
J. Phycol. 46, 860–867 (2010) Ó 2010 Phycological Society of America DOI: 10.1111/j.1529-8817.2010.00874.x



David Haig2 Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA

The charophyte are the closest living rela- Toward the end of the century, zoologists discov- tives of land . Their life cycles are usually ered that ova and had half the number of characterized as haploid with zygotic . This chromosomes of somatic cells, and botanists deter- conclusion, however, is based on a small number of mined that the sexual generation of land plants had observations and on theoretical assumptions about half the number of chromosomes of the asexual what kinds of life cycle are possible. Little is known generation (Farley 1982). Therefore, the life cycles about the life cycles of most charophytes, but unu- of both plants and were seen to alternate sual phenomena have been reported in compara- between two nuclear phases with a 2-fold difference tively well-studied taxa: and Sirogonium are in chromosome number. The reduction in chromo- reported to produce diploid with synapsis some number was immediately followed by syngamy of homologous chromosomes before fusion of in animals. Therefore, all cells except gametes were gametic nuclei; Closterium ehrenbergii is reported to diploid. However, in land plants, chromosome undergo chromosome reduction both before and reduction and syngamy were both followed by a ser- after syngamy; and of scutata are ies of cell divisions such that the life cycle contained reported to replicate their DNA to high levels both multicellular haploid and diploid phases. before a series of reduction divisions. All of these The recognition of an alternation of haploid and phenomena require confirmation, as does the con- diploid phases changed the way the alternation of ventional account. generations was conceptualized. The sexual (game- tophyte) generation of land plants was haploid, and Key index words: alternation of generations; Chara; the asexual (sporophyte) generation was diploid, charophyte; Closterium; Coleochaete;meiosis;Spi- but this close correspondence did not apply to the rogyra;syngamy sexual and asexual generations of algae. For exam- Abbreviations: C, the amount of DNA in an unre- ple, zoospore-producing and -producing plicated haploid ; G, the amount of DNA thalli of Coleochaete both develop from zoospores in a gametic nucleus immediately prior to karyog- and presumably have the same chromosome num- amy ber. Before the discovery of an alternation of nuclear phases, these thalli were viewed as repre- senting an alternation of asexual and sexual genera- Nineteenth-century botanists recognized an alter- tions, but since the discovery, the two kinds of thalli nation of asexual and sexual generations. An asex- have increasingly been conceptualized as a single ual generation produced offspring that developed kind of thallus, a haploid (gametophytic) genera- from a single cell (), whereas a sexual genera- tion with alternative reproductive modes (Haig tion produced offspring that developed from the 2008). union of two cells (gametes). For land plants, the When botanists set out to understand how chro- two kinds of generations had contrasting morpho- mosome number changed during algal life cycles, logies, but, among algae, sexual and asexual genera- most implicitly assumed that algae would exhibit a tions were sometimes indistinguishable apart from similar alternation between haploid and diploid their reproductive structures. For example, vegeta- nuclear phases (Renner 1916). Therefore, a life tive thalli of Coleochaete sometimes reproduced by cycle would be defined by whether mitotic divisions zoospores, in which case the thallus was an asexual followed the reduction division, creating a multicel- generation, and sometimes by gametes, in which lular haploid phase, and whether mitotic divisions case the thallus was a sexual generation (Haig followed syngamy, creating a multicellular diploid 2008). phase. Algal life cycles were expected to follow ‘‘rules’’ established in land plants, and their descrip- tions were often shoe-horned into an ill-fitting ter- minology suited to land plants rather than 1Received 25 September 2009. Accepted 26 February 2010. 2Author for correspondence: e-mail [email protected]. described in their own terms.


