Calderdale MBC

Wards Affected All

Cabinet 30th July 2018 14 Highways Capital and Revenue Programmes for 2018/19 and Strategic Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

Report of the Director Regeneration and Strategy

1. Purpose of Report

1.1 To present the capital programmes for 2018/19 for Highway Maintenance, Integrated Transport and Revenue associated Highway Service Provision for , together with the indicative revenue budget for Maintenance/Works for the year.

1.2 To allow Members to visualise the overall ambition of the Borough via the Strategic Infrastructure Delivery Plan.

2. Need for a decision

2.1 A decision is required to endorse the overall Highways and Capital Programmes for the 2018/19 period. This is an essential requirement of our status as level 3 highway asset management authority.

2.2 Members are also asked to endorse the content of the attached Strategic Infrastructure Delivery Plan (Appendix 1) which describes the overall ambition of the infrastructure improvements and gives further advice on responsibilities following the Strategic Management Review.

2.3 Members should also note that between now and 2022 approximately £0.5b will be invested in capital infrastructure projects across Calderdale.

3. Recommendation

It is recommended:

3.1 that the Capital Programmes for 2018/19 for Highway Maintenance and Integrated Transport as set out in Appendix 2 to 6 of this report are approved;

3.2 that capital matched funding for revenue associated Highway Service Provision work as set out in the appendices to this report is approved;

3.3 that the Assistant Director, Strategic infrastructure, in consultation with the Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Regeneration and Strategy Directorate:-


Strategic Infrastructure Delivery Programme 2018 / 19

Steven Lee Assistant Director Strategic Infrastructure June 2018

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Summary of 2017 / 18 Delivery Programme 2

Section 1 Introduction 4

Section 2 Strategic Flood Risk Management 5

Section 3 Strategic Transportation 8

Section 4 Road Safety 12

Section 5 Streetworks 13

Section 6 Asset Management 14

Section 7 Capital Delivery 16

Section 8 Traffic 19

Section 9 LED Streetlighting 20

Section 10 Performance Management 21

Section 11 Highway Maintenance 22

Section 12 Car Parking 23

Section 13 Transformational Growth Projects 24


Appendix 1 2018 / 19 Delivery of Calderdale Flood Action Plan 26

Appendix 2 Complete DeFRA / EA / CMBC Flood Remediation Programme 29

Appendix 3 Sowerby Bridge Traffic Regulation Order 30

Appendix 4 Strategic Transport Development Programme 38

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Summary of 2017 / 18 Delivery Programme

Strategic Flooding Completion Date Value Full Details Flood Action Plan Pg 1 Strengthening Defences Sept – Dec ‘18 £18,000 Appendix 1 Natural Flood Management Jun ’18 – Mar ’19 £5,000 Appendix 1 Resilient Infrastructure May – Dec ’18 £106,500 Appendix 1 FRRS 2 (Group A) schemes - Mar-19 £40,000 Pg 3 Schemes delivered by CMBC. Progress CMBC schemes to OBC stage. FRRS 2 (Group B) schemes - Mar-19 £20,000 Pg 3 delivered by CMBC (currently 1 no.) Progress CMBC schemes to OBC stage. Park Road, Elland. Support EA Nov-18 £164,000 Pg 3 delivery to FBC. FRRS 1 Schemes. Sign off for May-18 £592,000 Pg 3 remaining FRRS1 schemes. Local flood risk reduction Mar-19 £250,000 Pg 3 programme. Appraise and develop schemes to include in YRFCC Medium Term Plan (MTP) for delivery. Completion of £25M DfT April – June ’18 £1.3M Pg 4. Schemes Completion of CMBC £3M Jun ’18 to Mar ’19 £484,000 Pg 5

Strategic Transportation Milestones Project Value Full Programme Details

Upper Valley towpath upgrade Washwalls repair £5M Appendix completed for phase 1 4 2017. Phase 1 completion 2019. NE Calderdale Transformational EoI approval March £400,000 Appendix Projects Package (Pre- 2018. 4 feasibility) Corridor Improvement Programme Entry £20M Appendix Programme (CIP) - A646 and 2017. 4 A58/A672 corridor resilience OBC Spring 2018. FBC December 2018.

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Elland Station Programme Entry £22M Appendix 2017. 4 OBC outputs Access Package Spring 2018. Combined OBC September 2018. Key Route Network journey time Agreed WY permit Unknown Appendix reliability Standard completed. 4 Gold Standard delivered in part by December 2018. FPNs & Shadow FPNs in place spring 2018. Park and ride expansion at rail Mytholmroyd works Approved funding for Appendix stations commence Autumn Hebden Bridge is 4 2018. £648,000. HB work commences Mytholmroyd 2019. £3.64M Low emission and EV fleet - Sites agreed March £120,000 Appendix taxis and public use 2018. 4 Installation 2019. NE Calderdale Transformational Programme Entry Unknown Appendix Projects Package 2020 4 (Implementation) Northern Powerhouse Rail Develop Borough Unknown Appendix connectivity and integration wide multimodal 4 strategy December 2018 Develop Low Emissions Cabinet approval to Staff Time Appendix Strategy consult February 4 2018. Completed Consultation completes June 2018. Implement non- charging CAZ 2020. Installation of lift at Todmorden ‘Access for All’ bid £75,000 Appendix railway station. submitted 2018. 4 GRIP 3 Summer 2018

Highways Capital Programme Delivery Dates Programme Value Full Details Structures Aug 2018 – Mar 2019 £820000 Pg 14 Carriageway Resurfacing Summer – Autumn £1.1M Pg 15 2018 Surface Dressing Programme Summer 2018 £344,000 Pg 15 Carriageway Patching Year Round £546,000 Pg 16 (Classified) Carriageway Patching Year Round £675,000 Pg 16 (Unclassified) Challenge Fund Drainage Year Round £879,000 Pg 17 LED Streetlighting (Year 1 April 2018 – Mar 2019 £15M Pg 19 Programme) Page 4

1.0 Introduction

1.1 The Strategic Infrastructure Division looks after the strategic management of the overall transport network within Calderdale and is primarily outward facing. It deals, in the main, with a number of strategic partners including:

 Department for Transport (DfT),  Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DeFRA),  Highways (HE),  The Canal and Rivers Trust (CRT),  West Combined Authority (WYCA),  Transport for the North (TfN),  Yorkshire Water, and  Environment Agency (EA).

1.2 Inwardly, our closest partners are Public Services (who are responsible for the day to day maintenance of the network) and Corporate Projects.

1.3 The work of the Division is based on survey work, analysis, and prioritisation which all lead into the strategic planning process in order to ensure that the transport network is maintained and runs in the most efficient, safe and effective manner.

1.4 As well as the detail of the programmes within this Plan, over the forthcoming year the Division will also:

 Lead on the identification and development of a regeneration plan for South East Calderdale.  Develop a business case for the delivery of a new salt barn. (Estimated costs £1M. Ground clearance and conditions testing already carried out. Planning permission to be applied for and payback mechanism identified).  Increase and improve the overall cycling offer within Calderdale.  Carry out cross border work with Kirklees on the development and delivery of the M62 economic development zones (utilising the £160,000 planning delivery grant that CMBC successfully bid for).  Carry out multi agency work with WYCA, Kirklees and HE leading to the inclusion of a new M62 J24a in a future Road Investment Strategy.  Lead on the DeFRA road side emissions remediation plan.  Continue to lead the Town Board.

1.5 The Division sits within the Strategy and Regeneration Directorate (Director Mark Thompson) and the current portfolio holders are Cllrs Barry Collins and Dan Sutherland. The structure of the Division is shown below:

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2.0 Strategic Flood Risk Management (Neil Fearnley)

2.1 During November and December 2015, severe flooding was experienced at several locations throughout Calderdale. This drove a substantial increase in resources, both in monetary and human terms, and the formation of the flood risk management team.

2.2 Much of the damage attracted flood grant aid from (the then) DCLG which were processed and administered by the Business and Skills Team and the figures relating to these are shown below:

No. of Grant applications Received 669 No. of Grants Approved 629 Value of Approved Grants (£) £2,786,077.33 No. of Grants paid (includes part paid grants) 588 Value of Grants Paid (£) £2,651,706.04

2.3 As well as financial aid, internal resources were also built up. The flood risk management team (which was built up from a very low, inadequately small staffing base) comprises the following posts:-

Flood Programme Manager Flood Risk Manager Flood Resilience Partnership Manager Engineer Assistant Engineer Assistant Engineer Flood Mapping Officer Natural Flood Risk Management Officer Flood Risk Development Control Engineer Flood Risk Development Control Engineer Flood Project Engineer

The team works closely with partners such as the Environment Agency (who have both a strategic overview of flooding of all kinds and local operational roles when it

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comes to management of flooding from main rivers and reservoirs), Yorkshire Water and the Canal and Rivers Trust.

2.4 As part of their response, the Government committed to the preparation of a Calderdale Flood Action Plan outlining actions that would reduce the risk of flooding within the valley.

2.5 Since January 2016, the Environment Agency, on behalf of the Calderdale Flood Partnership has worked with Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council, partners and the community to produce a flood action plan for Calderdale.

2.6 The action plan sets out:  What action has already been taken since the 2015 floods, and  Further actions planned over the next few years.

2.7 As of the 30th January 2018 47 actions (out of 190) have been reported as completed and across the forthcoming year Calderdale ’s flood team contribution to the Plan will be as follows:

Calderdale Flood Action Plan Strengthening Defences Sep 2018 – Dec 2018 £57,000 Natural Flood Risk Management Jun 2018 – Mar 2019 £3,000 Resilient Infrastructure May – Dec 2018 £103,000

Comprehensive details of the individual tasks are shown in Appendix 1.

2.8 Other key areas of activity for the team across the year will be:

Drainage Data Collection £152,500 Watercourse Maintenance £120,000 Flood Preparedness & Contingency £ 2,000 Flood Risk Modelling & Mapping £ 65,570

Two key milestones within this work will be the publication of the Flood Risk Asset Register, a statutory document (May 2018) and the Surface Water Management Plan (March 2019). As with the above, comprehensive details are given at Appendix 1.

2.9 In terms of capital projects, a budget of £1,055,000 is available to Calderdale and this will be used to deliver the following:

Project Task Delivery CMBC Budget FRRS 2 (Group A) schemes - Progress CMBC schemes to OBC Mar-19 £40,000 2 out of 6 schemes delivered stage. by CMBC FRRS 2 (Group B) schemes - Progress CMBC schemes to OBC Mar-19 £20,000 currently 1 no. delivered by stage. CMBC

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Park Road, Elland Support EA delivery to FBC. Nov-18 £164,000 FRRS 1 Schemes Sign off for remaining FRRS1 May-18 £592,000 schemes. Local flood risk reduction Appraise and develop schemes to Mar-19 £250,000 programme include in YRFCC Medium Term Plan (MTP) for delivery. Contingency and risk. Mar-19 £284,000

2.10 The full set of FFRS 2 schemes are shown below with those schemes that Calderdale intend to deliver highlighted in yellow (NB the intention is for us to deliver all Group B schemes):

FRRS 2 Schemes Group A: Group B: Cottonstones, Commercial St, Todmorden Shaw Wood Road, Todmorden Walsden Machpelah Screen, Hebden Bridge Lower Bank House, Barkisland Railes Close, Luddenden Rossendale View, Todmorden Copley Village Luddenden Foot Calderside, nr Hebden Bridge Cross Stone Rd, Todmorden Oak Hill Clough, Todmorden Sowerby Bridge Dean Clough, Halifax

and details of those schemes currently being delivered by CMBC are as follows:

Cottonstones, Sowerby Bridge

Leakage from the privately owned Alma reservoir is putting properties at a lower level at risk. The potential solution is to drain and re-line the reservoir, working with the private owner.

Railes Close, Luddenden

Flooding of properties due to run-off from fields and surface water flows down Thorney Lane, Railes Lane and other access tracks. Overtopping of a privately owned mill pond on Railes Lane has resulted in structural failure of the retaining wall. Options being considered include attenuation of flows above Thorney Lane, improvements to the mill-pond infrastructure and diversion of flows overland to Luddenden Brook to avoid the properties.

Rossendale View, Todmorden

Properties are flooding due to run-off from the surrounding hillside, groundwater emerging within their rear gardens, limitations in the existing culvert capacity and poor land drainage within rear garden areas. Drainage is dependent on a small inadequate soakaway in the garden of No. 26. Currently, investigating opportunities for capturing and attenuating flows through improved land drainage and culvert improvements.

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2.11 The total programme value for this work is £104M and further details are given at Appendix 2.

