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Bab 1. Pendahuluan...... 1 1.1 Latar Belakang...... 1 1.2 Maksud dan tujuan...... 2 1.3 Dasar Pemilihan daerah...... 3 1.4 Ruang Lingkup Pekerjaan...... 3 1.5 Sistematika Penulisan...... 3

Bab2 Metode Pendekatan...... 5 2.1 Pengertian...... 5 2.2 Metode Pendekatan...... 5 2.3 Tahap Pelaksanaan...... 7 2.4 Manajemen Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan...... 9

Bab3 Sistem lnformasi Pekerjaan Umum...... 10 3.1 Gambaran Umum...... 10 3.2 Konsepsi Sistem lnformasi PU...... 11

Bab4 Sistem lnformasi Kanwil...... 13 4.1 Umum...... 13 4.2 Sistematika Penyajian...... 14

Lampi ran Contoh Tampilan Homepage Kanwil BAB I. PENDAHULUAN

1.1 Latar Belakang Dalam melaksanakan tugas pokok menyelenggarakan tugas pemerintahan dan tugas pembangunan, Departemen Pekerjaan Umum mengemban fungsi : 1.Merumuskan kebijaksanaan pengaturan, pembinaan, pembangunan, pengawasan, penelitian dan pengembangan serta memberikan perijinan bidang-bidang dalam ruang lingkup tugas Departemen Pekerjaan Umum.

2.Melaksanakan kegiatan tugas umum Pemerintahan dan Pembangunan bidang bidang dalam rangka tugas Departemen Pekerjaan Umum.

3.Mengawasi pelaksanaan bidang-bidang dalam ruang lingkup tugas Departemen Pekerjaan Umum, dan

4.Mengelola kekayaan milik negara yang menjadi tanggung jawab Departemen Pekerjaan Umum.

Pembangunan yang diselenggarakan tersebut dalam rangka penyediaan prasarana dan sarana dasar pekerjaan umum (PSDPU). Pelaksanaan kegiatan pembangunan tersebut telah diselenggarakan secara terencana sejak 1969 (Repelita 1}, yang meliputi perumusan kebijaksanaan, penyusunan rencana dan program, pembiayaan, pelaksanaan, monitoring dan evaluasi. Proses manjemen tersebut akan semakin mantap apabila data/informasi sebagai modal dasarnya dapat diperoleh secara cepat, tepat dan aktual.

Dalam penentuan kebijaksanaan dan strategi pembangunan bidang ke-PU-an, pengintegrasian rencana dan sinkronisasi program serta pemanfaatannya, masukan dari berbagai sektor/instansi terkait sangat diperlukan. Kanwil PU yang diharapkan akan menjadi Pusat Database Ke-PU-an di daerah akan menjadi satu unit penting dalam memberikan masukan data. Muatan informasi yang diperlukan meliputi semua aspek dari seluruh rangkaian proses pembangunan PSDPU termasuk permasalahan, potensi, peluang yang tersedia dan tuntutan pembangunan yang terjadi serta kondisi daerah sebagai acuan pembangunannya. lnformasi tersebut berguna untuk masukan para perumus kebijaksanaan pembangunan dan pada gilirannya perlu disebar luaskan dan diketahui oleh kalangan swasta dan masyarakat umum. Hal ini pada gilirannya bisa menarik dan meningkatkan partisipasi dan kontribusi masyarakat dan dunia usaha yang secara bertahap akan semakin mendorong partisipasi aktif masing-masing untuk ikut berinvestasi dalam pembangunan bidang pekerjaan umum.

Penayangan informasi yang dapat diakses terus menerus selama 24 jam dari setiap tempat akan membantu pemanfaatan data/informasi Kanwil PU secara lebih baik dan transparan. Masyarakat luas, khususnya yang terkait dengan bidang ke-PU-an dan bisa memanfaatkan internet (PU-net) akan dapat memperoleh informasi atau perkembangan ke-PU-an secara rutin dengan data yang mutakhir mengenai profil daerah terutama dari sektor ke-PU-an. Dalam kaitan tersebut maka perlu dibuat suatu model penayangan informasi Kanwil dalam format Homepage Kanwil PU yang mencakup informasi pembangunan prasarana dan sarana bidang pengairan, jalan dan jembatan, perumahan dan permukiman.

1.2 Maksud dan Tujuan Maksud pembuatan tayangan Homepage Kanwil melalui PU-net ini adalah untuk menyajikan protret daerah dibidang ke-PU-an yang dapat disegarkan (update) setiap saat dan dapat ditayangkan secara transparan melalui PU-net. lnformasi yang disajikan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan yang bermanfaat bagi para penyusun kebijaksanaan dan para penyusun rencana & program pembangunan PSDPU serta bermanfaat bagi mitra pembangunan dan bagi masyarakat luas. Tujuan dari penyusunan dan penyajian Homepage Kanwil ini adalah untuk memberi gambaran umum bagi lingkungan Departemen PU, instansi terkait dan masyarakat luas tentang perkembangan pembangunan di masing-masing daerah propinsi yang dilaksanakan oleh Departemen PU termasuk kemungkinan pengembangan dimasa depan berdasarkan potensi dan peluang yang tersedia di daerah masing-masing.

2 1.3 Casar Pemilihan Daerah Pemerintah sedang mengarahkan pembangunan ke kawasan timur Untuk itu penayangan informasi mengenai Indonesia timur perlu ditransparansikan. Namun bukan berarti bahwa informasi mengenai kawasan Indonesia barat tidak ditayangkan didalam homepage Kanwil melalui PU-net ini. Untuk itu daerah yang menjadi model atau contoh penayangan informasi homepage kanwil akan banyak mewakili kawasan Indonesia timur. Secara lengkap daerah yang akan ditayangkan adalah : Kawasan Indonesia timur mencakup Timor Timur, NTB, Sulut, Sulsel, Maluku dan lrja. Daerah yang mewakili Indonesia tengah adalah Jawa Timur dan Kalimantan Timur, sedang yang mewakili kawasan Indonesia barat adalah Bengkulu dan Sumatra Barat.

1.4 Ruang Lingkup Pekerjaan Pekerjaan ini mencakup urutan aktifitas yang mencakup lingkup berikut a. Melakukan penyusunan desain tampilan Homepage Kanwil yang dapat memenuhi tujuan dan sasaran tersebut di atas desain dibuat dengan mengutamakan aspek muatan informasi (yang diperinci menurut kandungan dan karakteristik informasi pada paragraf 4) disamping tetap memperhatikan aspek seni statistik penampilan. b. Melakukan pengumpulan data-data literal dan spasial yang diperlukan untuk tayangan PU-net. c. Melakukan kompilasi dan telaahan terhadap data yang terkumpul untuk menjamin kelengkapan, relevansi dan akurasi informasi yang akan ditampilkan. d. Melakukan perekaman data dan pemeliharaan pangkalan data. e. Melakukan pengolahan data dan pengendalian mutu tampilan. f. Menayangkan tampilan informasi Homepage Kanwil dalam PU-net. g. Membuat laporan

1.5 Sistematika Penulisan Laporan ini disajikan dalam satu sistematika penulisan sebagai berikut. Bab 1 Pendahuluan, akan menjelaskan tentang Jatar belakang pelaksanaan pekerjaan, menguraikan rumusan tujuan, lingkup kegiatan dan dasar pemilihan daerah yang ditayangkan dalam pekerjaan ini. Bab 2 menjelaskan tentang metode pendekatan yang

3 akan digunakan dalam penyelesaian pekerjaan. Bab 3 menguraikan penjelasan mengenai sistem informasi PU dan keterkaitannya dengan sistem informasi Kanwil PU. Pada Bab 4 dijelaskan mengenai sistem informasi Kanwil PU dengan model penayangannya di homepage PU-net.


2.1 Pengertian Untuk menyamakan pemahaman, perlu dijelaskan beberapa pengertian umum yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan ini sebagi berikut. a. PU-net merupakan (internet) media komuniksi data antar 'node' dengan menggunakan media komunikasi telepon dan perangkat komputer serta modem yang dikelola oleh Departemen Pekerjaan Umum. b. Homepage merupakan wahana mempromosikan suatu unit (instansi pemerintah /swasta/pribadi) melalui media internet. c. Kanwil PU merupakan unit (tangan) Departemen Pekerjaan Umum yang berada di daerah tingkat I (Propinsi). d. Sistem Database merupakan satu tatanan data/informasi baik literal maupun spasial yang terstruktur sehingga mudah dilakukan pembaruan. e. Email merupakan persuratan dengan menggunakan cara elektronis (fasilitas internet)

f. HTML adalah satu cara/bahasa yang digunakan untuk membuat tampilan homepage dan merupakan kepanjangan dari hypertext mark-up language.

2.2 Metode Pendekatan Pendekatan ditempuh dengan melakukan kerjasama antara Pusdata dengan Kanwil PU dalam penentuan kerangka tampilan, proses pengolahan data sampai dengan menjadi informasi yang dapat ditayangkan dalam bentuk Homepage Kanwil di PU-net. Untuk itu dalam menyajikan hasil akhir dipertimbangkan tiga hal pokok berikut: a. Karakteristik produk tayangan b. Kandungan informasi tayangan c. Karakteristik informasi yang ditayangkan a. Karakteristik Produk Tayangan :

• Produk yang dihasilkan merupakan produk terpakai, yaitu produk yang dibuat berdasarkan (perkiraan) kebutuhan para pengguna PU-net.

5 • Produk ini merupakan sarana komunikasi aktif antara pengguna informasi dengan sumber informasi (Kanwil yang bersangkutan) • Produk ini akan memperkuat posisi Kanwil PU sebagai Pusat lnformasi ke-PU-an di daerah. • Produk ini akan selalu menampilkan data I informasi tentang pembangunan PSDPU di daerah yang up to date. b. Kandungan lnformasi Homepage Kanwil :

• Profil propinsi • Tugas dan fungsi Kanwil • Rencana pembangunan lima tahun (Repelita) Daerah, lengkap dengan program tahunannya, termasuk Repelita dan program sektoral di daerah, beserta dengan program kerjanya. • Proses pelaksanaan koordinasi dan sinkronisasi program sektoral dan regional di masing-masing daerah. • Kondisi PSDPU sampai dengan tahun anggaran lalu • Hasil pemantauan pelaksanaan program di daerah • Produk-produk Bintek I Wastek yang dilakukan Kanwil PU di daerah. • Peluang investasi di bidang PSDPU di daerah. • Mitra kerja pembangunan di daerah • Hambatan dan kendala pembangunan yang ditemui. c. Karakteristik lnformasi yang Ditampilkan :

• lnformasi yang ditampilkan harus diolah dari data yang berasal dari sumber yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan keabsahan dan kebenaran datanya. • lnformasi harus dapat tampil tepat pada waktunya. • lnformasi yang tampil tidak boleh bertentangan dengan kebijaksaan pimpinan. • lnformasi yang tampil harus dapat memberi nilai tambah pada Kanwil yang bersangkutan serta Departemen Pekerjaan Umum pada umumnya. • lnformasi yang tampil harus bermanfaat bagi instansi terkait serta bagi masyarakat luas.

6 2.3. Tahapan Pelaksanaan

Dengan pendekatan tersebut maka pekerjaan ini meliputi kegiatan-kegiatan sebagai berikut: a. Penyusunan disain Homepage Kanwil • Homepage Kanwil adalah salah satu bagian dari PU-net. • Disain Homepage Kanwil disusun dengan memperhatikan saran dan masukan dari Kanwil yang bersangkutan • Kandungan materi Homepage Kanwil adalah seperti yang telah disebutkan pada paragraf 4.b, dengan karakteristik informasi seperti tersebut pada paragraf 4.c. • Disain ini mengatur mengenai Layout tampilan, struktur pangkalan data serta metoda pengolahannya.

b. Pengumpulan Data • Data yang perlu dikumpulkan adalah data-data yang akan menunjang tampilan informasi dalam Homepage Kanwil. • Data yang akan dikumpulkan adalah data-data yang diperlukan minus data­ data yang telah ada, kecuali untuk peremajaan data. • Data yang akan dikumpulkan harus diketahui dahulu sumber datanya. Dalam hal ini perlu dipelajari pula tingkat keaslian sumber data, apakah primer, sekunder, tersier dan seterusnya, untuk mengetahui tingkat kebenaran atau keabsahan datanya. • Sejauh mungkin diusahakan supaya Kanwil dapat menjadi sumber data utama bagi PU-net. Pencarian data ke sumber lain hanya dilakukan dalam keadaan terpaksa guna melengkapi data-data yang telah didapat dari sumber utama.

c. Penyaringan dan Dokumentasi Data : • Data yang terkumpul dicatat, lalu dipisah-pisahkan menurut kelompok­ kelonipok yang ditetapkan, dalam kegiatan identifikasi, inventarisasi dan klasifikasi data. • lsi data dipelajari, untuk dilihat korelasinya satu sama lain.

