torjai U1HV uuw Voter VOie Torjaruiue dim Greater Prosperity! 30 Feet to the Gulf ' wmm i - •* • s.


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*•_.< > 'V It

. *•» i ELECTORS! V. * •' .. -".- four Duty by Vote for and 1 ' '• %: the Old Town Increased. .-.'„ and Progress "I , IU, SIR WILFRID LAURIER

i I'1-.-. )te forJardin e ... | tO ll . • and Prosperity

From Experience in other Elections we are compelled to warn the Electorate against the eleventh hour roorbachs that will be circulated in the hope of ". • •"-.**

winning this constituency and placing us in the Opposition to the Liberal ... Government, lhat the Laurier Administration will go back to power is now conceded and the most the Tories now hope foi'is to reduce the Liberal majority in the House. This being the case, the Electorate should be especially _• . It I apprehensive ot any wild stories that are so framed as to have on their face the appearance of truth. We believe . such statements are prepared for circulation today, especially when Premier McBride descended to the tactics used ;. by his Attorney-General at a previous election, by reading roorbach statements published in a foreign journal, the '*;••-• "Seattle P. I., with reference to the coming of hordes of Japanese to this country and the passage of them across pM, 1 the American Boundary by the Immigration Inspector, Mr. W. J. Corbett. Mr. McBride must have been very short •-.:.,, tit oi argument against the Liberals when he descended to this low and worn out method of influencing the Electorate '•<*

• , •» • because he knows, or ought to know, that immigrants of anv class are not allowed entrance into Canada unless they -vi come direct from the land of their birth. With respect to Japanese, the compact made with the Government of _*> ** 'tm Japa;_ by the Dominion Government is working out well and the small limit set by it does not appear likely of being | .,-•'" reached and Mr. McBride's roorbach fails of its mission. To the Electorate, we say, "Beware of any and every lie - circulated in the hope of influencing your support which the Tories findthe y cannot purchase." "Be true to your | it'**,' . . country, to your homes, yourselves, and the o*reat partv of progression and expansion, and vote for Jardine, *,.•"*.' tne Liberal Party and its great leader, Sir Wilfrid Laurier.

a ii ' . 1*


POLITICAL IRUSFi • '-(k • .* !____! »


' '• fc %* " ,.III< -. tun ank th,. Creator for raising up a HE ELECTORS f*,.*»: The virility of the Liberal causa In fully appreciated and the active part ,- ,,;, u ,| ii,, |mau >-iih forethought and power of the outlying portions of the ridingI P*a>'e*-* ^<*** candidate ,,, llreciIon, _. lm nestled around him I iorwarding both these undertakings is

was evidenced in man., and various ••: • i a. tn,.... : 11. un ti «lm could au! him, t_> their sound acknowledged with gratitude. io .um In ill A vote for a Tory endorses Babcock. judgment, to light the dark sullen ways during the pasl week, when Rob li is Buch plain, unvarnished evl- '"• . i sod into ' . pull ul il.-;ir, M-iim and want. Into 1896: Where is Canada ? ert Jardine, the chosen candidate oi d< nee of real worth .and buslnesaiiKe ' thi c mntry's affairs, bright vitalized activity and plenty. in- party, travelled over the long|abllitj us these ihat nave __iv-_n tne '..iiuiii-iii. Those The land pulsating aa it does with 1908: Canada in the highest rank of nations. itretch of country bj rit, on either | Lioeral candidate »o high a character «t-1 !••.. - hods have broug it such life cannoi afford to tain' any bank of the Fraser river. At every ami won tor him the almost universal Hw?:'' I risk of returning to ihr nhi conditions I J. *.> '. •••'•* .1 . ' that nf i-xii-iii The cry of stinking fish does not help Canada. meeting held the candidate received esteem ol the ejectors throughout the Wi- might take a brighter view of the a sterling welcome and even on i ne rural districts. This progress uirough paiIIIHII: of our com­ •y^.yi possible conditions undi r Torj regime or two occasions when a few lively these test weeks may be Bttinglyand .• T-; V . ma ... thc «ehole were it nol for the facl that onl) the Vote for Jardine and a bright future. spirits ul' the opposition—Invariably truthfully designated as a triumphal t, j . ^ | •'-. a : happy. lis b>- worst elenieni of lhe "'l Torj part) youths without votes—sought to ral3e one, for quite apart from the many ,-i ! i [la v ,n ia, ' is lefl and is iti the forefroni nov. Tariff for revenue only, u little excitement, the • (fori failed, successful public meetings ihat were : The termer cannoi afford to let his I, i. in the end the bo; a ,i lined the held, the candidate visited or was -^' '' dispersing the 1 • :'. • : ,i •., alai depai inn ut. that <>i agrlcul Montreal Star (Con.) concedes Laurier's victory. i throng in its hearty ac in a Ion of visited n> hundreds of individual elec­ •••• r, and puttln _ K "•';.•'• ture, n" back into lhe hand - of a j the popular candidati tors, and from almost everj uuo re- i»%>* •' in their plnco nn dlcal man i i a bvew T. The finan­ Laurier believes in Canada's greatness. I Such was the experience more pai- c< Ived an assurance of suppori at the '•» *$>#. I • n - in Hi J. * i - .( - , . cial affairs "t the Dominion cannoi be ticularl) nt in-- A bol fot I and Port on to la; . More lhan this, In casi a • n ; r.uistiii mod i.' i ' .,, i man who has Juggled Elect Jardine and be in the title of progress. Moody meetings, held on Thui da: , Mr. Jardine was Interview* I •:• 'a **."4^-. an i aci i-i'.- lhal ,u;|, thi trusl i.ia • of wl lows and and Saturdaj evenings respec ...,..-.; on the( • ,_..h_t_fc.*_. t**> ••._ ..nil ' . ,-,.. i'h.. railwa) - "i .a- Dom Taylor, Bowser, Babcock and persecuted fishermen Al Langley Prairie, on Wednesday, , tlvi iii h wa thi sat- t ..,,i,,.i ,,.,. .. cunuol illowod tu and al Mounl ia hman and Nlcomen .,,,, | it in •• hi., aecom- ..ill' :• , .-S , to In hands of Laurier has given his life to Canada, j on the i "o succi eding ilu) s, ci ow led ., - It'ed lin« a * I il : i ir In Wl! delicti •'• ngs, alive with < nthusiasm and at ion thi •• atarj pro* h .ni i li -i '.li. aylug a marked welcome to s"ie . rol •• J ' rfully ot­ i md Hard times, haul times, come apin no mors. .. the con I i era: candidate, took place, tered. ippll n, |, hell I1...1 ! im! E, ir\ v. h- re Robert Jardlne's clear Ni ver Indei -1 was the ti iumph of . . Taylor, Bowser, Gotoh and Japs, ,,, ,|r|ii km and aid v\ e can'l I and decided *.lews In favor of abso­ the Liberal cause iu the New W< '- a to improve tin • • • ' ° lute exclusion of Orientals, and the minster riding more certain than it i Vale for Jardine anil Westminster's prosperity. department, for the I 1 ... menl of the Fnasi r rl \ BI mi I appears to be today, and they are tew in a. i', . i .1 ., o\\ po • MI ihem euiin " i the l borough and hi arty appre* Indi I'd who do not belli ve at heart ami n Laurier will welcome Jardine. l,. allowed to give pluci u . ion of the people, whilsi his sane that Robert Jardine will be returned . f| . . and death Therefore, lei ever) ui sslike iii'ii*.ni* nt ul' the Bel •• large maj< ioi a ii A,- , ••*•*'••_*:<••• 1 1 ,, v, la, v. 1 dies lo continue tin [.Hurler returns to power ti : Terms question never failed i" • . ' il . waii Ini a ' 'Jj '***ir I pi in we liisve had nnd are now ':1 j v, iii iiilat approval. •'H iliU prosperous : NO ASIATIC STRIKEBREAKERS. |o lm who wishes the proi n • «•*' Vote for Jardine and a 30 foot channel, The iai*M- bod) of • li ctoi>•. through* I • !M *-V' 1 ' 'iti- whole Dominion, expansion to go on, and bring » . II,it ih-. l-'ri er valli.-.. i 'y m in,\ of '"•*•" -m "Nl conditions wen ' Lying statements have been cir­ irosperlt) ond larger opportun •' If yen vote for Taylor you don'i want the channel. [whom have suffered somewhial Bevere ntlon and unrest, culated to the effect that when man- for trade and commerce, vote '"• [ly this year from 'he rloodlng if their %* 'i'^haVi^ 1 I '"• i "Hunan i nf the .-.ger of the Royal City Mills seve" i.r eral candidate, Vlr, Ruben Jni 1 »' Toronto World (Con.) says laurier will win, I lands, lecognize the real value of ihi . " I', 'I Fraser channel improvements and ore years ago, Robert Jardine employed :f : :,, the polls todaj and :i" tu laint,. I,, labor ai not backward In displaying their ap Asiatics In orc'-r to break a sympa- M'v'i " " «' | good majorlt) Do vou want to have an Opposition member? V ti- • av rt) from homo, preciatton of the Interes-i and efforts thetic strike. This is absolutely false *' *•' J "•<*•' "1 • .• hli li i: evei , and is on a par with similar falsehoods, \*.i I :5'-',< I • ••• • Beware of roorbachs. of Roberi Jardine towards the acoum- due, lhe a Boltite •••••••••••• plishmenl of this long aeeded work. spread broadcast by the Tory candi­ • a. an lai value of • i 'ti ti, i a Bide of Un' river the date's supporters. ocli » Vou foi lardim aurier sets the pace fer Canada, o tanci of the t wo new railways There is not a single Japanese name II ;. I . • times for the • • . ruction ihrou on the voters' list. Taylor to the con­ ; Canada sets the pace for the world. + vote fot Taylu "" * || (l It • :. ;!fn .' i iillllll \ 11 trary notwithstanding. •'* ••'.'*T'.,I • • • 'i '•' ' •*• In« of I.ll' „. Free rural mail delivery and i liection, •.' . ,\ E. line from Si w V • Which candidate employs hi <* * •*' V '. •,rv^- 1 ••• in Ihe K'" lenayi . and Ih B around his house' It Is net Robert ,,,: line iu Chllllwni • ne. ••••••••••••••••* Taylor and Babcock,

