Christofias Discusses Cyprus Issue at UN Harry Moskos: an Esteemed
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O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION c v VOL. 11, ISSUE 572 September 27, 2008 $1.25 GREECE: 1.75 EURO Christofias Bakoyanni Discusses Major Policy Issues With TNH During NY Visit Discusses Greek FM Talks About Domestic and Foreign Cyprus Policy; Weighs in on Omogeneia Voting Rights By Dimitris Tsakas er the ground that separates us. Un- Special to The National Herald til today, not only has it not done Issue at UN so, but as of late it has added a pol- NEW YORK - In an exclusive inter- icy of provocative actions, irreden- view with The National Herald, tist claims, and nationalistic out- Talks With Secretary Greek Foreign Minister Dora breaks resembling policies and tac- Bakoyanni, who is in New York for tics of days long gone to its already General “Key” To the opening of the General Assem- existent intransigent position. I bly of the United Nations presented hope that FYROM will soon aban- Restarting Negotiations her country's positions on the ma- don these practices and work with jor Foreign policy issues with can- Greece on finding a mutually ac- By Stavros Marmarinos dor and determination. ceptable solution. This, at any rate, Special to The National Herald She also responded to our ques- is what is directed in the final texts tions about the financial crises and of the most recent NATO and EU UNITED NATIONS – Cyprus’ Presi- how that affects her country, the in- Summits. dent Demetrios Christofias met ternal political situation of Greece, It is common knowledge that we with United Nations Secretary Gen- as well as the issue of granting the do not agree with the United States eral Ban Ki-moon late Sunday, Sep- right of vote to the Greeks living on everything – especially when it tember 21 at the UN headquarters abroad. comes to the issue of FYROM. In in New York and asked Mr. Ban to Following is the interview: spite of this, the Greek message to call upon Turkey to show the neces- THE NATIONAL HERALD: Ne- all is clear and unambiguous: We sary willingness to resolve the gotiations on the name row with desire a solution based on a com- Cyprus issue, citing this as the FYROM are continuing, and as you posite name, with a geographical “key” to the ongoing negotiations. reiterated in Paris last Friday, the qualifier that will be applied uni- Mr. Christofias accused Turkish Greek side continues to seek out a versally. Greece is ready for a mutu- Cypriot Community leader Mehmet solution for “a name with a geo- ally acceptable solution, but it fully Ali Talat of stalling negotiations, graphical qualifier for all uses.” Un- retains all its rights as a member of while reiterating that neither he fortunately, the FYROM Govern- the EU and NATO. nor anyone else in the Cypriot Gov- ment has adopted an increasingly TNH: Although there seems to ernment will waver from the basic hard line position, in which it has be restrained optimism over the fu- principles that have been outlined included national identity claims ture of the Cyprus reunification so that a settlement and reunifica- such as “one people, one lan- talks, the first meetings between tion of the divided Mediterranean guage.” What is the United States’ Cyprus’ President Demetris island can take place. role in all this in light of their desire Christofias and Turkish Cypriot In a statement to the press im- to see FYROM join NATO and the Community leader Mehmet Ali Ta- mediately following his meeting TNH/COSTAS BEJ EU? lat showed that the Turks continue with Mr. Ban, Mr. Christofias said The President of the Republic of Cyprus Demetrios Christofias addresses the 63rd Session of the General DORA BAKOYANNIS: Greece’s that his meeting with the UN Secre- Assembly of the United Nations in New York City on Wednesday, September 24, 2008. position on the issue of FYROM’s Continued on page 6 tary General took place in a very name is clear and well known to cordial atmosphere, and remarked our friends, partners and allies. that “it seems like we have good Greece adopted a clear-cut strate- chemistry,” while duly noting his gic position on the issue of FY- pleasure over this. He added that ROM’s name at the NATO Summit Archdiocese he had the opportunity to inform Harry Moskos: An Esteemed Journalist in Bucharest, as well as at the most Mr. Ban about the Cypriot Govern- recent EU Summit. The conclusions ment’s impression of issues related By Evan C. Lambrou When he graduated from col- being a newsman, and continues to made at both summits capture in Denied to the reunification talks that have Special to The National Herald