Minutes Or the Regular ~~Eting Held June 16, 1964 and of the Special Meeting Held June 21, 1964 Were Approved

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Minutes Or the Regular ~~Eting Held June 16, 1964 and of the Special Meeting Held June 21, 1964 Were Approved Upon notice duly given, the Members of the Los Angeles Metropol1tan Trnsit Authority met at a regulaI' meeting in the Authority Board Room, 1060 South Broadway, Los Aneles, Ca11fornia, at 10:30 a.m. on July '7, 1964, at which tim the Ch1rm called the meeting to order. Ch1rmn A. J. Eyraud, Members Mark Boyar, Walter M. Brs, Jacques Leslie, Douglas A. Newcomb, Mart 1n Po llard and Waroen Woolard were present. Also present were Execu- t1ve D1rectoI' & Genei-l Mager C. M. G11118S; General Attorny Gerald O. Kelly; Mager of Operat1ons Cone T. Baii; Auditor-ControlleI' H. L. Black; DiI"ctor or Public Relat10ns R. O. Christiansen; Chief Eng1neer Ernest R. GeI'lach¡ Secretary Virginia ~. Rees; and the public. The Minutes or the Regular ~~eting held June 16, 1964 and of the Special Meeting held June 21, 1964 were approved. Certificate or M3rit Mr. Eyraud presented the Author1 ty 's Cert1r1ca te of Merit to David E. Kautter, Operator-of-the-Month for June, 196, in recognition of the outstading courtesy displayed by Mr. Kautter toward his passengers and the public. mt;~0;,~,,~i¡~'~~t,~~','~~~~~:~~~Çr\0J:~1~~t~~Z~\~ .' Mr~:ChI'ist1ansen presented the report of Pub11c ' ':: '"J;'" ~ '. l .'. , , '. .. .., Relations Department, a 'copyor'which"is"on f11e W1th'thé ,\,,:':.: .'d,":-:'~::r~':~:1 ' ,;'- "J'-';,-'i:." ;.. ,,t ',~. :Jf,. .,\j i'' . Seoretary . F1 ed Assets - Unit Values and De reoiation Method AfteI' discuSSion, upon motion duly made, seconded and unimusly oarI'1ed, the following resolutions were adopted: WHRE, Shop Equipment &: Tools and Furniture &: Fixtures have been inventoried for insurance evaluation purpses, from which informtion was acquired to aSsign unit values thereto; and WHAS, Structures have been reduced to unit values by allocation of total book values based upon other informtion available throUgh property tax-assessed values or his torical cos ts; and WH, it is des1rable to aSSign unit values to Shop Equ1pment &: Tools, Fumi ture &: Fixtures, and Structures, whereveI' possible, in order to record proper disPOSition of said fixed assets; NOW, THREFORE, BE IT REOLVED, that the aSSignent or values to individual units, which in total equal total book values ror Shop Equipment &: Too ls , Fumi ture &: Fix~ures, and S true tures, as prepared and scheduled by the Auditor-Controller's office, be and hereby is ratiried and approved; REOLVED FURR, that the application of the currently applied method of group or compos i te depreciation rates w1th reference to these fixed asset accounts (Shop Equipment & Tools, Furniture & Fixtures, and Structures) be and hereby is approved. A roval or Authorization For Ex end1ture No. 1 Arter diSCUSSion, upon motion duly made, seconded and unimously carried, the rollowing resolutions were adopted: -2- '(.;' WHAS.... .,' ,)!Of ";;:':.';';;'è:'::f:'~~.~X,:)l;;~'!ÆS(, the' PurChasing Agent .'. ...... ., , (B1dNo';:, 6-6405): On one~CinC1nt1 called tor bids',:~,:):...I,."l...:,',.,.,..", :!~.::,~".,,: _':'''_''" Rigid Shaper; and 16" Utility .:'~ '~'f ;:!~,_;'~. (:,' .~ ;"... .,",1.' WHREAS, fifteen bids were sent out, but only ¡il;~.tone'f b1d' was received in resPOnse thereto; and' " WHREAS" the Purchasing Agent has recommended the acceptance of the bid of Germin-Moore MaChinery Compa ; NOW, THFORE, BE IT REOLVED, that the bid of Geniin-Moore Machinery Compa in the amount of $10,203.16, inc luding sales tax, be and the same is hereby accepted; REOLVED FtR, that Authorization For Expenditure No. l53, covering purchase and 1nstal- lation of one (1) 'lincinnti 16" Ut1li ty Shaper at South Park Shops, at a cost not to exceed $10,303.16, be and the same is hereby apProved. A roval of Authorization For Ex nditure No. 1 4 After discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and unimusly carried, the fOllOWing resolutions were .idopted: WHRE the Purchasin ~ent called for bids (Bid No. 6-64l7B) on three (3) Va'lant V-lOO auto- mobiles; and WHERE, bids were received from two qualified dealers; and WHREAS, it is the deSire of the Authority to purChase Such equipment from the lowest responsible bidder; and WHEREAS, the Purchasing Agent has certified the bid of Ed Barbari as being the lowes t responsible bid; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT REOLVED, that the bid of Ed Barbari in the amount of $4,998.77, inClUding sales tax, be and the same is hereby approved; REOLVED FURTHR, that Authorization For Expenditure No. l~, cover1n~ purchase and p,repara- tion for service of three (3) 1964 "Valiant t V-iOO automobiles, to be numbered 447, 448 and 449, at a cost not to eXceed $5,098.77, be and the same is hereby approved. -3- of. ;', j ~. WH, bids were.. rece1vedi' H, ,. from four qualified dealers; and WH, it is the desire of the Authority to purchase such equipment rrom the lowest responsible bidder; and WH, the Purchain Agent has certified the bid of Holmes Tuttle in the amount of $6,519.61, inoluding sales tax, as bein the lowest responsible bid; NOW, THFORE, BE IT REOLVED, that the bid of Holmes Tuttle in the amunt of $6,519.61, includin sales tax, be and the sam 18 hereby approved; REOLV-en FUTH, that Authorization For ExPend1 ture No. 155, cover111 purChase and prepara- tion tor service or three (3) 1964 Ford Custom 500 4-door sedans, to be numbered 45( 451 and 452, at a COB t no t to exceed $6,919. 