#.J ' ,- 0* * ,' • ; V V-*> "k}\ ' 'A ' ,f\*0 JS.TBC !_J7 Ii IIUIIllllMIIVIlaJ lllllVUUlluui I«IL 1/VITIII1IV/I1 Ontario, North *George D. Gram S, S. Sharpe. "QUALITY mm Ontario South F. L. Fowke • Peter Christie. with an aster i-i. (•) are those of members ot the Ottawa ll. McGlvern Thomas Blrkett. : The namea marked "The Cossack" . . r. J. L. Chain,: •I. ' 'A.A lasi parliament Ottawa Sir Wilfrid Laurier Oxford North E. W. Nesbitl . D. Quinn. BEC—SIXTY-FIVE MEMB ERS. QUE Oxford South •M. S. Schell , D. A. Sutherland •l4*>"'frK. Constituent y. Liberal. Conservative. Parry Sound •R, j, Watson •• . .lames Arthurs. One nt 1,1 l| ;, l|* , ' i :•'' Argehteull !'. R, McGibbon • .*(_.. 11. Perley. Peel E. G. Graham .•Richard Blaln, useful li\,., ,. •"'II riV • Bagol . . \i. E. Marcll T. c. Casgraln, K. C. Perth North j. p. Rankin .•A. F. MacLaren id . M. Steel. Maki'.s a Beauce .. *Dr. ii. S. Beland Perth South *u. H. Mclm . nil; Beauharnola .. L. .1. Paplneau *J. ii. ll. Bergeron. Peterborough Fast E. A. Tannei • •• • .1. A. Sexsniith. weather coal Bellechasse .. .*0. E. Talbot • Charles Vezina. j u_ stra,. • J. H. Bir'iiliaiu 1 or motorln •, \ ^^*''"'1W'le*L'-i•' i_ *i •• _ ,i*i ji*- .-'" - Berthier ... A. Ecrement • V. AlLard. Prescott M. Currie John A. Gamble Bronii" . "Hon. S. A Fisher • F. A. Olmstead. Prince Edward Dr. Currie .•G, 0. Alcorn. coat, The pric, ,,• , llnd \\*. N. Cotton (Ind.) .. H. C. Mullen above cul | - ,,, Bona venture ...•Charles Marcll • A. Beauchesne. Harry Barr .•Gerald White ; Chambly-Vercheres • • .. .* Victor Geoffrlon M. Archambault. Thomas A. Lo1* • • John Macka). ipl'.i'' J • A A ... Ernest Degulse • p. E. Biondin. .!. Gamble. Champlaln Russell Charles Murphy • • • We are sole agenl i„ N,.w Charlevoix ... L. Bergeron *R. Forgot. Manley Chew .•Wm. ll. Bennett. Westminster Citj ,„, Dl3tric, Chateauguay .. .•',!. P. Brown • (.'. Lane. Dan Wilson • .1. A. Currie. Ae-vf •'''' for the celebrated Twen Chicoutimi-Saguenay . ... K. Bowln • .1. Girard (Ind.} or. Campbell ••• • *H. Lennox. SJ-iff '??•£••»! Compton . . .*A. Ii. Hunt It. 11. Pope. Stormont Robert Smith *R. A. Pringle. Centurj garmi : TOVM .*•;?;• Dorchester .. E. Hoy Hon. E. J. Flynn. A. F. Mulhern (Ind.). Drummond-Athabaska .. *Ls, Lavergne • —• DeCourval. Thunder Bay— p. Urry (Soc.) • H. A. Chollette. • T. 11. Keefer. uaspe .. .*Hon. it. Lemieux Rainy River •Jamea Conmee • Louis Coderre. x. C. Robinettt • •Edmund Bristol. lloohelaga . ..*L, A. Rivet *K. .v. Walsh. Toronto East •A. E. Kemp. ; Huntingdon ... James A. Robb V. H. Dardurand •H'\ D. Monk. J. Russell. -fe$A'-. Jacques Cartier .. *,i. A. Dubeau .!. Glbeault. Toronto .North \v. H. Shaw • "Hon. tl. E. Foster, Jollette ...*E. Lapointe . \v. A. Potvin. Toronto Soutll C. Mullock ., •A. C. Macdone Kamourasaka tA*\t&* 'i ... E ,C. B. Major • Hector Chauvln. .1. (!. O'Donoghue (Lab. l>aliollc Phillips ,,*};A*: fa •' .. .'Ruck Lanctot S. Beaudiu. Toronto West .. .,. H thie (Ind.) *E. B. Osier. Laprairie-Napervllle Du .. p, A. Seguin • ['. Panguelo. L'Assomptlon Victoria—Haliburton • •Dr. A. Wilson *Sam Hughes. ... Charles A. Wilson •*J. E. E. Leonard, ... •• W. L. M. King R. Reld. The Wardrobe Laval ,.. **L. A. Carrier • B. Bourrassa (Ind. Levis A. Huber (Ind i ••Eugene Paquet. Clothier L'Islel I. li. T. Caron s.vl. Moyer •George Clare. V&7^,i • Lotbiniere .. ..Ed. Fortier • L. P. Pelletier. Welland *\\*. M. German George Hannau «**'U,-'l5%- ,"' i j Maisonneuve .. *Alph. Vervllle (Labor) •A, M. Martin W.A.Clarke. Maskinonge .. *H. Mayrand • Dr, c j Coulomb' 'Hugh Guthrie John Newstead, J Megantic . ,*F. T. Savole L. .1. Frechette. Wentworth W. 0. Sealej W. H. Ptolemy Missisquo] .. *D. B. Meigs • Dr. F. M. Pickel. *p, R. McLean Thomas Wallace G. !•:. Ford (Ind.) York .North •A, B. Aylsworth John Armstrong. Did you ever stop to think how fast some people are • D, 0. Lesperance. Montcalm .. ,*F. c Dugas • York Smith (Elected by ace.) W. F, MacLean. rich mi what you and some others squander ? • A. Gobell (Ind.). Montmagny .. Cyrias Hoy NOVA SCOTIA—EIGHTEEN MEMBERS. Montmorency .. ,*George Parent t Annanoplls .. •S. W. W. Pickup ... G. E. Corbett. Montreal— liiTK ! ;' T» ,'f :'*t ' • * Antigonish . ,.*w. Chisholm E. L. Girroir. I » | tf -IC a . , Ste. Anno . *J. C. Walsh • C. J. Doherty. Cape Preton North . D. D. MacKenzie ... Don. McCormack DETERMINATION W. D. Burns (.Labor). '•: ;• .*v' l %*•• • *if Capei Breton South . •Alex. Johnston .1. W. Maililin. to do a certain thing In a certain wa) .St. Anioirit.' ...... R . C. Smith, K-C. -•H. B. Ames. Colcheste r . Charles Hill •John Stanfield. at a certain time largel) constitute Henry Dully (Ind.). Hi . '•'- < -v- 9*. • Cumberland . J. L. Ralston Edgar X. Rhodes St. James *ll. Gervals • x. Glroux, .... Digby .. ••*&. A. S. Martin tSoc). Halifax I . .•Wm. Roche R. L. Borden. Must everyone can same Bome mone> • ',,.:J A .'-"•« i: ii St. Mary .•Mederlc Martin ... . L. T. .Marcecha!. Halifax 2 . .•Michael Carne) ... A. B. Crosby. every pay da). A savin, n count in . I « ' ,' ' .. Nicole: .... Dr. Turcotte • A. Sevingny. I . ' . , i I*-H •_•"»*: Hants . ."J. B. Black F. w. Hanright. The Royal Bank will grow so rapidly •' * I-,. •-( • •'- • . m <• Pontine .... . (.;. F. Hodgins . • • • G. IL Brabazou. Inverness Dr. A. W. Chisholm Dr R. C. McLeod that you will be delighte 1 an I Portneuf ,*M. s. Delisle L. Stafford. K-ng's •Sir F. Borden X. W. Eaton. day v, ill man,, you fee) like a more '. k''M.'Hi"' :•• A . Quebec— Lunnenburg . •A. K. McLean ... . S. C. Marshall. •A-i;k •: *.*A Centre . . Hubert Cimon. substantial citizen. . *A. Lachance Pictou ]•:. M. Macdonald C. E. Tanner •••''.•ir A •••V; ' East .... • Aid. Tiset. I-- J A' flfl I •Sir Wilfrid Laurier Richmond •J. w. Kyte R, Ferguson. Wes,. ... • W. Price. Will You Try ? •William Power — Shel irne-Queens '-Hon. W. S, Fielding A. B. Morln Dr. Mackay •L. Robitaille (Nat, Li i.) THAT'S ALL WE WANT TO KNOW. County .. Yarmou h •B. B. Law r S, William- in Martlneau (Ind.) KSKUfc'-.i.:.". NEW BRUNSWICK—THIRTEEN MEMBERS. imi" ' "Alii. Lanctot • E, A. 1). .Morgan. Richelieu ... •F. B. Carvell B. F. Smith, — The — I H Vi '* i. ' it. - . 1 ' ' 11. Beauchemin (I. Lib.) •tli "**•!.• ' ' 'I. trlotte W. F. Todd •(;. W. Ganon Richmond-WOlfe *K. W. Tobln • .loan Cham] oux, •O. Turgeon T, M. Burns Uiiiiou.l-i •Dr. Ross . Paul Barclay. ROYAL BANK of CANADA I i • ii I. Leblanc .., F. J. Robideaux Kouville *lluii. L, P. Brodeur ... . (Elected Capital and tReaert r /ncorp,i,if_ d iff •' Kings Alberl , (I II. McAl •G. w. Fowler 1369 St. Hyacinthe •A, M. Beaupariaut • J. .ie L. Tai I $8,290,000 $47i4d6',000 ._!§.'•> N'on , imberland •W. S. Loggie Donald Moi i;. • St. John-Ibervllle •John Domei's • C. Arpin. ! s*«i' li ... he "'.lames Reld W. A. Mott. NEW WESTMINSTER BRANCH. p. g. LYLE, Mgr. Shefford H.E.Allen i W. li Robinson - . lohn City Sherbrooke J. Leonard .•A. X. Worthingl >n .lane s Pender •Dr. s W. J. Di­ w^-^emsmmmiKimssNaZtX. • i lm City -.ind County •Hon. Win. !'::. ''.JA Soulanges *Aug. Bourbonnais . Dr. Lorl • li \. w Ma 3unbury-Qt ns H. H. McLean Stanstead "Charles Lovell . George W. Pa •R, 1) Wilni"! Victoria -pins Michaud Dr. Klrkpati ii V I ||». Temlscouata *0. Gauvreau Luc. Labelli U'estmorlan I •H. R. Emmerson Fred W. Sumnv Terrebonne T. Rinfret , Bruno N.antel SE Vork x. W. Brown .... Three Rivers-St. Maurice *Hon. .lne. Bureau . P, i-_. Pennet •0. S. Crock Easterbrook Milling Company, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND—FOUR MEMBERS. , it_»Ml!.'..''' 1 ' V* Two mountains *J, A. C. Ethier Andre Fauteux. ••"•l-VKO 'NJ .a'* *' ';• Eburne. B. C. :.-;•*-• l'i Vaudreuil *G. Boj er . Dr. Montpetit. Kings •J, j. Hughes A. L. Fraser, I i, «• I Wright •E.B.Devlin !•'. A. I.abelle. Prince James W.Richards ... •A. A. Lefurg Yamaska *J. E. 0, Gladu Hon. .1. A. Oulmet Queens . . A. B. Warburton "A. A. McLi 11 '•a''...... L. F. Prowse Vlex, Martin '.^-.l-A^-M'' : ONTARIO—EIGHTY-SIX MEMBERS. •& MANITOBA—TEN MEMBERS. .. .•A. E, Dymeat W.H.Smyth. Brandon •'Hon C. Sifton ••- • Hon. T. M. Dalj . .. H. J. Gibson •A. E. Boyce. FLOUR Dauphin •T. A, Burrows Glen Campbell 'Vi'_••'.•' " " Brant ."Hon. W. Paterson j. p. Nunan, Lisgar i*. Greenwaj W, H. Sharpe ft lirantford ... . Lloyd Haiiis »\Y. F, Cockshutt. .Macdonald Dr S, .1. Thompson . •\\. D. Staph - Imperial $7.00 per br!. Brockville •Hon. G. P. Graham John Webster. f>. Marquette M. B. Jackson .. .. W. .1. Roche. Hungarian Jewel $6.30 " 4' Bruce .North •John Tolmie Alex. McNeill. Portage la Prairie ... /John Crawford ... . A. A. Melghen Bruce South *P. H. McKenzie I. .1. Donnelly. Provencher j. p. Molloy A, c. LaRlviere Terminal $5.50 " " Carleton I. E. Caldwell •Hon. R. L. Borden. Selkirk •s. .1. Jackson Thomas Bradbury. Dufferin I. X. Fish •John Barr. Souris \. M. Campbell . .. F I. Schaffner. Dund;u. • \v. c. Lawson •A. Brod'er. Winnipeg 11. ('. Cameron ... . Alex. Hagg in Durham D. B. Simpson C.J.Thornton. I .-rlillihai. J. I). Houston ISOC.I . "•**•- Elgin Last \v. W.Rutherford David Marshall SASKATCHEWAN —TEN MEMBERS. McQUARRIE &C0. Elgin Wesl \v. Tolmie *i*. VV. Crothers. Assiniboia .1. t; Turriff C. C Essex North •R.F.Sutherland D, E, Fleming Smith. FLOUR AND FEED MERCHANTS South •A. B Clark Darius Wlgle. -• * P.. L. Richardson (Ind I Battleford \. n , , , •„,. FRONT STREET. New Westminster. Telephone 333. < ' enac j, \\*. Edwar I - : Dr. Morrison. Humboldl Dr. Ni ely ,i .....I ns M, A verj Ind Con .James Little. Mackenzie •Dr. 1. L. Cash : I. A. McMillan John I". McGreg >i =_&__ R. Hai ,.man 1 ind. Llbj ' iranville — . S. .1. Marttln .•J. H. Reid, ,!7^A.' • ' Moo.--.' Jaw *W. Knowles . in-. \\iii> • . Gi East — .r. Ra) mon I .•T. S. Sproule, iii Prince Alia ri w Ruttan • .1. McKay, K.< North .. .•W. P Telford • W S, Mi t Ileboro, «;viW -.I1 * - '•• Qu'appelle . .1. T. Brown . 'It. S. Lake. Gi . *li 11. Miller • lt. .1. Ball. *' '" ..!; .'_!>_ ."'a •," Reglna ... . W. M Martin .. . Aid. Williamson 'Ml.' f"". r ' Hal limand .., . it. I-'. Miller •*F, R. Lalor, Saltcoats Hon. McNutl .1. It. Dlnnin • Halton •. Dr. W, s. Harrison ,*David Her ie B. C. Mills, Timber and Saskatoon ... Mi. !•: LcCravey M A. Mclnnis Kamili -i Eai . .1. M Easl wood ,*S Barker. •»'•'••," li'__F t '• i, '• L L, Landers I ind. La! ALBERTA-SEVEN MEMBERS. ilgary ... . Hamilton Wesl •A, Zimmerman Major Stewart, in-. Sti van .*M. S. McCarthy. Hastings Last f. K McCargar .... . W It. Northup. 1-". 11. Sherman 1 Labi Trading Company Hastings Wesl —Funnel! .*!•:. (rus, Porter. Edmonton •Hon, Frank Oliver ... .!. D Hyndman. 'v v luri-i • • '', Huron East A. Hislop ,*Thomiaa Chisholm. Macleod \. n McDonald .... .•John HeiTon. VANCOUVER AND NEW WESTMINSTER Medicine Hat . w. s Simmons c. A, Magrath. 5 Huron South *M. Y. McLean John Shermitt. • V.';yWm-*±-i'.'\ -. • Kee-'r Dr. M Clark George F. Root, Huron West Robert Holmes *!•_. X. Lewi.. Manufacturer* and Dealer, in All Kind* ol Kent Easl *D. A. Gordon Dr. Stewart, Strathcona •Dr. Mi Intyre . F. W. Day. Kent West A. B. McColg •H. S. Clements J 0. imlerson, (linli . Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings, Sash, Door», Victoria I- ngston •Hon. M, Hart) Dr. A. c. Ross. W, 11. White F. A. Morrison Interior Finish, Turned Work, Etc. irtKA. Lambton Fas' c. 0. Fairbanks *J, E. Armstrong. BRITISH COLMUBIA—SEVEN MEMBERS. .j*.,..8-1 ^'If'iH --'. •F, F. Pardee R, E. Lesuer Comox-Atlin .•William Sloan Dr. Qulnlon. Fish and Fruit Boxes. ^f.'if*?':"",:1' Lan irk North •T. B. Caldwell w. Thorburn. Kootenay gmlth CurtlfJ A. S. Goodeve. Large Stock Plain and Fancy Glass. TlHIlr i,,i .». " Lanark South (I. F, McKlm •Hoa. J. G. Haggart. W. Davidson (Soc). tfli* •''. *B Leeds \\*. c. Fredenburg *George Taylor. Nanaimo :' dph Smith !•'. \[. Shepherd, Sit!:" ^-, Lennox-Addington F, s. Waitman *Urlah Wilson. .!. 11. Hawthornthwalt. Lincoln w. D, Woodruff *!•:, A Lancaster Xew Westminster • • Rober Jardine I, D, Taylor. FARMERS ATTENTION! A' ';•*'•• London W, McCandless (Labor) Major Beattie. Vancouver W. VV 11. .Mclnnes . ... George ll. Cowan. Middlesex Fast C. A, Routledge *Peter Elson, Joa Martin (Exclusion! E, T. Klngsley (Soc). Lumber Always in Stock for Fencing and Draining* Middlesex North Alex. Smith ! Doyle, Victoria •• *Hon. Wm. Templeman (!. 11. Barnard, *W. S Calvert Robert McLaughlin. Yale-Cariboo »Duncan Ross a,,,' .Martin Burrill. Muskoka Angus Morrison "William Wright. Charles Bunting (Sue.) fif 1 i,I •* '' Nlplsslng ...*C. A. McColi George Gordon, YUKON —ONE MEMBER. Royal City Branch, Columbia St. Norfolk H. B. Donh' Alex. M,. ;,JH, Viik on • I" Congdon G. Black. Telephone 12. New Westmmiter Northumberland Flast F. L. Webb ,*('. L. Owen. 1 J. A. Clarke. ''•' V A '''i'i ' >