2.12 As well as the above a further £25M was awarded to Calderdale from the DfT. This has primarily been used to remediate much of the highway network. These monies sit outside of the Flood Team and are primarily being delivered through the Capital Works team via Simon Liversage (Project Manager). To date, over £20M has been spent and two of the reconstructed bridges (Elland and Copley) have been nominated for ICE awards.

2.13 The largest costs (roughly £6M) sit within the Scout Road works, which included land stabilisation, asbestos remediation, drainage collection / diversion and landscaping. 2.14 The delivery programme for 2018 / 19 is shown below:

Project Task Delivery Budget Scout Road Landscaping Landscaping May 2018 £125,000 Scout Road Phase 3 Drainage Major Drainage Works Aug 2018 £550,000 Shaw Wood Road Bridge Scour Works April 2018 £130,000 Guerning Dog Bridge Scour Works May 2018 £140,000 Gauxholme Bridge Scour Works June 2018 £30-50,000 Granville Street Bridge Bridge Repairs April 2018 £35,000 London Road Norland Highway and Culvert June 2018 £50-75,000. County Bridge Scour Works Reserve £225,000

2.15 In addition to the above, CMBC also contributed a further £3M to be spent on remediation and resilience and further details of the proposed 2018/19 spend are as follows:

Work Area Task Delivery Budget Natural Flood Management Implement ordinary water Jun-18 £173,000 course consenting. Funding support to voluntary Groups. Identify and progress Natural Flood Management locations. Flood Groups & Supplies Continue support of flood Mar-19 £81,714 stores. Flood Works Development & Continue support of Mar-19 £181,393 Delivery development of Local flood risk reduction programme and CMBC deliver 3 FRRS 2 schemes. Ground Water Monitor & Commence installing soil Sep-18 £48,619 Analysis moisture content monitors and watercourse flow meters.

3.0 Strategic Transportation (Mary Farrar) Page 9

3.1 This team is divided into two areas, highways development control and transportation. The development control team give highways advice on all planning applications and the team comprises of the following staff:

HDC Manager Vacant Engineer D Taylor 30hrs Engineer M Zenner Support Officer L Hemingway 30hrs

3.2 Their most recent works have included an assessment of the proposed sites in the Draft Local Plan and it is envisaged that they will continue with this work until the Plan is finally adopted.

3.3 The remainder of the team are involved with transport planning, the cycling network and road safety and in particular they pursue borough wide strategic funding from all aspects (road and rail) of the WYCA+ transport fund.

Transport Strategy Manager P Stubbs Transport Planner T Jones Engineer J Lewer Engineer A Geall Road Safety Officer I Turner

3.4 The teams objectives are described below:

Growth G1 - Enable new jobs to be created at employment sites, particularly in Halifax, Brighouse and the M62 Enteprise Zone G2 - Provide residents with access to education opportunities and employers with access to skilled workers G3 - Help to deliver new homes in accessible locations identified by the Local Plan

People and Environment PE1 - Increase physical activity and improve air quality to support public health and environmental goals PE2 - Ensure that transport provision evolves to meet the changing needs of residents, including children and young people, senior citizens and disabled people PE3 - Enhance the urban and rural environment to improve quality to life for residents and make Calderdale an even more desirable place to live, work and visit

Connectivity C1 - Improve links between places in Calderdale by addressing gaps and weaknesses in current networks C2 - Capitalise upon planned national and regional transport investment, including Leeds City Region Metro, the Northern Hub, Northern Powerhouse Rail and HS2 C3 - Broaden the range, quality and integration of public transport options available to

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reduce dependency on the car C4 - Cater for movements into and out of Calderdale from neighbouring areas by all forms of transport

and the long term interventions which will deliver these outcome are shown in Appendix 4.

3.5 This year’s element of the WYCA delivery programme is shown below:

Project Funding Milestone Completion WY Corridor Improvement Programme A646/ A6033 Halifax – WYTF Outline Business May-18 Rochdale boundary Case A58/ A672 Halifax – M62 WYTF Outline Business May-18 Jn.22 Case

Elland Station and Access WYTF Outline Business Mar-18 Package Case Full Business Case Jan-19

A629N Corridor WYTF Expression of Drafted awaiting Interest submission

A58/ A6036 East WYTF Expression of Submitted to Calderdale ‘wedge’ Multi- Interest ‘Transformational Modal study Package’ funding stream

Bus Pinch-points Mytholmroyd LTP (WYCA) Detailed design and Mar-19 Delivery

City Connect Canals Project: Cycle City Delivery Jun-18 Calder and Hebble Ambition Grant Delivery Jun-18 Leeds Liverpool Delivery Jul-18 Narrow Delivery Sep-18 Rochdale Phase 1

3.6 In addition to their WYCA work they are also responsible for identifying schemes within the Integrated Transport scheme bock of DfT funding (£613,000).

3.7 The full programme will be developed over the year but the provisional allocations and indicative delivery dates are as follows:

Provisional Allocation LTP Integrated Transport schemes and sub- Implementation of Funds programmes Date 2018/19 £ Page 11

Provisional Allocation LTP Integrated Transport schemes and sub- Implementation of Funds programmes Date 2018/19 £ Network Management £123,480 Traffic signal upgrades: three sites (to be confirmed Mar-19 subject to asset condition) Variable Message Signing: provision of new signs at 3 Oct-18 confirmed sites - A672 (Rishworth); A641 Bailiff Bridge; A644 Wakefield Rd, Brighouse plus 1 to be confirmed A58 New Bank. New web-based software with option to extend to existing Calder Valley VMS. Safer Roads and Local Traffic Management £321,935 20mph programme: completion of 20mph signed areas Sep-18 roll-out

20mph programme complementary traffic calming packages: Free School Lane Sep-18 Siddal Nov-18 Elland Mar-19 Development of further packages subject to monitoring Mar-19

Local safety schemes: A643 Crowtrees Lane minor traffic calming/ Mar-19 environmental improvement

Pedestrian crossing facilities (subject to design and Mar-19 consultation) Thornhill Road, Brighouse Skircoat Green/ Godfrey Road West Street, Sowerby Bridge Bramston Street, Brighouse

Speed Limit Order Review: A, B and C roads Mar-19

Disability access: dropped kerbs and crossings Ongoing through programme (customer-led) year

Minor measures and Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs): Mar-19 2 district packages to address local traffic management and parking issues in Brighouse and Elland Places £105,840 Mytholmroyd District Centre: pedestrian, cycling and Mar-19 public transport package plus public realm. Linked to EA flood remediation programme. Cycling and Walking £44,105 Network development: feasibility studies Hebble Trail, Mar-19 Ryburn Greenway, North Halifax. Legibility and signing: City Connect direction signing Mar-19 package, Upper Calder Valley. Page 12

Provisional Allocation LTP Integrated Transport schemes and sub- Implementation of Funds programmes Date 2018/19 £ Motorcycles £17,640 Bus lanes: implementation of WYCA revised standards Mar-19 to include enhanced signing and lining and expansion of permitted vehicles including motorcycles Secure parking; provision of secure motorcycle parking Sep-18 spaces (off-street) in all main district centres. TOTAL £613,000

4.0 Road Safety (Mary Farrar)

4.1 Our vision is to make the roads of Calderdale as safe as possible for all users of the public highway through a combination of measures based upon:

 Educating at risk groups and individuals and improving knowledge and understanding of road safety.  Engaging with local communities and “at risk” groups and individuals.  Liaising with appropriate agencies to enforce legislation and apply a robust approach to dangerous and anti-social behaviour on and around the public highway.  Engineering out road safety risk by improvements to the District’s carriageways and transportation links.  Communicating effectively with partners and local stakeholders.

4.2 We also support wider health benefits like improving air quality, and active lifestyles.

4.3 We deliver these aims by:

 Maintaining strong and collaborative partnerships between statutory agencies, voluntary organisations, regional groups and local communities  Using resources in a smart and efficient manner  Promoting community participation and support for local initiatives  Delivering innovative and creative local solutions  Celebrating and sharing success through effective communication

4.4 This not only reduces injuries and fatalities on our roads but also supports other key priorities within the Council, such as increasing physical activity, improving air quality, dealing with anti-social behaviour and easing congestion which will, in turn, improve the health and well-being of individuals, communities and businesses in the Borough.

4.5 The approach is underpinned by strong partnership working between services within the Council, statutory agencies, voluntary organisations and local communities. Currently, our partners include Calderdale Hospital Trust, Yorkshire Ambulance Service, Goodwin Community Hub, Leeds City Council, Fire and Rescue Service, West Yorkshire Police.

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4.6 A major part of the accident reduction programme has been the installation of a number of 20mph zones across the Borough. This programme has now been completed and early monitoring suggests that this has been a cost effective intervention with a total investment £821,000 providing a 30% casualty reduction over a 3 year period with later schemes indicating a40% reduction. This is a statistically significant reduction.

4.7 The effectiveness of this approach may be demonstrated by the fact that in comparison with the average of the previous three years in 2017:

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All casualties KSI – down by 28.6% All severities down by 22.1% Child casualties KSI – down by 27.6% All severities down by 10.6% Ped casualties KSI – down by 36.8% All severities down by 22.8% Pedal cycle casualties KSI- down by 25% All severities down by 12.3 % Powered two Wheeler casualties KSI – up by 12.5% All severities down by 29.8% All car occupant casualties KSI – down by 40% All severities down by 19.6%

4.8 A joint bid by Calderdale Council and West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) to the Department for Transport (DfT) Cycle Safety Fund has also secured £1.5m for improvements along the Rochdale Canal. This funding will be used to resurface and widen a 6km stretch of the towpath between Hebden Bridge and Todmorden, building on a similar scheme currently underway between Hebden Bridge and Sowerby Bridge, and linking the two communities with a traffic free route for cycling and walking.

4.9 A further £2.3m has also been secured by the Council through the DfT Safer Roads Fund for safety improvements on the A6033 north from Hebden Bridge to Cock Hill, and south from Todmorden to Warland. This will fund a package of measures including pedestrian and cycling facilities, revised junction layouts, safety measures at bends, improved roadside protection and improved road surfaces.

5.0 Streetworks (Steven Lee / Jonathan Cole (Matrix – Interim Arrangement))

5.1 This team are responsible for booking and co-ordinating roadspace for both “road” and “street” works. Their costs are offset against payments from those agencies who wish to carry out highway improvements / maintenance / maintenance of plant lying within the highway boundary. They comprise of:

Network Co-Ordination Manager A Stoutt Enforcement Officer M Smith 29.6hrs Streetworks Inspector M Marshall Streetworks Inspector M Hibbert Streetworks Inspector D Waddington Streetworks Officer N Shute Technical Officer D Tolley

5.2 Their work is strategic as they have to ensure that the network runs “safely and commodiously” by limiting any proposed works along a particular (or combination of parallel) routes.

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5.3 The team has recently appointed to the technical officers post which was caught up in the admin review.

5.4 The 2018 /19 budget is shown below :

Description Annual Budget Employees £187,810.00 Additional costs £75,440.00

Scaffolding Licence -£3,650.00 Skip Licences -£19,370.00 Permit Scheme -£140,400.00 Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders -£270,000.00 Hoarding Permits -£1,500.00 Private Openings -£4,000.00 Penalty Charge Notice Income -£6,000.00 RASWA - defect inspections -£120,000.00 Capital Schemes & Other Fees and Charges -£7,000.00 -£308,670.00

6.0 Asset Management Team (Bona Matturi)

6.1 The highway network is the Council’s largest and most valuable asset with a current gross replacement cost of £2·682 billion (2015 value) excluding land costs as described below:

Gross Replacement Cost, Length Asset Number Whole of Government Accounts (Km) (£ billion) PRoW 1,150 Not Valued for Whole of Government Bridleways 200 Accounts PRoW Bridges 111 A Roads 149 B Roads 36 C Roads 84 1·174 Uncl Roads 861 Gullies 38,904 Footways 1,093 0·143 Highway Bridges 283 Culverts 60 1·243 Walls 730 Street Lights 30,861 0·51 Street Signs 20,000 Crash Barriers 33 0·66 Traffic Signal 107 0·05 Installations

6.2 The overall service level value of the highway is currently calculated at 545 which suggests that we are currently achieving average performance. However, many of

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our lower scores relate to the streetlighting condition, which is the subject of a major £22M service investment (described in more detail below). Consequently, we aim to improve our overall performance score to less than 350 within the next five years, taking us into the “good performance” area and demonstrating good value for money.

