Stuart Parliaments
STUART PARLIAMENTS General 5063. Abel, Deryck. "Liberty v. authority in Stuart England." Contemporary Review 165 (Jan.-June 1944): 47-52. 5064. Aylmer, G. E. "Place bills and the separation of powers: some seventeenth-century origins of the 'non- political' civil service." Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 5th ser., 15 (1965): 45-69. 5065. Bennett, Edward Earl. "Parliament and the colonies to 1715." Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1925. 5066. Bowdoin, James. "Ms. journals of the Long, Little, &c. Parliaments." Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society 3rd ser., 2 (1830): 323-64. [A detailed study of the manuscript copy of the Commons Journals 1650-1677 held by the New York Historical Society.] 5067. Braddick, M. J. "Parliamentary lay taxation, c. 1590-1670: local problems of enforcement and collection, with special reference to Norfolk." Ph.D., University of Cambridge, 1988. 5068. ---. Parliamentary taxation in seventeenth-century England: local administration and response. Woodbridge: Royal Historical Society, 1994. 353p. 5069. Brown, Keith M. "The origins of a British aristocracy: integration and its limitations before the Treaty of Union." In Conquest and Union: fashioning a British state, 1485-1725, edited by Steven G. Ellis and Sarah Barber: 222-49. London: Longman, 1995. 5070. Cherry, George L. Early English liberalism: its emergence through parliamentary action, 1660-1702. New York: Bookman Associates, 1962. 325p. 5071. "A compleat collection of all the remarkable speeches in both Houses of Parliament: discovering the principles and temper of all parties and factions; the conduct of our chief ministers, their management of public affairs, and the maxims of government, from the year 1641, to the happy union of Great Britain.
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