Huddersfield Area

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Huddersfield Area 234 When CaiiJng gi,·e Name of Exchange as we/lilt{ Numlit!l'l HUDDERSFIELD AREA, Including ARMITAGE BRIDGE, BAILIFF BRIDGE, BRIG­ HOUSE, BERRY BROW, BROCKHOLES, CLAYTON WEST, DENBY DALE, DOBCROSS, ELLAND, EMLEY MOOR, FENAV BRIDGE, GOLCAR, GREETLAND, HOLVWELL GREEN, HOLMBRIDGE, HOLMFIRTH, HUDDERSFIELD, HONLEY, KIRKHEATON, KIRKBURTON, KINGSTONE, LONGWOOD, LEPTON, LINTHWAITE, MARSDEN, MELT­ HAM, MILNSBRIDGE, MYTHOLM-BRIDGE.. NORTON­ THORPE, NETHERTON, NETHERTHONG, NEW MILL, QUARMBY, RASTRICK, SLAITHWAITE, SKELMANTHORPE, SCHOLES, SHELLY, STAINLAND, SHEPLEY, SCISSETT, THONGSBRIDGE and WEST VALE. (For ELLAND, GREETLAND, STAINLAND and WEST VALE Subscribers, see also HALIFAX.) Offices uf ~uhsnibers marked with an a,;tcrisk can he used as Call Ofliccs. NAME OF­ EXCHANGE:, HUDDERSFIELD. Hwlrkr~;field 0790 ALLEN B. Prior ......... ''liolmcliffe," l\Iountjoy r.I 1I u,],]er,;fiehl 537 ARMITAGE & Nortun ......................John William st ll uthkrstielcl 280 ASPINALL A. IV.," Labnrnam Villa,'' Newsome rd l I w hJer,fidd 0763 ASTLEY AlfrNI, Steam .Joinery IVks, Mar.,h llolmfirth ... 48 BARKER & Moot!.'·, IVoolkn l\lanufrs, Dobroyd mill :'\ l' wIll ill Milnshrith;e 22 BARLOW Ellis Ltd ............. Jianufg- Birl'ill·ncliife t'hc1nists, JJrp;a]tc>rs II w Iclersticlti 586 BEAU MONT .Jmm·,; ............ Farri<:r, 101 King· st If onley ..... 32 BEAU MONT .T. & Co., Wonlh·n l\1anfs, Steps mill llnddersfiehl 583 BEAUMONT,Joshua&Co. ,Wulnl\Infs, Wood street ~[p]tham ... 046 BEAU MONT ~amud ..................... Brow mills Hwlrkrsfielrl 579 BEEGLING Daniel Henry ... Surgeon, :! Belgr:we tPr II wl<lcrsfil'ld 584 BENTLEY F. IV .......... Stockbroker, Heinw"'".l I I u,],]prstie lrl 0810 BINNS .John & Co.,Hope,Twinc l\fnfs, 10 Kirkgak Bri~1nm~c· 74 BOOTH I.ister ......... Cotton lloubl(·r, (irun• mills 1\Iilnsllritlge 147 BRAITHWAITEC. H ................... lOl\larketst Brig:housc• .. 48 "BRIGHOUSE & EllanrlEeho" (.John l'ark st llartlc·~·, Printer) 19 BIROADBENT Willi:nn ...... Engineer, H.n·ficlrls Do!Jeros~ ~laithwaitc 047 BROOK Ramstlen ...... Woollen l\lnfetr, Bolster l\loor Golcar l-Iuddersfil·ld 593 BROOKE .Jno. & Suns Ltd., Wooll<'n lluxton rd :\lanufacturers li ndtlcrsfie Id 593a Ditto rlitto Armitagc Bridge mills H ll< ltlt'l'Sik I< 1 580 BROOKE .Joseph ...... "North Bank," llirkby H wltl< '~''tie it! 0776 BROOKE .J.B. ,.Toinr, BnilrlrUmlrtkl', l.J. West parnde IIwldcrsfkld 590 BRUCE K .T., 'V'"'llcn l\I:tnufnetnrer, 'I'Iw Gablvs Edgertnn Brighnu~t· 61 BYRNE Cltarlutte .......................... Sl(wl lw 11 Hudrkrsfil'id 0781 CAIRNS L. M ... Physician & ~urf.(cnn. 45 Bradford rd N BrighousL· ... 0103 CALDER Brir.lgeSpinning Co . .Ld., Tltt', Cotton Spinners, Doul•lcrs BriJ.d111USt' .•• 083 CALDER & Irehhle 1'\avi!.!:a.tion ....... .. t'onpC'r bdgcwlmrf Kirkhurtotl 20 CHILD William & Cu. Ltil .............. .. Brook house mills ~hcplcy Kirklntrtun 20aCHILD Willinm & Co. Lt<L ............... Car Ilill ho I! mldcrstiv id 0114 CLOUGH & Barraelough ... Solil'itur.,, :!2 Briggate I lolmfirth 050 COLLINS, Eli & Co. Ltrl. ... Printer~, ExpresH Printing. Newspnpc·r Propri\'tors works H 111 lth.