6.3 In terms of overall highway asset management Calderdale is Level 3 performer which indicates that we understand what we are doing and ensure that our highways are managed in the most economical, effective and efficient manner. The asset management team, detailed below:

Senior Engineer R Mills Engineer K Crabb Engineer J Gibson Asset Officer P Champion Asset Officer N Tipling Asset Officer M Stoy Highway Inspector A Haigh Highway Inspector A Kelly Highway Inspector R Siebierski

6.4 Ensure that this takes place through a variety of inspections and surveys, from which the resultant data is analysed, interpreted and prioritised. For example, when pulling together the carriageway programmes, SCANNER, CVI’s, SCRIM, DVI’s etc. might be used and once complete the results of these surveys are fed into the Pavement Management System (UKPMS) for prioritisation.

6.5 Further detail of the proposed delivery programme for carriageway works is shown in the capital delivery section, as this is the team that deliver these works, but the 2018 /19 structures programme, which is managed by the Asset Management Team, is shown below:

Delivery 2018/19 Project Allocations Strengthening / Maintenance schemes Nov 18-Mar 19 Copley Canal Footbridge (Reconstruction) (during canal shutdown) Nov 18-Mar 19 Chapel Lane Bridge (Bridge repainting) (during canal shutdown) Pudsey Road Culvert (Replacing the deck) August 2018 Calderdale Way Rock face Early 2018 Ongoing Works Assessments and Design Inspections and Advanced Design Walls Total £820,000

6.6 By the very nature of their work i.e. overall asset management planning, their role is entirely strategic.

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7.0 Capital Delivery Team (Bona Matturi)

Senior Engineer N Paterson Senior Engineer S Smith Senior Engineer G Dendle Engineer D Hoscilo Engineer G Grant Engineer K Rushworth Engineer Vacant Clerk Of Works S Frazer Technical Assistant C Whitaker Support Assistant A Chandler

7.1 This team is responsible for the design and contract management of the strategic highways capital programme. The programme itself is derived from the work that the asset management team carry out and also the work that flows through the LTP transportation team.

7.2 In addition to the above they also manage small strategic elements of the revenue programme and deliver the TRO’s identified either as part of the individual capital projects or through requests for service that are progressed via the current traffic team.

7.3 Their ability to deliver is currently being hindered by the vacant post which arose from a successful promotion of the previous post holder into the flood team.

Carriageway Resurfacing Programme (the removal and replacement of the existing road surface restoring it to pristine condition).

Scheme Title Ward Allocation A58 Aachen Way, King Cross: Park & Skircoat King Cross Road to Queens Road A681 Bacup Road, Todmorden: Todmorden Rochdale Road to Halshaw Clough Mixenden Road, Mixenden Illingworth/Mixenden/Ovenden A58 Leeds Road Hipperholme & Lightcliffe Boundary @ Wyke Beck to Rookes Mount Aysgarth Estate Carriageway Repairs Hipperholme & Lightcliffe A646 Brearley Bends Luddendenfoot A646 Danny Lane to Ellen Royd Luddenden Luddendenfoot

Find & Fix Pothole Repairs Borough Wide Footway Slurry Sealing Borough Wide Condition Surveys Borough Wide Total £1,780,000

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Surface Dressing Programme (treating the surface of the road). These works will be carried out across the summer months of 2018.

Road Ward Allocation C19 Heptonstall Road: Calder & Todmorden A646 Bridge Lanes to Towngate C19 Smithwell Lane: Calder & Todmorden Towngate to Widdop Road C19 Edge Hey Road: Calder & Todmorden Widdop Road to Edge Lane C19 Smithy Lane: Calder & Todmorden Edge Lane to Jack Bridge

C19 New Shaw Lane: Calder & Todmorden Jack Bridge to Old Shaw Lane C19 Old Shaw Lane: Calder & Todmorden New Shaw Lane to Badger Lane C19 The Long Causeway: Calder & Todmorden Badger Lane to Eastwood Road C19 Kebs Road: Calder & Todmorden Eastwood Road to Lancashire boundary Mirey Lane: Luddendenfoot & Ryburn Deep Lane to New Lane Deep Lane: Luddendenfoot & Ryburn Mirey Lane to Well Head Lane

Back Rigging Lane: Luddendenfoot & Ryburn Mirey Lane to Well Head Lane Well Head Lane: Luddendenfoot & Ryburn Towngate to Red Brink Lane Cold Edge Road / Withens Road: Luddendenfoot & Ryburn Wainstalls Road to Cattle Grid Total £345,000

Carriageway Patching Classified (the removal of localised areas of damaged carriageway and it replacing with new material). These works will be carried out across the year.

Road Ward Allocation A647 Haley Hill, Halifax Park, Ovenden & Northowram Boothtown Road, Boothtown Park, Ovenden & Northowram Queensbury Road, Boothtown Park, Ovenden & Northowram A681 Bacup Road, Todmorden, Limers Gate Todmorden to Boundary. B6112 South Parade, Stainland Greetland & Stainland Green Lane, Sowood Greetland & Stainland Clay Pit Lane, Sowood Greetland & Stainland Stainland Road , Sowood Greetland & Stainland Stainland Road, Outlane Greetland & Stainland

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Carriageway Patching Classified (continued)

Road Ward Allocation C586 Plain Lane, Sowerby Ryburn Ratten Row, Sowerby Ryburn Otter Lee Lane, Mill Bank Ryburn Salt Drake, Cotton Stones Ryburn Clay Pits Lane, Cotton Stones Ryburn Lighthazles Road, Soyland Ryburn Blackshaw Clough Road, Soyland Ryburn Cross Wells Road, Riponden Ryburn Nursery Lane, Ripponden Ryburn TOTAL £541,000

Carriageway Patching Unclassified

Road Ward Allocation Francis Street: Park Gibbet Street to Hopwood Lane Godly Lane: Ryburn Full Length Straight Lane: Illingworth & Mixenden/ Ovenden Mixenden Lane to Jumples Brow Lane: Northowram & Shelf Blake Hill to Wiskers Lane Crag Lane: Illingworth & Mixenden/ Ovenden Full Length Shelf Hall Lane / West Street: Northowram & Shelf Full Length Highroad Well Lane: Warley Full Length Featherbed Lane: Greetland & Stainland Full Length Hollin Lane: Greetland & Stainland Full length overlay Savile Park Road Skircoat Full Length Thorpe Street Town Full Length Armytage Road Brighouse Full Length Gerard Street: Park Full Length overlay Total £595,000

Challenge Fund Drainage Programme Page 20

7.4 In 2018 Calderdale successfully made a Challenge Fund bid to DfT, successfully winning £970,000. The purpose of the bid was to enable old fashioned gulley covers to be replaced with more easily accessible modern ones, carry out a series of comprehensive gully survey and finally, on the basis of those surveys, to repair those gullies that lie on the roads shown in the table below.

Roads Allocation A629 Keighley Road A629 Calderdale Way A646 Skircoat Moor Road A646 Todmorden Road A644 Wakefield Road in Brighouse A646 at Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd A62 Cooper Bridge A58 Ripponden Total £970,000

8.0 Traffic Team (Bona Matturi – Interim Arrangement)

8.1 The traffic team currently consists of four posts as described below:

Engineer Vacant Traffic Liaison Officer S Mottram Project Officer M Thompson Support Officer F Booth 22.2 hrs

8.2 Delivery has been impacted by the fact that a number of errors were found in the Halifax Town Centre Parking Order and consequently a detailed procedure was developed which was based around a “map based” schedule. Delays with the introduction of the schedule has led to delays in the introduction of new traffic regulation orders.

8.3 Further issues have arisen from the fact that there are currently no technical staff in the team which means that all new orders have to be designed and delivered by the capital works team.

8.4 As a temporary measure the team has now been absorbed by the capital works team and the long awaited survey of the existing traffic regulation orders (required to move onto the map based schedule) is now complete. The procedure for the introduction of new traffic regulation orders is also being refreshed. A budget for new works has also been identified.

8.5 Improvements in the service can be measured by the fact that a comprehensive programme of measures is now being introduced in Sowerby Bridge (Appendix 3) and it is anticipated that a programme of new measures will now follow for the remainder of Calderdale.

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8.6 The proposed programme for the forthcoming year is as follows:

Town/TRO Location Proposal Brighouse Birds Royd Lane/Gooder Review of parking issues Lane/Aire Street area around the train station from commuters Carr Green Lane Parking restrictions around school area and football club Hebden Bridge Hurst Road Commuter parking issues Halifax Copley Lane Pedestrian and traffic flow issues Northowram Green Waiting restrictions around surgery Shay Lane Review of access for this predominately industrial area and review of junction with Cliffe Avenue main road Waiting restrictions Elland Northgate Loading bay for local business and review residential parking requirements Hullen Edge Waiting restrictions around local hospice Bradley View Waiting restrictions Sowerby Bridge Station Road area Review of commuter parking and leisure centre users Todmorden Rosebank Road and area Review of commuter parking around railway station Haworth Old Road/Lumbutts Waiting restrictions due to Road tourist influx in hot weather

9.0 LED Streetlighting (Bona Matturi)

9.1 In 2017 Calderdale Council approved a £22M pound strategic improvement programme to replace 19,000 filament lanterns with LED lights and also to renew around 11,000 columns with new luminaires. The investment is being made under prudential code borrowing using energy and maintenance savings as a payback mechanism.

9.2 This work is being carried out by the Capital Works Team (via McCanns) and the draft outline delivery programme for (completion during) 2018/19 is shown below:

Page 22

Address Ward Start Finish Estimated Cost Bailiff Bridge, Claremount, Halifax April May £2,765,539 Northowram, Norwood Green, East 2018 2018 Shelf, Pepper Hill, Shibden, Southowram, Stump Cross, Hipperholme, Lightcliffe, Boothtown Bradshaw, Highroad Well, Halifax May Sept £3,134,633 Holmfield, Illingworth, Lee Mount, North 2018 2018 Mixenden, Mount Tabor, Ogden, Ovenden, Pellon, Wainstalls, Wheatley Halifax, Piece Hall Halifax July Nov £4,163,090 2018 2018 Ainley Top, Blackley, Elland, Elland Sept Feb £2,322,174 Holywell Green, Lower Edge, 2018 2019 Lowfields, Outlane, Sowood, Stainland, Upper Edge, West Vale Brighouse, Clifton, Cooper Bridge, Brighouse Oct 2018 March £2,704,150 Hove Edge, Rastrick 2019 Total £15,089,586

10.0 Performance Management (Helen Martin)

Support Officer B Colleran Support Officer L Hall Support Officer R Longbottom Claims & Insurance Officer K Ives Graduate Engineer M Shah Graduate Engineer J Driver Apprentice Technical Assistant A Arthur Apprentice Technical Assistant Vacant

10.1 From a performance management perspective, this team assist the Assistant Director and Corporate Leads in terms of LGO responses, coroner’s reports and the co-ordination of training programmes. They also provide management information and statistics.

10.2 The Claims and Recharge officer both investigates and provides disclosures to aid the defence of third party claims against the council, and recharges for damage by third parties to highways assets.

10.3 Administration, support and the set-up of the highways assets management software is dealt with by the Performance Manager. This post is also the custodian of the national street gazetteer, being responsible for liaison with the national overseeing Page 23

organisation and the submission of accurate data on a monthly basis to include any changes to the adopted highway; this information is then provided centrally to utilities and ensures Calderdale ordinance survey accuracy.

10.4 The team also oversee the management and recording of the main contracts whilst also responding to over 20,000 customer service requests per year.

10.5 In addition to the above this team is the formal home for the graduates and apprentices. It should be noted that for the purpose of the ICE training programme (completion of which is required to gain CEng) Bona Matturi is the supervising engineer. The fact that we are now one of handful of authorities that can even offer this programme is a very good thing!

11.0 Highways Maintenance (Jonathan Cole (Matrix Managed by Steven Lee and Andrew Pitts))

11.1 The highways maintenance programme is mostly reactive and responsive and comprises of the following allocations:

Highway Maintenance and Street Lighting £1,169,000 Festive Lighting £102,000 Street Lighting Energy Costs £1,687,000 Winter Service (Including £200k Budget Growth) £1,400,000 Total £4,358,000

11.2 This team is key to protecting Calderdale’s overall network duty to provide a safe and free flowing network. The S41 of the 980 Highways Act requires the Highway Authority to ensure “so far as reasonably practicable” the safe movement of all traffic including pedestrians. S58 of the same allows a statutory defence whereby as long as the Highway Authority can show that they took all reasonable steps to comply with S41 they cannot be guilty of a breach.

