GABRIEL LALEMANT, Saint, s.j. missionary, 1974: 60 See also FS Gaelic League, 1983: 18-20, 22, 24, 26 GAGARIN, I. S., s.j., 1959: 48 GAGE, Thomas, General, 1964: 28 See also FS GAIRE, Jean, priest, 1977: 47 See also FS Galena, Illinois, U.S.A., 1975: 34 Galicia, German emigration – To Alberta, 1975: 47-49 To Manitoba, 1975: 45-47; 1976: 33 See also FS, Galicie Gallicanism – 1967: 11-12, 19-20; 1969: 65-66, 68, 75; 1972: 71-72 See also FS, Gallicanisme GALLOIS, Antoine-Pierre, 1972: 71 GALT, Sir Alexander Tilloch, Minister of Finance, 1960: 18; 1970: 79 See also FS GALVIN, Martin A., "The Jubilee Riots in Toronto, 1875", 1959: 93-107 GAMBETTA, Léon, 1961: 13, 19 GARDINER, James Garfield, Premier of Saskatchewan, 1976: 77, 86-88; 1977: 62, 65; 1980: 13 GARIBALDI, Giuseppe, statesman, 1959: 76; 1964: 16 GARLAND, E. J., politician, 1979: 61-62 GARNEAU, Benoit-Philippe, Msgr., archivist, 1963: 15 GARNEAU, François-Xavier, historian, 1980: 27 GASCON, Zéphirin, o.m.i. missionary, 1970: 56-60 GAUDEMENT, J., historian, 1970: 5 GAUDET, Charles, Hudson's Bay Co. executive, 1970: 63 Gaul, Old France, 1977: 82 GAULIN, Antoine, priest, 1972: 26 See also FS GAULIN, Rémi, Bishop of Kingston, 1960: 25; 1970: 98-99; 1973: 23, 27-31, 35; 1983: 444, 448-449 See also FS GAULLE, Charles de, 1959: 78; 1972: 48 See also FS GAUNT, John of. See JOHN OF GAUNT GAUTHIER, Charles-Hugues, Archbishop of Ottawa, 1968: 77; 1972: 37-38; 1973: 23, 25, 38 See also FS GAUTHIER, Georges, Archbishop of Montreal, 1963: 34-36, 38-39; 1979: 50, 56, 58, 61-63, 65-66; 1982: 124 See also FS GEDDES, John, Coadjutor Bishop of the Lowland District of Scotland (1780- 1799), 1964: 47 GENEST, Samuel, Chairman A.C.F.E.O., 1972: 41 GENSONNÉ, Armand, 1972: 71 GENTILI, Luigi, missionary, 1974: 31 GEOFFREY, Cistercian abbot, 1968: 11, 20- 22, 26-28 GEOFFREY DE LA CHAUSSÉE, priest, 1968: 26 GEOFFROY D'AUXERRE. See GEOFFREY, Cistercian abbot GEORGE, Henry, 1972: 49 GEORGE III of England, 1959: 15 GEORGE V of England, 1968: 74, 83 GERALD OF WALES, 1977: 82-86, 91 GERARD, Cistercian abbot, 1968: 11 GERIG, John L., 1983: 25, 29 GÉRIN-LAJOIE, Antoine, 1978: 21 See also FS GERMAIN, George Sackville, Secretary of State, 1964: 30 German American Land Co., 1975: 40 German Benevolent Society, 1978: 8 German Language – 1976: 80; 1978: 81-99 Liturgy, 1977: 108 German philosophy, 1959: 46, 48 Germans, western Canada, 1975: 29-49 See also FS, Allemands dans l'Ouest Germany – 1959: 74, 77; 1967: 58-59, 61-63 Church policy in, 1967: 57-75; 1968: 103-116 Concordat with the Vatican (1933), 1967: 61-63 Labour movement in, 1967: 47-56 , 1969: 57-59, 62, 64, 67 Socialist movement in, 1967: 47-56 Third Reich, 1967: 57, 