1tHii &i, .1.J,,J.1),1·, 1S IHu TI TUT"' T.,c..c.i).3, ,lJ I rt HI::. ruRY ITOLu,.,.E 1 Page Foreword l ~io3r aphy of Lord and L~dy Tweedsmuir 2 l 1ela i de Hunter Ho odless .3 Tweedsmuir History Commi ttee 4 • Tweedsrnuir History .ixpenses 6 List of Presi dents 7 Presidents Biogr aphiea 8 Li st of Secretaries- Tr easurers .39 Secretary and Treasurer Stories 40

Annan By-Laws 60 ufficers 61 Delegates 70 i1or.1en ' s Institute Speakers 74 Tour s 76 Quilts 77 Mottos 78 C:1a r t er l·lembers 79 Annan Jomen' s Institute Hi s tory $0 Anniversaries 50th 86 60th 88 75th 99 • Through the Years with Pictures 106 S0 ecial Jvents 109 Life '''emberships 110 Annan Celebration of 75th l nni ize rsary of F . ., .l . O. 112 11.3 ~enior ~xtension 125 ,·!iss es fn-nes and i-'..ar garet ;,,cl\een Awri.rd 127 Special Projects 1.39

• Reference ANNAN iu,..J!i,L; '� I J ..1TITU ' 'i�� Volume 2 P-a.�e Lei th Be,lles 1 Poetry .?rom Lit le �hips 2 Early Doctors 6 cotti.sh �xpressions 9 • The Ptoneers 10 Tom ThomsG:Jn 44 The Irish Block Schools 51 Items of interest 52 • ioneers 5) St. �icbael's Cemetery 54 St. :·�ichael' s :1.·�ission 55 !nnan United hurch 57 .�nnan Cemetery 99 eith hurch 101 Leith Cemetery 114 Leith riall 116 Leith flaptist Church 118 Sehool Histories Annan 121 Garryowen 1 1 eith 149

• Volume 3 Background H story of the rea 1 *nnan Iesterday and Ta-day 4 nna.n tl�l 11 Census far nnan 1864 13 Leith inhab itants in 1865 13 u"'� rryowen 14

Leith Yesterday and To-day 15 Post o�rices and �ail bervice 31 Leith and Anria.n elep hone Jervice JJ Industries 34 arly Farm '•1ovement 37 Leith Farm Forum 41 L itb Brass ��nd 4J • Snorts 4 Culture and �ocial Life 47 A: nslie iood 50 ,.'o.r Effort 52 Farm and ural Histories 55 • Barn R.aisings 105 �nnan Aeeidences 108 Leith esidences 110 riedding Anniversaries 114 .tNNAN WOMEN ' $ INSTITUTi.:. Tl'/~.c;DSi•iUIH iiISTORY VOl.UM~ 4 Page

Tweedsmuir Committee 1 Mary Stewart Collect 3 Presidents of the Annan ,/omen ' s Inscitute 5 Secretary- Treasurers of iinnan ./omen ' s Institute 10 Of ficers and Conveners 16 Seni or Trainin6 Schools and 4- ri 23 !i.emorial to Deceaseu i'.emqers 2ts Officer's Conference 30 80th i\nniversary of the Annan .,omen ' s Institute Jl 15th ff " " " II 33 90th " ,, 44 " " " "II " 95th II i...5 " " , ", II "II 100th " II II 47 100th Ann iversary of the Federated ~omen ' s Institute of 53 100th " II " urey Nort h District Celebration (F, 1/l I . OJ 63 Atman i'/omen ' s Institutt!Qutings and i•ieetings o5 n '' " Special Projects 71 Honouring an older Membe?" - ,1!9.ry Bassingthwaite i3 Items of Interest in the Institute 14 Handiwork of Jean &!wards 16 Family Trees of ,.gnes Hofman, Beulah Levens and Marion Scott Johnson 17 Final Meeting of ~nnan domen 1 s Institute 92 Briar Hill Women ' s Institute Organizational Meetd.nl Picture 93 50th and 60th Anniversaries of .10men • s Institute Members and local people 94 Stained Glass ,lindow at Annan Churcn 107 New lddition at Annan Trinity Church 109 Tr inity .uinan United Church 150~0 Anniversary 112 Facts about Rev . ttobert Dewar and Rev , J . B. Fraser 11£,. The 1997 Canada Post Stamp of the \linciow at the Leith Church 115 Church Facts 116 Leith Day 11, Picture Of Ga rryowen Schoel pupils 122 " " Leith ~chool pupils 123 Leith and ..nnan History 1 2£,. The Past 131 Annan Hall closing and annan Post ~oxes 132 Township of Sydenham Story 133 Dougal MacGregor' s s tory: of piomeer days 134

Annan Residences 137 Leith Residences 145 Area Farms 154 .llpologies to those in the Leich and !nnan areas 1~hese properties are not listed as th~se histories were s~arted many yea rs ago by an • active iomen 1 s Institute • •• 1

Lord Tweedsmuir Lady Tweedsmuir

• "FOREWORD'' I am so glad to bear that the Wo,nen's I nst.itutes of O ntario arc go;r,g to compile village history books. Events mo,•e very fas t nowadays; ho11ses arc pulled dowl), new roads arn made, a,id the aspect of the couotrysido change:i com­ pletely sometimes in a short time. I t is a most u,efttl and satisfying task for ~Von:ien's I nsti­ tnte membe rs to see that nothing valuable i~ lost o,r rol'gotteu, and women should bo ou the alert always to guard the ttaditions of their homes, and to see that water colour sket<;he.s and priuts, poems ,ind prose legends should fi nd their way into these books. The oldest pG'(>ple in tl1e villnge ,vm tell ,c, fasdnati11g st1>ries of what they reme,nbor, which the )'OWJger me,nbers can writt• down , thus mal

- IVrittt>n hy Lady Twee

Lord and Lady T1~eedsmuir Lord Tweedsmui r was bo r n John Buchan i n Scotland on August 25 , 1875/, t he son of Rev. John Buchan . He was called to the i3ar i n 1901 . Lord Tweedsmuir was an historian, novel ist, {his best known works are nThe Thirty- ni ne Steps" and"Green­ mantle") and Gove rnor-Genera l of Canada f r orn 1935- 1940 . Lo rd Tweedsmuir enjoyed • great popul arity in Canada , t ravell ing the length and breadth of t his country, t aking gr eat i nterest in all aspects of Canadi an l i fe . On February 11, 1940, Lord Tweedsmuir died in Montreal, and Canadians [email protected] his fine contribution as Governor-General . Lady Tweedsmuir wa s an ardent tlomen ' s Institute member i n England. She was made an Honora ry Li fe Memb er of t he Federa t ed Wome n ' s Institute of Ontario . During

Lord Tweeds muir' s t erm as Governor-General of Canada, Lady I'weedsmuir took a grea t

i nterest i n t he 1 fomen ' s Institutes of Canada . Lady Twe ddsmu ir advocated the compilation of local commu1111ty and vill age histories a cross Ca nada . Her suggesti on m,;.te rialized i n 1940 when the Federated liornen ' s I nstitute of Ontario began compiling "village History aooks" . In 1945 a list of nsuggesti ons for Compiling Tweedsmuir Village Histori es" •,1us published in Home and Count ry. The word "village" was later droppt:,d so that al l Institute branches were free t o compil e a hi story whether covering a village or not. The • history book i dea was i niti'lted at the Federat ed Women ' s I nstitute of Ca nada in 1946 , Lady Tweedsmuir r eturned to Engl and f ollowing her husband ' s death . Her death occurred i n the winter of 1977, at t he age of 94 years •

• J

..W.clL,ill)E HUl'f'l'.cll{ HOOD1.clSS Adelaide Hunter Hoodless was the youngest of twelve children of David and • Jane Hunter. She 1ias born near St. George, Ontario on February 27 , 1857, after her father' s death . Her parents were Irish Fresbyterians who had come to Canada in 1SJO. . The only formal education she had was at school at St. George. Adelaide Hunter married John Hoodless, a businessman when she was 24. They had a family of 4 children. Mrs. Hoodless was active in the Y. w. C. A. , the Victorian Order of Nurses, National Council of \\'omen, the Macdonald Institute at Guelph, as well as being the f ounder of t he Women ' s Institute, a world- wide organization. Because she, as a mother, refused to accept her young son' s death, her name is on the honour roll of women's organizations in Canada and all over the world. The Women's Institute in Ontario was organized on February 19, 1897, with 101 members • Mrs . Hoodless died on February 2b, 1910, stricken with a heart attack while • she was addressing the Women's Canadian Club of . One paper's comment was "She had the prophet1 s vision of what ought to be and nobly took upon herself the burden of the voice crying in the wilderness".

• 4

• ,-..rs . Arthur ~lexandeT-responsible for much of the f a rm hi stories .

Vic tor B."lssi ngt hwaite- compiled mu ch of the corr:mu :iity ilist ory-1967 t o assi st Sydenham Township Hi st.ory :aook cornni t t ee . i-lr .s . i11an lilson- cur.?. tor for 2 years , and r,,uch i:ifor r.i:itio'1 ,1 :ts ent ered dur ing thi s period . ,,1rs . Kenneth Spence - the t ypi st f or the 3 vol umes, and compi led 1~hi le curator and assisted all other curators . 1•,rs. ,li l l iam Johnson- compi led t he "Golden •eddi ng" sec t ior. .

Other Committee ,,,embers :

I·trs . ;J;lgin Kn i e;ht, I·I~s . H:arol d Ceasar , Nrs . .il.oeer ;,;itchell ' r~iiss Margaret Ruthe rfor d, 1,rs . Lester Bye, 1•lrs . Stanley dutchi nson, Mrs • Roberta G;lbank.

• 5

'lWEEDSMUii:t Hi dTORY CURA.'£0R COl•il•lI'I'TEE

196.3 .Mrs. Arthur ~ lexander Mrs . Kenneth Spence, Mrs . Bl 5in Kn i ght, Mrs . Ha r old Ceasar, Mrs . Roger Mitchell 1964 n II " Same committee. 1965 Nrs . Victor B.. ;3,i,ingthwaite Mrs . K. Spence, Mrs . A • .Al e xander, Mrs . H. Ceasar, Mrs • E. Kn ight, N'.rs . R. Mitchel l, llli ss .M . dutherfor d . 1966 fl " n Urs . K. Spence, Mrs . il,. Al exander,Mi ss M. Ru therford Mrs. R. J.iitchel l . 1967 fl fl " '' Mrs . K. Spence, Miss r,l , Rutherford. • ,", '"fl n rt u n tt rt rr n ,, tt 1968 Mrs . Lester Bye 1969 ,n II fl II " " Mrs. K. Spence, Mi ss M. Rutherford Mrs. R. Mitchell 1970 fl .. It Same c omm ittee ,, II 1971 11 " 1972 Mrs . alla n 1,/ilson" Mrs. S . Hutchinson, I•lrs. K. Spence, Mi ss t-1 . Ru therford .,. Mrs . V . BA,ssingthwaite . 197.3 " " Same committee 1974 Mrs . Kenneth $pence 1'1rs . S . Hutchinson , Mrs . R. Mi tchell, 1,Uss Rutherf ord ., n n 11 u n n 1975 fl " n n 1976 II II II " II n " II " Mrs . R. Gilbank 1977 " II II "

• 6

TWEl!:DSMUIR HI STORY E1PlNSES l':lb3 - Mrs. A. Alexander miJ.eaie to Urey l.:ounty mee i; in, 1.10 n n n " " 'J.'weedsmuir \\'or.k.snop ;.::.9;, ·1·weedsmu1.r History Leatller .L!> . 1$'/ l:'ict ures .L.UJ l':104 Pnotos Mrs. Alex M. 'rayJ.or 1.;; Keprint-Sun-'J.'imes ~ . l':/0!> 'J.'weed.smu i r Pictures • J.O • 1"1ctures -Gower 5. 00 Reprint- Sun-Times .).:: R. B,.W. paper ;LlJt a.76 l':/OO R.H. w. paper ;.:: .,':/ Reprints-Mary Hassinitnwaite ~ l':10'/ 'J.'weeasmuir tiis tory pictures an<1 .':lyctenham liistory 44.;u Mc Keen Awar<1 pictures ·1 . 05/ l':1'/1+ Mi leage-Mr s . Spence t o workshop and picture 01· Annan l.:nurcn taken by Hruce ltutnerr ora 1+.uu J.':l'f) l:'i.ctures, ruDb•r cement an<1 suppJ.1.es ·1.,J J.':1'/'/ J"1.cture 01· Le1th tieJ.J.es and supplies 0.10 O • .LO

l':/'/8 Typewriter ribbon J. .82 100 sheets paper and cockle sbe11 7 .80 Reprint s, rubber cement and thinner 0. 41 lteprints 1 . '/J. 1·1. '/I+ 1979 Rubber Cement and t hinner 6.85 Reprints 4. 44 Posts 1. 70 Typewr iter Ribbon 2. 41 1 Reprint _Jt.l 15.83 • 100 s heets paper and cockle shell 22.84 22 .84 1980 1981 1982 Heprints 22 . 50 ..nd J .70 26 . 20 Book Covers 38 .00 7

THE Frl~SIDeNTS OF THE J.NNA1~ 11101,~N ' S I NSTI'l'UTE 1903-09 Mrs . Alex M. Taylor 1910- 11 Mrs . 'II. J . early 1912 Mrs. Arthur Cameron 1913-16 Mrs. Dougald MacGregor • 1917- 18 Mrs . E. F. Ba ssingthwaite 1919- 23, 1925 Mrs. James Frizzell 1924, 1932 Mrs. Fred Day 1926-28 Mrs. Arthur MacArthur 1929-31 Mrs. S. P. Buzza 1933 -34 Miss Anna Sutherl and 1935- 36 Mrs. itlesley J!li cKay 1937-39 Mrs. John H. McKeen 1940 Mrs . William Hewitson 1941 Mrs . Ross Buzza

1942- 44 Mrs. 'JI . J . McGregor 1945-46, 1950 Mrs. Earl Levens 1947-49 Mi ss Dirkie Hofman 1951- 53 Mrs. Harold Ceasar • 1954- 55, 1956 Mrs. Carl Marritt 1956 Mrs . Al lan Bothwe ll 1957-59 Mrs . Robert Hew itson 1960-61 Mrs. Everett Johnson 1962- 64 Mrs. Victor Bass ingthwaite 1965 - 66 Mrs. Allan iilson 1967-69 Mrs. Roger Mitchell 1970- 71 Mn; . Lester Bye 1972- 74 Mrs . Stanley Hutchinson 1975- 76 1-!;rs. Ke nneth Spence 1977-80 Mrs . Wi etse Van Do l der 1::ie1 •·•rs . ,l-'lllace .udwards • •

Mrs. Alex M. Taylor President 190)-09 ~1rs. Alex Taylor was the first president of the Annan Women's Institute. ffer maiden name was Esther Elizabeth Hunt . She was born in 1860, and was the daughter of Mr . and Mrs. James Hunt, who came originally from near Galt. The Hunt family lived in Derby Township, and this is where Esther spent her early years. She had one sister, Mrs. Capt. Brown , and three brothers • • Esther Hunt married Alex Taylor, and they lived on Concession Bat Lot No. 40 . The Taylors had three daughters by adoption, Pearl, who lived only until she was eight years old, Violet-Mrs lforman Long, and May . Mrs Taylor died at the General and Marine Hospital, Owen .Sound on May J0,1928.

She is buried in Greenwood Cemeter-y. ~1r . Taylor predeceased har in 1927 . Mrs Taylor served as Grey North District :?'resident in 1916- 17 , This picture and story were supplied by Mrs . •illiam Veitch, a neice of Mr . Alex Taylor.

3he 3t.t ended Kno JX Church in Owen Sound •

• 0,

• Mrs. W. J . Early President 1910-11 Mrs Arthur Cameron President 1912

Jean Gibson was born in 1S59 on the family farm Claremont five miles north­ east of Leith, the daughter of James Gibson and his wife Janet Rae. She had five brothers and one sister, namely William, James, Tnomas, John, Robert and Janet, ~.rs . Robert Henry. Miss Gibson attended the Briar Hill School. She married Dr. W. J. Early of Owen Sound, formerly of Annan in lS97. He died in 1906, and she came to the village of Leith to live with her mother and brother • John. In March 1912, she married Mr . Arthur Cameron, the store-keeper and post­ master in Leith. While in Leith she was a choir member before her first marriage and on return­ ing a faithful worker in the Presbyterian Missionary Society. She also taught the Bible class. After her marriage to Mr. Cameron, she joined the Baptist Church and their Mission Circle. This woman was a clever outgoing person, and she enjoyed having young people at her brother's home for games and entertainment . She was interested in the Annan Women's Institute and was the president for three years. Mrs. Cameron passed away in March 1927, and was buried in Leith Cemetery . • 10

• Mrs. Dougald MacGregor President 1913-16 Secretary 1918-19 '.l'r easurer

Mrs. Dougald MacGregor's maiden name was Elizabeth Frances Lee. She was born in London, England, t he daughter of Mr. and Mrs . George Lee. Her birth date July 8, 1867. She had one sister ~my and one brother George. The two sisters came to Canada when Elizabeth was six years old, and they lived with friends in Arthur for a few years. Balmy Beach was their next home, and while living there Elizabeth met Mr . Dougald MacGregor, and i n 1888 they were • married in Owen Sound . For thirty- five years they resided on their farm at R.R. 2, Annan, and while there they raised a family of three daughters and two sons; Florence-Mrs . John Lemon, Marguerite- Mrs • .Ansell, .A.my Marie- Mrs. Stewart Steele, Ernest and Herbert. Mrs . MacGregor was active in church work in the Daywood and Johnstone congregati ons , both in the choir and the W.M .S. She was the Annan Women's Instit­ ute president in 1913- 16 and secretary in 1918- 19, and was a member of more than for ty years in this organization. Her flowers and garden were her pride and joy. She took many prizes for her flowers and vegetables at Bothwell's Corner and Owen Sound Fairs. In the early 19201 s the MacGregors moved to 411- 5tb Street East, Owen Sound. Mrs . MacGregor was still active in the Institute and church work and sang in Knox United Church choir for several years, a l so served as president of the W.M.S, of that church, and was a member of the W. A. , War Guild, Jubilee Circle, • Canadian Circle and the Canadian Red Cross. She was keenly interested in lawn bowling and maintained this int erest until the summer prior to her death. Mr . MacGregor died within two weeks o_f their 60th wedding anniversary, which had been a happy event. Mrs. MacGregor passed away in 1951, and is buried in Greenwood Cemetery . 11

Mrs . Frank Bassingthwaite President 1917-18 .Mrs. Ba ssingthwai te' s maiden name was Mary Sibbald, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sibbald, both of whom came from the community of Annan . Her mother was Nancy Armstrong, daughter of Mr ,. and Mrs . David Armstrong, who were pioneer members of the community residing on the farm which is now owned by their great­ grandson Victor Bassingthwaite. Mary Sibbald was born at Mindemoya, Manitoulin • Island and received her education there, as did her brothers, Andrew, an United Church minister, and Victor, and her sister .Agnes-Mrs. Thomas Bentley. In 1904 Mary Sibbald married Zdward Franklin Bassingthwaite, and they lived in the nearby community of Big Lake, where Mrs . Bassingthwaite became one of the charter members of the Women's Institute. Here their family of three sons and two daughters were born, one infant daughter being buried in the cemetery there. Their family were Lyle- Mrs . Harry Coventry, Raymond , Harold and Victor. In 1913 the Bassingthwaite family moved co Annan, and settled on the irmstrong farm, pioneered by Mrs . Bassingthwaite1 s grandparents. Here their family grew up and received their education and took part in church and community activities. Later the farn1 was taken over by their sons, and Mr . and Mrs . Bassingthwaice retired to Annan. Here they celebrated• their 50th wedding anniversary in June 1954, a few mon­ ths prior to the death of Mr. Bassingthwaite. One son Harold predeceased him in 1943, Mrs . Bassingthwaite was act i ve in t he Aru1an 'l'/omen' s Inscicuce and was president • in 1917-18, and also was a member for many years of the United Church . For several years she operated a small nursing home and during that time had taken care of a number of t be older residents of this community. Mrs . Bassingthwaite pass ed away in 1964, shortly after her SOth birthday. She is buried in Annan Cemetery. She was most proud of her 14 grandchildren and 24 g reat grandchildren, who survive her. 12

Mrs . James Frizzell was the Annan women's Institute President from 1919-1923 and in the year 1925, She was before her marriage, Laura Jackson, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs . James Jackson, who resided in Keady, where she was born and raised. Her mother was Mary Ann Cook of Sullivan Township. She was one of five children, three girls, Laura, Ada, and Lena, and two boys Edwin and Alfred. After her marr­ • iage, Laura's parents and family left Keady to reside in Western Canada, All have now passed away except one sister in Edmonton, Alberta-Mrs. Jalter Cornell, (Ada). Laura Jackson married James Frizzell in 1902 and farmed for a few years near Bognor in Sydenham Township. Later they moved to Leith where Mr . Frizzell was the mail-carrier for several years. Following this, they resided at Lot 27, Concession C, Sydenham Township, the farm now occupied by Mr . Carl Marritt. The Frizzell' s had two sons, Darley, who died in 1926 and Crawford now residing in Guelph. Four grandchildren-2 boys and 2 girls survive. Mrs, Frizzell was a member of the Leith Presbyterian Church, but after moving to ~nnan to reside, she joined the ~nnan Presbyterian Church, later United. She was very fond of music and an ardent reader. ~1rs. Frizzell was a good leader, made friends easily,especially with the young people. She was active in all community affairs, especially the work of the Women's Institute, as long as her health perm­ itted • • Mrs. Frizzell passed away suddenly six months after her son Darley and both were buried in the Leith cemetery •

Mrs . James Frizzell President 1919- 23 and 1925 1.3

Mrs. Fred Day President 1924 and 1932 Secretary 19.35-36 •rreasurer

Mrs. Fred Day 's maiden name was Nartha Frances McKinley, and she was the daughter of Mr . and Mrs. George McKinley, who resided in Sydenham Township on the McKinley homestead, near Bogner; where she was born. Her mother was Frances Yriz:zell, -who was born in Sydenham Township . Mrs . Day has three sisters, all school teachers, and two brothers. They are Jean, Mrs. 1". t•'liller of Owen Sound, • Lillian, Mrs . A. l'yndall and Grace, Mrs . J . Hanson of Kenora, Allan, a druggist, who passed away in 1937 and Dr, Arthur residing in Los Angeles, California. Mattie McKinley received her elementary education in U.d .S. No. 10 Sydeoham Public School. Then her family moved to Derby Township on a farm near Springmount, where she attended the Owen Sound Collegiate and Vocational Institute. After grad­ uation, she was a student at Stratford Normal School, and following graduation, she taught seven years in various public schools. At the end of that period, Miss McKinley married Fred Day and they have lived on the Day homestead (Lot 27, Concession B, Sydenham Township) ever since. The Days have a family of four- Keith, Belleville, Phyllis, Mrs. H. Arnott, Owen Sound, Kathleen, Mrs . R. J . Ford of Stayner and Bruce of Owen Sound, as well as nine grand­ children. Mr . and Mrs . Fred Day were married on .F'ebruary 26, 1919. Mrs. Day has long been a member of the Annan United Cnurch, a member of the W. M. S., and since 1962 of the U. c. w. For many years she taught in the Sunday • School at Annan. Always devoted to her home and family, she was for many years a member of the ,Annan Women ' s Institute and enjoyed the work and £ellowship of this group.

l,!r. Fred n'l y pasaed away i n the ~ut umn of 1977, ml.I is buried ~t ... nn!ln Cemet;ery . 1 ..

• • Mrs . Arthur MacArthur President 1926-28 Secretary-Treasurer 1921- 2) Life P1eu10er 1949

I sabella McKerroll Bothwell wa$ born on October 9th, 1871 at Bothwell's Corner in the township of Sydenham, che daughter of John Bot.hwell and l•lary l•lcKerroll. In her family were four sisters, seven brothers and three half

brothers: Alice-Mrs. rtobert Spence, lt. t<. 1, Owen Sound, ilizabeth-Mrs. Sidney Day, Brantford, lv,ary-Mrs. Dan lv1cLaren, Greenwood, British Columbia, Rebecca ,J11rs. ,1illiam Swo rd, Owen Sound, .#illiam John, N'ewmarket, Henry, Cincinnati, Ohio, Alexander, California, James, Oadilac, Michigan, Robert and Archie , who died in childhood, George A. Manor Farm, R. R. 1, Owen Sound, Charles, a judge at Swift • Current, Saskatchewan, Albert, died in childhood, and Arthur, Brantford. She attended Bothwell' s Corner School-S.S . No. 5, Sydenham. On July 8th, 1896, Miss Bothwell marr ied Mr . Arthur i•lacArthur, and went to reside on his home rarm, where she still lives, Lot 18, Concession C, Sydenham Township . To this union were born a daughter, Mary Alberta (Mayme) Mrs . J . Handley Smith, Toronto, and t wins, Archie A. R. R. 2, Annan, and John B. , ~indsor. Mrs . MacArthur attended Division St . Church, Owen Sound, and later Daywood and Johnstone Churches. She s erved in the Daywood and Johnstone W.M.S. ~ork, and was made a life member of the latter. Mrs , MacArthur taught Sunday School, and was leader of the Mission Band , and helped wi th young people' s accivities and always worked for the betcerment of the community . She was president of the J.nnan .fomen • s Institute in 1926- 28 , and secretary f r om 1921- 23, and in recognition of her service, wa s made a life member in 1949, Mrs . MacArthur became a member of the Briar Hill Women ' s Institute when it was • organized in 1949, Mr . and Mrs . MacArthur celebrate_d their 50th wedding anniversary in 1946. Mr . MacArthur passed away in 1948. Mrs '4.rthur Mackrthur, first Life r,,ember of ilnnan ,/omen ' s Inst.i t.ute, passed away in 1967, and is buried at the Annan CemeGery. 15

Mrs . S . P . Buzza was the former Janet Henderson ,•!cKeen , and was born at Leith on May 25, 1871, the el dest daughter of John McKeen and his wife Jessie Ross McKeen. She had three sisters Isabella (Mrs . Robert Fawcett), Agnes and Ma r garet, and three brothers James and Ross McKeen and Alfr ed r:arls, who was adopted . • Miss McKeen at tended the Leith School. She lived a t home until her marriage on January 5, 1899 to S . P . ~uzza of Beulah, Manitoba. They lived at Beulah for four years, and then returned to Leith and purchased the Thomson farm. Two sons , William Ros s and John Wilson were born at Beulah and one daughter Marion Branscombe was born at Leith . Mrs . rluzza was a member of Leith Fresbyterian, now United Church . She took an active part in the An nan W.M.S . and the Leith ~. A. She also was musical and sang in the choir and was its ' leader. Mrs . Buzza wa s a soprano s oloist a nd sang at many concerts i n the community.

She was interested in t he wo rk of the Annan 1\lomen I s Institute and was the pres i dent in 1929- Jl. Mrs. Buzza enjoyed doing needlework and caring for her flowers • I n October 19-42 , Mr . Buzza died and hi s wife pass ed a1vay on Oc t ooer 29, 1946 . • They are interred in Leith cemetery.

