EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CULTURAL MANAGEMENT & POLICY || Vol. 9, Issue 2, 2019 || ISSN 2663-5771 Digital education as a catalyst for museum transformation: the case of the ”Museums and New Digital Cultures” course Stefania Zardini Lacedelli University of Leicester, United Kingdom
[email protected] Michele Tamma University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Italy
[email protected] Fabiana Fazzi University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Italy
[email protected] ABSTRACT To embrace digital transformation, Continuing Professional Development (CDP) has become a strategic asset. In the cultural sector, new educational needs are emerging around the concept of “digital”, but how to approach them in a way Keywords: that supports the evolution of previous roles as well as the overall organisational Museum digital change? This paper addresses the aforementioned issue through the case study of transformation a training programme, promoted by the Veneto Region and aimed at updating the digital skills of the regional cultural workforce. A qualitative study was implemented to Digital educational explore the impact of such training programme, “Museums and New Digital Cultures”, needs which involved 120 professionals from 34 cultural organisations, at both individual Continuing and organisational levels. The research outcomes show how the introduction and professional implementation of new digital practices can be a key tool in transforming the individual development evolution of different professional roles and trigger a broader organisational change. Digital practices ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Digital skills We would like to thank Giacomo Pompanin for his invaluable contribution to the Digital museum development and implementation of the CPD course. We would also like to thank the participants, without whom this research would have never been possible.