59-75 GERSON, John, Chancellor of the University of , 1968: 36, 38; 1969: 46, 54 GIBAULT, Pierre, priest, 1981: 96 See also FS GIBSON, Edward, historian, 1968: 92; 1970: 3 GIBBONS, James, Cardinal – Bishop of North Carolina, 1960: 35, 45 Archbishop of Baltimore, 1962: 39; 1972: 38 See also FS GIBBONS, Sir George, 1968: 80 GIBBS, James, architect, 1964: 49 GIBSON, Milner, politician, 1959: 25 GIFFARD, Françoise, a.mj., 1974: 59 GIFFARD, Robert, Seigneur of Beauport, 1974: 57, 59 See also FS GILBERT, Cistercian abbot, 1968: 19-22, 24-25 GILBERT, Sir Humphrey, 1971: 2 GILBERT OF SEMPRINGHAM, 1968: 20 GILCHRIST, John, "Was there a Gregorian Reform Movement in the Eleventh Century?", 1970: 1-10 GILL, Stewart D., “`The Sword in the Bishop's Hand': Father William Peter MacDonald, A Scottish Defender of the Catholic Faith in Upper Canada", 1983: 437-452 GILLES, D. See GILLIES, David GILLIES, David, priest, Inspector of Assiniboia Catholic schools, 1975: 21; 1979: 73 GILLIS, Rev. J. H., "The St. University Archives", 1971: 67-69 GILLOW, John, D.D., theologian, 1968: 97 GIOBERTI, Vincenzo, priest, philosopher, 1972: 48 GIRARD, Bernice, Pentecostal chaplain, University of British Columbia, 1983: 314-315 GIRROIR, Hubert, Priest, 1972: 33 See also FS GLADSTONE, William Ewart, Lord, Prime Minister of England, 1959: 25-27; 1962: 10-24; 1964: 13, 17; 1968: 78; 1972: 48 Glasgow, Scotland, 1964: 40, 42, 46-47 GLAZEBROOK, George Parkin de Twenebroker, historian, 1978: 5 GLENALLADALE. See MacDONALD, John GLENGARRY. See MacDONELL, Alasdair Glengarry County, Ont., 1973: 19-20 Glengarry Highlanders, 1973: 11-20 Globe, The, St. John, N.B. newspaper, 1977: 21 Globe, The, Toronto newspaper – 1959: 96-99, 102-103, 106; 1960: 20; 1979: 7-8, 10-11, 13-14; 1980: 46-47 Reaction to Vatican Council (1869- 1870),1959: 81-92 See also FS Globe and Mail, Toronto newspaper, proponent of legal abortion, 1974: 83- 86, 89, 97 Gloucester County, N.B., 1977: 14-15 Goderich, Ont., 1978: 52-53 GODIN, Arsène, physician, 1977: 51 GODSON-GODSON, Colonel, Provost Marshal for Canada, 1978: 57, 64-65, 67-68, 77 GOEBBELS, Joseph, 1967: 70 GOERING, Hermann, 1967: 70 GOESBRIAND, Louis de, Bishop of Burlington, 1960: 35, 48 GOGGIN, David, Superintendent of the N.T. Board of Education, 1975: 6, 8, 11, 13-14, 23, 25 GOGOL, Nikolai, writer, 1962: 59-77 GOLDALE, Larry, historian, 1979: 72 Good Parliament (1376), 1962: 42-43, 47-50 Good Shepherd Convent, Ottawa, 1974: 51-52 GOODALL, Ray, United Church minister, 1974: 83 GORDON, J., Scottish bishop (ca. 1722), 1964:45 GORDON, Arthur H., Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick, 1960: 11, 19-20, 22; 1970: 72-75 GORDON, Isabella, 1964: 23 