Headquarters Genora1 Order Ho.63 Victoria,BC
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c 9 BRITISH COLUMBIA POLICE Headquarters Genora1 Order Ho.63 Victoria,B.C _________ _________________________________ ____________ Jan. 6th , 1928__ G.iME ACT: I. Order in Council No. 1203, approved Dec. 2nd, 1927 , provides that pursuant'to Section 41 of the "Game Act", Chap.98,RS3C 1924, the regulations made pursuant to said section by Order in Council No.909, approved 18th day of August, 1925, and phblishec. in the -Gazette of Aug. 27th, 1925, at pages 2650 and 2651, be emended as follows:- (a) By striking out the first paragraph of regulation numbered one under the heading 'Registration of Trap Lines" the words "and Hew Westminster Electoral Districts" in the 5th and 6th Lines of said paragraph as published, and substituting therefor the words "New Westminster and Vancouver City Electoral Districts; nor in any part of Vancouver Island, except the Electoral Districts of Victoria City, Saanich, The Islands, and Nanaimo, and that portion of Esquimalt Electoral District lying to the eastward of the right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway running from Victoria, to Cowi.chan Lake; nor in or upon any of the Islands adjacent to Vancouver Island or tc the Mainland of the Province which lie north of a straight line running from the mouth of Oyster River on Vancouver Island tc Powell River on the mainland:" (b) .By striking out Regulation numbered 11 under the said heading, and substituting therefor the following:- "II. The foregoing provisions of these Regulatio s shall apply only to trap lines laid out or set on the mainland of tho Province which are not within the Electoral Districts of Hichmond-Point Grey, North Vancouver, Sodth Vancouver, Delta, Dewdney, New Westminster, or Vancouver City; and to trap lines laid out or set on Vancouver Island which are not within the Electoral Districts of Victoria City, Saanich, The Islands, or Nanaimo, or that portion of Esquimalt Electoral District lying to the eastward of the right-of-way of the Canadian National Railway running from Victoria to Covvichan Lake; and to trap lines laid out or set on any of the Islands adjacent to Vancouver Island or to the mainland of the Province which lie north of a straight line running from tho mouth of Cyster River on Vancouver Island to Powell Rivor on the mainland." 2. Resident-General Firearms Licence Ho.30264, in the name of Pasquale G. Ciglictti , Ferule,B.C. has been cancelled under Section 52 of the Game Act. No licence under the Game Act is to bo issued to. Gigliotti for a period of 12 months on and after December 6th ,1927. POLICE REGULATIONS: v 3. By Order in Council No. 1300,” approved Dec. 27th 1927 Regulation No•60 of the Provincial Police Regulations is amended by striking out the words "below the rank of Inspector" in said Regulation and adding aftefc the word: "clothing" the following words; "or an allowance in lieu thereof not exceeding ylOO.OO." c o General Order No.63 Page I Jan.6 11988 VOUCHERS: liztooyyr, p. f' r*. incurred in connection with cases under the Government Liquor Act where no fine is imposed are a proper charge against the Liquor Control Board. 5. Vouchers chargeable to the Public Works Vote - No. 195 - are to be made out in duplicate on yellow Public Works Voucher forms, obtainable from any Public Works Office o r Gc-ve rnmen t Age ncy. PART II Dec.1927. Transfers: p n v - ,V . No. I V*— .LJ.l v . Name Date Prom To 183 1/Const. Simpson, G..B, 1.12.27 C ow1n.Lake Ganges • t . 198 A/OtjI . Ba]sor, -H.E. 1.12.27 M.L.O - Victoria MI.0 - Vane. 264 3/Cst. Smith, J.ii. 13.12.27 Pr.Rupert City Dir.HQ.P.R. ^Promotions: IN'. Rank: Name : Date_:__ Promoted to: 293 2/Const. Thcmson,W.J. 1.12.27 l/Constrble ,.v; . „ , { (J.H.lIcMullin) Super intende nt , B .C.P o1i ce • ■ -n-n^xr,L CONSTABLE ! > , v '.wiioAi y JAN 181928 QUESNEL, B.C. o) LRITT8R COVUMPIA POLICE Headquarters General Order Eo-64 Victoria ,B. C Feb.l, 1928, came a c t (I ssuancc o f firearms licences). V.Tien issuing licences !T UllClC T ! "ciJl’.vj J-C>noc"1 " i.tc L o.nyany persona uun underUi.iJ.Ci. theui age of 18 it v;j. 11 he necessary before such licence can be issued for the applicant to produce the written consent of his parent or guardian which must be placed on file in the office whero the licence is issued and a notation must be made on the beck of the licence as follows ''The holder of this ljcon.ee. is a minor and must always, when carrying firearms, be accompanied by an adult holder of a firearms licence, as required under Sect. 29 of the Game Act. A letter is on file in the office of the issuer from the parent or guardian of the licensee as required under Section 29". 