Calderdale MBC Wards Affected All Cabinet 1st October 2018 7 2018/19 Winter Maintenance

Joint Report of Director for Regeneration and Strategy and Director for Public Services

1. Purpose of Report

1.1 Changes in the Highway Maintenance Code of Good Practice suggest that Local Highway Authorities should consider a body of evidence in order to calculate “risk” and in light of that calculation, determine an appropriate level of treatment in mitigation.

1.2 Winter gritting is a vital service in and there is a need to hone the service to meet resident and business needs.

2. Need for a decision

2.1 This report contains the current list of treatable roads and in broad terms proposes to continue to treat the extensive established list of 1,135 treatable roads in Calderdale (67% of the network). It indicates that a small number of roads (which have had some treatment in the past) cannot be treated due to impediments to safe gritter access and these are listed.

2.2 The report gives details of a proposed highway hierarchy within Calderdale and suggests appropriate levels of treatment in accordance with the above.

2.3 The report describes the intervention levels that will apply for precautionary gritting.

2.4 Council Officers are now seeking permission from Cabinet to implement the actions identified as above.

3. Recommendation

It is recommended:

3.1 that Members are requested to agree the winter policy described in paragraphs 5.3 and 5.4 and appendices 1-4.

4. Background and/or details

4.1 The Roads Liaison Group published its Code of Practice 'Well-managed Highway Infrastructure' on 28 October 2016.

4.2 The Code of Practice is not statutory but provides highway authorities with guidance on highways management and the adoption of the recommendations within the Code is a matter for each highway authority, based on their own legal interpretation, risks, needs and priorities.

4.3 The new Code marks a change from specific guidance on levels of service to a risk- based approach determined by each highway authority. The Code advises that this approach should be adopted for all aspects of highway infrastructure maintenance and will include investment, the setting of levels of service, inspections, responses, resilience, priorities and programmes of repair and replacement.

4.4 The content and implication of the Code has previously been reported to Economy & Environment Scrutiny Panel on the 3rd November 2016, the Place Scrutiny Board on the 5th October 2017 and 6th September 2018 and also Cabinet on 2nd October 2017.

4.5 Last year a pilot programme based solely on the proposed road hierarchy was tested across the Borough but it soon became apparent that public expectation and established travel patterns required a more extensive level of service. Consequently, following an early pragmatic review, wherever it was safe to do so, the gritted network returned to the established gritting routes which had evolved incrementally over a number of years.

4.6 It is proposed that the future service sustains this approach and the list of treatable roads is set out at Appendix 2. The list runs to some 1035 roads, an extensive network which will provide road users in Calderdale with a high level of service appropriate to Calderdale’s topography and climate and one which allows us to grit 67% of the network (470.44 miles). This compares to the reported percentages for our near neighbours as follows:

43%  Sheffield 70%  62%  Hull 31%  Doncaster 32.5%  53%

4.7 There are a small number of roads which have had some level of gritting in the past where changing road layout or other issues makes it difficult to or impossible to grit safely. These are listed in Appendix 5.

5. Main issues

5.1 Proposed Winter Service Policy Statement and Precautionary Intervention Level. This is shown at Appendix 1.

5.2 Treatable Roads (Retained from previous years due to custom and practice). All roads which will be subject to the winter service are shown at Appendix 2. 5.3 Proposed Hierarchy of Treatments (Carriageways). The proposals for the Carriageway Network are as follows: a. Category 1 - The Resilient Network - This is based on the West Key Route Network with the addition of access to emergency services premises, hospitals with A&E facilities and access to delivery points for major supermarkets. This network will be subject to a gritting and snow clearing operation up to 24hrs a day when appropriate. This is the minimum treatment network and would only be used on the specific instruction of the Lead Winter Operations Manager in extreme conditions or during a severe salt crisis, to reduce the effects of adverse weather and provide travelling conditions as safe as reasonably practicable. b. Category 2 - The Primary Network - This includes all Category 1 roads, all A, B and C roads, roads with bus routes, access to transport interchanges, roads serving schools (the point of access will be the one most efficient for the Council to grit), link roads serving large business areas, shopping areas, urban or rural centres and roads on the Calderdale resilient highway network. This network will be treated with a gritting and snow clearing operation up to 24hrs a day when appropriate to maintain this network. All Category 2 roads will be assigned a priority rating indicated by colours; green, amber and red (green being the highest priority). These will be used during extreme ice and / or snow conditions when it is not possible to cover the entire Category 2 network and all stakeholders will be advised of any reduction in services. c. Category 3 - The Secondary Network – Roads where doctors surgeries/medical centres and promoted council facilities have their access, link roads serving medium business areas, shopping areas, urban or rural centres. Where reasonably practicable to do so this network will be treated alongside the Primary Network. In snow or severe ice events this network will be treated after Category 1 and Category 2 roads are clear of snow and ice. d. Category 4 - The Tertiary Network - Link roads serving small business areas, shopping areas, urban or rural centers. These roads will have strategically placed salt bins in urban areas and salt piles in rural areas and will comply with the salt bin and pile criteria. This network will be treated after continuous icy or snowy weather lasting more than three days and a forecast of a further three days, after Category 1, 2 and 3 roads are completed and only in the hours of daylight. e. Category 5 - Salt Bins/Salt Piles - These roads will have met the criteria for salt bins in urban areas and salt piles in rural areas. Bins and piles will be replenished at the beginning of the winter season and only refilled on the decision of the Lead Winter Operations Manager. If any of these roads are impassable due to the volume of snow they will be cleared where reasonably practicable but only after Category 1 to Category 4 roads are completed and clear, and a further three days of sub-zero temperatures are forecast. This operation will only be carried out in the hours of daylight. f. Category 6 - Non Treatment Roads - Roads which do not qualify for a salt bin or pile. If any of these roads are impassable due to the volume of snow they will be cleared where reasonably practicable but only after Category 1 to Category 5 roads are completed and clear and a further three days of sub-zero temperatures are forecast. This operation will only be carried out in the hours of daylight. g. Category 7 - Unadopted Roads – These roads will not receive a winter service.


Roads in categories 1 - 4 with less than 3.5 metre clear width, including those areas where cars are parked, or cul-de-sac with no adequate HGV turning, will be given a Category 5 status (salt bin / pile).

If assistance is requested by the emergency services to a live 999 incident, assistance will be provided where reasonably practicable. Some roads may appear on routes of a higher category due to the need to route vehicles efficiently.

In some areas of the borough houses have access both from the front and the back, where this is the case the back street will fall automatically into category 6 and only the front road will pass through the criteria sieve.

5.4 Hierarchy of Treatments Footways. Proposals for the Footway Network are as follows:

a. Category 1 Footways – Town centres, Hospital. b. Category 2 Footways – Village centres, schools, health centres. c. Category 3 Footways – No treatment.

We will carry out reactive treatment when there is laying snow or ice on the Category 1 footways and the forecast indicates that the hazard will remain for more than 24hrs. This work will usually be carried out during standard working hours. Once this is completed and the hazard is expected to continue for a further 24hrs we will move onto Category 2 footways.

