 CC BY 4.0 ©The Authors. The contents of this volume are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For a copy of this license, visit http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. This license allows for copying and adapting any part of the work for personal and commercial use, providing appropriate credit is clearly stated.

 ISSN: 2532-3512 How to cite this volume: Please use AJPA as abbreviation and ‘Archeostorie. Journal of Public Archaeology’ as full title. Published by: Center for Public Archaeology Studies ‘Archeostorie’ - cultural association via Enrico Toti 14, 57128 Livorno (ITALY) /  [email protected]

First published 2017.

Archeostorie. Journal of Public Archaeology is registered with the Court of Livorno no. 2/2017 of January 24, 2017. ARCHEOSTORIE TM

VOLUME 1 / 2017 www.archeostoriejpa.eu/2017 Editor in chief Cinzia Dal Maso - Center for Public Archaeology Studies ‘Archeostorie’ Luca Peyronel - IULM University, Milan Advisory board Chiara Bonacchi - University College London Luca Bondioli - Luigi Pigorini National of Prehistory and Ethnography, Rome Giorgio Buccellati - University of California at Los Angeles Aldo Di Russo - Unicity, Rome Dora Galanis - Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports Filippo Maria Gambari - Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism Peter Gould - University of Pennsylvania and The American University of Rome Christian Greco - Egyptian Museum, Turin Richard Hodges - The American University of Rome Daniele Manacorda - RomaTre University Stefania Mancuso - University of Calabria Akira Matsuda - University of Tokyo Marco Milanese - University of Sassari Massimo Montella - University of Macerata Valentino Nizzo - Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism Massimo Osanna - University of Naples Federico II Elisabetta Pallottino - RomaTre University Grazia Semeraro - University of Salento Francesca Spatafora - Archaeological Museum ‘Antonino Salinas,’ Palermo Sebastiano Tusa - Superintendency of the Sea, Sicily Region Guido Vannini - University of Florence Giuliano Volpe - University of Foggia Enrico Zanini - University of Siena Editorial board Giovanna Baldasarre, Alice Bifarella, Chiara Boracchi, Giuliano De Felice, Francesco Ghizzani Marcìa, Carolina Megale, Giulia Osti, Anna Paterlini, Francesco Ripanti, Gioia Zenoni Language editor Simone Marchesi - Princeton University Design, pagination, graphics & website Giulia Osti Referees Luca Bondioli, Chiara Bonacchi, Giuliano De Felice, Nicoletta Frapiccini, Francesco Ghizzani Marcia, Enrico Giannichedda, Marcella Giorgio, Daniele Manacorda, Stefania Mancuso, Ilaria Marchesi, Akira Matsuda, Massimo Osanna, Valentino Nizzo, Maurizio Paoletti, Luca Peyronel, Fabio Pinna, Grazia Semeraro, Pier Giorgio Spanu, Sebastiano Tusa, Fabio Viola, Giuliano Volpe, Enrico Zanini INDEX

7 Editorial Cinzia Dal Maso 15 Memories Italy to Italians. Interview with Daniele Manacorda 17 Carolina Megale

Butrint before the Butrint Foundation 25 Richard Hodges 35 Topic of the year: Small but Kind of Mighty ‘Pompeii-mania’ in schools Down Under 37 Louise Zarmati

Memory and Earthquake. The Pilastri excavation project (Emilia Romagna, Italy) toward a shared community archaeology approach 47 Giulia Osti, Lara Dal Fiume, Simone Bergamini, Rita Guerzoni, Micol Boschetti, Valentino Nizzo, Margherita Pirani, Stefano Tassi

The case of the Arles Rhône 3 Project: an example of underwater heritage communication 57 Caterina De Vivo

The Virtual Etruscan Museum of Populonia Gasparri Collection: enhancing the visitor’s experience 67 Carolina Megale, Carlo Baione

Edutainment and gamification: a novel communication strategy for cultural heritage 79 Stefania Mancuso, Maurizio Muzzopappa & Fabio Bruno 91 Satura Lanx Italian public archaeology on fieldwork: an overview 93 Francesco Ripanti

Disciplinary locus and professional habitus: the roles of Researcher and Discipline within the socio-political and cultural domains 105 Massimiliano Secci

Italian and : an analysis of Museum Week 2016 119 Chiara Zuanni 135 Postscript Akira Matsuda 137 Archaeotales The Lombards, a completely different story 139 Mariangela Galatea Vaglio

April 12th, 1204: Constantinople under siege 143 Francesco Ripanti

The Christmas Song of the custodian 147 Marina Lo Blundo 151 News Living archaeology at the Archaeodrome 153 Francesco Ripanti