IA'U-1" I : ff. 1* ' •! f ' li* ' 1> _.-!," ' i* Ik,'*.]'*1'j:r** *1 OCT. 26, l9°8 THE DAILY NEWS. THREE. ••:.:. I

^SUURI^O foot residential lot on tram line ' *»* i*

Att( •• at Obse- .» Large ovincial Agent; $10 cash, balance $1 per week quies I m* • *»" y A' Property overlo :iser River and Gulf i i. . w - r\ who pure ••..•lots in Grandview today have the satisfaction of knowing that the :*. property is bound VTJ sides by trunk tram lines; one line between New Westminster and • Eburne, the other b* een Vancouver and New Westminster—in fact the short line between New Westmii r anrl Vancouver goes right through this property. *• •. *, I

• a ling offi Grandview will be scarcely five minutes ride by car from the New Westminster post office ...ft*.

• —a five cent fare. There will be good car service on the Eburne line in the immediate future, ter of Hi • while the new cut off line to Vancouver will be finished and in operation early next spring. .y.' . i . • i Ni

• Prom the fact that the property is on a gentle slope—all the lots in Grandview command

i c;i a beautiful view oi" the Fraser river and the gulf in the distance.

Cunning* • i • i •• I Every lot in Grandview will be worth and sell for at least $500 just as soon as the car ser­ vice pass id the property has commenced. an who buys a lot in Grandview today is These Lots are al! SO feet wide and 120 rea sure of a big incri a se in value just as soon as and ;raded. the.- cram lines are in operation. Grandview is n I to be eof the m rom- coui • Tl , of the opportunities of such an investment irent, most popular r< sidential suburbs of the city of N . rh.if li. ell le r as to the ; man who has $10 and can manage to pay $1 „

• VV M ui" King Solo* . '• ,'i'

i . ..•• Ing I'II i •"" •', n The number Those who buy first will naturally get a better choice. r • :»• and In ' *'•", "-A*'' • oui SO, the marshal be- First choice assures you a lot with frontage right on the tram. * , \ nam el Ol vl Call and see the plans at my office and have a lot reserved subject to approval after i attended considi inspection. W. J. KERR, Phone 170, New Westminster, B. C. T. Almrn A' "••« ' , i it.iii of Woodmen • B I counsel 1 1> ^i'^ I, ,\ Moi and Mi iffllcted • :. •; _ rl,'. • ' '; ' : • .. la lv. i ,1 Maji • • s c trtls, ll 1. Ed • Now is the time to look after your i . • Ji and Mrs H. M j, V • Cl ambei • '1'lle 1 11 1 nine i 0111 M id Mi nd fa &\**y a : . I I! !.• nn 1 01 VI uul Mrs. C, S. Ke I Paarce, J, .1 ... '...., A, 5 field, W. if GUI' v. D. Murchii irried ou Tuesday, Oct. 27 g :. We all bid aa a li nts. . r \, |>, ele, Kev R and fl OUI 'lie anal"-) u \ EYES ! io* ui .i. Cal • In ... I. .-sua- on iiiini ir H lol n nnd Vs ilu ie"... : round the\ ] LeCompte and Flesher • ======9 ROSE FRITZ RETAINS :*'"*%• .... ,, man) present THE CHAMPIONSHIP lng ihe lasi few •• ars had been CLARENCE BENNETT'S J Call in. Eyes Tested Free „>*!•-'**"•, awa) from thai city. Th I cho.a "';l-' '""" "M! CU v , Vork, Oct. 2b.-Mlss II God, Ou. Help "renuoua life oui hen .ore out even ^ Brooklyn, again proved las it., I. DRUG r ,„., N-e8 . ., •;.- • :»8ged frame ol man l nighl thai -she is the fastest type­ , •'»"_ [ffl I !', , : >'<$%.•'*'•• :,:, Waa divaped were those who saw In ihe grave the writer in the world by winning th< end "i life, imt noi so \MI1I tnem, RY ALL'S STORE odj nt the nave be- "" ., for the championship at the The Holy City. gain, BO ,- ror the Masonic rei •« 'he leaf would emu show at Madison Square ^jrT* '•' f:J ,«rnf•••"tif • , , me morning, In th with o o Mis Fritz retained the Luella Morey as ''Salome" ©•O*0*0*K)*OKX>O*O*O*C>*C>*C C*D*0+0+O+C»0O< ^^ by writing eigh ' *1 . t s Henderson, A found In the spiritual body, enjoying ^ ^ ^^ ^ ...p, Princess of Gallilee" . . .,. held, Rev. all ihe elements of life and Immo. | ^ ^ ^^ ^ e,ghty.four The most sublime p'ay ever written. • ,-' r *-i> '•••: ,,. ,>, prayer, tality. ;i, otis Elalsdelle was third Endorsed by the Clergy, Press Bank of Montreal '' ' '",'ii Af • I In wa delivered Floral Tributes »t . • !ii\ uoril and Public. ESTABLISHED 1817. —i , brothei ol The publjc wreaths were aa follow .— •:hir S 5, ••*' -,,J Mi Fishei in the CAPITAL |14,*M)0,000.00 .!"*" Gnand !'"l: ' wreath; King Solomon , ul Bi to • Prictis $1.(10, 75c, 50c and 25c RESERVE 111,000,000,00 ' Masonic emblem; ionic lotto t J\JeWSOme & SonS . a.l Psalm I an I Chilliwack, emblem and spray; Acacia *J* '««• Brandies throughout Canada aud New toundland, and in London, Englaoid, It had n«n his New York, Chicago and SpoKane, U.S.A., and Mexico City. A Jen- \ am uuvi . wreath SoutlK Painters and Decorators . Identified w Ith Nit'. era! Banking Business Transacted. ,. t . . Vancouvi i wren Estimates on All Work Given Westminster Ian work which .etter» of Credit Igaued, available witl. correspondents ln all uart» of the • ran nli.iii Ord . u VVoodnn n. wn • 399 Sixth Avenue ', a, noi onl) tu this Opera House World. l;,i , Templars uf Ti .... • i "i" ,ii tin NewWestminster Riving* Bank Department. Deposits reeeived lu sunn, of }1 aud upwards, SUIRW*; governmenl n I Thursday, Oct. 29 fam%SL\ in is a do and Interest allowed at 3 per cer.t. per annum (present rate) added , and worth four times a year. , .Vain. . land reglstr) Westminster Oci 11 la S •'••'• Total As»et* over 1168,000,000.00. •*^V.;;$.A'.|* , n-.ii' tu ag (»,.«« • -'m/h* A *'' • • i' i •, i , •, i i end Xew Wi liuin '• ' '• « •'' •*••'• • Transfer Co. 1 : X'.W WKBTMINaSTEK BRANCH. O. D. BRYMNER, Ma&A(t». broth' i ___' unrw.- *'" '.''!* IIH'tl 11 • ' " ' A *^,%" . n Oci "i thli t*litin li; ",; ' tt • r \ 11 h nisi III the •.-.**• the Qui \ \ enn ., a,.. , wn . 18s. Barn 'Phone 137 anchor; N'ew Went.. Columbia, Street. *'",* • ••"•- i ,..,•, \ ,a Pennsylvania *w delivered promptly to . - '*.•** 'tj iilni h .i" Hai lw.ui *- - heiirt: • :** UVT. • •*_!•>*'i 1 "'"' tho"e ,,,, i.'-i,..,s cla n ' pari m the city. __ 'if*'' Blacksmiths i 111,1 know" ""; officer, rn' lhe pvovlm i COAL . • '1* *>-'-' (i... •i'"- ? n ne moi i, an i . .. . Vanco BEST QUALITY , ,,i,.Miii-ial coil labli vai Light and Heavy Hauling , Oil I I I elt) li" ' , I'll a- " OFFICE—TRAM DEPOT. , , , Private tributes ••" •• \^-A ^*f'"^ i llliugi • Which Iri'l ; "BANFF" ANTHRACITE COAL AA "."UA" .;••*"*'«' •_ ' '" ' : • '"•"'"Tt'a.l,: Mi Fisher i --,/ ' "Ar, -**•• •nil,,,,I ,., pa. respect B ""^" lV»ncouver>. M-^ '«' ^^ OOKSLEY'S -A IH-I- who had gone their Ti uinumGifford, Mr*"•, -•-and' V-H ' Myrtle M *' NEW WELLINGTON COAL i- '____.' '--^ '"V*l s fold i„ the first son iVancouver.rl, M'' blfl C , xtr j ,\ Lee, l il tu ,,;,'. indlvlduall) M' "" ,; \l' ' ' : Picture : MAYERS y PRESTON * ;' - - ' • ilioii ia-1 tribute uf iVictorla), nnd Mr a Author of "The College widow." P. O. Box 345 'Phone 106. •''• •**4.' i n who a,,i een lovod I Adams, M, inil You Smilo—You Laugh—You Roar. •*••-• A A liJL *"' ,,. !,, came in live Spra) Mr* M. ^"\u ",,'„,, Mi 30—COMEDIANS—30 n man. a b other, a Mrs. W. C. Cl • Davidson, POSTCARDS OFFICE i FRONT STREET, FOOT OF SIXTH. • • •S, mi Hi Ii id I 'ai call Crake, Mr. ntul N''" ,,„) AUK .NOW ON SALE AT 150--LAUGHS—150 ;lii 1 uncovered their Wllllai luriai- ul i Mrs M. MOREY'S STATIONERV STORE Original Production from the i • • MM'-t-**^ I-

