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Xabcdefghy 8 SICILIANDEFENSE(B99) White:GinoFiglio(2404) Black:JohnBurton(2404) 1999GoldenKnightssemifinals 1.e4c52.Nf3d63.d4cxd44.Nxd4Nf6 5.Nc3a66.Bg5e67.f4Be78.Qf3Qc7 9.0–0–0 Nbd7 10.g4 b5 11.Bxf6 Nxf6 12.g5Nd713.f5Nc514.f6gxf615.gxf6 TheCheckIsintheMail Bf816.Rg1h517.Rg7!? January2008 Althoughthislinehasbeenscoringwell bypostal,itisnotaspopularas17.a3!? JOHNBURTON1999GOLDEN which racks up 70% in my postal KNIGHTSCHAMPION database.Balabaev-Mayer,Postal2005, saw 17. a3!? Rb8 18. e5 Bb7 19. Qg3 Finishingfirst,second,andseventhin dxe520.Ncxb5andWhitehasoutscored the1999GoldenKnights,JohnBurton Black hasaddedtohisaccolades.John,born 20February1938,isfromModesto, 17...b418.Nd5! California.Anavyman,Johnisafierce competitor(oneopponentlikenedhimto asharkthatswimsinthedarkfinalsof XABCDEFGHY theGoldenKnights)hasbeena 8 ++- ( dominantforceintheGoldenKnightsin recentevents,finishingsecondinthe 7+--+-' 1997GoldenKnightswhichfinisheda 6+--+& fewmonthsagoandwillhaveahigh finishinthe1998GoldenKnightswhich 5+- !"+-+% willendsoon. 4-- "+-+$ HaroldBoegeofMarcellMNfinished 3+-+-+Q+-# second.GinoFiglioofLamar,COand RandyCookorPhoenix,AZfinished 2+-+-" tiedforthirdandfourth.. 1+-,-+.+-! GAMEOFTHEMONTH xabcdefghy John,whoisabitpublicityshy,isas Although this is a stock sacrifice, it hardtogetagamescorefromasheis requires both faith and courage for the hardtogetapointfrominUSCFplay. complications that now ensue are Hedemonstratesjusthowdifficultheis unfathomable.White'sgoalistheKing. todefeatinthisgreatdefensivebattle Black'sgoalissurvival. againstGinoFigliofromthesemifinals. 18...exd519.exd5 Blackhasallkindsofchoiceshere,but mostofthemlose--19...Bd720.Re1+ 1 Kd821.Rxf7Kc822.Rxf7isgreatfor 36.Qc8+ Kb6 37.Bd5 a5 38.h4 Qc5 White. 39.b3Qc3 19...Nd720.Nc6Bb7 FailingtoimpressWhiteis39...Bg740. Qxh8Qc341.Qxg7Qxg742.Rf1Qf8 Notadefenseis20...Ne521.Nxe5dxe5 43.Rg1Qe744.Rf1drawing 22. d6 Qa7 23. d7+ Bxd7 24. Rxd7 Qxd725.Qxa8+Qd826.Qc6+Qd727. 40.Rg1 Be7 41.Qe8 Rf8 42.Rf1 Nd4 Qxd7+Kxd728.Rxf7+ 43.Qxe7 Qxc2+ 44.Ka1 Qc3+ 45.Kb1 Qc2+DRAW 21.Bh3 Bxc6 22.dxc6 Ne5 23.Bd7+ Kd824.Qe4 After a series of forced moves, White 1999GOLDENKNIGHTS centralizes his Queen with the quiet STANDINGS threatofRxf7.Nowfollowsomeforced maneuvers. JohnBurton 38.35 JohnBurton 37.90 24...Qb625.Be6Kc726.Bxf7Nxc6 HaroldBoege 37.30 RandyCook 37.25 Even is 26...Bxg7 27. fxg7 Nxf7 28. GinoFiglio 37.25 Qe7+Kxc629.gxh8(Q)Rxh830.Qxf7 RichardSmouse 36.15 JohnBurton 36.10 27.Qf4 BorisRatner 32.85 MichaelBuss 32,80 Thisisthefirstnewmoveofthisgame. RoyTate 