5.5 Risk Assessment for potential future additions to the list of treatable roads. This is shown at Appendix 3.

5.6 Grit Bin Locations. The criteria for the location of grit bins is shown at Appendix 4.

6. Consultation

6.1 As part of the overall process of understanding “risk” and assigning a winter maintenance network hierarchy, the following statutory bodies have been consulted:

Police, Calderdale.  West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, Calderdale.  West Yorkshire Ambulance Service, Calderdale.  Calderdale MBC, Highways service.  Bradford MBC, Highways service.  Kirklees MBC, Highways service.  Oldham MBC, Highways service.  Rochdale MBC, Highways service.  Lancashire County Council, Highways service.  Highways  Calderdale MBC, Emergency Planning  Calderdale MBC, SME Growth Manager  Calderdale MBC, Head of Legal.  Calderdale MBC, Insurance Section / Forbes Solicitors / Zurich Municipal  Calderdale MBC, Public Health.  Calderdale MBC, Education.  West Yorkshire Combined Authority Highways Liaison Team

6.2 During the severe winter of 2017/18 many comments made by Ward Members, Town Councils, MPs and members of the public were also received and they have also informed the proposals in this paper. Members’ thoughts on any further consultation process are invited.

7. Financial Implications

7.1 The current approved budget for the Winter Service is £1.4m for 2018/19 and future years. The average cost of the service in the past 5 years has been in the region of £1.3m. However, it is also worth noting that this year the cost of salt is expected to increase from £32 to £35 per tonne. Similarly, the service is currently being re-tendered in time for the next winter period. Both of these areas may increase the overall cost attached to the service

Winter Service (full costs) 2017/18 £2,722,763.26 2016/17 £1,017,794.67 2015/16 £927,115.22 2014/15 £1,182,128.13 2013/14 £574,025.67 5 Year Average £1,288,824.78

7.2 Last winter the weather throughout the winter period was significantly worse than in previous years, increasing the cost from £1.017m in 2016/17 to £2.722m in 2017/18. If the winter conditions for last year are repeated in the financial year 2018/19, the cost attached to the service would again significantly exceed the approved budget. If that were the case then compensatory savings would have to be identified within the overall budget of the directorate by the end of the financial year as there are no reserves earmarked for this purpose.

7.3 Although further work is required in order to determine the precise level of service that can confidently be delivered by the approved budget, given the above unknowns, it is possible that the budget of £1.4m may be sufficient to continue to deliver the service based on the established gritting routes detailed in this report, throughout a mild winter period. The cost of the level of services assumed within the proposed policy based on an ‘average’ winter will however need to be calculated once the new tenders are received. This will then determine whether the existing budget is sufficient. Additional provision has been assumed within the Medium Term Financial Strategy to be considered by Council but only if compensatory savings can be identified. This information will be provided to Members to consider as part of the budget process for 2019/20.

7.4 In order to ensure that the service continues to be delivered in the most efficient manner once the tender returns have been received a Project Team is being established to look at the various aspects of the service including salt usage/storage, patrols, night inspection and weather reporting. The cost information including comparators with the best boroughs will be included within this analysis.

8. Legal Implications

8.1 No further legal implications in addition to those set out elsewhere in the report in relation to the status of the Highway Maintenance Code of Good Practice.

9. Environment, Health and Economic Implications

9.1 This policy aims to grit Calderdale’s network as efficiently as possible and in doing so to reduce the environmental impact of the service overall. It also aims to ensure that access to emergency and routine health establishments is safely maintained along with access to major and medium industry estates.

10. Equality and Diversity

10.1 The winter maintenance service is obligated by the Highways Act 1980 which requires Calderdale to deal (wherever practicable) with snow, ice and other obstructions on the highway.

10.2 All groups of people are impacted by winter weather conditions and consequently, the efficient and effective delivery of the service is a core part of the equalities agenda. The various road user groups may broadly be described as:

 People between the ages of 18 and 65 accessing work and employment  Younger people accessing education (schools and colleges etc.)  People accessing medical, health appointments (hospitals, GP surgeries, therapies etc.) along with community transport services (picking up for day centres, care homes etc) - this covers all groups; however, is proportionately more likely to include older and disabled people  People accessing social or personal activities which can include a wide array of activities such as community groups, shopping etc. This covers all groups, however, can be particularly important for older and disabled people as well as those with young children.

10.3 The desired outcome of the service is that delays and accidents are prevented on the highway network. In Calderdale the service is deliberately planned and delivered in such a way so as to maintain access on an equal basis to all parts of the Borough (as far as is practicable) during periods of inclement weather so that normal life can continue for all citizens.

11. Summary and Recommendations

11.1 This report describes the proposed winter gritting policy for Calderdale. It contains the current list of treatable roads and also gives details of the priority in which they will be treated in snow conditions, along with the intervention levels which will be applied.

11.2 Members are requested to agree the winter policy documents and note that according to the Code of Good Practice the new regime should be in place by 28th October 2018.

For further information on this report, contact:

Steven Lee Assistant Director – Infrastructure Andrew Pitts Assistant Director - Neighbourhoods Telephone: 01422 392242 01422 392600 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

The documents used in the preparation of this report are: The documents are available for inspection at:

Appendix 1 (Subject to Final Review).

Calderdale MBC Winter Services Policy.

Part A - Winter Policy Statement.

1. Calderdale MBC as the local Highway authority notes that an amendment to Section 41 of the Highways Act 1980 has from 31 October 2003 imposed a statutory duty on highway authorities, (1A) states that “in particular, a highway authority are under a duty to ensure, so far as is reasonable practicable, that safe passage along a highway is not endangered by snow or ice”. The Council will therefore take measures to reduce the effects of adverse weather and provide traffic conditions as safe as reasonably practicable. 2. General  We will write a highways winter service plan with regard to the principles of “well managed highways infrastructure - a code of practice”.  We will provide the residents of Calderdale and all of those using the highway network the winter service as described in our winter service plan so far as is reasonably practicable  We will provide the winter service as effectively and efficiently as possible.  We will ensure that the winter service complies with the requirements of the Council’s values.

3. Consultation with Neighbouring Authorities.  We will consult with all adjoining highway authorities to provide where reasonably practicable a consistent winter service to the users of the highway network.

4. Define  We will categorise every maintainable carriageway and footway within the Calderdale Borough boundary so that the minimum level of winter service that will be provided at that location is defined.

5. Design  We will design planned winter service routes for carriageways, locations of salt bins and footways.

6. Manage  We will ensure insofar as is reasonably practicable that the Highway remains free from snow and ice’.  We will monitor the weather forecast and all reasonably available information in accordance with the highways winter service plan and issue treatment instructions as required.  We will record, so far as is reasonably practicable the actions carried out. 7. Publish  We will review the winter service plan prior to the start of the winter season.  We will also review the non-technical summary of the plan on the website each year.

8. Technical  We will annually review the winter service plan to take into account changes in legislation, case law, local factors and any significant industry developments.  We will regularly review the weather service and bureau service provision.  We will keep records, so far as is reasonably practicable, of all actions and decisions made for the service.  We will monitor the salt resources regularly and insofar as is reasonably practicable ensure that sufficient salt is available for Calderdale to implement the gritting regime’.  We will regularly monitor any training needed for staff in the service area and provide as appropriate.  We will annually, as a minimum, check all plant employed as part of the service. Calderdale MBC Winter Services Policy.

Part B – Precautionary Intervention Levels.

Calderdale MBC Precautionary Treatment Decision Guide

Road Surface Precipitation Predicted Road Conditions Temperature Wet Wet Dry Patches No rain May fall below 0ºc No hoar frost No action Salt before likely, No fog frost monitor No rain weather Salt before frost (see note a) No hoar frost i(see note a) No fog Expected hoar frost Salt before frost (see note Expected fog b) Expected rain Salt after rain stops (see note c) Expected to Fall below 0ºc BEFORE freezing Expected rain Salt before frost, as required during rain and DURING freezing after rain stops (see note d and table below)

Possible rain Monitor Possible hoar frost Salt before frost weather conditions Possible fog

Expected snow (see table below) Salt before snow fall

The decision to undertake precautionary treatments should be, if appropriate, adjusted to take account of residual salt. All decisions should be evidence based, recorded and require continuous monitoring and review.

