
Holy at Home: Morning

5781 / 2020 Bless the Zoom Room

We bless the Zoom “space” in which we gather And all the various physical locations where we are.

מַ ה־ּנֹורָ א הַמָ קֹום הַזֶּה

Mah nora ha-makom ha-zeh (x4)

How awesome is this body How awesome is this place How awesome is this journey through time and space

Rav Kohenet Taya Mâ Shere

2 Return Again

Return again, return again, return to the Land of your Soul. Return to who you are, return to what you are, return to where you are born and reborn again

R’ Shlomo Carlebach z’l

3 Elohai Neshama - pure soul

אֱֹלהַי נְשָמָה Elohai neshamah שֶּ ּנָתַַֽתָ בִּ י shenatata bi t'horah hi! טְ ההֹורָ הִּ יא

O my , the soul You placed in me Pure is she!

4 Shalom Aleichem

Shalom aleichem Peace be with you ministering mal'achei hasharet angels messengers of the Most High. mal'achei elyon. Mimelech mal'achei ham'lachim Messengers of the King of Kings the Holy One, Blessed Hakadosh baruch Hu. be He.

Mimini Michael umismoli May Michael be at my right Gavriel, Umilfanai Uriel hand; Gabriel at my left; before me, Uriel; behind me, umeachorai Rafael, Raphael; and above my head v'al roshi Shechinat El the Shechinah, the divine presence of God.

5 Baruch She’Amar

בָרּוְך שֶּאָמַ ר וְהָיָה הָעֹולָם ,בָרּוְך הּוא , Baruch she’amar vehaya בָרּוְך עֹשֶּ ה בְרֵאשִּ ית ,בָרּוְך אֹומֵ ר וְעֹשֶּ ה , ha’olam. Baruch hu. Baruch oseh בָרּוְך ּגֹוזֵר ּומְ קַיֵם,בָרּוְך מְרַ חֵם עַל הָאַָֽרֶּ ץ , v'reishit. Baruch omeir v’oseh. Baruch בָרּוְך מְרַ חֵם עַל הַבְרִּ יֹות ,בָרּוְך מְשַ לֵם gozeir um'kayeim. Baruch m'racheim al ha’aretz. Baruch m'racheim al שָ כָר טֹוב לִּירֵ אָ יו ,בָרּוְך חַי לָעַד וְקַיָם habriot. Baruch m'shaleim sachar tov לָנֶַּֽצַח ,בָרּוְך ּפֹודֶּ ה ּומַצִּ יל ,בָרּוְך שְ מֹו . lirei’av. Baruch chai la’ad v'kayam lanetzach. Baruch podeh umatzil, baruch shemo.

Blessed is the One who speaks and the universe comes into being. Blessed is the One whose thought sustains the world’s existence. Blessed is the One whose mercy is the womb of the world. Blessed is the One who rewards! Blessed is the One who is eternal! Blessed is the One who saves! Blessed is the Name! 6 Achat Sha’alti (:4) אַחַת שָאַלְתִּ י מֵאֵ ת-יְהוָה אֹותָ ּה אֲבַקֵש: Achat sha'alti me'eit Hashem, otah avakesh: שִּבְתִּ י בְ בֵית-יְהוָה, כָל-יְמֵ י חַיַי, shivti b'veit Hashem, kol y'mei chayai, lachazot לַחֲזֹות בְ נֹעַם-יְהוָה, ּולְבַקֵר בְ הֵיכָלֹו. .b'noam Hashem, u'l'vaker b'heikhalo One thing I ask from YHVH, one thing I desire That I might dwell in Your house all the days of my life To behold the graciousness of YHVH, and to enter God's sanctuary​. Mi Ha’Ish (:13-15) מִּ י-הָאִּ יש, הֶּחָפֵץ ַח ִּיים; Mi-ha'ish, hechafetz chayim; Ohev yamim, lir'ot tov. אֹהֵב יָמִּ ים, לִּרְ אֹות טֹוב. Netzor leshon'cha meira’; Us'fateh'cha, midaber נְצֹר לְשֹונְָך מֵרָ ע; ּושְ פָתֶּ יָך, מִּ דַבֵר מִּרְ מָ ה. .mirmah סּור מֵרָ ע, וַעֲשֵ ה-טֹוב; בַקֵש שָ לֹום וְרָדְ פֵהּו. .Sur mera' va'aseih-tov; Bakesh shalom verodfeihu Who is the one, who desires life And loves days, to see good (in them)? Guard your tongue from evil, And your lips from speaking deception. Turn away from evil and do good; Seek peace and pursue it.