A wedding with surprise: orange blossoms at the museum 155 Nicoletta Frapiccini

How Millennials are changing our culture 157 Anna Paterlini

Being an archaeologist in Kurdistan. Interview with Luca Peyronel 161 Cinzia Dal Maso, Chiara Boracchi

The Monuments Men of Libya 165 Giulio Lucarini 169 Children’s Corner Tonight, we’re sleeping at the museum! 171 Giovanna Baldasarre

The source-chest 175 Nina Marotta 179 Reviews Warship battering rams on display in Favignana 181 Cinzia Dal Maso

Light on the new Salinas Museum 185 Flavia Frisone

The Riace celebrities 189 Giovanna Baldasarre

Agamemnon’s Version 193 Giovanna Baldasarre

Watching the world with Blu’s eyes 195 Cinzia Dal Maso Italian Museums and Twitter: an analysis of Museum Week 2016 www.archeostoriejpa.eu Chiara Zuanni VOLUME 1 Victoria and Albert Museum |  [email protected] February 2017 Abstract

Section This paper analyses the activities of Italian cultural institutions and Twitter users during Museum Week 2016, a global event promoting museums on this SATURA platform. The paper draws on recent research in the field of museum and LANX heritage studies to assess the characteristics of social media engagement in the Italian heritage sector and the challenges still to be overcome. By drawing on the case study of Museum Week, an initiative which has been celebrated by the media as a success of Italian museums, the paper will unpack digital  Open Access engagement practices and evaluation methodologies, questioning the reach  Peer Reviewed and breadth of social media engagement achieved during the week by Italian institutions. The paper concludes by highlighting the current potential and  CC BY 4.0 This work is licensed under a limitations of digital engagement practices in Italy. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Keywords  Social media, museums, digital engagement, Twitter analytics, How to cite: heritage audiences. Zuanni, C. 2017. Italian Museums and Twitter: an analysis of Museum Week Introduction 2016. Archeostorie. Journal In 2014, Twitter invited 12 French museums, and subsequently of Public Archaeology. 1: pp. 119-133. DOI: https://doi. other selected museums in different European countries, to discuss org/10.23821/2017_4c a common event and, as a consequence of these conversations, the first ‘Museum Week’ was planned for the end of March 2014. This first edition witnessed the participation of more than 630 European museums, which generated around 260,000 tweets (Ryst 2014; Museum Week 2015). In 2015, 2,207 museums, galleries and cultural institutions from over 64 countries participated, generating around 600,000 tweets. In 2016, between the March 28th and the April 3rd, more than 3,000 museums from 70 countries generated around 650,000 tweets. This paper investigates the reach and impact of Museum Week 2016 in Italy and, by doing so, it highlights challenges and perspectives for digital engagement in Italian museums and archaeology. It will examine the activities of Italian Twitter users during Museum Week 2016 and question the value of such social media campaigns for museum professionals and for different audiences. Ultimately, this paper aims to argue for a better use of analytics in the sector and in doing so it contributes to the debate on the potential of social media for evaluation purposes; their use in cultural institutions; and the need for a more mature and digitally aware use of such data both for internal and external agendas. Museum Week 2016 witnessed a success of Italian institutions, which was widely reported in the press and celebrated on social media. However, this paper will argue that besides the number of tweets shared by Italian users, other analytics can offer a more in-depth insight into the 120 Chiara Zuanni contribution of this social media campaign to since 1997; MuseumNext, since 2009). At the widening participation, raising and maintaining same time, public archaeologists had also public interest for Italian heritage. begun discussing the potential of the internet The following sections will present a brief for public engagement with archaeological literature review of recent research on the use projects and both the Çatalhöyük and the of social media for audience engagement in the Jordan Plantation websites and forums were heritage sector; an overview of the methodology first experiments highlighting the potential behind this research; an in-depth analysis of of online sites for multivocality, but also their tweets from the last day of Museum Week 2016 limitations (McDavid 2004). More recently, (#loveMW) and discussion of the findings; and McDavid and Brock noted that “social media is it will then draw some conclusions on the state vetted by self-selected social networks, which of social media engagement in Italian heritage. obviously can limit the user’s exposure to The author acknowledges that this paper is alternate views. In these contexts, a few loud presenting preliminary findings from an on- voices can sometimes have a dampening effect going research, which aims to investigate and on meaningful ‘multivocal’ communication” develop social media analytics for museums (McDavid & Brock 2015, p. 173). Indeed, the and explore the challenges encountered by growing field of digital public archaeology has museum professionals in digitally engaging often debated the limits of public participation with their audiences. on social media: issues connected to a digital divide are now well-known (Richardson 2013; Social media in the heritage sector Walker 2014), and there is also an increasing The heritage sector has been discussing the awareness of the different economic, social, potential of the Web for cultural institutions and education level of social media users, and since the mid-1990s: for example, in 1995 Anne its effects on interactions with the institutions Fahy was preannouncing that “sophisticated in the web 2.0. Briefly, as noted by Richardson, computer-based applications now and in the “a public audience with access to the Internet future may completely change the ways in will not automatically guarantee that the which museums communicate internally and creation of a digital Public Archaeology with external bodies” (Fahy 1995, p. 82). In 1997, project will widen public participation or the first edition of the successfulMuseums and increase public involvement and discussion” the Web conference was held in the US, and (Richardson 2013). Additionally, in her research since the 2000s there has been a growing body on archaeologists’ use of Twitter, Richardson of literature and research