual mixers, outboard plug-in effects, and other associ- tion, fingering, tuning, and maintenance. Fundamentals of ated digital audio workstation components. Music produc- music theory including scales, intervals, and triads. Read- tion values are studied through analytical listening. Total ing and counting of contemporary and traditional music. of 54 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. Student must provide own instrument. Recommended en- Transfer Credit: CSU rollment in MUSC 101 or 102. Total of 36 hours lecture and Grade Mode: L, A 18 hours music laboratory. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. MUSC 096C MUSIC RECORDING & PRODUCTION Grade Mode: L, A WORKSHOP MUSC 112B ELECTRIC BASS REPERTOIRE 3½ units 2 units Prerequisite: MUSC 096A. Prerequisite: MUSC 112A or retention based on successful Strategies for mixing pre-recorded, multi-track music. Crit- audition. ical listening, musical aesthetics of recorded music. Room Study of bass lines in Jazz, Latin, Rock and classical music. acoustics for critical listening. Extensive use of equalizers, Seventh and altered chords, pedal tones, and chord pro- dynamics and time-based effects. Advanced signal routing. gressions. Further development of reading skills. Emphasis Extensive hands-on projects. Total 54 hours lecture and 36 on playing in time. Function of bass in traditional and hours laboratory. contemporary music. Music business considerations. Total Transfer credit: CSU of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours music laboratory. This Grade Mode: L, A course may be scheduled using the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 512 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 MUSC 115 CONTEMPORARY GUITAR TECHNIQUES MUSC 129A MUSIC IN MULTIMEDIA 2 units 3 units Recommended preparation: MUSC 083A. Prerequisites: MUSC 001B and 096A. Enrollment Limitation: Retention based on successful au- Survey of techniques for placing music in multimedia. Mu- dition. sical sources including music libraries, licensing existing Intermediate level guitar techniques in popular styles. music and composing original music for media. Musical Melody and chord reading, right and left hand technique, techniques specific to media including tempo-mapping to accompaniment patterns, and improvisation. Playing solos accommodate dramatic action, spotting sessions, and nar- and rhythm section concepts in duos, trios, and quartets. rative composition. Production techniques including MIDI Recommended ability to read melodies and play major and and audio recording and score preparation for recording minor chords in first position. Total of 36 hours lecture and sessions. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours music 18 hours laboratory. This course may be scheduled using laboratory. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A

MUSC 116 DRUM SET TECHNIQUES MUSC 131 MULTICULTURAL MUSIC MATERIALS 2 units FOR YOUNG CHILDREN Recommended preparation: MUSC 087A or enrollment as 3 units drummer/percussionist in one of the following: MUSC 057A- Recommended preparation: MUSC 030. G 059, 061, 062, 065, 070C or retention based on successful Introduction to the basic concepts of multicultural edu- audition. cation as applied to music for young children. Focus on Basic techniques of drum set playing. Emphasis on hand- varied musical arts of worldwide cultures reflected in North foot coordination. Styles studied include jazz, Latin and American society. Development of age-appropriate teach- rock. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours music labora- ing strategies, materials, and resources designed to en- tory. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be Ar- hance multicultural music experiences for young children ranged” (TBA) scheduling format. in group settings. Meets partial fulfillment of the require- Grade Mode: L, A ments for Child Development specialization in preschool music education. Total of 54 hours lecture. MUSC 117 RHYTHM SECTION TECHNIQUES Grade Mode: L 2 units Enrollment Limitation: Audition. MUSC 133A PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLE — Theory and techniques of playing in a rhythm section both ORCHESTRA as an independent unit and as the accompaniment to solo- 1 unit ists, combos and big bands. Interpretation of individual Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. function, style and written notation in jazz, rock, Latin Rehearsal and preparations for actual performance by solo- and swing ensembles. For pianists, guitarists, bassists, set ists and ensembles. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each drummers, and percussionists. Total of 36 hours lecture semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the In- and 18 hours music laboratory. This course may be sched- strumental Ensemble Family: MUSC 043, 053, 060, 062, uled using the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. 133AB. Total of 18 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A

MUSC 121 LATIN PERCUSSION TECHNIQUES MUSC 133B PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLE — 2 units CONCERT BAND Percussion performance in Afro-Cuban and Brazilian 1 unit musical styles. Playing techniques on specific instruments Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. and idiomatic rhythmic patterns associated with regional Rehearsal and preparations for actual performance by musical styles. Instruments include congas, claves, guiro, soloists and ensembles. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit timbales, cowbell, shekere, and bongos. Total of 36 hours each semester Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the lecture and 18 hours music laboratory. This course may be Instrumental Ensemble Family: MUSC 043, 053, 060, scheduled using the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling 062, 133AB. Total of 18 hours lecture. format. Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 513 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 MUSC 133C PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLE — CHOIR MUSC 171A BEGINNING TECHNIQUES OF POPULAR 1 unit SINGING Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. 2 units Rehearsal and preparations for actual performance by Development of basic techniques and skills appropriate soloists and ensembles. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit for singing various styles of popular music. Emphasis on each semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in fundamental singing techniques, interpretation, and stage the Choral Ensemble Family: MUSC 063, 064, 066, 133C. presence. Music technology and the business of music. Total of 18 hours lecture. Solo singing performance required. Total of 36 hours lec- Grade Mode: L, A ture and 18 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L MUSC 133D PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLE — JAZZ 1 unit MUSC 171B INTERMEDIATE TECHNIQUES OF POPULAR Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. SINGING Rehearsal and preparations for actual performance by 2 units soloists and ensembles. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit Prerequisite: MUSC 171A. each semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the Development of intermediate level techniques and skills Jazz Ensemble Family: MUSC 056, 057BCDF, 133D. Total appropriate for singing various styles of commercial and of 18 hours lecture. popular music. Emphasis on fundamental singing tech- Grade Mode: L, A niques, song interpretation, and remembering how to en- joy performing. Music technology and the business of mu- MUSC 133E PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLE — sic. Ensemble and solo singing performance required. Total SMALL GROUPS of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L 1 unit Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. Rehearsal and preparations for actual performance by soloists and ensembles. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit NURSING each semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in (Health Sciences Division) the Chamber Ensemble Family: MUSC 038C, 044, 057AEI, 070ABCDE, 082, 133E. Total of 18 hours lecture. NURS 040 MATERNAL NEWBORN NURSING Grade Mode: L, A 1 unit Prerequisites: NURS 050, 050L, 050S, 137, and 138. MUSC 135 CURRICULUM APPLICATIONS OF MUSIC Corequisite: NURS 040L. IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Nursing theory and concepts to promote and maintain safe, 3 units developmentally appropriate, outcome-focused health care Recommended preparation: MUSC 030. for culturally diverse maternal, newborn clients and their Development and application of music curriculum in ap- families. Integrate professional nursing roles of clinician, proved group programs for children from infancy through teacher, leader, and advocate while demonstrating critical school age. Observing, planning, and guiding musical play thinking and nursing process in the care of patient response and learning. Practical application of theoretical concepts. to physiological and psychosocial health conditions of Meets partial fulfillment of the requirement for specializa- maternal and newborn clients. Total of 27 hours lecture. tion in preschool music education. Total of 54 hours lec- Transfer Credit: CSU ture. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L NURS 040L MATERNAL NEWBORN NURSING LAB MUSC 144 INTRODUCTION TO IMPROVISATION 2 units 3 units Prerequisites: NURS 050, 050L, 050S, 137, and 138. Recommended preparation: MUSC 040. Corequisite: NURS 040. Techniques of improvisation including a background of Application of nursing theory and concepts to promote theory and skills. Experience in combo performance. Total and maintain safe, developmentally appropriate, outcome- of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours music laboratory. This focused health care for culturally diverse maternal, newborn course may be scheduled using the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) patients and their families. Implement professional nursing scheduling format. roles of clinician, teacher, leader, and advocate while Grade Mode: L, A demonstrating critical thinking and nursing process in the care of client response to physiological and psychosocial

PAGE 514 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 conditions of maternal and newborn clients. Pass/no pass Application of nursing theory and concepts to promote grading. Total of 108 hours laboratory. and maintain safe, developmentally appropriate, outcome- Transfer Credit: CSU focused health care for culturally diverse psychiatric - Grade Mode: A, P mental health patients across the lifespan. Implement professional nursing roles of clinician, teacher, leader, NURS 041 PEDIATRIC NURSING and advocate while demonstrating critical thinking and 1 unit nursing process in the care of client response to mental Prerequisites: NURS 050, 050L, 137, and 138. health conditions. Pass/no pass grading. Total of 81 Corequisite: NURS 041L. hours laboratory. Nursing theory and concepts to promote and maintain safe, Transfer Credit: CSU developmentally appropriate, outcome-focused health care Grade Mode: A, P for culturally diverse pediatric clients and their families. Integrate professional nursing roles of clinician, teacher, NURS 050 FOUNDATIONAL NURSING CARE leader, and advocate while demonstrating critical thinking 3 units and nursing process in the care of pediatric client response Corequisites: NURS 050L, NURS 050S, and either NURS 137 to physiological and psychosocial health conditions of or NURS 138. child and adolescent patients. Total of 18 hours lecture. Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance in the Registered Nurs- Transfer Credit: CSU ing Program. Grade Mode: L, A Introduction to foundational nursing theory and concepts that integrate the nursing roles of clinician, teacher, NURS 041L PEDIATRIC NURSING LAB leader, and advocate while relating the concepts of patient- 2 units centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based Prerequisites: NURS 050, 050L, 050S, 137, and 138. practice, safety, informatics, and professionalism to the Corequisite: NURS 041. foundational nursing care of adult and geriatric patients. Application of nursing theory and concepts to promote Total of 54 hours lecture. and maintain safe, developmentally appropriate,outcome- Transfer Credit: CSU focused health care for culturally diverse pediatric patients Grade Mode: L and their families. Implement professional nursing roles of clinician, teacher, leader, and advocate while NURS 050L FOUNDATIONAL NURSING CARE demonstrating critical thinking and nursing process in the LAB/CLINICAL care of patient response to physiological and psychosocial 5 units conditions of child and adolescent patients. Pass/no pass Corequisites: NURS 050, NURS 050S, and either NURS 137 grading. Total of 108 hours laboratory. or NURS 1308. Transfer Credit: CSU Enrollment Limitation: Admission into the Registered Grade Mode: A, P Nursing Program. Introduction to foundational nursing skills and clinical NURS 042 PSYCHIATRIC MENTAL HEALTH NURSING reasoning that integrate the nursing roles of clinician, 1 unit teacher, leader, and advocate while relating the concepts Prerequisites: NURS 051A, 051L, 040, 040L, 041, 041L, of patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, and 051S. evidence-based practice, safety, informatics, and profes- Corequisite: NURS 042L. sionalism to the foundational nursing care of adult and Nursing theory and concepts to promote and maintain safe, geriatric patients. Total of 270 hours laboratory. developmentally appropriate, outcome-focused health care Transfer Credit: CSU for culturally diverse psychiatric - mental health patients Grade Mode: P across the lifespan. Integrate professional nursing roles of clinician, teacher, leader, and advocate while demonstrat- NURS 050S FOUNDATIONAL NURSING – SEMINAR ing critical thinking and nursing process in the care of 1 unit patient response to mental health conditions. Total of 18 Corequisites: NURS 050, NURS 050L. hours lecture. Foundational nursing theory and concepts to promote and Transfer Credit: CSU maintain safe and effective health care. Critical thinking Grade Mode: L, A and the nursing process in the foundational care of pa- tient responses to physiological and psychosocial health NURS 042L PSYCHIATRIC MENTAL HEALTH conditions of adult and geriatric clients. Total of 18 hours NURSING LAB lecture. 11/ units 2 Transfer Credit: CSU Prerequisites: NURS 051A, 051L, 051S, 040, 040L, 041, Grade Mode: L, A and 041L. Corequisite: NURS 042.

PAGE 515 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 NURS 051A BEGINNING MEDICAL SURGICAL NURS 052A INTERMEDIATE MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING NURSING 1 unit 2 units Prerequisites: All of the following: NURS 050, 050L, and Prerequisites: (1) NURS 051A, 051L, 051S, 040, 040L, 050S. 041, and 041L or (2) NURS 210 and acceptance into the Corequisites: NURS 050, 050L, 050S, 137, AND 138. career ladder LVN to RN program. Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Registered Corequisites: NURS 052L and 052S. Nursing Program. Intermediate medical surgical nursing theory and Beginning nursing theory and concepts to promote and concepts to promote and maintain safe, developmentally maintain a safe, developmentally appropriate, outcome- appropriate, outcome-focused health care for culturally focused health care for culturally diverse adult and diverse adult and geriatric medical surgical patients. geriatric medical surgical patients. Integrate professional Integrate professional nursing roles of clinician, teacher, nursing roles of clinician, teacher, leader, advocate while leader, and advocate while demonstrating critical thinking demonstrating critical thinking and nursing process in the and nursing process in the care of patient response to care of patient response to physiological and psychosocial physiological and psychosocial health conditions of adult health conditions of adult and geriatric patients. Total of and geriatric patients. Total of 36 hours lecture. 18 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A NURS 052L INTERMEDIATE MEDICAL SURGICAL NURS 051L BEGINNING MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING LAB 1 NURSING LAB 3 /2 units 2 units Prerequisites: All of the following: NURS 051A, 051L, Prerequisites: All of the following: NURS 050, 050L, 050S, 051S, 040, 040L, 041, and 041L. 137, and 138. Corequisite: NURS 052A. Corequisites: NURS 051A and NURS 051S. Application of intermediate nursing theory and concepts Application of beginning nursing theory and concepts to to promote and maintain safe, developmentally appropri- promote and maintain safe, developmentally appropriate, ate, outcome-focused health care for culturally diverse outcome-focused health care for culturally diverse adult and adult and geriatric medical surgical clients. Implement geriatric medical surgical patients. Implement professional professional nursing roles of clinician, teacher, leader and nursing roles of clinician, teacher, leader, and advocate advocate while demonstrating critical thinking and nurs- while demonstrating critical thinking and nursing process ing process in the care of client response to physiological in the care of adult and geriatric patients. Pass/no pass and psychosocial conditions of adult and geriatric clients. grading. Total of 108 hours laboratory. Pass/no pass grading. Total of 189 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: A, P Grade Mode: A, P

NURS 051S BEGINNING NURSING – SEMINAR NURS 052S INTERMEDIATE NURSING CARE – 1 unit SEMINAR Prerequisites: NURS 050, 050L, 050S, 137, and 138. 1 unit Corequisites: NURS 051A and 051L or NURS 040 and 040L Corequisites: NURS 052, NURS 052L. or NURS 041 and 041L. Intermediate nursing theory and concepts to promote and Beginning nursing theory and concepts including leader- maintain safe and effective health care. Critical thinking ship, patient-centered care, safety, evidence-based prac- and the nursing process in the intermediate care of patient tice, informatics, and communication as they apply to pa- responses to physiological, psychosocial and psychiatric- tients and their families at a beginning level. Exploration mental health conditions. Total of 18 hours lecture. and analysis of current nursing research and its application Transfer Credit: CSU to specific clinical issues or conditions. Development of Grade Mode: L, A educational presentations and practice of leadership and communications skills. Total of 18 hours lecture. NURS 053 ADVANCED MEDICAL – SURGICAL NURSING Transfer Credit: CSU 3 units Grade Mode: L Prerequisites: All of the following: NURS 052A, 052L, 052S. Corequisites: NURS 053L, 053S. Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment is limited by clinical availability.

PAGE 516 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Advanced nursing theory and concepts to promote and NURS 108A NURSING SKILLS LABORATORY—VN maintain safe and effective health care with culturally 1 unit diverse patients. Integrate professional nursing roles of Corequisites: NURS 125, 125L and 122. clinician, teacher, leader and advocate while demonstrat- Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Licensed Voca- ing critical thinking and nursing process in the advanced tional Nursing Program. care of patient response to physiological and psychosocial Foundational nursing procedural skills, therapeutic com- health conditions. Total of 54 hours lecture. munication, and documentation skills. Development and Transfer Credit: CSU laboratory practice of nursing procedural skills correlated Grade Mode: L, A with NURS 125 and 125L. Utilization of the nursing process in demonstrating critical elements of procedures. Pass/no NURS 053L ADVANCED MEDICAL – pass grading. Total of 54 hours laboratory. SURGICAL NURSING – CLINICAL Grade Mode: A, P 5 units Corequisite: NURS 053. NURS 108B NURSING SKILLS LABORATORY—VN Application of advanced nursing theory and concepts to 1 unit promote and maintain safe and effective health care with Prerequisites: NURS 125, 125L, 108A, and 122. culturally diverse patients. Integrate the professional nurs- Corequisites: NURS 126, 126L, and 124. Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Licensed Voca- ing roles of clinician, teacher,leader and advocate while tional Nursing Program. demonstrating critical thinking and nursing process in the Continued development and progression in the practice advanced care of patient response to physiological and of procedural skills associated with NURS 126 and 126L. psychosocial health conditions. Pass/no pass grading. To- Application of the nursing process in the performance of tal of 270 hours laboratory. complex technical skills. Pass/no pass grading. Short Transfer Credit: CSU term class. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: A, P Grade Mode: A, P NURS 053S ADVANCED NURSING SEMINAR NURS 122 MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION FOR 1 unit VOCATIONAL NURSES—THEORY Prerequisites: NURS 052A, 052L, 052S, 042, and 042L. 3 units Corequisites: NURS 053 and NURS 053L. Prerequisites: MATH 400B or MATH 402. Advanced nursing theory and concepts to promote and Corequisites: NURS 125, 125L, and 108A. maintain safe and effective health care. Critical thinking Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Vocational Nurs- and the nursing process in the advanced care of client re- ing Program. sponses to physiologic and psychosocial health conditions Principles of medication administration, classification of of clients across the lifespan. Total of 18 hours lecture. drugs, drug actions and side effects. Role and responsibili- Transfer Credit: CSU ties of the vocational nurse in the interpretation of drug Grade Mode: L, A orders, dosage calculation, and administration of medica- tions. Calculation of intravenous rates and management NURS 103 NURSING ASSISTANT of intravenous fluids for the vocational nurse. Total of 54 5 units hours lecture. Prerequisite: Completion of high school 10th grade; mini- Grade Mode: L, A mum age of 16. Introduction to basic principles of nursing, including the NURS 123A ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATIONS role of the certified nurse assistant on a health care team; 2 units gross anatomy and medical terminology; ethics and com- Prerequisite: MATH 401C or 402. munication; basic procedural skills with emphasis on ger- Corequisites: NURS 108A, 125, 125L. ontology. Six weeks. Pass/no pass grading. For students Introduction to principles of medication administration, accepted to the Vocational Nursing program but open to classification of drugs, drug actions, and side effects. Role all students. Total of 54 hours lecture and 108 hours labo- and responsibilities of the vocational nurse in the inter- ratory. pretation of drug orders, dosage calculation, and admin- Grade Mode: A, P istration of medications. Recommended Pre-Algebra math skill; be able to compute basic math and do metric system conversions. Total of 36 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 517 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 NURS 123B ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATIONS NURS 125S FUNDAMENTALS OF VOCATIONAL 2 units NURSING—SEMINAR Prerequisite: NURS 123A. 1 unit Corequisites: NURS 126, 126L. Corequisites: NURS 125, 125L, 108A, 123A. Continued studies in the administration of medications, Introduction to the concepts of communication necessary classification of drugs, drug actions and side effects. Role to the care of adult and geriatric medical, surgical, and and responsibilities of the vocational nurse in administra- psychiatric clients at the beginning vocational level. Total tion of medications. Calculation of intravenous rats and of 18 hours lecture. management of intravenous fluids for the vocational nurse. Grade Mode: L, A Total of 36 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A NURS 126 INTERMEDIATE VOCATIONAL NURSING—THEORY NURS 124 MENTAL HEALTH NURSING FOR 5 units VOCATIONAL NURSES Prerequisites: NURS 108A, 125, 125L, and 122. 2 units Corequisites: NURS 126L, 108B, and 124. Prerequisites: NURS 125, 125L, 108A, and 122. Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Vocational Nurs- Corequisites: NURS 126, 126L, and 108B. ing Program. Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Vocational Nurs- Progression in vocational nursing. Elaboration on concepts ing Program. of safe care of medical/surgical clients. Progression in the Mental health nursing theory and concepts to promote and vocational nurse utilization of nursing process for more maintain safe, developmentally appropriate health care for complex client problems. Further concepts of cultural pro- culturally diverse psychiatric - mental health clients across ficiency, therapeutic communication, and client advocacy. the lifespan. Integrate vocational nursing responsibilities Total of 90 hours lecture. of data collection, planning interventions, reporting and Grade Mode: L, A documentation. Utilization of nursing process in the voca- tional nurse’s care of client response to psychiatric-mental NURS 126L INTERMEDIATE VOCATIONAL health conditions. Total of 36 hours lecture. NURSING—CLINICAL Grade Mode: L, A 5 units Corequisites: NURS 126. NURS 125 FUNDAMENTALS OF VOCATIONAL Application of nursing theory and skills to the care of indi- NURSING—THEORY viduals experiencing complex medical/surgical conditions. 5 units Progressive use of the nursing process. Pass/no pass grad- Prerequisites: NURS 103, NUTR 011 or 125; PSYC 102 or ing. Total of 270 hours laboratory. 024; and enrollment in or completion of PYSO 100. Grade Mode: A, P Corequisites: NURS 108A, 123A, 125L, 125S. Enrollment Limitation: Enrollment in the Vocational Nurs- NURS 126S INTERMEDIATE VOCATIONAL NURSING – ing Program. SEMINAR Introduction to the fundamentals of vocational nursing. 1 unit Theory common to the care of adult medical/surgical cli- Prerequisites: All of the following: NURS 108A, 123A, 125, ents. Introduction to the components of the nursing pro- 125L, 125S. cess. Concepts of communication in a multicultural envi- Corequisites: NURS 126, 126L, 108B, 123B. ronment. Total of 90 hours lecture. Continuation and progression in vocational nursing theory Grade Mode: L, A and concepts common to the care of complex adult medi- cal/surgical clients at the intermediate vocational nursing NURS 125L FUNDAMENTALS OF VOCATIONAL level. Total of 18 hours lecture. NURSING—CLINICAL Grade Mode: L, A 5 units Prerequisite: NURS 137. NURS 127 ADVANCED VOCATIONAL NURSING— Corequisites: NURS 108A, 123A, 125. THEORY Introduction and application of basic vocational nursing 6 units skills. Application of nursing theory and the nursing pro- Prerequisites: All of the following: NURS 108B, 124, 126, cess to the care of individuals in hospitals and community 126L. agencies. Pass/no pass grading. Total of 270 hours labora- Corequisite: NURS 127L. tory. Continuation and progression in vocational nursing. A, P Grade Mode: Nursing care of maternal-newborn, pediatric, and medical-

PAGE 518 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 surgical clients. Concepts of emergency and disaster NURS 200 NURSING LABORATORY nursing, community nursing, leadership and supervision. 1 unit Current trends in vocational nursing, legal, ethical issues, Prerequisite: Enrollment or awaiting readmission in a Nurs- career opportunities and job application. Preparation for ing, Emergency Medical Technology or Radiologic Technology vocational nursing licensure examination. Total of 108 course. hours lecture. Development of nursing skills and concepts in a laboratory Grade Mode: L, A setting. Pass/no pass grading. Total of 54 hours labora- tory. NURS 127L ADVANCED VOCATIONAL NURSING— Grade Mode: A, P CLINICAL 4 units NURS 201 NURSING BOOT CAMP Corequisite: NURS 127. 1½ units Application of nursing theory to the care of maternal/ Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into PCC Nursing Pro- child, pediatric, and adult medical/surgical clients. Inte- gram. gration of nursing process into the role of vocational nurse Foundational skills and concepts will prepare the new nurs- leader. Role of the vocational nurse in an emergency set- ing student for the rigors of the nursing program and the ting. Twelve weeks. Pass/no pass grading. Total of 216 development of the ability to provide patient-centered, hours laboratory. collaborative, evidence-based, safe nursing care to indi- Grade Mode: A, P viduals while maintaining professional and ethical stan- dards. Vital information related to nursing school success NURS 137 FOUNDATION PHARMACOLOGY strategies, math skills, and the required competencies for 1 unit the nursing program are included. Students will have the Corequisites: NURS 050, 050L, and 050S. opportunity to practice newly acquired cognitive and psy- Enrollment Limitation: Admission to Registered Nursing cho-motor skills. This course is strongly recommended for Program. students beginning the PCC Nursing Program at the start of Introduction to foundational pharmacological principles the next academic semester. Pass/no pass grading. Total and dosage calculation that relate the concepts of patient- of 18 hours of lecture and 27 hours of laboratory. centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence- Grade Mode: P based practice, safety, informatics, and professionalism to the care of patients receiving medication across the devel- NURS 202 NURSING SKILLS ENRICHMENT opmental spectrum. Total of 18 hours of lecture. 3 units Grade Mode: L Prerequisites: Either NURS 050, 050L, 137, 138 and NURS 050S; or NURS 051A, 051L, and 051S; or NURS 040, 040L NURS 138 PHARMACOLOGY: PROCESS AND and 051S; or NURS 041, 041L, and 051S; or NURS 042, PROBLEMS 042L, and 052S; or NURS 052A, 052L, and 052S; or NURS 1 unit 053, 053L, and 053S. Prerequisite: NURS 137. Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into PCC Nursing Pro- Corequisites: NURS 050, 050L, and 050S. gram. The role of the nurse in medication administration. Focus Development and improvement of nursing knowledge, on drug information to enhance safe and effective use of skills, and attitudes in a supervised clinical setting, based over-the-counter and prescription medications. Current is- on self-evaluation and improvement planning. Focus for this course is on patient-centered care, teamwork and col- sues related to drug therapy explored. Total of 18 hours laboration, evidence-based practice, safety, informatics, lecture. and professionalism. Pass/no pass grading. Total of 162 Grade Mode: L, A hours laboratory. Grade Mode: P NURS 139 INTERMEDIATE CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY 2 units Focus on effective pharmacological and parenteral NURS 210 NURSING ROLE TRANSITION treatments to alleviate illness, relieve pain, and facilitate 2 units healing. Individualized care plan based on patient Prerequisite: Acceptance into Licensed Vocational Nurse values, clinical experience and evidence-based practice. Based Registered Nursing program. Demonstration of effective use of strategies to reduce risk Nursing concepts, judgment, skills, and practices related of harm when administering or evaluating medication. to the role transition of the licensed vocational nurse to Total of 36 hours lecture. the registered nurse. Total of 27 hours lecture and 27 hours Grade Mode: L, A laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 519 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 NURS 211 BASIC CARDIAC DYSRHYTHMIAS and athletic achievement. Total of 54 hours lecture. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Provides nurses, paramedics, and other health care pro- Grade Mode: L, P viders with an opportunity to become proficient in inter- preting and applying basic cardiac dysrhythmias in clinical practice. Pass/no pass grading. Total of 18 hours lecture. PARALEGAL STUDIES Grade Mode: A, P (Business and Engineering Technology Division) NURS 213 INTRAVENOUS THERAPY AND PLGL 134 INTRODUCTION TO PARALEGAL STUDIES BLOOD WITHDRAWAL 3 units 1 unit Investigation of the paralegal career. Relationship of NURS 051, 051L; NURS 126 and 126L. Prerequisites: or attorney and paralegal in decision making and systems This course covers basic concepts, principles, and tech- procedures. Introduction to law; composition, location niques of I.V. therapy and blood withdrawal. Emphasis is and jurisdiction of courts; legal terminology; bibliography, on the acquisition of venipuncture and blood withdrawal social forces and effect of law. Total of 54 hours lecture. skills. Course approved by the BRN and BVNPTE for continu- Grade Mode: L, A ing education hours. Pass/no pass grading. Short term class. Total of 9 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. PLGL 135A WILLS, TRUSTS, PROBATE Grade Mode: A, P ADMINISTRATION 3 units Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of PLGL 134. Overview of property, wills and general estate planning; NUTRITION overview of probate and probate court, guardianships, (Health Sciences Division) conservatorships, elder law, tax-related issues, probate alternatives; probate litigation. Total of 54 hours lecture. NUTR 011 HUMAN NUTRITION Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units PLGL 135B WILLS, TRUSTS, PROBATE Nutrition throughout the life cycle. Relationship of diet to ADMINISTRATION health, physical activity and body functions. Nutritional 3 units value of foods, minerals and vitamins. Total of 54 hours Prerequisite: PLGL 135A. lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Probate administration and mechanics, summary Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: NUTR 110 administration, family allowance and homestead, estate Grade Mode: L, A, P planning and use of trusts. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P NUTR 012 PRINCIPLES OF FOOD SCIENCE 3 units PLGL 136 PROPERTY LAW, BANKRUPTCY AND Application of food science principles with emphasis on CREDITORS RIGHTS ingredient function and interaction, food preparation 3 units techniques, sensory evaluation standards, food safety and Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of PLGL 134. sanitation, and nutrient composition of food. Total of 54 Law of personal property, real property, joint ownership, hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. leases, deeds; drafting problems in real estate transactions; Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: NUTR 120 systems of recording, search of public documents, Grade Mode: L, P bankruptcy laws and forms; creditors’ rights, debtors’ exemptions and secured transactions. Total of 54 hours NUTR 025 NUTRITION FOR SPORT, EXERCISE, AND lecture. HEALTH Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Principles of nutrition are studied and applied to the PLGL 137 LEGAL WRITING AND DRAFTING athlete and active individuals. Includes macro and micro 3 units nutrient intakes, hydration, pre- and post-event food Prerequisite: PLGL 134 or 145A. choices, supplements, body composition, and weight loss/ Advanced legal drafting and writing; special research and gain. This course also examines the cultural, sociological, projects. Preparation of specific court papers and general and psychological influences related to nutrition, fitness, legal papers. Total of 54 hours lecture. ______Grade Mode: L, A, P

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 520 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 PLGL 138 PARALEGAL STUDIES FIELD PRACTICE Introduction to the technical skills of legal research 4 units through the use of a case digest, interpretation of statutes, Prerequisite: Maintain enrollment in 7 units or more in- Shepardizing authorities, and prioritizing authorities. Total cluding field practice and in Paralegal Studies curriculum. of 54 hours lecture. Supervised field experience or employment in legal office Grade Mode: L, A, P leading to training in systems approach for paralegals (legal assistants). Total of 360 hours field practice. PLGL 145B COMPUTER AIDED LEGAL RESEARCH Grade Mode: L, A, P 1 unit Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of PLGL 134 and PLGL 139 TORT LAW AND CLAIMS INVESTIGATION 145A. 3 units On-line legal research using online legal databases and Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of PLGL 134. other information available. Composing queries and re- Intentional torts and negligence, including insurance searching case law, statutes, and legal periodicals. Total of claims procedures; evaluation of personal injury claims 9 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. and pleadings used in law offices either in settlement or Grade Mode: L, A, P litigation. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P PLGL 146 COMPUTER USE FOR THE LAW OFFICE 2 units PLGL 140 FAMILY LAW AND DISSOLUTION Prerequisite: PLGL 134. PROCEDURES Use of software programs in the law office. Applications in- 3 units clude software for word processing, Judicial Council forms, Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of PLGL 134. jury instruction preparation, legal calendaring, case man- Law and procedure relative to marriage, dissolution, adop- agement, trial preparation, time keeping, billing, and ac- tion and community property. Total of 54 hours lecture. counting. Recommended basic word processing skills. To- Grade Mode: L, A, P tal of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A, P PLGL 141 CIVIL AND CRIMINAL EVIDENCE 3 units PLGL 147 INTRODUCTION TO E-DISCOVERY Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of PLGL 134. 2 units Rules of civil and criminal evidence, admissibility of Prerequisite: PLGL 134. evidence in court, types of evidence, hearsay evidence and Introduces E-Discovery, the E-Discovery Reference Model exceptions, expert testimony, and scientific evidence. Total (“EDRM”), and the software used in law firms and legal of 54 hours lecture. departments for document review. Current trends in the Grade Mode: L, A, P Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, social media and cloud computing, PLGL 142 LAW OFFICE PROCEDURES AND ETHICS discovery issues and the practical application of these 3 units rules. Intended for students in the Paralegal Studies Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of PLGL 134. Program or in the paralegal profession, but open to all Basic objectives of law office management procedures. students. 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Coordination of operational skills in a law office. Ethics Grade Mode: L, P of the legal profession and the judiciary. Total of 54 hours lecture. PLGL 148 IMMIGRATION LAW Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of PLGL 134. PLGL 143 WORKERS’ COMPENSATION LAW Historical background; administration of immigration 3 units law; citizenship and nationality; immigration preference Background of Worker’s Compensation Law. Relevant statu- system; non-immigrants; visas; refugees and asylum. Total tory and case law, substantive and procedural issues in- of 54 hours lecture. cluding compensability, benefit structure and tort law re- Grade Mode: L, A, P lationships of Worker’s Compensation. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P PLGL 150 PARALEGAL STUDIES GRADUATE SEMINAR PLGL 145A LEGAL RESEARCH 1 unit 3 units Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of final semester Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of PLGL 134. of Paralegal Studies courses. Designed to help Paralegal Studies students bridge the gap

PAGE 521 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 between the educational institution and the workplace. methods, including logical and conceptual analysis. In- Resume writing, interviewing for employment, and terpretation of historical and contemporary philosophical professional networking. Intended for students in the last texts. Evaluation of philosophical problems, concepts, and semester of the Paralegal Studies Program and earning the arguments. Construction and defense of philosophical ar- Certificate of Achievement. Total of 18 hours lecture. guments in oral and written form. This enriched course is Grade Mode: A, P designed for the Honors Program allowing more student directed discussion and more extensive writing assign- ments. No credit if taken after PHIL 001. Total of 54 hours lecture. PERSONAL HEALTH CARE ASSISTANT Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: PHIL 100 (Health Sciences Division) Grade Mode: L

PHCA 100 PERSONAL HEALTH CARE AIDE PHIL 003 ETHICS 2 units 3 units Enrollment Limitation: Completion of high school 10th An analysis from the philosophical point of view of the grade; minimum age of 16. nature of morality and moral judgments; study of the major Prepares students to provide or support activities of daily ethical systems; theories of conduct; theories of value; the living, personal care, and homemaker services to elderly moral virtues; science and morality; ethical relativism. and disabled individuals needing assistance to remain Particular issues examined include the nature of moral safely and independently in their own home or in an actions; the ground for moral obligation; and the relation assisted living facility. Topics include communication between morality, happiness, and rationality. Total of 54 skills, maintenance of a healthy environment, procedures hours lecture. for emergencies, physical, emotional, and developmental Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: PHIL 120 characteristics of the patients served, personal hygiene, Grade Mode: L, P safe transfer techniques, and basic nutrition. Total of 108 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: A, P PHIL 007 CONTEMPORARY MORAL PROBLEMS 3 units Nature of ethical value judgments. Concepts of choice, obligations, moral standards, and types of ethical theory. PHILOSOPHY Analysis of such concepts as justice, freedom, the state. (Social Sciences Division) Various types of political theory. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC PHIL 001 INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units A survey of the main areas of philosophy, including PHIL 008 PHILOSOPHY AND HUMANNESS metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy, 3 units and philosophy of religion. Introduction to philosophical The essence of human nature: reason, desire, work, free- methods, including logical and conceptual analysis. dom and organism; some deficiencies in human nature: Interpretation of historical and contemporary philosophical sin, ignorance, neurosis, alienation; means for changing texts. Evaluation of philosophical problems, concepts, and human nature: redemption, education, therapy, social re- arguments. Construction and defense of philosophical construction. Total of 54 hours lecture. arguments in oral and written form. No credit if taken Transfer Credit: CSU; UC after PHIL 001H. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: PHIL 100 Grade Mode: L, P PHIL 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY 1 unit PHIL 001H HONORS INTRODUCTION TO Enrollment Limitation: Permission of department PHILOSOPHY instructor and division dean. 3 units Individual research projects; emphasis on library research Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Honors and preparation of research papers. Total of 54 hours labo- program. ratory. A survey of the main areas of philosophy, including meta- Transfer Credit: CSU physics, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy, and Grade Mode: L, P philosophy of religion. Introduction to philosophical ______