I •

Mrs . S . P . Buzza President 1929- 31 15

Miss Anna Sutherland President 1933-34 Treasurer 1942-45 Life Member 1951 • Mrs . Michael Robertson

~liss Anna Sutherland was born on Uecember 24, 1898 in the original log house on their farm located at Lots 22 and 23 on the Lake Shore Line (Concession B) . Her parents were Mr . George Sutherland and Mary Jane ,•1cKay, whose marriage had taken place on April 30, 1S8$ . Anna has two brothers John, Meota, Saskatchewan, George Alexander of Woodford, and one sister lsabella, Mrs . Ross duzza of Leith. Miss Sutherland attended Briar Hill School, and passed the .!!.'ntrance in 1912, \4'hen she was trying her Entrance examinations her Motner asked her what she would like to receive if she passed, and her reply was "A dozen bananas". 'rhat was her reward, and it proves that children appreciated smaller gifts at that time • Anna Sutherland became interested in the Annan iomen•s Institute, through the • eldest life member, Mrs . Arthur McArthur. These women went to the meetings with horse and buggy or cutter. Anna was ~he president in 19)3- )4 and treasurer in 1942- 45, Because of her work in this organization, she was made a Life Member in 1951. She was married to Mr. Michael Robertson in 1952, and they reside at Port Elgin. Mr. Robertson's grandl'ather, JYiicbael Fettes was an elder in the Annan Church in the early days. Active in church work, Anna was organist at Johnstone Church quite a number of years. She became a church member at Daywood Church, during Dr. J . B. Fraser's pastor/lee . Miss Sutherland lived in Owen Sound for awhile and transferred her membership to Division St. Church. Later she belonged to Leith United Church, and at present ia a. member· of Port Elgin United Church . She is a rnetnber of t;he U.C . W. and also a club with work very similar to Institute projects • Anna is a very active community worker and is noted for her neighoourly • acts. Her personal interest in 1·riends is very widespread an(! sincere. ' 17

• Mrs . Wesley McKay President 1935- 36 Life Member 196 3

Maud McKee was born at Lot 24, 1 North Centre rtoad, Sydenham Township, near Bothwell's Corner on December 20th, the eldest daughter of William J . McKee and Mrs, il!cKee . The latter' s maiden name was Robina Lamont of Bothwell' s Corner, Miss McKee was one of a family of five, Ruby, ~Irs . Charles Bluhm, Owen Sound, Pearl­ Mrs. William Crouch of Hamilton, who passed away in 1960, Violet, Mrs. Doug Reid, of Annan and Norman, who took over the family farm, later sold it, and moved to Owen Sound • She attended Bothwell's Corner school, and following this, remained at home • and assisted her parents with the farm work, until her marriage to 11,r . wesley McKay of Leith on Novernber 18, 1925, He was the second son of Hugh MclCay of Leith . it this time, ( 1967), Mrs. McKay has been a member of the Annan \~omen ' s Inst­ itute for about forty years. She served as president in the years 1935-36, and a:Lso was branch director for quite a number of years •• In 1963, Mrs • .,,,cKay was made a Life Membe r at the 60th .Anniversary of the Institute. She was a member of Annan United Church until her marriage, when she lifted her lines to Leith United Church . Mrs . McKay was President of Leith ii/omen's Assoc­ iation for three years. This organization is now known as the United Church Women , Mrs . McKay was interested in the Leith Farm Forum and attended for a good many years. Maud McK ay died in May 1971 and her husband two years later in June 1973 , They are buried i n the Leich ~emetery . • 18

Mrs. John H. McKeen President 1937-39 Mrs . John Henderson McKean, nee Mary liinnifred Kirkwood was born on July 21, 1889 at her parents home in the village of Eastwood, Oxford County. Her father, Alexander Kirkwood was born at "The Gauze" Bo•ness, Scotland, and her mother, Mary Hayball was born in Eastwood . Eight children were born to this couple, Ruby Alexzina, 'illilliam Alexander, List.on, George Lawrence, Lillian, (Mrs . M. MacPherson), Arthur Raymond, Calvin and Winnie • Miss Kirkwood attended schools at Eastwood, Bond's Corners, Cruickshank, the • Central School at Moodstock, matriculation course at Elliots Business College, Toronto and three years at -che General and Marine Training School for Nurses in Owen Sound, where she received her registered nurses degree. When she was sixteen years of age, she took a position as operator, later supervisor at the Bell Telephone Exchange in Owen Sound, and then transferred to a position at the long distance exchange in Toronto . .At the end of a year Miss Kirkwood took a clerical and book-keeping position. She also took charge of the office, in the evenings, at the Georgianna House, Toronto. This was a large Ang­ lican boarding house for girls, ran on similar lines to the Y.'d.C •.A. Her clerical positions in Toronto were the ones she most enjoyed. Miss ',iinnie Kirkwood entered the nu:rses training school in February 1919. Students, at that time, were not accepted until they were twenty-one years of age and preferably older. After her graduation in June 1922, she did private duty nursing and was assistant superintendent of the hospital for a time . • Her nursing career was short as she married John Henderson i•lcKeen of Leith on lviarch 31, 1923, in Division St. Church, of which she was a member. The McKeents had three sons, two passing away in infancy, Kirkwood, John Ross and Kirke Stewart, 19

Pc1ge 2 - Mrs . John H. McKe en The McKean family lived on their farm "Sunnyside" at Leith until after Mr. McKeen ' s death in 1957 . Then Mr s . McKean and Kirke moved to the f arm on the Annan road, or iginally taken from the Grown in 1841 by Dr . Wi lliam Lang , a relative of Mr . McKeen . They lived on this farm for a few years, and then mo ved to Owen Heights, • Owen ,Sound, where Kirke has a position. Some time after Mr. Mcl< een1 s death , his widow went to work a s Residence Super­ visor of Nurses and recepti onist at the General and Marine Nurses Residence . She held t his po sition for five years, retiring at the end of 1964 , Mrs . McKee n has taken part in many a ctivities i n the church, Red Cross , Helping Hand gr oup, P. T.A. and Nurses alumni . After her marriage, her memb ership was trans­ ferr ed to Leith Church . She was active in the Annan Women ' s Institute, and was t he president in 1937-39 , .At one time, Mrs . McKeen had a regular program on radio stat­ ion C. F. O. S . He r hobbies are antiques , reading and writing. She had published a book of

poems 1 Rhymes f r om Sunnyside . 1'he f ollowing is her favourite poem, and another. Blossom Ti me • Ygu walk wit h God in a garden I ' ve never been to EOBland , Oh yes! I believe it' s true I ' ve never been to Spain, But walk alone in an or chard But still I ' ve seen a cast l e • And list what God say to you. Yes , seen o~~ j ust the s am~ . The blos~om s above and around you And past the castle glistening An oriole flitting by Our own blue Georgian Bay Jith his beautiful bright or ange color ,lith white capped waves a- tossing Then he sai l s toward the sky. To catch the sun ' s brieht ray . A blue bir d was seen in the distance I ' ve seen it i n the summer Oh! .l'hat a happy some pl ace lv'i th g r ound of velvet green. Yes , I know God ' s in our orchard I ' ve seen it i n the winter But t he blossoms hide Hi s face . Tne pure 11hite snow a screen.

I ' ve seun it i-n the moonlie;bt And always stopped to look . You would t hi nk it was a castle P-ictured in_f a iry book. The gray stone 1,ialls so massive The entrance door so Jrand The lights from windows twinkling Seem like a fairy land. Perhaos you- ; a y have tra velled To England, France or Spain, But Leith ' s Castle is worth your seeing Yes, seei ng just the same . Mrs . J . H. McKeen passed away in the Owen Sound Kospit al in August of 1976 . She • is buried in t he Leith Cemetery. .::0

Mrs. Wi l liam Hewitson • President 1940

llliss Jessie Howey was born at .Massie, on December 29th, 1890 , the daug hter of Samue l Howey and Flora Mui r Howey . The other members of the famil y were Frank, Edward, Maurice, ~rchie, Lillian-Mr s . Farrar Kelley, Pea rl-Mrs . ~il l i am Baker, and Mae-Mrs . Stanley MacDonald . This young woman a ttended Massie public school, also the Collegiate Institute, at Owen Sound . Her vocation was nursing , and she trained in Cumberland ~treet Hospital in New Yo rk City- Brooklyn . She marrie~ Mr. Wi lliam Hewitson on t he 20th of June, 1928 in Owen Sound . Her step- children are Jean, Mrs. Clarence ;,1cPherson, Chatsworth, Robert Hewitson, Annan and Evelyn, Mrs. Donald Lemon, Balaclava. • Mrs . Hewitson belonged to the Annan ,'lomen • s Institut e, while they lived at Annan and wa-s the president for one year- 1940. 1h- . Hewitson passed away in the summer of 1977 , and i s buried in Crreenwood Cemetery .

• 21

Mrs. Ros.s Buzza • President 1941 Secretary 1946-47 Secretary-Treasurer 1954- 56 Life Member 1963

Isabella Sutherland was born on February 10, 1903 on Lot 24, Concession B, Lake Shore Line, Sydenham Township, in a log house attended by Dr . Sloane of Annan . 3he was the daughter of George Sutherland and Mary Jane McKay Sutherland. She has two brothers John, of Meota, Saskatchewan, George ~lexander, of Woodford, and one sister, Anna, Mrs. Michael Robertson of Port hllgin. She attended public school at S . S. No . 4, Sydenham, (Briar Hill} , the Owen Sound Collegiate Institute from 1918- 21 , and graduated from Toronto Normal School • in 1922 . Isabella taught in S. S. No . 4, Sydenham for three years, in U, S. S . No . 5 .tmabel and Keppel (~alem} for three years, and S. S. No . lJ, Sydenbam (Leith School) for ten years. On November 22, 1939, she was married in Owen Sound to William Ross /.lcKeen Buzza and went to reside on Lot J6, Concession A., Sydenham Township on Sunnyholme Farm, near Leith. They bad three children, Samuel, Nancy and Mary, Mrs . Buzza was widowed in June 1963 , She has served the Annan ~omen's Institute as president, secretary-treasurer, district director, convener and now is a life member . Mrs . Buzza was also publicity convener in Grey North District in 1947- 48, and Citizenship convener in 1943 , Mrs . Buzza is a member of Leith United Church , teaches Sunday School, was a member of the Leith W. A , and W.M.S . and now is the president of the U. C. W. dhe helped organize the "Kate Rutherford• Mission Band in 1948 and was its leader for eight years. Mrs . Buzza w;is a member of the Leith Farm Forum while it functioned . She was a charter member of the Leith Home and ~chool organization, also one of • the original members of Leith Helping Hand Club, aod is one of the chartered mem­ bers of the Owen Sound and District Association for Retarded Children, and was the trea.surer of this association f'or two years. 22

Page 2 - Mrs. Ross Buzza Mrs . Buzza was principal of Crofthaven School for Retarded Children from 1956 until 1960. That same year she took over as Director of the Sheltered ~orkshop • Centre of the Owen Sound and District Association for Retarded Adults ,

• •

Mrs . William J. McGregor was born Julia Ann Stewart at Sil cote, on June 12, 1901, the daughter of William and Mary Ramsay Stewart . Sbe had t wo sisters, Mae, Mrs . G. N. Hartley, and Nellie, Mrs . Walter Walsh (deceased), also two brothers Earnest and Fred, both deceased • She attended school at Briar Hill. • On April 20, 1917, Miss Stewart married William J . McGregor at Knox United Church. The marriage was solemnized by Rev . Pilkie. They had a family of five sons Gordon, Stewart, Wilfred, .Arthur and John, also one daughter, Helen, Mrs. Douglas Vermilyea. The McGregors farm~d in the Briar Hill area. Mr . McGregor died in 1948, Mrs . McGregor was the president of the &nnan Women's Institute in 1942- 44. She also served as 4th vice- president of Grey North District Women's Institute in 1946 and 2nd vice- president in 1947. She passed away on September JO, 1952, and is buried in Leith cemetery •

• • Mrs. W. J. McGregor President 1942- 44 24

Mrs. Earl Levens President 1945-46 and 1950 decretary 1941-43 • - Treasurer 1951

Mrs. Earl Leven was the former Beulah Gibbons and was born at Beaver, Manit­ oba, on November 3, 1911, the daughter of Will iam Gibbons and his wife Jessie May Mc£lheron. There were two children in the fam;ily, Beulah and a brother, John, killed overseas on February 10, 1945, The Gibbons family lived in Western Canada for a number of years as Mr. Gibbons was a station agent for the C. N. R. \When they returned to Ontario it was to settle on the farm known as the Steele place on the 8th Concession of Sydenbam Township, which also was Beulah's grand-parents farm . Beulah attended public school at Cromer, Man itoba, Pelly, Saskatchewan, Bothwell's Corner, Strathcona in Owen Sound and ~nnan, with further education at the Owen Sound Coll egiate and Vocational Institute. In 1930, she entered the • Galt School of Nursing, but due to the closing of this school, she received the latter part of her training in London, and graduated in May 1933 . Her marriage to Mr . Earl Levens took place on August 14, 1935 and they set­ tled on their farm at Annan . They have two sons Richard and Brian. Mrs . Levens became a membe'r of the Annan Women ' s Institute shortly after her marriage. She was a very active worker, as a leader of the 4-H Homemaking Clubs and during war-time, she did a great deal of Red Cross work. ~he was the President

of the Annan Women's Institute in 1945- 46 and 1950, the secretary in 1941- 43 and treasurer in 1951, and also held other offices, sunshine convener and press report­ er. Mrs . Levens was a member of the Annan United Church and held several offices within the church and W.M.S. Now the Levens attend St. Thomas Anglican Church, in Owen Sound . They have one grand- daughter Debbie . • Mrs . Levens is doing private duty nursing at the Owen Sound General and Marine Hospital at the present t i me .

Mr. Earl .Levens pas s ea away in March J.. '':fl'/, an

Beulah was married to Harvey Keeling on , and they are residin0 in St. Ca~harines . 25

• Miss Dirkie Hofman President 1947-49

Miss Dir kie, (spelled Dirkje , in Dutch) Hofman was born on June 18, 1906 at St . Annaparochie, Friesland, the Netherlands, the first chil d of Ane Hofman and his wife Eke Hofman, (nee Dykstra) . Dirkie had two brothers Peter and Pierre, and two half brothers, Gelt and John, and two half.- sisters, Anna-Mrs . f/1orr el Hampton, (deceased) and Helen, Mrs. John Prosje. She attended school at St . ~nnaparochie for six year~, which at that time was the length of time required for public schooliog. After completion of public school, children of farm labourers were to begin work too. Only children of land­ • owners, doctors, ministers, etc. continued their education. After Dirkie finished school, she first worked for a farmer, and later went to work in a bake- shop. Dirkie was only seven year s old when her mother died and she lived for several years with her paternal grandmother. In Holland, she was a member of the Christ­ ian Reformed Church and sang in the choir. In June 1927, the Hofman family emigrated to Canada and spent their first year at Tillsonburg, Ontario, moving to Leith in April 1928 . Dirkie worked as a housekeeper for a few years in Owen Sound and attended South End Baptist Church . Later she returned home to keep house and attended and became a member of the Leith United Church . Miss Hofman served as president and secretary- treasurer of the Women's Assoc­ iation. After the U.C. W. was formed, she served as president, but because of 111- health, she felt that she could not carry on as this officer after December 1964. She also served on the Board of Directors of the Leith Rall, was a Sunday School teacher and auditor. • Dirkie was the president of the Annan Women's Institute in 1947-49, and later was the district director. Dirkie's hobbies were knitting and painting. She passed away on Jul y 11, 1965, and is buried in Greenwood Cemetery,Owen Sound. 26

Miss Marion Buzza Secretary- Treasurer 1933- 34 Mrs . Harold Ceasar President 1951- 53 Life Member 1963 Marion Branscombe Buzza was born at Leith on December 23, 1905 , the daughter of Samuel Buzza and Janet !licKeen Buz,za. She had two brothers William Ross ( deceased) and John l&lilson . She attended the Leith Public School and the Owen Sound Collegiate • • Marion lived at home until her marriage to Mr . Harold Ceasar on June 10 , 1939. They bought the James McKeen farm (next farm south of her home) , which had been purchased originally by Mrs . Ceasar's great grand- father, James McKeen Sr. The Ceasars have two daughters, Mary Janet, Mrs . James Mustard, and Margaret Marion, Mrs . Glenn Mustard. They have three grand-children. One of Marion' s main interests has been music, and she was a member of Central United Church choir for several years, also the Treble ,il lef Chorus, Ladies Glee Club and Handel Society, She led the Choral Society at .Annan . More recently she was the soloist when Grey North District ~omen ' s Institute entertained the .Associated Country \I/omen of the World President, Mrs • .Alice Berry in Knox United Church , Owen Sound in June 1956. Mrs . Ceasar is a member of Leith United Church, and has been a member in t he Y. P.S . She has taught ~unday School for many years. She has been an active member

of the Leith l{ . JL, now the u.c.w . Marion was the secretary of the Sxcelsior Club, a junior club of the United • Farmers of Ontario, and. more recently she has been a member of the Leith Farm Forum . Prior to her marriage, Miss Buzza was the secretary- treasurer of the Annan Jomen ' s Institute in 1933- 34 . She served as president in 1951-53 . 27

Page 2 - Mrs . Harold Ceasar She organi zed i:he first Junior Homemaker Club, called Yohoma, (Young Homemakers) . Mrs Ceasar has l ed several junior projects, and has r eceived the certificate of meri t for leadersh i p of f ive yea rs and over . As well as working with the g irls, l e Marion has led senior projects. In the Annan Women' s I nstitute, sh e has held many off ices and among them were di strict d irector and standing committee co1tven­ e r s hips .

• • Mrs . Carl Marritt President 1954- 55 and part of 1956

Jean Fletcher was born on January 21, 1907 at Lot J , Concession 5, of Colling­ wood Township, to Mr . Alexander Fletcher and his wife Mary Plummer . She has two brothers Duncan and John and one half brother Wesley Plummer. She attended school at S . S . No . 11, Collingwood Township, Gibraltar. Upon completing public school, Jean attended Feversham Continuation School and Colling­ wood Collegiate Institute. She played on the inter- school softball teams against Owen Sound, Barrie and Eenetang. She also took part in inter- form basketball • After completing the requirements for Normal Entrance, Jean attended Hamilton • Teachers College. Her first school was S . S. No . 8 , Osprey Township at Brewster' s Lake . The following three years she taught at Rob Roy , S. S . No . 10, Osprey. Then she tau­ ght for two years at her home school at Gibr altar. For the next two years she was the schoolmarm at S . S . No . 7, Collingwood Township-Loree. Then she came to S. S. No . 1, Sydenham, where she taught two years. More recently Jean has taught at Briar Hill school in the years 1956 and 1964. Uuring her summer holidays she took short courses in Toronto and al so obtained the Certificate of Agriculture by study­ ing two summers at the O. A . C. Guelph . She also enjoyed travelling and had one trip up the Great Lakes and to Manitoulin Island and to British Columbia . Jean Fletcher was married on ~ugust 7th, 1940 to Mr . Carl Marritt . For five months they lived on the 8th line of Collingwood Township . The n they moved to their present home at Lot 27, Concession'C, Sydenham, where their three children were born-Lyle, and twins Joan and Jack. • Mrs . Marritt has taken willingly her part in community life. She is a past­ president of t he .Annan women's Institute. She was a member of the Annan w.M.S. and mo re recently the U.C.~ . , and is a member of the Annan United Church. The lv'.arritt f arm was sold in the spring of 1972, and C~rl and Jean moved to

Thornbury. Their son Jack was killed in a car a ccident i11 July 197.3. 29 --__,. •

Mrs . G. Allan Bothwell President 1956 Edna Boyd was the daughter of Mr . and Mrs . Hobert James Boyd. Her mother' s maiden name was Sarah Alice Cook . Edna was born in Sydenham Township. There were four boys in the family; Harry (deceased) liorman, Earl, (Edna' s twin brother) and William. Edna attended public school at Durie' s School, S.S. No . 16, Sydenham. Her marriage to Mr . G. Allan Bothwell took place on April 8, 1939. They had a famil y of three daughters ; "1-',ary Alice (Mayme) ,Mrs. Vi lliam Hillis, Edna Marie­ Mrs . Douglas Ormsby and Alvena Marlene. Mr . Bothwell died on May 23, 1959, in his 47th year. • Mrs. Bothwell was quite active in the Garryowen community where she lived from 1939 until 1959. During this time she was a member of Annan United Church and the Mission Band leader at the Garryowen Public School. Since moving to Owen Sound, Mrs . Bothwell has been a member of Division St . United Church and the U. C. W.

Mrs . Bot,hwell was a member of the Annan Women I s Institute ano. served as president in 1956 •

• JO

Mrs . Robert Hewitson President 1957-59 Life 1',ember 1968 Treasurer 1946-48 Secr eta~y-Tr easurer 1972-71 Katherine Lemon was born on August 8th, 1922 at Balaclava, the daughter of Arthur Lemon and Edna MacGregor. She has two brothers Donald and James, both of R. R. 2, .Annan . She attended S.S. No. 8, Sydenham School (Balaclava) and two years at the Owen Sound Collegiate and Vocational Institute. Katherine, prior to her marriage, remained a"t home helping with the work on the farm, artd taking part i n co~munity activities. She married Robert A. Hewitson, Annan on . They have one daugh­ • ter, .3uzanne . Katherine joined the Balaclava Junior Institute in 1937 and belonged until it

disbanded in the late 40 1 s. She served as president for two years . She also belonged to the calf club, and participated in 8 homemaking clubs and acted as leader in several of these projects. Katherine attended the Girl's Conference in the spring of 1940, and in the same year, she was a member of the judging team representing Grey ·County at the Canadian National t:xhibition. 3he also belonged to the Owen Sound Junior Farmers and Junior Institute for a short time . In 194~. Katherine joined the Annan Women 's Institute, and was president f rom 1957- 59, and t reasurer from 1946-48 , She has led 4- H Homemaking clubs, and assisted with senior extension services. She was elected a vice- president of Grey No rth Dist­ rict ~omen ' s Institute in 1960, and at the present time (1967) is "the president . She was a member of the executive of the Museum Committee for three years and

served as chairman for one year • .ls chairman of this corimittee, she was a member • of the executive of the Grey County Historical and Art Society. Mrs. Hewitson is a member of the Annan United Church. She joined the Women's Missionary Society of this church in 1944 , and served as president in 1960- 61 . Jl

Page 2 - Mrs . Robert Hewi tson In 1961, she was honoured by being made a life member of the society. Jvl r s . Hewitson was the first president of the Annan United Church Wome n in 1962- 6) . She has also been active in the work of Grey Presbyterial United Church Women , and served sev­ eral years as Finance chairman. She i s a member of the Fri endly Fellowship g r oup • of the Annan pastoral charge, and served as the president. This young woman has also been a leader of the Annan Mission l3and, and has taught .Sunday School for several years. She has been a dir ector of the Annan Hall Club .

• 32

• Mrs . Everett Johnson President 1960- 61

Ma ry, called r,taimie, was born on May 2J, 1894 in .A.rran Township, in Bruce County, and at the age of thr ee years she moved to Concession A, Keppel Township,

in Grey County . She -was the daughter of Mr . and Mrs . li. E: . Hi ndle; Mrs . Hindle was the former Annie Sinclair. Miss Hindle had one brother, .A. . J . (deceased), and two sisters, Florence and Vickie, Mrs . Albert Elliott of Woodford . Maimie attended Publi c School at s . S . No . 1, Keppel and the Owen Sound Collegiate Institute . • She taught school at Silcote, ;:; . S. No . "/, Sydenham Township for four years, 1913- 17. Maimie Hindle and Everett Johnson were married on February 1st, 1917 at the family home at Jackson, and settled on a farm in North Sydenham and lived there until 1946. Then they purchased the .A.nnan store and operated it from Ma r ch to December 1946, The Johnsons• built a new home in Annan in 1947 and have resided there continuously from that time . Mrs . Johnson has been active in the Annan 1'iomen 1 s Institui;e, becoming a member in 1946 and serving as president during the years 1960- 61 . She has also been district director and held several convenerships. She is a member of· Annan United Church, serving as the Congregational sec­ retary since 1947 . .Mrs . Johnson was the president of the W.1•1.l>, in 1958-59 , and now is a member of U.C.W. She taught $unday .:lchool for several years. Mrs Johnson was a member of Lei th Farm Forum for a few years . She was the ~ssistant Jecretary- Treasurer of North Sydenham School Area Board, retiring on • December 31, 1964. She has been assistant secretary-treasurer aod co-director of Annan Hall Club for a number of years. Mr . and Mrs . Johnson have one daughter Victoria-Mr s . ~- N. Johann, of Toronto, and one grand-daughter 1,1ary Carolyn. ,~r. "ohnson di ed in December 1977 . Mrs . Johnson passed aw!'ly sudd enly i n February 1969, and is buri.,d at ;.. nnan. JJ

Mrs . Victor Bassingthwaite President 1962- 64 • Life J.lember 1974

Mrs . Victor Bassingthwaite was the former Mary Scarrow, daughter of Mr . Watson Scarrow and his wife Evelyn Mccutcheon. Mary was born at Lacordaire, Saskatchewan on June 25, 1916. He r parents were homesteaders in the southern part of Saskatchewan. Her father was the Justice of the Peace for the area, also the first secretary- treasurer of the Lacordaire school district . Mr . Scarrow was the first settler in that part filing on his homestead in 1910 . Mary was the first white child born in the district and proved a novelty to the friendly Indians who roamed the prairies at that time. She has one brother Howard, Assiniboia, Saskatchewan and two sisters, .Amy, .Alberta and Elva-Mrs . Fred Leclerc;:irummondville, Quebec • • Mary attended public school at Lacordaire, and obtained most of her first three years of High School by government correspondence course. In 1934 she came to Owen Sound and attended the Owen Jound Collegiate and Vocational Institute for the next two years. Mary Scarrow was married to Victor Bassingthwaite on June 29, 1937 at Keady, Ontario . The Bassingthwaites farm at Lot 35, Concession C, Sydenham Township on the farm that David Armstrong took from the Crown in 1848, and this is the fifth generation of the family to live on this land. Mary and Victor have one son Jim and two daughters Marilyn, Mrs. Keith Armstrong of Toro?to and Ellen. Mrs . Bassingthwaite has served as president of the Annan W.M.S . and is a member of the U. C.W. She is a Sunday School teacher and is a past- president of the Annan Y.P .S , Mary has been very active in the work of the ~nnan United Church. She has been a vice- president in the Grey Presbyterial of u.c.w. Mary served as president of the Annan Women ' s Institute in 1962- 64 , She has led a number of 4- H Homemaking Clubs and was presented with the five year seal of • Merit by the Canadian Council of 4- H Clubs in 1965. Mrs . Bassingthwai t e was the Grey North District domen •s Institute represent­ ative to the Grey County Federation of Agriculture in 1961-6J . J4 Page 2 - Mrs. Victor Bassingthwaite She convened the Grey County Women ' s Institute Radio program in 1960- 6). Mary's hobby is adult educat ion. She is a woman who is interested in community betterment, and works hard i n the church, Women's Institute, t he Federation of Agri cult ure and other worth­ • while projects. Much of the inform:;ition in these Tweedsmuir History Books is the result of 14ary ' s untiring effor1·,s to get the history of this community . She compiled a good deal of the information for the Annan and Leith ~ecti ons of history in the nHi story of Sydenham Township". Mary was the Tweedsmuir Curator-1965- In the spring of 1971. the Bassingthwaite fanm was sold to Jarnes Miras. Pri or to the Bassingthwaite' s moving, Mar y 1ias made a Life Member ,-11th Mrs . Stanley Hutchinson, President, making the presentation. Vic and Mary l eft our community to reside at _.:..lton, where they were in charge of Friendly Acres G~mp, operated by the United Church . In the l~te summer of 1977, t hey

retired f rom their duties at Fr iendly Acres • • .. . to R , - Mrs . V . Bassingthwai te and Mrs. H. Coventry at the Int~rnRtional Pe~~e Garden , ~::ani to ba •

• .35

Mrs . Allan >,'1ilson Pr esident 1965- 66 Edna Laura Holding was born on September 1, 1918 at Paisley, to Jlir . Arthur Holding and his wife the f'ormer Laura Robinson . The Holdi ngs rnoved to Sullivan To,•mship in 1920, and Edna attended S . S. No . .3 .:3ulli van public school. · She has 2 brnthers and 6 s i sters namely: Harold, Derby Township, Vera, .Mrs .

Joseph More, Derby Townshi p, George, who resides with his parents, I:( . it . 2, Chatsworth, Mina , Mrs . Fred McNeil, R. R. 2, Kembl e, and four s i sters in l'oronto Dorot h.y , Mrs . Lloyd .trcher, Hilda, !vi.rs . Neil King, Eleanor, l•irs . liarold .rloar, • and Marion, Mrs . Jack rribble . On July 15, 1939 idna Holding married Mr . Allan Wi l son of Derby,. '£ownship. They resided in Owen Sound until the following spring, and at that t ime , they moved to the township of Sulli van, where t hey farmed one year. Then they moved to De r by Township, and lived there three years. While ~here, a son Gordon was born to them in 1942 . In 1944, the ,vilson family moved to Lot 25, Concession 4 Sydenham Townshi p . Their daughter, Doreen was born in 1945 and their younger son, James in 1947, They have ~wo grand-dau~hters. Mrs . Wilson is a member of the .i!nnan vfomen ' s Insti tute, and was president in 1965-66. She has been active in her branch, anu has served as ~~riculture and Canadj an Industries conven~r, Jistri-ct Direct,or, sunshine convener and ho:,:Ld otber of'fi.ces. fv1rs . ~ilson was the Horne Economics and Health convener for Grey No~~h District in 1959-61. She was elected to the same convenership in Grey­ Bruce Area in 196S. • She is a me~ber of the Ann~n United Church, and taught Sunday School for eight years. Mrs . ll{ilson was a leader fo_r the hission Band at tile Garryowen School for several years . 36

Pa~e 2 - Mrs . Allan ,/ilson She is an active member of the Sydenham igricultural 3ociety, and is an

exhibitor at this fai r and the Owen Sound Fair with her sewing and baking .

Mrs , 1'filson has lead many 4- H Clubs and also has instructed in the senior • proj e cts . Due to ill- health, Mr . .Allan ,Wilson sold. their t·arm in 19'/0 , and bui l t a new residence on the north- east t of Lot ~4, Concession 4, Mr. Wilson died in .t."ebruary 1971, and is buried in the Annan ~emetery. Mrs . Wilson Joined t he Wooa t·ord. Wome n ' s Institute s everal years a i'ter her move to her new home .

• 37

Mrs . Lester Bye President 1970-71 Mrs . Lester Bye, formerly Jean Grunsell was born at Annan , Onta rio on February 5, 1917, the third daughter of Mrs. Charles Grunsell and the late Mr . Grunsell. As a small child, she moved with her family to Owen Sound, where she received her ed­ ucation at Strathcona Public School, and later graduated from the Owen Sound Coll­ egiate and Vocational Institute. In 1940 she married Lest er J . Bye of Annan, and they resided at Lot 24 , Concession • 4 of Sydenham Township until 1944 when they moved to Lot 24, Concession 5 of the same township, where they stil l reside·. Mr . and Mr s . Bye have three children, John, who is married to the former Barbara Lihou, lives in Owen Sound, Mary (Mrs. John Collier), a Medical Secretary at Victoria Hospit al, London, and Kathryn (Mrs. Jim Finley), a Legal Secretary i n London. In March 1975, the Bye's first grandchild arrived-Meli ssa Ann Bye . Mrs. Bye is a Past President of the .Annan Women ' s Institute, the District Director at this t ime, and has held other offices in this organizaion. She is a Past President of the United Church 'iomen at Trinity ,,lnnan, and a former Sunday School teacher. Jean has also served on the various boards of the church, as well as taking an act ive part in the life of the community • • 38

~ four generation. Left to right-Theresa Lynn r.rorrison, Norman Hutchinson, Mrs . Stanley Hutchinson, Patricia Ann b1orri son and • Ruth 1,1orrison.

l•lrs . St:i.nley Hutchinson President 1972- 74

Elizabeth Helen (tlellie) .lrmstrong was born on July 19, 1903, the daughter of 1-:r . Thomas !rmstrong and :.rs . ..rmstrone (the former ..lgnes Brown) in Sydenham Township,

on Concession 7- S .E . ~ Lot 23 .