One of the principal reasons for studying algal (a) life cycles was the hope that such studies would shed 4C light on the origin of the sporophyte of land plants. Interpretation, however, was hampered by uncer- 2C tainty about algal phylogeny. Molecular phylogenies now unequivocally establish that were 1C derived from within the charophyte algae (Karol et al. 2001, Qiu et al. 2007; I use ‘‘charophyte’’ in the broad sense of Lewis and McCourt 2004 and use (b) ‘‘stonewort’’ to refer to the members of the Cha- 4C rales). Charophyte algae are generally believed to 2C possess life cycles in which vegetative cells are hap- loid and zygotes are the only diploid cells. There- 1C fore, such a life cycle has been inferred to have been present in the algal ancestors of embryophytes and to support the ‘‘antithetic’’ theory for the ori- (c) gin of sporophytes (Blackwell 2003, Donoghue 4C 2005, Haig 2008, Becker and Marin 2009). Common knowledge is sometimes collective mis- 2C information, and it is worthwhile to occasionally subject what everybody knows to critical reappraisal. 1C This paper reviews more than a century of studies Fig. 1. Conventional interpretations of algal life cycles. Each of charophyte life cycles and finds few observations life cycle is represented as proceeding from a zygotic nucleus that have been replicated by multiple observers. I (square) to a gametic nucleus (circle). Rising solid lines repre- conclude that something like the standard interpre- sent the increase in DNA content during a . Dotted lines tation may be true for some forms, although sup- represent the decrease in DNA content per nucleus at cell divi- sion. is associated with a halving of DNA content at a sin- porting evidence is flimsy, and that the diversity of gle division, whereas meiosis is associated with a reduction to charophyte algae is likely to encompass a corre- one-quarter over the course of two divisions. (a) Life cycle with sponding diversity of life cycles, some of which will zygotic meiosis. DNA content is raised to the 4C level after syn- not fit neatly into conventional categories. gamy. Meiosis reduces DNA content to the 1C level. Haploid nuclei alternate between the 1C and 2C level of DNA. (b) Life Changes in DNA content. The default assumption, cycle with multicellular diploid and haploid phases. After syn- since the discovery of an alternation of nuclear gamy, DNA content of diploid nuclei alternates between the 2C phases, has been that sexual life cycles operate at and 4C levels. Meiosis reduces DNA content to the 1C level. Hap- two levels. The amount of DNA in a nucleus loid nuclei alternate between the 1C and 2C levels. (c) Life cycle doubles during the course of a conventional cell with gametogenic meiosis. Diploid nuclei alternate between 2C and 4C levels. Meiosis produces 1C gametic nuclei. cycle and then is reduced by half at mitosis. There- fore, the alternation of haploid and diploid phases has been assumed to imply an alternation between 4C and 2C levels in diploids, and between 2C and et al. 1994, Garbary and Clarke 2002). Among 1C levels in haploids, where C is the amount of charophyte algae, 8-fold or higher reduction has DNA in an unreplicated haploid genome. If meiosis been reported in the of Coleochaete immediately follows syngamy, then the is the (Hopkins and McBride 1976) and in somatic cells only diploid cell in the life cycle and all other cells of Chara (Shen 1967). are haploid (Fig. 1a). If meiosis and syngamy are As I do not wish to assume that charophyte life both followed by mitosis, then the life cycle contains cycles are ‘‘well-behaved,’’ I will use 2G to refer to both vegetative haploid and vegetative diploid cells the amount of DNA in a zygotic nucleus immedi- (Fig. 1b). If meiosis immediately precedes syngamy, ately after karyogamy and 1G to refer to the amount then gametes are the only haploid cells and all of DNA in gametic nuclei immediately prior to kary- other cells are diploid (Fig. 1c). ogamy. The latter is not necessarily equal to 1C, the Haploid–diploid alternation requires mechanisms amount of DNA in an unreplicated haploid gen- for doubling DNA content (DNA replication and ome, because gametic DNA may have replicated syngamy) and mechanisms for halving DNA content prior to karyogamy, or gametes may contain more (meiosis I, meiosis II, and mitosis) that are suffi- than one haploid genome. I will use ‘‘meiosis’’ to cient, in theory, to allow life cycles that encompass refer to a sequence of two (or more) divisions with- more than three levels of DNA content per nucleus. out