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PAGE 522 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 PHIL 020A HISTORY OF ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY PHIL 030 LOGIC 3 units 3 units Beginnings of Western philosophy and science in Greece, Elementary thought processes, both deductive and induc- including philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and tive, emphasis on definition, verification, evidence, valid- Aristotle, and Hellenistic schools of thought, developments ity, forms of argument and of fallacious reasoning. Total to St. Thomas Aquinas, and theories of the late Middle of 54 hours lecture. Ages. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: PHIL 110 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, P Grade Mode: L, P PHIL 031 CONTEMPORARY CHICANO PHILOSOPHY PHIL 020B HISTORY OF MODERN PHILOSOPHY 3 units 3 units Survey of Mexican philosophy; emphasis on contemporary Philosophical systems of the Renaissance; the scientific developments; implications of Mexican thought for the revolution; rationalism in Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz; Mexican-American. Total of 54 hours lecture. empiricism in Locke, Berkeley and Hume; Kant and post- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Kantian developments. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, P PHIL 033 INTRODUCTION TO SYMBOLIC LOGIC 3 units PHIL 025 INTRODUCTION TO CRITICAL THINKING Introduction to the principles of valid deductive reasoning; 3 units elements of symbolic logic; sentential and quantificational ENGL 001A, 001AH, or 001AS. Prerequisite: logic; forms of reasoning; structure of language. Total of An introduction to critical thinking skills and techniques 54 hours lecture. of critical analysis in written form. Course will include ap- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC plications of critical reasoning skills in everyday situations Grade Mode: L, P and seek to develop the ability to integrate the principles of critical thinking with the techniques of effective writ- PHIL 037 PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION ten argument. A total of 6,000 to 8,000 words will be 3 units required during the semester in a variety of written as- Examines enduring questions in the philosophy of religion, signments. No credit if taken after PHIL 025H. Total of 54 such as the concept of God, arguments for the existence hours lecture. of God, the nature of religious experience, whether there Transfer Credit: CSU; UC is an afterlife, the relation between faith and reason, the Grade Mode: L, A, P problem of evil, whether belief in miracles is rationally justified, problems surrounding divine foreknowledge PHIL 025H HONORS CRITICAL THINKING and human freedom, and implications of the diversity of 3 units religious belief. Total of 54 hours lecture. Prerequisite: ENGL 001A, 001AH, or 001AS. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Honors Grade Mode: L,P program. An introduction to critical thinking skills and techniques of critical analysis in written form. Course will include applications of critical reasoning skills in everyday PHOTOGRAPHY situations and seek to develop the ability to integrate (Visual Arts and Media Studies Division) the principles of critical thinking with the techniques of effective written argument. A total of 6,000 to 8,000 PHOT 001 FILM PHOTOGRAPHY I words will be required during the semester in a variety 3 units of written assignments. This enriched course is designed Foundation in film photography as an artistic medium and for the Honors Program allowing more student-directed communication tool. Introduction to 35mm film cameras, discussions and more extensive writing assignments. No film processing and darkroom printing. Emphasis on the credit if taken after PHIL 025. Total of 54 hours lecture. poetic, conceptual and social dimensions of the medium. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Development of creative concepts for film photography Grade Mode: L projects in a variety of photographic genres. Geared toward beginning students. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. No credit if taken after PHOT 021. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. ______Grade Mode: L, A

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 523 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 PHOT 002 DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY I PHOT 010 HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY 3 units 3 units Foundation in production tools and process for Historical trends of the medium from its inception to the photography. Survey and application of the production present, including historical context, technical innova- process from project planning, mock-ups, photo shoots, tions and aesthetic concerns. Total of 54 hours lecture. and digital post-production processes. Acquaints students Transfer Credit: CSU; UC with production tools, the studio lighting environment and Grade Mode: L, A, P a variety of digital darkroom tools and creative techniques. Geared toward beginning students. No credit if taken PHOT 021 INTRODUCTION TO BLACK AND WHITE after PHOT 031. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours PHOTOGRAPHY laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Introduction to black and white photography as a form Grade Mode: L, A of visual communication: cameras, film, film processing, darkroom printing, composition, photographic genre, con- PHOT 003 PRODUCTION I cept development, professionalism and critique. Genres in- 3 units clude documentary, fashion, landscape, portraiture staged, Foundation in production tools and process for still life, and street photography with an emphasis on ana- photography. Survey and application of the production log photography. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours process from project planning, mock-ups, photo shoots, laboratory. and digital post-production processes. Acquaints students Transfer Credit: CSU; UC with production tools, the studio lighting environment and Grade Mode: L, A, P a variety of digital darkroom tools and creative techniques. Geared toward beginning students. Total of 36 hours PHOT 022A LARGE FORMAT PHOTOGRAPHY lecture and 72 hours laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Prerequisites: PHOT 021 and PHOT 030. Grade Mode: L, A Recommended Preparation: PHOT 031. Introduction to View Camera as a form of visual communi- PHOT 004 IMAGE CULTURE cation: 4 x 5 black and white and color film, 4 x 5 film pro- 3 units cessing, advanced darkroom and presentation technique, Foundation in media literacy focused on the power of fiber printing, Introduction to studio lighting for product, images to communicate, influence, persuade and change scanning for 4 x 5 film, digital modification and prepara- people, communities and societies. Emphasis on critical tion for output of large format prints, concept develop- engagement as well creative practices. Research and ment and critique. Photographic genres included in course: development of concepts for creative artworks geared advertisement, architecture, landscape and fine art. Total toward beginning students. Total of 36 hours lecture and of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours of laboratory. 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A PHOT 030 INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL IMAGE PHOT 005 VIDEO EDITING 3 units 3 units Foundation in digital video as an artistic and communication Prerequisite: PHOT 021 or placement based on the Pho- tool. Introduction to HD video production, editing and post- tography assessment process. production effects. Emphasis on the creative and conceptual Recommended Preparation: PHOT 023A and either 024A dimensions of video art, experimental cinema and moving or 024B. images on the internet. Projects include a variety of genres from documentary to experimental. Screenings introduce Introduction to artistic image editing using industry stan- a wide variety of contemporary issues and aesthetics in dard digital image editing software for photographers, il- video. Geared toward the beginning student. Total of 36 lustrators and graphic designers. Techniques to scan, edit, hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. No credit if taken retouch, paint, mask, manipulate, and output digital im- after PHOT 136. agery. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 524 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 PHOT 031 BEGINNING DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY PHOT 042B ADVANCED PHOTOJOURNALISM 3 units 3 units Recommended Preparation: PHOT 021 and PHOT 030. Interdisciplinary course: Journalism, Photography Introduction to digital photography as a form of visual Production of photographs, photo illustrations and write communication: DSLR cameras, digital image editing captions for student news publications. Advanced students and management, digital output for print and screen, take on leadership roles in the newsroom and help make composition, professionalism, photographic genre, concept publication decisions based on editorial guidelines, development and critique. Genres include documentary, deadlines and ethical and legal standards. No credit if fashion, landscape, portraiture staged, still life, and street taken after JOUR 022 or JOUR 042B. Total of 36 hours photography with an emphasis on digital photography. lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P PHOT 070A WORK EXPERIENCE/INTERNSHIP IN PHOT 033 PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHY (PAID) 3 units ½ to 8 units Prerequisites: PHOT 030 and either PHOT 021 or 031. Prerequisites: Completion of one semester at Pasadena Exploration of the fundamentals of portrait photography City College and completion of one course in major. in the context of a variety of locations. Emphasis on plan- Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. ning, interpreting, and presenting a portrait photographi- Provides students on-the-job learning in a photography cally. Medium format film cameras, advanced printing paid position. Development of effective work habits, techniques as well as in studio lighting set-ups using hot attitudes, and career awareness so as to enable students lights, strobes, electronic metering will be covered. Total to become productive employees. Credit may be accrued of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. at the rate of ½ to 8 units per semester. One unit of credit Transfer credit: CSU; UC for each 75 hours of paid work experience. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, P PHOT 040 FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY 3 units PHOT 070B WORK EXPERIENCE/INTERNSHIP IN Prerequisites: PHOT 030 and either PHOT 021 or PHOT PHOTOGRAPHY (UNPAID) 031. ½ to 8 units Prerequisites: Completion of one semester at Pasadena Commercially oriented course with assignments cover- City College and completion of one course in major. ing fashion and fashion specific product photography in Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. the studio and on location to produce a photograph that Provides students on-the-job learning in a photography sells an idea, product, or service. Fundamentals of stu- unpaid position. Development of effective work habits, dio photography including strobes, electronic metering, attitudes, and career awareness so as to enable students digital SLR and lighting for fashion. Business practices in to become productive employees. Credit may be accrued at commercial and editorial photography will be discussed. the rate of ½ to 8 units per semester. One unit of credit for Students are expected to become visually and technically each 60 hours of unpaid work experience. competent with artificial light sources in the studio. Total Transfer Credit: CSU of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, P Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A, P PHOT 101 FILM PHOTOGRAPHY II 3 units PHOT 042A BEGINNING PHOTOJOURNALISM Prerequisite: PHOT 001. 3 units Advanced techniques in film cameras and printing. Interdisciplinary course: Journalism, Photography Introduction to large and medium format cameras Historic and current trends in photojournalism and production. Film processing and scanning. Advanced contemporary publications. Fundamentals of camera darkroom techniques and alternative practices for film operation. Photography of news events both on and off photography. Emphasis on creative development of campus. Ethics and media law relating to photojournalism. portfolio projects in film photography for advanced Students can potentially publish photos in campus news students. Geared toward advanced students. Total of 36 publications. No credit if taken after JOUR 042A. Total of hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Grade Mode: L, A, P

PAGE 525 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 PHOT 102 DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY II PHOT 130 ADVANCED DIGITAL IMAGE EDITING 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: PHOT 002. Prerequisite: PHOT 030. Advanced creative practices in digital photography. Advanced concepts and techniques in digital image editing Advanced tutorials in studio lighting, medium format for artists. An in depth examination of producing complex digital camera, digital image manipulation, composing masks and selections from existing channel information. and print. Emphasis on creative development of portfolio Students will explore many of the advanced features of projects in digital photography demonstrating advanced industry standard digital image editing software. Emphasis conceptual and technical skills. Geared toward advanced is on students incorporating advanced digital image edit- students. No credit if taken after PHOT 132. Total of 36 ing techniques into their existing art practice. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. PHOT 132. Formerly hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A PHOT 103 PRODUCTION II 3 units PHOT 132 ADVANCED DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Prerequisite: PHOT 003. 3 units Advanced production and art-direction for photography Prerequisites: PHOT 030 and PHOT 031, or placement projects. Advanced studio practices for portraiture, product based on the Photography assessment process. photography, fashion and editorial projects. Concept Advanced practices in digital photography. Studio capture development and production design based on client techniques for product and portrait photography. Advanced projects. Exploring a variety of roles within the production principles of color management, software-based digital process, from art-director, to studio crew, digital post- image editing and compositing of images, and printing. production team and management of client relationships. Emphasis on the intersection of professional photographic Geared toward advanced students. Total of 36 hours lecture technique and digital image editing. Total of 36 hours lec- and 72 hours laboratory. ture and 72 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A

PHOT 104 EXPERIMENTAL PHOTOGRAPHY PHOT 135 ADVANCED PHOTOGRAPHY 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: PHOT 002 or PHOT 003 or PHOT 005. Prerequisites: One of the following: 1) PHOT 023A and Exploring the latest advances in digital media students will PHOT 022A or 024A or 024B; OR 2) portfolio presentation; explore contemporary experimental methods like glitch, OR 3) placement based on the Photography assessment animation, 3D composites and interdisciplinary projects. process. Geared toward portfolio project production for advanced Creation of a portfolio leading to job training or fine arts students. Geared toward beginning students. Total of 36 school. Black and white, color, digital and studio and lo- hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. cation photography with concept and technique both em- Grade Mode: L, A phasized. Beginning research into editorial, commercial or fine arts job market. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 PHOT 109 PORTFOLIO CAPSTONE hours laboratory. 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of PHOT 101 or PHOT 102 or PHOT 103 or PHOT 104. PHOT 136 VIDEO FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS Creation of a portfolio geared toward student professional 3 units goals in job training, academic transfer, entrepreneurship, Prerequisites: PHOT 021 or JOUR 021. or creative practice. Film photography, digital, video, Recommended Preparation: PHOT 031 or PHOT 023A. and other experimental or interdisciplinary projects are Introduction for photographers to the technical skills and supported and rigorously reviewed for technical and conceptual fundamentals to produce video content. Explo- conceptual quality. Covers professional practices for ration of current video project types created by profes- web portfolios, artist statements, resumes, and applying sional still photographers. Examination of the similarities to professional opportunities. Geared toward advanced and differences between still photography and motion pic- students. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. tures. Introduction to basic video production procedures. Grade Mode: L, A Emphasis on fundamental technical knowledge, concep- tualization, camera operation, sound recording, lighting, editing and delivery techniques for video. Projects may include event documentation, creating a companion video

PAGE 526 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 for a series of still photographs, and/or creating a short ing, inductive and deductive reasoning, and the scientific narrative video. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours method. Particular emphasis on compositional expression laboratory. necessary in developing a complex scientific argument; an Grade Mode: L, A interdisciplinary course. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC PHOT 140 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES FOR Grade Mode: L, A, P PHOTOGRAPHERS 3 units PHSC 003 PHYSICAL SCIENCES Prerequisites: One of the following: PHOT 030, PHOT 031, 3 units PHOT 022A, PHOT 024A, PHOT 033 or PHOT 040. Prerequisite: Eligibility for MATH 131. Introduction to principles and practices within the pho- Basic principles of physics and chemistry and their ap- tography field for hire or exhibition to empower students plications to modern daily life with a primarily conceptual to identify and achieve professional photographic objec- approach. Emphasis on critical thinking skills and general tives. Topics include how to obtain preparatory work ex- methods of scientific inquiry. Recommended for students perience, getting gallery representation, establishing a in the California State Teacher’s Preparation Program and photographic business, basic financial practices, and legal other appropriate non-sciences majors but open to all issues. Recommended basic word processing and spread- qualified students. Total of 54 hours lecture. sheet skills. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P *C-ID: CHEM 140 (WITH PHSC 003L) or PHYS 140 (WITH PHSC 003L) PHOT 171A EXPLORING TOPICS IN PHOTOGRAPHY Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule PHSC 003L LABORATORY FOR PHYSICAL SCIENCE of Classes. 1 unit Lecture focusing on topics of current and general interest. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of PHSC 003. Total of 54 hours lecture. Laboratory investigation of the basic principles of physics Grade Mode: L, A, P and chemistry and their applications to modern daily life with a primarily conceptual approach, with emphasis on PHOT 171B EXPLORING TOPICS IN PHOTOGRAPHY critical thinking skills and general methods of scientific 2 units Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule inquiry. Recommended for students in the California State of Classes. Teacher Preparation Program and other appropriate non- Lecture, discussion, and lab focusing on topics of current sciences majors. Total of 54 hours laboratory. and general interest. Total of 36 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P *C-ID: CHEM 140 (WITH PHSC 003) or PHYS 140 (WITH PHSC 003) PHOT 171C EXPLORING TOPICS IN PHOTOGRAPHY Grade Mode: L, A, P 1 unit Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule PHSC 071A EXPLORING TOPICS IN PHYSICAL of Classes. SCIENCE Course focuses on topics of current and general interest. 3 units Total of 18 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule Grade Mode: L, A, P of Classes. Lecture focusing on topics of current and general interest. Total of 54 hours lecture. PHYSICAL SCIENCE Transfer Credit: CSU (Natural Sciences Division) Grade Mode: L, A PHSC 071B EXPLORING TOPICS IN PHYSICAL PHSC 002 SCIENTIFIC METHOD AS CRITICAL SCIENCE THINKING 1 unit 3 units Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule Prerequisite: ENGL 001A. of Classes. Written expression and analysis of ideas, arguments and is- Lecture focusing on topics of current and general interest. sues in the Physical Sciences. Instruction in critical think- Total of 18 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU ______Grade Mode: L, A *Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 527 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 PHSC 071C EXPLORING TOPICS IN PHYSICAL Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. SCIENCE *C-ID: PHYS 205; PHYS SEQ 200S (WITH PHYS 001B, 001C, 1 unit 001D) Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule Grade Mode: L, P of Classes. Lecture focusing on topics of current and general interest. PHYS 001B GENERAL PHYSICS Total of 18 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. 5 units Transfer Credit: CSU Prerequisites: PHYS 001A and MATH 005A. Grade Mode: L, A Calculus-based study of gravitation, fluid mechanics, oscil- lations and waves, and thermodynamics. Total of 72 hours PHSC 171A EXPLORING TOPICS IN PHYSICAL lecture and 72 hours laboratory. SCIENCE Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. 3 units *C-ID: PHYS SEQ 200S (WITH PHYS 001A, 001C, 001D) Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule Grade Mode: L, A, P of Classes. Lecture focusing on topics of current and general interest. PHYS 001C GENERAL PHYSICS Total of 54 hours lecture. 5 units Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisites: PHYS 001B and MATH 005B. Calculus-based study of electricity and magnetism, and PHSC 171B EXPLORING TOPICS IN PHYSICAL geometrical and physical optics. Total of 72 hours lecture SCIENCE and 72 hours laboratory. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule *C-ID: PHYS 210; PHYS SEQ 200S (WITH PHYS 001A, 001C, of Classes. 001D) Lecture focusing on topics of current and general interest. Grade Mode: L, A, P Total of 18 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A PHYS 001D GENERAL PHYSICS 5 units PHSC 171C EXPLORING TOPICS IN PHYSICAL Prerequisites: PHYS 001C and MATH 005C. SCIENCE Calculus-based study of introductory modern physics, in- 1 unit cluding the theory of relativity, basic principles of quan- Exploratory course: Specific topic identified in Schedule tum mechanics, elementary atomic, molecular, solid state, of Classes. nuclear, and particle physics. Total of 72 hours lecture and Lecture focusing on topics of current and general interest. 72 hours laboratory. Total of 18 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A *C-ID: PHYS SEQ 200S (WITH PHYS 001A, 001B, 001C) Grade Mode: L, A, P

PHYSICS PHYS 002A GENERAL PHYSICS 4 units (Natural Sciences Division) Prerequisite: One of the following: MATH 131 or 133B or 134B or 150. PHYS 001A PHYSICS FOR SCIENTISTS AND Recommended preparation: MATH 007A. ENGINEERS I: MECHANICS Algebra- and trigonometry-based study of classical me- 5 units chanics and thermodynamics. Total of 54 hours lecture and Prerequisite: MATH 005A or MATH 005AH. 54 hours laboratory. Calculus-based study of classical mechanics, including unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. systems, particle kinematics, Newton’s laws of motion, *C-ID: PHYS 105; PHYS SEQ 100S (WITH PHYS 002B) work and energy, linear and angular momentum, and rigid- Grade Mode: L, A, P body rotation and equilibrium. Total of 72 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. PHYS 002B GENERAL PHYSICS 4 units Prerequisite: PHYS 002A. Algebra- and trigonometry-based study of electricity, mag- ______

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PAGE 528 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 netism, special relativity, atomic and nuclear physics, and life sciences majors but open to all qualified students. To- elementary particles. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 tal of 72 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P *C-ID: PHYS 110; PHYS SEQ 100S (WITH PHYS 002A) Grade Mode: L, A, P PHYSIOLOGY PHYS 010 DESCRIPTIVE INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS (Natural Sciences Division) 3 units Prerequisite: MATH 131 or 150. PYSO 001 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY Application of physics to modern life with minimum of 4 units mathematical emphasis. No credit if taken after any other Prerequisites: ANAT 025 and CHEM 002A. college physics. Total of 54 hours lecture. Study of the physiological principles, function, integration Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. and homeostasis of the human body at the cellular, tissue, Grade Mode: L, A, P organ, organ system and organism level, including all major organ systems. This course is primarily intended PHYS 010L DESCRIPTIVE PHYSICS IN THE for Nursing, Allied Health, Kinesiology and other health- LABORATORY related majors. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours 1 unit laboratory. Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of PHYS 010. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: BIOL 120B Laboratory investigations of physical principles with a Grade Mode: L, A, P minimum of mathematical emphasis. Total of 54 hours laboratory. PYSO 100 BASIC PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Fundamentals of human physiology and anatomy. Structure and function of tissues, organs and organ systems. Em- PHYS 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY phasis on medical relationships. No credit if taken after 2 units ANAT 025, PYSO 001, 002A or 126A. For majors in medical Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of any college assisting and vocational nursing, but open to all qualified physics course. students. Total of 54 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. Faculty-guided student research. Each topic includes li- Grade Mode: L, A, P brary research, design and execution of the experiments and the preparation of a summary research report. Total of 108 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU POLITICAL SCIENCE Grade Mode: L, A (Social Sciences Division)

PHYS 031A CALCULUS-BASED COLLEGE PHYSICS I POLS 001 INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN 5 units GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS Prerequisite: MATH 005A or MATH 005AH. 3 units Classical mechanics and thermal physics with calculus. For Introduction to American government and politics incor- life sciences majors but open to all qualified students. To- porating California state and local history, constitution, tal of 72 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. institutions and policies. POLS 001 and 002 usually re- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. quired for advanced political science courses. No credit if Grade Mode: L, A, P taken after AMERI 005. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: POLS 110 PHYS 031B CALCULUS-BASED COLLEGE PHYSICS II Grade Mode: L, A, P 5 units Prerequisites: PHYS 031A and either MATH 005B or MATH POLS 002 COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENT AND 005BH. POLITICS Recommended Preparation: Enrollment in or completion 3 units of MATH 005C or MATH 005CH. Comparative study of constitutional principles, govern- Electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics. For mental institutions and political processes in selected contemporary nations. Emphasis on the U.S. and major ______

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PAGE 529 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 European governments. POLS 001 and 002 usually required POLS 110 SKILLS FOR COLLEGE SUCCESS for advanced political science courses. Total of 54 hours IN POLITICAL SCIENCE lecture. 1 unit Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: POLS 130 Development of essential study techniques for success in Grade Mode: L, A, P political science courses; orientation to applications of computer-based technologies in political science; time POLS 006 THE U.S. AND WORLD POLITICS management; textbook mastery, lecture outlining, test 3 units taking, and critical analysis. Total of 18 hours lecture. Introduction to various aspects of World Politics including Grade Mode: L, A, P the role of major political, social, economic, and defense institutions in countries. The model is American policy and relationship to global and bilateral institutions. Total POPULAR MUSIC of 54 hours lecture. (Performing and Communication Arts Division) Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: POLS 140 Grade Mode: L, P MUSP 007 HISTORY AND ANALYSIS OF POPULAR MUSIC POLS 007 PRINCIPLES OF POLITICAL SCIENCE 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: MUSC 001A. Scope and methods of political science; basic political phi- Comprehensive examination of the development of Western losophies and ideologies; some concepts of the modern Popular music through listening, musical analysis, and the state, public law, public administration and government. study of musical techniques. Survey of historical details, Total of 54 hours lecture. including cultural, intellectual, and social influences on Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: POLS 150 musical trends and styles. For music majors, but open to Grade Mode: L, A, P all qualified students. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC POLS 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY Grade Mode: L, A 1 unit Prerequisites: One semester of political science and permis- sion of department chairperson. PORTUGUESE Individual projects; research techniques; written reports. (Languages Division) Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU PORT 001 ELEMENTARY PORTUGUESE – LEVEL 1 Grade Mode: L, A 5 units Practice in pronunciation, reading, writing, and speaking. POLS 021 INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL ECONOMY Introduction to customs and culture of Portugal, Brazil, 3 units and the Portuguese diaspora. Corresponds to first year high Political economy as a system; role of government; rela- school Portuguese. Total of 90 hours lecture. tionships among the public, quasi-public, and private sec- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC tors; strategies of government interventions; and the im- Grade Mode: L, A, P pact of government policies on the economy at the local, state, national, and global levels. Total of 54 hours lecture. PORT 002 ELEMENTARY PORTUGUESE – LEVEL 2 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 5 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Prerequisite: PORT 001 or placement based on the foreign language assessment process. POLS 022 INTRODUCTION TO POLITICAL THEORY Completion of elementary essentials; stress on oral work; 3 units further study of Portuguese and Brazilian culture. Total of Introductory exploration of the nature and role of major 90 hours lecture. political theories from ancient times to the present; cen- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC L, A tral questions of political life, views of human nature, po- Grade Mode: litical organizations, power, justice, and revolutions. Total PORT 003 INTERMEDIATE PORTUGUESE of 54 hours lecture. 5 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: POLS 120 Prerequisite: PORT 002 or two years of high school Portu- Grade Mode: L, A, P guese or placement based on the foreign language assess- ______ment process.

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PAGE 530 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Development of communication skills based on 19th and attention, capacities and abilities; learning; emotion and 20th century Portuguese-language readings; review of ba- motivation; special emphasis on personality development sic structure of Portuguese. Customs and culture. Total of and adjustment. No credit if taken after PSYC 001H. Total 90 hours lecture. of 54 hours lecture. Transfer credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: PSY 110 Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P PORT 004 INTERMEDIATE PORTUGUESE PSYC 001H HONORS INTRODUCTORY PSYCHOLOGY 5 units 3 units Prerequisite: PORT 003 or three years of high school Portu- Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Honors guese or placement based on the foreign language assess- program. ment process. Principles of human behavior; physiological foundations, Further development of communication skills based on influence of heredity and environment; sense-perception, 19th and 20th century Portuguese-language readings; fin- attention, capacities and abilities; learning; emotion and ish review of the basic structure of Portuguese. Customs motivation; special emphasis on personality development and culture. Total of 90 hours lecture. and adjustment. This enriched course is designed for the Transfer credit: CSU; UC Honors Program, allowing more student-directed discus- Grade Mode: L, A, P sions and more extensive writing assignments. No credit if taken after PSYC 001. Total of 54 hours lecture. PORT 140 PORTUGUESE PRONUNCIATION Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: PSY 110 2 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Introduction to the Portuguese sound system, basic stress and intonation patterns. Imitation and practice of proper PSYC 002 INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY pronunciation; reading of Portuguese texts. For beginners 3 units and those wishing to gain additional proficiency in pro- Prerequisite: PSYC 001. nunciation. Total of 36 hours lecture. Interrelationship of physiological mechanisms and behav- L, A, P Grade Mode: ior. Emphasis on the role of the brain and nervous system PORT 150A PORTUGUESE FOR TRAVEL AND in perception, emotion, motivation, states of conscious- BUSINESS ness, language, memory and learning. Relevance of the 2 units biological perspective to an understanding of behavior and Practical conversational Portuguese for travel and busi- experience. Total of 54 hours lecture. ness. Contemporary culture in Portuguese-speaking areas. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: PSY 150 Total of 36 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P PSYC 003 ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY PORT 150B PORTUGUESE FOR BUSINESS AND 3 units TRAVEL Prerequisite: PSYC 001 or PSYC 001H. 2 units The definition, theories, symptoms and treatment of Prerequisite: PORT 150A or placement based on the foreign psychological disorders. Review of major classes of mental language assessment process. disorders with a focus on commonly diagnosed disorders. Further practice in practical conversational Portuguese for Best practices in mental health treatment and community travel and business. Contemporary culture in Portuguese- support systems. Special emphasis on critical thinking, speaking countries. Total of 36 hours lecture. and the impact of bias on marginalized groups. Total of 54 Grade Mode: L, A, P hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: PSY 120 Grade Mode: L, A PSYCHOLOGY PSYC 005 RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGY (Social Sciences Division) 4 units Prerequisites: PSYC 001 or PSYC 001H; and one of the fol- PSYC 001 INTRODUCTORY PSYCHOLOGY lowing: ENGL 001A or 001AH or 001AS; and one of the 3 units following: STAT 015 or STAT 018 or STAT 050 or STAT 050H. Principles of human behavior; physiological foundations, Planning and execution of research in psychology, and influence of heredity and environment; sense-perception, ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 531 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 analysis, interpretation and reporting of data. Total of 54 PSYC 023 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: PSY 205B The individual within a social context; the scientific study Grade Mode: L, P of how people think about, influence and relate to one another. Topics include: attitude development and change; PSYC 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY conformity, persuasion, leadership; and interpersonal rela- 1 unit tions, prejudice, aggression, conflict resolution, liking and Prerequisite: One semester of psychology. loving others. Total of 54 hours lecture. Enrollment Limitation: Permission of Division Dean. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: PSY 170 Laboratory research projects; library research; design and Grade Mode: L, A, P construction of research equipment; experiments; written reports. Total of 54 hours laboratory. PSYC 024 LIFESPAN DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Transfer Credit: CSU 3 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Process and dynamics of human development from concep- tion through adult maturity, old age, and death; biologi- cal, cognitive, personality, sociocultural, and existential PSYC 021 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY: factors influencing the course of psychological develop- THE CHILD ment across the lifespan. Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Growth processes and dynamics of psychological develop- *C-ID: PSY 180 ment from conception through adolescence; physical, cog- Grade Mode: L, A nitive, emotional, personality, and social development of the child and adolescent. No credit if taken after PSYC PSYC 025 HUMAN SEXUALITY 021H. Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Historical, psychological, sociological and biological as- *C-ID: CDEV 100 pects of love, intimacy and human sexuality. Total of 54 Grade Mode: L, A, P hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: PSY 130 PSYC 021H HONORS DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY: Grade Mode: L, A, P THE CHILD 3 units PSYC 029 PSYCHOLOGY OF THE AFRO-AMERICAN Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance into the Honors pro- 3 units gram. Afro-American behavior patterns in relationship to domi- Growth processes and dynamics of psychological develop- nant concepts in psychology. Analysis of psychological at- ment from conception through adolescence; physical, cog- titudes and problems of Afro-Americans resulting from rac- nitive, emotional, personality, and social development of ism, oppression and alienation. Total of 54 hours lecture. the child and adolescent. This enriched course is designed Transfer Credit: CSU; UC for the Honors Program allowing more student directed Grade Mode: L, A, P discussions and more extensive writing assignments. No credit if taken after PSYC 021. Total of 54 hours lecture. PSYC 031 STUDIES IN CHICANO BEHAVIOR Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: CDEV 100 3 units Grade Mode: L, A, P An examination of Mexican-American behavior patterns. Emphasis on attitudes, feelings and socio-psychological PSYC 022 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY: conflicts of the Mexican-American in relation to social THE ADULT situations. Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Dynamics of psychological development from young adult- Grade Mode: L, A, P hood through maturity and old age; sensory, motor, neuro- logical, and cognitive changes; development of personality PSYC 033 PSYCHOLOGY OF PERSONAL AND SOCIAL and social behavior through the adult life cycle; process of ADJUSTMENT aging, dying, and bereavement. Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Dynamics of personality; problems of adjustment to life Grade Mode: L, A, P stresses, theories of therapy. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: PSY 115 ______Grade Mode: L, A, P