Decision on treatment timing should account for traffic and road surface wetness at time of treatment and after, as well as forecast conditions.


(a) Particular attention should be given to the possibility of water running across or ponding on carriageways and other running surfaces e.g. off adjacent fields after heavy rains, washing off or diluting salt previously deposited. Such locations should be closely monitored and may require treating in the evening and morning and possible other occasions. (b) When a forecast contains reference to expected hoarfrost, deposits of frost may occur. Hoarfrost usually occurs in the early morning and is difficult to cater for because of the probability that any salt deposited on a dry road too soon before its onset, may be dispersed before it can become effective. Close monitoring is required under this forecast condition which should ideally be treated just as the hoarfrost is forming. Such action is usually not practicable and salt may have to be deposited on a dry road prior to and as close as possible to the expected time of the condition. Hoarfrost may be forecast at other times in which case the timing of salting operations should be adjusted accordingly. (c) If, under these conditions, rain has not ceased by early morning, crews should be called out and action initiated as rain ceased. (d) Under these circumstances rain will freeze on contact with running surfaces and full pre-treatment should be provided even on dry roads. This is a most serious condition and should be monitored closely and continuously throughout the danger period. Service Providers should be aware of the health safety implications of ice forming during freezing rain events, both to the travelling public and winter maintenance personnel carrying out treatments. They should be prepared to make follow up treatments on any ice that has formed or to take suitable actions such as road closures. (e) By using thermal mapping, consideration can be given to differing levels of actions.

Frost or Forecast, Road Surface Temperature & Column CVRG G Road surface wetness Traffic Loss FC



RST at or Above -2ºc and dry or damp road Spread rate 15 conditions RST at or Above -2ºc and wet road conditions Spread rate 15 RST below -2ºc and above -5ºc and dry or damp road Spread rate 15 RST below -2ºc and above -5ºc and wet road Spread rate 30 conditions RST at or below -5ºc and above -10ºc and dry or Spread rate 30 damp road conditions. RST at or below -5ºc and above -10ºc and wet road Spread rate 2 x 30 conditions

Weather Conditions Light or Medium Traffic Heavy Traffic

Light snow 40g/m² of Dry Salt 20g/m² of Dry Salt

Moderate/Heavy Snow 20-40g/m² of Dry Salt 40g/m² of Dry Salt Forecast

Freezing rain forecast 40 or 2x 20g/m² of Dry Salt Appendix 2 (Subject to Final Review)

