On-Call Environmental Consultant Services

January 17, 2017

Submitted to: Coachella Valley Water District Finance Department - Producrement Division Coachella ,

Rincon Consultants, Inc. www.rinconconsultants.com

E n n t a i e n t i s t s P l a n n e r s E n i n e e r s Coachella Valley Water District On-Call Environmental Consultant Services

Coachella Valley Water District

Proposal to Provide On-Call

Environmental Consultant Services

Table of Contents

(a) Transmittal Cover Letter ...... i () Executive Summary ...... 1 (c) Identification of Respondent ...... 1 () Personnel ...... 3 Subconsultants ...... 13 (e) Understanding of Project ...... 16 Alternatives ...... 16 Public Hearings/Meetings ...... 16 Field Surveys ...... 17 Biological Resource Assessment Services ...... 18 Mitigation Plan Development and Mitigation and Construction Monitoring ...... 18 Jurisdictional Area Determinations and Regulatory Permit Assistance ...... 19 Field Surveys ...... 20 Native American Consultation ...... 20 Archaeological Evaluations ...... 20 Site Mitigation Services ...... 21 Data Recovery ...... 21 Monitoring...... 21 Collections Management ...... 21 Regulatory Guidance ...... 21 Government Consultation ...... 22 Traffic Impact Analysis ...... 24 Traffic Engineering ...... 24 Modeling & Simulations ...... 25 Circulation Planning ...... 25 Traffic Calming ...... 25 Complete Streets ...... 25 () References ...... 29 (g) List of Relative Projects ...... 31 () Cost Proposal...... 41

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(a) Transmittal Cover Letter

January 17, 2017 Project Number 16-03695 Coachella Valley Water District Attention: Finance Department – Procurement Division 75-515 Hovley Lane East Palm Desert, California 92211 Via Upload Subject: Proposal for On-Call Environmental Consultant Services To Whom it May Concern, Rincon Consultants, Inc. is pleased to submit this proposal to assist the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) to provide broad spectrum environmental support for various upcoming projects. We have assembled a team of highly qualified planning and environmental science professionals who bring extensive technical qualifications as well as in-depth knowledge of current environmental and planning laws, regulations, and standards. Our team offers proven experience with the successful compliance documentation for public works projects, a thorough understanding of environmental conditions of approval, the necessary technical qualifications, and knowledge of the resource issues in Riverside County. Rincon has extensive experience working for public water agencies and we understand the depth of knowledge associated with this on-call contract. We currently hold on-call environmental consulting contracts with several water districts and have held an on-call environmental consulting contract with Metropolitan Water District, covering most of these technical services for more than 5 years. We have also prepared environmental documentation, provided compliance monitoring, and secured regulatory permits for many other water infrastructure projects across California. In addition to our water project portfolio, we have successfully executed many infrastructure improvement projects in Riverside County for utility clients such as Southern California Edison and Southern California Gas Company under multi-year on-call environmental consulting agreements. Specific to the CVWD service area, our team has direct environmental planning experience with the cities of Coachella, Palm Desert, and Rancho Mirage. We also prepared technical studies for properties in Palm Springs and La Quinta. Given this depth of experience, we are highly familiar with the CVWD service area and understand the nuances required to ensure the success of complex projects in both urban areas and desert habitats. We are confident that you will find our team exceptionally well qualified to provide CVWD cost-effective solution-oriented environmental consulting services. We look forward to the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss your needs under this program. Sincerely, RINCON CONSULTANTS, INC.

Aubrey Mescher, MESM Jennifer Haddow, PhD Senior Environmental Planner Principal Environmental Scientist5

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(b) Executive Summary

Rincon Consultants, Inc. (Rincon) is pleased to submit this proposal to assist the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) with environmental consulting needs for upcoming projects. Carefully managing water resources is an important responsibility for local, state, and federal agencies. Rincon will assist CVWD through the environmental regulatory process; from project initiation through construction. We strategically undertake infrastructure projects with a focus on timely completion, cost effectiveness, strong project communication, stakeholder management, and achievement of project objectives. We do this while avoiding and minimizing environmental impacts so that projects are consistent with resource management goals.

As demonstrated further in this submittal, Rincon has a proven track record working with water agencies, managing numerous complex projects requiring multi-agency permitting, CEQA documentation, compliance monitoring, and restoration/ mitigation efforts. Rincon is also experienced in preparing NEPA documentation in the event that sources of federal funding are used. Our ongoing on- call contracts and excellent client relationships have resulted in numerous individual projects involving biological resources, cultural resources, regulatory permitting, CEQA/NEPA support, and sustainability services. This experience has included work throughout southern California, including but not limited to Riverside County, Imperial County, and San Diego County.

We strongly encourage that you contact our references to gain deeper insights into our technical qualifications and ability to consistently deliver client-focused, cost effective solutions for a broad range of environmental compliance projects.

(c) Identification of Respondent

Rincon is a multi-disciplinary environmental sciences, planning, and engineering consulting firm that provides quality Firm Name: Rincon Consultants professional services to government and industry. Our skilled professionals have many years of experience in urban, land use, Founded: 1994 and environmental planning; regulatory compliance; biological resource evaluation and habitat enhancement; soil evaluation Legal Form: California “S” Corporation and remediation; and related studies including problem-solving services in geology, hydrology, and waste management Total Staff: 184 throughout the state. Using our network of 10 offices and team California Offices: 10 (Redlands, of 184 highly qualified professionals we have successfully Carlsbad, , Ventura, Santa completed many routine and complex projects in within Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Monterey, Riverside County and the CVWD planning area. Oakland, Sacramento, Fresno)

In addition to our broad range of services and staff Website: qualifications, one of our key strengths is our involvement in www.rinconconsultants.com projects from “inception -to-implementation,” which spans from pre-planning activities (alternative analyses, biological and Contact Person: hazardous site assessments, hazardous remediation) to project Aubrey Mescher, MESM analysis (CEQA/NEPA compliance, regulatory permitting), Senior Environmental Planner through project implementation (hazards remediation, [email protected] construction monitoring) to post construction activities (habitat 805-644-4455 x56

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restoration, mitigation). As a result, we have a full understanding of the demands of infrastructure projects and the interaction between different environmental issues and the directives of regulatory agencies responsible for them. Our experience with projects ranging from “inception-to- implementation” has proven to be highly valuable for clients such as CVWD who are charged with the responsibility of managing large scale infrastructure systems. This is a key reason that we have successfully managed many multi-year on call agreements with agencies/utilities such as Metropolitan Water District (MWD), Southern California Edison (SCE) and Southern California Gas Company (SCG). We understand the nuances of a proposed project within its regulatory environment and can provide early guidance in the permitting process always keeping an eye toward successful project implementation.

Offices This contract with CVWD will be managed out of Rincon’s Carlsbad office with assistance from the Redlands, Los Angeles, and Ventura offices. Contact information for each office is listed below.

Rincon Office Locations Carlsbad Ventura (Headquarters) Redlands Los Angeles 2215 Faraday Ave, Ste A 180 North Ashwood Ave 301 9th Street, Ste 301 706 South Hill St, Ste 120 Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ventura, CA 93003 Redlands, CA 92374 Los Angeles, CA 90014 760-918-9444 805-644-4455 909-253-0705 213-788-4842

Available Services Rincon provides land use planning and environmental science services that we have categorized into six core areas: Environmental and Land Use Planning, Biological Resources Assessment and Regulatory Compliance, Cultural Resources, Environmental Site Assessment and Remediation, Water Resources, and Sustainability Services. We also have a GIS and Graphics group to enhance our documents and support our data analyses for projects addressing issues in the six aforementioned areas of expertise. For many of our infrastructure clients, we help provide a digital database that can be used in larger long range GIS infrastructure management programs. The table on the following page outlines range of services that would be available to the CVWD under this on-call environmental consulting agreement.

Environmental and Land Use Planning  CEQA Compliance: Environmental Impact Reports (EIR),  Community Involvement Programs Initial Studies (IS), Categorical Exemptions, EIR  Agency Staffing and Contract Planning Services Addendums, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting  Utility, Energy and Water Infrastructure: Corridor Programs (MMRP) Studies, Utility Alignments, Constraints Analyses  NEPA Compliance: Environmental Impact Statements  Noise Studies, including Bio-Acoustic Evaluation (EIS), Environmental Assessments (EA), Categorical  Air Quality Analysis Exclusion (CE), Findings of No Significant Impacts  Recreation and Open Space Planning (FONSI)  Grant Application Assistance  Planning Services: General Plans, Specific Plans, and Neighborhood, Community, and Area Plans Biological Resources Assessment and Regulatory Compliance  Baseline Biological Resources Inventories and  Certified Arborist Tree Surveys and Impact Assessments Vegetation Mapping  Regulatory Compliance, Mitigation, and Conservation  Biological Resources Effects/Impacts Analyses: Planning Biological Assessments (BA), Biological Evaluations,  Regulatory Permitting: Federal Clean Water Act Section Natural Environment Studies (NES) 404 and Section 401, California Fish and Game Code  Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Plant and Wildlife Section 1602, California Coastal Act Section 30233 Species Surveys; Nesting Bird Surveys  Federal Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultations  Jurisdictional Delineations: .S. Army Corp of Engineers, and Section 10 Habitat Conservation Plans

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Regional Water Quality Control Board, California  California Endangered Species Act Section 2081 Department of Fish and Wildlife, and California Coastal Permits/Memorandum of Understandings (MOU) and Commission Methodologies Natural Community Conservation Plans  California Rapid Assessment Method for Wetlands  Wetland, Riparian, and Upland Habitat Revegetation  Biological Construction and Mitigation Monitoring and Restoration Planning  Tree Inventory, Health Assessment, Risk Assessment,  Eelgrass and Caulerpa Surveys, Essential Fish and and Tree Protection Plans Habitat Analysis, Fisheries and Aquatic Ecology Cultural Resources  Literature Reviews/Records Searches/Archival Research  Section 106 Consultation  Native American Consultation  Memoranda of Agreement  Cultural Resource Surveys  Findings of Effects  California Register of Historical Resources and National  State Historic Preservation Officer Consultation Register of Historic Places Eligibility Evaluations:  Historic Preservation Plans Archaeological Site Testing, Historic Built Environment  Cultural Resources Management Plans Resource Evaluation, Cultural Property Evaluation  Third Party Peer Review  Archaeological Data Recovery Programs  Phase I, II, and III Paleontological Resources Analysis  Native American Monitor Training Programs  Archeological and Native American Monitoring Environmental Site Assessment and Remediation  Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments (ESA)  Environmental Construction/Grading Monitoring  Hazardous Waste Characterization  Methane Soil Gas Testing  Site Remediation: Planning, Design, and Construction  Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan  Site Monitoring: Groundwater, Air, and Soil Vapor  Transaction Screens  Underground Storage Tank Removal and Investigation  Asbestos/Lead-Based Paint Testing  Health Risk Assessments  Geological and Seismic Studies Water Resources  Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)  Water Rights Permitting  Storm Water Management and Compliance Monitoring  Watershed Management and Planning Sustainability Services  Climate Action Plans  Sustainability & Climate Action Planning Grant Writing  Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) Inventories  Strategic Growth Council Prop 84 Sustainable  Assembly Bill 32 GHG/Gas Offset Verification Community Planning Grants Projects  Green Building Analysis - LEED® and Build It GreenTM  Public Engagement and Outreach Programs  Energy Action Plans  Solar Energy Expertise and CEQA Compliance for Solar  ASHRAE Level 1 and 2 Energy Audit Facilities

(d) Personnel

This section summarizes the qualifications of key personnel who would be available to CVWD under this contract. The contract would be managed by a Principal in Charge, Jennifer Haddow, PhD, Principal and Aubrey Mescher, MESM, Senior Project Manager who are empowered to make important decisions to ensure that CVWD needs are met for the overall contract and for each assignment executed under this agreement. Our extensive project management skills coupled with our technical knowledge, allow us to meet the budgetary and scheduling constraints inherent to all projects.

As further illustrated below, our management team and key technical experts who would be available to CVWD during the course of this contract have been carefully selected because of their knowledge of the environmental resources and issues specific to the Coachella Valley Water District, as well as their individual project-specific expertise. As you will find through follow up with our references, we take pride in ensuring that each client is satisfied with their choice to select Rincon to serve their environmental consulting needs as we strive to be the best environmental consultant that our clients have worked with in the past. Full resumes for all staff shown below are included in the appendix.

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For this proposal, we have supplemented our in-house environmental technical expertise with a well- established traffic and transportation subconsultant, Urban Crossroads. We selected Urban Crossroads for this contract due to our previous successful collaborations, as well as their considerable experience in the CVWD service territory. Rincon and Urban Crossroads are currently working together on the Ranch Mirage General Plan Update project in the City of Rancho Mirage in Riverside County. Information on background and expertise of Urban Crossroads personnel is provided on page 13.

 Urban Crossroads: Traffic, Transportation Planning

An overview of Rincon’s in-house team members selected for this work is provided below, with individual resumes provided in the appendix.

Jennifer Haddow, PhD, MSc, AIEMA, Principal Environmental Scientist Role: Principal in Charge Education: Ph.D., Biogeochemistry, University of Aberdeen, UK; M.Sc., Environmental Science, University of Aberdeen, UK; B.Sc., Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning, University of California, Davis; Associate Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (AIEMA) Dr. Jennifer Haddow will serve as the Principal in Charge for CVWD for the project. Jennifer is a Principal Environmental Scientist and has managed Rincon’s Metropolitan Water District of Southern California On-Call for the past several years. In that time she has provided environmental oversight on projects involving solar development, reservoir upgrades, water treatment upgrades, pipeline repair/realignment, and bridge seismic retrofit. She also recently completed a CEQA Plus EIR in support of the City of San Luis Obispo’s Water Resource Recovery Facility project and was recently awarded the opportunity to prepare environmental documentation for a solar development in Piru and the Pothole Trailhead Project both for the United Water Conservation District. She also recently managed the CEQA documentation for the Lower Santa Clara River Salt and Nutrient Management Plan. She has over 15 years of professional experience in the field of environmental science and assessment and has prepared and coordinated all levels of environmental documentation for large scale infrastructure projects, with an emphasis on water supply, conveyance and quality projects, as well as watershed planning studies. Dr. Haddow has strong project leadership skills and provides exceptional QA/QC guidance.

Aubrey Mescher, MESM, Senior Environmental Planner Role: Main Point of Contact, Project Manager, General Environmental and Support Education: M.E.S.M., Water Resources Management; University of California Santa Barbara; B.A., Environmental Studies/Film Studies; Emory University Affiliations: Association of Environmental Professionals; Water Education Foundation, Water Leaders Class 2014 Ms. Mescher will serve as the Main Point of Contact, Project Manager, General Environmental and Support, and Resource Services for this contract. She is responsible for managing and preparing CEQA and NEPA documentation and technical impact analyses for a variety of projects. Previous experience with water districts in Southern California include a variety of CEQA/NEPA analyses conducted for the Coachella Valley Water District, United Water Conservation District, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, and Ventura County Watershed Protection District, among others. Ms. Mescher specializes in water supply planning and flood control projects, but also has extensive experience with an array of other types of infrastructure projects, including energy planning and development, linear projects traversing multiple jurisdictions and resource areas, and management and analysis of flood

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control and protection projects. Ms. Mescher’s recent experience includes serving on the California High-Speed Rail project as the Task Lead for several technical issue areas for the Supplemental EIR/EIS for the Fresno to Bakersfield Locally Generated Alternative: Public Utilities and Energy; Geology, Soils, and Seismicity; Hazardous Materials and Wastes; and Parks, Open Space, and Recreation. Ms. Mescher is currently managing two active projects with United Water Conservation District in Ventura County, and is regularly involved with work for Metropolitan through Rincon’s on-call contract for environmental documentation, biological services, and regulatory permitting.

Susanne Huerta, Principal/Senior Ecologist Role: General Environmental and Support Education: Master of Urban Planning; New York University, Robert Wagner Graduate School of Public Service; B.A., Geography; University of California, Los Angeles Certifications: American Institute of Certified Planners, Certified Environmental Planner Ms. Susanne Huerta will provide General Environmental and Support, and Land Use / Recreation services. Susanne has over 9 years of experience in environmental planning and has managed or primarily authored successful environmental studies on projects ranging from energy development to water infrastructure to commercial and residential development. Susanne has prepared numerous CEQA and NEPA environmental documents that are informative, readable, and legally defensible. She has prepared specialized technical reports on a range of planning and environmental topics, including aesthetics, agriculture, land use, and policy analysis. Her experience includes but is not limited to: work on multiple projects with federal, State and local agencies for analysis of linear projects traversing multiple jurisdictions, topographies, and resource areas; preparation of numerous land use and recreation analyses for CEQA and NEPA projects throughout the Southern California desert areas in Riverside, San Bernardino and Kern Counties; environmental analysis of large-scale renewable energy projects, including solar and wind farm developments, in Los Angeles, Riverside, Kern, and Imperial Counties. Ms. Huerta is currently managing the CEQA analysis for seven development projects in Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties.

Steven Hongola, Principal/Senior Ecologist Role: Biological Resources Education: B.S., Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis Permit/Training: Federal 10(a)(1)(A) Permit - Coastal California Gnatcatcher, TE 091463-3; SCCWRP, California Rapid Assessment Method: Riverine Module; Wetland Training Institute: Difficult Situations, Arid West Supplement, and Wetland Delineation Manual; CNPS Vegetation and Habitat Rapid Assessment Method Workshop Mr. Steven Hongola will be responsible for technical oversight and quality assurance of Biological Resources. He has 15 years of professional experience in the environmental field, with expertise in biological resource assessments, focused surveys for sensitive species, jurisdictional waters and wetlands delineations, habitat restoration and management, conservation planning, and regulatory permitting. Steve specializes in wetlands delineation and avian field studies and holds a federal 10(a)(1)(A) permit to conduct protocol surveys for coastal California gnatcatcher. Key projects he has overseen in Riverside County include sensitive species surveys and compliance monitoring for The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s Santa Ana River Bridge Seismic Retrofit Project, Biological Resource Assessment for the Eastern Municipal Water District’s Pala Force Main Project, sensitive wildlife surveys for the Palm Springs Wastewater Treatment Plant Solar Project, and

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Jurisdictional Waters and Wetlands Delineation for Southern California Edison’s Triton Substation Project.

Christina McAdams, Environmental Planner/Scientist Role: Biological Resources Education: B.S., Environmental Management and Protection, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, 2012; Minor(s), Biological Sciences and Geographic Information Systems Ms. Christina McAdams will be responsible for Biological Resources for this contract. Christina is an Environmental Scientist/Project Manager with Rincon Consultants. In this capacity, she is involved in a wide range of projects including technical analysis, general planning and biological assignments. She has experience conducting general biological surveys, including surveys for rare-plants, desert tortoise, burrowing owl, blunt-nosed leopard lizard, and California red-legged frog and is proficient in field GPS data collection and GIS mapping and data interpretation/analysis. Ms. McAdams is an experienced technical writer and has prepared Biological Resource Assessments, Western Riverside Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Habitat Assessments/Consistency Analysis, as well as CEQA documents including Initial Studies and Environmental Impact Reports. Her key areas of expertise include managing projects, preparing resource constraints analysis, maintaining and evaluating regulatory compliance, conducting field surveys for endangered species, habitat evaluation, general biological surveys, construction and mitigation monitoring, and preparing environmental analyses under CEQA and NEPA.

Benjamin Vargas, M.A., RPA, Archaeological Program Manager Role: Cultural Resources Education: M.A., Anthropology (emphasis Archaeology), California State University, Long Beach, B.A., Anthropology, California State University, Fullerton Permit/Training: Register of Professional Archaeologists (15733), Certified Cultural Resources Consultant – Riverside County, California (certificate 330); Certified Archaeologist – Orange County, California; California Statewide Cultural Use Permit for Lands Managed by the BLM; California Energy Commission (CEC) Approved Archaeological Monitor Mr. Benjamin Vargas has over 28 years of experience of working professionally in the environmental field on numerous and varied types of Cultural Resources projects throughout California. Bennie will be responsible for technical oversight, management, and quality assurance of cultural resources. Mr. Vargas’ professional experience includes all phases cultural resources work, Section 106 and CEQA regulatory compliance, Native American consultation, and project management. Throughout his professional career, Mr. Vargas has had the opportunity to work with multiple federal and state agencies such as the Army Corps of Engineers, the BLM, the USAF, the US Navy, the US Army, the California Energy Commission, Caltrans, and others. Mr. Vargas meets the Secretary of Interior’s qualifications standards in prehistoric and historical archaeology and has been the primary author of numerous research-oriented and compliance-driven cultural resource management reports. As a senior project manager, Mr. Vargas has managed numerous cultural resources and multi-disciplinary projects in Riverside County and the surrounding region including projects through on-call contracts with SCE and SoCal Gas, the Blythe Solar Power Project, the Prado Dam Archaeological Project, the BLM Solar Energy Zones Sample Surveys Project, the Sheep Creek Channel Invert Restoration Project, and many others.

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Catherine A. Wright, Senior Archaeologist Role: Cultural Resources Education: B.S., Anthropology, University of California, Riverside Ms. Catherine Wright has more than 22 years of experience performing Cultural Resources management in the West. She has performed the full range of archaeological and historic resource studies in California, Arizona and Nevada. This includes background research, surveys, site evaluations, and mitigation through data recovery and monitoring. She has prepared numerous cultural resource survey reports, site overviews, background summaries, survey and testing plans, and Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plans (ICRMPs). Ms. Wright has managed numerous on-call contracts for cultural resource services in the Southwest. These include on-call archaeological and cultural resource services agreements with Imperial Irrigation District, Bureau of Reclamation, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Los Angeles and Sacramento districts), and the Department of the Navy. She has also conducted technical studies in Riverside and Imperial counties for the Salton Sea Authority, Bureau of Land Management, and the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians. Ms. Wright assisted with the coordination and management of cultural resource studies for the All American Canal Lining Project and the Coachella Canal Lining Project and has performed technical studies on state and federal lands throughout the region. She has completed surveys, testing and significance evaluation projects, data recovery, and archaeological monitoring, and served as technical editor for the Lake Cahuilla Cultural Resources Data Compendium prior to its publication.

Shannon Carmack, Architectural Historian Role: Cultural Resources - Historic Resources Studies Education: B.A., History, emphasis in American History, California State University, Long Beach; A.A., Anthropology, Orange Coast College Ms. Shannon Carmack has more than 17 years of professional experience providing Cultural Resources management and historic preservation planning for large-scale and high-profile projects throughout California. Shannon has worked throughout California in numerous sectors including local planning, development/construction, public utilities, Department of Defense (DOD), transportation, recreation, and education. Ms. Carmack has assisted in cultural resources investigations for various municipalities and water districts during which she evaluated existing infrastructure associated with water treatment facilities and project impacts on the surrounding built environment. Ms. Carmack is an expert in State and Federal regulations as they pertain to cultural resources and regularly prepares documentation to satisfy CEQA/NEPA, CEQA-Plus, Section 106, and Local Historic Preservation Ordinances. Ms. Carmack also provides reports and studies that are in compliance with the SOI’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (Standards) and the California Historic Building Code. She has developed and implemented successful mitigation for countless projects that included Historic American Building Survey (HABS) documentation, oral histories and interpretive programs. She meets and exceeds requirements in the SOI’s Professional Qualification Standards in Architectural History and History. Ms. Carmack has evaluated multiple historic-age water conveyance and storage facilities for CRHR/NRHP eligibility throughout southern California.

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Ed de La Llave, QSD/P, CPSWQ, Environmental Scientist Role: Clean Water Act Permits and NPDES/WQMP Education: B.S. Hydrological Science, University of California, Santa Barbara Certifications: Qualified SWPPP Developer/ Practitioner (#23668); CPSWQ#0890; 40 Hour HAZWOPER Certification Mr. Ed De La Llave will support Clean Water Act Permits and NPDES/WQMP. Ed has experience in generating and implementing Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) for industrial and construction general permit, environmental assessment (Phase I, Phase II), and remediation projects. Mr. De La Llave has over 10 years of professional experience preparing, managing and directing water projects. He is responsible for oversight and implementation of fieldwork, data collection, compilation, client and agency contact, report preparation, training and project management. His experience includes hydrology and water quality. He is a Qualified Storm Water Practitioner/Developer (#29668) and a Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality (#0890), QSP/QSD Trainer of Record, Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner (#0227) and has a 40 Hour HAZWOPER Certification.

Torin Snyder, PG, CHG, QSD, CPSS, Senior Hydrogeologist Role: Clean Water Act Permits and NPDES/WQMP Education: B.S., Soil Science, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Certifications: Professional Geologist, California (#8663); Certified Hydrogeologist, California (#950); Qualified SWPPP Developer/Practitioner Trainer of Record; Qualified SWPPP Developer/Practitioner (#649); Certified Professional Soil Scientist, SSSA (#28222); 40 Hour HAZWOPER Certification Mr. Torin Snyder serves as a Senior Hydrogeologist for Rincon Consultants. Torin will support Clean Water Act Permits and NPDES/WQMP. Mr. Snyder holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Soil Science from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California. He is a Professional Geologist (#8663), Certified Hydrogeologist (#950), Qualified SWPPP Developer/ Practitioner (#649), and Certified Professional Soil Scientist (#28222). Mr. Snyder has over 16 years of professional experience preparing, managing and directing water quality and storm water compliance projects. Most recently, Mr. Snyder served as the Project Manager and was responsible for scheduling and managing the soil and groundwater remedial activities in support of designing and building the $900 million dollar seawater desalination plant. Mr. Snyder was responsible for client and local agency oversight to ensure the soil remedial activities are conducted per the approved remedial action work plan while reducing impacts to the overall project schedule and budget. Mr. Snyder is responsible for oversight and implementation of fieldwork, data collection, compilation, client and agency contact, report preparation, and project management. His experience includes hydrology and water quality, vadose zone hydrology environmental investigations, hydrogeology environmental investigations, hazardous waste investigations, and soil and groundwater remediation/mitigation.

Matthew Long, MESc, MPP, Senior Environmental Scientist Role: Clean Water Act Permits, NPDES/WQMP Education: B.A., Comparative Literature, UC Berkeley; M.E.Sc., Water Resources Specialization, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies; M.P.P., Natural Resource Management Concentration, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs Affiliations: Member, American Water Resources Association Mr. Matthew Long will support Clean Water Act Permits, NPDES/WQMP and Hydrology / Water Quality / Groundwater services. Matthew is a Senior Environmental Scientist responsible for managing

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and preparing CEQA and NEPA documentation and technical impact analyses for a variety of projects. His experience includes water quality and coastal impacts analysis, benefit-cost analysis, GIS modeling, and database management. He has conducted numerous environmental impact analyses for a wide variety of projects throughout California and Arizona. Some key areas of experience include: flood control, dam operation, dredging projects, and water infrastructure projects. Recently Matthew prepared CEQA documentation for the Port of Hueneme Berth Deepening and Wharf Improvement Project, the Presidio of Monterey Integrated Water Sustainability Concept Plan, the Metropolitan Water District Jensen Water Treatment Plant Solar Facility Project, the Metropolitan Santa Ana River Bridge Seismic Retrofit and Routine Maintenance Project, and the City of Santa Monica Sustainable Water Infrastructure Project.

Lindsey Sarquilla, MESM, Senior Environmental Planner Role: Air Quality, GHG, Noise Studies Education: M.E.S.M., Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, University of California, Santa Barbara; B.A., Environmental Studies, Brandeis University Ms. Lindsey Sarquilla is a Senior Environmental Planner and will support Air Quality, GHG, and Noise services for this contract. In this capacity, Lindsey is responsible for managing and preparing CEQA and NEPA documentation and technical air quality, health risk, greenhouse gas emissions, and noise impact analyses. Her experience includes a wide range of technical environmental and planning studies involving urban redevelopment, water infrastructure, solar power facilities, oil extraction and refining facilities, ports, landfills, general plans and specific plans, climate action plans, and other long-range planning documents. Ms. Sarquilla is experienced with a variety of air pollutant and GHG emissions models, including CalEEMod, AERMOD, HARP 1 and 2, HUD DNL, EMFAC, OFFROAD, and TNM.

Hannah Mize, Associate Environmental Planner Role: Air Quality, GHG, Noise Studies Education: B.S., Environmental Science and Resource Management, California State University Channel Islands Ms. Hannah Mize will support Air Quality, GHG, and Noise Studies services for this contract. She has experience preparing CEQA documents including environmental assessments, IS-MNDs, EIRs, and technical studies such as air quality and greenhouse gas assessments, in addition to acoustical analysis. She is experienced with the CalEEMod land use emissions computer model and Extech sound level meter operation and computer software. Hannah’s professional experience includes working for local governments and processing a variety of reports. She has experience with residential and commercial developments in both rural and densely populated areas and climate action planning. Ms. Mize’s technical specialization is in air quality and greenhouse gas emission related planning issues. However she has provided environmental analyses for nearly every issue area identified in the CEQA Appendix G Checklist. Ms. Mize has been a contributing author to a number of recent projects, including the Port of Hueneme Dredge Subsequent CEQA documentation, the City of Pasadena Climate Action Plan, the City of Beverly Hills 9900 (One Beverly Hills) Project Supplemental EIR, the City of Goleta Heritage Ridge Residential Project EIR, and the City of Los Angeles Clarendon Woodland Hills EIR. Ms. Mize has also conducted Greenhouse Gas Verification Services for electricity providers, oil and gas production facilities, and fuel suppliers in conformance with the California Air Resource Board AB-32 Mandatory Reporting Regulation.

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Bronwyn Green, MESM Role: Community Impact / Socioeconomic Assessments Education: M.E.S.M., Master of Environmental Science and Management, Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, University of California, Santa Barbara; B.A., Economics/Mathematics, University of California, Santa Barbara Ms. Bronwyn Green will provide Community Impact / Socioeconomic Assessments expertise for this contract. Bronwyn is a Senior Environmental Planner with 12 years of professional experience, including 6 years in environmental planning and 6 years in economic research. She works with a diverse range of clients, including local, State, and Federal government agencies, as well as private companies and non- profit organizations. Her work includes environmental analysis and review, particularly California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance documentation, as well as community impact assessment. Her combination of analytical and interpersonal skills allows her to reach across groups and individuals to build relationships and complete complex objectives. She has the ability to comprehend and synthesize complex quantitative and qualitative information, and translate it to meaningful data for public consumption. Her community impact assessment work includes evaluation of minority, low-income, and sensitive populations; project effects to residential housing, commercial developments, agricultural lands, and community facilities; disruption or division of existing communities; economic impacts in terms of local and regional jobs; tax effects to school districts and city and county jurisdictions; and environmental justice.

Christy Sabdo, MS, AICP, Senior Environmental Project Manager Role: Farm Land Impact Analysis Education: M.S., Geography, Northern Illinois University, Illinois; B.A., Geography with emphasis in natural resource and environmental geography, San Diego State University, California Certifications: American Planning Association (APA), American Institute of Certified Planners, 2016 Ms. Christy Sabdo will provide Farm Land Impact Analysis. Christy has over 16 years of experience in short- and long-range planning and CEQA and NEPA review. Christy is currently assisting with the preparation of the City of Seaside General Plan Update and associated EIR, and the Agricultural Lands Section of the Supplemental EIR/EIS for the Fresno to Bakersfield Locally Generated Alternative Alignment of the California High Speed Rail System. She is also presently providing on-call contract planning services for the County of Monterey and the City of Gilroy; and previously the City of Carmel- by-the-Sea from April 2014 to January 2016. Prior to working at Rincon, for over 13 years Christy worked on current and long range planning projects for Kane County, Illinois. As Senior Planner and Director of Subdivisions and Zoning, Ms. Sabdo managed the production of the County’s comprehensive plan; the zoning entitlements and subdivision review of transit-oriented developments, conservation design subdivisions, and master planned community additions.

Jonathan Berlin, MESM, Environmental Planner Role: Visual Impact Analysis Education: M.E.S.M. with emphases in Conservation Planning as well as Economics and Politics of the Environment, Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, University of California, Santa Barbara; B.A., Journalism, University of Maryland, College Park Certifications: Member, Association of Environmental; Professionals Member, American Planning Association; Member, California Native Plant Society Mr. Jonathan Berlin’s role for CVWD will be Visual Impact Analysis. Jonathan specializes in environmental review of visual and noise impacts. For visual impacts, he has expertise in the analysis of photo simulations and photometric studies, a deep understanding of Federal Highway Administration

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and Caltrans guidance, and experience with visual analysis of projects in flood control channels. For noise impacts, he conducts field measurements of ambient noise, models traffic-related noise using the FHWA’s Traffic Noise Model, and designs mitigation measures. He has professional experience in technical writing, editing, public outreach, and environmental policy analysis, and has worked with a range of federal and state environmental agencies. His recent experience includes serving on the California High-Speed Rail project as the task lead for the Aesthetics and Visual Resources section of the Supplemental EIR/EIS for the Fresno to Bakersfield Locally Generated Alternative.