ired iheir regard foi Mrs Eugene i'• ' Hugh j. G. GAMON'S CIGAR DIVAN. F, Theatre, .Net. York City, •-••**"£ •' 'l.'-'iaT _"_•__ vl Viea.l Mr nnd MACKENZIE'S DRUG STORE and • '*>. Ol Uriel V, heir ,;. .. :• x Prices 50c, 75c, VII I Mi.-. -I - » ' " ' a... I '• •. I il. il 'lyill t 'illllll. Mr, a in! "THE FAIR," Columbia Street. Gallery 25c. — ""ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS • who had been BO Lowe

- * • * \ T±lJU DAILY NEWS. "™r* M°NOAY, OCT. Js,

•>« tint'*'? 'A government, and you will have a con­ Get the Habit '•I *'$•'* THE DAILY NEWS ) tinuance of the marvellous growth POLLING UlNUniONS fK "*_ • i . '. Published by the Daily News Pub- and prosperity of the last twelve years SHOW GREAT CHANGE lit- Mth \ • • tisliiug Company, Limited, at their and a \igorous prosecution of the offiees, corner of Sixth and Front great public works, especially benefi­ House of Quality streets. New Westminster, B. C. cial to this province .ind this city and Register Has Nearly Doubled Since I fc, -v'• •!;' '. ilistriet, upon which the governmenl Vote for TJ fl'i'M .... 1904—How the Numbers Stand in if: E. A. Paige Managing Director haa started and to which it is commit­ ted. Vote for the Borden Opposition Electoral Districts. j-our tiuin today and show your •W^KiiiiTj^ and you will have — "a pig in the patriotism, and after the elec- poke!" Ions are over, visit our store, GLOVES The polling hours are from nine a. ~-*..'*, .. f fe '*n - • Turner government, of course, run! down stream to the dump heap. y ,'... buy for cash and sell tor the b /. OS. '•.*''• • Lewis Bros. & c 1 _W>'< '• '***-' not forseeing evidently that he would one day want the fishermen's vote, Canada, do not turn out a govern­ followed In.-, natural bent, and sided ment without good cause. The late- mm, strongly against them. Here are some Conservative government had eight­ •quotations from the Columbian of een years straight, and. when it was| J. HENLEY that time, the first from an editorial 200 183 It Manutacturar of Great Sale Is , •W • s dislodged, uad no leader and had de-[Richmond 381 372 S I MitHrir. of July L'I. 1900: generated into a squabbling "uest of Delta -'....1i.r*:. ,... "With fish plentiful in the river, the traitors," as Sir MacKenzie Bowel! Chilliwack 308 281 Mineral Waters, Etc. *< i 11 30 I fishermen remain idle, sticking to the termed Foster it Co, The Liberal Vale Hi •l'i".__ J ,t,.' •»*•*.- • ll -'a'. 336 '.•_f-: .'H \ Poll> of demanding a price that means government and its noble leader are Dewdney Aerated Water?, 670 660 .ra • r •* onl) loss to the canners paying it. In the prime of their powers and de­ Citj (eight pollsi IS Family trad* a specialty. a Wonder •v, V •• V. .AV ' and therefore will not be paid." served popularity, and billed for an­ Tel. 113. Office Eight street other five years at least—fortunately Total 1866 1762 46 ',",•-, JjKV I Commenting further on the strike NEW WESTMINSTER. B. C. situation on the 24th of the month, for the country. rhe district vote was: 1196 1202 28 Mr. Taylor in an editorial said: Today there are 73 polling places Just one more week in which to ' 1e ; ••,* *,s • »•?•-i *,*,.'• .,- • "The fishermen hair brought trou­ A, ROORBACH. Premier McBride I throughout the ruling distil ntal as make a complete disposal of ble, not only upon themselves, but up­ read from Seattle P.-I. at Saturday's I follows: Richmond, 9; Delta. 15; The Edison Theatre .... *•'•*. '.i '*.;, ;o.*V • , on the whole community dependent meeting a statement of K. Matsuyama, Chilliwack, 14; Dewdney, 22; Vale, Corner Columbia and Begbie. every article in the Westminster I'-. • .Al' •* ''1> '• • • L .'• for prosperity upon the result of the who is a member of the Gotoh firm.Ml Westminster City (eight polls), 8, High Class Moving Pictures, Illus­ Clothing Co. store. salmon canning, They have struck who says he hopes to complete ar- Sheriff Armstrong Is tli" returning trated Songs. Program changed Mon­ tfj k,'. i>'AA; the most serious blow the Industry rangement for the employment of officer, and the ofilclal declaration wil] day, Wednesday and Friday. !| Everything for Men and Boys to !• fr v'"" '•f/.A-'. ,*V{'-"Ai has ever received, and, in face of re- several thousand laborers for the G. j e made on November 5. i» i ..i- _« ** t •• * • u'i£ cen events, it must be many years T. P. Railway How much the Tories The register upon which the elec- wear. , a. h-l4l.ll" 'I'...' 4' before capital will feel secure in in pald for to get this interview into a tlon eing field Is that, revised to VV. IM. Draper i..' i I ' • " I i" itmenl in this line." foreign paper was not stated, but we May of this year. The numbei of i,i.i i* .if B. C. Land Shoes for the whole familv. in the same issue of the Columbian may reasonably suppose the urgency! roters' names on ii is us follow.. I !,'t .1 'I i .Mr. Taylor followed up his trade oi of the case called for at least .- muc! Delta, 1476; Chilliwack, 121 [lewd- Surveyor blaming it all on the fishermen with a* their roorbacu in the Monetar; i •'s','w' Westminster City, Ellard BlocK. New Westminster, B C i'y'-l. thi-s clincher: Times of London, England, during t :-'. •">: Pal'< ot Richmond, J-^: "Examples musl be ma le last provincial campaign, How hard ind Yale, 973, ringleaders on the Fraser." pressed thej must be to ma Pa : • Rlchmon ' the p di n_i__'53*"*irI'd . lie didn'i • th : he'd have much of the statement ... a lap that il North and South Vanci uvi them tried bj coun martial and aiiol be hoped to be abli to - - n ai- tl i ling of Burr ti I Jii^ffl:-*^!''"..!' ' Vale-Cariboo. •*r TPl.'ii l '' bj the militia or no jrangement, He, from his iwn n .A^'.A'V,."!. Fortunately nothing ol that sort if they be true, which Is I 'iA^;!^:. • •• • a b tn] ti l,b :' In • I ven much, has not made ai if '"• ' •. .• A ; bow what son ol a fisherman's rangement with contractors it liAMBLERS PLUNlii; RENO :• !" Mr, ,1. 11 Taylor, Conseri i be nullified by the com] .*•«' i.-i'i '" •' **•*••. • ia lid ite, is. • at the l lominion i rovernmen in I INTO BEEP DARKNESS ' ipan. The Idea of the I wo hi ;li con - THOUGHTS FOR ELECTORS. ' racting nations changin - i teii I Disciples cf Goddess of Chance Give Vote for Jardine and Laurier, an . Icj to itten a labor con t • Anti-Gambling Element Advance • 4W-'Ai * <*•'<'' ' i l-e on the winning side Never mint too ridlculou - in ne sd furthi. uotlc -. Ta.> lor; he don't co View of What's Coming. Mwi'tK'- • m Dr. Young, McBride's Minister of j Don'i sell • our i tn-l h T i Education, In his speech al the opera : Reno, Nev., Oct, _ ,. Thc bu Peel " th . for a ml-ierabli .. on Saturday night said "Sir j portion of Reno is dai K tonight c IUSI d 1 me* of partisan . ott tge. Wilfrid Laurie]- wa - a grand states- -l_a*?t* ni an and in every way above re- by the owners ol gambling houses au 1 ! i Si rd In th. nam! is worth a whole ;,roach." this compare with """ " ""'"in- off the lights to show 1 base insinuations and charges of «*'ha1 the citj would look like in case - I'-tuii- ot the Laurier go •• nmeni the Columbian's Editor, ,!. D. Taylor, -he Anti-Gambling league drive

tnd Its candidal.-- mean . .,.,•- [n his Laurier and Loot articles. Lib- gambling out ofthe oorporati limits ; :| |ta I diate and vigorous prosecution of the erals remember thai this man Taylor " special election on October 24. : • l-ll'.il. Grand Trunk Pacific ind th • -" :., done his best to besmirch the good The usually brilliant commercial row river Improvement schi mi. What :. : of your greal leader, N'ow is like a tomb and some of I be you would gel • ul ol li • Con -•• vatlve the tin ' • emphasize your disap­ gambling houses are using candles to Jungl proval ol such luetics in worl In ; ••: empha sizi th cont.'u i • . hai I agalnsl him. fight between the Aiiti-Gainhlini; , and the gamblers Is vi ry bii - it you ri • • the t*. mier McBride sai I that ' he ter and both Bides are making i-igo •a . Mi '•- hi hip at the mouth of tli" rivei ou - efforts to place their n spi i »"*.*l' ... ishould on'.;, have cost two or three '• '••- before th nun pai tisans, [ill • •''• ' ' "'I -: ••'•'' thousand dollar?. Whal . ince ' The gamblers hey will , • . |ur> . Vou . mi cannot eci a ood launch • tha - -elves jusl ovei the city limit in kiAAi • i • i moni .. case the, defeati d and op. e most t a in ful In ' citj limit I For Men .-* .*_•. *• t • lied FOOTBALL. closi to I resenl buslne iAifv'-. '*' , . centre, GEO. A. SLATER'S "DUK-BAK." CE'".. A, SLATIR'S "INVICTUS" in •tjii,; '.' :. ban rued iti te o! S it'll- la;. ':• li. "Invictus Shoes made with viscollzed wa- . the furth lsi National I Boo , I,,.., ; H- iii:.i Vici kid, upper lined IS ity V Ate Apples Against Orders. tei proof soles guarantee d to keep the fi •• ng a hi aud cn titanke • with i,, the ml'.- are heavj 'W "J"; ' > ioa New Vork, Oct, ... Bccau •• he a ab io] nelj dry, I •' nmeni (in • ad gn en appl...- after Instructs m from oak tanned and thoroughly w at erj roi of i i lend a • : • r) In cf- •". mrocks j hi.- superior officer noi to do su, pt. GEO. A. SLATER'S "DRY SOX," feet, say; ' .V. h iri haclt in our face Gi ne call d on accounl ol dai tne Bi riiard Leizer, of the Twenty-third THE EMPRES3 ih" generous things you had agreed Thistles i; a calf leather line I Blucher cul Hoot, with artillery, U. S. A., lis. been dishonor­ a- i tad begun t.i do for oar great Nationals o $ upper leathi r of Giant-Calf our mosl re Win!., i* Calf Boots -a neat I" i Ii'-a-..' ably discharged from the sen Ice and I river, We doubt your sincerity and B. C. Cup, Second Dh ''•""• for fall wear on sentenced to forfeit all pay and al liable Bool good Ith in tin matter, and do noi Hibernian S lowance due him and to I e confined 1 or desln anything from you," Vancouver \. c THE "DOCTOR SPECIAL." THE "CROSS" SHOE, al hard labor for ,-i\ month Net. Wi itmin ter In- in en pretty it m A Blucher cul box call Boot, with vlscollzed '"•'"I of Velour Calf, with extra heai wise or lucky, or oth, since 1896— Westham island waterproof sobs a boo' we highly recom­ "'• •- makiiv.' an ideal boot for I w managed to keep In with both Grandview P.O. Box 755. Opp. Royal City Mills governments, Dominion and Provin- mend to give comfort in every detail. weather. cial. Now Is the verj wors time im- B, C. E3. Railway ROYAL CITY H aginable to turn fooll h and kick ll al] Celtics WINDOW LA. over, i.hrn we ba' a: Btake the Wi -!• itosi boon Westminster hns ever Maple Ridge CLEANING CO. Q3 m h "l «Ithin her era p, Mission 0 Store, Office and House Window Cleaned Wi JOHNSTONS Big Shoe ll Is not a question of tovernmenl .For Better News Service, Janitor's Work Contracted fo vs, opposition today, bul a question Toronto, Oct, 23, land Northcllffe, Week or Month. Sign of lhe Big Electric Boot. New Westminster, B. C. ol the . trim-;..-iin to or rejection ol In an Interview here, declared that Sal Isfai Hon Guaranteed, f»•'•'*-• i . ;»" w the Laurier governmenl on it record one of his great umbltion | to THE LARGEST SHOE HOUSE IN B. C. I-. * _. JS- ••. . •_*. • "' , GEO. COX & CO. ___•!_••&__.•:,_ t-.ff ",'•• K. ff .ui p bii the Opposition l-s an un* an adequate cabls news Bervice be- Cor, Columbia and Carnarvon St- a quantity Vote for th Laurier .ween Canada and Kngland ,) .; 1908 >* •» THE DAILY NEWS. PAGE FIVB.