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 532 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 PSYC 041 PSYCHOLOGY OF THE ASIAN AMERICAN RDTC 103A RADIOGRAPHIC ANATOMY AND 3 units POSITIONING Asian American behavior patterns in relationship to basic 3½ units principles of psychology; search for identity in a multicul- Prerequisites: RDTC 100 and 101. tural society; roles of male and female in Asian American Corequisites: RDTC 102, 110, 112A, 117A. society. Total of 54 hours lecture. Positioning nomenclature, topographic anatomy emphasiz- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ing surface landmarks to locate organs within each body Grade Mode: L, A, P region. Positioning by use of phantoms. Radiography of the skeleton, thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity. Anat- omy and positioning of the gastrointestinal and biliary RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY tracts. Basic mobile radiography. Radiography of pediatric, (Health Sciences Division) geriatric and psychiatric patients. Types of contrast media. Total of 45 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. RDTC 100 BASIC RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY Grade Mode: L, A PRACTICES 2 units RDTC 103B RADIOGRAPHIC ANATOMY AND Prerequisites: PYSO 002A and B within 3 years, and com- POSITIONING pletion of MA 115 within one year of acceptance in Radio- 3½ units logical Technology Program. Prerequisites: All of the following: RDTC 102, 103A, 110, Corequisite: RDTC 101. 112A, 117A. Radiologic technology as a profession. Responsibilities of Corequisites: RDTC 104, 112B, 117B. the radiologic technologist regarding ethics and the pa- Anatomy and positioning of the cervical, thoracic and tient’s emotional needs. Patient consents. Developing in- lumbar spines, the salivary glands and skull. Anatomy and troductory positioning skills using anatomical landmarks, positioning of the genitourinary tract. Principles of to- role-play in chest radiography. Total of 18 hours lecture mography equipment. Opaque media, drug side effects and and 18 hours laboratory. indications. Use of phantoms. Emphasis on skull position- Grade Mode: L, A ing. Radiograph critique. Total of 45 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. RDTC 101 MEDICAL PROCEDURES FOR THE Grade Mode: L, A TECHNOLOGIST 3 units RDTC 103C RADIOGRAPHIC ANATOMY AND Prerequisites: Valid CPR card and PYSO 002A and B. POSITIONING Corequisite: RDTC 100. 3 units Physical needs of the X-ray patient with emphasis on asep- Prerequisites: RDTC 103B and 119. tic technique, required preparations and ECG procedure. Corequisites: RDTC 105, 111, 117C. Responsibilities of the technologist during first aid and Identification of sectional anatomy concentrating on crash cart procedure. CPR review. Eight weeks. Total of 24 brain, neck, thorax, abdomen, and pelvis, including the hours lecture and 24 hours laboratory. cervical, thoracic and lumbar spines. Correlation of axial, Grade Mode: L, A sagittal and coronal sections to positioning in CT scanning and some MRI scanning. Total of 54 hours lecture. RDTC 102 RADIATION PROTECTION Grade Mode: L, A 3 units Prerequisites: RDTC 100 and 101. RDTC 104 PRINCIPLES OF RADIOGRAPHIC Corequisites: RDTC 103A, 110, 112A, 117A. EXPOSURE Radiologic protection for operator and patients complying 3 units with the State of California Administrative Code, Title 17. Prerequisites: All of the following: RDTC 102, 103A, 110, Use of X-ray equipment, X-ray machine circuitry with em- 112A, 117A. phasis on devices and techniques to reduce ionizing radia- Corequisites: RDTC 103B, 112B, 117B. tion. Total of 54 hours lecture. Development and use of technique charts. Calculations to Grade Mode: L, A determine specific exposures. Processing techniques and other factors affecting radiographic quality. Use radio- graphic phantoms and accessory devices. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 533 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 RDTC 105 SPECIAL RADIOGRAPHIC PROCEDURES RDTC 113A CLINICAL LEARNING EXPERIENCE 3 units 2 units Prerequisite: RDTC 119. Prerequisites: All of the following: RDTC 102, 103A, 112A, Corequisites: RDTC 103C, 111, 117C. 117A. Specialized technical procedures in radiography. Angio- Intermediate Clinical Learning Experience in a Radiology gram, equipment and accessories. Anatomy and physiol- Department of an affiliate hospital or medical center un- ogy of involved areas. Emphasis on myelography, selective der the supervision of a licensed Radiologic Technologist. angiography and the technologist as part of the special Participation will include observation, assistance and per- procedures team. Total of 54 hours lecture. formance in basic radiographic procedures. Clinical prac- Grade Mode: L, A tice shall be designed to provide standard patient care and assessment, integration and application of radiographic RDTC 110 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS procedures learned during the first semester, which include 2 units the upper and lower limbs, and the gastrointestinal tract. Prerequisites: RDTC 100 and 101. Short term course. Total of 96 hours laboratory. Corequisites: RDTC 102, 103A, 112A, 117A. Grade Mode: L, A Integration of interpersonal skills while analyzing the medicolegal issues, professional and ethical values in ra- RDTC 113B CLINICAL LEARNING EXPERIENCE diologic technology. Total of 36 hours lecture. 6 units Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisites: All of the following: RDTC 103C, 105, 111, 113A, 117C. RDTC 111 COMPUTERIZED IMAGING Intermediate clinical learning Experience that is designed 2 units for sequential development, application, integration, Prerequisite: RDTC 119. synthesis and evaluation of concepts and theories in the Corequisites: RDTC 103C, 105, and 117C. performance of radiographic procedures. Clinical practice Principles, components and functions of computerized im- shall be designed to provide patient care and assessment, aging systems with emphasis on the application of com- competent performance of basic and advance radiographic puters in the radiology department. Brief introduction to procedures under the appropriate level of supervision of computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging. Total a licensed Radiologic Technologist, and enhance profes- of 36 hours lecture. sional development. Short term course. Total of 192 hours Grade Mode: L, A of laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A RDTC 112A RADIOLOGIC PHYSICS 3 units RDTC 116 PERSPECTIVES IN RADIOLOGIC Prerequisites: RDTC 100 and 101. TECHNOLOGY Corequisites: RDTC 102, 103A, 110, 117A. 2 units Fundamentals of electrical and radiation physics. Emphasis Prerequisites: All of the following: RDTC 103C, 105, 111, on principles underlying optics, electromagnetic and other 117C. types of ionizing radiation. Total of 36 hours lecture and Corequisites: RDTC 117D; 118; and either RDTC 121 or 123. 54 hours laboratory. Utilization of advanced concepts, principles and skills of Grade Mode: L, A the radiologic technologist in an affiliated hospital as an extension of and related to classroom instruction. Empha- RDTC 112B RADIOLOGIC PHYSICS sis on film critique. Total of 36 hours lecture. 3 units Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisites: All of the following: RDTC 102, 103A, 110, 112A, 117A. RDTC 117A CLINICAL EXPERIENCE Corequisites: RDTC 103B, 104, 117B. 2 units Function and use of basic radiologic physics in diagnos- Prerequisites: All of the following: RDTC 100, 101, valid tic radiology. Applied physical rules and laws in general CPR card. physics, production of the X-ray beam, tubes and genera- Corequisites: RDTC 102, 103A, 110, 112A. tors, circuitry and equipment. Quality assurance of special Clinical experience in a radiology or medical imaging facil- equipment. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours labora- ity under the supervision of a licensed Radiologic Technol- tory. ogist. Participation will consist of observation, assistance Grade Mode: L, A and performance. Total of 288 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 534 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 RDTC 117B CLINICAL EXPERIENCE RDTC 120 INDEPENDENT STUDY 2 units 1 unit Prerequisites: All of the following: RDTC 102, 103A, 110, Prerequisite: RDTC 101. 112A, 117A. Research or clinical project including experience in clinical Corequisites: RDTC 103B, 104, 112B. practice settings, practical laboratory assignment, lecture Clinical experience in the radiology department of affiliat- attendance, literature review and community projects. To- ed hospitals under the supervision of a licensed radiologic tal of 54 hours laboratory. technologist. Total of 288 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A RDTC 121 MAMMOGRAPHIC PROCEDURES RDTC 117C CLINICAL EXPERIENCE 3 units 4 units Prerequisites: All of the following: RDTC 103C, 105, 111, Prerequisites: All of the following: RDTC 117A, 117B, 119, 117C or a valid CRT ARRT Certification certificate. valid CPR card. Corequisites: RDTC 116, 118, 117D. For non-PCC students Corequisites: RDTC 103C, 105, 111. documentation of current California Radiologic Technology Clinical experience in the radiology department of affiliat- Certificate in Diagnostic Radiologic Technology and/or ap- ed hospitals under the supervision of a licensed radiologic proved by Program Director. technologist. Total of 576 hours laboratory. Technical and procedural aspects of mammography includ- Grade Mode: L, A ing radiation protection, quality assurance, breast anato- my, pathology, film critique, positioning and mass localiza- RDTC 117D CLINICAL EXPERIENCE tion procedures. Total of 54 hours lecture. 4 units Grade Mode: L, A Prerequisites: All of the following: RDTC 103C, 105, 111, 117C. RDTC 123 COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY Corequisites: RDTC 116, 118, and either RDTC 121 or 123. 3 units Clinical experience in the radiology department of affiliat- Prerequisites: All of the following: RDTC 103C, 105, 111, ed hospitals under the supervision of a certified radiologic 117C or a valid California Radiologic Technologist Certificate technologist. Total of 512 hours laboratory. in Diagnostic Radiology, and/or approval from the Program Grade Mode: L, A Director. Corequisites: RDTC 116, 118, 117D. For non-PCC students RDTC 118 FLUOROSCOPY documentation of current California Radiologic Technology 3 units Certificate in Diagnostic Radiologic Technology and/or ap- Prerequisites: All of the following: RDTC 103C, 105, 111, proved by Program Director. 117C. Principles of computed tomography, including data acqui- Corequisites: RDTC 116; 117D; and either RDTC 121 or 123. sition, image reconstruction, image display system, image Technical function and design of image intensification, recording system, and image storage system. Quality as- recording monitoring systems, human anatomy and physi- surance aspects of CT, and basic concepts of Spiral and ology of the eye. Emphasis on radiation protection and Helical scanning. Total of 54 hours lecture. quality control testing. Total of 40 hours lecture and 15 Grade Mode: L, A hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A

RDTC 119 CLINICAL EXPERIENCE RELIGIOUS STUDIES 1 6 /2 units (Social Sciences Division ) Prerequisites: All of the following: RDTC 103B, 104, 113A, 117B. RELG 001 RELIGIOUS ISSUES, PERSONALITIES Clinical experience in affiliated hospitals as an extension AND VALUES of and related to classroom instruction, and application of 3 units disease and injury changes. Emphasis on features of condi- Origin and function of religion in its individual and so- tions in X-ray examinations. Ten weeks. Total of 20 hours ciological aspects; basic characteristics of major religions; lecture and 380 hours laboratory. outstanding personalities, sacred writings, historical foun- Grade Mode: L, A dations of basic religious traditions. Total of 54 hours lec- ture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, P

PAGE 535 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 RELG 002 COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS: FAR EAST ects include design and fabrication of a multiple unit/ 3 units tooth simulated patient case with an FPD with a semi- Beliefs, practices, and cultural history of the major living precision (broken-stress) attachment, post/core telescopic religions of South and East Asia, including Hinduism, crown restoration mounted on a semi-adjustable articula- Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, and Shinto. Total of 54 tor, dental alloy soldering procedures for bridge connectors hours lecture. and crown repairs. Reinforcement of techniques taught in Transfer Credit: CSU; UC the basic Crown and Bridge curriculum with emphasis on Grade Mode: L, A, P productivity, time management and quality requirements. Maximum credit for RDT 125B and DLT 114B is 5 units. RELG 003 COMPARATIVE RELIGIONS: NEAR EAST Total of 36 hours lecture and 162 hours laboratory. 3 units Grade Mode: L Cultural history and doctrinal interpretations of living re- ligions of Near East: Zoroastrianism, Islam, Judaism and RDT 130A BEGINNING COMPLETE DENTURES Christianity. Summary contrasts and comparisons with em- 4 units phasis on present-day religious issues and their relation- Corequisites: RDT 125A, 135A, 140A, 145, and 150. ship to social and political problems. Total of 54 hours Infection control procedures as they pertain to remov- lecture. able prosthetics. Theory and related laboratory procedures Transfer Credit: CSU; UC for fabricating preliminary and master casts followed by Grade Mode: L, A, P custom edentulous impression trays, record bases, and oc- clusion rims. Will learn how to use the semi-adjustable articulator for mounting denture master casts following the arbitrary mount method and incorporating condylar RESTORATIVE DENTAL TECHNOLOGY guidance as well as anterior guidance. Denture tooth se- (Health Sciences Division) lection, esthetic arrangement and set up of a complete set of maxillary and mandibular denture teeth into bilateral RDT 125A BEGINNING CROWN AND BRIDGE balance functional occlusion followed by anatomic wax up 4 units of the gingival architecture. Total of 36 hours lecture and Corequisites: RDT 130A, 135A, 140A, 145, and 150. 108 hours laboratory. Theory, laboratory techniques and procedures for inlay, Grade Mode: L onlay and crown fabrication; model and die fabrication, mounting patient cases to a semi-adjustable articulator, RDT 130B ADVANCED COMPLETE DENTURES wax design of fixed restorative prosthetics, direct spruing 5 units and investing, of single inlays, crowns and onlays dental Prerequisites: RDT 130A or the equivalent knowledge and restorations. Identification of the margin in dental impres- experience. sions, on stone dies, and on computer rendered (CAD) im- Corequisites: RDT 125B, 135B, 140B, 155, and 160. ages or designs generated from a digital impression scan. Theory and laboratory techniques for processing bilater- Esthetics, basic occlusal factors, tooth contour and anato- ally balanced complete dentures to include: flasking (in- my of single tooth restorations as both a computer-aided- vesting), boil-out, packing, compression and heat-curing design (CAD) rendering and as a manual design. Total of 36 techniques, denture recovery and occlusal adjustments, re- hours lecture and 108 hours laboratory. mounting procedures, selective grinding of opposing com- Grade Mode: L plete dentures to incorporate protrusive, bilateral balance, and correction of vertical errors, as well as finishing and RDT 125B ADVANCED CROWN AND BRIDGE polishing complete dentures to completion. Semi-adjust- 5 units able articulators will be employed during these processing Prerequisites: RDT 125A or the equivalent knowledge and steps. Additional laboratory procedures include: charac- experience. terizing denture base resins, repairing individual denture Corequisites: RDT 130B, 135B, 140B, 155, and 160. teeth and fractures in denture bases utilizing cold cure Theory, techniques and laboratory procedures for advanced techniques, reline and rebase procedures for ill-fitting crown and bridge fabrication. Emphasis on principles of complete dentures, dentures opposing natural dentition, fixed partial denture (FPD)/bridge design for esthetics, immediate dentures, cast metal denture bases, tooth- function, sanitation and comfort. Abutment theory, pon- borne overdentures utilizing computer-aided-design (CAD) tic designs and bridge retainer designs in both wax and software, and techniques to duplicate dentures and fabri- by using computer-aided-design (CAD) software, labora- cate a surgical template. Maximum credit for DLT 113B tory procedures related to the lost wax process, casting, and RDT 130B is 5 units. Total of 36 hours lecture and 162 metal finishing and polishing for both single and multiple hours laboratory. unit/tooth fixed restoration prosthetics. Laboratory proj- Grade Mode: L

PAGE 536 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 RDT 135A BEGINNING DENTAL ANATOMY sign (CAD) and computer-aided-manufacture (CAM) system 2 ½ units components and how they are related. Laboratory projects Corequisites: RDT 125A, 130A, 140A, 145, and 150. include using case manager software to set up new pa- Introductory anatomy of the oral cavity to include: clas- tient cases, importing scanned STL digital data/files into sifications of dentition, permanent and deciduous denti- 3-D design software, and using digital design tools and tion, dental arch and quadrants, as well as names of teeth, icons. Emphasis on step-by-step laboratory procedures three tooth numbering/notation systems and supporting associated with the digital design of fixed single tooth structures of teeth: periodontium, alveolar process, and full crown dental prostheses using the laboratory scanner gingiva. Dental structures; crown and root, enamel and and computer-aided-design (CAD) software. For example, dentin, pulp and pulp cavity as well as dental nomencla- morphing tools, using the virtual articulator, digital ma- ture; terms for tooth surfaces, division of crowns and roots nipulation, identifying margins on a 3-D rendering, rota- into horizontal and longitudinal thirds, combining terms tion tool, path of insertion, tooth anatomy, calibration of of orientation, line and point angles for anterior and pos- the scanner and use of various milling materials. Students terior teeth, distinctive crown convexities and elevations are expected to have a general understanding of Microsoft as well as distinctive crown concavities or depressions, Windows, importing/exporting files and Microsoft Power geometric crown forms, contact areas and embrasures as Point. Required field trips. Total 9 hours lecture and 54 well as individual tooth anatomy for maxillary and man- hours laboratory. dibular anterior teeth. Laboratory lectures and activities Grade Mode: L will include wax-carving exercises of anterior incisor teeth, intra-arch alignment, inter-arch relationships, facial and RDT 140B INTERMEDIATE DIGITAL DENTISTRY lingual contours, proximal surfaces, marginal ridges and CAD CAM II interproximal contacts as well as centric (functional) and 1½ units non-centric cusps, axial transitional lines and tooth de- Prerequisites: RDT 140A or the equivalent knowledge and signing activities using wax on mounted maxillary and experience. mandibular models made of dental stone as well as design- Corequisites: RDT 125B, 130B, 135B, 155, and 160. ing activities using Computer-Aided-Design CAD software. Course will explore various computer-aided-manufacture Maximum credit for DLT 116A and RDT 135A is 2½ units. (CAM) milling machinery (wet and dry, various axes), mill- Total of 27 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. ing materials, and their applications for the digital fabri- Grade Mode: L cation dental prostheses. Emphasis on learning to operate and maintain a milling unit, exporting .stl files to CAM RDT 135B INTERMEDIATE DENTAL ANATOMY software, using digital design software to generate digital 2 ½ units designs of a fixed partial denture (FPD), interim FPD, FPD Prerequisites: RDT 135A or the equivalent knowledge and substrate and digital denture, and setting up patient cases experience. in Dental Manager software. Students are expected to have Corequisites: RDT 125B, 130B, 140B, 155, and 160. a general understanding of Microsoft Windows, importing/ Principles of posterior tooth anatomy, detailed sculpting exporting files and Microsoft Power Point. Required field and designing of selected posterior premolars and mo- trips. Total 9 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. lars using wax carving blocks and computer-aided-design Grade Mode: L (CAD) software. Emphasis on the morphology of the five tooth surfaces, anatomy of the root, and detailed occlusal RDT 145 DENTAL MATERIALS anatomy for all permanent posterior maxillary and mandib- 2 units ular premolar and molar teeth. To include dental anatomy Corequisites: RDT 125A, 130A, 135A, 140A, and 150. nomenclature, development of the teeth, variations and Overview of the history of dentistry: its milestone de- anomalies, and fabrication methods for the interim or pro- velopments. The role of the American Dental Association visional fixed prosthesis as well as preparing and mounting (ADA) Council on Dental Materials and Devices, American dental casts to an articulator and anatomic tooth drawings National Standards Institute (ANSI), Food and Drug Ad- of posterior teeth. Maximum credit for DLT 116B and RDT ministration (FDA) and U.S. Bureau of Standards as they 135B is 2½ units. Total of 27 hours lecture and 54 hours relate to dental materials standards for manufacturing, laboratory. patient safety, infection prevention and control as well Grade Mode: L as safe storage requirements. The composition, character- istics, chemical composition, physical and biological re- RDT 140A BEGINNING DIGITAL DENTISTRY CAD CAM I quirements, and uses of gypsum products, dental waxes, 1½ units impression materials, denture base materials, metals used Corequisites: RDT 125A, 130A, 135A, 145, and 150. in dentistry, dental porcelains, separating materials, fluxes Introduction to the concept of digital dentistry: its appli- and antifluxes, alcohols and acids (pickling solutions), wax cations, advantages and limitations. Computer-aided-de- solvents, abrasive (polishing agents), laboratory gases and

PAGE 537 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 some miscellaneous materials as they apply to the fabrica- RDT 225A BEGINNING REMOVABLE PARTIAL tion of dental prostheses. Total of 36 hours lecture. DENTURES (RPDs) Grade Mode: L 4 units Prerequisites: RDT 125B, 130B, 135B, 140B, 145, 150, RDT 150 DENTAL COMMUNICATION AND WORKPLACE 155, and 160 or the equivalent knowledge and experience. READINESS SKILLS Corequisites: RDT 230A, 235A, 240, 245, and 250. ½ unit Laboratory techniques and procedures required for the fab- Corequisites: RDT 125A, 130A, 135A, 140A, and 145. rication of chrome-cobalt removable partial denture (RPD) Emphasis on the traits expected of a dental/oral health frameworks. Emphasis is on designing rationale and correct care professional that constitute professionalism and application of various RPD components (major and minor workplace readiness needed for success in a dental setting connectors as well as direct and indirect retentive clasp with a focus on specific skills needed for working in fixed designs). Laboratory projects include; model preparation, and removable restorative dental laboratories. Included fabrication of refractory casts, custom dentulous impres- are skills in communicating professionally with dental sion trays, principles of surveying and designing as well as colleagues in a dental office or operatory or when in the the usage of the dental surveyor instrument, determina- presence of the dentist or a patient. Verbal and nonverbal tion of the correct path of insertion for an RPD, as well as communication skills, business telephone etiquette, writ- spruing, investing, burnout and induction casting proce- ten communication skills, and technology and voice mail dures. Total of 36 hours lecture and 108 hours laboratory. etiquette will be studied. Job interview skills are included. Grade Mode: L Total of 9 hours of lecture. Grade Mode: L RDT 225B ADVANCED REMOVABLE PARTIAL DENTURES (RPDs) RDT 155 ANATOMY OF ORAL AND FACIAL 3 units STRUCTURES Prerequisites: RDT 225A, 240, 245, and 250 or the equiva- 1 unit lent knowledge and experience. Prerequisites: RDT 145 and 150 or the equivalent knowl- Corequisites: RDT 230B, 235B, 255, 260, and 265. edge and experience. Laboratory procedures and theory for seating metal Corequisites: RDT 125B, 130B, 135B, 140B, and 160. chrome-cobalt RPD castings to their respective master Anatomical structures of the human head (skull) and face casts. Included are laboratory procedures for performing as well as intraoral anatomy in relation to the fabrica- necessary adjustments to the occlusion, metal finishing tion of fixed and removable restorative dental prostheses. and polishing, as well as artificial tooth arrangements and Overview of human anatomy to include: body planes, bony denture base waxing, flasking procedures, wax elimination elevations, bone depressions and channels, and joints. De- (boil out) and processing. Laboratory projects include RPD tailed emphasis of the bony anatomy of the skull, mus- denture base reline procedures, various repairs to tooth cles of mastication, depressor muscles of the mandible, and denture base fractures as well as electric and torch muscles of facial expression, intraoral soft tissue anatomy, soldering of metal fractures and warped areas, as well as and structures of the temporomandibular joint. Maximum design and fabrication of an injection molded flexible RPD. credit for DLT 115 and RDT 155 is 1 unit. Total of 18 hours Designing of a digital RPD using computer-aided-design lecture. (CAD) design software and overview of laboratory proce- Grade Mode: L dures for a fabricating a Swing-Lock RPD. Maximum cred- it for DLT 119B and RDT 225B is 3 units. Total of 18 hours RDT 160 DENTAL CALCULATIONS, WEIGHTS AND lecture and 108 hours laboratory. MEASURES Grade Mode: L ½ unit Prerequisites: RDT 145 and 150 or the equivalent knowl- RDT 230A BEGINNING DENTAL CERAMICS edge and experience. 5 units Corequisites: RDT 125B, 130B, 135B, 140B, and 155. Prerequisites: RDT 125B, 130B, 135B, 140B, 145, 150, Various weight and measure systems commonly used in a 155, and 160 or the equivalent knowledge and experience. fixed and removable restorative dental laboratory. Included Corequisites: RDT 225A, 235A, 240, 245, and 250. are specific dental calculations, metal alloy formulations, Complex model and die preparation and cast evaluation use of instruments, conversions, gauges, and scales for for metal-ceramic, pressed, and milled ceramic cases, restorative dental laboratory operations and procedures. physical characteristics of dental porcelain, metal-ceramic Measures of temperature, length, liquid volume, and gauge terminology, and components of the metal-ceramic resto- thickness. Total 9 hours lecture. ration. Design and construction of single unit/tooth sub- Grade Mode: L structures (substrates) for metal-ceramic restorations as well as pressed and milled ceramic restorations utilizing

PAGE 538 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 computer-aided-design (CAD) and computer-aided-manu- ments, functional articulations, types of articulator instru- facture (CAM) technologies as well as traditional analog ments (hinge, semi-adjustable, and fully adjustable), and lost wax technology and analysis of bonding mechanisms parts of a semi-adjustable articulator instrument. Labora- at the interface between the metal substructure and por- tory projects include working with various jaw relationship celain as well as difference between pressable ceramic and records (checkbites) and the facebow transfer as well as conventional porcelain systems. Laboratory procedures how to use them to mount maxillary and mandibular casts include: fabrication of pressed ceramic restorations, de- to a semi-adjustable articulator and incorporating correct signing both metal and milled substrates, metal finishing settings for condylar and anterior guidances. The fully ad- techniques for various metal substructures, oxidation and justable articulator instrument and its associated occlu- metal cleansing procedures, basic porcelain application sal records such as, pantographs, axiographs, and various techniques up through opaque application and firing pro- facebows will also be introduced. Total of 27 hours lecture cedures for opaque cycles. Maximum credit for DLT 118A and 54 hours laboratory. and RDT 230A is 5 units. Total of 36 hours lecture and 162 Grade Mode: L hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L RDT 235B ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL OCCLUSION AND BIOMECHANICS OF THE MASTICATORY RDT 230B ADVANCED DENTAL CERAMICS SYSTEM 5 units 2 ½ units Prerequisites: RDT 230A, 240, 245, and 250 or the equiva- Prerequisites: RDT 235A, 240, 245, and 250 or the equiva- lent knowledge and experience. lent knowledge and experience. Corequisites: RDT 225B, 235B, 255, 260 and 265. Corequisites: RDT 225B, 230B, 255, 260 and 265. Theory and laboratory techniques for fabricating metal- Course is an intense study of the components of the sto- ceramic crown and multi-unit fixed partial denture (FPD) matognathic system and how each corresponds to func- restorations. Multi-unit substrate designs using traditional tional occlusion. A detailed review of the functional com- analog/manual wax design technique and also using com- ponents of anterior and posterior teeth, analysis of the puter-aided-design (CAD) software, application of discreet difference between malocclusion, normal occlusion, and layers of opaque, dentin and enamel to substrates, vari- adaptive occlusion, and learning skills in eliminating cen- ous porcelain build-up or sculpting techniques, porcelain tric and excursive interferences and learning the impact contouring, extrinsic staining, corrections and additions. interferences have on functional occlusion. Occlusal dis- Fabrication of porcelain shoulder or porcelain butt margins harmony including bruxing and its impact on functional and porcelain laminate veneers. Pre-soldering procedures, occlusion, a thorough review of the vertical and horizontal various casting procedures, and metal finishing and prepa- determinants of occlusal morphology and how they guide ration of multi-unit substrates for porcelain. Color science, design of an optimum functional occlusion. Nomenclature shade verification, staining and glazing procedures. Metal- and precision waxing techniques will be practiced. Labora- lurgy of base metal, noble metal, and high noble alloys. tory projects will involve learning to design and recognize Porcelain chemistry and manufacture of metal-ceramic, all various functional occlusion types: bilaterally balanced, ceramic, milled and pressed porcelain systems as well as unilaterally balanced, cusp-fossa and mutually protected the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and its limita- occlusions. Total of 27 hours lecture and 54 hours labora- tions for each material. Firing procedures using the por- tory. celain furnace and inputting firing parameters into the Grade Mode: L furnace. Maximum credit for DLT 118B and RDT 230B is 6 units. Total of 36 hours lecture and 162 hours laboratory. RDT 240 ADVANCED DIGITAL DENTISTRY CAD CAM III Grade Mode: L 1½ units Prerequisites: RDT 140B, or the equivalent knowledge and RDT 235A FUNCTIONAL OCCLUSION AND experience. ARTICULATOR INSTRUMENTATION Corequisites: RDT 225A, 230A, 235A, 245, and 250. 2 ½ units Course focuses on rapid prototype 3-D printing; laser sin- Prerequisites: RDT 125B, 130B, 135B, 140B, 145, 150, tered technology and generative computer-aided-manufac- 155, and 160 or the equivalent knowledge and experience. turing (CAM) processes. Included are usage of 3-D soft- Corequisites: RDT 225A, 230A, 240, 245, and 250. ware to create orthognathic study casts, 3-D fabrication Course focuses on the physiology of functional mandibu- of laboratory models and dies, operation and maintenance lar movement and advanced articulator instrumentation. of the 3-D printer, and generating transferable files in .stl Topics include; basic terminology/nomenclature associated format that will be exported to the 3-D Printer. Laboratory with the study of occlusion, cusp positions in Maximum projects include: introductory design processes for fabrica- Intercuspation (MI) including cusp-to-marginal ridge and tion of a digital removable partial denture (RPD) using RPD cusp-to-fossa patterns of occlusion, mandibular move- Design software, using Real View Engine software to assist

PAGE 539 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 in viewing the patient’s facial landmarks and smile design RDT 255 INTRODUCTION TO DENTAL IMPLANTS options, as well as a preview of Orthodontic Appliance De- 2 units sign software and Implant Studio software. Total of 9 hours Prerequisites: RDT 240, 245, and 250 or the equivalent lecture and 54 hours laboratory. knowledge and experience. Grade Mode: L Corequisites: RDT 225B, 230B, 235B, 260 and 265. Introduction to dental implants, their historical develop- RDT 245 ORTHODONTICS AND PEDODONTICS ment, the concept of osseointegration, overview of the 3 units steps involved in implant surgery and laboratory proce- Prerequisites: RDT 125B, 130B, 135B, 140B, 145, 150, dures for fabricating single tooth fixed implant prosthetics. 155, and 160 or the equivalent knowledge and experience. Implant material choices, nomenclature related to implan- Corequisites: RDT 225A, 230A, 235A, 240, and 250. tology, and the many components of an implant system. Basic principles and laboratory procedures for the fabrica- Laboratory procedures and fabrication of the radiographic tion of digital and stone orthognathic study casts (mod- stent, surgical guide template, master cast, articulation to els) that meet with criteria as set forth by the American a semi-adjustable articulator, use of the articulator dur- Board of Orthodontics (ABO). Design and fabrication of ing fabrication of implant prostheses, and provisional or orthodontic and pedodontic fixed and removable applianc- interim implant prostheses will be practiced. Focus on fab- es with emphasis on design and wire contouring of vari- rication of single-unit/tooth cement-retained and single- ous types of arch wires, clasps and springs, working with unit/tooth screw-retained implant prostheses. Course in- auto-polymerizing acrylic resin, laser welding and torch cludes an overview of digital computer-aided-design (CAD) soldering procedures, as well as minor repairs. Laboratory for implant prosthetics using Implant Studio software and projects include active and passive removable appliances a preview of implant-retained removable dentures, hybrid such as the Hawley retainer, fixed space maintainer, arch dentures, and a bar (Hader) and clip retained overdenture. expanders, inclined plane, space-closing or space-regain- Required field trips. Students are expected to drive their ing appliances with expansion screws, and tooth stabili- own vehicle to implant laboratories during field trips. Total zation holding appliances. Included is fabrication of an of 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. interim removable partial denture (RPD) stay plate with Grade Mode: L wrought/stainless steel wire clasps. Maximum credit for DLT 117 and RDT 245 is 3 units. Total of 27 hours lecture RDT 260 TRANSITION TO THE RESTORATIVE DENTAL and 81 hours laboratory. TECHNOLOGY PROFESSION Grade Mode: L 1½ units Prerequisites: RDT 240, 245, and 250 or the equivalent RDT 250 LABORATORY BUS. MGMT/ ADMIN, knowledge and experience. LEGALITIES, ETHICS AND JURISPRUDENCE Corequisites: RDT 225B, 230B, 235B, 255, and 265. 1 unit A review of nomenclature, concepts, dental materials, Prerequisites: RDT 125B, 130B, 135B, 140B, 145, 150, health and safety and infection prevention and control 155, and 160 or the equivalent knowledge and experience. protocols, dental anatomy, articulator instrumentation Corequisites: RDT 225A, 230A, 235A, 240, and 245. and the facebow transfer, as well as laboratory techniques Course emphasizes ethics, laws, federal and state regula- and procedures studied across the sub specialties through- tions, and industry organizations governing the practice of out the two-year Restorative Dental Technology Program. restorative dental laboratory technology and the profes- Development of critical thinking skills and judgments as sional relationship of dentists and dental technologists. well as practical performance of laboratory skills practiced Introduction to managerial skills required for the operation in commercial dental laboratories such that students may of a dental laboratory business including development of transition from being student technicians to certified tech- the components of a business plan, marketing plan, busi- nologists. Included is an overview of dental technology ness management/organizational plan and human resource organizations and the certification process as well as an management system. Studies will include an introduction introduction of the government organizations that gov- to the use of computerized dental laboratory business man- ern the practice of restorative dental technology. Course agement software. State and national professional dental is also open to professional dental technologists already technology organizations, the Certified Dental Technician in commercial dental laboratories to serve as a refresher. (CDT), Recognized Graduate (RG), and Certified Dental Prepares graduates for written and practical components Laboratory application requirements and procedures, ben- of the Certified Dental Technician Examination given by efits, and continuing education requirements.Maximum the National Bureau for Certification in Dental Technology. credit for DLT 124 and RDT 250 is 2 units. Total of 18 hours Course may also be taken for possible job advancement. lecture. Total of 9 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L

PAGE 540 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 RDT 265 CLINICAL EXPERIENCE RUSS 004 INTERMEDIATE RUSSIAN 3 units 5 units Prerequisites: RDT 240, 245, and 250 or the equivalent Prerequisite: RUSS 003 or three years of high school Rus- knowledge and experience. sian or placement based on the foreign language assessment Corequisites: RDT 225B, 230B, 235B, 255, and 260. process. Emphasis is on having the student demonstrate and prac- Further development of communication skills based on tice skills in restorative dental technology procedures in contemporary Russian readings; finish review of basic a commercial dental laboratory or dental laboratory set- structure of Russian. Customs and culture. Total of 90 ting. Will include participating in the fabrication of dental hours lecture. prostheses for patients currently under treatment or from Transfer Credit: CSU; UC actual casts or impressions and occlusal jaw relationship Grade Mode: L, A, P records from previously fabricated prostheses. Completion of a Personal Portfolio to include resume, sample letters, RUSS 011 RUSSIAN CIVILIZATION sample of laboratory projects, photo documentation of lab- 3 units oratory work, and letters of recommendation. Completion History, geography, language, literature and music; cus- of detailed Work Journals and signed Attendance Sheets at toms of the Soviet Union. (Course conducted in English.) laboratories is required. It is expected that students shall Total of 54 hours lecture. provide their own private transportation to clinical labora- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC tory sites. Maximum credit for DLT 125 and RDT 265 is 3½ Grade Mode: L, A, P units. Total of 18 hours lecture and 108 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L RUSS 150A RUSSIAN FOR BUSINESS AND TRAVEL 2 units RUSSIAN Practical conversation Russian for business and travel. Contemporary culture in Russian-speaking areas. Total of (Languages Division) 36 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P RUSS 001 ELEMENTARY RUSSIAN 5 units RUSS 150B RUSSIAN FOR BUSINESS AND TRAVEL Pronunciation, reading, writing and speaking. Introduction 2 units to Russian geography, history and culture. Corresponds to Prerequisite: RUSS 150A or placement based on the foreign first year of high school Russian. Total of 90 hours lecture. language assessment process. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Further instruction in conversational Russian for business Grade Mode: L, A, P and travel. Contemporary culture in Russian-speaking ar- eas. Total of 36 hours lecture. RUSS 002 ELEMENTARY RUSSIAN Grade Mode: L, A, P 5 units Prerequisite: RUSS 001, or the first year of high school Russian, or placement based on the foreign language as- sessment process. SOCIAL SCIENCES Grammar essentials; oral work; aspects of Russian history (Social Sciences Division) and culture. Total of 90 hours lecture. SOSC 017 INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH METHODS IN Transfer Credit: CSU; UC SOCIAL SCIENCES Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Prerequisite: SOC 001. RUSS 003 INTERMEDIATE RUSSIAN Fundamental elements of empirical research and the ways 5 units in which social scientists gather, evaluate, and critique Prerequisite: RUSS 002 or two years of high school Rus- research findings. Attention to the importance of profes- sian or placement based on the foreign language assessment sional ethics when conducting research. Application of process. qualitative and quantitative analytic tools for research Development of communication skills based on contempo- design, such as survey, observational, experimental, case rary Russian readings; review of basic structure of Russian. study and comparative historical research. Total of 54 Customs and culture. Total of 90 hours lecture. hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: SOCI 120 Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 541 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 SOCIOLOGY SOC 016 URBAN SOCIOLOGY 3 units (Social Sciences Division) Sociological theories of urbanization and urbanism in historical and comparative perspective. Exploration of SOC 001 INTRODUCTORY SOCIOLOGY the accelerating scale and consequences of urbanization 3 units as a global phenomenon, examining the corresponding Human culture, social order and group memberships. Cul- shifts in the re-organization of space and society. Patterns tural growth and change; ecology, population, social insti- of industrialization, segregation, suburbanization, tutions; group processes, social control, personality. Total globalization and gentrification in historical and cross- of 54 hours lecture. cultural perspective Focus on how communities and social Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: SOCI 110 movements develop in relation to these processes. Total of Grade Mode: L, A, P 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC SOC 002 CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL PROBLEMS Grade Mode: L, A, P 3 units Identification and analysis of major social problems:in - SOC 020 INDEPENDENT STUDY equality, poverty and welfare, incarceration, education. 1 unit Total of 54 hours lecture. Prerequisites: One semester of sociology. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: SOCI 115 Enrollment Limitation: Permission of department faculty Grade Mode: L, A, P member. Individual projects; research techniques; written reports. SOC 014 INTRODUCTION TO ETHNIC STUDIES Total of 54 hours laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU An interdisciplinary course with focus on the sociological Grade Mode: L, P analysis of racial/ethnic relations in the U.S. It introduces core concepts, it explores the social, historical, economic SOC 022 SOCIOLOGY OF AGING and political construction of race and ethnicity, and it ad- 3 units dresses the systematic aspect of racial/ethnic stratifica- Examination of the physical, psychological and sociologi- tion. Through critical readings, individual reflections, class cal aspects of aging in various cultures. Methods of dealing discussions, and documentaries students will have the op- with aging for the individual. The family and society. El- portunity to develop a solid grasp of immigration issues, ders and the law. The sociology of grief in American culture colorblindness, white privilege, social & racial justice, and and other cultures. Total of 54 hours lecture. the intersectionality of race, class, and gender. Total of 54 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: SOCI 150 Grade Mode: L, A, P SOC 024 MARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY 3 units SOC 015 CRIME, DELINQUENCY AND SOCIETY The family as a social institution; social, economic, legal, 3 units psychological aspects of marriage and family life; patterns Analysis of crime theories, social control, and punishment. of courtship, marriage and family organization. Total of Examines the sociological impact, functions, and roles 54 hours lecture. of the criminal and juvenile justice systems in the U.S. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: SOCI 130 Emphasis on the sociological process and impact of law Grade Mode: L, A, P enforcement, courts, and correctional components of the SOC 029 SOCIOLOGY OF THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN criminal justice and juvenile justice process. Focuses on 3 units the interaction between the citizen, the community, and Sociological factors affecting African-American’s relation- the components of the justice system. Total of 54 hours ships to major institutions, social movements, attitudes lecture. and values of American culture. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: SOCI 160 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A, P