Jennifer Schwartz, PE, QSD, Environmental Engineer Role: Hazardous Materials / Initial Site Assessments Education: B.A.Sc., Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Certifications: Professional Civil Engineer, California (#C74973); 40-Hour HAZWOPER Certification with current 8-hour refresher Ms. Jennifer Schwartz has over 10 years of experience in environmental consulting including Hazardous Materials / Initial Site Assessments throughout the southwestern United States. Her experience includes site investigation and assessment, remediation design, environmental compliance, and litigation support for various industries, including: real estate, developers, manufacturing, solid waste management, oil and gas industry, electric power utilities, aerospace, and government agencies. She has directed Phase I and II ESAs and performed sampling of groundwater, soil, soil vapor, sediment, and building materials. She has designed and implemented pilot- and full-scale remediation projects such as bioremediation, onsite containment, soil vapor extraction (SVE), and vapor barriers. Ms. Schwartz has prepared and certified Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans for a variety of industries, such as marine fueling, crude oil pipelines, power plants, construction sites, and maintenance yards.

Julie Marshall, Senior Project Manager Role: Hazardous Materials / Initial Site Assessments Education: B.S., Environmental Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy, New York Engineer-in-Training, New York Certifications: Hazardous Materials Management Certificate, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1998; Business Management Certificate, University of California, San Diego, 2007; 40 Hour Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Certification - Current 8 Hour Refresher Ms. Julie Marshall has 22 years of professional experience in Hazardous Materials / Initial Site Assessments. Julie is an expert in completing Phase I environmental site assessments (ESAs) according to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 2013 guidelines and Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) “All Appropriate Inquiry” requirements. Specifically, Ms. Marshall has extensive experience managing multi-site real estate portfolios for local agencies, developers, banks, and other commercial entities. Additionally, Ms. Marshall is experienced in conducting environmental assessment, investigation, and remediation projects with oversight by State Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), and other local agencies. Recently, Ms. Marshall assisted the City of San Diego with a 3-year Brownfields Assessment Grant project that includes completion of Phase I & II ESAs and coordination with EPA, and the City of San Francisco with 31 Phase I ESAs and 15 Phase II ESA projects for their Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Projects. Additionally, Ms. Marshall is currently assisting with two Hazardous Materials and Wastes Technical Reports for the California High Speed Rail project.

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Marcus Klatt, GIS Supervisor/Analyst Role: GIS Mapping Education: B.A., Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara Mr. Marcus Klatt will provide GIS Mapping services. Marcus is a GIS Analyst specializing in geospatial analysis, development, and mapping for a wide range of project types including environmental assessments, planning, urban design, and land development. He has experience in aerial imagery interpretation and mapping, georectification, spatial statistics, impact analysis, database development/management, version control and tracking, QAQC, methodology development, ArcPy python programming, web mapping, and mobile GIS applications. Through his 10 years of GIS experience he has worked with nonprofits, city, state and federal agencies, as well as in the private sector to provide GIS and spatial data solutions. Mr. Klatt provides professional GIS products through his strong foundation in GIS and is knowledge of all the leading and emerging GIS technologies.

Craig Huff, Program Manager – Information Technology and Graphics Services Resource: GIS Mapping Education: Bachelor of Science, Natural Resource Planning. Minor, Geographic Information Systems. Humboldt State University; ESRI Online Training, Various Mr. Craig Huff will provide GIS Mapping services to the CVWD contract. Craig holds a Bachelor’s of Science (BS) in Natural Resource Planning and a Minor in GIS from Humboldt State University in Arcata, California. Mr. Huff has worked extensively with a wide range of GIS, CAD, field data collection, and graphics applications including ArcMap, AutoCAD Map 3D, Pathfinder, ERDAS Imagine, MultiSpec, Global Mapper and the Adobe product suite. His 15+ years of experience enable him to assist project teams in providing valuable data to make analytically sound decisions through the use of GIS. His skills also prove invaluable for producing clear and concise, visually appealing displays for both hard copy publications and multimedia presentations. From classic GIS analysis and orthorectification to photo manipulation and even web design, Mr. Huff has a broad array of tool knowledge to take full advantage of at Rincon Consultants.

David Daitch, PhD, Senior Paleontologist/Senior Biologist Role: Paleontological Resources Education: Ph.D., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder; M.S., Geology, University of Colorado, Boulder; B.S., Biology, The Evergreen State College Dr. David Daitch will provide Paleontological Resources as needed. Dave is a Senior Paleontologist and Program Manager at Rincon Consultants. He has worked for over 17 years in the paleontological and biological sciences as a field investigator, laboratory and museum technician, and teacher. He has over 12 years of paleontological consulting experience. Dr. Daitch’s paleontological experience has focused on the collection and identification of primarily Cenozoic terrestrial fossils of western North America, with moderate experience in Mesozoic terrestrial fossils and Paleocene and Mesozoic marine fossils of the western U.S. He has extensive experience in the field and in project management, conducting and coordinating both small and large projects. He has conducted fieldwork, supervised field staff, and managed the technical and administrative side of more than 100 paleontological studies including preliminary evaluations, field surveys and paleontological resources assessments, and construction compliance monitoring for projects that range from small telecommunications project to large-scale linear (transmission and transportation) projects over 1000 miles in length. He has coordinated compliance monitoring on a range of projects include traditional and renewable energy projects, transmission projects, housing and commercial developments, and large-scale seismic surveys. He has written or supervised the preparation of numerous technical documents including Paleontological

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Resources Assessments and Technical Reports (including Caltrans PIRs, PERs and PMPs), Impact Analyses, Paleontological Mitigation and Monitoring Plans, paleontological sections of EIRs, IS/MNDs, EAs and EISs, and construction compliance monitoring reports.

Subconsultants Traffic Sub – Urban Crossroads Founded in 2000, Urban Crossroads, Inc. is a California “S” Corporation and certified Small Business (SBE_#48585) and a leading provider of traffic, air and noise consulting services. They serve both public and private sector clients to provide forecasting, analysis and design for all modes of transportation. At Urban Crossroads, they recognize the importance of delivering a timely work product that satisfies the regulatory requirements while communicating with our clients throughout the process.

Aric Evatt, PTP, Principal Role: Traffic Assessments Education: B.S. - Finance, Real Estate, and Law, California Polytechnic State University, Pomona Certifications: PTP Professional Transportation Planner Aric Evatt is a principal partner and Professional Transportation Planner (PTP). Mr. Evatt leads the transportation studies group with a focus on helping clients and communities develop mitigation strategies in response to ever evolving environmental and legislative requirements. As President of Urban Crossroads, Inc. Mr. Evatt works to ensure our continued success by maintaining strong client relationships, providing timely and complete work products and supporting our technical studies throughout the public hearing process.

Carleton Waters, P.E., Principal Role: Traffic Assessments Education: M.S - Civil Engineering, University of California, Irvine; B.S. - Civil Engineering, University of California, Irvine Registrations: PE Registered Professional Traffic Engineer – CE 52916 Carleton Waters, P.E., has worked professionally in transportation engineering and related fields since 1981. He received his Master of Science degree in civil engineering from the University of California, Irvine, where his studies and master thesis focused on transportation and urban systems planning. As a registered Civil Engineer, Mr. Waters currently provides technical oversight and support for our design team. This includes traffic signal design, coordinated traffic signal timing plans, roadway signing and striping plans, construction detour plans, and construction quantity and cost estimates plans and specifications. Mr. Waters experience includes providing expert witness testimony, as well as travel demand forecasting and preparing traffic studies and parking studies.

Charlene So, P.E., Senior Transportation Engineer Role: Traffic Assessments Education: B.S. Civil Engineering, University of California, Irvine Registrations: PE Registered Professional Traffic Engineer – TR 2414 Charlene Hwang So P.E., has worked in transportation planning and traffic engineering since 2002. Since earning her Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Irvine, Charlene So has developed a wide range of expertise in transportation planning and traffic impact analyses. She is a registered professional traffic engineer in the State of California. Ms. So is an

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experienced transportation analyst and is familiar with the analysis techniques of the most current Highway Capacity Manual. She is proficient in the use of unique software tools such as SYNCHRO, SimTraffic, VISSIM, VISTRO, and HCS 2010.

Pranesh Tarikere, P.E., Senior Engineer Role: Traffic Assessments Education: M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Texas, Arlington; B.S., Civil Engineering, Bangalore University, India Registrations: PE Registered Professional Traffic Engineer TR 2728 Pranesh Tarikere, P.E., has worked in transportation planning and traffic engineering since 2003. Since earning his Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas, Arlington, Mr. Tarikere has developed a wide range of expertise in transportation planning, transportation modeling and traffic impact analysis. Mr. Tarikere’s capabilities include the use of various modeling software packages, such as TransCAD and Cube. He is also a registered professional engineer in the states of California and Texas.

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(e) Understanding of Project

Our firm has a broad range of experience providing environmental consulting services in support of local water agency projects throughout California. Our experience extends to technical studies, CEQA/NEPA documents, biological and cultural resources studies, agency consultations, and preparing permit applications. Our general approach to the services outlined in the RFP is outlined below. A detailed scope of work will be provided for each individual project assigned under this contract.

General Environmental The preparation of CEQA and NEPA documentation commonly involves review of documents, attending meetings with the lead agency and project applicant, interaction with regulatory agencies, preparation of reports, and attendance at public meetings and hearings. For the CEQA process, this task normally starts with a review of the CEQA Guidelines to assess whether or not a project is exempt from more detailed environmental review. Exemptions are relatively well defined in the Guidelines and include the categories of projects that would not likely result in significant environmental effects. If not exempt, we would complete an Initial Study Checklist to determine the appropriate environmental clearance document under CEQA. For projects where all impacts can clearly be mitigated and where there is not a strong base of public controversy, an ND or MND is prepared. For projects that may result in a significant impact, an EIR is typically the appropriate CEQA document. When an EIR is required, we utilize the IS and scoping process to focus the document on impacts that have the potential to result in significant impacts. For NEPA, appropriate federal agency consultation will be required. Documentation may involve Categorical Exclusions (CEs), EAs, or EISs. In some cases where both CEQA and NEPA apply to a project, and a joint CEQA/NEPA document may be appropriate. In other cases, federal lead agencies prefer to process final review documentation after completion of the CEQA environmental review is finalized.

The scope of work for any environmental document or specialized technical study would depend upon the nature of the project being analyzed and will vary from project to project. We have assumed that most documentation will involve CEQA review, a lesser number will involve NEPA review, and that a range of specialized studies will also be requested.

Alternatives For EIRs, EAs, and EISs, a reasonable range of alternatives will be identified during the course of the study in consultation with City staff. For EIRs, evaluation of alternatives will normally be in less detail than that for the proposed project, though the analysis will provide decision-makers and the public adequate information to decide between alternatives. This section will also identify the "environmentally superior alternative." If the “no project - no building” alternative is determined to be environmentally superior, the EIR will identify the environmentally superior alternative among the remaining scenarios. As noted above, NEPA requires analysis of each project alternative in an equal level of detail so all project alternatives will be analyzed in a single “Environmental Consequences” chapter.

Public Hearings/Meetings From our experience working on many development and public works projects and long range planning programs, we understand the need to effectively engage the public in the planning and environmental analysis process. Communication with the stakeholders will be important in ensuring the success of most large-scale EIRs and EISs. Rincon will prepare materials for, attend and participate, as needed, in all

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major public meetings, including public workshops, open houses, and public hearings leading up to certification of the EIRs.

Biological Rincon provides a full range of biological technical services, from simple biological inventories to complex detailed investigations requiring specialized protocol biological studies throughout California. Our comprehensive understanding of, and objective approach to, both the ecological and regulatory facets of biological resource issues ensures high value professional outcomes for our clients. Each project begins with an assessment of the general biological conditions at a site by the Biological Team using readily available literature sources such as online aerial photography, sensitive resource occurrences from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) California Natural Diversity Data Base (CNDDB), Biogeographic Information and Observation System (BIOS – www.bios.dfg.ca.gov), and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Critical Habitat Portal (http://criticalhabitat.fws.gov). Once the basic biological conditions of the site and its vicinity are known, then the appropriate type and intensity level of biological field surveys are determined. We then initiate our activities with a Project Kickoff Meeting to ensure that the Biological Team and the client are equally informed about the nature of the activities proposed and the biological issues of concern. As our Field Studies frequently involve listed species, Rincon staff hold Section 10(a)(1) permits for multiple species and also regularly employ subconsultants with appropriate permits for field studies, as further discussed below.

Field Surveys . Baseline Biological Surveys . Habitat Assessments for Special-Status Species Presence . Botanical Inventories and Focused Special-Status Plant Surveys . Focused and/or Protocol Surveys for Burrowing Owl, Least Bell’s Vireo, Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, Raptors (eagles, hawks, owls), Western Snowy Plover, Coastal California Gnatcatcher, Belding’s Savannah Sparrow, California Least Tern, Steelhead Trout, Tidewater Goby, Arroyo Toad, California Red-Legged Frog, California Tiger Salamander, Western Spadefoot Toad, Western Pond Turtle, Desert Tortoise, Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard, Flat-tailed and Coast Horned Lizards, Legless Lizard, Two-Striped Garter Snake, Giant Garter Snake, Special-Status Bats (Acoustical Surveys), Mojave Ground Squirrel, various Kangaroo Rats, Pocket Mice, Voles, Woodrats and other Small Mammals, San Joaquin Kit Fox, Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp, Endemic Coastal Dune Invertebrates, Monarch Butterfly, Valley Elderberry Beetle, and Blue Butterflies.

The Field Survey may be an end in itself as biological constraints may be exposed that warrant alternative locations, or the biological inventory may indicate a lack of resources and no further biological assessment is necessary. Such surveys may also be necessary for compliance with permit conditions or agency requirements. In most instances, the biological Field Studies form the basis for preparation of the Biological Assessment (BA) that places the planned activities into the context of these resources and the regulatory framework that controls actions that may affect identified resources of concern. Rincon works closely with public, private, and utility clients to provide quality and cost effective biological resource assessments. BA’s include the results of the field surveys and would typically also contain the following information:

. Dominant plants/vegetation classification description and mapping; . Wildlife observed and anticipated onsite; . Photo-documentation of the existing site conditions;

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. Description of site conditions, including habitat types and surrounding development; . Biological resources that meet the definition of Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas; . Discussion of physical site characteristics (e.g. topography, soil, wildlife corridors, microclimate); . Mapped locations of identified special-status species; . Identification of all special-status species observed or expected onsite; . Assessment of the potential impacts of the planned activities to habitats and species; . Identification of environmentally preferred alternatives to project design; and . Identification of mitigation measures to minimize and mitigate impacts to biological resources that cannot be avoided.

Biological Resource Assessment Services . Biological Due Diligence Surveys to Identify Project Constraints . Preparation of Biological Resource Assessment reports to support permit applications . Preparation of federal Biological Assessment / Biological Evaluation . Multiple Projects Site Assessment to Identify the Environmentally Preferred Location . Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Mapping

Rincon’s role would be to support CVWD and provide a comprehensive guide to understanding the biological resource issues associated with projects and laying out the alternatives available for project implementation. Once one of the types of Biological Assessments as listed above are prepared, the next step would be to develop one of those actions or alternatives that would meet the objectives of the planned activities, while meeting agency regulations and the CEQA/NEPA responsibilities of minimizing the effect to important biological resources. Rincon has prepared and implemented project specific mitigation and monitoring programs where special-status biological resources (e.g. listed or sensitive species, nesting birds, jurisdictional drainages and wetlands) are present or anticipated.

At the project specific level, we regularly conduct construction and mitigation monitoring where our primary job is to ensure that the construction activities are completed in compliance with permit conditions and to help minimize unnecessary costs and project delays that can be associated with shutdowns resulting from permit noncompliance. Rincon’s trained biologists and construction monitors do this by clearly communicating permit conditions to staff and crew, conducting environmental education programs, proactively coordinating with the resource agencies on conflicting permit conditions, identifying and implementing the appropriate level of monitoring, and documenting the status of mitigation progress. Rincon also has direct “hands-on” experience in the actual construction of mitigation projects, including the design and planning for habitat restoration, in-field design directing contractors, and installation of plant materials and irrigation equipment.

Mitigation Plan Development and Mitigation and Construction Monitoring . Alternative Mitigation Approaches (e.g. on-site vs. off-site mitigation, mitigation banking) . Restoration Plan Design and Implementation, including Riparian Habitat and Wetlands . Mitigation Banking & In-Lieu Fee Program Coordination . Qualitative and Quantitative Restoration Monitoring, Landscape Level Photomonitoring . Annual Reporting & Agency Coordination . Habitat Management Plan Preparation and Natural Lands Management . Environmental Education Training: Annual Training, Formal Presentations, and Tailgate Training . Full Service Construction Monitoring – Biological/Stormwater Quality . Preconstruction Clearance Surveys . Revegetation: Oversight of Planting, Maintenance and Removal of Invasive Weeds

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. Independent Third Party Monitoring . Large scale, long term Programmatic Compliance Monitoring . Data Management and Documentation: GIS Mapping, Web page, Database and Written Documentation

As noted above, Rincon has been involved for more than 16 years in water resources and utility-scale compliance with the Clean Water Act, the Porter-Cologne Act, and Fish and Wildlife Code 1600 et. seq. For all of our clients, Rincon routinely conducts delineations of wetlands and other waters of the United States in accordance with the USACE Regional Supplement to the Corps Wetland Delineation Manual: Arid West Region (September 2008), Wetlands Delineation Manual (1987), and USACE’s A Field Guide to the Identification of the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) in the Arid West Region of the Western United States (August 2008). Importantly, Rincon wetland specialists are trained in all three parameters of the delineation protocol: vegetation, soils, and hydrology. This ensures that wetlands are mapped according to USACE’s true jurisdictional limits, not according to vegetative indicators only or in a manner that is strongly biased towards vegetation as is often the case. Further, Rincon wetlands specialists are familiar with the Clean Water Act regulatory framework under which they perform these delineations. Rincon’s wetland specialists are also trained in California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) for wetlands surveys. CRAM is a rapid assessment protocol that provides an assessment of wetland condition based on four key attributes, and has been increasingly required by the regulatory agencies for

Jurisdictional Area Determinations and Regulatory Permit Assistance . Jurisdictional Determinations . Waters of the United States and 3-Parameter Wetland Delineations . Arid Lands Waters/Wetlands Delineations . Fish and Wildlife Riparian Habitat Determinations . State Waters Determinations, including Isolated Waters . California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) Surveys . Regulatory Permits Acquisition

Rincon has extensive experience survey for, monitoring, and permitting projects that have the potential to impacted rare, threatened, or endangered plant and wildlife species that are protected under federal, state, or local laws and regulations, including those listed under the federal and state Endangered Species Acts (ESA). Our in-house experts have the skills and capabilities to detect, identify, and evaluate the potential for determining the presence or abundance of special-status species in an area, which requires an in-depth understanding of their habitat preferences, activity cycle, and life history. ESA- listed rare, threatened, or endangered species typically require specialized protocol surveys that often involve multiple site visits. Biologists conducting protocol surveys are required to have specific experience with these species and must be approved by the resource agencies. Activities that may cause “take”, or adversely affect a listed species, require a permit by USFWS and/or the CDFW. The details of any “take” authorization are subject to negotiation between the resource agencies and the project sponsor. Rincon biologists have extensive experience conducting habitat assessments, surveying, and handling special-status species. We have also developed a network of on-call species specialists to provide any necessary support for projects throughout California. Our ability to work closely with the resource agency staff has been key to our timely completion of special-status species review. As is demonstrated in our individual staff qualifications, many Rincon Staff Biologists possess the permits, certifications, or have other demonstrated expertise to execute the tasks identified above. Our team includes experts in wildlife biology, fisheries, botany, wetland science, restoration ecology, cultural

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resources, and regulatory compliance. We are approved by the USFWS to perform protocol-level surveys for numerous federally listed species that may require “take” permits due to a project-specific need to handle and/or relocate these species, including the California red-legged frog; and are broadly experienced at conducting protocol-level surveys for listed species that do not require take permits, including the least Bell’s vireo.

Cultural Rincon staff includes archaeologists who meet or exceed the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards for prehistoric archaeology, historic archaeology, and history supported by qualified paleontologists, archaeological and paleontological technicians, GIS staff, technical editors, and document production specialists. When analyzing projects for the City our specialists will consider the full spectrum of cultural resources, including archaeological, built environment, and traditional cultural properties. Rincon will provide assistance to CVWD to ensure compliance with CEQA, NEPA, Sections 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), and other federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Services may include:

. Cultural Resource Surveys . CRHR and NRHP Eligibility Evaluations . Archaeological Site Testing . Historic Built Environment Resource Evaluation . Archeological Data Recovery Programs . Phase I, II, and III Paleontological Resources Analysis . Construction Monitoring . Native American Consultation (consistent with AB 52 and SB 18)

Field Surveys Each cultural resource survey begins with an assessment of the general conditions at a project site by conducting a records search at the regional CHRIS information center. If it is determined that a project site has been surveyed in the last five years, the records search may be sufficient. If not, Rincon archaeologists conduct an intensive pedestrian survey of the project area. Any newly identified cultural resources are recorded on DPR Series 523 forms and submitted to the client and regional CHRIS information center. Results of field surveys are written up in a technical report following Archaeological Resource Management Reports (ARMR): Recommended Contents and Format (ARMR Guidelines) developed by the California Office of Historic Preservation (OHP).

Native American Consultation Rincon has considerable experience providing Native American consultation services in compliance with Senate Bill (SB) 18, Assembly Bill (AB) 52, and the NAGPRA. We regularly consult with the Native American community to assess Tribal sensitivities regarding projects and consider their valuable input when planning cultural resource studies. We have worked with California Indian Tribes throughout the state to ensure Tribal input is considered and projects designed to meet both regulatory requirements and Tribal concerns.

Archaeological Evaluations Rincon cultural resources specialists conduct resource evaluation for NRHP/CRHR and local historic register eligibility through archival research, thorough recordation, and archaeological testing, when necessary. Rincon archaeologists conduct Phase II archaeological testing using fieldwork methods including mapping and photodocumentation, surface collection, excavation of shovel test pits, hand-

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powered auger pits, and standard test units. The archaeologists prepare soil profiles and collect samples for further analysis. Our cultural resources laboratory is equipped to manage all sizes and types of collections and to prepare collections for permanent curation in federally qualified facilities. Rincon’s staff includes technical specialists in lithic and faunal analysis, historic artifact analysis, shell speciation and analysis, and collections management. We offer a large pool of highly qualified specialty subcontractors with the full range of capabilities including chemical dating, remote sensing, ethnographic studies, rock art interpretation and documentation, ground stone analysis, and other similar services.

Site Mitigation Services Rincon’s expertise extends to the design and implementation of mitigation plans for CEQA and NHPA compliance. While resource avoidance and preservation are the preferred method of resource protection, when impacts are unavoidable, mitigation through monitoring or data recovery may be required. Rincon’s qualified staff has considerable experience with formulating and implementing mitigation plans. We have prepared Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Programs (MMRPs) for projects throughout California and are regularly called upon to provide qualified archaeological paleontological monitoring staff to support land development projects throughout the state.

Data Recovery Our personnel also offer considerable experience with designing and implementing data recovery programs for compliance with CEQA and sections 106 and 110 of the NHPA. Rincon recently completed a large data recovery effort on a 5-acre parcel in San Diego County to support new residential development along the San Diego River. The mitigation effort recovered multiple human cremations, which has required considerable close coordination with the Kumeyaay Indians to repatriate the remains. Laboratory studies are ongoing.

Monitoring We regularly conduct construction and mitigation monitoring where our primary job is to aid the client to stay in compliance with cultural and paleontological resource regulations. Rincon’s trained archaeologists do this by clearly communicating regulations to staff and crew, conducting environmental education programs, identifying and implementing the appropriate level of monitoring, and documenting the status of mitigation progress. Rincon’s specialists are also experienced in preparing, presenting, and implementing Worker’s Environmental Awareness Programs (WEAPs) for all sizes and types of projects to ensure non-professionals are aware of the importance of preserving our valuable cultural resources.

Collections Management Rincon’s inventory of resources and equipment includes a fully equipped archaeological laboratory to clean, process, analyze, catalog, and house collections of artifacts and the data compendia that accompany them prior to their transfer to a qualified curation facility. Collections are tracked from their recovery in the field until their curation. Rincon holds valid curation agreements with multiple qualified curation facilities located within Metropolitan’s service area.

Regulatory Guidance Rincon’s staff includes archaeologists, historians, and architectural historians with the regulatory experience to assist our clients in complying with the legal requirements of cultural resource studies. We have provided services throughout California that meet federal, state, and local agency requirements, including CEQA, CEQA Plus, the California Public Resources Code (PRC), NEPA, NHPA, NAGPRA, SB 18, AB 52, and the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA).

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Government Consultation Rincon’s staff has consulted and coordinated with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), the , U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and other local, state, and federal agencies on projects ranging from small surveys to large mitigation undertakings. Our staff experience in the federal realm, combined with our history of providing services to state and local agencies, ensures our familiarity with the special requirements of participating agencies for cultural resource projects. Rincon maintains standing FLPMA and ARPA permits with federal and state agencies in the Southwest.

Paleontological Resources When starting a construction project, especially one that involves excavation, what lies below the surface of the ground may simply be just dirt or there may be hidden clues to the past in the form of fossils. Many local (General Plans), State (CEQA) and Federal (Federally-owned or managed land) agencies have requirements for the preservation of paleontological resources (fossils). Completing a Phase I Paleontological Resources Analysis (Phase I PRA) is an important part of any project, especially ones involving excavation activities and within areas of mapped fossil potential. Many California counties (e.g., Riverside County and San Diego County) have included a list of fossil potential within their general plan or initial study guidelines and thus require Phase I PRAs prior to construction activities within areas of known high or unknown fossil potential. Fossil-bearing rock units and the fossils themselves are often hidden so it is important that geologic maps be examined, existing formations be determined, and fossil potential be assessed.

Phase I PRA’s consists of four elements:

. Map analysis, . Assessment of fossil potential, . Institutional records search, and . Peer-reviewed literature review

Phase I PRAs includes identification of geological formations present within the construction footprint (surficial and below ground) in order to assess fossil potential. Institutional (University of California Museum of Paleontology, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, San Diego Museum of Natural History) and literature (peer-reviewed) searches are completed to determine already existing paleontological resources within the project site area or within existing formations in surrounding areas. If necessary, reconnaissance surveys can be completed and included in the Phase 1 PRA. Reconnaissance surveys include ground verification of exposed rock units, hand excavation to examine rocks with potential to contain fossils and mapping of expected sensitive areas. Monitoring, mitigation and curation recommendations are provided.

If monitoring and mitigation become necessary following a Phase I PRA indicating areas of high fossil potential, a monitoring and mitigation plan (Phase III PRA) can be prepared. A Phase III PRA can be implemented prior to the start of construction or during construction if fossils are discovered. The process involves monitoring during excavation, logging of stratigraphic information, location of any fossils discovered, and collection of fossils. A monitoring schedule can be established prior to construction and mitigation can be performed if fossils are discovered during construction activities. Typical mitigation includes the collection and preparation of fossils for curation in-house or by an appropriate institution for long-term curation and storage.

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Clean Water Act Permit We routinely conduct delineations of wetlands and other waters of the United States in accordance with the current USACE protocol. Importantly, Rincon wetlands specialists are trained in all three parameters of the delineation protocol: vegetation, soils, and hydrology. This ensures that wetlands are mapped according to USACE’s true jurisdictional limits, not according to vegetative indicators only or in a manner that is strongly biased towards vegetation, as is often the case. Further, Rincon wetlands specialists are familiar with the Clean Water Act regulatory framework under which they perform these delineations. We know which NWPs apply to particular types of projects, the impact thresholds which those NWPs cannot exceed, the terms and conditions of the NWPs (including ancillary authorizations needed for authorization), and the conditions under which an Individual Permit or Letter of Permission may be required and/or most advantageous. We are also available to prepare Water Quality Certification applications for submittal to the RWQCB and Streambed Alteration Agreement notifications for submittal to the CDFW on behalf of CVWD.

Air Quality Analysis Air quality analyses will be prepared using the methodologies described in the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) CEQA and Federal Conformity Guidelines. Both temporary construction impacts and long-term operational impacts will typically be addressed.

The evaluation of temporary construction impacts will employ standard methodologies and include an assessment of fugitive dust impacts as well as emissions associated with heavy construction equipment. Maximum daily construction emissions and potential long-term emissions will be quantified using the California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod). Overall emissions will be compared to SCAQMD and/or or County of Riverside thresholds to determine their significance. The analysis of long-term impacts will also address the possible creation of carbon monoxide (CO) “hot spots”, consistency with air quality management plans, and odors. For certain projects preparation of a health risk assessment (HRA) may also be warranted to determine whether site inhabitants or adjacent sensitive receptors may be exposed to excess cancer risk or other long-term health effects.

Greenhouse gas (GHG) analyses for projects will typically include:

. Overview of the types of GHGs and sources and potential environmental effects of GHGs and global climate change (GCC) . Overview of the current regulatory framework around GHGs/GCC, including Assembly Bill (AB) 32, Senate Bill 97 (SB) 97, and SB 375, as well as 2010 amendments to the CEQA Guidelines . Quantification of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) units associated with construction and operation (emissions will be estimated for construction activities, motor vehicle trips, natural gas combustion, electricity use, water demand, and solid waste generation) using CalEEMod . Comparison of emissions to applicable thresholds . Discussion of the project’s consistency with applicable plans and policies

Noise Studies The typical methodology used in noise assessment work initiates with the collection of existing data in the form of previously prepared studies and the local jurisdiction’s Noise Element. When appropriate, noise measurements are taken along roadways and within the project site to provide a sample of the current sound level environment. Measurements are taken with an integrating sound level meter and Rincon has the capability of conducting 24-hour measurements. If traffic noise is a concern, the actual

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measurements are compared to the noise levels predicted by the noise model and the model adjusted accordingly, if necessary, to reflect local acoustical conditions.

Rincon uses several different noise prediction models, depending on the nature of the analysis and complexity of the project and the noise environment. Traffic noise models that we use include the Federal Highway Administration Traffic Noise Model (TNM ver 2.5), Caltrans LEQv2 and SOUND32 noise models, or an in-house spreadsheet model that uses the mathematical algorithms from the TNM or Caltrans California Vehicle Noise Emission Levels (CALVENO). Barrier attenuation of existing or proposed sound walls are estimated using Fresnel numbers to account for diffraction around the sound barrier, or by using the TNM or SOUND32 models. For most projects, we would use our in-house model because of its speed and ease of use as compared to the much more complex TNM. We also have an in-house spreadsheet model for the quantification of noise from railroad operations.

Community Impact/Socio-Economic Assessments Environmental Justice and Community Impact Assessment capabilities include evaluation of minority, low-income, and sensitive populations; project effects to residential housing, commercial developments, agricultural lands, and community facilities; disruption or division of existing communities; economic impacts in terms of local and regional jobs; tax effects to school districts and city and county jurisdictions; and assessment of impacts to environmental justice communities of concern, including evaluation of disproportionate effects to minority and low-income communities.

Farm Land Impacts Analysis Farm Land Impacts Analysis capabilities include the review of existing agricultural land conditions (i.e., soil productivity, historical agricultural uses, and agricultural resources); the evaluation of Important Farmland and Williamson Act maps, and Natural Resources Conservation Service soil survey maps for the study area; the preparation of tables summarizing soil agricultural characteristics and Important Farmland designations; and a summary of the temporary and permanent impacts to farmland from the project.

Traffic Assessments Urban Crossroads provides a full range of traffic services that include traffic impact analysis, traffic engineering, travel demand modeling, simulations and many other traffic related services. In addition, to these services, Urban Crossroads actively maintains its expertise with the latest analytical tools for long- range forecasting models, intersection level of service analysis methodologies and traffic simulation.

Traffic Impact Analysis Urban Crossroads offers traffic impact analysis services to support the environmental review process and CEQA requirements. While the traffic impact analysis services typically include a review evaluation of both existing conditions and the effects of future development upon infrastructure requirements, we provide services ranging from conceptual planning/feasibility studies to detailed traffic engineering recommendations. This includes site plan development and access, trip generation studies, vehicle miles travelled, traffic study reports, parking utilization/demand studies and traffic mitigation phasing strategies.

Traffic Engineering Urban Crossroads provides a full range of traffic engineering design capabilities including traffic signal design, signal warrant studies, roundabout design, signing and striping, and traffic control plans for the

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maintenance and protection of traffic. Work products include concept plans, improvement plans, traffic safety recommendations, and evaluations of traffic control devices and other traffic related intersection and roadway design features.

Modeling & Simulations Urban Crossroads, Inc. has always maintained in-house traffic modeling expertise. They actively develop, maintain and run a variety of locally recognized traffic forecasting models using tools such as TransCAD™, and CUBE. Their core staff has been together over fifteen years and has performed major modeling assignments for the cities of Newport Beach, Menifee, Moreno Valley, Hemet, , San Juan Capistrano, Irvine, Indian Wells, Indio, Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, Banning, Beaumont, Coachella, Huntington Beach, and the towns of Mammoth Lakes and Apple Valley. To support these work efforts, Urban Crossroads has developed expertise in land use, socio-economic datasets and network topology using ESRI® GIS software.