7 Ana HaShem (from Psalm 116:16)

אָ ּנָה ה', כִּ י- אֲנִּיעַבְדֶּ ָך: ;Ana Hashem, ki ani avd'cha אֲנִּי-עַבְדְ ָך, בֶּן-אֲמָתֶּ ָך; ּפִּתַחְתָ , ani avd'cha, ben amatecha pitachta לְמֹוסֵרָ י. l'moserai Please God, as I am your servant! I am your servant, child of your handmaid; You have loosened my bands.

From the () אַשְרֵ י יֹושְ בֵי בֵיתֶּ ָך , Ashrei yoshvei veitecha עֹוד יְהַלְלּוָך סֶּלָה: Od y'hallelucha

Happy are those who dwell in Your house; They will praise You always.

8 Ashrei (with words from the Dalai Lama)

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

Account for the fact that great love & great achievements involve great risk. But when you lose at something you attempted don’t lose the lesson. Chart by the three R’s: Respect for self, Respect for others & Responsibility. Don’t forget that not getting what you want is sometimes a stroke of luck. Each time you realize you made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. Friendships include differences: don’t let a dispute injure a relationship.

9 Ashrei

Genuine friends will stand by you, whether you are successful or unlucky. Happiness is not something ready made: It comes from your own actions. In disagreements deal only with the current situation: Don’t bring up the past. Judge success by what you gave up in order to get what you wanted. Keep an open heart: everyone needs to be loved. Love & compassion are necessities: Without them, humanity cannot survive. Maintain a sincere attitude: be concerned that outcomes are fair Nurture a loving atmosphere in your home: it is the foundation for your life.

10 Ashrei

Open your arms to change , but don’t let go of your values. Please be gentle with the earth: it’s the only planet we have. Quit complaining about others, and spend more time making yourself better. Remember that silence ...... is sometimes the best answer. Share your knowledge wisely: It is a way to achieve immortality. Twice or even once a year, go someplace you’ve never been before. Understanding for others brings the tranquility and happiness we seek. Verify your understanding, but don’t forget to believe and have faith.

11 Ashrei

We all need some time alone: make room for you each and every day. X-ray vision doesn’t exist but seeking the truth is a good start. You are not alone God made all of us unique but not special. Zero in on what matters and start each day with loving yourself.

וַאֲנַַֽחְ נוּ נְבָרֵ ְך יָהּ ,מֵעַתָּ ה וְעַ ד עוֹלָ ם ,הַלְ לוּיָהּ. Va’anachnu n’vareich Yah mei·atah v’ad olam, hal’lu-Yah!

Words from His Holiness the Dalai Lama; adapted by Rabbi Evan Krame

12 - praise

יִּשְ תַבַח שִּמְ ָך לָעַד מַלְכֵּנּו ,הָאֵ ל ּהַמֶּלְֶּך Yishtabach shimcha la’ad ּהַגָדֹול וְהַקָדֹוש בַשָמַיִּם ּובָאָרֶּ ץ. malkeinu, ha’eil hamelech hagadol v'hakadosh bashamayim uva’aretz.

Your Name be Praised always, Majestic One, Powerful and Gentle Source, making Heaven and Earth sacred. *** בָרּוְךאַתָה יְהֹוָהאֵ ל מֶַּֽ לְֶּך ּגָדֹול בַתִּשְ בָחֹות אֵ להַהֹודָ אֹות אֲדֹון הַּנִּפְ לָאֹותהַבֹוחֵר בְשִּירֵ י זִּמְרָ ה מֶַּֽ לְֶּך אֵ ל חֵיהָעֹולָמִּ ים:

Baruch ata YHVH Eil melech gadol b’tishbachot, Eil hahoda’ot, adon hanifla’ot, habocheir b’shirei zimrah melech Eil chei ha’olamim

