Calderdale MBC Wards Affected All Cabinet 30th July 2018 14 Highways Capital and Revenue Programmes for 2018/19 and Strategic Infrastructure Delivery Plan. Report of the Director Regeneration and Strategy 1. Purpose of Report 1.1 To present the capital programmes for 2018/19 for Highway Maintenance, Integrated Transport and Revenue associated Highway Service Provision for Calderdale, together with the indicative revenue budget for Maintenance/Works for the year. 1.2 To allow Members to visualise the overall ambition of the Borough via the Strategic Infrastructure Delivery Plan. 2. Need for a decision 2.1 A decision is required to endorse the overall Highways and Capital Programmes for the 2018/19 period. This is an essential requirement of our status as level 3 highway asset management authority. 2.2 Members are also asked to endorse the content of the attached Strategic Infrastructure Delivery Plan (Appendix 1) which describes the overall ambition of the infrastructure improvements and gives further advice on responsibilities following the Strategic Management Review. 2.3 Members should also note that between now and 2022 approximately £0.5b will be invested in capital infrastructure projects across Calderdale. 3. Recommendation It is recommended: 3.1 that the Capital Programmes for 2018/19 for Highway Maintenance and Integrated Transport as set out in Appendix 2 to 6 of this report are approved; 3.2 that capital matched funding for revenue associated Highway Service Provision work as set out in the appendices to this report is approved; 3.3 that the Assistant Director, Strategic infrastructure, in consultation with the Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Regeneration and Strategy Directorate:- APPENDIX 1 Strategic Infrastructure Delivery Programme 2018 / 19 Steven Lee Assistant Director Strategic Infrastructure June 2018 Page 1 Contents Page No Summary of 2017 / 18 Delivery Programme 2 Section 1 Introduction 4 Section 2 Strategic Flood Risk Management 5 Section 3 Strategic Transportation 8 Section 4 Road Safety 12 Section 5 Streetworks 13 Section 6 Asset Management 14 Section 7 Capital Delivery 16 Section 8 Traffic 19 Section 9 LED Streetlighting 20 Section 10 Performance Management 21 Section 11 Highway Maintenance 22 Section 12 Car Parking 23 Section 13 Transformational Growth Projects 24 Appendices Appendix 1 2018 / 19 Delivery of Calderdale Flood Action Plan 26 Appendix 2 Complete DeFRA / EA / CMBC Flood Remediation Programme 29 Appendix 3 Sowerby Bridge Traffic Regulation Order 30 Appendix 4 Strategic Transport Development Programme 38 Page 2 Summary of 2017 / 18 Delivery Programme Strategic Flooding Completion Date Value Full Details Flood Action Plan Pg 1 Strengthening Defences Sept – Dec ‘18 £18,000 Appendix 1 Natural Flood Management Jun ’18 – Mar ’19 £5,000 Appendix 1 Resilient Infrastructure May – Dec ’18 £106,500 Appendix 1 FRRS 2 (Group A) schemes - Mar-19 £40,000 Pg 3 Schemes delivered by CMBC. Progress CMBC schemes to OBC stage. FRRS 2 (Group B) schemes - Mar-19 £20,000 Pg 3 delivered by CMBC (currently 1 no.) Progress CMBC schemes to OBC stage. Park Road, Elland. Support EA Nov-18 £164,000 Pg 3 delivery to FBC. FRRS 1 Schemes. Sign off for May-18 £592,000 Pg 3 remaining FRRS1 schemes. Local flood risk reduction Mar-19 £250,000 Pg 3 programme. Appraise and develop schemes to include in YRFCC Medium Term Plan (MTP) for delivery. Completion of £25M DfT April – June ’18 £1.3M Pg 4. Schemes Completion of CMBC £3M Jun ’18 to Mar ’19 £484,000 Pg 5 Strategic Transportation Milestones Project Value Full Programme Details Upper Valley towpath upgrade Washwalls repair £5M Appendix completed for phase 1 4 2017. Phase 1 completion 2019. NE Calderdale Transformational EoI approval March £400,000 Appendix Projects Package (Pre- 2018. 4 feasibility) Corridor Improvement Programme Entry £20M Appendix Programme (CIP) - A646 and 2017. 4 A58/A672 corridor resilience OBC Spring 2018. FBC December 2018. Page 3 Elland Station Programme Entry £22M Appendix 2017. 4 OBC outputs Access Package Spring 2018. Combined OBC September 2018. Key Route Network journey time Agreed WY permit Unknown Appendix reliability Standard completed. 4 Gold Standard delivered in part by December 2018. FPNs & Shadow FPNs in place spring 2018. Park and ride expansion at rail Mytholmroyd works Approved funding for Appendix stations commence Autumn Hebden Bridge is 4 2018. £648,000. HB work commences Mytholmroyd 2019. £3.64M Low emission and EV fleet - Sites agreed March £120,000 Appendix taxis and public use 2018. 4 Installation 2019. NE Calderdale Transformational Programme Entry Unknown Appendix Projects Package 2020 4 (Implementation) Northern Powerhouse Rail Develop Borough Unknown Appendix connectivity and integration wide multimodal 4 strategy December 2018 Develop Low Emissions Cabinet approval to Staff Time Appendix Strategy consult February 4 2018. Completed Consultation completes June 2018. Implement non- charging CAZ 2020. Installation of lift at Todmorden ‘Access for All’ bid £75,000 Appendix railway station. submitted 2018. 