7 • Data-data yang tidak konsisten isinya perlu diklarifikasikan pada sumber datanya. • Catatan data yang masuk dan yang terpakai perlu disimpan. Data-data yang terpakai perlu disimpan setelah selesai direkam dan diolah, dalam Dokumentasi Hardcopy. d. Perekaman dan Pengolahan Data • Data yang telah disaring direkam ke dalam bentuk Softcopy, dengan format yang sesuai untuk tampilan di internet serta menggunakan metoda yang ditetapkan dalam disain di atas. • Data literal direkam dalam format HTML (hyper text mark-up langguage), data spasial direkam dalam format JPG atau GIF. • Data yang telah direkam langsung diolah menjadi draft tampilan. Draft tampilan perlu diuji mutu teknisnya sebelum menjadi tampilan final. • Rekaman data merupakan bahan untuk meremajakan pangkalan data. e. Penampilan lnformasi : • Tampilan final yang telah lulus uji mutu teknis boleh ditayangkan pada PU-net. • lnformasi yang tampil harus diremajakan secara periodik. • lsi tampilan dari setiap Kanwil mungkin ada yang berbeda, tetapi harus mempunyai struktur informasi yang seragam. • lnformasi yang ditampilkan harus mengikuti disain di atas. f. Pemeliharaan Pangkalan Data : • Struktur pangkalan data, khusus untuk Homepage Kanwil, harus dibuat sesuai dengan disain yang ditetapkan di atas. • Rekaman data di atas merupakan file transaksi untuk meremajakan pangkalan data. • Pangkalan data harus mempunyai file backup secara mingguan dan bulanan.

8 2.4. Manajemen Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan Pelaksanaan pekerjaan dilakukan oleh satu tim yang dipimpin oleh seorang koordinator dan dibantu tim yang dipinjami oleh tim ahli dan tim pendukung. Tenaga yang dimaksud adalah: 1. Sistem Ana/is, yang bertanggung jawab dalam penyusunan disain tampilan, meliputi penyusunan layout tampilan, struktur pangkalan data serta metoda pengolahannya. 2. Ahli Program CGI, bertanggung jawab untuk membuat link antara tampilan Homepage Kanwil dengan pangkalan datanya. 3. Ahli Pengumpul dan Penyaring Data, bertanggung jawab dalam pengumpulan, pengelompokan (klasifaksi) dan kompilasi data, untuk menjamin kelengkapan, kebenaran dan keabsahan data. 4. Ahli Administrasi Data, bertanggung jawab untuk mencatat dan menyimpan data masukan (raw data) dalam suatu sistem bank data mentah. 5. Ahli Pangkalan Data, bertanggung jawab untuk mengatur dan memelihara pangkalan data. 6. Operator HTML, bertanggung jawab untuk merekam data masukan ke dalam bentuk dijital dengan format tampilan tertentu, sesuai dengan disain yang telah ditetapkan. 7. Operator Perekam Data Gambar Spa sial, bertanggung jawab untuk merekam data gambar dalam format GIF, JPG, dsb. 8. Tenaga Adminstrasi, bertanggung jawab untuk membantu kelancaran adminstratif pekerjaan ini.


3.1 Umum

Sistem lnformasi Manajemen Departemen PU secara umum adalah komputerisasi dari tatanan pelaksanaan aktifitas ke-PU-an yang mencakup seluruh lapisan manajemen Dep. PU. Artinya tatanan secara manual sudah berjalan sehingga mekanisme/urutan proses tatanan tersebut dikomputerisasikan. Pada tulisan ini yang dimaksud SIM Dep.PU hanyalah sebagai kegiatan komunikasi data secara terkomputerisasi yang dapat membantu manajemen dalam melaksanakan tugas pemerintahan dan pembangunan ke­ PU-an.

SIM Dep.PU dibangun untuk mendukung kelancaran skenario pelaksanaan tugas ke-PU­ an yang mencakup kegiatan perencanaan, penyusunan program dan anggaran, rekayasa, pelaksanaan hingga operasi dan pemeliharaan. Kegiatan tersebut didasarkan pada database ke-PU-an yang mencakup : a. Data base kebutuhan pelayanan, baik pengairan, jalan dan jembatan, serta perumahan dan permukiman. b. Data base sumberdaya alam yang mencakup air, material, lahan, dan lingkungan. c. Data base SDM yang mencakup antara lain pengalaman dan kapasitas. d. Data base IPTEK dan sumber dana yang mencakup antara lain alokasi dan penggunaan. e. Data base PSDPU yang mencakup proyek, kondisi dan kapasitas.

Skenario pelaksanaan tugas yang didukung oleh data base yang tersebar (distributed database) tersebut diformulasikan dengan mengacu pada informasi kebijaksanaan (arahan, kebijaksanaan, sasaran, strategi) dan informasi manfaat (indikator kinerja dan efektifitas).

10 3.2 Konsepsi SIM Dep.PU

SIM Dep. PU dikembangkan dengan tujuan untuk dapat menyajikan informasi yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mendukung upaya pelaksanakan tugas yang mencakup: a. Pengarahan kebijaksanaan, sasaran, strategi serta pengendalian proyek pembangunan b. Penilaian kinerja hasil pembangunan dan efektifitas kebijaksanan sub­ sektor lingkup tugas Dep. PU. c. Pemantapan koordinasi, integrasi dan sinkronisasi d. Pelaksanaan tugas teknis dan non-teknis ke-PU-an

Secara ideal SIM Dep.PU tersebut harus : a. Dapat dimanfaatkan dengan masa adaptasi yang relatif singkat, artinya bisa digunakan oleh SDM di unit yang bersangkutan dengan mudah. b. Dapat diintegrasikan dengan sistem yang sudah dan akan dibangun. Artinya fleksibel atau mempunyai kompatibilitas yang tinggi sehingga tidak diperlukan langkah-langkah modifikasi yang berbelit untuk dikomunikasikan dengan aplikasi yang sudah ada. c. Dapat dikembangkan sesuai tuntutan kebutuhan atau dinamis dalam mengikuti perkembangan teknologi informasi. Artinya sistem informasi tersebut tidak cepat out of date untuk berbagai operating sistem sehingga masa berlakunya cukup panjang.

Jadi jelas bahwa SIM Dep.PU dikembangkan dari satu tatanan yang berawal dari kebijaksanaan ke-PU-an. Kebijaksanaan tersebut diformulasikan berdasarkan kebutuhan akan pelayanan ke-PU-an. Dalam implementasinya sumber daya akan sangat mempengaruhi keberhasilan pelaksanaan kebijaksanaan yang sudah dituangkan dalam berbagai kegiatan tersebut. Dan yang dimaksud dengan kegiatan diatas adalah kegiatan yang mencakup pengaturan, pembinaan, pengawasan dan pembangunan ke-PU-an (PSDPU). Ukuran darikeberhasilan kontribusi sistem iformasi dalam manajemen ke-PU­ an tersebut apabila manfaatnya telah dirasakan oleh manajemen Departemen PU atau pelaksanaan tugas ke-PU-an, yang antara lain berupa kelancaran seluruh tatanan pelaksanaan tugas.

II Hampir di setiap Satminkal PU telah dibangun suatu aplikasi komputer untuk mendukung manajemen. Namun kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa pada saat akan dilakukan integrasi sistem informasi ditemui berbagai hambatan yang antara lain berupa inkompatibilitas sistem aplikasi, inkompatibilitas data base, kekurangan sumber daya (SDM), problem hardware/software dan sebagainya. Hal tersebut tak akan terjadi kalau pengembangan sistem informasi tersebut berdasar satu 'payung' yaitu integrasi sistem informasi ke-PU­ an. Untuk menjembatani kendala tersebut perlu dilakukan langkah-langah integrasi sistem informasi Departemen PU yang mengacu pada konsepsi sistem informasi Departemen PU. Dari penjelasan tersebut jelas bahwa aplikasi yang ada di setiap satminkal, apabila dilihat dari dimensi kepentingan departemen dan dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan pembangunan dari tahap perencanaan hingga tahap evaluasi manfaat. Aplikasi tersebut akan terintegrasi dengan basis data base ke-PU-an yang tersebar. Pada puncaknya dilakukan summary dari seluruh informasi yang disajikan dalam SIE. Seluruh aplikasi tersebut disajikan dengan dasar referensi geografis. Dengan konsepsi tersebut yang didukung oleh sumber daya yang tepat dan berkesinambungan akan sangat membantu pelaksanaan tugas turbinwasbang ke-PU-an.

Sebagai sistem informasi Departemen PU secara nasional komunikasi data dari proyek sebagai ujung tombak pembangunan yang berada di daerah hingga pimpinan pusat dapat dilaksanakan. Dari gambaran tersebut terlihat jelas bahwa Kanwil difungsikan sebagai koordinator yang sekaligus pusat data di daerah yang bersangkutan dan akan mengkomunikasikan informasi tersebut ke proyek, dinas maupun pusat dengan menggunakan sarana PU-net. Keseluruhan tersebut dirangkai dalam satu bentuk yang disebut intra net Departemen PU.


4.1 Umum

Dalam rancangan konsepsi sistem informasi PU, Kanwil berfungsi sebagai koordinator dan sekaligus database di daerah yang bersangkutan. Untuk itu Kanwil perlu diberikan perangkat yang dapat mendukung pelaksanaan tugasnya baik berupa software, hardware dan sumber daya lainnya. Tanpa perangkat tersebut akan sangat sulit merealisasikan konsepsi diatas.

Sampai saat sekarang seluruh Kanwil PU telah dilengkapi dengan seperangkat komputer yang tersusun dalam satu jaringan yang telah siap beroperasi dengan berbagai aplikasi yang diperlukan oleh pimpinan PU pada levelnya. Komunikasi datanya · pun telah dibangun dengan pelatihan SDM-nya. Pada kondisi seperti ini komitmen pimpinan Departemen akan sangat menentukan kelancaran jalannya sistem informasi yang telah dibangun. Di Departemen PU komitmen pimpinan, khususnya Bapak Menteri Pekerjaan Umum telah ditunjukkan demikian besarnya. Untuk itu sekaranglah saatnya sistem informasi Departemen PU muncul dan beroperasi dengan baik.

Dalam rangka mendorong peran Kanwil dan mendukung realisasi posisi Kanwil dalam konsepsi sistem informasi Dep. PU serta membuat informasi ke-PU-an menjadi transparan bagi masyarakat luas, khususnya masyarakat ke-PU-an, maka dibuat model informasi Kanwil dalam homepage PU-net. Sebagai model dkembangkan homepage kanwil yang diharapkan bisa mewakili wilayah lndonesa timur, tengah dan barat. Daerah yang dimaksud adalah Kanwil Timor Timur, Nusa Tenggara barat, Sulawesi Utara, Sulawesi selatan, Maluku dan Irian yang mewakili Indonesia Timur. Kanwil Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan tengah, dan jawa Timur yang mewakili wilayah Indonesia Tengah. Kanwil bengkulu dan Sumatra Barat yang mewakili wilayah Indonesia Barat.

13 4.2 Sistematika Penyajian.

Homepage Kanwil yang dikembangkan dalam pekerjaan ini distandarkan isinya. Standar informasi minimal yang dimaksud disajikan dalam sistematika sebagai berikut: 1. Judul : Kanwil Pekerjaan Umum Propinsi Setempat 2. Tugas dan Fungsi Kanwil berisi tugas dan fungsi Kanwil 3. Kondisi daerah mencakup kondisi umum dan kinerja PSDPU sampai Pelita V untuk bidang Bina Marga, pengairan dan Cipta Karya. 4. Kebijaksanaan Pembangunan Pelita VI berisikan : a. Kebijaksanaan Pembangunan Daerah b. Kebijaksanaan Sinkronisasi Pembangunan PSDPU c. Sinkronisasi Pembangunan PSDPU 5. Program tahunan Pada Repelita VI mencakup : a. Program Tahun 1995/1996 b. Program Tahun 1996/1997 6. Data Propinsi dan Profil PSDPU mencakup: a. Pengairan dan Sumberdaya air b. Jalan dan jembatan c. Perumahan dan Permukiman.

Dengan sistematika ini diharapkan masuarakat ke-PU-an maupun masyarakat luas lebih memahami informasi ke-PU-an di daerah sehingga terdorong untuk lebih berkomunikasi atau lebih jauh berinvestasi ke derah yang bersangkutan. Salah satu contoh rinci dari tayangan homepage untuk Kanwil Sulawesi selatan di lampirkan dalam laporan ini dan tayangan live-nya bisa dilihat pada homepage PU-net.