•r,tir' J, l 0770 CROSLAND Frank B.... Cign.r Imptr, Cloth Hall st 11 wlrlersfkl<l 0765 CROSSLEY W. II. ... Wool Merchant, Lyn•lhirst Monntjoy rrl l\brs<kn ... 028 OROWTHER .ra~. R ...................... Stanley ho Hndrlersfielrl 591 OROWTHER Lcwis'l'. &Co.,Worsted, Victoria mills . Cloth l\Ianufncturcrs Lockwood Brighousc ... 0113 CROWTHER Wm .... Cnb Proprietor, Clifton rd Milnsbridge 145 CROWTH ER & Nichohon Ltd., Both am Hall Woollen Manufacturers mills . W/t6JI.l(fa.lflngjlv~ Name ol Bxchange as well as Number. 235 NAME OF EXCHANGE. HUDDERSFIELD. Huddersftc·l•l 452 DEAN ('ha< ... .'\Yoollcnl\tanufacturcr, ,; Cloth hall st Brighoust· ... 01 09*DYSON .J amus ... Liel'nsc•d \Tietualkr. Gt'urge hotd lltllltlersftdd 582 DYSON H. S. & Co. Lt•L ... l'r·orision Alhert Wa•·el"'·' l\Ierchants :\ v11· lit Brighon~0 ... 0112*DYSON 1\'m. l"<ml ... Lic<'llst"l Yictllr, t'omnwreial htl Mil ns bridge 0115 FAIRBANK ;r,"l'ph & Suns ...... Cotton t'omm<·reiallllilb Doublers 1I ucl<l<-r~fit•ld 425 FARRAR .J. A. & A ......................... ( '•m11m·n·i:d urilb Uwldt·rsfidd 0885*FI.RTH J. IL ................................ :!1 ?\vw st Briglwuse .. 32aFIRTH 1'. F. & SmJs J,td., ·' lluhne Ho," Li~hteliffc· Marsden .. 4aFIRTH Samnl'l, '· ('ellnrs f'Jongh Hu," l\[arsclen .. 5 FISHER Charles Jlar•J)<l .................. Lin~anls wood H uddersiield 0'797 FISHER E<lwarrl ........................... Bryan Lr"l!!<' Huddersfield 0778 FORD Thomas .. Mantk :\fanufaetnn·r. :: 1\'c\\' st Milnshrirlg(' 136 GLEDHILLS .Jaml·s. Exor•L ... FJo,:k, 'l'own End CoJ.·:H Mungo 1\It>r<·],ants H n•ldersfil'ltl 0783 GOWER H. Harrison, Weskyan l\Instr, Brntlh·y 1:1 llwldc•rsfil'ld 0807 GRAHAM Hen ...... BI:wk D~·kc Farm. Fttrtown ;,..:Tn l\{ilnsbridg~: 0114 GREEN J. W. & E. .. , Woollen :\fann- l'arkwood milb fne turers l.-1m g·wor 11 I 0971 GREENWOOD Oe,rrge ......... Litho, I Brook's yd l'rintl'r, Stationer IIonlcy ...... 0195 HAIGH A .... Cah l'roprietor, Grocer, 2!1 \\'cstg-r.te J{i rk lml'tnn 041 HAIGH J. &G., Ca 1Jirwt :\Ikrs, Joiners, :\ <>rth l'll H wlilersfteld 0812 HALIFAX & District :'lfineral \Vater Spink WC'st Manufacturc•rs· Associ:ttion Ltd., Tlw Hirkln· H urldt>rsfield 561 HALL Georgt', Draper,;\lonrningEstah, ~0 King- 'st l\Iiln:;bridge 0117 HALSTEAD I.enn,;-. Printer, Litho- Printing· wh g-rapher, Bookbinder llfilnshri<l ge 72aHAMER HC>nrv & Sons ..................... <ir<.n· mill' Hwl<lcrsfidd 0786 HANSON ,Jol;n 11. ........................ llolmw•>od Edcrrtn l\irkburton 046 HEPWORTH .1 osepb, Carrier, Strnw Acm<' S:cddl<·r:,. Den](•r \Yurks ' 1 liHl<lt•rsfic·ld 0811 HEVWOOD .J., W'ndw Blind :Mnfctr, G Gn·en st Hrig-hou~f> ... 0107 HIRST Bros ....... \Yir•~ ~InnufaeturerR, 11 "' hlersfidd 589 HIRST Ernest E. ...... Wnnl Mr•rcha.nt, 1:.> Cloth Hall Bl Il whkrRtield 0899 HIRST .JamC's ............ Cottnn Spinner, Glerllwlt villa·• J f iidtll'l'Sfi CJd 60aHlRST W. Hay ............ ('urn :'\Tilkr, Deigltton Id~ H 111 l<lerstic>ld 0792 HOLLINGWORTH IL & Hon.J oirwr.", Moldgrc·en li udder.< field 0794 HOLLINGWORTH s .. UroeE<r, Curn 150 Longroyd Merchant bridge Brighouse ... 