Lowy Institute Paper 09 re-imagining PNG CULTURE, DEMOCRACY AND AUSTRALIA’S ROLE Ben Scott Lowy Institute Paper 09 re-imagining PNG CULTURE, DEMOCRACY AND AUSTRALIA’S ROLE Ben Scott First published for Lowy Institute for International Policy 2005 PO Box 102 Double Bay New South Wales 2028 Australia www.longmedia.com.au
[email protected] Tel. (+61 2) 8212 4350 Copyright © Lowy Institute for International Policy 2005 All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or recording), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Cover and text design by Shane Grantham Printed and bound in Australia Typeset in Esprit Book 10 Front cover shows Papua New Guinea’s language groups, based on a map prepared by Keith Mithchell and in which he retains copyright. National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication data Scott, Ben, 1969- . Re-imagining PNG : culture, democracy and Australia’s role. Bibliography. ISBN 1 921004 19 3. 1. Democracy - Papua New Guinea. 2. Australia - Foreign relations - Papua New Guinea. 3. Papua New Guinea - Foreign relations - Australia. 4. Papua New Guinea - Politics and government. I. Title. (Series : Lowy Institute paper ; no. 9). 995.305 Executive summary Ben Scott is an offi cer with the Department of Thirty years after independence, Papua New Guinea is looking Foreign Affairs and Trade. He wrote this paper while increasingly fragile. After a good start, the state’s authority and capacity on secondment to the Lowy Institute in 2005 and the has gone into decline.