.... English Version

Pelaksanaan Program Tahun Anggaran 1996/1997 Arah. Sasaran dan Kebijaksanaan Pembangunan


Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Irian Jaya.

2 Luas : 421.981 Km • Terletak dian tara 2°.25' LU - 9° 00' LS serta 130°00' BT - 141 °00' BT. Berbatasan dengan : Negara New Guinea di sebelah timur. Laut Arafura di sebelah selatan. Laut Seram, Laut Banda, Propinsi Maluku di sebelah barat. Samudera Pasifik di sebelah utara.


Struktur pemerintahan di Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Irian Jaya terdiri alas :

Kabupaten Daerah Tingkat II : 9 buah. Kotamadya : I buah. Kecamatan : 117 buah. Perwakilan Kabupaten : I buah. Perwakilan Wilayah Kecamatan : 9 buah. Desa : 2.159 buah. Kelurahan : 73 buah. Unit Pemukiman Transmigrasi : 45 buah. Dari desa tersebut 1.951 desa merupakan desa miskin atau 88.88% dari desalkelurahan yang ada.



Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Irian Jaya :

Mempunyai 418.600 KK terdiri atas 1.892.200 Jiwa. Tingkat kepadatan penduduk = 4,48 Jiwa!Km 2 dengan Penyebaran penduduk 22% atau 508.900 jiwo berada di Kabupaten Jayawijaya. Tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk pada tahun 1990 - 1993 = 3,51 %.

r::JPertumbuhan Ekonomi.

Laju pertumbuhan ekonomi yang dicapai Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Irian Jaya tahun 1994 adalah 7,25 %. Laju pertumbuhan PDRB Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Irian Jaya periode 1988- 1992 atas dasar harga berlaku rata-rata sebesar 18,47% I tahun dan alas dasar harga konstan 1983 sebesar: II ,88% I tahun.

[JPerkem bangan I nd ustri.

Struktur industri di Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Irian Jaya masih didominasi oleh industri kecil dan menengah. Prioritas pengembangan industri diarahkan pada Kahupatcn Daerah Tingkat II Sorong dan Numfor. Potensi.

Potemii Sumher Daytt A lam

Tanaman Pangan

Produksi tmwnHlll padi dalam hcntuk gahnh kering giling di Propinsi Dacrah Tingkat I lrinn Jaya pnda tahun 1994 adalah 42.864 ton dengan rata-rata 25,86 kwt/ha. Sentra produksi padi terdapat di Kabupaten Dati II Merauke dengan hasil 27.674 ton atau 64,56% dari total produksi. Produksi lainnya yang menonjol adalah produksi ubi jalar sebesar 92.438 ton atau 79,54 % dengan sentra di Kabupaten Dati II Jayawijaya. Produksi jagung sebesar 4.204 ton atau 44.62 % dengan sentra di Kabupaten Dati II Jayapura. Produksi kedele sebesar 4.261 ton atau 41.68 % dengan sentra di Kabupaten Dati II Jayapura.


Luas areal tanaman perkebunan rakyat di Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Irian Jaya antara lain : Kopi 4.377 Ha terbesar di Jayawijaya. Pala 5.353 Ha terbesar di Fak-fak. Cengkeh 3.152 Ha terbesar di Fak-fak. Karel 3.631 Ha terbesar di Merauke. Jambu mete 3.244 Ha terbesar di Merauke. Kelapa sawit 8.000 Ha terbesar di Manokwari. Kelapa 32.297 Ha terbesar di Jayapura. Cokelat 20.209 Ha terbesar di Jayapura.

Potensi Pariwisata

Di Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Irian Jaya memiliki potcnsi ohyck wisata alam dan wisala hudaya yang spesifik sebagai penunjang pengembangan pariwisata.

Potensi wisata alam yang terkenal adalah : Taman Nasional Lorenz Salju abadi puncak Mandala Kepulauan Auri di Manokwari Kepulauan Manem di Biak

19/12196 8:01:31 DEPARTEMEN PEKERJAAN UMUM REPUBLIK INDONESIA Page 3 of 3 Potensi wisata budaya adalah : Mumy di Wamcna Tugu Mac At1ur Goa peninggalan Jcpang dan makam tcntara .Jcpang di Sanni

Potensi Transmigrasi.

Penempatan transmigrasi di Propinsi Irian Jaya sejak pra Pelita sampai dengan Pelita V sejumlah 58.437 KK tersebar di 163 Unit Pemukiman Transmigrasi (UPT) dapat memberikan potensi untuk mendukung swa-sembada beras di Propinsi Irian Jaya.



Pada tahun anggaran 1996/1997 penyiapan Prasarana dan Saran a Dasar Pekerjaan U111u111 (PSD-PU) di Propinsi Irian Jaya akan dilaksanakan kegiatan-kegiatan 111elalui proyek-proyek dilingkungan Departe111en Pekerjaan U111um sebagai berikut :

• Sektor Pengairan.

1. Program Pengembangan dan Konsen'asi Sumber Daya Air.

Proyek Pengembangan Konservasi Su111ber Daya Air (PKSA) dengan target sebagai berikut :

Menyelesaikan pe111bangunan bendung karet di Merm1ke dan pe111bangunan e111bung 13 unit di Kabupaten Sorong. Penyediaan air baku dengan pengeboran su111ur dala111 sebanyak 34 buah su111ur artesis di Kabupatcn Meraukc dan Jayapura. Jaringan irigasi air tanah 50 I Ia di Kabupntcn Mcraukc.

2. Program Pengelolaan Sungai Damm dan Sumhcr Air lainnya.

Proyek Pengembangan dan Pengelolaan Su111ber 1\ir dan Pengendnlian Banjir (PPASPB) dengan pencapaian sasaran sebagai berikut :

Perbaikan dan perkuatan tebing sungai di 3 Kabupaten sepanjang 22.314 111. Melanjutkan pengendalian bnnjir di 1\rso Jayapura dan Re111u Kabupaten Sorong sepanjang 14.163 m.

3. Program Pengembangan dan Pcngclolaan .Jaringan lrigasi.

Proyek lrigasi Jayapura dan Proyek lrigasi Manokwari, 111elanjutkan pe111bangunanjaringan irigasi tahun sebelumnya dan merehabilitasi jaringan yang tclah rusak. Pada tahun anggaran ini pembangunan bendung Kalibu111i di111ulai pelaksanaannya. Target dari program ini adalah sebagai berikut :

Lanjutan pembangunan jaringan irigasi seluas I. 740 II a. Rehabilitasi jaringan seluas 1.116 II a. Peningkatan jaringan irigasi de sa (PI D) seluas 5.123 II a. Pembangunan bendung Kalibu111i tahap I di Kabupaten Paniai.

4. Program Pengembangan dan Pcngclolaan l>acrah Rawa.

Dilaksanakan melalui Proyek Pengembangan dan Pengelolaan Daerah Rawa Irian Jaya. Target yang ingin dicapai sebagai bcrikut : Peningkatan jaringan serba guna di Merauke sepanjang 119.050 111 di Kabupaten Merauke.

• Sub Sektor Prasarana Jalan.

Penanganan ruas jalan diutamakan untuk 111enjaga kc111antapanjalan Nasional dan 111cnangani ruas-ruas jalan yang langsung dirasakan manfaatnya olch 111asyarakat.

1. Program Rehabilitasi dan Pcmcliharaan .Jalan dan .Jembatan.

Proyek Rehabilitasi dan Pemeliharaan Jalan dan Je111batan Irian Jaya ditujukan untuk 111e111elihara jalan yang me111punyai akses langsung ke 111asyarakat dengan target :

Pemeliharaan rutin jalan 1.222 K111, bcrkala 20 111. Pemeliharaan jembatan 865,90 111 di 9 kabupaten.


2. Program Peningkatan Jalan dan Penggantian Jembatan.

Proyek Peningkatan Jalan dan Penggantian Jembatan Irian Jaya dengan dana APBN dan BLN dengan target : Peningkatan jalan 92,7 Km di 9 kabupaten I kotamadya. Penggantian jembatan 220 m.

3. Program Pembangunan Jalan dan Jembatan.

Pembangunan jalan Jayapura- Wamena. Klamono- Ayamaru, Kokas- Bombery, Nimbokrang­ Armopa- Sarmi dan jalan lainnya serta jembatan Maro, Memberamo terus dilanjutkan. Sedangkan pembangunan jalan poros desa untuk tahun anggaran 199611997 pembangunannya tidak lagi dilaksanakan melalui Proyek Pemhangunan Jalan dan Jembatan Irian Jaya melainkan langsung ditangani oleh daerah.

Target tahun anggaran 199611997 adalah sebagai berikut : Pembangunan jalan 156 Km di 8 kabupaten. Pembangunan jembatan 564.5 di 8 kabupalen.

eSektor Perumahan dan Permukiman.

1. Program Perbaikan Perumahan Permukiman.

Dilaksanakan melalui Proyek Perbaikan Pcrumahan dan Permukiman Irian Jaya dengan kegialan sebagai berikut : Perbaikan lingkungan perumahan kola di 2 kawasan scluas 20 I Ia. di kola Sorong. dan Biak. Perbaikan lingkungan pcrmukiman pasar scluas I II II a di kola Sorong..

2. Program Penyediaan dan Pengelolaan Air Bersih.

Peningkatan kapasitas pelayanan air hersih di perkolaan maupun di ibukota kccamalan scrta didesa dan mengurangi kebocoran air bersih.

Pelaksanaan melalui Proyek Penyediaan dan Pengelolaan Air Bersih Irian Jaya dengan target: Peningkatan pelayanan I kapasitas di 6 kola dengan pemasangan I penambahan jaringan perpipaan. Penyediaan sistern penjernihan air sederhana (SIP AS) di I 0 desa. Bantuan I unit truck lanki untuk Kabupaten .layapura.

3. Program Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman.

Bantuan paket pengelolaan persampahan, penanganan air limbah scrta penanganan daerah genangan banjir dilaksanakan melalui Proyek Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman Irian Jaya dengan target: Pengelolaan persampahan. Buldozer 2 unit untuk 2 kola. Truck sampah I unit. Pernbangunan tempat pembuangan akhir sampah (TPA) 2 unit. Pengelolaan air limbah dengan sistem rnodul. Penanganan daerah genangan I banjir dengan pembangunan saluran drainase 1.970 m di 3 kola.



- - ~------~------

e Arab Pembangunan. Pembangunan Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Irian .Jaya diarahkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar dan peningkatan kualitas sumberdaya manusia, haik untuk kchutuhan pangan I gizi, pendidikan, kesehatan dan perumahan, peningkatan sarana ekonomi pedesaan, peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas pemerintahan dan kelembagaan serta meningkatkan aksesibilitas dengan menyediakan prasarana transportasi baik darat, laut maupun udara. e Sasaran. Sasaran Pembangunan Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Irian Jaya dalam PJP II lebih ditekankan pada mantapnya otonomi daerah yang nyata serta meratanya pelaksanaan pernbangunan dan hasil-hasilnya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat. Sasaran pertumbuhan ekonomi diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi (non migas) rata-rata 12,50% per tahun dan untuk itulah maka diperlukan peningkatan investasi sarana dan prasarana dibukanya daerah terisolasi sehingga menyebabkan dibukanya daerah terisolasi untuk memudahkan distribusi arus barang dan jasa

e Kebijaksanaan Pembangunan I>acrah. Dalam Pola Dasar Pembangunan Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I Irian Jaya, Ielah ditetapkan kebijaksanaan pembangunan melalui pendekatan 5 perwilayahan pernbangunan.

"k Sasaran Pembangunan PSD-PU di Irian Jaya.

Sasaran PSD-PU pada Pelita V di Propinsi Irian Jaya yang diperlukan untuk mendukung tercapainya Sasaran Nasional dan Daerah meliputi : e Sektor Pengairan I. Pembangunan bendung dan 30 unit embung, penyediaan air baku untuk permukiman (m3/det), pertanian (m3/det) tennasuk pengembanganjaringan air tanah 300 ha. 2. Perbaikan sungai 60 km, pemeliharaan sungai 50 km dan pemeliharaan danau sebanyak I unit. 3. Pembangunan jaringan irigasi 36.500 ha dan penyiapan lahan sawah baru 15.600 ha termasuk : Saluran primer 160 km Saluran sekunder 330 km Saluran tersier 2.220 km Bendung 3 unit

Pemeliharaan dan rehabilitasi jaringan irigasi melalui : Pemeliharaan jaringan irigasi man tap 23.000 ha Pemeliharaan jaringan irigasi belum mantap 6.000 ha termasuk : Saluran primer 570 km Sa luran sekunder 810 km Bendung 6 unit

Rehabilitasi dan peningkatan jaringan irigasi drm pcningkatan irigasi dcsa 2.000 ha tcrmasuk : Saluran primer 5 krn Sa luran sekunder I 0 km Bendung 5 unit

Pengembanganjaringan rawa 30.000 ha tennasuk pengembangan : Saluran primer 47 km Sa luran sekunder I 00 krn e Sektor Prasarana Jalan.