GORDON, J. King, Professor, United Theological College, Mtl., 1969: 36 GORDON, Sir James, admiral, 1964: 23 GORDON, Patrick, General, 1964: 49 Gordon Riots (1779-1780), 1959: 15 GORRES, J., historian, 1967: 53; 1972: 46 GORSKI, Isidore, priest, 1979: 68-69 GOSFORD, Archibald Atcheson, Lord, Governor of Canada, 1976: 47 See also FS GOSLING,, priest, s.j. historian, 1974: 9- 1 0 GOSSELIN, Auguste, priest, historian, 1967: 9 See also FS GOSSELIN, Dr., student of Bp. Mathieu, 1977: 52 GOUGH, Barry, M., "Father Brabant and the Hesquiat of Vancouver Island", 1983: 553-568 Gouverneur, Sask., 1976: 83-84 GOWAN, Ogle, R., 1959: 97 GRACE, Irish Priest, 1972: 15 GRADISH, Stephen Francis, Vice-President of the CCHA, 1973: 9 GRAFFELDER, Clementia, o.s.u., 1979: 86-87, 90-91, 94-95 GRAHAM, Sir James, 1959: 18-19, 22, 24-25 GRANDIN, Henri, o.m.i., Vicar-General of missions in Alberta, 1975: 58 GRANDIN, Vidal., o.m.i. missionary, Bishop of St. Albert, 1965: 32, 34, 77, 79; 1970: 48, 50, 53-54, 56-57, 59-60, 62-64; 1975: 58; 1979: 25, 71, 85; 1981: 62-63 See also FS Grandview, Man., German Lutheran settlement, 1975: 46 GRANT, G. M., Presbyterian minister, Principal of Queen's University, 1969: 29-31, 33 GRANT, George, Archbishop of Halifax, 1970:84 GRANT, James, priest, 1972: 29 GRANT, Thomas, 1974: 25-26 GRANVILLE, Lord. See LEVESON GRATIEN, Jean-Baptiste-Guillaume, 1972: 66 Graton School District, Sask., 1979: 74 GRATTON, Damien, priest, 1975: 21 GRAVÉ DE LA RIVE, Henri-François, priest, Vicar-General of Quebec, 1969: 17, 19; 1972: 14; 1981: 36 See also FS GRAVEL, Louis-Pierre, priest, 1977: 45, 47, 49-52, 55-56 See also FS Gravelbourg, Sask., 1975: 67; 1976: 82-83; 1977: 47, 54; 1979: 97 See also FS GRAY, Cardinal, Archbishop of Edinburgh, 1977: 102 GRAY, John Hamilton, Col., Premier of Prince Edward Island, 1960: 12-13, 15, 17; 1971: 39-40 Grayson, Sask., 1979: 76-77, 89-90 Great Britain, 1959: 73, 76, 78; 1976: 24 See also United Kingdom; FS, Grande-Bretagne Great Famine, Ireland, 1976: 39; 1977: 5 Great Schism, 1969: 45, 48-49, 51-52, 54; 1970:11 Great Slave Lake Mission. See Fort Resolution GREBE, Paul, historian, 1967: 48 Greek Orthodox Church, views on abortion,1974:98 GREEN, John Richard, historian, 1977: 79-80, 87, 89, 94-95 GREENE, Mary, f.c.j., 1975: 25-27 GREENWAY, member of N.T. Council of Public Instruction and opponent of Catholic schools, 1975: 13 GREENWAY, Thomas, Premier of Manitoba, 1959: 69-70 See also FS GRÉGOIRE, Gerald T., c.s.b., Rector of St. Basil's Seminary, Toronto, 1976: 74 GRÉGOIRE, Henri, 1972: 66-67, 72-73, 77 GRÉGOIRE, Paul, Archbishop of Montreal, 1983:319 Gregorian chant, 1976: 62 Gregorian Reform Movement (eleventh century), 