Circulation Planning Urban Crossroads, Inc. has performed general plan circulation element / citywide traffic studies for numerous local jurisdictions, including the recently completed General Plan Circulation traffic studies for the City of Menifee and Rancho Santa Margarita. Typical activities include evaluation of land use alternatives, circulation system planning, as well as the preparation of goals, policies, and implementation programs. Their outstanding work was recognized in 2008 in the form of a national award by the American Planning Association for our technical traffic analysis effort as part of the Newport Beach General Plan update process.

Traffic Calming As the area wide traffic increases and cut-through or diverted traffic spreads to nearby neighborhoods, traffic calming studies are often conducted as a means to identify solution for traffic in these sensitive areas. Using professional engineering guidelines, Urban Crossroads will develop measures to satisfy local criteria.

Complete Streets The increasingly inter-modal aspects of transportation are addressed by Urban Crossroads on an integrated basis. Urban Crossroads staff has prepared detailed studies of on-road and rail transit services (including corridors and stations), and developed community circulation plans which successfully incorporate pedestrian and bikeway networks. The Urban Crossroads multidisciplinary approach is responsive to AB 1356, the California Complete Streets Act of 2008. This law requires cities and counties to include complete streets policies in their general plans so that roadways are designed to safely accommodate all users, including bicyclists, pedestrians, transit riders, children, older people, and disabled people, as well as motorists. Sustainable transportation networks are designed to improve the balance between environmental goals, community objectives, and performance (mobility and safety). Urban Crossroads, Inc. provides context sensitive design guidance related to the integration of land use and transportation strategies that ensure the reduction of vehicle emissions by residents, employees and patrons.

Visual Impact Analysis Analysis of aesthetic impacts will commonly address the following topics:

. Changes in visual character . Impacts to vistas from public and private viewing areas

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. Increased light and glare . Shading/shadows . Consistency with adopted design guidelines

Analysis of aesthetic impacts typically involves photo-documentation of the site and surroundings and determination of whether or not the proposed project is consistent with the visual character of the area, adversely affects identified visual resources, alters views from important view locations, or otherwise adversely affects visual conditions in the area. Depending upon the nature of the project, Rincon can prepare shadow modeling that illustrates the effect of building height and massing with respect to shading of adjacent properties. We can also prepare photo-simulations of proposed projects. Such simulations can be helpful in communicating the effects of a project and have become expected for controversial projects. The topic also involves shadows, light, and glare. Rincon has produced outstanding shadow-modeling rendered by our in-house AutoCAD professionals.

Hazardous Materials/Initial Site Assessments Technical studies prepared by Rincon may include Phase I/II Environmental Site Assessments, asbestos surveys, lead based paint survey, and remediation as summarized below.

Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments and Remediation Hazards analysis will typically involve the preparation of a Phase I ESA and, if recognized environmental conditions are identified, Phase II testing. The scope of work for a Phase I ESA is established by ASTM standard 1527-13 and consists of four elements: records review, site reconnaissance, interviews, and report preparation. Pursuant to ASTM practice, Phase I ESAs do not include any inquiries with respect to asbestos, lead-based paint, lead in drinking water, regulatory compliance, cultural and historic resources, industrial hygiene, health and safety, ecological resources, endangered species, indoor air quality, or high voltage power lines. Phase II testing would involve testing of soil and/or groundwater to determine the magnitude and extent of any onsite contamination. If contamination exceeding regulatory action levels is identified, the Phase II report would typically include recommendations for remediating any potentially hazards. Typical approaches involve removal or treatment of the contaminated material.

Asbestos Survey If necessary, asbestos surveys will be conducted by an EPA accredited Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) asbestos inspector. The first step to the survey would be to complete a visual inspection of the facilities to identify the possible presence of building materials that may contain asbestos. After suspect building materials are identified, homogeneous sampling areas will be identified for each suspect building material. Homogeneous sampling areas are defined as areas in which suspect building materials are uniform in texture, construction or application date, and general appearance. Data will be presented by homogeneous area according to location as well as material type and the presence of asbestos. Representative bulk samples will be collected from each homogeneous sampling area. All samples will be collected using EPA sampling procedures as defined in the Simplified Sampling Scheme for Friable Surfacing Materials USEPA, 1985 and the AHERA located in 40 CFR part 763.

Lead Based Paint Survey If necessary, a lead containing paint survey will be conducted by a California Department of Public Health (CDPH) accredited inspector. First a visual survey will be conducted to identify the presence of suspect materials that may contain lead. After the suspect materials are identified, homogeneous

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sampling areas will be identified for each suspect material. Homogeneous sampling areas are defined as areas in which suspect materials are uniform in texture, construction or application date and general appearance. After each suspect material is identified, lead paint readings will be obtained. Lead paint readings will be collected in accordance with Chapter 7 of the HUD Guidelines for Evaluation and Control of Lead Based Paint Hazards in Housing and U.S. EPA 40 CFR part 745 and Title X of the 1992 Housing and Community Development Act.

Asbestos and Lead Based Paint Survey Report Following completion of the surveys a final report will be prepared that documents the findings of the results. The report will identify the presence, condition, and area of asbestos containing material and lead based materials. If asbestos or lead based materials are present, Rincon can provide environmental oversight, monitoring, sampling and/or testing for constituents of potential concern during abatement or project construction.

National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Compliance/Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Preparation Our in-house professionals include Professional Geologists, Certified Hydrogeologists, Professional Engineers, Qualified Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Developers, Qualified Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Practitioners, Qualified Industrial Storm water Practitioners, QSD and QSP Trainer of Record who have years of experience in storm water and NPDES compliance. As current SWPPP professionals, we are fully knowledgeable of the State Water Resources Control Board Construction General Permit 2009-0009-DWQ as amended by 2010-0014-DWQ (CGP), Industrial General Permit 2014- 0057-DWQ, and the California Storm Water BMP Handbook. Further, we are fully knowledgeable of MS4 compliance within the Whitewater River Watershed (Order no. R7-2013-0011).

Regulations issued by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) now require that SWPPPs that determine site specific erosion risks, are prepared by a Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD), and monitored by a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP). Rincon Consultants can assist CVWD with:

 Preparation of SWPPPs following the Construction General Permit  Preparation of SWPPPs following the General Industrial Permit  Water Quality Management Plans  MS4 Permit Compliance within Whitewater River Watershed  Storm water compliance program management  Design of Best Management Practices (BMP) and treatment control BMPs  Low Impact Development (LID) - sustainable storm water management  Preparation of Rain Event Action Plans (REAPs)  Preparation and electronic filing of Permit Registration Documents (PRDs) and SWPPPs  Uploading reports to the State Water Resource Control Board’s (SWRCB) Storm Water Multiple Application and Report Tracking System (SMARTS)  NPDES staff education and training  Site inspections and monitoring  Storm water collection and analysis  Risk Assessment determination  Bioassessment monitoring

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GIS Mapping and Data Management GIS map products depict the physical and environmental characteristics which occur in a project area and its regional context. In addition to managing datasets provided by the client, the GIS and Graphics team assimilates and develops data collected by field staff. This data will be collected primarily through the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) units provided by Rincon as well as through the digitization of field markups. To develop the final product, the GIS and Graphics team will integrate a multitude of file formats in order to create both streamlined workflows and common output schemas tailored to meet specific opportunities and requirements pertaining to the project. ArcMap, AutoCAD, and graphics tools such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator will be used in combination with our map-sets to create presentation ready poster-boards for public display or enhancement details which improve the visual appeal of our products.

In addition to project specific applications of our GIS Mapping and Data Management capabilities, Rincon has the ability to utilize its GIS capabilities to help CVWD manage its infrastructure assets. This can include ongoing operations and maintenance programs as well as environmental data sets and permit compliance.

Extension of Staff Rincon regularly provides extension of staff (also referred to as “contract planning”) services for a variety of clients including cities, counties, and resource agencies. For instance, our project manager for this contract, Ms. Aubrey Mescher, is currently providing as-needed extension of staff services to the United Water Conservation District, in support of CEQA documentation and analysis required for safety improvements to the Santa Felicia Dam in Ventura County. Rincon also has staff based throughout southern California and is prepared to provide Coachella Valley Water District with in-house staff support as needed.

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(f) References

Since the company’s inception in 1994, Rincon has provided consulting services to literally hundreds of water agencies, local municipalities, regional and state agencies, and private sector clients. We have successfully supported many public and private clients under multi-year on-call consulting agreements throughout California. Through these agreements we essentially act as an extension of our client’s staff and provide them with access to a broad range of highly qualified technical expertise.

Rincon is proud of its reputation as a leader in the environmental consulting industry. During our 22- year history, we have received multiple awards for excellence from environmental planning industry organizations, including the American Planning Association and the Association of Environmental Professionals. In addition, our company values were acknowledged by the industry and employees when we received the “Best Places to Work For” award by the Environmental Business Journal/CE News in 2009, and in 2015 when we were placed on Zweig Group’s “Best Firms to Work For” list.

We invite you to contact any of the individuals listed below regarding our qualifications, skills, and project management abilities.

Organization Name and Name and Title Address Project Size/Description of Services Malinda Stalvey Metropolitan Water District of Rincon provides environmental analysis, project Environmental Specialist Southern California management, and general support services for a 700 North Alameda Street number of Metropolitan projects, including but not Los Angeles, CA 9001 limited to: F.E. Weymouth Water Treatment Plant Upgrades Project; Santa Ana River Bridge Seismic Retrofit and Routine Maintenance Project; Palos Verdes Reservoir Upgrades Project; Jensen WTP Solar Project Copper Sulfate Applications to Copper Basin and Gene Wash MND; Lake Matthews Environmental Compliance Monitoring; Lakeview Pipeline Relining Project. James Grisham United Water Conservation District Rincon is providing project management and Engineering Manager 106 N. 8th Street CEQA/NEPA support services with Ms. Aubrey Mescher Santa Paula, CA 93060 functioning as an extension of United staff for analysis of proposed safety improvements on the Santa Felicia Dam. This support includes the management of environmental consultants and guidance through federal (FERC) permitting processes. Rincon is also preparing CEQA documentation for a trailhead improvements project located near Santa Felicia Dam. David Hix City of San Luis Obispo Public Works Rincon provided environmental documentation in Deputy Director 879 Morro Street compliance with CEQA‐Plus as well as the associated San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-2710 environmental permitting requirements required for the City of San Luis Obispo’s Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) Project. This project included expansión of the WRRF’s existing treatment capacity, in order to adequately treat wastewater flows resulting from build‐out of the City’s General Plan Land Use Element.

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Organization Name and Name and Title Address Project Size/Description of Services Alison Sweet Transportation Department Rincon prepared an IS/MND and assisted the County of Public Works Agency Ventura with resource agency environmental permit County of Ventura processing for the Donlon Road Realignment Project. 800 South Victoria Avenue Rincon also conducted site surveys and analysis of Ventura, California 93009-1620 biological resources, which addressed issues related to raptor nesting, potential monarch overwintering aggregations, and jurisdictional waters/riparian habitats associated with Coyote Canyon Creek. Rincon also conducted jurisdictional delineations to determine the location and extent of regulated waters, wetlands, and riparian habitats. Joyce L. Gerber, M.A., RPA County of Santa Barbara Planning Rincon prepared an EIR for the Cavaletto Tree Farm and and Development Department Historic Treatment Project for the County of Santa 123 East Anapamu Street Barbara. Rincon provided construction phase mitigation Santa Barbara, CA 93101 services including preparation of Historic American (805) 934-6265 Building Survey/Historic American Engineering Record [email protected] (HABS/HAER)-like documentation and interpretive signage, and helped with the adaptive restoration of an historic barn located on the project site.

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(g) List of Relative Projects

Rincon has a long history of working in the public sector and currently has on-call contracts with many clients including:

Special Districts/Agencies . Metropolitan Water District of Southern California – Environmental Documentation, Biological Services, and Regulatory Permitting . United Water Conservation District – Environmental Consulting Services . San Diego County Water Authority – Site Assessment Services . Southern California Gas Company – Environmental, Permitting, and Biological Consulting . California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) – Biological Resources . Riverside Community College District – Environmental and Soil Testing Services . California State University, Office of the Chancellor – CEQA Documentation

Cities . City of Eastvale - EIR Preparation . City of Claremont - CEQA Services, Technical Studies . City of Alhambra – CEQA/NEPA Documentation . City of Calabasas - CEQA Services, Technical Studies City of Los Angeles, Recreation and Parks - Environmental Impact Assessment, Site Assessment . City of Los Angeles, Planning - Environmental Documentation Review Services . City of Ventura - CEQA Consulting

Counties . Los Angeles County Community Development Commission - CEQA/NEPA Consulting, Environmental Site Assessment/Remediation . County, City, Port of San Diego – Environmental Documentation, Biological and Cultural Services, Hazards Assessments . County of Ventura - Public Works and Biological Consulting Services . County of Santa Barbara, Department of Public Works - CEQA and NEPA Services

In addition to our work with on-call contracts, Rincon’s principals and senior staff have considerable experience preparing environmental documentation for projects in the Coachella Valley and greater Riverside County. The following projects highlight our experience providing services that will be requested through this contract with CVWD.

On-Call Contract Experience Environmental Services On-Call Contract Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Since 2011, Rincon has been providing environmental consulting services to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Metropolitan). Rincon supports the following tasks under this contract:

. CEQA/NEPA compliance documentation preparation . Biological resource and regulatory field assessments, inspections and reporting . Cultural resource studies, consultation and impact assessment . Regulatory permitting assistance, application preparation, and condition implementation

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Representative projects that Rincon has completed for Metropolitan under this Environmental Services On-Call Contract include but are not limited to those listed below. In addition to these projects, Rincon has also provided on-site trainings for Metropolitan staff on topics relevant to ongoing project work, including the California Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) for Wetlands and Navigating Nesting Bird Regulations in Project Design and Construction. • F.E. Weymouth Water Treatment Plant Upgrades Project. Currently providing environmental compliance monitoring services in support of ongoing upgrades at the Weymouth WTP. This multi-year contract includes construction monitoring services for a variety of construction projects at the site. To date, these include the Chemical Upgrades Project, 2MW Solar Project, and, Filter Rehabilitation Project. Expertise in nesting birds issues, arborist services, noise and air quality have all been provided to date in support of this project. As part of another project at the Weymouth site, Rincon previously provided compliance documentation and general construction monitoring for construction activities associated with the Southern California Edison 66kV electrical upgrades at the F.E. Weymouth Treatment Plant in La Verne, California. In addition, Rincon previously provided consulting services related to bats at the Weymouth WTP. In late 2013, Metropolitan was planning to complete a seismic upgrade of Filter Building 2 that would require removal of the first three bottom layers of the roof tiles and upgrades to the rain spouts. Bats had been found roosting in the roof tiles of adjacent Filter Building 1 and bat guano was found on the ground adjacent to the filter basins as well as on the roof tiles. Rincon identified 7 bat species with potential to occur at the treatment plant or in adjacent roosting habitat, 5 of which are considered a California Species of Special Concern (SSC). Rincon was tasked with determining which species were present and to provide recommendations for methods to manage in place, remove or exclude bats at these structures. • Santa Ana River Bridge Seismic Retrofit and Routine Maintenance Project. Prepared an IS-MND with technical peer review and incorporation of a biological technical report, provided permitting support, and conducted focused avian and bat surveys. The IS-MND examines two seismic retrofit options, each describing a different construction methodology for performance of the seismic upgrades. The IS-MND also evaluates long-term access road maintenance and vegetation management activities proposed beneath and adjacent to the bridge to facilitate maintenance of the structure following the retrofit project. This multi-option analysis was provided to meet Metropolitan’s need for flexibility in the final project design and construction methodology. As part of the scope of work, Rincon also provided advice and information regarding the regulatory permitting process for the project. Focused bat surveys determined the potential for roosting bats and addressed agency comments received during document preparation. Rincon has prepared two addenda to the IS-MND to date to reflect minor alterations in the project since it was approved. Rincon staff also conducted the environmental compliance monitoring for the construction phase of the project, including monitoring and the potential relocation of listed species in compliance with the Incidental Take Permit for the project. In addition, Rincon prepared the Nesting Bird Plan for the project. • Palos Verdes Reservoir Upgrades Project. Prepared an IS-MND along with associated technical studies for Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions for this project. Key issues for this project included construction-related impacts from noise and air emissions as well as the potential for construction activities to affect recreational resources near the site. In addition, transport and disposal of the removed lining was a key issue analyzed in the documentation. The presence of PCBs in sealants historically used during maintenance activities and the potential for these to cause waste to be classified as hazardous was considered.

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An Addendum to the IS-MND was also prepared to reflect minor changes in the project following approval. Rincon is also conducting the construction monitoring for this project. • Jensen WTP Solar Project. Prepared the CEQA documentation for the proposed Jensen Water Treatment Plant 1 MW Solar Project. The solar panels would be ground-mounted and approximately 5 acres would be required for the installation. The planned location of the facility is within the Jensen plant’s operational boundary. Key issues that addressed are potential for visual impacts as well as construction-related air emissions, noise and traffic. • Copper Sulfate Applications to Copper Basin and Gene Wash MND. Prepared an IS-MND for copper sulfate applications to Copper Basin and Gene Wash. The IS included reviewing background documents and focused on issues regarding biological resources, hazards and hazardous materials, and water resources. • Lake Matthews Environmental Compliance Monitoring. Rincon conducted environmental compliance monitoring at an Upper Feeder blow-off structure located at Lake Matthews. A monitor was mobilized and in the field within 24 hours of the request for assistance by Metropolitan. • Lakeview Pipeline Relining Project. Prepared an environmental constraints study to assist Metropolitan in identifying: sensitive environmental areas; biological survey requirements (general and protocol); potential state and/or federal coordination requirements; and, general mitigation requirements and opportunities. Rincon was subsequently contracted to prepare a biological resources assessment for the proposed project. Benefits derived from this included a comprehensive list of mitigation and avoidance measures to limit the potential impacts and future regulatory requirements associated with project implementation. Outside the Lakeview Pipeline Relining Project, Rincon provided environmental compliance monitoring services for two drought-related upgrade projects along the Lakeview Pipeline in Riverside County between July 2014 and August 2015.

Environmental Consulting Services United Water Conservation District Rincon has acted on an on-call basis with the United Water Conservation District (United) on projects since 1998. United is located in Ventura County and serves as the conservator of groundwater resources used by the cities of Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Ventura, Santa Paula, and Fillmore, and several mutual water districts, farms, and individual pumpers. Representative projects include, but are not limited to, the following: • Santa Felicia Dam FERC License Amendment Projects. Rincon is providing As-Needed Project Management Support Services to facilitate the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Non-Capacity License Amendment process related to two engineering design enhancement projects proposed at the Santa Felicia Dam in Piru, California. • Piru Spreading Grounds 2.5MW Solar Project. Rincon completed the CEQA documentation for a 2.5MW Solar Project proposed at the Piru Spreading grounds in Piru, California. The proposed project would install 5,760 new solar photovoltaic modules on a 21.51 acre portion of the 73 acre parcel identified as 057-0-020-145, on the CA 126 in Piru, California. The property was previously used as groundwater recharge basins (percolation basins) by United, but this use ceased in 2008 when the diversion of water from Piru Creek was discontinued. Rincon completed the CEQA documentation for this project in accordance with United’s required schedule and below the proposed budget. • Pothole Trailhead Parking Area. Rincon is assisting United with the CEQA documentation for the Pothole Trailhead Parking area proposed at Lake Piru. United is required to develop and prepare

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a recreational trail plan which includes the construction of a Trailhead Parking Area near the Pothole Trailhead. In order to construct such a facility, United is required to adhere to and perform an environmental review. The study shall identify environmental impacts and recommended mitigation associated with the development of the parking area. • Santa Clara River Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan. Rincon is assisting United with the preparation of a HCP and the associated regulatory permitting for the Freeman Diversion Fish Passage project and ongoing maintenance activities. Support includes conducting technical studies for sensitive species and preparing sections of the HCP including an effects analysis, conservation strategy, plan implementation, and an alternatives analysis. Rincon is also conducting a formal wetlands delineation, preparing baseline and historic habitat mapping, conducting GIS calculation and modeling for effects determinations, and acquiring programmatic water resource permits (CWA Section 404, 401, and CDFC Section 1600) for implementation of the work program. • Seawater Barrier Pilot Program. Rincon prepared an IS-MND for United and City of Oxnard examining a program intended to protect the Oxnard Plain from further degradation of its coastal aquifers. This program is a component of the City of Oxnard’s Groundwater Recharge Enhancement and Treatment Program. • Del Norte Pipeline. Rincon completed an IS-MND for the Del Norte Pipeline, which involved constructing approximately 4,500 lineal-feet of 18 inch-diameter pipeline to connect United’s Main Supply Line with the Del Norte Mutual Water Company’s existing reservoir. • Saticoy Groundwater Storage Management Project. Rincon prepared and processed an IS-MND for the development of up to six new groundwater extraction wells in the upper aquifer to produce an average of 5,900 acre-feet per year (AF/Y). Initially, the project involved constructing four new wells with construction activities phased over a 15-month period. An additional two wells were planned to ensure that the extraction objectives (i.e., average production of 5,900 AF/Y) were met and to provide greater management flexibility within the conjunctive-use system. Key environmental issue included the effect of the project on the Santa Clara River located immediately west of the project. • Pleasant Valley Reservoir. Rincon prepared an IS-MND for the project, which consisted of a 120 acre-foot water storage reservoir east of and adjacent to an existing 80 acre-foot reservoir operated by Pleasant Valley Water District. The project provides greater protection and conservation of existing groundwater resources. The water was proposed to be fed into the Pleasant Valley Water District’s existing water distribution system for agricultural uses.

On-Call Biological Services Southern California Gas Company Rincon is a “strategic supplier” and has provided on-call biological surveys, monitoring, permit compliance and regulatory services for over 400 Sempra Energy (Southern California Gas Company and SDG&E) projects since 2001 under multiple Master Services Agreements. Rincon services for this major utility have included preparing biological assessments identifying the environmental constraints of individual activities, identifying the appropriate level of CEQA and/or NEPA review, pursuing any required permits or approvals, conducting environmental training sessions when appropriate and required, implementing necessary monitoring and mitigation onsite, and preparing final compliance reports.

Key programs and projects managed by Rincon under these MSAs include:

• Pipeline Safety Enhancement Plan (PSEP) Biological Services

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• Aliso Canyon Storage Field Studies, Permitting, and Biological Monitoring • San Joaquin Valley Programmatic Biological Opinion Implementation • California Desert Conservation Area (CDCA) Section 7 Compliance Program for Gas Transmission & Distribution Facilities in San Bernardino, Riverside, San Diego, and Imperial Counties • CDCA ESA Biological Opinion and CESA MOU Program Implementation for Ongoing Operations and Management Activities • CDCA Programmatic Jurisdictional Drainage Permits Acquisition • Habitat Conservation Planning Services, San Luis Obispo County, San Bernardino, Orange, Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara, and Riverside Counties • Programmatic 1600/401/404 Permit Acquisition, Santa Barbara & San Luis Obispo Counties • Biological Studies and Regulatory Compliance Program Development for Gas Transmission Facilities in the Angeles National Forest • Coastal Region Conservation Plan • SoCalGas Contingent Worker/Support Staff – Chatsworth Office • Develop Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Database Management Program for Multi County Area in Southern California • Programmatic ESA Section 7/2081 Consultations • Worker Environmental Education and Annual Education Programs • Line 36-1008 Phase I and II Relocation Project Biological Constraints Analysis and Assessment, Permitting and Monitoring, Cholame, Kern County • Line 2001 Biological Constraints Analysis and Assessment, In-Line Integrity, Moreno Valley to Rio Hondo, Riverside and Los Angeles Counties • Line 1030 Pipeline Replacement Regulatory Compliance and Construction Monitoring, Desert Center, Riverside County • Line 8110 Pipeline Replacement Biological Compliance Monitoring, Taft, Kern County • Line 3003 and Line 407 Pipeline Protection Plan Project Construction Monitoring, SWPPP Preparation and Monitoring, and Related Services, Los Angeles County

On-Call Environmental Services Support Southern California Edison Rincon provides as-needed environmental services support to Southern California Edison Company. Authorized contract work authorizations and purchase orders have included providing in-house staffing support (“Contingent” and “On-site Consultants”), biological, regulatory, and general environmental support services. Services included, but were not limited to, general and protocol level special status surveys, biological resource monitoring, permit and regulatory compliance services. Additionally Rincon assisted with full biological compliance management services, including but not limited to, developing Statement of Work (SOW) and Cost Work Assessment (CWA) Proposals to support scope of work changes, development of special status resource monitoring and management plans (nesting bird, burrowing owl), developing survey schedules and managing subconsultants, compliance strategies with Project Team members, conducting compliance surveys and inspections, developing and conducting the biological portion of WEAP trainings for project personnel, communicating survey and compliance requirements to the Project Team and regulatory agencies, developing biological resource budgets, responding to data requests from the CPUC, reviewing subconsultant reports for technical accuracy, and working in conjunction with the SCE Environmental Coordinator to meet project compliance requirements. Executed task orders include:

• On-Call General Biological Services (surveys, permitting, monitoring) • On-Call B Vegetation Management Activities Support

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• Triton Substation Project - Contingent Worker Support • West of Devers Interim Project - Contingent Worker Support • Falcon Ridge Substation Project - Contingent Worker Support • Triton Substation and Transmission Line Project Biological Support Services • Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project – Surveys and Construction Monitoring Support (subcontract thru ICF, International) • Ivanpah 220/115kV Substation Project Environmental Compliance Monitor (subcontract through Professional Electrical Construction Services, Inc.) • Santa Barbara Reliability Project – Onsite Consultant Support • Moorpark-Newbury Project – Onsite Consultant Support • Valley South Subtransmission Project – Onsite Consultant Support

In order to meet the demands of these short notice projects, Rincon developed an on call services program that defines report and communication protocols, quality assurance work plan, phone tree for staffing resources and consultant work authorization form procedures and guidance. Rincon has supported several projects in the Southern California area, including nesting bird surveys, preconstruction compliance and burrowing owl surveys and vegetation management monitoring in sensitive habitats.

On-Call Environmental and Soil Testing Services Riverside Community College District Rincon Consultants was selected to provide services for two separate consulting lists with the Riverside Community College District: Environmental Services and Soils Testing Services. Serving a 540 sq. mile area and seven cities in western Riverside County, the District has enrollment of more than 40,000 students each year. The District operates three separate colleges: Moreno Valley College, Norco College, and Riverside City College, and three other learning centers in the surrounding communities. Rincon will be provided services to complete various new and renovation building projects for the District.

City of Claremont As-Needed Environmental Review Services City of Claremont In summer of 2010, Rincon was selected for both of the City’s on-call environmental documentation contracts. One contract is for preparation of EIRs, and the other is for small environmental documents (CEs, NDs, MNDs) and technical studies (arborist surveys, air quality/GHG analysis, noise studies, etc.). To date we have prepared a number of EIRs examining the Claremont Colleges and several MNDs examining City properties. The original contract was then renewed through 2017.

Water District Experience Groundwater Reliability Improvement Program Advanced Water Treatment Facility Construction Project Water Replenishment District of Southern California (WRD) Rincon provided comprehensive environmental compliance monitoring services to WRD concerning the demolition of existing structures and the rough grading of the 5.2 acre site on which the Advanced Water Treatment Facility (AWTF) is to be built. The scope of this work included the monitoring, testing and abatement oversight of Environmentally Regulated Materials(ERM: lead and asbestos); the monitoring and testing of site soils in compliance with the Soils Management Plan (SMP) developed for the project; and general Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (MMRP) monitoring of construction activities. Specific MMRP issue areas monitored included Air Quality, Biological Resources (including

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performing nesting-bird surveys), Cultural Resources (including oversight by a Native American Monitor), Noise, and Transportation and Traffic; issue areas requiring special attention during this phase of the work included noise mitigation and mitigation associated with native species of nesting birds.

Rincon is currently providing general MMRP compliance services for the initial construction aspects of the AWTF, which include the installation of the Brine Disposal pipeline within San Gabriel River Parkway, and the installation of two groundwater monitoring wells that will be used to evaluate the flow of reinjected groundwater within the aquifers. Environmental compliance monitoring was performed in a fashion consistent with the Demolition Phase of the project, except that: 1) paleontological monitoring was also required as part of the oversight of the monitoring-well drilling; and 2) ERM monitoring was not required during this phase of the work.

Casitas Municipal Water District Pipeline Relocation Project Water Resource Engineering Associates Casitas Municipal Water District (CMWD) replaced a 14-inch water pipeline used for the delivery of drinking water from CMWD to Solimar, Faria, and Seacliff communities. Rincon provided a habitat assessment, wetland delineation, CEQA checklist and coordination with the California Coastal Commission in support of the project. .The project utilized trenchless excavation or a Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) technique to replace the pipeline and as a result, surface disturbing activities were designed to be limited to only the drill sites. A unique and potential inadvertent impact of HDD project is a release of drilling fluids/mud (water/bentonite mixture), a non-toxic non-hazardous substance, above ground, known as a frac-out. This potential impact was assessed and addressed within the Habitat Assessment developed for the project.

Rincon biologists completed a habitat assessment of the unnamed drainage 0.5 mile inland of the town La Conchita on the Pacific Coast. The assessment was completed 500 feet upstream and 500 feet downstream the proposed alignment/crossing of the pipeline. The habitat assessment report contained mitigation measures for potential impacts related to project and specifically to HDD. A wetland delineation was completed for the drainage and all potential jurisdictional features within the study area were inspected to delineate jurisdictional limits. The drainage feature, riparian habitat, and width measurements were mapped on current aerial photography.

Rincon also prepared a CEQA checklist and coordinated with the California Coastal Commission regarding permitting for the project because the project area was zoned “Coastal-Agriculture”. A Notice of Exemption and CEQA Checklist were submitted to the client be posted on the State Clearinghouse website.

Malibu Civic Center Groundwater and Surface Water Quality Monitoring City of Malibu Rincon is providing environmental services for this project involving implementation and management of a basin-wide groundwater and surface water monitoring and reporting program. The objective of the monitoring program is to identify any potential impacts as a result of land disposal of treated wastewater via injection and landscape irrigation or percolation on the receiving water quality of groundwater aquifers, Santa Monica Bay, Malibu Creek, and Malibu Lagoon. The basin-wide monitoring program consists of five water quality monitoring tasks: 1) Baseline Groundwater and Surface Water Quality Monitoring; 2) Long-Term Monitoring of Groundwater and Surface Water Quality Monitoring; 3) Salt and Nutrient Management Plan Monitoring Program; 4) Memorandum of Understanding Compliance Monitoring; and 5) Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Program.

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Los Osos Baseline Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting County of San Luis Obispo Rincon successfully completed the Los Osos Baseline Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting contract (December 2013 to December 2014). To comply with the monitoring and reporting program in support of the future construction and operation of the Los Osos Water Recycling Facility, Rincon conducted semi-annual groundwater monitoring that is specified in the projects monitoring and reporting program. Rincon has developed a streamlined approach during the previous semi-annual sampling events to efficiently complete the groundwater monitoring program in compliance with the MRP required by the CCRWQCB. Rincon worked closely with the property owners, where wells are located on private property, to minimize any disturbances. Once groundwater samples were collected and analyzed, Rincon reported the results in a groundwater monitoring report that included tables, figures, site map, potentiometric surface map, and nitrate and total dissolved solid iso-concentration maps. Draft and final reports were submitted to County staff on time and the project was completed within budget.

Woodland Hills Water Recycling Project RMC Water and Environment Rincon provided Biological and Cultural Resources technical studies in support of the project located in Los Angeles County. The project involves extension of the recycled water system to the Woodland Hills Country Club to meet the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power goal to achieve 59,000 acre-feet per year (AFY) of recycled water use by 2035, by expanding the recycled water system for irrigation, industrial, and commercial uses and through groundwater replenishment with purified recycled water. The Las Virgenes Municipal Water District is also a project proponent. Biological services included: Literature/Database Research; Reconnaissance-level Field Survey; and preparation of a Biological Resources Technical Study.

Tree Protection Monitoring Services for Backbone Pipeline Project Las Virgenes Municipal Water District Rincon provided tree protection monitoring for the Backbone Pipeline Project in Agoura Hills. The project involved the installation of a 16” potable water pipeline within Agoura and Reyes Adobe Roads. There were a number of oak trees adjacent to the work area along the pipeline corridor that could potentially be encroached upon due to project activities. Rincon’s certified arborist was present for any activity that may have encroached upon or otherwise affected a tree, and was responsible for maintaining consistent and thorough documentation of measures taken in the field to protect tree resources and the success of such measures, including tree encroachment logs for each tree monitored, daily monitoring logs, and a letter report outlining the results of monitoring.

Memorial Park Water Treatment Facility Upgrades Project Bellecci & Associates Rincon conducted an analysis of biological resources constraints and prepared a Categorical Exemption for this project to upgrade domestic water treatment capacity and decrease maintenance in San Mateo County. As part of the constraints analysis, Rincon conducted a preliminary jurisdictional delineation of waters of the U.S. and state of California, including wetlands, at the site using the most current guidance provided by the regulatory/resource agencies. Special emphasis was placed on jurisdictional features subject to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) jurisdictions. Rincon also analyzed the potential for federally and state listed and other special status species to occur on or in the vicinity of the project site

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and assisted the design team to develop a project that would avoid impacts to such species and their habitat.