I. Rehabilitasi dan pemeliharaan jalan dan jemhatan : Jalan arteri dan kolektor 4.630 km Jalan lokal primer 5.967 km Jalan poros desa 3.296 km Jembatan 5.222 m

2. Peningkatan jalan dan penggantian jembatan : Jalan arteri dan kolektor 826 km Jalan lokal primer 1.328 km Jalan poros desa 185 km Jembatan 2.372 m

3. Pembangunan jalan dan jembatan : Jalan arteri dan kolektor 291 km Jalan lokal primer II I km Jalan poros desa I 07 km Jembatan 2.1 15 m

e Sektor Perumahan dan Permukiman. I. Perbaikan Perumahan dan Permukiman mclalui : Peremajaan lingkungan permukiman 21 ha Perbaikan lingkungan permukiman kota 568 ha, prioritas di Jayapura, Sorong, Biak dan Wamena. Pemugaran perumahan dan permukiman desa di 1.385 desa dan pemugaran 23.207 unit rumah. Penyediaan perumahan dan permukiman melalui pembangunan pusat pengembangan desa 80 kawasan.

2. Penyediaan dan pengelolaan air bersih berupa : Peningkatan kapasitas produksi di perkotaan hingga mencapai 900 ltldet, jumlah penduduk yang terlayani 183.000 jiwa serta penurunan tingkat kebocoran hingga mencapai 27 %. Penyediaan air bersih pedesaan di 573 desa, jumlah penduduk yang terlayani 165.000 jiwa.

3. Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman berupa : Pengelolaan air limbah perkotaan di kola Manokwari. Biak, Jayapura dan Sorong. jurnlah penduduk yang terlayani 94.000 jiwa. Pengelolaan air lim bah pedesaan di 349 desa, jurnlah penduduk yang terlayani 40.000 orang atau 115 jiwa I desa atau 23 kk I desa. Pengelolaan persampahan di 9 kola dengan sistern rnodul. penduduk yang terlayani 44.000 jiwa. Penanganan drainase di 4 kola dengan luas 823 ha.

"1< Pencapaian Sasaran Pelita VI ( PSD-PU)

e Sektor Pengairan Dalam rangka pencapaian sasaran Repelita Vlmaka struktur program di bidang pengairan serta realisasi pelaksanaan sampai dengan tahun anggaran 199511996 adalah sebagai berikut :

Program Pengembangan dan Konservasi Sumhcr l>aya Air. Dilaksanakan melalui Proyek Pengembangan Konservasi Sumber Daya Air (PKSA) dengan pencapaian target sebagai berikut : Bendung karet di Kabupaten Merauke. Penyediaan air baku dengan pengeboran sumur dalam Ielah mencapai 57 buah sumur artesis dengan debit 52,47 lt/det di Kabupaten Merauke dan Jayapura. Jaringan lrigasi Air Tanah 115 Ita di Kabupaten Merauke.

Program Pengelolaan Sungai Danau dan Sumher Air lainnya. Dilaksanakan melalui Proyek Pengembangan dan Pcngelolaan Sumber Air dan Pengendalian Banjir (PPASPB) dengan pencapaian sasaran scbagai bcrikut : Perbaikan dan perkuatan tebing sungai di 3 kabupaten mencapai 30.531.50 m. Pemeliharaan sungai 2.849 rn di Kabupaten Sorong serta pengendalian banjir di Jayapura. Sorong dan Merauke dengan panjang 19.067 m.


Program Pengembangan dan Pengelolaan .Jaringan lrigasi. Dilaksanakan melalui Proyek lrigasi Jayapura dan Proyek lrigasi Manokwari, dalam upaya mendukung swasembada beras dan sasaran yang telah dicapai sampai dcngan TA 1995/1996 sebagai berikut : Pembangunan jaringan irigasi seluas 16.065 Ita. Penyiapan lahan berpengairan 1.316 I Ia.

Program Pengembangan dan Pengelolaan Daerah Rawa.

Dilaksanakan melalui Proyek Pengembangan dan Pengelolaan Daerah Rawa Irian Jaya. sasaran yang telah dicapai sebagai berikut : Reklamasi daerah rawa 3.850 Ha dengan membangun jaringan serba-guna sepanjang 53.480 m di Kabupaten Merauke.

e Sub Sektor Prasarana Jalan. Dalam rangka pencapaian jalan Arteri dan jalan Kolek tor I 00 % mantap serta jalan Lokal 60% mantap dengan penanganan ruas jalan diutamakan menjaga kemantapan jalan Nasional dan menangani ruas-ruas jalan yang langsung dirasakan manfaatnya oleh masyarakat. Program Rehabilitasi dan Pemeliharaan .Jalan dan .Jembatan.

Pencapaian sasaran pemeliharaan jalan Artcri dan Kolek tor yang dilaksanakan melalui Proyek Rehabilitasi dan Pemeliharaan .lalan dan .Jembatan Irian Jaya sebagai berikut : • Pemeliharaan jalan Arteri dan Kolek tor 2.268.970 km. • Pemeliharaan jembatan 20315136.50 bhlm

Dilaksanakan melalui Proyek Pemeliharaan .Jalan Propinsi dari sumber dana APBD I dengan pencapaian sasaran sebagai berikut : • Pemeliharaan jalan Propinsi I Kolek tor 457 km.

Dilaksanakan melalui Proyek Pemeliharaan .lalan Kabupaten dari sumber dana APBD II telah mencapai sasaran sebagai berikut : • Pemeliharaan jalan Kabupaten I Lokal 5 .544. 98 km.

Program Peningkatan Jalan dan Pcnggantian .Jcmbatan.

Dilaksanakan melalui Proyek Peningkatan .lalan dan Penggantian .Jembatan Irian Jaya dengan dana APBN dan BLN, pencapaian sasaran sebagai berikut : • Peningkatan jalan Arteri dan Kolek tor 85,6 km serta jalan dalam kota 27,4 km. • Peningkatan jalan poros desa 32 km di 8 desa. • Penggantian jembatan 11 buah telah selesai dan 8 buah masih dalam pelaksanaan.

Dilaksanakan melalui Proyek BP.JP (INPRES Dati I) dan BLN. pencapaian sasaran adalah sebagai berikut : • Peningkatan jalan Kolek tor 201.5 km. • Penggantian jembatan 635 m.

Dilaksanakan melalui Proyek BP.JK (INPRES Dati II) dan BLN, pencapaian sasaran adalah sebagai berikut : • Peningkatan jalan Lokal I Kabupatcn 299,0 I km. Program Pembangunan Jalan dan .Jcmbatan.

Dilaksanakan melalui Proyek Pembangunan .lalan dan .lembatan Irian Jaya. pencapaian sasaran sebagai berikut : • Pembangunan jalan Arteri dan Kolek tor 218.4 7 km di 8 kabupaten. • Pembangunan jalan poros di 16 desa sepanjang 111.56 km. • Pembangunan jembatan 1.206 m.


e Sektor Perumahan dan Permukiman. • Program Perbaikan Perumahan Pcrmukiman. Dilaksanakan melalui Proyek Perbaikan Perumahan dan Permukiman Irian Jaya telah mencapai sasaran sebagai berikut :

• Perbaikan lingkungan permukiman kota di 25 kawasan pada 7 kota. • Perbaikan lingkungan permukiman nelayan pada kawasan di Kabupaten Fak-fak dan Kabupaten Yapenwaropen. • Membangun kawasan terpadu pusat pertumbuhan desa pada 13 desa pusat pertumbuhan dengan memugar 90 unit perumahan. • Program Penyediaan dan l)engelolaan Air Bersih. Dilaksanakan melalui Proyek Penyediaan dan Pengelolaan Air Bersih Irian Jaya, hasil yang telah dicapai dalam Pelita VI adalah sebagai berikut : • Peningkatan. . pelayanan. I kapasitas di 9 kota dengan pemasanagan I penambahan Janngan perp1paan. • Penyediaan Air Bersih ibu kota Kecamatan. • Penyediaan Air Bersih pedesaan. • Program Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman. Dilaksanakan melalui Proyek Penyehatan Lingkungan Permukiman Irian Jaya. hasil dan kegiatan yang telah dicapai dalam mendukung peningkatan lingkungan permukiman di perkotaan dalam Pelita VI adalah sebagai berikut : • Pengelolaan persampahan dcngan memberikan paket bantuan pengelolaan persampahan meliputi : • Truck sampah 18 unit untuk 4 kota. • Pembangunan tempat pembuangan akhir sampah (TPA). • Pengelolaan air limbah dengan sistem modul. • Penanganan daerah genangan I banjir dengan pembangunan saluran drainase.

*Arahan Penyusunan Progra111 PSD-PU TA 1997/1998.

Berdasarkan pencapaian sasaran Pelita VI sampai dengan pelaksanaan Tahun Anggaran 1996/1997 maka kebijaksanaan dalam program Tahun Anggaran 1997/1998 disusun dengan mempertimbangkan :

• Kriteria skala besaran I fungsi. • Kriteria lokasi.

Semua itu melalui tahapan analisa hirarki Proyek sebagai salah satu cara untuk menentukan urutan prioritas. Untuk mempermudah penyusunan program maka diturunkan kebijaksanaan untuk masing-masing program sebagai berikut : e Sektor Pengairan. • Program Pengembangan dan Konservasi Sumber Daya Air dengan kegiatan dan kriteria sebagai berikut : • Pembangunan embung. diutamakan mcngoptimalkan pemanfaatan sumber air di daerah arid dan diprioritaskan pada daerah dengan curah hujan yang rendah. Dilaksanakan melalui Proyek PKSA Irian Jaya. • Program Pengelolaan Sungai Danau dan Sumber Air lainnya dengan kegiatan dan kriteria sebagai berikut : • Pemeliharaan Sungai. diutarnakan untuk rnempertahankan kapasitas pengaliran pada sungai yang berfungsi sebagai sumber air baku. pengendalian banjir melalui pemeliharaan penampang sungai terrnasuk

19/12/96 8:04:27 DEPARTEMEN PEKERJAAN UMUM REPUBLIK INDONESIA Page 5 of6 dalam program PROKASIH. yang melalui kawasan padat penduduk dan DAS yang dinyatakan kritis. • Perbaikan Sungai dan Pengendalian Banjir. Diutamakan untuk pengendalian banjir terhadap sungai yang melalui kawasan padat penduduk serta kawasan strategis. Dilaksanakan melalui proyek PPSAPB Irian .laya. • Program Pengembangan dan Pengelolaan .laringan lrigasi. Diutamakan untuk menamhah lahan sawah heririgasi teknis dan semi teknis dalam upaya memperluas areal tanaman pangan dan keterkaitan dengan penempatan transmigrasi. Dilaksanakan melalui Proyek lrigasi Jayapura dan Proyek Irigasi Manokwari. • Program Pengembangan dan Pengelolaan Daerah Rawa. Diutamakan untuk mempertahankan dan memperluas lahan produktif melalui reklamasi rawa dengan mempertimbangkan keterkaitan penempatan transmigrasi. Dilaksanakan melalui Proyek Pengembangan Daerah Rawa Irian Jaya.

8 Sub Sekter Prasarana .Jalan.

• Program pemeliharaan dan rehabilitasi jalan dan jembatan. Pemeliharaan rutin dan berkala untuk jalan-jalan arteri termasuk terusannya didalam kota. dihiayai dengan APBN. Pemeliharaan jalan kolektor. lokal danjalan pcrkotaannya dihiayai dengan BPJP, BPJK dan APBD.

• Program peningkatan jalan dan penggantian jemhatan. Peningkatan jalan arteri dan ruas-ruas jalan pendukung kawasan prioritas dihiayai dengan APBN. Peningkatan jalan kolektor, lokal dan jalan perkotaan dihiayai dengan BPJP, BOJK dan APBD.

• Program pembangunan jalan dan jembatan. Pemhangunan jaringan jalan arteri dan kolektor diprioritaskan melanjutkan ruas jalan yang ditangani. Pembangunan jalan poros desa diprioritaskan pada desa-desa yang memiliki potensi pertumbuhan tinggi dan merupakan daerah I desa produksi.

8 Sektor Perumahan dan Permukiman.

Perumahan dan Permukiman.

• Program Penyediaan Perumahan dan Permukiman dengan kegiatan : • Pembangunan Kawasan Terpilih Pusat Pengembangan Desa dilaksanakan di desa-desa pusat pengembangan dan desa nelayan yang berkembang pesat.

