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Oxford Today www.oxfordtoday.ox.ac.uk Michaelmas Term 2011 Volume 24 No 1 24 | SIR DAVID KING WADE ALLISON KUMI NAIDOO AFTER FUKUSHIMA 26 | MARTHA NUSSBAUM COLIN BLAKEMORE OX FOR D JONATHAN BATE TODAY THE POINT OF LEARNING 42 | CLARE MORGAN THE UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE TEACH ME TO WRITE 36 | DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI PAY ING THE PRICE OF LOVE WHITHER THE UHUMANITIES?ncovering a global crisis in our midst ! $ # %% # # "" # ! # # % # %! # # % !! %# " ! $ OX FOR D TODAY EDITOR:;iI`Z_Xi[Cf]k_flj\ DEPUTY ART EDITOR:DXibD`kZ_\cc HEAD OF PUBLICATIONS AND WEB OFFICE: 8ee\9ilee\i$<cc`j SUB EDITOR:Fc`m`XDfi[jc\p PICTURE EDITOR:AfXeeXBXp DESIGN DIRECTOR:;pcXe:_Xeefe K_XebjkfZfeki`Ylkfij;iDXkk_\nJg\ic`e^Xe[C`e[j\p?XiiX[ EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES:AXe\k8m`jfe GlYc`Z8]]X`ij;`i\ZkfiXk\ Tel:'(/-,)/',+, Fax:'(/-,).'(./ fo]fi[%kf[Xp7X[d`e%fo%XZ%lb nnn%fo]fi[kf[Xp%fo%XZ%lb ALUMNI ENQUIRIES, INCLUDING CHANGE OF ADDRESS::cX`i\CXib`e 8clde`F]ÔZ\ Tel:'(/-,-((-(' \ehl`i`\j7Xclde`%fo%XZ%lb nnn%Xclde`%fo%XZ%lb I@FI;8E Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[#Le`m\ij`kpF]ÔZ\j# N\cc`e^kfeJhlXi\#Fo]fi[FO()A; A88E@ Michaelmas ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES: DXi`\Cfe^jkX]] =lkli\Gclj#9\Xl]fik:flik#*'Dfedflk_Jki\\k#9Xk_98()9N Term 2011 Tel:'()),/))/+0 dXi`\%cfe^jkX]]7]lkli\e\k%Zfd nnn%]lkli\gclj%Zf%lb Fo]fi[Kf[Xp`jglYc`j_\[`eDXiZ_#Ale\Xe[FZkfY\i%@k`j]i\\kfFo]fi[ ^iX[lXk\jXe[]i`\e[jf]k_\Le`m\ij`kp%@k`jXcjfXmX`cXYc\fejlYjZi`gk`fe%=fi ]lik_\i`e]fidXk`feXe[kfjlYjZi`Y\#ZfekXZkAXe\k8m`jfej\\[\kX`cjXYfm\ % K_\:_XeZ\ccfi#DXjk\ijXe[JZ_fcXijf]k_\Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[% K_\fg`e`fej\ogi\jj\[`eFo]fi[Kf[XpXi\k_fj\f]k_\Zfeki`Ylkfij#Xe[ Xi\efke\Z\jjXi`cpj_Xi\[Ypk_\Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[%8[m\ik`j\d\ekjXi\ ZXi\]lccpm\kk\[#Ylkk_\Le`m\ij`kpZXekXb\efi\jgfej`Y`c`kp]fik_\d% Welcome EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD: 8cle8e[\ijfe# Tackling a big subject 8lk_fiXe[aflieXc`jk 8ee\9ilee\i$<cc`j# ?