2018 / 19 List of Treatable Streets

Route Street Name Area Class

11 Grimescar Road Ainley Top

11 Lindley Moor Road Ainley Top

11 New Hey Road (Local Road) Ainley Top

2 Birkby Lane Bailiff Bridge A649

12 Mayfield Grove Bailiff Bridge

12 Royds Avenue Bailiff Bridge

12 Victoria Road Bailiff Bridge

12 Wyke Old Road Bailiff Bridge

14 Barsey Green Lane

13 Branch Road Barkisland

14 Clough House Lane Barkisland

10 Greetland Road Barkisland B6113

13 Jackson Lane Barkisland

13 Moor Field Road Barkisland

13 Rishworth Road Barkisland

13 Saddleworth Road Barkisland B6114

10, 13 Scammonden Road Barkisland C569

14 Steele Lane Barkisland

13 Blackley Road Blackley

13, 14 Blackley New Road Blackley A629

14 Lindley Road Blackley

14 Weighbridge Roundabout Blackley

18 Davey Lane Blackshaw Head

20 New Road Blackshaw Head

20 New Shaw Lane Blackshaw Head C19 Route Street Name Area Class

20 Old Shaw Lane Blackshaw Head C19

20 The Long Causeway Blackshaw Head C19

10 Road Blackstone Edge B6138

15 New Road Blackstone Edge

10 Turvin Road Blackstone Edge B6138

2 Road Boothtown A647

1 & 8 Claremount Road Boothtown C5952

8 Crown Road Boothtown

8 Grantham Road Boothtown

8 Hall Street North Boothtown

8 Mill Lane Boothtown

8 Ploughcroft Lane Boothtown

8 Prospect Street Boothtown

2 Queensbury Road Boothtown A647

8 Woodlands Road Boothtown

6 Bradshaw Lane Bradshaw

6 Cow Hill Gate Lane Bradshaw

6 Green Lane Bradshaw

6 Ingham Lane Bradshaw

6 Ned Hill Road Bradshaw

6 Perseverance Road Bradshaw

6 Riley Lane Bradshaw

11 Armitage Ave

11 Armitage Road Brighouse

11 Armitage Way Brighouse

11 Ashlea Avenue Brighouse

12 Aysgarth Avenue Brighouse

12 Bentley Avenue Brighouse

Route Street Name Area Class

11 Bethel Street Brighouse

11 Birds Royd Lane Brighouse

12 Bonegate Road Brighouse

2, 11 Bradford Road Brighouse A641

11 Bramston Street Brighouse A643

11 Bridge End Brighouse

11 Bridge Road Brighouse

11 Briggate Brighouse A643

11 Brighouse Bus Station Brighouse

11 Calder Street Brighouse

12 Church Lane Brighouse

11 Church Street Brighouse A643

12 Churchfields Road Brighouse

11 Commercial Street Brighouse

12 Cross Street Brighouse

11 Daisy Road Brighouse

2 Road Brighouse A6025

11 Ganny Road Brighouse

12 Garden Road Brighouse

11 Gooder Lane Brighouse C532

11 Gooder Street Brighouse

12 Granny Hall Lane Brighouse

2 Halifax Road Brighouse A644

11 Healey Wood Road Brighouse

11 Heath Mount Road Brighouse

2, 11 Road Brighouse A641

2 J25 Motorway Roundabout Brighouse

11 King Street Brighouse

Route Street Name Area Class

12 Laverock Lane Brighouse

11 Lawson Road Brighouse

12 Lightcliffe Road Brighouse

12 Lightcliffe Road (Part Of) Brighouse

11 Lillands Lane Brighouse

12 Lister Street Brighouse

11 Locksley Road Brighouse

11 Long Royd Road Brighouse

2 Ludenscheid Link Brighouse A644

11 Malham Road Brighouse

11 Mill Lane Brighouse

11 Mill Royd Street Brighouse

11 Mission Street Brighouse

11 Oaklands Brighouse

11 Ogden Lane Brighouse C532

11 Owler Ings Road Brighouse A643

11 Rastrick Common Brighouse C532

12 Rayner Road Brighouse

11 River Street Brighouse

11 Sherburn Road Brighouse

11 Sherwood Road Brighouse

12 Smithy Carr Lane Brighouse

12 Spout House Lane Brighouse

11 Stratton Road Brighouse

12 Thornhill Bridge Lane Brighouse

11 Thornhills Beck Lane Brighouse

11 Thornton Square Brighouse

12 Trinity Grove Brighouse

Route Street Name Area Class

12 Upper Green Lane Brighouse

11 Victoria Place Brighouse

2 Road Brighouse A644

12 Waterloo Road Brighouse

12 Well Green Lane Brighouse

11 Wherwell Road Brighouse

12 Whinney Hill Park Brighouse

11 Woodhouse Lane Brighouse

11 Woodvale Road Brighouse

20 Halifax Road Charlestown A646

8 Belgrave Avenue Claremount

4 Belgrave Street Claremount

8 Bradford Old Road Claremount

11 Blake Law Lane Clifton

2 Clifton Common Clifton A643

2, 11 Clifton Road Clifton A643

11 Coal Pit Lane Clifton

11 Deep Lane Clifton C533

11 Grange Lane Clifton

2 Highmoor Lane Clifton A643

11 Jay House Lane Clifton

11 New Street Clifton

11 Towngate Clifton C533

2 Walton Lane Clifton A643

11 Westgate Clifton

20 Edge Hey Road Colden C19

20 Smithy Lane Colden C19

2 Cooper Bridge Road Cooper Bridge A62 Route Street Name Area Class

4 Copley Avenue Copley

9 Copley Lane Copley

16 Copley Valley Road Copley

20 Wakefield Road Copley A6026

18 Carrfield Villas Cornholme

18 Gall Lane Cornholme

18 Greenfield Terrace Cornholme

18 Mount Lane Cornholme

15 Clay Pitts Lane Cotton Stones C586

17 Deep Lane Cotton Stones C586

15 Delfs Lane Cotton Stones

1 Lumb Lane Cotton Stones

15 Salt Drake Cotton Stones C586

15 Church Bank Lane Cragg Vale

15 Folly Hall Lane Cragg Vale

15 High Stones Road Cragg Vale

15 Sykes Gate Cragg Vale

3 Hirst Grove Dodd Naze

3 Manor Drive Dodd Naze

13 Ainley Bottom Elland

14 Boxhall Road Elland

9 Briggate Elland B611 4

14 Burley Street Elland

10 Calderdale Way Elland A629

14 Catherine Street Elland

14 Charles Street Elland C5954

14 Church Street Elland

14 Coronation Street Elland

Route Street Name Area Class

14 Crestfield Avenue Elland

14 Crestfield Crescent Elland

14 Crestfield Road Elland

14 Cross Lane Elland

11 Road Elland B6114

14 Elizabeth Street Elland

11 Elland - Riorges Link Elland B6114

9 Elland Bridge Elland

11 Elland Lane Elland C532

13 Elsinore Avenue Elland

9 Exley Lane Elland

14 Frances Street Elland

13 Grassmere Drive Elland

10 Halifax Road Elland A629

13 Hammerstones Leach Lane Elland C567

13 Hammerstones Road Elland

11 Highfield Road Elland

10, 14 Huddersfield Road Elland C567

14 Hullenedge Lane Elland

13 Hullenedge Road Elland

10 Jepson Lane Elland

13 Jubilee Way Elland

14 Kelvin Road Elland

14 Linden Road (Part Of) Elland

13 Lock View Elland

11 Lower Edge Road Elland C532

13 Lowfields Way Elland

14 Northgate Elland

Route Street Name Area Class

2 Park Road Elland A6025

13 Premier Way Elland

14 Quebec Street Elland

13 River Bank Way Elland

14 Savile Road Elland

13 South Lane To Industrial Estate Elland

13, 14 South Parade Elland

10, 14 Southgate ELLAND C567

11 Spring Field Road Elland

13 Road Elland B6112

13 Thirlmere Avenue Elland

14 Town Fields Road Elland

14 Town Hall Street Elland

10, 12 Victoria Road Elland C567

13 Warhurst Road Elland

14 Westbury Street Elland

14 Westgate Elland

11 Whitewell Green Lane Elland

13 Wistons Lane Elland

5 Exley Slip Road Exley

14 Ashfield Road Greetland

13 Brian Royd Lane Greetland

14 Goldfields Way Greetland

14 Hoults Lane Greetland