intervening synthesis of DNA. Indeed, 8-fold or greater reduction in chromatin Charophyte life cycles. Little is known about the life content has been reported in nuclear cycles from cycles of most charophyte algae. Sexual pyrsonymphids (Hollande and Carruette-Valentin has never been described in significant taxa such 1970), (Le´cher 1978), (Goff as viridis and atmophyticus. and Coleman 1986), and (Garman Syngamy has been reported in 862 DAVID HAIG globosum (Thompson 1969) and Klebsormidium flacci- cation), with DNA synthesis occurring in 0.5G dum (Wille 1912), but these descriptions provide no gametic nuclei to bring them up to 1G before kary- information about germination of or ogamy (Fig. 2a). Gametic nuclei contain bivalents, about chromosome numbers at different life-history each of four chromatids, before karyogamy. There- stages. Below, I review evidence from a few select fore, G is at least 4C, and the zygotic nucleus at taxa where more-detailed studies exist. least 8C. Spirogyra and Sirogonium: Molecular phylogenies The sequence could also be interpreted as fusion place Spirogyra and Sirogonium in a clade that is sister of tetraploid gametes (4n = 12) to produce an octo- to the remainder of the conjugating ploid zygote (8n = 24) with reduction to tetraploidy (Hall et al. 2008). Prior to syngamy, the protoplast in two divisions. Evidence that gametic nuclei of of a ‘‘male’’ gamete is transferred via a conjugation Sp. crassa might contain four haploid sets of three tube into the of a ‘‘female’’ gamete. A chromosomes comes from Sp. crassa X, a strain that zygospore is formed after fusion of the two protop- resembles Sp. crassa except that cells are smaller and lasts. The zygotic nucleus divides twice to produce gametic nuclei contain six, rather than 12, chromo- four nuclei, each with the gametic chromosome somes (Harada and Yamagishi 1984). In this strain, number. Three of the four nuclei degenerate. Ger- three bivalents are formed in each gametic nucleus mination of the zygospore releases a single germling before karyogamy. The meiotic divisions then pro- containing the surviving nucleus (Godward 1961). duce a single germling with six chromosomes, three The conventional interpretation of this life cycle derived from each parent. is that it involves union between haploid gametes to Many years previously, Tro¨ndle (1911) had also produce a diploid zygote, followed by meiosis to reported synapsis in gametic nuclei of Spirogyra restore haploidy (Fig. 1a). Harada and Yamagishi neglecta. After karyogamy, 12 bivalents (each of four (1981, 1984) describe nuclear behavior in six strains chromatids) were present on the metaphase plate. of Spirogyra and Sirogonium that challenges this sim- Twelve half-bivalents moved to opposite poles at first ple interpretation. Synapsis of homologs was anaphase, and then 12 chromatids moved to each observed before fusion of gametic nuclei, with kary- ogamy delayed until late prophase I. Spirogyra crassa will serve as an exemplar. Gametic nuclei contained (a) 12 chromosomes. After syngamy, but before karyog- amy, six bivalents were formed in each gametic 2G nucleus. Only then did the gametic nuclei fuse so that the metaphase plate contained 12 bivalents 1G each containing four chromatids. Twelve half-biva- 0.5G lents separated to opposite poles at the first division of the zygospore nucleus, which was immediately followed by separation of the chromatids of the half-bivalents at the second division. Three of the (b) resulting nuclei aborted, leaving a single nucleus with 12 chromosomes. 4G The above sequence could be interpreted as the fusion of diploid gametes (2n = 12) to produce a 2G tetraploid zygote (4n = 24) with subsequent reduc- tion to diploidy. As a result, the diploid germling 1G receives a haploid set of chromosomes (n = 6) from each parent. The diploid gametic essen- (c) tially undergo meiosis in parallel, because nowhere in the process is there pairing, followed by segrega- tion, of homologous segments from the two 4G gametes. Mendelian segregation would be limited to separation of ‘‘grandparental’’ alleles that came 2G together in zygospores of the previous generation. The amount of DNA per nucleus has not been 1G measured at different stages of the life cycle, but I Fig. 2. Unusual life cycles reported in charophyte algae. (a) will present a hypothesis that is compatible with the In Spirogyra, DNA replication and synapsis occur before fusion of cytological observations. The zygotic nucleus (2G by gametic nuclei. Syngamy is directly followed by zygotic meiosis. definition) undergoes two divisions, apparently with- (b) In Closterium ehrenbergii, DNA replicates after syngamy, fol- out DNA replication, to produce four nuclei (0.5G), lowed by zygotic meiosis. Meiotic products quadruple their DNA content before the first vegetative division. Gametes are produced one of which survives. The simplest interpretation is by a second round of ‘‘meiosis.’’ (c) In Coleochaete scutata, DNA that vegetative nuclei alternate between 0.5G content is increased 4-fold after syngamy, followed by a series of (before DNA replication) and 1G (after DNA repli- nuclear divisions without DNA replication. CHAROPHYTE LIFE CYCLES 863 pole at second anaphase. However, Tro¨ndle described tion in chromosome number, analogous to meiosis, a different meiotic sequence in Spirogyra calospora has been reported to occur both before and after (with similar observations in Spirogyra longata). In Sp. the union of gametes! calospora, 18 chromatic bodies moved to each pole at Two cell divisions intervene between the induc- the first division, but nine bodies moved to each pole tion of and the formation of at the second division. Moreover, bivalents were not gametes in Cl. ehrenbergii (Hogetsu and Yokoyama evident at the first division. These observations seem 1979), with the second division following the first to imply that pairing of homologs occurred after without replication of DNA (Hamada 1987). In the the first division. Unfortunately, Tro¨ndle did not process, nuclei undergo a 4-fold reduction in DNA report observations of synapsis in this intriguing content. I will call this process ‘‘gametogenic meio- . Karsten (1908) reported the ‘‘conventional’’ sis’’: a gametocyte (4G) divides to produce two sequence of synapsis after karyogamy followed by pregametes (2G) that divide to produce four reduction in chromosome number at the first divi- gametes (1G). The latter division occurs after pair- sion of the zygotic nucleus of Spirogyra jugalis. ing of pregametes of opposite and gen- Hoshaw et al. (1985) observed spontaneous erates a local cluster of four gametes. Nonsister decreases of ploidy in clonal cultures of Spirogyra gametes unite to produce twin zygospores (2G). singularis. Nuclei of filaments initially contained 24 After germination, each zygospore replicates its chromosomes, but narrower filaments, with nuclei DNA (4G) and then undergoes two divisions with- containing 12 chromosomes, spontaneously out DNA replication to produce four 1G nuclei. I appeared in culture. These filaments keyed out as a will call this process ‘‘zygotic meiosis.’’ The four different species, Spirogyra communis. Narrow and products of zygotic meiosis are packaged into two broad filaments were sexually compatible and pro- binucleate cells that are released from the zygo- duced zygospores that germinated to produce inter- spore. One nucleus in each cell degenerates, and mediate-width progeny with 18 chromosomes, the surviving nucleus (1G) undergoes two rounds of suggesting the formation of 18 bivalents during DNA replication without cell or nuclear division meiosis. The latter implies a haploid number of six (4G). The first vegetative cell division produces two (possibly three) rather than 12, and that the origi- daughter cells (2G) that replicate their DNA to nal filaments were at least diploid, possibly tetra- restore the 4G level in preparation for the next veg- ploid or even octoploid. Filaments of different etative division (Hamada et al. 1982, Kasai and ploidy were found in a subsequent field sample Ichimura 1983, Hamada 1987). Thus, vegetative (Wang et al. 1986), and similar vegetative changes nuclei alternate between the 4G and 2G level of in ploidy were observed in clonal cultures of Spiro- DNA (Fig. 2b). gyra maxima (Hoshaw et al. 1987). These observa- Gametogenic and zygotic meiosis both involve tions suggest that some Spirogyra filaments may two divisions without DNA replication in which possess diploid (or higher-ploid) nuclei. DNA content is reduced from 4G to 1G. If gametic Zygotic meiosis has been the principal reason for nuclei are 1C, then alleles can segregate during identifying Spirogyra filaments as haploid. As Tro¨n- zygotic meiosis, but not during gametogenic meiosis dle (1911) argued, if zygotes are diploid and divide (because 4G gametocytes are directly descended by meiosis, then all other cells must be haploid. from a 1C product of zygotic meiosis). If, however, Tro¨ndle did not recognize that his observation of gametic nuclei are 2C or higher, then the products synapsis in gametic nuclei undermined his implicit of