• Program Perbaikan Perumahan dan Permukiman dengan kegiatan : • Perbaikan Lingkungan Permukiman Kota dilaksanakan terutama pada kawasan kumuh yang lokasinya sesuai dalam rencana tata ruang dan kepadatannya tidak begitu tinggi yang tingkat perkembangannya relatif lam ban.

Penyehatan Lingkungan l'ermukiman.

• Program Penyehatan Liongkungan Permukiman dengan kegiatan : • Pengelolaan Air Limbah, pelaksanaannya diprioritaskan pada kawasan padat di perkotaan, pembangunannya diprioritaskan pada penggunaan sistem pengolahan setempat baik secara individual maupun komunal, terutama di kawasan kumuh, rawan endemi dan daerah kritis. • Pengolahan persampahan diprioritaskan untuk peningkatan penanganan persampahan di kota-kota yang mempunyai potensi untuk mengembangkan kemitraan dengan dunia swasta dalam pengelolaan persampahan. • Penanganan drainase diprioritaskan untuk penanganan rehabilitasi dari

19/12/96 8:04:28 DEPARTEMEN PEKERJAAN UMUM REPlJIJI.IK INDONESIA Page6of6 prasarana yang sudah ada, diutamakan untuk mempercepat turunnya air genangan pada kawasan perkotaan.

Penyediaan dan Pengelolaan Air Bersih.

• Program Penyediaan dan Pengelolaan Air Bersih ini penanganannya dilakukan pada : • Daerah Perkotaan ditujukan untuk : Penanggulangan dan menurunkan tingkat kebocoran pada pelayanan air bersih perkotaan. Peningkatan kapasitas dan perluasan pelayanan pembangunannya diarahkan kepada pemanfaatan kapasitas yang sudah ada. • Daerah Perdesaan ditujukan untuk penyediaan air bersih di desa-desa pusat pertumbuhan, desa rawan penyakit dan desa kritis lainnya.

19/12/96 8:04:37 82front.htm at Page I of I

Irian Jaya A New Frontier for Trade, Invesment And Tourism


Economic Perspective of Indonesia Administration & Irian .Jaya In The Nineties I Iuman Resources Irian Jaya, The New Frontier Education And Training Indonesia Economic Position Work Force Geographic Location llealth Economic Growth Rcligion The Past The Present - Modern irian jaya Natural Resources Infrastructure

Topography Roads And Bridges Cultivable Land Airports Minerals And Oil Sea Transporlation Forest River Routes f.TSii"And Marine Life Water Supply Flora And Fauna Electricity Climate Mail And Telccomunication Postal Services Industrial Estates

Tourism In Irian Jaya

Biak - The Gateway To Irian Jaya Jayapura- A Surprising Frontier City Wamena- Where Most Tourists Go Merauke- A Short Hop From Australia A Visit With The Asmal Agats- The Asmal Venice Manokwari - The Birdhead's Surprise Sorong- At The Top Of The Bird's llead Peninsula Lorentz Park And The Snow peaks Of Cartensz Development Of Tourism


19/12/96 8:05:18 82new.htm at Page I of I IRIAN JAYA, THE NEW FRONTIER

Irian Jay a, the outhermost Eastern Province from among trh 27 Provinces of the Republic Indonesia and is located between: oo II' and 10° 45' South Latitude and 130° 45' and 141° 49' East Longitude, is truly one ofthe world's new frontiers. It is a virgin territory, rich in natural resources, where one can still find adventure and apportunity. A land of vast forests, seas rich with life, and millions of hectares suitable for agriculture. beneath the surface lie nature gas, oil and minerals, waiting to be developed. Like all frontiers, Irian Jaya for the entrepreneur with vision.

Irian, in one of local languages means "the land beyond sunrise", and .h~1·a in Indonesian means "victory". So the province's name, Irian Jaya, could be translated as "The Victorious Land Beyond the Sunrise," a fitting name for a land on the threshold of the 21st century.

19/12/96 8:06:16 82ecpos.htm at Page I of I INDONESIA ECONOMIC POSITION

In 1945, after 350 years of Dutch rule, Indonesia declared its independence. Under the motto "Unity in Diversity. " it became a stable republic with an economic thnt otTers the best business environment in Southeas Asin for investmen and growth.

Since 1996 Indonesia's economy has been conducted on the basic of live-year development plans called l?epelita. Until the 1980's Indonesia's primary source of income was its vast oil reserves. In the enrly'80s, however. the goverment set a new wconomic course that did not depend solely on oil. With foresight, lndonesin embarked on building an economiy that would boost its domestic industry and make its curreny freely convertible in the world's foreign exhange systems.

Based on this new plan, in 1983 the goverment institued a series of economic reform, revising both domestic and foreign economic policies, and prudently implementing them over a period of time. Ten years later it is clear that this was a wise and successful course to take.

Today, Indonesia ranks as a "middle income" nation in the world community and the largest economiy in Southeast Asia. Its population of 180 million, since the breakup of Soviet Union, makes it the world's fourth largest nation, with a per capita annual income of U.S. $550 and a 70% literacy rate.

However, even with the great economic progress of country in the 'ROs it became obvious that the eastern part of Indonesia was not developing as rapidly as the central and wert ern regions. At the start of FiHh Five-Year Plan (Rpelita V) in April 1989, the goverment actively began to remedy this situation and Irian Jaya has been targeted as high priority region for economic development.

Irian Jaya is the 29th of the 27 propinces of the Republic of Indonesia. Due to its difficult terrain and history, it has been a province largely unexplored, despite the fact that more than 25% of the country's raw material assets are in Irian Jaya.

19/12/96 8:06:28 821oc.htm at Page I of I GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION

Irian Jaya occupies the western half of new Guinea, the largest island in the world atler Greenland. it is also physically the largest provinces of Indonesia, taking up 21.9% of the total land area of the country, stretching from oo 19 1 to 0°45 1 South Latitude and from 130°45 1 to 141°48 1 East Longitude. It has a land area of 410,600 km2 ( 160,132 square miles) and 736 kms ( 456 miles) from north to south Uayapura to Merauke). In addition to its landmass, a number of island along the coastline belong to Irian Jaya; Biak, Numfor, yapen, Mapia and Meosum islands to the north; Salawati, Batanta, Gag, Waigeo, and Yefman islands to the west: and Kalepon, Komoron, Adi, Dolok, and Panjang tothe south. On the east. Irian Jaya borders on Papua New

19/12/96 8:06:36 82irecon.htm at Page I of I

ECONOMIC GROWTH DURING THE FIFTH ------FIVE-YEAR PLAN According to the economic plans of Repelita V, more than 50% of the------total regional development funds will be though invesment by the private sector. To make this possible. Irian Jaya's administration will provide all the help possible to lacal as well as incoming companies. and it will respond quickly to applications for investment. Provided that applicants meet all the requirements. processing will be a one-stop service completed in the sortest time possible. The provincial Goverment will also provide all neccessary infrastructure, help prepare the local community for the arrival of a new enterprise. and mediate for land use with local tribes.

Irian Jaya's economy is currently growing faster than that of any other province in the country. According to the Provincial Governor's 1992 Progress Report to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, economic growth in the province was targeted at 5% during Repel ita V however. by the end of the third year. the everage growth had reached I 1.6%.

Domestic Investment (PMDN) between 1988 and 1991 had an everage growth of 42% while foreign investment (PMA) during the same period grew by 37%.

Although rural areas have lagged behind urban development. there has been progress here as well, as evidenced by the fact that income from mining and agriculture exports have decreased in relation to other products. Though export was still dominated by copper, the volume of secondary export commodities have increased to 58.2%. with palm oil emerging as a significant new export item. Other growing or new industries include lumber. plywood and wood chip, fish processing, and sago.

One of the reasons of Irian Jaya slow development is the rugged terrain which makes conummication via ground transportation very difficult if not impossible. Until now, many communicaties could only be reached by air or river routes. However, as part of an intensive road building program. by the end of Repelita IV, 27 districts (kecamatan) had been freed from isolation through new roads. At the beginning of the fourth year of Repel ita V. 35 districts had become accessible via ground transportation.

Another new development in the province is the giant new tourism facility under construction in Riak. and the building of an Economic Census, per capita income has increased steadily since 1989.

This is a dynamic time of growth for Irian Jaya. I leading toward the 21st century the province offers many oppertunities for both dornistic and foreign investors who have the cnterpeneurial spirit and the fund building new industries. Where did it begin?

19/12/96 8:08:39 &2past.htm at Page I of I THE PAST ------...... Before the arrival of the Portuguese in the 16th century, not much was known about Irian Jaya and its people. It is surmised that they are related to the Australian aborigines whom they physically resembly.

Due to the island's rugged geography, the inhabitants became separated and developed a tribal culture, each tribe having its own language. Experts have divided these 250 language into four families called phylum, which share less than 5% of their vocabulary. Yhe most popular phylum is that of Trans-New Guinea. which includes about 67% of the language.

Local traders came to Irian Jaya as early as the seventh century, and the first Europeans known to have arrived were the Portuguese. In 1511 the Portuguese sailor Francisco Serrano came looking for spices, and in 1521 Magellan briefly dropped anchor in during his voyage around the world. The British arrived with James Cook in 1770 and built a fort at Manokwari but were asked to leave by the local ruler in 1795. The Dutch also joined the race to explore the riches of Irian Jaya and became the winners. Under the banner of the Ducth East India Company, the managed to drive out the other Europeans and in 1848 officially annexed . They established their first capital at Monokwari and had men garrisoned on the west coast at Fak-fak and on the south coast at Merauke. They founded Hollandia (now called Jayapura) in 1910, only 22 kms from rhe New Guinea border. This political move clearly established Dutch rule over the Germans. who then controlled the eastern half of New Guinea.

The highlands of Irian Jaya were not explored until I9:U. when missionaries from various Christian denominations went into the area.

The Dutch kept control of West Irian, as it was then called, until 1942, when Japanese troops landed in Humboldt Bay and occupied all of Irian Jaya. U.S. forces under general MacArthur landed at Jayapura in April 1944 and drove out the Japanese in what was at that time the largest military operation in the Pacific. Jayapura became the ·base of allied forces, and the town grew into a city of 250.000, including 140,000 Australian and American troops.

The battle that finally drove the Jappanese off Irian Jaya was a pair of alndings hy the Allies at Sansr~pur and mr~r. some 150 kms. (93 miles) west of Manokwari, in July 1944.

After World War lithe Dutch returned to Indonesia but were driven out by the War of lndependece. llowever, West Irian was not included in the new republic. With the help of the United nations it was brought under Indonesia administration in 1963, but it was not until 1969 plebiscite, called the Act of free Choice. that West Irian finally became a province of Indonesia. At that time its name was changed to Irian jaya.

19/12/96 8:08:51 The Present - Modern Irian Jaya Page I of I

THE PRESENT- MODERN IRIAN JAYA ------Long neglected, except for the northern coastal area where oil has been produced at Sorong since the 1930s and copper has been mined at Tembagapura since 1960s. Irian Jaya is coming into its own today.

Jayapura, with a population of225,000, is the bustling administrative capital of the province. It has modern telecommunication, banks hotels, restaurants, and shopping.

In line with the new goverment policy of improving Irian Jaya's economy, surveys have been conducted to ascertain the province's potential and plans are being made to develop all its natural resources: forestry. agriculture, plantations, animal husbandry. fishing. mining, and tourism. as well as human resources. The goverrnent will continue to fasilitate the growth of large- and small- s«.:all industries so that raw materials «.:an he turned into products for local and export consumption.

During Repelita V the local goverment has launched the following seven-step plan to help bring Irian Jaya's economy to the level of the rest of the country :

I. Meet basic human needs 2. Improve the quality of human resources 3. Increase accessibility of areas 4. Enhance productivity of the goverment apparatus 5. Develop and supervise isolated communities 6. Stimulate and help develop industrial activities 7. Improve safety and order in the communities

According to the latest statistics, the first three years of Repel ita V have brought signilicant progress in all these areas.

19112/96 8:09:06 Natural Resources Page I of I TOPOGRAPHY

Irian Jaya's topography consists of tidal lowlands in the coastal areas and mountainous regions covered by endless carpets of solid rain forests, spectacular grasslands, and wild sugarcane-covered valleys. Meandering rivers wind through this verdant countryside in oxbow patterns. emptying into azure seas ringed by coral-lagooned coaslines. In the central part of province a cloud -piercing rugged mountain range extends 650 km (406 miles) and divides the province into north and south. The most spectacular of these mountains are the Kaimana Mountains near Fak-Fak, the Arfak Mountains near Monokwari. the Cyclops Mountains of Jayapura. and the Jayawijaya range in the district of the same name.

