torjai U1HV uuw Voter VOie Torjaruiue dim Greater Prosperity! 30 Feet to the Gulf ' wmm i - •* • s. WESTMINSTER, B. C, MONDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 26, : FIVE CENTS PER COPY. Av,,:_ ; *•_.< > 'V It . *•» i ELECTORS! V. * •' .. -".- four Duty by Vote for and 1 ' '• %: the Old Town Increased. .-.'„ and Progress "I , IU, SIR WILFRID LAURIER i I'1-.-. )te for Jardine ... | tO ll . • and Prosperity From Experience in other Elections we are compelled to warn the Electorate against the eleventh hour roorbachs that will be circulated in the hope of ". • •"-.** winning this constituency and placing us in the Opposition to the Liberal ... Government, lhat the Laurier Administration will go back to power is now conceded and the most the Tories now hope foi'is to reduce the Liberal majority in the House. This being the case, the Electorate should be especially _• . It I apprehensive ot any wild stories that are so framed as to have on their face the appearance of truth. We believe . such statements are prepared for circulation today, especially when Premier McBride descended to the tactics used ;. by his Attorney-General at a previous election, by reading roorbach statements published in a foreign journal, the '*;••-• "Seattle P. I., with reference to the coming of hordes of Japanese to this country and the passage of them across pM, 1 the American Boundary by the Immigration Inspector, Mr. W. J. Corbett. Mr. McBride must have been very short •-.:.,, tit oi argument against the Liberals when he descended to this low and worn out method of influencing the Electorate '•<* • , •» • because he knows, or ought to know, that immigrants of anv class are not allowed entrance into Canada unless they -vi come direct from the land of their birth. With respect to Japanese, the compact made with the Government of _*> ** 'tm Japa;_ by the Dominion Government is working out well and the small limit set by it does not appear likely of being | .,-•'" reached and Mr. McBride's roorbach fails of its mission. To the Electorate, we say, "Beware of any and every lie - circulated in the hope of influencing your support which the Tories find they cannot purchase." "Be true to your | it'**,' . country, to your homes, yourselves, and the o*reat partv of progression and expansion, and vote for Jardine, *,.•"*.' tne Liberal Party and its great leader, Sir Wilfrid Laurier. a ii ' . 1* • , a*I_' A-: LET PRO S ffllY HUM, tf! LIBERAL CANDIDATE SOLID POLITICAL IRUSFi • '-(k • .* !____! » ,"•• .! RN LAURIER 10 POWER THROUGHOUT LHE DISTRICT ".Ar- ' '• fc %* " ,.III< -. tun ank th,. Creator for raising up a HE ELECTORS f*,.*»: The virility of the Liberal causa In fully appreciated and the active part ,- ,,;, u ,| ii,, |mau >-iih forethought and power of the outlying portions of the ridingI P*a>'e*-* ^<*** candidate ,,, llreciIon, _. lm nestled around him I iorwarding both these undertakings is was evidenced in man., and various ••: • i a. tn,.... : 11. un ti «lm could au! him, t_> their sound acknowledged with gratitude. io .um In ill A vote for a Tory endorses Babcock. judgment, to light the dark sullen ways during the pasl week, when Rob li is Buch plain, unvarnished evl- '"• . i sod into ' . pull ul il.-;ir, M-iim and want. Into 1896: Where is Canada ? ert Jardine, the chosen candidate oi d< nee of real worth .and buslnesaiiKe ' thi c mntry's affairs, bright vitalized activity and plenty. in- party, travelled over the long|abllitj us these ihat nave __iv-_n tne '..iiuiii-iii. Those The land pulsating aa it does with 1908: Canada in the highest rank of nations. itretch of country bj rit, on either | Lioeral candidate »o high a character «t-1 !••.. - hods have broug it such life cannoi afford to tain' any bank of the Fraser river. At every ami won tor him the almost universal Hw?:'' I risk of returning to ihr nhi conditions I J. *.> '. •••'•* .1 . ' that nf i-xii-iii The cry of stinking fish does not help Canada. meeting held the candidate received esteem ol the ejectors throughout the Wi- might take a brighter view of the a sterling welcome and even on i ne rural districts. This progress uirough paiIIIHII: of our com­ •y^.yi possible conditions undi r Torj regime or two occasions when a few lively these test weeks may be Bttinglyand .