SOC 030 INTRODUCTION TO GENDER 3 units Sociological analysis of the social construction of gender ______historically, contemporarily and cross- culturally. Examines *Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 542 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 the debates on sexuality and gender identity. Analysis of SPAN 002 ELEMENTARY SPANISH the impact of social institutions and practices including, 5 units but not limited to economic and political change, on gender Prerequisite: SPAN 001 or 150B, or the first year of high expectations and practices. Total of 54 hours lecture. school Spanish, or placement based on the foreign language Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: SOCI 140 assessment process. Grade Mode: L, P Continuation of elementary grammar essentials; speaking, reading, listening and writing with stress on authentic lan- SOC 031 CHICANO SOCIOLOGY guage; further study of Spanish and Latin-American civi- 3 units lization. No credit if taken after SPAN 002A. Total of 90 Cultural background of Mexican-American; major differenc- hours lecture. es between Anglo and Mexican-American values and atti- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: SPAN 110 tudes; past and present intercultural problems; economic, Grade Mode: L, A, P educational, political, language, family; Mexican-American contributions to the United States. Total of 54 hours lec- SPAN 002A SPANISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS ture. 5 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Prerequisite: One year of high school Spanish, or placement Grade Mode: L, A, P based on the foreign language assessment process. Intensive training in oral and written Spanish for those SOC 035 LGBTQ STUDIES who speak it, but have had little or no formal training 3 units in the language. Improvement of oral expression; Spanish Examination of a broad range of contemporary gay, lesbian, grammar; readings in contemporary Spanish prose; compo- bisexual, transgender, and queer issues in various contexts. sition; study of Spanish and Latin American cultures. No Traces the history of LGBTQ identities, communities, credit if taken after SPAN 001 or 002. Total of 90 hours organizations, and resistance movements in the United lecture. States, as it relates to sexuality and gender identity. Total Transfer Credit: CSU: UC credit limitations. See counselor. of 54 hours lecture. *C-ID: SPAN 220 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. *C-ID: SJS Grade Mode: L, A, P 130 Grade Mode: L, A, P SPAN 003 INTERMEDIATE SPANISH 5 units SOC 041 SOCIOLOGY OF THE ASIAN AMERICAN Prerequisite: SPAN 002 or 002A or two years of high school 3 units Spanish or placement based on the foreign language assess- Analysis of sociological factors influencing Asian American ment process. experience in American society. Evaluation of effects of Reading, writing, speaking and listening with development living in a dual culture with concomitant stresses upon of communication and analytical skills based on 20th and Asian American psyche. Total of 54 hours lecture. 21st century Spanish and Latin-American readings; review Transfer Credit: CSU; UC of Spanish grammar; increased vocabulary. Customs and Grade Mode: L, A, P culture. Total of 90 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: SPAN 200 Grade Mode: L, A, P SPANISH SPAN 004 INTERMEDIATE SPANISH (Languages Division) 5 units Prerequisite: SPAN 003 or three years of high school Span- SPAN 001 ELEMENTARY SPANISH ish or placement based on the foreign language assessment 5 units process. Beginning language acquisition with practice in listening, Further reading, writing, speaking and listening with de- speaking, reading and writing. Introduction to customs velopment of communication and analytical skills based on and culture of Spain and Latin America. Corresponds to 20th and 21st century Spanish and Latin-American read- first year of high school Spanish. Total of 90 hours lecture. ings; review of Spanish grammar; increased vocabulary. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: SPAN 100 Customs and culture. Total of 90 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: SPAN 210 Grade Mode: L, A, P ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 543 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 SPAN 005 INTRODUCTION TO SPANISH LITERATURE SPAN 012 SPANISH LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: SPAN 004 or placement based on the foreign Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. language assessment process. Reading and discussion of major works of Spanish or Latin Reading and discussion of selections from Spanish litera- American literature in translation from different historical ture. Total of 54 hours lecture. periods. Selections will be made from different genres: Transfer Credit: CSU; UC novel, drama, poetry and the essay. Students will learn Grade Mode: L, A, P to identify the unique traits of each work and become acquainted with the historical, cultural and artistic influ- SPAN 006A INTRODUCTION TO SPANISH-AMERICAN ences on them. (Course conducted in English.) Total of LITERATURE 54 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer credit: CSU; UC Prerequisite: SPAN 004 or placement based on the foreign Grade Mode: L, A, P language assessment process. Reading and discussion of selections from Spanish-Amer- SPAN 025 SPANISH COMPOSITION ican literature from the Conquest to the end of 19th Cen- 3 units tury. Total of 54 hours lecture. Prerequisite: SPAN 004 or placement based on the foreign Transfer Credit: CSU; UC language assessment process. Grade Mode: L, A, P Practice in writing Spanish with appropriate vocabulary, syntactical structures and stylistic patterns. Emphasis on SPAN 006B INTRODUCTION TO SPANISH-AMERICAN written expression that is grammatically correct, lexically LITERATURE sophisticated and rhetorically competent. Production of 3 units coherent expository prose. Total of 54 hours lecture. Prerequisite: SPAN 004 or placement based on the foreign Transfer Credit: CSU; UC language assessment. Grade Mode: L, A, P Reading and discussion of XX Century selections from Spanish-American literature. Total of 54 hours lecture. SPAN 031 LANGUAGE OF THE BARRIO Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 3 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Prerequisite: SPAN 001 or Spanish conversational ability. Study of the language that is used in the Mexican-Ameri- SPAN 008A-B INTRODUCTION TO SPANISH can barrios. Emphasis given to how language reflects the CONVERSATION uniqueness of the community. Total of 54 hours lecture. 4 units Transfer Credit: CSU Prerequisite: SPAN 002 or two years of high school Span- Grade Mode: L, A, P ish or placement based on the foreign language assessment process. SPAN 042A CIVILIZATION OF SPAIN AND PORTUGAL Practice in oral self-expression and understanding spo- 3 units ken Spanish. No credit if taken after SPAN 003 or SPAN Lectures and discussions on the geography, history and 009A-C. For non-native speakers of Spanish. Each course institutions of Spain and Portugal; life and customs, lit- 2 units, and a total of 36 hours lecture. erature, music and art. (Course conducted in English.) No Transfer Credit: CSU credit if taken after SPAN 042 or 042B. Total of 54 hours Grade Mode: L, A, P lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. SPAN 009A-C SPANISH CONVERSATION Grade Mode: L, A, P 6 units Prerequisite: SPAN 003 or three years of high school Span- SPAN 042B CIVILIZATION OF SPAIN AND PORTUGAL ish or placement based on the foreign language assessment 3 units process. Prerequisite: SPAN 003 or placement based on the foreign Intensive practice in oral expression and comprehension language assessment process. of spoken Spanish. Each course 2 units, and a total of 36 Lectures and discussions on the geography, history and hours lecture. institutions of Spain and Portugal; life and customs, lit- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC erature, music and art. (Course conducted in Spanish.) No Grade Mode: L, A, P credit if taken after SPAN 042 or 042A. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P

PAGE 544 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 SPAN 044A CIVILIZATION OF LATIN AMERICA behavior and roles in society. Recommended enrollment 3 units in or completion of PSYC 022. Total of 54 hours lecture. Geography, history, life, customs, literature, music and Grade Mode: L, A, P art of Spanish and Portuguese speaking peoples of Latin America. (Course conducted in English.) No credit if taken SET 108 INTRODUCTION TO LEARNING after SPAN 044 or 044B. Total of 54 hours lecture. DISABILITIES Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. 3 units Grade Mode: L, A, P Introduction to the concept of learning disabilities, the recognition of learning disorders in children and adults SPAN 044B CIVILIZATION OF LATIN AMERICA and the various approaches for remediating or coping with 3 units these difficulties. For individuals who have a general inter- Prerequisite: SPAN 003 or placement based on the foreign est in the field of learning disabilities and/or desire to language assessment process. help learning disabled individuals in the classroom, home Geography, history, life, customs, literature, music and or working world. Recommended enrollment in or comple- art of Spanish and Portuguese speaking peoples of Latin tion of PSYC 021 or 022 or SET 100. Total of 54 hours America. (Course conducted in Spanish.) No credit if taken lecture. after SPAN 044 or 044A. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Grade Mode: L, A, P SET 111 INTRODUCTION TO DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES SPAN 050 SPANISH AND LATIN AMERICAN CINEMA 3 units 3 units Survey of developmental disabilities for which residential Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 001A or placement based care facilities are designed with emphasis upon methods on the foreign language assessment process. and strategies for behavior modification employed by resi- Introductory study of Spanish and Latin-American films. dential care staff for infants, children and adults with de- The historical evolution of cinema as an art form, with emphasis on major themes, directors and movements, velopmental disabilities. Completion of SET 111 and SET including recent developments in US Latino films. (Course 112 meets California Regional Center Certificate require- conducted in English). Total of 54 hours lecture. ments. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P Grade Mode: L, A, P SET 112 WORKING WITH THE DEVELOPMENTALLY SPAN 150A SPANISH FOR BUSINESS AND TRAVEL DISABLED 2 units 3 units Practical conversational Spanish for business and travel. Practical applications of principles used in the administra- Contemporary culture in Spanish-speaking areas. Total of tion of residential care facilities for persons with devel- 36 hours lecture. opmental disabilities; methods of accounting, licensing, Grade Mode: L, A, P health, safety and a review of programs available for the developmentally disabled. Completion of SET 111 and SET SPAN 150B SPANISH FOR BUSINESS AND TRAVEL 112 meets California Regional Center Certificate require- 2 units ments. Total of 54 hours lecture. Prerequisite: SPAN 150A, or placement based on the for- Grade Mode: L, A, P eign language assessment process. Further instruction in conversational Spanish for business and travel. Contemporary culture in Spanish-speaking ar- SPECIAL SERVICES eas. Total of 36 hours lecture. (Special Services Division) Grade Mode: L, A, P SPSV 101 SPEECH-LANGUAGE LAB 1 unit SPECIAL EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY Understanding and correction of one’s speech, language (Social Sciences Division) and communication disorders. Designed for students with disabilities who are recommended by Special Services, in- SET 102 ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES cluding Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS). 3 units Pass/no pass grading. No credit if taken after SPCH 120. Exploration of the effects of disabilities and resulting func- Total of 54 hours laboratory. tional limitations of adults on their personal relationships, Grade Mode: P

PAGE 545 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 SPSV 480A READING FOR DEAF STUDENTS – ter ESL 033A, 033B, 122, ENGL 001A, 001B, 001C or 100. LEVEL 1 Cannot enroll concurrently in ESL 033A, 033B, 122, 420, 3 units 422, ENGL 001A, 001B, 001C, 100 or 400. May not be Introduction to vocabulary building, word attack skills, taken concurrently with or after ESL 490A, SPSV 490A and basic reading techniques. Recommended enrollment or SPSV 490B. (Course conducted in American Sign Lan- in SPSV 490A or ESL 490A. No credit if taken after ESL 432 guage.) Total of 90 hours lecture. or SPSV 480B, ENGL 415, 130, or 014. Cannot be taken Grade Mode: L, A, P concurrently with ESL 432, SPSV 480B or ESL 480B, ENGL 415, 130 or 014. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. SPEECH COMMUNICATION Grade Mode: L, A, P (Performing and Communication Arts Division) SPSV 480B READING FOR DEAF STUDENTS – LEVEL 2 SPCH 001 FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: ESL 480A, ESL 460, SPSV 480A, or placement Principles and practices of public speaking, speech compo- based on reading assessment. sition, organization, audience analysis and listening skills. Development of work attack skills, vocabulary, study skills Recommended proficiency in spoken English.No credit if and basic reading techniques. Recommended enrollment taken after SPCH 001H. Total of 54 hours lecture. in SPSV 490A or SPSV 490B or ESL 490A or ESL 490B. No Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: COMM 110 credit if taken after ESL 432, ENGL 415, 130 or 014. Can- Grade Mode: L not be taken concurrently with SPSV 480A or ESL 480A, ENGL 415, 130 or 014. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 SPCH 001H HONORS FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH 3 units hours laboratory. Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance to the Honors Program. Grade Mode: L, A, P Principles and practices of public speaking, speech composition, organization, audience analysis and listening SPSV 490A ESL READING AND WRITING FOR skills. This enriched course is designed for the Honors DEAF STUDENTS – LEVEL 1 Program requiring students to use stronger analytical skills 4 units to research and deliver speeches of more advanced topics. Interdisciplinary Course: ESL 490A Recommended proficiency in spoken English. Total of 54 Intensive practice in basic English sentence structure for hours lecture. No credit if taken after SPCH 001. students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Introduction to Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: COMM 110 spelling, punctuation, vocabulary development and Eng- Grade Mode: L lish writing conventions. Recommended enrollment in ESL 460. No credit if taken after ESL 033A, 033B, 122, ENGL SPCH 002 PERSUASION 001A, 001B, 001C or 100. Cannot enroll concurrently in 3 units ESL 033A, 033B, 122, 420, 422, ENGL 001A, 001B, 001C, Recommended Preparation: SPCH 001 or ENGL 100. 100 or 400. May not be taken concurrently with or after Examination of historical and contemporary approaches to ESL 490B, SPSV 490A or 490B. (Course conducted in Ameri- persuasive messages. Presentation of persuasive appeals. can Sign Language.) Total of 90 hours lecture. Construction, delivery, and critique of persuasive messages. Grade Mode: L, A, P Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC SPSV 490B ESL READING AND WRITING FOR Grade Mode: L DEAF STUDENTS – LEVEL 2 4 units SPCH 003 VOICE AND DICTION Interdisciplinary Course: ESL 490B 3 units Prerequisite: ESL 490A, SPSV 490A, or placement based on Physiological and anatomical basis of voice production and the ESL assessment process. articulation. Instruction in articulation, pronunciation and Development of reading and writing skills for academic vocal quality. Recommended proficiency in reading aloud. purposes for students who are deaf or hard-of hearing. For broadcasting, drama and communication majors, but Reading of low intermediate fiction and nonfiction; writ- open to all qualified students. Total of 54 hours lecture. ten practice in sentence patterns and compositions. Rec- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC ommended enrollment in ESL 432. No credit if taken af- Grade Mode: L ______

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PAGE 546 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 SPCH 004 ORAL INTERPRETATION audience situations. Total of 54 hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: COMM 120 Oral presentation of thought and feeling by an individual Grade Mode: L performer in various types of prose and poetry. Criticism and appreciation, analysis and evaluation. Total of 54 SPCH 008 READERS’ THEATER hours lecture. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: COMM 170 Oral presentation of literary material with emphasis on en- Grade Mode: L semble performance using choral reading and body move- ment. Total of 54 hours lecture. SPCH 005 FORENSICS - SPEECH AND DEBATE TEAM Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 3 units Grade Mode: L Intercollegiate competitive speaking including platform events (informative, persuasive, communication analysis); SPCH 009 SMALL GROUP COMMUNICATION interpretation (prose, duo, poetry, poi); limited prepara- 3 units tion (impromptu and extemporaneous); and debate (par- Principles of communication in a variety of group liamentary debate). Maximum credit for SPCH 005 is 12 contexts. Theory, application, and evaluation of group units, 3 units each semester. Total of 36 hours lecture and communication processes, including problem solving, 72 hours laboratory. This course may be scheduled using conflict management, decision making, and leadership. the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: COMM 160B Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: COMM 140 Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L SPCH 005A FORENSICS RESEARCH AND PREPARATION (SPEECH AND DEBATE TEAM) SPCH 010 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION 3 units 3 units Intercollegiate competitive speaking including platform Principles and practices in communication and commu- events (informative, persuasive, communication analysis), nication theories. Intrapersonal, interpersonal and small interpretation (prose, duo, poetry, poi), limited prepara- group communication. Non-verbal communication, percep- tion (impromptu and extemporaneous), and debate (par- tion-information processing, attitude change and seman- liamentary debate). Required instructional trips. Maxi- tics. Recommended proficiency in spoken English. Total of mum credit 6 units, 3 units each semester.Total of 36 54 hours lecture. hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. This course may be Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: COMM 130 scheduled using the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling Grade Mode: L format. Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: COMM 160B SPCH 012 ARGUMENTATION AND CRITICAL Grade Mode: L, A THINKING 3 units SPCH 005B OFF-SEASON FORENSICS: SPEECH AND Prerequisite: ENGL 001A. DEBATE TEAM Oral and extensive written analysis of propositions, tests 1 unit of evidence, argumentation fields, critical analysis and in- Intercollegiate competitive speaking including platform terpretation and evaluation of contemporary public con- events (informative, persuasive, communication analysis), troversy. Total of 54 hours lecture. interpretation (prose, duo, poetry, poi), limited prepara- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: COMM 120 tion (impromptu and extemporaneous), and debate (par- Grade Mode: L liamentary debate). Required instructional trips. Total of 54 hours laboratory. This course may be scheduled using SPCH 013 INTRODUCTION TO SPEECH the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. COMMUNICATION Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: COMM 160B 3 units Grade Mode: L, A A survey of the discipline of communication studies with emphasis on multiple epistemological, theoretical, and SPCH 006 ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATE methodological issues relevant to the systematic inquiry 3 units and pursuit of knowledge about human communication. This Principles and forms of argumentation and debate. Logical course explores the basic history, assumptions, principles, analysis and reflective thinking. Adaptation of materials to processes, variables, methods, and specializations of human communication as an academic field of study.Recommend - ______

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PAGE 547 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ed proficiency in spoken English. Total of 54 hours lecture. SLPA 119 SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY: Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: COMM 180 PROFESSIONAL ISSUES Grade Mode: L 3 units Prerequisite: SLPA 018. Enrollment Limitation: Admission to the SLPA program. SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY Professional issues in the field of communication disorders with emphasis on practice as a Speech-Language Pathology ASSISTANT Assistant. Regulatory and ethical considerations, scope of (Performing and Communication Arts Division) responsibilities, and supervision. Practice issues including cultural and linguistic diversity, Augmentative and SLPA 018 INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION Alternative Communication (AAC), documentation, data DISORDERS collection, objectives, and treatment implementation. 3 units Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. Overview of the field of communication disorders. Survey Grade Mode: L and classification of communication disorders; identifying assessment and treatment of speech, language, swallow- SLPA 123A COMMUNICATION DISORDERS: ing and hearing disorders. Includes guided observation ASSESSMENT AND REMEDIATION of 3 hours of speech therapy sessions. Total of 54 hours 3 units lecture. Prerequisite: All of the following: SLPA 107, SLPA 115, Transfer Credit: CSU and SLPA 119. Grade Mode: L Examination of specific disorders of communication, in- cluding their characteristics, causes and the anatomical SLPA 107 PHONETICS, ARTICULATION, AND structures and physiological muscle functions related to PHONOLOGY normal speech and language development. Assessment and 3 units screening techniques; scope of practice and role of the Prerequisite: SLPA 018. Speech-Language Pathology Assistant. Data collection, Enrollment Limitation: Admission to the SLPA program. clinical documentation and record-keeping. Required for Speech sound production and disorders, including a study all Speech-Language Pathology Assistant majors. No cred- of the International Phonetic Alphabet for classification, it if taken after SPCH 123. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 analysis, and transcription. Consideration for cultural hours laboratory. and linguistic variations. Approaches and procedures for Grade Mode: L screening and intervention of speech sound disorders. Includes guided observation of 3 hours of speech therapy SLPA 123B COMMUNICATION DISORDERS: sessions. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. REMEDIATION Grade Mode: L 3 units Prerequisite: SLPA 123A. SLPA 115 CHILD LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT AND Remediation techniques, rationale for commonly used DISORDERS therapeutic approaches, including assistive and computer 3 units technology. Scope of practice and role of Speech-Language Prerequisite: SLPA 018. Pathology Assistant in intervention procedures including Enrollment Limitation: Admission to the SLPA program. Typical speech, language and hearing development including clinical documentation and appropriate use of therapeu- acquisition of phonology, morphology, semantics, syntax, tic materials. Required for all Speech-Language Pathology and pragmatics; communication development in bilingual Assistant majors. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours populations; and differentiation of typical from disordered laboratory. communication. Study of prevention, assessment and Grade Mode: L intervention practices for language and literacy disorders in children and adolescents. Includes guided observation SLPA 126 SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY of 3 hours of speech therapy sessions. Total of 54 hours ASSISTANT FIELD WORK lecture and 18 hours laboratory. 2 units Grade Mode: L Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of SLPA 123B. Corequisite: SLPA 126S. Enrollment Limitation: Admission to the SLPA program. Students must pass a health/safety and background check for ______both the college and the off-campus site. Requires instructor

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PAGE 548 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 approval to ensure that the each student enrolled in the 050, or 050H. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours labo- course has an approved contracted fieldwork site as well as ratory. an approved Master Clinician. Student must meet with the Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. on-campus Instructor prior to semester of enrollment for: *C-ID: MATH 110 a. fieldwork orientation (date to be announced in SLPA Grade Mode: L 123A or SLPA 123B) b. establishment of a signed contract of understanding of all STAT 018 STATISTICS FOR BEHAVIORAL AND requirements for the off-campus experience SOCIAL SCIENCES c. completion of the application indicating intent to enroll 4 units in SLPA 126 (available following orientation) (Social Sciences Division) Supervised fieldwork experience assisting with the clinical Prerequisite: MATH 131 or 150 or placement based on the management of persons with communicative disorders. statistics placement process. Opportunities to interact with clients/patients while Data-analysis concepts and procedures used in the social implementing a prescribed treatment plan, assisting with sciences. Topics include measures of central tendency and screening or assessment under the supervision of a speech- dispersion; probability and sampling distributions, methods language pathologist, record keeping and managing of of evaluating hypotheses and testing inferential statistics clinical data, setting up clinical equipment and materials, (t-tests, chi-square, ANOVA, correlation and regression). and performing various clerical duties as needed. Students Applications to the social sciences using calculators and must work 75 paid hours or 60 non-paid hours per unit spreadsheets. No credit if taken after STAT 015 or STAT earned. Total of 120 hours unpaid or 150 hours paid field practice. 050 or STAT 050H. Total of 72 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. *C-ID: SOCI 125 SLPA 126S SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY ASSISTANT Grade Mode: L, A, P FIELD WORK SEMINAR 1 unit STAT 050 ELEMENTARY STATISTICS Prerequisite: Enrollment in or completion of SLPA 123B . 4 units Corequisite: SLPA 126. (Mathematics Division) Enrollment Limitation: Admission to the SLPA program. Prerequisite: MATH 131 or 141 or 150 or placement based Investigation of critical-thinking and decision-making on the Math assessment process. skills related to technical proficiency of a Speech-Language Analysis of data using statistical methods: data collection, Pathology Assistant. Total of 18 hours lecture. descriptive statistics, probability theory and inferential Grade Mode: L statistics. Topics include: sampling; measures of central tendency and variation; frequency charts and graphical representations of data; introductory probability; sampling distributions; correlation and linear regression; confidence STATISTICS intervals; hypothesis testing, including analysis of variance; and technology based statistical analysis from applications STAT 015 STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS AND in engineering, social sciences, economics, psychology, ECONOMICS and natural sciences. No credit if taken after STAT 015, 4 units 018, or 050H. Total of 72 hours lecture. (Business and Engineering Technology Division) Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. Prerequisite: MATH 131 or MATH 150 or placement based *C-ID: MATH 110; SOCI 125 on the mathematics assessment process. Grade Mode: L, P Descriptive and inferential statistics. Collection, analysis, and presentation of business and economic data using STAT 050H HONORS ELEMENTARY STATISTICS probability techniques, hypothesis testing, and predictive 4 units strategies to facilitate decision-making. Topics include (Mathematics Division) Prerequisite: MATH 131, 141, or 150 or placement based measures of central tendency, and deviation; probability upon the math assessment process. and sampling distributions; statistical inference; correla- Enrollment Limitation: Acceptance to the PCC Honors tion and linear regression; analysis of variance, chi square, Program. and t-tests; and application of technology for statistical Analysis of data using statistical methods: data collection, analysis including the interpretation of the relevance of descriptive statistics, probability theory and inferential the statistical findings.No credit if taken after STAT 018, statistics. Topics include: sampling; measures of central tendency and variation; frequency charts and graphical ______

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PAGE 549 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 representations of data; introductory probability; sampling TECH 120 INDEPENDENT STUDY distributions; correlation and linear regression; confidence 1 unit intervals; hypothesis testing, including analysis of variance; Prerequisite: Completion of Career and Technical Educa- and technology based statistical analysis from applications tion certificate or enrollment in last course of program in engineering, social sciences, economics, psychology, sequence and permission of Division Dean. and natural sciences. As an honors course, students Individual internship, community service, field practice will be expected to complete additional assignments to opportunities in technology; on-the-job experiences in se- demonstrate stronger analytical skills and critical analysis lected fields. Total of 54 hours of laboratory. of articles published in peer-reviewed journals and primary Grade Mode: L, A scientific literature. No credit if taken after STAT 015, 018, or 050. Total of 72 hours lecture. TECH 196 TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit limitations. See counselor. *C-ID: MATH 110; SOCI 125 1 unit Grade Mode: L, P Opportunity for qualified students to do individual or group work in their chosen branch of technology. Total of 9 hours STAT 065 SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING FOR STATISTICS lecture and 27 hours laboratory. 1 unit Grade Mode: L, A (Mathematics Division) Exploration of the potential of applied programming TECH 197 TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY methods for statistics. Fundamentals of scripting for 2 units statistical analysis including generative tables, plots, Opportunity for qualified students to do individual or graphs, animations, computations, and simulations in a group work in their chosen branch of technology. Total of variety of projects with an emphasis on using the open- 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. sourced libraries and packages specifically for statistics. Grade Mode: L, A For students who would like to explore applied coding in the context of statistics. Total of 54 hours laboratory. TECH 198 TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. 5 units Grade Mode: L, P Opportunity for qualified students to do individual or group work in their chosen branch of technology. Total of STAT 150 SUPPORT FOR ELEMENTARY STATISTICS 45 hours lecture and 135 hours laboratory. ½ unit Grade Mode: L, A (Mathematics Division) Corequisite: STAT 050. TECH 199 TECHNOLOGY LABORATORY Review of core prerequisite skills, competencies, and 10 units concepts for statistics with an emphasis on critical thinking Opportunity for qualified students to do individual or and problem solving. Intended for students who are group work in their chosen branch of technology. Total of concurrently enrolled in STAT 050: Elementary Statistics. 90 hours lecture and 270 hours laboratory. Topics include learning strategies and mathematical Grade Mode: L, A knowledge necessary for successful completion of Elementary Statistics. Total of 36 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: P TELEVISION AND RADIO (Performing and Communication Arts Division)

TECHNICAL EDUCATION (GENERAL) TVR 001 INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRONIC MEDIA (Business and Engineering Technology Division) 3 units Recommended Preparation: ENGL 001A. TECH 107A TECHNICAL CALCULATIONS Overview of the telecommunications industry. History, law, 3 units business operations, economics, new technology, career Review of basic arithmetic and geometric principles with opportunities and the future of the telecommunications application to solution of technical problems in the trades. industry. Total of 54 hours lecture. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 550 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 TVR 002A BEGINNING AUDIO PRODUCTION skills, communication of personality and ideas. Techniques 3 units for various microphones and environment. Total of 54 Introduction to the theory and practice of audio production hours lecture. for radio, television, film and digital recording applications. Transfer Credit: CSU Fundamentals of sound design and aesthetics, microphone Grade Mode: L, A use, and digital recording equipment. Hands-on experience recording, editing, mixing and mastering audio. Basic TVR 014A BEGINNING RADIO PRODUCTION knowledge of applied audio concepts, production workflow, 3 units equipment functions, and audio editing software. Total of Recommended preparation: TVR 012 and TVR 015. 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Introductory course in theory and application of audio pro- Transfer Credit: CSU duction techniques for radio. Students will gain a basic Grade Mode: L, A understanding of audio equipment in both live and pre- recorded broadcasting. This includes recording equipment, TVR 002B RADIO BROADCAST MASTER CONTROL mixers, digital audio production, radio program formats, OPERATIONS broadcast writing and announcing skills. Total of 36 hours 3 units lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: TVR 002A. Transfer Credit: CSU Introduction to radio broadcasting studio control room Grade Mode: L operations. Including FCC rules and regulations, program logs, running a live show board, radio automation, remote TVR 014B ADVANCED RADIO PRODUCTION broadcasting for live events, call screening, Vox Pro, EAS 3 units Tests and network and satellite operations. SBE Certifica- Prerequisite: TVR 014A, TVR 002A, and TVR 012. tion. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Recommended Preparation: TVR 018. Transfer Credit: CSU Advanced projects in radio, podcasting, and live-remote Grade Mode: L production. Program formats include news, public service announcements, public affairs, documentary and music TVR 004 BEGINNING SINGLE CAMERA PRODUCTION programs. Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU Introduction to the theory, terminology, and techniques Grade Mode: L of single camera video production including producing and directing, content development, aesthetics, camera TVR 015 INTRODUCTION TO MEDIA WRITING operation, portable lighting, video recorder operation, sound recording and basic editing techniques. Total of 36 3 units hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Recommended Preparation: ENGL 001A. Transfer Credit: CSU. *C-ID: FTVE 130 Basic introductory course in writing for the film and elec- Grade Mode: L tronic media. Emphasis on preparing scripts in proper for- mats, including fundamental technical, conceptual and TVR 007 BEGINNING TV STUDIO PRODUCTION stylistic issues related to writing fiction and non-fiction 3 units scripts for informational and entertainment purposes in Introduction to theory, terminology and operation of a film and electronic media. Total of 54 hours lecture. multi-camera television studio and control room. Topics Transfer Credit: CSU include studio signal flow, directing, theory and operation Grade Mode: L, A of camera and audio equipment, switcher operation, fun- damentals of lighting, graphics, video control and video TVR 016A INTERMEDIATE PRODUCING AND recording and real-time video production. Total of 36 hours DIRECTING lecture and 54 hours laboratory. 4 units Transfer Credit: CSU Prerequisite: TVR 007. Grade Mode: L, A Recommended Preparation: Completion of or enrollment in TVR 004, 019, and 041. TVR 012 BEGINNING ANNOUNCING AND Concepts and practices in scripting, producing and direct- PERFORMING IN ELECTRONIC MEDIA ing a variety of television program formats for multi-cam- 3 units era studio production. Total of 63 hours lecture and 36 Recommended Preparation: SPCH 003. hours laboratory. Performance for electronic media with emphasis on voice Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 551 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 TVR 016B VIDEO PRODUCTION TVR 021 ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY BUSINESS 4½ units PRACTICES, MANAGEMENT, AND PRODUCING Prerequisites: TVR 004 and TVR 016A. 3 units Recommended Preparation: TVR 019, TVR 041, TVR 107 Recommended Preparation: Enrollment in or completion Advanced concepts and practices in scripting, producing, of TVR 001. and directing a variety of program formats. Production Theory and practice of major media business sectors, of a project specifically designed to showcase advanced management, and producing in media organizations and abilities. Guidance with job seeking skills, including industries, including types of content, audience analysis, resume writing and interviewing for employment. Total of advertising and other funding sources, marketing, 54 hours lecture and 90 hours laboratory. programming, business models, entrepreneurship, and Transfer Credit: CSU legal, regulatory, and ethical issues. Total of 54 hours Grade Mode: L, A lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU TVR 017A TELEVISION AND FILM SCRIPT WRITING Grade Mode: L, A 3 units TVR 024 ELECTRONIC NEWS GATHERING AND Script analysis and construction. Marketing of dramatic DOCUMENTARY PRODUCTION material for television and film productions. Methods, de- 3 units vices and forms of script writing. Total of 54 hours lecture. Prerequisites: TVR 004, TVR 007, and TVR 041. Transfer Credit: CSU Recommended Preparation: TVR 018 and TVR 019. Grade Mode: L, A Creation of news and documentary content through the TVR 017B TELEVISION AND FILM SCRIPT WRITING processes of development, preproduction, production, and post-production. Application of structure, writing 3 units principles, reporting, voice over, aesthetics, and editing Prerequisite: TVR 017A. of electronic news gathering (ENG) and documentary Advanced script analysis, development and construction. using intermediate single camera shooting style and Emphasis on solving problems in the writing process. Study editing techniques. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours and employment of various problem-solving approaches to laboratory. rewriting and refinement of scripts. Total of 54 hours lec- Transfer Credit: CSU ture. Grade Mode: L Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L TVR 041 BEGINNING DIGITAL NON-LINEAR VIDEO EDITING TVR 018 RADIO AND TELEVISION NEWSWRITING 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: TVR 007. Writing and editing radio and television news. Opportuni- Introductory theory and application of beginning editing ties to participate in writing news copy for Lancer Radio techniques using the Avid Editing System. Study of the and cable television. COMM 001 or JOUR Recommended editing process. Digitizing, and editing scenes. No credit 004A. Total of 54 hours lecture. if taken after TVR 141A. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 Transfer Credit: CSU hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L TVR 019 INTRODUCTION TO MEDIA AESTHETICS AND CINEMATIC ARTS TVR 104 LIVE SOUND REINFORCEMENT 3 units 3 units Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for ENGL 001A. Recommended Preparation: TVR 002A. An introduction to the close analysis of film, television The elements of live sound reinforcement for front of house and electronic media texts. The course will examine broad and monitor reinforcement including design and engineer- questions of form and content, aesthetics and meaning, ing, speaker and microphone types, placement of compo- and history and culture. Using a wide variety of TV, films, nents, equalization methods, acoustics, wiring, AC power filmmakers, and film movements the course explores the distribution, and mixing techniques. Emphasis on system diverse possibilities presented by the cinematic art form. engineering, component placement and mixing. Total of Topics include modes of production, narrative and non-nar- 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. rative forms, visual design, editing, sound, genre, ideology Grade Mode: L, A and critical analysis. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 552 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 TVR 107 INTERMEDIATE TV STUDIO OPERATIONS TVR 119 SPORTS RADIO BROADCASTING WORKSHOP 4 units 3 units Prerequisite: TVR 007. Prerequisite: One of the following: TVR 002B or 014A. Recommended preparation: TVR 002A and TVR 019. Faculty selected projects permitting advanced students to Intermediate theory and application of television work in radio production and/or radio operations. Total of studio equipment in a hands-on, project-based learning 162 hours laboratory. environment, including operation of lighting equipment, Grade Mode: L switcher, cameras, audio mixer, computer graphics, and video monitoring and digital recording equipment. This TVR 120 RADIO PRODUCTION WORKSHOP class works in conjunction with student producers in the 2 units video production program to execute a variety of multi- Prerequisite: One of the following: TVR 002B or 014A. camera productions. Total of 45 hours lecture and 90 hours Faculty selected projects permitting advanced students to laboratory. work in radio production and/or operations. Total of 108 Grade Mode: L hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L TVR 108 TELEVISION OPERATIONS 4 units TVR 124 TELEVISION FIELD PRODUCTION Prerequisite: TVR 007. 3 units Definition, processing, distribution, and evaluation of Prerequisites: TVR 016A and TVR 107. television signals. Television system evaluation using stan- Television production and operations techniques associ- dardized test signals and TV monitoring equipment. Total ated with field production. Total of 36 hours lecture and of 72 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. 54 hours laboratory. This course may be scheduled using Grade Mode: L, A the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. Grade Mode: L TVR 108A DIGITAL VIDEO SYSTEMS 2½ units TVR 125A TELEVISION DRAMA PRODUCTION Prerequisite: TVR 007. 3 units Recommended Preparation: TVR 107. Prerequisite: TVR 007 or 107. Processing, testing, and transmission of audio and video Techniques associated with three-camera production of signals within a post-production, television broadcasting dramatic scripts. Directing, blocking, scene breakdown, and internet streaming environment. Preparation for the lighting and post-production. Production of television Society of Broadcast Engineers’ Television Operator’s drama or comedy. Total of 18 hours lecture and 108 hours Certification Examination. No credit if taken after TVR 108. Total of 36 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. laboratory. L Grade Mode: L Grade Mode:

TVR 108B VIDEO BROADCASTING AND STREAMING TVR 125B TELEVISION DRAMA PRODUCTION 2½ units 3 units TVR 007 or 107. Prerequisite: TVR 108A. Prerequisite: Theory and application of the roles IP technology and Techniques associated with film-style production of dra- digital signal processing play in the field of broadcasting matic scripts. Directing, blocking, scene breakdown, light- and streaming environments. Topics include physical ing and post-production. Production of television drama. infrastructure, performance, transport and compression. Total of 18 hours lecture and 108 hours laboratory. Prepares students to take the SBE Television Operator’s Grade Mode: L Certification Examination. Total of 36 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. TVR 128A TV OPERATIONS INTERNSHIP Grade Mode: L 1 unit Prerequisites: TVR 107 and maintain enrollment in 7 units TVR 117 TELECOMMUNICATIONS WORKSHOP or more including internship. 1 unit Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. Prerequisite: One of the following: TVR 002B, 014A, Supervised, practical capstone experience in an industry- 016A, 107. related professional environment. Designed for students Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. in the TV Operations Certificate of Achievement pro- Faculty-selected projects permitting advanced students to gram. Pass/no pass grading. May not be taken concur- work in any field of telecommunications. Total of 54 hours rently with TVR 129A. Total of 60 hours unpaid or 75 hours laboratory. paid field practice. Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: P

PAGE 553 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 TVR 128B RADIO OPERATIONS INTERNSHIP TVR 128F RADIO PRODUCTION INTERNSHIP 1 unit 1 unit Prerequisites: TVR 002B and maintain enrollment in 7 Prerequisites: TVR 014B and maintain enrollment in 7 units or more including internship. units or more including internship. Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. Supervised, practical capstone experience in an industry- Supervised, practical capstone experience in an industry- related professional environment. Designed for students related professional environment. Designed for students near completion of the Radio Production Certificate of near completion of the Radio Production Certificate of Achievement program who wish to further develop techni- Achievement program who wish to further develop produc- cal skills. Pass/no pass grading. May not be taken concur- tion skills. Pass/no pass grading. May not be taken con- rently with TVR 129B. Total of 60 hours unpaid or 75 hours currently with TVR 129F. Total of 60 hours unpaid or 75 paid field practice. hours paid field practice. Grade Mode: P Grade Mode: P

TVR 128C BROADCAST NEWS/ADMINISTRATION TVR 128G POST PRODUCTION INTERNSHIP INTERNSHIP 1 unit 1 unit Prerequisites: TVR 141B and TVR 144. Prerequisites: TVR 024 and maintain enrollment in 7 units Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. or more including internship. Supervised, practical capstone experience in an industry- Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. related professional environment. Designed for students Supervised, practical capstone experience in an industry- near completion of the Post Production Certificate of related professional environment. Designed for students Achievement program. Pass/no pass grading. May not with TVR 129G. Total of 60 hours near completion of the Broadcast Journalism Certificate be taken concurrently unpaid or 75 hours paid field practice. of Achievement program. Pass/no pass grading. May not Grade Mode: P be taken concurrently with TVR 129C. Total of 60 hours unpaid or 75 hours paid field practice. TVR 129A EXTENDED TV OPERATIONS INTERNSHIP Grade Mode: P 2 units Prerequisites: TVR 107 and maintain enrollment in 7 units TVR 128D MUSIC RECORDING/AUDIO INTERNSHIP or more including internship. 1 unit Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. Prerequisites: TVR 103A and maintain enrollment in 7 Extended, supervised, practical capstone experience in an units or more including internship. industry-related professional environment. Designed for Supervised, practical experience in an industry related pro- students near completion of the TV Operations Certificate fessional environment. grading. Pass/no pass May not be of Achievement program. Pass/no pass grading. May not with TVR 128A, B, C, E, F or TVR 129A, taken concurrently be taken concurrently with TVR 128A. Total of 120 hours B, C, D, E, F. Total of 90 hours field practice. unpaid or 150 hours paid field practice. P Grade Mode: Grade Mode: P

TVR 128E TELEVISION PRODUCTION INTERNSHIP TVR 129B EXTENDED RADIO OPERATIONS INTERNSHIP 1 unit 2 units Prerequisites: TVR 016A and maintain enrollment in 7 Prerequisites: TVR 002B and maintain enrollment in 7 units or more including internship. units or more including internship. Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. Supervised, practical capstone experience in an industry- Extended, supervised, practical capstone experience in an related professional environment. Designed for students industry-related professional environment. Designed for near completion of the Video Production Certificate of students near completion of the Radio Production Certifi- Achievement program. Pass/no pass grading. May not be cate of Achievement program who wish to further develop taken concurrently with TVR 129E. Total of 60 hours un- technical skills. Pass/no pass grading. May not be taken paid or 75 hours paid field practice. concurrently with TVR 128B. Total of 120 hours unpaid or Grade Mode: P 150 hours paid field practice. Grade Mode: P

PAGE 554 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 TVR 129C EXTENDED BROADCAST NEWS/ TVR 129G EXTENDED POST PRODUCTION INTERNSHIP ADMINISTRATION INTERNSHIP 2 units 2 units Prerequisite: TVR 141B and TVR 144. Prerequisites: TVR 024 and maintain enrollment in 7 units Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. or more including internship. Extended, supervised, practical capstone experience in an Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. industry-related professional environment. Designed for Extended, supervised, practical capstone experience in students near completion of the Post Production Certificate an industry-related professional environment. Designed of Achievement program. Pass/no pass grading. May not for students near completion of the Broadcast Journalism be taken concurrently with TVR 128G. Total of 120 hours Certificate of Achievement program. Pass/no pass grad- unpaid or 150 hours paid field practice. ing. May not be taken concurrently with TVR 128C. Total Grade Mode: P of 120 hours unpaid or 150 hours paid field practice. Grade Mode: P TVR 141B INTERMEDIATE DIGITAL NON-LINEAR VIDEO EDITING TVR 129D MUSIC RECORDING/AUDIO INTERNSHIP 2 units 2 units Prerequisite: TVR 019 and 041 or placement based on the Prerequisites: TVR 103A and maintain enrollment in 7 TVR 041 assessment process. units or more including internship. Intermediate theory and application of editing techniques Supervised practical experience in an industry related pro- using the Avid Editing System. Critical analysis of the fessional environment. Pass/no pass grading. May not be editing process. Editing complex scenes. Creating visual taken concurrently with TVR 128A, B, C, D, E, F or TVR effects. Introduction to editing system troubleshooting. 129A, B, C, E, F. Total of 180 hours field practice. Total of 18 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: P Grade Mode: L

TVR 129E EXTENDED TELEVISION PRODUCTION TVR 142 ADVANCED NON-LINEAR EFFECTS EDITING INTERNSHIP 3 units 2 units Prerequisite: TVR 041. Prerequisites: TVR 016A and maintain enrollment in 7 Advanced visual effects editing using the Avid Editing units or more including internship. System. Create, enhance, modify and treat stills, motion Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. graphics and titling sequences (Adobe Photoshop, Boris- Extended, supervised, practical capstone experience in an FX). Troubleshoot system and peripheral devices and soft- industry related professional environment. Designed for ware. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. students near completion of the Video Production Certifi- Grade Mode: L cate of Achievement program. Pass/no pass grading. May not be taken concurrently with TVR 128E. Total of 120 TVR 143 DIGITAL AUDIO WORKSTATION SKILLS hours unpaid or 150 hours paid field practice. 3 units Grade Mode: P Prerequisite: TVR 002A. Theory and application of digital audio workstations used TVR 129F EXTENDED RADIO PRODUCTION INTERNSHIP in media production and postproduction. Developing pro- 2 units ficiency using audio design and mixing in a project-based Prerequisites: TVR 014B and maintain enrollment in 7 learning environment. Preparation for AVID Certification units or more including internship. as a Pro Tools user. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours Enrollment Limitation: Instructor approval. laboratory. Extended, supervised, practical capstone experience in an Grade Mode: L industry-related professional environment. Designed for students near completion of the Radio Production Certifi- TVR 144 DIGITAL NON-LINEAR ASSISTANT EDITING cate of Achievement program who wish to further develop 2 units production skills. Pass/no pass grading. May not be taken Introductory theory and application of assistant editing concurrently with TVR 128F. Total of 120 hours unpaid or techniques using the Avid Editing System. Practical ap- 150 hours paid field practice. plication of the assistant editing process. System setup, Grade Mode: P project setup, various inputting techniques, transcoding, project organization skills, various online mixing, export- ing and outputting skills and techniques. Total of 18 hours lecture and 72 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L

PAGE 555 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 THEATER ARTS THRT 004A MIME FUNDAMENTALS 2 units (Visual Arts and Media Studies Division) Fundamental work in developing the body as an expres- sive tool for non-verbal communication, ensemble work THRT 001 INTRODUCTION TO THEATER and exploration and use of space through basic pantomime 3 units technique. No credit if taken after THRT 004. Total of 27 Introduction to theatre as an art form through exploration hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. of theatre in production, with an emphasis on the col- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC laborative role of theatre artists and the active role of the Grade Mode: L, P audience. Understanding of, and access to, live theatrical events and enhanced appreciation of the value of theatre THRT 004B MIME FOR THE ACTOR to society; development of critical skills through consider- 2 units ation of representative examples of theatrical productions Prerequisite: THRT 004A. from numerous genres and time periods. Attendance at se- Advanced work in mime technique for the development lected college-sponsored and professional theatre events of period or style movement for actors and performance required. Required instructional trips. Total of 54 hours level mime work. Total of 27 hours lecture and 27 hours lecture. laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: THTR 111 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A, P

THRT 002A ACTING I THRT 005A THEATRE HISTORY I 3 units 3 units This course prepares a student to apply basic acting theory History of theatre from the Origins of Theatre to 1660. to performance and develops the skills of interpretation of History and development of theatre and drama in drama through acting. Special attention is paid to skills relationship to cultural, political and social conditions for performance: memorization, stage movement, vocal of the time. Plays are read for analysis of structure, plot, production, and interpretation of text. Total of 54 hours character and historical relevance. No credit if taken after lecture. THRT 005. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: THTR 151 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: THRT 113 Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L

THRT 002B ACTING II THRT 005B THEATRE HISTORY II 3 units 3 units Prerequisite: THRT 002A. Recommended Preparation: THRT 005A. This course follows Acting I and continues the explora- History of theatre from the Restoration Theatre to tion of theories and techniques used in preparation for Contemporary times. History and development of theatre the interpretation of drama through acting. The emphasis and drama in relationship to cultural, political and social will be placed on deepening the understanding of the act- conditions of the time. Plays are read for analysis of ing process through character analysis, monologues, and structure, plot, character and historical relevance. No scenes. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. credit if taken after THRT 005. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: THTR 152 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L THRT 006 PLAY WRITING THRT 002C ADVANCED ACTING FUNDAMENTALS 3 units 3 units Basic view of dramatic structure in play writing designed Prerequisite: THRT 002B. to develop writing skills through study of professional Application of performance techniques and support activi- models, writing scenes and plays, and workshop reading of ties for stage and camera productions. Advanced character material in progress. Recommended THRT 002A. Total of development and the study of period styles and genres. 54 hours lecture. Recommended enrollment in THRT 029 and 030. Total of Transfer Credit: CSU 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, A, P


*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 556 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 THRT 008 VOICE AND MOVEMENT FOR THE struction and procurement, backstage organization and PERFORMER career possibilities. Also includes stage management, 3 units lighting and/or sound techniques. Beginning practical ap- The development of vocal and physical expression of the plication. Required stage crew activity. Recommended performer in theater, film and television. Total of 54 hours enrollment in THRT 030. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 lecture. hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: THTR 171 Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L

THRT 009 SCRIPT ANALYSIS THRT 012B ADVANCED TECHNICAL THEATER 3 units 4 units Prerequisite: THRT 002A. Prerequisite: THRT 012A. Techniques for analyzing a play or film script. This Advanced practical application of technical theatre and in class will explore a variety of methods for investigat- the creation of scenic elements involved in department ing the interrelationship of the many parts of a script productions. Includes continuing concepts of design, set (theme, structure, characters, plot, setting, etc.). The movement, prop construction and procurement, backstage perspectives gained will guide the students in their organization and career possibilities. Students are required discovery of production alternatives for all artists; ac- to assume technical and production responsibility for all tors, directors, designers, etc. Total of 54 hours lecture. department productions approved by instructor. Also in- Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: THTR 114 cludes stage management, lighting and/or sound tech- Grade Mode: L niques. Beginning practical application. Required stage crew activity. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours labo- THRT 010A MAKEUP FOR STAGE AND SCREEN ratory. 3 units Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Instruction and practice in a lecture/laboratory setting in Grade Mode: L, A all phases of makeup specifically designed for theatrical and cinematic use. Theory and practical application of makeup for stage, television and cinema. Required stage THRT 013 INTRODUCTION TO SCENIC DESIGN crew activity. Total of 54 lecture and 18 hours laboratory. 3 units This course may be scheduled using the “To Be Assigned” Recommended Preparation: THRT 030 and THRT 012A. (TBA) scheduling format. Aspects of Theatrical Design; problems of translating Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: THTR 175 a dramatic idea into stage production. Students will be Grade Mode: L offered a survey of Theatrical design and construction techniques through demonstration and lecture. Total of 54 THRT 010B ADVANCED MAKEUP FOR STAGE hours lecture. AND SCREEN Transfer Credit: CSU; UC 1 unit Grade Mode: L Prerequisite: THRT 010A. Recommended Preparation: THRT 030. THRT 015 COSTUME CRAFTS Students will receive instruction and practice in a lecture/ 3 units laboratory setting in all phases of makeup specifically de- Recommended Preparation: THRT 030. signed for theatrical and cinematic use. Theory and ap- Students will study costume history, design, and basic con- plication of advanced techniques of makeup including hair struction techniques as an introduction to basic theatrical makeup, principles of design for non-realistic makeup, costuming. Fabrics and their various uses will be investi- mask construction and introduction to prosthesis. Re- gated. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. quired stage crew activity. Total of 54 hours laboratory. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be Arranged” Transfer Credit: CSU; UC (TBA) scheduling format. Grade Mode: L, A, P Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: THTR 174 Grade Mode: L, A THRT 012A TECHNICAL THEATER 4 units THRT 016 COMEDIC PERFORMANCE An introduction to technical theatre and the creation of 1 unit scenic elements involved in department productions. In- Prerequisite: THRT 002A. cludes basic concepts of design, set movement, prop con- Exploration of techniques unique to comedy acting that include character development, emotional range, over- ______

*Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 557 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 emphasis, under-emphasis, distortion, surprise and free THRT 030 STAGE TECHNIQUES association. Total of 18 hours lecture and 36 hours labora- 1 unit tory. Students will gain practical experience in the application Transfer Credit: CSU; UC of production responsibilities in any of the following: stage Grade Mode: L, P management, house management, construction, scenery, properties, costume, lighting, sound, and running crews THRT 026 IMPROVISATION TECHNIQUES for Theatre Department productions. Maximum credit 4 2 units units, 1 unit each semester. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Prerequisite: THRT 002A. This course may be scheduled using the “To Be Arranged” Principles of improvisation techniques, development of (TBA) scheduling format. scenes, characterization and ensemble work. Total of 27 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: THTR 192 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Grade Mode: L, P THRT 041 FUNDAMENTALS OF STAGE LIGHTING 3 units THRT 027 MUSICAL THEATRE PRODUCTION This course involves the study and execution of stage light- 3 units ing with emphasis on equipment, control, color and their Enrollment Limitation: Audition. relationship to design. Required participation in rehearsals Experience in all aspects of musical theatre: rehearsal and and performances. Total of 54 hours lecture. performance for cast, technical crew and instrumentalists Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: THTR 173 in production of a large-scale musical. Maximum credit: Grade Mode: L 12 units, 3 units each semester. Maximum of 4 enroll- ments allowed in the Musical Theater Production Family: THRT 042 INTRODUCTION TO DESIGN FOR THEATER MUSC 067, 074, 075, THRT 075, 027. Total of 54 hours 3 units lecture and 108 hours laboratory. Introduction to theater design with an emphasis on the Transfer Credit: CSU; UC design and technical elements concerned with staging Grade Mode: L, A live theatrical events. Survey of scenery, lighting, sound, costumes, makeup, properties, theatrical equipment and construction techniques. Required instructional trips and THRT 028 STUDIO PRODUCTION – REHEARSAL attendance of PCC productions. Total of 54 hours lecture. AND PERFORMANCE Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: THTR 172 1 unit Grade Mode: L Enrollment Limitation: Audition. Performance participation in small-scale dramatic produc- tions. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each semester. To- THRT 075 MUSICAL THEATER WORKSHOP tal of 72 hours laboratory. This course may be scheduled 2 units using the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: THTR 191 Interdisciplinary course: Music, Theater Arts Grade Mode: L, A Techniques, skills, theory and practice of musical theater performance and audition. The practice of songs, scenes THRT 029 REHEARSAL AND PERFORMANCE and dance for performance on the live stage. May not be 3 units taken concurrently with or after MUSC 075. Maximum Enrollment Limitation: Audition. credit 8 units, 2 units each semester. Maximum of 4 Performance in film, television and theater performance. enrollments allowed in the Musical Theater Production Maximum credit 12 units, 3 units each semester. Total of Family: MUSC 067, 074, 075, 076, THRT 075, 027. Total 144 hours of laboratory. This course may be scheduled us- of 72 hours laboratory, 36 hours “To Be Arranged” (TBA) ing the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. scheduling format. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: THTR 191 Transfer Credit: CSU; UC. *C-ID: MUS 180 Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A THRT 105 BEGINNING SHAKESPEARE WORKSHOP 2 units Scansion, interpretation, poetry, prose and performance techniques related to Shakespearean drama. Total of 27 hours lecture and 27 hours laboratory. ______Grade Mode: L, A *Course Identification Numbering System (C-ID)

PAGE 558 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 THRT 130 PRACTICAL ACTING STUDIES WELD 044C ADVANCED ARC WELDING, FCAW, SMAW 2 units 1 unit Prerequisite: THRT 002A. Prerequisite: WELD 044B, WELD 200A or WELD 200B. The investigation and practical application of contempo- Techniques of out-of-position SMAW and FCAW arc weld- rary theories of acting as they relate to preparing for a ing. Emphasis will be placed on AWS D 1.1, Structural Steel role and their use in solving individual acting problems SMAW and FCAW, Unlimited Thickness groove welds, in the in film, television and theater.Maximum credit 6 units, vertical and overhead positions. Total of 54 hours labora- 2 units each semester. Total of 27 hours lecture and 27 tory. hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A

THRT 131 INTERSESSION PRODUCTION WORKSHOP WELD 145 INTRODUCTION TO TIG WELDING 2 units 1 unit Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. Prerequisite: WELD 044A or WELD 044B. Practical experience in theatrical or television production: Fundamentals of the Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) or Gas Tung- acting, directing, costuming, makeup, set design and con- sten Arc (GTAW) welding process, equipment, welding of struction. Six weeks. Summer and winter intersessions. aluminum and other special metals. Filler rod selection and Total of 108 hours laboratory. This course may be sched- TIG welding safety. Total of 54 hours laboratory. uled using the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A WELD 150D TUNGSTEN INERT GAS (TIG) WELDING THRT 132 INTERSESSION PERFORMANCE 5 units TECHNIQUES WORKSHOP Prerequisite: WELD 150C. 1 unit Practical application of the TIG (heli-arc) and MIG welding Various performance techniques in theater film or televi- processes. TIG welding of steel, stainless steel and alumi- sion. Six weeks. Summer and winter intersessions. Total num. Filler metal selection and production welding tech- of 54 hours laboratory. This course may be scheduled using niques. Welding safety. Total of 54 hours lecture and 126 the “To Be Arranged” (TBA) scheduling format. hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Grade Mode: L, A

WELD 200A INTRODUCTION TO WELDING WELDING 10 units (Business and Engineering Technology Division) Introduction to welding fabrication for the career welding student. Development of basic skills in oxy-acetylene weld- WELD 044A INTRODUCTION TO GAS WELDING ing, brazing and cutting. Emphasis on practical Shielded 1 unit Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) in all positions. Blueprint read- Survey of major welding processes, nomenclature, types of ing, shop math and welding safety. Required instructional joints. Study of oxy-acetylene welding, brazing and cut- trips. Total of 90 hours lecture and 270 hours laboratory. ting. Welding safety. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A Transfer Credit: CSU Grade Mode: L, A WELD 200B CONSTRUCTION TRADE WELDING 10 units WELD 044B INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRIC ARC Prerequisite: WELD 200A. WELDING Structural steel welding for the construction trades. Per- 1 unit formance of groove welds, in all positions, using Shielded Fundamentals of shielded metal arc welding; equipment, Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) and Flux Cored Arc Welding electrodes and basic procedures. Oxygen cutting. Arc weld- (FCAW). Class preparation for the written and practical ing safety. Total of 54 hours laboratory. structural certification tests. Study of welding code, de- Transfer Credit: CSU structive testing of welds, layout and fabrication practice, Grade Mode: L, A shop math and welding safety. Required instructional trips. Total of 90 hours lecture and 270 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A

PAGE 559 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 WELD 200C SEMI-AUTOMATIC AND GAS TUNGSTEN WELDING 10 units Prerequisite: WELD 200A. Study of advanced structural steel and aerospace welding. Class preparation of the semi-automatic light gage certi- fication using Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW). Aero-space welding of steel, stainless steel and aluminum using Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW). Study of welding metallurgy, inspection and nondestructive testing, fabrication practice and welding safety. Required instructional trips. Total of 90 hours lecture and 270 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A

WELD 303 LAC WELDING LICENSE WRITTEN EXAM PREP 3 units Preparation for the LAC Structural Weld License, written exam. No ‘hands on’ welding in this class. Emphasis on the AWS D 1.1 Structural Steel Code, welding symbols, joint design, electrode classification and general principals of FCAW and SMAW arc welding processes. At the end of the course you will need to go through the LAC Application process to pay for and schedule your test. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L, A

WELD 411 ADAPTIVE WELDING 2 units Enrollment Limitation: All students must have a registered disability with DSP&S. Introduction to welding adapted to fit the needs of students with documented physical and learning disabilities. Includes a review of the American Welding Society (AWS) D1.1 welding codebook, in preparation for taking the written portion of the L.A. City welding examination, and one-on-one guidance in developing ability to create sound welds in preparation for the practical portion of the L.A. City welding examination. Total of 18 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: L, A


Noncredit Division



Administration Office 3035 East Foothill Boulevard Pasadena, California 91107 (626) 585-3000

GENERAL INFORMATION completed petition, along with an official high school transcript and letter of recommendation from a high school counselor should be returned to the Counseling OVERVIEW Office. Qualified students who have not yet graduated from Pasadena City College’s Noncredit Division offers high school may be admitted for concurrent enrollment. noncredit classes and certificate programs for students Credit(s) granted will be forwarded to the student’s high seeking self-improvement, increased literacy and job skills, school. Forms may be obtained in the Counseling Office. and access to higher education and employment. The Board of Governors for California Community Placement Tests and Assessment Colleges established noncredit classes and programs Students are required to take a placement test if they to provide an “educational gateway” or a “portal to the are planning to enroll in one of the following programs: future.” It serves as a key contributor to “open access” for Adult High School Diploma, General Education Diploma students with diverse backgrounds and those seeking ways (GED), or English as a Second Language (ESL) program. to improve their earning power, literacy skills, and access Following the placement test a counselor will meet with to higher education. For many, particularly immigrants, the student to discuss test scores, transcript evaluation, the economically disadvantaged, and low-skilled adults, it and proper placement in a program. is the first point of entry into a college. Counseling STUDENT SERVICES Counselors can advise students regarding educational plans, career goals, academics, and personal issues. They Admissions and Records interpret test results, analyze interests and abilities, and The Admissions and Records Office admits and enrolls refer students to needed services within the college and students into noncredit classes at the Community Education in the community. Although counselors assist students Center (CEC) on the Foothill Campus. No enrollment fees in long term planning and in checking specific program are required. The office provides a variety of services that requirements, the responsibility for meeting High School include transcript requests, verification letters, grade graduation and/or certificate programs completion require- reports, and issuance of high school diplomas and noncredit ments is one which must be assumed by each student. ESL and noncredit short-term Career and Technical Education certificates. The office maintains all student records and files. Students who intend to enroll must INSTRUCTION submit a completed online application to the Admissions The Noncredit Division offers quality programs for and Records Office and upon acceptance, they will receive students seeking self-improvement, enhanced earning a Permit to Register, confirming the admissions process. power, increased literacy skills and access to higher Students must be 18 years of age, or older, for admission education and employment. These include courses in to any noncredit program. A student who is younger than English as a Second Language, Vocational English as a 18 can be admitted by filing a Student Petition, which Second Language (VESL), Immigrant Education, Elementary can be obtained from the noncredit Counseling Office. A and Secondary Basic Skills (Adult High School Diploma,

PAGE 562 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 General Education Development (GED), or Adult Basic 2. Identify, understand, and discuss workplace Education), Parenting Education, Programs for Individuals problems/situations and possible solutions. with Substantial Disabilities, Business, Building Trades 3. Locate, discuss, and evaluate print and online and Construction, Education Programs for Older Adults, resources related to workplace issues. and Short-term Career and Technical Education (CTE) 4. Analyze external and internal motivating factors Certificates, Graphic Design, and Medical Assisting. of successful employees.

I. EDUCATION PROGRAMS FOR OLDER III. ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY BASIC ADULTS SKILLS Older adult education consists of a course, a course of Elementary and secondary basic skills consists of a course study, or an organized sequence of courses specifically of study or an organized sequence of courses to provide designed to offer lifelong education that provides oppor- instruction for individuals in elementary and second-level tunities for personal growth and development, community reading, writing, computation, and problem-solving skills involvement, skills for mental and physical well-being, and in order to assist students in achieving their academic, economic self-sufficiency. vocational, and personal goals. Elementary-level is gen- erally recognized, where appropriate, the coursework ad- II. EDUCATION PROGRAMS FOR PERSONS dresses the content and proficiencies at levels through eighth grade. Secondary-level is generally recognized as WITH SUBSTANTIAL DISABILITIES coursework that addresses the content and proficiencies Education programs for persons with substantial disabili- at levels through the twelfth grade and may incorporate a ties consists of a course, a course of study, or an organized high school diploma. sequence of courses specifically designed to provide in- dividuals with life-skill proficiencies that are essential to the fulfillment of academic, vocational and personal goals. Noncredit Adult Secondary Education Program Certificates Basic Workforce Readiness for Adult Basic Education Developmentally Disabled Certificate of Competency Certificate of Completion The Adult Basic Education program prepares students The Basic Workforce Readiness for Developmentally Dis- with the essential skills for academic advancement to the abled Adults program prepares students for job search op- adult high school diploma (AHSD) or General Educational portunities and transition to other noncredit functional Development (GED) programs. Student gain knowledge in skills courses or credit certificate programs. Students gain language arts and mathematics. Students may advance to knowledge in the job application process, employee rights, develop skills for the workplace and to prepare for future interviewing techniques, time management, importance of educational opportunities. teamwork, workplace diversity, fundamental social skills, maintaining good workplace habits and basic workplace Required Courses expectations. It is recommended but not required to have ABE 3001 – Language Arts a working knowledge of basic reading, writing, and math ABE 3002 – Mathematics skills. Student Learning Outcomes: Required Courses 1. Demonstrate understanding of the concepts in DSPS 2201 – Finding the Job That’s Right for You English language arts and mathematics that DSPS 2202 – Getting the Job You Want prepare students to enter the adult high school DSPS 2203 – Basic Social Skills: Getting Along With diploma or high school equivalency such as GED Others in the Workplace certificate programs. DSPS 2204 – Introduction to Your Rights and 2. Demonstrate critical thinking skills to observe, Responsibilities in the Workplace analyze, synthesize, and evaluate ideas and information. Student Learning Outcomes: 3. Demonstrate study skill habits that enable 1. Listen actively, respectfully, and critically; cor- students to make the transition to adult high rectly interpret verbal instructions. school, GED coursework and credit programs.

PAGE 563 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 4. Demonstrate familiarity with subjects and con- GED (Bilingual) cepts that are part of the adult high school or GED placement exam. Certificate of Competency 5. Demonstrate interpersonal skills to interrelate The General Education Development-Bilingual program and collaborate in the workplace. prepares students for the General Education Development 6. Demonstrate effective and ethical use of technol- (GED) Spanish exam. ogy. Required Courses GED GED 4101 – Language Arts-Bilingual Certificate of Competency GED 4102 – Mathematics-Bilingual GED 4103 – Science-Bilingual The General Education Development program prepares GED 4104 – Social Studies-Bilingual students for the General Education Development (GED) exam. The curriculum also prepares students for a pathway Student Learning Outcomes: to other noncredit or credit programs. Students gain 1. Demonstrate understanding of the concepts in knowledge in college and career readiness, including language arts, mathematics, science, and social career exploration and study skills. Services include test- science that prepare students to pass the General taking strategies, hands-on computer practice testing, Education Development (GED) Spanish exam. academic counseling, individual follow-up, and easy 2. Demonstrate critical thinking skills to observe, access to local GED testing center. The GED Certificate analyze, synthesize, and evaluate ideas and of Competency recognizes student achievement in GED information. preparation; however, students must pass the GED test in 3. Read with understanding and convey ideas ef- order to receive high school equivalency. fectively in writing. 4. Demonstrate knowledge of mathematical con- Required Courses cepts and procedures to answer a question, solve GED 4001 - Language Arts a problem, make a prediction, or carry out a task GED 4002 - Mathematics that has a mathematical dimension. GED 4003 - Science GED 4004 - Social Studies ADULT HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA The Adult High School Diploma requires students The GED courses prepare students in four subjects to complete 160 units for graduation, which includes (language arts, math, social studies, and science) to be coursework in Natural Sciences, Social and Behavioral able to pass the GED high school equivalency exam, which Sciences, Humanities, English, Mathematics, and a is the equivalent of a high school diploma for those who selection of listed electives. Based on information such as did not finish high school. It is highly recommended student’s high school grades, test scores, work experience, that students see a counselor before enrolling in the GED and other multiple measures, the counselor may recommend program to determine student level of readiness; some placement at the level which meets the student’s needs. students may be better served in the Adult Basic Education Students are awarded a high school diploma upon program prior to enrolling in GED. completion of the course of study prescribed by the State of California and the Pasadena Area Community College Student Learning Outcomes: District. 1. Demonstrate understanding of the concepts in language arts, mathematics, science, and social science that prepare students to pass the General AHSD 6401 – Fundamentals of Grammar A Education Development (GED) exam. AHSD 6402 – Fundamentals of Grammar B 2. Demonstrate critical thinking skills to observe, AHSD 6403 – Essentials in Writing A analyze, synthesize, and evaluate ideas and AHSD 6404 – Essentials in Writing B information. AHSD 6405 – U.S. Literature 3. Read with understanding and convey ideas ef- AHSD 6406 – British Literature fectively in writing. AHSD 6407 – Reading Fundamentals 4. Demonstrate knowledge of mathematical con- AHSD 6411 – U.S. History: Pre-Colonialism to the cepts and procedures to answer a question, solve Civil War a problem, make a prediction, or carry out a task AHSD 6412 – U.S. History: Reconstruction to Present that has a mathematical dimension.

PAGE 564 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 AHSD 6413 – Introduction to American Government IV. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (ESLN) AHSD 6414 – Introduction to Economics ESLN consists of a course, a course of study, or an orga- AHSD 6415 – Contemporary American Social Issues nized sequence of courses. There are six new certificate AHSD 6416 – Global Affairs programs of competency organized in a sequence to pro- AHSD 6417 – World Geography vide instruction in the English language to adult, non- AHSD 6421 – Math Basics native English speakers with varied academic, vocational, AHSD 6422 – Mathematics Pre-Algebra and personal goals. Individuals whose primary language is AHSD 6423 – Algebra IA not English may also prepare with stand-alone courses in AHSD 6424 – Algebra IB the integrated skills of listening, speaking, reading, and AHSD 6426 – Life Science - Biology AHSD 6427 – Life Science - Physiology writing. AHSD 6428 – Physical Science - Chemistry Program Outcomes: AHSD 6429 – Physical Science - Physics 1. Students will be able to relate in various types AHSD 6432 – Art History of oral performance, conversation, and presenta- AHSD 6436 – Music Appreciation tion. AHSD 6439 – Contemporary Spanish 2. Students will be able to interpret various types of literature, including authentic materials. Recommended Electives 3. Students will be able to compose grammatically AHSD 6400 – Practical English Skills correct, well organized paragraphs and summa- AHSD 6409 – Introduction to Creative Writing ries of reading materials. AHSD 6430 – Environmental Science - Ecology AHSD 6431 – Computer Basics The Noncredit ESL Program curriculum provides inten- AHSD 6433 – Workplace Skills for the 21st Century sive English Language instruction in Literacy to High- AHSD 6434 – Planning for Academic and Career Success Intermediate level integrated courses (Levels 0-5). The AHSD 6435 – Health program also offers four elective courses including Gram- AHSD 6437 – Graphic Art Design mar, Conversation, American Culture, and Writing. The pro- AHSD 6438 – Computer Applications gram provides students with increased opportunities for successful employment and academic achievement. The Program Outcomes: ESL Bridge Program helps students seamlessly transition to 1. Develop critical thinking skills to observe, ana- credit ESL classes. lyze, synthesize, and evaluate ideas and informa- tion orally and in writing. 2. Identify concepts that are part of the exit exam. Noncredit ESL Program Certificates 3. Develop interpersonal skills to interrelate and ESL Literacy collaboratively work with others. 4. Integrate effective and ethical use of technology Certificate of Competency in personal practices. This curriculum provides intensive English as a Second 5. Utilize study skill habits that will enable stu- Language integrated instruction in reading, writing, dents to make the transition to college level listening and speaking to low literacy to high literacy coursework. students. The program introduces basic English components 6. Apply concepts learned in core subjects that will such as the alphabet, numbers, basic grammatical functions, pronunciation and production of short and simple phrases. prepare students to earn a high school diploma It prepares students for the ESL Level 1 Program. and transition to the community college and into the workplace. Required Courses ESLN 1060A – English as a Second Language, Literacy Certificate of Completion in Level A Secondary Education ESLN 1060B – English as a Second Language, Literacy Level B Students who complete the Adult High School Diploma

Program are also eligible for a Certificate of Completion Student Learning Outcomes: in Secondary Education. 1. Students will be able to select and verbally pro- duce appropriate simple phrases to answer simple questions given orally.