Nellie was

'.lar~aret-Mrs . James Maynard, Roy , I sabell, -Mrs . Charlton Cameron, James , Cl arence (Cl;1re) , and 3lmer . Nellie s ttended ..lnnan Public School . She was also active in the community and was • the secretary-treasurer of the Excelsior Club when it be&an in 1921. On Febr uar y 23 , 1926, Nellie Armstronz m~rried Stanley Hutchinson and they lived

in Detr oit for a short time . They now reside at S . .I . Lot25 , Concession 4, Sydenham . Their f:tmily are Marion (Mrs . Harold Ward), Elgin, Norman, l-1erle Isabell, (died at six months in 1930) , Elva (J\lrs . Clayton ,lalmsley) , Muriel (J•lrs . ;l.rthur .Alexander) , Lillian (Mrs . George Sitter) , Irene (Mrs . Paul Rogers) , Keith and Melville . ..lt the time of tfellie and Stan Hutchinson' s 50th Anniversary, they had )4 grand- children and nine great- grand- children. A.t t.he time of' her death , she had 15 gr eat grand- children· l•1rs . Hutchinson w:is alwqys ver y active in the .3unday School of the Annan Church, as a teacher and the Superintendent from 1952- 69 . .:ihe was honoured for her faithfulness with a presentation when shu retired. Jhe .~as a member of the «nni versary Committee in 1949 who:m i;he «nnan l,,1urch c.ilebrated its 100th .

Nellie joined the innan ./omen I s Institute in 1953, and w:1s convener at the banquets and weddi ng dinners on many occasions , ~lso dld the same able job at the • functions when the church catered. rt.rs . Hutchinson was the Annan Women I s Institute president for three years, 1972- 74 . Her deat h occurred on May 28, 1978. She is bur ied in the Annan Cemeter y . J 9

·rH.i;; SECRET ARicS- TRhA.:>URc;RS UF THii: AN tL4.I~ ll'O!•!t.:N ' S I N-::i'I'I 'flJT~ 1903-14 Miss Nellie Cannon 1915 Mrs . Alex ,,1 . Taylor* 1916 Miss Ji;dith Burr 1917 Miss Lily Helen McDonald • 1918-19 Mrs. Dougald MacGregor* 1920 Mrs . Henry Reilly ,_ 1921-23 Mrs . Arthur MacArthur ? 1924- 28 Mrs . Slwood Long 1929 Miss Lyle Bassingthwaite 1930-32 Miss Margaret Rutherford 1933-34 Mi ss Ma rion Buzza* 1935-36 Mrs . Fred Day* 1937 Miss Emma Laycock Si!:GrtETkRY 'rH..t;ASU.tiiR 1938 Mrs . John Ramsay fllrs . Norman McArthur 1939 Miss Rae McArthur 1940 Mrs . Edwin Vanwyck J.939- 41 Mrs . Nelson Artley 1941- 43 J'i[rs • Earl Levens* • 1941~ -45 Miss Annie Johnston 1942- 45 Miss Anna Sutherland* 1946-47 Mrs. Ross Buzza* 1946- 48 !lirs . Robert Hewitson * 1948-50 Mrs . Norman Mclrthur 191:.9- 50 Mrs . Clayton Boyd 1951 Mrs . Roger Mitchell 1951 Mrs . .6:arl Levens* S~Urt~'I'ArtY- T!u!;ASURift 1952- 53 Mrs. Roger J\litchell 1954-56 Mrs . Ross Buzza* 1957- 60 Mrs. Arthur ..Alexander 1961-65 Mrs . Kenneth Spence 1966-71 !,irs . Gelt Hofman 1972-73 Mr s . Robert Hewitson 1974-75 Mrs . Gelt Hofman 1976- lv~rs . Roger J.litchell • The asterick indicates that these Institute members served as president and their s tory will be .found in that section . :..o

Miss Nellie Cannon Secretary-Treasurer 1903-14 Mrs. Thomas Maynard Miss Nellie Cannon was born on Lot 29, Concession B, Sydenham Township on September 27, 1869, the daughter of Major James Cannon and his wife, Nancy Arm­ strong. She had six brothers, younger than herself, Robert,David, John, James, William and Hubert; James was the eldest son • • Miss Cannon kept house for her father in Annan until his death. Mr . Cannon had been a Major in the Fenian Raid. He was clerk of $ydenham Township for many

years, also the secretary-Treasurer of the B0thwe1J. 1 s Corner Fair, and his dau­ gter assisted him with this work. She was a charter member of the Annan Women's Institute, and tbe first secretary-treasurer, and held this position from 1903-14 . Nellie Cannon became Mrs. Thomas Maynard on March 5, 1919. She attended the Annan Presbyterian Church, later United. It is said that her activities were mostly church and home. She could bake excellent bread, and used to supply the Dr. McDonald family with eight and ten loaves twice a week . Mrs . Maynard died on March 7, 1947 a nd is buried in .Annan cemetery • • 41

1eft to righ-r.: MaY!fle ,Mrs . J . L. Carson, • Roger Burr , 6di th,Mrs . James Harkness, Harry Burr and Bill Burr Miss Edith Burr Secretary-Treasurer 1916 Mrs . James Harkness

Miss Edith Burr was born on September 5, 1gg9, -r.be daugh-r.er of Mr. and Mrs . James Burr. The latter' s maiden name was Jessie 1a.mont . They resided souc;h of Annan on Concession C. lot J6. Miss Burr had two sisters and four brothers namely, Mayme-Mrs . James L. Carson, Toronto, Anne-Mrs . Stait (deceased), Roger, Toronto, l'lilliam, Provost, Alberta, harry, Fergus, and Russell- Fergus ( deceased) . Edith Burr married Mr. James Harkness, who died in March 1954. They farmed in various sections of the Annan and Leith area, and at one time lived on Conces­ • sion A, lot owned by Mr . rloss McKay . Mr . and J,,rs . Harkness moved to Fergus and farmed there successfully until rnoving to weston, where Mr. harkness died . Miss Burr was the secret~ry- treasurer of the Annan women's Institute in 1916. Mrs . Harkness and Mrs. Carson reside in Toronto .

• 42

Miss Lily rielen McDonald Secretary- Tr easurer 1917 • Mrs . Wilson Bedell

Mrs . Wilson Bedell nee Lily Helen McDonald, daugnter of the late Dr . .villiam McDonald and Mr s . McDonald , t he former Caroline 1,1argaret Beattie, was born i n Chesley on October 18 , 1$9!'!. The f ollowing year in .::ieptember the famil y moved i;o .uinan as Dr . Mc Donald had taken over the practice of Ur . All an Sloan. A couple of

years later a second daughter Marjorie Isabel was bor n and she is now Mrs . 'Ii . IL Ray and res i des in Owen Sound . The public school education of t he ~cDonald sisters was received in the Annan public s chool- $ . S . No . 3, Sydenham Township and later they a t tended the Owen Sound Collegiate Institute • In June 1918 the family moved to Owen Sound, where Dr. McDonald died in 1924, • ltillile i n Annan, Lily Helen held the s ecretary- i;reasurer office in the Annan Women ' s Institute in 1917. dhe also was a member of the choir in the ~nnan ?re sby­ terian Church . Mi ss McDonald was married on December 10 , 1924 to Dr. Wilson Bedell, a Kemole boy , who had graduated as a dentist the previous year and settled in 01~en Sound . Early in J anuary 1925 the Bedells move

her first one in the JI omen I s Ins ti tu te . Sne was president for t wo year s of the 1•lary Scott missionary auxiliar y of Knox United Cnurch, and she was the first secretary • {recording) of Knox U. C. W. after the re- ore;anization , holding 1; he office 1·or two years . Mrs. Bedell was Regent of the Ear l Gr ey Chapter, Imperi al Order Daughters of the impire f r om 1961-63 and secretary of t hat organization from 195S to 1961 . 4)

Page 2 - Mrs . Wilson Bedell She is the president (1967) of the Lyceum Club and ~omen's Art Association, Owen Sound branch . She is a charter member of the Tom Thomson Art Gallery and a member of the Jomen 's advisory committee of the Gallery . Mrs . Bede l l is chairman of patient care Georgian Bay br a nch of the Muscular • Dystrophy Associa~i on for t hree years and now secretary of that organizat ion. She is a member of the Y.•11 . C.A. and the woman 's a uxiliary of the General and Marine Hospital. She also helps in the canteen of the Dr. Ma cKinnon Phillips Hospital . She is a member of t he Grey Granite Curl ing Club and the Owe n Sound Golf and Country Club ,

• Mrs. Henry Reilly was the former ~~nes Alexander. She was born on June 21, 1$74, the daughter of Mr. 4lexander Alexander and his wife _Agnes Scott. In the .t..lexander family there were six children A.gnes, Flora, Margaret, William, James and Laughlao. Their childhood was spent at Silver Creek Farm on Concession 4 of Sydenham Township at Garryowen, and she attended school at S .S. No . 14-, Sydenham . •• On November 10, 1896, Agnes Alexander was married to Mr. ttenry Reilly; their marriage was solemnized by liev. iL A. McLean of Kemble. Mr. and Mrs . Reilly resid­ ed on the rarm at Annan beside the cemetery, known as Lot J4, Concession C. They had a family of three sons and three daughters: Ruth-Mrs. illis of Toronto, Mary­

Mrs . Petty (deceased), Margaret- Mrs. ,L H, Fraser, Toronto, John, R. R. l, Arris, Chester R. R. 5, Guelph, and Russell, Guelph (deceased) . Mrs . Reilly was the secretary- treasurer of the ~nnan Women ' s Institute in 1920 . Her death occur red on July 11, 1936, and she is buried in Annan cemetery •

• Mrs . Henry Reilly Secretary-Treasurer 192v •

Mrs . Elwood Long Secretary- Treasurer 1924- 28 Mrs. gl wood Long was the former Jemima Findlay, daughter of Mr . and Mrs . Allan Findlay. Her mother' s maiden name was J emilllcl Inglis-. Miss Findlay was born on November 6, 1879 in St. Vincent Township, near walters Falls. She had five brothers and four sisters: George, Jane, John, Isabelle-Mrs . Hoger Milson, gllen­ Mrs. James Fleming, dilliam, Allan, Florence-Mrs . James Moffatt and Tom . • She attended U.S. S . No . 9 Sydenham and St . V.incent Public School. She was a member of $t. Paul's Presbyterian Church, lat er the Woodford and ~nnan churches. Her marriage took place at Hoath Head on January 31, 1906 to Mr . David Elwood

Long, and was solemnized by Rev . J . J. . Black. They had two children:f lorence-Mrs . Fraser Lamont and Findlay, who died on December 20 , 1931, at the age of 17 years. Mrs. Long had tl;lree grand- children. She lived at Woodford until 1921, then moved to Annan,to the farm at Lot 35 , Concession C, Sydenham Township . Mrs. Long was an active Institute worker, and served as secretary- treasurer of the Annan Women' s Institute from 1924- 28. She died on September 1, 1961, and is buried in the Annan cemetery . • 46

Miss Lyle Bassingthwaite • Secretary-Treasurer 1929 Mr s . Harry Coventry

During the year 1929, the secretary- treasurer of the Annan Women 's Institute was Miss Lyle Bassingthwaite, the daughter of t-1r . and Mrs . Frank Bassingthwaite. She was born on September 15 , 1906, at Big Lake, Man itoulin Island, coming to ~nnan with her parents in 191) . Here she and her brothers, Ra ymond , Harold and Victor received their education and took part in community acti vities. After spending a few years in Owen Sound and 'l'oronto, she married Mr . Harry Coventry in 1937 , of Big Lake, Manitoulin Island, and here their son Kerwood was born. They l i ved for several years in Kent County, whe~e her husband taught school, also at Coboconx and Iron Bridge. During this time it was a happy experience to • belong to the local branches of the Women ' s Institute. In 1960 , Kerwood graduated as a Civil Engineer from the University o_f Toronto, and in the same year Mr and ~frs . ~oventry retired at Big Lake . Mrs . Coventry is the president of the Women ' s Institute there, the same branch in which her mother was for several years the only living charter member . She has f or many years be en a member of the United Church and active in com­ munity work . She is keenly interested in Tweedsmuir History books and at the pres­ ent time is the Tweedsmuir Curator for Bast Manitoulin District of the women ' s Institute •

• !, 7


Miss Ma r garet Rut herford • :,ecretary- •rreasurer 1930-32

Miss l'•,argar et Ruther.for d wa s born at Le i t h on the family 1arm in 1894, the da ughter of the lat e Malcolm a nd Annie Mitche ll !{ut herford. She had two sisters, Ka t e , who has be en serving as a missionary in lngola, ~est ~frica since 1928, J essie, 1-1 ho died in 1941, a nd Bri e; adier Thomas J . now retired at Leith . llia r garet atcended the Leith Public School, and t.he Owen Sound Collegiate Institute , Stratford Normal School in 1913- 14 and in 1926 graduated f r om the Toront o General Hospital . The f amily built a new home in Leith in 1924 , whei·e she still resides. ¥ris s Rutherfor d taught school at S. S. ~o . 14 , Sydenham, (Garryowen) , S .S. No . 16, Sydenham Township (Durie' s) and Park Head • • Owing to the ill ness and death of her father 1926-38, and of her sister 1938-41 , 5be remained at home , also did occasional nursing unti l 1958 . .::,he has been active in the llnnan ~omen ' s Insti tute and for years has r a rely mi ssed a meeting . Miss Rutherford wa5 the Secretary-•r reasurer of the .Annan br anch in 1930-32, and has also hel d other offices, inc l uding convenership of standing commi ttees . As a member of the Leith Uni t ed Chu rch, she has been a choir inember , taug ht

Sunday School, and the Bible Class. She belongs t o the U. C. vi. and has been serv­ i ng as secretary of this or ganization .

• •

1,1iss Eama Laycock Secretar y- Treasurer 1937 Mrs . John Ramsay Secre tary 19.)8 Mrs . John kamsay, nee r;mma Laycock, the daughter of the lace Nr , and Mrs • • Robert Laycock of Annan, was born at Griersville on September 11, 1901. Her mother' s maiden name was b.'thelda Ann Snider of .:Jydenham Township . Mrs . ttamsay has three sisters and one brat.her namely Fl orence, Mrs . Charles Kiog of Owen Sound, li:lda, Mrs. Morris on Stewart, Balaclava, Zelma, Mrs . ,falter Heid, Annan and Albert of Annan. Miss Laycock attended St . Paul' s School , Sydenham Township, S . S . No . 1, Keppel Township and Balaclava School receiving entrance education . She married John I . Ramsay of Annan on June 22nd 193S, and there was one soo Irvin, who has three children . !llrs. Ramsay was widowed in 1950 . , l01rs. Ramsay was Che secretary- tre ... surer in 1937, prior to her marriage,and t-he year she was married she wast.he secretary of the Annan \I/omen's Inscitute . Briar Hill domen •s Institute was organized in the spring of 1949, and she became a member of it, a nd later served as president i'or .four years. She is a member of Johnstone United Church and has taken part in the choir, • Y.P.S. , been a Sunday School teacher and a member of the U.C.W. Smmi:1 Ram say married l,.r . _rchi e JohnSt .)n in -,eptember 1977, .tnd they r1:side in o..,, .. n Sound . ,·,r . Johnston died in the autumn of 1:180. 49

Miss Rae McArthur • Secretary 19)9 Mrs. William l•1edley

Rachel Marie (Rae) McArthur was born on January lb, 1912, the younger daughter of Charles N. and Mary (Cathrae) McArthur at R.R. 2, Annan, where she has lived all her l ife except for several months spent in Haliburton County after her marriage. She was one of a family of six, having one sister Florence-r,lrs. Percy Lavery, and four brothers, Wilfred, Douglas, Norman and John. Mrs. Lavery died in 1962. Miss McArthur at tended S. S. ,Jo. J, .;ydenham Puolic School and Annan Sunday School . • As a delegate of the Annan 1iomen ' s Institute, she attended a Girl ' s Conference i n Guelph in the 19JO's. Miss McArthur was the secretary of the .llnnan brancn in 1939.

Her marriage to Mr. A'illiam W. Medley took place on .August 31 1 1940. They lived at Maple Lake in Haliburton County until March 1941, when they returned to Annan and purchased her home farm at Lot 29, Concession C in ~ydenham Township. The Medley' s have one son Keith, who graduated from waterloo Lutheran University in 1965 and is teaching ~nglish in the high school in Barrie . Mrs . Medley is a member of the Annan Uni1;ect Church , and is a member of the United Church Women organization.

Mr. and 1,1rs , Med l ey sc:,ld t heir farm t o t heir so11 Keith and mc-ved t a ::ih a l .LOW L;ike i n 1974 . • 50

Mrs . Edwin Van,~yck • ~ecr etary 1940

Mrs • .Edwin VanWyck was born Alice Davidson, the daughter of Mr . Douglas Davidson and Mary MacK enzie Davidson, at Kemble on September 9 , 1908. Her family members were four brothers, Daniel, John, Art;hur and MacKenzie and one sister, Laura-Mrs. Lorne McMillan. She obtained her education at the Kemble Public School and the Owen -5ound Collegiate and Vocational Institute and Stratford Normal School. Miss Davidson taught at Balaclava, Annan and ~est Garafraxa in Wellington County . Alice Davidson married Mr . Edwin Vanwyck on June 19,1937 and resided on the • farm at Annan,Lot 34, Concession B, until 1944, when they moved to the Fer gus area, and at the present time live in the town of Fergus. Mr . and Mrs . Vanwyck have one son Doug las, who is married and in the food management business. Mrs. Vanwyck was a member of the Annan domen•s Institute, and was secretary in the yes1r 1940 . Since moving to the Ferg us district, she has been a member of the Elora Women's Institute but not the Fergus one, as she does supply t eaching . She has been a member of the United Church at Kemble and Annan and presently is a member of Me lville cnurch i n Fer g us • .:ihe has taken an active part i n the W.M.S ,

and is a past secret ary of the U. C. !Al . Mrs . VanWyck has served on a comm ittee of the opportunity shop for the hospital. She has also acted as Secretary of the Hospital Auxili~ry. • 1

Marearet Pearl King was born on September 29 , 1896 on the corner farm of the 8th Li ne and 12 and 13 Line of dydenham Township, a dauehter of Augustus and .Anne King . Her mother was the daughter of William Elder and Ma r y McKay who was born on the homest ead in the same log house. 1,,iss King attended school at Roath Head, at • the same school as is there at the pr esent time . She also attended Sunday School and church at. Black ' s Church . In her ramily, there were t hree brothers and one sister: George, John, Alex and Barbara. In 1914, s he was united in marriage to £,Jr . ,~elson J.rtl ey on February 23rd , by Rev. J ohn Dobbin and went as a bride of sighteen to her new home at Leith, over the top of the snow, on t he 19th of March. They lived on the f arm below Leith, until moving to thei r home in Leith (the former Baptist Church manse) f'or a year and a half. Then the .lrtleys moved to the home on the Meaford highway, where they were living at the time of her passing on March 17, 1962 . She i s buried in Owen S011nd . Mr . and ~,rs . Artley had one daughcer Marjorie, Mrs . Donald Gi lchrist and two grand-chil dren Robert Mi ller and Margaret Gi lchrisc. Mrs . Artley joined Leith Church . Later she joined Knox ITnitad Church in Owen Sound . She also was a member of the Lei th 1\fomen ' s Association. She played basketball with a team of g irls in the community at Leith . Mrs . .Artley was the t.reasurer of the Annan 1t'omen ' s Institute in 1939- 41. Later • she j oined the newly formed Briar Hill ~omen ' s Institute. While her health per mitted, she was act ive in her flower garden and organizations .

• . 1/lrs . Nelson .irtley Treasurer 1939- 41 52

Miss Annie Johnston Secretary 1944- 45 Miss Annie Johnston was born at Balaclava, the daughter of Mr . John Harvey Johnston and his wife Mary Ramsay. She has two sisters, Maggie, Mrs . Martin

Anderson , Jessie, Mrs . William MacGregor and one brother ~rchie1 rt.It. 2, Annan . She attended Balaclava and Briar Hill Public Schools, a l so the Owen Sound Collegiate Ins titute.

Miss Johnston i s a member of the Briar Hill \\'omen I s Institute, and was the secretary of the Annan Women ' s Institute in 1944-45 and was a member for a number of years . She i s a member of Johnstone United Church. She has been treasurer of the • W.M.S . , lat er the Women ' s Federation, and now the U. C. W. of Johnstone United Church since 1944. She -was,in her younger days, a member of the Johnstone Young People ' s Society, and their treasurer. Miss Johnston has been a Sunday School teacher and was also a leader of the Br iar Hill Mission Band . Miss Johnston resides with her sister Mrs . MacGregor at Lot lo, Concession B in Sydenham Township. lier ln.rth date was Uecember '1 , 1885 . She pas sed away on J.,ay 29th., 1978, and is ouried in the Leith cemetery •

• 53

Mrs . Norman McAr thur was the former Gertrude Inez Glover . She was born on March b, 1904 at Wiarton, the daughter of Mr . Gordon Glover and his wife Ada Hyatt . She had two brothers Sterling of Owen Sound and Stewart of Amabel Town­ ship • Inez Glover attended publi c school in Amabel Township and the Wiarton High • School. Later she graduated from the Stratford Normal School. She taught for twelve years, and was the teacher at Tuppervill e , S . S . No .

11, Keppel Township (Lake Charles), Keady and at S . $ . No . J, Sydenham Township, ( Annan) . Miss Glover met her husband whil e teaching a t Annan, and on April 13, 1936, she marri ed Mr . Norman Mc,,rthur. The mar riage -was solemnized by ltev . Strachan in Owen Sound . They resi ded at R. R. 2, ~nnan , about three miles north- east of Annan . There were three children, Leone, Mrs. Clem Rei.lly, Ruthann, l\1rs . Ronald

Phillips and Robert . Ruthann was later 0 ,:;.:r•ried to i'.ior for. .ayers. Mrs . McArthur wa s a member of the Annan Uni ted Church, and an active worker in the W.M.S . of that church, and the president of this or ganization at the time of her death. She taught dunday School for sometime. She was also interested in the .Annan liomen•s Insti tute, and was the treas­ urer i n 1938 and the secretary i n 1948- 50. Mrs . McArthur was the citizenship • and education convener in Grey North District Women ' s Institute in 1950- 51 . She took an active part in all organizations until the ticoe of her death on August J.J , 1952 . Mrs . McArthur died suddenly of a heart attack, while on a holiday, and is buried at Annan cemetery . Mr. McA r thur' s death occurred i n Januar y 19'/8 .

• Mrs . Norman Mc.~rthur Treasurer 1938 Secretary 1948- 50 5!.

• •

Mrs . Clayton Boyd Treasurer 1949- 50 Elsie Lawrence was born at .tlJeaford on , the second daughter of Mr and Mrs. Fred Lawrence . Mrs . Lawrence's maiden name was Bellie Griffin. In 1911 Mr . and Mrs . Lawrence had come to Meaford from Buckinghamshire, b:ngland. Elsie has one sister, Eva, Mrs . Stanley Knight of Meaford. Miss Lawrence attended Meaford Public and High Schools, and following this went to work in the office of the Meaford Public Utilities Commission . At the • present time she is working in the Owen Sound Public Uti l i ties office. She was married in 1947 to Mr . Clayton Boyd of Leith. They lived at Annan, (on the 1·arm of Robert Hewitson), at Leith and pr ior to moving to Owe n .:found in 1956, were at the farm of Bert King . The Boyds have two sons ../infield and Rog er. Mrs . Boyd attended the Annan Women's Institute while in t his district and was the treasurer in 1949- 50. They attend First Baptist Church in Owen ~ound. They we re active in the Young Adult Group at Leith and other community activities. '1'he Bo yds lived in Br antl'ord for nine years, anCI in J.9'/4, returned to tnis area, ana are ll. v-ing 1.n N1.arton • • 5,;

• Mrs . Roger Mitchell Secretary 1951 Secretary- Treasurer 1952- 53 President 1967-6~ Secretary-Treasurer 1976-

Gwendolyn Isabel Taylor was born on the daughter of Mr . Go r don Taylor and his wife Nettie Merchant Taylor. She has two sisters Norma, Mrs . l:L Dawson of East Lint.on and Joan, JVirs . D. Penrose of Strathroy and one brother John of Kemble . Gwen attended Kemble school-.::l .S . No . 10 , Ke ppel Townsnip, and the Owen ::,ound Collegiate and Vocati onal Institute. Following graduation in 1946, she went to Stratford Normal School . She began teaching at Lei tb- S .S . No . 13, Sydenbam Township i n 1947, when this • school was re- opened in September, with an enrolment of 11. Mi ss Taylor went t o U. S . S . No . 10 Sydenham and St. Vincent in 1949 for one year . Af ter her marriage Mrs . Mitchell taught at the Annan school, S . S . No . J, Sydenham from September 1953 until December 1955 . Gwen Taylor married Mr . Roger Mitchell on November 4, 1950 . They have two sons and two daughters: Kenneth, Ll oyd, Lenore and Donna . They reside at Lot 33, Concessi on A, near Leith. Mrs . l•Htcbell was the secretary of the Annan .fomen I s Instit ute in 1951 . The following year the treasurers duties we re combined with the secretaries, and in 1952- 53, she served as secretary- treasurer. She was elected a vice- president in 1962 . She was a vice-president in Grey North District !Qomen's Institute in 1952- 53 . She taught dunday School at Kemble before her marr iage, and at Leith United Church, where she is a member. She was the president of Leith United Church wom en i n 1965-66. Mrs . Mitchell also assists her husband as treasurer of the Leith Church, • and the Leith Hall. 'l'he Roger Mitchell family attended the Leith Farm Forum, from its organization until it disbanded. 56

• Mrs. Arthur Alexander Secretary-Treasurer 1957-60

I.- Muriel Hutchinson was born on the daughter oI Stanley and Nellie Armstrong Hutchinson. She was born in Owen Sound, but has always been a resident of Sydenham Township , with the exception of a few years when the Rutchinsons lived in Owen jound. Muriel has four brothers and four sisters: Marion, Mrs Harold Ward, Elgin, Norman, l:!:lva, t•irs. Clayton ,falmsley, Lillian, Mrs • George Sitter, Irene, Mrs. Paul liogers, Keith and Melville. • She attended Alexandra and Victoria Public dchools in Owen Sound, Annan Public School and the Owen Sound Collegiate and Vocational Institute . Muriel has been employed at the Northern Nurseries before and since her marr-

iage. Her marriage to Mr . Arthur ~lexander took place on , and they reside on the rarm taken out from the Crown by Lockland Currie, his great grand­ father. The Alexanders have a daughter ~udrey and one son Wilfred. She has belonged to the ~nnan Church Choir, Young People's Union, the Owen Sound Horticulture Societr and the Farm Union. Muriel is also an ardent curler, and is a member of the Blue Jater Curling Club. Mrs • .Alexander was a member of the Owen Sound Junior Instii;ute. She was the Secretary-Treasurer of the Annan 'Homen' s Institute from l957-60. At the present time-1967, she is a vice-president • Tne J.lexanders sold i::.heir !'arm 1n 11/'/i. , and moved to St. Vincent 'i'ownship. In • 1~?'/, they moved to St . Martins, Manitoba, where Arthur alexander died in November. He is buried in the Annan ~emetery. 57

Mrs . Kenneth Spence .Secretary-Treasur er 1961- 65 President 1975-76,

Audrey Jean Halliday wa s born on in Sullivan Township, the daughter of Mr . J ohn Halli day and Bl anche Stevenson Halli day. She bas one brother Earl, on the homestead at R. R. J, Chatswor t h and one sister, Phyllis, Mrs . Thomas Dinsmore, R. R.6 , Owen Sound • • Audrey attended school at S.S. 12, Sullivan (Penner•s School), also the Chat­ sworth Continuation School . Later s he attended t he Owen Sound Collegiate and Vocat­ ional Institute, receiving her Grade lJ. She entered the School of Nursing at the General and Marine Hospital, but after completing her probationary term was forced to give up this profession due t o ill ­ health. Later Audrey attended the Northern Business College and was employed in offices in Owen Sound . Her marriage to Kenneth Spence took place in St. Andrew ' s Presbyterian Church, Chatsworth on . 'rhey resi ded at Annan until the following May, then moved to Leith . They have two sons John and Scott, and one daughter, Susan, Prior to her marriage, Audrey was active in Young People's work at Jt . ~ndrew•s Church, in Owen Sound and also Knox United. She was an executive member of the Y' s Men and Y' s Women Club and the Junior Business and Professional Women's Club • Mrs . Spence is a member of amnan United Church and has served as a vice- pres­ • ident of the U. C. :{ . and also was a lay delegate to Grey Presbytery. She has taught Sunday School and also served for six years, with her husband as counsellor of the Annan Young People's group. 5S Fage 2 - Mrs . Kenneth Spence She has been a di rect or of t he Owen Sound Horticult ur e soci ety and s erves as a di rector on the Children ' s Aid Soci ety, and has been a member of the executive comm i t tee of t hat organization . Mrs . Spence i s a d irector of the Owen Sound Agricult­ ure Society. She has been on the execut i ve of the Grey County Hi stor ical and Art • Society i n past years. Audr ey is a past pr esident a lso di s t r ict di r ect or of the Owen Sound Junior I nstitute . It wa s whil e she was a member of this young wome n' s g r oup t hat she bec­ ame vice- president and later president of the Gr ey Nor th Distri ct ~omen ' s I nstit ut e . At present she i s 2nd vice- president of t he Grey Count y Women ' s I nstitute , and also ser ved on the Grey- Bruce Ar ea Convention Commi ttee i n 1959 . She was the secretary­ treasurer of the Annan 'I/omen ' s Insti tute i n 1961- 65 , a nd pres i<1enr. J.l.)'/ ')-'/ 6. She r e cei ved her County Honours in 4- H Club work and has a s sis ted wi th t his wor k i n the -Annan lifomen ' s Institute. She and anor.her Desboro 4- H club member r ep­ resent ed Grey Cc unty at the C. N. E. at Tor ont o on "Let ' s Can Tomatoes'? .