• T-; V . ma ... thc «ehole were it nol for the facl that onl) the Vote for Jardine and a bright future. spirits ul' the opposition—Invariably truthfully designated as a triumphal t, j . ^ | •'-. a : happy. lis b>- worst elenieni of lhe "'l Torj part) youths without votes—sought to ral3e one, for quite apart from the many ,-i ! i [la v ,n ia, ' is lefl and is iti the forefroni nov. Tariff for revenue only, u little excitement, the • (fori failed, successful public meetings ihat were : The termer cannoi afford to let his I, i. in the end the bo; a ,i lined the held, the candidate visited or was -^' '' dispersing the 1 • :'. • : ,i •., alai depai inn ut. that <>i agrlcul Montreal Star (Con.) concedes Laurier's victory. i throng in its hearty ac in a Ion of visited n> hundreds of individual elec­ •••• r, and puttln _ K "•';.•'• ture, n" back into lhe hand - of a j the popular candidati tors, and from almost everj uuo re- i»%>* •' in their plnco nn dlcal man i i a bvew T. The finan­ Laurier believes in Canada's greatness. I Such was the experience more pai- c< Ived an assurance of suppori at the '•» *$>#. I • n - in Hi J. * i - .( - , . cial affairs "t the Dominion cannoi be ticularl) nt in-- A bol fot I and Port on to la; . More lhan this, In casi a • n ; r.uistiii mod i.' i ' .,, i man who has Juggled Elect Jardine and be in the title of progress. Moody meetings, held on Thui da: , Mr. Jardine was Interview* I •:• 'a **."4^-. an i aci i-i'.- lhal ,u;|, thi trusl i.ia • of wl lows and and Saturdaj evenings respec ...,..-.; on the( • ,_..h_t_fc.*_. t**> ••._ ..nil ' . ,-,.. i'h.. railwa) - "i .a- Dom Taylor, Bowser, Babcock and persecuted fishermen Al Langley Prairie, on Wednesday, , tlvi iii h wa thi sat- t ..,,i,,.i ,,.,. .. cunuol illowod tu and al Mounl ia hman and Nlcomen .,,,, | it in •• hi., aecom- ..ill' :• , .-S , to In hands of Laurier has given his life to Canada, j on the i "o succi eding ilu) s, ci ow led ., - It'ed lin« a * I il : i ir In Wl! delicti •'• ngs, alive with < nthusiasm and at ion thi •• atarj pro* h .ni i li -i '.li. aylug a marked welcome to s"ie . rol •• J ' rfully ot­ i md Hard times, haul times, come apin no mors. .. the con I i era: candidate, took place, tered. ippll n, |, hell I1...1 ! im! E, ir\ v. h- re Robert Jardlne's clear Ni ver Indei -1 was the ti iumph of . Taylor, Bowser, Gotoh and Japs, ,,, ,|r|ii km and aid v\ e can'l I and decided *.lews In favor of abso­ the Liberal cause iu the New W< '- a to improve tin • • • ' ° lute exclusion of Orientals, and the minster riding more certain than it i Vale for Jardine anil Westminster's prosperity. department, for the I 1 ... menl of the Fnasi r rl \ BI mi I appears to be today, and they are tew in a. i', . i .1 ., o\\ po • MI ihem euiin " i the l borough and hi arty appre* Indi I'd who do not belli ve at heart ami n Laurier will welcome Jardine. l,. allowed to give pluci u . ion of the people, whilsi his sane that Robert Jardine will be returned . f| . and death Therefore, lei ever) ui sslike iii'ii*.ni* nt ul' the Bel •• large maj< ioi a ii A,- , ••*•*'••_*:<••• 1 1 ,, v, la, v. 1 dies lo continue tin [.Hurler returns to power ti : Terms question never failed i" • . ' il . waii Ini a ' 'Jj '***ir I pi in we liisve had nnd are now ':1 j v, iii iiilat approval. •'H iliU prosperous : NO ASIATIC STRIKEBREAKERS. |o lm who wishes the proi n • «•*' Vote for Jardine and a 30 foot channel, The iai*M- bod) of • li ctoi>•. through* I • !M *-V' 1 ' 'iti- whole Dominion, expansion to go on, and bring » . II,it ih-. l-'ri er valli.-.. i 'y m in,\ of '"•*•" -m "Nl conditions wen ' Lying statements have been cir­ irosperlt) ond larger opportun •' If yen vote for Taylor you don'i want the channel. [whom have suffered somewhial Bevere ntlon and unrest, culated to the effect that when man- for trade and commerce, vote '"• [ly this year from 'he rloodlng if their %* 'i'^haVi^ 1 I '"• i "Hunan i nf the .-.ger of the Royal City Mills seve" i.r eral candidate, Vlr, Ruben Jni 1 »' Toronto World (Con.) says laurier will win, I lands, lecognize the real value of ihi . "Iltilllll.il I', 'I Fraser channel improvements and ore years ago, Robert Jardine employed :f : :,, the polls todaj and :i" tu laint,. I,, labor ai not backward In displaying their ap Asiatics In orc'-r to break a sympa- M'v'i " " «' | good majorlt) Do vou want to have an Opposition member? V ti- • av rt) from homo, preciatton of the Interes-i and efforts thetic strike. This is absolutely false *' *•' J "•<*•' "1 • .• hli li i: evei , and is on a par with similar falsehoods, \*.i I :5'-',< I • ••• • Beware of roorbachs. of Roberi Jardine towards the acoum- due, lhe a Boltite •••••••••••• plishmenl of this long aeeded work.
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