We worship You YaH, Generous, Great, Regal One Who is the One To whom we offer all these 13 . Calling Us Into Community בָּרְ כּו אֶּ ת יהוה הַמְ בֹרָ ְך Barchu et YHVH ha-m'vorakh

בָרּוְך יהוה הַמְ בֹרָ ְך לְעֹולָם וָעֶּד Baruch YHVH ha-m'vorakh L’olam va-ed

Let us bless YHVH, the blessed One. Let us bless YHVH, the blessed One, now and forever! 14 Yotzer Or - Good Poem by R’ Rachel Barenblat

Beloved, You are good and you wield goodness that have worn grooves in shaping creation into my back?) but that's my own smallness. and every single day in Your goodness You've made me new and with Your goodness formed me for this new day a sapling unbowed. You make us new with all created things. The knot in my stomach You make me new. the knot in my throat -- You untie them. I cling to yesterday (who would I be Can I sit with You without the sorrows for even a few minutes before I tangle myself again?

,Blessed are You בָּ רּוְך אַתָּ ה יהו''ה ,Baruch atah YHVH .Creator of light יֹוצֵ ר הַמְּ אֹורֹות: .yotzer ha-me’orot 15 Ahavah Rabbah –All Who Are Thirsty, Come Here for Water All who are thirsty, come here for water. Drink deep of Torah, a fathomless well. Seas spread out to distant horizons; Torah encompasses all of the earth. Water revives and refreshes the body; Torah is potent, restoring the soul. Soil and pollution swept away in pure waters; Immersing in Torah, the spirit is cleansed. Earth’s precious water, free and untrammeled – Torah is open and belongs to all people. Mighty waters pour down like thunder; Torah is shared in a rainbow of voices.

16 Ahavah Rabbah –All Who Are Thirsty, Come Here for Water (cont’d) Waters flow from the heights to the valleys; Torah will dwell in the humble of heart. Raindrops swell into powerful rivers; Begin in your learning and wisdom will grow. Fountain of gardens, wellspring of fresh water; Words of Torah bring life to the world. Our praise to You, Adonai: With love You offer us the gift of Torah.

בָּ רּוְך אַתָּ ה יהוה ,הַבֹוחֵ ר בְּ עַמֹו יִשְּרָּ אֵ ל בְּאַ הֲבָּ ה. Baruch atah YHVH, habocheir b’amo Yisrael b’ahavah.

Adapted from Isaiah 55:1 [Source: Mishkan HaNefesh] 17 Oneness - Shema

שְ מַ ע יִּשְרָ אֵ ל , :Sh'ma Yisrael יהו׳׳ה אֱֹלהֵינּו, YHVH Eloheinu יהו׳׳ה אֶּחַָֽ ד: !YHVH echad

בָרּוְך שֵ ם כְ בֹוד Baruch sheim k'vod מַלְכּותֹו לְעֹולָם וָעֶּד. !malchuto l’olam va’ed

Hear, O -- YHVH is our God -- YHVH is One.

Through time and space Your glory shines forever now. 18 V’Ahavta

וְאָהַבְתָ אֵ ת יהו׳׳ה אֱֹלהֶּיָך ,בכָל-לְבַָֽבְ ָך ,ּובְ כָל- V'ahavta et Adonai elohecha, b'chol נַפְשְ ָך ,ּובְ כָל-מְ אֹדֶַּֽ ָך .וְהָיּו הַדְ בָרִּ ים הָאֵ לֶּה , l'vavcha, uv'chol nafshecha, uv'chol me'odecha. V'hayu ha-d'varim ha- אֲשֶּ ר אַָֽ נֹכִּ י מְ צַּוְ ָך הַיֹום ,עַל-לְבָבֶַּֽ ָך :וְשִּ ּנַנְתָ ם eileh, asher anochi m'tzav'cha hayom, לְבָנֶּיָך ,וְדִּ בַרְ תָ בָם בְשִּבְתְ ָך בְ בֵיתֶּ ָך ,ּובְ לֶּכְתְ ָך ,al l'vavecha. V'shinantam l'vanecha בַדֶּרֶּ ְך ּוַֽבְשָכְבְ ָך ּובְקּומֶַּֽ ָך .וקְשַרְ תָ ם לְאֹות עַל- ,v'dibarta bam b'shiv't'cha b'veitecha יָדֶּ ָך ,וְהָיּו לְטֹטָפֹת בֵין עֵינֶַּֽיָך ,ּוכְתַבְתָ ם עַל uv'lech't'cha vaderech uv'shochb'cha uv'kumecha. Ukshartam l'ot al מְ זֻזֹות בֵיתֶּ ָך ּובִּשְ עָרֶּ יָך: ,yadecha, v'hayu l'totafot bein einecha uch'tavtam al m'zuzot beitecha uvisharecha.