zygotic meiosis may retain heterozygosity, allow- assumption that gametes must be haploid. Godward ing alleles to segregate during gametogenic, as well (1954) noted that the vegetative karyotypes of as zygotic, meiosis. The genetic ‘‘logic’’ of two Spirogyra species could be arranged into homolo- rounds of meiosis is obscure. gous pairs and flirted with a hypothesis of diploid The two gones that are released from a zygospore gametes, but her subsequent failure to observe produce clones of opposite mating type. This obser- quadrivalents during meiosis caused her to abandon vation is most easily explained if zygospores are dip- this idea (Godward 1961). Quadrivalents, however, loid and gametes are haploid (Hamada et al. 1982, are not expected if synapsis occurs in diploid nuclei Kasai and Ichimura 1990). Other observations, how- before they fuse to form tetraploid zygotes. Thus, ever, argue for above-haploid levels of DNA in Godward’s rejection of vegetative diploidy was pre- gametes of Cl. ehrenbergii. Kasai and Ichimura (1987) mature. Much remains to be discovered about the crossed a ‘‘haploid’’ line with a ‘‘diploid’’ line that life cycles of Spirogyra and Sirogonium, but the case arose from spontaneous chromosome doubling. All for haploidy (occurring at any stage in the life cycle chromosomes in the resulting ‘‘triploid’’ zygospores of some species!) is weak. (3300) formed bivalents. Therefore, for each chro- Cl. ehrenbergii: Desmids have also been claimed mosome to have found a pairing partner, the num- to possess a haploid life cycle with the zygote as the ber of genomes in the zygospore must have had two only diploid cell. However, in the best-studied as well as three as a prime factor. If this reasoning is taxon, Cl. ehrenbergii (a complex of reproductively correct, normal gametes must be at least 2C and isolated but difficult to distinguish forms), a reduc- vegetative cells at least 8C after DNA replication 864 DAVID HAIG

(because of the reduction from 4G to 1G during a period of dormancy, the fertilized oogonium germi- gametogenic meiosis). At present, there is no simple nates to produce a ‘‘proembryo,’’ which gives rise to way to reconcile the diploid-like inheritance of mat- new upright plants. Meiosis has been reported to take ing type with the formation of regular bivalents in place at three stages in the life cycle (Guerlesquin ‘‘triploids.’’ The very large number of chromosomes and Noor 1982). and large quantities of DNA per nucleus in many Oehlkers (1916) described nuclear events during desmids are, at least, compatible with vegetative cells germination of oogonia of Chara foetida.He having polyploid nuclei (Kapraun 2007). reported that the zygotic nucleus underwent two Desmids are diverse. Zygotic meiosis has been divisions followed by degeneration of three of the reported in several species (Kauffmann 1914, Pott- resulting nuclei, with the new developing from hoff 1927, Starr 1959, Kasai and Ichimura 1983), the surviving nucleus. Although he was unable to whereas gametogenic meiosis is reported in a single make confident counts of chromosomes at the first paper on Cl. ehrenbergii. Hamada (1987), however, division, Oehlkers believed that a reduction in chro- cites unpublished data that gametogenic meiosis mosome number took place. He observed 16 chro- also occurs in Netrium digitum. If so, gametogenic mosomes in nuclei at telophase I and II, the same meiosis may have been present in the last common number that was observed at all other divisions. His ancestor of all desmids because the clade that paper was accompanied by a single schematic dia- includes N. digitum and Cl. ehrenbergii encompasses gram. most, if not all, desmids (Hall et al. 2008). Confi- Tuttle (1926) studied an unidentified species, dence in the existence of chromosome reduction resembling Nitella. The primary of the oogo- before syngamy would be enhanced by independent nium divided twice to produce a large egg and three replication of Hamada’s (1987) observations, includ- polar bodies, the latter corresponding to the Wend- ing in other species. ungszellen or sterile oogonial cells of earlier authors. Co. scutata: The multicellular phase of the Coleo- Tuttle’s paper is accompanied by detailed drawings, chaete life cycle is initiated when a zoospore settles one of which shows simultaneous anaphases of a pri- on a suitable substrate and develops into a multicel- mary oocyte, with 16 chromosomes going to each lular thallus. In , individual pole, and a nodal cell, with 32 chromosomes going cells of a thallus can differentiate into