11.3 In order to do this Calderdale carry out regular safety inspections on the full highway network and where they find “actionable defects” (based on a pre-determined risk matrix) they will remediate the fault in a given time scale. It is one of the primary responsibilities of this team to ensure that these are carried out within the appropriate timeframe. The poor winter conditions coupled with the wet autumn have meant that Calderdale’s roads have suffered greatly and in recognition of this Her Majesty’s Government has allocated an additional £100,000 (on top of the £285,000 that we were expecting for 2018/19) for remediation. In order to ensure that this money provides full value, we intend to decrease the amount of temporary “pack and whack” repairs that we carry out in favour of more permanent patch repairs.

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11.4 Staff employed in this area are as follows:

Engineer A Hughes Engineer M Crowe Highway Superintendent P Making Highway Superintendent F Gorman Highway Superintendent P Bonner Highway Superintendent R Patrick Technical Assistant T Marshall

The above staff have now transferred to Public Services, in the first instance the works budgets will remain with Strategy and Regeneration in order to ensure that funding and policies continue to be integrated.

11.5 As well as the above, approximately 20 DLO operatives have also transferred into Public Services. These staff were transferred across to Calderdale under TUPE legislation at the end of the Borough’s contract with Amey (October 2017). It is their job to carry out the work identified above.

12.0 Car Parking (Andrew Pitts)

12.1 Staff employed within this team are as follows:

Parking Operations Manager D Harrison Operations Assistant M Sutcliffe Operations Assistant C Enright Operations Assistant Vacant Support Assistant K Reid Site Attendant Vacant Support Officer K Baxter 30hrs Support Officer L Durgan 30hrs Support Officer S Flavill Support Officer D Jobes

This service has now transferred to Public Services in its entirety.

12.2 At present the Enforcement Service is being retendered and the intention. The capital delivery team (in conjunction with Public Services) have produced the tender documents and will hand the exercise over to Public Services for assessment. The timetable for this is shown below:

Task Delivery Issue to Market June 2018 Tender Period August 2018 Tender Assessment August 2018 Award September 2018 Mobilisation October 2018 Start date. October 2018

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13.0 Transformational Growth Projects.

13.1 These schemes are, in the main delivered by Corporate Projects (Robert Summerfield) and are big ticket, multi million pound investments. They have a variety of funding sources such as:

 West Yorkshire Plus Transport Fund  Growth Deal 3, and  National Productivity Investment Fund

13.2 A summary of the current programme is as follows:

Project Value Descriptor A629 Phase 1a £8m Salterhebble Hill to Shaw Hill – Localised widening on Salterhebble Hill, 3x junction improvements and range of measures for pedestrians and cyclists. A629 Phase 1b £18.6m Calder and Hebble Junction – Major remodelling of key ‘pinch point’ on highway network, new bridge across canal to Stainland Road, widening on A629 approach from Elland Bypass to Jubilee Road, measures for pedestrians and cyclists. A629 Phase 2 £41m Improvements to highway and urban realm within Halifax Town Centre. Implementation of improved bus infrastructure and improvements to eastern and western orbital routes (inc junction/signal improvements. A629 Phase 4 £30m Improvements at Ainley top and wider strategic movements (Public Transport, goods etc.) Halifax Station £28m New station building, improvements to public Gateway realm, new connection to east of railway, reopening of third platform, reuse of 1855 building. Elland Station £22m New railway station in Elland that a complimentary access package, with 2 new footbridges over the navigation and river (see also pg 10). A641 Corridor £75.5m Multi-modal corridor improvements along the A641 Improvement -Brighouse-Huddersfield corridor. Programme A646/A6033 £5-10m (indicative) Multi- modal corridor improvement packages to corridor improve connectivity and reduce congestion (see improvement also pg 10). programme. A58/A672) £5-10m (indicative) A629 North £TBC Clifton £6m Growth Deal Est. 500,000 sq ft employment space Enterprise Park £5m National Approx.’ 1,300 jobs Productivity Investment Fund

13.3 In addition to the above further investment / regeneration is planned at Northgate (new 6th form college and retail,

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Appendix 1 – 2018 / 19 Delivery of Calderdale Flood Action Plan

Base Revenue Available Budget (£503,070) Task Delivery Allocation Calderdale Flood Action Plan - Strengthening Defences Carry out improvements to access and telemetry at Hebble Brook screen to prevent blockage of screen and potential flooding. Sep-18 £10,000.00 Investigate surface water flow routes and ponding, consider using sustainable drainage systems more widely across the catchment. Dec-18 £0.00 Investigate the feasibility of using low risk areas to manage highway flooding from overland flows in a sustainable manner. Dec-18 £5,000.00 Implement the Calderdale flood investment plan to secure match funding. Dec-18 £0.00 Update existing surface water management plans using information from studies on the existing drainage system to identify where there is not enough capacity. Dec-18 £1,500.00 Identify joint schemes to reduce the risk of flooding by better understanding the links between surface water and sewer networks. Dec-18 £1,500.00 Calderdale Flood Action Plan - NFM Collate and evaluate what is known about the connections between land management and flooding in general, and specifically in relation to the Calder catchment, including a gap analysis to advise further research where appropriate, Jun-18 to help inform strategic priorities for Natural Flood Management and ensure affected communities can better understand that relationship. £0.00 Coordinate the production of natural flood management opportunity maps to show places where the risk of flooding Dec-18 could potentially be reduced through NFM techniques, and multiple benefits to people and the environment realised. £0.00 Model the risk of rural highway flooding and resulting impacts. Identify ways of using NFM solutions where Dec-18 practical, for modelled critical flood risk areas (rural highways). £5,000.00 Investigate/model the impacts of boundary features to manage water flow pathways and attenuating flows to identify and understand any opportunities to reduce flood Mar-19 risk. Specifically looking at: blocking features in water channels; hedges/walls/gates on the land. £0.00 Develop a funding strategy for the Calderdale Natural Flood Management programme, ensuring linkages are made to the Leeds City Region Green Infrastructure Dec-18 Investment Plan and other local, regional and national funding strategies. £0.00 List natural flood management structures on an asset register and produce a natural flood management asset Jun-18 map of the catchment. (Links to action 3). £0.00 Page 27

Share good practice and provide guidance in drawing up maintenance agreements for natural flood management Ongoing with landowners and land managers. £0.00 Develop a plan to coordinate the engagement of landowners and land managers, (across the Calderdale Flood Partnership), to support landowners and land Dec-18 managers in identifying and implementing a range of natural flood management measures; and publicise the extent of engagement. £0.00 Work with landowners and land managers to collate information on and improve existing drainage infrastructure Ongoing where it will have flood risk benefits. £0.00 Calderdale Flood Action Plan -Resilient Infrastructure Find information on landslips that have occurred in the past and investigate the possibility of them happening Dec-18 again. £1,500.00 Host an annual maintenance meeting to discuss and review the planned maintenance work of Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council, Environment Agency and Canal & River Trust. Involve local community representatives to promote a joined up approach and increase community involvement. Dec-18 £0.00 Delivery of Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council actions resulting from the Council S19 report (lead local authority requirement following major flood event) on the winter 2015 floods; future S19 reviews will be incorporated into the learning and Council actions resulting from any other Calderdale floods. Ongoing £5,000.00 Investigation of reported incidences. Deliver Council riparian responsibilities as an appropriate body under the Land Drainage Act and management of local flood risk as a Lead Local Flood Authority. Ongoing £100,000.00

Other Flood Management Works

Drainage Data Collection Publish flood risk asset register May-18 £2,500.00 Continue Development of Flood Risk Asset Record including quantifying hydraulic and structural performance, standard of protection, risk of failure, frequency of inspection, frequency of maintenance and condition assessment. Progress designating assets marked as critical. Ongoing £50,000.00 Continue inspection and maintenance of assets to T98 standards Ongoing £75,000.00 Commence culvert inspection programme of high risk culverts Ongoing £25,000.00 Watercourse Maintenance Maintenance of critical watercourses in CMBC ownership as identified in Asset Record Ongoing £120,000.00 Flood Preparedness & Contingency Development of Emergency Procedure Response Manuals for all hotspots, critical assets and known flooding issues Sep-18 £2,000.00 Page 28

to complement existing GeoPDFs for surface water and main river flood risk. Flood Risk Modelling & Mapping Develop flood planning in conjunction with Community Safety team ongoing Team Training on Flood Modellor Pro and Windes Microdrainage to allow scheme development Sep-18 £2,500.00 Obtain all relevant internal and external datasets both open source and commercial to inform FRM work Sep-18 £5,000.00 Publish SWMP for critical drainage areas of the Borough Mar-19 £58,070.00 Flooding & Drainage Software Purchase of rainfall and flood forecasting software Sep-18 £15,000.00 Purchase access to Construction Information Service May-18 £5,000.00 Software Licensing fees Ongoing £7,500.00 Local Strategic Flood Risk Management Publish all S19 reports drafted May-18 £0.00 Update CMBC external website May-18 £0.00 Cabinet approval of flooding from unadopted roads May-18 £0.00 Ongoing support to Flood Groups and advice on property level protection ongoing £0.00 Development Control Draft planning supplementary guidance document and best practice drainage design guide to cover land drainage, SuDS, Rural SuDS, NFM and conventional drainage May-18 £0.00 Raise flood risk awareness in the community ongoing £1,500.00 Draft ordinary watercourse consent guidance document Jun-18 £0.00 Achieve target turnaround times for LLFA and FRM planning consultations Jun-18 £1,500.00 Achieve target turnaround times for ordinary watercourse consenting applications Jun-18 £0.00 Calderdale Flood Programme Board, Scrutiny Panel & Operational Groups Provide support ongoing £0.00 YRFCC, P&I Sub-Committee, WYFRP Active involvement and member support ongoing £0.00

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i) Agree any minor changes in the programmes which may become necessary; and

ii) Ensure that any significant changes are the subject of a further report to this Cabinet.

3.4 That the revenue budget available for the financial year 2018/19 as detailed in Appendix 7 of this report is noted.

3.5 That Members endorse the content of the attached Strategic Infrastructure Delivery Plan, noting the overall ambition of the infrastructure improvements and the division of responsibilities following the Strategic Management Review. 4. Background and/or details

4.1. Funding Sources

4.1.1. Each year the Council receives a Highway Maintenance Block Funding allocation from the Department for Transport (DfT) to deliver various programmes of work, including:

 Carriageway Maintenance

 Structural Maintenance

 Street Lighting Upgrade and Replacement

4.1.2. In addition to the initial block of grant awarded by central government, Local Authorities are also required to submit a bid in order to obtain additional Incentive Funding. Other specific grant awards are also made by the government (e.g. Pothole Funding). Comments in relation to the funding available in the financial year 20181/9 are set out below;

4.2. Details of the Funding Sources

4.2.1. Highway Maintenance Block Funding

The DfT has previously confirmed to the Council the likely Highways Maintenance Block Funding allocation for the financial years 2015 to 2021, and the Council’s allocation for the financial year 2018/19 is £3.171m. This has now been supplemented by a brought forward balance of £172k from the financial year 2017/18.

4.2.2. Incentive Fund

In 2014, the Secretary of State for Transport announced that £6 billion funding will be made available between 2015/16 and 2020/21 for local highways maintenance capital funding. From this funding allocation, £578m has been set aside for an Incentive Fund scheme. This is to reward councils who demonstrate that they are delivering value for money in carrying out cost effective improvements.

Since 2015/16 the Highways Service has continued to demonstrate to the Department for Transport (DfT) that sufficient efficiency measures were being pursued in service delivery for consideration of a share of the funding. As a result of the self-assessment completed in February 2018, the Council has again declared itself to be a level 3 Authority, demonstrating that a number of outcomes have already been achieved in five key areas: Asset Management, Resilience, Customer, Benchmarking & Efficiency and Operational Efficiency as part of a programme of continuous improvement.

The Council will now receive the maximum level of Incentive Funding in 2018/19 totaling £661k.

4.3. Pothole Fund

4.3.1 The Council was notified by the DfT in December 2017 that it would receive an additional allocation of grant of £191,107 for 2017/18 and this has now been supplemented by a further recent award of £385,751 for 2018/19. This funding was allocated by a formula shared by local highway authorities between 2016/17 and 2020/21, and based on the road length for which each authority is responsible. On the basis that all of this funding and programme of work will be delivered in the financial year 2018/19, the total funding of £576,858 is included in the report.

4.4. Tranche 2A Challenge Fund

4.4.1 In January 2017 the DfT announced that a further £75m in funding would be made available to Local Authorities to repair and maintain local infrastructure. Councils could bid for up to £5m for specific schemes to be delivered in 2017/18. Calderdale in collaboration with Leeds, Kirklees and Bradford submitted a joint bid with a proposal to replace or repair road drainage gullies in flooding hotspots throughout West Yorkshire’s Key Route Network. The Council’s bid was successful and as a result additional funding of £879k has been made available to be spent in the financial year 2018/19.