Sharon Heights Satellite Treatment Facility Project RMC Water and Environment Rincon is prepared biological and cultural resources technical studies for the West Bay Sanitary District’s proposed Sharon Heights Satellite Treatment Facility Project primarily located within the City of Menlo Park, California. These studies were prepared for CEQA compliance, but also in accordance with CEQA Plus, in the event that Clean Water State Revolving Fund monies are used. The project site consisted of a less than one acre treatment facility site, a less than one acre pump station site, and approximately 12,400 linear feet of proposed pipeline. The biological resources study included a literature/database review, reconnaissance-level field survey, and preparation of a technical report. The cultural resources study included preparation of an Area of Potential Effects map, a cultural resources records search, Native American and local government consultation, intensive pedestrian survey, paleontological sensitivity analysis, and preparation of a technical report.

Regional Experience Solar Generating Facility Planning Services ECOS Energy ECOS is proposing to construct a 1.25 MW solar photovoltaic generating facility on a 10-acre site in unincorporated Riverside County. The site (APN 463-040-018) is located at the south end of Oxbow Drive south of the East Grand Avenue intersection. Development would entail improvements to Oxbow Drive to allow site access, installation of 5,800 photovoltaic solar modules on ground-mounted fixed tilt racking. The racking would be installed on approximately 850 steel H-beams that would be driven directly into the ground. An equipment skid will be installed to accommodate the electrical equipment. The modules will be connected to the equipment skid via underground wiring. The wiring will then be extended east to the property line and then north in underground conduit along an existing utility corridor to an existing Southern California Edison 21 kV transmission line located along East Grand Avenue. Up to three poles will be installed at the inner-connect to accommodate metering and protection equipment.

As part of the discretionary review process required in obtaining the conditional use permit and related entitlements, Rincon prepared a draft Initial Study for submittal to Riverside County. The Initial Study will support approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration required to demonstrate compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

Cabazon Outlets Air Quality and GHG Studies Aubrey Cook McGill Architects Rincon prepared air quality and GHG studies for a proposed 78,000 square foot addition to an existing outlet center in Riverside County, California. The studies were conducted in accordance with the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) recommended methodologies and significance thresholds. It was determined that the project would not generate emissions exceeding recommended thresholds for either air quality or GHGs.

Regional Trail Expansion Project Environmental Studies City of Perris

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Rincon prepared technical environmental studies and coordinate with the California Department of Transportation District 8 on a proposal to construct trail improvements along the western embankment of the Perris Stormwater Channel in the City of Perris, Riverside County. The project required completion of documentation required per the California Department of Transportation for the allocation of federal funds to construct the project. Studies provided include a general biological survey, a Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan habitat suitability assessment and consistency analysis; a cultural resources report, jurisdictional wetland delineation and visual impact analysis. The project required coordination with the Riverside County Flood Control District for work proposed within their right of way.

Santiara Development CEQA Technical Studies Santiara, LLC Rincon prepared several technical study to evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed 65-unit Santiara Development in the City of Menifee, California. The City of Menifee uses the Riverside County protocol and standards for technical study preparation; thus, Rincon was in regular contact with County of Riverside staff throughout the study preparation and review phase of the project. Technical studies addressing the following resource areas were prepared under this assignment: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Cultural Resources, Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas, Noise and Biological Resources.

Palm Desert and Coachella General Plan Updates and EIRs Raimi + Associates Rincon assisted preparation of the Palm Desert General Plan Update and associated EIR and with the Coachella General Plan Noise Element and associated EIR. Specifically, Rincon prepared the air quality, noise, and cultural resources analysis for Palm Desert and the Noise Element for Coachella.

Thunderbird Resort Ranch and Spa Development Project Technical Studies RMSW, LLC Rincon prepared a series of technical studies examining development of a hotel consisting of 125 resort rooms, spa and fitness facilities, restaurant and convention buildings, and 24 residential buildings on approximately 24 acres on the southwest side of Highway 111 in the City of Rancho Mirage. Studies included a detailed Biological Resources Assessment (BRA), Cultural Resources Study, and a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). The project was subject to the CEQA and these studies were required by the City of Rancho Mirage. The BRA documented the existing conditions and evaluated project’s consistency with the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (CV MSHCP).

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(h) Cost Proposal

Please see a detailed fee schedule for Rincon and Urban Crossroads presented as Attachment B.

For this contract, Rincon will reduce our third party mark up from our standard 15 percent down to 5 percent, and will commit to maintaining our fee schedule for 2 years with an indexed cost of living increase at year 3. Rincon will also offer a 1 percent fast pay discount for all invoices paid within 10 days from receipt. These cost provisions would be further negotiated prior to contract finalization.

Name and Title Task Hourly Rate Jennifer Haddow, PhD, MSc, AIEMA Principal-in-Charge $205 Principal Environmental Consultant Aubrey Mescher, MESM Main Point-of-Contact, Project $145 Senior Environmental Planner Manager, General Environmental Analysis and Support Susanne Huerta, MUP General Environmental Support, Land $130 Senior Environmental Planner Use/Recreation Steven Hongola Biological Resources $205 Principal/Senior Ecologist Christina McAdams Biological Resources $100 Environmental Planner/Scientist Benjamin Vargas, M.A., RPA Cultural Resources $155 Archaeological Program Manager Catherine A. Wright Cultural Resources $130 Senior Archaeologist Shannon Carmack Cultural Resources, Historic Resources $145 Architectural Historian Studies Ed de La Llave, QSD/P, TOR, CPSWQ Clean Water Act Permits, NPDES/WQMP $115 Environmental Scientist Torin Snyder, PG, CHG, QSD/P, TOR, Clean Water Act Permits, NPDES/WQMP $155 CPSS, Senior Hydrogeologist Matthew Long, MESc, MPP Clean Water Act Permits, $130 Senior Environmental Scientist NPDES/WQMP, Hydrology/Water Quality/Groundwater Lindsey Sarquilla, MESM Air Quality, GHG, Noise Studies $100 Senior Environmental Planner Hannah Mize Air Quality, GHG, Noise Studies $100 Associate Environmental Planner Bronwyn Green, MESM Community Impact/Socioeconomic $130 Senior Planner and Economic Analyst Assessments Christy Sabdo, MS, AICP Farm Land Impact Analysis $130 Senior Project Manager Jonathan Berlin, MESM Visual Impact Analysis $115 Environmental Planner Jennifer Schwartz, PE, QSD Hazardous Materials/Initial Site $115 Environmental Engineer Assessments

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Name and Title Task Hourly Rate Julie Marshall Hazardous Materials/Initial Site $175 Senior Project Manager Assessments Marcus Klatt GIS Mapping $95 GIS Supervisor/Analyst Craig Hoff GIS Mapping $110 Program Manager, IT and Graphics David Daitch, PhD Paleontological Resources $155 Senior Paleontologist/Senior Biologist *Professional classification includes: environmental scientists, urban planners, biologists, geologists, marine scientists, cultural resources experts and other professionals. Expert witness services consisting of depositions or in-court testimony are charged at the hourly rate of $295.

Photocopying and Printing Photocopies will be charged at a rate of $0.16/copy for single-sided copies and $0.32 for double-sided copies. Colored copies will be charged at a rate of $1.50/copy for single-sided and $3.00/copy for color, double-sided or 11”×17” copies. Oversized maps or display graphics will be charged at a rate of $8.00/square foot.

Reimbursable Expenses Reimbursable Expenses are costs associated with completing a project that are not include the hourly billing rates described above. Reimbursable expenses include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Direct costs associated with the execution of a project are billed at cost plus 15% to cover General and Administrative services. Direct costs include, but are not limited to, laboratory and drilling services charges, subcontractor services, authorized travel expenses, permit charges and filing fees, printing and graphic charges, mailings and postage, performance bonds, sample handling and shipment, rental equipment and vehicles other than covered by the above charges, etc. Communications charges and miscellaneous office expenses (including PDAs, cell phones, phone, fax, and electronic data transmittals, digital cameras, photo processing, etc.) are billed at 3% of total labor. 2. Transportation fees; company-owned vehicles will be billed $85/day for light-duty vehicles and trucks $135/day for 4- WD/off road vehicles, plus $0.65/mile for mileage over 50. Mileage rate of $0.65/mile applies to all miles incurred in employee-owned vehicles.

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Attachment A


Attachment A Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Jennifer Haddow, PhD, MSc, AIEMA


Jennifer Haddow will serve as Principal-in-Charge and be responsible for day-to-day management of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California’s Environmental Planning Services On-Call contract. She has over 12 years of professional experience in the field of environmental science and assessment and has prepared and coordinated all levels of environmental documentation for large scale infrastructure projects, with an emphasis on water supply, conveyance and quality projects, as well as watershed planning studies. Dr. Haddow has strong project leadership skills and provides exceptional QA/QC guidance. Dr. Haddow currently

manages Rincon’s Environmental On-Call Contract with Metropolitan and has served EDUCATION as project manager on a number of projects under that contract. In addition she has managed the environmental documentation/ compliance processes for a number of Ph.D., Biogeochemistry, Rincon’s water district clients, including United Water Conservation District, City of University of Aberdeen, UK San Luis Obispo, Ventura County Watershed Protection District and Las Virgenes M.Sc., Environmental Municipal Water District. Science, University of PROJECT EXPERIENCE Aberdeen, UK Environmental Services On-Call, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, B.Sc., Environmental Policy Various Counties Analysis and Planning, Dr. Haddow has managed Rincon Consultant’s on-call contract to provide consultancy University of California, support to Metropolitan’s Environmental Planning Team since 2011. Key projects Dr. Davis Haddow has managed under this contract are listed below. Associate Institute of Palos Verdes Reservoir Relining Project MND. Dr. Haddow managed preparation of an Environmental IS-MND along with associated technical studies for Biological Resources, Cultural Management and Resources, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions for this project. Key issues Assessment analyzed include construction-related impacts from noise and air pollutant emissions as well as the potential for construction activities to affect recreational resources EXPERIENCE near the site. In addition, Dr. Haddow oversaw preparation of an Addendum to the IS- Rincon Consultants, Inc. MND to reflect minor changes in the project since it was approved. Rincon will is (2012 – present) currently conducting the construction monitoring for this project. RPS Group Ltd, Dublin, Santa Ana River Bridge Seismic Retrofit and Routine Maintenance Project. Dr. Ireland (2007 – 2012) Haddow managed preparation of the IS-MND for this project, which included technical peer review and incorporation of a Biological Technical Report, provision of Bord na Móna Plc, permitting support, field surveys to identify bat presence/absence at the site and Newbridge, Ireland (2006 – focused avian surveys. The assessment methodology used in the IS-MND 2007) incorporated the detailed assessment of several possible alternatives for construction Rincon Consultants, Inc. methodology, providing a needed level of flexibility to ensure that the overall project (1998 – 2000) deadlines could be met. The IS-MND also evaluated long-term access road maintenance and vegetation management activities proposed beneath and adjacent to the bridge to facilitate maintenance of the structure following the retrofit project. This multi-option analysis was provided to meet Metropolitan’s need for flexibility in the final project design and construction methodology. As part of the scope of work, Rincon also provided advice and information regarding the regulatory permitting process for the project. The focused bat surveys determined the potential for roosting bats and addressed agency comments received during document preparation. Rincon has prepared two addenda to the IS-MND to date to reflect minor alterations in the project since it was approved.

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PROJECT EXPERIENCE, CONT’D Rincon provided environmental compliance services for the construction phase of the project, including monitoring and the potential relocation of listed species in compliance with the Incidental Take Permit for the project. In addition, Rincon has prepared the Nesting Bird Plan for the project. Jensen WTP Solar Project. Dr. Haddow oversaw preparation of the CEQA documentation for the proposed Jensen Water Treatment Plant 1 MW Solar Project. The solar panels would be ground-mounted and approximately 5 acres would be required for the installation. The planned location of the facility is within the Jensen plant’s operational boundary. Key issues addressed included the potential for visual impacts as well as construction-related air emissions, noise and traffic as well as incorporation of an analysis to meet the requirements of Appendix F of the State CEQA Guidelines. F.E. Weymouth Water Treatment Plant Upgrades Project. Dr. Haddow is currently overseeing several phases of this project that includes ongoing environmental compliance monitoring services in support of upgrades at the Weymouth WTP. To date, these include the Chemical Upgrades Project, 2MW Solar Project, and, Filter Rehabilitation Project. Expertise in nesting birds issues, arborist services, noise and air quality analyses have all been provided in support of this project. Water Resource Recovery Facility Environmental Documentation and Permitting, City of San Luis Obispo Rincon recently completed an EIR in support of the City of San Luis Obispo Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) project. The WRRF treats municipal wastewater collected from the City, California Polytechnic State University, and the San Luis Obispo County Airport. The City is proposing a number of improvements/upgrades to the existing 55-acre facility including new equipment installation, demolition of several components, roadway improvements, and new building construction. Dr. Haddow is serving as the Project Manager for the EIR and the permitting effort for the upgrades. The EIR satisfies both the requirements of CEQA as well as CEQA Plus. Monterey-Pacific Grove Area of Special Biological Significance (ASBS) Stormwater Management Project EIR, Monterey County Dr. Haddow managed completion of an EIR for the Monterey-Pacific Grove Area of Special Biological Significance (ASBS) Stormwater Management Project. The primary purpose of the project is to improve stormwater quality prior to being discharged into the ASBS, in accordance with State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) standards. A secondary project purpose is to provide stormwater as a source of non-potable recycled water supply for local irrigation and regional groundwater replenishment. The five components include: the former David Avenue Reservoir, Pine Avenue, Ocean View Boulevard, the retired Pacific Grove Wastewater Treatment Plant and adjacent Crespi Pond, and the existing runoff diversion system along Ocean View Boulevard to the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant in Marina. The project would divert both dry weather and portions of wet weather surface water runoff flows from the ASBS watershed into an upgraded stormwater collection and treatment system. The runoff would be treated prior to being discharged into the Monterey Bay through an existing outfall.

ADDITIONAL PROJECT EXPERIENCE . Lower Santa Clara River Salt and Nutrient Management Plan Substitute Environmental Document, Ventura County Watershed Protection District . Milpitas Recycled Water Expansion Project CEQA Plus Technical Documentation, Santa Clara County (subconsultant to RMC Water and Environment) . Sharon Heights Satellite Treatment Facility Project CEQA Plus Technical Documentation, San Mateo County (subconsultant to RMC Water and Environment) . Woodland Hills Country Club Recycled Waterline System Extension Project CEQA Plus Technical Documentation, Las Virgenes Municipal Water District/Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (subconsultant to RMC Water and Environment)

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Aubrey Mescher, MESM

SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER Aubrey Mescher is an environmental planner and project manager for Rincon’s Environmental Sciences and Planning group. Her responsibilities include managing and preparing CEQA and NEPA documentation and technical impact analyses for a variety of projects. Ms. Mescher specializes in hydrology and water quality issues for infrastructure projects of varying size and location, including drainage pattern alterations, the use of potentially hazardous materials, and consideration of existing hydrology-related hazards such as flooding, landslide, and runoff potential. Her experience includes but is not limited to the following: preparation and management of CEQA/NEPA documentation for project across California; management and analysis of flood control / protection projects in alluvial fan areas; management and analysis EDUCATION of General Plan development and amendments; environmental analysis of large-scale M.E.S.M., Water Resources renewable energy projects; linear (transmission line) projects traversing multiple Management; University of jurisdictions, topographies, and resource areas. Ms. Mescher is also experienced in California Santa Barbara public outreach processes, and is skilled in communicating CEQA/NEPA processes and B.A., Environmental findings with the public in a variety of venues, including but not limited to public Studies/Film Studies; Emory hearings, scoping meetings, and informational workshops. University PROJECT EXPERIENCE AFFILIATIONS California Association of FLOOD CONTROL PROJECTS Environmental Professionals . Thousand Palms Flood Control Project EIR/EIS, Riverside County Water Education Foundation, Water Leaders Class 2014 . Santa Felicia Dam Outlet Works and Spillway Improvement Project, Ventura County EXPERIENCE . Rimforest Storm Drain Project EIR, San Bernardino County Rincon Consultants, Inc. (2015 . Santa Clara River Levee Project SCR-2, Ventura County – present) . Aspen Environmental Group Lake Gregory Dam Rehabilitation Project EIR, San Bernardino County (2005 – 2015) . Sespe Creek Levee Improvements Project IS/EA, Ventura County Sonoma Ecology Center (2005) . Alcoa & Auxiliary Dike Projects, Riverside County . Santa Maria River Levee Repair Project EA, Santa Barbara County . Lake Canyon Dam and Detention Basin IS, Ventura County WATER SUPPLY PLANNING . Jed Smith Recycled Water Pipeline Project, Los Angeles County . United Water Conservation District Santa Felicia Dam Project, Ventura County . City of Santa Monica Sustainable Water Infrastructure Project IS-MND, Los Angeles County . RE Scarlet Solar Energy Project Water Supply Assessment (WSA), Fresno County . Colorado River Substation Supplemental EIR, California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) . Sunrise Powerlink Transmission Project Water Availability Study, San Diego Gas & Electric . Topaz Solar Farm WSA, San Luis Obispo County . California Valley Solar Ranch WSA, San Luis Obispo County . Solargen Panoche Valley Solar Farm WSA, San Benito County . Antelope Valley Solar Farm WSA, Kern County. . RE Garland Solar Facility (Antelope Valley and Weldon Projects) WSA, Kern County

Aubrey Mescher, MESM, Page 2

TRANSPORTATION & UTILITY DEVELOPMENTS . California High Speed Rail Project, Fresno to Bakersfield Section, Supplemental EIR/EIS (Utilities & Public Services; Geology, Soils, and Seismicity; Hazardous Materials and Wastes; Parks, Open Space, and Recreational Resources; Community Impact Assessment) . California High Speed Rail Project, Bakersfield to Palmdale Section, EIR/EIS (Utilities & Public Services; Community Impact Assessment; Cumulative Impacts) . Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project EIR/EIS, CPUC . Coolwater Lugo Transmission Project (CLTP), San Bernardino County . Antelope Transmission Project, Segments 2 & 3 EIR/EIS . Antelope-Pardee Transmission Project EIR/EIS . CPUC When-Needed Environmental Services o SCE Banducci 66 kV/12 kV Substation Project, Kern County o PG&E Embarcadero-Potrero 230 kV Transmission Project IS/MND, City and County of San Francisco o PG&E Cressey-Gallo 115 kV Powerline Project Draft IS/MND, Merced County o Indian Springs Telecomm Project IS/MND, Shasta County INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS . Topaz Solar Farm EIR, San Luis Obispo County . California Valley Solar Ranch Project EIR, San Luis Obispo County . Avila Point Project (Avila Point / Avila Tank Farm, General Plan / Specific Plan Amendment, Development Plan, and Coastal Development Permit), San Luis Obispo County . Ocotillo Express Wind Project, Imperial County . Desert Harvest Solar Project EIS, Riverside County . Solargen Panoche Valley Solar Farm Project EIR, San Benito County . Dola and Lanzit Ditch Bridge Replacement Projects MND/EA, San Bernardino County . Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Environmental Services

DETAILED PROJECT EXPERIENCE Thousand Palms Flood Control Project, Coachella Valley Water District While working for Aspen Environmental Group, Ms. Mescher was the Project Manager of a joint Subsequent EIR/EIS for a proposed flood control improvement project located in the Thousand Palms area of eastern Riverside County. The project included a series of levees and channels to direct stormwater flows from the Indio Mountains away from developed areas and into an existing stormwater conveyance system. Primary challenges involved in management of this project included: extensive coordination between agencies with varying interests in the project; efforts to avoid adverse effects to the adjacent Coachella Valley Preserve and National Wildlife Refuge including jurisdictional waters of the United States; and a transition of NEPA Lead Agency responsibility from USACE Planning Division to USACE Regulatory Division. In transitioning the NEPA Lead Agency responsibility from USACE Planning to USACE Regulatory, Ms. Mescher assisted in developing a suite of new project alternatives to avoid potential impacts to jurisdictional Waters of the U.S., per the priorities and requirements of USACE Regulatory. Ms. Mescher also provided services as a technical specialist in assessing potential hydrologic and water quality impacts associated with the diversion of stormwater flows that would occur under this project. Additionally, Ms. Mescher planned and facilitated public scoping meetings to inform the local communities about the project, collect concerns communicated by the public, and address public concerns in the environmental document.

United Water Conservation District Santa Felicia Dam Project, Ventura County Ms. Mescher is providing project management assistance to UWCD for the ongoing Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) non-capacity relicensing process at Santa Felicia Dam. The FERC Non-Capacity License Amendment

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Aubrey Mescher, MESM, Page 3

process is related to two engineering design enhancement projects proposed at the Santa Felicia Dam in Piru, California. Ms. Mescher is acting as an extension of engineering/environmental staff to assist in the environmental review and processing for these projects.

United Water Conservation District Pothole Trailhead Parking Area Project, Ventura County Ms. Mescher is currently managing the preparation of the CEQA documentation for the Pothole Trailhead Parking Area. The project involves the improvement of an existing trailhead area to facilitate parking for both passenger vehicle and equestrian use, which provides access to an existing trail network. This development is required for United to comply with an existing license with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), for operation and maintenance of the Santa Felicia Dam Recreation Area. As such, Ms. Mescher is closely coordinating with United to ensure that analysis of the proposed trailhead parking area improvements addresses FERC license requirements while meeting all CEQA requirements. Sensitive issues associated with this project include nearby residents who live on private parcels within the surrounding wilderness area, and concerns about increased access facilitating unauthorized hunting activities.

City of Santa Monica Sustainable Water Infrastructure Project IS-MND, Los Angeles County Ms. Mescher is the Project Manager for the Sustainable Water Infrastructure Project CEQA documentation being prepared for the City of Santa Monica. The Sustainable Water Infrastructure Project consists of three elements: (1) brackish/saline impaired groundwater reuse; (2) recycled water production and conjunctive reuse; and (3) stormwater harvesting and reuse. Together these elements will provide for advance treatment and reuse of brackish/saline impaired groundwater, recycled municipal wastewater, and stormwater runoff. An IS-MND is being prepared to comply with CEQA.

Energy Transmission and Generation Projects While working for Aspen Environmental Group, Ms. Mescher provided NEPA and CEQA services for multiple Southern California Edison (SCE) projects under contract to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). Ms. Mescher provided project management services and technical expertise as a water resources specialist, as well as support in the areas of alternatives development, public participation and scoping, responding to comments, and providing cumulative impacts analysis. Several of these projects were large and controversial, requiring consideration to a wide range of alternatives as well as close coordination with numerous agencies and individual members of the public. Specific SCE projects to which Ms. Mescher provided substantial contribution to environmental analysis and permitting processes include:  Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project EIR/EIS – Kern, Los Angeles, San Bernardino Counties;  Devers-Palo Verde No. 2 Transmission Line Project EIR/EIS – Riverside County;  Antelope Transmission Project, Segments 2 & 3 EIR – Kern County and Los Angeles County;  Antelope-Pardee Transmission Project EIR/EIS – Los Angeles County;  Banducci 66 kV/12 kV Substation Project EA – Kern County;  Downs Substation Expansion Project – Kern County;  Coolwater-Lugo Transmission Project EIR/EIS – San Bernardino County.

In addition to the SCE projects listed above, Ms. Mescher has provided NEPA and CEQA analysis and management services for numerous other projects related to energy production and transmission, including but not limited to substations and telecommunication facilities, which are typically co-located with energy production facilities. Some of these projects include but are not limited to the following:  Desert Harvest Solar Project EIS & Desert Sunlight Solar Farm Project EIS – Riverside County;  PG&E Embarcadero-Potrero 230 kV Transmission Project IS/MND – San Francisco County;  PG&E Cressey-Gallo 115 kV Powerline Project IS/MND – Merced County;  Panoche Valley Solar Project Supplemental EIR – San Benito County;  Alta–Oak Creek Mojave Project EIR – Kern County

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Bronwyn Green, MESM

SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER Bronwyn Green is a Senior Environmental Planner with professional experience, in environmental planning and economic research. She works with a diverse range of clients, including local, State, and Federal government agencies, as well as private companies and non-profit organizations. Her work includes environmental analysis and review, particularly California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance documentation. Her combination of analytical and interpersonal skills allows her to reach across groups and individuals to build relationships and complete complex objectives. She has the ability to comprehend and synthesize complex quantitative and qualitative information, and EDUCATION translate it to meaningful data for public consumption. Ms. Green has extensive experience performing environmental assessments to determine documentation MESM, Economics & Politics of needs and litigation liability; drafting and reviewing comprehensive environmental the Environment, Climate & Energy, Bren School of documents for individual projects and ongoing programs; and analyzing Environmental Science & environmental, economic, and regulatory settings as well as potential impacts of Management, University of projects and programs. California – Santa Barbara (2011) PROJECT EXPERIENCE BA, Economics/Mathematics, University of California – Santa PROGRAM-LEVEL CEQA AND NEPA DOCUMENTATION Barbara, (2000) . Environmental Impact Statement/ Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) for a 20-Year Extension of the 2005 Mendota Pool 10-Year Exchange Agreements, EXPERIENCE Mendota Pool Group, Fresno, CA (2012 – 2015) Rincon Consultants, Inc. (2015 . Program EIR for the Downtown Specific Plan, City of Santa Monica, CA(2013 – – present) 2015) Amec Foster Wheeler . Peery Park Specific Plan EIR, City of Sunnyvale, CA (2013 – 2015) Environment & Infrastructure . Cate School Master Plan EIR, County of Santa Barbara, Carpinteria, CA(2015 – Inc. (2011 – 2015) 2015) Ecosystem Economics (2010) . Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Southern California Gas (SoCalGas) U.S. Department of Labor, Company San Joaquin Valley Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP), U.S. Fish & Wildlife Bureau of Labor Statistics (2002 – 2008) Service, Sacramento, CA (2015) PROGRAM-LEVEL CEQA AND NEPA DOCUMENTATION . California High-Speed Rail Project, Bakersfield F Street Station Alignment Project Section EIR/EIS, California High-Speed Rail Authority, Sacramento, CA (2015 to present) . California High-Speed Rail Project, Bakersfield to Palmdale Project Section EIR/EIS, California High-Speed Rail Authority, Sacramento, CA (2016 to present) . Apple Valley Ranchos Water System Acquisition Project EIR, Town of Apple Valley, Apple Valley, CA (2015) . South Ellwood Field Project Environmental Impact Report (EIR), California State Lands Commission, Goleta, California (2013 – 2015) . PRC 421 Surf Zone Oil Lease Reactivation EIR, California State Lands Commission, Goleta, California (2013 – 2014) . Broad Beach Restoration Project Analysis of Impacts to Public Trust Resources and Values, California State Lands Commission, Malibu, California (2012 - 2015)

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PROJECT EXPERIENCE, CONT’D . Goleta Beach County Park Managed Beach Retreat Project 2.0, County of Santa Barbara, Goleta, California (2012 - 2014) . EIR for Construction of Automobile Shredder Facility, Confidential Client, Los Angeles County, California (2012 – 2015) . 5th and Colorado Hotel Projects, City of Santa Monica, California (2012 – 2013)


ECONOMIC/SOCIOECONOMIC ANALYSES . California High-Speed Rail Project, Fresno to Bakersfield Section: Locally Generated Alternative, California High- Speed Rail Authority, California (2014 – present) . City of Concord Digital Reader Board Sign Zone Text Amendment, City of Concord, California (2016) . All Aboard Florida Passenger Rail Project from Orlando to Miami, Florida, All Aboard Florida, Coral Gables, Florida (2014 – 2014) . Magma Flood Retarding Structure Work Plan Environmental Assessment, Magma Flood Control District, Pinal County, Arizona (2014)

NPDES STORM WATER MANAGEMENT AND PERMIT COMPLIANCE . Storm water sampling for NPDES compliance at three U.S. Navy facilities: Port Hueneme, Point Mugu, and San Nicolas Island . Storm water sampling at reference streams to obtain baseline measurements to inform NPDES requirements OTHER PROJECTS . Market Solutions for Conjunctive Management of Surface and Ground Water – A Case Study of the East Snake River Plain, Masters’ Thesis Project (2010 – 2011) . Central Valley Water Transaction Program, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, San Francisco, California (2010 – 2011)

AWARDS . "Outstanding Environmental Document of the Year" from the State Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP). Analysis of Public Trust Resources for the Broad Beach Restoration Project, Deputy Project Manager. 2015 . "Outstanding Environmental Document of the Year" from the State AEP. Environmental Impact Report for the Goleta Beach County Park Project 2.0, Lead Analyst. 2015

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Susanne Huerta, AICP

SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER Susanne Huerta is an environmental planner for Rincon’s Environmental Sciences and Planning group responsible for managing and preparing environmental and planning documents and technical impact analyses for a variety of projects. She has extensive experience conducting and preparing environmental analyses in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Her experience includes a wide range of projects for utility-scale renewable energy development, oil and gas development, flood control and water infrastructure, and linear electrical transmission developments.