14 Milner Lane Greetland

14 Moorlands Road Greetland

10 Norland Road Greetland

10 Rochdale Road Greetland B6113 Route Street Name Area Class

13 Saddleworth Road Greetland B6114

13 Scar Bottom Lane Greetland

14 School Street Greetland

14 Sunnybank Drive Greetland

14 Sunnybank Road (Part Of) Greetland

14 Trenance Gardens Greetland

10 Turbury Lane Greetland C569

1 Aachen Way Halifax A58

7 Albert Street Halifax

7 Albert Street Halifax

7 Albion Street Halifax

7 Alexandra Street Halifax

6 Alfred Street East Halifax

7 Angel Road Halifax

9 Arches Street Halifax

1, 7, 9 Arden Road Halifax

12 Bailey Hall Road Halifax

8 Bank Bottom Halifax

1 Barum Top Halifax A629

7 Battinson Road Halifax

12 Beacon Hill Road Halifax

7 Bedford Street North Halifax

7 Bedford Street North Halifax

12 Berry Lane Halifax

9 Blackwall Halifax

6 Bowling Dyke Halifax

5 Boyne Street Halifax

1 Broad Street Halifax A629 Route Street Name Area Class

9 Bull Close Lane Halifax

7 Bull Green Halifax

1, 2, 8, Burdock Way Halifax A58

7 Bus Station Halifax

1 Causeway Foot Halifax

9 Central Park (Part Of) Halifax

7 Central Street Halifax

8 Charlestown Road Halifax C5951

7 Cheapside Halifax

1 & 6 Church Street Halifax C5954

1 & 7 Commercial Street Halifax A629

12 Corn Market Halifax

1 Cow Green Halifax A629

6 Cripplegate Halifax

6 Cross Hills Halifax

12 Crossley Street Halifax

7, 12 Crown Street Halifax

6 Dean Clough Halifax

9 Delph Street Halifax

9 Ferguson Street Halifax

1 Fountain Street Halifax A629

7 Francis Street Halifax

8 Gaol Lane Halifax

9 Gaukroger Lane Halifax

7 Georges Square Halifax

7 Georges Street Halifax

5 Gibbet Street Halifax

12 Godley Branch Road Halifax

Route Street Name Area Class

2 Godley Road Halifax A58

6 Great Albion Street Halifax

2 Haley Hill Halifax A647

7 Halifax Bus Station Halifax

5 Hall Street Halifax

7 Hanson Lane Halifax

9 Harrison Road Halifax

2 & 2 Hayley Hill Halifax

1 & 2 Hayley Hill Slip Road Halifax

5 Heath Hill Road Halifax

9 Heath Lea (Part Of) Halifax

1 Heath Road Halifax

9 High Street Halifax

5 & 7 Highroad Well Lane Halifax

7 Hope Street Halifax

7 Hopwood Lane Halifax

8 Horley Green Road Halifax

7 Horne Street Halifax

7 Horton Street Halifax

1 Huddersfield Road Halifax A629

7 Hunger Hill Halifax

9 Kent Street Halifax

1 & 7 King Cross Road Halifax A58

1 & 7 King Cross Street Halifax A58

7 King Edward Street Halifax

6 King Street Halifax

6 Lee Bridge Halifax

7 Lightowler Road Halifax

Route Street Name Area Class

7 Ling Bob Halifax

5 Lister Lane Halifax

12 Listers Road Halifax

9 Love Lane Halifax

6 Lower Kirkgate Halifax C5951

4 Maltings Road Halifax

9 Manor Heath Road Halifax

7 Market Street Halifax

1 Moor End Road Halifax C5955

9 Moorfield Street Halifax

4 Mount Pellon Halifax

7 Mount Pleasant Avenue Halifax

8 Mulcture Hall Road Halifax

2 New Bank Halifax A58

1 New Bank Roundabout Halifax

8 New Bank Slip Road Halifax

7 New Brunswick Street Halifax

7 New Road Halifax

2 North Bridge Halifax

6 North Bridge Street Halifax

6 North Parade Halifax

1 & 7 Northgate Halifax

6 Old Lane Halifax

12 Old Market Halifax

1 Orange Street Halifax A629

1 & 2 Orange Street Roundabout Halifax

1 Ovenden Road Halifax A629

4 Ovenden Wood Road Halifax

Route Street Name Area Class

7 Oxford Road Halifax

5 Paddock Lane Halifax

9 Paradise Street Halifax

7 Parkinson Lane Halifax

1 & 4 & Pellon Lane 7 Halifax C5955

1 Pellon New Road Halifax C5955

7 Police Station Car Park Halifax

1 Portland Place Halifax A629

8 Portland Road Halifax

6, 9 Powell Street Halifax

7 Prescott Street Halifax

12 Princess Street Halifax

1 & 4 Pye Nest Road Halifax B6140

8 Range Bank Halifax

8 Range Lane Halifax

7 Rawson Street Halifax

8 Rawson Street North Halifax

7 Richmond Close Halifax

7 Richmond Road Halifax

7 Richmond Street Halifax

1 Rochdale Road Halifax A58

5 Roils Head Road Halifax

4 Roils Head Road (From Bus Turning Circle) Halifax

9 Rookery Lane Halifax

7 Russell Street Halifax

7 Sandhall Lane Halifax

1, 7, 9 Savile Park Road Halifax

7 Savile Road Halifax

Route Street Name Area Class

9 Scarr Bottom Road Halifax

1 Shaw Hill Halifax C5954

9 Shaw Hill Lane Halifax

9 Shaw Lane Halifax

1 Shay Syke Halifax C5954

12 Shibden Hall Road Halifax

6 Shroggs Road Halifax

12 Siddal New Road Halifax

7 Silver Street Halifax

9 Simmonds Lane Halifax

1 & 8 Skircoat Green Halifax

1 Skircoat Green Road Halifax

1 Skircoat Moor Road Halifax A646

1 Skircoat Road Halifax A629

1 Smithy Street Halifax

1 South Parade Halifax C5954

9 South Street Halifax

7, 12 Southgate Halifax

12 Southowram Bank Halifax

4 Spring Edge Halifax

4 & 7 Spring Hall Lane Halifax

1 & 6 Square Road Halifax C5954

6 St James Road Halifax

9 St Johns Lane Halifax

8 Stafford Square Halifax

7 Stanley Road Halifax

7 Stannary Place Halifax

8 Swales Moor Road Halifax

Route Street Name Area Class

9, 12 Swan Bank Lane Halifax

1, 7, 9 Swires Road Halifax

8 The Incline Halifax

7 Thomas Street Halifax

7 Thrum Hall Lane Halifax

12 Town Hall Street East Halifax

4 Trimmingham Lane Halifax

9 Trinity Road Halifax

9 Trooper Lane (Part Of) Halifax

7, 9 Union Street Halifax

9 Union Street South Halifax

1 Upper Bolton Brow Halifax A5 8

5 Vicar Park Road Halifax

7 Victoria Road Halifax

8 Wade Street Halifax

21 Wainstalls Lane (Part Below Bank House Lane) Halifax

4 Wakefield Gate Halifax

7 Wards End Halifax

5 Warley Town Lane Halifax

4 Washer Lane Halifax

4 Washer Lane Halifax

9 Water Lane Halifax

7 Waterhouse Street Halifax

9 Well Garth Halifax

9 Well Head Lane Halifax

9 Wellington Street West Halifax

9 West Parade Halifax

9 Westfield Street Halifax

Route Street Name Area Class

7 Westgate Halifax

7 Westholme Road Halifax

6 Wheatley Road Halifax

4 Willow Rise Halifax

1 Winding Road Halifax C5954

9 Woodhouse Lane Halifax

8 Woodlands Road Halifax

3 Albert Street

19 Badger Lane Hebden Bridge

19 Bank Terrace Hebden Bridge

20 Bankfoot Hebden Bridge A646

3 Birchcliffe Road Hebden Bridge

3 Bridge Gate Hebden Bridge

20 Bridge Lanes Hebden Bridge A646

3 Carlton Street Hebden Bridge

3 Cheetham Street Hebden Bridge

19 Church Lane Hebden Bridge

3 Commercial Street Hebden Bridge A6033

3 Crown Street Hebden Bridge

19 Eaves Road Hebden Bridge

3 Eskdale Mount Hebden Bridge

19 Glen View Road Hebden Bridge

19 Hebble End Hebden Bridge

18, 20 Road Hebden Bridge C19

3 Hollins Crescent Hebden Bridge

3 Hollins Place Hebden Bridge A6033

3 Hope Street Hebden Bridge

19 Horsehold Road Hebden Bridge

