Turkey Using the Armenian Genocide Resolution As a Pretext Church In
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✽ CMYK CMYK ✽ O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION c v www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 11, ISSUE 525 November 3, 2007 $1.00 GREECE: 1.75 EURO Menendez: Turkey Using Church In The Armenian Genocide Dallas Asks Resolution as a Pretext $250K From By Evan C. Lambrou a foreign government like Turkey Parishioners Special to The National Herald to, in essence, intervene in our own domestic deliberations as to what NEW YORK – The Turks used the will be our own official position Funds Needed To House Foreign Affairs Committee’s will be on recognizing that geno- recent passage of the Armenian cide,” he said. Finance Defense For Genocide resolution as a pretext to “I mean, how bankrupt are we make incursions into northern Iraq, when we can’t even recognize a The Katinas Lawsuit and have succeeded in intimidating genocide of the past? As someone members of Congress enough to who has heard a fair number of my By Theodore Kalmoukos shy away from putting the resolu- colleagues echo the words ‘never Special to The National Herald tion before the full House, accord- again,’ as it pertains to the Jewish ing to U.S. Senator Robert Menen- Holocaust, I believe that those BOSTON, Mass. – Holy Trinity dez (D-New Jersey). words are hollow unless you start Church in Dallas, Texas is soliciting In an interview, Senator Menen- off by at least acknowledging that a special contributions from its dez, a member of the Senate For- genocide took place, as we face the parishioners, above and beyond eign Relations Committee, told the crisis in Darfur, human rights viola- their regular annual membership, National Herald the U.S. Govern- tions in Myanmar and other un- in order to pay attorneys $250,000 ment has allowed Turkey to inter- foreseen challenges of tomorrow, to defend the parish against a law- fere with its internal policymaking or when we allow a foreign govern- suit which has been filed against processes once too often, and said ment to back us down from a sim- the parish because its former long- the U.S. should stop taking Turkey’s ple, poignant and important histor- time pastor, Nicholas Katinas, al- side so frequently because it is ical remembrance,” he said. legedly engaged in sexual miscon- detrimental to U.S. interests. “That is the type of veto power a duct with minors. “I think Turkey has certainly foreign government should not Mr. Katinas was accused earlier used the Armenian Genocide issue have over our business. It is the AP PHOTO/NIKOLAS GIAKOUMIDIS this year of sexually molesting un- to act in a variety of ways on things type of veto power the President OXI Day Parade derage boys while serving as a that they have wanted to do, and would not let the Chinese Govern- priest at the Holy Trinity Church. certainly one of them was to pursue ment have when he dismissed its A column of tanks parade during an annual military parade in the northern Greek city of Thessaloniki He was finally sent to spiritual the PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) warnings about attending the re- Sunday, October 28. Oxi Day is a national holiday in Greece, marking the anniversary of the country's re- court this past summer, and the Ec- in northern Iraq. And I think the re- cent Congressional Gold Medal cer- fusal of a 1940 ultimatum made by Italy's Fascist leader Benito Mussolini to allow his forces to enter and umenical Patriarchate of Constan- ality is that it provides the Turks emony for the Dalai Lama (on Oc- occupy Greek territory. The action marked the start of Greece's military participation in World War II. tinople defrocked him to the rank with a dual benefit: one, to stop the tober 17),” he noted. of the laity this past summer. Armenian Genocide resolution, Moreover, Senator Menendez In a letter sent to members of and two, to poise themselves to in- added, the U.S. is morally obligated the parish this past October 5, cur- tervene militarily in northern Iraq. to recognize the Armenian Geno- rent Parish Priest Rev. Christopher That, of course, creates greater cide, and should stop permitting it- Constantinides and Parish Council destabilization for a process in self to be so heavily influenced by Greek Jew Discovers Family Synagogue President George Michael ask the which we are already losing so Turkey and Turkish-interests faithful to contribute $250-1,000 many lives, and expending so much groups. He also said he thinks that By Dimitri Soultogiannis land. His great grandparents, who A few years ago, Mr. Askinazi or more. They express concern national treasure,” Senator Menen- the Armenian Genocide resolution Special to the National Herald settled on the Lower