In Again! MANITOBA Miles of the Coasts, Baysi Creeks, Or the ?0.Tb of June Next, Ly Cents Pey Rouvillc Bordeur Harbors of Canada
(=55335 VOL- If. REVELSTOKE, B. 0., MARO-#, 7,1891. No. 37. Cornwall and Storoiont Bergen LIISEItALy. %ty, ftootway Star Dundas Boss QSTAaUQ, Durham E Craig Addington Dawson WEST KOOTENAY DISTRICT. Elgin E Ingram Braut, North Somervilla SATUBDAY. MARCH. 7,1891 Frontenao Kirkpatrick " South Puterson KOTICE. Notieo is hereby given that all Glengarry McLennan Bolhwell Mills alluvial claims legally held in tho Gt'enville, South ft*'1' Brueo, wost Rjwlan 1 West Koptenay District, will be laid TIIF. Vancouver presa is a unit Grey, East Sproule Durham, west Beith All Mining Claims, Qtucr than Mineral overfrom the 1st of October to the in opposing the granting of Loe,,tio..s,legidlyheld in this District, Grey, North Mason Elgin, west Casey lst day of June "ensuing according charters lo tho American rail under the Mineral Act, 1884 and Amend to the conditions of Section 116 of Haldimand Montagno Kssex, North McGregor. ments, mav belaid overfroml.lh day of tho Mineral Act. ways which propose tupping Halton Ilonderscn " Bontb Allan October till the 1st d„y; of June, ne?t, O, 0, TUNSTALL, Southern Kootenay. In discus Hamilton ..,, McKay and Ryckman Grey, South Landerkia y 91 subject to the provisions of tho said 29 Gold Commissioner, sing the quoslion the News-Ad Hastings, North Bowell Hastings, East Biirdetta Hoyelstoke, September 26th, 1890, vertiser oiij's: "Wc ato there- •' Wost Corby Huron, East MctJonaU Kingston Sir John Macdonsld " South McMillan Gold Commissioner. NOTICE. " fore face to face with tho simple Donald, East Kootenay, " question—ia it desirablo lo aiith- Lanibton, East , Moncriof " west Cameron Lanark, North , Jeinjpaon Kent Campbell September IM1), 1800, " orize tho construction of roads Notice is hereby given that Rich Lanark, South , .Haggart Lanark, North.
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