PAGE 565 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 2. Students will be able to collect print media need- 3. Students will be able to produce compound ed to solve problems. sentences to write simple paragraphs on differ- 3. Students will be able to compose simple phrases ent themes. in response to oral directions or simple questions. ESL Level 3 ESL Level 1 Certificate of Competency Certificate of Competency This curriculum provides intensive English as a Second This curriculum provides intensive English as a Second Language integrated instruction in reading, writing, Language integrated instruction in reading, writing, listening and speaking for high beginning to low listening and speaking to high literacy students to low intermediate students. The program introduces complex beginning level students. The program prepares students language functions such as identifying problems and to participate in simple conversations, complete basic discussing solutions, writing a descriptive paragraph and forms and write simple sentences. It prepares students for using comprehensive language to fulfill tasks. It prepares the ESL Level 2 Program. students for the ESL Level 4 Program. Required Courses Required Courses ESLN 1061A – English as a Second Language, Level 1A ESLN 1063A – English as a Second Language, Level 3A ESLN 1061B – English as a Second Language, Level 1B ESLN 1063B – English as a Second Language, Level 3B

Student Learning Outcomes: Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Students will be able to evaluate information be- 1. Students will be able to select information ing presented and requested while participating presented in a conversation and correlate it to in basic conversations about personal experi- solutions to problems. ences. 2. Students will be able to apply scanning skills in 2. Students will be able to decipher basic print and written text to determine theme or topic. predict or select responses to questions in text, 3. Students will be able to formulate complex sen- forms or in oral discourse. tences into a paragraph using appropriate verb 3. Students will be able to formulate simple sen- tense. tences based on personal experience or simple themes. ESL Level 4 Certificate of Competency ESL Level 2 This curriculum provides intensive English as a Second Certificate of Competency Language integrated instruction in reading, writing, This curriculum provides intensive English as a Second listening and speaking for low intermediate to high Language integrated instruction in reading, writing, intermediate students. The program helps student develop listening and speaking for low beginning to high beginning extended oral fluency and written competency beyond that students. The program instructs students in simple oral of personal experiences to global situations. It prepares and written communication form such as listening for students for the ESL Level 5 Program. specific information, writing simple paragraphs and asking clarifying questions. It prepares students for the ESL Level Required Courses 3 Program. ESLN 1064A – English as a Second Language, Level 4A

ESLN 1064B – English as a Second Language, Level 4B Required Courses ESLN 1062A – English as a Second Language, Level 2A Student Learning Outcomes: ESLN 1062B – English as a Second Language, Level 2B 1. Students will be able to engage in and initiate conversations with native speakers. Student Learning Outcomes: 2. Students will be able to identify and solve prob- 1. Students will be able to assess meaning from lems presented in passages containing complex simple recordings and conversations. sentences. 2. Students will be able to estimate meaning from 3. Students will be able to compose and vary the text presented in a variety of written media. content of written paragraphs in a real-world context.

PAGE 566 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ESL Level 5 speaking skills in American English in order to achieve Certificate of Competency more effective communication at work, school and in the community. The program includes targeted instruction and This curriculum provides intensive English as a Second practice in listening comprehension, pronunciation, and Language integrated instruction in reading, writing, conversation strategies. listening and speaking to high intermediate students. The program prepares students to organize and use correct Required Courses grammatical functions in oral and written communication in academic, work and life situations. ESLN 1072 – Intermediate Conversation ESLN 1082 – Introduction to Pronunciation Required Courses ESLN 1065A – English as a Second Language, Level 5A Student Learning Outcomes: ESLN 1065B – English as a Second Language, Level 5B 1. Demonstrate ability to comprehend spoken English in a variety of real-life situations and Student Learning Outcomes: recorded media, involving basic to intermediate 1. Students will be able to differentiate correct sen- vocabulary and grammatical structures. tence structure from incorrect structure when com- 2. Express ideas orally in a clear manner using ap- municating orally with native speakers. propriate pronunciation, non-verbal cues, gram- 2. Students will be able to analyze different types of matical structures and vocabulary. written materials using reading strategies. 3. Recognize and utilize the fundamental features 3. Students will be able to write organized para- of stress, rhythm, intonation and connected graphs using correct syntax. speech to effectively communicate in everyday situations at work, school and in the community. ESL Family Literacy Certificate of Competency ESLN Intermediate Written Communication The ESL Family Literacy program prepares beginning- Skills high to intermediate-low ESL students to participate more effectively in their children’s education. Topics Certificate of Competency include reading with children, parental involvement in The ESLN Intermediate Written Communication Skills local schools, importance of school attendance, kinder certificate is designed for beginning-high to intermediate readiness, helping children with homework, and basic ESLN students who seek targeted instruction in vocabulary, college readiness and financial aid information. reading, grammar and writing in order to achieve more effective formal and informal written communication skills Required Courses for academic, employment and personal purposes. ESLN 2050 – ESL Family Literacy Module, A ESLN 2051 – ESL Family Literacy Module, B Required Courses ESLN 1092 – Intermediate Grammar Review Student Learning Outcomes: ESLN 1102 – Basic-Intermediate Writing Skills 1. Demonstrate understanding of the K-12 educa- ESLN 1112 – Intermediate Reading & Vocabulary tional system. 2. Demonstrate proficiency in oral and written skills Student Learning Outcomes: necessary for interaction in an English-speaking 1. Correctly identify and use basic English grammar school environment. and sentence structures. 3. Read with an understanding to assist school-age 2. Demonstrate effective use of vocabulary decod- children with homework. ing and retention strategies. 4. Demonstrate basic knowledge of college and 3. Demonstrate effective use of reading compre- financial aid terminology. hension skills with short, simple readings in a variety of genres. 4. Create complete, well-constructed and well- ESLN Intermediate Oral Communication Skills organized sentences and paragraphs for use in a Certificate of Competency variety of informal and formal contexts. The ESLN Intermediate Oral Communication Skills certificate 5. Type written work using computer software, program is designed for beginning-high to intermediate including word processing, email, and the PCC ESLN students who seek to improve their listening and Learning Management System.

PAGE 567 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ESLN Advanced Oral Communication Skills 3. Create a well-organized paragraph and a com- Certificate of Competency plete, well-constructed 5-paragraph standard essay. The ESLN Advanced Oral Communication Skills certificate program is designed for intermediate to advanced ESLN Additional Noncredit ESL Courses: students who seek to improve their listening and speaking skills in American English in order to achieve more effective ESLN 1010 – ESL Level 1 communication at work, school and in the community. ESLN 1010A – ESL Level 1 Condensed The program includes targeted instruction and practice in ESLN 1015 – ESL Level 2 advanced skills in listening comprehension, pronunciation, ESLN 1015A – ESL Level 2 Condensed conversation strategies, and oral presentations, within the ESLN 1020 – ESL Level 3 context of advanced vocabulary and grammar structures. ESLN 1020A – ESL level 3 Condensed ESLN 1030 – ESL Level 4 Required Courses ESLN 1030A – ESL Level 4 Condensed ESLN 1074 – Advanced Conversation ESLN 1031 – ESL Level 5 ESLN 1084 – Advanced Pronunciation ESLN 1040 – ESL Conversation ESLN 1040A – ESL Level 5 Condensed Student Learning Outcomes: ESLN 1050 – ESL American Culture 1. Demonstrate ability to comprehend spoken ESLN 1051 – ESL Basic Writing Skills English in a variety of real-life situations and ESLN 1052 – ESL Grammar Review and Vocabulary recorded media. Development 2. Express simple and complex ideas orally in a ESLN 2052 – ESL for Health Sciences clear manner using appropriate pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and interpersonal and V. VOCATIONAL ENGLISH AS A SECOND intercultural communication strategies. LANGUAGE (ESLV) 3. Effectively use prosodic features, such as stress, rhythm, prominence, thought groups, intonation, ESLV consists of a course, a course of study, or set of cours- linking and reduced speech, in informal and es. There are five new certificate programs of competency formal speech contexts involving intermediate to to provide instruction in the English language to adult, advanced vocabulary and structures. non-native English speakers with specific vocational goals. ESLN Advanced Written Communication Noncredit ESLV Program Certificates Skills Certificate of Competency VESL Child Care Provider The ESLN Advanced Written Communication Skills certificate Certificate of Competency is designed for intermediate to advanced ESLN students who The VESL Child Care Provider program prepares beginning- seek targeted instruction in advanced vocabulary, reading, high to intermediate-low ESL students for careers in child writing, and grammar in order to achieve more effective care. The curriculum also serves as a pathway to other formal and informal written communication skills for noncredit CTE certificates, and credit child development academic, employment and personal purposes. programs. Students gain knowledge in essential vocabulary for understanding basics of child growth and development, Required Courses communicating with parents or future employers, health ESLN 1094 – Advanced Grammar Review and safety, and duties of child care providers. ESLN 1104 – Advanced Writing Skills ESLN 1114 – Advanced Reading & Vocabulary Required Courses ESLV 3000 – VESL: Child Care Provider, Module A Student Learning Outcomes: ESLV 3001 – VESL: Child Care Provider, Module B 1. Recognize and use advanced grammar rules, us- age patterns and sentence structures to effec- Student Learning Outcomes tively communicate complex ideas. 1. Identify basic child care terminology such as 2. Demonstrate vocabulary decoding and retention common child care items, hazards, reporting strategies for learning advanced vocabulary for incidents, health and safety. academic, employment, and personal contexts 2. Incorporate child development vocabulary, speaking and writing to be prepared to work in a child centered environment.

PAGE 568 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 3. Summarize appropriate developmental stages to Student Learning Outcomes: effectively orally communicate in a child care 1. Identify basic job terminology such as safety setting. rules, housekeeping equipment and worker 4. Understand basic work ethics such as teamwork rights. and appropriate workplace behavior. 2. Demonstrate effective communication skills 5. Engage in basic interviewing and job search between employees, employer or clients. skills for a child care setting. 3. Identify best practices in green housekeeping. 4. Understand basic work ethics such as teamwork VESL Green Construction and appropriate workplace behavior. Certificate of Competency 5. Engage in basic interviewing and job search skills for green housekeeping. The VESL Green Construction program prepares beginning- high to intermediate-low ESL students for careers in green construction. The curriculum also serves as a pathway to VESL Green Landscaping and Gardening noncredit and credit CTE programs. Students gain knowl- Certificate of Competency edge in essential vocabulary for communicating in a build- The VESL: Green Landscaping and Gardening program pre- ing trades and construction industry job, understanding pares beginning-high to intermediate-low ESL students for verbal and written directions, worker rights, and safety on careers in landscaping and gardening. The curriculum also the job. serves as a pathway to noncredit and credit CTE programs. Students gain knowledge on essential vocabulary used in Required Courses communicating in the landscaping and gardening industry, ESLV 1012 – VESL: Green Construction, Module A understanding verbal and written directions, plant identi- fication and placement, and safety on the job. ESLV 1013 – VESL: Green Construction, Module B Required Courses Student Learning Outcomes: ESLV 2030 – VESL: Green Landscaping and Gardening, 1. Identify basic job terminology such as safety Module A rules, construction equipment and worker rights. ESLV 2031 – VESL: Green Landscaping and Gardening, 2. Demonstrate effective communication skills Module B between employees, employer or clients. 3. Analyze construction plans for best practices in Student Learning Outcomes: green construction. 4. Understand basic work ethics such as teamwork 1. Appropriately use landscaping terminology such and appropriate workplace behavior. as plant identification, power tool safety, and 5. Engage in basic interviewing and job search landscape design. skills for the building trades and construction 2. Comprehend and respond to verbal and writ- industry. ten directions when interacting with landscape personnel and customers. VESL Green Housekeeping 3. Analyze landscaping plans and describe best practice plant placement. Certificate of Competency 4. Understand basic work ethics such as teamwork The VESL: Green Housekeeping program prepares begin- and appropriate workplace behavior. ning-high to intermediate-low ESL students for careers in 5. Engage in basic interviewing and job search green housekeeping. The curriculum also serves as a path- skills for the landscaping and gardening way to other noncredit programs. Students gain knowledge industry. in essential vocabulary for communicating in a housekeep- ing industry job, understanding verbal and written direc- VESL Health Care tions, worker rights, and safety on the job. Certificate of Competency The VESL Health Care program prepares beginning-high to Required Courses intermediate- low ESL students for careers in healthcare. ESLV 1014 – VESL: Green Housekeeping, Module A The curriculum also serves as a pathway to noncredit and ESLV 1015 – VESL: Green Housekeeping, Module B credit CTE programs. Students gain knowledge on essen- tial vocabulary used in communicating in the healthcare

PAGE 569 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 field, understanding verbal and written directions, medi- 4. Understand and successfully engage in activities cal emergencies, CPR/First Aid, safety, and basic patient involving teamwork, critical thinking, problem needs. solving, conflict resolution and ethics.

Required Courses VI. IMMIGRANT EDUCATION ESLV 4000 – VESL: Health Care, Module A Immigrant Education consists of a course, a course of ESLV 4001 – VESL: Health Care, Module B study, or an organized sequence of courses specifically designed to provide immigrants and their families with the Student Learning Outcomes: opportunity to become active and participating members 1. Identify basic job terminology such as that re- of economic and civic society, and may include preparation lated to HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability and for citizenship. Accountability Act), basic life stages of humans, and duties and skills of medical assistants and personal care attendants. VII. PARENTING EDUCATION 2. Effective communication skills between employ- Parenting education consists of a course, a course of study, ees, with employer or with patients. or an organized sequence of courses specifically designed 3. Understand basic work ethics such as teamwork to offer lifelong education in parenting (parent and child and appropriate workplace behavior. relationships, parent cooperative preschools), child growth 4. Demonstrate English language job readiness and development, and family relations in order to enhance skills through job application and interviewing the quality of home, family, career, and community life. skills. VIII. SHORT-TERM VESL Work Readiness and Communication CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION Skills Short-term CTE programs with high employment consist Certificate of Competency of a course of study or an organized sequence of courses leading to a vocational/career technical objective, The VESL Work Readiness and Communication Skills certificate, or award that prepares students for immediate certificate program provides instruction in the English employment or transition into credit CTE upon completion language and cultural skills needed to successfully obtain of the program. and maintain employment and achieve career success in the United States. Students will improve their listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, critical Basic Graphic Design thinking and problem solving skills by engaging in a variety Certificate of Completion of hands-on learning activities as well as individual and The Basic Graphic Design program provides students with team projects. The program is designed for individuals at the essential skills and workforce preparation needed for an intermediate to advanced level of English (ESLN Levels careers in graph design. The curriculum also prepares stu- 4, 5 and above) who plan to seek employment within 3 to dents for a pathway to credit graphic design programs. 6 months. Students gain knowledge in fundamentals of typography, design principles, website creation, project management, Required Courses digital techniques, workplace diversity, and portfolio de- ESLV 5000 – VESL Work Readiness and Communication velopment. Skills, Module A ESLV 5001 – VESL Work Readiness and Communication Required Courses Skills, Module B GRFN 3001 – Basic Graphic Design Student Learning Outcomes: GRFN 3002 – Fundamentals of Graphics and Production 1. Demonstrate effective job application skills at the career planning, job search, application, and Student Learning Outcomes: interview stages. 1. Understand the basic digital workflow for graphic 2. Read, interpret and complete common workplace design projects. documents and forms. 2. Learn basic copyright laws for the visual arts. 3. Demonstrate effective on-the-job communication 3. Develop a professional resume, business cards and cultural competency skills in interactions and letterhead design. with employers, co-workers and clients/custom- 4. Produce and design a logo, a newsletter, a ers. poster, and folded brochure, and multiple page publication from concept to completion.

PAGE 570 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 5. Conduct a job search and gain familiarity with 2. Design a safe, healthy, developmentally appropri- the types of jobs available in the graphic design ate family home child care environment. industry. 3. Develop positive relationships with diverse fami- lies, children and community. Child Care Provider 4. Support developmentally appropriate practices Certificate of Completion and all relevant curriculum standards. 5. Demonstrate knowledge of basic principles of The Child Care Provider Program provides introductory child growth and development. training and education in child development for students 6. Identify components and work ethic required for interested in a career in early childhood education, and professional participation in a family home child working with children ages birth through five. The cur- care setting. riculum also prepares students for a pathway to credit child development programs. Students gain knowledge Required Courses in developmentally appropriate practices, creating lesson CHDN 4000 – Family Home Child Care Provider: plans, optimal learning environments, health and safety Introduction to Child Development guidelines, culturally relevant curriculum development, CHDN 4001 – Family Home Child Care Provider: and CPR/First Aid training. Culturally Relevant Curriculum CHDN 4002 – Family Home Child Care Provider: Required Courses Licensing and Workforce Readiness CHDN 1100 – Introduction to Teaching Young Children CHDN 1101 – Introduction to Home, School and Family Home Child Care Provider - Bilingual Community Relations Certificate of Completion CHDN 1102 – Basic Skills for Child Care Provider The Family Home Child Care Provider-Bilingual program Student Learning Outcomes: provides students with the essential skills and workforce 1. Create a safe, healthy, developmentally appropri- preparation needed for careers in child care. The curricu- ate learning environment. lum also prepares students for a pathway to credit child 2. Develop positive relationships with diverse fami- development programs. Students gain knowledge in pro- lies, school and community. cedures for developing and licensing diverse family child 3. Support developmentally appropriate practices homes, culturally relevant curriculum, child development and all relevant curriculum standards. theories, and CPR/First Aid training. 4. Demonstrate knowledge of basic principles of child growth and development. Required Courses 5. Identify components and work ethic required for CHDN 4100 – Family Home Child Care Provider: professional participation in an early childhood Introduction to Child Development- setting. Bilingual CHDN 4101 – Family Home Child Care Provider: Family Home Child Care Provider Culturally Relevant Curriculum-Bilingual CHDN 4102 – Family Home Child Care Provider: Certificate of Completion Licensing and Workforce Readiness- The Family Home Child Care Provider program provides Bilingual students with the essential skills and workforce preparation needed for careers in child care. The curriculum also Student Learning Outcomes: prepares students for a pathway to credit child development 1. Understand California State requirements for programs. Students gain knowledge in procedures for opening and operating a quality family home developing and licensing diverse family child homes, child care. culturally relevant curriculum, child development theories 2. Design a safe, healthy, developmentally appro- and, CPR/First Aid training. priate family home child care environment. 3. Develop positive relationships with diverse fami- Program Outcomes: lies, children and community. 1. Understand California State requirements for 4. Support developmentally appropriate practices opening and operating a quality family home and all relevant curriculum standards. child care. 5. Demonstrate knowledge of basic principles of child growth and development.

PAGE 571 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Introduction: Legal Interpretation & 2. Demonstrate basic Sight Translation, Simultane- Translation ous, and Consecutive Interpretation skills. 3. Identify career and job opportunities as transla- Certificate of Completion tor/interpreter in different fields, and plan for The Introduction: Legal Interpretation/Translation professional state or federal medical translation Program provides students with the essential skills and certifications. workforce preparation needed for careers in the legal field. The curriculum also prepares students for a pathway Medical Front Office Clerk to credit paralegal, legal or administration of justice Certificate of Completion programs. Students gain knowledge in legal translation and interpretation for court proceedings, working in a The Medical Front Office Clerk program provides students multilingual legal system, simultaneous translations, and with the necessary preparation for entry-level positions judicial certification requirements. in a medical front office setting. The curriculum also pre- pares students for a pathway to credit medical assisting Required Courses programs. Student gain knowledge in medical terminology, medical billing and coding, software applications, admin- PLGN 1001 – Introduction: Legal Interpretation & istrative duties, legal requirements on reporting and pa- Translation, Module A tient privacy, communication, customer service, medical PLGN 1002 – Introduction: Legal Interpretation & transcription, and workplace diversity. Translation, Module B Required Courses Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Interpret and formulate vocabulary used in legal MAN 5000 – Medical Front Office Clerk: Office translation and interpretation during court Procedures proceedings. MAN 5001 – Software Applications for Medical Front 2. Demonstrate basic sight translation, simultane- Office Settings ous, and consecutive interpretation skills. 3. Identify career and job opportunities as transla- Student Learning Outcomes: tor/interpreter in different fields, and plan for 1. Apply critical thinking as it is used in a medical professional judicial certifications. management program for a medical front office setting. Introduction: Medical Interpretation & 2. Demonstrate use of a computer, software pro- Translation grams, copier, facsimile machine and security. 3. Utilize computer software to maintain office sys- Certificate of Completion tems and patient demographic information used The Introduction: Medical Interpretation/Translation pro- in a medical front office setting. gram provides students with the essential skills and work- 4. Demonstrate basic clerical functions and work force preparation needed for careers in medical interpreta- ethics applicable in a medical front office set- tion. The curriculum also prepares students to transition ting. to credit health programs. Students gain knowledge in 5. Establish and maintain confidential medical medical translation and interpretation for medical visits records and document administrative information and procedures, working in a multilingual medical system, for a medical front office setting. simultaneous translations, and medical translation certifi- cation requirements. Personal Care Attendant Certificate of Completion Required Courses The Personal Care Attendant program provides students MAN 1001 – Introduction: Medical Interpretation with the essential skills and workforce preparation needed & Translation, Module A for careers as personal care attendants. The curriculum also MAN 1002 – Introduction: Medical Interpretation prepares students for a pathway to credit health programs. & Translation, Module B Student gain knowledge in causes of dementia, principles of end-of-life care, cultural diversity, caregiver ethics and Student Learning Outcomes: skills, medical guidelines, and utilizing key community re- 1. Interpret and formulate vocabulary used in medi- sources. cal translation and interpretation during medical visits and procedures.

PAGE 572 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Required Courses 4. Describe and explain plan reading and interpret PCAN 3000 – Personal Care Attendant I: Basic Care building codes used in construction. PCAN 3001 – Personal Care Attendant II: Dementia 5. Perform effective job searching skills through and End of Life Care networking, outreach services and trade unions.

Student Learning Outcomes: Pre-Apprenticeship in Building Trades 1. Apply health care related terms and procedures and Construction Industry – Bilingual comfortably in situations commonly encountered Certificate of Completion during employment as a personal care assistant. The Pre-Apprenticeship in Building Trades and Construction 2. Differentiate between responses to dementia, Industry program provides students with the essential including Alzheimer’s disease, and scenarios to skills and workforce preparation needed for careers in the select the course most beneficial to the patient. building trades and construction industry. The curriculum 3. Categorize local health care facilities based on also prepares students for a pathway to credit construction their resources for patients and the families of programs. Students gain knowledge in reading construction patients. plans, material handling equipment, green construction, interpreting trade technical calculations, and practicing safety construction techniques according to Occupational Pre-Apprenticeship in Building Trades and Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. Construction Industry Certificate of Completion Program Outcomes: The Pre-Apprenticeship in Building Trades and Construc- 1. Safely handle basic construction material and tion Industry program provides students with the essential equipment in the workplace. skills and workforce preparation needed for careers in the 2. Explain, demonstrate, and utilize the basic ele- building trades and construction industry. The curriculum ments of tools related to building and construc- also prepares students for a pathway to credit construction tion. programs. Students gain knowledge in reading construc- 3. Understand basic arithmetic and apply basic tion plans, material handling equipment, green construc- geometry in solving for construction quantities. tion, interpreting trade technical calculations, and practic- 4. Describe and explain plan reading and interpret ing safety construction techniques according to Occupa- building codes used in construction. tional Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards. 5. Perform effective job searching skills through networking, outreach services and trade unions.

Required Courses Required Courses BLDN 2300 – Introduction to Occupational Safety and BLDN 4300 – Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health for the Building Trades Health for the Building Trades - Bilingual BLDN 2301 – Introduction to the Building Trades and BLDN 4301 – Introduction to the Building Trades and Construction Industry Construction Industry - Bilingual BLDN 2302 – Basic Construction Math for the Building BLDN 4302 – Basic Construction Math for the Building Trades and Construction Industry Trades and Construction Industry - Bilingual BLDN 2303 – Introduction to Plan Reading for the Building Trades and Construction Industry BLDN 4303 – Introduction to Plan Reading for the BLDN 2304 – Basic Material Handling and Rigging Building Trades and Construction Industry - Bilingual Student Learning Outcomes: BLDN 4304 – Basic Material Handling and Rigging - 1. Safely handle basic construction material and Bilingual equipment in the workplace. 2. Explain, demonstrate, and utilize the basic ele- Special Education Assistant - Level 1 ments of tools related to building and construc- tion. Certificate of Completion 3. Understand basic arithmetic and apply basic The Special Education Assistant - Level 1 Certificate of geometry in solving for construction quantities. Completion program provides the essential instruction that will enable Special Education Assistants to effectively support general education and special education instructors in the classroom and school settings. Students will explore

PAGE 573 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 various concepts including inclusive education, IEP and Noncredit Business Program Section 504 plans, effective instructional strategies, and assistive technology. Special Education Assistants help Certificates K-12 general and special education instructors with a variety of tasks such as providing academic and clerical Basic Bookkeeping Assistant support, utilizing behavior management strategies, and Certificate of Completion documenting student performance/progress. Students will The Basic Bookkeeping Assistant program provides students also complete apprenticeship training and prepare to pass with the essential skills and workforce preparation needed the Instructional Assistant examination for existing and for careers in accounting office support occupations. aspiring Special Education Assistants. The curriculum also prepares students for a pathway to credit business programs. Students gain knowledge in the Completion of the Noncredit Special Education Assistant basics of accounting bookkeeping, payroll and financial courses (SPEA 3410-SPEA 3460) will not result in statements. Paraprofessional certification. Passage of the Instructional Assistant Examination is required to obtain Paraprofessional Required courses: certification. BUSN 7508 – Quickbooks Essentials Program Outcomes: BUSN 7308 – Basic Bookkeeping or BUSN 7509 – Payroll Essentials 1. Discuss the components of an inclusive class- room and explain how each element equitizes Student Learning Outcomes: the learning environment and provides essential support for special education students during the 1. Effectively manage and record daily business learning process. transactions and payroll following accounting 2. Describe the components of an IEP (Individual- principles and federal /state regulations. ized education plan) and explain how the IEP 2. Develop an understanding of financial statements. guides the SPEA’s efforts to support students in achieving their educational goals. Business Office Systems 3. Demonstrate various instructional strategies that support learning in the special education and Certificate of Completion general education classroom. The curriculum prepares students for entry/intermediate- 4. Explain how assistive technologies aid learning level clerical jobs and/or transitions into a credit business for special education students. information technology program. Program covers three disciplines: Clerical/Receptionist, Administrative Assistant, Required Courses and Bookkeeping. Program will also enable students to SPEA 3410 - The Inclusive Special Education Classroom make a seamless transition into a credit course or program. SPEA 3420 - Effective Instructional Strategies for the Special Education Assistant Required courses: SPEA 3430 – Understanding the IEP Process BUSN 2601A – Computer Keyboarding A SPEA 3440 - Assistive Technology in the Special BUSN 2601B – Computer Keyboarding B Education Classroom BUSN 7301 – Microsoft Windows and Digital Skills SPEA 3450 - Special Education Assistant in the BUSN 7302 – Microsoft Word Essentials for the Workplace Classroom BUSN 7303 – Microsoft Excel Essentials for the Workplace SPEA 3460 - Preparing for The Instructional Assistant BUSN 7304 – Fundamentals of Office Records Management Examination and Filing BUSN 7305 – Basic Business English and Communications BUSN 7306 – Career Skills for the Workplace BUSN 7307 – Basic Business Math NONCREDIT BUSINESS PROGRAM BUSN 7308 – Basic Bookkeeping The curriculum prepares students for entry/intermediate- Student Learning Outcomes: level clerical jobs and/or transitions into a credit business information technology program. Program will also enable 1. Demonstrate knowledge of effective study skills, students to make a seamless transition into a credit course workplace skills, and interviewing techniques or program. 2. Effectively communicate, verbally and in written form, in a business office setting.

PAGE 574 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 3. Efficiently use and/or integrate the Microsoft Computer Skills Office Suite of products in a business office Certificate of Completion environment. The Computer Skills program provides students with the es- Computer Keyboarding sential skills and workforce preparation needed for careers in office administration. The curriculum also prepares stu- Certificate of Completion dents for a pathway to credit business programs. Students The Computer Keyboarding program provides students with gain knowledge in learning MS Office applications, such as the essential skills and workforce preparation needed for WORD, Excel and Keyboarding. careers in office administration. The curriculum also pre- pares students for a pathways to a credit business pro- Required Courses grams. Students gain knowledge in learning correct finger- BUSN 7301 – Microsoft Windows and Digital Skills ing, speed, accuracy, editing, proofreading and formatting BUSN 7302 – Microsoft Word Essentials for the Workplace skills. BUSN 7303 – Microsoft Excel Essentials for the Workplace BUSN 2601A – Computer Keyboarding A Required Courses BUSN 2601A – Computer Keyboarding A Student Learning Outcomes: BUSN 2601B – Computer Keyboarding B 1. Use Windows software applets effectively. BUSN 7301 – Microsoft Windows and Digital Skills 2. Create, format, save, print and organize docu- ments using files folders. Student Learning Outcomes: 3. Prepare, edit and print and format workbooks. 1. Use Microsoft Windows to organize, retrieve, and 4. Demonstrate proper keyboarding techniques us- manipulate digital stored on a computer. ing the touch method. 2. Demonstrate proper keyboarding techniques us- ing the touch method. Computer Skills 2 3. Develop ore touch-typing speed (35-45 wpm) Certificate of Completion and accuracy. The Computer Skills 2 program provides students with the essential skills and workforce preparation needed for careers Computer Keyboarding – Bilingual in office administration. The curriculum also prepares Certificate of Completion students for pathways and with skills to be successful The Computer Keyboarding-Bilingual program provides stu- in credit business programs. Students gain knowledge in dents with the essential skills and workforce preparation business applications of Microsoft Office applications, such needed for careers in office administration. The curriculum as PowerPoint, Access, and Outlook. also prepares students for a pathway to credit business programs. Students gain knowledge in learning correct fin- Student Learning Outcomes: gering, speed, accuracy, editing, proofreading and format- 1. Apply appropriate Access features to effectively ting skills. manage and retrieve information stored in a database. Required Courses 2. Effectively develop, organize, present, and de- liver information using a presentation software. BUSN 7310 – Computer Microsoft Windows 3. Effectively develop, organize, and deliver infor- Applications-Bilingual mation using an email management program. BUSN 2611A – Computer Keyboarding A - Bilingual BUSN 2611B – Computer Keyboarding B - Bilingual Requirements for the Certificate of Completion: Required Courses Student Learning Outcomes: BUSN 7402 – Microsoft PowerPoint Essentials 1. Use Microsoft Windows to organize, retrieve and BUSN 7403 – Microsoft Access Essentials for the Workplace manipulate digital data stored on a computer. BUSN 7404 – Microsoft Outlook Essentials for the Workplace 2. Demonstrate proper keyboarding techniques us- ing the touch method. 3. Develop more touch-typing speed (35-45 wpm) General Office Clerk and accuracy. Certificate of Competency The General Office Clerk program provides students with the essential skills and workforce preparation needed for

PAGE 575 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 careers in office administration careers. The curriculum Introduction to Starting a Small Business – also prepares students to transition to credit business Bilingual programs. Students gain knowledge in learning MS Office Certificate of Completion applications, office records management, business English and communications, and keyboarding. The Introduction to Starting a Small Business Bilingual program provides students with the essential skills and workforce preparation to start and manage a small busi- Required Courses ness. The curriculum also prepares students for a pathway BUSN 7301 – Microsoft Windows and Digital Skills to credit business programs. Students gain knowledge in BUSN 7304 – Office Records Management and Filing fundamentals of starting a small business, workplace di- BUSN 7305 – Basic Business English and versity, business management, financing and business plan Communications development. BUSN 2601A – Computer Keyboarding A Required Courses Student Learning Outcomes: BUSN 4401 – How to Start Your Own Small Business - 1. Use Windows software applets effectively. Bilingual 2. Index, code and file cards and correspondence BUSN 4402 – Managing a Small Business - Bilingual in alphabetic, numeric, subject, and geographic BUSN 4403 – Financing a Small Business - Bilingual systems. BUSN 4404 – Developing a Small Business Plan - 3. Evaluate a variety of business letters, memoran- Bilingual dum, and emails, applying effective and appro- priate business writing principles, psychological Student Learning Outcomes: approaches, and languages. 4. Touch type 25-30 words per minute, with five or 1. Demonstrate knowledge of a small business fewer errors in a document operations and procedures. 2. Define and explain the major management func- tions of a small business. Introduction to Starting a Small Business 3. Identify the costs required for small business Certificate of Completion startup. The Introduction to Starting a Small Business program 4. Demonstrate steps of effective business plan provides students with the essential skills and workforce preparation. preparation to start and manage a small business. The cur- riculum also prepares students for a pathway to credit busi- Workplace Readiness ness programs. Students gain knowledge in fundamentals Certificate of Completion of starting a small business, workplace diversity, business management, financing and business plan development. The Workplace Readiness program provides students with the essential tools and techniques for entering the work- Required Courses force and/or improving employability skills. Student gains knowledge in effective job searches, writing resumes and BUSN 4001 – How to Start Your Own Small Business cover letters, interviewing techniques, appropriate work- BUSN 4002 – Managing a Small Business place behaviors, diversity in the workplace, effective BUSN 4003 – Financing a Small Business communication skills, customer service, and fundamental BUSN 4004 – Developing a Small Business Plan academic skills. The curriculum also prepares students for pathways to other noncredit or credit certificate programs. Student Learning Outcomes: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of a small business op- Required Courses erations and procedures. WRKP 2103 – Workplace Readiness: Career and 2. Define and explain the major management func- Job Skills tions of a small business. WRKP 2101 – Workplace Readiness: Contextualized 3. Identify the costs required for small business English Skills startup. or WRKP 2102 – Workplace Readiness: Contextualized 4. Demonstrate steps of effective business plan Math Skills preparation

PAGE 576 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 Student Learning Outcomes: of Classes and Counseling Services for the most current 1. Demonstrate effective listening and speaking information. skills, including the use of industry-specific Students are expected to meet valid and necessary vocabulary, for the CTE classroom and the course prerequisites and corequisites. industry workplace 2. Produce appropriate and accurate written Adult Basic Education communication required in the targeted CTE classroom and industry workplace ABE 3000 ADULT BASIC EDUCATION 3. Demonstrate effective use of measurements and Review and reinforcement of basic skills in reading (to 8th calculations applicable to industry or career grade level), writing, math (through ratios and percents), requirements. grammar and spelling. Brush up on conversational English 4. Implement strategic and successful job search and pronunciation for those in need. General survival skills and application techniques reviewed. Total of 108 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P