\X[f]GlYc`ZXk`fejXe[N\YF]ÔZ\#Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[ Gif]\jjfi;Xm`[:cXip# The University’s governing body has voted ‘no confidence’ in Gi\j`[\ek#DX^[Xc\e:fcc\^\#Fo]fi[ Universities Minister David Willetts (p8). The issues surrounding D`Z_\cc\;`Zbjfe# ;`i\ZkfiXe[:_`\]<o\Zlk`m\#Fo]fi[GcXp_flj\ this extraordinary vote are many, but one concern is the perception A\i\dp?Xii`j# ;`i\Zkfif]GlYc`Z8]]X`ij#Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[ that the humanities are being marginalised in favour of subjects 8cXeAl[[# which (purportedly) result in higher levels of impact and thereby 8lk_fiXe[aflieXc`jk ;iI`Z_Xi[Cf]k_flj\# ‘public value’. This issue of Oxford Today tackles the subject and <[`kfi#Fo]fi[Kf[Xp finds that the problem is a global one, that it encroaches on science ;iGXlcE\ndXe I\X[\i`e<e^`e\\i`e^JZ`\eZ\#=\ccfnf]E\n:fcc\^\#Fo]fi[ as well (pp26-33). If there is a solution, it requires persistent, AfXeeXGi\jkfe# 8Zk`e^?\X[f]:fddle`ZXk`fej#Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[8clde`F]ÔZ\ strategic leadership from the University and all kindred institutions, Jk\g_\eKXcc not least 125-odd US liberal arts colleges, many of them under 8jjfZ`Xk\;`i\ZkfiJlggfik\i<e^X^\d\ek #Fo]fi[Le`m\ij`kp ;\m\cfgd\ekF]ÔZ\ severe pressure. Universities need urgently to explain to society, ;iN`cc`XdN_pk\# C\Zkli\i`e?`jkfip#=\ccfnf]JkAf_eËj:fcc\^\#Fo]fi[ government and alumni what it is that they do and why it matters – DXkk_\nN`cc`Xdj# something that last month’s sparkling Alumni Weekend did (p8). :i\Xk`m\;`i\Zkfi#=lkli\Gclj When new views of Oxford appear, they deserve to be celebrated, PUBLISHER: Fo]fi[Kf[Xp`jglYc`j_\[feY\_Xc]f]k_\Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[Yp not least the southern approach to the Radcliffe Observatory that =lkli\Gclj#X[`m`j`fef]=lkli\GlYc`j_`e^C`d`k\[ZfdgXepef)''///, # n_fj\i\^`jk\i\[f]]`Z\`jXk9\Xl]fik:flik#*'Dfedflk_Jki\\k# graces this month’s cover. The recent demolition of a tangled mass 9Xk_98()9N%K\c1'()),++))++%nnn%]lkli\gclj%Zf%lb of utilitarian NHS buildings has returned the Observatory to a AXpe\:Xgc\#;`i\Zkfi#=lkli\GcljLB :Xjj`\N_`kk\cc#Fg\iXk`fej;`i\Zkfi public position it hasn’t enjoyed since completion in 1799. Recently :cXi\Afe`b#8ZZflek;`i\Zkfi K`d9fm`j#Gif[lZk`fe:f$fi[`eXkfi restored by Green Templeton College, in whose grounds it sits, the DXkk<^c`ekfe#Gif[lZk`feGifZli\d\ekDXeX^\i Observatory is surely one of the great architectural gems of Oxford. 8cc`e]fidXk`feZfekX`e\[`ek_`jdX^Xq`e\`j]fi`e]fidXk`feXcgligfj\jfecpXe[`j# kfk_\Y\jkf]flibefnc\[^\#Zfii\ZkXkk_\k`d\f]^f`e^kfgi\jj%E\`k_\i=lkli\ Elsewhere in this issue, don’t neglect the launch of the Oxford GlYc`j_`e^C`d`k\[efik_\Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[XZZ\gkjXepi\jgfej`Y`c`kp]fi \iifijfi`eXZZliXZ`\jk_XkfZZli`ejlZ_`e]fidXk`fe%@]pfljlYd`kdXk\i`Xckfk_`j