j4040*C*0*0 0*0*C!4C»40*0*0(_^040*0*0*C>»g • •^••^••••0»»*>'»'»>»>»»»»»a»»»» » »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» .•.,..i^ :*:":•••. ••-,.-*-.'• •••• •••• ''^ •••*•-, •*••,.•',;••*••.,?*•:;•..*•?)';.+••>;{+•%-. _> •• •• •• < > t :••::. ••!;:•• •• •*•-•-•"• •• ••.'••=;:-**i:;-**» .;=• I**-**** ANOTHER LOT OF Stores J. tl. SMITH The Cash Stores

•CITY NEWS! 5 Dressers and Stands ! <_ * AT BIG SPECIALS WHILE THEY LAST ' BIG SAVING •*.' •lust arrived; i arload Anthracite Uze the heathi n they should not for­ * ,'• V. i nut. Oillej Bro * * 1 get 'lie need oi moral reform in their 'V own land. The speaker also dealt $13.50 to $80.00 IN The :';; ' has taken place of .lohn an with the Iniquities of the opium smok­ *'•''"'•"• '•'! •• Idem of the city, at ing habit. the age of Ta. He is 8urvlved by a 5 widow ud AI, chlldri n. For first class cut tlowers pot plants X or bouquets, telephone Davis & Son,;* LEE'S Knock the aa.a.-a. ,• ( O . (. P ,,_I tl l,OX Of "B. florists. Tel. B 208. •• iC." cigars and try one. lt will muke Girls A "hit.'* »* Mammoth Furniture Emporium Crown Timber Agent Leamy has just, returned from ;, trip to Adam's LEE'S BLOCK, COLUMBIA STREET, NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. A motoring party, consisting of T. Lake. He bas been busy on the de­ • Opposite Lorne Street. Phone 73. fit*ji -, Proctor, Mr and Mr . Adye, Miss partmental business, examining tim-! Mathieson, and Mis.- Adye, from Van­ ber berths aud adjusting matters in couver, lunched at ihe Russell hotel several ol the interior towns. yesterday. *'Zi%'+y''-'%,':]\:'*y:,**)[''*+ More bread and better bread; Purl- *','* ^••;,:-«.:i,:.n'^*;ii-^.: _•*. ;•#•> Clear Havana cigars of ey.clusive ty Flour. (ic it at Kyle's, Front\& I merit—the "Brlllante," made by the street. ** *, I II. C. Cigar factory. «* $1.00 Dresses for 50c i Gordon's Dry Goods House The McKlnley and Watson skating\v . nice printed flannelettes, warm an t suit- I' Ier ile- Dominion Elections Act, 4 Thi, line •• ' lv saloon, and hotel bar- in town rink, which is to occupy ihe ground ...... 'her. quit,, a varletj ol designt and •-. lea j ii musi close tod,,. Under Section _!t.l floor of th.- K, of p. hall now being •; da J1.00 values tor 50c a penalty of $100 i- Imposed upon any built iat tin- corner of Agnes and Eighth streets, v.i!' open ii> doors to i ;ll . '• one wlio sell - liquor during the poll­ I $1.50 Dresses for 95c Mie public about the twentieth of For Saturday's ing day. i to 14 .-ears, in the Bame material a thi 60c nexi month. The rink will be one of Oon't nils., it Th© Lilliputians at the largest on th.' coasi a- the pre-Ut :. •/. ii. Ri gular $1.50 values tor 95c Hardman's hall, Oct, 30, ** sent tim'-. and will be undi i the man- i **.. ' '-, agement of min who have had con- jj Buying A Snap in Ladies' Golf Jerseys II M. Vasey, ex-reeve of Delta, siderable • rience in thi usiness. ; came down from Kamloops yesterday. $2.7.5 and S3 values for $1.95 The hall wi i fi rmally op. ned about .; Mr. Va.--... who i- now engaged in the the '.i gini : of the New Year, \v earn, navy and white; various Btyles; in all cattle business up country, «ii: spend :;, and SJ.."* values Now for 51.95 a tew days in thi- neighborhood be- Logging engine 9x10, in good run- jf •..:•• i-- Five only Ladies' Suits, with silk • i fore retu home, ning ordei Complete outfit, cables, •. lined coats; very smart style. Regu­ ,,*V blocks, tae Boiler Inspected Ap- Y Exceptional Offering in lar $25.00. Saturday price $10.00 * All dealers handle "Ii. C." and "Old gust. Two good camps, on floats ac- I Y .'. Q Sport" cigars. The ... : fj*i*V"' LADIES' BELTS reliable commodation 10 men. Raft for mov-\i Very latest models in suits of all . £ !,.••,.,,is irands •* kinds. $ t .OO Values for 50c Ing donkey, Three million feet cedar. !# 5 .I.**.' Price $3500 White, Shiles cv Co," • "•'.•, uf leal her belt - aa •• pui oni in-'S>. ised, wh had I o suffering from N. ",;,i , -.. .. ofi Saxony flannelette, no I esslng or filling; . < Tlie .-''. va es ir li" Tri[li , .throat tr... • foi some time, was 38 '-. white and cream on'.,. Regular 16c values dial yesterday were well ai l'->,ears o! ' ' born in -v,,'*'*wrw*sh- V m 10c both morning and evening. The par­ t (int.. but had been living In the West -r • , «* 300 yds. 8-4 Unbleached Sheeting able of the i arren fig tree was the A.r th,- pa-- fourteen years. She is a : THE FASHION CENTRE for 22 1 -2c yd. subject of tin- evening's sermon, when sur\Ived '"- .band, who is at A :h.- Rev. A S did Ick pointi , • present in Vernon; two small childrun11 I "•-•• tlonal •' tering In Bheetlng; 500 72 in. tu : many valuable lessons during the and thr'- , I". G.. (I. H-. and > • , heeting worth 35c, now for 22'2c course nf In- T .•• musical .!, II. Sh Mrs. i ' „ '•-. ....' . . v. a- "f a high Lithgow, -.ho is her fa- Visit thc House .furnishing ?tand th r al M i| le Cri • ••••••••••••••••*•• ^••••••••••••••v* ••••••••••••••••• • Department For i I •::• '•• • work, • I j*->i, A, •'"- ation uf warm '.•• I ling, lanki I IT IS WONDERFUL • *. '. ring up 1 I orist, Ph . • L84. " HOVEK. HOLD PRACTICE • to ehold tho artistic chlnaware we have on exhibition at our stoi *> Q $2.0.1 i ' A" >'- TO TRY OUT PUYEHJ Our setts are carefully shaped after the ideas of high art china- • , ^'\ Mad • • the yard \: • an l . ware, foreign and domestic. • I'I '.mil dress I " Miss 1 They are decorated by artists • M iss 1 A pr ictlce ga , .. Sat- and sold at less than you'd ex­ Big Price Cut in Pall DrcssGoods trom .i.i. an, v. In ... sh ai .Mood\ - i pect. Sold in odd pieces or In ioi :. undei - a is of ihe g th pre : sets. • .... . • • T iff'' • ,!.... t church - lv. an THE TABLE • de Regular 50c live i evi ns oi tue Rovet an : acco .i • • n will be graced by such china- . all those who had b< • n i __.• : ••'•" ' .: the .ia . and •'. I also ware and it will help you enjoy • did not turn up, a good game . i ,,,, descri ie man) ol the ; your meals more. Why not im­ was resulting in a win tor i illar oust MU of the , prove your home by buying a Ami- rson's team by six goals to two. set, or some odd pieces that . 'vv k* .a tf**?*' **i*' T. H. Smith For sale—Seven roomed house, Clute, tlie Montreal forward, who had you may need ? Our crockery ' • - "i bath room, pantries, closets, wood­ been exp cted, was unable to turn up, Headquarters for Women's Ready-to-wears • o and chinaware i.- certaintly • , ,>T; shed; horse sta!.. carriage house; and the only ti'v-out given uas to dainty enough, pretty enough, fruit trees; on full lot. For further Rice, There will be further exhibition and cheap enough. i:iMi ' particulars apply to owner. 192 Klghtti games before the nexl league match J Call at our store and examine the same. '**0K)*0«KX>O*0*O*O*O*O )*L-+~*O*U*>O*>0O*K»O*>0*K»0+0 street " on November 14. * '. >Jl "f' The Columbian college boys want­ A meeting of the City council will ed the ground for their cup tie with Public Supply Stores GEO ADAMS : I. !-,. lit-i i this evi ning, but the business Prop. the V. M. C. A., but the Hovers were A • •'* ;]\ to i ome up is uoi exti nslve. it is noi Columbia Street. New Westminster, B. C. Phone 92. m unwilling to give way. as there is • **'. -KKT'I • ,.,, , .,- n adjournment will ;i a if other ground spine iii the -» t**S** -,-•"*' *t ;•.*•"•• • ' ,. taken to Tin - ia.. or Wednesday. park The manager is quite ready to •'. -ti A**- • < • go thai thi open the ten­ i ;.. No. 1 Spuds assist the Columbian college hoys, inn 0*C_K>*0*04O•OO*C*0*C*C*-D* O 0*0*C*K>*0*0*C0*04O40»0*O*0 ders foi • ebeii ir. which are the mi n are unwilling to surfendei • ! ,U|. , rt]scd to e In b> Tuesdaj at ; ro ind on match days. The Y. at noon. This Is a i ' of verj con M. c \. claimed the game by default. n: 0 - " i/JT; ] -4, / Blderabli liu • ' ' '•' '•"' ''. "•' In : i tii'-ss io the eluh it should he The Highest • thr o movi n nt • •''•' "'' "''•" stati I thul Sandy McLean, late of the • A^ttji;;.-.':, 75c per sack o ™"... '• W\* " di rs offered in u mat • Hj affect his l«.. ' CaJe l< n ins, who ha - slgne i tor the • : propoi ed rlsh to Europi Thistles h id an opportunity given 41 fc- in Quality o Win. '' i mipan;. havi ned him to -eenur. . work a! his own trade o Q X ' , ,, and gents'tailor* • Ity, bul declined. • |0| 8 o 'fiM •*'•! in the corni r of C il .• • : : v. ii other good men are b •aj s • Adams & Deans treets, In the ijlati d with, an 1 will BgUl , tor, Kwong On Wo & i - in the red and blue. s The Lowest ,. ••. ••V3»; •- .i Ph i;i • • one 97 GROCERS Prompt delivery \H 0 . rec Ive prompi atten o 1 tion 3 • * " *'' ' w Information lias been received here BASKETBALL GAMES ARE in Price I '. 1,,,,, the annual convention of It. C. 8 tC *°^0*C4CC:0 *C-»C*O4OK)*O 0*K>*1K>»0*OK)*CO*0*0*0*0*0*0 il Trustees, ol which Peter POPULAR AT COLLEGE •*. -T"*y p(, .,, . ,,, president, and which was o Other agents who caunot meet my rates for Insurance will tell ,,, have taken place at Revelstoke The First Year Arts team defeated 0 you that the quality of the insurance my companies give you ls „* '«• • |on NOV, 12 and 13, has heen postponed the Faculty in the inter-class basket- O ** • •'. -' J.n A;Jam-'.. *.'«•*. . • 1t 3 h, Creamery Butter.. $1.00 j,,,, accouni ol the deferred elections not as goud. but 1 can prove it is the best, and challenge any of ball Berles at Columbian coll ig • gym o ,,„, Kootenays and Yale-Cariboo iri rnfiQ in Saturday evening by 15 points to 5 ^ them to prove a single instance where they have not paid their Ai:A^»i>4A No. l Mectei 35c place during thai week The taltlng 'I'lic Becond game was a walkover tor 0 losses with promptness equal to any. Investigate for yourself * *_'*« i-_'n f-t- • . , ,,,- the 1 ostponed convent! in will to the Commercials, they winning from o ta Local Honey 25C , announced shortly. before placing your insurance, and if it Is a question of value (''nulls i.r (lias h the Theologues. by ;'. to 2. This af- * , •» i . >-. 3. ,»,-T *_7** • I Comba 01 MIgB MUl'Clltt delivered 111. last ef ternoon the Science team will play *. for your money I am satisfied you will place it. with tue 25c Intermediates, llt,;. ires, in s ales of lectures at tht th Christie's Cream Sodas., ii' present staining 0..era hou8e last evening, when she team Ai *• s B[)0ke ,,,, her travel in china. There ln the league is ( -'**..* .-.i •.'„••. • PHONES 193 and 443 , i,,..i ; i house, an I W, E. Mc r The People's Points Si or 'il ALFRED W. McLEOD ^ V'",**..|-J ».* ,,,Mi presided. The lecture, which Won, Lust. For, Ag I Grocer * 1- ."•'t""»*4r- 1 . illustrated by a BI ries ol line First Year Arts ,.2 n S 10 C A. Welsh vaa *' **_. , tlcop sllde3, d.ait with the commercial 2 0 T 18 Economy Insurance Broker 8- ***0» i v;,;t multltudea of th Celestial em- intermediate .... 1 0 12 •' •* tfdfWtJ >0*°°*y*o*o*o*o*o o*K)*a*o»o»o*oo»o*o»o*o*o*b Lire now awakening into llfo, and the Matriculation ... i l '-'1 23 o ":*y ARMSTRONG BLOCK. lerful ; ossll llltles of th • great Science n i li) 16 She « ih it while mission- Faculty it 2 19 36 '>^:^\yy lDV vt • '»' ;,f * ti* were badly wanlel to evange- Theologue_ o 7 IS 0*C!*0*K)*0*04CO«K)*C!^C^O*<_)4O C)*C!*0»0*OK)*CO*0*0*0*OK>*0 ERTISE IN THE NEWSii •.:.'*.