DESCRIPTION OF COURSES ABE 3001 LANGUAGE ARTS This section presents a description of Noncredit courses Basic skills preparation in the language arts for academic offered. Each description is self-contained, i.e., each advancement to the adult high school diploma (AHSD) or contains important information of prerequisites, hours, General Educational Development (GED) programs. Upon limitations on enrollment, recommendations, scheduling completion and demonstration of competence in the by semesters and other data which may be required in course, students may advance to develop skills for the making a decision to include the course in the student’s workplace and to prepare for future educational opportu- nities. Total of 52 hours lecture. program of study. Grade Mode: P, N Prerequisites/Corequisites/Recommended ABE 3002 MATHEMATICS Preparation Review and reinforcement of arithmetic skills for academic A “prerequisite” is a condition of enrollment, such as advancement to the adult high school diploma (AHSD) or satisfactory completion of another course (defined as General Educational Development (GED) programs. Upon a grade of A, B, C, or pass), that must be met BEFORE completion and demonstration of competence in the a student can register for a course or an educational course, students may advance to develop skills for the program in order to demonstrate readiness for that course workplace and to prepare for future educational opportu- or program. By meeting the prerequisite, the student nities. Total of 52 hours lecture. shows that he or she has certain skills, concepts, and/or Grade Mode: P, N information without which the College considers success in the subsequent course or program highly unlikely. A “corequisite” is a course in which a student is required to enroll AT THE SAME TIME that he or she Adult High School Diploma is enrolled in another course. In the corequisite course, AHSD 6400 PRACTICAL ENGLISH SKILLS the student acquires certain skills, concepts, and/or A review of grammar, spelling, reading, composition, and information without which the College considers success essay writing in preparation for taking the Adult High in the concurrent course highly unlikely. School Diploma Program exit exam or the General Education A “recommended preparation” statement in a Development (GED) exam. Successful completion of this course description means that a student is advised, course will meet requirements for five (5) Adult High but not required, to complete the identified course(s) School Diploma credits. Total of 72 hours lecture. prior to enrollment in another course or educational Grade Mode: L program. The skills, concepts, and/or information gained in the “recommended preparation” in another course or AHSD 6401 FUNDAMENTALS OF GRAMMAR A educational program will prepare students for success in Review of parts of speech, spelling, basic sentence the subsequent course or program. structure, mechanics, and vocabulary skill building. All prerequisites, corequisites, and recommendation Successful completion of this course will meet requirements preparation statements listed in the course descriptions for five (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. Meets the are periodically reviewed. Students – especially those new diploma requirement for English. Total of 72 hours lecture. to Pasadena City College – should consult the Schedule Grade Mode: L

PAGE 577 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 AHSD 6402 FUNDAMENTALS OF GRAMMAR B AHSD 6408 LITERATURE IN A MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY Comprehensive study of English usage, spelling, and me- Survey of multicultural literature (fiction and non-fiction) chanics. Improvement in basic writing skills with more focusing on social, cultural, and literary context. Successful complex sentence structures and writing models. Increased completion of this course will meet requirements for five vocabulary skill building. Successful completion of this (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. Meets the diploma course will meet requirements for five (5) Adult High requirement for English. Total of 72 hours lecture. School Diploma credits. Meets the diploma requirement for Grade Mode: L English. Total of 72 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L AHSD 6409 INTRODUCTION TO CREATIVE WRITING Creative literary expression through poetry, drama, and AHSD 6403 ESSENTIALS IN WRITING A short story. Individual creative writing in various forms. Sentence and paragraph composition. Vocabulary building Successful completion of this course will meet requirements and review of language mechanics and grammar. Successful for five (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. Meets the completion of this course will meet requirements for five diploma requirement for English. Total of 72 hours lecture. (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. Meets the diploma Grade Mode: L requirement for English. Total of 72 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L AHSD 6411 U.S. HISTORY: PRE-COLONIALISM TO THE CIVIL WAR AHSD 6404 ESSENTIALS IN WRITING B An analysis of social, economic, and political factors in Review steps of the writing process, outlining, style United States history from the period of Pre-Colonialism exploration and introduction to research paper writing. to Reconstruction. Successful completion of this course Strengthen skills in grammar, vocabulary, and oral will meet the requirements for five (5) Adult High School presentation skills. Successful completion of this course Diploma credits. Meets diploma requirements for United will meet requirements for five (5) Adult High School States history and the social sciences. Total of 72 hours Diploma credits. Meets the diploma requirement for lecture. English. Total of 72 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L AHSD 6412 U.S. HISTORY: RECONSTRUCTION TO AHSD 6405 U.S. LITERATURE PRESENT A survey of the literature of the United States (fiction An analysis of social, economic, and political factors in and non-fiction) from the colonial period to contempo- United States history from the period of Reconstruction to rary times focusing on social, cultural and literary con- the present. Successful completion of this course will meet texts. Successful completion of this course will meet re- the requirements for five (5) Adult High School Diploma quirements for five (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. credits. Meets diploma requirements for United States Meets the diploma requirement for English. Total of 72 history and the social sciences. Total of 72 hours lecture. hours lecture. Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L AHSD 6413 INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN AHSD 6406 BRITISH LITERATURE GOVERNMENT A survey of British literature (fiction and non-fiction) fo- An introduction to American government and its relevance cusing on cultural, literary, and social contexts. Successful to understanding the democratic process. Study of the completion of this course will meet requirements for five rights and responsibilities of the citizens of the United (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. Meets the diploma States on local, state, and federal levels. Successful requirement for English. Total of 72 hours lecture. completion of this course will meet the requirements for Grade Mode: L five (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. Meets diploma requirements for American government and the social AHSD 6407 READING FUNDAMENTALS sciences. Total of 72 hours lecture. An introduction to building vocabulary, reading compre- Grade Mode: L hension, and critical thinking skills. A basic review of English language usage. Successful completion of this AHSD 6414 INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS course will meet requirements for adult high school credit. An introduction to events that influence the American Successful completion of this course will meet require- economy, including inflation, purchasing power, taxes, ments for five (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. Total balance of payments, technology, deficit spending, and the of 72 hours lecture. cost of living. A review of foreign and domestic exchange, Grade Mode: L

PAGE 578 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 consumerism, GNP, and banking and currency. Successful credits. Meets diploma requirements for mathematics. Total completion of this course will meet the requirements for of 72 hours lecture. five (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. Meets diploma Grade Mode: L requirements for economics and the social sciences. Total of 72 hours lecture. AHSD 6423 ALGEBRA 1A Grade Mode: L Prerequisite: AHSD 6422 or placement based on the math assessment process. AHSD 6415 CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN SOCIAL Study of the language, concepts, and techniques of ISSUES basic algebra, including signed numbers, expressions and Analysis and discussion of contemporary American social equations, formulas, powers and roots, and inequalities. issues: market systems, consumerism, criminal justice This course lays a foundation for upper level math and system, class inequality, gender inequality, racial inequal- science courses. Successful completion of this course ity, and militarism. Successful completion of this course will meet the requirements for five (5) Adult High will meet the requirements for five (5) Adult High School School Diploma credits. Meets diploma requirements for Diploma credits. Total of 72 hours lecture. mathematics. Total of 72 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L

AHSD 6416 GLOBAL AFFAIRS AHSD 6424 ALGEBRA 1B Survey of a wide range of global topics: 20th century Prerequisite: AHSD 6423 or placement based on the math world history, contemporary world history, customs, assessment process cultural hegemony, decision making, war and peace, global Study of the language, concepts, and techniques of algebra, economy, and diplomacy. Successful completion of this including exponents, systems of equations, quadratic and course will meet the requirements for five (5) Adult High exponential functions, rational and irrational numbers, School Diploma credits. Meets diploma requirements for and polynomials. Lays a foundation for upper level the social sciences. Total of 72 hours lecture. math and science courses. Successful completion of this Grade Mode: L course will meet the requirements for five (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. Meets diploma requirements for AHSD 6417 WORLD GEOGRAPHY mathematics. Total of 72 hours lecture. Study of people, places, and environments. A survey of the Grade Mode: L major cultural and physical regions of the world. Successful completion of this course will meet the requirements for AHSD 6425 INTRODUCTION TO GEOMETRY five (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. Meets diploma Prerequisite: AHSD 6424 or placement based on the math requirements for world geography and the social sciences. assessment process. Total of 72 hours lecture. Overview of the elements of geometry and the properties Grade Mode: L of those elements. Use of properties in proofs to develop logical reasoning. Geometer’s Sketchpad used to develop AHSD 6421 MATH BASICS skills and understanding. Course integrates basic algebra Master basic arithmetic skills and operations with into geometry and builds skills for upper level math. integers, fractions, decimals, and percentages; solve word Successful completion of this course will meet the problems. Successful completion of this course will meet requirements for five (5) Adult High School Diploma the requirements for five (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. Meets diploma requirements for mathematics. Total credits. Total of 72 hours lecture. of 72 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L

AHSD 6422 PREALGEBRA AHSD 6426 LIFE SCIENCE – BIOLOGY Prerequisite: AHSD 6421 or placement based on the math Introduction to the study of life, including biological assessment process. chemistry, cells, organisms and classification, and ecology. Introduction to the structure and concepts of Algebra, Successful completion of this course will meet requirements including variables, expressions, equations, absolute for five (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. Meets the value, inequalities, and properties of real numbers; and diploma requirements for biological science. Total of 72 the techniques of Algebra, including solving equations and hours lecture. inequalities, graphing linear equations, and solving word Grade Mode: L problems. Successful completion of this course will meet the requirements for five (5) Adult High School Diploma

PAGE 579 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 AHSD 6427 LIFE SCIENCE – PHYSIOLOGY AHSD 6433 WORKPLACE SKILLS FOR THE 21ST Introduction to the study of physiology and genetics, CENTURY with a focus on human systems. Structure and function of Workplace preparation and skills for the 21st century. basic human organ systems are the focus, supplemented Decision-making and life-long learning skills. Build with contrasts to simple organisms, plant physiology, and competency in written and oral communication and basic basic genetics. Successful completion of this course will math and computer skills. Successful completion of this meet requirements for five (5) Adult High School Diploma course will meet requirements for five (5) Adult High credits. Meets the diploma requirements for biological School Diploma credits. Total of 72 hours lecture. science. Total of 72 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L Grade Mode: L AHSD 6434 PLANNING FOR ACADEMIC AND AHSD 6428 PHYSICAL SCIENCE – CHEMISTRY CAREER SUCCESS Introduction to the study of chemistry, including atomic Successful methods for improving academic and career structure, substances, and reactions. Successful completion strategies and skills. A survey of educational and of this course will meet requirements for five (5) Adult High occupational opportunities and requirements. Successful School Diploma credits. Meets the diploma requirements completion of this course will meet requirements for five for physical science. Total of 72 hours lecture. (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. Total of 72 hours Grade Mode: L lecture. Grade Mode: L AHSD 6429 PHYSICAL SCIENCE – PHYSICS Introduction to the study of physics, including energy, AHSD 6435 HEALTH optics, and forces. Successful completion of this course An informed use of health-related information and an over- will meet requirements for five (5) Adult High School view of positive attitudes and responsible behaviors for Diploma credits. Meets the diploma requirements for making decisions to promote lifelong health. Successful physical science. Total of 72 hours lecture. completion of this course will meet requirements for five Grade Mode: L (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. Total of 72 hours lecture. AHSD 6430 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE – ECOLOGY Grade Mode: L Introduction to the study of environmental science, including ecological systems of abiotic and biotic AHSD 6436 MUSIC APPRECIATION factors and current environmental challenges. Successful Introduction to classical and popular music. Development completion of this course will meet requirements for five of music, explorations of composer’s lives and historical (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. Total of 72 hours and social contexts of the times. Successful completion of lecture. this course will meet requirements for five (5) Adult High Grade Mode: L School Diploma credits. This course meets requirements for the humanities. Total of 72 hours lecture. AHSD 6431 COMPUTER BASICS Grade Mode: L Overview of computer hardware, software, operating sys- tems, and file management; Internet and E-mail. Successful AHSD 6437 GRAPHIC ART DESIGN completion of this course will meet requirements for five An introduction to the field of graphic design. Covers (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. Total of 72 hours key design elements such as typography, creativity, lecture. visualization, composition, and web design. Successful Grade Mode: L completion of this course will meet requirements for five (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. Total of 72 hours AHSD 6432 ART HISTORY lecture. A survey of visual arts including painting, print making, Grade Mode: L sculpture, architecture and photography. Historical and contemporary art forms; perspective design, composition AHSD 6438 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS and color theory. Successful completion of this course will Use of applications software for database management, meet requirements for five (5) Adult High School Diploma word processing, spreadsheet, and slideshow presentation. credits. This course meets requirements for the humanities. Successful completion of this course will meet require- Total of 72 hours lecture. ments for five (5) Adult High School Diploma credits. Total Grade Mode: L of 72 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L

PAGE 580 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 AHSD 6439 CONTEMPORARY SPANISH BLDN 2304 BASIC MATERIAL HANDLING AND An introduction to Spanish. Practice in Spanish language RIGGING pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary in a contemporary Preparation for practice in basic material handling and context. Exploration of culture in both contemporary and rigging in the building trades and construction industry. historical contexts. Successful completion of this course Total of 28 hours lecture. will meet requirements for five (5) Adult High School Grade Mode: P, N Diploma credits. This course meets requirements for the humanities. Total of 72 hours lecture. Grade Mode: L Business

BUSN 2400 ENTREPRENEUR BUSINESS START-UP Building BASICS FOR SUCCESS Prepares students to be able to successfully start-up a BLDN 2300 INTRODUCTION TO OCCUPATIONAL small business and provides the skills for success as an SAFETY AND HEALTH FOR THE entrepreneur. Provides the knowledge and skills to assess BUILDING TRADES a business idea, create an individualized business plan, Basic construction safety on an apprenticeship level. finance a business, open and market a business, and Training for workers on the recognition, avoidance, abate- expand and manage business problems. Total of 32 hours ment, and prevention of safety and health hazards in work- lecture and 48 hours laboratory. places and provides information regarding workers’ rights, Grade Mode: P, N employer responsibilities, and how to file a complaint. Total of 28 hours lecture. BUSN 2601A COMPUTER KEYBOARDING A P, N Grade Mode: Develop basic skills in keyboarding to improve accuracy and speed and achieve a minimum of 30 net words per BLDN 2301 INTRODUCTION TO THE BUILDING minute. Total of 18 to 36 hours lecture. TRADES AND CONSTRUCTION Grade Mode: P, N INDUSTRY Introduction to the building trades and construction BUSN 2601B COMPUTER KEYBOARDING B industry, different unions representing crafts, and the Emphasis on the development of speed and accuracy, wide spectrum of careers. Course integrates academic and correct formatting of business documents to produce and technical preparation with an emphasis on career documents that meet business standards. For students awareness, exploration and skill preparation. Total of 48 with prior keyboarding experience, 30 to 45 net words per hours lecture. minute is recommended. Total of 36 to 45 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N Grade Mode: P, N BLDN 2302 BASIC CONSTRUCTION MATH FOR THE BUSN 2611A COMPUTER KEYBOARDING A - BUILDING TRADES AND BILINGUAL CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY General overview of keyboarding techniques using the Introduction to basic mathematical skills required in touch method for bilingual students. Emphasis on keyboard a variety of construction trades. Emphasis on the basic mastery and preparation of basic documents. Total of 10 arithmetic and geometry required to accurately perform hours lecture and 26 hours laboratory. routine tasks, estimate simple quantities, and read a Grade Mode: P, N standard metric ruler and scale. Total of 48 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N BUSN 2611B COMPUTER KEYBOARDING B – BILINGUAL BLDN 2303 INTRODUCTION TO PLAN READING General overview of keyboarding techniques for bilingual FOR THE BUILDING TRADES AND students. Emphasis on the development of speed and CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY accuracy, and correct formatting of business documents Introduction to the various types of building plans used to produce documents that meet business standards. For in the building trades and construction industry. Emphasis students with prior keyboarding experience. Recommended on interpreting different types of symbols, abbreviations, keyboarding speed of 25 words per minute. Total of 10 and keynotes found on construction drawings. Total of 48 hours lecture and 44 hours laboratory. hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N Grade Mode: P, N

PAGE 581 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 BUSN 2850 PERSONAL FINANCING AND BUSINESS BUSN 4004 DEVELOPING A SMALL BUSINESS PLAN START UP Importance and purpose of a business plan. Research and This course provides the student with resources to identify analyze the essential information required to develop capital to start a business or focus on a financial road map and present an effective business plan. Total of 18 hours that can lead to positive business funding strategies. Total lecture. of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N Grade Mode: P, N

BUSN 2851 EFFECTIVE BUSINESS PLAN BUSN 4401 HOW TO START YOUR OWN SMALL DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS – BILINGUAL This course provides the organizational plan for developing Introduction to small business terminology, operations, a full business plan that can be utilized to identify business and procedures. Students will gain an understanding of the goals, growth, and opportunity. The course focuses on each entrepreneurial business and start-up process. Application component of a complete business plan that is acceptable of the strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) to a venture capitalist, lending institution or business analysis for startup entrepreneurs. For the Spanish speaker. partner. Total of 54 hours lecture. Total of 18 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N Grade Mode: P, N

BUSN 2852 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY VENTURES BUSN 4402 MANAGING A SMALL BUSINESS Understanding the nature of a business opportunity, FOR THE SPANISH SPEAKER how the government regulates them, and the steps for Introduction to managing a small business for Spanish- developing, investing, or buying a business opportunity. speaking small-business entrepreneurs. Topics include Students will understand how to become a licensor or seller marketing, legal aspects of handling a small business, of a business opportunity and how statutes vary from state leadership, and ethical business practices for small to state. Total of 54 hours lecture. business ownership. Intended for students who plan to Grade Mode: P, N start a small business or who are small business owners. Total of 18 hours lecture. BUSN 4001 STARTING A SMALL BUSINESS Grade Mode: P, N Introduction to small business terminology, operations, and procedures. Students will gain an understanding of the BUSN 4403 FINANCING A SMALL BUSINESS entrepreneurial business and start-up process. Application FOR THE SPANISH SPEAKER of the strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) Planning, researching, acquiring, and utilizing financing analysis for startup entrepreneurs. Total of 18 hours lecture. for a small business for Spanish speakers. Topics include Grade Mode: P, N start-up costs and recurring costs, financial statement analysis, forecasting, working capital management and risk BUSN 4002 MANAGING A SMALL BUSINESS management. Total 18 lecture hours. Introduction to managing a small business. Topics include Grade Mode: P, N marketing, legal aspects of handling a small business, leadership, and ethical business practices for small BUSN 4404 DEVELOPING A BUSINESS business ownership. Intended for students who plan to PLAN FOR THE SPANISH SPEAKER start a small business or who are small business owners. Importance and purpose of a business plan. Research and Total of 18 hours lecture. analyze the essential information required to develop Grade Mode: P, N and present an effective business plan. For the Spanish speaker. Total of 18 hours lecture. BUSN 4003 FINANCING A SMALL BUSINESS Grade Mode: P, N Planning, researching, acquiring, and utilization of financing for a small business. Topics include start-up and BUSN 7301 MICROSOFT WINDOWS AND recurring costs, financial statement analysis, forecasting, DIGITAL SKILLS working capital management, and risk management. Total Prepares students to work efficiently within the Microsoft of 18 hours lecture. Windows operating system. Topics include Windows Grade Mode: P, N desktop, creating, saving and finding files, file and folder management, accessing applications, internet basics and security, and customizing Microsoft Windows. Total of 36 to 45 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N

PAGE 582 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 BUSN 7302 MICROSOFT WORD ESSENTIALS FOR BUSN 7306 CAREER SKILLS FOR THE WORKPLACE THE WORKPLACE Techniques for effective time-management, goal setting, Basic hands-on instruction of word processing techniques proper work habits, attitudes, ethics, communication, and and features using Microsoft Word to enhance and create standards for presenting a professional image at interviews a wide variety of documents, such as letters, memoranda, and in the workplace. Total of 18 to 45 hours lecture. columnar tables, text tables, newsletters, mail merge labels Grade Mode: P, N and letters , and mailing documents. Targeted for students who have completed BUSN 7301, type 30 net wpm, or have BUSN 7307 BASIC BUSINESS MATH work experience with the Windows Operating System. Total Basic math skills and its relevance to everyday applications of 36 to 45 hours lecture. and transactions. Solving mathematical problems, analyzing Grade Mode: P, N and interpreting data, and applying sound decision-making skills. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours laboratory. BUSN 7303 MICROSOFT EXCEL ESSENTIALS FOR Grade Mode: P, N THE WORKPLACE Basic hands-on training of business applications using BUSN 7308 BASIC BOOKKEEPING Microsoft Excel software. Features and functions of the Principles and practices of bookkeeping, including the software with emphasis on its use as a data organization, fundamentals of double entry bookkeeping, journal en- presentation and analysis tool. Includes topics on tries, and preparation of basic financial statements. integrating Excel with other applications. Targeted for Recommended BUS 7303. Total of 45 hours lecture. students who have completed BUSN 7301, type 30 net Grade Mode: P, N wpm, or have work experience with the Windows Operating System. Total of 36 to 45 hours lecture. BUSN 7310 COMPUTER MICROSOFT WINDOWS Grade Mode: P, N APPLICATIONS-BILINGUAL Introduction to the Microsoft Windows operating system BUSN 7304 FUNDAMENTALS OF OFFICE RECORDS for bilingual students. Topics include Windows desktop, MANAGEMENT AND FILING help, file and folder management, accessing applications Basic principles and procedures of record storage, control, and communicating, and customizing a computer using retrieval and management by manual and electronic the control panel. Recommended keyboarding speed of 25 methods. Emphasis is also placed on guidelines regarding words per minute. Total of 36 hours lecture and 18 hours records storage, disposal, and management. Speed and laboratory. accuracy in indexing, filing and finding documents in such Grade Mode: P, N systems as alphabetic, numeric, geographic, and subject. Total of 36 hours lecture. BUSN 7402 MICROSOFT POWERPOINT ESSENTIALS Grade Mode: P, N Basic hands-on training of business applications using Microsoft PowerPoint software. Features and functions of BUSN 7305 BASIC BUSINESS ENGLISH AND the software with emphasis on its use to develop, design, COMMUNICATIONS and deliver professional looking presentations. Includes Introduction to basic business memoranda, letters, e-mail concepts of combining text, graphics, animations and/or messages, employment documents, and short reports. sound to create slides for electronic output. Targeted for Creating messages that inform, persuade, and convey neg- students who have completed BUSN 7301, type 30 net ative news is stressed. Emphasis is on the concepts of basic wpm, or have work experience with the Windows Operating writing style such as organization, coherence, and unity as System. Total of 18 to 36 hours lecture. well as principles of grammar and punctuation of written Grade Mode: P, N business documents. Instruction in oral communication, speaking skills, and oral presentations. Communication BUSN 7403 MICROSOFT ACCESS ESSENTIALS FOR technology, communication across cultures, listening THE WORKPLACE skills, nonverbal communication, and workplace ethics are Basic hands-on training of business applications using included. Targeted for students who have completed BUSN Microsoft Access software. Features and functions of 7301, BUSN 7302 or have working experience with the the software with emphasis on its use as a data input, Windows Operating System and/or Word. Total of 36 hours organization, and reporting tool. Includes topics on design lecture and 18 hours laboratory. concepts, use of database tools, and practice in creating Grade Mode: P, N tables, queries, forms, and reports. Targeted for students who have completed BUSN 7301, type 30 net wpm, or have work experience with the Windows Operating System. Total of 36 to 45 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N

PAGE 583 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 BUSN 7404 MICROSOFT OUTLOOK ESSENTIALS FOR care setting and critical techniques for communicating THE WORKPLACE with diverse parents and co-workers. Total of 24 hours of Basic hands-on training of business applications using lecture. Microsoft Outlook software. Features and functions of the Grade Mode: P, N software with emphasis on its use to manage and organize emails, calendars, meeting requests and contact informa- CHDN 1102 BASIC SKILLS FOR CHILD CARE tion. Targeted for students who have completed BUSN PROVIDER 7301, type 30 net wpm, or have work experience with the Introduction to basic theories of child growth and Windows Operating System. Total of 18 to 36 hours lecture. development, health and safety, and nutrition guidelines Grade Mode: P, N for infants, toddlers and preschool age children. Emphasis on CPR/First Aid training for child care providers. Total of 24 hours of lecture. BUSN 7501 MATH ESSENTIALS FOR THE WORKPLACE Grade Mode: P, N Preparation for pre-employment math tests and/or rein- forces practice in solving math problems related to book- CHDN 4000 FAMILY HOME CHILD CARE PROVIDER: keeping, payroll and other business applications. Total 9 to INTRODUCTION TO CHILD 36 hours of lecture. DEVELOPMENT Grade Mode: P, N Introduction to stages of child development, best practices in supporting healthy growth and development of children BUSN 7508 QUICKBOOKS ESSENTIALS birth to six years of age, and family and community Inputting customer and vendor information, creating in- resources. Emphasis on ages and stages of development, voices and purchase orders, writing checks, processing and effective communication and guidance for working business transactions, and generating reports in Quick- in a diverse family home care setting. Total of 24 hours Books. Reinforces learning the vocabulary used in book- lecture. keeping and QuickBooks. Total hours 9 to 36 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N Grade Mode: P, N CHDN 4001 FAMILY HOME CHILD CARE PROVIDER: BUSN 7509 PAYROLL ESSENTIALS CULTURALLY RELEVANT CURRICULUM Inputting customer and vendor information, creating in- Introduction to developmentally appropriate and voices and purchase orders, writing checks, processing culturally relevant curriculum. Emphasis on developing business transactions, and generating reports in Quick- age appropriate activities and creating effective learning Books. Reinforces learning the vocabulary used in book- environments for children in a diverse family home day keeping and QuickBooks. Total hours 9 to 36 hours lecture. care setting. Total of 24 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N Grade Mode: P, N

CHDN 4002 FAMILY HOME CHILD CARE PROVIDER: LICENSING AND WORKFORCE Child Development READINESS Introduction to requirements for obtaining a license CHDN 1100 INTRODUCTION TO TEACHING YOUNG as a family home care provider. Review of the National CHILDREN Association for Education of Young Children (NAEYC) code Introduction to teaching in a professional early-childhood of ethical conduct and California’s licensing procedures. setting or program serving children under the age of Emphasis on professionalism, health and safety, and six. Emphasis on writing a lesson plan and creating licensing regulations. Total of 24 hours lecture. developmentally and culturally appropriate curriculum. Grade Mode: P, N Total of 24 hours of lecture. Grade Mode: P, N CHDN 4100 FAMILY HOME CHILD CARE PROVIDER: INTRODUCTION TO CHILD CHDN 1101 INTRODUCTION TO HOME, SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT - BILINGUAL AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS Introduction to stages of child development, best practices Introduction to effective communication and best practices in supporting healthy growth and development of children for child care providers for optimal home, school and birth to six years of age, and family and community community relations. Basic concepts of developing strong resources for the bilingual student. Emphasis on ages and communication skills when working in a professional child stages of development, and effective communication and

PAGE 584 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 guidance for working in a linguistically diverse family DSPS 2203 BASIC SOCIAL SKILLS: GETTING ALONG home care setting. Total of 24 hours lecture. WITH OTHERS IN THE WORKPLACE Grade Mode: P, N Fundamental course designed for adults with developmental disabilities with an interest in maintaining realistic and CHDN 4101 FAMILY HOME CHILD CARE PROVIDER: meaningful employment. Emphasis on learning the skills CULTURALLY RELEVANT CURRICULUM- needed to create good working habits, workplace diversity, BILINGUAL communicate needs, and interact appropriately with co- Introduction to developmentally appropriate and culturally workers and supervisors. Recommended working knowledge relevant curriculum for the bilingual student. Emphasis on of basic reading, writing, and math skills. Total of 16 hours developing age appropriate activities and creating effective lecture. learning environments for children in a linguistically Grade Mode: P, N diverse family home day care setting. Total of 24 hours lecture. DSPS 2204 INTRODUCTION TO YOUR RIGHTS AND Grade Mode: P, N RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE WORKPLACE Fundamental course designed for adults with developmental CHDN 4102 FAMILY HOME CHILD CARE PROVIDER: disabilities with an interest in maintaining realistic and LICENSING AND WORKFORCE meaningful employment. Focus on learning the skills READINESS-BILINGUAL needed to make good decisions and understand rights in Introduction to requirements for obtaining a license as a the workplace. Recommended working knowledge of basic family home care provider for the bilingual student. Review reading, writing, and math skills. Total of 16 hours lecture. of the National Association for Education of Young Children Grade Mode: P, N (NAEYC) code of ethical conduct and California’s licensing procedures. Emphasis on professionalism, health and DSPS 2205 WORKPLACE READINESS FOR STUDENTS safety, and licensing regulations. Total of 24 hours lecture. WITH DISABILITIES Grade Mode: P, N Introduction to skills and strategies needed for adults with disabilities to develop pathways to college, career technical training, or enter the workforce. Topics include the job application process, employee rights, interviewing skills, Disabled Persons time management, importance of teamwork, diversity in the workplace, and basic workplace expectations. Total of DSPS 2201 FINDING THE JOB THAT’S RIGHT FOR 30 hours lecture. YOU Grade Mode: P, N Fundamental course designed for adults with developmental disabilities who have an interest in finding realistic and DSPS 3320 FUNCTIONAL LIVING FOR meaningful employment. Emphasis on looking for different DEVELOPMENTALLY HANDICAPPED job opportunities that support the adult learner’s interests, ADULTS values, and skills. Recommended working knowledge of Functional living skills for adults residing in residential basic reading, writing, and math skills. Total of 16 hours care facilities. Designed for adults with special needs as lecture. they relate to living at home, within a group home, and Grade Mode: P, N transferring to independent living. Emphasis on health and safety, personal hygiene and grooming, and social DSPS 2202 GETTING THE JOB YOU WANT interaction and conversation skills. Total of 32 hours Fundamental course designed for adults with developmental lecture. disabilities who have an interest in finding realistic and Grade Mode: P, N meaningful employment. Emphasis on filling out job applications, creating resumes and cover letters, and DSPS 3323 WORKPLACE SKILLS FOR learning interviewing techniques. Recommended working DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED ADULTS knowledge of basic reading, writing, and math skills. Total This course is primarily for developmentally disabled of 16 hours lecture. students employed, or wish to become employed, in a Grade Mode: P, N workshop environment. This course covers independent living and basic employment techniques including resume writing and interviewing. Short term class. Total of 32 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N

PAGE 585 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 DSPS 3370 MUSIC APPRECIATION AND ESLN 1015A ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE – PARTICIPATION/PHYSICALLY DISABLED LEVEL 2 – CONDENSED ADULTS Further practice of basic grammatical functions by Music appreciation and participation for physically disabled emphasizing accurate oral and written communication at adults residing in a residential care facility. Emphasis on the high- beginning level. Listening, speaking, reading, singing, rhythm, timing and listening. Short term class. and writing skills are integrated for better understanding Total of 24 hours lecture. of English used in daily life and everyday work/job skills. Grade Mode: P, N Total of 216 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N DSPS 3374 ADAPTIVE ART FOR DISABLED ADULTS ESLN 1020 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE – Adaptive art techniques for disabled adults residing in LEVEL 3 a residential care facility. Emphasis on techniques to Emphasis on increased oral and written communication encourage the creative and artistic process for adults who skills required to function independently in most situations experience physical and emotional challenges. Short term beyond life and work-skills. Complex language functions class. Total of 24 hours lecture. and forms in listening, speaking, reading and writing are Grade Mode: P, N integrated with more general vocational and academic subjects. Total of 216 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N English as a Second Language ESLN 1020A ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE – ESLN 1010 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE – LEVEL 3 – CONDENSED LEVEL 1 Introduction to high-intermediate level English language Introduction to basic grammatical functions with an basic skills in reading and writing. Emphasis continues to emphasis on the development of the language skills be fluency in communication for extended conversation on of listening with understanding and speaking to be a variety of subjects. Total of 72 hours lecture. understood. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing Grade Mode: P, N skills are integrated in basic life skills and basic work skills themes encountered in everyday context. Total of 216 ESLN 1030 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE – hours lecture. LEVEL 4 Grade Mode: P, N Introduction to high-intermediate level English language basic skills in reading and writing. Emphasis continues to ESLN 1010A ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE – be fluency in communication for extended conversation on LEVEL 1 – CONDENSED a variety of subjects. Total of 216 hours lecture. Introduction to basic grammatical functions with Grade Mode: P, N an emphasis on the development of language skills for listening with understanding and speaking to be ESLN 1030A ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE – understood. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing LEVEL 4 – CONDENSED skills are integrated in basic life skills and basic work skills Introduction to high-intermediate level English language themes encountered in everyday context. Total of 72 hours basic skills in reading and writing.Emphasis continues to lecture. be fluency in communication for extended conversation on Grade Mode: P, N a variety of subjects. Total of 72 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N ESLN 1015 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE – LEVEL 2 ESLN 1031 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE – Further practice of basic grammatical functions by LEVEL 5 emphasizing accurate oral and written communication at Advanced English proficiency level in listening, speaking, the high-beginning level. Listening, speaking, reading, reading, and writing to meet most life and work-related and writing skills are integrated for better understanding demands with little problem. Emphasis is on increased use of English used in daily life and everyday work/job skills. of grammatical functions to prepare students for greater Total of 216 hours lecture. academic success at both high school and college levels. Grade Mode: P, N Total of 216 hours lecture.

