1tHii &i, .1.J,,J.1),1·, 1S IHu TI TUT"' T.,c..c.i).3, ,lJ I rt HI::. ruRY ITOLu,.,.E 1 Page Foreword l ~io3r aphy of Lord and L~dy Tweedsmuir 2 l 1ela i de Hunter Ho odless .3 Tweedsmuir History Commi ttee 4 • Tweedsrnuir History .ixpenses 6 List of Presi dents 7 Presidents Biogr aphiea 8 Li st of Secretaries- Tr easurers .39 Secretary and Treasurer Stories 40 Annan By-Laws 60 ufficers 61 Delegates 70 i1or.1en ' s Institute Speakers 74 Tour s 76 Quilts 77 Mottos 78 C:1a r t er l·lembers 79 Annan Jomen' s Institute Hi s tory $0 Anniversaries 50th 86 60th 88 75th 99 • Through the Years with Pictures 106 S0 ecial Jvents 109 Life '''emberships 110 Annan Celebration of 75th l nni ize rsary of F . ., .l . O. 112 11.3 ~enior ~xtension 125 ,·!iss es fn-nes and i-'..ar garet ;,,cl\een Awri.rd 127 Special Projects 1.39 • Reference ANNAN iu,..J!i,L; '� I J ..1TITU ' 'i�� Volume 2 P-a.�e Lei th Be,lles 1 Poetry .?rom Lit le �hips 2 Early Doctors 6 cotti.sh �xpressions 9 • The Ptoneers 10 Tom ThomsG:Jn 44 The Irish Block Schools 51 Items of interest 52 • ioneers 5) St. �icbael's Cemetery 54 St. :·�ichael' s :1.·�ission 55 !nnan United hurch 57 .�nnan Cemetery 99 eith hurch 101 Leith Cemetery 114 Leith riall 116 Leith flaptist Church 118 Sehool Histories Annan 121 Garryowen 1 1 eith 149 • Volume 3 Background H story of the rea 1 *nnan Iesterday and Ta-day 4 nna.n tl�l 11 Cens us far nnan 1864 13 Leith inhab itants in 1865 13 u"'� rryowen 14 Leith Yesterday and To-day 15 Post o�rices and �ail bervice 31 Leith and Anria.n elep hone Jervice JJ Industries 34 arly Farm '•1ovement 37 Leith Farm Forum 41 L itb Brass ��nd 4J • Snorts 4 Culture and �ocial Life 47 A: nslie iood 50 ,.'o.r Effort 52 Farm and ural Histories 55 • Barn R.aisings 105 �nnan Aeeidences 108 Leith esidences 110 riedding Anniversaries 114 .tNNAN WOMEN ' $ INSTITUTi.:. Tl'/~.c;DSi•iUIH iiISTORY VOl.UM~ 4 Page Tweedsmuir Committee 1 Mary Stewart Collect 3 Presidents of the Annan ,/omen ' s Inscitute 5 Secretary- Treasurers of iinnan ./omen ' s Institute 10 Of ficers and Conveners 16 Seni or Trainin6 Schools and 4- ri 23 !i.emorial to Deceaseu i'.emqers 2ts Officer's Conference 30 80th i\nniversary of the Annan .,omen ' s Institute Jl 15th ff " " " II 33 90th " ,, 44 " " " "II " 95th II i...5 " " ,", II "II 100th " II II 47 100th Ann iversary of the Federated ~omen ' s Institute of Ontario 53 100th " II " urey Nort h District Celebration (F, 1/l I . OJ 63 Atman i'/omen ' s Institutt!Qutings and i•ieetings o5 n '' " Special Projects 71 Honouring an older Membe?" - ,1!9.ry Bassingthwaite i3 Items of Interest in the Institute 14 Handiwork of Jean &!wards 16 Family Trees of ,.gnes Hofman, Beulah Levens and Marion Scott Johnson 17 Final Meeting of ~nnan domen 1 s Institute 92 Briar Hill Women ' s Institute Organizational Meetd.nl Picture 93 50th and 60th Anniversaries of .10men • s Institute Members and local people 94 Stained Glass ,lindow at Annan Churcn 107 New lddition at Annan Trinity Church 109 Tr inity .uinan United Church 150~0 Anniversary 112 Facts about Rev . ttobert Dewar and Rev , J . B. Fraser 11£,. The 1997 Canada Post Stamp of the \linciow at the Leith Church 115 Church Facts 116 Leith Day 11, Picture Of Ga rryowen Schoel pupils 122 " " Leith ~chool pupils 123 Leith and ..nnan History 1 2£,. The Past 131 Annan Hall closing and annan Post ~oxes 132 Township of Sydenham Story 133 Dougal MacGregor' s s tory: of piomeer days 134 Annan Residences 137 Leith Residences 145 Area Farms 154 .llpologies to those in the Leich and !nnan areas 1~hese properties are not listed as th~se histories were s~arted many yea rs ago by an • active iomen 1 s Institute • •• 1 • Lord Tweedsmuir Lady Tweedsmuir • "FOREWORD'' I am so glad to bear that the Wo,nen's I nst.itutes of O ntario arc go;r,g to compile village history books. Events mo,•e very fas t nowadays; ho11ses arc pulled dowl), new roads arn made, a,id the aspect of the couotrysido change:i com­ pletely sometimes in a short time. I t is a most u,efttl and satisfying task for ~Von:ien's I nsti­ tnte membe rs to see that nothing valuable i~ lost o,r rol'gotteu, and women should bo ou the alert always to guard the ttaditions of their homes, and to see that water