anuscripts on my mind News from the No. 23 January 2018 ❧ Editor’s Remarks ❧ Exhibitions ❧ Queries and Musings ❧ Conferences and Symposia ❧ New Publications, etc. ❧ Editor’s Remarks ear colleagues and manuscript lovers: My best Greetings and Happy 2018! I begin this issue with Da question to all paleographers and codicologists who may chance to read it: in your opinion, how con- temporary with the manuscript itself is the mend and text replacement on the image at right? Would it coin- cide with the addition of the gloss? How skillful is/are the scribe(s) who have imitated the gloss script in the lower portion of the mend; were the replacement let- ters done by the original gloss scribe, or by a later indi- vidual? Did the tear that occasioned the repair occur at the time the gloss was being written? I am trying to un- derstand the medieval criteria for making repairs. It is in- teresting that the repairer restored not only a tie mark for the gloss, but also the decorative bracket alongside 6 lines of gloss text in the lower righthand gloss column. Have you any ideas, observations, or technical input? Is there any bibliography on medieval repair practices for Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. 2109, fol. 30r the manuscript page? Please send me thoughts or infor- Justinian, Institutes mation you might have by email:
[email protected] The deadline for submission of proposals to the Sixth Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Stud- ies, June 18–20, 2018, at Saint Louis University has been extended to the end of January, as has the deadline for the 45th Saint Louis Conference on Manuscript Studies that will take place within it.