Today creative writing competition with simply fabulous prizes dX^Xq`e\#pflXlkfdXk`ZXccp^iXek=lkli\GlYc`j_`e^C`d`k\[Xe[k_\Le`m\ij`kp f]Fo]fi[Xc`Z\eZ\kfglYc`j_pflijlYd`jj`fej`en_fc\fi`egXik`eXep\[`k`fe (p45), a rich feature on Pre-Raphaelite painter Rossetti (p36) and f]k_`jdX^Xq`e\Xe[pfl^iXekk_\Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[Xc`Z\eZ\kfglYc`j_pfli jlYd`jj`fej`en_fc\fi`egXik`eXep]fidXkfid\[`Xk_ifl^_flkk_\nfic[% the launch of a truly innovative official University app (p9). 8epdXk\i`XcpfljlYd`k`jj\ekXkpflii`jbXe[e\`k_\i=lkli\GlYc`j_`e^C`d`k\[ efik_\Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[efik_\`ii\jg\Zk`m\\dgcfp\\j#X^\ekjfi jlYZfekiXZkfijj_XccY\c`XYc\]fiXepcfjjfi[XdX^\%EfgXikf]k_`jdX^Xq`e\dXp Y\lj\[fii\gif[lZ\[n`k_flkk_\ni`kk\eg\id`jj`fef]=lkli\GlYc`j_`e^C`d`k\[ Xe[k_\Le`m\ij`kpf]Fo]fi[%Gi`ek\[Yp?\X[c\p9ifk_\ij#8j_]fi[#B\ek% EDITOR: Richard Lofthouse K_\k\okgXg\i`ek_`jdX^Xq`e\`jZ_cfi`e\ ]i\\%K_\gXg\idXel]XZkli\iXe[=lkli\ Oxford Today is now on the iPad. Link to the App Store from GlYc`j_`e^_Xm\Y\\e`e[\g\e[\ekcp Z\ik`Ô\[`eXZZfi[XeZ\n`k_k_\ilc\jf] www.oxfordtoday.ox.ac.uk k_\=fi\jkJk\nXi[j_`g:fleZ`c% www.oxfordtoday.ox.ac.uk | [email protected] | twitter.com/oxfordalumni ! )%$& ""(&(#& ')! *& .' ) & !!' ) "&)! ' !! ) -& ' !* )&. ! ) &), ! )# ,! )' ! ) !*& & '" ) ) ). & *&%' ,&) &)&) -!&'&# " .!*& * &') ! ) ' + )' ) . ' "&+) '&)&. & ' . !&) &. ! )' * $* +. )!*& ) !" . ! ' & ! ) !)& +&. '" )&)'# & *)& .' &&. & ')!& ) ) "& & *'*# ) .!* )! "' , ". &! *&%' &&!, !! ) !*'' ! & ) ) # !! ! ! # # """ %(%(()% )& %""* &("%* (%()% &(%"!" *! OXFORD MY OXFORD Michaelmas 8Glc`kq\i Term 2011 gi`q\$n`ee`e^ Xlk_fii\ZXccj ]fe[d\dfi`\j TODAY f]_`j[XpjXjX In this issue… I_f[\jjZ_fcXi 54 F9PJ<JJ@FEJ A LCC<E& 9 9 Oxonian 9PA F<K 6 Letters G I 8 University news 8@EK< G 10 New appointments IFJJ<KK@1 13 Science findings 15 Boat race FCC<><# : 17 Awards <DGC<KFE 18 Alumni news K <<E 19 Student spotlight >I DFE& 20 Oxonians at large I <E;8E?8 9I # Features I 24 Nuclear reaction @CJ8P< ? 26 A year after Fukushima, three opinions on the uncertain future of nuclear power F;<J#G I? 30 32 26 The humanities in crisis Mapping a global crisis, and why Oxford is building a new home for the humanities <C8E;#J:FKK I @CC@ 36 Dante Gabriel Rossetti N The importance of sexuality in the poetry and painting of a tortured genius =<@E>FC;# ? 