in the field of digital argued that many respondents felt that “using heritage. In the museum field, digital media official organisational accounts as a method have been seen as a way to dilute the museum to only ‘broadcast’ archaeological information, authority (Adair, Filene & Koloski 2011) and rather than construct dialogue with the wider expand participatory cultures (Simon 2010; tweeting public, has restricted the development Giaccardi 2012). As Sánchez-Laws summarises, of meaningful public engagement” (Richardson “museums use social media to take on new 2012, p. 19). The analysis presented in this roles, seek new audiences and become sites of paper emphasises indeed the limitations in debate and discussion, even allowing multiple creating meaningful conversations with the interpretations of the objects they hold” wider public during the Italian Museum Week (Sánchez-Laws 2015, p. 179). The potential 2016, and particularly the influence of what and limits of social media in the museum McDavid and Brock called the ‘self-vetting’ of sector are also being debated and examples of one’s social media circle appears a determining different projects from all over the world are factor. regularly presented in established conferences However, it is undeniable that social media (e.g. Museum Computer Network, since 1967; have become an important source of information the already mentioned Museums and the Web, for many publics, though this information Italian Museums and Twitter: an analysis of Museum Week 2016 121 is not always gathered from institutional a recent overview of the use of data in cultural accounts. Since 1999 ‘the internet’ has been organisations highlighted the challenges still cited as a source of archaeological knowledge encountered by the sector in moving towards a in surveys on the public understanding of data-driven practice (Arvanitis et al. 2016). the discipline (Pokotylo & Guppy 1999). In a Previous research and literature has French research by IPSOS (for the INRAP) it therefore emphasised the limitations to public was emphasised the huge growth of the web engagement on social media (and Twitter in in the late 2000s: a preliminary survey in 2006 particular) for cultural institutions, but also the reported that 14% of the interviewees used the importance of these same media as a source Internet to engage with cultural institutions of information about the past, even if this and gather information on archaeology; information is not necessarily gathered from in 2010, the same question was answered professional-led accounts. At the same time, positively by 41% of the interviewees, in the while in recent years there has been a growing face of a decrease both of television (from attention to heritage organisations’ use of social 75% to 66%) and press (both generalist and media data and metrics, it has been highlighted specialised, from 56% to 44% - IPSOS 2011). how this is a work just beginning and this paper Furthermore, in 2013, Huvila argued that “the will begin to question the approach to digital use of social media can affect not only popular engagement in Italian museums and the reach ideas of archaeology and the contexts of its of such initiatives both in museums and among relevance, but also archaeological knowledge Italian archaeologists. (i.e. what is known and what is desirable to be known), its documentary representations The Italian situation and the essence of archaeological work itself” In Italy, the growth of public archaeology in (Huvila 2013, p. 21). Indeed, the analysis of the the last few years has been sanctioned by the diffusion of a viral video, showing an Egyptian first Italian Congress of Public Archaeology (in statuette apparently moving of its own 2012; review in Zuanni 2013) and a breadth accord in a museum case, has demonstrated and widening of initiatives (Bonacchi 2013). how quickly social media audiences began Meanwhile, early platforms for discussing to construct their own interpretations of archaeology online (e.g. AI Forum) have been the phenomenon (research by Zuanni 2016; succeeded by a wide network of archaeology Zuanni & Price forthcoming) and thus how blogs (examined by Lo Blundo 2013) and an alternative interpretations of archaeology active Twitter community, while the growth emerged and challenged archaeologists and of interest in social media is also proved museum professionals themselves (see also by the diffusion of workshops and training Thomas 2014). Again, similar issues have courses for heritage professionals, and by the been encountered also in the GLAM (galleries, huge participation in groups on the topic (e.g. libraries, archives, and museums) sector. the Facebook group Musei e Social Media - Particularly, the use of social media and social #svegliamuseo as of May 2016, has more than media metrics and data in the museum sector 8,700 members, establishing it as one of the has been discussed in subsequent reports (e.g. Malde et al. 2013; Digital R&D for the Arts biggest Facebook groups discussing digital 2015) and this topic has been researched in media in museums). particular by Elena Villaespesa (2016), also The 10th report by Civita, #Socialmuseums. drawing on her experience as digital analyst Social media e cultura fra post e tweet (2016), at Tate Modern (Villaespesa 2013) and at presented at the end of March 2016, offers The Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, a detailed overview of the current situation. US). However, there is still not an established The report highlights how museums’ inclusion framework for analysing social media data, and widening participation aims rate low in though a few research projects are investigating museums’ use of social media: social media the potential and different uses of this data and appeared to be used mostly for sharing 122 Chiara Zuanni information (e.g. event marketing; museum institutions – as it will be proved by the services) with a lack of user-generated discussion of Museum Week – but its uptake content and thus of new creative ‘dialogues’ between the population seems more limited. between museums and their publics (De Biase The following analysis will discuss how wide & Valentino 2016). In relation to Twitter, it is the range of users engaging in conversations also important discussing its diffusion and around archaeology and museums on this use in Italy. According to Alexa, Twitter is the social network is. th 8 most used website globally, but in Italy it Methodology ranks at the 17th position (for comparison, Facebook ranks at the 3rd place globally, but at ‘Museum