Audrey s e rved a s s ecretary and later 1974 a nd l l.J'/ ') as the president 01· the Women 's Vivis i on or the Owen Sound .Ag r icultural ~oci er.y. She has oeen a oirector or t he tJwen .:>ouna i.;ommunit y t.;oncert Associ ati on amt i s currently \l'f/'J ) t he secretary 01· r.nat organization • • l n t he aut umn or J.'/'/'/, I'1r s . Spence oecame the );joare1 Director or .:»ub- JJi Y1.sion J. 5 and at tends meetings or t he .l"ederated Women !s .inst i t utes or Ont ari o spri ng and 1·a .1.1 .

'!'hi s t erm i s a r.n r ee yea r one . ln ll.)'/'), she was a lea•er at ur1·1aer•s ~onl'e r ence amt led ses sions on Jig r1. auJ.t ure ana Ca naaian lnaustries • .Ln Uccot>er .L'J'/l$ , .1warey was

electeel lt''res iuent or l.irey- );jr uee Area 01· t ae Women ' s .Lnstitur.es . '!'o up- date t he i nt'orma tion above, .Mrs. Spence was the chairman 01· the Grey ~aunt y Ral.l.y o.r the Women' s Institute in l':/08 .

In 19SO , she was the Chairman for the Branch Presidents at Officer's Conference .

• 59

. ,,trs . Gelt Hofman • r-~~...... ~ Secretary- Treasurer 1966- 71 " fl 1974-75

Agnes Bumste1d, t:-ie dau.;:;hter of Mr . Bert Bumstead, and Mrs . Bumstead, formerly A.me l ia Lart er. She was always called Dolly . Agnes was bor n at t he General and Marine Hospital . The Bumsteads resided at Lot 1 , S. C. D. Keppel- Town­ ship. Agnes has three older s i sters, Florence (Mrs . George \Hlcox) , Anna (Mrs.James Hamilton) , and Dorthea , and one brother Russel . One child died i n infancy of dipth­ eria in the early 1900•s

Agnes became the wife of Gelt Hofman , and they reside on C0 nc­ ession 1, Lot 3g, Sydenham Township . They have four daughters, Lynda (1,,rs . Bruce • Turner) , Eileen (Mrs . Robert Cruickshank) , Kathleen (,,,rs. Paul Seaman) and Diane (Mrs. Denni s Donkervoort ) . Mrs . Hofman has been active in the Annan vlomen' s I 11stitute, serving as the secretary- treasurer in 1966- 71 , and again in 1974- 75 . She also has been active as a leader in the 4- H Homemak ing Clubs. Agnes belonged to the Leith United Church until it closed and now attends the Annan United .Church . She bad taught Sunday School at Leith .

• 60

.Annan ~omen 's Institute By- Laws (1 ) That leaders and assistants of Junior a.nd Senior Homemaking Cl ubs be paid mileage (10¢ a mile one way ) , and for their meals when taking t he courses • • (2) That a delegate t o a me eting pertaining to the business of the br anch be paid 10¢ a mile one way plus overnight expenses and a ny meals serv­ ed in connection with the meeting. {J ) That a speaker at a meeti ng should be paid mileage, a doll ar being the mi nimum . (4) That the secretary-treasurer' s salary be $20. 00 per year, a nd that this be deducted prior t o the end of the Institute year. (5) .Any person in the community hospitalized or under a doctor ' s care at home t o receive a gift up t o the value of $1 .00. (6) That t he s hut-ins be remembered wi t h either boxes or car ds at Christmas, and that the members babies born during the year be remembered then too . ( 7) That a card of sympat hy be sent t o any bereaved family in the co~~uni ty. (8) That each member pay 50t in her birthday month , ( 9) That a daughter or son of a member or a member receive a gift upon his • or her marriage , said gi ft to be valued at $1, 50, and t hat a membe r leaving the community r ecei ve a gi f t valued at $1 . 50 . (10) That a member celebrating a special weddi ng anniversary be given a gift valued at $2,50 , and members of the community celebrating a special ann­ iversary be remembered with a car d . (11 ) That the retiring president and secretary- treasurer be presented with a gift, value .for president- $3 ,00, and secretary- treasurer-$1. 50 . (12) That the ways and means commi ttee assisted by the executive be res pons­ i ble for setting up the budget, re donati ons, and presenti ng it at the annual meeting. (13) Members a bsent f rom a mee t,ing of the bra nch due to Women ' s Institute commitments be ma rked present at the meeting of t he branch . (14) The bra nch directors wil l be t he nominati ng committee . Re vi 'e1~ed i n 1968- no changes Rev i e we d in 19'/2 (3) '!'bat a speaker at a meeting should be paid mileage, ~2 .00 b e ing the mini mum . • (5 ) .Any person i n t he community with the exception of Leith, hospitalized or unaer t he Doctor' s care at home, to r e ceive gi fts up to the value 0 1· fl .00 . .At Lei t h, the Senior Citizens , I nstitute members and as sociate memb ers , e .g . - 4H Leader s be r emembe red . 61


AGrtICULTOrlE ,AND Cil.NADL4H L~ DU::l l'ttitS 1942-44 Mi ss Margaret McKeen 1945-47 Mrs. Arthur McArthur • 1948 Mrs . J . B. Mcinnis 1949-51 Mrs • James Mi tchell 1952-53 Mrs . Carl Marritt 1954-55 Mrs. Victor Bassingthwaite • 1956 Mrs. William J ohnson 1957 Mrs. Stanley Hutchinson 1958-60 Mrs. Har old Ceasar 1961- 63 Mrs . All an lllilson 1964-65 Mrs. Robert Hewitson 1966-68 Mrs. Carl Merritt 1969- Mrs . Har old Ceasar i910- 1a Hrs. Ross Buzza 1974.-76 Mrs. El gin Knight 1977-79 Mrs . Lester Bye 1980- 61 Mrs. Harold Ceasar 1962 hrs . Harold Ceasar, 11Irs. Elgi n !~n i ght

• 62 STANDING cu~~1I TTBE HISTORIGAL RBSEAHCH 1942- 44 Mrs . Edwi n Vanwyck 1945 Mrs. D. C. McGregor 1946 Mrs. Victor Bassingthwaite 1947- 48 Mrs. John Ramsay HI STOttICAL it.t,;S1U rlCH AND GUrtRtNT &V.t,;NTS • Agnes McKeen 1949-51 Miss 1952 Mr s . Angus Smith Mrs. Ross Buzza 1953 Mrs . Ross Buzza 1954 Mrs. J.H.McKeen 1955- 56 Mrs . Arthur Alexander 1957 Mrs . J . H. McKean 1958- 60 Miss Margaret Rutherford 1961- 63 Mrs . Har old Ceasar J.964- 66 Mi ss Margaret Rutherfo rd 1967- 6$ Mrs. Lester Bye 1969-71 Mrs . Carl Marritt GITILENSHIP AND WORLD AF1''AIR.:l 1972- 73 Mrs . Victor Bassingthwaite 1974-76 Miss Ivargaret Rutherford 1977-79 Mrs . Gordon Rice 1980- Mrs. clgi n Kn i ght 1981 1,1rs . ner b 1,Iya tt 1982 hrs , rierb Myatt , ,-1rs. ,hlliam l•1iles •

• 63

STANDING COMMIT'l'b,;E CI TI Z.ii:NSHIP 1942- 43 Mrs . Ross Buzza 1944 Mrs. Wesley McKay 1945-46 Mr s . James Scott 1947- 48 Miss Annie Johnston • ~I1'IZBNSHIP AND £DUCATI0N 1949- 51 Miss Anna Sutherland 1952 Miss ~1argar et Rutherford 1953 Miss Margaret Rutherford Mrs . Everett Johnson 1954 b1rs . ~verett Johnson 1955 Mrs. Earl Levens 1956 Mrs . ·Everett Johnson 1957 Mrs. Victor Bassingthwaite 1958- oO Mrs . Ni lliam Johnson 1961- 63 Mrs . Lester Bye 1964- 66 Mrs. ii:verett Johnson 1967-69 Mrs. Elgi n Knight 1970-71 Mrs. Ross Forgrave - - .., • . ' . .

~ - - . ,.t!..uUC,4TIQN1 .ilm CULTURAL ACTIVITii.:;S 1972- 73 Mrs . Ross ·F.orgrave 1974-76 Mrs . Ross Buzza 1977 - 79 Mrs. Wallace .Edwards 1980- 81 Mrs. Gordon Rice 1982 ~trs. Gor

• 64-

ST.ANDING Ci.JMMI'I'TEE SOCIAL W~LF ARE 1942- 43 Mrs . Charles Grunsell HEALTH 1942 Miss Dirkie Hofman HE.ALTH AND SOCIAL WBLFARE 1944 Mrs . Ne l son Artley 1945- 46 Mrs. Elizabeth Finn • 1947- 48 Mrs . J . H. McKeen HOME i CON 01vIT CS 1942- 44 Mrs. Will iam McGregor 1945 Mrs. Douglas Vermilyea 1946 Mr s . Lester Bye 1947- 48 Mrs. Gordon MacPhatter HOME ECONOMICS .AND HEALTH 1949-51 Mi ss Margaret Rutherford 1952 Mrs . Earl Levens Mrs . J . H. McKee.n 1953 Mrs. J . H. McKeen 1954- 56 Mrs . Lest er Bye 1957-59 Mrs. Gelt Hofman 1960-62 Mrs . Robert Hewitson 1963-64 Mrs • John Morrow 1965 Mrs. Gelt Hofman 1966 - 68 Mrs . Harold Ceasar 1969-71 Mrs . Ben Budgeon FAMI LY .AN.D CONSU!,'u!;ft ..n·t,IRS 1972- 73 Mrs . Gelt Hofman 1974-76 Mr~ . Wietse VanDolder 1977-79 Mrs . i/illiam Johnson • 1980- 82 Mrs. J ames McCubbin, Mrs . Ross Buzza


RfSOLUTI ONS. 1949-51 Mrs. William Johnson 1952- 54 Mrs. John Watson 1955 Mrs . Robert Hewitson 1956 Mrs. Stanley Hutchinson 1957-58 Mrs. Ro ss Buzza 1959-61 Miss Dir kie Hofman • 1962-64 Mrs. Elgin Knight 1965 -67 Mrs. Kenneth Spence 1968- Mrs . Car l Marritt 1969- 70 1,irs. Robert Hewitson 1971-7); Miss Margaret Rutherford 1974-76 Mrs. Carl Marr i tt 1977-79 Mrs. Elgin Knight 1980-82 Mrs. Kenneth Spence

• 66

SUNSHINE CQMMI TTEE 1922 Mrs. Magg:fe Barclay, Sec, - Treas, Mr s . JI. . Day , l"1rs . Bassingthwa i t e , Mrs . /1.. Ma cArthur. 1923 Mrs . F, Bassingthwaite, Sec.-Tr eas ., Mrs. A. Day, Mr s . A. Mac.Arthur 11 1924 fl " Convener 1925 n " 11 11 1926 Visiting Committee- Mrs . Loftus , Mrs. Lef l ar , Mrs . Levens, Mrs , Cathrae. 1935 Flor ence Long- Convener .1931-Miss I . Sutherland 1940 Miss Ida McKay , Mr s . Charles Mc.Arthur 1932- :33 -Miss Emma Laycock 1941 ff " rt Mrs. Wi l liam Hewitson 1934- Florence Long; 1942 Mr s . Elizabet h Finn, Mr s . W. Hewitson 1936-37 Mrs. Elwood Lone; • 1943 " 11 " n fl ,, 1938-Miss Rae McArthur, Mrs. James 1944 " " " It tt 11 1' tt ft II II 1981 II II " ,r II 11 1! 1lO II 1982 fl II II II R II II 11

• 67

!'RESS ttEPO!:tT.c;R 1924-25 Mrs. Maggie Barclay 1932 Mrs. James Aitken 1935-36 Mrs. N. Walpole 1937 Miss Margaret Rutherford 1938 Miss Laura Sibbald 1939 Mi ss Rae McArthur 1940- 41 Mrs. Earl Levens • PUBLICI TY 1942- 43 Mrs. Earl Levens 1944- 45 Miss Annie Johnston 1946- 47 Mrs . Ross Buzza 1948 Mrs. Norman McArthur PRESS AND RADIO S!!:Cli.b:'l'.ARY 1948- 51 Mrs . Victor Bassingthwaite 1952- 53 Mrs. John Watson 1954- 55 Mrs. Harold Ceasar 1956- 58 Miss Dirkie Hofman

S'r.ANDING t;tJMAI'f'I'~~ P UBLIC R.BLATI ONS AND COi.\lMUNITY .Jl.CTIVI'l'I~S 1949 Mrs. Temple Day 1950-51 Mrs. Everett Johnson 1952 Mrs . Everett Johnson Mrs. James Mitchell 1953- 55 Miss Dirkie Hofman 1956-57 Mrs. Roger Mitchell

PUBLIC HEL.Jl.TIONS OFFICER • 1959- 64 Mrs . Carl Marritt 1965 Mrs. Elgin Knight 1960- 67 Mrs. Donald Ma cqueen 1968-70 Mrs . Allan Wilson 1971-74 Mrs. Roger Mitch ell 1975,..76 Mrs. Carl Marritt 1977 - S2 Mrs. Gelt Hof man


1906 Mrs. J . H11.rkness, Mrs . Alfred Day, Mrs . C.P . Day 1909 Mrs . c. F . Day. 1910 Mrs. C. P. Day, Mrs . J . Ha rkness 1911 Mrs . G • .L Buzza, Mrs . A. Day 1912 Mr s . A . M. Taylor , Mrs . J . Harkness 1913 n tt n n n • tt • 1914 Mrs . Arthur Came r on 1915 Mr s . Arthur Cameron , Miss Nel lie Cannon 1916 ff ff n rt m ff 1917 Mr s . D . McGregor. 1918 Mrs . J . W. Van1Jyck • 1919 "lfrt ti 1920 n n " " 1921 Mrs . M. Barclay, Mrs. J . ·w. Va nwyck, Mrs . M. Bowie 11 1922 Mrs . E. Long n 11 " Mrs . Dan Day 1923 rt II " rt ff " " 1924 Mrs . J . ~it.ken, Mrs . J . Frizzell, Mrs. A. Ma cArt.hur 1925 " " rt Mi ss A. Sutherl and, Mrs . E, Finn 1926 Mrs . Isabel Cathrae, Mrs . J • .Aitken, Mrs . E,. Finn, Mrs. S . P . Buzza 1927 Mrs . J , Aitken 1928 n " u 1929 tt " II 1930 Miss M. McKeen 1931 n n n Mr $, ti . J\lcKay, Mrs . I . Ca thrae , Miss A. Sutherl and 1932 Mri; . 1/1 . r4cKay Mr s . W. Riddel l , " n II 1933 Mrs . D. McKay Mrs. W. McKay , " " Mrs . Fr ed Day 1934 Miss Isa bell a Sutherl and It n II l•irs . Nelson" Artley, Mrs . F. Day fl fl II ,. 1935 n Mrs. E. Long " Mrs. N. Wal pol e 1936 n n n " " n II ti " " .. II 1937 II II " n II ti " " n Mrs . F . Day 1938 Mrs. E. Van\'fyck n II • ff " rt rt rt ,, 1939 II Mrs. Chas . Mc.4rthur, Mrs. S . Buzza, Mrs . J . Ramsay " " u n n n · 1940 Mrs. E. Long " , , ~ tt " 1941 Mr s . \l. He-w i tson Mrs • ,j/. McKa y, " ff 1942 rt n II II" II • " " " II " 1943 Mrs . N, Artley " " " " " 1944 Mi ss M. McKeen II n n II II n 1945 Mr s , w. J . MacGregor " n " " " If II n " 194-6 " ti • Mrs. Martin .Anderson It II " ff II 1947 " " " " n " 1946 Mrs. Ross Buzza " " II Ui ss M. McKeen 1949 Mrs. H. Ceasar Mrs. J . Scott i,1r s . J • \!at son 1950 Mrs . Allan Bo thwell II ff II II II II l 95l­ " ti fl " II " n n 11 l952 n ff Mrs . W. McKay, Mrs . W. McDonald, Mrs . J . Scott " 11 11 11 1953 Mrs • .Angus Smith " Mi ss A. McKeen " " 1951. ff " " ff ti " II II " n " II Mrs . A. Alexander 1955 Mr.s . H. Ceasar n n n n n n Mrs. J . H. McKeen 1956 II .. .. Mrs . R • Mr,s . ,A. Wilson, n un « n Mrs . L. II n tt n n n " " II II ,", II ii~i Mrs . Carl Marrit t " rr n n n 1959 " n " II " n !',,r s . Ev-erett Johnson, Mrs . A. Bothwell 1960 " " n " II II Mrs • .E/,lr l Levens r.u-s. Gelt Ho fm an 1961 Miss Dirki e Hofman Mrs • W. lv:cKay Mrs . John Morrow " II '" 1962 Mrs. E. Johnson If II II " " " J\lrs • Arehur Al exa nder 1963 " n II " " II 11 11 11 Mrs . G. Hofman 1964 II ti Mt" s . L. Bye Mrs. Roger Mitthell n ,1 " 1965 Mr s . V" . Bassingthwaite n rr n n rr n Mrs . H. Ceas a r 1966 fl If " '-' II ff " " " Mrs. Elgi u Knight 1967 Mrs . All,m Wilson ,. tt rt Mi ss M, Rutherford Mr s . S. Hutchinson • 1966 ff n u n It II " II II " " " 1969 II II Mrs . R. Buzza fl n It Mrs. R. Hewi tson " 11 II 1970 Mrs . R. Mi t chel l II II II rt II ti fl 1971 It " II II " II Mrs . E. Kni ght fl II II 1972 Mrs_. Lester Bye II II If ,II II Mrs. C. Marritt 11 '"II n n 11 II 1973 " tf If Mrs . w. VanDolder 69 Page 2 DIRECTORS DIST.RI CT BRANCH 1974 Mrs , Lester Bye r,lrs. C. Marritt, Mrs, w. VanDolder, Mrs . Ear l Levens 1975 Nrs. s. Hu tchinson Mr.a , H. Ceasar, ti It n n ff II ff ff " "II 1976 " .. II " II ff " 1977 Mrs . Kenneth Spence " .. " Mrs . liilli am Miles ff II " l.'J'OS Mrs. Harold Ceasar • n " n " • Mrs • James McCubbin 1979 Mrs. Har old Ceasar • alternate- Mrs. L. Bye Mrs. L. Bye , Mrs . . •• Johnson, Mrs . w. Mi l es. 1980 Mrs . H. Ceasar, alt. Nrs. L. Bye Mr s . Elgi n Kni ght, i-. rs • Lester Bye , Mr s . -w . Mi l es • t 1981 Mrs~ ./ietse Van Dolder Mpe , ,Elgin Knight J. I"rs . Les£er 11yo ?•1'IIrs . J, Miles alt . Mrs. K • Spence 1982 Mrs . Wi etse Van Dolder T i•ir s . John Hirst hrs. Lester Bye krs . u , Ni l es alt . 1 lrS .. K. Spence

• 70 Delegates to Officers Conference 1949- Miss Dirkie Hofman, Mrs. Norman M~Arthur 1950-Mr s . J,i_mes Mitchell, Miss Anna Sutherland 1952- Mrs. Roger Mitchell, Mrs . Ha rold Ceasar 1953-Mr s . John H. McKeen 1954-Mrs. Carl Marritt 1956- Mrs . Ross Buzza 1957-Mrs. Robert Hewitson 19b0-Mrs. Carl Marritt 1962- Mrs. Victor Bas sing;t hwaite • 1963-Mrs. Kenneth Spence 1964-Mrs. Everett Johnson 19b8- Mrs . Roger Mi tchell 1969-Mrs. Gelt Hofman 19'/l- Mr s . Allan Wi lson 1'::172-Mrs . Stanley Hutchinson 1973-!-irs . Earl Levens 1974-Mr s . \!/ietse 'ianDolder 1975-Mrs . Elgin Knight 1977- Mr s . Gordon Rice 1978-Mrs. Roger Mitch el l 1979- Mr s . '.lfilliam Johnson 1181-1-,r s . 'fietse 'l13nDolder

• 71 District Delegates 1931-Mr s . Arthur Mc.Arthur 1932-Mrs . A. McArthur 1933-Mrs . .A . l,1cA r t hur 1934-Mrs. A. McArthur 1935-Mrs. A. McArthur 1936-Mis3 Anna Suther land, Miss M. Ruthert·ord 1937-Miss Margaret McKe en .L9j~- Mi ss Margaret Hutherford 1939-Miss Agnes McKeen • 1941-Mi ss M. McKeen, Mrs . Wi lli am Hewitson 1942- Mrs . A, Mc.Arthur , Mr s . W. Hew i tson 191~3-Miss M. McKeen 1944-Miss M. McKe en, Mrs. E. Levens ,Mr s . James Scott 1945-Miss Annie Johnston, Mr s . '' · J . McG regor 1946-Mrs . Wesley McKay , Mr s . Martin J.nderson 1947- Mrs . J . H. McKeen, Mrs. Harold Ceasar . 1948-Mr s . Robert Hewi tson, Mr s . Norman Mc~rthur 1949-Mi ss Anna Sutherland 1950-Mi s s M. Rut herford, Mrs . Allan Bothwell 1951-Mr s . John Watson , M

• 72 County Ral ly Del egates No doubt t here 1~ ere del egates f r om Annan Women ' s I nstitut e ei3 r l ier t han we have r ec­ or ded below, but 1931 i s t he f irst year t hat a delegate i s stated in the secretar y's book. 1931-Miss Mar garet Rutherf ord 1932-Mrs. Wesley McKay 1933-Mrs. Fred Day 1934-Mi ss .!nna Sutherland • 1935-Mi ss I s abel la Sutherland 1936-Miss Anna Sutherl and 1937-Mr s . Earl Levens 1938-Mrs. Edwin Vanwyck 1941-Mi ss Anna 3utherl and 1942-Miss Ma rgaret McKeen,Mr s . N. Art l ey 1943-Mr s . E. Levens J.944-Mi ss A. Sutherland 1945- Mrs. E. Levens 194'/-Mrs. E. Levens 1948-Miss Dirkie Hofman 1949- Mrs. Clayton Boyd 1950-Mrs. E. Le vens 1951- Miss A. Sutherland 1952-Mrs. E. Levens 1953-Mr s . W. McKay, Miss M. Rutherford Mrs. E. Levens, Mrs. R. Mitchell 1954- Mr s . Ca rl Marritt , Miss M. Rutherf ord 1955-Mrs. Al lan Bothwell 1956-Mrs. James Mitchell, Mr s . Ever ett Jo!mson 1957-Mrs. E. Levens 1958- Mr s . lii lli am Hi dd.el l 1959-Mrs. Stanley Hutchinson 1960-Mrs . Ro ss Buzza 1961-Mr s . Ar thur Al exander 1962-Mrs. Lester Bye 1963-Mr s . ~l l an i i l son 1964-Mr s . ~ . Riddell l965-Mrs. ~. McKay • 1966-Mrs . L. Bye 1967-Mr s . R . Mi t chell 1968-Mrs. S. Hutchinson 1969-Jr!FS. Kenneth Spence 1970-Mrs. Allan Wilson 1971-Mrs. Har ol d Ceasar 1972-Mrs . Carl Marri tt 1973- Mrs. R . l'l!itchel l , Mrs . C. Marrit t 1974-Mrs . \'/iets e VanDolder 1975- Mrs . Roberta Gilbank 19'/b- Mrs . Gel t Hofman 197'1-Mrs . l·l . VanDolder 1978-Mrs.E. Levens 1979-Mrs. R. Buzza 1980-J\lrs . Ross Buzza 1981-Nrs. rtoss Buzza, Mrs . Robert Hewitson

• 73 Delegates It is not until 1931, tha t we have a list of Area Conventi on Delegates, alt hough the foll­ owing may have been as they are just l isted as delega·tes : 1917-Mrs. J . W. Vanwyck, Mrs . D. McGregor, 1920-Mrs . wi lli am Bell, Mrs. J . W. Vanwyck 1922- Mrs . Ar thur Mac Arthur 1926-Mrs . E. Finn 1927-~'frs • .Arthur MacArthur Area Convention • Uelegates 1931-Miss Margaret ltuthert·ord .J.933 -Mr s . Elwood Long 1934-Mrs . Arthur Ma cArthur 193 5-Mrs. J . H. McKeen 19Jb-Mr s . Wesley McKay 1937-Mrs , Nelson Art ley 1938- Mrs . John Rams ay 1939-Mi ss Annie McKay 1940-Mrs. Ar t hur Ma cArthur 1941-Mrs. Ro ss Buzza 1942-Mrs . W. J • McGregor 1943~~rs. E. Finn 1945-Miss Annie Johnston .1. 91~6-Mrs. Archie Ma c.Ar thur, 1947-Miss Dirkie Hofman Miss Dirkie Hofman 1948-Mr s . Rob ert Hewitson .J.949-Mr s . John Wa tson J.950-Miss M, Rutherford 1951-Mrs . Roger Mitchell Mrs. Victor Bassingthwaite 1952- Mrs. Harold Ceasar 19~3-Mrs . Angus ~mith 1954-Mrs. Car l Marritt 195 5-Mrs. Ross Buzza 195b-Mrs. Everett Johnson 195'/-Mrs . A.rt Alexander 1958- Mrs. 1Hlliam Riddell The delegates attended Area Conva ntion i n Tor onto at the Royal York, and this was the Central Area. I n 1959, t he Grey- Bruce Area Co nvent i on began, 9.nd .Annan in Grey No rth Di stric is one of the branches making up this l r ea. 1959-Mrs . Robert Hewitson J.9b0-Mrs. .irt Alexander J.9bl-Mrs. Al lan Wi lson 1962-Mr s . John Mo r row 1903- Mrs . s . Hutchinson l':104- Mrs. Everett Johnson Mrs . Lester Bye 1905-Mrs . Gelt Hofman 19bb-Miss M. Ruther f ord 19b'/-Mrs . ltoger Mitchell 19b8-Mr s . s. Hutchinson .t':10 9-Mrs • Koss Huzza J. 9'/0.-Mr s • Lest er Bye 19'/l- Mrs . L. Bye 1972-Mrs. s . Hutchi nson .1. 973 -Mrs · $ . Hutchinson Mr s . Robert !:iewitson Mrs. L . bye 1974--Mrs. Wietse Van Dolder J. 97 >-Mrs • !;loss Buzza 19'/b- Mr s . i:lgin Knight Mrs. G. Hofman 1977-Mrs . Go rdon Rice 19'/8-Mrs . Wietse VanUolcter 1979-Mrs .James McNeill • 1980-Mrs. H. Ceasar, Mr s . G. Hofman l9tU-Mr s , Ro~er l-1 1tchell

• ')c..