! t.\ • _ jl.."1%, '

PAGE SIX. 1 THE DAILY NEWS. • • li f il?' - Y OCT 2-. li

We are showing a L beautiful line

if 1 "*m- Mm J **W\ ifJ .1 2> of Semi-fittin g So!e Agents Campbell's • Clothing yXM. StJL\s*\a* €jL |»t^ Iff *t,;' S - i...Mff. •' ' '' -A'

'' ife''J .If'. *r*•A. se coats are beautifully ra r _•%- • ta ed and lined through­ ,: '!'!•" ' | ,'' out. They are made semi- and 4 "Ati- : fitting with skirls which HATS SHIRTS ha :, well away from the A 'A^-d^'i Strachan Stetson's The Metropole Shirt m i Winter Ti.U j.* -Jt-v '. •} if ii legs and permit perfect ease in Londonderry, Ireland, of in walking. Wafer Lite Borsalino 'A' •''. IV1;.' : extra good quality English In fact, there is the satis- King Sackville oxford; made for large men Suits SEE OUR UNDERWEAR

W" • - • ft M''?iL Tho latest colors and American stylos. Made so • j ite' i • H The Strictly Cash Store that the coat front will M.1J-M '• W'1_,"*V •t-71«. not wrinkle. l WE SELL FOR LESS !tfflMt* 1.'il'l^f>"V'> •'•J-'aj &¥(•;

v >""'' • ti asked to sei . i ••'..', ^ I'll. I. dence, A :A{" :y NIRDBER 1ST Al'ttr the • i . Wed -:- lost -:- found : VEIL PINS and ' Ca__ fr. _, . T.. n...L . Ll _ X T ;+' '. }9f "•' '* for Sale •:- To Rent -:- tte. - ' aSa'n' "e deClal'' ' * ...... :.,,..:.. .. BEAUTY PIN! if? na l said; ll Is too . ,i ,«•' * >.'•• EXPIATE CRIME H GALLOWS i now , they have me," when thej w WTi-.l)-—A nir- Japanese boy who AT discussing the "scrape" Into understands English, wants position Th : * ...... :;, r li-t• I gol himself. At no time f' , . . \ • *J • V ".•. - .-'• ; at house work. Japanese No. I : W. C. CHAMBERLIN ' "" ' Sentence of Death Passed on Jenkins Jury Out for Hour M as i he murder menl ioned in the if:' i -. .,' A "i, y <•' ' t;. i ... Sappi .: m, ll. Asa. ' >•! "1... . ! ition. '. .J.W •;..*• r s and a Half Chief Justice Hunter Rules That Case •• ("mt". . . 1 J llrJ ..a'l Sole Agents for The Longlnes Wai b '•,'•• The Defence. WANTED—Nursing, or dally work b) Was One of Circumstantial Evidence- In his opening address, Mr. Mc­ and ilitmiltun Wati-b M< • English woman, .Apply Box 937. ,.!•!•: -' •r'M'.? Intense Interest in Court. Quarrie stand that he had been corn­ i ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4»*««»»««»««« • A*- m\ ed tn undertake the defence of . I al short notice and TO LIST- Furnished bedroom. Apply j fMi* 3 _ 139 Dickenson stn et, thi Crescen!. i •'l'i. • ' 1'_. < • iii •'-' eji •• his wish. Until the opening i,! "Gentlemen of the Jury, what say officials, the latter ,ui\in_; eviden i r. da. of the assizes, he knew ab • fA" l * y-'te'.A m?ji#mi^ youi Is the prisoner at the bar, James with regard to the capture and deten- |\ noi h og aboul the case excepi whai WANTEDGood plain sewing neal Jenkms. guilty 0r not guilty?" ilon of the prisoner. d read In the newspapers, The done Apply Mrs. .1. Simpson, Ash HEATING STOVES Thi scene i-- n crowded room ai thej Evidence as ;.. ihe cause ol prosecuting attorney had had ample street, P. 0. Box 937. If you want a heater tor Boft ur hard coal i r wi •i 5 Provincial court house, where for was given bj Dr. McEwen, of Clovi unit) to prepare his case, . t. Oxford Florance, Oxford Oaks, handsome In appeal V MA *A> foui days a man has been on trial foi dale, who was the first medica man WANTED—Family washing •> dozen. ing been given e\ ei.. .,.-.- .stain • by heavy nlckle trimmings. Also large range of airl . hii ii-. charged with having commit- to •• thi KK1> ol the murdereil w i- -Applj 2, this office. it he police officers. f-tl •••:.-. of the most dastardh crimes man In his opinion au attemt IXi not forget to cull in and Inspect our 0) ';]!J:IW^A :' Owing to iii-.- pecuhai nature of the WA.YTED—Two dozen tame rabbits, _• in th. of British Columbia, rape had been made, but h,, h, j ,„„ ' Ranges, the ranges that give real genuine Batlaf a( hi atri ici .• wii h IA hich it «,t. state price and applj to H"x 175, Tin . i-idence has all been adduced, a gone Into a thorough examination In ed, and othi r cin ... I ni • New Westminster, stron ence of the prisoner has I explaining the ni of blood it ma.-i ha 11 ••• a i ol an in­ - counsi l, the prose •• al feet from w ;•. <,• :||, ,|,.,,_, B WANTED By a steaflj ca penti T. J. TRAPP & CO., Ltdl #1!- sane I ei -II.i, ...... I «a ... .i.i rea • ttin •; has made oui the case -vas found, Di McEwen declared work; wages reasonable. Addri son tha . ked the ap %»:;.i '••.* •>.. the i h judge has stimmi I thi deceasi I lave w: .las. Goodeve, city, or appl) al Mr. point tu. nt ol 1 uacj • • sion ol '_[•_?•'' '.' ' _fu . an ; ISI nee ol across the road ein; assa McKay, 286 Coluu , eet, tu. experts. All the ... ors Had and forty minutes, thi Last Moment Evidence. Royal studio. ...A'iSA'TAA : thai hi uci tsed ,\ a ane, md and tnii . Eai ly In he afternoon, Mr. i lassid Ial had had to i. proi ••• ded w iti. A 'Phone i<> ihe jurj box m thi ' ' oun ,. , rown, aske : WANTED -\\ hit, waitress, good wa- . msel inijne se I upon oken by I fori mi t Ion o ;, co n i to pui n .ppl) rn West End • • tan Will Bring Coal : : he ji,. j the lai I thai ihe;, must de- ant. ; Ison. ihe In thi .... who h d made an im • iiAj.A^^i ,^'' he casi :. on vi lem • *.*#..__0 ,-"i'. ..•?•''•i:,.' • irt a free i i or is • tanl statement in Bellingham 11 adduci .1. banishing from tl i-ir minds W.ANTED Englishman di siring -M can " • "" ••'|-; laki n ',, this bj co tnsel ail sentinieiii iagainst ci u people. settle in district, require pi I»«HVJL • ... Jflft^ i thi fold I r th. w. (;. McQttarrii don' • !!,. would not atempt to dl pute that - • .... • per or cashier. I li inn and lorn foi hi who put up n plea that this evldenci tier. Come In . prisoner had been in the i i orhood ri ferenci picture and fram" house In •ii tell the truth and I rj to clear him­ Ion Ison •• i tieless, America, Experli nee unnecessai j If!ij^'f.-,' A'', -'i»ii.'..'''' *\--:*';..'j • '- Christmas Cards. Printed Greetings now a i self, whereupon Jenkins had replied: The ian which the tlflcation We Instruct yuu how to s.-ll our i tati :• ,., the) has,, ni" If ol Hi inn I • ' ..iiii'. had ,1 |n I he • and fin nish the capital. If yuu with your own name. iSliM^r" A*VA : • ' "' " • gone into count el wain a permaneni honorable • I x 5 out ul i his SCI •! •• I '. paiintlii". oui thai ia | thous- 'H' ll- lij «5 ""'.V'* ''' . IIII no nion Ition, tt rite us lo la *, • A beautiful line of samples can m for particulars, catalogue and sam *, _lT_._l . .! ._i« :•• f "• . i II v. a meani I«> the be seen now to select from. • • ,i nu' di fined, Lull each vlnce. \: tough witm admitted! ' ''' ' Frank \\'. WilllamB Com ..•a,. nl.. in,i what tin that •', h .] . . (.,l|:|| a( 121 I w. Taylor Strei t, Chicago, I I * tention to lalkltiK aboul, i in parting at t he were TO LET Hou - keeping roi ms • : . .'• • ool< iand wit li ie article. The 1 • Lsoii ..: II i d or .''.' •, ed • .'•i;,. i line tiro |iin on room with fine ..•••'. • 1 i •(claiming "Mj ' lod, ^^^^^^^^^^1 - ' I lll'Ull. Ninth strei • i J. J. MacKay & Co, 11 -.: i lWl '' ' '•'• ' police ; • a . I lei :-• i, . . no •' nieii ,.,1,1,,. FOR SALE Lighi pony can. in •- I . I Booksellers Stationeri nei i i . i H .i • on the " '"' • their condltioi o exi hange fi The Morning Session. tan !. he !•>' f declared I hai ins to run Morley, Vam ouver road, Easl I; u ,. i heir quai r; ,, f* ' .*\ *A6*f^' • op' - lie session n j this luttei eviden •. w a nahy. ,^M Til" l:lr' >»»i • hole I" "' .. linar;. : VB ST MIN STER EMPLOYMENT p. 0. Box 474. Tel 53 Res 429 '••"'. Pi rc) li. Brown aski d that Questioned by M. HcQ tat tie, Mil v;iA( 5 Qder w a.1 ,]l v 1 lhp llM Al :i w'liimoi ,.. .„,. wi.h ' "" management, Estimates Submitted Iff'AlV. '•'' - '" i' - ' ;• red thai hi at nol expeel ,; 1 - iiai1 made a .-'•linn;- mistal • In ing an, reward for glvlns evidence.! :|U hol'«"« ami trumps. ,-ldence 266 Columbia Btr* et, Phone - ':. P.O ^ F. CRAK .... " ' JJ'' *• " of a n ni, r r wltl K J box 807. Can Bupply yuu with all .. Wc.stm ln.ster.. 1 *rl o named M n ml tha lenkins-' tat it was made " "' ° "-' »' » was review- KCL > ths man who had killed her mother, | voluntarily. Wltnesi showed bj his'ed '" '"' ,,,,:' ' li!' I, who kinds of help promptly, free of _ Enelish WatcnHl3 • ¥\ •' a he given anot hei opportunil j to face 1 ,il 1 ( charge. Branch office, 107 Cordova fl RON ttA/A_PU'-Q Ceo. Ada""'am m. r.rl' '"••••'• i'i tai In wa convi : ant withI " "" a „,,, ln a B, Wri Two door* from AiAin'^-' ti'lllng niaiiiii l 1 street went, Phone A 2750, Vancou- * »Bwnn3 the tccused, us t he Jm y consider td the law mi iii,, subject, although he ' "' inii ments of ;isl wi s ; ver, B. C. JOHN REID, Proprietor. from r< ;; ih- •• to which the little* girl i, ii' tendei years, i'hi tl 1 riff Wllllanis, 1.1 Whatcom num "' :'" ' :i his 0 fare, 16.00. : Japanese Employment Agency ings, Balcony Railings, and ,i i • 11 miter, however, declined io led, dec ,1 ihai he kn.-vt '"'"" evi,,e"('e. •' ' 1 , an >s Oentlemen'a Silver Wa Fire Escapes. case, $7.50 up. lierniii Ihis. iiolntlnp oui i hal i hi ll- bad nol in '""''" ,'""1' CONTRACTORS and TRANSLATORS Soiitb jj had three opport unit ie. 11,1.1'''! ' Iruch 1, enure , yldence I "llboul ""' ,"""il and TRANSLATORS General Machine Work and i Agent for the ceiebrated^u" j W;I mli i. . igaln :,..,. 1 |mo HI "tl ill I 111 Male and Female Help Promptly Rl if KCMITU.UA ' ' ' A irons Furnl»hed BLACKSMITHING A numbi r of witin ' • . What • 1! wn ( s n Ini , • i" ' Including raucli ;o 11• i! ! aid — 'COLUMBIA and McNEELEY STS., Chains,! " '' 0ffice a,1:J nroun I HIIZI Ini I I nfl thai Mil . |n u,e J NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. Work!! ., t I ""^ Phone 431. P.O.Bo«886 I'dltll Str(!!!t, • \(!W WllSlIllillfJiCr ahle. I ll- • : ' .-, aij ., Uatr