Week’ has a principal the 2nd in Italy, ALEXA 2016). The We are social for the whole week (#museumweek) and a specific hashtag for each day of the week. This report for 2016 states that in Italy there are research draws on the full archive of tweets, 37 millions active internet users (63% of the including both the 7 specific and the population), including 28 million active social overarching one: since this archive includes media users (47% of the population), of which around 350,000 tweets and retweets, whose 24 million access social media via mobile (40% analysis is still undergoing, for the purposes of of the population). For comparison, according this paper I chose to focus only on tweets from to the same report, in the UK (whose research Italian users shared during the last day of the has often been cited as an example for digital initiative, Sunday 3rd April, using the dedicated public archaeology in Italy), 92% of the hashtag #loveMW, which encouraged population are active Internet users and 59% museums to promote their greatest attractions. are active social media users. While between The methodology used in this analysis has been January 2015 and January 2016 Italian Internet developed in an on-going effort to research users have increased (+6%) and so have mobile the use of analytics in understanding public users (+9%), social media users have remained engagement with heritage and perceptions of the same. Facebook is by large the most used the past and museums: its main advantages social network (33%), followed by two other and challenges will be unpacked below. social media owned by the same company Twitter is a platform with a commercial (Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger). Google+, purpose, shaped by the company’s intents with its 14% share of social media users, also to gain followers, promote products, and precedes Twitter (12%) and (also maintain control on its own data. Twitter has 12%). It is interesting to note the absence of two APIs (Application Programming Interface): YouTube (which in Alexa is ranked immediately a REST API and a Streaming API. Twitter after Facebook; hence it should be questioned search (available from the Twitter website or the selection of social networks included in smartphone apps) is supported by the REST this survey) and of , which is enjoying API, which allows finding a sample of relevant a good success among teenagers, but probably tweets published in the last 7 days or the most – as of Spring 2016 – is not yet widespread recent 1,500 tweets. Hence, any Twitter Search in Italy. Again, for comparison, in the UK, will result in an incomplete list of tweets and Facebook (47%), Facebook Messenger (32%) users, selected according to criteria which and Whatsapp (24%) are also the most used are beyond the researcher’s control. Thus, social networks, but here Twitter is ranked this characteristic makes it difficult to collect 4th with a 20% (indeed, according to the tweets retrospectively (they could be acquired latest Ofcom report, 26% of the British adult through Twitter’s firehose, but the price for population has a Twitter account) share of this data is probably beyond most cultural users and Snapchat has 12% of users (We Are institutions’ budget). Instead, the Streaming Social 2016). API allows getting a complete list of tweets In conclusion, in Italy Twitter has been (again, within the last 7 days or a max of 1,500 largely used by archaeologists and museum tweets): a search drawing on this API will Italian Museums and Twitter: an analysis of Museum Week 2016 123 collect old tweets and it will also collect new this analysis. tweets regularly until stopped. The quantitative analysis has subsequently This research has therefore collected been developed in R and in Microsoft Excel, as tweets through a series of Google sheets well as the qualitative analysis. At a basic level, that were interfacing with the Streaming API: tweets have been coded by type as: in this way, it has been possible to collect ◆◆ ‘Original tweets;’ almost all the tweets (with the exception of ◆◆ ‘Conversations,’ furthermore if the tweet cases in which the API hourly rate had been started directly with an @, thus being exceeded) for the different Museum Week visible only to followers of both accounts, hashtags. The completeness of the results has it has been coded as ‘private’ otherwise as been verified by a comparison between my ‘public’ conversation; datasets and the data showed by Shore.li (the official platform supporting the Museum Week ◆◆ Retweets. Twitter data visualisations) presenting almost Subsequently, the qualitative analysis the same numbers of tweets identified for the has aimed to code the tweets based on their different hashtags (the datasets differ instead type and their content and the Twitter in counting retweets, due to the collection users based on their proximity to cultural method). Additionally, the TwitteR package institutions. Researchers analysing French in R (a software environment for statistical user participation in both the 2014 and the computing and graphics), has also allowed 2015 edition of Museum Week had also coded me to interact with both APIs, so to collect both users (in 2014) and tweets (both in 2014 additional data on the tweets and Twitter users and 2015), progressively refining their coding (such as all the short bio in the Twitter profiles, system (Courtin et al. 2014, p. 7; 2015; Courtin that informed the coding of the users). & Foucault 2015, pp. 23-24; 2016). They The original tweet archive included tweets categorised tweets according to four main from all over the world: in order to identify categories: ‘interactions between accounts,’ Italian users, the Twitter API ‘lang’ (‘language’) ‘encouraging contributions to contents,’ field has been used. This allows selecting users ‘promoting a museum,’ and ‘expressing an based on the language their Twitter account experience.’ However, given the type of tweets is setup in: though this approach highlights in the Italian Museum Week 2016 and the aims users’ language setting, rather than their of this paper, I adopted a different – though actual nationality and location, it was deemed still comparable system. As reported in Table sufficient for the purposes of this research. 1, each tweet has been assigned to a unique It should be acknowledged, though, that some category (the most relevant one). tweets by Italian users – who are using Twitter Users instead were coded according to the in a different language – might be missing in categories and sub-categories presented in