Tuesday, Novemher 6th, 1951 c?i{enu


Fruit Cocktail Presiding: MRs. J. G. - -- 1. ' !!!i:.Corr m, :Jld._z~• • . K"> 1vil!-i, N. '"'Th.. No q\l I A11t1,.,wt ·lhe 5&f'I ND McAdo Hot•I • • · kAdn..,, N9 ~"i;! a,litetilj rO(llenac • • .. h,.... c~ F:cycl 'for 1-fc.tel lo.o,r•a, 0 I • * * TENAC •t;c.,11', Gup lodge • " K~-ortt, 01·1 Roy ol A14co11drg Ho1el • v, pc", Mon MR. ALuJ! HQ4ol $asliotchewo11 • • R,t-~ir,o, S... I,.. I Ho,tttl Po.lflHf • LQl.;,uq, A o ') Ul ~ .JI'\ •sontt Sprlr19• Hotd • lkn,ff A , Baked Ham, Wine Sauce S! 11tlSfrfe9'S •cha, ~oi, lolio Lo.;,1.0 Loltr: l- $9, A. u. INTRODUCTION OF or Pleasure ·E..-rera.ld lake Chalet • f1~d; P, ( Empt~ , Ht.",td • • • • V,~ onu, ~. . nadian ~fas. W. H. , J _ '"'N Ir( lli ote-1 V rmt:oaJVt:r • • • • VtJr.CQ\, .. •-r, !LC. Green Peas ~ C t4,Plfl\P ~~Utio~rct.f'd bv 1M VD11~tJvM Ho,~1 r_ , b.h.llf o{ It_- Ct""""' 1111 I! ,f<( llo, .. o C. mpc,\~ :;i. ,J make your !his (011;);! ~'I tfo•io11cl R'-' ,..,...,, ·' rni.te hoicb Oro opo11 1, l! ,e ,p.,,,,,,,~ *•· GREETINGS FROM Pleasure D.1uphine Sweet Potatoes AG eltBu•ihm;- Ho.N . .. * MR. , woa~ INTRODUCTIO Lemon Chiffon Pie • • Convention Chairman-Mils. J. G. SNIDER * * GUEST SPEAKER DR. J. D. PARKS, Director of Organization, O,ffee The Canadian Mental Health Association


74 women's Institute Speakers Government speakers were invited to discuss new procedures, conservation, the preservation of foods, the need for better sanitation and many other subjects, pert­ aining to home livint. One of the early extension workers or speakers was Laura Ro se Ste phen. Every year each women' s Institute District in Ontari o prepared for a summer • series ot' meetings and itinerant speakers travelled f r om one branch to another address­ ing .local meetings, being; given overnight accommodation and transportation to theif next point by Institute members . There were winter meetin~s too-arr~nged by the Farmer's lnstitute-a man spoke to the farmers and a woman spoke to the women's group in the at·ternoon. Both took part in a joint program in the evening. It is noted that at Annan government speakers came in June-one year at Johnstone for 2 a t·ternoons. l t is recorded that Miss i',cl,lurchy from Toronto spoke on11Women I s 1~ork in Time of

war", and in 191b, Miss Gray ,ave a talk on "Women I s ·Nork Past and Present". In 1918 Miss Edith Collins was the speaker, .Mrs . walls came in 1920 to speak on "Child 1'1elfare", and in 1922 Miss Etbel Chapman came to speak on the same subject. Miss Preston' s (from

Nap,;mee) topic -was " '!'he t.iod ern iloman". In 1923 Miss Harcourt was the speaker and in 1926 J\llrs. Allen, in 1931-Mrs. Myers and in 1932 Mrs. J. Hamilton Shearer and in 1934 Mrs . Percival of Addison was the speaker on "'Wool and Its Utilization". • 'l'he local leaders came into existence so there was a new system. In 1940- 41 it is recorded in the Annan W'omen ' s Institute minutes that a vote was taken to drop the speaker service. '!'here have been doctors, lawyers, ministers, teachers, ,nurses and agriculturists speak to the Annan Women's Institute . Some of these were in 1924-Miss JJenton a.N . 11 i!:xperiences overseas 1914-18'' , Miss Metca lfe-Diabetes, and in 1935 Mrs . ~dith Frost-a Public Health Nurse, ano more recently Mrs . Ron Jobe in 1974 spoke on "Hotne Care Nursini Service"

Dr . Dow 1 s topic was "'l'he Care of Consumptives", ilr. Danard gave an address on

"Goitre", Dr. rlutberi'ord-"Prevention or Diseases", Dr . l:lurt-11 Lye, ~ar) Nose Care", and in 1939 Dr. W'hyte sp01

Evangeline of ltobin Hood , addressed the women on "1far 'l'ime .de ci pes". Nrs . t'yfe rrolJI Saskat oon told about the ~or onation. Dr . D. C. McGregor and his wife who wrote many books as aut hor Marion Keith, were po pular speake r s , and in 1931 the latter addres sed t he Annan women . I n 1940 Dr. McGre~­ or spoke to the Annan \'/omen ' s Institute on truth telling . Her e are a few of the remar ks "I n business, social, and political world there must be absolute truth- victory wi l l come in thi s war throuih the s olid integrity of the ~mpire . we must be more puritann­ i cal in our honesty and loving trut h mor e t han anything we wi ll win out" 1n 193b, Miss Kate .Andrews told about a trip to the Bri tish lsle s , and in the s ame year , Mi ss Buchan gave an address on the Hort icultur al Society. ~he followi ng year, Mrs . Honsinger, an Owen Sound alderman, spoke i n 1937, and more recently Mrs . • St anl ey Lounds t old of' her experiences teachin6 new Canadisns, in 1970. It is likel y that all ministers who ever served in this comm\mity , whet her at t be Baptist or t he Presbyterian, later United Churches were at the Annan Women ' s Inst ­ itute , a t some time . In 1934, Rev . Wilson of t he Bapt ist Church was a speaker , Rev . Rose, Rev . :l . Reynolds and Dr, J. B. l<'raser are j ust a f ew of those recorded, Re v, and Mrs , :Annis came f r om Owen Sound i n 194'/ t o tel l about "China". Teachers were also popular s peakers , and no doubt t he ones who taught at Annan, Lei t h and Br iar Hill we re r equested to give tal ks on education. I na Taylor spoke on

"Problems 0 1' t he Youth of '!'o- day" in 1940- 41 . Or lo Brown addr essed t he Instit ute on "Ca nadi an Industr y". Joe Smit h 1n 1941 tol d about t he new Oourse of ~t udy . L. L, Sincl air, am Inspector , spoke about •rownshi p School Boards . A r e tired teacher .Mrs . R9y Arms trong took us on a trip t,o Spain in 1974 . In the seventies, Ben Budgeon told a bout hi s experiences in mi ning, in Nort hern Ontario, .Mr. i•icinni s , from Oncario tfyctro gave an address on " Conservati on of ~nergy", Car ol ~ol der told about her t heatre (opera) experiences , ~arl Levens ga,•e a demonst­ • rati on on bis hobby-woodwork . l"1rs , Charles Price gave a demonstrati on on painting, and Miss Laur a Sibbald told About br aided mat s . _Ann Kell y , Women I s !!:di tor, 1·r c:n the Owen Sounli dun- Ti me s enli ~htened members on good r eporting from br anch level . 76 i' ae;e ) 1foroen ' s Insti tute dpeakers 'l'ours District Pre sident s i'rom Gr ey North , and a l so vi ce- presidents who visit each year have been an important par t of a pro~ram on many occasions. l~e have recorded J>i.rs . John Anderson, 'hrs James Lemon ,and Mrs . Gordon J\1a cPhatter as some of the names r ecor ded • All the 4nnan ·.~ome n' s Institute members have prepared papers, given travelogues , • or demonstrations, and 1'or Tl y.ears to be in attendance has been an education. As well as the speakers, there have been tours . ln che sixt i es, ;;,here were tours of' "Che Sun- Ti mes , the r'leming folding l!artons, :and bus tri ps to Brantford t o see the Alexander Graham Bell Homestead, Mohawk Chapel and Adelaide Heedl ess Homest ead. Anot~er bus t rip was t aken t o Bla ckcreek Pioneer Vi llage and the Yor kdale ~hopping Plaza, also one was taken to the St . Lawrence 3tar ch Company at Port Credit and Casa Lorna with t he Bo t hw ell' s Cor ner Homen' s Insti tute . ln the seventie s , a visit and meet ing was held a t Mrs . Victor Bassi ngt hwai te •s invita tion to F'r iendly Acres (Chur ch Camp) , and a t our of Binkl ey Apple Storaie and Haines Apple Product s was t aken when the me et i ng was hel d at the home of Mr s . Carl Mar ritt . 'fourinz Haavaniit Nu r sery a t ::lprini;mount was enjoyed in 197'2. .


• 77 Quilts Quilt makin~ has been revived as a r"'sult of Canada' s Centennial celebrati ons . ~ any and varied are the types of quil ts that have graced the four-poster bect of our ancestors. ~ach distinctive pattern had an unique name. The appliqued patterns of

flowers and g;eometric designs were fascinatini:; . ::iome of the qu i l.t. tops were made of odd • shaped pieces of' velvet, brocade and 1'ine wool, all joined to-~ether with rancy emb­ roidery stitches. These were called" crazy quilts" sometimes. Durini:; war ye3rs, both 1914- 1918 and the 1939- 1945 years, the quilts were made and names were autographed on them. '!'his was used as a method of r aising money for some other project . You could have your name put on the quilt 1or a nominal sum o.t' perhaps 10¢. In 1967 an autograph quilt was made by the Annan ,/omen ' s Institute, in order to r e cord the names of people who l i ved in the area in the past as well as the present. This quilt was not made !'or monetary gain. It was presented to Mrs . lwilliam .t

Ther e have been other auto£:;raph quilts made as t !'iere nave been rr otions j n the ~inute books to indicate this acticn. Many times there have been quilts made l'or fire victims, and it. is certain these would have been appreciated by the recipients • For three years 1978- 1980, there have been quilts, including crib ones, made for • the Participation Lod~e project. These are auctioned and sold at the Split Hail r'est­ ival at 1''lesherton in the aut\1ffin . The .Participat ion Lode;e is to be built at Holland Centre for the physically handicapped adults •

• 78 MO'i'T08 By researching old programs, it was discovered that mottos were used at each meeti ng in the forties, but probably not t oo much before or s i nc e, although i t is difficult to prove, because not all programs were available. The following are some that are noteworthy • I want to live aright t'rom day to day, I •m sure I shall not pass again thi s way . Come in wi thout knocking and go out the same way . • Great haste makes gr eat waste., take t ime for all thi ngs . He who never walks save where he s ees men' s tracks makes no di s coveries. He who can suppress a moments anger may prevent a day of sorrow. we get out of life what we put into it . If your foot slips you can r egain your balance but if your tongue slips you cannot recall the words . Happiness is not perfect until shared. The adva ntage of telling the t r ut h i s that you don' t have to remember what you have sai d . Gossip i s l i ke mud thr own against a clean wall, it may not stick but it l eaves a mar k . The golden thr ead of love i s never br oken by use . · Tr ue i'riends visit us in pr osperity onl y when invit ed but in advers i t y they come without invitation. Laughter is the sun that drives wint er from the human face. Sca t t er gladnes s, joy and mirth all along the ways of' earth . Dream but do not let dr eams be your master. I 've heard t'olks say " Cupia st eals hearts away". Habits are at first cobwebs at last cabl es . After dinner sit awhile, after supper walk awhi l e. Do not darken to- day' s sky wi t h t o-morr ows cl oud . When you are up to your neck in hot water, think of t he kettle and s i ng . A busy woman i s never a busy body. Whatever you do, do kindly . September 1941. A wife i s like a pi n her head keeps her from going too far. Gifts i n a castle apa cottage, gifts i n hut and hal l, and once in a humble manger, t he greatest Gi ft of a lL. Ring out t he old, ring i n "Ghe new , ring out the false, r i ng in t he t r ue . The world is taking your photograph, Look pleasant please • It' you want to keep the country clean, let everyone sweep before hi s own door . Do not waste time looking ·1at your hill, climb it . • He who would enjoy power must pay the price of res ponsi bi l i t ies . Eve ry good book i s an act ion and ever y gr eat act ion is a book . Patience i s bi tter , but its f'rui t i s sweet . God holds the key to the unknown and I am glad . Take things as they come and grin, that i s the spirit that will always wi n . Good words cost nothi ng but are wor th much , Ink as black as i t is, continues to enli ghten the world. Tnere • s something ne1-1 to learn each day, I I m glad the wor ld is made that way . What ever you do- do kindly- June 1943 As we have therefore oppor tunit y , let us do good unto all men . ALl work and no play makes J ack a dull boy . The gift wi thout the giver is bar e . Old age begi ns the day you cease to learn. A frown is a sm.ile tur ned upside clown . Every noble deed lasts lon8er than a gr anite monument . There is no unbeliei', whoever plants a seed beneat h t he sod, and waits to see i t push away the clod, he trusts in God Give your flowers to the l iving . A ' sighin' and a 1 wishi n' will never change your fate; t he Lord provides the fishin' but you must dig the bait. ~ merr y laugh doeth good like a medicine. He that r e spects himself is s~fe from other s, he wears a coat of ma i l that none can pier ce. Before critici zing your wi f e' s faults, remember that it may have been ,;hose very defects which prevented her f r om catching a better husband . Let your thi nking be as valuable as your knitting . Go oft en t o the house of thy friend, i'or weeds soon choke up the unused pat h • Everyone want s to live long but nobody wants to be old. . An ear for music , an eye , a hobby, a zest, these are th~ assets that make for happiness . A soft answer tur neth away wr ath, but grievous wor ds stir up anger, • A good name is rat:her to be chosen than gr eat riches, and loving 1·avour rather t han silver and gold. 79

Page Annan Women ' I nstitut e THE FI RST MEMBC:RS ( CHArlTER) 1903 - Mrs . James -Aitken Annan 1903 - Mrs . Rrett A..1·man 1903 - Mrs . G. W. Campbell Annan 1903 - Miss Nellie Cannon Annan 1903 - Mr s . Wi lliam Cathrae Annan 1903 - Mr s . James Dickson .Annan 1903 - Mrs . C. P , Day Leith • 1903 - Mis s Myrtle Fould Annan 1903 - Mrs . (Dr.) J . B. Fr aser Annan 1903 - Mrs . Neel Gilchrist Annan 1903 - Mrs . Robert Harkness Annan - 1903 - Mrs. T. J . Harkness Annan 1903 - Mrs . J ames Maynar d .Annan 1903 - Mrs. ifilliam McK enzie Annan or Leith 1903 - 1,1rs . (Dr .) Wi lliam McDonald Annan 1903 Mrs. J ohn Ri ddell Annan 1903 - l\~s . J. \I. Vanwyck Annan This list was obtai ned from t he Grey No rth District Secretary-treasurer .

North Grey The foll(;)win; is a r eport in the Report of the Farmers ' Institut es of 1904 . " The Women ' s Institut e of No rth Grey is now looked upon as one of t he pioneer I nstitutes, it being the third one organized in the Provine .. . 1,:rs . J . L. Smith of Whitby, President of South Ont ario ',•/omen ' s Institute, came up to our dis trict and organized the I nstit ute i n September 1900 . We began ,~ith a membership of 23, and t he interest and memb ership has gr adually i ncrea sed, until now we have a pai d- up membership of nearly two hundr ed. There are eight Br anch Instit utes i n Nort h Grey, all of which a ra in good r unni ng order. Some of them are r epr esen ted here to- day . Bognor was or gani zed in 1901, Annan i n June 1902 , Oesboro , Kilsyth and St. Vi ncent also i n 1902, by i,liss Ida Hunter, a delegate of the Farmers I I nstitut e , wh i le Massie and Chatsworth w.ir e or~anized in J ul y- Qi, . The Librail"y is not very extensive . Ji f ew books have been purchased by Kemble • members such a s " Dust and i ts Dangers" , " Emergencies", " The Chemistry of Cooking and Cl eaning". A l ittl e paper called "The Far m Journal" (which costs 5¢ per subscription in clubs of 20) was sent to each member. It wa s well wo r th the pri ce and was appreciated. The grant of ; 20 . 00 was spent in securing the services of Miss .Agnes Smith of Hamilton, a very capabfo delegate and instruct or i n Domestic Science. Our President and Miss Smith visited all the Branches, and gave most excel lent t alks and demonstrations . In t he· way of hindrances, we have very little t o complai n of, having a ruos t eff ic­ ient Superintendent i n Mr . Cr eelman, who appear s to understand every pi:,oblem and diffic­ ulty and is ever r eady t o send prompt advice , thus relievi ng us of anxious thou~ht . Our County Council has been most ki nd- e speci ally ~ir . Rut herford, our County Clerk. The Council has done all t hey could t o promot e our work . The f i rst year we approached them requesti ng a grant, t he ,/arden authorized that the request, stating t he Aims .tnd Objects of our oe;aniZ!ltion should be printed ip the report of the County Council of t hat year , of wh ich . wert 1200 copies distri buted . In r egard to t he most suttable t i me to hold s ummer meetings- and we are pleased to know t hat the re is a pr ospect of t heir be ing continued- we would suggest that the l atter part of June wouJ.d be mo~ suitable t han July. On the third week i n J uly, when Mrs , McTavish and Miss Murray visited us l ast summer, it was one of the busiest times i n the s ea s on, and it wa s a l mos·t i mpossible t o get them taken -from place t o place. Many who could not at tend might otherwise have been mu ch profited by t he excellent demonstrations and addresses . One of the many benefits derived from our I nsti t ute , is the bringi ng t o­ gether of i nt elli gent women, and al so of t i mi d a nd retiring ones, who l ive secluded lives. The Institut e is removing the idea that one ' s educati on cea s es wi th school days . Wome n in rural distri cts are begi nni ng t o reali ze that more ie expect ed of them t han t o simpl y prepare ~ meals a day and do what litt l e set~ing t hey can for tjheir f ami l ies . Many of them have prepared excellent papers which have been a happy surprise t o themselves and also t hei r listeners . Partly in r e cogni t ion of the s ervices of the North Grey W.I ., Mi ss Blanche Maddock • and Miss Lillian Grey were sent a s del egates t o t he Nortn Grey Fair i n Owen Sound. The l adies of t he W. C. T. U. who had a tent near ours were s o pleased wi t h the demonst rations that they engaged Miss Gray to g ive a course of lectures and demonstrati ons , and so the good work goes on . The outlook for the future is promis i ng , and we realize t he W. I . i s here to stay and is looked upon as an opportunity for mutual improvement f or t he benefit of homes and f am i l ies'.' iirs. Jim . McGregor, Secret ary . Mrs . J ames Gardner, President . 80 THE ANN Al~ \'/OMEN ' S ItlS'l'ITUTE The foll owing i s an history of the Annan ,/omen ' s I nstitute, written by Hrs. Arthur Mac Arthur, a l i fe member, secreta ry- treasurer 1921- 23 and pres i dent 1926- 28 . The ..rnnan branch of the Women ' s Instit ute waa organized i n 1903 by Mr s . James • Ga rdner , Kemble , a pi oneer in 11omen 1 s I nstitute work . There had been a Farmer's I astitute previously; t he organization meeting was he ld at the manse, Annan, witb a good a ttendance . No minutes can be found of .t he meet ing but we a r e t old Mr s . A. r.1 . Taylor was elected pres ident and Miss Nellie Cannon (Mrs . Mayna rd) secretar y- treasurer . Some of the first members were the Presi dent, Secretary- Tr easurer, Me sdames Fraser, .Aitke~, Mitchell, Cameron, Da y, Harkness, A. Day, Uaynard ,McGrego r and Burr . The first record of mi nutes we have is f or 1916 , The meeti ngs were held i n the basement of' the church and the Institute and Red Cross were working t ogether on wa r work. The girl's sewing circl e were given $20.00 to get material for sewing and i t was decided to give them mor e as needed. $20.00 was also all otted t o buy yarn for knitting and one lady was t o knit 12 pair by machine. A vote of t hnnks was t endered to a number of the boys who had collected money . As Mr s . J , B. Fraser was s hort l y mov i ng t o Owen Sound, a hearty vote of thanks was given her f or her good work as Secret a ry- •r r easurer of the Red Cr oss . • Teas , bazaars , concerts etc. were hel d for rai s i ng mone y . Meetings were held every two months and sometimes in t he evening so t hat the men coul d attend . Quilts were made from s craps l eft from pyjamas a nd sol d for 75 ¢ each . ~n aut o­

g raph qui l t (l.0¢ a name ) was· sent t'o "Mr s . Eaton I s r ooms for Ca nadian soidiers i n Engl and" to be pl aced where she thought best , ;10 .00 worth of tea and sugar vias sent to boys overseas, also 10 boxes valued at $3 .00 each were sent at Christmas . I n 1917 a box social wa s held and ._158 . oO cleared. o ya rds of fla nnel was bought t o make st retcher caps and also a web of rlannelette for pyjamas . The Inst i tute gave J7 . 50 to help furnish a ward in a convalescent hospit al in To ronto for r et urned s oldiers . They al so made clot hing for Belgi an and French relief. In 1918 it wa s "ca rried" that the mee tings a r e t o be held in the homes. I n 1919, as the wa r was over it wa s decided to give the Red Cross money on hand t o"Oi sabled Soldier s Fund for the County of Grey"-$50.00, the r emainder to be sent t o t he Bel gi an • Relief F'und. I n 1919 it 1~as decided to have a "Sunshine Circle" . Some years previously a ward in the Owen Sound Hospital had been f urnished. $108 .00 had been col lected for t his purpose, of which $67 .00 bad been spent . !~ow t here was word that it needed repleni shing , so ~37 ,00 was s pent on goods and made up . 81

Page 2 Annan h'omen Is I nstitut e (history wri tten by Mrs. A. MacArthur). I n 1920 $40.00 wa s given towards the Chil dren' s Shelter i n Owen Sound. Curtai ns were got for Annan Hall a t a cost of i 50 . 58 and $11 .00 wa s given to t he "China Famine Fund" . The Institute had a booth at the School Fair and made J l26. 44, a concert- ~b6 .00 and the s t ocking fund-;)8. 45 and altogether in 1920- 21 the amount r ai sed was i>216. 20 . • In September 1921 the pl ay ".Aunt Susan' s Visit" wa s g iven at Annan and $54 .95 was cl e~red . The l adies were door- keepers and also ushers . The Annan I nst i tute gave ~50 .00 t o the Annan Hall Club, l 25 .00 to t he foo} - ball cl ub, ; 27 . 25 for drinking fountains

in the schools, $25 .00 t o the Chil dren I s .Aid Society and .;10 .00 to the Russi an Fami ne Fund . The pl ay had been gi ven at J a ckson , \'/alt ers Falls, Bqtqwell Is Co rner and Chatsworth maki ng ,}160 .00. There are nm~ 36 members . In 1922 we made quilts for the fire sufferer s i n the north. Two large bales of

clot hing was sent and a donat ion of ~100.00. 1,. soiree was held in 1923 , and ..,48 .00 was made , so material was got and mad e up t o repleni sh our ward in the hospita l . A pl ay "All a :Mi s t ake" from '/falters Fal ls made us .,}36. 30 so .:;7 .00 was given to t he basketball girls •

.An autogr aph quilt brought in i47.30 for names and sold f or .)6.00 . #astepaper

baskets were bought from Mr . W. J obe for the 4 schools and tf.irs . B. Uc I nnis gave the I nstitut e one for a question drawer . • I n 1925 and 1926 a donation of $5.00 wa s given for a r adi o for the House of Refuge, Markdale and swi ngs were put up at 3 schools, the trustees t o go half.

$30 .00 wort h of ma teria l was again made up f or t he hospita l . An exhibi t of articles made by the memb ers proved i nteresting . The minute book for the years 1927- 31 has been misplaced so we have no account

of t hose yea r s . \le remember we held our 25th .Anni ver sary i n June 1928 with the Balaclava branch invited, a lso all former members . 'Ile had supper with the 3 storey birthday cake made by Mrs . Geo r ge Sutherland, (Mr s . Aitken and i•liss J . Johns on made one ) i n the hall at Leith and had a program outside . .! day or so after the summe r speakers meeting was held in Johnson church with the Bal a cla va branch as host ess . I n May 1931 the speakers meeting wa1, at .Annan , t he Balaclava branch joining with us . We had a copper contest and r aised J l2. 77 , a tea sale- $18 .65, made l ayettes and helped to send a doctor t o Tobermo ry.

In 1932 1~e start~d our pot luck lunch. k baking sale i n July made J l4 . b8 and a • hard time party- ~l b .70 . In 1933 there was an a t tendance cont est, ~ith t hose attend­ ing all t he meetings get ting a pri ze. In 1934 a home made baking sale made il9. 69 and First .Aid Kits we re g i ven t o the schools and ~5 .00 t o the Temperance Fund . 82

Page 3 Annan Women ' s Institute (history written by Mr s . A. Ma cAr thur) ,le had a bazaar making $59 .15 , a play reali zing J 28 . J5 , a crokinole party i n 1935 mak i ng $19 . 25 . In J une 1935 a mot i on was passed that each member get a new member. I n cAse of failure a 15¢ fine was to be i mposed , Five fines 11ere recorded . In 1936- 37 a baza ar made -l\ 59 . 30, a hard time party J l 8 . 65 , a concert $11. 50, a Ke n11ood blanket­ • ~48 .15 , euchre and croki nol e ~2b. 05 and a bazaar - $53 , 45. The money was spent local ly. In 1939- 40 a play r ealized ~28.00, euchre $b8. 75. ,~ e a re doing Red Cros s work again, but ha ve no account in the mi nutes of what i s bei ng done in s ewi ng a nd knitt-

i ng . 'rle sent $10. 00 towar d f urnishing a 32 bed Institute 11ard i n a Canadian hospital in Engl and . The local boys i n the army were remembered at Ch ristmas , .:;110 .15 was gi ven to the \/a r Charities Fund and ii 20 . 00 1~orth of ,lar :iavi ng Certi f i cates purchased . Jach member gave 50¢ t o the Br i t i s h "\Jar Victims Fund, 100, l bs . of sugar was g iven for the J am proj ect. I nstead of ha ving a Christmas gift ex~hange , the mon ey was given t o the Queens Own ?und . Proceeds of a social in Annan Hall in 1942 wa s also sent t o the same fund . The largest amount of money made was in 1920- 21-,..,216. 23 and the least - 193;2- 33 - ,,;,52 . 20 . Boxes were sent t o soldiers at Chris tma s and ,:,20 . UO ~,as ~i ven to the Institute for war wo r k by t he Township Council , Th e proceeds from a tea given in Le ith Hall in June 1942 were )19. 34, f,loney 1~as g iven again for the jam pr oject . There was an entertai nment i n t he hall to r a ise money f or bathing houses wh i ch were erected at • Lei t h in 1942 . The salvage ccllecti on brought in 106.63 . The girl s project is dr op­ ped at present aS there a re not enough girls to carry on. I n October 1942 more ,iar Savings certi ficates we re bought , ~5.00 was sent for the Mobile Kitchen a nd $2 .00 for seeds f or Britai n . Boys a r e again sent boxes for Ch r i stmas and the shut - ins remembered . Many donat i ons we re gi ven through the years, sometimes to the needy i n our 011n comrnunity . It wo uld be i mpossible t o name them all. ile ha ve had many speakers, mini sters, doctor s , t ea chers, ban ker s , dentists, t he .!gric­ ultur al Representati ve , business men etc. also l ady speakers from the depart ment s , di strict offi ce rs, wri ters, nurses etc .-all gi ving interesting and inst ructive talks . Each year a member is sent to the Area Convention in Toronto. Girl s have been t o t he Gi rls Conference at Guel ph and other pla ces and the gir l s have severa l pr oj ect s complet ed. Members also att ended the Dist rict Annua l a nd other county and district meetings. At ea ch mee ting one or more splendid papers are given, also demonstr ations al ong di fferent l ines , contest s , debates,spelli ng matches etc . and the answers to t he • Roll Call ar e good . The rnen have helped many times and many ways , and we are gr a teful. Few names have been mentioned i n thi s acoount , but almost every family has helped s ome mo re and some less, but it all helped to make it successful . Some memb ers fami lies to the 3rd generation have t aken par t . The lareest number of members of which we have record was in 1933- 34- 47 members . The fewest at one meeting recorded we re 5 in J an. 1917,

~->/· Jfjo.t. ~-, . - S3

Page Annan Women ' s Institute 1'.IEM.C:NTOS FrtvH THi P A::;T •

' •

At the home of Mrs John Sibbald-1938 Standi ng L. to R.- Mrs. Thomas Mitchell, l,,rs . W'ill i am Riddell, Mrs. Earl LeY.ens, Prior t o 1937 Mrs . James Couper, Mr s . Grace Harrop, Left to righ t : 1•Liss Lyle Bassingthwaite , Mrs . Edwin Vanwyck, !'liss Annie Johnston, Miss .Agnee McKeen , Nrs. V . Bassingthwaite, MJ'ls . J . Moffatt , Mrs . S. P . Buzza and Mrs . George Sutherland Sr. , Mrs . S. P. Mr s . James Aitken . Buzza, Mi ss Ida McKay, l,Irs . John Sibbald, (seated) Miss Margaret Rutherford , Miss Mar garet McKeen , Mrs . Doug I-rcKay , Miss Hancock, Miss Dirkie Hofman, Mrs . J . H. . McKeen , Mrs . Elwood Long, Mrs. ~arl Maycock, Miss Lila McNeil, Miss I sabella Sutherland . Seated-Mrs . George Sutherland Jr. , Mi ss Marion Buz';l;a , He l en Hofman, tlayne Maycock , • Mr s . T. J . Rutherford, Miss Emma Laycock , Anna Hofman, Miss .Anna Sutherland and Mrs . Clifford Dinsmore . 84 Page 4 Annan ~omen ' s Institute History 1943- 1953 Written by Miss Marga ret Rutherford In February 1943 we not e that owing to unfavourable weather conditions s ome had t o turn back on their way t o t he meeting at Mr s . Aitken•s . At the meeting a liaison officer was appointed t o attend War Times Prices and Trades Boa rd meetings • I n Sept- • ember 1943 a committee was formed f or hospitalization. All through the war t here was excellent work done for the Red Cross, overseas rel i ef and our boys overseas boxes. Part of one Red Cross report in 1943- 44 included 144 large qui lts, 24 small qui l ts, 8 s carves, 28 pair mitts, 38 pair socks, 20 gowns and 12 sweaters. In May 1944 prizes were given t o the t allest, t he smallest, the oldest and the youngest gr andmot her. At this meeting Mrs . Arthur MacArthur rece ived an I nstitute pin in honour of her being the member for the longest time . She and M,rs . Michael Robertson, both Life Members, have been members longest and of the active members the Misses Agnes and Margaret McKean ar e the oldest in time . I n September 1943 the re is a motion on the books that the busi ness part of the meeting take f ~om 2;30 t o 3 :30 and the program from 3:30 to 4:30 . This was t o be tri ed for 3 months, but there is no 1·urther report on the mot i on, In July 1944 members who di dn ' t come dressed as school girls and carrying their lunch in dinner pails we re t o pay a fine . There i s no report of what happened • • When the Sydenham ploughi ng match was hel d nearby, lunch was served at noon, and we read that in war time 10 lb. of sugar and 4 lb. of butter was allowed us. In October 1945 a commi ttee was appointed to a rrange a r adi o program • ..Also i n 1945 i t was decided t o remember all the new babies at Christmas time , The firs t nomina ting committee reported was appointed in ..April 1946 , In May 1946 a banquet was held in the Annan Hall in honour of the returned men • in the community. We !'ind that in 1946 a donation was mad e t o the G. and M. Hospi tal Building f und . In J uly 1946 gr eetings were sent t o Mr. ;,nd Mrs , Arthur MacArthur celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary . In 1946 a motion to adopt a soldier i n Christie St . Hospital f or letters and treats was ca rried and we still reme!f!ber him, Bob Reilly,now in Sunnybrook , .At the s ame meeting the fees were r aised from 25¢ to 50¢. In February 1947 the meeti ng was held on the 19th, tha t bei ng the 50th Anniv­ ersary of the first Women's Institute . In that year New Canadians were given a food • shower, clothing and bedding. Owing to stormy weather the January 1948 meeting was first postponed and then ca nc.elled. In February of t hat year a British f amily was adopted. bl interesting item for March 1948 was a Singer Sewing Machine demonstration. 85

Page 5 Annan ~omen' s Institute (Page 2 of Hi story written by Mi ss M. Rutherford) I n June 1948 it was decided to buy magazines :t'or the schools usi ng the l egislat­ ive gr ant as part of the cost . I n De cember 1948 we had our Chri s t ma s me eting in .Mrs . Everett Johnson ' s lovel y new home . At this meeti ng a Frencn boy was adopted . le In May 1949 a record for r&i.di o broadcast was made at the meet ing a t the home of Mrs. G. McPhatter. Through the years financial assistance was given t o the three community halls and hot plates were purchas ed for the schools. 1:n May 1949 we suffered a real loss wh en some of our memb ers left us to form a new branch, the Briar Hi l l one with some ljlembe rs from t he Balaclava branch. At this meeti ng the oldest grand-mother Mrs. Arthur Mac A.E?thur and the youngest Mrs . Wi l liam Ri ddell received red ger ani ums . I n 1949 Mrs . Norman Mc.Arthur competed i n the essay contest-A Farm ~oman ' s Day . In September 1949 Mrs • .Arthur MacArthur was presente.d with a Life Membershi p . An i nteresting meeti ng was the October 1949 one when Mrs . Clifford liaugh showed us her lovely and valuable glass, and told us about the di fferent ki nds in her collection .