5. Capital Programme 2018/19

5.1 A key element of the Local Highways Maintenance Capital Funding Self- Assessment Questionnaire requires the Council to review, prioritise and implement programmes of work. In addition to this, the Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Strategy states that the work programmes will be prioritized using a “risk based” approach. The programmes of work detailed below have been determined on this basis.

5.2 The Council’s Performance Indicator for Road Condition for Principal and Unclassified Roads indicates that the Council will strive to remain within the 5% target for urgent maintenance required to Principal Roads, and reduce the current target for Unclassified Roads from its current level of 17% to 10%.

5.3 It is anticipated in the current year that the Council will spend in the region of £3.261m on Carriageway maintenance. It is also anticipated in Appendix 2 of this report that the sum of £978k (30%) will be spent on Principal Roads in order to maintain the Council within the 5% target (as set by WYCA Highway Maintenance Partnership). Although the Council will spend the balance of £2,283m (70%) on Unclassified Roads, it will not have any significant impact on the Council’s performance target and the gap is likely to remain 7% over the target for Unclassified Roads in this area for many years, until there is significant additional investment.

5.4 If the Council is to meet the ambitious targets detailed in the Performance Indicator for Unclassified Roads then it may require further significant investment in excess of £35m, in order to bring the Road Asset condition to the national standard. A further report in respect of any further investment will be brought forward for consideration at a later date.

5.5 Carriageway Maintenance £3.261m

5.5.1 The overall programme allows for of work to be completed in relation to Surface Dressing and Carriageway Resurfacing/Patching. This programme is split between Classified (A,B,C) and Unclassified Roads. Further details are contained in Appendix 2 of this report.

5.5.2 The SCANNER (Surface Condition Assessment for the National Network of Roads) principle has been used to identify and put forward principal roads for part of the 2018/19 programme. This survey method provides a consistent method of measuring the surface condition of road carriageways, using automated road condition survey machines. All of CMBC Classified (A, B & C) road network is surveyed annually in this manner.

5.5.3 Before compiling the overall programme, officers complete Detailed Visual Inspection Surveys (DVI) in order to provide further detailed information to determine the programme.

5.5.4 The nature of the unclassified road network requires a different type of survey. A Course Visual Inspection (CVI) is undertaken by accredited and audited contractors, working to UK Pavement Management System standards. The result provides a 20 metre breakdown of the defectiveness of all the unclassified roads surveyed by means of a Road Condition Index (RCI). From this a programme of works is agreed for unclassified roads.

5.6 Structures Maintenance £820k

5.6.1 This budget is required to complete work in relation to the strengthening and maintenance of bridges, culverts and walls, together with the inspection of these assets. Further details are set out in the attached Appendix 3.

5.7 Street Lighting Replacement and Upgrade £500k

5.7.1 The Council agreed on 22 November 2017 to a comprehensive replacement and upgrade programme totaling £21.6m. In the financial year 2018/19 funding of £500k will be earmarked to fund part of the cost of the overall capital scheme.

5.8 Tranche 2A Challenge Fund £879k

5.8.1 A programme of works will be carried out to replace and/or enhance the drainage gullies in flooding hotspots throughout the borough on the districts Key Route Network

6 Integrated Transport Programme 2018/19

6.1.1 The Integrated Transport programme of schemes and initiatives is based on an agreed level of allocation for specific work areas within the following five key themes:

. Network Management . Safer Roads . Places . Cycling and Walking . Motorcycles

6.2 Integrated Transport Funding 2018/19

6.2.1 In addition to the Highways Block funding and other associated capital grants, the Council has also being allocated funding of £603k in the financial year 2018/19 to deliver a number of Integrated Transport schemes. This allocation has also been increased by a further £381k to allow for funding brought forward from 2017/18. Details of the relevant programme areas to be funded by the grant of £984k are contained in the financial implications section of this report.

6.2.2 The main purpose of this report is to provide details of the schemes to be completed and the funding made available by the DfT in the financial year 2018/19. A significant number of other capital schemes will receive funding from a variety of other sources including the WYCA, but they are excluded from this report.

6.3 Other Strategic Infrastructure Capital Programmes £1,161m

6.3.1 The Council has also been notified that it will receive funding from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) West Yorkshire Transport Fund (WYTF) of £1.161m to deliver the Elland Station Access Package, Corridor Improvement Programmes including work on the A646 and A58 Road networks, and the North East Calderdale Transformation Package.

6.4 Strategic Infrastructure Delivery Plan

6.4.1 Attached to this report as Appendix 1 is the Strategic Infrastructure Delivery Plan. This describes the overall level of capital investment (to 2022) currently underway (approximately £0.5b) and describes how this will:

 Contribute to the overall economic growth of Calderdale

 Contribute to the overall wellbeing of the residents of Calderdale by improving the public realm, air quality and increasing flood resilience.

 Contribute to the overall

6.4.2 Given the overall scale of this investment the information has been summarised on the attached infographic.

6.5 Revenue Programme 2018/19

Comments in relation to the main areas of the budget are as follows;

6.5.1 The overall budget of £5,117m detailed in Appendix 7 of this report is available to fund a variety of work. Of this sum £1,168m has been earmarked to fund a significant programme of maintenance works.

6.5.2 A further significant sum of sum of £1.687m is also available to meet energy costs associated with the Council’s Street Lighting stock and illuminated Signs and Bollards. The Council agreed in November 2017 to invest £21.6m to upgrade and replace its Street Lighting assets, and the revenue savings from the implementation of this programme will be used to fund part of the cost of the capital scheme.

6.5.3 The cost attached to the Winter Service for the past five years has on average been in the region of £1.1m. In part, because this cost will be significantly exceeded in the financial year 2017/18, the base budget has been set at £1.2m and growth of £200k was approved at Budget Council in 2018, increasing the overall budget to £1.4m in 2018/19.

6.5.4 In addition to the above, funding of £503k is contained in the overall budget to deliver, amongst other things, the following legal requirements of Calderdale MBC as a Lead Local Flood Authority under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 powers:

 Drainage Investigations;

 Drainage Data collection;

 Watercourse maintenance;

 Flood Preparedness & Contingency;

 Flood Risk Modelling;

The above allocation of funding underpins the Calderdale Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and the Calderdale Catchment Plans.

6.5.5 Rights of Way have a small budget of £53k which is used to carry out maintenance and repair works to the considerable rights of way footpath and bridleway network

7. Financial Implications

7.1 Highways Maintenance Capital Programme

The programmes of work to be completed and the funding available financial year 2018/19 are summarised in the table below;

Funding £,000

Highways Block Allocation B/F 2017/18 172 Highways Block Allocation 2018/19 3,171 Highways Incentive Funding 661 Pothole fund 2017/18 & 2018/19 Allocation 577 Tranche 2A Challenge Funding 879

Total 5,460


Carriageway Maintenance (Appendix 2) 3,261

Structures Maintenance (Appendix 3) 820

Street Lighting Rep & Upgrade (Appendix 4) 500

Drainage & Gullies (Appendix 5) 879

Total 5,460

7.2 Integrated Transport Capital Programme

7.2.1 The available funding for the Council’s Integrated Transport schemes is £984k for 2018/19 (Appendix 6). The details are as follows;

Programme Area £,000

Network Management 438

Safer Roads 378

Places 106

Cycling & Walking 44

Motorcycling 18

Total 984

7.3 Other Strategic Infrastructure Capital Programmes £1,161

7.3.1 The total available funding is £1,161 as commented upon in paragraph 8 of this report.

7.4 There is always uncertainty in relation to costs, particularly where there are a significant number of schemes to be implemented. The overall capital programmes detailed in Appendix 2 to 6 of this report will be reviewed in order to ensure that the overall budget of £7,615m is not exceeded for the year.

7.5 Probable Spend Profile

Quarterly Spend Profile (Maintenance and Integrated Transport)

Quarter Total Budget 1 2 3 4 £000s £000 £000 £000 £000


Carriageways (Appendix 2) 500 1,000 1,000 761 3,261

Structures (Appendix 3) 350 170 150 150 820

Street Lighting (Appendix 4) 100 100 150 150 500

Tranche 2A (Appendix 5) 225 225 225 204 879 Total maintenance 1,175 1,495 1,525 1,265 5,460 Integrated Transport 100 200 342 342 984 (Appendix 5) WYCA Transport Fund 200 200 200 561 1,161 TOTAL 1,475 1,895 2,067 2,168 7,615

7.6 Revenue

7.6.1 It is anticipated at this stage that the overall revenue budget set aside for Maintenance/Works and other revenue costs for the financial year will be £5,117m as detailed in Appendix 7 of this report.

7.6.2 It is worth noting that the sum of £1,169m will be specifically earmarked to fund various programmes of maintenance works.

7.7 Integrated Capital and Revenue Service Delivery

7.7.1 In delivering programmes of work, council officers will be proactive in ensuring that an integrative approach is taken. For example, the marking of cycle lanes will be refreshed when a surface dressing programme is adopted, or if a structural carriageway improvement is taking place. Opportunities to address infrastructural details, like dropped/pedestrian crossings, will also be identified. Ultimately, this integrative approach will improve the council’s transport infrastructure assets. These will also encourage the council’s sustainable transport and, even health initiatives such as promoting walking, cycling and use of public transport.

8. Legal Implications

8.1 There are no legal implications. However, projects requiring legal agreement in place with third parties will be delivered with the council’s legal team.

9. Consultation

9.1 Consultation is carried out with Members, stakeholders and the general public where appropriate and in particular with the Integrated Programme which has a tendency to alter the public realm as opposed to maintaining the asset. Details of specific works will also be shared with residents and Ward Members as required.

10. Environment, Health and Economic Implications

10.1 The Highways Maintenance and the Integrated Transport programmes have broad implications relating to economic growth, environmental, safety and community issues and will make a significant contribution towards the council’s corporate strategic priorities.

11. Equality and Diversity

11.1 All issues surrounding equality and diversity are considered as part of the development of schemes within the capital programme

12. Summary and Recommendations

12.1 The total capital allocation of £7,615m for capital expenditure on Highways Maintenance, Integrated Transport and Other Strategic Infrastructure Programmes will be required to deliver the projects detailed in the Financial Implications section of this report.

12.2 It is recommended that Members agree to the delivery of the various programmes and that where appropriate the Assistant Director Strategic Infrastructure, in consultation with the Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Regeneration and Strategy, can vary the programmes as necessary.

12.3 Should there be any significant increase in the programme costs or variation to the programme, the Assistant Director Strategic Infrastructure will bring a separate report to Members as appropriate.

12.4 That Members endorse the content of the attached Strategic Infrastructure Delivery Plan, noting the overall ambition of the infrastructure improvements and the division of responsibilities following the Strategic Management Review.


For further information on this report, contact: Bona Matturi Corporate Lead – Design and Asset Telephone: 01422 392911 E-mail: [email protected]

The documents used in the preparation of this report are:

1. 2. 3.

The documents are available for inspection at:

Appendix 2 - Complete DeFRA / EA / CMBC Flood Remediation Programme

Page 1

Appendix 3 – Sowerby Bridge Traffic Regulation Order.

No Waiting At Any Time and No Loading Mon – Fri 8.15am – 9.15am and 2.30pm – 4pm

Road Extent Greenacres Both sides – from its junction with the projected south eastern kerb line of A58 Halifax Road for a distance of 5 metres in a south easterly direction as measured along the centre line.

Halifax Road South east side – from a point 22 metres north east of the north eastern (A58) kerb line of Greenacres for a distance of 37 metres in a south westerly direction.

Upper Brig North east side – from its junction with the projected north western kerb Royd line of A58 Halifax Road for a distance of 17 metres in a north westerly direction.

No waiting at any time and No loading Mon – Sat 7- 9.30 am & 4 – 6 pm

Road Extent Sowerby North west side – from its junction with north western kerb line of A58 Street West Street for a distance of 95 metres in a south westerly direction.

South east side – from its junction with the projected north western kerb line of West Street (A58) for a distance of 85 metres in a south westerly direction.

Town Hall South east side – from a point 40 metres north east of the projected north Street (A58) eastern kerb line of Hollins Mill Lane for a distance of 56 metres in a north easterly direction.

West Street South east side – from a point 32 metres south west of the projected south (A58) western kerb line of Water Street to a point opposite to and in line with the projected south western kerbline of Walton Street.

North west side – from its junction with the projected south western kerb line of Walton Street to a point 10 metres south west of the projected south western kerb line of Foundry Street

South east side - from a point 10 metres north east of the projected north eastern kerb line of Bridge Street to a point 10 metres south west of the projected south western kerb line of Bridge Street

North west side – from a point 10 metres north east of the projected north eastern kerb line of Lilly Street to a point 10 metres south west of the projected south western kerb line of Lilly Street.