0105 HOPWOOD .Tames. Brnss Founder. CC'ntr:il Br:tss wks · Bradlv1· Huddersfield 96aHUDDERSFIELD f'ri•·ht &AthlC'tk 'l'he l':n:ilion Club l<'artmrn H uddersfidd 585 "HUDDERSFIELD Examinr•r,''Tlle, Hamsuea st Huddersfield 0768 HUDSON .John .................. Hutelwr, King st Huclderstield 0787 ,JENKINSON Ifc!'lJert, Cab l'rnptr, Gcorgv l<<>td stahl• , Kirkhnrton 043 JESSOP Allan & Sons, Firowk 1\lnfrs, Ruwlv1 l1ill * LvJ1;!,JI 1\irklmrton 044 JESSOP & 1\ilnPr, J;'in·wnrk :\!anufr,, Howlv.1 llill Lr·pton Huddersfield 0771 JOHNSON .J. M .................Jcwvllcr, ·W Buxlon r•l Huddersfield 551 KAYE & 1\aye ...... Irnfndrs,l\laehinists, :'\!'hot 1 :>11 Iron w ks I-I uddersfif'ld 0801 KAYE J. U ................................... Nnrw. H 1d 11 mhlersfield 0769 KENIOALL G. 11. & l'u.... EngirH•r·rs, Firth .·1 Brassfounders Holmfi~th .. 049 KIDD, Melior & :FlC'te hvr ... Snliei tor,, Brighouso .. 0110 KIRBY IIarry ...... Lieensc;d Victualler, Star i1111 Huddersfield 492 KNAGGS Samuel & 1<'. H ... Surgeon~, :w Hnmodvn Ht Holmfirth ... 46 LANCASHIRE & Yorkshire Rly ('o. 'fhonc;'s h rid~··· 'l'rattie Depar1·11wnt l~uddersfield 564 Ditto <litto J..H)t•kWOOI! Meltharll ... 18 Ditto rlittn Mdtham Huddersfield 0803*LAYCOCK J. 11., Li<'f'll'<C<l Vietnaller, Plouc;h inn Huddersfield 0795 LEAROVD A. E. .. ....................... .. 1() I(irkgatt· bld~s .J:Judqersfield 0808 LEAROVD Edwin .......................... EllertiliO 236 When Ca/JJng give Name of Exchange as well as N11mbe1'" NAME OF EXCHANGE. HUDDERSFIELD" Slai t h wai te 14bLOCKWOOD Chns. & So11s, Woollen :'.fannfaetnrers (Desig·ning Hooms) Slaithwaite 14c llitto (.\[eu<liug Hoom) Slaithwaill' 14d 1li tto (.1\<>. :! Site<]) SL'lithwnite 14e J)itt•J (ll,l·cltou>e); Blaek Rock mills Linthvrail" Honl<T ...... 0197 LOCKWOOD Ellis & Son, Groet•rs, Old Corn mill ( 'orn :\I il\c>r., II ml• lc•rsfid, I 597 LOCKWOOD Fred, Chartered Acct, Market pl elms :'11 ilnshritl~'' 53aLUNN F. S. &Co. ,Cbartd Aeconntants, New st llud< lc•rs til'i <l 0809 MALLINSON B. & Co., .Tewellt•rs nml 24 NPII' st Siln:rsm i ths Bri.!..dWnbe 01 08 MARS DEN & Stansficld, Brussfmlers, Central wrks H wlderstil'lt! 281 MARTIN Henry A ....... :c\Iannfacturcr, Stoncleigh llwl< lcrslie ltl 0813 McCULLV Dr ............................... 51 New North nl l\[c·ltham 042 MELLOR Bro.< .... lirocers, Corn Dlrs, Market pl l\leltltatH ... 21 MELTHAM SilicaFireBrick Cu., The, lllelthant 15 MIDGLEV William ....................... Hey Green Yilla Hud<krstiel<l 0764 MILNER E ............. l\fill.Furnisher, 861\IanchesterrJ Hunll'y ...... 5 M ITCH ELL lh•rhc•rt,Eiectrical Engnr, Bnwkholes I-I uddc•rs1il'l<l 0873 MORTIMER Jno. J .... Wuulkn l\Infr, ;, Wentworth st Kirkl>Urton 2 MOXON B. H. & Sons ......... :Faney, Springfiel<l mill \Vorstcd Manufacturers Kirkburt"n 2bMOXON W. Jaggar ...................... .Fern Le;t Hudth•rsfieltl 0802 NAYLOR W. H., l'hysieian & Snrgn, 34 Westbourne nl Skl'lll~:tnthurpc 6aNORTON Ge.,rge ...... '' Bagtlen Hall," Nortonthorpu lludt!er,tidtl 0796 OWEN Gvo. W. l'rintt·r, Mftrng Stnr, 15a King st IIw1der;;1it•ltl 97a0XLEV Ben jam in .......................... Hightield~ Hudderotieltl 12aPICKFORD &. Co ... (Cartagt· Office), Station yd Kirkburton 21 RADCLIFFE .John & Suns ... Builders Storthcsha :tsylm and Contractors Brighoust• .. 082*RAMSDEN ,J. ... ",\rmytage Arm;:," Clifton Jlri~.dwu~e .. 094
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