In Novemberi· 1949 we sent f lowers t o Mrs , Ait ken, ~ t·ormer member who was celebrat i ng her 90t h birthday . I n .April 1950 Mi ss A. . McKeen was appoi nted scrapbook secret ary • I n July 1950 we were privileged t o attend the Briar Hi ll 1st birthday par ty. In • August 1950 we decided to have cards printed for ~he sunshine boxes. Pot luck lunches we r e brought by all for years, then groups were appointed in November 1950 , the present set- up adopted in &pril 1951. During recent years we 've had friendl y contact with Yonford Women ' s Institute, England . .Uso during the years we have had some f ine short courses and have sponsor ed

J r 1. Bomemall:;ing Cl ubs , the girls doing well at AC!h i eve.ment Day . Our market basket has proved a f ine money making scheme . The bii;thday box began in June 1951. The first menti on of our Institute Grace was in Novemb er 1951 . In Dec­ ember 1951 a committee convened by Mrs. J . McKeen was formed to get t he histori es of a l l the f arms . In March 1951 Fami l¥ night wa s a pot luck supper when 65 sat down to supper. Mrs . Michael Robertson was presented with a Li fe Memb.ership. I n 1952 Famuly ni ght was al so in Ma rch , • In Mrs . Mac.Arthur's report she not ed the most money made ,r1as in 1920- 216. 23 . In 1943-44 the .Annan I nstitute made 448.41 .


\ 86 Page ,Annan Women's Institute THE 5,0TH .AN lflVERS.ARY

In June 1953 , the ~nnan Women's I nstitute celebrated t he 50th anniversary of their org~nization in .Annan United Church . Many friends and former members were present to offer their good wishes . Mr • • Wi l son Buzza wa s a t the orga n . The president, Mrs. Harold Ceasar presided and extended a we l come to all vi s i tors. Mrs . Angus Smi th conducted an impr essiv·e memorial servi ce, honouring deceased members .

~ history of t he Annan Institute was pr esented by Miss Margaret Rutherford, wh ich da ted rrom the fir st organization t o the pr esent gr oup. Vocal selecti ons were sung by s i x boys f r om the J.nnan s chool, and six girls t·rom the Leith school also sang under the leadershi p of Mr , George Newell , The guest speaker, Col. T. L. Kennedy, former minister of Ag r i cult ur e for Ontario, was introduced by :Mrs. Earl Le~ens . Mr , Kennedy paid tribute t o the gr eat work done by the Women ' s Instit utes in making better citizens, thus making a better country in which t o l ive . The I ns titute has become great t hrough difficulties and the problems f a ced have made it into the fine organization it is t o-day . In closi ng Mr , Kennedy said that in working for God and country, the I nstitute sta nds for good . It is such people that are needed i n 1;he world t o-day. The s peaker was tha nked by Mrs. Clayton Boyd . • Gr eeti ngs a nd congratU;l at ions were presented by Mr s . Archie Mac.Arthur of t he Briar Hill I ns titute, a "daughter Inst itute", who also presented Mrs. Ceasar with a cor sage of yellow roses . Greetings were also brought f r om the North Grey District Institute by Mrs . Clifford Dinsmore and rrom Grey County I nstitute by Mrs. Lorne Snider, vice-president . Mrs . Snider also thanked the Annan Institute on behalf of t he Bothwell' s Corner g roup fort-heir invitation to the anniversary. Secretary of the Annan Women ' s Institute, Mrs . Ro1er Mi tchell read many lett ers of congratulations f rom guests, unable t o attend . Refreshments were served in the church basement. Small t ables each featuring a centrepiece of pansies were g rouped around the main ~able which held the 3-tiered anniversar y cake . The cake was made by Mrs. J . H. McKeen, of the Annan Inst i tute , and cut by Mrs . ,trthur Mac.Arthur , a L:i.fe Member. Pouring wer e Mrs . J . H. McKeen and ~irs. Michael Rob ertson, with members of the anniversary group serving • This account was t aken from the scrapbook . In it there are t hree pictures t aken • by the Sun-Times. 87 Page Annan ',/omen ' s Institute Annan Women ' s Institute Mf.l.mbers and Ch;ild;:en-dJuly 1953 at t he home or Miss M, Rutherfor . •

Back Ro,,i-L . to R. -Mrs . Fred Lawrence, Miss Agnes McKeen, Miss Dirkie Ho.fman, Mrs . James Mitchell, Mrs . John lfatson, Mrs . Angus Smith, Mrs. Everett Johnson, hrs . Robert Hewi tson, Mrs . J , H. McKeen, Mrs . Wesley McKay , Miss Margaret McKeen, Mrs. Roger Mitchell . Centre Row-Mrs • .C:arl Levens, Mrs. Art hur Alexander, Mrs . Allan Bothwell, Mrs . Harold Ceasar, Mrs . Ross Buz.za, Miss Margaret Rutherford , Mrs . Welsley McDonald, Mrs , Gelt Hofman, Mrs . Clayton • Boyd, Mrs . Carl Marritt . Front Row -Maimie Bothwell, Audrey .Alexander, Marie Bothwell Nancy Buzza, Mary Buzza, Eileen Hafman , lti nfi eld Boyd, Joan Marri tt. ill the members were present with the excepti on of the two Life Members Mrs . A. Mac.Arthur and ~,rs . M. Robertson .

• 88

Page Annan '1/omen ' s I nstitut e THE 60TH ~NNI V~n~AltY On June 12th the !nnan iomen' s Institute celebr at ed another milest one i n tha history of the Branch i n 1963 when they ~ecalled t he f ounding a nd achievements of the yea r s . The meeting was hel d in t he Annan United Church a nd those i n att endance • wer e welcomed by t he Pr esident, Mr s . Vic t or Bassi ng t hwaite . Mrs . Everet t Johnson read script ure and Rev . A. J . Thomson offered prayer . 1'he r oll ca l l was "Pas t President s , Secretaries and Tr easur er s". They were i ntroduced and wer e given pr e tty corsages made and presented by Mrs . El gi n Knight and Mr s . Arthur Alexander . To concl ude t he rol l cal l all f ormer members pres ent wer e asked t o stand . Among the gues ts were Mrs . Arthur Reynol ds a nd Mr s . J . H. ~mith of Toronto , Mrs. M. IL Came r on , London, Mr s . J ames Arm strong , St aff a , Mr s . Delbert Phillips , Bl yt he and other s from Cha tswort h , Ch esley, Port i l gi n and Women ' s I nstitute branches i n Nor th Sydenham . Gr eet ings were received from Miss Flora Dur nin ror the Department of Agricult ure , from t he Federated \:/omen ' s I nstitute of Ont a r io t hr ough t he Boa rd Director, Mr s . James Copp, f r om Grey County Women ' s I nstitute President, Mrs. Go rdon Bo thwell and !firs. George Best, Nor th Gr ey District President, Other guests were f r om Bri a r Hi ll, Bal acl ava , Bo thwell ' s Corner, Dinna 1'/ear y , Owen Sound and Woodf ord branches • • 'J.'he guest book was in cha rge of Mrs . Wesley McK ay, and Mr s . Willi am Riddell a nd Mi ss Margaret Ruther ford welcomed the guests as t hey arrived. The ushers wer e Mrs . St a.nley Hutchi nson and Mr s . Russel Flowers and the 4-H girls pinning on the name t ags were Mi s s Margar et Hogendoor n and Miss Maril yn Bass ingthwaite. Life Memberships were presented t o Mrs. Ro s s Buzza, Ii!rs . Harold Ceasa r and .Mrs . Wesley Mcltay . .A detailed write- up of this· presentation i s on t he page-"Life Memb ershi ps" . Rev . A. J , Thomson played violi n s ol os wi th Mrs . Th0mson at t he piano . Cor sages were pr esented to the. anoiv ersary committee, l·lr s . Victor Bassing thwa i te,

Mrs . Robert Hew it son , Mrs. Roger .•li tchell a nd Mrs. Kennet h Spence, se cret a r y- treasure r , .A pageant depi cting the 6o year s of the Women ' s Inst i t ute a t Annan was presented f oll owing the s i nging of t he Doxol ogy, wh ich had been us ed t o open each mee ting unti l 1918 . The t heme of the Progr am was " 00 YOU REMSMll~R"? The f irst me.eti ng was held at the manse of the Presbyteri an Church, with Mr s . J. B. Fraser as hostes s . Mrs. J ames Gardner and fr.r s . llill i am McGregor drove with horse and buggy from Kemb le to give i nformat i on and t o organi ze the br anch , Th e women t aking • part in the pageant wore the costumes of the day . Pr esent f rom Kemble were Mr s Adam Tayl or, daught er of r s . Gardner, a grand- daughter, Mrs. Jack Edmonst one and a gr eat gr and- daughte r , Janice Edmonstone and a daughter of Mrs . McGr egor-Mrs.li'reston Hurlbut . 89

Page Annan .iomen ' s Institute •

Shown here cutting the an'liversary cake are .a.. i fe Members l•-rs. 'iesley McKay , Mrs . Ross Buzza, _,u-s . !•lichael no be rt son and 1,irs . Harold Ceasar. To continue the pageant, Mrs . Harold Geasar, her daughter Margaret and niece Nancy Buzza sang " Do You Remember"? Uearie , do you remember when we played ta~ on the sandy shore ,fuy can' t we do that anymore? • Skipping stones and building sand castles down on Leith ' s sunny shore 1'est your memory , my d earie Do you r"'-call ;le picnicked in che old distilldry field, 11itb gallons of ice-creum to finish our rn.,,al? Chorus Jearie, life wae cheery I n Ghe good old days gone by Do you remember? If you remember Well dearie, you' re lllUCh older thau I . Dearie, do you remember when ie h'id contests just for fun? Doing everythin~ under the sun ••.akine; butt onholes, peeling po tatoes a,1d darning father' s old socks, Tes~ your memory, my deari e, Do you recall 1·/hen we displayed articles we had rnatle And wr angled the price of quilts vie paid? Dearie, do you remember J new fangled gasoli ne i ron demonstration When it flared there was consternation Ladi es screamed , soine fainted and some just kicked up their heels and ran Test your memory , my dearie, Do you recall ,/hen lunches had lots of cake and pie • ,tith calories mounting to the sky?

* 90 P'age .Annan :iomen ' s Institute Page .3 " Do You Remember"? Dea rie , do you r emember Nhen Ve put swings in the three school yards The t rus tees kicked s o very hard But we got the swings i n their places and the s chool board pa id half the bill, Test your memory , my dearie, Do you r ecall l~en a blind nei ghbour made waste paper baskets of wicker • ~e bought for the schools to keep them spicker? Dearie, do you r emember ,fhen we had our very first short course Of help and 1~ isdom it was a source . Ladi es came from miles around to learn t o car e for the sick. Test your memo ry, my dearie Do you recall When we made dresses in the An nan hall Hooked mats and did needlework in the f all? Dearie, do you remember Our t 1ienty- fifth anniversary , it was real l y quite a spree Games a nd contests and then some speeches , down on the ol d mar ket square Where? Oh you know , down at Leith, where the Tom Thoms on memoria l now stands Everyone was there and t he Balaclava ladies too . 'fest your memory, my dea r i e Do you reca l l We had supper in the hall and l ilacs and tulips f o r decoration? ,nd not one, but t wo big a nn ive r s ary cakes ? No .ionder we had doctors t o lecture at our meetings after tha t . De arie, do yoi1 r emember A cooking course at Bas si ngthwaites For two wh ol e weeks and never were lat e We s ampl ed t hings and cl eaned t he pl a tter .!nd the girl s in the back row grew f at ter and fatter. • Test your memory, my dearie Do you r ecall When t he Annan hi l l was an awf ul mess So we had t o go round by Langs, I guess? ------~arron ~e&sa~. Mrs Roger Mi tchell r eviewed the yea rs from 1913- 22 . .Jar has shown as nothi·ng el se could, what the organized, consecrated and devot ed women of a country can rnea n t o it in a time o.f cris i s . On De cember 20 , 1916, a motion was passed that the gr oup be organized as Red Cr-0s s and Institute workers and since man y of the girls of those days did not go to High School , they too orga nized a girl 's circle and gave freely of their time sewing for the Red Cross. The minutes of meetings held during the war years are very brief and we presume i t was because so mu ch time was being spent on the knitting a nd sewing. Many and varied v.e:re the Nays of :raising mo ney t o purchase t he necessary sup­ plies of yarn a nd materials. Do you remember the 15¢ teas? Do you r emember t he qui l ts made from pyjamas scraps a nd sold for the l owly price of 75¢? Do you r emember t he • autogr a ph qui l ts, similar to this one on display, when you paid 10¢ t o have your name on t he qui l t and then the quil t was auctioned "? Do you r emember the bazaars a nd box social s ? One box s ocial mus t have attracted a l ar ge crowd for we s ee t ha t $58 . 60 1,ias the profi t f or the evening. 91

Page lnnan Women ' s Institute Page 4 'rliii: 60TH AHNTV~RS.~Y The Red Cross 1~ork was done in the basement of t he church and !it t he manse . lie are told that the ladi es were sometimes seen carryi ng theLr s ewing machines up the

road t o the church for t he afternoon ' s work. Vie wonder bow many of t o- day I s members would carry their portable machines t hat f ar. • The gr oup here on the plat form shm~s t he type of clothing worn at t his time . They ar e busy kni tting f or the Red Cross. The l ocal boys overseas were sent 10 boxes each valued a t $3 .00 but figures at t heir best can never tel l the whole story of t he t i reless eff or t i n knitting, sewing, r aising money and packing and shipping-parcels. I n June 1918 t he members voted t o furni sh a ward i n a Tor ont o Convalescent Ho s p­ ital fo r r eturned soldiers. In or der to do this each member contributed 25¢ t o gai n the necessary t otal of J7 . 50.In 1919 t he balance of the Red Crosa money was disposed of by donating $50.00 to the Grey Count y Fund for disabled sol diers and the rema inder to the Belgian Relief. At thi s time the 3unshine Fund was begun- ea ch member paying a copper or a nickel at each meeting as a contribution . I n 1920 another worthy work was being carried on by Annan Wpmen• s Institute when they voted ~J O. 00 to be used to furnish a cot in the new Children's Shelter in o,~en Sound . In these years a canteen at the a nnual School Fair r aised funds to help with • the cot and also tlel p pay off the .Annan hall debt . The Institute supplied curtains for the hall t oo and to-day we still support f inancially our t wo l ocal halls. Do you remember that i t was in 1920 at the October meeting that t he Women's Institute Opening Ode was sung f or the f irst time? Do you remember raising money by payi ng one cent f or ea ch 10 l bs. of your weight or paying 1¢ for every year of your age a nd bringing t he money in a stocking ? In 1920 we find that the I nstitute meetings we re i ntimated from the pulpit on the Sunday previous, once agai n bringi ng out the clos e t ie between church and Institute . Do you r em8mber t he g overnment speakers who came each year in J une and s poke on many va r i ed topics? In 1921 one of the topics was "consolidated schools"- a topic still

being discussed 40 year s l ater. In 1922 the speaker was a favourite then and 0011 , Miss Ethel Chapman . In 1921 the Owen Sound branch visited for the July meeting at Mrs. Theaker•s . Since t here was no business, Owe n Sound br anch conducted the meeting and Mrs. J . C. Re i d gave an i nterest ing account of her trip t o Ca lifornia. At t he close of t his • meeting a specia l meal was served a ccording to the minutes. Mr s . Ke nnet h Spence gave her comme ntary on the years 1924- JJ . Thi s period was a t i me of gaiety , r omance and swift chang es as we reminis ced i n 11 Dearie, do you remember" . We begin our recollections with a n a ccount of a bo Dnet and shawl par ade . 92 Page AnnqJ'l Women ' s Institute ll' age 5 'I'H~ 60TH AJHJIVEn:,AftY The models were Misses Anna Sutherland and Margaret Rut herford. To contrast t his incident, the minute books record the women forgetting about their demure f ashions , and inst ead, t aking a prominent part in c ivic affairs, such as sending money towa rds a fund t o establi sh a doctor at Tobermory. • The styles of the )O ' s were short skirt s , short ha ir, a nd real silk stockings. Adult education came t o the fore, and many and varied were the debates and papers that we re prepared and given in those t umultuous year s . There we re papers pertai ning to the part a wife should play i n her husband' s business . Doesn ' t that sound i nterest­ ing? !nether facet of study was the History of North Grey and the Life of Nelli e Mcclung also the Birds as Farmer ' s Assistants. We notice that several of t he docto r s came to give helpful advi ce on "The Care of t he Consumptive in the Home" and the " Running iar". Several papers that had intrigu­ ing titles were "People you meet and wi sh you had n't", "The Va lue of Tact", and ,of all things one called "The Ot her Woman". Debates were a popular form of entertainment and this one must have been a loola , to use a slang expresss ion of that day. This debate was "Resol ved that a good natur ed s lop makes a better ~1ife than a neat tidy crank" . The notes on that one would surely be enlightening • , • In b'ebruary 1925, the Annan branch meeting time was set for the 2nd \\!ednesday of the month, and for 38 yea r s , t his day has been known in this community as ';'/omen 's I nstitute Day . i

• clfnnan

JUNE 12, 1963

ANNAN UNITED CHURCH • Do you r emember the Bye fam• ly, our adopted folk in Britain, and t he boxes of food we pa cked fot them each month, and the qui.lts and articles of clothing sent. Do you remember the ass istance given t o 3 f ami l i es from Holl and? Do you r emember the banquet in the -4nnan Hall in honour of the men of our com­ munity who served in the a r med forces . Those remembered were Arnold Riddell, Crawford Fr izell, Clayton Boyd , John Owen Gibbons (killed in act i on ), Gelt Hofman, David Litster, Jim Di nsmore, Jim Couper, Fr anci s Cameron, E:).~ood Riddell, Hilton Brown ,

Ambrose Slatt ery, Dougl a s Vermilyea, :/ilfred MacGregor a nd Wren Margaret 1'icGregor . The ticket s were $1.00 a pl!,te. In charge of a rrangements for t his dinner were Messrs. Ear l Levens, Ross Buz:ta, Lester Bye, 'iil liam J ohnson , Martin Anderson , Wesley McKay,

Robert Hewitson, Archi e i

In 1952 an electric fan with switch was purchased for the G. and 1,1 . Hospital. i50 .oo fror, the proceeds of the soldi er' s banquet was given to the building f'und of the s ame hospital in Owen Sound . Some "cute" t hings from the records during this period were Lloyd Scott and. Richard LeJiens sang "Good Lii,tle Red Cow"and "I'll be a Doctor", at the February meeting i n 1946, and in De cember 1947, little ~ary Janet Ceasar passetacllrthur, Mrs . E. Finn, Mrs . Donal d Morrismn and Mrs . Sam Brown. This decade would not be complete without a fe1~ words from a talk given by Mr . T. S. Cooper, Agricultural Representative in Augu$t 194g , He s poke of ideal relation­ ships between u r ban and rural citizens. A prosperous rural people means prosperity in industry, stores and all phases of city life since agriculture is the basic i ndustry.

Member s Mrs . Harold Ceasar , Mrs . Ross Buzza and Mrs , \lesley McKay with their Life Membership on June 12, 1963 • • 96 Page Annan Women's Institute Page 9 THE 60TH ANNIVtRSA.RY Mrs . K. Spence then revi ewed the years between the 50th .An niversary and 1963. ~s a result of the suggestion of one of our members , a Tom Thomson memorial plaque at Leith ori ginated . This idea was forwarded to the Grey County Historical and -irt Soci ety, and the plaque in memor y of this famous artist, who became a resident • of Leith, as a baby, wa s unvei led in ~ugust 1961 with Mrs . E. Johnson t aking part . An award was set up honouring two members , who have contribut ed a gr eat deal to the success of this branch, i n the persons of Misses .Agnes and Margaret McKeen. This award is given to a student annually, preferably in Grades 7 or 8, in S. S . No. 13 , Leith School. Our Institute does not fail to respond to an appeal of' human need, and so when the "Sponsor a Cbild" was introduced by the F. W. I . 0 . the ~nnan , Briar Hill and Bothwell's Co rner branches adopted one of these ne edy children . Our adopted child i n 1963 is Chi Keung Lau from Hong Kong. He is 5 years of a8e and is in Ki nder garten. His health is only f a ir, and his father is a casual labourer in Kowloon and earns abcut $42 .00 a month . Ou~ Institute was concerned about the lack of picnic Eacilities along the Leith shoreline. We were pleased to support the resoluti on drafted by the ,Leith f arm forum,

and as a result of this, a l arg"e delegation ot! i nterested citizens petitioned the • Sydenham Township Council to act immediately to obtain a pa rcel of land on the water­ front . Followi ng this the conservation authorities were instrumental in securing land closer t o Leith than Coffin Cove, just south of Rossmoyne, and known as Ainslie Wood . The 4- H'ers have their homemaking clubs , and the I nstitute memb ers and their friends and neighbours have the senior projects which were introduced in 1958. Br anch members are sent to Trai ning Schools in localoentres. lmnan memb ers have given leader­ ship in "The Third Meal", "~lindow Treatment" and "143 Pounds of Meat". Ther e a re also the extension services taught by personnel from the Home Economics Service i n To r onto . In 190.3 , Annan Women I s Institute was org"inized to provide leadership .o d education. Is it not a co-incidence t ha t the lady. delegates gave a course "Cut s of Meat and How to Cook Them" and in 1963 we should give our own leadership in "143 Pounds of Meat"? These courses are helpful .,it home and when we cater to 2 banquets in the aut umn . I t i s an under stat ement when we say that one of the most worth- while interests and the mest rewarding i s the sponsoring of the 4- H Homemaking Clubs . We are proud of • our s•~en girls who have first received their Count y Honours a nd later their Prov­ incial Honours- 12 clubs. These girls are Dorothy Mitchell Robertson, Marilyn Bass i ng­ thwaite, Nancy Buzza, Mary Janet Ceasar Mustard, Margaret Ceasar, Mary Buzza and ileanor Johnson . 97

Page Annan Women ' s Institute Page 10 TH.C: 60TH ;ui HV~n~si..RY Ei ght girls have received their County Honours- 6 clubs. In the second pr esent­ At:ion of County Honours in Grey County, Marjorie .Artley Gilchrist and Katie Anderson

Reid were the recipients . Other County honour girls are 1,u-s . Roger Mitchell, Helen .Armstrong Adams , Doreen \/ilson, Sandra Bumstead, Joan Marritt and Margaret Hogendoorn . • These achievements could not be possible without the personal interest of the Institute members, who willingly give m$lny hours as leaders. r o encourage our girls, we have, this last 2 years,given 2 cof£ee spoons to each girl receiving County Honours, and an additional 4 spoons when they attai n t heir Provincial Honours . ,-Je appreciate

the guidance and friendly counselling given tQ our 4-H girls, by ,•iiss Flora Durnin, the Home Economist . At this time , Sandra Bumstead introduced a panel and songs by the 4-H ' ers. The

topic of the panel was 11 Take a Chance with Your· Life". Following the pageant , the secretary- treasurei· read the letters of congratulations, and regrets at not being able to attend from former members l•lrs . Harry .Armstrong, Mrs . Edgar Fulford, Mrs . Chris Healy, Mrs . 1./illiam Holmes, Mrs . Elgin Ireton, ,,trs. Stanley Lounds, Mrs . Ray l'vicintyre, Mrs . O. R. Maude , i,lrs . ~arl Sampson, Mrs . .;dwin Vanwyck,

Mrs . James Harkness , 1'1rs . 1'1 . J . Cathrae, Mrs . .:l.llan Leslie and Mrs . Harry voventry .

Regrets were also from 4-H • ers of former years and now : t,u-s . Kyle Robertson, i•lis ses • Lorraine McKeen, Sheila Johnston, Sharon Lemon , Carol Lipsett, ifarlene Stewart and Terry Russell.

/ . ' Miss Agnes McKeen pouring tea at the Jnniversary, L . to R. ?<1embers-daugh ters serving, ,ilary Bye, Marie .4nne J ohnson and !,iarg- aret Ceasar. • Following the program everyone adjourned t o the church basement where ~trs . Ross Buzza and Mrs . liesley McKay received . Mrs . Harold Ceasar and Miss .Agnes I1IcKeen poured

te~ and Mrs . Micha el Robertson cut the anniversary cake, made by one of the £ir st presidents, Mrs . Frank B~ssingtbwait e and decorated and iced by l-1rs . Robert Hewitson · 98

Page Annan Women ' s Institute Page 11 THli: 60TH .ANNIVERSARY The small tea tables had flower nosegays for centrepieces and f l owere were every­ where in the church . Lai~ with a hand done cut work cloth the tea table had a centre gold trimmed bowl with deep purple l i lacs and yellow l i lies, (Institute colours) and gold candles in crystal candelabra. J 63 year old tea service had beenJoaned by Mrs. • Elgin Knight for the occasion. The members \'/ere assisted by 4- H members .

Cutting the cake- Mrs. Michael Robertsen and looking on Mrs . Victor Bassingthwaite and Mrs . Robert Hewi tson . To help refresh the memories, t he scrap books , compi led over the last 20 years • we re on display, als o several other items and clippings as well as the Institute plaque, a gift of one of the members , Mrs . Allan lilson. ~

• 99 The 75th _Anniversary of the linnan domen•s Institute •

t-1iss Margaret Rutherford and Mrs . Michael Robertson displaying· the Anniversary Cake On J une 14, 1978, the .Annan Women ' s Institute held their .Anniversary celebration in the basement of the Annan United Church at 2 p.m . Mrs . wietse Van Dolder, the President, wel comed tbe members and former_members . The Secretary- Treasurer Mi>~. aei,r 1•,itchell assisted her by ca~ling the roll. Mrs . Kenneth Spence reviewed the hist~rt of this branch, and the following is her address : It i s very difficult to tell the history of an organization which has contributed so much for Home and Country through ·15 continuous years, in the brief time, I know, you want • me to take this arternoon. And yet it would not be. an anniversary i.t' we did not want to reminisce a little, and tell of the accomplishments and fun and fellowship over many years for some and just a few years for others.

1''rom a report or the Farmer•-s I nstitutes 01· 1904, 1 learned that there was a branch of this organization begun at Annan in June 1902, and that a delegate from the Farmer 's I nstitute, Mi ss Ida liunterwas present, All branches seemed co have been visited by a Miss !gnes Smith of Hamilton, as well as the Presi dent of i1orth Grey, Mrs . James Gardner, Dr . • Creelman was the Superintendent.

I n 1903 , it appears t hat the VI . I ., was organized at the home of i\,rs . J . B. Fraser at the manse . Charter members were Mesdames James Aitken, Brett, G. W. .;ampbell, William Cathr ae , James Di ckson, C.P . Day , Fraser, Neel Gilchrist, Robert Harkness , T.J . Harkness,

James Maynard, liilliam McKenzie, .tilliam McDonald, John niddell, J . 'd . Van:/yck and Misses Nellie Cannon and Myrtle Fould . Mrs . Alex Taylor was the first president although her name is not listed with the ·- charter names , and Miss Hellie Cannon ( later Mrs . t•1aynard) was the f irs t secretary- treas- urer. Some oi' the first members not listed as charter members were Jl.trs . t'1i tchell, Mrs . ' Cameron, Mrs . A. Day , Mr s . McGr egor and Mrs. Burr. 100 Page 2 The 75th !nniversary •

Mrs. Wietse Van Dolder, President Life 1'11embers-l\lrs . Harold Ceasar, and Mrs. Roger Mitchell, ~ec-Treas. Mrs . doss Buzza, l•lrs . Michael Robertson. , Mrs. rlobert ,Rewitson 1•1rs . l\enneth Spence, 1,1rs . Victor Bassingthwaite. Activity has always been the name of the game, especially in war years-to be knitting and sewing was a necessity and membership was a duty, because the tted Cross and , .r, were really incorporated. Mrs . J . B. Fraser, until she moved to Owen Sound, had worked unti ri~ly in the .I . I . and had been secretary- treasurer of the Red Cross. In war years, minutes were brief, because there were other more important thi ngs to do . Bazaars, concerts, plays etc. • were often mentioned. In 1917 a box social was held and $58. oO cleared, a fairly large sum of money at that time . Money was donated toward furnishing a ward in a convalescent hosp­ ital in Toronto for returned soldier s and many other i'unds in connection with ,lar Relief. Red C~oss work was done in the basement ot· this church, and the ladies carried their sew­ ing machines, not portables in those days, up the road. Uo you remember when a war.din the Owen ~ound Hospital was rurnished by the W. I.'s in this district, and maintained? The Children' s Shelter was also a concern and also financial aid was given to secure a doctor for 'l'obermory. Having no radios and televisions in 1921, I can imagine that the play 11 £unt Susan's Visit" would be a oig hit in this area. On several occasions, autogr aph quilts were made. It would be interesting to see the names on the quilt made in the 20 1 s . The Annan women have made quilts all through the years, and just recently a crib qui~t was donated to the Participation Lodge project. ~uilts were often given to fire victims . • There were schools to consider in the past, actually up until about ten years ago. Swings, drinking fountains, magazine subscri ptions and hot plates were purchased f or the four schools of early days , Garryowen, Leith, Annan and Briar Hill, until the branch of 101

Page 3 The 75th ..lnniversary the W.! . was organized in 1949. The local teachers were often speakers at meetings and the children shared their musical talents on many occasions . Do you remember the departmental speakers you had in June each year, and how you had • to be responsible for getting them to the next branch, likely by horse and buggy . There was a debate "Resolved that a good natured slop makes a better wife than a neat tidy crank" . I am sure that this was more entertaining than any '1' . l/. programs. I am wondering if l4argaret Rutherford and Anna Sutherland remember the day they mode~­ led bonnets and shawls in a parade at a meeting? Do you remember Charles Guprette, the 11 year old French boy whom J.nnan W.I . adopted? Mrs . A. Re ynolds translated the letters received, which were expressing gratitude ~or gifts etc . A lot of us remember Bob Reilley i n the Sunnybrook Hospital, and the monthly letters and treats sent, and how his sister acknowledged this kindness . Uo you remember the beaut­ iful memorial service prepared by Mrs . c;verett Johnson and ..1rs . Fred Da y following his death in 1959. Sponsorship of a child was a project with neighbouring Institutes for a period . I am sure the banquet in the Annan Hall in honour of the men from this community, who served in the armed forces was a happy occasion for most , but there were those who gave their lives, arid for their 1·amilies, this would be a sad time. • Js a result 01· the suggestion of one of our members , a Tom Thomson memorial plaque was erected by the Grey Hi storical Society at Leith • ..Ainslie ,lood became a reality after the W.I . supported the resolution drafted by the Leith Farm Forum. "i'he Misses .Agnes and l•1argaret McKeen A1~ard was set up to honour two women who had contributed to our branch 1·or so many years. This award was gi'qen to 10 Grade 8 students, at .i..eith, and later the Sydenham Central School, who had given evidence of ood citizenship and leadership qualities. The award was a dictionary, and I am sure all these young people appreciated this book .

