Prof. Dr. Robert Wenning Robert Wenning Institut für Altorientalische Philologie und Vorderasiatische Altertumskunde Universität Münster, Rosenstr. 9, D-48143 Münster, Germany The Many Faces of Dushara – A Critical
[email protected] Review of the Evidence To approach Nabataean religion and road (Wenning 2013a: 18-19). Later, Dushara Nabataean deities one has to consider local became the tutelary deity of various Nabataean evidence as demonstrated again by Alpass clans living in and outside Petra (Wenning 2011: (Alpass 2013)1. In this article I concentrate on 282-286, 293-294). The oldest dated evidence for the evidence of Dushara in Petra and would this development is the famous Aṣlaḥ inscription like to give a critical review of the sources and at Petra from ca. 96 BC (Dalman 1912: no. 90; the monuments. If we consider the nature of Wenning and Gorgerat 2012: 132-134) (FIG. 1). Dushara as god of the mountains, as storm god The cult of Dushara spread over the Nabataean and as vegetation god and as a god with solar realm with those clans outside Petra. Dushara features, and if we consider the function of seems to have had the status of supreme god at Dushara and the developments in the veneration some of these places too. Some sanctuaries of of Dushara in Petra as the local supreme god, as Dushara outside Petra became prominent like the protector of clans and of the dynasty, and if that of Dushara of Gaia (Healey 2001: 89-90). we consider the changes regarding the Roman Dushara also became the tutelary deity of the Dusares, we already describe “The many faces Nabataean dynasty, probably as early as the royal of Dushara”.