South east side – from a 11 metres north east of the projected north eastern kerb line of Lilly Street to a point 10 metres south west of the projected south western kerb line of Lilly Street.

South east side – from a point 22 metres south west of the projected south western kerb line of Lilly Street for a distance of 5 metres in a south

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westerly direction.

No waiting at any time and No loading Mon – Fri 7 – 9.30 am & 4 – 6 pm

Road Extent Town Hall North west side – from a point 34 metres north east of the north eastern kerb Street line of Walton Street for a distance of 139 metres in a north easterly direction.

South east side - from a point 34 metres north east of the projected north eastern kerb line of Walton Street for a distance of 25 metres in a north easterly direction.

Tuel Lane North east side – from a point 11 metres north west of its projected north (A6139) western kerb line of Church View to a point 15 metres south east of its junction with the projected south eastern kerb line of Church View.

North east side – from its junction with the projected north western kerb line of Wharf Street (A58) for a distance of 15 metres in a north westerly direction.

South western side – from its junction with the projected north western kerb line of Wharf Street (A58) to a point 6 metres west of the western kerb line of Church View.

Wharf North side – from the projected south western kerb line of Tuel Lane for a Street distance of 62 metres in a south westerly direction.

South east side – from a point 94 metres north east of the projected north eastern kerb line of Back Wharf street for a distance of 33 metres in a north easterly direction.

No waiting Mon – Sat 8 am – 6 pm and No loading Mon – Fri 7 – 9.30 am & 4 – 6 pm

Road Extent Wharf North west side – from a point 11 metres east of the projected eastern kerb Street (A58) line of Tower Hill for a distance of 30 metres in an easterly direction.

South east side – from a point 6 metres north east of the north eastern kerb line of Croft Street for a distance of 25 metres in a north easterly direction.

South east side – from a point 4 metres north east of the north eastern kerb line of Stanley Street for a distance of 18 metres in a north easterly direction.

South east side - from a point 8 metres east of the eastern kerb line of Back wharf Street for a distance of 56 in an easterly direction.

No waiting at any time and No loading Mon – Fri 7 – 9.30 am & 4.30 – 6 pm

Road Extent Town Hall South east side - from the projected north eastern kerb line of Hollins Mill Street (A58) Lane for a distance of 21 metres in a north easterly direction.

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No Waiting At Any Time

Road Extent Back Brig South east side - from its junction with the south western kerb line of Royd Birks Lane for a distance of 6 metres in a south westerly direction.

Back Lane North/north east side – from its junction with the north western kerb line of A58 Halifax Road for a distance of 35 metres in a north westerly then westerly direction.

South western side – from its junction with the north western kerb line of A58 Halifax Road for a distance of 17 metres in a north westerly direction.

Birks Lane North east side – from its junction with the projected north western kerb line of A58 Halifax Road for a distance of 10 metres in a north westerly direction.

South west side – from its junction with the projected north western kerb line of A58 Halifax Road to its junction with the south eastern kerb line of Back Brig Royd.

Bridge Street North east side – from its junction with the projected north western kerb line of Water Street for a distance of 10 metres in a north westerly direction.

Burnley Road North side – from a point 10 metres west of the projected western kerb (A646) line of Friendly Avenue for a distance of 26m in an easterly direction.

Dyson Lane Both sides – from its junction with the north western kerb line of A672 Oldham Road for a distance of 16 metres in a northerly direction as measured along the centre of the road.

Elland Road North east side – from its junction with the projected south eastern kerb (B6133) line of A58 Halifax Road to a point 20 metres south east of the projected south eastern kerb line of Mill Fold Way.

South west side – from its junction with the projected south eastern kerb line of A58 Halifax Road to its junction with the north western kerb line of Mill View.

South west side – from a point 66 metres south east of its junction with the projected south eastern kerb line of A58 Halifax Road for a distance of 71 metres in a south easterly direction.

South west side – from a point 11 metres north west of the north western kerb line of Mill Fold Way for a distance of 33 metres in a south easterly direction.

Excelsior Both sides - from its junction with the projected north western kerb line of Close A672 Oldham Road for a distance of 18 metres in a north westerly direction as measured along the centre of the road.

Fall Lane North west side – from its junction with the projected southern kerb line of

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Mearclough Road for a distance of 10 metres in a south westerly direction

Friendly Both sides – from its junction with the projected northern kerb line of Avenue A646 Burnley Road for a distance of 10 metres in a northerly direction as measured along the centre of the road.

Foundry South west side – from a point 6 metres north west of the projected north Street western kerb line of Lilly Street to a point 7 metres south east of the projected south eastern kerb line of Foundry Street

South west side – from its junction with the projected north western kerb line of A58 West Street for a distance of 5 metres in a north westerly direction.

Godly Lane South west side – from its junction with the projected south western kerb line of A672 Oldham Road for a distance of 7 metres in a north westerly direction

Halifax Road South west side – from a point 19 metres north west of the projected (A58) north western kerb line of Kebroyd Lane for a distance of 43 metres in a south easterly direction.

West side - from a point 20 metres north of the northern kerb line of Hillside Avenue for a distance of 49 metres in a southerly direction.

North west side – from a point 42 metres north east of the northern kerb line of Kenworthy Lane (western side) for a distance of 59 metres in a south westerly direction.

South east side – from a point 33 metres south west of the northern kerb line of Kenworthy Lane (eastern side) for a distance of 60 metres in a north easterly direction.

North west side – from a point 7 metres south west of the south western kerb line of Ryburn Lane for a distance of 25 metres in a north easterly direction.

South east side – from a point 31 metres north east of the projected north eastern kerb line of Meadowcroft Lane for a distance of 47 metres in a south westerly direction.

North west side – from a point 31 metres north east of the projected north eastern kerb line of Meadowcroft Lane for a distance of 186 metres in a south westerly direction.

South east side – from a point 10 metres north east of the projected north eastern kerb line of Birks Lane for a distance of 54 metres in a south westerly direction.

Holmes Road West and north side - from its junction with the projected northern kerb line of Station Road for a distance 107 metres in a northerly and then easterly direction.

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East side and southern side – from its junction with the northern kerb line of Station Road for a distance of 602 metres in a northerly, easterly and then north easterly direction.

North side – from a point 73 metres east of the western kerb line of the north-south section of Holmes Road for a distance of 58 metres in an easterly direction.

North side – from a point 150 metres east of the western kerb line of the north-south section of Holmes Road for a distance of 37 metres in an easterly direction.

North side – from a point 252 metres east of the western kerb line of the north-south section of Holmes Road for a distance of 24 metres in an easterly direction.

North side – from a point 292 metres east of the western kerb line of the north-south section of Holmes Road for a distance of 28 metres in an easterly direction.

North side – from a point 352 metres east of the western kerb line of the north-south section of Holmes Road for a distance of 195 metres in an easterly direction.

Kebroyd Lane Both sides – from its junction with the projected south western kerb line of A58 Halifax Road for a distance of 10 metres in a south westerly direction as measured along the centre of the road

Lilly Street North west and south west side – from its junction with the projected south western kerb line Foundry Street to its junction with the projected north western kerb line of A58 West Street.

South east side (of the north east - south west section) – from its junction with projected the south western kerb line of Foundry Street for a distance of 5 metres in a south westerly direction

North east side (of the north west – south east section) – from its junction with the projected north western kerb line of West Street (A58) for a distance of 5 metres in a north westerly direction.

Mearclough South side – from its junction with the projected north western kerb line of Road Fall Lane for a distance of 27 metres in a westerly direction.

Mill Fold Way Both sides – from its junction with the projected south western kerb line of B6113 Elland Road for a distance of 13 metres in a south westerly direction as measured along the centre of the road.

Oldham Road South east side – from a point 20 metres north east of the projected north (A672) eastern kerb line of Spinners Hollow for a distance of 46 metres in a south westerly direction.

North west side – from a point 102 metres north east of the projected north eastern kerb line of Silk Mill Chase for a distance of 28 metres in a

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north easterly direction.

South east side – from a point 73 metres north east of the projected north eastern kerb line of Silk Mill Chase for a distance of 33 metres in a south westerly direction.

North west side - from a point 24 metres north east of the projected north eastern kerb line of Silk Mill Chase for a distance of 55 metres in a south westerly direction.

South east side – from a point 9 metres north east of the projected north eastern kerb line of Silk Mill Chase for a distance of 61 metres in a south westerly direction.

South east side – from a point 76 metres south west of the projected north eastern kerb line of Silk Mill Chase for a distance of 34 metres in a south westerly direction.

North west side – from a point 41 metres north east of the projected north eastern kerb line of Excelsior Close for a distance of 68 metres in a south westerly direction.

North west side – from a point 8 metres north east of the projected north eastern kerb line of Dyson Lane for a distance of 20 metres in a south westerly direction.

West side – from a point 17 metres north of the northern kerb line of Shaw Lane for a distance of 35 metres in a southerly direction.

West side – from a point 160 metres north of the projected northern eastern kerb line of Rishworth New Road for a distance of 26 metres in a southerly direction.

West side – from a point 24 metres north of the projected northern eastern kerb line of Rishworth New Road for a distance of 199 metres in a southerly direction.

East side – from a point 40 metres north of the projected northern eastern kerb line of Rishworth New Road for a distance of 155 metres in a southerly direction.

Silk Mill Both sides - from its junction with the projected north western kerb line of Chase A672 Oldham Road for a distance of 15 metres in a north westerly direction as measured along the centre line of the road.

Spinners Both sides – from its junction with the projected south eastern kerb line of Hollow A672 Oldham Road for a distance of 5 metres in a south easterly direction as measured along the centre line of the road.

Stead Lane Both sides - from its junction with the projected north western kerb line of A672 Oldham Road for a distance of 12 metres in a south westerly direction as measured along the centre line of the road.

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The Moorings Both sides – from its junction with the projected south eastern kerb line of Bolton Brow (A58) for a distance of 10m in a south easterly direction.

Tower Hill North east side – from its junction with the projected north western kerb line A58 Tower Hill for a distance of 30 metres in a north westerly direction.

Town Hall North west side – from its junction with the northern western kerb line of Street Walton Street for a distance of 34 metres in a north easterly direction.

South east side – from its junction with the projected north eastern kerb line of Walton Street for a distance of 34 metres.

Water Street North west side – from its junction with the projected north eastern kerb line of Bridge Street for a distance of 10 metres in a north easterly direction.

Wharf Street North west side – from a point 31 metres north east of the projected north (A58) western kerb line of Fairbanks for a distance of 15 metres in a north easterly direction.

South east side – from a point 31 metres north east of the north eastern kerb line of Croft Street for a distance of 43 metres in a north easterly direction.

No Waiting and No Loading Mon – Fri 8.15am – 9.15am and 2.30pm – 4pm

Road Extent Greenacres Both sides – from a point 5 metres south east of the projected south eastern kerb line of A58 Halifax Road for a distance of 20 metres in a south westerly direction as measured along the centre of the road.

Halifax Road South east side – from a point 9 metres south west of the south western (A58) kerb line of Greenacres to a point 37 metres north east of the projected north eastern kerb line of Hirstwood.

Limited Waiting 2 hours No Return Within 2 hours Mon - Sat

Road Extent Holmes Northern side – from a point 107 metres north and east of its junction with Road the projected northern kerb line of Station Road for a distance of 34 metres in n easterly direction.

Northern side – from a point 39metres east of the western kerb line of the north-south section of Holmes Road for a distance of 34 metres in an easterly direction.

Northern side – from a point 187 metres east of the western kerb line of the north-south section of Holmes Road for a distance of 65 metres in an easterly direction.

Oldham South east side – from a point 79 metres south west of the south western Road (A672) kerb line of Elland Road for a distance of 45 metres in a south westerly

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Parking Reserved for Buses and Coaches 15 minutes return prohibited within 30 minutes Mon – Friday 9 am – 3pm

Road Extent Station (SR)South side – from a point 65 metres south east of its junction with the Road projected south eastern kerb line of West Street (A58) for a distance of 34 metres in an easterly direction.