Love YHVH your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your being. Place these words that I command you this day upon your heart. Teach them faithfully to your generations. Speak of them at home and on your way, when you lie down and when you rise up. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. 19 Mindful

לְמַעַן תִּ זְכְ רּו וַעֲשִּ יתֶּ ם אֶּ ת-כָל-מִּצְ ֹותָ י , L'ma'an tizk'ru va'asitem et kol וִּהְ יִּיתֶּ ם קְדֹשִּ ים לֵאֹלַֽהֵיכֶּם :אֲנִּי יהו׳׳ה mitzvotai v'hyitem k'doshim אֱֹלַֽהֵיכֶּם ,אֲשֶּ ר הֹוצֵאתִּ י אֶּתְ כֶּם מֵאֶּרֶּ ץ l'Eloheichem. Ani YHVH Eloheichem asher hotzeiti מִּצְרַ יִּם לִּהְ יֹות לָכֶּם לֵאֹלהִּ ים ,אֲנִּי יהו׳׳ה etchem me'eretz Mitzrayim אֱֹלַֽהֵיכֶּם : lihiyot lachem l'Elohim. Ani YHVH Eloheichem.

So you will be mindful and actualize My mitzvot and be holy to your God. I am YHVH your God, Who brought you out of the Narrow Place in order to be your God. I am YHVH your God!

20 Your God is a True God

יהו׳׳ה אֱֹלַֽהֵיכֶַּֽם אֱמֶּ ת! .YHVH eloheichem emet

Your God is a true God!

“Your God is a true God" meant to me that the images and the language weren't going to be supplied in advance. I would have to find them for myself...

(Rodger Kamenetz, from The Jew In the Lotus)

21 Through, Together Through, Together מִּ י כָמֹכָה בָאֵלִּים יהו׳׳ה .Mi chamochah ba-eilim, YHVH מִּ י כָמֹכָה נֶּאְ דָ ר בַקֹדֶּ ש Mi kamochah nedar ba-kodesh נֹורָ א תְהִּ יֹּלת עֹשֵ ה פֶּלֶּא: .Nora t’hilot oseh fele

What god is like You, YHVH? Who is like You, so holy, Potently awesome, doing wonders? שִּ יָרה חֲָדשָ ה שִּבְ חּו גְ אּולִּים לְשִּמְָ ך עַל Shirah chadasha shib'chu שְ פַת הַיָם ,יַחַד כֻלָם הֹודּו וְהִּמְ לִּיכּו ge’ulim l'shimcha al s'fat וְאָמְ רּו : hayam, yachad kulam hodu v'himlichu v’amru: YHVH יהו׳׳ה יִּמֹלְך לְעֹולָם וָעֵד . yimloch l’olam va’ed.

Your children, redeemed, sang a new song on the shore of the sea. As one they sang out in praise: YHVH will reign forever and ever! 22 Through, Together

צּור יִּשְָראֵ ל ,קּומָ ה בְ עֶּזְ ַרתMiTzur Yisrael,Chamocha kumah b’ezrat - redemption יִּשְָראֵ ל ,ּופְ ֵדה כִּנְאֻמֶָּ ך יְהּודָ ה Yisrael, ufdei chinumecha וְיִּשְָראֵ ל .גֹאֲלֵּנּו יְיָ צְ בָאֹות שְ מֹו , y'hudah v’Yisrael. Go’ קְדֹוש יִּשְָראֵ ל .בָרּוְך אַתָ ה יְיָ ּגָאַ ל YHVH tz'va’ot shemo, k'dosh Yisrael. Baruch atah YHVH יִּשְרָ אֵ ל. ga’al Yisrael.