EDUCATION PROJECT EXPERIENCE Master of Urban Planning; New York University, Robert Wagner WATER INFRASTRUCTURE Graduate School of Public . Thousand Palms Flood Control Project Subsequent EIR/ Subsequent EIS, Service Riverside County B.A., Geography; University of . Whitewater River Basin Flood Control Project SEA/MND, Riverside County California, Los Angeles . Lake Gregory Dam, County of San Bernardino CERTIFICATIONS . Donnell Basin Environmental Documents & Regulatory Permits, San Bernardino County American Institute of Certified . Planners, Certified Rimforest Storm Drain Project EIR, San Bernardino County Environmental Planner . Littlerock Sediment Removal Project, Los Angeles County . Santa Clara River Levee Project SCR-2, Ventura County AFFILIATIONS . Sespe Creek Levee Improvements Project IS/EA, Ventura County American Planning Association . Alcoa & Auxiliary Dike Projects, Riverside County . Santa Maria River Levee Repair Project EA, Santa Barbara County EXPERIENCE Rincon Consultants, Inc. (2015 ENERGY INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS – present) . Downs Substation IS/MND, San Bernardino County Aspen Environmental Group . Valley South Subtransmission EIR, Riverside County (2007 – 2015) . Vine Substation IS/MND, San Diego County Burgis Associates, Inc. (2006 – 2007) . Parker-Davis Transmission System Operation & Maintenance Program, Arizona, California, Nevada . Gila to North Gila Transmission Line Upgrade, Arizona, California, Nevada . West of Devers Upgrades EIR/EIS, Riverside County . Coolwater Lugo Transmission Project (CLTP) EIR/EIS, San Bernardino County . Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Line Project (TRTP) EIS/EIR, Los Angeles County/Kern County/San Bernardino County

ENERGY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS . EIR Analysis of Oil and Gas Well Stimulation Treatments in California . ERG West Cat Canyon Revitalization Plan EIR, Santa Barbara County . Redondo Beach Energy Project CEC Staff Assessment, City of Redondo Beach

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RENEWABLE ENERGY . Aspiration Solar MND, Fresno County . Del Sur Solar Ranch EIR, Los Angeles County . Alta East Wind Project EIR/EIS, Kern County . Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Project EIR/EIS, Southern California Desert Region . City of Palmdale Hybrid Power Plant CEC Staff Assessment, City of Palmdale . Calico Solar Project CEC Staff Assessment/EIS, San Bernardino County . Imperial Valley Solar CEC Staff Assessment/EIS, Imperial County . Abengoa Mojave Solar CEC Staff Assessment, San Bernardino County . Carrizo Energy Solar Farm CEC Staff Assessment, San Luis Obispo County . Ocotillo Express Wind Project EIR/EIS, Imperial County . Morgan Hills Wind Energy Project EIR, Kern County . North Sky River Wind Energy Project EIR, Kern County . Pacific Wind Energy Project EIR, Kern County . Alta-Oak Creek Mojave Wind Energy Project EIR, Kern County . Topaz Solar Farm EIR, San Luis Obispo County . California Valley Solar Ranch Project EIR, San Luis Obispo County

DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS . Founders Village Project IS-MND and Technical Studies, City of Chino Hills . Coptic Orthodox Church IS-MND, City of Chino Hills . Almansor Park Parking Structure Project IS-MND, City of Alhambra . Santa Ana First Street Family Apartments IS-MND, AMCAL . 88th St. and Senior Housing IS/EA, NHS of Los Angeles County . 328 N. Oakhurst Drive Residential Development IS-MND, City of Los Angeles . 7985 Santa Monica Blvd IS-MND, City of West . 9908 S Santa Monica Blvd EIR, City of Beverly Hills . 9000 Wilshire Blvd CE, City of Beverly Hills . 9200 Wilshire Blvd Mixed-Use Project EIR Addendum, City of Beverly Hills . Arcadia Hotel IS-MND and Technical Studies, Pacific Design Group

EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES . Cherry Ave Charter School MND, City of Long Beach . Keck Graduate Institute Mixed-Use Project IS-MND, City of Claremont . USC Student Housing Project CE Technical studies, Canfield Development

OTHER PROJECTS . Avila Point Project, San Luis Obispo County . Santa Margarita Quarry, San Luis Obispo County . Transpacific Submarine Fiber Optic Cable System, City of Hermosa Beach . Dola and Lanzit Ditch Bridge Replacement Projects, San Bernardino County . Baldwin Hills Community Standards District (CSD), City of Culver City

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Christy Sabdo, MS, AICP

SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER As a Senior Environmental Project Manager in Rincon’s Environmental Sciences and Planning Group in the Monterey office, Ms. Sabdo brings over sixteen years of experience managing short-and long–range projects as a land use and environmental planner. Ms. Sabdo has extensive experience in contract planning and environmental review, particularly California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance documentation. Previously, Christy worked on current and long range planning projects for Kane County, Illinois, a county recognized for integrating land use, health, and transportation planning in the Chicago metropolitan region. Ms. Sabdo is skilled at researching technical planning EDUCATION and environmental topics, and writing public policy documents, such as comprehensive plans and staff reports. She has extensive experience reviewing M.S., Geography, Northern residential, commercial development, and industrial proposals for compliance with Illinois University, Illinois zoning standards, subdivision regulations, and urban design standards/guidelines. B.A., Geography with emphasis in natural resource and PROJECT EXPERIENCE environmental geography, San Diego State University, CONTRACT PLANNING California . Monterey County, October, 2016 - present . City of Gilroy, October 2015 - present CERTIFICATIONS/ . REGISTRATIONS City of Dublin, April 2016 – November 2016 . City of Carmel-by-the Sea, April 2014 - January 2016 American Planning Association (APA), American Institute of . County of San Benito, 2014 - 2015 Certified Planners, 2016 LONG-RANGE COMMUNITY PLANNING AFFILIATIONS . Seaside General Plan Update, present . General Plan Update, County of Fresno Out-of-State Member, Illinois Soil Classifiers Association . General Plan Update, City of Seaside Speaker Coordinator, APA . Kane County 2040 Plan, Healthy People, Healthy Living, Healthy Communities, ENRE Division, National Kane County, IL Planning Conference, Los . Walkability Plan, A Plan for Unincorporated Areas, Aurora, Dundee, and Angeles (2012) St.Charles Townships, 2012 Sponsorship Committee, APA Upper Midwest Planning . Smart Growth Criteria and Affordable Housing Exemption Criteria, Kane County Conference (2009) Road Impact Fee Update, 2007 Sponsorship Chair, APA Upper . Land Evaluation and Site Assessment (LESA) for Kane County, 2004 Midwest Planning Conference . City of Aurora, Countryside Vision Plan and Design Guidelines, 2002 (2007) CURRENT PLANNING EXPERIENCE . Chevron and Shell Gas Stations, Gilroy, CA Rincon Consultants, Inc. (2014 . Wallis Ranch, Dublin, CA (implementation) – present) . Serosun Farms PUD, Kane County, IL Kane County, Illinois (2001 – . th 2013) Mill Creek PUD, 4 Addition, Kane County, IL County of San Diego, California . Heritage Prairie Farm, Commercial Kitchen and Market, Special Use Permit, Kane (1998 – 2001) County, IL . Settlements of La Fox PUD, Kane County, IL

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PROJECT EXPERIENCE, CONT’D ADVISORY AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS . Go to 2040 Plan, a plan for the Chicago metropolitan region, member of Environmental and Natural Resources Working Group for the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning . Fox River-Jelkes Creek Watershed Plan, IEPA 319 grant, Technical Committee for the Kane-DuPage Soil and Water Conservation District and USDA NRCS . 2040 Transit Plan, Kane County, IL . Bus Rapid Transit Study, Kane County, IL . Facility Planning Area/Antidegradation Study, Village of Gilberts and Maple Park, IL

PROJECT- AND PROGRAM-LEVEL CEQA DOCUMENTATION . Lynwood Transit Area Specific Plan EIR, City of Lynwood . Shasta County RTP/SCS Admin PEIR, Shasta County . Burton Ranch Specific Plan EIR Addendum, City of Lompoc . Ventura Pilot Concert Series Focused EIR (noise), City of Ventura . Guadalupe Housing Element Update IS-ND, City of Guadalupe . Guadalupe Court Multi-Family Housing Project IS-MND, City of Guadalupe . South Whittier Library IS-MND, City of South Whittier . Agriculture Issues General Plan Amendment and Implementing Rezone EIR, Co. of San Diego . Sycamore Ranch Golf Course MUP, County of San Diego . Steele Canyon Golf Course IS/NOP, Steele Canyon Supplemental EIR, County of San Diego

PUBLICATIONS Sabdo, Christy. “Tillage System Impacts on Soil Carbon Stocks in Northcentral Illinois.” MS thesis. Northern Illinois University. 2007. Print.

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Jonathan Berlin, MESM

ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER Jonathan Berlin serves as an Environmental Planner within Rincon’s Environmental Science and Planning group. In this capacity, he assists with CEQA/NEPA environmental documentation, trails and open space planning, and noise studies. Mr. Berlin has a background in environmental policy, science writing, editing, and public outreach, and has work experience with a range of federal and state environmental agencies. He prepares environmental documents, such as Environmental Impact Reports, Initial Studies, and Environmental Assessments, for a diverse range of projects, from regional transportation plans to general and specific plans, redevelopment projects, and university plans. Mr. Berlin specializes in the technical analysis of noise impacts, including field measurements of ambient noise, EDUCATION modeling of traffic-related noise, design of mitigation measures to ensure MESM with emphases in compliance with noise standards, and formal Noise Studies for proposed Conservation Planning as well developments. He specializes in the drafting of master plans to develop multi-use as Economics and Politics of the trails for bicyclists, pedestrians, and equestrians, and evaluates the environmental Environment, Bren School of impacts of trail projects. Environmental Science & Management, University of PROJECT EXPERIENCE California, Santa Barbara B.A., Journalism, University of TRAILS AND OPEN SPACE PLANNING Maryland, College Park . Chorro Valley Trail Study, San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG) . CERTIFICATIONS Santa Rosa Valley Trail Master Plan and ISMND, County of Ventura . South Branch Arroyo Conejo Multi-Use Pathway Plan, Southern California Member, Association of Association of Governments (SCAG) Environmental Professionals . Member, American Planning Dog Park ISMND, City of Beverly Hills Association . San Benito River Parkway and Regional Park Initial Study and EIR, County of San Member, California Native Benito Plant Society . CSU Channel Islands University Park Needs Assessment Report, California State University Channel Islands EXPERIENCE . Santa Paula Branch Line Recreational Trail EIR Addendum and Pesticide Study, Rincon Consultants, Inc. (2012 – County of Ventura present) . Open Space, Trails, and Greenway Planning Study, Pleasant Valley Recreation & University of California, Santa Park District Barbara (2011 – 2012) . Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan, City of Guadalupe U.S. Environmental Protection . Agency (2011) California Solar Flats Project EIR, County of Monterey . Pomona College 2013 Campus Master Plan EIR

CEQA COMPLIANCE . 2211 Harold Way Mixed-Use Project Infill EIR, City of Berkeley . 2035 Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments Metropolitan Transit Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy EIR . 2040 Santa Barbara County RTP-SCS EIR

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PROJECT EXPERIENCE, CONT’D . Overton Moore Butterfield Ranch Apartments ISMND, City of Chino Hills . Conejo Creek Specific Plan EIR, City of Camarillo . Biola University Master Plan Update EIR, City of La Mirada

NEPA COMPLIANCE . Balboa Park Upper Yard EA, San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development . Camino Esperanza Residential Project EA, Cabrillo Economic Development Corporation . Bridgeview Apartments Housing Project EA, County of Ventura . Live Oak Village Project EA, Los Angeles Community Development Commission . El Camino Real Library Expansion Project EA, LACDC NOISE STUDIES . Noise Study for a Wedding Event at the Tropical Paradise Site Located at 10350 Santa Rosa Road, Tropical Paradise . Five Residential Projects: Interstate 105 Noise Study, LACDC . Temescal Canyon Apartments Project: Noise Study, County of Riverside . South Bay Pavilion Movie Theater Project: Noise Study, Vintage Real Estate . La Cumbre Road Subdivision Project: Noise Study, County of Ventura

GENERAL PLANS AND ELEMENTS . City of Union City General Plan Background Report . City of Claremont Housing Element Update ISMND . City of Brea General Plan EIR Addendum . City of Calabasas 2030 General Plan EIR Addendum . City of San Buenaventura 2013 Housing Element Update . City of Los Angeles Housing Element EIR Addendum

PUBLICATIONS “Around the Bay in 500 Miles: Regional and Local Planning for the San Francisco Bay Trail.” September 2014. Northern News, published by the American Planning Association, California Chapter, Northern Section. Awarded the Silver Pen in recognition of writing quality “How to Influence Local Decisions on Land Use.” March 24, 2013. Ventura County Star, Eye on the Environment column

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Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Steven . Hongola

PRINCIPAL AND SENIOR ECOLOGIST Steven J. Hongola serves as a Principal and Senior Ecologist with fifteen years of professional experience in the environmental field. His areas of expertise include biological resource assessments, focused surveys for sensitive species, jurisdictional waters and wetlands delineations, habitat restoration and management, conservation planning, and regulatory permitting. He has authored numerous technical reports in support of CEQA/NEPA compliance and regulatory permit acquisition. Mr. Hongola specializes in avian field studies and holds a federal 10(a)(1)(A) permit to conduct protocol surveys for coastal California gnatcatcher. As a program manager in the biological resources group, Mr. Hongola also co-manages Rincon’s team of biologists and oversees the technical aspects of the program, among EDUCATION other responsibilities. B.S., Evolution and Ecology (Minor - History), University of PROJECT EXPERIENCE California, Davis WATER UTILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS PERMITS/TRAINING . Santa Ana River Bridge Seismic Retrofit and Routine Maintenance Project Federal 10(a)(1)(A) Permit - Compliance Monitoring, Metropolitan Water District, Riverside County Coastal California Gnatcatcher, . Pala Force Main Project Biological Resource Assessment, Eastern Municipal TE 091463-3 Water District & .S. Dunbar & Associates, Temecula, Riverside County SCCWRP, California Rapid . Copper Sulfate Applications to Copper Basin and Gene Wash Reservoirs Assessment Method: Riverine Biological Assessment, Metropolitan Water District, San Bernardino County Module Wetland Training Institute: . F.E. Weymouth Treatment Plant Environmental Compliance Monitoring, Difficult Situations, Arid West Metropolitan Water District, City of La Verne, Los Angeles County Supplement, and Wetland . Sepulveda Temporary Pump Station Project Nesting Bird Surveys, Delineation Manual Metropolitan Water District, City of Los Angeles California Tiger Salamander . Palos Verdes Reservoir Upgrades Project Compliance Monitoring, Larval Survey Techniques Metropolitan Water District, Los Angeles County Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Workshop and . Woodland Hills Water Recycling Project Biological Services, RMC Water and Training Environment, Los Angeles County Desert Tortoise Council Surveying, Monitoring, and BIOLOGICAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENTS Handling Techniques Workshop . Distributed Solar Projects (Confidential Client), Riverside and San Bernardino CNPS Vegetation and Habitat Counties Rapid Assessment Method . 554-acre Cabazon Property, Armada, Riverside County Workshop . AT&T Telecommunication Facilities, NEPA & CEQA Compliance, Riverside EXPERIENCE County Rincon Consultants, Inc. (2008 ENSITIVE PECIES URVEYS – present) S S S Michael Brandman Associates . Sensitive Wildlife Surveys, Palm Springs Wastewater Treatment Plant Solar (2003 – 2008) Project, SolarCity, Palm Springs, Riverside County California Waterfowl . Burrowing Owl Focused Surveys, 1,600-Acre Bel Lago Property, Riverside Association (2002) County University of California, Davis . Coastal California Gnatcatcher Habitat Assessments, Various Flood Control (2002) Basins, San Bernardino County Flood Control District, San Bernardino County

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. Desert Tortoise Surveys, Dagget Wind Farm, AES Seawest, San Bernardino AFFILIATIONS County Society of Wetland Scientists . Least Bell's Vireo and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Focused Surveys, Western Field Ornithologists Watershed Protection District, Conejo Creek and Santa Clara River California Society for Ecological Maintenance Projects, Ventura County Restoration . Nesting Raptor and Special-Status Species Surveys, Vegetation Management Program, Southern California Edison, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino Counties . Coastal California Gnatcatcher Surveys, Honor Rancho ROW Maintenance Project, Southern California Gas Company, Los Angeles County

JURISDICTIONAL WATERS AND WETLANDS DELINEATIONS AND CRAM SURVEYS . Triton Substation Project, Southern California Edison, Temecula, Riverside County . Supplemental Geotechnical Investigations on the Santa Clara River, United Water Conservation District, Ventura County . J Street Drain Improvement, Watershed Protection District, Ormond Beach, Ventura County . Access Road Water Crossings QA/QC, San Diego Gas and Electric, San Diego County . California Avenue Widening Project, University of California, Irvine, Orange County . Triton Substation Project, Southern California Edison, City of Temecula / Riverside County

HABITAT RESTORATION, MANAGEMENT, AND CONSERVATION PLANNING . Habitat Conservation Plan, Freeman Diversion Fish Passage, Santa Clara River, United Water Conservation District, Ventura County . Long Grade Canyon Creek Restoration, CSU Channel Islands, Ventura County . The Crosby Habitat Management Program, The Crosby at Rancho Santa Fe Homeowners Association, San Diego County . Coastal Region Conservation Program, Southern California Gas Company, Southern California . Hollywood Water Quality Improvement Project, LADWP, City of Los Angeles

AVIAN AND WETLANDS RESEARCH . Western Snowy Plover and California Least Tern Nest Monitoring, Ormond Beach, Oxnard . Waterfowl Nesting Success Analysis, Grizzly Island Wildlife Area, Solano County . Natural Floodplain Restoration, Cosumnes River Preserve, Sacramento County

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DETAILED PROJECT EXPERIENCE Santa Ana River Bridge Seismic Retrofit and Routine Maintenance Project, Metropolitan Water District, Riverside County Mr. Hongola managed biologists providing environmental compliance monitoring for the Santa Ana River Bridge Seismic Retrofit and Routine Maintenance Project. This assignment included nesting bird surveys, weekly monitoring visits, completion of monitoring checklists with supporting documentation, and preparation of survey and final project reports. Mr. Hongola is currently overseeing Rincon’s support for regulatory permitting for the Bellows Joint Installation, an additional component of the seismic upgrade project.

Copper Sulfate Applications to Copper Basin and Gene Wash Reservoirs, Metropolitan Water District, San Bernardino County Mr. Hongola conducted the field reconnaissance survey and prepared the Biological Resources section of the Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration for Metropolitan’s Copper Sulfate Application project at the Copper Basin and Gene Wash reservoirs. The survey documented the existing biological conditions at the reservoirs. Key resource issues included the potential presence of desert tortoise, nesting bald eagles, bat maternity roosts, and jurisdictional waters and wetlands. Mr. Hongola prepared Biological Resources section of the ISMND, which evaluated potential impacts to biological resources and provided mitigation measures to reduce potential impacts to less than significant.

Palos Verdes Reservoir Upgrades Project, Metropolitan Water District, Los Angeles County Mr. Hongola is currently overseeing a compliance monitoring team providing environmental monitoring for the Palos Verdes Reservoir Upgrades Project. This project includes nesting bird surveys, bi-weekly monitoring visits to assess compliance related to issues such noise, air quality, and cultural resources; completion of monitoring checklists with supporting documentation, and preparation of survey reports. Mr. Hongola oversees staffing and QA/QC of submittals for the program.

F.E. Weymouth Treatment Plant Environmental Compliance Monitoring, Metropolitan Water District, City of La Verne, Los Angeles County Mr. Hongola is currently overseeing a team that is providing general compliance monitoring for ongoing construction activities associated with multiple projects at the Weymouth Treatment Plant. Current projects include Filter Rehabilitation, Solar Generation, and Chemical Upgrades. Tasks include bi-weekly construction monitoring site visits to document compliance, nesting bird surveys, and arborist monitoring. The projects will be completed in various timeframes over the next 5 years. Project compliance is confirmed against the adopted Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program and other specifications for the projects using a monitoring checklist for ease of reporting. Documentation of site visits is provided to Metropolitan within 24 hours of each visit.

Sepulveda Temporary Pump Station Project, Metropolitan Water District, City of Los Angeles Mr. Hongola conducted an evaluation of potentially protected trees and nesting birds for the Sepulveda Temporary Pump Station Project. The evaluation was completed to assess trees within the site for potential protection under Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 17.02 as well as constraints associated with protected nesting birds under California Fish and Game Code 3505 and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The findings of the evaluation were summarized in a technical memorandum submitted to Metropolitan. Mr. Hongola also oversaw Rincon biologists in completing subsequent surveys for protected nesting birds prior to tree trimming activities at the site.

Woodland Hills Water Recycling Project, RMC Water and Environment, Los Angeles County Rincon provided Biological and Cultural Resources technical studies in support of the project located in the cities of Los Angeles and Calabasas. The project involves extension of a Las Virgenes Municipal Water District recycled water system to the Woodland Hills Country Club to meet the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power goal to achieve 59,000 acre-feet per year (AFY) of recycled water use by 2035. It includes expanding the recycled water system for irrigation, industrial, and commercial uses and through groundwater replenishment with purified recycled water. Mr.

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Hongola is overseeing the technical staff providing biological services including: Literature/Database Research; Reconnaissance-level Field Survey; and preparation of a Biological Resources Technical Study.

J Street Drain Improvement Project, Ventura County Watershed Protection District, Oxnard Mr. Hongola managed and conducted the biological resource studies for the Ventura County Watershed Protection District’s J Street Drain Improvement project in the city of Oxnard, Ventura County, California. Rincon biologists completed the surveys to support the Coastal Development Permit (CDP) process. Studies included tidewater goby focused surveys, nesting bird surveys and a jurisdictional waters and wetlands delineation that identified wetlands subject to the jurisdiction of the California Coastal Commission (CCC). The survey also identified portions of the project site suitable for wetland enhancement. Results of the surveys were documented in a Biological Survey Report provided to the District and the CCC to support the CDP process.

More Mesa Comprehensive Biological Resources Study, Santa Barbara County Mr. Hongola conducted biological surveys for a comprehensive biological resource study (BRS) of the 265-acre More Mesa property in Santa Barbara County. The survey was completed to determine portions of the site that qualified as Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas (ESHA) as defined by the California Coastal Commission and the County of Santa Barbara. The study determined the extent of important coastal biological resources on a large coastal mesa and included avian, reptile, amphibian, mammal, and invertebrate surveys, rare plant, wetland, and plant community mapping. Responsibilities included surveying to determine presence/absence and extent of passerine, raptor, and sensitive bird species, and providing technical support for:

• Floristic inventory / mapping of special-status plant species • Habitat mapping • Mammal trapping and inventory • Reptile/amphibian trapping and inventory • Formal delineation of on-site wetlands

The project included a state-of-the-art analysis of white-tailed kite breeding, roosting, and foraging activities. Data collected over the course of the BRS was entered into a GIS database and modeled using geographical analysis tools in ArcGIS Spatial Analyst to interpret spatial data, apply sensitivity rankings, and ultimately quantify sensitivity to determine those areas that met the definition of ESHA.

Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan, Freeman Diversion Fish Passage Project, United Water Conservation District, Ventura County Mr. Hongola is managing Rincon’s assistance with development of the United Water Conservation District’s Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) for modification of the Freeman Diversion on the Santa Clara River. Rincon is tasked with development of the impact analysis and mitigation program for terrestrial wildlife species covered by the plan, amongst other chapters for the MSHCP. Rincon biologists are also completing ongoing surveys for the federally and state endangered California least tern.

Biological Resources Study, Lechuza Beach Access Expansion Project, Malibu, Los Angeles County Mr. Hongola completed a Biological Resources Study of Lechuza Beach on behalf of the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA). The study was conducted to document the existing conditions and sensitive biological resources associated with the beach for an access expansion project. The study included vegetation mapping, habitat assessment for sensitive species such as California least tern and western snowy plover, jurisdictional assessment, and analysis of the beach and proposed project as it related to the City of Malibu’s Local Coastal Program. The results of the analysis were documented in a Terrestrial Biological Resources Study report submitted to the MRCA.

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Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Amber Bruno

BIOLOGICAL PROGRAM MANAGER Amber Bruno is a biological program manager at Rincon with experience providing biological resource compliance and project management oversight. She supports permitting and regulatory compliance for complex utility projects, where she has developed compliance management documents that have been implemented company wide. As Program Manager with Rincon, Ms. Bruno oversees and delegates workflow for junior staff, manages key utility projects within Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles and Riverside Counties. She has extensive experience with vegetation mapping and through her career she has gained experience reviewing and mapping ESHA, as well as conducting botanical and special status species surveys. She is also permitted to handle desert tortoise, and has developed nesting bird management EDUCATION plans, and invasive species management plans for utility clients. B.S., Botany and Plant Science, emphasis in PROJECT EXPERIENCE Ecology, University of California, Riverside WILDLIFE AND BOTANICAL EXPERIENCE Clean Air Compliance . Project Manager for Pipeline Safety Enhancement Plan (PSEP) Biological Services; Institute Training, 2009 Ventura, Los Angeles and Riverside Counties, California Hazardous Waste in . Project Manager for the Habitat Management Program for the Crosby at Rancho California Certification Santa Fe Open Space Preserve, Carlsbad, California Workshop, 2009 . Lead Biologist for Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area Mapping Services to Desert Tortoise Council Support the City of Oxnard Local Coastal Program Update Tortoise Handling . Project Manager for Biological and Cultural Services for Malibu Bluffs Parkland in Workshop, 2005 the City of Malibu, Ventura County, California CNPS Vegetation and . Lead Biological Consultant for Small Capital Transmission Projects, Southern Habitat Rapid Assessment California Edison, Riverside, Ventura and San Bernardino Counties Public Workshop, 2005 . Project Manager for Environmental Services Hilltop and Euclid Project- Civic San Diego, San Diego California EXPERIENCE . Jurisdictional Delineation and Biological Resources Assessment Indian Grove Rincon Consultants, Inc. Development – Oceanside, California (2011 – present) . Biological Resources Assessment for Annual Maintenance of an Outfall at the TRC (2010 – 2011) Encina Wastewater Pollution Control Facility in Carlsbad, California Aerotek (2010) . Project Manager for Biological and Cultural Services for Malibu Bluffs Parkland in CH2M Hill (2005 – 2010) the City of Malibu, Ventura County, California . Focused rare plant surveys for various Projects in Ventura and Los Angeles Counties . Focused burrowing owl surveys for various capital projects for Southern California Edison . Focused nesting bird surveys for various capital projects for Southern California Edison . Focused desert tortoise surveys for various military support activities, Edwards Air Force Base, California . Habitat quality and vegetation mapping for Southern California Edison Downs Substation Project

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PROJECT EXPERIENCE, CONT’D . Desert tortoise surveys, handling and support for Edwards Air Force Base "Headstart Program" . Vegetation and identification of Mojave desert flora . Threatened and Endangered Species Survey for U. S. Air Force Plant 42 including identifying potential habitat for desert tortoise, burrowing owl, migratory birds, Mohave ground squirrel, sensitive reptile and plant species, Palmdale, California . National Environmental Policy Act biological assessments, various project, Edwards AFB . Biological resource surveys for various military support activities, Edwards Air Force Base, California . Coyote and bobcat surveys and trapping, Edwards Air Force Base . Rare plant surveys for San Jacinto Ranger District, San Bernardino, California

PERMIT COMPLIANCE AND MITIGATION IMPLEMENTATION . Section 401, 404 and 1602 permit application preparation and implementation Donlon Road realignment Project, Ventura County . Preparation of a burrowing owl mitigation and monitoring plan for the Southern California Edison Triton Substation Project, Temecula, California . Preparation and implementation of a burrowing owl mitigation and monitoring plan for the Southern California Edison Kimball Substation Project, Chino, California . Preparation and implementation of a nesting bird management plan for the Southern California Edison Kimball Substation Project, Chino, California . Preparation of a breeding and nesting bird management plan for the Southern California Edison Triton Substation Project, Temecula, California . Preparation of Biological Resource Compliance Implementation Plan for Southern California Triton Substation Project, Temecula, California . Preparation of impact avoidance and minimization measures for various capital projects for Southern California Edison . Biological resource compliance monitoring and reporting for the Southern California Edison Triton Substation Project, Temecula, California . Biological resource compliance monitoring and reporting for the Southern California Edison Kimball Substation Project, Chino, California . Biological resource compliance monitoring and reporting and special status species surveys for various military support activities, Edwards Air Force Base, California

DETAILED PROJECT EXPERIENCE Habitat Management Program for the Crosby at Rancho Santa Fe Open Space Preserve - Carlsbad, CA Ms. Bruno is overseeing implementation of the habitat management program including, implementation of restoration projects, monthly surveys and patrols, public outreach and education, developing survey schedules, and technical oversight of special status species surveys. Management also includes regular updates with County staff and wildlife agencies.

Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area Mapping Services; Oxnard, California Responsibilities included working with the city of Oxnard to compile and review all available mapped habitat data previously documented within the City, verify validity of the data and document information gaps. With the Graphics Department team she worked to compile the information into a database for the City of Oxnard to use when evaluating projects.

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Pipeline Safety Enhancement Plan (PSEP) Biological Services; Ventura, Los Angeles and Riverside Counties, California Project Manager for various PSEP projects, including scheduling biological and cultural resource specialists during project execution for construction planning, site biological or cultural resources surveying, compliance monitoring and reporting.

Santa Barbara County Reliability Project, Southern California Edison Responsibilities also include developing biological resource budgets, developing survey schedules, and technical oversight of biological sections of environmental documents as well as, managing subcontractors, developing biological resource avoidance plans and strategies with Project Team members, conducting compliance surveys and inspections, and working with the SCE Environmental Coordinator to resolve compliance issues.

Southern California Edison, Various Construction Projects, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, California Ms. Bruno served as the lead consulting biologist for the construction of several new substations in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. Her responsibilities also include developing biological resource budgets, Cost Work Assessment Proposals, developing survey schedules, and technical oversight of biological sections of environmental documents in support of CEQA, conducting meetings and presentations for project personnel related to biological resource constraints, developing conservation strategies with Project Team members, conducting compliance surveys and inspections, and working with the SCE Lead biologist in consultation with resource and wildlife agencies.

Southern California Edison, Kimball Substation Project, Chino, CA Ms. Bruno was the Lead Consulting Biologist for the construction of a new 66/12 kV Substation in Chino, California. Sensitive or protected avian species, included least Bell's vireo, red-tailed hawk, and burrowing owl. She was responsible for developing and submitting reports to CDFG and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, communicating and coordinating with local City of Chino agencies to minimize potential conflicts related to SCE construction activities, developing and implementing conservation and compliance strategies, developing biological resource budgets, conduct Natural Resource trainings and presentations for project personnel, and working in conjunction with the SCE Environmental Coordinator to resolve compliance issues with the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).

Southern California Edison, Triton Substation Project, Temecula, CA Ms. Bruno was the Lead Consulting Biologist for the construction of a new 115 kV/12 kV substation project. She was responsible for reporting and agency coordination (CDFG, FWS, and CPUC). Duties include developing Statement of Work (SOW) and Cost Work Assessment (CWA) Proposals for Natural Resource Surveys, developing survey schedules, conservation strategies with Project Team members, conducting compliance surveys and inspections Natural Resource training for project personnel, communicating survey and compliance requirements to the Project Team and government agencies, developing biological resource budgets, and working with the SCE Environmental Coordinator (Planner) on compliance management.

Various Projects, CH2M Hill, Edwards Air Force Base Ms. Bruno provided natural resource consulting for various projects located at Edwards Air Force Base including: Desert tortoise biological surveys, monitoring and reporting under various Biological Opinions; Biological resource compliance monitoring and reporting for construction and operations and maintenance work; Burrowing owl and other migratory bird mitigation for a runway construction project; Off-road vehicle area study and monitoring .

Biological and Cultural Services for Malibu Bluffs Parkland in the City of Malibu, Ventura County, California Responsibilities include biological resource surveys and evaluation, opportunities and constraints analysis and ESHA mapping for the proposed Malibu Bluffs Parkland Project, with emphasis on constraints associated with the city of Malibu LCP and LUP, special status species and county fire department mandated buffers and offsets.

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Multiple City and County Road Improvement Projects within Ventura County Ms. Bruno assisted municipal governments in obtaining jurisdictional waters permits, developing strategies and implementing permit and environmental compliance requirements for road improvement projects within Ventura County.

SoCalGas Pipeline Enhancement Safety Project, multiple segments throughout Southern California Responsibilities include client and contract management and oversight of multiple construction projects, staff training, scheduling, safety and implementation of Project compliance requirements for the SCG Pipeline Enhancement Safety Project in Ventura, Los Angeles and Riverside Counties.

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Christina McAdams

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST/PROJECT MANAGER Ms. McAdams is an Environmental Scientist/Project Manager with Rincon Consultants. In this capacity, she is involved in a wide range of projects including technical analysis, general planning and biological assignments. Ms. McAdams has experience conducting general biological surveys, including surveys for rare-plants, desert tortoise, burrowing owl, blunt-nosed leopard lizard, and California red-legged frog and is proficient in field GPS data collection and GIS mapping and data interpretation/analysis. Ms. McAdams is an experienced technical writer and has prepared Biological Resource Assessments, Western Riverside Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Habitat Assessments/Consistency Analysis, as well as CEQA EDUCATION documents including Initial Studies and Environmental Impact Reports. Her key areas of expertise include managing projects, preparing resource constraints analysis, B.S., Environmental maintaining and evaluating regulatory compliance, conducting field surveys for Management and Protections, California Polytechnic State endangered species, habitat evaluation, general biological surveys, construction and University, San Luis Obispo mitigation monitoring, and preparing environmental analyses under CEQA and NEPA. (2012) Minor, Biological Sciences, PROJECT EXPERIENCE California Polytechnic State ELECT NLAND MPIRE XPERIENCE University, San Luis Obispo S I E E (2012) . Santa Ana River Bridge Seismic Upgrades Project, Metropolitan Water Minor, Geographic Information District, Santa Ana, CA – Managed the weekly construction monitoring Systems, California Polytechnic program to ensure compliance with agency permits and CEQA compliance State University, San Luis related to biological resources, air quality, surface and stormwater control, Obispo (2012) noise, and transportation/traffic. Currently managing agency coordination for required revisions to project permits. AFFILIATIONS . Eastvale Industrial Development Project, City of Eastvale, California – Co-Vice President of Programs, Managed field surveys and preparation of biological resources analysis. Association of Environmental Conducted focused burrowing owl survey, prepared Western Riverside Professionals (AEP) – Inland Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Consistency Analysis/Habitat Empire Chapter Assessment and managed preparation of Biological Resources section of EIR. Currently managing agency coordination for retrieval of project permits. EXPERIENCE . Perris Storm Channel Trail Project and Murrieta Road Improvement Project, Rincon Consultants, Inc. (June City of Perris, California – Managed field surveys and preparation of 2012 – present) biological resources analysis. Conducted general biological field survey, California Polytechnic State focused burrowing owl surveys, and focused botanical surveys for narrow University, San Luis Obispo endemic plant species and criteria area plant species and prepared Western (2011 – 2012) Riverside Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Consistency U.S. Forest Service (2011) Analysis/Habitat Assessment. U.S. Coast Guard (2010) . AFG Development LLC City and County Projects, Jim Guthrie, City of Riverside, California –Conducted general biological field survey and prepared AREAS OF EXPERTISE Western Riverside Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Consistency Analysis/Habitat Assessment. Biological Surveying CEQA/NEPA Compliance . Indus Light Industrial Project, Chino Hills, California – Conducted general biological field survey and prepared Biological Resources Assessment. Technical Writing . Trumark Homes Project, Chino Hills, California – Conducted general biological field survey and prepared Biological Resources Assessment.

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PROJECT EXPERIENCE, CONT’D . Buddhist Temple Project, Chino Hills, California – Conducted general biological field survey and prepared Biological Resources Assessment. . Coptic Orthodox Church Project, Chino Hills, California – Conducted general biological field survey and prepared biological resources site assessment. . Eastvale Costco Project – Managed preparation of a Biological Resources Constraints Analysis.

COMPLIANCE MONITORING EXPERIENCE . Weymouth Filter Rehabilitation and Chemical Upgrades Projects, Metropolitan Water District, La Verne, CA – Managing compliance monitoring program. Conducting weekly construction monitoring to ensure environmental compliance associated with biological resources, cultural resources, air quality, surface and stormwater control, noise, and transportation/traffic. . Palos Verdes Reservoir Upgrades Project, Metropolitan Water District, Palos Verdes, CA – Managing compliance monitoring program. Conducts as needed construction monitoring to ensure environmental compliance associated with biological resources, cultural resources, air quality, surface and stormwater control, noise, and transportation/traffic. . Weymouth Solar Generation Project, Metropolitan Water District, La Verne, CA – Managed the weekly construction monitoring program to ensure compliance associated with biological resources, air quality, surface and stormwater control, noise, and transportation/traffic. . Sepulveda Feeder Urgent Repair Project, Metropolitan Water District, Los Angeles, CA – Managed as-needed environmental compliance monitoring to ensure compliance with the environmental conditions related to biological resources, air quality, and noise.