Despite their proximity to the equator, three of the highest peaks of the Jayawijaya range. Jayawijaya at 5,030 m (I 5,090 ft), Trikora at 5,160 m ( 15,480 ft). and Yamin at (5.100 m 15,300 n) are eternally covered with snow. (There are only two other places in the world with a tropical climate and snowcapped mountains: Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa and the Andes in South America).

Also in the heart of the Jayawijaya range lies the spectacular Baliem Valley. It is actually a high plateau, 20 km (12.40 miles) wide and 60 km (37.20 miles) long. and at 1,550 m (4.650 II) above sea level, it has a wonderfully cool climate.

Large rivers and their tributaries now through the province toward the northern and southern seas. The Digul River emerges from the interior of the Merauke district and drains into the Arafura Sea along with the Bian, Kumbe, Abais, and Maro rivers. The Warenai and Wagona rivers. as wel l as the Memberamo River, which traverses the districts of Jayawijaya, Paniai, and Jayapura, end up in the Pacific Ocean.

These rivers play an essential role in the life of the communities through which they flow . They furnish water for daily living, fish for food , and routes for contact with the outside world.

19112/96 8:09:27 Natural Resources Page I of I


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2 2 Of Irian Jaya's total land area of 414,800 km , it is estimated that 128,700 km is suitable for large-scale agricultural development.

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19/12/96 8:09:55 Natural Resources Page 1 of I


ME FEME ----~

Irian Jaya is rich in natural gas and oil. Additionally. it has the largest copper deposits in the world and other mining products, such as gold, silver, platinum, iron, coal, nickel, lead. mercury, talc, marble, kaolin. and many others.

19/ 12/96 8: 10:1 5 Natural Resources Page I of I FORESTS

Approximately 90% of Irian Jaya, 40 million hectares, is covered by dense forests that range from lowland tropical rain forest to dry evergreen forests and even medium- and high- altitude alpine growth. There are more than 1,000 species of trees in Irian Jaya, and of these about 150 varieties arc commercially viable.

19/12/96 8:10:31 Natural Resources Page I of I


With an estimated 2,000 nautical-mile coasline and numerous rivers and lakes, Irian Jaya has many fish and other sea-life products to offer. The province contains Indonesia's largest reserve of mangro ve forests, the natural environment for the spawning of shrimp. In addition to its vast resources of fish and marine life for food consumption, its rich coral and tropical sea life is a marine tourism attraction.

The Ieeming aquatic life of Cendrawasih Bay gives both the amateur snorkeler and expert driver unustral opportunities to ------....::=..=--=-view exotic tropical sea life

19/ 12/96 8: 10:45 Natural Resources Page I of I FLORA AND FA UNA

The flora and fauna of Irian Jaya are unique. The wildlife is strange and diverse. and much of it cannot be found anywhere else in Indonesia.

Some of animals are similar to those in Australia. such as the Wallaby (Macropus), the pocket squirrel, (Petaurus). and the cuscus (Phalanger).

There are about 650 speciesof birds in Irian Jaya. of which 454 are indigenous. Among these are the spectacular bird of paradise (Paradise Spada), the exotic blue mambruk (Gonravictorial). and the flightless cassowary (Kasuarius), which is related to the Australian emu.

Irian Jaya has the richest concentration of plant life in Indonesia, and many plants are medicinal. There are more than 2,500 species of orchids alone, including the giant Rqfflesia amoldii (Amorphophallus).

Some of the flora and fauna can be seen at wildlife preserves in several provinces of Irian Jaya.

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19/ 12/96 8: 11:05 Natural Resources Page I of I CLIMATE

Irian Jaya lies just south of the equator, but, due to its mountainous terrain, its climate is more varied than other parts of Indonesia. The coastal areas of the north and west are tropical and humid. With each I 00 meters (900 fl) of elevation from sea level, the temperature drops 0.6" C. to a comfortable coolness in the highest regions.

TEMPERATURES liN IIRIIAN JIAYA Town Elevation Temp Avz. Max Avz.Min (m) ("C) (''C) (''C) tllaK 12 26 .IS JU.2 .LJ.I Ka1mana :> n.:> JI.J 20.4 ManoKwan J 26.lJ J I. I 2J.J MerauKe J 26.1S JU.IS 2J .2 Nab1re IU 27.4 j 1.(} 2J. 'I senta111 ISIS LO.'I JL.4 LJ.U Sorong J 21S.4 31.1 25.2 Wamena 1550 2U.IS 25.5 15.2 Sourcce: J! in N-.nnb•ers. 1990

19/12/96 8:11:.13 Human Resources Page I of I


Although Irian Jaya is the largest province in Indonesia. it is the least populated. Population density is only 4 persons per square km.

The native population is bealives tohave originated from Australia because the people bear more physical resemblance to aborigines of that country than to the inhabitants of the rest of Indonesia. Two hundred fifty different ethnic groups have been identified in Irian Jaya. Until the middle of this country. these original inhabitants lived in small communities and family units. isolated from each other by the mountainous terrain. As a result of this separation they do not share a common language. The largest ethnic group to share the same language family is the Dani ofthe Baliem Valley.

With the government's emphasis on education. young lrianese are now learning Bahasa Indonesia. the language that bridges ethnic and culture differnces throughout the country.

As a result of better medical care and active transmigration program. the population of Irian Jaya has been steadily growing. From 1971 to 1980 the annual growth rate was 2.6%. but between 1980 and 1991 it averaged 3.46%.

According to Surveys in 1980 and 1991 Province 19R9 1991

19/12/96 8: II :46 82educ.htm at Page I of I EDUCATION AND TRAINING

Crucial to economicdevelopment of Irian Jaya is a well-educated. well-trained work force. Thus there is an increased emphasis on education in Irian .laya. and in the first three years of Repel ita V several advances have been made.

In 1988 the student-teacher ratio was 21 to I. By the end of 1991. this had improved to 18 to I.

The government has made a concentrated effort to create special programs and increase parental awareness, especially in rural areas, about the importance of educating their children. As a result. more children are attending schools at various educational levels.

Vocational training is funded by the Government Budget Office (1\nggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara­ APBN), the District Budget Office (Anggaran Pcndapatan dan Bclanja Dacrah- 1\PBD). the Yayasan freeport Cenderawasi (Freeport Bird of Paradise Institute). and the Department of Social Affairs (Departemen Sosial). In additional to skill training for increased for productivity, these institutions provide training in small bussiness management.

Scholarship have been granted to students to pursue specialized studies outside Irian .laya. During 1991-92. 147 students attended medical and technical schools at various universities in Indonesia. In 1992-93 the scholarship programs will be continued. Additionally, courses in industrial telecomunication are to be offered at high! school level, and the development of technical training will he emphasized in Jayapura.

Throughout the province, student housing is being establish. The facilities include living quarters. as well as venues for sports and other activities to develop the creativity of the students.

Although the local population is receiving more and better quality schooling and vocational training. investors still need to rely on a transmigrant work force and foreign experts. The local government is realistic about the situation and, for the sake of rapid development, is generous with its allowence of an imported work force. At the same time, there is concerted efforted effort to train and prepre the local population for the coming years of economic growth.

19/12/96 8: II :5q Education And Training Page I of I WORKFORCE

According to the governor/s 1992 report to the President of Republic, the total work force for Irian Jaya in 1990 was approximately 883,455 people, of which 58.95% were employed. Farm employement has decreased. In 1980 agricultural workers constituted 74% of the labor force, while in 1985 only 64.70% and in 1990 just 61.80% worked as farmers. In 1991, 4 7, 762 people were registered with the Labor Departement for employedment.

19/12/96 8:12: II Education And Training Page I of I HEALTH

For major medical care there are two hospitals in Jayapura and one in the administrative city of each province. In addition to hospitals, there are government health centers, clinics, and mobile health care units throughout the province.

From 1980 to 1990 there were 87 health centers, and 1991-92 the number increased to I 05.

GUVt:KNMEN I ANU 1•1<1 VA IE HUSI,ll AUS I HEmS- l'J'JU District .uovernment t'nvate Military I VIAL Hospttats J::Seas IIOSpltaiS Heds 11osp1tats Heds Hosp1ta1s tleOS IHiak Numlor I Ill -- I lt::l 2 2L I ak- t-ak I 50 I :-,u -- 2 IOU I.Jayapura 2 J21 -- I lUIS j 4J) IJayawtJaya I ()) I 25 -- 2 'IU IManokwan I 114 --- - I 114 IMeraut<.e I 110 ---- I 110 IPamat I IS2 I Ll - - L IUJ ISorong I IJJ I -- - _I_ ~ IYapen Waropen I 44 ---- I qq [I otal - JIJIJU IU I,UJ I __.;_ ~ _l._ ~ ___!2_ I~ [I otal - IIJISIS IJ I,ULI q IU'I I I I l'l I ,L\J I Source: lnan ,Jaya 111 Num Jer, I'J'III

Clinics staffed by nurse's aides have increased from 35 to 46 and lirst-aid centers staffed by nurse's aided have increased from 440 to 506 betweeen 1989 and 1992.

Due to the lack of roasds and inaccessibility of communities in remote areas. government health centers are still not within easy reach for some segments of the population. These areas are being supported by mobile health centers. which reach remote areas via ground and air transportation.

Immunization against common deseases reached 66% of the population in 1988-89 and 79% during 1990-91. which polio immunization increased from 45% to 60% over this same period.

Family planning is being encouraged throughout the province and is supported by family planning clinics that provide information about the various birth control methods available.

19/12/96 8:12:20 Education 1\nd Training Page I of I RELIGION

Religions life is a very important aspect of community life in Irian Jaya. The majority of the population is Christian, however, with the growing transportation there has been an increase in Muslim population

Since 1855, when the first mission was established in Monokwari, there has been a strong missionary presence in Irian Jaya. Foreign as well as Indonesian missionaries of all Christian sects have come to Irian jaya and play an important role in the lives of both the central high lands. With the approval and cooperation of the government, missionaries have built schools, hospitals, and first-aid stations. They've helped with agricultural projects and have been instumental in teaching Bahasa Indonesia. 1\ number of missionary groups maintain a network of airstrips, which enale them to reach remote areas before regular routes can be established.

19/12/96 8:12:38 Education And Training Page 1 of 1 ROADS AND BRIDGES

At the end ofRepelita V, in 1989, only 27 districts could be reached by road form the capital cities of the regencies; by 1992, 35 districts had become accessible. Now in the third year of Repel ita V, 7122 kms have been added to the total road distance of 7,894 kms and I, 740 kms of this have been repaired.

At the end ofrepelita IV there were 12,577 m of bridges in Irian Jaya. This has been increased by 2.700 meters during the first three years of Repel ita V. During this same peri ode 798 m of bridges have been built.

The Department of Public Works, through the Subdivision of Highways in the Province of Jrian Jaya. is developing road links thaty will connect the entire province by land transportation. This plan includes building new roads and bridges to open up isolated ares, upgrading and improving existing roads and bridges. and maintaining and repairing the latter.

A high priority is the building of the Trans-Irian Highway. which will make the entire province accessible by road. Among the first of these links to be built is the Jayapura- Warnena road. Warnena. the fast- growing capital of Jayawijaya district, is in the highlands and currently can be reached only by air. The Jayapura- Wamena road will pass through the towns of Taja, Lereh. and Tengon. yhe total lenght of this road is 1.023 km. So far. 354 kms have been built, 264 krns starting from Jayapura and 90 krns reaching from Warnena.

ROAD CONSTRUCTION TO LINK CITIES PLANNED AND COMPLETED ROAD CONSTRUCTION BETWEEN CITIES IN ames of Sectors Scheduled rinisltcd L'om plctcd Schedulrd Total Spent (in millions) (km) by end of for ~~2/~l:~ Lcn:-z,ht l'elita I'd ita I'd ita Rcpclita !l2 I !l Ill IV v V\bepura- Wans 110 105 105 105 - 505.0 2.776.0 8.427.X - [Wans- Ubrub 65 65 65 51 5 696.0 6,048.9 7,338.2 I, IIJ. [Ubrub- Okstbil 330 330 ------Waropko IYettt - ~enggt - LIJU 2lJIJ LUO 108 35 - 4.72U::' LU.'l9U lJ, 151. 'rengon Wamena- IIJO IIJO 190 90 30 - 4Jj~ L'l.929.0 12.561. Tengon .MerauKe- L!S:> L!S) L!S5 24lJ l(l 5.378.0 TS3T9lf L'l775.8 2,880. Tanah Merah anan Meran- IJ) IJ) IJ5 SIS I) - 4,lJ55.1J IO,lJOI./ L,lSlS5. Muting [I anah Merah - 125 125 125 72 14 - 91J3.6 8,461.3 3,144. Waropko [I aJa- Lereh- 150 150 150 51 14 - - T700.5 2,886. rrengon [Nabtre- 420 420 175 118 TI -nrD IJ I 'I ISO 1:"\J 6,H5H.J 51.499.0 134.814.3 4U.J.HI.