Rock of Israel, rise to the aid of Israel! Redeem us as You have promised. We know you as the God of hosts; sanctify us. Blessed are You, Who redeems Your people Israel.

23 Worth Standing For








24 Entering the

אֲדֹנָי שְ פָתַ י תִּפְתָ ח ּופִּ י יַּגִּ יד תְהִּ לָתֶּ ָך

Adonai sefatai tiftach ufi yagid tehilatecha.

Adonai, open up my lips that my mouth may declare Your praise.

25 Avot v’Imahot - Generations

בָרּוְך אַתָ ה יהו''ה אֱֹלהֵַֽ ינּו וֵאֹלהֵי Baruch atah YHVH Eloheinu אֲבֹותֵַֽ ינּו ,אֱֹלהֵי אַבְרָ הָם ,אֱֹלהֵי יִּצְחָק , ,vElohei avoteinu v'imoteinu Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak, וֵאֹלהֵי יַעֲקֹב ,אֹלהֵי שָרָ ה ,אֹלהֵי רִּ בְ קָה , ,vElohei Ya'akov; Elohei Sarah אֹלהֵי רַ חֵל ,וֵאֹלהֵי ֿ לֵאַ ה .הָאֵ ל הַּגָדֹול ,Elohei Rivkah, Elohei Rachel הַּגִּ בֹור וְהַּנֹורָ א ,אֵ ל עֶּלְיֹון ,ּגֹומֵ ל חֲסָדִּ ים vElohei Leah, HaEl hagadol hagibor v'hanora El elyon, gomeil טֹובִּ ים ,וְקֹנֵה הַכֹל ,וְ זֹוכֵר חַסְ דֵ י אָ בֹות chasadim tovim v'koneih hakol וְאִּ מַ הֹות ,ּומֵבִּ יא גֹואֵ ל לִּבְ נֵי בְ נֵיהֶּם ,לְמַַֽ עַן ,v'zocheir chasdei avot v'imahot שְ מֹו בְאַ הֲבָה. umeivi goeil livnei v’neihem l’maan sh’mo b'ahavah.

our God and God of our ancestors, God ofיהוה ,Blessed are You Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob; God of Sarah, God of Rebecca, God of Leah and God of Rachel; the great, mighty, and awesome God, God on high, who does deeds of loving kindness, who is the Source of all, and who remembers the steadfast love of our ancestors, who lovingly brings redemption to their children’s children for Your name’s sake. 26 Zochreinu l’chayim - Remember Us for Life

זָכְרֵַֽ נּו ְל ַח ִּיים ,מֶַּֽ לְֶּך חָפֵץ ַב ַח ִּיים ,וְכָתְבֵַֽ נּו Zochreinu l'chayim melech בְסֵַֽ פֶּר ַה ַח ִּיים ,לְמַעַנְָך אֱֹלהִּ ים ַח ִּיים. chafeitz bachayim, v'kotveinu b'sefer ha-chayyim מֶַּֽ לְֶּך עֹוזֵר ּומֹושִַּֽ יעַ ּומָ גֵן :בָּרּוְך אַתָ ה .l'ma'ancha Elohim chayyim יהו׳׳ה ,מָ גֵן אַבְרָ הָם וְאֶּ זְרַ ת שָרַ ה: Melech ozeir u-moshia u- magen. Baruch Atah YHVH, magein Avraham v'ezrat Sarah.

Remember us for life, creator Who delights in life, and inscribe us in the book of life for Your own sake, O God of life.