East Side, orig- read a story in the New York Times that, in the event the people who dez said. could still end up getting passed on inally came from the small city of about an almost forgotten syna- filed the lawsuit win judgment, “I have been, since my days in the House Floor. NEW YORK – Are ethnic communi- Ioannina in the northwest of Greece. gogue in Manhattan. He soon real- “the church’s assets (most notably the House, and I continue to be as a “I hope the House will ultimate- ties disappearing throughout Ameri- They soon founded “the Kehila Ke- ized this was the synagogue his par- its land and buildings) could be United States senator, committed ly have a chance to vote on it and ca? Is “tradition” more than just a dosha Janina” synagogue on ents and grandparents were always seized to satisfy the judgment.” to the passage of the Armenian pass it. I believe that opportunity is song from a popular musical? Film- Broome Street. Today it is the only telling him about. Neither Father Constantinides Genocide resolution. It seems sad still going to be there, albeit some- maker Ed Askinazi is trying to give remaining Romaniote synagogue in “I found out about the communi- nor George Michael had returned to me that we, as a country, can not what delayed. I also believe it is some answers in his documentary, the Americas. Ed always wanted to ty when I was 30 years old,” Mr. Ask- the National Herald’s calls at press simply recognize officially what morally incumbent upon us to offi- “The Last Greeks on Broome Street.” learn more about his past and dis- inazi said. “This was the synagogue time. very well-versed scholars, includ- cially recognize the Armenian The documentary focuses on Man- cover this community, “a communi- of my parents and my grandparents. The letter states that, “I know ing some experts on holocaust and Genocide, and Turkey should no hattan’s Lower East Side and the lit- ty determined not to disappear.” However, I never had the chance to that many, if not all, of you have genocide studies, have well docu- longer be permitted to interfere tle known community of Greek Jews “I knew I was Greek, my grand- visit, not once.” heard of the lawsuit that has been mented: namely that there was an with our domestic deliberations. I also known as Romaniotes, with mother was Greek, we used to visit He decided to visit the neighbor- filed against Holy Trinity by three Armenian Genocide; that, in fact, think that’s what it does, and it’s 2,000 years of history, their own lan- her on Sundays,” Mr. Askinazi told hood along with his father who had- individuals who claim they were the former Ottoman Empire itself guage, customs and traditions. TNH. “She would always cook abused by our longtime priest, Fr. had accepted it; and that we allow Continued on page 3 Mr. Askinazi grew up in Long Is- Greek food for us.” Continued on page 2 Nicholas Katinas. “The allegation of the suit is that the leadership of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church knew, or should have known, when Fr. The Observant Nicholas Katinas was hired that he The Tale of the Greek White House Peanut Vendor would engage in abusive conduct. To the best of our knowledge Purist: Stand- By Steve Frangos (and we have heard no evidence to Special to The National Herald the contrary), the parish council members who hired Fr. Nicholas Up Comic In 1910, Steve Vasilakos came to Katinas nearly 30 years ago did the United States from a small vil- lage just outside Sparta. He was 25 Continued on page 4 Angelo years old, with a wife and three children. Vasilakos never saw any of them again, nor any of his many Tsarouchas grandchildren. His life would be spent in Washington, DC selling Christodoulos LOS ANGELES, Calif. – It's only a peanuts and popcorn from a push- matter of time before Americans cart. Living an exceedingly frugal discover the talent of firebrand lifestyle Vasilakos sent all his avail- Back in Athens Greek Canadian Angelo able money home. Vasilakos was Tsarouchas. And when this hap- just one among innumerable Greek pens, a man who unconsciously peddlers of his generation seen After 68 Days channels the cosmic energy of John along streets, beachfronts and Belushi, John Candy, Chris Farley tourist byways all across North and Sam Kinison all in one will rock America from the late 1880’s well By Vasilis Koutsilas them out of their seats! I'm not kid- into the 1960’s. Special to The National Herald ding. Yet Steve Vasilakos, who was He is a genuine anomaly in the never to change professions, was ATHENS – With his sentiments evi- land of oral plagiarists spewing ju- destined to meet presidents, kings, dent on his face and in his words, venile vulgarities to the bored diplomats, financiers and interna- but with his characteristic smile masses.