Cassini RADAR Sequence Planning and Instrument Performance Richard D
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, VOL. 47, NO. 6, JUNE 2009 1777 Cassini RADAR Sequence Planning and Instrument Performance Richard D. West, Yanhua Anderson, Rudy Boehmer, Leonardo Borgarelli, Philip Callahan, Charles Elachi, Yonggyu Gim, Gary Hamilton, Scott Hensley, Michael A. Janssen, William T. K. Johnson, Kathleen Kelleher, Ralph Lorenz, Steve Ostro, Member, IEEE, Ladislav Roth, Scott Shaffer, Bryan Stiles, Steve Wall, Lauren C. Wye, and Howard A. Zebker, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—The Cassini RADAR is a multimode instrument used the European Space Agency, and the Italian Space Agency to map the surface of Titan, the atmosphere of Saturn, the Saturn (ASI). Scientists and engineers from 17 different countries ring system, and to explore the properties of the icy satellites. have worked on the Cassini spacecraft and the Huygens probe. Four different active mode bandwidths and a passive radiometer The spacecraft was launched on October 15, 1997, and then mode provide a wide range of flexibility in taking measurements. The scatterometer mode is used for real aperture imaging of embarked on a seven-year cruise out to Saturn with flybys of Titan, high-altitude (around 20 000 km) synthetic aperture imag- Venus, the Earth, and Jupiter. The spacecraft entered Saturn ing of Titan and Iapetus, and long range (up to 700 000 km) orbit on July 1, 2004 with a successful orbit insertion burn. detection of disk integrated albedos for satellites in the Saturn This marked the start of an intensive four-year primary mis- system. Two SAR modes are used for high- and medium-resolution sion full of remote sensing observations by a dozen instru- (300–1000 m) imaging of Titan’s surface during close flybys.
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