ADDITIONAL PROJECT EXPERIENCE BOTANICAL SURVEY EXPERIENCE . Los Flores Ranch Landfill EIR, City of Santa Maria, Santa Barbara County, California – Conducted baseline vegetation surveys in native grassland and maritime chaparral using the using the California Native Plant Society/California Department of Fish and Wildlife relevé method . Cinco Solar Project, Recurrent Energy, Kern County, California – Conducted pre-construction botanical surveys in Creosote bush-white bursage scrub using the California Native Plant Society/California Department of Fish and Wildlife relevé method . Astoria Solar Project, Recurrent Energy, Kern County and Los Angeles County, California – Conducted focused botanical surveys and vegetation mapping . Garland Solar Project, Recurrent Energy, Kern County and Los Angeles County, California – Conducted focused botanical surveys and vegetation mapping . Clearwater Solar Project, Recurrent Energy, Kern County and Los Angeles County, California – Conducted focused botanical surveys and vegetation mapping . Walker-Hearne Residential Development, City of Ventura, California – Conducted focused botanical surveys . Orcutt Specific Plan, Jones and Imel properties, San Luis Obispo County, California – Conducted general botanical surveys . Vallecitos Field Oil Wells Project, Patriot Resources, LLC, San Benito County, California – Conducted late season botanical surveys

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WILDLIFE SURVEY EXPERIENCE . Eastvale Industrial Development Project, City of Eastvale, California – Conducted focused burrowing owl survey to support preparation of Western Riverside Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Consistency Analysis/Habitat Assessment . Thunderbird Resort and Spa, Weintraub Real Estate Group, Rancho Mirage, California. – Conducted general biological field surveys . Clearwater Solar Project, Recurrent Energy, Kern County and Los Angeles County, California – Conducted general biological field surveys, and focused surveys for burrowing owl and desert tortoise . Quatal Canyon Compost Facility, Ojai Valley Real Estate/RGR Investments, Santa Barbara County, California – Conducted 5 days of protocol level surveys with a Level 2 surveyor present. Observed adult female BNLL sighted by Level 2 surveyor. Confirmed sighting of juvenile BNLL . San Luis Creek, San Luis Obispo County, California – Conducted protocol red-legged frog survey. Observed two adult red-legged frogs

BIOLOGICAL TECHNICAL REPORTS . La Verne Wilderness Area Management Plan, City of La Verne, California – Conducted general biological field survey and prepared Biological Resources Assessment. . Clearwater Solar Project, Recurrent Energy, Kern County and Los Angeles County, California – Prepared Biological Resources Assessment Report . Frazier Park to Pine Mountain Club Innerducts & Fiber Optic Cable Project, AT&T, Kern County, California – Prepared Biological Resources Assessment Report

CEQA AND NEPA COMPLIANCE . Eastvale Industrial Development Project, City of Eastvale, California – Prepared Biological Resources and Transportation & Traffic sections of the EIR . University of La Verne Master Plan, City of La Verne, California – Prepared Biological Resources section of the EIR . Alameda Specific Plan, Lisa Wise Consulting, Alameda County, California – Prepared Biological Resources and section of the EIR . Los Angeles Health and Wellness Element EIR Addendum, Raimi Associates, City of Los Angeles, California – Prepared Addendum to the Final EIR for the City of Los Angeles General Plan Framework . Long Beach Riverwalk EIR, City of Long Beach, California – Prepared Transportation & Traffic and Hazards & Hazardous Materials sections of the EIR . Saticoy Area Plan Update EIR, City of Ventura, California – Prepared Hydrology section of the EIR . Sunnyside Estates EIR, San Benito County, California – Prepared Hydrology & Water Quality section of the EIR . San Juan Oaks EIR, San Benito County, California – Prepared Hazards & Hazardous Materials and Public Services sections of the EIR . Monarch Cove EIR, City of Capitola, California – Prepared Air Quality, GHG, and Noise sections of the EIR . San Luis Obispo County Conservation and Open Space Element Amendment EIR, San Luis Obispo County, California – Prepared Wildland Fire Hazards and Less Than Significant sections of the EIR . Williams Senior Center EIR, City of Buellton, California – Prepared Agricultural Resources section of the EIR . Malibu Housing Element Update EIR, City of Malibu, California – Prepared Aesthetics section of the EIR . Los Osos Habitat Conservation Plan EIR/EA, San Luis Obispo County, California – Contributed to preparation of the Biological Resources section of the EIR/EA

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. Johnson Avenue Housing EIR, City of San Luis Obispo, California – Contributed to preparation of the EIR . Hillside House EIR, City of Santa Barbara, California – Contributed to preparation of the EIR . Messenger Development Project EIR, City of Calabasas, California – Contributed to preparation of the EIR . Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, City of Guadalupe, California – Prepared ISMND . San Luis Obispo Regional Climate Action Program, San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District, San Luis Obispo, CA – Prepared ISMND template

AIR QUALITY AND GHG TECHNICAL WORK . Perris Storm Channel Trail Project, City of Perris, California – Conducted air pollutant and GHG modeling using CalEEMod and prepared technical study . Murrieta Road Improvements Project, City of Perris, California – Conducted air pollutant and GHG modeling using CalEEMod and prepared technical study . El Dorado II Air Quality and GHG Study, City of San Marcos, California – Conducted air pollutant and GHG modeling using CalEEMod and prepared technical study . Dunlop Apartments GHG Study, Ekim Builders, San Diego, California – Conducted air pollutant and GHG modeling using CalEEMod and prepared technical study . SR-91/Beach Boulevard, Kimley Horn, City of Buena Park, California – Conducted air pollutant and GHG modeling using CalEEMod and prepared technical study . Santa Barbara County Association of Governments 2040 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy EIR, SBCAG, Santa Barbara County, California – Conducted air pollutant and GHG emissions modeling using EMFAC and prepared Air Quality and GHG sections of the EIR . Shasta Regional Transportation Agency 2015 Regional Transportation Plan EIR, SRTA, Shasta County, California – Conducted air pollutant and GHG emissions modeling using EMFAC and prepared Air Quality and GHG sections of the EIR . Tulare County Association of Governments 2014 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy EIR, TCAG, Tulare County, California – Prepared Air Quality and GHG sections of the EIR . Stanislaus Council of Governments 2014 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy EIR, StanCOG, Stanislaus County, California – Prepared Air Quality and GHG sections of the EIR . Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments 2035 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy EIR, AMBAG, Monterey County, California – Prepared Air Quality and GHG sections of the EIR . Kings County Association of Governments 2014 Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy EIR, KCAG, Kings County, California – Prepared Air Quality and GHG sections of the EIR . Humboldt County Association of Governments Regional Transportation Plan 2013/14 Update EIR, HCAOG, Humboldt County, California – Prepared Air Quality and GHG sections of the EIR . Tuolumne General Plan and RTP EIRs, County of Tuolumne, California – Preparing Air Quality and GHG sections of the EIR

GENERAL PLANS, SPECIFIC PLANS AND OTHER PLANNING DOCUMENTS . General Plan Background Report, City of Union City, California – Prepared Biological Resources Background Report to support preparation of the General Plan . General Plan and Zoning Code Update, City of Calipatria, California – Prepared setting and policies for the Airport section of the General Plan . Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, City of Guadalupe, California – Prepared existing inventory and gap analysis of bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Prepared bicycle and pedestrian master plan. Lead public outreach meetings and City Council presentations

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CLIMATE ACTION PLANNING AND GHG EMISSIONS INVENTORIES . City of Pasadena Climate Action Plan, Pasadena, California – Currently serving as Project Manager for preparation of the CAP . San Luis Obispo Regional Climate Action Program, San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District, San Luis Obispo, California – Currently serving as Project Manager for the Climate Action Plan Monitoring and Implementation Program. Served as Assistant Project Manager for preparation of the GHG Emissions Inventories and CAPs. Lead public outreach meetings to gather input and facilitate community involvement . City of Arroyo Grande GHG Emissions Inventory Update and Climate Action Plan . City of Atascadero GHG Emissions Inventory Update and Climate Action Plan . City of Grover Beach GHG Emissions Inventory Update and Climate Action Plan . City of Morro Bay GHG Emissions Inventory Update and Climate Action Plan . City of Paso Robles GHG Emissions Inventory Update and Climate Action Plan . City of Pismo Beach GHG Emissions Inventory Updated and Climate Action Plan . City of La Canada Flintridge Climate Action Plan – Served as Project Manager for preparation of the GHG Emissions Inventories and CAP . County-wide Climate Action Plan, Kings County Association of Governments, City of Avenal, City of Hanford, Kings County, California – Served as Assistant Project Manager for preparation of the GHG Emissions Inventories and CAP. Lead public outreach meetings to gather input and facilitate community involvement . City of San Marcos GHG Emissions Inventory Update and Climate Action Plan, San Marcos, California – Served as Assistant Project Manager for preparation of the GHG Emissions Inventories and CAP . City of Madera GHG Emissions Inventory and Climate Action Plan, City of Madera, Madera, California – Serving as Assistant Project Manager for preparation of the GHG Emissions Inventories and CAP. Lead public outreach meetings to gather input and facilitate community involvement

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Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Benjamin R. Vargas, M.A., RPA ARCHAEOLOGICAL PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR, PROJECT MANAGER Mr. Vargas has over 27 years of experience working on numerous and varied types of cultural resources projects throughout the southwestern United States and California, in both cultural resources management and academic settings. His professional experience includes all phases of survey, excavation, and laboratory analysis, collections management, forensic recovery, construction monitoring, Section 106 and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) regulatory compliance, Native American consultation, and project management. Throughout his professional career, he’s worked with multiple federal and state agencies such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the BLM, the USAF, US Army, the US Navy, the Port of Los Angeles, the Alameda Corridor - East Construction Authority, the California Energy EDUCATION Commission, Caltrans, and others. He has also worked closely with many different clients in the private sector such as Sothern California Gas Company (SoCalGas), California State University Southern California Edison (SCE), Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, Playa Capital Fullerton, B.A. Anthropology LLC, Solar Millennium, CDM Smith, and many others. In his role as a Senior Project California State University Manager, he works closely with clients and fellow staff to ensure that projects are

Long Beach, M.A. completed in a timely and efficient manner. Mr. Vargas uses his many years of Anthropology, emphasis on experience and knowledge of construction methods and regulatory issues as well as Archaeology experience working with various stakeholders to guide successful management of projects. REGISTRATIONS AND PROFESSIONAL SELECTED DETAILED PROJECT EXPERIENCE MEMBERSHIPS Southern California Gas Company - On-call Cultural and Paleontological Resources Registered Professional Contract, Multiple Counties, California. Archaeologist, ID# 15733 Tasks under this contract included archival research and records searches; cultural Certified Cultural Resources surveys for proposed gas line routes; site recordation and evaluation; test excavation; Consultant – Riverside resource evaluations; monitoring; cultural mitigation; artifact curation; and County emergency response; compliance monitoring on public, private and tribal lands; and resource assessment and evaluation. Work environments included the Morongo EXPERIENCE Indian Reservation, the Riverside Airport, the coastal zone, and urban settings. Role: Cultural Resources Technical Lead, Senior Project Manager and Senior Archaeologist. Rincon Consultants, Inc. Duties included project management, development and review of budgets, direction (2016 – present) of fieldwork, preparation of CEQA and Section 106 documentation, editing of SWCA Environmental deliverables, client interaction, and consultation with federal agencies. Consultants (2011 – 2016) Southern California Edison Company - SCE Natural and Cultural Resources MSA, AECOM (2010 - 2011) Multiple Counties, California Statistical Research, Inc. SCE Operations and Maintenance On-call Contract for Natural, Cultural, and Water (1999 – 2010) Resources Services in multiple counties throughout SCE’s service area. Work Macko, Inc. (1995 – 1998) completed include more than 2000 survey and monitoring consultant work authorization tasks in support of various utility projects including deteriorated pole Archaeological Resource replacements, grid reliability and maintenance, vegetation management, and Management Corporation transmission line rating remediation. Projects were located throughout SCE’s territory (1991 - 1992) in Los Angeles, Kern, San Bernardino, Riverside, Ventura, Orange, Mono, Inyo, and John Minch and Associates Tulare Counties; projects were located on land administered by numerous agencies, (1991)

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PROJECT EXPERIENCE, CONT’D including the USAF, the BLM, USNF, The NPS, and California State Parks. Projects included pedestrian surveys, testing, resource evaluations, monitoring, and emergency response work. Role: Cultural Resources Technical Lead, Senior Project Manager Duties oversight of cultural and paleontological resources team, project management, development and review of budgets, direction of fieldwork, preparation of CEQA and Section 106 documentation, editing of deliverables, client interaction, and consultation with federal agencies. U.S. Bureau of Land Management - BLM SEZ Sample Surveys; Riverside County, California Cultural resource studies for selected Solar Energy Zones (SEZs) across multiple field offices in Arizona, California, and Nevada. This multi-state was designed to assist federal land managers in predicting the density, distribution, and types of resources present in the various SEZs. Coordinated across regional offices and consulted with in-state BLM personnel to develop sampling plans and perform Class II cultural resource inventories and evaluations. Role: Cultural Resources Specialist. Mr. Vargas managed logistics, directed fieldwork, and assisted the Project Manager in maintaining schedule, budget, and high-quality work for surveys conducted in the California desert in Eastern Riverside and Imperial Counties. Solar Millennium Blythe Power Project; Riverside County, California For this project, Mr. Vargas served as a field director, project manager, cultural resources monitoring supervisor, and cultural resources monitor. In this capacity, he oversaw BLM Class III intensive pedestrian surveys, resource documentation, and cultural resources monitoring efforts. Mr. Vargas was the primary author of cultural resources Class III reporting documents and cultural resources monitoring compliance reports; conducted Native American outreach while leading information gathering field visits, have been called on as an expert witness at California Energy Commission hearings, and conducted research as part of the cultural resources team. OTHER SELECTED PROJECT EXPERIENCE . Project Manager/Senior Archaeologist - Sheep Creek Channel Invert Restoration Project; San Bernardino County, California; San Bernardino County Flood Control District. . Project Manager/Principal Investigator - Southern California Edison - Stirling (Calico) Phase I Project, San Bernardino County, California . Project Director/Principal Investigator - Counties of Riverside and Orange, and USACE - Prado Dam Archaeological Project: Historical Archaeological Evaluation of CA-SBR-8091/H, Riverside County, California . Senior Archaeologist - Alameda Corridor-East Construction Authority - San Gabriel Trench Grade S1eparation Environmental Compliance Services, San Gabriel, California . Senior Archaeologist - LADPW - San Pedro Plaza Park Cultural Monitoring, Los Angeles County, California . Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company - Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway Cajon Subdivision Main Third Track Summit to Keenbrook, San Bernardino County, California . Project Manager - CDM Smith, Inc. - Port Of Los Angeles Berths 226-236 Evergreen Container Terminal EIR/EIS, Los Angeles County, California . Project Manager - Edwards Air Force Base, U.S. Air Force - Enhanced Use Lease (EUL) Fotowatio Renewable Ventures (FRV) Photovoltaic Solar Project Initial Study; Edwards Air Force Base, Kern County, California . Project Director - Woodlawn Cemetery Forensic Archaeological Recovery; Compton, California: Department of Consumer Affairs/Cemetery and Funeral Bureau. . Project Manager - University Hills Planning Area Projects 10-1 through 10-4, Irvine, Orange County, California. University of California, Irvine Campus Housing Authority. . Project Manager - Blackstone Phase II; Brea, Orange County, California; Shea Homes

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Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers



Ms. Wright has more than 18 years of experience performing cultural resource management in the West. She has performed the full range of archaeological and historic resource studies in California, Arizona and Nevada. This includes background research, surveys, site evaluations, and mitigation through data recovery and monitoring. She has prepared numerous cultural resource survey reports, site overviews, background summaries, survey and testing plans, and Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plans (ICRMPs).

Ms. Wright has managed numerous on-call contracts for cultural resource services in the Southwest. These include on-call archaeological and cultural resource services EDUCATION agreements with Imperial Irrigation District, Bureau of Reclamation, the U.S. Army University of California, Corps of Engineers (Los Angeles and Sacramento districts), and the Department of the Riverside, B.S., Navy. She has also conducted technical studies in Riverside and Imperial counties for Anthropology the Salton Sea Authority, Bureau of Land Management, and the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians. Ms. Wright assisted with the coordination and management of cultural resource studies for the All American Canal Lining Project and the Coachella PERMITS Canal Lining Project and has performed technical studies on state and federal lands Field Director, California throughout the region. She has completed surveys, testing and significance Bureau of Land evaluation projects, data recovery, and archaeological monitoring, and served as Management statewide technical editor for the Lake Cahuilla Cultural Resources Data Compendium prior to FLPMA permit (CA-15-27) its publication. (2015-2018) Field Director, Nevada SELECTED PROJECT EXPERIENCE: Bureau of Land Quality Control Manager, Archaeological Studies for the Coachella Canal Lining Management, statewide Project, Coachella Valley Water District, Riverside and Imperial counties, California. FLPMA permit (N93677) As Quality Control Manager, coordinated with CVWD and project personnel to ensure (2015-2018) Reclamation comments were incorporated into the final technical report prepared upon completion of an archaeological survey and monitoring during the excavation of EXPERIENCE a parallel canal during the lining of the original canal segment. Rincon Consultants, Inc. Assistant Project Manager, All American Canal Lining Project, Imperial Irrigation (2015 – present) District and Bureau of Reclamation (Lower Colorado Region), Imperial County, ASM Affiliates, Inc. (1997- California. As Assistant Project Manager, coordinated between IID and project 2014) personnel to ensure project permitting was in place and technical studies were completed on time and adhered to regulatory requirements. The project receieved University of California, the American Society of Civil Engineers’ award for Project of the Year in 2009. Riverside (1995-1997) Field Director, API Highline Testing, Imperial Irrigation District, Imperial County, California, 2001. As Field Director, conducted testing of a possible dancing circle located within the proposed API-Highline Material Site. Coordinated fieldwork, completed testing, prepared site records and led report production. Field Director, SA Line Archaeological Site Evaluation, Imperial Irrigation District, Imperial County, California, 2001. As Field Director, conducted evaluation of archaeological sites within the SA Line right-of-way. Assisted with preparation of the technical report.

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PROJECT EXPERIENCE, CONT’D . Field Director, PF.Net Archaeological Survey, Foster Wheeler Environmental, Orange and Imperial counties, California, 2001. As Field Director, conducted survey of portions of fiber optic installation corridor along State Route 78 from the San Diego/Imperial County line to east of Glamis in Imperial County. Conducted records search and survey for segments of project in Orange County. Conducted a records search for Orange County segment of the project. . Field Archaeologist, Caltrans Agricultural Inspection Station Survey, Caltrans District 11, Imperial County, California, 2001. As Field Archaeologist, conducted Phase I survey of approximately five acres near the U.S. Agricultural Inspection station near Yuma, Arizona, in support of a Caltrans proposed maintenance yard. Documented portions of the Plank Road running from Yuma, AZ to San Diego County, CA. . Field Director/Technical Illustrator, Palm Canyon Drive Realignment, Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, Palm Springs, Riverside County, California, 2001. As Field Director, conducted excavation and inventory of an ethnohistoric village site located along Palm Canyon Drive in Palm Springs. Prepared hand drawn illustrations of an associated ethnohistoric aqueduct system, which was later relocated to and reconstructed at the Agua Caliente Cultural Museum in Palm Springs. . Associate Archaeologist, IID EES Line Survey, Imperial Irrigation District, Imperial County, California, 2001. As Associate Archaeologist, conducted archaeological survey of proposed IID transmission line. . Field Director/Archaeological Monitor, Salton Sea Authority Evaporation Ponds Monitoring, Salton Sea Authority, Riverside County, California, 2000. As Field Director, conducted archaeological monitoring for the construction of evaporation ponds along the south shore of the Salton Sea. Coordinated with Native American monitors, construction crews, UXO contractors, and representatives from the Salton Sea Authority and Bureau of Reclamation. Monitoring was performed on the former Salton Sea Test Base and within the vicinity of a significant prehistoric site. . Field Director, San Sebastian Marsh Survey, Caltrans District 11, Imperial County, California, 2000. As Field Director, assisted with pedestrian survey of one square mile of land within the San Sebastian Marsh Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) near San Felipe Creek. Recorded 12 archaeological features including areas of cremated human remains with associated burial goods. Coordinated permitting with the BLM. . Associate Archaeologist, Locus O Data Recovery, Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians, Palm Springs, Riverside County, California, 2000. As Associate Archaeologist, conducted excavation of large rock ring with associated human remains at CA-RIV-45. The inhumation was scientifically documented and removed for repatriation on non-Reservation lands. . Assistant Project Manager, Yucaipa Non-Potable Water Pipeline Records Search, Riverside and San Bernardino counties, California, 2003. As Assistant Project Manager, summarized records searches conducted by the Eastern Information Center and the San Bernardino County Museum for a proposed pipeline. Coordinated field effort with Crew Chief and prepared a constraints analysis for the project. . Assistant Project Manager, Pala Pipeline Project, PBS&J, Yuima Water District, Pauma and Pala, San Diego County, California, 2005. As Assistant Project Manager, coordinated records search and Native American consultation for construction of a proposed 17-mile-long water pipeline between the Pauma and Pala Indian Reservations in northeastern San Diego County. Obtained permission from tribal representatives to conduct records searches on tribal lands, coordinated closely with client, and prepared constraints analysis for the project. Made recommendations for archaeological survey of the entire length of the proposed pipeline. Report Editor, Historical Resources Evaluation of the Palmdale Ditch, Los Angeles County, California, 2008. As report editor, reviewed and revised technical report for the survey and evaluation of a historic water feature in the Antelope Valley.

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Shannon Carmack

ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN/HISTORIAN Shannon Carmack is an Architectural Historian and Historian for Rincon Consultants. Ms. Carmack has more than 17 years of professional experience providing cultural resources management and historic preservation planning for large-scale and high- profile projects. She has worked throughout California in numerous sectors including local planning, development/construction, public utilities, Department of Defense, transportation, recreation, and education. Ms. Carmack prepares documentation to satisfy CEQA/NEPA, CEQA-Plus, Section 106, and Local Historic Preservation Ordinances. She also provides reports and studies that are in compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s (SOI) Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties EDUCATION (Standards) and the California Historic Building Code. She has developed and implemented successful mitigation for countless projects that included Historic B.A., History, emphasis in American Building Survey (HABS) documentation, oral histories and interpretive American History, California programs. Ms. Carmack meets and exceeds requirements in the Secretary of the State University, Long Beach (2007) Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards in Architectural History and History. A.A., Anthropology, Orange Coast College; California (2003) PROJECT EXPERIENCE WATER INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS SELECTED . Anza Bridge Replacement Project, Imperial County, CA. AFFILIATIONS . San Luis Obispo Wastewater Recovery Facility Project, San Luis Obispo, CA California Council for the . Paso Robles Waste Water Treatment Plant Project, Paso Robles, CA. – City of Promotion of History, Member Paso Robles California Preservation Foundation, Member . Pacific Beach Pipeline Project, City of San Diego, CA. City of San Diego Los Angeles Conservancy, . Wetlands Park Project, City and County of Los Angeles, CA Member – City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering National Trust for Historic . Al Larson Boat Shop Project, City and County of Los Angeles – Port of Los Preservation, Member Angeles . Riverside Airport Historic Evaluation, City and County of Riverside, CA. EXPERIENCE . Berths 167-169 Rehabilitation Project, City and County of Los Angeles – Port Rincon Consultants, Inc. (2015 of Los Angeles – Present) . Bello Bridge Rehabilitation Project, City of Shell Beach, County of San Luis SWCA Environmental Obispo Consultants (2009 – 2015) . Sapphos Environmental, Inc. Rivergrove Drive Bridge HRER and HPSR, Community of Whitley Gardens, (2007 – 2009) San Luis Obispo County LSA Associates, Inc. (2000 – . Everport Terminal Cultural Resources Assessment, Port of Los Angeles, City 2007) and County of Los Angeles . Hollister Road Bridge Replacement Project; San Luis Obispo County RIVERSIDE COUNTY PROJECTS . San Timoteo Canyon Bike and Pedestrian Facilities, San Timoteo Canyon, Beaumont, CA. – City of Beaumont/Caltrans . Oak Valley Substation Project, Beaumont, Riverside County, CA. – Southern California Edison

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PROJECT EXPERIENCE, CONT’D . State Route 91 Improvements Project, Brockton Avenue/Mary Street to 60/91/215 Interchange Project– City of Riverside/Caltrans . Route I-10 / Cabazon Interchange Project, Cabazon, County of Riverside – County of Riverside/Caltrans . Mid County Parkway; Riverside County, CA- – County of Riverside/Caltrans . Black Bench Ranch Specific Plan Amendment EIR; City of Banning, County of Riverside . HRER and HPSR for the State Route 91 Improvements Project, Brockton Avenue/Mary Street to 60/91/215 Interchange Project

CEQA/NEPA PROJECTS . 6634 Sunset Avenue Historic Habitation, City and County of Los Angeles . Shell Beach Downtown Improvement Plan HRER, City of Shell Beach, County of San Luis Obispo . Fort McArthur “Hey Rookie” Pool Historic Habitation, City and County of Los Angeles . HABS Documentation, Placentia Growers Association, City of Placentia, County of Orange . Long Beach Courthouse Historic Impacts Assessment, City of Long Beach, County of Los Angeles . Chapman's Millrace Relocation and Rehabilitation; San Gabriel Mission, Los Angeles County . Cypress Park Community Center-Youth Facility, City and County of Los Angeles . El Sereno Recreation Center, City and County of Los Angeles . 7 Oakmont Drive Historic-Cultural Monument (HCM) Application, City and County of Los Angeles . Edwards Air Force Base, Air Force Research Laboratory Historic Survey, EAFB, Los Angeles and Kern Counties . Windsor Square Design Review, City and County of Los Angeles . Edwards Air Force Base Cold War Historic Context, EAFB, Los Angeles and Kern Counties . HRER and HPSR for the Citrus Avenue/Interstate 10 Interchange Project, San Bernardino . Venice Post Office Rehabilitation, Venice Beach, City and County of Los Angeles . San Pedro Plaza Park Project, City and County of Los Angeles . Woodland Hills Recreation Center Project, City and County of Los Angeles . Terminal Island Historic Survey Evaluation and Historic Context Statement; City and County of Los Angeles . University Park Historic District Design Review, City and County of Los Angeles . North Fort Bragg Trail Cultural Resources Services; City of Fort Bragg, Mendocino County . East Los Angeles College (ELAC) Firestone Building Cultural Resources Services; South Gate, County of Los Angeles . Octagon Barn Center Historic Resources Documentation; San Luis Obispo County . Del Rio Road Area Specific Plan EIR; San Luis Obispo County . Yosemite Tenaya Lake Area Plan Environmental Assessment; Mariposa County . Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Intermodal Parking Facility Project; Azusa, Los Angeles County . Metro Green Line to LAX Project, City and County of Los Angeles . Chino Airport Project Cultural Resources Services; Chino . Park-and-Ride Cultural Resources Services; Encino, City and County of Los Angeles . Metro Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor EIR Cultural Resources Services; City and County of Los Angeles . Olympic Boulevard and Mateo Street Improvements; City and County of Los Angeles

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. Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest, Dixie Valley Naval Air Station Historic Evaluation; Dixie Valley, Churchill County, Nevada . Metro Regional Connector Transit Corridor Project; City and County of Los Angeles . Yosemite Communication Data Network Environmental Assessment; Tuolumne County . Citywide Historic Context Statement, City of Long Beach, Los Angeles County . Downtown Revitalization Project; City of South Pasadena, Los Angeles County . Kroc Community Center; City of Long Beach, Los Angeles County . HABS Level 2 Documentation, Rancho Los Amigos Historic District; City of Downey, Los Angeles County . Long Beach Courthouse Initial Study; City of Long Beach, Los Angeles County . World Citrus West Evaluation; City of Fullerton, Orange County . LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes Addendum EIR; City and County of Los Angeles . HABS Level 2 Documentation, Brunswig Annex, El Pueblo de Los Angeles National Register Historic District; City and County of Los Angeles . Mission Courtyards Project; City of San Miguel, San Luis Obispo County . Roger Y. Williams Residence, National Register of Historic Places Nomination; City of San Juan Capistrano, Orange County . Analysis of the Pomona Creamery Building; City of Pomona, Los Angeles County . Muscoy Elementary School EIR; Community of Muscoy, San Bernardino County . Del Mar Fairgrounds Master Plan Environmental Impact Report; San Diego County . HABS Level 3 Documentation, YWCA Building; City of Redlands, San Bernardino County . Historic Evaluation and HABS Level 3 Documentation, 302-310 South Maple Street and 151-153 West Third Avenue; City of Escondido, San Diego County . Hobby City Redevelopment; Cities of Anaheim and Stanton, Orange County . South Coast Shipyard Redevelopment Project; City of Newport Beach, Orange County . HABS Level 3 Documentation, Ray C. Lambert Ranch; City of Irvine, Orange County . Susan Street Exit Ramp Improvement Project; City of Costa Mesa, Orange County . Lambert Ranch General Plan Amendment and Zone Change EIR; City of Irvine, Orange County . Mountain Park Specific Plan Amendment EIR; City of Anaheim, Orange County . Mid County Parkway; Riverside County . Interstate 10/Cedar Avenue Interchange Project; San Bernardino County . Melrose Triangle EIR; City of West Hollywood, Los Angeles County . Historic Assessment for the Hermosa Valley School EIR; City of Hermosa Beach, Los Angeles County . Hancock Corner Mixed-Use Development Project EIR; City of West Hollywood, County of Los Angeles . Peninsula Village Overlay Zone PEIR; City of Rolling Hills Estates, County of Los Angeles . Field Hand Interview, Highlands Ranch, Tract 16014; City of Highland, County of San Bernardino . West Vista Way Widening; City of Vista, County of San Diego . Interstate 5 Improvement Project; Cities of La Mirada, Cerritos, Norwalk, Downey and Santa Fe Springs, Los Angeles County . HRER and HPSR for the Cherry Avenue/Interstate 10 Interchange Project; San Bernardino County . Courson Connection Project; City of Palmdale, County of Los Angeles . Orange County Gateway Project, Cities of Placentia, Anaheim, and Yorba Linda . Ms. Nara Haskell Interview, Oak Valley Residential Development Project; San Timoteo Canyon

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PRESENTATIONS . There is No Try: Moving an Immovable Object at Mission San Gabriel, Society for California Archaeology, Visalia, CA, March 2014 [Co-author: Shannon Carmack] . March 19, 2010. Presenter, with Judith Marvin. “San Timoteo Canyon and the Noble Family.” Annual Conference, Society for California Archaeology, Riverside, California . March 2008. Presenter, with Leslie Heumann and Marie Campbell. “Feasibility Analysis for Historic Properties” Annual Conference, National Association of Environmental Professionals, San Diego, California . January 2007. Presenter, with Judith Marvin. “Settlement and Economic Confluence on the Western Expanse: Native American Power Brokers and Anglo American Entrepreneurs in San Timoteo Canyon and San Gorgonio Pass” Annual Conference, Society for Historical Archaeology, Williamsburg, Virginia

FULL AFFILIATIONS . California Council for the Promotion of History, Member . California Preservation Foundation, Member . Los Angeles Conservancy, Member . National Trust for Historic Preservation, Member . Long Beach Heritage, Member . Historical Society of Long Beach, Member . Cultural Heritage Commission, City of Long Beach, Commissioner

COURSES AND CERTIFICATIONS . Green Strategies for Historic Buildings, National Preservation Institute (2008) . CEQA Workshop Training, Association of Environmental Professionals (2007) . Oral History Methods, California State University Long Beach (2005) . Identification and Evaluation of Mid-20th Century Buildings, National Preservation Institute (2004) . Section 4(f) Cultural Resources Compliance for Transportation Projects, National Preservation Institute (2003)

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

David J. Daitch, PhD

SENIOR PALEONTOLOGIST/ PROGRAM MANAGER Dr. Daitch is a Senior Paleontologist and Program Manager at Rincon Consultants. He has worked for over 17 years in the paleontological and biological sciences as a field investigator, laboratory and museum technician, and teacher. Dr. Daitch has over 12 years of paleontological consulting experience. Dr. Daitch’s paleontological experience has focused on the collection and identification of primarily Cenozoic terrestrial fossils of western North America, with moderate experience in Mesozoic terrestrial fossils and Paleocene and Mesozoic marine fossils of the western U.S. He has extensive experience in the field and in project management, conducting and coordinating both small and large projects. Dr. Daitch has conducted fieldwork, supervised field staff, and managed the technical and administrative EDUCATION side of more than 100 paleontological studies including preliminary evaluations, field surveys and paleontological resources assessments, and construction Ph.D., Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado; compliance monitoring for projects that range from small telecommunications Boulder, Colorado (2008) project to large-scale linear (transmission and transportation) projects over 1000 M.S., Geology, University of miles in length. He has coordinated compliance monitoring on a range of projects Colorado; Boulder, Colorado include traditional and renewable energy projects, transmission projects, housing (2001) and commercial developments, and large-scale seismic surveys. He has written or B.A., Biology, The Evergreen State supervised the preparation of numerous technical documents including College; Olympia, Washington Paleontological Resources Assessments and Technical Reports (including Caltrans (1995) PIRs, PERs and PMPs), Impact Analyses, Paleontological Mitigation and Monitoring Plans, paleontological sections of EIRs, IS/MNDs, EAs and EISs, and construction EXPERIENCE compliance monitoring reports. Rincon Consultants, Inc. (2013 – present) PROJECT EXPERIENCE SWCA Environmental Consultants PROJECT MANAGEMENT/SENIOR TECHNICAL OVERSIGHT/SENIOR PALEONTOLOGIST (2003 – 2013) . Columbia Solar Project (Qualified Paleontologist/Project Manager) Rocky Mountain Paleontology (2000 – 2008) . San Juan Oaks Specific Plan EIR (Senior Paleontologist/Technical Lead) University of Colorado Boulder . San Benito County Regional Park EIR (Senior Paleontologist/Technical Lead) (1997 – 2006) . Bakersfield to Palmdale High Speed Rail Project (Senior Paleontologist/Technical Lead) . Caltrans SR-99/Fulkerth Avenue Interchange Project (Senior Paleontologist/Technical Lead) . City of Riverside Magnolia and Plaza Substation Paleontological Resources Study (Senior Paleontologist/Technical Lead) . City of Menifee Santiara Residential Development Paleontological Resources Study (Senior Paleontologist/Technical Lead) . Monarch Cove Inn IER Paleontological Impacts Analysis (Senior Paleontologist/Technical Lead) . WKN Wind Development Project, Palm Springs (Project Manager/Technical Oversight) . PG&E City of Humboldt Transmission Line Improvement Project (Technical Oversight) . San Gorgonio Wind Development Project, Palm Springs (project Manager)

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PROJECT EXPERIENCE, CONT’D . Mascot Substation Construction Project, Paleontological Monitoring (Project Manager/Technical Oversight) . Blackstone Residential Development Project (Technical Oversight) . Williams Ryan Gulch 3-D Seismic Exploration Project Paleontological Studies(Field Coordinator and Supervisor)

FIELD AND TECHNICAL PALEONTOLOGIST . Wellstar North Park Well Pads Paleontological Studies . Seep Ridge Road Project Paleontological Studies . Monogram Mesa Exploration Mining Project . Newfield Tribal Oil and Gas Development Project . Carter Burgess I-25 North Improvement EIS . Paleontological overview of oil shale and tar sands areas in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah . O & G Environmental – Helmer Gulch EIS . Felsburg, Holt, and Ulleveig – Arapahoe Rd. Improvement Project . Carter Burgess - East Eagle Interchange EIS . Felsburg, Holt, and Ullevig – Pecos Street EIS . Indiana St-Croke Canal EIS . Federal Blvd EIS . SH 58-44th Ave EIS . Northern Integrated Supply Project . NW Corridor Highway Project . Transystems, Arapahoe Rd, Boston St., and Clinton St. intersection Project. . Smith Environmental Inc., Cherry Creek Dr South, and Federal/Spear Interchange Project PUBLICATIONS Daitch, D. J. 2008. Teeth, Molecules, and Populations: An Integrated View of Evolving Morphology. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. Daitch D. J. and Guralnick, R. 2007. Geographic variation in tooth morphology of the Arctic fox Vulpes (Alopex) lagopus. Journal of Mammalogy, 88 (2): 384-393. Murphey, P.C., and Daitch, D. 2007. Paleontological overview of oil shale and tar sands areas in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming: U.S. Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory Report Prepared for the U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management, 463 p. and 6 maps (scale 1:500,000). Daitch, D. J. 2001. Evolutionary patterns in Didymictis protenus (Mammalia: Carnivora) from the Willwood Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. Master’s Thesis. University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. pp. 160.