Left to right: Former members Mrs . John Knaggs , 1!.rs . Allan ililson, Life 1-!ember l•,rs . V. 8ass1.ngtni..ai-ce, cl!ld former members Mrs . William Holmes • and Mrs . Allan Bothwell • 102 Page 4 The 75th .Anniversary

Back Row -L. to R. Mrs . Earl Levens* t•1iss .Agatha I redale , Mrs . Carl Morrison Sr. , Mi ss Mar garet Ruther ford* ,Mr s . • St anley Lounds , Mrs . Lois Olmsted , Mrs . Donald MacQueen, and Mrs . Lester Bye* Seated-Mrs. Gordon Rice* , Mr s . Sam Lemon and Catharine Mrs. R .Harr op, Mrs. Roger Mi tchell*, Mrs . Elgi n Knight* 1•1rs. Rob ert Hewitson* . 'i'he asterisk i ndicates a member .

ifuile on the subject or young people, I would like to say how proud of our 4- H gir ls, we should be , because we have 32 with County Honour s and 17 with Pr ovi ncial Honours . 'l'hr ee l eaders , Mrs . tL Ceasar, Mrs . V. Bassingthwaite and Mrs. R, Mitchell have their 5 year seals. These ,.ca::hievements vo uld not be possible withou t the personal interest of the Annan ~. I . members who have given many hours of l eadership . I have posted a list of t he leaders through the years. Let us not f orget the Sr. Extension services, and f or this t here have been many lead­ ers wi th the patience and i nterest needed, and there is a list of these too . • Anniversaries have been happy times . The 25th was celebrated in June 1928 with the Balaclava branch as guests. This annivers ary took place in the Leith hall, with two anniv­ e rsary cakes, one was made by Mrs . G. 3utherland and the other by Mrs . .Aitken and Miss J . Johnston . In June 1953, the 50th anni versary was hel d in the Annan Chur ch . The guest

speaker was Col. 'f . L . Kennedy , former Minister of Agricultur e . 11tr . 11.ennedy said that in working for God and country the Institute stands for good and it is such people that are needed i n the world to-day . i•\any of us r emembe r the bOth in l9b3 in this church. Do you recall the pageant "Do you remember?" 'l'he pageant depicted the 60 years from the first meeti ng when J•1 rs . J ames Gardner and l•Jrs. :/illiam McGregor drove over from Kemble in the horse drawn vehicle. 'l'he membership has no't changed too much through the years. I n 1921 there were 36 members and in 1933- 34 t here were 47, t he hi ghest rumber. Usually the number of members was between 18 and 25 . As far back as 1925 the Annan .~ .1 . has met on the second \o/ednesday . The scrap books were begun in 1943 , These are very ¥a1uable and wi ll become more so • as the years pass. They are a big help in compiling the 'l'weedsmuir history books, and also a i ded the co mmittee f rom thi s branch , who worked on the His tory of the Sydenham Township. Far m histories were begun in 1951 . 103 Page 5 The 75th Anniversary •

Mrs . Robert Gillson at the piano and Nrs. 'daJ.lace Edwards, provi ding entertainment . Do you remember the banquet s and wedding dinners served? Hel ping other Institutes to do the one for the International Plowi ng Match in 1962 at the Arena is orel remember. I hesitate in s i ngling out people but I am sure no one will mind my mentioning ~rs. S . Hutchi nson , who convened so many of these . •lie were hostesses f'or the County Rally in l9b5 and the JJistrict Annual s in l.963 and 1972 , and Annan may have had these gatherings at earlier dates too . • Staffing the canteen and entertaining the patients at dinners have kept us interested in the Ont ari o Hospi tal. Hus trips , travelogues , demonstrati ons, speakers and I could cont­ inue, have been hi ghli ghts . As we pass the Ainslie wood , we recall the dedicati on of the stone gateposts we had bui lt . 'l'hrough the years ..:lnnan has mad e seven members- Life l•iembers . Firstly Mrs. Arthur

McArthur in l.949, now deceased , t-.:;:s . Mi chael Robertson, 1952, Mrs . Ir. McKay, deceased, Mrs . Ross Buzza , and Mrs. ttarold Ceasar in 1963 , l"1rs . R. Hewi tson in 1968 and ,•,rs . v. Bassingthwaite in 1974 . Each i ndividual member is as i mpor tant as another, and 1'irs. Clarence Diamond, Prov­ incial President gave us at the last Board me eting the letters 1 . A. D. O.M. and I think it a very good maxim for all of us . It means "It a 11 ~epeads on me" . The Past Presidents and Past Secretary- Tr easurers need some recognition. As l. call the names , will you stand and remain standing until 1 conclude . 11· a past president has served as secretary-treasurer I will state this at the same time . The entire list is here , • and so we can remember our deceased members at t his time too. I would l i ke to conclude with a few lines from the song "Do you rememb er" used at the

60th anniversary , and recorded with the story 01· it in t his volume . ~#&~ 104

Page 6 '!'he 75t h .Anniversary At the conclusion of Mrs . Spence's address, Mrs . wietse Van Dolder presented her with a Life Member Certificate and Baage . There were forty- five members and for mer members in at tendance . J:"or mer members from a distance attending were Mrs . Ar thur _Thomson , Mrs . James .Armstr ong, l•l i tchell, Mrs. rloy • Harrop, , and Mrs . Harry Coventry, Mi ndemoya . Mrs . Thomson is the wi i'e of Rev . Arthur Thoms on, a former mi nister, and they reside at Auror a . A happy time was spent just r eminisci ng and renewing ac~uaintances at the lunch hour .

L to !L seated Mrs . Gordon ilice, Seated-Mrs. G. Rice, i•lrs . S . Lemon • Mrs . Roy Harrop , l\1rs. Sam Lemon and Catharine, Mrs. R. Harrop, ~1rs . and Vat nari ne, Mr s . Roger Mi tchell, R. Mitchell. Mrs . Elgin Kni &ht, Mrs . Rober t Standing: Mrs . George Sutherland, Hewitson. Mrs . William Miles, Mrs . Elgi n Bye , Standing: lotiss Agatha Iredale, Mrs . Mrs . 1i'i lliam Medley, Mrs . harold Car l Morrison, Miss Margaret Ruth­ Ceasar, Mrs. Jaffray Rutherford, erford, Mrs . St anl~y Lounds , Mrs . Mr s . James Armstrong, Mrs . Earl Lois Olmsted, Mrs . Donald Mac Queen, Levens foiss .i. Iredale, l•irs . C. Mr s . Lester Bye • Morrison.

L. to .R. Mrs . James Mustard, Mrs . Jeated: Mrs . Kenneth Spence, and Fr~nk Nelson and Mrs . Roberta 1•irs. Hobert Hewi tson . Gilbank. .3tandi ng, !1Lrs . .3tanley Lounds, Mrs . Lester Bye and Mrs . Donald 1v1acQueen . 10 5

Pa~e 7 The /5tn ,nniversary •

L-R- tront ttow-Hrs . Carl l1Larritt, Seated- hrs . iilliam Jonnson, Mrs . Mrs . Hoss Buzza, I>irs . Thomas Day, U. Hice , ~rs . Wietse Van Dolder, Mrs . George Sutherland, !'\rs . C:1gin Catnarine Lemon, hrs . R, Harrop, Bye, Jl1rs . ,illiam Medley, i•lrs . H.1rold J•1rs . Ro.;e r Nitchell , 1"1rs . l\enneth t:easar, r~rs . Edgar Fulford, ?l'Irs . l!.arl .:lpence, l''lrs . .t.lgin Knight, J•1ri,. Levens, ~.iss .~gatha Iredale . ltobert ttewitson. Seated Mrs . 0ordon Rice, !•.rs. Sam .>tanding-1"lrs . C. Jllarritt , l'lr,;. H . Le'llon,and Catharine, Hrs . Roy Harrop. 1.,oventr y, t•lrs . G. Hofman, l•irs. T. Back Row-1•lrs . Ge l t Hofman, r-1rs Harry Day, mrs . G. ~utherland, ~rs. ~. Coventry- hidden, ~,rs . l(i chae l no be rt son, i•,edley , 1,1rs . IL Ceasar, Mrs. lL Mrs . Arthur 'l'homson, Mrs . 1'/illiam Miles, .Levens, Miss ,, • Iredale, Mrs . Carl Mrs. Jaffray Ruthe rlord . Morrison, i•liss 1'1arz:;aret rtutherford, ,,)rs . titsnley Lounds , Nrs . Lois Olmsted , !'\rs. Lester bye, Mrs . _uonald 1•,a cQn., en , • Very Back rlow-Mrs . it. Buzza, 1•irs . JL Thomson, iv.rs. r1• • ttoberte on, Mrs . James .,r mstront, Mrs • .t. . J:lye, r;rs . iL l<'ult'ord, 1•1rs . J • Huthert·ord

L- 'R . r-1rs . u. Hoi"rn<1.n, Mrs . G. M/\rr itt, Mrs . R. Buzz'!, l-tr . iLt:oventr y, Mrs . M. Robertson, .Nrs . 'l' . Day, 1-irs . A. Thomson, Mrs . G. Sutherland, 1,trs . ;f. 1-ciles, 1•lrs • ,/ . Johnson, Mrs . E. Bye, Mrs . J . • Rutherford . l06

Page Annan ,fomen ' s I ns titute 'l'HHOUGH THE Y~..ut.3 ,IT1'H P IJ'l'UH.6~ •

February 194S Pictured on Vict or 3assingth~aite •s slei gh ready for a ride to the r 0ad. L. t o ,L 1·liSs ,,gnes McKeen, Mrs . Ross Buzza, Mrs . John Ramsay, 1'1rs . Arthur Reynolds, Mrs . Beaton Y.ci nnis .

.... Bus Tr ip t o Southampton 1961 July Meeting. L. to R. - Fr om Bus ,lindows-Suzanne Hew itson, Joan ,,farritt, J.iary Bye , Kathy Bye . Standing-1,tiss Laura Sibbald, Mrs . Harold Ceasar, Mrs . Ross Buz,za , J,,rs . ,/esley ,,!cl\ay J. t•liss Margar et Rutherford, Mrs . Stanley Hutchinson, Mrs . J mes 1•1it ch ell, r,,rs . ,lilliam • J ohnson, Mrs . John Morrow, 1-irs . Lester Bye , Mrs . Victor BasSinE;thwaite, Mrs. James Sibbald. Seated- it,rs . Rober t He witson, Mrs • .!rt hur Al exander, r.lrs . Allfln ;{ilsou, Mrs . John Hoi'rnan, Mrs . Carl Marritt, Hrs . Kenm:3th Soence. Mrs . El ~i n Knig,ht touk the pictute . The J.r.na1 ,loruen I s I nstitute members and four visitors enjoyed a bus trip t~ the Fitt on- Parker Furniture factory The Bruce Count y Museum was also vi sit"'d and a cup of tea enjoyl:ld in the cabin.

Gr~ndm<>thers 11eetine; in May 1965 ~t the home of Mrs . Gelt Hofman . • Left to r i ght: Mrs . 8verett. Johnson, r.'lrs . Stanley Hutchinson, Mrs . lilatson Scarrow, Mrs . James Mitchell and • U:rs . Harold Ceasar .

• 107

Page AnnAn ~omen' s Institute Page 2 Through the Years wi th Pic tures •

Thi'I picture was t aken at the Febr uary meeting at the home of ,,:rs . Roger 1,!i tchell, for the ~ydenh,m Township History Book, a Centennial project 1967, Back Row : Mrs. James llitchell, Mrs . Harold Ceasar, Mrs . Lester Bye, f,lrs . Stanley Hut chinson, Mrs . Donald MacQueen, Mrs . ,/esley McKay, Mrs . Kenneth Spence . lv!iddle Row -Mrs . Everett Johnson, J,.rs . al lan ,/ilson, cf.rs . Gelt Hofman, 1,fiss ,4argaret rlutherford, Mrs . Roger I,,i t ch el 1. Front Row- Mrs . Robe rt Hew i tson, l•Jrs . Carl Marritt , 1•:I'S . V. Bassingthwaite. • Absent-f,,.rs . A. ilexander, Mrs . E . Knight .

Doing a Valentine ~ong- February 1967 . L. to R. Mr:; . Donald Ma C",!ueen , 1,lrs . St anley Hutchinson, _Mrs . illan ,Jilson, ,•lrs. .Lester Bye .

The Gr andmothers at the June 1969 Meeting at the home of Mrs , Lester l:lye .

Stimding L. to Ji. -Mrs . H. Ceasar, Mrs . :li l l iam Johnson, l·'..rs . Ben Bude;eon, Mrs . S . Hutchinson, Mr:;. ~arl Levens, Mrs . ,,1 . tlobertson . Seat ed-1,.rs. ! . ,ii lso11, Ivil'S . t;olin Spence, Urs . James • Mitchell, Mrs. Stanley Lounds . 108

Page Julnan './omen ' s Institute Page 3 Through the Years with iictures In l.ugust 1968, the Associated Country 1/omen of the ,lorld held their 12th

Triennial Conference in Lansing,Michigan in the United States. The Grey County Women ' s Institute members were honoured that a bus load toured this area and a delightful picnic was held in Harrison Park. It was an occasion to be remembered, • because the guests were billeted in our homes •

Mrs . 11ilhelm r,iosehuus (Charlotte) Mrs . Roger l•litchell had as her of Kalkfeld, South ,lest Africa guest Miss Ilse 'l'scheuschner • with Mrs . Kenneth Spence and sons with the Department of Agriculture, John and Scott . South \'lest J.frica. >'lith her are Lenore Mitchel) and Catherine Coxon, great grand- daughters of chart~r members of the third oldest Women ' s Institute Branch-Kemble .

The grand-mothers at the June Meeting 1969, On the lawn of the Lester Bye home. Standing- r,lrs , Colin Spence, 1'1rs . EarJ Levens, Mrs , hichael Robertson, 'Mrs . Ben Budgeon, Mrs . James Mitchell, Mrs . Stanley Hutchinson. Seated- f.'lrs . William Johnson, Mrs . Harold Ceasar, Mrs . .Allam vlilson and Mrs . Stanley Lounds • • 109 Page Annan Women ' s Institute .:lP .i:!iCUL C:VJ,;NTS On May 8th, 1968, at tbe home of Mrs . Allan Wilson, Mrs . William Riddell, a long time and faithful member of the Annan ~omen's Institute was presented with an autograph quilt made by the members . This quilt was a Centennial project, and it • had the names of community residents and their friends . It was presented to Mrs . Riddell just after she had moved to Owen Sound.

Hrs. Robert Hewitson and il'Irs . The quilt being displayed and Stanley Hutchinson making the admired by Illrs . Jlllan 1"1lson, presentation to Mrs . William Mrs . Roger Mitchell, Mrs . R. Riddell of the autograph quilt. Hewitson, Mrs . Victor Bassing­ thwaite, Mrs . ii. Riddell and • Mrs . S . r!utchinson. Miss Margaret Etutherford was honoured on May 29, 1968 at a surprise presentation

at the home of Mrs . Roger Mit chell. Miss Rutherford had many years o.f service, but

not consecutive, so it -was decided to present her with luggage prior to a trip out Jest. Mrs . Roger J.litchell and r.trs . Ross Buzza made the presentation .

• Miss Margaret Rutherford being Mrs . Stanley Hutchinson has just presented with luggage by Mrs . presented Mrs . Roger 1,i1tchell with Roger I•!i tchell and Mrs. Ross a corsage at the District Ann~al Buzza . for Grey ifol'i!b in Massie United Church on May 15, 1973 . Mrs. Mitchell is the District President. 110

Pag;e ~ nan women ' s Institute LIFC: !WJ!1Ji:.RSH IP'S In order to be eligible for a Life Membership granted by a Br anch to a member , she must be an active member in good standing and she must have completed at least t~enty- f ive consecutive years membership in Branches in Ontari o, including Junior • Women ' s Institutes immediately prior to the time the Life Membership i s conferred . Each Branch must determine the meflning of a ctive member and 25 yeurs consecutive membership is not t he main consideration for awarding a Life 1>1embershi.p . Li f e Membership must be appr oved by t he Branch Boar d of Di rectors . The first Life Membership was conferred on Mrs . Arthur MacAr thur in September 1949, a t the regular meeting held at the home of Misses Agnes and Margaret 1-.cKt:Jen . Miss mna Sutherland, the second longest member , made the presentation, and told of the time and t alent Mrs Mac Jirthur had so freely g i ven, and she added that this honoured member had set a .good examp l e . Mrs . MacArthur was president in 1926- 28 and

secretary- treasurer in 1921- 23 . In March 1952 followine; a pot luck supper for the ir families , at t·he Leith Hall, Mrs Earl Levens, past president, made the present ation t o Mr s . hichael Robertson of ' a Life Membership and bade;e . Hrs . Robertson, formerly .Anna Sut herland, was married in February, and is residing at Port Elgin. • The third presentation of Life Memberships was on June 12, 1963 , when one of the highli ghts of the 60t h Ann i versary of the Jinnan Women ' s I nstitute .was c.he present­ ation of three Li fe Membershi ps t o Mrs . Ross Buzza , Mrs . Harold Ceasar and 1>11-s . ''fesl ey McK ay . Mrs . Buzza was t he president i n 1941, secretary in 1946- 47 and the secretary- treasurer in 1954- 56, and also convener on many different committees. Mr s . Harold Ceasar was s ecretary- treasurer i n 1933- 34, prior to her marriaee, and president i n 1951- 53, and is also a noted 4- H club leader, ,,1rs . ,•lcKay ,ias the president i n 1935- 36. 1J!rs . ~li chael Robertson mad~ the presentation of the Certifi ci.tes. Thei r fami lies purchased the b'ldges and are presenting them at t he time this picture was t aken .

L~ft t o ri£;ht ; L•lr . .lesley i~cKay , J1,rs . ii . i-lcKay, t•,i ss Nancy Buzza, Mrs. Ross Buzza, Miss H·irgaret Ceasar, r-:rs . J.li chael Robert son, Mrs . Harold Ce1sar, i-1rs . James • ,1ust:lrd (Mary Janet Ceasar). • 111 Page lnnan Women 's Institute PaJe 2 LIFE ,1hl!,ffil);rtShIPS On May 8, 1968, Mr s . Robert Hewitson was made a Life Member , at the regul~ me e t ing held at the home of Mrs. Allan Wilson . Mr s . Roger Mitchell, the president, presented the Life Memb ership and Suzanne pinned tne Badge on her mother. Mr s . Hewitson was the president in 1957- 59 , treasurer 1946- 48, and secretary-treasurer • 1972- 73. Mrs . Hewitson has served the \fomen I s I nstitute unt:. i ringly.

et to right: Mrs . Hoger Mitchel l , ~lrs . Robert Hewitson and Mi ss Suzanne Hewitson • ••

uutdoors a t the home or hrs. L. Bye Indoors Lifi~~m~i~i. 1,irs. if. lcKay, t,lrs. R. Buzza , !,,rs . n. Buzz,:i , 1'1rs . H. Geasar, Mrs . R. Hewitson, Mrs . r.I , l·1rs . J.i . Robe rtson , Mr s . H. . Robertson, Jc.rs . H. Ceasar. Hewitson , i,.rs. w. McKay. In .lpri l 1974, 11'.rs . Vi ctor Bassingthwaite received her Life Membe rship, at her home . The present ation was made by ~rrs . Stanley Hutchinson, president , and ,Mrs . Lester Bye , p"1st - president. Due to ilJ.ness Mrs . Bassingthwaite had been unable t o att end the

lpril mee t.ing pr ior to her moving to Alton . Ma ry B. ( as she is known to al 1 of us) ,

• W-'iS president in 1962- 1964, A lot of the credit for the ·rweeds.muir History Books must go to her i nterest in this work . 112

Page Annan ~/omen I s Institute uUR CELb:BRATivlJ OF THE 75TH .llhJIVbb.d,utY UF THt FED~rtA'l'.C:D ',/Uf•l.c:N ' S Il~dTITUTLv UF ON'l'ArlIU.

Annan women I s I nstitute cel~br11ted the 75th anniversary of t he F . :{. I. o. at their February meeting in 1972 at the home of ,,lrs . Roger J,Jitchell . At this • time , the Annan ~omen ' s Institute celebrated too their 70th birthday, as a Farmer's Institute was organized at .Annan in 1902. The program convener, lftrs . Victor Bassingthwaite, was assisted by the Life Members, Mrs . d , Ceasar, Mrs . R. Buzza, J,,rs . JI, . Robertson llnd i•irs. R. Hewitson

in reviewing the activities of thB past 70 years. 1•1rs . J . i:L McKe.;;n, a former member read two poems, sh-0 had composed. was The anniversary cake , i made by l'lrs . Kenneth Spence, and beautifully decor :rted in the Institute colours , by Mrs . Robert Hewitson . This cake was cut by the President, Mrs. Lester Bye and the Secretary-Treasurer, •1rs . Gelt Hofmau .

Life Members- Mrs . Ross Buzza, Mrs . Visitor J,lrs . Gordon Porter (Caroline), Robert Rewitson, Mrs. Michael 'Former i•lembers Mrs . Elgin Bye , ,-!rs . Robertson and !,!rs . Harold Ceasar. ,/illiam foedley and Mrs . Allan Bothwell, Seated-1-lrs . Fred Day , Nrs . J . H. ucKeen, and ,,lrs . James 1•1itchell.

Cutting t he .Anniversary Cake, l•,rs . Lester Bye, President and Mrs . Gelt Ho f man, • Secretar1- Treasurer • 113

0IttLS 1 WURK The Annan Women 's Institute have been interested in the futur9 homemakers of the community for a great number of years. Minutes recorded in October 1916 state that Miss iditb Burr, the secretary- treasurer of the Institute was asked to gather the girls together and form a sewing class; their special concern was • to sew for the Red Cross. Miss Flora !lexander was asked to supervise the girl's sewing club. During the years intervening some of the names of the girls who were sent to Girls I Conference at Guelph were Florence Long, Lyle Sassingthwaite, ,-1arion Buzza, Rae McArthur, Helen McG regor, and Emma Laycock . These conferences were

sponsored by the //omen I s Institute branches and held at 1,1acdonald Institute

from 1926- 1940 . 0 • " ..n ;e di. g "' '1 " 9- erce ,1e•·e .>1 e .. c.. !. · .. n- l ;5, ,.,. ,.1 . i e .-..rtl,;:y nd J Vc..i..yn .!" ··itsvn i n :;.9 .." , In May 1931 mention is made of a Girl' s Coaching Class and in April 1932

due to l ack of 1·unds it was decided by the Annan ,fomen• s Institute not to send a delegate to the Girls' Ccn:ference at Guelph that year. In 1935 three girls Florence Long, Anna Sutherland and Marion Buzza demonst­

rated salad making to the Annan 1,iomen I s Institute at the August meeting. First Junior Hom~making Club •

Left to right: Marion Buzza (1,1:r's. H . Ceasar ).1>1argaret Thomson (Mrs . i. Reid) ,Katie Anderson (Mrs . A. Reid) , Lois Dinsmore (i•1rs . C. Olmstead), Gladys Riddell (Mrs . D, Ramsay), Betty Ferguson (Mrs . G. Taylor), Helen McGregor (f..rs. D. Vermilyea}. Marjorie Artley O•irs. D. Oilchr ist), f-i'.arguerite Brown (Mrs . J . Strama) and Frances Day .

From 1937 to the present time, records have been obtained on the 4-H Homemaking work as the Girl's Club became known and will be recorded in che successive pages. • Club Through further research, 11e have lea::-n .. d the names of the 1916, .. ere 1>lisses ...:dith Burr, i>,ary Reilly, Lily 1•lcD0nald, l>la r garet and 1,1a.rion ,tiddel 1, r'rances ,•,orris, 1,,ayme Mc.Arthur, /mna ::lutherland, Lyle Bassingthwaite, Ida and Annie ,,lcKay, Helen Hope, N,irion Buzza, Florence. Long, and Mary dtewart. 114

4- H HOMl!1>1.Jll\I1'lG CLUB LEADErtS - AN14AN WOMEN I S INSTITUTE 1937 - Miss Marion Buzza , Miss Emma Laycock . 1938 - Miss Helen McGregor, Miss Muriel Lem.on~ 1939 - Mi ss Marion Buzza, Miss Rae McA r thur . 1940 - Mrs . Earl Levens , Mrs. J . McKeen, Miss Margaret McKean . • 1941 - Miss Marjorie Artl ey. 1950 - Mrs. C • .A . Boyd, 1'irs . Harold Ceasar, (Marion Buzza) . 1951 - Miss Winnifred Slattery, Mrs . Robert Hewitson, Mrs . Earl Levens. 1952 - Mrs. Roger Mitchell, Mrs • .Angus Smith, Mrs. Earl Levens. 1953 - Mrs. Harold Ceasar, Mrs . Ro8er Mitchell, Mrs . Earl Levens . 1954 - Mrs . Robert Hewitson, Mrs . Earl Levens. 1957 - Mrs. Allan Wilson, Mrs . Lester Bye. 1958 - Mr s . Allan liilson, Mrs . Lester Bye, Mrs . Harold Ceasar, Mrs . Victor Bassingthwaite. 1959 - Mrs. Victor Bassi ngthwait e , Mrs. William Johnson . Mrs . Ha rold Ceasar. 1960 - Mrs. V . Bassingthwaite, Mrs. 'iilliam Johnson . 1961 - Mrs . Harold Ceasar, Miss Mary danet Ceasar, Mrs. Wi lliam Johnson Mrs. Victor Bassingthwaite. 1962 - ~ rs. Allan Wi lson, Mrs. Lester Bye Mrs . Harold Ceasar, Mrs . Gelt Hofman, ~!rs. Kenneth Spence, Mrs . Elgin Knight1 , Mrs . Rog er Mitchel l . 1963 - Mrs . a. Hofman, Mrs . K. Spence, Mr s . Carl Marritt, Mrs . Arthur Alexander, • Mr s . Allan Wilson . 1964 - Mr s . A. Alexander, Mrs. L. Bye, Mrs . Kenneth Spence, Mrs. Elgi n Knight, Mrs . Gelt Hofman, Mrs. Stanley Hutchinson. 1965 - Mrs . G. Hofman, Mrs . v. Bassingthwaite, lt!rs • . Frari~ teifoo:/.) Mrs . Rae Bumstead . 6r king 1.11t I oo 1966 - Mrs. v. Bassingthwai te, Jlirs . G. Hofman~ Miss L:r.nda Hofman, Miss iileen Hofman. 'l'he Milky I/lay , and Accent on. ccess ories 1967 - Mrs . Gelt Hofman, Mrs . Donald Macqueen . -A '1/orld of Food in Canada. 1969 - Dressin, Up Vegetables-Mrs . Jaffray Rutherfo rd, Mrs . Elgin Hutchinson, Cotton Accessories ror the Bedroom -Mrs . V. Bassingthwaite, Mrs . Hilliam Buck . Garden-Home Beautification- Mrs. Elgin Knight, r,irs. Roger !,iitchell. 1968 - The Ceratll Shelf- J,lrs. Gel t H•fman , Miss ~ileen Hefman. Cottons May Be Smart-Mrs. Allan 1/lilson, Mrs. Elgi n Hu tchins~n, Mrs. Roger Mitchell, Mrs. Jaffr ay Rutherford. 1970 - Jfeedlec raft-Mrs . Harold t;easar, Mrs . J. Rut herford . .l<'eaturing Fruit-Mrs. J • Rutherford, Mrs . Ross For grave. 1971 - Bein~ 1lell Dressed and Well Gr oomed-Miss Kathleen Hofman, tr.rs. Ke n i,lorrison. Meat in the 1•,enu-Mrs . J . Rutherford , Mr s . Ueorge Black . Garden Preservation-!liss Kathleen Hofman , M:i ss Penny Dinsmore . 1972 - Focus on 1''itness-Mrs . G. Black, Mrs. Ros"S Forgrave . • 'l'he Jacket Dress-r-1iss Anna van Balkom, Mrs. G. Bl ack 1973 - 'l'he Third Meal-Mrs . G. Black, Mr s . Jame s Bassi ngthwaite. J.974 - !Jreative Bl&ck i''rinting- ,'1rs. Ro ger Mi t chell, Mrs. George Black 'l'he Cl ub Girl Entertains-Mr s . R. Mitchell, Mrs . ti . Black. 115

1975 - Clothes 1·or Leisure-Mrs . Weitse Van LJolder, Mrs. Ro~er Mitchell A. World 01· Foo<1 i n Canada- Mrs. w. Van LJoluer, Mrs. it . Mitd1e11

197b - Let's l:laJCe l:lreaa-Mrs. W. Van Dolder, Mrs. lielt ltot·man Mrs • .tt. Mitone11, Mrs . ueorge l:l.Laole ,1 'l'oucn or ::lt.1.tcnery- Mrs • .tt . M1.t.ene11 , Mrs. li . liot'rnan •• Mrs . w. van LJo.Laer, Mrs . li. l:llacJC 1.977 - Ta kinii; a Look at Yourselt'- Mrs. it. Mitchell, Mrs. William Nortncott Accessories 1·or -che !:lea.room-Mrs . W. van LJola.er, Mrs. lt. Mitcnel..L .L9'/'d - LJairy r·are- Mrs. K. Mitcnel.L, Mrs. w. van LJolder .t!'ocus on Liv1.nr;- Mrs . Wallace J!;awaras , Mr s. uart'ielct 11.nott Mrs. K. Mi t chell , Mrs. Kyle rto~ertson uara.en t'reservat1.on- Mrs. IL Mitchell, J\lrs . W. r:awar'1s

.L'J'/'J - .\coessories-'1'he tinal '!'ouch-Mrs . rt . Mitchell, Mrs. JI.. ttobert.son Mr s . w. Van LJolder, Mrs . W. E<1wards Needlepoint-Mr s . H. Mitchel l, Mr s . K. HoDertson Mrs . w. Van UolQer, Mrs . ~. ~awards Essenti al idible-s- !v1rs . rlo.,. e r Uit,chell!. Urs . K. rlobertson ,>irs . J/a 1lace Jdwards , l•,rs . dteve Bumstead 1980 Your Corner of the .vorld-!-1rs . 1V . Van Dolder, !llrs . K. hitchell Nrs. :l . idwards, 1,lrs . :3 . Bumstead . Outdoor Living-l;lrs . Roger 1•,itchell, ;,,rs . allace idwarcis !>.rs. .,.:itse Van Dolder, 1•1iss Leola Van Dolder. Food .for Friends-t,irs . .toger r.,i tchell, ,•lrs . ..lbert ~1cLean ,•,rs . Kenneth Spence, ,,,rs. Gelt Hofman . 1981 Reaciy Get ::iet ,;,ew-hrs . Hoger 1'.itchell, ,,.rs . Garfielci Knott Mrs . Kyle no be rt son , l,irs . James Gonder

,lhich C3~~e :<'irs::. The Chicke'1 or the t.gg- Mrs . lietse '/an Jolder, ,·,rs . !-!.,rb 1,yatt • ,,rs. :. . l·.itchell, .•.rs . J . l.ionder 4- ti 3read •i~ners-..rs . R . l•.it,chell, .·,rs . John Hirst ,1rs . J . Gonder, . ,rs . Kenneth ;:,p~nce

l·-ore 011tdoor Liv-ing-,,:rs . R. itchell, ,,rs . J . Hirst

, 116 AIUI.AU 4-H HO,,IJ::i,W!.:ING CLUBS •

The Annan Garden Club 1962 Left to right: l•1iss Marilyn Bassingthwai te, 1,,iss Mary Bye, Miss Joan Marritt , Miss Beth Hofman and Miss Eileen Hofman .