Tweet category Description Museum Week Tweets focusing on the event or sharing the enthusiasm for being part of it Reflection on Museum Week A few tweets reflecting on the Museum Week experience for the institutions involved Tweets communicating the museum, its collections (for example, photos of artefacts with short Museum descriptions), and the work of its people (for example, photos of conservators at work, the ‘museum life’) Events Tweets relating to specific events happening in the museum during that day Exhibitions Invitations to visit the museum or participate in future events Commercial Publicity by accounts not connected to the museums (e.g. restaurants, shops, hotels) Off-topic Tweets completely off-topic Social Conversations and networking, both between institutions and with the public

Tab. 1. Tweet categories. 124 Chiara Zuanni

Table 2 (users were identified by the notes & Buchanan 2012) and of recent academic in their short biographies, hence this coding literature in the field (Kozinets 2010; Wilkinson exercise has attempted to be the most precise & Thelwall 2011). This has meant anonymising as possible, but it is limited by users’ choices individual Twitter users (the coding process in presenting themselves publicly). Again, considered the profile of the user, but this this categorisation is comparable with that data is not made public and data are presented of Courtin (Courtin et al. 2014, p. 3), who only in aggregate form). Additionally, tweets by coded the users as ‘registered institutional individual users are not quoted in this paper, organization’ (corresponding to my ‘M’ so as to avoid exposing the users: as argued category); ‘professional of cultural organization by Hardey (2011), anonymity is lost in case of (my ‘MP’ category);’ ‘museogeeks;’ ‘private publication of social media messages, since individual;’ ‘legal persons;’ and ‘non registered these are searchable through Google. cultural heritage organization.’ However, again this was adapted to the Italian situation and Museum Week 2016: the data to the purposes of this research: for example, The following analysis focuses on the dividing individual users only between #loveMW hashtag, which characterised the ‘museogeeks’ and ‘private individual’ would last day of Museum Week, Sunday 3rd April. have not allowed me to capture the breadth This archive includes 36,881 tweets, of which and diversity of the participating users and around 12,000 are from Italian users. Hence, highlight their different degree of involvement the Italian tweets constitute slightly less than in the arts as well as by dividing between 30% of the total. However, when comparing ‘students and young professionals’ and ‘users the number of users active in each language- with an interest’ (both broadly corresponding area, it is easy to notice that more widespread to the French code for ‘museogeeks’) and other languages such as English, Spanish, and French users. involved more users (Figure 1). By comparing Finally, it should be acknowledged that the number of tweets with the number of social media research is still a developing field, users, it is evident that a few users produced whose ethical implications has not yet been a lot of tweets in the Italian case, against a fully explored and thus ethical considerations higher engagement by users in other languages. should be an important part of any such studies. Overall, 1,441 Italian users participated in The author has followed the guidelines of the #loveMW, and it was impossible to categorise Association of Internet Researchers (Markham precisely at least a third of the users (NA, NP),