1970: 1-10 Gregory, North Dakota, U.S.A., 1979: 89 GREGORY VII, , 1964: 41; 1968: 9, 39; 1970: 1-10; 1972: 68 GREGORY XI, Pope, 1962: 50 GREGORY XII, Pope, 1969: 49-50, 52 GREGORY XVI, Pope, 1959: 75-76, 79; 1964: 16; 1974: 21-22; 1979: 9; 1981:43 See also FS, GRÉGOIRE XVI GREGORY OF NAZIANZE, Saint, 1959: 86 GRENDLER, Paul F., "Religious Restlessness in Sixteenth Century Italy", 1966: 25-38 Grenfell, Sask., German Lutheran colony, 1975: 47 GREVY, Jules, President of the Third French Republic, 1961: 11 GREY, Sir George, British Home Secretary, 1959: 22-23, 25 Grey Nuns (s.c.q.). See Soeurs de la charité de Québec Grey Nuns (s.g.m.) – Lac Sainte-Anne, Alta., 1975: 1 10 Missions in the Northwest, 1965: 30; 1970: 42-44, 48 Montreal, 1976: 46, 48-49, 52-55; 1981: 61-63, 67, 77 See also FS, Soeurs Grises de Montréal Griffin House, publishers, 1974: 90 GRIFFITHS, Thomas, Vicar-Apostolic of the London District, 1974: 21-22 Grimshaw, Alta., 1975: 48 Grip, magazine, 1974: 33 Grits. See Liberal, political party GROLLIER, Henri, o.m.i. missionary, 1970: 47, 50, 53-56, 58, 60-64 See also FS GROSJEAN, Rotas-Sator scholar, 1959: 32 Grosse-Île, Que., 1978: 35; 1983: 411-412 See also FS GROSSER, Rotas-Sator scholar, 1959: 34-35, 38 Gros Ventre, Alta., 1975: 48 GROUARD, Émile, o.m.i., Vicar-Apostolic in Athabaska-Mackenzie, 1981: 63, 66 See also FS GROULX, Lionel, priest, historian, 1965: 59; 1973: 63; 1977: 63 See also FS Growan, Alta., German Lutheran settlement, 1975: 48 Guardian, Charlottetown newspaper, 1971: 41 GUARIN DE GARLAND, priest, Archbishop of Bourges, 1968: 25, 28 Guelph, Ont., Guelph Jesuit Novitiate, 1978: 57-80 See also FS Guelph Ministerial Association, 1978: 63, 67-68, 79 GUÉNET, Mother St. Ignace, a.mj., 1974: 54-59 GUIBERT, Joseph-Hippolyte, o.rn.i., Cardinal, Archbishop of Paris, 1961: 11, 15 See also FS GUIBORD, Joseph, printer, member of the condemned Mtl. Institut Canadien, 1959: 106-107 GUICHARD, Cistercian abbot, 1968: 16-18, 25 GUIGUES, Joseph-Eugène-Bruno, o.m.i. Superior, Bishop of Bytown, 1960: 25; 1970: 36-37; 1972: 36-37; 1982: 54 See also FS GUILDAY, Peter, priest, Secretary of the ACHA, 1983: 33-35, 38, 62 GUILLAUME DE CROY, 1969: 67 GUINDON, Roger, o.m.i., 1982: 66 GUITTON, Jean, writer, 1968: 56 GUNTHER, Waldemar Carl, 1972: 46 GUT, Benno D., Cardinal, 1977: 99- 100 GUTENBERG, Benedieta, o.s.u., 1979: 97 GUTHRIE, Hugh, Solicitor General of Canada, 197 8: 59, 64, 70 GUYART, Marie, o.s.u., Foundress of the Ursulines, 1967: 59, 64, 70 GUYART, Marie, o.s.u., Foundress of the Ursulines, 1967: 13, 16, 19, 22; 1968: 62, 66, 69; 1974: 54 See also FS Guyenne, La, French newspaper, 1961: 16 Guysboro, N.S., 1975: 75 GWYNN, Denis, 1974: 9