31.60 The game Sacher-Stierhof, ICCF 2001 RobertKeating 30.45 continued27.Rh7Rxh728.Qxh7Qc5 DanielWoodard 30.00 29.Bd5Kb6andBlackwonin45. RoyTate 27.75 RichardMcLaughlin 27.15 27...Rd828.Bd5+Kb829.Kb1! AnthonyAlbano 24.85 JamesFisher 23.90 AlthoughBurtonhasbeenpraisedforhis JeffreyEndler 23.85 defensive moves in this game, high DavidDrevinsky 21.75 praise has to be given to Figlio for his DavidDrevinsky 21.65 ingenuity in finding ways to keep the ShaneSchultheis 19.40 attackgoing. PrestonLadson 12.20 29...Rc830.Rd7 Quote :Themostdangerousamateurs AfterthirteenmovesthisRookisfinally arethosewhoplaypostalchess.There de-prised. theyspecializeinfewvariations, knowingittothelastdetails.Andthere 30...Rc7 31.Qf5 Rxd7 32.Qxd7 Ne5 aretimeswhenaGrandmasterhasto 33.Qe8+ Kc7 34.f7 Nc6 35.Be6 Qb5 facesuchdetailedhomework--Lubosh Kavalek 2 DECEMBERWINNERS 2008ABSOLUTEISFORMING! SwiftQuads Putinyourbidnowforthe2008 WilburTseng 07SQ11 6-0 AbsoluteChampionship!Thetop13 JohnBadger 07SQ10 5-1 playersapplyingwillbetakenforthe StevenVanEnk 07SQ08 6-0 championshiptournament.Thereisno entryfee,andthisyearthereisapurseof TrophyQuads $300andaplaquetothewinnerand $100forsecondplace,thanksto LorenzoEisma 05QD116-0 generousdonationsbyUSCF,Keith AlphonseRiley-Jones07Q026-0 Rodriguez,JoanDuBoisandRobert SpencerConklin 06Q145½-½ Rizzo.Thetournamentwillbeplayedon theICCFwebserver,thankstoCorky Schakel,andwillbeUSCFrated.Entries ExpressTournaments arerestrictedtoagroundof2200.Enter now!Sendmeyourbidat MichaelHowell 07ET045-1 [email protected] WilburTseng 07ET045-1 MichaelQuirk 07ET055½-½ RobertCousins 07ET055½-½ WANTED:ANGELS! TimRutledgeofLittlerock,WAhas comeupwithwhatmightbeaverygood WalterMuireQuad idea–ifthereisenoughinterest.Tim notesthatoneoftheproblemswithclass EdwardBarr 07W115-1 tournamentsisthattherearealways AnthonyRagan 07W354½-1½ someplayerswholoseinterestanddrop outleavingtheiropponentswithouta game.Timsuggestsacadreof JohnCollinsTournaments volunteerswhowouldbewillingto finishthosegamestoamorereasonable KennethHunsucker06C115-1 conclusion.Iwouldsuggestthatthose MichaelDonnelly 06C485-1 gamesfinishedbyvolunteersnotbe ChristopherBallard 06C485-1 ratedagainstthevolunteers,butagainst FranklinCastle 06C374½-1½ thewithdrawingplayer.Iwouldliketo RickShepard 06C064½-1½ hearfromyouastowhetheryouthink KenRitchie 06C064½-1½ thismightworklandifyouwouldliketo ChrisSanjurjo 06C246-0 beavolunteer.IalreadyhaveVolunteer #1–TimRutledge.Wouldyouliketo be#2?Oristhisnotagoodidea? VictorPalciauskasTournament JosephDaudish 05P035-1 CraigFaber 