Ruler, helper, redeemer, and protector! Blessed are You ,YHVH, Abraham’s shield and Sarah’s strength. 27 Gevurot - Strength אַתָ ה ּגִּבֹור לְעֹולָם יהו''ה ,מְ חַיֵה מֵתִּ ים אַַֽתָ ה ,רַ ב לְהֹושִַּֽ יעַ . Atah gibor l'olam YHVH, mechayeh meitim מֹורִּ יד הַטָּ ל. .atah rav l'hoshia. Morid hatal Mechalkeil chayim b'chesed, m'chayeih ְמ ַכ ְל ֵכל ַח ִּיים ְב ֶַּֽח ֶּסד, מְ חַיֵה מֵתִּ ים בְרַ חֲמִּ ים רַבִּ ים, סֹומְֵך ,meitim b'rachamim rabim, someich noflim נֹופְלִּים, וְרֹופֵאחֹולִּים, ּומַתִּ יר אֲסּורִּ ים, ּומְ קַיֵםאֱמּונָתֹו v'rofei cholim, umatir asurim, um'kayeim לִּישֵ נֵי עָפָר, מִּיכָמַֹֽוָך בַַֽעַלּגְבּורֹות ּומִּ י דַֽ הֹומֶּ לְָך, מֶַּֽ לְֶּך emunato lisheinei afar. Mi chamocha baal g’vurot? Umi domeh lach? Melech meimit מֵמִּ ית ּומְ חַיֶּהּומַצְמִַּֽ יחַיְשּועָה. .um'chayeih, umatzmiach y’shuah מִּי כָמַֽ ֹוָך באַ הָרַ חֲמִּ ים, זֹו ֵכר ְיצּו ָריו ְל ַח ִּיים ְבּ ַר ֲח ִּמים: ,Mi chamocha av harachaman וְ נֶּאֱמָןאַתָ הלְהַחֲיֹות מֵתִּ ים. בָרּוְך אַתָ ה יהו''ה, מְ חַיֵה .zocheir y'tzurav l'chayyim b'rachamim V'ne·eman atah l'hachayot meitim. Baruch הַמֵתִּ ים. .atah YHVH, m’chayeih hameitim You are our eternal strength, YHVH. Your saving power gives life that transcends death. You bring the dew of the field. You sustain the living with kindness, in Your great mercy You bestow eternal life. You support the fallen, heal the sick, and free the captive. You keep Your faith with us beyond life and death. There is none like You, our source of strength, the ruler of life and death, the source of our redemption. Who is like You, Source of Mercy, Who mercifully remembers Your creatures for life? Our faith is with You, the God Who brings eternal life. Blessed are You, YHVH, Who gives life that transcends death. 28 Unetaneh Tokef

ּונְתַ ּנֶּה תַֹֽ קֶּף קְ דֻשַ ת הַיֹום כִּ י הּוא נֹורָ א Un'taneh tokef k'dushat hayom, ki hu וְאָ יֹום :ּובֹו תִּ ּנָשֵ א מַלְכּותֶַּֽ ָך , ,nora v’ayom; uvo tinasei malchutecha וְיִּכֹון בְחֶַּֽסֶּ ד כִּסְאֶַּֽ ָך ,וְתֵשֵ ב עָלָיו בֶּאֱמֶּ ת v'yikon b'chesed kisecha, v'teisheiv alav . אֱמֶּת כִּיאַתָ ה הּוא דַ יָןּומֹוכִַּֽ יחַ , וְיֹודֵעַ .e’emet Emet ki atah hu dayan umochi’ach, וָעֵד, וְ כֹותֵב וְ חֹותֵ ם, וְ סֹופֵר ּומֹונֶּה, ,v'yodei’a va’eid, v'choteiv v'choteim וְתִּ זְכֹור כָל הַּנִּשְ כָחֹות: וְתִּפְתַ חאֶּ תסֵַֽ פֶּר ;v'sofeir umoneh, v'tizkor kol hanishkachot הַזִּכְ רֹונֹות, ּומֵאֵ לָיו יִּקָרֵ א, וְ חֹותַ ם יַד כָל v'tiftach et sefer hazichronot, umei’eilav םאָדָ בֹו. .yikarei, v'chotam yad kol adam bo

Let us declare the sacred power of this day, for it is awesome and dreadful. On this day, Your rule is exalted, Your throne is established with love, and You sit upon it in truth. For it is truth that You judge and determine, know and witness, write and seal, count and account. You remember all that was forgotten. You open the Book of Memory. It reads from itself and the signature of every human being is in it.