2. Resident-Ordinary Firearms Licence No.26968-B issued in favour of Thomas Ledgate i" 15 years Of age) Sidney,IB.0. has been cancelled pursuant to the provisions of Section 32 of the Game Act. Ho licence under the game Act must be issued to The mas Ledgate during a period of 12 months after January 6tli, 1928, INDIAN ACT: The attention of the Department has been called to the fact that from t.iime tc time persons are brought before Magistrates charged with supplying liquor to Indians. The Informations are laid under the Indian Act. As it is a much more serious offence to supply liquor to an Indian than to a white person it is the desire of the Department that where white persons supply liquor to Indians and are convicted, a penalty not less than that provided for in the "Government Liquor Act" shall be imposed. In any such proceedings a request should be made to the Magistrate for imposition of the higher penalty. VOUCHERS: 4. As a general rule the Department does not allow transportation expenses' on a mileage basis, and only recognises the actual, necessary and reasonable amount paid cut for same. It does, however, allow for officials, etc. using their own cars; this allowance not exceeding in the case of Coroner's, ZOtf per mile, one way. In all cases where personal oars are used, the voucher must, definitely show this information. 5, Vouchers aggregating fairly large amounts are being receivea by the Provincial Secretary's Department on account of meals supplied by members of the Force to destitute transients. The Department recognizes that, this is often a necessity but instructs that casual meals are only to be supplied, after enquiry and when the. officer* is certain that the people concerned are not p o s s e s s e d o m e a n s , 6, In all cases where witnesses have to be advanced money for transportation expenses the amount must be charged up as an advance and not vcuchered for. PART II January,1928 C OMI-jiiiiDATI OH: The Superintendent has pleasure in commencing Constable L.A,N.Potterton of - Stewart Detachment for the zeal and efficiency he displayed in handling the case of Rex vs. Rivard (murder), and for the satisfactory manner in which ho has carried out his duties at Stewart since he has been stationed there. 3 ngage me nt s: He.34-1 3/Cst. Carmichael, A. G. 1.1,20 Posted to Victoria Dist/Hqrs. Transfers: No. Rank: name: Date : Prom: To: 64 1/Cst. Ponder, R.P. 1.1.28 Pr.Rupert Alert Bay 124 1/Cot. Condon, M.J. 1.1.28 Courtenay Port Alice 141 l/Cot. V/ii 1 iams , G. 1.1.28 Pt.Alice Cowichan Lake 318 2/Cst. Tweedhcpo,D. 1.1.28 Cow1n.Lake Ganges 159 1/Cst. Mar;;hali, R. 1.1.28 Gange s Co urtenay 59 l/C st. V/il liamn J.A. 1.1.28 Bella Coola Oakalla Prison \ / X ? T r ~ ~ f J.H.McMullin { Supt. B.C.Police Irs-b i - rJKSNEL, B.C. o o 3r :c™:.spi Co l u m b i a p o l i c e Headquarters C-cneral Order ITo. 65 Victoria,B.C Feb. 8, 1928 PU1JCK-BCARPS: 1, (Punch-boards, slot machines and other gambling devices). Complaints have been received to the effect that punch-boards are being operated throughout the Province and upon coastal steamships. As this is in direct contravention of Section 236 of the Criminal Code all operators of such devices should be warned to discontinue their use immediately, and in the event of non-compliance they should be prosecuted. It might be borne in mind that the operation of . gambling devices in clubs is equally amenable to Section 236 and licensees should be so advised. / ,y) l / • ' //' (/ J.H.McMullin Supt.B.C.Police o o BRITISH COLUMBIA PCLICjS Headqua ters General Crder Ho. 6 6 Victor ia,B.C Feb.25,1928 IjjDIAB ACT: 1. Ac- the 1928 edition of th^ Revised Statutes of Canada became effective on the 1st February, 1928 , it has been noted that the numbering of sections in Chapter 98 thereof (Indians) does not co-incide with the numbering of the sections in the Indian Act, 19C6, in several instances, and as this may lead to confusion in reference (particularly when laying charges) and the possible frustration of convictions the attached list is promulgated for the information of all ranks. Copies of the new Indian Act will be issued from Ottawa at an early date, but in the meantime members of the Force will be guided by the numbering given on the attached statement.