05P035-1 3 ICCF-USAnnouncesthe DAVIDMEYERSFIRSTINFIRST 18 th Postaland2 nd ICCFServer USCCCWEBSERVERCHAMPIONSHIP U.S.CORRESPONDENCE CHESSCHAMPIONSHIPS U.S.CHAMPIONSHIPTROPHY ANDNOMINATIONTOICCF WORLDCHAMPIONSHIPCYCLE REQUIREMENTSFORENTRY: APCT,CCLAorUSCFmembership Minimumrating:postal2000orOTB 2100 MustbeU.S.citizenorpermanent resident Preliminaryroundsections:7playerson server,upto15playerspost,balanced byrating.Winnersadvance.Final roundincludesdesignatedchampionsof USPCFclubsandformerU.S. Champions. At57yearsofage(born17June1950) DavidMyersisatruefootsoldierof POSTALENTRIESCLOSEFEB.15, correspondencechess.Hebeganpostal 2008 playintheearlySeventiesandmade StartdateMar.1,2008 slowprogressuntil1995whenhewon SERVERENTRIESCLOSEFEB. anICCFMastertournament. 15,2008 Discouragedbytheslowpaceof StartdateMar.1,2008 internationalpostalchess,wayward Datesmaybeextendeduntilminimum postcards,andtheattendantrecord of70entriesisreceived. keeping,Davidtookaneightyeartime SEND$25ENTRYFEEPAYABLETO out. ICCF-US Whenhereturnedin2003hefounda 1642N.VOLUSIA,ORANGECITY, completelydifferentlandscape.Postal FL32763 chesswasbythenalmostobsolete. ENTERBOTHEVENTSATTHE Internetserverswerereplacingemail SAMETIME$40 chess.Nomorepostcards–hewas delighted! Moreinformationatwww.iccfus.com ForDavidtheinternetchessserverwas thecompletesolutiontoallthe complaintsaboutcorrespondencechess. NEWQUEENFORTHEVERNONS Theserverissuperiorinspeed,cost, accuracy,andconvenience. BryantVernonandhiswifehaveanew DavidhasnowannexedtheFirstUS Queen, Layla Marie Vernon, 8 lbs, 4 webserverchampionshipandonthe ounces,21incheslong. internationalscenehasqualifiedforthe WorldChampionshipFinal.GoDavid! 4 FRENCHDEFENSE(C02) White:CorkySchakel(2383) FRIENDLYICCFMATCHES Black:DaveMyers(2361) 1stWSUSCCCFinal Playatwo-gamematchwithan opponentofcomparableratingonthe 1.e4e62.d4d53.e5c54.c3Nc65.Nf3 ICCFserver,ICCFrated.Allratings Bd7 6.dxc5 Bxc5 7.b4 Bb6 8.b5 Na5 accepted.OrderusingtheICCForder 9.Bd3 Ne7 10.0–0 Qc7 11.a4 Ng6 form( www.iccfus.com )clickonthe 12.Re1 Nc4 13.Qe2 Rc8 14.Ra2 0–0 ICCF-USstore,at$6permatch.All 15.Na3 Na5 16.c4 dxc4 17.Be4 f5 playerswelcome,asareentriesto 18.exf6 gxf6 19.Qd2 Rfd8 20.Qc3 e5 multiplematches!Assignmentswillbe 21.Nh4Be622.Qg3Qf723.Bxg6hxg6 madethroughout2008. 24.Nxg6 Rd3 25.Nxe5+ Rxg3 26.Nxf7 Rd3 27.Nh6+ Kh7 28.Rae2 Bd7 29.h4 Bc5 30.Nc2 c3 31.Bf4 Nc4 32.h5 a5 33.bxa6 bxa6 34.a5 Nxa5 35.Re4 Nc6 0–1 ApostcardfromtherecentICCF CongressinSpain.Sharp-eyedreaders mayfindtheautographsofMichael Millstone,CorkySchakel,RuthAnn Fay,RaymondBogerandWorld ChampionsVictorPalciaukas,Fritz Baumbach,andTuncHamaratamong thenamesIwasabletotranslate. 