19/12/96 8:13:00 Education And Training Page I of I


Although roads may be scare in Irian Jaya. skyways certainly aren't. The province has 288 airports and airstrips, which means each regency has several airports or landing fields. Many of the smaller airports can accept jets as well as small planes. The International airpor1 at Riak can accomodate such jumbo jets as the Roing 74 7. and Jayapura is equipped for DC-9s.

Garuda Indonesia flies daily to other parts of Indonesia and Merpati Nusantara Airlanes flies three times a week. International flights between Los Angeles and Riak via llawaii land four times a week. and there are plants for direct flights to other aras of Southeast Asia. Air PN(i (Air Niuguini) !lies once a week from Jayapura to Papua New Guinea.

Whitin the province of Irian Jaya, Merpati Nusantara Airlines flies to all principal cities and many smaller towns. Pelita Air Service offer flights on an unscheduled basis. as do the various missionary organizations. The two largest, Missionary Aviation Fellowship (MAF) and Missionary Aviation. (MA) operate about 150 airtrips, with their headquarters in Jayapura and offices in Paniai. A third. Summer Linguistic Institute (SIL}, is based at Sentani. SIL's Cessnas, Twin Otters, Aerocommanders, and helicopters are used primarily to support their evangelical work. but if booked in advance, they do take on commercial passengers. Air Fast airline is a cargo and offshore oil-related operation. It flies a number of Aerocommanders. P-27s. and helicopters. f-reeport Indonesia Inc. also operates a number of F-27s and helicopters for its use.

During Repelita V's infrastructure development program. the airports at Nahirc, Enarotali. Sorong. and Scnri. as well as I 0 small airports for pioneer air services. will have their facilities improved and upgraded.

Name of Airport Landing Capacity

19/12/96 8:13:15 82sea.htm at l'<1ge I of I SEA TRANSPORTATION ------

About 75% of Irian Jaya's transport<~tion of goods <1nd p<~sscngers is by sc<1 vi<~ PELNI. the rwti01wl shipping company, and other shipping lines and cargo ships of wide ranging size and tonnage. which arrivw at the ports of Irian Jaya on regular schadule.

Seaports connect nine districts with other cities in the country. not only by the regular shipping lines hut also by unscheduled ships and boats.

(TON). 1993

There are 17 seaports in Irian Jaya, commercial and non-commercial of various classes. each with a capacity ranging from I ,000 to 2,000 DWT. Commercial seaports are located at .Jayapura. Biak, Manokwari. Sorong. Fak-Fak, and Merauke. Amamapare (in the Fak-Fak district) is a private port used by Freeport to export copper throughout the world. Sorong is the prime port for export commodities as oil, shrimp. and skipjact tuna.

During the first three years of Repel ita V, the piers at Sorong and Biak have been expanded by 374 maters and pioneer (perintis) ports have been built at Korido. on South Superiori Island in the Biak Numfor district: at Babo, lnanwatan, and oransbari of the Manokwari district: at Waigama on Misollsland. and at Saonek on Waigeo Island in the Sorong district; and at Agats in the Fak-fak district. The building of harbors is being planned for Biak Island and Depapre. Jayapura district.

19/12/96 8:13::n 82river.htm at Page I of I RIVER ROUTES


River transportation is an integral part of the social and economic life of Irian Jaya. Villages with river access rely more on boats for transporting people and goods than on roads. Major inland water routes, such as the Memberamo River in the central north and the Digul River in the southeast, are serviced by P.T. PELNI. with small boats calls perintis or pioneer lines.

The Directorate of Water Transportation (Kanwil Dcpartcmcn Pcrhubungan Lalu Lintas Sungai. Danau dan Ferry) plans to upgrade river transportation on the Memberamo and Digul rivers. To this end. it will also assist such semi-governmental agencies as PERUM in establishing operations on those two rivers.

19112/96 8:13:52 82water.htm at Page I of I WATER SUPPLY ------The Water Resources Development Plant during Repel ita V includes an increased water suplly for household and irrigation, flood control and river improvement. and reclamation and development of swamps.

The Irrigation program will increase the amount of agricultural area for new rice paddy fields. The flood control and river improvement programs will help protect food-producing settlements and forests from flooding and provide raw water for agricultural and household usc. Reclaimed swamp areas will be developed to provide land for transmigration and agricultural production.

A significant project that will increase the suplly of water fo household use will be finished in I qcn. and there is a proposed system, to be completed by 1995, which will provide water lor low-income groups living in urban and rural areas.


6,000 2,135

2.135 2,500

2.500 1,770

1.770 4,200

4.200 20,000

ote: HC = House Connections PS = Public Standpipes Source: Information on Infrastructure in Irian .Jaya

19/12/96 8:14:04 82clcc.htm at l'agr I of 2 ELECTRICITY ------Although all major cities and many smaller towns have electricity. it is not available yet in the entire province. However, the region has many rivers and lakes, where power stations could be build. Currently. a hydroelectric power station is under construction at Sentani, in the Jaya Pura distric.

For invesment in major energy source, the Memberamo River in the north Irian Jaya could power a hydroelectric plant with a capacity of 4,000 megawatts. By comparison. the PLTA Sigura-gura power plant in north Sumatera has capacity of 600 megawatts. A study made by Nippon Kori Co. in association with Pt. lndra Karya. Jakarta. show all the power plant possibilities in the province.

JJU II::NSI/\L SUlJJ{l'ES H )I{ II Y IJI{( WLI·.l I J{ll IJUWI:I{ Electric Company No. I 0. IJotentlal Distric Name of River Output Max Energy (MW) (GWH) Jayawljaya S. LJ1gu1 1,~21./0 10,~22.00 Noordwest 232.20 IYUO Merauke E1landu 2,2lJ I. I tJ I 6,2.;, I. IJO Lilumen 213.20 I.~ /0.20 l'ak-t·ak Cemara LJ/.40 1.11~.10 Utokwa 2lJ6./ll 2, 16U.4U 1\lkwa Ill:">. Ill /4J./ll M1m1ka I )J./U I, 134.70 I unga I ,6 14.bU I I ,'I'I'I.UU Lengguru 16)./ll I, l.b4.1U Naomi 6.JU )'1.60 Meredrer 10.20 6~.oo Manokwan Anamasa ~ I.'JO 23~.10 Mutun ~~.10 4'J'J.OO I embun1 142.~0 ~~4.00 l'rat1 2~~.10 I .~J0./0 Wogmu 15.00 I I 6. 70 Pan 1m Omba 235.40 1,541.30 Wan gar //./0 4


19/12/96 8:14:14 82elec.htm at Page 2 of2

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19/12/96 8:14:14 82mail.htm at Page I of I

MAIL AND TELECOMUNICATION ------~ During the first three years of Repel ita V, mail and tclecomunication systems have improved significantly. It is now possible to call long distance from any district capital to other cities within Irian Jaya or lndoneisa. as well as abroad. The installation of the Palapa Domestic Satellite System via 14 earth stations has enable Irian Jaya not only to improve its telephone network hut also to beam television programs throughout the province.

By 1992 there were 17 SKB (Stasiun Bumi Kecil). or Small Earth Stations, providing 15.120 SST (Stasiun Sentral Telepone), Central Telephone Stations with automatic central telephone connections (direct dial): 420 ST manual dial phones (operator-assisted); 100 SST telex lines: R41 public phones to he used with a phone credit card: and 340 coin-operated public telephones. This represents a 128.13% increase since the end of Repelita IV.

1 ELEI'llUNE SL:J{ V ICI<, IN 1{1/\N JAY A Centra ·1 elephones !'hone Extentwns Area Automatic Manual ·1 otal Automatic Manual I otal tllaK Nurnror I.IL4 - I,IL4 LLI - LLI taK-taK )/IS I /) l'::tL ()4 IS IL JayawiJaya - I'J(> I'J(> - I I Jayapura L, 'J I J )IS4 J,)) I (>4lJ j'l (>('I ManoKwan ')() - '1/) I(> I - Ill I MerauKe /4) 4.! /ISIS 1-1 j IL4 t'ama1 - )4(l )4(> - 21 21 ~orong I,) Ill ID l,h(l I 363 4 3(!7 Yapen Waropen - 546 546 - 21 21 Total - I 'J'JU /,971 2,175 10,146 1,570 130 1,673 source : I nan Jaya 111 NumL1er. 1'J'JU


Television and radio services have also been expanded. with 30 cities receiving salle lite dishes, 60% of which were installed during Repelita V. Resides privately owned televisionsets. there nrc 665 public television in the Information Center of each district.

Radio Republic Indonesia (RRI), the Indonesia Radio Broadcasting Network, has stations in all nine district capitals, while in Jayapura there is an additional regional station, the Nusantara V. progrnms include national and International news relayed through the jakarta RRI station nnd regional news covering events pertinent to the province.

Although the number of movie theaters hns declined since the advent of television. movie audiences hnve incresed. The favor American movie, closely followed by those made in Indonesia.

From a business point of view, the fantastic, varied terrain of Irian Jaya may. in fact. he a great new location for shooting adventure and romance films.

19/12/96 82postal.htm at Page I of I


WMHFMF ----~ To meet the public demand for mail services. there are number of different types of post offices throughout the province.

Despatch of letters, money orders and other certain goods arc organised by the Post and Giro Office. In each Regency capital one can find, aside from above mentioned communication facilities. also courier service companies fot handling the dispatch of letters documents and other goods by air transport as well as sea transport.

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19/ 12/96 8: 14 :49 82indest.htm at Page I of I

INDUSTRIAL ESTATES -······ ------In order to develop the industrial sector in Irian Jaya, the government must provide adequate facilities and infrastructure. Simultaneously, there must also be incentives that will make the investment climate of the province attractive to industries.

An essential step the creation of the right infrastructure is the establishment of industrial Estate/Export Processing Zones (IE/EPZ). Several location have been identified as feasible site for bonded industrial estates.

own This factory an example of the development of industry on Biak Island.

A study conducted in 1992, by a technical team assigned by the Ministry of Industry, concluded that 13iclk, a J , I 30 km 2 island, has the greatest potential as a hub for the growth of the province, and should have the first Industrial Estate/Export Processing Zone. Based on this recommendation, and locate a safe harbor. Determining that the northwestern side of the island would be suitable for an industrial zone. it begrm an initial community preparation for the upcoming changes. The following features make Biak a first choise for an IE/E PZ :

It has an airport that it up to international standarts, equipped with navigational aids that qualify it has an all-weather facilitiy capable of receiving widebody jells.

The terrain is relatively flat, and there is adequate rainfall to en sure the evailability of water.

Part of island are protected by a reef that acts as breakwater and can be developed into a natural harbor.

Its strategic location provides easy acces to the Pacific Rim Market, the USA, Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan. Autralia, New Zealand, and others, making it a logical site for development.

The zone is easily accessible from the main island of Irian Jaya, the source of raw materials that will be processed and exported from the IE/EPZ in Biak.

19/ 12/96 8:15:05 Natural Resources Page I of I BIAK THE GATEWAY TO IRIAN JAYA

The island of Biak, at the very top of the Bird's Head Peninsula of Irian Jaya. is the international entry point for visitors from the U.S. Although Biak is currently considered by most travelers as a stop-over on nights to Bali and Jakarta, there are plans to make this island and its offshore islets an international resort.

ground has been broken on Marauw Beach, on 325 hectares of land just 15 minutes from Frans Kaisepo International Airport, for an international class tourist resort. The plan includes six 4- and 5- start hotels. an 18-hole golf course and counting and water skiing. There will he marina, a seaside park. and a 2. 7-hectare hilltop park. I 00 to 200 units of condominiums and villas, and service facilities set among attractively landscape open spaces. A shopping center called Amenity Plaza will cater to a variety of needs. serving the local residents as well as tourists. The Merauw Beach development highlights upcoming and existing activities in Cendrawasih Bay. which is considered a world-class diving area.

For some years now, modern cruise and diving ships have been stopping at Biak opening up a vast undersea empire to those who wish to explore it. A ship called Tmpicall'rince.\·.,·, has been operating in these waters since 1990. It can accommodate 20 persons for its usual I 0-days cruise during which passengers can scuba dive around Aiak, the Auri island of the Monokwari regency, the Aggrameos Island of the Paniai regency, and the Raja Ampat Islands of Sorong regency.

Local companies also offer deep sea diving. Sentosa Tosiga Tours and Travel. which has a new dive center and shop in Biak, Cover all of the Padaido Island group, South Supiori Island, and the north shore ofYapen Island. The company also works with a Pinisi ship that takes people around Cendrawasi Ray. the Mapia Islands, and as far as Sorong.