PAGE 586 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ESLN 1040 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE ESLN 1060B ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE CONVERSATION LITERACY LEVEL B Oral communication skill development with emphasis on Prerequisite: ESL 1060A or placement based on the ESL increased fluency in English conversation. Speaking and assessment process. listening practice for daily future needs and academic Functioning at beginning literacy by talking about language goals is presented in a student-centered approach. Total components using grammar terms and understanding of 54 hours lecture. grammar functions. Emphasis is on generating short and Grade Mode: P, N simple phrases and establishing basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Total of 108 hours lecture. ESLN 1040A ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE – Grade Mode: P, N LEVEL 5 – CONDENSED Advanced English proficiency level in listening, speaking, ESLN 1061A ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE, reading, and writing to meet most life and work-related LEVEL 1A demands with little problem. Emphasis is on increased use Prerequisite: ESL 1060B or placement based on the ESL of grammatical functions to prepare students for greater assessment process. academic success at both high school and college levels. Development of high-literacy grammatical functions. Em- Total of 72 hours lecture. phasis on recognizing conversation and passage patterns Grade Mode: P, N and expanding writing competency within the context of basic life and work skills. Total of 108 lecture hours. ESLN 1050 ESL AMERICAN CULTURE Grade Mode: P, N Basic knowledge of American Culture required for non- native speakers. Emphasis is on cultural aspects that ESLN 1061B ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE, enable students to adjust to the American way of life. Total LEVEL 1B of 54 hours lecture. Prerequisite: ESL 1061A or placement based on the ESL Grade Mode: P, N assessment process. Functioning at high literacy by employing basic grammatical ESLN 1051 ESL BASIC WRITING SKILLS functions. Emphasis on writing and speaking in complete Development of basic writing skills to the 8th grade sentences and on reading and listening competencies level using computers and software. Emphasis is on within the context of basic life and work skills. Total of basic proficiency in writing a directly developed cohesive 108 lecture hours. paragraph and/or multiple paragraphs to increase success Grade Mode: P, N in future academic or other vocational goals. Total of 54 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. ESLN 1062A ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE, Grade Mode: P, N LEVEL 2A Prerequisite: ESL 1010 or ESL 1061B or placement based ESLN 1052 ESL GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY on the ESL assessment process. DEVELOPMENT Development of low-beginning grammatical functions. Basic grammar and vocabulary review. Emphasis is on basic Emphasis on simple oral and written communication form grammatical forms and functions. Vocabulary development and on gathering general ideas through listening and consists of identifying key words and phrases for increased reading in daily life and work. Total of 108 lecture hours. expression, especially in speaking, writing and reading. Grade Mode: P, N Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N ESLN 1062B ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE, LEVEL 2B ESLN 1060A ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Prerequisite: ESL 1062A or placement based on the ESL LITERACY LEVEL A assessment process. Development of beginning literacy in the basic components Functioning at low-beginning proficiency by employing of the English language and basic grammatical functions. accurate grammatical forms. Emphasis on increasing Emphasis on spelling and pronunciation and mastering the listening, speaking, reading and writing organization and English alphabet and numbers. Total of 108 hours lecture. development skills in daily life and work. Total of 108 Grade Mode: P, N lecture hours. Grade Mode: P, N

PAGE 587 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ESLN 1063A ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE, ESLN 1065B ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE, LEVEL 3A LEVEL 5B Prerequisite: ESL 1015 or ESL 1062B or placement based Prerequisite: ESL 1065A or placement based on the ESL on the ESL assessment process. assessment process. Development of high-beginning reading, writing, listening, Functioning at high-intermediate English proficiency speaking English communication skills using complex in life-skills listening, reading, speaking and writing to language functions and forms. Total of 108 hours lecture. transition into academic English environments. Emphasis Grade Mode: P, N is on increased use of grammatical functions and formal writing styles. Total of 108 hours lecture. ESLN 1063B ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE, Grade Mode: P, N LEVEL 3B Prerequisite: ESL 1063A or placement based on the ESL ESLN 1072 INTERMEDIATE CONVERSATION assessment process. Increased ability and confidence to integrate into the Functioning independently at high-beginning proficiency English-speaking community through the development of in most situations. Emphasis on building listening, intermediate level listening and speaking skills. Topics speaking, reading and writing skills within life, work and include small talk, telephone communication, asking for/ educational settings. Total of 108 hours lecture. giving directions, and discussing personal interests and Grade Mode: P, N plans. For students at a beginning high to intermediate- low level of ESL (noncredit Levels 2 and 3). Total of 54 ESLN 1064A ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE, hours lecture. LEVEL 4A Grade Mode: P, N Prerequisite: ESL 1020 or ESL 1063B or placement based on the ESL assessment process. ESLN 1074 ADVANCED CONVERSATION Development of low-intermediate English language skills Advanced instruction and training in effective American in reading and writing. Emphasis on extended oral fluency English listening and speaking skills. Topics include and editing of incorrect language form. Total of 108 hours effective listening comprehension, communication lecture. strategies, interpersonal and intercultural competence, Grade Mode: P, N discussion of high-interest topics, and oral presentations. Designed for students at an intermediate to advanced level ESLN 1064B ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE, of ESL (noncredit levels 4, 5 and above). Total of 54 hours LEVEL 4B lecture. Prerequisite: ESL 1064A or placement based on the ESL Grade Mode: P, N assessment process. Functioning with low-intermediate proficiency in many ESLN 1082 INTRODUCTION TO PRONUNCIATION real-world situations requiring listening and reading, Introduction to effective pronunciation of American some involving technology. Emphasis on producing correct English. Topics include fundamental components of stress, complex language forms in speaking and writing. Total of rhythm, intonation, and connected speech, as well as 108 hours lecture. recognizing and producing key individual speech sounds Grade Mode: P, N (vowels and consonants), within the context of beginning to intermediate vocabulary and grammar structures. Total ESLN 1065A ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE, of 54 hours lecture. LEVEL 5A Grade Mode: P, N Prerequisite: ESL 1030 or ESL 1064B or placement based on the ESL assessment process. ESLN 1084 ADVANCED PRONUNCIATION Development of high-intermediate English proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to meet many Advanced instruction and training in effective pronunciation life and work-related demands. Emphasis is on reducing of American English. Topics include word stress, rhythm, miscommunication through the correct use of grammatical intonation, thought groups, prominence and connected functions and content organization. Total of 108 hours speech, as well as recognizing and producing complex lecture. features of vowels and consonants, within the context of Grade Mode: P, N advanced vocabulary and sentence structures. Designed for students at an intermediate to advanced level of ESL (noncredit levels 4, 5 and above). Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N

PAGE 588 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ESLN 1092 INTERMEDIATE GRAMMAR REVIEW vocabulary in context, and using various reading strategies Designed to strengthen the existing grammar skills of to increase reading comprehension. Total of 54 hours beginning high to intermediate ESLN students (levels 2 lecture. and 3). Topics include basic English sentence structures Grade Mode: P, N and the appropriate use of verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs. Total of 54 hours lecture. ESLN 1122A INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN CULTURE, Grade Mode: P, N MODULE A Provides beginning-high to intermediate (ESLN Level 2 ESLN 1094 ADVANCED GRAMMAR REVIEW and 3) students with an introduction to the fundamentals For intermediate to advanced ESLN students (levels 4, 5 and of U.S. culture while integrating English language skill above) who seek to improve their grammar skills in American development in reading, writing, listening, speaking, English in order to achieve more effective communication vocabulary and grammar. Focuses on intercultural at work, school and in the community. Topics include the communication, relationships in U.S. society (family, advanced use of verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and nouns, and friends, neighbors, co-workers, community) and key the development of complex sentence structures. Total of American holidays and special events. Total of 54 hours 54 hours lecture. lecture. Grade Mode: P, N Grade Mode: P, N

ESLN 1102 BASIC-INTERMEDIATE WRITING SKILLS ESLN 1122B INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN CULTURE, MODULE B Focus on basic writing skills and computer literacy skills Provides beginning-high to intermediate (ESLN Level relevant to producing sentences and paragraphs in both 2 and 3) immigrant students with an introduction to formal and informal contexts. Targeted at beginning to the fundamentals of U.S. culture while integrating intermediate ESLN students (Levels 2 and 3) who want English language skill development in reading, writing, to strengthen their basic writing skills. Total of 72 hours listening, speaking, vocabulary and grammar. Focuses on lecture. values and social norms, driving, food and dining out, Grade Mode: P, N money, shopping, government services, sports, music, entertainment, local culture and tourist attractions. Total ESLN 1104 ADVANCED WRITING SKILLS of 54 hours lecture. Focus on advanced writing skills and computer literacy Grade Mode: P, N skills relevant to producing effective paragraphs and essays. Targeted at intermediate to advanced ESLN ESLN 1124 ADVANCED AMERICAN CULTURE: students (Levels 4, 5 and above) who want to strengthen CURRENT SOCIAL ISSUES their writing skills in preparation for further academic In-depth examination, analysis, discussion and debate work or employment. Total of 72 hours lecture. of current issues and topics in American society, looking Grade Mode: P, N at the intersection of government, politics, and culture. Content will be integrated with intermediate to advanced ESLN 1112 INTERMEDIATE READING & VOCABULARY instruction in English language skills (reading, writing, Designed to build vocabulary development and reading listening, speaking and vocabulary). Total of 54 hours comprehension strategies of beginning to intermediate lecture. ESLN students (levels 2 and 3). Instruction focuses on Grade Mode: P, N reading strategies useful in academic, employment, and personal contexts. Heavy emphasis on learning basic ESLN 2050 ESL FAMILY LITERACY, MODULE A vocabulary in context, and using various reading strategies Development of speaking, reading, and writing skills of to increase reading comprehension. Total of 54 hours limited English speaking parents with children in local lecture. elementary, middle and high schools. Family literacy Grade Mode: P, N emphasis covering reading with children, parental involvement, kinder readiness, school attendance, and ESLN 1114 ADVANCED READING & VOCABULARY assisting children of all ages with homework. Total of 36 Designed to build vocabulary development and reading hours lecture. comprehension strategies of intermediate to advanced Grade Mode: P, N ESLN students (levels 4 and 5). Instruction focuses on reading strategies useful in academic, employment and personal contexts. Heavy emphasis on learning advanced

PAGE 589 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ESLN 2051 ESL FAMILY LITERACY, MODULE B ESLV 1015 VESL: GREEN HOUSEKEEPING, Development of speaking, reading, and writing skills of MODULE B limited English speaking parents with children in local Development of vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, elementary, middle and high schools. Family literacy and writing skills of beginning-low to intermediate-high emphasis on academic skills, school attendance, assisting ESL students interested in careers in green housekeeping. children with homework, basic college readiness, and Emphasis on occupation-specific terminology and financial aid information. Total of 36 hours lecture. communication skills for interacting with employers in Grade Mode: P, N both residential and institutional settings. Topics include housekeeping tasks, laundry, job safety, workers’ rights, ESLN 2052 ESL FOR HEALTH SCIENCES marketing a business, job search, applications, resumes Introduction to the health care field for non-native and interviews. Total of 54 hours lecture. speakers of English aimed at the development of language Grade Mode: P, N skills for careers in health care. Consists of communication skills and medical terminology. Total of 50 hours lecture. ESLV 2030 VESL: GREEN LANDSCAPING AND GARDENING, MODULE A Development of vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills of beginning-high to advanced ESL students interested in careers in green gardening and Vocational English as a Second Language landscaping. Emphasis on occupation-specific terminology and communication skills for interacting with clients or ESLV 1012 VESL: GREEN CONSTRUCTION, employers. Topics include landscape planning, plant MODULE A identification, selection and care, soil, fertilizer, compost, Development of reading, speaking, listening and writing mulch, turf removal and IPM (Integrated Pest Management). skills of beginning-high to advanced ESL students for Total of 54 hours lecture careers in green construction. Emphasis on occupation- Grade Mode: P, N specific terminology and communication skills with common phrases for interacting with clients or future employers Topics include basic tools and equipment, units ESLV 2031 VESL: GREEN LANDSCAPING AND of measurement, construction materials, and workplace GARDENING, MODULE B readiness. Total of 54 hours lecture. Development of vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, Grade Mode: P, N and writing skills of beginning-high to advanced ESL students interested in careers in green gardening and ESLV 1013 VESL: GREEN CONSTRUCTION, MODULE B landscaping. Emphasis on occupation-specific terminology Development of reading, speaking, listening, and writing and communication skills for interacting with clients or skills of beginning-high to advanced ESL students for employers. Topics include landscape planning, irrigation careers in green construction. Emphasis on occupation- systems, graywater and stormwater capture, tools, air specific terminology and communication skills with quality, workplace safety, and employment opportunities. common phrases for interacting with clients or future Total of 54 hours lecture. employers. Topics include communicating with supervisors Grade Mode: P, N and coworkers, basic safety, protective clothing and gear, safety signs, and worker rights. Total of 54 hours lecture. ESLV 3000 VESL: CHILD CARE PROVIDER, Grade Mode: P, N MODULE A Development of vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, ESLV 1014 VESL: GREEN HOUSEKEEPING, and writing skills of beginning-high to advanced ESL MODULE A students interested in careers in child care, child Development of vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, development, or early childhood education. Emphasis on and writing skills of beginning-low to intermediate-high occupation-specific terminology and communication skills ESL students interested in careers in green housekeeping. for interacting with children, families, and co-workers. Emphasis on occupation-specific terminology and Topics include basic child care vocabulary, effective communication skills for interacting with employers communication in child care settings, health and safety in residential settings. Topics include “going green,” in home and center-based programs, daily schedules, household items, cleaning supplies and equipment, eco- completing reports, and using children’s books, games, friendly cleaning solutions, following directions, using and songs effectively. Total of 54 hours lecture. checklists, and communicating about tasks, problems, Grade Mode: P, N repairs and work schedules. Total of 54 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N

PAGE 590 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 ESLV 3001 VESL: CHILD CARE PROVIDER, written on-the-job communication skills, critical thinking, MODULE B team building and problem solving. Total of 72 hours Development of vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, lecture. and writing skills of beginning-high to advanced ESL Grade Mode: P, N students interested in careers in child care, child development, or early childhood education. Emphasis on occupation-specific terminology and communication skills for interacting with children, families, and co-workers. General Educational Development Topics include developmental milestones for infants, toddlers and preschoolers, strategies for working with children at different stages of development, effective GED 4001 LANGUAGE ARTS observations of child care programs, and career pathways. Preparation in the language arts for students preparing Total of 54 hours lecture for the General Educational Development (GED) exam. Pro- Grade Mode: P, N vides instruction in reading comprehension, grammar, and writing the extended response essay, using successful test- ESLV 4000 VESL: HEALTH CARE, MODULE A taking strategies and hands-on online testing practice. Development of vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, Upon completion and demonstration of competence in the and writing skills of intermediate to advanced ESL course, students may continue GED preparation or advance students interested in careers in health care. Emphasis to develop skills for the workplace and to prepare for fu- on occupation-specific terminology and communication ture educational opportunities. Total of 36 hours lecture. skills for interacting in a health care environment. Topics Grade Mode: P, N include basic medical terminology, basic anatomy, health problems and remedies, and health care occupations and GED 4002 MATHEMATICS career pathways. Total of 108 hours lecture. Preparation in mathematics for students preparing for the Grade Mode: P, N General Education Development (GED) exam in Mathemat- ics. Provides instruction in quantitative and Algebraic ESLV 4001 VESL: HEALTH CARE, MODULE B problem solving. Skill building in test taking strategies Development of vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, to respond to questions on the GED exam in mathematical and writing skills of intermediate to advanced ESL reasoning. Upon completion and demonstration of compe- students interested in careers in health care. Emphasis tence in the course, students may continue GED prepara- on occupation-specific terminology and communication tion or advance to develop skills for the workplace and to skills for interacting in a health care environment. Topics prepare for future educational opportunities. Total of 36 include entry-level health care worker job duties such as hours lecture. the activities of daily living, standard precautions, vital Grade Mode: P, N signs, nutrition, safety, emergencies, and navigating health care facilities. Total of 108 hours lecture. GED 4003 SCIENCE Grade Mode: P, N Preparation in science for students preparing for the Gen- eral Education Development (GED) exam in science. Pro- vides instruction in biology, physiology, chemistry, earth, ESLV 5000 VESL WORK READINESS AND and space science. Skill building in test taking strategies COMMUNICATION SKILLS, MODULE A for multiple choice and short answer response questions Language, communication and cultural skills for successful on the GED exam. Upon completion and demonstration employment. Topics include workplace vocabulary, career of competence in the course, students may continue GED planning, goal setting, self-assessment, job search, preparation or advance to develop skills for the workplace applications, resumes, and cover letters. Total of 72 hours and to prepare for future educational opportunities. Total lecture. of 36 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N Grade Mode: P, N

ESLV 5001 VESL WORK READINESS AND GED 4004 SOCIAL STUDIES COMMUNICATION SKILLS, MODULE B Preparation in social studies for students preparing for the Language, communication and cultural skills for successful General Education Development (GED) exam. Provides re- employment. Topics include workplace vocabulary, view in U.S. history, global history, economics, civics and job interviews, employee benefits, employment forms, government, and geography using successful test-taking workplace culture and etiquette, workers’ rights, oral and strategies and hands-on online testing practice for mul-

PAGE 591 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 tiple choice and extended response questions. Upon com- course, students may continue GED preparation or advance pletion and demonstration of competence in the course, to develop skills for the workplace; and to prepare for fu- students may continue GED preparation or advance to de- ture educational opportunities. Total of 36 hours lecture. velop skills for the workplace and to prepare for future Grade Mode: P, N educational opportunities. Total of 36 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N

GED 4101 LANGUAGE ARTS - BILINGUAL Graphic Design Preparation in the language arts for students preparing for the General Education Development (GED) Spanish exam. GRFN 3001 BASIC GRAPHIC DESIGN Provides instruction in reading comprehension, grammar, Introduction to the basic principles of graphic design and writing the extended response essay, using successful and design production. Emphasis placed on basic layouts, test-taking strategies and hands-on online testing prac- fundamentals of typography, and scanning software for tice. Upon completion and demonstration of competence the pre-press production environment. Total of 36 hours in the course, students may continue GED preparation or lecture and 14 hours of laboratory. advance to develop skills for the workplace and to prepare Grade Mode: P, N for future educational opportunities. Total of 36 hours lec- ture. GRFN 3002 FUNDAMENTALS OF GRAPHICS AND Grade Mode: P, N PRODUCTION Designing graphics, introduction to document creation for GED 4102 MATHEMATICS - BILINGUAL print, effective use of graphics and type in web design. Preparation in mathematics for students preparing for the Emphasis in exploring strategies for developing personal General Education Development (GED) Spanish exam in design portfolios, and careers in graphic design. Total of Mathematics. Provides instruction in quantitative and Al- 36 hours lecture and 14 hours laboratory. gebraic problem solving. Skill building in test taking strat- Grade Mode: P, N egies to respond to questions on the GED exam in math- ematical reasoning. Upon completion and demonstration of competence in the course, students may continue GED Immigration preparation or advance to develop skills for the workplace and to prepare for future educational opportunities. Total of 36 hours lecture. IMME 1000 CITIZENSHIP Grade Mode: P, N Preparation of non-citizens for naturalization. Short term class. Total of 32 hours lecture. GED 4103 SCIENCE - BILINGUAL Grade Mode: P, N Preparation in science for students preparing for the Gen- eral Education Development (GED) Spanish exam in sci- IMME 3000 CITIZENSHIP PREPARATION ence. Provides instruction in biology, physiology, chemis- Preparation for United States citizenship by navigating try, earth, and space science. Skill building in test taking through the Naturalization process including preparation strategies for multiple choice and short answer response for taking the four tests for citizenship, the Oath of questions on the Spanish GED exam. Upon completion and Allegiance, and by having the language skills and demonstration of competence in the course, students may knowledge to live as productive citizens. Total of 40 hours continue GED preparation or advance to develop skills for of lecture. the workplace and to prepare for future educational op- Grade Mode: P, N portunities. Total of 36 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N IMME 3001 DEVELOPMENT OF LITERACY SKILLS FOR NATIVE SPANISH SPEAKERS GED 4104 SOCIAL STUDIES - BILINGUAL Development of Spanish literacy skills for native speakers. Preparation in social studies for students preparing for Includes reading, writing, and survival skills necessary the General Education Development (GED) Spanish exam. for success in workplace, academic and social settings. Provides review in U.S. history, global history, economics, Designed for native Spanish speakers. Total of 50 hours civics and government, and geography using successful lecture and 10 hours laboratory. test-taking strategies and hands-on online testing prac- Grade Mode: P, N tice for multiple choice and extended response questions. Upon completion and demonstration of competence in the

PAGE 592 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 IMME 3002 ENGLISH FOR WRITTEN DRIVER’S TEST MAN 5000 MEDICAL FRONT OFFICE CLERK: Preparation for the written driving test in English while OFFICE PROCEDURES acquiring the essential vocabulary needed to understand Introduction to medical office procedures in preparation the questions and answers. Procedures for taking the test for entry-level positions in a medical front office setting. at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) as well as the Includes medical terminology, medical transcription, rules when driving in California. Total of 25 hours lecture. medical billing and coding, patient confidentiality, and Grade Mode: P, N workforce preparation skills. Keyboarding experience advised. Total of 80 hours lecture and 10 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: P, N

Learning Assistance Center MAN 5001 SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS FOR MEDICAL FRONT OFFICE SETTINGS LAC 3031 SUPERVISED TUTORING Introduction to software applications for individuals Individualized or small group tutoring for students needing entering the medical front office setting. Provides a additional knowledge and study skills to succeed in regular basic introduction to spreadsheets, accounts receivable, course work. insurance entry, patient demographic entry, and scheduling Grade Mode: P, N systems as they apply to the medical front office. Keyboarding experience advised. Total of 36 hours lecture LAC 3033 LEARNING ASSISTANCE and 108 hours laboratory. Skills development for individual students through the use Grade Mode: P, N of technology in supervised learning centers. Designed to supplement classroom instruction through activities suggested by faculty to improve learning. Total of 450 Older Adults hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N OLAD 2900 SEWING TECHNIQUES FOR OLDER ADULTS Designed for older adult students with all levels of sewing Medical Office abilities. Emphasis on the development and use of good sewing techniques to build confidence for task completion, craft-related problem-solving skills, including appropriate MAN 1001 INTRODUCTION: MEDICAL application of some speed-sewing techniques, the use of INTERPRETATION & TRANSLATION, commercial patterns, proper fit, and independent creation MODULE A of patterns for personal projects to support social/ Introduction to basic skills for translation and interpretation personal. Total of 54 hours lecture. during medical visits and procedures. Topics include Grade Mode: P, N medical terminology, discussions of cultural sensitivity and ethics related to the medical interpreter and translator, college academic programs, and job opportunities in OLAD 2901 CREATIVE STITCHERY FOR interpretation and translation in a medical setting. Total OLDER ADULTS of 20 hours lecture and 40 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: P, N Designed to cover a wide range of hand embroidery and stitchery techniques for seniors which include making wall MAN 1002 INTRODUCTION: MEDICAL hangings, pictures, pillows, and other decorative items. INTERPRETATION & TRANSLATION, To enhance stitchery as an art form, various threads and MODULE B materials will also be used in the finished item. Short Introduction to techniques for written translation, term class. Total of 32 hours lecture. simultaneous, consecutive, summary interpreting and Grade Mode: P, N sight translation for assisting patients, nurses, doctors, and administrators in a medical setting. Topics include OLAD 3120 LIFE REVIEW translation techniques, and requirements for state and Emphasizes life review through the modalities of the federal medical interpretation certification. Total of 20 oral tradition of storytelling and written journal memoir. hours lecture and 40 hours laboratory. Techniques for creative writing and verbal story-craft are Grade Mode: P, N used as activities for preservation of personal and family history that supports self-actualization in older adults

PAGE 593 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 through memory/cognitive stimulation, creativity, and with small children that promotes effective communication, social activities. Total of 27 hours lecture. child rearing, and family development in a contemporary Grade Mode: P, N American culture. Encourages a participatory role in the school and the community. Total of 32 hours lecture. OLAD 3371 MUSIC APPRECIATION AND Grade Mode: P, N PARTICIPATION FOR OLDER ADULTS Music appreciation for older adults. Emphasis on the PAR 7617A YOUR GROWING 2-YEAR-OLD development of active listening skills and the enjoyment Parents learn about the reality of, and the reasons for of music in relation to art, culture, history, and popular the behavior of the two-year old - known as the first music. Music activities with the older adult population adolescence. The unique needs of that child and that provide cognitive, social, and physical benefits as a result child’s caring adults, and ways to meet these needs will of stimulation of brain pathways using music and exercise be discussed. An emphasis will be on communication and of memory associated with the auditory cortex. Total 36 listening skills, as well as the uniqueness of each child, hours lecture. adult, and family. The child accompanying the enrolled Grade Mode: P, N adult student must be two years old by September 1 of the current school year. Total of 32 hours lecture and 16 hours OLAD 3379 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN ART FOR laboratory. OLDER ADULTS A comprehensive survey of Europe’s cultural achievements Grade More: P,N from Charlemagne and the Middle Ages, to World War II. This visually stimulating course meets a need for adventure PAR 7617B YOUR GROWING 3-YEAR-OLD while providing numerous opportunities to expand memory Parents and their three-year old children attend classes retention. Short term class. Total of 24 hours lecture. together in a supportive, stimulating, age appropriate Grade Mode: P, N environment. Designed to emphasize effective communication and parenting skills that encourage OLAD 3380 TAI-CHI CHU’AN FOR OLDER ADULTS positive family interaction. The child accompanying the This course introduces older adults to a Chinese health adult student must be three years old as of September 1 of exercise which is neither vigorous nor strenuous. It is the current school year. Total of 32 hours lecture and 16 suitable for older adults who want to exercise to gain or hours laboratory. maintain good health. It will strengthen the muscles and Grade More: P,N organs, relax the mind and body, improve blood circulation, and increase memory and concentration. Short term class. Total of 24 hours lecture. PAR 7617C GETTING YOUR 4-YEAR-OLD READY FOR Grade Mode: P, N KINDERGARTEN Parents and their four-year old children attend classes together in a supportive, stimulating, age appropriate Parenting environment. The stages of child development of the four-year old, aspects of child self-esteem and effective PAR 7603 PARENT EDUCATION DISCUSSION parenting skills are explored. Designed to emphasize the GROUPS – PRESCHOOL AGE parental role in the school process and deciding if the Human growth and development with primary emphasis on child is kindergarten ready. The child accompanying the the preschool age child. Parent roles and self-understand- enrolled adult must be four years old as of December 2 of ing; parental values and goals; family communication; the current school year. Total of 32 hours lecture and 16 analysis of varying philosophies of child rearing; health hours laboratory. and nutrition; societal influences on the home. Total of 64 Grade More: P,N hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N PAR 7618A STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT: 2 YEARS OLD PAR 7608 PARENT EDUCATION DISCUSSION Parents and their two-year old children attend classes GROUPS – CHILD, FAMILY, SCHOOL together in a supportive, stimulating, age appropriate Designed for parents who have a limited background in environment. Students will engage in course material that English. Parents learn and recognize basic daily English covers child development theory, recognize milestones, so that they can transmit improved literacy skills to their create healthy family habits, and support child’s optimal children and family. Provides an environment for adults growth and development. The child accompanying the

PAGE 594 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 adult student must be two years old as of September 1st student must be 13 through 17 months by September 1 of the current school year. Total of 32 hours lecture and of the current school year. Total of 32 hours lecture and 16 hours laboratory. 16 hours laboratory. Grade Mode: P, N Grade Mode: P, N

PAR 7618B YOUR GROWING FAMILY: 0-5 YEARS OLD PAR 7681B PARENTING YOUR TODDLER: Parents and their children attend classes together in a 18-23 MONTHS supportive, stimulating, age appropriate environment to Parents observe, record, and discuss the development of learn effective discipline, sibling relationship strategies, the 18- through 23-month-old child to understand their and optimal family dynamics. Total of 32 hours lecture and child’s needs and develop stronger and more positive 16 hours laboratory. parental skills to help the child build self-esteem and Grade Mode: P, N confidence. Parents will discover with the child in an age-appropriate environment the many ways of learning PAR 7680A INFANT PARENTING: 0-6 MONTHS through music, creative activities, play, and social Parents with infant children participate in weekly class interaction. Parents will share ideas, resources, and meetings to learn principles of child development, information. The child accompanying the enrolled adult communication, and problem solving, creating positive student must be 18 through 23 months by September 1 parent-child interaction. The child accompanying the of the current school year. Total of 32 hours lecture and enrolled adult student must be birth-6 months by 16 hours laboratory. September 1 of the current school year. Total of 48 hours Grade Mode: P, N lecture. Grade Mode: P, N PAR 7682 PARENTING YOUR PRESCHOOL AGE CHILD: 2-4 YEARS OLD PAR 7680B PARENTING IN THE FIRST YEAR: Parents and their pre-school children, ages two to pre- 0-12 MONTHS OLD kindergarten, attend weekly classes together in a Parents with infant children participate in weekly class supportive, stimulating, anti-bias environment. Discussion meetings to learn principles of child development, on child growth and development, communication, and communication, and problem-solving, creating positive problem solving to create positive family interaction. parent-child interaction. The child accompanying the Children accompanying the enrolled adult student must be enrolled adult student must be birth-12 months after 2 years to 4 years as of September 1 of the current September 1 of the current school year. Total of 48 hours school year. Total of 32 hours lecture and 16 hours lecture. laboratory. Grade Mode: P, N Grade Mode: P, N

PAR 7680C INFANT PARENTING: 7-12 MONTHS PAR 7683 MULTI-AGE PARENTING: 0-5 YEARS OLD Parents observe, record, and discuss the development of Parents with pre-school age children participate in weekly the 7- through 12-month-old child to learn principles class meetings to learn principles of child development, of child development, communication, and problem communication, problem-solving, and family interaction. solving, creating positive parent-child interaction. The The child accompanying the enrolled adult student must child actively explores every aspect of his/her world. The be birth to 4 years old by December 2 of current school child accompanying the enrolled adult student must be year. Total of 32 hours lecture and 16 hours of laboratory. 7 through 12 months by September 1 of the current Grade Mode: P, N school year. Total of 48 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N PAR 7684 PARENT EDUCATION DISCUSSION GROUPS – COURT MANDATED PAR 7681A PARENTING YOUR TODDLER: Designed for parents who have been assigned by the 13-17 MONTHS courts to attend a parent education discussion group. Parents with children ages 13 through 17 months participate Emphasis on family dynamics, developmental stages of in weekly class meetings to learn principles of child children, communication and discipline, developing self- development, discipline philosophies, communication and esteem in children, and stress management for parents. strengthening family relationships. Particular emphasis Community resources of support and guidance. Meets court will be given to learning to understand the child’s requirement. Short term class. Total of 32 hours lecture. emerging motor skills, language acquisition and drive to Grade Mode: P, N independence. The child accompanying the enrolled adult

PAGE 595 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 PAR 7685 PARENT EDUCATION DAD’S CLASS abuse, and workforce preparation. Total of 70 hours Fathers or other male caregivers participate in weekly lecture. class meetings with children to learn principles of child Grade Mode: P, N development, discipline philosophies, communication and strengthening family relationships. Particular emphasis PCAN 3001 PERSONAL CARE ATTENDANT II: will be placed on the unique skills men bring to parenting DEMENTIA AND END OF LIFE CARE as gender differences, societal expectations and family Introduction to care giving needs for patients with histories are addressed. Child accompanying the enrolled dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, associated with adult must be 18 months to 4 years old by September 1 end of life care. Emphasis on types of causes of dementia, of the current school year. Short term class. Total of 32 principles of end-of-life-care, advance planning, emotional hours lecture. issues related to death and dying, cultural diversity, and Grade Mode: P, N community resources to support families and caregivers. Total of 36 hours lecture. PAR 7686 SYSTEMATIC TRAINING FOR EFFECTIVE Grade Mode: P, N PARENTING OF PRESCHOOLERS Designed for parents of pre-school age children, birth to 5 years old. Parents learn to understand children and Paralegal Translation gain skills for effective parenting. Emphasis on parent interaction with materials and each other to learn sound PLGN 1001 INTRODUCTION: LEGAL child-rearing principles. Short term class. Total of 16 INTERPRETATION & TRANSLATION, hours lecture. MODULE A Grade Mode: P, N Introduction to basic skills for interpretation and translation in the legal field. Topics include legal PAR 7687 SYSTEMATIC TRAINING/EFFECTIVE terminology, discussions of cultural sensitivity and ethics PARENTING OF SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN related to the legal interpreter and translator, college Designed for parents of pre-school age children, birth academic programs, and job opportunities in interpretation to 5 years old. Parents learn to understand children and and translation in a legal setting. Total of 20 hours lecture gain skills for effective parenting. Emphasis on parent and 40 hours laboratory. interaction with materials and each other to learn sound Grade Mode: P, N child-rearing principles. Short term class. Total of 16 hours lecture. PLGN 1002 INTRODUCTION: LEGAL Grade Mode: P, N INTERPRETATION & TRANSLATION, MODULE B PAR 7688 SYSTEMATIC TRAINING FOR EFFECTIVE Introduction to techniques for written translations, PARENTING OF TEENS simultaneous, consecutive, summary interpreting, and Designed to provide systematic training for improving sight translation for assisting judges, attorneys, law parent-teen relationships. Parent learns to understand enforcement, and individuals in court proceedings. Topics teenagers and gain skills for effective parenting. The include translation techniques, and requirements for state parenting program helps parents find realistic, effective, and federal judicial interpretation certification. Total of 20 and enjoyable ways to relate to the emerging young adults hours lecture and 40 hours laboratory. in their family. Total of 16 hours lecture. Grade Mode: P, N Grade Mode: P, N

Special Education Assistant Personal Care Attendant SPEA 3410 THE INCLUSIVE SPECIAL EDUCATION PCAN 3000 PERSONAL CARE ATTENDANT I: CLASSROOM BASIC CARE Examination of inclusive education, the Individuals Introduction to entry-level Personal Care Attendant skills, with Disabilities Act (IDEA), and the responsibilities of including non-medically directed personal care and home the Special Education Paraprofessional to support the management activities. Emphasis on understanding general and special education instructors in the inclusive and working with older patients, care giver ethics and classroom. Total of 36 hours of lecture. skills, home safety, physical movement, communication, Grade Mode: P, N nutrition, medical guidelines, elder and dependent adult

PAGE 596 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021 SPEA 3420 EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Workplace Readiness FOR THE SPECIAL EDUCATION PARAPROFESSIONAL WRKP 2101 WORKPLACE READINESS: Exploration of various instructional strategies and tech- CONTEXTUALIZED ENGLISH SKILLS niques implemented by a special education paraprofes- Focus on developing the English language skills required in sional to support classroom instruction. Examination of a target industry, Career and Technical Education training the most effective, research based teaching strategies for program, pre-apprenticeship, or apprenticeship program. students with special needs. Total of 36 hours lecture. Topics include industry-specific vocabulary, reading, Grade Mode: P, N writing, listening, speaking and study skills. Total of 18 to 72 hours of lecture. SPEA 3430 UNDERSTANDING THE IEP PROCESS Grade Mode: P, N Development of a student-centered individualized educa- tion plan (IEP) and the role that the special education WRKP 2102 WORKPLACE READINESS: paraprofessional fulfills throughout the school year in pro- CONTEXTUALIZED MATH SKILLS viding structured assistance for the special education stu- Focus on developing the practical math skills required for dent. Examination of federal and state special education students in a target industry, Career and Technical Educa- laws. Emphasis on teamwork as a member of the IEP team. tion training program, pre-apprenticeship, or apprentice- Total of 36 hours of lecture. ship program to perform calculations and measurements. Grade Mode: P, N Total 18 to 72 hours of lecture. Grade Mode: P, N SPEA 3440 ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY IN THE SPECIAL EDUCATION CLASSROOM WRKP 2103 WORKPLACE READINESS: The use of assistive technology to support the special CAREER AND JOB SKILLS education student in the academic setting. Creation of Focus on preparing students to apply for or maintain a job equitable learning environments for students with various in a career or technical field or enter a Career and Tech- types of disabilities within the K-12 classroom. Total of 36 nical Education training program, pre-apprenticeship, or hours of lecture. apprenticeship program. Total of 18 to 45 hours of lecture. Grade Mode: P, N Grade Mode: P, N

SPEA 3450 SPECIAL EDUCATION PARAPROFESSIONAL IN THE CLASSROOM For students in the Special Education Paraprofessional ADDITIONAL SERVICES Level 1 certificate program. Supervised, practical experi- ence in a K-12 classroom. During the course seminar ses- Student Success Center sions, students will reflect upon their practice as a special The Student Success Center (SSC) at CEC offers students education paraprofessional as well as analyze and discuss individualized support across the curriculum for noncredit case scenarios. Total of 16 hours of lecture and 20 hours of instruction. Tutoring, supplemental materials, and unpaid field experience. independent skill improvement are provided for students, Grade Mode: P, N particularly in ESL, Adult Basic Education (ABE), Adult High School Diploma Program (AHSD), GED, and Career- SPEA 3460 PREPARING FOR THE INSTRUCTIONAL Technical Education programs. Students can utilize ASSISTANT EXAMINATION tutoring, computerized educational programs, videos, Preparation for the ETS computerized ParaPro Assessment audiocassettes, books, and other multimedia educational or any Title 1 Unified School District’s developed proficiency resources. exam for instructional assistants. Includes understanding of the reading, writing, and mathematical skill sets that Disabled Student Programs and Services are generally examined within instructional assistant (DSPS) exams. Total of 36 hours of lecture. Grade Mode: P, N DSPS provides assistance and guidance for students with hearing, learning, physical, speech, or visual disabilities.

The Learning Assistance Center (LAC) at CEC offers students individualized support across the curriculum for noncredit instruction. Tutoring, supplemental materials, and independent skill improvement are provided for

PAGE 597 PCC CATALOG 2020-2021