Users category Sub-categories M: museum, archaeological site, cultural institution (incl. Mibact and political institutions, e.g. Comuni) or tourism offices Heritage sector MP: heritage professional (museum professional, archaeologist, institutional staff – i.e. working in soprintendenze and uffici cultura) G: cultural and/or local association H Account presenting an historical character talking Students and young professionals (including interns, volunteers, and short-term staff, T i.e. non-strutturati) O(a): user with an explicit interest in the arts Users with an interest O(b): bloggers O: user with no explicit involvement in the arts ‘New audiences’ O(c): commercial activities (e.g. hotels, restaurants, etc.) O(g): journalists Media O(l): media (newspapers, radio, and TV) NA: not available (i.e. biography section left blank) Not identified NP: not possible (i.e. biography section too vague to assign the user to a more precise category)

Tab. 2. Users categories and subcategories. Italian Museums and Twitter: an analysis of Museum Week 2016 125 due to the lack of, or the vagueness of, their clearly identified group of users engaging with publicly available Twitter bio (Courtin et al. the #loveMW hashtag (229 accounts), followed did not have this problem in 2014 because of by 174 users who are not connected to museums their different coding process and categories). and heritage institutions. Cultural associations, Museums and institutions represented the first students and young professionals, users with

Fig. 1. Number of tweets and users per language.

Fig. 2. Distribution of users per coding categories. 126 Chiara Zuanni an explicit interest in the arts (though not tweeting more than 500 times (Figure 4). necessarily working in the sector) and heritage Most of the accounts, independently from their professionals were also well represented (Figure category, did indeed tweet rarely. A third of the 2). However, when thinking in terms of public museum accounts did tweet only once, while engagement, it is also interesting to evaluate another third tweeted between 2 and 5 times, how many tweets each user contributed and slightly less than a third tweeted more (Figure 3). Museums, museum professionals, than 5 times. The role of museums as content and cultural associations contributed to 48% creators during Museum Week emerges clearly

Fig. 3. Number of tweets per user category. of the tweets, followed by 26% of tweets when looking at the tweets: museums, cultural from uncategorised accounts, 5% by students associations, and museum professionals were and young professionals and another 5% by the ones creating the overwhelming majority of general public. Another factor to observe is the new tweets (1,147 out of 1,503), while most of continuity of engagement: 59% of the users the other user categories were only retweeting tweeted only once with the hashtag #loveMW, (Figure 5). This corresponds with what was and another 32% sent less than ten tweets. On observed in France in 2014, when museums the other hand, 23 accounts sent more than a were considered the most prolific ‘authors’ of 100 tweets during the day, with three museums the tweets, while other accounts were ‘relaying’ Italian Museums and Twitter: an analysis of Museum Week 2016 127

Fig. 4. Number of tweets sent by each user (counted by category). content (Courtin et al. 2014, p. 3). museum,’ its collections, its stories, and its Additionally, most of the conversations work. Furthermore, also by comparing the happened within museums and users already content of institutions and their staff against established in the heritage sector, rather than that of general members of the public, including with the wider public. The networking approach students, young professionals, and media (and to #loveMW emerges clearly when looking at excluding instead the account that were not the coded content of the tweets (Figure 6). More clearly categorised), it emerges that a higher than half of the original tweets were coded as percentage of tweets coded as ‘socialising’ was ‘social,’ while almost a third concerned ‘the sent by institutions and heritage professionals