Order Extent The Borough Council of Calderdale (Waiting and Schedule 4.01 item 1 & 4. Loading and Parking Places) (Sowerby Bridge) Schedule 4.01 item paragraphs 2 (Consolidation) Order 2008 & 5. Schedule 4.03 item 4. Schedule 5.01 item 29, Schedule 5.01 item 34 paragraphs 2, 4, 5 & 6. Schedule 5.01 item 9. Schedule 5.01 item 16. Schedule 5.01 item 19. Schedule 5.01 item 33 paragraphs 1 & 2. Schedule 5.01 item 46. Schedule 6.01. Schedule 6.04 item 6. Schedule 8.02 item 1 Schedule 15.01

The Borough Council of Calderdale (Waiting and Table B schedule 15.01 Loading and Parking Places) (Sowerby Bridge) (Consolidation) Order 2008 (Variation No.1) Order 2009

The Borough Council of Calderdale (Waiting and Table A schedule 4.04 item 2. Loading and Parking Places)(Sowerby Bridge) Table C schedule 6.04 item 1 (Consolidation) Order 2008 (Variation No.2) Order paragraph 2. 2009 Table D schedule 15.01

The Borough Council of Calderdale (Waiting and Table C schedule 15.01 Loading and Parking Places) (Sowerby Bridge) (Consolidation) Order 2008 (Variation No.4) Order 2010

The Borough Council of Calderdale (Waiting and Table A schedule 4.11 item 2. Loading and Parking Places) (Sowerby Bridge) Table A schedule 4.11 item 4. (Consolidation) Order 2008 (Variation No.5) Order Table F item 1. 2010

The Borough Council of Calderdale (Waiting and Table D schedule 5.01 Loading and Parking Places) (Sowerby Bridge) (Consolidation) Order 2008 (Variation No. 1) Order 2014

Page 9 Appendix 4 – Strategic Transport Development Programme

Priority 1 Programme.

Intervention Transport Delivery Delivery Lead Funding stream Costs Delivery Milestones: Comments Strategy Timeframe Mechanism Officer Objectives Development of Cycle Strategy and Programme C1, PE1, 1-2 years Local Tom Revenue £40k Track implementation Develop an Action Plan, monitoring PE2, PE3 Strategy Jones March of every year. and stakeholder engagement development approach Design Guide for New Development G2, G3, C3, 1-2 years Local Andrew Revenue Staff time Consult 2017/18. Relates to a wide variety of working PE2, PE3 Strategy Dmoch Publish Spring 2018. areas e.g. parking strategy and development emerging cycle design standards Travel Planning Policy for New Development G1, G2, G3, 1-2 years Local Andrew Revenue Staff time Consult 2018. Development of a planning policy C3, PE2, Strategy Dmoch Publish Spring 2018. document to regulate the production PE3 development of travel plans within the development management process Development of Parking Strategy G1, G2, G3, 1-2 years Local Mary Revenue Staff time Halifax Strategy This item relates to the C4, PE2, Strategy Farrar completed 2017. development of parking standards PE3 development and Hebden Bridge Strategy within the local plan and the Andrew complete spring 2018. spatial/strategic allocation of public Dmoch Sowerby Bridge Strategy parking in key settlements as well complete summer 2018. as the introduction of tech to assist strategic development (e.g. VMS signage) Develop a Schools Active and Safe Travel G2, C2, C3, 1-2 years Local Tom Revenue Staff time Develop programme To address mounting concerns in Strategy PE1, PE2, Strategy Jones early 2019 relation to both road safety on the PE3 development school run and rising childhood obesity Develop a Cycle Signage Strategy G2, C1, C4, 1-2 years Local Andy Revenue Staff time Upper Valley completed Ensuring that the cycling PE1, PE2, Strategy Geall 2017. opportunities for all types of cycle PE3 development Lower Valley complete user are legible throughout the summer 2018. district On road signage delivered in CIP 2019/20. Cycle Route Feasibility - Hebble Trail, Ryburn G2, G3, C1, 1-2 years Local Andy Revenue Staff time, Hebble Trail complete Feasibility schemes at various Valley, Cooper Bridge and North Halifax PE1, PE3 Strategy Geall LSTF, CCAG April 2018. levels of completion - Hebble Trail development and ITB RVGW Initial and Ryburn Valley active projects at Consultation completed start of the 2018-19 year. Cooper 2017. Bridge and North Halifax to RVGW feasibility commence. completed Autumn 2018. NHGW completed December 2018 Upper Valley towpath upgrade G2, G3, C1, 1-2 years Cycle City Peter CityConnect2 £5m Washwalls repair Programme only funded for works PE1, PE3 Ambition Stubbs completed for phase 1 between Sowerby Bridge and Grant 2 2017. Hebden Bridge. Active bids in place Phase 1 completion to fund Phase 2 from Hebden 2019. Bridge to Todmorden Phase 2 completed 2020.

Intervention Transport Delivery Delivery Lead Funding stream Costs Delivery Milestones: Comments Strategy Timeframe Mechanism Officer Objectives NE Calderdale Transformational Projects G1, G2, G3, 1-2 years WY+TF Tom WYTF £400k EoI approval March Development of a package of works Package (Pre-feasibility) C1, C3, C4, Jones 2018. to bring improvements to alleviate PE2, PE3 Prefeasibility completed congestion on the A58 2020. (Hipperholme) and A6036 (Stump Programme entry 2020? Cross) with the intention to release development land. Package may include works in the wider NE Calderdale highway network. Focus of works is upon a holistic approach beyond an exclusive highway interventions focus. Only funded to pre-feasibility Corridor Improvement Programme (CIP) - A646 G1, G2, G3, 3-5 years WY+TF Peter WYTF £20m Programme Entry 2017. Development of a package of works and A58/A672 corridor resilience C1, C2, C3, Stubbs OBC Spring 2018. to bring improvements to alleviate C4, PE2, FBC December 2018. congestion on the A646 (Upper PE3 Delivery 2019/20. Calder Valley) and A58/A672 (King Cross to M62 J22). Focus of works is upon a holistic approach beyond an exclusive highway interventions focus. Delivery by 2021. Calder Valley line (capacity, quality, freq and G1, G2, G3, 3-5 years WY+TF, Mary Network Rail £250m Northern Hub Electrification a continued priority reliability improvements) C1, C2, C3, Network Rail, Farrar improvements (£26m) for the district. Important that C4, PE2, TOC 2018/19. external regional and national PE3 Timetable changes/new partner agencies continue to services May 2018. prioritise improvements to the line Develop new strategy Winter 2019 Elland Station G1, G2, G3, 3-5 years WY+TF Mary WYTF £22m Programme Entry 2017. There are two active projects for the C1, C2, C3, Farrar OBC outputs Access development of Elland Station - the C4, PE2, Package Spring 2018. station package (led by WYCA with PE3 Combined OBC CMBC oversight) and the station September 2018. access package led by FBC December 2019. Transportation at CMBC. Both are expected for delivery by 2022 Key Route Network journey time reliability G1, G2, G2, 3-5 years WY+TF, Mary ITB Unknown Agreed WY permit Improvement via use of smart G3, C1, C4 Devolution Farrar Standard completed. technology in Urban Traffic Deal Gold Standard delivered Management Control. Part of a WY in part December 2018. wide effort. Key responsibility at FPNs & Shadow FPNs CMBC is upskilling existing staff in place spring 2018. where there is no dedicated district resource Cycling ‘Key Route Network’ (on-street continuity G2, G3, C1, 3-5 years LTP Tom ITB and H&T programmes Unknown Develop a database of Relates to a wide variety of working between key centres) PE1, PE3 Jones issues Spring 2018- areas e.g. parking strategy, ongoing emerging cycle design standards, maintenance programmes

Page 2

Intervention Transport Delivery Delivery Lead Funding stream Costs Delivery Milestones: Comments Strategy Timeframe Mechanism Officer Objectives Park and ride expansion at rail stations G1, G2, C1, 3-5 years WY+TF Mary WYTF Approved Mythomroyd works Active and funded improvement C2, C3, C4, Farrar funding for commence Autumn schemes are being progressed at PE2, PE3 Hebden Bridge 2018. Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd is £648,000. HB work commences Mytholmroyd 2019. £3.64m Low emission and EV fleet - taxis and public use C3, PE1 3-5 years LTP Mary National £120k Sites agreed March Installation of charging facilities at Farrar 2018. taxi ranks and for public use Installation 2019. M62 Junction 24a G1, G2, G3, 5-10 years WY+TF, Kirklees WYTF Led by Kirklees this WY+TF scheme is of importance C1, C2, C4 Highways Council within Calderdale because of the impacts that it could England bring to the district network and in turn the Calderdale WY+TF programme NE Calderdale Transformational Projects G1, G2, G3, 5-10 years TBC Mary WYTF Unknown Programme Entry 2020 With pre-feasibility complete it will Package (Implementation) C1, C3, C4, Farrar be necessary to identify the funding PE2, PE3 for business case development and delivery of this package. Source as yet unknown. Northern Powerhouse Rail connectivity and G1, G2, G3, 10+years TfN Mary Revenue Unknown Develop borough wide It is critical that the linkages integration C1, C2, C3, Farrar multimodal strategy between the NPR network and C4, PE2 December 2018 Calderdale serve the district and that changes to the rail network to facilitate this national level scheme consider Calderdale requirements Develop Low Emissions Strategy PE1, PE2, 6 months Revenue Staff Time Cabinet approval to A draft strategy has now been PE3, C4 consult February 2018. approved by Cabinet and this will Completed Consultation now feed into the Government completes June 2018. Directive to accelerate the reduction Implement non-charging of NO2 emissions on the A62. CAZ 2020. Installation of lift at Todmorden railway station. Todmorden Board (£25k) £75k Access for All bid ITB (£50k) submitted 2018. GRIP 3 Summer 2018

Page 3

Priority 2 Programme. Intervention Transport Delivery Mechanism Lead Funding stream Costs Delivery Milestones Comments Strategy Timeframe Officer Objectives Development of Walking C1, PE1, PE2, 1-2 years Local Strategy TBC LCWIP £15k Application for funding approved Transportation to liaise with Public Health to develop Strategy and Programme PE3 development 2017. strategy and work programme. Potential to focus initially Consultation completed 2019. on certain environments e.g. schools or town centre 1km catchments. Relates closely to development of the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan Development of Bus G1, G2, G3, 1-2 years Local Strategy John Revenue £100k unfunded Network Plan completed 2019 Approach TBC, may not require a formal document and Strategy C1, C3, C4, development Lewer could be instead be delivered via a work programme / PE2, PE3 production schedule Real time C1, C2, C3, 1-2 years LTP Peter WYCA/ITB/WYTF £120k Develop VMS strategy winter Various VMS focused projects; an existing provision of information/VMS C4, PE1, PE2 Stubbs 2018 VMS on the A629 to have new messages added; more VMS to be installed; parking availability specific VMS signs to be considered within WY+TF A629 package. Possible need for a VMS strategy document? Bus Hotspots Fund G2, C1, C3, 1-2 years LTP Mary WYCA £200k Agree design Spring 2018. Small intervention focused on improvements in PE2, PE3 Farrar Fabrication of shelter Spring Mytholmroyd 2018. Relocate bus layby 2019. Rights of Way G2, C1, C4, 1-2 years Local Strategy Peter Revenue Staff Time Update ROWIP 2018 The district is required to produce this plan for the future Improvement Plan PE1, PE3 development Stubbs of developments on the rights of way network Redress gaps in bus G2, G3, C1, 3-5 years Bus Operators, Mary National Unknown Identify programme of There may be opportunity to provide improved services network (Calder Valley- C3, C4, PE2 Bus Reform Farrar improvements Summer 2018. with improved journey times after WY+TF schemes are Elland-Brighouse/Hudd) Implement Demand Responsive completed. Requires operator liaison. Service in Sowerby 2019. Development of cross- G2, G3, C1, 3-5 years WY+TF, Bus Mary WYCA Unknown There may be opportunity to provide improved services Halifax services C3, C4, PE2 Reform Farrar with improved journey times after WY+TF schemes are completed. Requires operator liaison. Expanded Sunday and G2, G3, C1, 3-5 years TfN, TOC, Bus Mary WYCA Unknown Whilst CMBC carries this ambition the reality is that a evening services C3, C4, PE2 Reform Farrar lack of subsidy funding and little commercial viability means that Sunday services are in fact likely to be cut further Lighting key cycle routes G2, G3, C1, 3-5 years LTP Andy ITB Unknown Identify key locations 2018/19 No funding is as yet specifically identified. Those routes PE1, PE3 Geall where there is not a heritage or environmental concern to be prioritised. Hebble Trail? West Vale congestion G1, G2, G3, 3-5 years WY+TF, LTP Chris WYTF2 Unknown programme entry 2020 A629 Phase 4 to deliver improvements relief C1, C2, C3, Hoesli C4, PE2, PE3 Improvements to bus C2, C3, PE1, 3-5 years Bus Operators, Mary National Unknown Partnership agreement with To be undertaken in partnership with WYCA and fleet quality PE2 Bus Reform Farrar Operators summer 2018 operators. Dependent upon effective partnership and specific bid opportunities emerging UTMC G2, G3, C1, C4 3-5 years WY+TF Mary WYTF £7m Programme Entry March 2018 Linked to Air Quality agenda. Specific improvement Farrar led by Kirklees. scheme identified for A629 with 'gating' to control traffic in Establish local delivery AQMAs. May see further role out dependent upon programme/strategies-ongoing. success of A629 scheme A629 strategy agreed 2017. CIP strategies to be agreed 2018