4 GRIP 3 Summer 2018 Highways Capital Programme Delivery Dates Programme Value Full Details Structures Aug 2018 – Mar 2019 £820000 Pg 14 Carriageway Resurfacing Summer – Autumn £1.1M Pg 15 2018 Surface Dressing Programme Summer 2018 £344,000 Pg 15 Carriageway Patching Year Round £546,000 Pg 16 (Classified) Carriageway Patching Year Round £675,000 Pg 16 (Unclassified) Challenge Fund Drainage Year Round £879,000 Pg 17 LED Streetlighting (Year 1 April 2018 – Mar 2019 £15M Pg 19 Programme) Page 4 1.0 Introduction 1.1 The Strategic Infrastructure Division looks after the strategic management of the overall transport network within Calderdale and is primarily outward facing. It deals, in the main, with a number of strategic partners including: Department for Transport (DfT), Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DeFRA), Highways England (HE), The Canal and Rivers Trust (CRT), West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA), Transport for the North (TfN), Yorkshire Water, and Environment Agency (EA). 1.2 Inwardly, our closest partners are Public Services (who are responsible for the day to day maintenance of the network) and Corporate Projects. 1.3 The work of the Division is based on survey work, analysis, and prioritisation which all lead into the strategic planning process in order to ensure that the transport network is maintained and runs in the most efficient, safe and effective manner. 1.4 As well as the detail of the programmes within this Plan, over the forthcoming year the Division will also: Lead on the identification and development of a regeneration plan for South East Calderdale. Develop a business case for the delivery of a new salt barn. (Estimated costs £1M. Ground clearance and conditions testing already carried out. Planning permission to be applied for and payback mechanism identified). Increase and improve the overall cycling offer within Calderdale. Carry out cross border work with Kirklees on the development and delivery of the M62 economic development zones (utilising the £160,000 planning delivery grant that CMBC successfully bid for). Carry out multi agency work with WYCA, Kirklees and HE leading to the inclusion of a new M62 J24a in a future Road Investment Strategy. Lead on the DeFRA road side emissions remediation plan. Continue to lead the Brighouse Town Board. 1.5 The Division sits within the Strategy and Regeneration Directorate (Director Mark Thompson) and the current portfolio holders are Cllrs Barry Collins and Dan Sutherland. The structure of the Division is shown below: Page 5 2.0 Strategic Flood Risk Management (Neil Fearnley) 2.1 During November and December 2015, severe flooding was experienced at several locations throughout Calderdale. This drove a substantial increase in resources, both in monetary and human terms, and the formation of the flood risk management team. 2.2 Much of the damage attracted flood grant aid from (the then) DCLG which were processed and administered by the Business and Skills Team and the figures relating to these are shown below: No. of Grant applications Received 669 No. of Grants Approved 629 Value of Approved Grants (£) £2,786,077.33 No. of Grants paid (includes part paid grants) 588 Value of Grants Paid (£) £2,651,706.04 2.3 As well as financial aid, internal resources were also built up. The flood risk management team (which was built up from a very low, inadequately small staffing base) comprises the following posts:- Flood Programme Manager Flood Risk Manager Flood Resilience Partnership Manager Engineer Assistant Engineer Assistant Engineer Flood Mapping Officer Natural Flood Risk Management Officer Flood Risk Development Control Engineer Flood Risk Development Control Engineer Flood Project Engineer The team works closely with partners such as the Environment Agency (who have both a strategic overview of flooding of all kinds and local operational roles when it Page 6 comes to management of flooding from main rivers and reservoirs), Yorkshire Water and the Canal and Rivers Trust. 2.4 As part of their response, the Government committed to the preparation of a Calderdale Flood Action Plan outlining actions that would reduce the risk of flooding within the valley. 2.5 Since January 2016, the Environment Agency, on behalf of the Calderdale Flood Partnership has worked with Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council, partners and the community to produce a flood action plan for Calderdale. 2.6 The action plan sets out: What action has already been taken since the 2015 floods, and Further actions planned over the next few years. 2.7 As of the 30th January 2018 47 actions (out of 190) have been reported as completed and across the forthcoming year Calderdale ’s flood team contribution to the Plan will be as follows: Calderdale Flood Action Plan Strengthening Defences Sep 2018 – Dec 2018 £57,000 Natural Flood Risk Management Jun 2018 – Mar 2019 £3,000 Resilient Infrastructure May – Dec 2018 £103,000 Comprehensive details of the individual tasks are shown in Appendix 1.
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