Fig. 5. Type of tweet per user category. 128 Chiara Zuanni

(Figures 7-8). This could probably be explained by the many conversations that, as mentioned 6a above, happened between institutional accounts that were supporting each other during the social media campaign. On the other hand, the general public, and particularly students and young professionals, tweeted slightly more about museums themselves (i.e. by sharing photos of places and objects) and Museum Week. The analysis of the retweets, which is not fully developed in this paper, might change these preliminary results. Only 50 museums sent more than 10 tweets with the #loveMW hashtag. However, if we look at how they divided those tweets, there appear to be some clearly 6b different approaches (Table 3). Though there are undoubtedly variations in the number of original tweets, the museums that present the highest number of tweets do so because of their intense retweeting activity. Other museums chose instead to focus more on socialising and on conversing with other users. Despite differences in the approach, it is clear that there were a few museums leading the conversations and actively engaged in retweeting and dialoguing. By focusing instead on the ‘original tweets,’ i.e. content created independently, a more variegated series of approaches emerge. In 6c this case, it is clear that some museums chose to focus on communicating their institution, collections, and work, and shared many comments about Museum Week, but without engaging in close conversations. These museums chose also to privilege the broadcasting of their own institution, instead of focusing on talking with other museums (as mentioned above, the vast majority of the conversations happened among professionals and institutions, not with a wider audience). Five institutions generated the biggest number of tweets: Massaciuccoli Romana, Museo virtuale del Tevere, Museo Bergallo, Figs. 6a, 6b, and 6c. Corona Arrubia, and Ufficio beni archeologici Content analysis of: the ‘original’ tweets, i.e. excluding Trentino. The latter four of these shared RTs [a]; tweets posted by museums, sites, institutions, altogether 2,028 tweets, 81% of which were cultural groups/associations, and heritage professionals [b], and tweets sent by users not-belonging (or not yet retweets and 14% of which were conversations; belonging) to the heritage [c]. similarly, Massaciuccoli generated 1,323 Italian Museums and Twitter: an analysis of Museum Week 2016 129

Reflections Museum Events Exhibitions MW Marketing Museum Social RT on MW MassaciuccoliRo 2 - 14 3 - 38 264 1002 MVirtualeTevere - 1 3 2 - 2 96 636 MuseoBergallo 2 9 13 1 - 11 42 492 Coronarrubia 7 9 9 - - 19 96 244 Beniarcheo - 3 - 2 - 10 52 267 museotattile_VA - - 1 - - - 73 171 MuseoArcheoCa 1 - 3 2 - 18 99 90 paestumparco - 1 - 1 - 5 - 175 MuseoPiroga 1 1 1 1 - 3 34 94 MuseoRioElba - - 1 - - 8 20 83 Museo_Setificio - - 3 2 - 4 62 14 MuseoCentRom - 1 1 - - 2 28 32 MiBACT ------1 59 museodelviolino - 1 17 - - 30 7 3 PalazzoMazzetti - 1 1 - - - - 47 museiincomune - 2 3 - - 13 2 26 MuseodelCarbone - - 2 - - 4 10 30 MuseoCalatia - - 1 - - 2 3 34 MuseoMontefalco - - - - - 4 1 33 QueriniVenezia - 1 - - - 2 9 25 MuseiFvg 1 11 - 1 - 6 - 15 museomatthaes 1 ------32 MuseoSannaSS - 1 2 - - 2 8 20 museosansevero - - - - - 2 - 28 CMorosiere - - - - - 1 - 28 fondsrr - 3 13 - - 5 3 3 MuseiCiviciRE - - 1 - - 6 1 18 PalazzoRealeNap - 1 1 - - 1 1 22 Reggiace - 2 - - - 6 9 8 Museo_MADRE - 1 1 - - 7 4 11 PatrimonioFVG - - 2 - - 10 2 8 Museo_MAME - - 1 - - 3 3 12 MuseiRealiTo - - 1 - - 4 1 12 TrasimenoLake ------2 16 PoloMusealeAS - - - - - 1 3 13 museoAccorsi - - 1 1 - 5 3 6 Mucast_Masso - - - - - 1 2 12 msncalci 1 ------12 Mibact_ER - 1 - - - 1 1 10 MusaUnisalento - - - - - 7 3 3 ortobotanicoBG - - - 1 - - - 12 MuseoMaga 3 1 2 - - 4 - 2 rivolicast 1 - - - - 3 1 7 MATSanSevero - - - - - 2 1 9 MuseoFRaC ------12 AlcaMaglie - 1 - - - - 6 4 ItalyinGermany ------11 MuseoCanapa - - 3 1 - 2 3 2 MuseoEgizio - - - - - 4 5 2 turismotorino ------11