colour sket<;he.s and priuts, poems ,ind prose legends should fi nd their way into these books. The oldest pG'(>ple in tl1e villnge ,vm tell ,c, fasdnati11g st1>ries of what they reme,nbor, which the )'OWJger me,nbers can writt• down , thus mal<illg a hridge between ihem at1cl events which hnppelled before they were horn. A~cr all, it is the history of b11maoity which is oootiuuaUy interesting to us, nnd yow· village histories will be the basis oJ accurate fa~-ts much va lued by historians of tl1e future. ( am proud to think that you have called them ·~rhe T wee<lsmuir Village Histories··. - IVrittt>n hy Lady Twee<lsmuir. • 2 Lord and Lady T1~eedsmuir Lord Tweedsmui r was bo r n John Buchan i n Scotland on August 25 , 1875/, t he son of Rev. John Buchan . He was called to the i3ar i n 1901 . Lord Tweedsmuir was an historian, novel ist, {his best known works are nThe Thirty- ni ne Steps" and"Green­ mantle") and Gove rnor-Genera l of Canada f r orn 1935- 1940 . Lo rd Tweedsmuir enjoyed • great popul arity in Canada , t ravell ing the length and breadth of t his country, t aking gr eat i nterest in all aspects of Canadi an l i fe . On February 11, 1940, Lord Tweedsmuir died in Montreal, and Canadians [email protected] his fine contribution as Governor-General . Lady Tweedsmuir wa s an ardent tlomen ' s Institute member i n England. She was made an Honora ry Li fe Memb er of t he Federa t ed Wome n ' s Institute of Ontario . During Lord Tweeds muir' s t erm as Governor-General of Canada, Lady I'weedsmuir took a grea t i nterest i n t he 1 fomen ' s Institutes of Canada . Lady Twe ddsmu ir advocated the compilation of local commu1111ty and vill age histories a cross Ca nada . Her suggesti on m,;.te rialized i n 1940 when the Federated liornen ' s I nstitute of Ontario began compiling "village History aooks" . In 1945 a list of nsuggesti ons for Compiling Tweedsmuir Village Histori es" •,1us published in Home and Count ry. The word "village" was later droppt:,d so that al l Institute branches were free t o compil e a hi story whether covering a village or not. The • history book i dea was i niti'lted at the Federat ed Women ' s I nstitute of Ca nada in 1946 , Lady Tweedsmuir r eturned to Engl and f ollowing her husband ' s death . Her death occurred i n the winter of 1977, at t he age of 94 years • • J • ..W.clL,ill)E HUl'f'l'.cll{ HOOD1.clSS Adelaide Hunter Hoodless was the youngest of twelve children of David and • Jane Hunter. She 1ias born near St. George, Ontario on February 27 , 1857, after her father' s death . Her parents were Irish Fresbyterians who had come to Canada in 1SJO. The only formal education she had was at school at St. George. Adelaide Hunter married John Hoodless, a businessman when she was 24. They had a family of 4 children. Mrs. Hoodless was active in the Y. w. C. A. , the Victorian Order of Nurses, National Council of \\'omen, the Macdonald Institute at Guelph, as well as being the f ounder of t he Women ' s Institute, a world- wide organization. Because she, as a mother, refused to accept her young son' s death, her name is on the honour roll of women's organizations in Canada and all over the world. The Women's Institute in Ontario was organized on February 19, 1897, with 101 members • Mrs . Hoodless died on February 2b, 1910, stricken with a heart attack while • she was addressing the Women's Canadian Club of Toronto. One paper's comment was "She had the prophet1 s vision of what ought to be and nobly took upon herself the burden of the voice crying in the wilderness". • 4 • ,-..rs . Arthur ~lexandeT-responsible for much of the f a rm hi stories . Vic tor B."lssi ngt hwaite- compiled mu ch of the corr:mu :iity ilist ory-1967 t o assi st Sydenham Township Hi st.ory :aook cornni t t ee . i-lr .s . i11an lilson- cur.?. tor for 2 years , and r,,uch i:ifor r.i:itio'1 ,1 :ts ent ered dur ing thi s period . ,,1rs . Kenneth Spence - the t ypi st f or the 3 vol umes, and compi led 1~hi le curator and assisted all other curators . 1•,rs. ,li l l iam Johnson- compi led t he "Golden •eddi ng" sec t ior. • Other Committee ,,,embers : I·trs . ;J;lgin Kn i e;ht, I·I~s . H:arol d Ceasar , Nrs .
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