The Annan Garden Club 1964. Standiug-L. to R. Eileen Hofman, Mary Bye, Beth Hofman and Kat hy Bye . ~·.-: Seated-Frances Bouma and Ruth Bye. • •

• 1-17 .August 1960 • I • iuun nu ~ln1 I le toTin1s "'<::,

Carol Kut chaw, Minctemoya, Manitoulin Island, 1•1ary Janet ~easar, Annan 4- H, ana Li nda Niemi, Thunder Bay . Mary Janet was one of 1'ive girls 1·rom the An nan Club , who attended the Canadian Nati onal gxhibition in 1960 . The other girls from h!lnan were Nancy and Mary Buzza, Margaret Ceasar and Marilyn Bassingthwaite .

• 118

C.AN-ADI AN N_.O.TIUN.AL EXHIBITION 1937 - He l en McGregor, Gladys Riddell 1938 - Fr ances Day 1939 - Katie .Anderson 1940 - Marjorie Artley, Evelyn Hewitson • 1953 - Do rothy Mitchell 1960 - Nancy Buzza, Marilyn Bassingthwait e, Mary Janet Ceasar, Margaret Ceasar, Ma ry Buz za. 1963 - Eleanor Johns on, Doreen Wilson 1964 - Joan Ma rritt 1971 - Jo Anne Hutchins,on, Lenore Mitchell

• .. 119 SPECIAL TRIPS GIRL ' S CONFERtNCE 1961 - Nancy Buzza 1963 - Margaret Ceasar, Ma ry Buzza 1968 - Eileen Hofman • 1969 - Kathleen Hofman 1981 - Donna Mitchell

EASTERN ONTARIO & QU8BiC BUS TRIP 1962 - Nancy Buzza • 1963 - Marilyn Bassingthwaite

Dri,.na ,•iitchell (Alberta)

• 120

COUNTY HONOU R Rit;IPIEN'l'S 1939 - Ka tie .Ander son, Marj orie Ar t l ey (2nd Pres ent ~t i on of County Honours , first was i n 1938) 1953 - Helen Armstrong, Mrs. Roger Mitchel l , Dorothy Mi t chel l 1959 - Mary Janet Ceasar, Nancy Buzza , Mar ilyn Bassi ngt hwaite 1960 - Eleanor Johnson, Ma ry Buzza, Margaret Ceasar • 1961 - Dor een ~i lson 1962 - Sandra Bumstead 1963 - Margaret Hogendoorn, J oan Marritt 1964 - Beth Hofman, Eileen Hof man, Ma ry Bye , Lynda Hof man 1965 - I r ene Hogendoor n 1967 - Fr ances Bouma, Ka t hl een Hofman 1969 - Diane Hof man, Loui s e Rutherford 1970 - Lenor e Mitchell 1971 - Jo .Ann Hut chi nson, Ell en Bassingthwaite, J e,i.n ;,,aoQueen 1974 - Kathy Bouma, Ellen Mi t chell 1976 - Pauline Knight, Ja nis Hutchinson

!'1'/8 - l:!arbara McLean, JJonna Mi i:.cne!!, .t'ame.La Ne! son, Leo.La ~ an .Uo.La er 1979 - Debbie Ke an, Sandra McLean, Tammy Mo rrison 1980 - Linda (fil i t cnell) Bumstead, Br enda i,.cLean, Sheila rtobertson, Kristy nutherford, • Darlene Vanwyck . 19g1 - Kerri By~rs, Teresa Gonder, ?atricia Jcott 19~2 - Susan ->oence, ..i.ndrea Sutherland

• 121 PROVINCIAL HONOURS RECIPIENTS 1961 - Do rothy Mi tchell 1962 - Nancy Buzza, Marilyn Bassi ngthwaite, Mary Janet (Ceasar) Mustard 1963 - Mary Buzza, Margaret Ceasar, Eleanor Johnson ·1964 - Doreen Wilson • 1966 - Joan Marritt 1967 - Lynda Hofman 1968 - Eileen Hofman 1970 - Kathl een Hofman 1971 - Louise R~ther ford, Li nda Co rnfield Cannan and Bo t hwell ' s Corner) 1972 - Di ane Hofman 1974 - Jo Ann Hutchi nson 1975 - Lenor e Mitchell 1979 - Pauline Kni,ht (Annan and #oodf ord) 1980 - Ellen l,,itchell 1981 - Sandra ,,rcLean, Donna i•litchell •

• 122

~d v::;nced ilonoi.;rs rt.c>ciP i e!'lts:

• 123

TRIP TO ROY.AL WHITER F ,UR 1958 - Mr s . Allan Wilson 1959 - Mrs. Harold Ceasar 1960 - Mrs . Victor Bassingt hwa ite 1961 - Mrs . Wi lli am Johnson • 1962 - Mrs . William Johnson, Mr s . Gelt Hofman 1963 - Mrs. Ha r old Ceasar, Mrs. Al.lan Wilson, Mrs. Kenneth Spence 1964 - Mrs . Gelt Hofman, Mrs . Ken neth Spence, Mrs. Arthur .Alexander 1966 - Mrs. Victor Bassingthwaite. 1970 - Mrs , Jaffray Ru t herford 1972 - Mrs. George Black 1973 - Mrs. George Black 1974 - Yrs. Roger Mitchell 1975 • Mrs. Wietse Van Dol der 1976 - Mrs . Roger Mitchell , I,irs . •li etse Van Dolder.

l. 'f/8 - Mrs , Wal.l.ace Edwards 1979 - Mrs. Wallace Edwards Mrs. Elgin Kni~ht ( '.l"o odford Club) • 1980 - Mrs . ti. Van Dolder

• 124 LKAU~R.:l' c;~rl'1'11''1C.:A'l'~::l 'l'hese certi1'icates are presented by tne Cana

1959 - Mrs . Harold Ceasar - 5 year bl ue seal

.l.';/b'.> - Mrs . Victor t:!ass1.ngtnwaite - 5 year b.l.ue s eal

1'}'/5 - Mrs . lto~er Mitchell - 5 year blue seal , Canada 4- H Council Leadership .!ward ,, • 1980 - Mrs . doger ,•li tchell - 10 year " .. " l 9Bv - •·-rs . .1i e tse V 'ln JoJ.Jar - 5 Y'-' .,r II " " 11 "

• 125

l'tl.!!. GLUV.1!.-MAI\IdU l.uUrtS.t!. •

The Glove- making School, Grey C,1unty May 1938. Left to right : rlrs . John Arnott, Owen Sound, Spri ngmount Branch, ,·,iss M:i.rgaret McKean , rt . R. 1, Owen Sound, '1nnan Branch, and Mrs . Harold French, il. . R . 3 , 01·1en Sound, Salem • Br3.I1ch .

Tbe Annan Glove- makers Left to right : l,iiss Margar et il.utherford, Miss Helen McGregor, 11,rs . J . H. i•IcKeen , · taliss Jvlargaret KcKeen, l eader, Miss Zel ma Laycock, !,,rs. Nel son .Art ley and ..iiss l•,arion Buzza • • 126 SENIOR 'l'HJi INING ti CHOOLS Year Course Leader s

J.9oO 'l'ne Third Meal Mrs . Art Al exander Mr s . _t l lan :·/ilson 1961 Window Tr eat ment Mrs. Har old Ceasa r Mr s . Kennet h Spence • l.9b3 J.4J Pounds of Meat Mr s . '.1 1. lli am J ohnson Mrs . Rob ert Hewitson l9b4 lJesserts Mrs. Gordon Little Mrs . William Riddell 1904 New Lamps for Ol d Mrs . Roger Mitchell Mrs . Ha r old Ceasar 19ob .it'ocus on r'inisbes Mrs . Harold Ceasar Mrs . Earl Levens 190'/ Hats r or X'ou Mrs . Har old Ceas ar i1rs. Ear l Levens * 1968 Baki ng with Yeas t Mr s . Kenntlth Spence, Mrs . A , Wilson . 1968 Dr essmaking with a Diff erence MPs , Robert Hew i tson Mr s . Earl Le~ens 1971 The Kna ck of Sewing with Knits Mrs • .Jlll an Wilson Mrs. Roger Mi tchell 1972 Ontario Fruit Mrs . Kenneth Spence Mrs. Gelt Ho f man 1974 Creative Stitchery Mrs. Ross Forgr ave Mrs. Earl Levens • 1975 Needlepoi nt Mrs . George Black 1976 Salute to Vegetables Mrs . William Myles Mr s. Kenneth Spence 1977 Personali ze your Pattern Mr s . Wa llace J;;d1~ards Mrs , Robert Hewitson l.'J'I~ Mrs. ~arl. Levens Mrs. James McNeil.1 Mr s . uoraon Rice . r'lr s . t.enneth Spenoe 1979 Indoor Gardenini Mrs . N. Edwards ~r s . James McNe ill 1981 Quilting Ill r s . ,lietse VanDold er r,,rs • tl. F . Si mpson

* Mrs. Spence t ook t hi s course with Bothwell•s Co r ner and M.rs. A.Wi l son took it wit h Woodford . Then t hey instructed t he Anna n 1'/omen I s Institut e a t t he home of Mr s . Spence . 127 Misses .l;,gnes and Margaret McKeen •

Miss .Agnes McKeen was born on January 7, 1877, and >'liss 1•,argaret ( also called Etta) McKeen was born on February 11, 1880. They were the daughters of Mr . John McKeen and his wife Jessie Ross McKeen. They had two sisters, Isabella (Mrs . Robert Fawcett) and Janet (Mrs . S. P. Buzza), and three brothers James, Ross and Alfred Earls, who was adopted . James was never married and resided with his sisters at "Birken-Bowar" at Lot 37, Concession A, 3ydenham Township, until his death . The following is the story of the presentation of the McKean Award 5croll. The Misses Agnes and Margaret t,lcKeen were pl easantly li1.1rprised on a Saturday • afternoon in the winter of 196.3 , when a committee comprised of Mrs . James Mitchell, Mrs . Ross Buzza, Mrs, Kenneth Spence and Mrs . Victor Bassingthwaite, president of the innan Women ' s Institute called to reminisce about incidents at Institute meetings . The McKeen sisters have been lfomen ' s Institute members for J7 years, and it was decided such seniority should be honoured, even though they had not served as either president or secretary-treasurer. An award to the value of 2 life memberships is to be presented preferably to a Grade 8 pupil from S . S. No . 1.3, Sydenham (Leith) each year in form of a book to the va1ue of ~5.00 . The honoured women were a l so presented with Women ' s Institute cups and saucers. The award scroll was presented by the secretary- treasurer, Mrs . Spence. Both women are in the four score years enjoying fair health, alert and always willing to help with an Institute project. Miss .Agnes was perhaps the first woman to be on a School i>oa rd in the district. Miss Mar garet is interested in sewing. The Visit was concluded with a cup of tea, Christmas cake and shortbread rnade by t!Jese gracious ladies. • For the last few years of their life, the /.lcK<:len sisters resided at Lee !,lanor, Owen Sound . Miss Margaret McKeen passed away on June 24, 1975. Shortly after r,.iss Agnes celebrated her 100th birthday, she died on February 1 , 1977 . 128

THE MISSES .AGNcS .AND MArlGARET MCKE.c,N Jl.J.ARD .At the November meeting 1962 of the .Annan Women ' s Institute, approval was given for the es~ablishment of an award in honour of Miss es Agnes and Margaret Mc~een, valued members of the organization • • The award will be made annually to the pupil registered in Grades 7 or 8, preferably Grade 8, all things being equal, in School Section No. lJ, Sydenham. In the event that School Section No . 13, Sydenham is amalgamated with other school sections into a consolidated school area, pupils in School Section No . 13, Syden­ ham only, will be eligible for the award . The award will be made to the pupil, who in the estimation of the principal and teaching staff of School Section No . 13, Sydenham, has been judged most worthy of an award recognizing the highest degree of progress in the current acad.emic year based on the pupil's initiative and willingness to work and to learn. The award should also recognize good citizenship and leadership qualities in the recipient. As this award is not a scholarship, a high level of academic achievement is not necessarily the basis upon which the winner is selected. This award can be won only once by a pupil in his or her school career • The award will be a book to the value of five dollars (i5. 00), or as near • as possible to that amount . The book is to be the choice of the teachers, and in consultation with the Secretary- Treasurer of the Annan ~omen ' s Institute. The presentation ceremony shall be done by the Misses McKeen, as long as they feel able to do so. The time of the presentation will be preferably at the end of the school term in June of each year.

A sum of fifty dollars ($50 .00) is to be set aside in a special fund to be used for this award, until the original sum plus interest is consumed . We the members do wish in this way to show our appreciation to the Misses Agnes and Margaret l'icKeen, who have given the Annan Women's Institute many years of valued service • • 129

THE MIS.;ES AGN~S AND ,11.!RGARET MCKc..c:N .AW.!lUl WlNNBtt 1963 •

• \

Ho Eileen Ho£man was born , the daughter of Gelt Hofman and his wife J.gnes Bumstead Hofman . With her parents and an older sister Linda and two younger sisters Kathleen and Diane, she resides on a farm at Lot 38, Concess­ ion A, in Sydenham Township. Eileen attended Leith Public School and was a Grade 8 graduate at the time of the award presentation. She is attending the Owep Sound Collegiate and Vocat­ ional Institute. Eileen had taken four- 4-H Homemaking Clubs at the time of the award, but since then bas achieved her County Honours. She attends Leith United Church, the Sunday School, and Young People's.

Eileen married Robert Jruickshank , and they reside at rt . rt . 3 , ,11enford with • their two sons Rich3rd {dicky) and Jennis . lJO

President Mrs . Victor Bassingtnwaite presen~ing Lloyd Russell with the Misses hcKeen award 0£ the Concise Oxford Dictionary in 1964 Lloyd ~alter Russell at the Lord Dufferin Hospital in Orangeville. His parents are Walter Russell and Evelyn rhillips Russell . He • has a sister Terry and a brother Handy. Lloyd attended Leith ~ublic School and the Durham. uistrict rl i gh School and at the present time is a student at the ,alkerton District Secondary School • .'1hile living at Leith,Lloyd attended the Annan United Church and Sunday School. In 1964 the Russell family moved to Durham and since then have taken up residence in •alkerton •

• I lJl

The President of the ~nnan Women's Institute, ~lrs . Allan Wilson making the presentation of the dictionary to Miss Frances Bouma • Fr ances Bouma is the daughter of Frank and Tina Abma Bouma, who came to • Canada from Holland just following their marriage. the Bouma f amily resided on the Robert Keeling farm on the 6th Concession of Sullivan Township , Later they lived near Goring, and now they live on the first far m north- east of Leith. Frances has two brothers and three sisters: Jerry, Marilyn, Kathy, Sandra and Timmy. She attended Goring School in Euphrasi a Township, and later the Leith Public School, graduating in 1965 . To further her education, she is attending West Hill Secondary School, enrolled in the Arts and Science Course. Frances is in the Catechism Class and Young People' s at the Christian Reformed Church . In 1976 Frances married Frank Ga i ch, liOd they live at Guel ph • 1)2 The Misses McKeen Award Winner 1966 •

Mrs Allan Wilson, President oi' annan Nomen's Institute making the presentation to Miss Kathleen Hoi'man Kathleen is the daughter of Mr . and Mrs . Gelt Hofman. She has two older sisters, Linda and Eileen and one sister younger, Diane. In her graduating year from Leith Public achool, she received the award . She is attending West Hill Secondary School. Kathleen is interested in 4-H Clubs and has taken four of these projects. She attends Leith United Church and the Sunday School, and is a member of the C.G.I .T. group. Kat!,leen .n~rriad Paul .:ieaman, and they have three childr.. n , J amie, Benjamin and Sandra. They live at Chatham . • 133 The Misses Agnes and Margaret Mc Keen !ward Winner 1967 •

,tnnan lfomen I s Institute President Mrs . lt . Mitchell presentine; t.he !ward to Miss Debbie Nelson . Deborah .Elizabeth l'felson is the daughter of Frank and Stien de lfitt Nelson of Leith, . She has two brothers and four sisters : Robert, Linda- Mrs . Howard Payne, Cooksville, Darlene, Corinne and Pamela , and Al-fred . Debbie received her public schoole:iucation ac Leith. She is attending the Owen Sound Collegiate and Vocational Institute, and is taking the Arts and • Science course. She attends Annan United Church, and has been a member of the Sunday School, C. G. I . T. , Choir and the Jal Club (Young People' s Organization) . Debbie married Ted Kean, a nd chey have a daughter Nicole. 134 The Misses McKean Award i'finner 1968 •

President Nrs . 1loger Mitchell making the pr~sentation to Timothy Millman at the Sydenham Gentral School, . Timothy Gray Millman, is the son of Campbell and li:velyn Gray .Mi llman, and resides on Lot 4, Range J. He has five brotners and one sister: Cam, Donald, Bill, Lorree, twin brother Jim and .Andy . Tim attended S. S. No . 16 Sydenharu Public Scnool until Grade 7 and took Grade 8 at the Sydenham Central School. He is the .fl.rsc. wiuner of the t•iisses Agnes and Mar garet McKeen award at this new cen1,ral school. Tiin 1s enrolled in the 5 year Artsand Science Course at the Owen Sound Collegiate and Vocational I nstitute.

He is very interested i~ sports and plays hockey and baskecball and swims . Tim attends Sr.. Andrew's Presbyterian Churc1, Owen .:iound.

He is married to l•.ary Jo ,iaugh, and they have 2 d.;.u&hters «nd a son, and i:.bey live in Owen Sound . • 135 The Misses McKeen Award Winner 1969 •

Rhonda Whitfield

Mrs . Roger Mitchell making the presentation of the dictionary. Rhonda Whitfield to Mr . and Mrs . Clarence Whitfield, of R. R. 4, Woodford. She has three sisters, Wilma, Mrs . Clyde Lansdell, Toronto, Myra, Mrs. Richard Tallman, Port Hope, Phyllis, Mrs. Steven May, Ajax and two brothers, Norris, Ottawa and Ray, Port Elgin. Rhonda att~nded Woodford Public School, Sydenham Central School and the Meaford High School, graduatingf.rom Grade X11, and later was employed at Hobarts in the office • Her hobbies were sewing, and she took 8 4-H Clubs. Her mother describes her "as • always being busy". In 1973, she married Edmund Whittington, and they reside in Guelph. She attended the Church of Christ in Meaford, and now in Guelph •

• 136 The Misses McKeen Award Winner 1970 ~ ~...... -...._ ....- ... - -"'It,,- -

1 • Miss Jo Anne Hutchinson being presented with a dictionary by M.rs . Lester Bye, Annan I/omen ' s Institute President

Jo Anne Hutchinson is t he daughter of Elgin and Phyllis Fraser Hutchinson, They reside at Lot 24, Concession 3 of oyeenham Township, but were living at Lot 28, Concession 5 at the time this award was given, Jo Anne has four brothers, Bill, Allan, Bob and Scott and one s ister Janis. She attended Garryowen Public School for five years and Sydenham Central dchool for three yea r s . At the present time (1975) Jo Anne is in Grade 13 at the Owen dound Collegiate and ~ocational Institute. • Jo .Anne took piano lessons. She is very interested in curling. She also obtained her Provincial Honours in 4- H. ~he i s ma rried to Brad Doupe , and they reside at Fullerton. They have a dauiht er Erin .

•• 137 The Misses McKeen ~ward Winner 1971

• -

Mrs . Lester Bye, President of Annan Women's Institute making the presentation of a dictionary. John W. MacQueen John at London, Ontario. His parents are Mr. and I•trs . Donald MacQueen , and they reside at R. R. 1, Annan at Lot 24, Concession 6 of • Sydenham Township. He has a brother Paul and a sister Jea n, Mrs . Ferguson. He attended Garryowen Public School and graduated from Sydenham Central School in June 1971 , He is enrolled in the Five Year Program at the Owen Sound ~ollegiate and Vocational Institute. John plays the violin, and is active in sports, belongs to the Annan Church Softball League and plays basketball. He has been involved in 4- H Clubs too .

He attends the Evangelical Baptist Church in Owen Sound •

• 138 The Misses McKean Award ·,·/inner 1971 • •

l,lrs . L. Bye Making the Ii' resent­ at ion to Mi ss Connie Nickel. Because Sydenham Centr al School was becoming a Kindergarten to Gr ade 6 school at t he begi nning of the school term in the autumn of 1971, it was decided to give

two awards in June and so Connie is the tenth and final winner of the 1'1isses McKean,. Award . Connie Ni ckel i s the daughter of Mr • . and Mrs. John Nickel. John and Violet came to Leith wit h their family i n the spring of 1966, and resided in the house vacated by Lloyd Scott and where the Murray Hurlbut family now reside. The Nickels came from • near Kelowna in British Columbia . They were in Leith just a short time prior to getting possession of the Jack Prosje farm . Miss Nickel attended school in 1fost Rutland and t he .Annan School, prior to the Sydenham Central School from whe r e she graduated in 1971 . She then went t o the Owen Sound Collegiate and Vocational Institute until her return to British Columbia with her family i n 1973. Her brothers and sister s were Darcy, Jean Linda, John, Lorne, Luella,Shelley and Cherry.The f amily attended the Pentecostal Church in Owen Sound .

• •


Eob Re i lly •

Bob Re i lly was leadin.; cook on the H.h . C. ~ . .:Sioux, a :. ister s hip of t he Al~onquin, one of the J estroyers , f i r st i n t he Invasi on on u. Day . In 1946 the Annan llomen ' s Ins titute de cided to adopt a d isabled vet eran of ,lor ld ,1a r 2 at Chris tie ::>t . Ho. p ital , .l oront o . Bob Rei lly wa.i later transferrea to Sunnybrook ilospit­ al . ,•lany many lette r ., one a week for s ome years and l ate r in 1952, one letter a mont h was se nt by the membera , who t ook turns writin,; . • A g rea t number of boxe .. were ma i led especia lly a t i;hris tma .i and c;a oter. 3oxes of cook­ ies , Candy, ci,ar ettes, socks a nd trea t 1o were .ent . Ca t nerine .-. cK ~en i n 1947, bou.:ht him ~old fis h , and took them to him . ~ome oI the memberG vis i ted Bob , includi n: I sabella Buzza . Since Bob was unabl e t o write, his mother , at f irs t used to expre.s appreciat i on, and

later ·. rs . Repo, his sis ter wr ote reg ula rly , Bob wai; paralyzed .

In April 1959, J, r s . rlepo •..irot,e to report the death of bob J·,1 rs . Everett J ohnaon a nd Mr<> Fred J ay composed a oeautiful memorial t o hiu. and it was conducted a t the rezular meetin.-. . 'lbe Ins titute memb ers felt tha t they had l o;ft someone they knew, a nd soaeone who~e

• ~------

140 P~: e 2 Bob Reilly •

' • , :--.. " ..,. L to R.-Bob Reilly, i.ayor Saunders of Toronto, a r

I $"~~ ~~, • ~ ;?. /7'~ )? .

• 141 Charles Guepratte In the minutes of the Annan Women ' s Institute, it is noted that in September 194b, there was a motion to adopt a child, who needed as~istance in Europe, following World 1.'/ar 2 . In November 1946, a sum of $25 .00 was voted to Save theChildren Fund, and by December the name o.f Charles Guepratte- an eleven year old French boy was sent to the Annan iiomen ' s • Institute . There is menti on of Arthur ~.cGregor and Anna Hofman sending letters to him. Letters were received from him, and also Marie Francoise Lauillure, which were translated by Mrs • .trthur Reynolds . The sponsorship continued until 1949-50, and the last mention or this boy is in t he April 195U minutes . There are two letters below, which were received from Charles and Marie Therese Guepratte, which are very interesting. There a re also two beautiful hand- made Christmas cards from Charles c1nd Marie l'herese__ _,__ I

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Clio t> l e .s ];. ilJ.i.~ p ,- L' e f'. I(. 3.5'..S -· -• • 144 The Canadian Save t he Chi l dren Fund Sponsorships Three women' s I nstitute br anches , Annan, Bothwell ' s Cor ner and Bria r Hi ll decided to sponsor a chil d through t he Canadi an Save The Cbildre n f und . ~ach br anch paid i 20 . 00 . In November 1961, Chi-Ming Chan , wa s sponsored . He lived a t St . Si mon Hos t,e l , Cast le Peak, New Terri tories, fiong Kong . He was ~in Pr imary 2 in the School. 01' Simon • Peter the -'post l e . His father was a :t'itt er, s uffering f r om nephrit is. Hi s mother wa s ear n­ ~nB 50¢ a day doing odd j obs. Chi- mi ng ha d cwo sisters 10 and 8 years of age . The Chans were f i nding it extremely di fficult to gi ve t he chil dren good care . Chi-mi ng Chan was i n need of s omeone t o s ubsidize his educati on . I n rlome and Count r y, Summer 1962 , me ntion is mad e or this s ponsorship. I n November 1962 , a letter was r ece ived 1·r om dt.Si mon, Home for Fi sher men ' s and Vlor ker• s Chil dren , st ating that t he par ent s of" Chi - mi ng Chan we re r eceiving a ssi stance f r om another

source . '£hanks was expressed f or the the birt hday gift of $5.00 and pret.t y card. 11 The Chaos a re most gr ateful t o you for all your kindness and your generosity, which has, by no mea ns , been wasted by this very poor f amil y" . Here is a -description of St. Simon ' s . lt l ies a f ew mi les inland from the £ ishing vi ll­ age of Castle Peak and under t he shadow of the hi ll f r om which t he village ha$ its nam e . Surrounding it are numerous vegetable farms a nd r i ce fields a nd here a nd t here small fact­ ories which a bsorb the poor peopl e of the district. The children of t he fisher f olk and • farmer and worker s are largely neglected because of t he l on~ working hour s of their par ents and the very low wages they receive. So ther e i s a grave need both moral and physical to care f or their educati on, health , recreation a nd feed ing . '1'lle boarders are a ccommodated in the building of the old St. Peter's Church and two temporar y huts . The foundati on stone has been l a i d for t he new hos tel on a nearby s ite ,plans have been drawn up for a f ive - storied buil di ng which will cost over HKJ350 , 000. Frank • Sinatra helped raise over HK.;30 ,000 during hi s recent visit. The Primary School , subsidized by t he Government , was buil t across the road from the Hostel, and there are 600 pupils taught there. rn the hostel compound is the new St. Peter' s Church , in which during the week, t he Kindergarte n is held . This i s not subsidized by t he Government, and there i s room for 180 chi ldren between the ages of 1·our and six. The clinic i s behind the church, and there is a school bus wh i ch fetches the chi l r en f rom many miles , and t hi s was donat ed by the Canadian Save the Children Fund • '£he sponsorship of' the second child Ch i - keung Lau was accepted in the aut umn of 1962 . • He was in Grade 2, at St . Peter' s Church Kindergarten. Hi s rather i s a casual l abourer, worki ng i n a pl astic factory in Kowloon. his i ncome is HK~250 . per month. liKii250 is approximately $42 . t:anadian. There is a wife and three other boys , 8 , 3 and l , years of age. 145 Page 2 'fhe Sponsorships r- • lihi-Ming GHAN Ghi-Ke·ung LAU Io the minutes of the lonan 1'lomeo ' s Institute, it is recorded t hat the sponsor

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lt is inc;eresting in the a bove l etter to note that in Hong Kong , the surname is • written first, a nd then t he given names . The story has been typed in Canadian style .