Tab. 3. Museums that tweeted more than 10 times using the #loveMW hashtag: tweets content analysis. 130 Chiara Zuanni tweets, of which 76% were retweets and 20% 2. the lack of a clear understanding of were conversations. By removing retweets museum audiences on social media; and tweets coded as ‘social’ from the graph, it 3. the lack of shared definitions of emerges among the remaining tweets a focus engagement and metrics to measure it. around the ‘museum’ (in the case of the Ufficio The discussion emphasized how some beni archeologici Trentino, this also included museums, despite the huge number of tweets heritage sites) and a general participation and sent, were mostly focusing inward – to a enthusiasm for the week. The unusual high peer audience – mentioning and retweeting number of tweets relating to an ‘event’ (indeed, each other while engaging in ‘networking,’ the highest on the day) by Corona Arrubia is rather than in proposing precise and carefully explained by the fact that the museum hosted a planned content to the public. This aspect talk with the NGO Emergency and live-tweeted had been noted also in the latest research by part of it (Figure 9). Civita, which commented that “in alcuni casi, il social è stato usato in forma bi-direzionale Conclusion ma non verso il pubblico del museo quanto This paper has presented some data on per accrescere l’interazione con altre strutture the Italian participants and messages during museali” (Valentino 2016, p. 40) and linked this Museum Week 2016, and it has particularly trend towards internal networking between focused on the last day of the week, dedicated Italian museums to the experience of Museum to #loveMW. Despite the limitations implied Week 2014. Also Lo Blundo (2016), commenting by this selection, this research has added new on Museum Week 2016, argued that Italian data to the approach of Italian museums and museums focused too much on what she calls cultural institutions to social media. ‘self-referential’ contents (i.e. reactions to, and conversations between, museums), which Three points seems worth discussing which broadly correspond to my code for ‘social’ highlight challenges for the future use of social tweets and to the retweets, rather than on media in Italian museums (and beyond): messages presenting the museum and providing 1. the lack of a clear social media strategy in content for different audiences. Indeed, the generating content; abundance of ‘social’ tweets, most of which are

Fig. 9. Content analysis of the tweets by five of the most active museums: Massaciuccoli Romana, Museo Virtuale del Tevere, Museo Bergallo, Museo Sa Corona Arrubia, Ufficio Beni Archeologici della Provincia di Trento. Italian Museums and Twitter: an analysis of Museum Week 2016 131 conversations between museums, in parallel to gained 50 followers during Sunday 3rd April) and a lack of tweets catering for different audiences the number of retweets and likes is important, and encouraging user-generated content is also each institution should also evaluate them in one the aspects emerged from my analysis. relation to their own aims and to the visitors Furthermore, Italian museums do not they are actually targeting and receiving. seem to have clear objectives set for each of On the other hand, this research has also their social media platforms (again, noted emphasised: also in Valentino 2016, pp. 43-44), and the 1. the great enthusiasm and involvement lack of clarity on the characteristic, purpose, of Italian museums and heritage potential, and limitations of different social professionals in the Museum Week media channels is reflected by their activities campaign; on Twitter during Museum Week. As noted, 2. the many and good relationship between despite the huge numbers of tweets sent from different museums and their staff; Italian accounts, the number of Italian users is inferior to those of other language groups, and 3. an increasing attention to storytelling, also countries with lower participation present moving away from simple information a better engagement rate. While this data could broadcasting. be explained by noting the different diffusion As argued above, Italian museums had a of Twitter in Italy in comparison to other substantial involvement in Museum Week countries (as noted above), more interactions 2016, generating a huge numbers of tweets. could be encouraged by focusing more on By focusing much of their activities on engaging new audiences (by prompting their networking and responding to each other, responses; starting a conversation in response they also demonstrated the multiple relations to their posts; etc.), rather than continuing to across different institutions all over Italy that interact with a smaller circle of users. have been enabled by social media campaigns I would also argue that, alongside the in recent years. Additionally, though there is growth of digital skills in the sector which is not yet a coherent and substantial presence being actively promoted by different groups of storytelling activities on their accounts, and agencies, there is a need also for a more museums did, in a few cases, draw on in-depth and critical use of social media storytelling to present themselves, their staff, analytics. Particularly, this means also going and their activities. Thus, I would conclude beyond metrics derived from the marketing this short analysis of Museum Week 2016 with sector (such as the use of KPIs and ROI), which an optimistic perspective on the use of social though important, do not fully respond to the media in Italian museums. needs of the heritage sector. For example, in Museum Week 2016 has highlighted the the case of Museum Week it has been argued potential and enthusiasm of Italian cultural that this event aimed to raise the profile of institutions for social media campaigns (proved museums on Twitter and many professionals also by the involvement of Italian institutions have spoken of the value of this and similar in similar hashtag-based campaigns, such as initiatives for improving public awareness, #askacurator). However, this analysis has also engagement with, and support of museums. revealed that in order to avoid wasting efforts However, analytics such as those proposed in and resources and disconnecting from their this paper demonstrate the limited effect of audiences, Italian museums need to develop a Museum Week outside the sector: trending better awareness of digital platforms and their on Twitter because of the intense activity of potential in the sector: aims and purposes of professionals is not sufficient when the effects each platform and campaign should be critically on our audiences are not measured. In this evaluated, going beyond the measurement sense, though observing followers’ growth of number of likes, followers, etc.; digital (for example, one of the most active museums engagement should also be more clearly 132 Chiara Zuanni defined as well as the metrics to understand Courtin, A. & Foucault, N. 2015. 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