61 ~ be and here by is approved. Approval of Authorization For Expenditure No. 156 Arter discussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and unnimusly carried, the following resolutions were adopted: WHREAS, the Purchasing Agent called for bids (Bid No. 6411A) on twelve (12) 1964 2-door sedans in the Ford, Chevrolet or Plymuth class; and WHRE, bids were received from four qualified dealers; and WHRES, it is the desire of the Author1 ty to purchase such equipment from the lowest responsible bidder; and -4- JoJHREAál.L ' . chasng:,Agent.'h~s:'('C~:it1f1 1d'iOf: HOlmes.~,,'lttle¡-ii.Fleetiiin;,the' amount:of,¡t~:~ ,.$23'~353'~20iòYinoluding"'sale8': re;~r~.~i§,~Er~.. tax,':, . as''. being';thé~il...)'§K\~~~... ,,~:'. NOW,'t,THRE,,~BE~OLVE, that,the bid'of'IY; ':.;f(i(, Ho lmes- 'l t,tle ,,:Flee t, 1nlthe~ Bmun t. 0 f', $23 ~ 353.20 ì ~pj\!ji. "', i".' ;"\ :'.. app~v~d;.inoludin'.salEls;.taXj,:;be ":d "~.:;",:,v', and the same is hereby,,:!'" ' ",.;i'~;' /;.":j¡ti/1:'~ REOLVED FU, that AuthoI'lzation FoI' ExPenditure No. 156, covering rurChase and prepara- tion for service or twelve (l2 1964 Ford 2-dooI' seda, to be numbered 453 to 64, inclus1ve, at a cos t not to exceed $24,253.20, be and here by is approved. Approval or Authorization For ExPnditure No. 15Z After discussion, upon mot10n duly made, seconded and unimusly carried, it was REOLVED, that Author1zatIon For ExpendIture No. 151, coverin installation or exhaust gas ventilatin system in Building #48 at Division No.5, at a cost not to exceed $2,414.00, be and the same is hereby approved. Approval 0 r Authorization For Expendi ture No. 159 After dIscussion, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimous ly carried, it was REOLVED, that Authorization For Expenditure l No. l59. covering purchase and installation of a î single phase switchboard so as to provide adequate 4 capacity for lighting, both present and anticipated, ! or the entire Transit Authority Building, and i including the moving of the three-phase circuits t rrom the old single phase board to the new three- " phase board (which was installed in 1962), at a cost not to exceed $20,000.00, be and the same is hereby approved. -5- ai'oriRe ulsit10n' .' -18/:.,., ", ~:.~~ '~;'~~ .;~~:~,~':~,;~', .\~"~p~1%~t~~:~~~~~j:\l~Jt~~i~~;~l_~~~:~:'!,;~:'1t\~~~:¡'~~1J~~:;~~,:~~ "",.,'Arter ,qif3 cus s ion'.; '1. uporf motion" du ly'inade,rS '.,. \:~i. '?i ,'¡,f:!';;','. ,'~ ..;\:;, ",r;;',¿i,,: :'.~,;'r~:' ~'r\"");\:,;':~,'j~:-rI;" ;' ,,;i;,:,?:, ':;t~r1:ft":~t 'ii1l\un1mouslY.,carried"t,it,¡'iW~";..-.l&!,,,~,W"'? ':'i.''''lí'¡j¡''''''(''~''!l:''!''.'';~i;''" was,:i'-"J.,i'(.;;,I,!;" ",.f:'":',, ,;~¡;;,,;¡.,,\ ", ,', "''''i';'f;,,(,. :~. , , ". "..,'o/'i~,M .'. ' ,~~, "'.":-~1æd6Æ7th~tl1~~U1~'iÚon No ~', m-18~';:~o'vê;1ig~" speoial aotuarial study rei pension negotiations with Amlgamted Transit Unon at a cost or. $1,355.00, be and the same 1s hereby approved. Award or Tire Mileap;e Contract After discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, the followin resolutions were voted upon: WHAS, on June 2, 196, the Authority author- ized the Execu ti ve Director &: General Manager to call ror bids on a new tire mileage contract for a five year period commncing September 1, 1964; and WHREAS, bids (Bid No. 7-6401) were received from two major tire compaies (Firestone and Goodyear); and WHAS, the lowest bid received by the Author- ity was rrom The Firestone Tire &: Rubber Company; and WHAS, 1 t is the des 1 re 0 f the Au tho ri ty to purchase such service from the lowest responsible bidder; NOrl, THREFORE, BE IT REOLVED, that the bid of The Fires tone Tire &: Rubber Company be and the same is hereby accepted; REOLVED FURR, that the Executl ve Director &: General Mager be and he is hereby authorized to execute on behalf or the Author! ty a fl ve-year con- tract commencing September l, 1964 with The Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, the form of such contract to be subject to the approval of the General Attorney. Members Boyar, Briggs, Eyraud, Les lie, Newcomb and Pollard voted "Aye." Member Woolard voted "Nay." The motion carried. -6- REOLVED FU, that all outstanding com- mitments for services under the rates superseded by the above resolution will be honored by the Authority . Plaza Substation Property - Sale to State or California Arter
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