For divers and even snorkelers there is a wonderland of exotic fish and magnificent coral gardens ringed by sandy white beaches. Wherever divers chose to go, theirs will be truly a voyage of wonderment.

Apart from its natural beauty, Biak is also rich in history. It was one of the principal battle sites of World War II, and today, the Japanese caves that can be reached by a short taxi ride from town are a prime tourist attraction. There is also a Japanese monument and a museum near the caves. with World War II relics and artillery pieces displayed.

The approach to the cave is itself an adventure. As one descends a steep concrete stairway to the vine-draped entrance, small bats dart out of the cave's mouth. Then suddenly, one is in a huge cathedral-like chamber with stalactities dripping from the ceiling. Eerie blue daylight from an adjoining opening to the sky pierces the gloom, adding an air of mystery.

Other nearby attractions are an orchid garden where one can see 2,200 orchids of63 native varieties and a well-stocked aviary of nearby 200 birds of 33 species, including birds of paradise. white cockatoos, cassowaries, and other indigenous fowl.

Along the way. native villages line the coast, their picturesque stilt-supported houses rising out the water, and local fishermen cast their nets or set out to sea in catamaran canoes.

Except for some hotel dances, there is not much nightlife in Biak, but the local people are friendly and obliging. Arrangementcan be made to view fire-walking ceremonies, and there are dance and musical groups that can can be hired to perform. The majority of the population of Riak Island. however, consists of farmers fisherme, who have adapted to modern ways, unlike the Dani and /\smattribcs of the interior, who have kept up their customs and traditions.

In the town of Biak, there are number of surprisingly good restaurants featuring freshly caught seafood. There a several new hotels in town, and taxis roam the streets looking for fares. Three hospitals are available in case of emergencies, and modern stores and pharmacies arc conveniently located in center of town. There is an open-air market that sell fruits and vegetables early in the morning, and there arc shops selling sou vern irs and jewelry crafted from 23-kt. gold, which are sold by weight, with very little added for workmanship.

Biak's offshore island are worth a visit if one has the time. The principal of these outlying destinations are Numfor and Yapen islands. Yapen can be reached by air, but Numfor is only accessible by boat. En route native boats which are readily hired, one can view lobsters, blue-spotted rays. and other inhabitants of the coral formations.

19/12/96 8:15:21 Natural Resources Page I of I JAYAPURA A SURPRISING FRONTIER CITY

A magnificent view of the harbor of Jayapura can he seen from the TV tower overlook, easily accessible b

Jayapura, the capital city of Irian Jaya is a surprise. A modern city encircling an azure bay. it is the gateway to the vast interior. Jayapura is not only the political capital where the governmern offices arc located. but the financial and economic center of the province as well. With a population or over I 00.000 comprising locals and transmigrants from other parts of Indonesia, it has a cosmopolitan air.

Jayapura boast modern hotels, shopping marts, and first-class restaurant. It has a new telecommunication center, a modern hospital with emergency care facilities, a bustling seaport, and a crowded taxi-bus station. A slow-moving tropical city during the day, when only essential business is transacted, Jayapura bursts with energy at night.

As the red sun sinks behind the encircling hills and cool blue shadows creep over city, the night activity begins. Then, the lights of the pasar malam, or night markets, glow and the Jayapurans throng the evenues to eat, shop and look for diversion. Outdoor stalls with grilled fish and fragrant local dishes tempt the passerby. Sidewalk markets unfold, displaying their wares under nickering lamps. Artisans and craftmen ply their trade from booths that line the evenues. Crowds gather around street vandors shrilly offering their wares, and people window-shop as they pass modern store-window displays.

For most tourists, the city is only in only a stop-over on the ways to the interior. Right next to the Matoa International Hotel is the police station, where one can obtain the necessary .mrafjalan, and the booking office for Garuda and Merpati Airlines.

Jayapura, or more precisely Sentani, where the airport is. is headquarters for the MAF. the Missionary Aviation Fellwship and its Roman Catholic equivalent. the American Missionary Alliance. Although the primary aim of both of these organizations is to support missionary efforts in the interior, one can hook nights on their planes to destinations not served by the commercial airlines.

It is also possible to sail from the port of Jayapura and arrange for cargo to be shipped. The Pelni Lines have a modem German-built passenger ship that plies the waters between Jayapura. Jakarta and the cities in between. Although coastal steamers of the Yofeta lines can also take passengers to ports in Irian, these services are slower. Typically, foreigners and tourists with limited time use planes.

For those who have the time or have to wait out an airline schedule, there are some worthwhile sights near the city. A tour ofTeluk Yos Sudarso (Jayapura Harbor) is rewarding. Motor-powered catamarans can be rented by the housr for the trip to nearby Kayu Island, with its church, and to Kosong Island, with its mosque. A bit further is Lake Sentani, where one can rent a boat at the Yougwa Restaurant. run by Christ Sentani, for a visit to some of the islands in this huge freshwater lake.

Another interesting excursion is to Hamadi Beach, where the allies landed in WW II. Here you can still see rusting relics of tanks and amphibious carriers stuck in the sand. Nearby are picturesque stilt-perched villages and quiet beaches. Farther along, the same road climbs up to the hilltop shrine marking the site of General Douglas MacArthur's headquarters. llere you will be rewarded with a spectacular view of Lake Sentani and its many islands.

The museum of the University of Cendrawasih. on road to the airport, has a worthwhile collection of Asmat. art. and the nearby Museum Nagari offers exhibits of ethnic lrianese culture.

Any of the hotels can give directions and taxis are available for local tours. Even if you have only a day. a tour of the Jayapura area is interesting. If you only have a few hours. a quick drive up the road leading to TV tower will give you a spectacular overview of the magnificent bay and the open sea beyond.

On the participal side, although you can exchange foreign currency into rupiahs anyway in the provincial capitals. Jayapura is the easiest place in which to do it. The Bank Exim on .II. Ahmad Yani. open daily from 1!:00 a.mto 12 p.m .. will also exchange traveler's checks, which may not he as readily converted in the interior.

19/12/96 8:15:39 Natural Resources Page I of I WAMEAN WHERE MOST TOURISTS GO

Wamena, in the central highlands of the Baliem Valley. is the Mecca of Irian tourism. Most visitors arrive from Jayapura on a Merpati Airlines flight that has a frequent schedule. for tourists. this is a most argreeable and accessible part of the interior. The scenery is spectacular. with mountains towering over a lush 1.600 m (5,000 ft) high plateau, and the local Dani and related tribes arc the most colorful of the indigenous people.

The Baliem Valley and its people were discovered in 1938 when /\merican pilot Richard /\rchbold made an overflight in a seaplane. He landed on Lake Habbema. one of the many lakes at an altitude of over I 0,000 feet. At the time, Archbold was on an expedition for the American Museum of natural History. The publication of his discovery in National Geographic magazine led to an influx of tourism from all over the world.

The Dani peoples are both farmers and warriors. Although the colorful ritual and tribal wars are now outlawed, the men still wear the traditional penis sheath, or lwlim. and for festivals and dances put boar tusks into their nose and decorate themselves with paint, feathers, and animal skin headdresses. for a free, pig killing festivals can be seen on request. Tour guides can make such arrangements.

A new tourist attraction that may come to rival the famous sing-sings of Papua New Guinea is annual gathering of the tribes that takes place during Indonesia independence week in 1\ugust. At this festival. thousands of Danis gather for dances. feasts and mock ritual warfare. Visitors arc welcomed by the hospitable Danis.

The city of Wamena is the headquarters for Dani activities. From here. guides can arrange excursions to Dani villages. Wamena is also the site of large local market to which the villagers come in native attire. The nearby village of Jiwika is quickly accessible for those with limited time. /\long the roadway. one can sec Danis walking between their fields and the town. It is also possible to visit a brine pool where the locals steep banana pith in salt water before carrying the bundles back to the village. Other touristic curios are mummified chiefs that have been preseved by tanning over a smoking fire.

The Baliem Valley, the Switzerland of Irian Jaya. offers a welcome respite from the hot. humid lowlands of the coast. This is the most popular destination for visitor and otTers many oppotunities for touristic development.

19/12/96 8:15:55 Natural Resources Page I of I MERAUKE A SHORT HOP FROM AUSTRALIA '··'···~------Merauke is like an extension of arid Australia. Although hot. the air here is drier than the rest of the coastal towns. The town itself id orderly, with wide street and an open Western look. The surrounding countryside is desert-like, with clumps of eucalyptus trees and fields of tall waving grass. The beach too has a sere look. with vast stretches of open sand expanding to the shallow Arafura Sea.

Merauke is the gateway to Wasur National Park. In t~1ct. the main entrance to the park is a scan 12 kilometers from town. Here, there is a wide variety of Australian-type fauna and nora not seen in other Indonesian national parks. This area on the Papua border is also open sand the easternmost part of Indonesia.

The landscape of the park is unique, consisting of nat open grasslands interspersed with groves of pale-barked melaleuce trees. Huge termite mounds, some over two maters high. dot the open vistas. Group of wallabies gather to graze on the vegetation and can readily be observed hopping or starting fixedly at intruders before backing off to a safe distance. In Indonesia, there are some 80 species of mammals and reptiles and around 400 species of birds. All can be observed during the dry season from July to Novemher when the weather permits hiking. jeep journeys and horseback rides. Between October and March one can also observe a variety of birds that migrate here from northern Australia. One can even drive out of Merauke for the day by taxi. and observe some of the birds and animals. Stays of one or more nights are also possible. but one must carry along all necessities since there are no facilities at the park. There are local villages along the way where one can request water or f(lOd fi·om the villagers. but in the outlying areas where animals gathers, one has to be totally self-reliant.

Wasur National Park is managed by the International Worldwide Fund for Nature. and information about the park can be obtained at the WWF office in town.

Because of distance (one has to ny from jayapura). this area is seldom visited by tourists. Traffic may increase on completion of the Trans-Irian Highway which will provide an overland route. Dispite their present handicaps, Merauke and the Wasur National Park hold future promise for the adventurous tourists interested in observing unusual wildlife in its natural habitat.

19/12/96 8:16:08 82sorong.htm at Page I of I SORONG AT THE TOP OF THE BIRD'S HEAD PENINSULA

Although Sorong is at present a business town known chiefiy for it's oil fields, fisheries, and pearl culture, there are· a number of tourist attractions that with investment could be fully developed as profitable enterprises.

Currently the airfield is not the mainland but on an offshore island necessitating a long boat ride to reach the town itself. Land near Sorong is being surveyed for a new airport. In the port area, the busiest and most interesting part of Sorong, one sees local boats and gaints oil tankers. The Pasar Sentral or central market, is a busy afterdark attraction for the locals, as is Tanjung Kasuari Beach some 6 miles distant from town. The most outstanding building in Sorong is the local mosque.

In February 1993 the new 2-star Grand Pasific hotel opened, and by mid-year the Sahid Mariat, also a 2-star hotel, will be ready.

For many, a visit to pearl farm on Kabra or another island, is the higlight of their stay in Sorong. Boats are available at the harbor for the trip to the offshore islands where the pearling activities take place. Local travel agent can also arrange a tour there, as well as full-day tours that go on to outlying islands for a view of the local people's way of life and for swimming and snorkeling at fine sandy beaches. There is an advantage to using a tour operator's services. Tour operators know the local ways and the best spots, and provide visitors with a reliable guide/translator.

19/12/96 8:17:02 82loren.htm at Page I of I LORENTZPARKANDTHE SNOW PEAKS OF CARSTENSZ

The WWF is working on establishing tourist routes that would take nature lovers and climbers on an adventure of lifetime. A future plan is to start from the ocean level at Timika (one canny there from Biak by Merpati) and as tourists hike toward the Carstensz peak, they will pass through 34 ecosystems. from steamy tropical mangroves to ice-capped peaks. A current approach is to ny the town of llaga from Nabire. overnigh at a local guest house, a honnay, and then head through dense sub-alpine and alpine forests, open plateaus. waterfalls and rock forests, to conquers the 4,884 m ( 1628 feet) Pyramid peak. In addition to the usual surutjalan, one also needs a climber's penn it from the Ministry of Forestry and an additional government permit. This can take some time to obtain and it's best to ask a local travel agent's help.

The WWF in cooperation with PHPA is also working out a management plan which would make it possible to preserve this fabulous world heritage site while allowing visitors to enjoy it.

19/12/96 8:17:14 82dev.htm at Page I of I DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM


A master plan for the development for tourism in Irian Jaya has been designed Irian Jaya's goals for tourism are to provide tourists with good facilities, suppoting services. and a variety of diversions. such as sea-tourism. eco-tourism, and cultural experiences. One of the ways tourism will br promoted is through package tours that combine sightseeing, transportation, and accommodations in Irian .Jaya and will eventually include other places in eastern Indonesia.


19/12/96 8:17:28