29 Unetaneh Tokef

U’v’ gadol y’taka, v’kol ּובְ שֹופָר ּגָדֹול יִּתָקַע ,וְ קֹול דְ מָמָ ה d’mama dakah yishama. דַקָה יִּשָמַ ע :ּומַלְאָכִּ ים יֵחָפֵזּון ,וְחִּ יל ּורְ עָדָ ה יֹאחֵזּון ,וְ יֹאמְ רּו הִּ ּנֵה יֹום Umalachim y’chafeizun, v’chil הַדִּ ין ,לִּפְ קֹוד עַל צְ בָא מָ רֹום בַדִּ ין ,כִּ י ur’ada ya’acheizun, vyomru hinei לֹא יִּזְכּו בְ עֵינֶּיָך בַדִּ ין .וְכָל בָאֵ י עֹולָם yom ha-din, lifkod al tzeva maron יַעַבְ רּון לְפָנֶּיָך כִּבְ נֵי מָ רֹון. .badin, ki lo yizku b’eineicha badin V’chol ba-ei olam ya’avrun l’fanecha kivnei maron.

The great shofar sounds—the still, small voice is heard. Even the angels are seized by trembling and fear as they declare, “This is the day of judgment when even the hosts of heaven are judged.” Nothing can evade Your eyes in judgment.

30 Unetaneh Tokef

בְ רֹאש הַשָ נָה יִּכָתֵ בּון ,ּובְ יֹום צֹום כִּ ּפּור ,B’ yikateivun יֵחָתֵ מּון. .uv’Yom tzom Kippur yeichateimun

For on Rosh Hashanah it is written, and on Yom Kippur it is sealed:

"On Rosh Hashanah it is inscribed, and on Yom Kippur it is sealed...." From this we can intuit that while the heart may be solid on Rosh Hashanah (so words can be inscribed on it), it must be soft like wax in order to be sealed on Yom Kippur. We must soften our hearts during these ten days.

31 Adapted from R’ Rachel Barenblat by R’ Unetaneh Tokef 2020 Dara Lithwick Who will choose hatred, and who will choose love; Who will choose distance, and who connection; Who will hold a grudge, and who offer forgiveness; Who will be brittle, and who will be resilient --; Who will let covid rage, and who will pursue healing; Who will turn away, and who will tend those who mourn - Who will ignore racism, and who will work to change it; Who will mouth platitudes, and who speak words of meaning; Who pretend away brokenness, and who seek repair – Who will consume, and who limit consumption; Who will throw out, and who will recycle; Who’ll let the world burn, and who will put out the fires; Who will be silent, and who will speak for the planet; Who will shrug, and who will take responsibility; Who will ignore wrongs, and who will work toward justice; Who will cast blame, and who will create change.

32 Unetaneh Tokef

ּותְ שּובָה ּותְפִּ לָה ּוצְדָקָה U't'shuvah u't'filah u'tz'dakah מַ עֲבִּירִּ ין אֶּ ת רַֹֽ עַ הַּגְ זֵרָ ה. .ma’avirin et ro’a hag'zeirah

But teshuvah, tefilah, and tzedakah temper the harshness of the decree!

When we re-turn to righteousness - when we enter into spiritual practice - when we give to others in a way that centers justice - we ease life’s harsh places.

33 Who by Fire Leonard Cohen, z’l And who by fire, who by water Who in the sunshine, who in the night time Who by high ordeal, who by common trial Who in your merry merry month of May Who by very slow decay And who shall I say is calling? And who in her lonely slip, who by barbiturate Who in these realms of love, who by something blunt Who by avalanche, who by powder Who for his greed, who for his hunger

And who shall I say is calling? “Who by fire” is And who by brave assent, who by accident Leonard Cohen’s version of the Who in solitude, who in this mirror "Unetaneh Tokef". It Who by his lady's command, who by his own hand was released in the 1974 album “New Skin Who in mortal chains, who in power for the Old And who shall I say is calling? Ceremony.”