lege, he had a job waiting for him – maintain his interest in comic the best possible way the reality just recently resumed between the at the same newspaper – and for strips, several of which have actual- that is being shaped from here on Greek and Turkish Cypriot sides. NEW YORK – He always knew he the next 55 years, right up until the ly used his name: “Crock,” “Alley in, which our northern neighbor is Dismissal of “I asked the Secretary General wanted to be a newsman. He start- present day, Harry Moskos has kept Oop,” “Geech,” “Out of Bounds” obliged to adapt to. Greece has con- to speak to the Turkish Govern- ed his own school newspaper when his hand firmly in journalism, and and “That’s Jake.” sistently sought regional stability ment, because I reiterate that I be- he was still in elementary school, continues to work for another one Mr. Moskos was born in Chicago and cooperation with Western Katinas Case lieve that the key lies there - re- and loved picking up the local af- of his hometown newspapers in Al- in 1936. He is the younger brother Balkan nations. These are the two gardless of how my friend Mr. Talat ternoon newspaper after school. buquerque, New Mexico – only of the late Professor Charles fundamental and inviolable princi- reacts - for the Turkish Cypriot side He got involved with his school now he does it from his home in Moskos, the country’s pre-eminent ples of our foreign policy. They are By Theodore Kalmoukos to become more reasonable on is- newspapers when he was in junior Knoxville, Tennessee. military sociologist and one of preconditions that carry decisive Special to The National Herald sues that we are discussing in rela- high school and high school, and What was the original draw? Northwestern University’s finest weight in our clear-cut strategy for tion to the makeup of the future asked for a job with one of the local What was it about newspapers that scholars, who passed away this past supporting the nations in our re- BOSTON – A Dallas, Texas court Government, and not just the papers when he was just 16 years of motivated him to pursue a career in May 31. gion on their path to entering Euro- denied the motions of the Greek roadmap,” Mr. Christofias said. age. It was a job he held onto while journalism? The funnies. Comic “I really miss Charlie,” Mr. pean and Euro-Atlantic organiza- Orthodox Archdiocese of America The President of Cyprus added he was in college, and with it, he strips were the initial magnet, and tions. Now is the time for FYROM to dismiss the lawsuit filed by five that he read statements made by paid his own way through school. since 1953, he has never stopped Continued on page 7 to take the necessary steps and cov- alleged sexual abuse victims of for- Mr. Talat a day earlier accusing him mer priest Nicholas Katinas. The of delaying the negotiations. “What judge has set Monday, November 3, can I say? Instead of this complaint to begin the jury trial. The motions being lodged by me, I am hearing it to dismiss the case were filed by the from Mr. Talat. These positions are PASOK Leader Archdiocese based on the statute of regrettable. There is no chance that limitations since the alleged accu- Demetris Christofias is going to sations took place. sway from the basic principles that Papandreou The defendant’s counsel had have to do with the resolution of presented a number of documents the Cyprus issue. I am going to re- showing the sexual abuse that was state this message, which I have al- In New York allegedly committed by Mr. Katinas ready given to Mr. Talat, one more to the alleged victims during his time, here inside the United Na- priestly service at the Holy Trinity tions building. I will show under- By Demetris Tsakas Greek Orthodox parish in Dallas, standing on my behalf, and there Special to The National Herald Texas where he served for 28 years. will certainly be flexibility, but I Present at the court on Monday, cannot disregard the principles that NEW YORK – Main opposition PA- September 15, along with the have to do with the unity of the SOK leader and Socialist Interna- lawyers of both sides was Mr. Jerry state, the unity of the economy, and tional President George Papan- Dimitriou, Director of the Adminis- the unity of the people.” dreou arrived in New York on tration of the Archdiocese and also President Christofias added that Wednesday, September 24 to chair the Finance Department. Deposi- a meeting of the Socialist Interna- tions have been taken from Metro- Continued on page 5 tional Presidium, which is taking politan Isaiah of Denver, Bishop place on the sidelines of the 63rd Savas of Troas, the chancellor of United Nations General Assembly.