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Torin Snyder, PG, CHG, TOR, QSD/P,

CPSS SENIOR HYDROGEOLOGIST Torin Snyder, PG, CHG, QSD, CPSS, is a professional geologist with over 16 years of experience, which includes working in a variety of geological conditions throughout California. His scientific knowledge of geology and experience in the earth science industry enables him to prepare useful hydrogeological research, accurate environmental assessments, and appropriate approaches for remediation. He has conducted environmental site assessments, groundwater monitoring, fault and landslide investigations, groundwater resource studies, geological mapping, and geotechnical investigations. As a Qualified Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Trainer of Record, Developer, and Practitioner, he has provided storm water EDUCATION compliance for major infrastructure facilities, which has involved completing SWPPPs, rain event action plans, and storm water sampling, analysis and reporting. B.S., Soil Science, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo PROJECT EXPERIENCE NPDES STORM WATER MANAGEMENT AND PERMIT COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATIONS . Project Manager, Flatiron West, Inc.\ SANDAG, San Diego County, CA Professional Geologist, . SWPPP Review, Harris & Associates and PGH Wong, CP-1 High Speed Rail, California (#8663) Central Valley, CA Certified Hydrogeologist, . Lead Analyst, Geology, Seismicity, and Soils, California High Speed Rail, California (#950) Bakersfield F Street Station Alignment, Supplemental EIR/EIS, Kern County, Qualified SWPPP CA Developer/Practitioner . Water Pollution Control Manager, Flatiron West, Inc.\ Caltrans, Pacoima, CA Trainer of Record . 6th Street Viaduct Bridge Replacement Project- Los Angeles, Skanska/Stacy Qualified SWPPP Witbeck Joint Venture, Risk Level 2 and WPCP Developer/Practitioner . Route 5/74 Interchange- San Juan Capistrano, Flatiron Construction/ (#649) Caltrans, Risk Level 2 Certified Professional Soil . Route 5 Avenida Pico – San Clemente, Flatiron Construction/ Caltrans, Risk Scientist, SSSA (#28222) Level 2 40 Hour HAZWOPER . Route 5 Widening- Santa Clarita, Flatiron Construction/ Caltrans, Risk Level 2 Certification . Route 110 Auxiliary Lanes- Los Angeles, Flatiron Construction/ Caltrans, Risk Level 2 EXPERIENCE . Route 5 Widening- Burbank, Security Paving Company/ Caltrans, Risk Level 2 Rincon Consultants, Inc. . Route 5/ 134 Separation- Glendale, Security Paving/ Caltrans, Risk Level 2 (2010 – present) . Route 101/ Rice Avenue Interchange– Oxnard, Security Paving/ City of Dudek (2000 – 2010) Oxnard, Risk Level 3 . Route 101 Operational Improvements- Santa Barbra, Security Paving/ Caltrans, Risk Level 2 . Cal Poly San Luis Obispo Recreation Center Remodel, Sundt Construction, Risk Level 3 . Mandalay Peaker Power Plant, SCG, Linear Type 1 . 4.5 Mile Long Pipeline Repair, SCG, Santa Monica Mountains, Linear Type 1

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PROJECT EXPERIENCE, CONT’D . Natural Gas Pipeline Installation, SCG, Rancho Mirage, Linear Type 1 . Industrial Storm Water Permit Compliance, Bloomington, Retained as an Expert/ Litigation Support . Route 5 Oceanside/Camp Pendleton, Flatiron Construction/ Caltrans, Industrial SWPPP Compliance . Project Manager, Atkinson Contractors, Devore Interchange Design Build project, San Bernardino County, CA . Project Manager, Kiewit Shea Desalination, Carlsbad Desalination project, Carlsbad, CA . Project Manager, Poseidon Water, Huntington Beach Desalination project, CA . Project Director, Los Osos Water Recycling Facility, Los Osos Water Recycling Facility project, CA . Project Hydrogeologist, Monterey County, AERA Energy San Ardo Oil Field, Monterey County, CA . Project Manager, Atkins, Johnson Avenue Sewer Relief and Consolidation project, El Cajon, CA . Stormwater Compliance Task Manager, Line 63/2000 Anomalies Repair Project, near Castaic, Los Angeles County, California – Plains All American Pipeline, L.P. . Construction NPDES Storm Water Permit Compliance – Managed installation and maintenance of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the construction of the 22 mile long Sprinter rail line located in the County of San Diego. Oversaw the collection and analysis of storm water samples during precipitation events following the NPDES permit requirements.

SOIL AND GROUNDWATER HAZARDS ANALYSIS . City of Malibu Basin Wide Surface Water and Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting . Johnson Avenue Sewer Relief and Consolidation Project Hazards Analysis . Sher Lane Retail Center, Huntington Beach, Soil and Groundwater Assessment/Remediation . Former Mercury Cleaners, Lake Forest, Soil and Groundwater Assessment/Remediation . Los Osos Baseline Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting . Top Hat Cleaners, Los Angeles, Soil and Groundwater Assessment . Former Hughes Airport, Playa Vista, Soil and Groundwater Assessment . Beverley Crest Cleaners. Los Angeles, Soil and Groundwater Assessment/Remediation . Sage Park Apartments. Los Angeles, Soil Assessment . K-20 Mini Mart, Lancaster, Soil and Groundwater Assessment

VADOSE ZONE HYDROLOGY ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS . Soil Investigation. Managed and led project team in investigating site specific soil properties to identify potential vernal pool mitigation sites . Study of the Existing Hydrology and Vadose Zone Hydrology Regime Sustaining Vernal Pools. The objective of the water balance was to calculate the watershed area required to sustain the vernal pools and determine vernal pool watershed mitigation requirements . Vernal Pool Watershed Study. Led project team to determine if a vernal pool complex located in southern California is hydrologically connected to jurisdictional waters of the United States. A water balance was used to simulate the saturated vertical sub-surface flow of water originating from the County of San Diego 6-hour design storms using site specific soil, topography, and precipitation data

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HYDROGEOLOGY ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS . Study of the Existing Hydrology and Hydrogeologic Regime Sustaining a Cismontane Alkali Marsh (CAM) Habitat. Designed and oversaw installation of soil moisture sensors and piezometers to study the existing hydrogeologic regime sustaining a CAM Habitat located in southern California . Impacts from Groundwater Extraction on Wetland Resources. Served as a project hydrogeologist to determine if groundwater extraction will impact adjacent wetland resources . Prepared a Drinking Water Source Assessment for the Lee Lake Water District for potential well sites along Temescal Creek in Riverside County . Evaluated groundwater chemistry from wells and municipal water supply to determine sources of water (rainfall or imported irrigation water) that contributed to a landslide in Encinitas, California

DUE DILIGENCE . Palomar Station Phase I and II ESA, confidential client, San Marcos, California . Integral Partners, Phase I ESAs, multiple San Diego County properties . Gillespie Field Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, El Cajon, California

DETAILED PROJECT EXPERIENCE Lead Analyst Supplemental EIR/EIS, High Speed Rail Authority/subcontract to TY-Lin California, Bakersfield F Street Station Alignment, Central Valley Mr. Snyder is acting as a Lead Analyst as part of the preparation of the EIR/EIS for the California High Speed Rail, Bakersfield F Street Station Alignment. The project involves the analysis of geology, seismicity, and soils of a number of alignment alternatives, including both the rail line itself and supporting infrastructure requirements. Mr. Snyder manages the technical analysis related to the Geology, Seismicity, and Soils section of the EIR/EIS. Principal SWPPP Review, Harris & Associates and PGH Wong, CP-1 High Speed Rail, Central Valley, CA Mr. Snyder served as the principal reviewer for the site specific Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) prepared for Construction Package No. 1 (CP-1) of the High Speed Rail project from Madera to Fresno County. The project involves constructing the initial operating section of the high-speed rail project that spans 29 miles. The project includes 12 grade separations, crossing of 2 viaducts, 1 tunnel, and a major river crossing over the San Joaquin River. The $1.6 billion project is scheduled to be completed in 2017. Mr. Snyder was responsible for the initial review of the SWPPP prepared for this high profile project located in the Central Valley. The project scope included review of the following elements of the SWPPP: sensitive receptors, properties impacted with hazardous materials, BMP review, risk level calculations, Rain Event Action Plans, Construction Site Monitoring Plan, Sampling and Analysis Plan, and Water Pollution Control Drawings. Project Manager, Flatiron West, Inc./SANDAG, San Diego County, CA Mr. Snyder served as the Project Manager for the soil assessment and remediation of arsenic impacted soil along the San Onofre to Las Pulgas Double Track Stage 1 project in the County of San Diego. Mr. Snyder managed the preparation of the Excavation and Transportation Plan, Health and Safety Plan, Lead Compliance Plan, Excavation Sampling for Export Materials, Soil Export Plan for the 4.2 mile rail project. In addition, Mr. Snyder managed the soil sampling and analytical laboratory analysis of the arsenic impacted soils along the alignment. As a result of the elevated arsenic concentrations detected in soil, Mr. Snyder developed and implemented a dust monitoring program to reduce potential health impacts to on-site and off-site environmental receptors. The work program was conducted within budget and met the contractor’s schedule. Project Manager, Atkinson Contractors, Devore Interchange Design Build, San Bernardino County, CA Responsible for the preparation of the Contaminated Soil and Groundwater Management Plan for Caltrans’ $300 million Devore Interchange Design Build project. The management plan included Soil and Groundwater Clean-Up and

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Contingency Plan, Asbestos Control Plan, Aerially Deposited Lead Management Plan, Contaminated Groundwater Dewatering Plan, Health and Safety Plan, and Excavation and Transportation Plan. Project Director, Los Osos Water Recycling Facility, Los Osos Water Recycling Facility project, CA Mr. Snyder served as the Project Director to implement the Monitoring and Reporting Program (MRP) in support of the future construction and operation of the Los Osos Water Recycling Facility, Rincon conducted semi-annual groundwater monitoring that is specified in the projects MRP on behalf of the County of San Luis Obispo. The objective of the study was to develop baseline groundwater conditions prior to operating the Los Osos Water Recycling Facility. Rincon developed a streamlined approach to efficiently complete the groundwater monitoring program in compliance with the MRP required by the RWQCB Central Coast Region. Depth to groundwater and water quality samples were collected from 25 groundwater monitoring wells throughout the Los Osos Valley. Project Manager, Poseidon Water, Huntington Beach Desalination project, CA Mr. Snyder served as the Project Manager to prepare a work plan that describes the activities that will be required to conduct an aquifer pump test on the shallow unconfined aquifer at the proposed Huntington Beach Desalination facility. The aquifer pumping test work plan focused on the upper unconfined aquifer and the underlying portions of the upper Talbert Aquifer system to provide data to examine the feasibility of saline groundwater extraction for the proposed Huntington Beach Desalination facility. Project Director, Waste Water Treatment Facility, City of Malibu, Malibu, CA Mr. Snyder served as the Project Director to implement and manage a basin-wide groundwater and surface water monitoring and reporting program under the oversight of the RWQCB Los Angeles Region. The objective of the monitoring program is to identify potential impacts to the receiving water quality or groundwater aquifers (Santa Monica Bay, Malibu Creek, and Malibu Lagoon) as a result of land disposal of treated wastewater via injection and landscape irrigation or percolation from the proposed waste water treatment facility currently under construction. Rincon is collecting and compiling data to determine baseline groundwater and surface water conditions prior to discharge of treated effluent. Project Manager, Kiewit Shea Desalination, Carlsbad Desalination project, Carlsbad, CA Responsible for the scheduling and managing the soil and groundwater remedial activities in support of designing and building the $900 million dollar desalination plant. Responsible client and local agency oversight to ensure the soil remedial activities are conducted per the approved remedial action work plan while reducing impacts to the overall project schedule and budget. A 4.1 million gallon fuel oil tank, cutter oil tank, and fuel conveyance structures were removed and subsurface assessment activities were conducted to determine if the soil and groundwater has been impacted at the site. In addition, Mr. Snyder prepared a groundwater study to identify areas along the 8 mile long water conveyance pipeline to determine if groundwater would be encountered during the construction activities. In addition, areas along the alignment with known soil and groundwater impacts were identified and remediation or mitigation measures were recommended to reduce impacts to the project. As a result, groundwater dewatering, treatment, and methods to manage groundwater were discussed with the client and mitigation measures were implemented to prevent construction delays along the alignment. Mr. Snyder managed two NPDES permits issued by the RWQCB San Diego Region for groundwater discharge to ocean outfalls and four dewatering discharge permits to the local sewer system. Project Hydrogeologist, California Flats Solar Project EIR, County of Monterey, CA Rincon Consultants recently completed the preparation of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed California Flats Solar Project, a proposed 280-megawatt (MW) alternating current (AC) photovoltaic (PV) solar power facility. The facility will be located on approximately 2,670 acres in the southeastern corner of Monterey County. The project includes solar arrays, related structures, electrical equipment and infrastructure improvements, including two substations and a switching station that will provide an interconnect to the Pacific Gas & Electric Company-owned Morro Bay – Gates 230 kilovolt (Kv) transmission line, which currently transects the project site, and an operations and maintenance facility. One of the key issues of the project is the potential impact to surface water and groundwater quantity and quality. Mr. Snyder served as the surface water and groundwater technical lead and reviewed and

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provided comments on the applicant’s basin wide surface water and groundwater studies. The California Flats Solar Project EIR was certified in February 2015 by the Monterey County Board of Supervisors. Project Hydrogeologist, Monterey County, AERA Energy San Ardo Oil Field, Monterey County, CA The scope of work included preparation of a draft IS-MND to evaluate a produced water treatment system for AERA Energy’s San Ardo Oil Field. The proposed project was for a produced water reclamation facility that would treat produced water prior to discharge to infiltration galleries via conveyance pipelines. The infiltration basins were to be located in the floodplain of the Salinas River, and the treated water was anticipated to help recharge this Salinas Valley Groundwater Basin. Project Manager, Atkins, Johnson Avenue Sewer Relief and Consolidation project, El Cajon, CA Since 2010, Mr. Snyder has been the managing the Hazards Analysis for the Johnson Avenue Sewer Relief and Consolidation project located in El Cajon, CA. The projects involved three tasks 1) research and identify current and historical chemical releases that have occurred along or near the proposed sewer alignment, 2) collect and analyze soil and groundwater samples along the alignment near sites with known release of hazardous chemicals, and 3) assist with the design and construction management of the trunk sewer alignment. The estimated construction cost of the trunk sewer is $12 million. Project Hydrogeologist, Confidential Client, County of San Diego, CA Served as a project hydrogeologist to conduct a surface water and groundwater resource study for a confidential project located in the County of San Diego. The water resource study included installing weather stations, soil moisture sensors, stream gauging stations, and installing deep groundwater extraction and monitoring wells throughout the ranch. Aquifer pumping tests were conducted to determine source capacity of the aquifer and impacts to sensitive species. The objective of the study was to prepare a groundwater resource study to determine if the local water resources could support the water requirements of a large residential master plan proposed for the ranch. Stormwater Compliance Task Manager, Line 63/2000 Anomalies Repair Project, near Castaic, Los Angeles County, California – Plains All American Pipeline, L.P. Mr. Snyder managed the preparation of an Erosion Control Plan for the maintenance and repair of the anomalies on the Plains All American Pipeline Line 63/2000 pipeline, located in the Angeles National Forest. Mr. Snyder was responsible for the preparation of the Erosion Control Plan that was approved by the Angeles National Forest. Specifically, the Erosion Control Plan was prepared to address routine repair and maintenance activities of Line 63/2000 that disturb soil areas less than one acre in size.

ENVIRONMENTAL LITIGATION SUPPORT . Lead technical expert for a lawsuit regarding the adequacy of a historical methane assessment and engineered methane mitigation measures for a 600 unit residential development located in Los Angeles, CA. . Provided litigation support for a lawsuit involving three adjacent industrial facilities over the responsibility of elevated concentrations of chlorinated solvents in the soil and groundwater. The fate and transport, mass flux, and historical industrial operations were researched. A three dimensional model was developed to show the migration of DNAPL concentrations of PCE from the source area to groundwater. . Provided litigation support concerning perchlorate and volatile organic compound contamination in surface soils and storm water runoff at a former munitions and manufacturing facility located in southern California. . Provided litigation support for a law suit over a beneficial use aquifer impacted with chlorinated solvents. . Provided litigation support services for insurance litigation over trichloroethylene contamination in groundwater for a facility located in Phoenix, Arizona. . Provided litigation support services for a law suit over perchlorate contamination in groundwater. Reviewed historical operations and developed a water balance to determine fate and transport of perchlorate contamination in the soil and groundwater.

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SOIL AND GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION / MITIGATION . Designed and implemented a soil vapor extraction (SVE) and air sparge (AS) remediation system for a former dry cleaning facility located in Huntington Beach. Due to access limitations, Mr. Snyder designed horizontal soil vapor extraction and air sparge wells that were installed below the building footprint to extract PCE from the vadose zone and groundwater. . Designed and implemented an in-situ chemical oxidation program for a site contaminated with chlorinated solvents in the groundwater. Project was located at a southern California aerospace / microelectronics company, and included injection of potassium permanganate to destroy chlorinated solvents. . Served as project hydrogeologist for an in-situ bioremediation of a site with groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents. Nutrient substrate was injected into the groundwater to sustain an anaerobic population of microorganisms that co-metabolize the chlorinated contaminants. A dye tracer study was also designed and implemented in order to understand the seepage velocity and direction of groundwater flow within the bioremediation project area. . Designed and implemented an in-situ bioremediation program for a site with groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents. Project was located at a southern California aerospace / microelectronics company, and included injection of a nutrient substrate to sustain an anaerobic population of microorganisms that co- metabolize the chlorinated contaminants. . Served as project hydrogeologist on a chlorinated solvent groundwater remediation project located in Stockton, California. Remediation technology included ultra violet/oxidation, air stripping, and liquid phase granular activated carbon. The treated groundwater was re-injected into a beneficial use aquifer. . Design and implement a SVE system for a manufacturing facility located in Ontario, CA. Once the SVE system was in operation, the site was granted closure within two years. Health risk assessment was prepared for the site indicating the residual chlorinated solvents in the shallow soils does not present a health risk to the workers of the facility. . Served as a project hydrogeologist for a site impacted with chlorinated solvents located in Irvine, CA. Elevated concentrations of chlorinated solvents in the shallow soils and groundwater were required to be remediated under the oversight of the DTSC. SVE and dual phase extraction (DPE) system was designed to remediate the shallow soils and groundwater. . Served as a project hydrogeologist for a Superfund site impacted with hexavalent chromium located in Stockton, CA. The site had undergone pump and treat for over ten years and residual hexavalent chromium remained in the shallow soils and groundwater. Designed a soil flushing system to inject water via horizontal wells above the soil with elevated concentrations of hexavalent chromium. The horizontal influence of the injection wells would be measured using soil moisture sensors. . Developed remedial design objectives for the redevelopment of a former Quarry located in Portland, Oregon. Designed sub-slab methane mitigation systems and managed the QA/QC for the installation of the methane mitigation systems for 18 commercial buildings. Designed and managed the QA/QC for nine soil vapor extraction systems located on the perimeter and interior of the former Quarry. . Served as a third party expert for the design and installation of a Level 5 methane mitigation system for a Lowe’s HIW located in Los Angeles, CA. The site was historically impacted with gasoline, diesel, and oil. . Served as the project manager for the design of a sub-slab methane mitigation barrier for a Lowe’s HIW in Pacoima, CA. The site was historically impacted with chlorinated solvents and is located within the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety’s designated Methane Buffer Zone. . Served as project manager for soil gas studies of 3,000+ unit residential sub-division located in southern California. Designed and certified installation of mitigation systems for combustible soil gas.

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GROUNDWATER MONITORING . Served as the project hydrogeologist for a groundwater monitoring project located in Stockton, CA. Chlorinated solvents and 1,4-dioxane were the chemicals of concern (CoC). Over forty monitoring wells were monitored quarterly and groundwater monitoring reports were submitted to the DTSC. . Served as the project hydrogeologist for a groundwater monitoring project located in Newport Beach, CA. Chlorinated solvents were the CoC. Over fifty monitoring wells were monitored quarterly and groundwater monitoring reports were submitted to the RWQCB Santa Ana Region. . Served as the project hydrogeologist for a groundwater monitoring project located in Newport Beach, CA. Chlorinated solvents were the CoC. Over sixty monitoring wells were monitored quarterly and groundwater monitoring reports were submitted to the RWQCB Santa Ana Region.

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers



Mr. De La Llave is a Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality, a Qualified SWPPP Developer/Practitioner, a Trainer of Record and a Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner. Mr. De La Llave has over 10 years of professional experience preparing, managing and directing water projects. He is responsible for oversight and implementation of fieldwork, data collection, compilation, client and agency contact, report preparation, and project management. His experience includes hydrology and water quality, vadose zone hydrology environmental investigations, hydrogeology environmental investigations, hazardous waste investigations, and soil and

groundwater remediation/mitigation. EDUCATION PROJECT EXPERIENCE B.S., Hydrological Science, University of California, Santa . Water Pollution Control Manager, Skanska Stacy & Witbeck, 6th Street Viaduct Barbara Replacement Project. Mr. De La Llave is the Water Pollution Control Manager for the 6th Street Viaduct Replacement Project located in Los Angeles, CA. The CERTIFICATIONS project involves demolition of existing 6th Street Viaduct and surrounding building structures. The new bridge will connect the community of Boyle Heights Certified Professional in Storm to the Los Angeles Arts District. The project will replace the 3,500-foot Viaduct; Water Quality (#0890) span 101 Freeway and the Los Angeles River. The estimated project cost is Qualified SWPPP approximately $500 million, making it the largest bridge replacement project in Developer/Practitioner the history of Los Angeles. Mr. De La Llave is responsible for the preparation of (#23668) the following: SWPPP, Caltrans Water Pollution Control Program, Water Pollution QSP/QSD Trainer of Record Control Drawings, Rain Event Action Plans, SWPPP amendments, and Annual Qualified Industrial Stormwater Storm Water Compliance Reports. In addition, Mr. De La Llave also conducts the Practitioner QISP(#0227) following tasks: daily and weekly storm water compliance inspections, quarterly 40 Hour HAZWOPER non-storm water inspections, pre, during, and post storm event inspections, Certification storm water sampling and analysis, non-storm water sampling and analysis, contractor BMP compliance training. EXPERIENCE . Water Pollution Control Manager, Flatiron West, Inc.\Caltrans. Mr. De La Llave Rincon Consultants, Inc. (2012 - was the Water Pollution Control Manager for the Route 5/170 Widening located Present) in Pacoima, CA. The project involved constructing new high occupancy vehicle PW Environmental, Staff lanes along Interstate 5 and two new connector bridges from State Route 170 to Hydrologist (2007 - 2012) Interstate 5 north. The project is approximately seven miles in length (3.4 miles in Goleta Sanitation District, each direction) and was completed in 2015. Mr. De La Llave was responsible for Operator/Laboratory the preparation of the following: Water Pollution Control Drawings, Rain Event Technician/Industrial Waste Action Plans, SWPPP amendments, and Annual Storm Water Compliance Reports. Officer (2005 - 2007) In addition, Mr. De La Llave also conducted the following tasks: daily and weekly storm water compliance inspections, quarterly non-storm water inspections, pre, during, and post storm event inspections, storm water sampling and analysis, non-storm water sampling and analysis, contractor best management practices (BMP) compliance training.

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PROJECT EXPERIENCE CON’T . Water Pollution Control Manager, Industrial Storm Water, CANG. Mr. De La Llave was the Water Pollution Control Manager for the three California Army National Guard Bases, located in California. The project involved meeting storm water compliance requirements under the Industrial General Permit for Industrial Facilities. Mr. De La Llave was responsible for the preparation of the following: Storm event tracking reports, Quarterly Reports, and Annual Storm Water Compliance Reports. In addition, Mr. De La Llave also managed the following tasks: storm water compliance inspections, quarterly non-storm water inspections, during storm event inspections, storm water sampling and analysis, non-storm water sampling and analysis.

ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE . ASBS Outfall monitoring . Simi Valley Waste Landfill Recycling Facility, Risk Level 3 . Rice Avenue Widening Project, Oxnard, Security Paving Co/Caltrans, Risk Level 3 . Route 110 Auxiliary Lanes, Flatiron Construction, Caltrans, Risk Level 2 . City of Westlake Community Park Project, Westlake, Risk Level 2 . City of Los Angeles Parks and Recreation, CUPA/Storm water compliance survey . Industrial Storm Water Permit Compliance, Santa Clarita, Temporary Batch Plant

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Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Matthew Long, MESc, MPP

SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST Matthew Long is an Environmental Scientist for Rincon’s Environmental Sciences and Planning group responsible for managing and preparing CEQA and NEPA documentation and technical impact analyses for a diverse range of projects. His experience includes water quality and coastal impacts analysis, benefit-cost analysis, GIS modeling, and database management. Mr. Long conducts environmental impact analyses for a wide variety of projects throughout California and Arizona. Some key areas of experience include: flood control, dam operation, and dredging projects; large- and small-scale renewable energy construction projects; high-voltage transmission line construction, upgrade, and maintenance projects; oil and gas EDUCATION regulation and planning; and county- and region-wide planning for renewable energy siting. M.E.Sc., Water Resources Specialization, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental PROJECT EXPERIENCE Studies CEQA/NEPA PROJECTS M.P.P., Natural Resource Management Concentration, . Coachella Valley Trails Development Project IS/MND, Riverside County UCLA Luskin School of Public . On-call Analytical and Supportive Services for Part 58 Environmental Affairs Reviews, City and County of San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Housing and B.A., Comparative Literature, Community Development UC Berkeley . City of Santa Monica Sustainable Water Infrastructure Project IS-MND, Los Angeles County AFFILIATIONS . Santa Ana River Bridge Bellows Joint MND Addendum, Metropolitan Water Member, American Water District of Southern California Resources Association . Port of Hueneme Berth Deepening and Wharf Improvement IS/MND, Oxnard Harbor District, Ventura County EXPERIENCE . Port of Los Angeles Channel Deepening Project Supplemental EIS/EIR, Los Rincon Consultants, Inc. (2015 Angeles County – present) Aspen Environmental Group FLOOD CONTROL (2007 – 2010; 2014 – 2015) . Thousand Palms Flood Control Project Subsequent EIR/Subsequent EIS, The Nature Conservancy (2013 Riverside County – 2014) . March Air Reserve Base Heacock and Cactus Channel Flood Damage Yale Center for Earth Reduction Project 404(b)(1) analysis, Riverside County Observation (2012 – 2013) . Presidio of Monterey Integrated Water Sustainability Concept Plan Los Angeles Regional Water Programmatic EA, Monterey County Quality Control Board (2005 – 2006) . Rimforest Storm Drain Project EIR, San Bernardino County Institute of the Environment, . Santa Clara River Levee Project SCR-3 EIR, Ventura County UCLA (2005) . Littlerock Reservoir Sediment Removal Project EIS/EIR, Los Angeles County . Seven Oaks Dam Water Conservation Supplemental EA/MND, Los Angeles County

RENEWABLE ENERGY . San Luis Obispo County Renewable Energy Streamlining Program and EIR . Imperial County General Plan Open Space and Conservation Element Update

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ROJECT EXPERIENCE, CONT’D . Del Sur Ranch Solar Project, Los Angeles County . Panoche Valley Solar Project Supplemental EIR, San Benito County . Aspiration Solar G Solar Generating Facility IS/MND, Fresno County . Competitive Renewable Energy Zone (CREZ) Analysis for E3 and TransCanyon . Alta–Oak Creek Mojave Project EIR, Kern County

TRANSMISSION LINES AND SUBSTATIONS . SCE West of Devers Upgrade Project EIR/EIS, Riverside and San Bernardino counties . Valley South Subtransmission Project EIR, Riverside County . El Casco System Project EIR, Riverside and San Bernardino counties . San Luis Transmission Line Project EIR/EIS, Alameda, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Merced counties . Vine 69/12 Kilovolt (kV) Substation Project IS/MND, San Diego County . Parker-Headgate Rock and Parker-Bouse Reroute Project EA, California/Arizona border near Parker, AZ . Electrical District #2-Saguaro #2 (ED2-SGR2) 115-kV Transmission Line Rebuild EA, Pinal County, AZ . Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project EIR/EIS, Kern, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino counties . Parker-Davis Transmission System Routine O&M Project and Proposed IVM Programmatic EA, Arizona, California, and Nevada . Antelope-Pardee 500 kV Transmission Project EIR/EIS, Los Angeles County . Antelope Transmission Line Project Segments 2 and 3 EIR, Kern and Los Angeles counties . Distributing Station 144 Project IS/MND, Los Angeles County . North Area Right-of-Way Maintenance Project EA, California and Oregon . Sunrise Powerlink Project EIR/EIS, Imperial and San Diego counties

OTHER PROJECTS . Senate Bill 4 Analysis of Oil and Gas Well Stimulation Treatments EIR, California . BLM Hollister Field Office Oil & Gas Leasing and Development EIS, California . District Cooling Plant and Distribution System Project IS/MND, Los Angeles County . California High Speed Rail Authority Bakersfield to Palmdale Section EIR/EIS - Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report Greenhouse Gas Analysis, TY Lin . Stadium Improvement Project EIR, San Mateo Union High School District, San Mateo County . San Marin High School Stadium Lights Project EIR, Novato Unified School District, Marin County . CEQA Program Guidance and Template Development Program, City of Palo Alto . Central Region Elementary School #14 EIR, Los Angeles County . South Region Span K-8 No. 1 School EIR, Los Angeles County

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Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Julie Welch Marshall