*-SO*vm W£S7m//v<;Tr* • d ii . • Irci • tie y Pl/9/y — mil th *or suBo/y/s.'orr or. Follow directions ' Soap and know ho\ perfect! - p I ! tslon thai tr ,^*M.£^£xn-^±y_^, s^sfcej.^^;. imply because il ISp - ti I •• tWng •' T2* that will injure the i 'ii--., am! '' Use It In videm e was clear in I The Mu- unfortunati woman FIVE CENTS A BAR Sunlight Way with some Mum Instrumei I" I - -• B iwn, was E HHIF.HERE MURDEREK point, Nexl. how.' The - "i Pepin, SENTENCED TU DEATH municipal - GILLETTS poa- l from Page Six.) ilon; thai knife was clammy and i -—— .' wel with bl thai unless the ' " •:.- was ' -, mirai ABSOIUTECTPURE •'-''• •'• ! to the conclusion TT - 4, en to esc * , on i • : imlt th..- murder. • ... , 'ion was, h jvas tin- CREAN To • • Icted - •.. tlnlze and evldenci. tory of .' l*A%R I_A_fCe ' ' In ' - - fun McMurphy, the ir-1. Nearli ill g.* . . in this line at th* conclu reman prtser.t lime are adulterated and in fact unfit lo use. •li, on ;i cl vagrancy, CILLBT"5 is used by the best balersaed knife,

catertri t-jerywhere. • neruse SUBSTITUTES. to tl : ' te an ln- GlLLETT'y r, .it; no more than the inferior •a <*» 1. C I . • . . . . - '•• " ... . n ' •• ' i ' ..... •lll'USE SUBSTITUTES. • nn;- - might - in • E.W.GILLETT^r^ ' • ... led a i. hon TORONTO. ONT lalf. ill i Evening Sess'D i ••: i. fe In the in- Iven away, ' ' or d Tom ac- Tele*pho>- P. O. Box 66i McMui poke • about the mai id thej had ' ' ' tha man could Wing Yuen Co. ... murdi sairt LADIE"? AND GENTS' TAILO'RS - • •• ... • • Suits made to Order. . itie ol a *-•' Fir .. • ni i- found man must ,• n Colli"-' and Mclnness Streets. igaln. Thi .. -. i nf , lti . llff - ll had ahol If Jos. Martin ; ' " ' • ' |, . ani rhe ' ;iU in ... •• ••"*i''- • • referr , ' ' ' " ' uthori -•imp. 1 " McQuarrie, 1 '*•. Circumstantial Evidence. fi.* " t,'-'**-^ from the pres I lolitical contest and buy one of our 5-acre SAY! legal With regard to tl ' mce thai • • • read i.»«. -1**, : : 'i of In the vicinity on "- tnd Suburban Villa Sites he would save his deposit and vve V'fe '» groce Idi lini'-. towi] - ii [lnar .Tun. 9, the man v i olng down ; fU, • would him a patriotic Liberal. He could set out his farm in prunes ' --• - ": Hav. the t-ael. on th la oi the murder, ,1 ;' ' ' ' case • and his trai ed to and r ' •aloes between the rows for the next five years and make •*% • though no * an the tii I ed on June 12 to pay for his land and put up a good solid platform on Queensborougrh led ti leading > ... line. The '?in .rf I • Idei tand for his "_ exi political fight announced. ;,. ... General Store • •. - • • tiding on - ' '**. *i LULU ISLAND. man was In - the mur- .... i . ... i He was h' e already disposed of over 250 acres and our subdivisionlhas • . ,....• h, the

- •. . ... the markel a few weeks. This fact sneaks for itsi holde englni • • i. | ...... 1 .-; i - full

' ' • ••' * > - ' • nlj subdivision ffered which eel m with If thi ' hi. ' hilliwack tram, now in course of active constn Pake hint Choici r'" ti ••• os de- A *Wt hini •• white ' A->. livered to any part of the City. 75c per • -..".:.• all other apple grove or orchard propositions claiming:frontage whoe ' Sac ;l < *-- -. i.-,,| a.--,,.;, :, bin -:th re­ * e. tramline. Old liscarded trial lines don't count. continued. It was ' Uttl Mor- • gard to the pai • girl had plcki H. Crane • ti a hole Bellingham Jail from seven or Proprietor. ibdivision is • m, that, th-- man ' eight, but • another pre­ two miles from town and for suburban villa "'i • .-. ... Morrison had a hol ' senl who led him. Thin- saw ie surpassed. 'Phone 146. and • t thi prisoner ' what happened the ; revtou had now been The not only failed to recognlzi the man who conn; tti i Ier had 1 ... $100 or even $50 per acre for fruit farms from ten to twenty id and third time, "THE a sharp Instrument, v. she had beei to him, and larket when you can secure better land at the same price right in with the knife found near I at hlm a long time, and had sight 1 best market in R. C. and on the finest road in the country. WJLUBLE. 'I' **vas pos- identified another man. Thai evi- n-Uart «A«K • I niii-ht have co* on it in ignition was altog * .___L>. i). (mt the I ingerous. l* was a oas.- of clr- ' why buy where you would have to take a train or steamboat to . vlden • knife, tantl deni pure and simple. that were not must Bnd -I'm "ne fact or set • reach yi ir farm in order to avoid an all-day drive in the cold, over muddy many black handli 6 -the • •. proved, tli it when a 5-eent fare on an electric tram or a comfortable drive of only -inula- si;"'. •• • • I not mei • ent with guilt, •f* •• an l with roken minutes over a first-class road will land you right in (he heart of our ' but in an- hyp >Uii sis in­ • the handle. consistent with Innocence. There were ibdivision and at your own door. Could Circumstances Coincide.' necjtit voihtf the f< the knife, clothe • : . .. • n. rn,. UJHlJIllYOtfal fin;.... •lii-iii closel) and us not. ser^Ai • from th1' re's no mistake. We offer you the best chance that has hoon given jnct —**MLlilt . carefully, and If thi > found the ,. t- •*«» • Wi with Inn V this y< to make money and you should not neglect the opportunity, flu FOR SALE BY until a". • vagrancy ' !i-' "V'*f. opportunity, i ne nie*. Thej musl l .... rails are now on the ground and when the trams commence running prices will - jury had I the gu »n, other- jump right up. ' II»M1 & CO. the law saya In lta humanity, f- v..» Bible • A i.irdman, A.James J. McClughan naj i* Is not pro­ could ven." • -. • w i •"here is no reason in tho worl. why land here should not reach $500 per , Miller's Evidence. AC1 PLUMBING ; eelsiT-W ! ithin a very few years. i ou'll never buy so cheaply. \ • - -. • •• • on wl! • •• at mice. Mull " .... fan • . • • .•-•<.• and HEATING Tha law permitted voluntary • *&.', • ... • man Mr Ca Id %**m\ . mtW a a., a k • < ' • •• • • - ' ui carriages go over every dalayy . Any hour will smi us. It only takes Front Strwi Trust Blocl :;•,. I Judge Sums Uo. ir to drive over. A. re sur- His t half ani led I -i who were advei BUtnmii ! he poll t!i. lT - • if Miller, who had Canadian Pacific it that H . . • itreci on polnl _ ol tan anil ', n com ' t of a i rlme.and '. • tui of a ' -'ii'' thai RAILWAY COMPANY to find on ] i • were onlj three erdl on Jenkins ra teraenl to him c* T,l0J' ;,nl "" w"" I mm by PACIFIC REALTY CO. BD. GOULET, malice. On the evidenca thej should ^ * ^ Objections Raised. *- .-nt New Weatpilniter.'have no difflouity in coming to the Mr. Cassidy objected to the ,.u tn- or to B. .1. COYl.E, conclusion that murder and not man- J Asst. (Jenl. Pass. Agt. Vancou vor. 'slaughter had been committed, and (Continued on Page 8.)