5 TreasurefromthePast 42.g4 e4 43.Bd8 exf3 44.Kxf3 Bf1 45.Nc2 Bxh3 46.Nd4+ Kf7 47.gxf5 RUYLOPEZ(C96) Bg4+48.Kg2a349.Ba5Ne40–1 White:DanielFleetwood(2425) Black:JohnMousessian(2335) Blackwantstoplayanendgame;White 1997AbsoluteChampionship wantstocheckmatetheBlackKing.It’s aninterestingstrugglethatendsina 1.e4e52.Nf3 Nc63.Bb5a64.Ba4Nf6 requiemfortheBlackKing. 5.0–0Be76.Re1b57.Bb3d68.c30–0 9.h3Na510.Bc2c511.d4cxd412.cxd4 MODERNDEFENSE(A88) Bb713.d5Nc414.a4bxa415.Bd3Nb6 White:CoryMoran(0000) 16.Nc3 Nfd7 17.Be3 f5 18.exf5 Kh8 Black:JohnBadger(1891) 19.f6 Bxf6 20.Bc2 Rc8 21.Qd3 g6 2007WalterMuir 22.Bxa4Nxa423.Nxa4Rc724.Nd2Bg5 25.Ne4Bxe326.fxe3Nf627.Nxf6Rxf6 1.e4g62.d4Bg73.f4c54.d5d65.c4 28.Nc3 Rf5 29.Ne4 Rd7 30.b4 Qb6 Nf6 6.Nc3 0–0 7.Nf3 e6 8.Be2 exd5 31.Reb1 Rd8 32.Kh2 Rdf8 33.b5 a5 9.cxd5 Bg4 10.0–0 Nbd7 11.Re1 Re8 34.Ra4 R5f7 35.Rba1 Ra8 36.Rc1 Kg8 12.h3 Bxf3 13.Bxf3 Qa5 14.Be3 b5 37.Rc6Bxc638.dxc6Kg739.Nxd6Re7 15.a3 b4 16.axb4 Qxb4 17.Qc2 Nb6 40.Ne4 Rae8 41.Nc3 Qb8 42.e4 Rf7 18.Bf2 Nfd7 19.Bg4 h5 20.Bxd7 Nxd7 43.Nd51–0 21.Ra4Qb722.Rea1Nb623.R4a2Qd7 24.Qd3 Nc8 25.e5 Rb8 26.exd6 Qxd6 Theclichéhasitaslightningfroma 27.Nb5 Qb6 28.Nxa7 Nxa7 29.Rxa7 clear,bluesky.Black’scombinationin Bd4 30.Bxd4 cxd4 31.R1a6 Re1+ thisgamecomesfromthesamesky 32.Kh2 Qxb2 33.Rxg6+ Kf8 34.Rxf7+ exceptonasunnydayatnoonwithno Kxf735.Qf5+Ke836.Rg8+Ke737.d6+ warningshadows. Kxd638.Rg6+Ke739.Qf6+1–0 SEMI-SLAVDEFENSE(D47) Bothsidesplaysharply–theQueensacrificesat White:MichaelCalogridis(2321)– theendareamini-ballet. Black:TedBrandhorst(2446) NIMZOINDIANDEFENSE(E38) 2004AbsoluteChampionship White:WilliamEvans(1377) Black:ScottHerbert(1002) 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 c6 4.e3 Nf6 2007WalterMuir 5.Nf3 Nbd7 6.Bd3 dxc4 7.Bxc4 b5 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Qc2 c5 8.Bd3Bd69.0–00–010.b3Bb711.Bb2 5.e3d56.dxc50–07.cxd5Nxd58.Bd3 a6 12.a4 Qb8 13.h3 Rd8 14.Qe2 bxa4 f5 9.Bd2 Bxc5 10.Nxd5 Qxd5 11.Nf3 15.bxa4c516.Rab1cxd417.Nxd4Qc7 Be712.0–0Nc613.e4Qd814.exf5exf5 18.Rfc1Nc519.Bc2Bh2+20.Kh1Bd6 15.Bc4+Kh816.Bc3Bf617.Rad1Qc7 21.Kg1 Rab8 22.Ba3 Rdc8 23.Nf3 h6 18.Rd2Bxc319.Qxc3Bd720.Ng5Rf6 24.Kh1 Nxa4 25.Nxa4 Bxf3 26.Bxd6 21.Nf7+Kg822.Ne5+Be623.Re1Qa5 Rxb1 27.Rxb1 Bxe2 28.Bxc7 Bb5 24.Bxe6+ Rxe6 25.Qc4 Rae8 26.Nxc6 29.Bd3Bxd330.Rb8Rxb831.Bxb8Bc2 Qc5 27.Rxe6 Qxc4 28.Rxe8+ Kf7 32.Nc3 a5 33.Bd6 Nd7 34.Nb5 Bd3 29.Ne5+1–0 35.Na3f536.Kg1Kf7 37.f3e538.Kf2 Ke6 39.Bc7 a4 40.g3 Nf6 41.Ba5 g5 6.
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