Introduction: a Multidisciplinary and Multiperspectival Approach on Conflict
INTRODUCTION A Multidisciplinary and Multiperspectival Approach to Confl ict Vaia Doudaki and Nico Carpentier Confl ict, while complex and multidimensional, is also always contextual- ized: its realization in specifi c settings and environments produces partic- ular material and discursive outcomes. This edited volume is grounded in the idea that confl ict needs to be studied in its environment, to allow for the incorporation of suffi cient detail to do justice to its complexity and specifi c- ity. For this reason, this volume focuses on a particular setting: Cyprus, an island of enduring political, military and, more recently, economic confl ict, which serves as a locus for the examination and analysis of aspects, dimen- sions and practices of (mediated) confl ict and instances of overcoming confl ictual situations. The investigation of a multitude of objects of study (print, broadcast and digital (social) media, public art, urban spaces), using mostly qualitative methods (textual analysis, interviews, ethnography) and adopting critical approaches (discourse theory, critical discourse analysis, cultural studies) allows for a multifaceted, multidisciplinary approach to confl ict. Thus, with Cyprus as a geographical, cultural and political point of reference, this edited volume studies how confl ict is mediated, represented, reconstructed, experienced, rearticulated and transformed, in specifi c con- texts and environments, through a multi-perspectival approach. Confl ict, as a universal feature of human society, ‘takes its origins in economic differentiation, social change, cultural transformation, psycholog- ical development and political organization – all of which are inherently confl ictual – and becomes overt through the formation of confl ict parties, which come to have, or are perceived to have, mutually incompatible goals’ (Ramsbotham, Miall and Woodhouse 2014: 7–8).
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