i>*»'.*•" . •v r, • > -* >. i - , ""-if to lie ilil.ii"- j____a_E_Si ii/uLLLinEnt iMJifiiMttit ed till Friday, the 18th day of Dei 'SrPS-l ! ber, and from there you Bhall ,u SENTENCED TO DEATH taken to the place of execution an- ; r / ' * ':&"-.:*"»V | J Pi , hanged by the neck tin yuu are d<- I Ifl (Continued trom Page Seven.) : Remove the prisoner." This vita No Better Values in Ladies\ I done, .*•*•*' mlng up ;u two i r three particulars. Exchange of Courtesies, I He was noi i-;i;i.-iii'.l with "one fact On behalf of the jurj, the fo ivi' *'•'• 1 or sei ... fa, -." nnd v, Ish 11 his lord­ thanked his lordship for the .' ship to i harge tie jurj thai the facts * ance i iven liem by him, an should . e look. | upon In iheir r< la. Coats Than Our Specu for in inlet to be e.xcm ed I *****m*****************mm,m***m*M tion an il ier. The judge aald tin r .i tendance during this _ his direct Ion ivii clear. Mr. i lassld •• Thi y also v • I to aclcnou I • I . \. as I in'.i should ' ecomfor t u i'enii are ... taki II In t Heir cumulative effect, been pn M< d IJ t he uul hor I Mr. • tl also contended thai h • Line at Slo.oU m, ^ i • had been • i: : V •;$:•'• ,1 . • i' nee, as wel] us cir- e'lled, ••"•. Y ||f.J: : ;<< Our Stock of / : cun rom ' of the chil I, Thfe ju aid it was the du:\ i. : and thai facts about ihe cloi lies iii,. authorities to provide ailequat- Heating Stoves did noi reduce themselves to circum- i onvenlence for the jury. It wa- i " You will say they are extra sty­ J^ stant ial e\ ldence. : ,. t. custom to ri e them from fin th' i The judge said in tils position as ad­ iel' jiattendance afti • a trial of tha! • lish and excellent value at the price. (14' consists of a complete viser to the jury, in his judgmenl it acter. He congratulated them • line of Airtights, Hot was a case of ci cumstantial evidence, way in which they had perfi _*- Vi Mr i 'Kssidy also objected to Ihe r< At this price we place on sale 25 h'ife A Blasts and Box Stoves. : their duties and discharged them fi_JAi| flection passed on Miller's evldi ni •-. further attendance. Coats in plain broadcloth and dark ' +4. • We invite inspection Jury Retired. During the time the courl was i *a' -l* K.i! 1 •.. V '.' 4 '•' Th foi -in.*. , o! the jury, Percj B. itylng, a .Mian-, man named Russell coating tweeds. Made in semi-fitting C of the most complete Brown, having ha I pan of the evi­ fainted from the excitement an i --.- i I line of Heating Stoves dent • • read ovi again, the jury re- sure, bu; iv.i- soon revived. and loose backs. Gibson effect, You <#*.*}. tjlri il al 9:2.) p. m., and were away courl resumes tomorrow al 11 a. in the city. I till i i |i. in. ; |: can have your choice of trimming or < i A '•"A '*I.I- !.-• Prices right. Amid bn al 11 " in the I'&i^lfm cr I i on i eturni tha foi strapping. Buttons, velvets and also Quality first class. : ill,. . • k nf the MUCK RAKfRS HELD i- : • I'- tlf i ''• a' •* peaci . s lid 'v 5 found the prison- braids are used in pleasing designs. t 3-VV* I_l . • •••' ' | er guilty. f STAGE ON SATURDAY • •:?H&'U%", • VA- Prisoner's Stat,_iment. All sizes from 32 to 42 inches. *"'iT . ** Anderson & Asked whal he had to sa\ why he iimn* -I*- S."K-, W•;:•> ! ,. . ild it • • entence I iirisoni r I Tories Indulged in Vain Hopes—'•' made a Ion ement, more i speci­ Bride Rehashes Bowser's "Jap.v-- Lusby ally about ie witness Miller. The ese Invasion" Roorbach. statemi i. m led gi'e;itl\. but in it 252 Columbia St. .;..• ha i • .•; i lie had noi done those An Excellent Line of New Westminster thing - - ; li ii was spoken by wit­ i.... muck t a ke was much iii • fifi ••-?. nesses, ami child ha I failed to di nee at the • Ipera hous e on Sa lay j IMS ft* i i.lentil> hini as the man. He would • ,. ning, when a galaxy of Tor Ladies' Tweed Skirts $ ! like the « ii a- ssi s to prove those , ed themselves into a mutm

J • • 'i «J '*" i things of which they had spoken, as miration societ), must oi I he vi al | il•"•I.T-i-rlA A* t' !«&••'. •"?;;• • it was customary, lie had not been bouquets being aimed al one i D S'-Vil"-. fairly treate! :•> the peopli in the Taylor, who made an alleged poi $6.50 Each 1 iMi'irv * Bellingham gaol, and he -.ave no prov­ • ch. ocation, li- claimed that he had been John A. Li'-. said to be a Consi t ••• Dark colored tweed and homespun In In ln\ I ''4 A' "A We Have persecuted in the Provincial gaol, and tive iy choice, separat •>! hlmsell from stripes and fancy mixtures. In :hi.. special lot an had been assaulted by a man. the war­ consldera ill talk, most of which con­ •Ml '• ••-••",. A 'C- ALL KINDS OF den not sa\ Ing anything to him. He sisted of the repetition of explodi d plaited and plain gored with strappings and folds of &am. Mas not wearing a [lack, but a red slanders against the Liberal novern skirts; materials are all wool, thoroughly shrunk and pei and whiti stripped shirt. As to the a,- ni li is. presumed that Mr. Lie • _'*H. -• Ished i hroughoui. all Bizes. TOILET knife, he had sold it for 50c at Clov- ; will waste Iiis vote in a hopi •

!• " • erdale, putting i; back in hi., pocket cause today, judging by the nature > : •il f'r*fi " and later losing it. He had been "en- of iiis remarks. '. i .. fBi '•-, !<• REQUISITES jo; ed ' i.\ many people, hut s. vei al In the ' ourse of his spei ch, Hon, Dr. V ' . 13 ' '.'o '."I,*,." witnesses were "audlcous" (malicous) LT ii* ii • . ' ' " •"-•., til of the best quality. • ia lane-il Hi • fai I that Each $6.50 I towards him, "and I would .ask for the constituency needed a man at Ottawa

••;! j mercy of the court * * * if mercy ilia; could do thing! .afterward " •,i,iJjUr .*«!-;t. '!-' • '-A •.. • T. A. MUIR i can lie given." Ing the ridiculous assertion thai Mr. Boys' Jerseys *'V ,. HH t •Pi' Jenkins neitIn .1 nor adn '• i;, lor was such a man the crime. Premier McBride a rlvi r ids at 50c each Warm Gloves & CO. His lordship, alter heann tli,. end of i a - me I ng, v. In n I Regular 6_: and 75c. . i in [irophecii s t s t" the ;• H|.iA--i •&-> PRESCRIPTION er's statement, said thi re was on . An odd lol ol boj ' - weater mie sent..nei. the law permitted him rn' the 'lection. He alarm. 1 th • i DRUGGISTS. rn- Jerseys in - woo] and Mitts .ijj'icn_-[.*• • dience by forecasting the defeat ol ! ;o pass undi , hose circumstances. In shades of na\ j and cardl r*m¥i Ellard Block, New Westminster. All the ' -.iii. in . mil pa p< rs would be tin Li eral candidate in thi.. district. sizes are broken, bui you MP?* i senl tn Ottawa, and they would have In th< .... m his spi • eh. the still cl a size for an; Ladies' and Children's m sa.\ wii, • | be done. What preiuii r of the province di • nded to from four to twelve, In either The touches ol cold weather which come and ;•- it was for pris to do was to «ani In elei ' I ictics by , cee il Ing as one color or the other. Your mwM i'n t an interview with an unknown phasize the aeed of warm gloves or mitts. Our • W ADVERTISE -K» pare for the life to come. choice while they last, each 50c Sentenced to Death. Japanese published in th.- Seal tie is showing this season man) net. llm which ; ,*M ' _.' — IN — "The sentence of the court for tnis l'i. concerning his Inteni ion iq t ry taughl us were thi kin la desired. THE DAILV NEWS crime Is thai vou be taken hence to and secure a permit to Introduce coo­ Boys' and girl ' mitts, In black and colors; per pair 20c to 5t ' A'CMU' I - ' • Corded lie labor Into this province. Velveteens Boys' and iiitls' gloves, in plain colors and fancj - *•* ••!_•. pair 20c tc Vote for Jardine and New West-1 50c to 65c per yard 'rjiiw. k»*t-1-. • - Ladles' woollen gloves, in all popular colors; per pait 25c to 7-. •M*iwJ*y>hv H*' minster will be a greai commercial! A material which keeps grow. '* Electric Railway Service f ci ntre. inK in favor. It wears well and Woollen wristlets, cream only, made to protect wrist made up it has a most dressy Most comfortable for wearing with short sleeve wai-' af-'iSir * * t Interurban Line. City Line: Cars leave tram • H V I FWTHWAITF appearance. Used for boys' MkV'tflK-'^flH',.' • Cars ,'nr Vancouver and wav office on the bour, twenty mln- • •*-**'• »• *-*£* TT 111 fT AI 1 J__ suits, nirls' coats and ladies' : utes after and forty minutes af- * CABINET MAKER. •rwPi.'AM'" • stations will run every half- costumes, We show it In -fhadeg Children's Knitted and ter, commencing at 6:20 .a. m. ^ ("Three years With ,1. A. of navy, brown, cardinal, firey, • hour from 5:50 a. m. Last 4 has jusl opened and soliciis your lawn, green, purple and cream, • car l**«ves at 11 p. m. Plain Cloth Gaiters Sapperton Line: Cars leave * patronage Furnlture ,„,„,„ {Q m in various sizes of cords; per .. *»j'i at ten minutes after the hour, • . , ^ ^ ^ .*•< (Last car lv. Vancouver 11:30.) gpec|a] dwIgn off ce van! 50c. 60c and 65c Cream: black and plain colors, in all sizes; per pali 35c to/; half past and fifty mtautes after • ,,,,.fw. „,, ,.,,,, , ,,,. ., ______;...• • 1 •*. „ „„ * i tines, all kinds nt tiniiilure repaired, •allii/'JlU. *> t'ars leave the depot every the hour, commencing at 6:80 | ^m class Workmanship. # • twenty minutes for both Sap- i D. V. LEWTHWAITE •JS* 4 ', erton and city limits over the Sunday Service hait-nouriy h«- a Workshop: 26 Alexandei St. # tween 8.30 a.m. and 11 p.m. (Ci'tj Carriage Works.) The Best of Flannelettes urn h fit., line. British Columbia Electric Ry. Co., Ltd f. ' P. O. Box 304. House Phone B 29. * • in Plain Colors and Stripes Ail weights are to be found in this -election ol our laple department, For Do It Now, Ladies! handh ! certain well known make of Kngllsh flannelettes weaves which we can recomt • extra wearing qualities VVi -im.. peclal weights and patterns adaptfl '• (let ; luil piece o II ' • hirt and underwear; per yard . i I od a j HOUSE RENTERS Plain • an.l ci 'am ll.anni lette pei yard Don'i leave ii drting i cri; ind Hanni I h pi yard. WHICH WILL YOU CHOOSE ? | • Chrl u won ammmmWmSii: __flM__H_J!MHn^^^ t hen Union Blanket FLANNELETTE $.30.00 ii nis new modern ", veiling on Sixth avenue. K. Morey & Co. $25.00 rents

which is famous for Its special wear 1 - • $20.00 renta on Columbia street, neai Crescent, G rooms, things for burning ,•. i Bei i English und C anadian I i they are the most useful. Ing qualities; seventj Inches wide; $18.00 rents on St. George street, 6 rooms, modern. Ilrm and Kofi finish; medium and h per van! ?--°0 .40c ' $18.00 rents 7-roomed house on Third avenue, See Our Window '"•'••. . ].< r yard Display

'rices away dow » at' . I ** <_»+' C> fi 1 >««_ / 9 E f ,mm I *. . - phone '•< ' -1 Oc> orey's II I | 217.219 Colum

aaummsmmmBunammammamiI mi, iwuutsat .r^ttaurnxmamtxi KK!_Su!.-.:TI-__8_3K5_;...... ;'«_...._ ':•::.. t£Mximm&i*&s*\m

Bii. •»-,! !