Route Street Name Area Class

3 Road Hebden Bridge A6033

20 King Street Hebden Bridge A646

20 King Street Turning Circle Hebden Bridge

20 Lee Wood Road Hebden Bridge

20 Market Street Hebden Bridge A646

3 Midgehole Road Hebden Bridge

3 Moss Lane Hebden Bridge

19 Mytholm Bank Hebden Bridge

19 New Road Hebden Bridge A646

19 Palace House Road Hebden Bridge

19 Rawtonstall Bank Hebden Bridge

3 Sandygate Hebden Bridge

3 Sandygate Lane Hebden Bridge

3 School Street To Balmoral Street Hebden Bridge

19 Shelf Road Hebden Bridge

3 St Georges Road Hebden Bridge

3 Valley Road Hebden Bridge

3 Victoria Road Hebden Bridge

3 Wadsworth Lane Hebden Bridge

3 Windsor Road Hebden Bridge

20 Draper Lane Heptonstall

18 Hepton Drive Heptonstall

18 Longfield Heptonstall

18 Smithwell Lane Heptonstall C19

18 Southfield Heptonstall

18 Towngate HEPTONSTALL C19

7 Court Lane Highroad Well

7 Gibraltar Road Highroad Well

Route Street Name Area Class

4 Brow Foot Gate Lane Highroad Well Lane

12 Bramley Lane Hipperholme

2 Brighouse Road Hipperholme A644

12 Coley Road Hipperholme

2 Gate Road Hipperholme A644

12 Halifax Old Road Hipperholme

2 Halifax Road Hipperholme A58

2 Leeds Road Hipperholme A58

12 Northedge Lane Hipperholme

12 Soaper House Lane Hipperholme

12 Tanhouse Hill Hipperholme

12 The Avenue Hipperholme

12 The Drive Hipperholme

2 Whitehall Road Hipperholme

13 Broad Carr Lane Hollywell Green

14 Burwood Way Hollywell Green

14 Jagger Green Lane Hollywell Green

6 Beechwood Road Holmfield

6 Brow Lane Holmfield

6 Heathy Lane Holmfield

6 Heathy Lane Holmfield

1 & 6 Holdsworth Road Holmfield

6 Holmfield Industrial Estate Holmfield

6 Round Hill Holmfield

1 & 6 Shay Lane Holmfield

14 New Road

14 Rawroyds Holywell Green

13 Station Road Holywell Green C567 Route Street Name Area Class

12 Catherine Slack Hove Edge

12 Coach Road Hove Edge

12 Finkil Street Hove Edge

6 Alloe Field View Illingworth

6 Field Head Lane Illingworth

6 Furness Drive Illingworth

6 Green Lane Illingworth

6 Heathmoor Park Road Illingworth

6 Highlands Lane Illingworth

6 Illingworth Road Illingworth

6 Keighley Close Illingworth

1 & 6 Keighley Road Illingworth A629

1 Moor Bottom Road Illingworth

6 Moss Drive Illingworth

6 Moss Lane Illingworth

6 Natty Lane Illingworth

6 Occupation Lane Illingworth

6 Pavement Lane Illingworth

6 Raw Lane Illingworth C5955

6 School Lane Illingworth

6 Tewit Lane Illingworth

6 Turner Avenue North Illingworth

6 Whitegate Illingworth

1 & 6 Whitehill Road Illingworth

6 Wrigley Hill Illingwoth

14 Swan Lane Jagger Green

4 Darcey Hey Lane King Cross

7 Dunkirk Lane King Cross

Route Street Name Area Class

7 Fenton Road King Cross

7 Haugh Shaw Road King Cross

1 Queens Road King Cross C5957

9 Upper Washer Lane King Cross

7 Wainhouse Road King Cross

7 Warley Road King Cross

6 East Park Road (Part Of) Lee Mount

6 Lee Mount Road Lee Mount

6 Melbourne Street Lee Mount

6 Wheatley Lane Lee Mount

12 Fairless Avenue Lightcliffe

12 Greenfield Avenue Lightcliffe

12 Greenfield Place Lightcliffe

12 Knowl Top Road Lightcliffe

12 Smith House Lane Lightcliffe

12 St Giles Road Lightcliffe

12 Stoney Lane Lightcliffe

12 Syke Lane Lightcliffe

2 ? Wakefield Road Lightcliffe A649

13 Lacy Way Lowfields

13 Navigation Close Lowfields

13 Old Power Way Lowfields

13 Savile Way Lowfields

5 Birch Lane

5 Booth Hill Luddenden

5 Danny Lane Luddenden

5 Dean House Lane Luddenden

5 Duke Street Luddenden

Route Street Name Area Class

5 Halifax Lane Luddenden

5 New Road Luddenden C42

5 Rails Lane Luddenden

15 Boy Mill Road Luddenden

5 Dene View Into Woodbank School Grounds Luddenden

21 Jerusalem Lane Luddenden

15 Broad Lane Luddenden Foot

15 Brocks Luddenden Foot

10 Burnley Road Luddenden Foot A646

15 Cat Lane Luddenden Foot

15 Clunters Lane Luddenden Foot

5 Deep Lane Luddenden Foot

16 Ellen Holme Road Luddenden Foot

5 Greave House Drive Luddenden Foot

5 High Street Luddenden Foot

15 Jerry Fields Road Luddenden Foot

4 John Naylor Lane Luddenden Foot

5 Kershaw Crescent Luddenden Foot

5 Kershaw Drive Luddenden Foot

5 Luddenden Lane Luddenden Foot C42

5 Old Station Road Luddenden Foot

15, 16 Sowerby Lane Luddenden Foot C573

15 Spring View Road Luddenden Foot

5 Station Road Luddenden Foot

5 Stocks Lane Luddenden Foot

16 Stoney Lane Luddenden Foot

4 Tenterfields Luddenden Foot

4 Warley Wood Lane Luddenden Foot

Route Street Name Area Class

18 Cross Lane Mankinholes C539

18 Harvelin Park Mankinholes

18 New Road Mankinholes C539

21 Dry Carr Lane

21 High House Lane Midgley

5 Jim Allen Lane Midgley C42

5 Solomon Hill Midgley C42

21 Thorney Lane Midgley

3 & 5 Towngate MIDGLEY C42

17 Foxen Lane Mill Bank

17 Lower Mill Bank Road Mill Bank

17 Otter Lee Lane Mill Bank C586

6 Balkram Drive

1 Balkram Edge Mixenden

6 Balkram Road Mixenden

4 & 6 Clough Lane Mixenden C5955

6 Hambleton Drive Mixenden

6 Hollins Lane Mixenden

4 & 6 Hunter Hill Road Mixenden

6 Jumples Crag Mixenden

6 Mill Lane Mixenden C5955

6 Mixenden Lane Mixenden C5955

6 Mixenden Road Mixenden

6 Drive Mixenden

6 Stanningley Road Mixenden

6 Straight Lane Mixenden

6 Sunny Bank Road Mixenden

4 Gibb Lane Mount Tabor

Route Street Name Area Class

1 & 4 Mount Tabor Road Mount Tabor

3 Appleyard Road

3 Banksfield Avenue Mytholmroyd

3 Brearley Lane Mytholmroyd

3 Brier Hey Lane Mytholmroyd

20 Burnley Road Mytholmroyd A646

10 Cragg Road Mytholmroyd B6138

3 Ewood Drive Mytholmroyd

3 Ewood Hall Avenue Mytholmroyd

15 Hathershelf Lane Mytholmroyd

3 Height Road Mytholmroyd C42

3 Hodgson Lane Mytholmroyd

3 Hullet Close Mytholmroyd

3 Hullet Drive Mytholmroyd

3 Midgley Road Mytholmroyd

3 Moderna Way Mytholmroyd

3 Mount Pleasant Drive Mytholmroyd

15 Nest Estate Mytholmroyd

15 Nest Lane Mytholmroyd

10 New Road Mytholmroyd B6138

15 Ringstone Hill Lane Mytholmroyd

15 Scout Road Mytholmroyd C573

15 Stocks Avenue Mytholmroyd

15 Stocks Drive Mytholmroyd

15 Thrush Hill Road Mytholmroyd

16 Bank Road Norland

16 Berry Moor Road Norland

10 Butterworth End Lane Norland

Route Street Name Area Class

10 Clough Road Norland C569

16 Hob Lane Norland

16 London Road Norland

10 Moor Bottom Lane Norland C569

16 Scar Head Road Norland

10 Shaw Lane Norland C569

2 Back Clough Northowram A681

8 Baxter Lane Northowram

2 ? Bradford Road Northowram A6036

8 Cave Hill Northowram

8 Corporal Lane Northowram

8 Hall Lane Northowram

8 Lands Head Lane Northowram

8 Lydgate Northowram

8 Newlands Grove Northowram

8 Northowram Green Northowram