8 I 42 Writing the world ;<9F Why Oxford University’s creative writing programme has flourished MICHAELMAS HIGHLIGHTS Arts & Ideas 45 Book reviews 45 Creative writing competition 47 The Missing Bean 19 24 36 Indie coffee comes to Oxford Clarendon The question Why he was 49 Poetry scholarships of nuclear a modern 51 Events ?fnk_\Yi`^_k\jkjkl[\ekj N_Xkn`cc_Xgg\ekfk_\ ?fnIfjj\kk`Ëjc`Y`[`eflj nfic[n`[\Xi\efn\c`^`Yc\ nfic[ËjelZc\Xi]lkli\`e X\jk_\k`ZnXjXkc\Xjk_Xc] 52 Obituaries ]fik_\gi\jk`^`fljjZ_\d\ c`^_kf]AXgXeËjkjleXd`6 XZ\eklipX_\X[f]`kjk`d\ 54 My Oxford www.oxfordtoday.ox.ac.uk | [email protected] | twitter.com/oxfordalumni We welcome letters for publication, which can be sent either by post or by email. We reserve the right to edit them to meet space constraints; the best way to avoid this is to keep letters to 200 Letters or fewer words. Unless you request otherwise, Your correspondence letters may also appear on our website. In response to… OT 23.3: ‘Fasten your seatbelts, there’s turbulence ahead.’ :fddle`jd#Zc`dXk\Z_Xe^\Xe[k_\gi\j\imXk`fef]_ldXe`kp%%% AXd\jDXik`egi\[`ZkjÈXk`d\ DXik`eefkn\Xb\e\[Ypk_\`ifne fek_`e^jn_`Z_Xi\le`hl\cp @dljkkXb\`jjl\n`k_jfd\f] n_\eZfem\ek`feXcnfib`j[fe\Yp Z\ikX`ekp6N_Xkf]_`jZ\ikX`ekp1 _ldXe%N_Xk`jdfi\le`hl\cp AXd\jDXik`eËjm`\nj%@eXkk\dgk`e^ dXZ_`e\jXe[_ldXejjg\e[k_\`i Iljj`XdXpdl[[c\k_ifl^_n`k_X _ldXek_Xenfib6=Xi]ifdY\`e^ kf^Xq\`ekfk_\]lkli\#_\jkXikj k`d\fek_`e^jk_XkXi\le`hl\cp dXjj`m\Zfejldgk`fef]mf[bX6 XZlij\#`k`jn_\i\n\Zi\Xk\ ]ifdXhl\jk`feXYc\gi\d`j\% _ldXeÉ#n_\eÈ_`^_\ic\m\cjf] K_\cXi^\jkcXe[dXjj`ek_\nfic[ flij\cm\jXe[jfZ`\kp%@enfibn\ ?\jXpj1È;\kX`c\[Zfdglk\i _Xgg`e\jjn`ccZfd\]ifd_`^_\i n`k_((k`d\qfe\ji`Z_n`k_k_\ [\m\cfgfli_ldXeZXgXZ`k`\jXe[ ZXcZlcXk`fejdXb\`kZc\Xik_Xk c\m\cjf]Zi\Xk`m`kpÉ#Xe[ÈZ`k`\jn`cc eXkliXci\jfliZ\j_\giX`j\j:_`eX m`ikl\j#]`e[`e^fggfikle`k`\jkf^f [Xe^\ifljZc`dXk\Z_Xe^\ZXeY\ Y\[fd`eXk\[YpjfZ`Xc`ek\iXZk`fe ]fijZffg`e^lg`e8]i`ZX6?fnZXe Y\pfe[n_Xkn\k_fl^_kgfjj`Yc\% gi\m\ek\[fecp`]XZk`fe`jkXb\e Xe[Y\Xlk`]lc\em`ifed\ekjÉ%8cck_`j _\]fi\k\ccÈdlZ_f]jfZ`\kpn`cc N`k_flknfibn_Xknflc[Y\k_\ hl`Zbcp#Ép\k]X`cjkfd\ek`fek_\ Y\XijXjki`b`e^i\j\dYcXeZ\kf nXek%%%jg`i`klXc`kpÉ6K_\jZ`\eZ\ dfk`mXk`fe]fi\[lZXk`e^flij\cm\j# c`d`kXk`fejf]k_fj\ZXcZlcXk`fej% N`cc`XdDfii`jËm`j`fef]))e[ ]fik_`j6@e\jj\eZ\#`j]lklifcf^p XjXc`]\f]c\`jli\Zflc[Y\XZ_`\m\[ Lj`e^XdXk_\dXk`ZXcdf[\ckf Z\eklipZfddle`jd`e_`jLkfg`Xe XjZ`\eZ\#Xgj\l[fjZ`\eZ\fi XkXcfn\igi`Z\6@eflinfibn\ gi\[`Zkn_Xkn`cc_Xgg\en`ccfecp efm\cE\nj]ifdEfn_\i\%9lk Xefk_\ii\c`^`fe6È;flYk`jefk ZfccXYfiXk\n`k_fli]\ccfnnfd\e nfib`]k_\[\kX`cjf]k_\df[\cXi\ Dfii`jY\c`\m\[k_Xkk_\Zi\Xk`fe
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