Julie Welch Marshall is an environmental scientist with 22 years of experience in Environmental Due Diligence assessment and investigation for real estate property transactions. She qualifies as an “Environmental Professional” according to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 2013 guidelines and Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) “All Appropriate Inquiry” requirements. Specifically, Ms. Marshall has extensive experience managing multi-site real estate portfolios for local agencies, developers, banks, and other commercial and private entities. Ms. Marshall is also experienced in conducting environmental assessment, investigation, and remediation projects with oversight by State Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), California Department of Toxic Substances Control EDUCATION (DTSC), and other regional California agencies. She recently completed work on the City of San Diego with a 3-year Brownfields Assessment Grant project that includes B.S., Environmental completion of Phase I & II ESAs and coordination with EPA and the City of San Engineering, Rensselaer Francisco with 31 Phase I ESAs and 15 Phase II ESA projects for their Rental Assistance Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Demonstration (RAD) Projects. Additionally, Ms. Marshall is currently assisting with Troy, New York two Hazardous Materials and Wastes Technical Reports for the California High Speed Engineer-in-Training, New Rail project. York PROJECT EXPERIENCE CERTIFICATIONS RESERVOIRS AND PIPELINE CORRIDORS Hazardous Materials . Management Certificate, San Diego County Water Authority, On-call Consulting Agreement, Multiple University of California, Phase I ESA and environmental consultation projects, City of San Diego, CA Santa Barbara, 1998 . City of San Diego Pacific Beach Pipeline South, Environmental Site Assessment Business Management and Historical Significance Study, Rick Engineering/City of San Diego, Pacific Certificate, University of Beach, CA California, San Diego, 2007 . San Diego County Water Authority, San Vicente Dam Raise and Moosa Reservoir 40 Hour Hazardous Waste Alternatives, Hazardous Material Constraints Analysis, Atkins, San Diego County, Operations and Emergency CA Response Certification - . City of El Cajon, Johnson Avenue Sewer Realignment Project Phase I and Phase II Current 8 Hour Refresher ESAs, Environmental Hazards Analysis, Atkins/AECOM, El Cajon, CA . City of San Diego 13 Mile Otay Mesa Trunk Sewer Alignment Cactus Road EXPERIENCE Corridor Study, Phase I and II ESA, Atkins, San Diego, CA Rincon Consultants, Inc., . Yuima Municipal Water District, Northern Route Pipeline Project, Hazardous Senior Project Manager - Materials Study, Atkins, Pauma Valley (Unincorporated San Diego Co.), CA Carlsbad 2002 through present TRANSPORTATION CORRIDORS . California High Speed Rail, Palmdale to Bakersfield Section, Hazardous Materials Rincon Consultants, Inc., and Wastes Technical Report, High Speed Rail Authority/subcontract to TY-LIN Project Manager - Ventura 1995 through 2001 . California High Speed Rail, Shafter to Bakersfield - Locally Generated Alternative, Hazardous Materials and Wastes Technical Report, High Speed Rail New York State Department Authority/subcontract to TY-Lin of Environmental . County of San Diego 70 Acre Gillespie Field Phase I and II ESA, and Soil Conservation, Division of Management Plan, Atkins and AMEC, El Cajon, CA Hazardous Waste Remediation (1994 - 1995)

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PROJECT EXPERIENCE, CONT’D . Multiple Train Station Corridor Transaction Screen Assessments, Epic Land Solutions/North County Transit District (NCTD), Solana Beach, Carlsbad and Oceanside, CA . 36,219-Acre Yokohl Ranch and 65 mile Corridor Off-Site Infrastructure Improvements Project, Gatzke, Dillon and Balance, Tulare County, CA DUE DILIGENCE PORTFOLIO PROJECTS . Southeast San Diego Community-wide Brownfields Assessment (Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Program), City of San Diego, San Diego, CA . Phase I ESAs and Phase II ESAs, San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Community Housing and Development, San Francisco, CA . Phase I ESAs, Phase II ESAs, Third Party Review, Well Abandonment, Borrow Site Assessment, and Site Remediation, Richmond American Homes, Statewide, CA . Phase I ESAs, New York Life, Statewide, CA PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PROJECTS . Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation (JCNI) Brownfields Area Wide Planning Grant Pilot Program (Environmental Protection Agency Brownfields Program), JCNI, San Diego, CA . General Welding Facility, Groundwater Monitoring and Assessment, Private Landowner, Los Angeles County, CA . Multiple Former Greenhouse Properties, Remediation and San Diego Department of Environmental Health (DEH) Coordination, Private Landowners, Encinitas, CA . 7-11 Gasoline Station, Phase II ESA, Soil Vapor Assessment, Health Risk Assessment, and DEH Coordination, Private Landowner, Oceanside, CA . Children’s Museum Park Phase I ESA and Phase II ESA, Health Risk Assessment, and Remedial Action Plan, former Centre City Development Corporation, San Diego, California . Vantage Pointe Condominiums Site Assessment, Remediation, and Environmental Monitoring, Pointe of View, San Diego, CA . Merrill Gardens at Bankers Hills Soil Management Plan and Environmental Monitoring, Merrill Gardens, San Diego, California . Magnolia-Plaza Substation Phase I ESA, RBF, Riverside, California EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES . Ceres Unified School District Projects - Elementary 15 (Grayson / Central), Elementary 14 (Roeding), Whitmore Junior High School, Central Valley High School (Central / Service) . Ventura Unified School District Projects, Site Assessment and Remediation Services - Foothill Technology High School, Westside Elementary, West Stanley Property . California State University San Marcos Phase II Campus Master Plan update, Phase I and II ESAs, Atkins, San Marcos, California . San Bernardino City Unified School District - Alessandro II Elementary, PEA, SSI Technical Memo, SSI

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Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Jennifer Schwartz, PE

ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER Ms. Schwartz is a California-licensed professional engineer with over 10 years of experience in environmental consulting and has contributed to the success of diverse projects. Her experience includes site investigation and assessment, remediation design, environmental compliance, and litigation support for various industries, including: real estate, developers, manufacturing, solid waste management, oil and gas industry, electric power utilities, aerospace, and government agencies. She has performed sampling of groundwater, soil, soil vapor, sediment, and building materials and directed Phase I and II site investigations.

PROJECT EXPERIENCE EDUCATION B.A.Sc., Environmental ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE Engineering, University of . Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada o Vehicle Maintenance Yard, City of Santa Barbara, California CERTIFICATIONS o Port Hueneme Marine Fueling Terminal, TracTide Marine Corporation Port Professional Civil Engineer, Hueneme, California California (C74973) o Crude Oil Pumping Station, Kettleman City, California 40-hour HAZWOPER o Inglewood Stadium (construction yard), Inglewood, California Certification o Pio Pico Energy Center, Otay, California Carlsbad Desalination Plant, Carlsbad, California EXPERIENCE o o Buttonwillow Landfill, Clean Harbors, McKittrick, California Rincon Consultants, Inc. Kettleman Hills Landfill, Waste Management, Kettleman City, California (2014 – present) o o Sunrise Powerlink Construction Yards, SDG&E and BETA Construction, San Geosyntec Consultants Diego County, California (2005 – 2014) . Demolition and earthwork environmental compliance, Sixth Street Viaduct Replacement Project, Los Angeles, California . Financial Assurance for Closure and Post-Closure Maintenance of Landfills: o Imperial Solid Waste Site, Imperial County, California o Brawley Solid Waste Site, Imperial County, California o El Sobrante Landfill, Riverside County, California SITE ASSESSMENT PROJECTS . Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, Various Clients, Southern California . Subsurface assessments, demolition permits, and remediation, Various Former Combustion Turbines Sites, San Diego, California . Grove Incident response and consulting support, Hall Canyon, Ventura, California . Soil vapor and groundwater monitoring, Sher Lane Retail Center, Huntington Beach, California . Soil sampling and reporting, Carlsbad Desalination Plant, Carlsbad, California . Hazardous building material survey and reportz, Former Industrial Manufacturing Facility, Oakland, California

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PROJECT EXPERIENCE, CONT’D . 2007 Southern California Wildfires, Counties of San Diego and San Bernardino, California

REMEDIATION PROJECTS . Vapor barrier design: o Community Resource Center, Whittier, California o Community Arts Workshop, Santa Barbara, California o Former Chemical Warehouse, Santa Barbara, California o Former Gas Station (replaced with commercial development), Santa Barbara, California o Former Aerospace Manufacturing Facility, Long Beach, California . Engineered cover and soil vapor monitoring, Former Petroleum Waste Ponds, Corona, California . Groundwater remediation with in-situ bioremediation, Former Aerospace Manufacturing Facility, Long Beach, California . Groundwater and soil remediation, Former Aeronautical Manufacturing Facility, San Diego, California WATER RESOURCES PROJECTS . Los Osos Water Recycling Facility Baseline Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting, San Luis Obispo, California . Aquifer Pumping Test Design, Huntington Beach, California

DETAILED PROJECT EXPERIENCE ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans, Various Clients, California Ms. Schwartz has prepared and certified SPCC Plans for a variety of clients throughout California. The plans are prepared in accordance with the requirements of Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 112, “Oil Pollution Prevention” (amended December 5, 2008 with an effective date of January 14, 2010). Sixth Street Viaduct Replacement Project, Los Angeles, California The project involves demolition of the existing Sixth Street bridge and surrounding building structures. Ms. Schwartz assists the Skanska Stacy & Witbeck team with assessment and management of environmental impacts along the project alignment. She prepared a concise Soil/Groundwater Management Plan, which incorporated data from various previous reports, including an interactive map to show known areas of impacts in the subsurface for construction staff.

SITE ASSESSMENT PROJECTS Phase I Environmental Site Assessments, Various Clients, Southern California Ms. Schwartz performed a variety of Phase I ESAs throughout southern California in accordance with the current ASTM E1527-13 standard practice. Notably, one Phase I consisted of assessing 1,100 acres in Riverside County which was completed on a rush turnaround time of approximately two weeks. Sher Lane Retail Center, Huntington Beach, California Ms. Schwartz completed groundwater and soil data review to determine if two separate water bearing zones exist at the site. She continues to direct additional groundwater and soil vapor monitoring requirements at the site. Former Industrial Manufacturing Facility, Oakland, California Ms. Schwartz directed building material survey to determine appropriate recycling and/or disposal options for demolition of eight buildings. In addition, she assisted with the preparation of the CEQA document for the proposed demolition and the Remedial Design and Implementation Plan (RDIP) for the ongoing remediation activities at the site.

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2007 Southern California Wildfires, Counties of San Diego and San Bernardino, California Ms. Schwartz directed and performed sampling of residential burn debris following the 2007 fires in San Diego County and San Bernardino County. The study was performed to characterize hazards associated with burn debris and ash in typical residential areas. Samples were collected from 70 sites between the two counties. The study demonstrated that removal of the burn debris and ash was in “public interest,” which assisted local agencies obtain funding from FEMA for costs associated with disposal.

REMEDIATION PROJECTS Vapor Barrier Design, Various Clients, California Ms. Schwartz has designed a variety of vapor barriers beneath buildings to minimize potential impacts to indoor air from methane and/or VOCs. She coordinates with the appropriate agency to ensure each barrier meets local requirements. Former Petroleum Waste Ponds, Corona, California Ms. Schwartz was responsible for monitoring and maintenance of engineered cover systems for containing onsite wastes near residential area. Design and install pilot-scale soil vapor extraction systems. Directed and performed monthly, followed by quarterly, soil vapor sampling of gas monitoring probes located around the perimeter of each pond area. Former Aerospace Manufacturing Facility, Long Beach, California Ms. Schwartz assisted with design and permitting of enhanced in situ bioremediation system for treatment of VOCs in groundwater. Responsible for field coordination of injecting 1.2 million gallons of emulsified vegetable oil and over 125 gallons of Dehalococcoides bacteria into 118 permanent injection wells. The tasks associated with this work were completed at night in order to minimize impact to a neighboring golf course. The injections were completed over 40 nights, six of which consisted of 24 hours per day of injection. Former Aeronautical Manufacturing Facility, San Diego, California Ms. Schwartz designed an enhanced in situ bioremediation system which successfully treated VOCs in groundwater. Direct-push techniques were used to inject approximately 3 million gallons of electron donor and Dehalococcoides bacteria into the subsurface.

WATER RESOURCES PROJECTS Los Osos Water Recycling Facility Baseline Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting, San Luis Obispo, California Ms. Schwartz facilitated sampling and reporting activities of 25 groundwater monitoring wells to develop baseline groundwater conditions prior to initiation of the Los Osos Water Recycling Facility. Aquifer Pumping Test Design, Huntington Beach, California Ms. Schwartz prepared a work plan for conducting an aquifer pumping test to examine the feasibility of saline groundwater extraction for the proposed Huntington Beach Desalination facility.

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists . Planners . Engineers Lindsey Sarquilla, MESM SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER Lindsey Sarquilla is a Senior Environmental Planner within Rincon’s Environmental Sciences and Planning Group. In this capacity, Ms. Sarquilla is responsible for managing and preparing CEQA and NEPA documentation and technical air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, and noise impact analyses. Her experience includes a wide range of technical environmental and planning studies involving urban redevelopment, water infrastructure, solar power facilities, oil extraction and refining facilities, ports, landfills, general plans and specific plans, climate action plans, and other long-range planning documents.

Ms. Sarquilla is experienced with a variety of air pollutant and GHG emissions models, including CalEEMod, the most recent version of the California Air EDUCATION Resources Board’s Mobile Source Emissions Inventory (EMFAC2014), HARP 1 & Master of Environmental 2, and AERMOD. She is also experienced with the Federal Highway Science & Management Administration’s Traffic Noise Model, as well as noise protocols in use by a (MESM), Bren School of variety of agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Environmental Science & Transit Administration, and the Department of Housing and Urban Management, University of Development. California, Santa Barbara PROJECT EXPERIENCE B.A., Environmental Studies, Brandeis University TECHNICAL STUDIES . La Verne Shop at F.E. Weymouth Water Treatment Plant, Plasma Cutter and EXPERIENCE Blast Booth Air Quality Analysis, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Rincon Consultants, Inc. . Cerritos Channel Tower Removal Project, Air Quality Analysis, Henkels & (2014 - present) McCoy Santa Ynez Chumash . Shoreline Gateway East Tower Project, Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas and Environmental Office (2013 Noise Studies, City of Long Beach - 2014) . Promenade Mixed Use Project, Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas and Noise Intergovernmental Panel on Studies, City of Hawthorne Climate Change (2013) . California High Speed Rail, Bakersfield F Street Station Supplemental Massachusetts Land Trust EIR/EIS, Air Quality and Global Climate Change Technical Report, High Coalition (2010 - 2013) Speed Rail Authority/subcontract to TY-LIN . California High Speed Rail, Palmdale to Bakersfield Section EIR/EIS, Air Massachusetts Audubon Quality, Greenhouse Gas, and Noise Assessment, High Speed Rail Society (2009 - 2012) Authority/subcontract to TY-LIN . Alamo Mixed Use Project, Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas and Noise Studies, AMG & Associates, LLC . Tentative Tract No. 36634 Project, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Study, and Noise Study, City of Corona . Trumark Homes Mixed Use Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Study, and Noise Study, City of Chino Hills . Hollister Avenue - State Street Improvements Project, Air Quality, GHG, Noise and Water Quality Technical Studies, County of Santa Barbara . Clarendon Street Apartments Development Project Air Quality Study and Health Risk Assessment, City of Los Angeles

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Lindsey Sarquilla, MESM . Page 2

PROJECT EXPERIENCE, CONT’D . Saticoy Area Plan Update, Health Risk Assessment, County of Ventura . Heritage Ridge Project, Health Risk Assessment, City of Goleta . Washington View Apartments, Health Risk Assessment, Santa Maria Group . Belmont Village Assisted Living Facility, Health Risk Assessment Report and Noise Study, County of Los Angeles . Mission Lodge Noise Study, City of San Gabriel . 4610 Fourth Street Condominium Project Noise Study, City of Carpinteria . Ojai Valley CUP at 1696, 1766 and 1794 McNell Road Noise Study, County of Ventura CEQA AND NEPA COMPLIANCE . Well No. 6 Project IS-MND, Los Alamos Community Service District . Shallow Well Drilling Project at Maple Yard IS-MND, City of Beverly Hills . Port of Hueneme Dredging Project IS-MND, Oxnard Harbor District, Port of Hueneme . Eastvale Industrial Development Project, City of Eastvale . Civic Center Project SEIR, City of Long Beach . Long Beach Riverwalk EIR, City of Long Beach . 9900 Wilshire Boulevard (One Beverly Hills) Project SEIR, City of Beverly Hills . 9908 South Santa Monica Boulevard Project EIR, City of Beverly Hills . Belmont Village Assisted Living Facility IS-MND, County of Los Angeles . Canyon Oaks Project EIR, City of Calabasas . HCAOG RTP EIA, Humboldt County Association of Governments (HCAOG) . Shasta Regional Transportation Agency 2015 Regional Transportation Plan EIR, SRTA, Shasta County . Spring Service Expansion Plan and Service on New Streets in Alameda and Oakland IS-ND, Alameda County Transit District . Trumark Homes Mixed Use Project IS-MND, City of Chino Hills . EIR, County of Santa Barbara . Orcutt Key Site 3 SEIR, County of Santa Barbara . 2211 Harold Way Mixed-Use Project EIR, City of Berkeley

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists . Planners . Engineers

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Hannah Mize

ASSOCIATE ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER Hannah Mize is an Associate Environmental Planner within Rincon’s Environmental and Land Use Planning Group in the Ventura office, who has experience with a wide range of urban planning and land use studies. Ms. Mize has a Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Science and Resource Management from California State University, Channel Islands. She has experience preparing CEQA documents including environmental assessments, IS-MNDs, EIRs, and technical studies such as air quality and greenhouse gas assessments, in addition to acoustical analysis. She is experienced with the California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod) and Extech sound level meter operation and computer software. Hannah’s professional EDUCATION experience includes working for local governments and processing a variety of reports. She has experience with residential and commercial developments in both B.S., Environmental Science rural and densely populated areas and climate action planning. Ms. Mize has also and Research Management, California State University conducted Greenhouse Gas Verification Services for electricity providers, oil and gas Channel Islands (2015) production facilities, and fuel suppliers in conformance with the California Air Resource Board AB-32 Mandatory Reporting Regulation. EXPERIENCE PROJECT EXPERIENCE Rincon Consultants, Inc. (2014 – present) CEQA AND NEPA COMPLIANCE City of Thousand Oaks (2014 – . 9900 Wilshire EIR, City of Beverly Hills 2015) . Port of Hueneme Cargo Throughput Expansion Supplemental EIR, Oxnard Conejo Valley Unified School Harbor District District (2014) . San Marin High School Stadium Lights Project EIR, Novato Unified School California State University Channel Islands (2012 – 2015) District . Clarendon Street Apartments Development Project EIR, AMCAL Multi- Housing, Inc. . Heritage Ridge Residential Project Environmental Impact Report, Goleta . Citracado South Project Initial Study, ETP, LLC . State Route 166 Safety and Operational Improvement Projects Initial Study- Mitigated Negative Declaration, Psomas . Beverly Hills Dog Park Initial Study-Mitigated Negative Declaration, Beverly Hills

TECHNICAL STUDIES . Eastvale Industrial Development Project Health Risk Assessment Report , City of Eastvale . Menifee Noise Study, Salem Engineering Group, City of Menifee . 701 East San Ysidro Boulevard Pay Parking Lot Greenhouse Gas Study and Climate Action Plan Checklist, OBR Architecture, Inc. . Rasmussen Residential Development Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study, Rasmussen Development . 2501 Olympic Boulevard Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Study, N.Y. Properties, LLC . Grand K-9 Dog Kennel Noise Study, Steven Perlman

Hannah Mize, Page 2

PROJECT EXPERIENCE, CONT’D . Clarendon Street Apartments Development Project Air Quality Study, AMCAL Multi-Housing, Inc. . Grimes Rock Expanded Mining Facility Photometric Study, Grimes Rock, Inc.

SUSTAINABILITY . District-Wide Sustainability Master Plan, Peralta Community College District . On-Call Environmental Support Services at Oxnard Harbor District Facility, Oxnard Harbor District . City of Pasadena Climate Action Plan, City of Pasadena . Greenhouse Gas Sequestration Report Associated with the Restoration of Las Virgenes Creek, City of Calabasas . Greenhouse Gas Study for Moxy Hotel, Delawie . Stanford University Medical Center Greenhouse Gas Inventory, Stanford University Medical Center . Greenhouse Gas Verification – Fuel Transaction, Chevron Products Company . Greenhouse Gas Verification – Fuel Transaction, BreitBurn Management Company, LLC . Greenhouse Gas Verification – Fuel Transaction, ERG Operating Company . Greenhouse Gas Verification – Fuel Transaction, Flyers Energy . Greenhouse Gas Verification – Fuel Transaction, Pacific Coast Energy Company . Greenhouse Gas Verification – Paper Production, Proctor and Gamble . Greenhouse Gas Verification – Fuel Transaction, Pro Petroleum . Ventura County Community College District GHG Emissions Inventory, Ventura, California

DETAILED PROJECT EXPERIENCE City of Calabasas Las Virgenes Creek Restoration Project Greenhouse Gas Sequestration Report, Los Angeles County Ms. Mize recently assisted with a GHG inventory and analysis report that serves as a quantification of GHG emission reduction associated with the Las Virgenes Creek restoration project. The report included calculations and emission factors used to calculate the carbon sequestration associated with the restoration tree growth and carbon production associated with the restoration and maintenance activities over a 40 year time frame. Included in the analysis is a demonstration of the GHG reductions associated with the actual diversion of trips provided by improving the active transportation network within the project area. City of Pasadena GHG Emissions Inventory and Climate Action Plan, Los Angeles County Rincon prepared a comprehensive inventory of GHG emissions resulting from local government (municipal) and community-wide activities. The inventory was prepared according to State-recommended protocols, including the Local Government Operations Protocol and the ICLEI U.S. Community-wide Protocol. Rincon also developed a list of best practices that will be used to develop a CAP. Following completion of the GHG Emissions Inventory, Rincon assisted the City of Pasadena in a Strategic Growth Council grant application to request funding for the City’s General Plan update and development of a CAP. Ms. Mize assisted with developing reduction measures and quantifying emissions associated with the Climate Action Plan, in addition to assisting with public outreach. Chevron Greenhouse Gas Verification Services, San Joaquin County Rincon completed the GHG Verification Report and Opinion for Chevron in accordance with California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32). Ms. Mize assisted with the greenhouse gas verification services, including conducting site visits and interviews, completing data checks, recalculating annual emissions, and completing the GHG Verification Report.

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California Conservation Corps Water Audit and Water Use Reduction Plan Services, Statewide Rincon conducted water audits and prepared water use reduction plans for several California Conservation Corp residential centers. The project involved water auditing and analysis of the residential centers, including a breakdown of total water use at each site. The CCC was looking for ways to reduce the facilities water consumption, improve energy efficiency, improve ecological functionality, and reduce climate change impacts associated with the operation of the residential centers. Ms. Mize assisted with the completion of the CCC water audits, which included an individual assessment of seven residential facilities throughout the state.

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Marcus Klatt

GIS SUPERVISOR/ANALYST Mr. Klatt is a GIS Analyst specializing in geospatial analysis, development, and mapping for a wide range of project types including environmental assessments, planning, urban design, and land development. He has experience in aerial imagery interpretation and mapping, georectification, spatial statistics, impact analysis, database development/management, version control and tracking, QAQC, methodology development, ArcPy python programming, Adobe products, CAD, web mapping, and mobile GIS applications. Through his 10 years of GIS experience he has worked with nonprofits, city, state and federal agencies, as well as in the private sector to provide GIS and spatial data solutions. Mr. Klatt provides professional GIS products through his strong foundation in GIS and is knowledge of all the leading and EDUCATION emerging GIS technologies. B.A., Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara PROJECT EXPERIENCE (2005) WETLAND AND BIOLOGICAL MAPPING EXPERIENCE . Bay Area Aquatic Resource Inventory (BARI), Regional wetland mapping Rincon Consultants, Inc. (2015 . North Coast Aquatic Resource Inventory (NCARI), Regional wetland mapping – present) . Tahoe Aquatic Resource Inventory (TARI), Regional wetland mapping BioResouce Consultants (2014 . RWQCB San Francisco Bay Region Basin Plan, 2012 –2015) . RWQCB – San Francisco Bay Santa Barbara County Reliability Project Region (2011 – 2014) INFRASTRUCTURE MAPPING San Francisco Estuary Institute . (2008 – 2014) California High Speed Rail Project (multiple Segments) Frey Environmental (2006 – . East Bay Discharge Authority (EBDA) – Effluent Channel Mapping 2008) . Mapping of creosote treated piling and structure in the San Francisco Bay Spacegraph – Spatial Graphics . Various projects for Southern California Gas Company and Southern California (2004 – 2005) Edison

GIS DEVELOPMENT/SPATIAL ANALYSIS . Mobile field data collection app deployment and integration into a real-time web map tracking tool utilizing Google Maps API . Weighted overlay analysis tool development utilizing Arcpy Python coding . Create web maps using for an interactive general plan document utilizing ArcGIS online mapping

ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT . Various soil and groundwater assessments for Frey Environmental

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Craig R. Huff

PROGRAM MANAGER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND GRAPHICS SERVICES Craig Huff is the Program Manager for the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Graphics Department and plays a key role in the production of clear and concise, visually appealing analytical displays for both hard copy publications and multimedia presentations. Mr. Huff uses his extensive knowledge in this field in a variety of capacities, serving both public agencies and private firms across California and beyond.

PROJECT EXPERIENCE EDUCATION PUBLIC FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE Bachelor of Science, Natural . Sacramento River Watershed Sanitary Survey Update, Sacramento County Resource Planning. Minor, . San Luis Obispo Water System Master Plan Update, City of San Luis Obispo Geographic Information Systems. Humboldt State . County Operations Center Master Plan, County of San Luis Obispo University. (2000) . Morro Bay State Park Waterline Replacement Project, California State Parks ESRI Online Training, . California High Speed Rail Project (multiple Segments) Various.(2004 – present) . Various projects for Southern California Gas Company and Southern California Edison EXPERIENCE . Ventura Botanical Gardens Constraints and Opportunities Analysis, Ventura Rincon Consultants, Inc., Botanic Gardens Program Manager, IT and Graphics Services (2007 – . Pleasant Valley Recreation & Park District Open Space, Trail, and Greenway present) Planning Study, Pleasant Valley Recreation & Park District MultiGen-Paradigm, Sr. 3D . Santa Maria River South Levee Improvement Project, Rodney Williams Visual Content Developer (2001 Construction – 2007) . Marina Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan, City of Marina . Union Valley Parkway Interchange EA/EIR, City of Santa Maria . Beach Cities Trail-Constraints Analysis, RRM Design Group . Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail Network Master Plan, Santa Cruz County RTC . Walter Colton Storm Drain Repair Project, Monterey Peninsula Unified School District . Tulare County Santa Fe Multi-Purpose Trail, County of Tulare . Los Flores Integrated Waste Management Facility Open Space Management Plan, City of Santa Maria

URBAN AND MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENT . Camarillo Tentative Tract Map, City of Camarillo . Marina High School and Joint Use Community Recreation Facilities Project, City of Marina . Santa Maria Integrated Waste Focused Biological Study, City of Santa Maria . Thousand Oaks Home Depot EIR, City of Thousand Oaks . Marina HS/Joint Use Community Facilities EIR, Monterey Peninsula Unified School District

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PROJECT EXPERIENCE, CONT’D GENERAL PLANS AND SPECIFIC PLAN ELEMENTS . Area 9 Specific Plan EIR, City of Santa Maria . Shandon Community Plan Update EIR, County of San Luis Obispo . Kings County 2035 General Plan EIR, County of Kings . Shandon Community Plan Update EIR, County of San Luis Obispo . Lompoc General Plan Update, City of Lompoc . Santa Barbara County Key Site 3 EIR, County of Santa Barbara . Santa Barbara County Housing Element Action Phase, County of Santa Barbara

BIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS . Camarillo Conejo Creek Properties Specific Plan EIR, City of Camarillo . More Mesa Biological Resource Study, County of Santa Barbara . San Luis Obispo County Bridges (various), San Luis Obispo County . Oceano Dunes State Vehicular Recreation Area, Department of Parks and Recreation . Crosby Habitat Management, City of San Diego MISCELLANEOUS . City of Lompoc Bike Route Network Signage Design Services , City of Lompoc . Crosby Open Space Habitat Management Plan website, http://www.thecrosbyopenspace.com/ . Irrigation and Training Research Center (ITRC) new facility mock-up, ITRC Cal Poly Campus

DETAILED PROJECT EXPERIENCE GIS/CAD Capabilities. Thorough understanding of GIS workflows and capabilities using ESRI’s ArcGIS suite and AutoCAD Map 3D. During his tenure with Rincon Consultants, he has managed many large scale GIS projects including infrastructure, general and specific plans, transportation projects, and biological habitat databases. In a previous role as front line support for multiple ArcMap plug-ins, he developed a breadth of technical knowledge and professional relationships in the field of GIS. Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Field Data Collection. Proficient in the use of GPS and field data collection technology. He has instructed individuals on its proper usage, designed forms and workflows for field data collection programs, and integrating this data with final products. Mr. Huff is efficient in differentially correcting field data in order to increase feature accuracy and has a solid command of exporting this data into a variety of customized formats. Graphics Applications. Worked extensively with a wide range of graphics applications, including ERDAS Imagine, MultiSpec, Global Mapper and the Adobe product suite. From the creation of presentation quality posters to photo manipulation, multispectral image classification to orthorectification, Mr. Huff has developed products and workflows to attain key company initiatives.

Rincon Consultants, Inc. Environmental Scientists · Planners · Engineers

Coachella Valley Water District On-Call Environmental Consultant Services

Attachment B

Fee Schedules

Attachment B


Equipment Schedule for Environmental Sciences and Planning Services

Equipment Day Rate Environmental Site Assessment Brass Sample Sleeves, Bailers, Disposable Bailers $25 Water Level Indicator, DC Purge Pump $40 Hand Auger Sampler $55 Oil-Water Interface Probe $85 Four Gas Monitor or Photo-Ionization Detector $120 Photo-Ionization Detector $120 Soil Vapor Extraction Monitoring Equipment $140 Flame Ionization Detector $200 Natural Resources & Multi-Services Field Equipment Trimble GPS (sub-meter accuracy) $190 Pettersson Bat Ultrasound Detector/Recording Equipment $150 Spotting or Fiberoptic Scope $150 Amphibian Survey Field Package: (digital camera, GPS, thermometer, decon chlorine, $150 waders, float tube, hand net) Remote Field Package, (digital camera, GPS, thermometer, binoculars, field computer $125 and mifi, Delorme Satellite Beacon, 24-Hour Safety Phone) Sound Level Metering Field Package: anemometer, tripod and digital camera. $100 Construction Monitoring Field Package: (digital camera, GPS, thermometer, binoculars, $95 field computer, safety equipment) Standard Field Package (digital camera, GPS, thermometer, binoculars, and botanic $50 collecting equipment) Minnow trap $85 Infrared Sensor Digital Camera or Computer Field Equipment $50 Scent Station $20 Laser Rangefinder/Altitude $10 Net, Hand/Large seine $10/$50 Pit-fall Traps, Spotlights, Anemometer, GPS Units, Sterilized Sample Jar $8 Mammal Trap, Large/Small $1.50/$.50 Water & Marine Resources Equipment Refractometer (salinity) or Turbidity Meter $35 Multi Parameter Sonde (Temp, Cond, Turbidity, DO, pH) with GPS $200 Boat (20 ft. Boston Whaler or Similar) $300 Side Scan or Single Beam Sonar $700 Underwater & Marine Sampling Gear includes: Photo/Video Camera, Dissolved Oxygen Meter, Temp-pH-Conductivity Meter, Tanks, BCD, Regulators, Binoculars, Tapes, Buoys, $50 Floats, etc. Marine Field Package: (Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs),100 ft. Real Tapes / Stainless Carabiners, Pelican Floats, Underwater Slates, Thermometer, Refractometer, $50 Anemometer, various Field Guides) Insurance, Hazard & Safety Fees L & H Dive Insurance $50 person Hazard Premium (In or Underwater ONLY per/hour) 1.25 X hourly Level C Health and Safety $60 person

August 2016 Environmental Scientists Planners Engineers


Position Hourly Rates Principal $180 – 250 Senior Associate $130 – 200 Associate $100 – 150 Senior Analyst $80 – 120 Analyst $70 – 110 Assistant Analyst $50 – 90 Administrative Support $60 – 100

General (1) Reimbursable direct costs, such as reproduction, supplies, messenger service, long-distance telephone calls, travel, and traffic counts will be billed at cost plus ten (10) percent. (2) Hourly rates apply to work time, travel time, and time spent at public hearings and meetings. For overtime work, the above rates may be increased 50 percent. (3) Client payment for professional services is not contingent upon the client receiving payment from other parties. (4) Billing statements for work will be submitted monthly. Statements are payable within thirty (30) days of the receipt by client of statement. Any statement unpaid after thirty (30) days shall be subject to interest at the maximum permitted by law.

January 18, 2016

10239-01 Traffic Proposal