8 Paddock Road Northowram

8 Score Hill Northowram

8 Shaw Lane Northowram

8 Tan House Lane Northowram

8 The Hough Northowram

8 Towngate Northowram

12 Westercroft Lane Northowram

8 Whinney Royd Lane Northowram

12 Norwood Green Hill Norwood Green

12 Rookes Lane Norwood Green

12 Shutts Lane Norwood Green

12 Station Road Norwood Green

Route Street Name Area Class

12 Village Street Norwood Green

6 Per Lane Ogden

6 Syke Lane Ogden

3 Billy Lane Old Town

3 & 5 Lane Ends Lane Old Town

3 Nook Lane Old Town C42

3 Parrock Lane Old Town C42

3 Walker Lane Old Town

14 Gosport Lane Outlane

14 Old Lindley Road Outlane

13 Park Lane Outlane

13 Stainland Road Outlane B6112

6 Bank Edge Road Ovenden

6 Bank Edge Road Ovenden

6 Broad Tree Road Ovenden

6 Club Lane Ovenden

6 Cousin Lane Ovenden

4 Denfield Lane Ovenden

6 Grove Avenue Ovenden

6 Nursery Lane Ovenden

6 Ovenden Way Ovenden

3 Akroyd Lane Picket Well

7 Albert Road Pellon

4 Brackenbed Lane Pellon

4 Church Lane Pellon

7 Clay Pitts Lane Pellon

4 College Pellon

7 Cross Street West Pellon

Route Street Name Area Class

4 Doctor Hill Pellon

7 Reservoir Road Pellon

7 Rye Lane Pellon

7 Ryecroft Lane Pellon

4, 7 Sandbeds Road Pellon

7 Stretchgate Lane Pellon

8 Cross Lane Pepper Hill

9 Edwards Road Pye Nest

9 Willow Drive Pye Nest

9 Willow Hall Lane Pye Nest

4 Willowfield Avenue Pye Nest

4 Willowfield Drive Pye Nest

9 Willowfield Road Pye Nest

4 Woodland Drive Pye Nest

4 Woodlands Drive Pye Nest

11 Burnsall Road Rastrick

11 Carr Green Lane Rastrick

11 Castle Avenue Rastrick

11 Clough Lane Rastrick A6107

11 Crowtrees Lane Rastrick A643

11 Delf Hill Rastrick

11 Field Lane Rastrick

11 Field Top Road Rastrick

11 Holly Bank Road Rastrick

11 Jumble Dyke Rastrick C532

11 Lower Edge Road Rastrick C532

11 New Hey Road Rastrick A643

11 Nunnery Lane Rastrick

Route Street Name Area Class

11 Slade Lane Rastrick

11 Thornhill Road Rastrick A643

11 Tofts Grove Rastrick C532

11 Toothill Bank Rastrick

11 Toothill Lane Rastrick

17 Baitings Gate Road

17 Blue Ball Lane Ripponden

17 Blue Ball Road Ripponden

17 Castle Lane Ripponden

15, 17 Cross Wells Road Ripponden C586

17 Dyson Lane Ripponden

10 Elland Road Ripponden B6113

10 Halifax Road Ripponden A58

17 Hob Lane Ripponden

17 Lane Head Road Ripponden

17 Nursery Lane Ripponden C586

10 Oldham Road Ripponden A672

10 Ripponden New Bank Ripponden

10 Rochdale Road Ripponden A58

17 Royd Lane Ripponden

17 Soyland Town Road Ripponden

17 Stoney Lane Ripponden

17 Back O’ Th’ Height Rishworth

17 Godly Lane Rishworth

17 Long Causeway Rishworth C538

17 Rishworth Mill Lane To Car Park Rishworth

17 Rishworth New Road Rishworth C538

10 Elland Wood Bottom Salterhebble A629 Route Street Name Area Class

9 Farrer Mill Lane Salterhebble

10 Huddersfield Road Salterhebble A629

9 Birdcage Hill Savile Park

9 Birdcage Lane Savile Park

1 Free School Lane Savile Park

2 Brighouse & Denholme Gate Road Shelf A644

8 Brow Lane Shelf

8 Brow Wood Rise Shelf

8 Burned Road Shelf

2 Carr House Lane Shelf C585

2 Carr House Road Shelf A6036

8 Cock Hill Lane Shelf

8 Cooper Lane Shelf B6147

8 Giles Hill Lane Shelf

8 Greenacres (2nd Right) SHELF

8 Greenacres Drive Shelf

2 Halifax Road Shelf A6036

8 High Cross Lane Shelf

8 Hud Hill Shelf

8 Shelf Hall Lane Shelf

8 Shelf Moor Shelf

8 Shelf Moor Road Shelf

8 Soaper Lane Shelf

8 South Lane Shelf

2 Wade House Road Shelf A6036

8 West Street Shelf

2 Witchfield Hill Shelf A6036

8 Blake Hill Shibden

Route Street Name Area Class

8 Blake Hill End Shibden

8 Brow Lane Shibden

8 Lee Lane Shibden

9 Backhold Drive Siddal

9, 12 Backhold Lane Siddal

12 Change Lane Siddal

12 Cinderhills Lane Siddal

9 Exley Bank Siddal

9 Exley Bank Top Siddal

9 Jubilee Road Siddal

12 Oxford Lane Siddal

12 Park Lane Siddal

9 Phoebe Lane Siddal

12 Rosemary Lane (Part Of) Siddal

9 Whitegate Siddal

12 Whitegate Road Siddal

1 Dryclough Lane Skircoat Green A646

1 Dudwell Lane Skircoat Green

1 Godfrey Road Skircoat Green

9 New Lane Skircoat Green

9 Ravenscliffe School To Car Park Skircoat Green

12 Bank Top Southowram

12 Brookfoot Lane Southowram

12 Brookfoot Lane Slip Road Southowram

12 Cain Lane Southowram

12 Church Lane Southowram C531

12 Law Lane Southowram C531

12 Pinnar Lane Southowram

Route Street Name Area Class

12 Towngate Southowram

12 West Lane Southowram

12 Withinfields Southowram

16 Acre Lane Sowerby

16 Bates Avenue Sowerby

16 Beechwood Avenue Sowerby

16 Broadway Sowerby

15 Dob Lane Sowerby

16 Fore Lane Avenue Sowerby

15 Higham & Dob Lane Sowerby

15 Hollins Lane Sowerby

15 Hubberton Green Road Sowerby

15 Mirey Lane Sowerby

15 New Lane Sowerby

16 Newlands Avenue Sowerby

16 Pinfold Lane Sowerby C573

17 Plain Lane Sowerby C586

16 Pollit Avenue Sowerby

17 Ratten Row Road Sowerby C5 86

16 Richmond Avenue Sowerby

16 Rooley Heights Sowerby

17 Rooley Lane Sowerby C586

15 Shaws Lane Sowerby

16 Shield Hall Lane Sowerby

15 Sowerby Lane Sowerby C573

16 St Peters Avenue Sowerby

15 Steep Lane Sowerby

15 Stocks Lane Sowerby C586 Route Street Name Area Class

16 Styes Lane Sowerby

15 The Long Causeway Sowerby

16 Tillotson Avenue Sowerby

15 Towngate SOWERBY C586

16 Well Head Lane Sowerby

16 Whiteley Avenue Sowerby

15 Red Brink Lane Sowerby

9 Albert Road

9 Bairstow Lane Sowerby Bridge

9 Beech Road Sowerby Bridge

4 Blackwall Lane Sowerby Bridge

16 Boggart Lane Sowerby Bridge

1 Bolton Brow Sowerby Bridge A58

9 Church Bank Sowerby Bridge

9 Church View Sowerby Bridge

4 Clay Street Sowerby Bridge

9 Corporation Street Sowerby Bridge

4 Dam Head Road Sowerby Bridge

16 Fall Lane Sowerby Bridge

16 Fore Lane Sowerby Bridge

17 Foundry Street Sowerby Bridge

4 Gratrix Lane Sowerby Bridge

9 Green Ups Terrace Sowerby Bridge

16 Harper Royd Lane Sowerby Bridge

17 Haugh End Lane Sowerby Bridge

4 Hill Top Road Sowerby Bridge

16 Hollas Lane Sowerby Bridge

4 Hollins Lane Sowerby Bridge

Route Street Name Area Class

9 Hollins Mill Lane Sowerby Bridge

16 Holmes Road Sowerby Bridge

16 Mearclough Road Sowerby Bridge

4 Milton Avenue Sowerby Bridge

4 Milton Street Sowerby Bridge

16 Norland Road Sowerby Bridge

16 Norland Town Road Sowerby Bridge

9 Park Road Sowerby Bridge

16 Pickwood Scar Sowerby Bridge

16, 17 Quarry Hill Sowerby Bridge

4 Rose Grove Lane Sowerby Bridge

16 Sowerby Croft Lane Sowerby Bridge

15, 16 Sowerby New Road Sowerby Bridge C573

15 Sowerby Street Sowerby Bridge

16 Spark House Lane Sowerby Bridge

16 Station Road Sowerby Bridge

