THE EMBANKMENT, CARDIFF Planning Statement January 2021 Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. The Application Site 5 3. The Proposed Development 11 4. Planning Policy Context 16 5. Planning Assessment 23 6. Draft Heads of Terms 38 7. Summary and Conclusion 40 Appendix 1: DCfW Response to the Proposals 43 Appendix 2: Site Location Plan 44 Appendix 3: Policy KPA 2 (A) Extract 45 Huw Jones
[email protected] Client Vastint UK Services Limited Our reference VAST3000 January 2021 1. Introduction 1.1 This Planning Statement has been prepared by Turley on behalf of Vastint UK Services Limited (“Vastint”) in support of an outline planning application for the comprehensive mixed-use, residential-led redevelopment of the Embankment, Cardiff (“The Site”). 1.2 The formal description of development (“Proposed Development”) is as follows: “Demolition of existing buildings and structures and the comprehensive mixed-use redevelopment of land at Curran Embankment to provide up to 2,500 new homes (Class C3), Business space (Class B1) and a mix of complementary leisure, food and drink, hospitality, retail and health and wellbeing uses (Class A1, A2, A3, C1, D1 and D2); creation of new open space (including a new riverside park and water taxi stop); new pedestrian, cycle and vehicular access points; pedestrian footbridge ; vehicular and cycle parking facilities; landscaping public realm and other associated ancillary and highways works. All matters reserved other than vehicular access.’’ 1.3 This application is made in outline, with all matters reserved with the exception of vehicular access. 1.4 The application is supported by a set of parameter plans (prepared by 3D Reid).