zoospores to each pole. In the antheridium, meiosis produced that disperse to establish new thalli. In sexual repro- a group of four cells that produced the spermato- duction, zygospores are formed when ova attached genic filaments. Nuclei of these filaments had the to female thalli are fertilized by sperm released by haploid number of chromosomes, whereas nuclei male thalli. After a period of dormancy, the zygo- of other cells in the antheridium had the diploid spore undergoes a series of divisions to produce up number. to 32 cells, enclosed within the zygospore wall. All Gonc¸alves da Cunha (1936, 1942) described of these cells are released in the form of zoospores chromosome reduction as occurring after germina- that disperse to initiate new thalli (Lee 1989). tion of zygotes of var. longibracteata, Allen (1905) observed differences in the compac- at the transition from the proembryo to an upright tion of chromosomes between the first and second multicellular stem. His low-resolution figures show divisions of Co. scutata zygospores and, on this basis, more chromosomes in a dividing nucleus of the identified these divisions as meiosis I and meiosis II proembryo than are present at subsequent divisions (to use modern terms). He observed 34 chromo- (Gonc¸alves da Cunha 1942). Homology between somes before the first division but did not count the proembryo of Chara and the sporogonium of chromosomes in gametes or vegetative cells. As he had been proposed previously by Vines inferred that chromosome reduction occurred in (1878). the first two divisions, Allen interpreted subsequent The standard interpretation of stonewort life divisions within the zygospore as occurring at the cycles is of haploid multicellular plants with zygotic haploid level, but he did not describe these divi- meiosis. This interpretation is based on the observa- sions. Hopkins and McBride (1976) undertook a tions of Oehlkers’s (1916) and a failure to observe photometric analysis of DNA content in Co. scutata changes in chromosome number at other stages of that challenges Allen’s interpretation. Vegetative the life cycle (Guerlesquin and Noor 1982). Nuclear nuclei contained either the 1G or 2G amount of events within the zygotes of stoneworts are difficult DNA (by reference to the 1G amount of sperm); to observe because of abundant food reserves and however, zygotic nuclei were recorded with the 2G the tough coat, and Oehlkers’ incomplete descrip- to 8G amount. These data are compatible with a 2G tions are the only published observations of these zygote undergoing two (perhaps more) rounds of divisions. Similarly, Gonc¸alves da Cunha’s report of DNA replication without cell division, followed by the diploid chromosome number in the proembryo reduction to 1G over the course of three (perhaps is the only chromosome count that I have found at more) divisions without DNA replication (Fig. 2c). this stage of the life cycle. These reports are not Chara and Nitella: Stoneworts produce flagellated strictly contradictory, because neither author sperm in antheridia and sessile eggs in oogonia. After observed the stage reported by the other. CHAROPHYTE LIFE CYCLES 865

Tuttle’s observations are the most detailed of the observations of synapsis in gametic nuclei of Sp. neg- three reports of meiosis but have been generally lecta (Tro¨ndle 1911); meiocytes have been assumed disbelieved (Guerlesquin and Noor 1982). An anal- to be diploid with reduction from 4C to 1C in two ogy between sterile oogonial cells and polar bodies nuclear divisions, an assumption that is challenged was not new (Warming 1895, p. 67) but had been by 8G nuclei in zygospores of Co. scutata (Hopkins rejected because chromosome reduction was not and McBride 1976); and meiosis has been assumed observed during production of the single sterile cell to occur at only one stage in the life cycle, an in oogonia of Chara (Debski 1898, Go¨tz 1899) and assumption that is challenged by reduction from 4G because the sterile cells are produced before, rather to 1G before, as well as after, syngamy in Cl. ehrenbergii than after, fertilization (Lotsy 1909, p. 55; an argu- (Hamada 1987). ment that presupposes meiosis occurs in the zygote). The evidence for each of these oddities is based Numerous authors have reported that a reduction on a small number of observations, often unreplicat- in chromosome number does not occur during the ed and weakly supported by evidence, and should formation of antheridia, apparently contradicting not be accepted uncritically. Although there are sev- Tuttle’s observations (Debski 1897, Karling 1926, eral reports of phenomena that do not fit neatly Lindenbein 1927, Walther 1929, Gonc¸alves da within the conventional scheme, these reports do Cunha 1942, Mendes 1944, Shen 1967). not cohere to give a unitary, alternative account of Tuttle appears to have died early in 1926 (Anony- charophyte life cycles. Rather, each life cycle mous 1926) without publishing the longer work in appears to have its own idiosyncrasies. which he proposed to erect a new and species My review has focused on the charophyte algae, for his alga and without defending his interpreta- but ‘‘unconventional’’ behaviors are reported in sev- tion against its critics. The observations of several eral other algal groups, even though these life cycles researchers, working with other species, contradict continue to be described with terminology that was various parts of Tuttle’s scheme. Was he a victim of developed for land plants. For example, gameto- self-deception and artistic license, or did reduction phytes and tetrasporophytes of the red alga Polysi- occur at a different stage in his species than in phonia are isomorphic apart from their reproductive other stoneworts so far studied? The identity of cells. Both generations are formed from highly Tuttle’s specimens remains a mystery, although polyploid apical cells by a process of sequential tetrascutate antheridia (a character emphasized by ploidy reduction (i.e., a series of nuclear divisions Tuttle) have been reported in only six species of without DNA replication; Goff and Coleman 1986). stoneworts (Mann and Raju 2002). Wood (1954, In Gracilaria and some other red algae, not only p. 67) describes a herbarium specimen of Tuttle’s are gametophytes and tetrasporophytes isomorphic, alga as ‘‘identical in all critical respects’’ to the oct- but tetrasporangia, carpogonia, and spermatia may oscutate [!] Nitella microcarpa. occur on the same plant (van der Meer and Todd Compilations of chromosome numbers for stone- 1977). Is there any value in describing one of the worts frequently show polyploid series (e.g., n =6, ‘‘generations’’ as haploid and the other as diploid? 12, 18 among Nitella spp.; Williams and Tindall Why should the final two divisions within a tetraspo- 1975). However, taxa with a polyploid origin are usu- rangium be described as meiotic while earlier divi- ally assumed to behave genetically as haploids and to sions that also reduce DNA content are ‘‘mitotic’’? possess gene pools that are isolated from gene pools Could the occurrence of mixed-phase plants be of related taxa of different ploidy. Vegetative cells of explained by somatic segregation of sex factors as a stoneworts exhibit considerable flexibility in changes result of sequential ploidy reduction in vegetative of nuclear ploidy: nuclei can reach high ploidy divisions (Haig 1993)? If somatic segregation pro- via endoreduplication (Kwiatkowska et al. 1990, duces a genetically heterogenous soma, could this Maszewski 1991), and nuclei of high ploidy can pro- explain why planetic nuclei are donated to nonsister duce nuclear descendants of low ploidy via a series cells via secondary pit connections (Goff and Cole- of divisions without DNA replication (Shen 1967). If man 1986)? similar flexibility exists in reproductive divisions, Farley (1982) has argued cogently that cytological stonewort life cycles need not be constrained to observations are inherently ambiguous and compati- operate at only two ploidy levels. ble with multiple interpretations. In his historical Summary. Charophyte algae are commonly account, consensus about the details of ‘‘conven- believed to be vegetatively haploid with zygotic mei- tional’’ meiosis was not achieved by improved cytol- osis. Evidence in favor of this interpretation is thin, ogy, but from the advent of Mendelian genetics, despite its wide acceptance. The conventional story which allowed phenotypic markers of chromosome is probably correct in so far as chromosome reduc- segments to be followed through a series of crosses. tion occurs in zygotes, but the further inference that I suspect that the same will be true for understand- vegetative cells are haploid is based on a number of ing charophyte life cycles. The good news is that implicit assumptions that are challenged by pub- modern molecular markers should facilitate a new lished observations: gametes have been assumed to Mendelian genetics for those taxa whose life cycles be haploid, an assumption that is challenged by can be completed in culture. 866 DAVID HAIG

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