4 Steps Lane Sowerby Bridge

16 Stormer Hill Lane Sowerby Bridge

9 Tower Hill Sowerby Bridge

10 Town Hall Street Sowerby Bridge A58

1 Tuel Lane Sowerby Bridge A6139

16 Victoria Road Sowerby Bridge

20 Wakefield Road Sowerby Bridge A6026

4 Wallis Street Sowerby Bridge

9 Walton Street Sowerby Bridge

5 Water Hill Lane (Part Of) Sowerby Bridge

16 Water Street Sowerby Bridge

16 Watson Mill Lane Sowerby Bridge

Route Street Name Area Class

10 West Street Sowerby Bridge A58

1, 10 Wharf Street Sowerby Bridge A58

4 Wood Nook Lane Sowerby Bridge

13 Clay Pit Lane Sowood B6112

14 Forest Hill Road Sowood

13 Green Lane Sowood B6112

13 Marsden Gate Sowood

14 Stainland Dene Sowood

13 Stainland Road Sowood B6112

15 Blackshaw Clough Road Soyland

15 Lighthazles Road Soyland C586

15 Wicking Lane Soyland

13 Back Bowling Green Road Stainland

13 Beestonley Lane Stainland

14 Bowling Green Road Stainland

14 Coldwells Hill Stainland

14 Dog Lane Stainland

13 High Street Stainland

13 New Road Stainland

14 Queen Street Stainland

13 School Road Stainland

13 South Parade Stainland B6112

2 Bradford Road Stump Cross A6036

2 Godley Lane Stump Cross A58

8 Kell Lane Stump Cross

2 Leeds Road Stump Cross A58

19 Ashenhurst Road

20 Bacup Road Todmorden A681 Route Street Name Area Class

19 Broad Lane Todmorden

18 Broadgate Todmorden

19 Broadstone Street Todmorden

20 Burnley Road Todmorden A646

19 Causeway Wood Road Todmorden

19 Commercial Street Todmorden

19 Cowhurst Avenue Todmorden

19 Cross Lee Road Todmorden

19 Cross Stone Road Todmorden

19 Crossley New Road Todmorden

19 Dale Street Todmorden

19 Dineley Avenue Todmorden

18 Doghouse Lane Todmorden

18 Eastwood Road Todmorden

19 Ewood Lane Todmorden

19 Ferney Lee Road Todmorden

19 Garden Street Todmorden

19 Great House Road Todmorden

20 Halifax Road Todmorden A646

19 Hallroyd Road Todmorden

19 Hey Head Lane Todmorden

18 Hollins Road Todmorden C538

19 Keats Avenue Todmorden

20 Kebs Road Todmorden C19

19 Key Syke Lane Todmorden

19 Kilnhurst Road Todmorden

19 Knowlwood Road Todmorden C538

18 Lee Bottom Road Todmorden

Route Street Name Area Class

19 Longfield Road Todmorden

19 Longfield Way Todmorden

18 Lumbutts Road Todmorden C539

18 Mankinholes Bank Todmorden C539

19 Mark Lane Todmorden

19 Oak Avenue Todmorden

19 Oldroyd Road Todmorden

19 Park Road Todmorden

18 Parkin Lane Todmorden

18 Parsons Lane Todmorden

19 Phoenix Street Todmorden

18 Pudding Lane Todmorden

18 Road Todmorden

18 Ridge Road Todmorden

19 Rise Lane Todmorden

20 Rochdale Road Todmorden A6033

19 Shakespear Avenue Todmorden

18 Shaw Wood Road Todmorden C539

18 Shore New Road Todmorden

18 Sourhall Road Todmorden

19 Stansfield Hall Road Todmorden

19 Stansfield Road Todmorden

19 Station Approach Todmorden

18 Staups Lane Todmorden

19 Stile Road Todmorden

19 Summerfield Road Todmorden

19 Todmorden Bus Station Todmorden

19 Union Street South Todmorden

Route Street Name Area Class

19 Upper Lane Todmorden

19 Vale Street Todmorden

19 Victoria Road Todmorden

19 Water Street Todmorden

19 Wellington Road Todmorden

19 Woodhouse Road Todmorden

15 Alma Lane Triangle

17 Butterworth Lane Triangle

17 Dean Lane Triangle

17 Kebroyd Lane Triangle

17 Lower Brockwell Lane Triangle

17 Mill Bank Road Triangle C587

15 Nook Lane Triangle

17 Oak Hill Triangle C587

17 Oak Lane Triangle C587

10 Rochdale Road Triangle A58

15 Shaws Lane Triangle

5 Bank House Lane Wainstalls

5 Castle Carr Road Wainstalls

4 Cold Edge Road Wainstalls

21 Heys Lane Wainstalls

21 Low Lane Wainstalls

5 Rough Hall Lane Wainstalls

21 Saltonstall Lane Wainstalls

5 Tree Lane Wainstalls

5 Wainstalls Lane Wainstalls

5 Wainstalls Lodge Lane Wainstalls

5 Wainstalls Road Wainstalls

Route Street Name Area Class

5 Wainstalls Road (Part Of) Wainstalls

4 Withins Road Wainstalls

18 Allescholes Road Walsden

18 Inchfield Road Walsden

19 Peel Cottage Road Walsden

18 Scott Street Walsden

19 Winterbutlee Road Walsden

5 Abbey Lane Warley

1 Burnley Road Warley A646

4 Butts Green Lane Warley

4 Butts Green Road Warley

4 Cliff Hill Lane Warley

4 Newlands Road Warley

5 Raw End Road Warley

4 Stock Lane Warley

5 Windle Royd Lane Warley

5 Winterburn Lane Warley

4 Workhouse Lane Warley

14 Calder Street West Vale

14 Green Lane West Vale

10 Long Wall West Vale

4 Boy Lane Wheatley

4 City Lane Wheatley

6 Crag Lane Wheatley

6 Hebble Lane Wheatley

4 & 6 Lane Ends Wheatley

6 Long Lane Wheatley

6 Ramsden Street Wheatley

Route Street Name Area Class

4 Wood Lane Wheatley

2 Burdock Way Flyover

Appendix 3

Risk Assessment Criteria (New Additions)

Street Name

Area (ward)

Specific Properties (School, hospital etc)

Gradient (Relatively Flat / Sloping / Steep / Very Steep)


HGV Turning Point (available / not available)

Through Road

Rural / Urban

Edge Restraints (Y/N)

Road Travels through cutting / is in shade

Cross Boundary Road

No Footways


Scoring / Prioritisation Criteria under development. Appendix 4

Salt Bins Criteria

The criterion for salt bins and piles is currently being devised using the factors mentioned below;




Speed Limit

Length from a Category 1,2 or 3 road

Number of properties served

Each road will be scored with the above criteria. X points = 1 saltbin/pile.

E.g 1X points = 1 bin, 2X points = 2 bins

Single length roads with multiple names will be scored as one.

If only one access exists to a housing estate, then the whole estate will be scored as one.

Appendix 5 Roads difficult or impossible to grit safely

Road Reasons For Removal

Bridge Street Sowerby Bridge 3t Weight Restriction.

Buttress Lane Luddenden Longstanding issue with parked cars.

Canal Road Sowerby Bridge Width restriction on Mearclough Bridge.

Dean Street West Vale Longstanding issue with parked cars.

Furness Place Illingworth No turning head.

Green Lane Pye Nest Long term issue with parked cars.

No suitable HGV turning head. Area that has previously been used Industrial Road Sowerby Bridge is now fenced off.

Old Godley Lane Halifax Gritter unable to get out at end.

Savile Road Hebden Bridge Width restriction, issue with parked cars, both ends gritted.

Sedburgh Road Halifax 10' 3" Height Restriction.

Stubbing Lane Triangle Bulk gritter unable to get through.

Timmey Lane Sowerby Bridge One way, unsuitable for HGV, gritted both ends.

Trimmingham Road Halifax Experimental road closure no HGV through route. (part of)

Victoria Street West Vale Historic issue with parked cars.

Walker Lane Sowerby Bridge Becomes a private road.