Page 4

Intervention Transport Delivery Mechanism Lead Funding stream Costs Delivery Milestones Comments Strategy Timeframe Officer Objectives A644 Cooper Bridge G1, G2, G3, 3-5 years WY+TF Peter WYTF Led by Kirklees A Kirklees led WY+TF scheme where CMBC oversight C1, C2, C3, Stubbs remains critical as part of the scheme - the connection to C4, PE2, PE3 the A644 - is in Calderdale M62 Junction 25 G1, G2, G3, 3-5 years Highways Peter HE Led by HE Need to ensure that this location is appropriately C1, C2, C4 England, S278 Stubbs considered in both the A641 Calderdale led and A644/Cooper Bridge Kirklees led schemes Integrated public C1, C2, C3, 3-5 years TfN, Bus TfN Led by TfN Rollout begins 2018 Whilst vitally important this trans-regional / national transport ticketing PE2 Reform project is being led externally and is difficult (and perhaps unnecessary) to influence at the district level Elland Bus Interchange G1, G2, G3, 5-10 years WY+TF Mary WYTF Led by WYCA Agree outline designs March Whilst the form of bus interchange facilities to be C1, C3, C4, Farrar 2018 provided in Elland is to be determined the WY+TF Elland PE2, PE3 Station scheme will provide some improvements. Any further improvements not currently identified / funded Manchester - Brighouse G1, G2, G3, 5-10 years TfN, Network Mary Network Rail Unknown A real prospect in terms of the infrastructure being in - Leeds direct service C1, C2, C3, Rail Farrar place to support it, this change will need to be strongly C4, PE2, PE3 advocated with regional colleagues to be implemented Sowerby Bridge Station G1, C1, C2, 5-10 years WY+TF Mary Northern Unknown Develop proposals 2018/19. A scheme to provide improved parking is currently under Gateway C3, C4, PE2, Farrar Programme entry 2020. consideration by WYCA but is not yet funded PE3 Other town centres way C1, PE1, PE2, 5-10 years Local Strategy Mary ITB £100k unfunded No other towns of the district currently have a specifically finding and public realm PE3 development Farrar identified wayfinding project. The Local Cycling and enhancement Walking Infrastructure Plan should help to identify future priorities and prepare CMBC for potential bids/programming decisions

Priority 3 Programme

Intervention Transport Delivery Mechanism Lead Funding stream Costs Delivery Milestones Comments Strategy Timeframe Officer Objectives 20mph limits G2, G3, PE1, 1-2 years Public Peter ITB Unknown Evaluate programme This programme of 20mph area roll out is due for completion in summer 2018. programme PE2, PE3 Health, LTP Stubbs Winter 2018. Works will continue but only in the form of monitoring and where necessary, Develop programme making small alterations to the completed programme of enhancements 2019. Cycle parking in town G2, G3, C1, 3-5 years LTP Peter ITB £20k Identify locations and Cycle provision to be dealt with on a case by case, demand led basis centres PE1, PE3 Stubbs trail heads summer 2018 Improvements to G1, G2, G3, C1, 5-10 years TfN, Network Mary Network Rail Any improvements to this route are closely reliant upon wider strategic priorities Bradford-Halifax- C2, C3, C4, Rail Farrar on the Calder Valley and TransPennine lines as well as the Elland Station Huddersfield line PE2, PE3 WY+TF scheme. Progress is dependent upon both an updated understanding of the technical requirements to improve the route as well as continued advocacy for the importance of said improvements Sowerby Bridge Bus G1, G2, G3, C1, 5-10 years WY+TF Peter WYTF Unknown There is a potential that a scheme could be included/integrated into CIP works, Interchange C3, C4, PE2, Stubbs part of programme scoping PE3

Page 5

Appendix 2: Carriageway Resurfacing Programme

CARRIAGEWAY RESURFACING Scheme Title Carriageway Resurfacing involves removing and replacing the Allocation existing road surface (it could involve laying new material over of Funds an existing). Resurfacing restores the road surface to a new WARD 18/19 condition, removing surface problems and most unevenness £,000

Carriageway Resurfacing Projects

A58 Aachen Way, King Cross: King Cross Road to Queens Road Park & Skircoat

A681 Bacup Road, Todmorden: Rochdale Road to Halshaw Clough Todmorden

Mixenden Road, Mixenden Illingworth/Mixenden/Ovenden

A58 Leeds Road (Boundary @ Wyke Beck to Rookes Mount) Hipperholme & Lightcliffe

Aysgarth Estate Carriageway Repairs Hipperholme & Lightcliffe

Find & Fix Pothole Repairs Borough Wide

A646 Brearley Bends Luddendenfoot

A646 Danny Lane to Ellen Royd Luddenden Luddendenfoot

Condition Surveys Borough Wide


Carriageway Patching Programme

CARRIAGEWAY PATCHING PROJECTS Scheme Title Allocation Carriageway Patching, this process involves removing of Funds localised areas of the carriageway which are damaged and WARD 18/19 replacing this with new material (Works Ongoing for the £,000 duration of the year) A647

Haley Hill, Halifax Town

Boothtown Road, Boothtown Town

Queensbury Road, Boothtown Town

Bacup Road, Todmorden, Limers Gate to Boundary. Todmorden

Greetland & South Parade, Stainland Stainland Greetland & Green Lane, Sowood Stainland Greetland & Clay Pit Lane, Sowood Stainland Greetland & Stainland Road , Sowood Stainland Greetland & Stainland Road, Outlane Stainland

Plain Lane, Sowerby Ryburn

Ratten Row, Sowerby Ryburn

Otter Lee Lane, Mill Bank Ryburn

Salt Drake, Cotton Stones Ryburn

Clay Pits Lane, Cotton Stones Ryburn

Lighthazles Road, Soyland Ryburn

Blackshaw Clough Road, Soyland Ryburn

Cross Wells Road, Riponden Ryburn

Nursery Lane, Ripponden Ryburn

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In-house Design Advance Design Works Teams


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Appendix 2B: Carriageway Surface Dressing Programme


Surface dressing involves treating roads with preventative maintenance treatments to maintain their good condition (Scheduled for June, July, August & September 2018)

Allocation Road (*Indicates of Funds Area From Town Ward Classified) 18/19 £,000 Hebden A646 Bridge Calder & *C19 Heptonstall Road Towngate Bridge Lanes Todmorden

Widdop Calder & *C19 Smithwell Lane Heptonstall Towngate Road Todmorden

Calder & *C19 Edge Hey Road Colden Widdop Road Edge Lane Todmorden

Calder & *C19 Smithy Lane Colden Edge Lane Jack Bridge Todmorden

Old Shaw Calder & *C19 New Shaw Lane Colden Jack Bridge Lane Todmorden

Blackshaw Badger Calder & *C19 Old Shaw Lane New Shaw Lane Head Lane Todmorden

*C19 The Long Blackshaw Eastwood Calder & Badger Lane Causeway Head Road Todmorden

Lancashire Calder & *C19 Kebs Road Todmorden Eastwood Road boundary Todmorden Luddenden- Mirey Lane Sowerby Deep Lane New Lane foot & Ryburn Luddenden- Well Head Deep Lane Sowerby Mirey Lane foot & Lane Ryburn

Luddenden- Well Head Back Rigging Lane Sowerby Mirey Lane foot & Lane Ryburn Luddenden- Red Brink Well Head Lane Sowerby Towngate foot & Lane Ryburn

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Surface dressing involves treating roads with preventative maintenance treatments to maintain their good condition (Scheduled for June, July, August & September 2018)

Allocation Road (*Indicates of Funds Area From Town Ward Classified) 18/19 £,000 Luddenden- Cold Egde Wainstalls Wainstalls Road Cattle Grid foot & Road/Withens Road Ryburn



Allocation of Funds Road Area From To Ward 18/19 £,000 Hopwood Francis Street Halifax Gibbet Street Park Lane

Godly Lane Rishworth Full Length Ryburn

Illingworth/ Straight Lane Mixenden Mixenden Lane Jumples Mixenden/ Ovenden Wiskers Northowram Brow Lane Shibden Blake Hill Lane /Shelf Illingworth/ Crag Lane Wheatley Full Length Mixenden/ Ovenden Shelf Hall Lane/West Northowram Shelf Full Length Street /Shelf

Highroad Well Lane Halifax Full Length Warley

Greetland/ Featherbed Lane West Vale Full Length Stainland Full Length Greetland/ Hollin Lane Norland overlay Stainland

Savile Park Road Halifax Full Length Skircoat

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Surface dressing involves treating roads with preventative maintenance treatments to maintain their good condition (Scheduled for June, July, August & September 2018)

Allocation Road (*Indicates of Funds Area From Town Ward Classified) 18/19 £,000

Thorpe Street Halifax Full Length Town

Armytage Road Brighouse Full Length Brighouse

Full Length Gerard Street Halifax Park overlay


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Appendix 3: Structures Programme

Allocation Scheme Title of Funds 2018/19 £,000 Assessments and Design

Inspections and Advanced Design

Strengthening / Maintenance schemes

Copley Canal Footbridge Chapel Lane Bridge

Pudsey Road Culvert


Calderdale Way Rockface

Bridge Height Signs & Weight Limits


Page 7

Appendix 4: Street Lighting Programme (2018/19)

Allocation of Funds 18/19 Scheme Title £,000

Lantern Replacement Borough Wide )

Tin Tops Installation Borough Wide ) 500

Street Lighting Column/LED Borough Wide )


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Appendix 5: Tranche 2A Challenge Fund – Drainage Programme

Scheme Title Location Allocation of Funds 18/19


Programme of work to 879 be determined for the Borough


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Appendix 6: Provisional Integrated Transport Programme

Programme Area Schemes and sub-programmes Allocation of Funds 2018/19


Network Management Including: 438 Signal Refurbishment Variable Message Signing

Safer Roads Including: 378 20mph programme Local safety schemes Pedestrian crossings Local traffic measures Disability access Minor measures and Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs)

Places Mytholmroyd District Centre 106

Cycling and Walking Including: 44 Network development Legibility and signing

Motorcycles Including: 18 Bus lane revisions Secure parking


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Highway Maintenance and Street Lighting 1,169

Festive Lighting 102

Street Lighting Energy Costs 1,687

Winter Service (Including £200k Budget Growth) 1,400



Flooding Revenue Works 703

Rights of Way 56


Page 11

strategic infrastructure within CALDERDALE

Highway Strategic Delivering what we do Policies Partnerships Major Projects

Enhanced cycle provision built into all future highway schemes 20km of improved or of schools new cycling/walking 20% £3.1m for cycle 9.3% residents cycle for participate in facilities in next 2 years 12% of commutes are recreation at least once Bikeability Level 3 cycling and walking per week. Double the national average.

Delivering £104m flood programme with £22.4m Elland Station £2.1m Environment Agency In 2 years £22m of on potholes DfT funding help us repair: STATION £6,033m on highway and street maintenance 2018/19 Includes £63m investment lighting in Mytholmroyd, Brighouse and Hebden Bridge. 7 landslips

£1.4m ready for 22 bridges 41km of highway £0.5m for feasibility studies £12m A58 + A646 improvements winter maintenance and drainage in NE Calderdale

11k new 19k replacement 2018/19 columns lanterns programme 107 signal £21.6m investment and lanterns £500K street lighting installations 30.9k streetlights in LED lighting

£820k structural maintenance £3.3m £879K drainage works 38.9k gullies 2,480km of highway Deal with £1m per month completion date Feb 2020 road repairs In 2017 a fall of: A629 project: £97.6m 20k 3 The government has recognised our progressive service 10.6% child casualties 2 programmes for improvement with a level 3 requests 22.8% pedestrian casualties 1 Asset Management Authority Rating a year 12.3% cycling casualties Compared to previous 3 years A641 project: £76m 146 applications for roadworks in 2017/18

Halifax Station STATION GATEWAY Gateway: £28m Average duration of works: 8.8 days 2015/16 5.5 days in 2017/18

Clifton Enterprise Park: £11m leading to 500k sq ft employment space: 1.3k jobs