34 Kedusha - Holy Holy Holy

נְ ַקֵדש אֶּ ת שִּמְ ָך בָעֹולָם כְשֵ ם שֶּמְַקִּ דישִּ ים אֹותֹו N'kadesh et shimcha ba’olam k'shem בִּשְ מֵ י מָרֹום .כַכָתוב עַל יַד נְבִּיאֶָּ ך וְָקָרא זֶּה אֶּ ל זֶּה sh'makdishim oto bishmei marom. Kakatuv al וְאָמַ ר: :yad nevi’echa vekara zeh el zeh ve’amar קָּ דֹוׁש קָּ דֹוׁש קָּ דֹוׁש יהו׳׳ה צְּ בָּאֹות !מְֹּ לא כָּל Kadosh kadosh kadosh YHVH tz'va’ot! Melo הָּאֶָָּ רץ כְּבֹודֹו! !chol ha’aretz k'vodo

אִַּדיר אִַּדיֵרנּו ,יהו׳׳ה אֲדֹונֵנּו,מָ ה אִַּדיר שִּמְָ ך בְ כָל Adir adireinu, YHVH adoneinu, mah adir shimcha b'chol ha’aretz. Baruch k'vod YHVH הָאֶָּ רץ .בָּ רּוְך כְּבֹוד יהו׳׳ה מִמְּ קֹומֹו! mimkomo!

May Your name be sanctified in the world as the angels sanctify it in the heavens above. As Your prophet wrote, they cry out to one another:

Holy, holy, holy is YHVH Tzevaot! The whole earth is filled with Your glory!

Wondrous of all wonders, YHVH our strength, how majestic is Your name in all the earth. Blessed is YHVH’s glory wherever God dwells! 35 Kedusha - Holy Holy Holy Echad hu Eloheinu, hu avinu, hu אֶּחָד הּוא אֱֹלהֵינּו ,הּוא אָבִּ ינּו ,הּוא מַלְכֵנּו ,הּוא מֹושִּ יעֵנּו malkeinu, hu moshi’einu vehu וְ הּוא יַשְמִּ יעֵנּו בְ ַרחֲמָ יו לְעֵינֵי ּכָל חָי . yashmi’einu b'rachamav le’einei kol אִָּנִּי יהו׳׳ה אֶֹֹּלהֵיכֱם! !chai. Ani YHVH Eloheichem יִּמְֹ לְך יהו׳׳ה לְעֹולָם אֱֹלהַיְִּך צִּ יֹון לְדֹור וָדֹור Yimloch YHVH l’olam Elohayich Tziyon .הַלְלויָה! !l'dor vador. Halleluyah לְדֹור וָדֹורּנַגִּיד גְָדלֶָּך. ּולְנֵצַחנְצָחִּ יםקְ דֻשָתְ ָך נְַקדִּ יש, L'dor vador, nagid godlecha. U'l'netzach וְשִּבְ חֲָך אֱֹלהֵיּנומִּפִּ יּנו לֹא יָמּוש ,netzachim, k'dushatecha nak'dish לְעֹולָם וָעֶּד. v'shivchacha Eloheinu mipinu lo yamush l’olam va’ed. בָרּוְך אַתָ ה יְהֹוָ ''ה הַמֶַּֽ לְֶּך הַקָדֹוש: Baruch atah YHVH hamelech ha-kadosh.

God is our One—our parent, our ruler, our redeemer. With compassion, God is revealed before the sight of all that live, saying: I am YHVH your God! May YHVH, your God, O Zion, rule eternally from generation to generation. ! May each generation speak of Your greatness to the next. For all eternity, may we sanctify Your holiness. May Your praise, our God, never depart from our lips. Blessed are You, YHVH, Holy Sovereign.

36 אַתָ ה בְ חַרְתַָֽ נּו אִּ ם כָל הָעַמִּ ים .אָהַַֽבְתָ אֹותַָֽ נּו - Kedushat HaYom וְרָצִַּֽ יתָ בַָֽ נּו .וְרֹומַמְתַָֽ נּו מִּ כָל הַלְשֹונֹות . וְקִּדַשְתַָֽ נּו בְמִּצְ ֹותֶַּֽ יָך .וְקֵרַבְתַָֽ נּו מַלְכֵַֽנּו This Holy Day לַעֲבֹודָתֶַּֽ ָך .וְשִּמְ ָך הַּגָדֹול וְהַקָדֹוש עָלֵַֽינּו Atah v’charta im kol ha-amim. Ahavta otanu קָרַָֽ אתָ : -v’ratzita banu. V’romam’tanu mikol ha l’shonot. V’kidashtanu b’mitzvotecha. וַתִּתֶּ ן לַָֽנּו יְהֹוָ ''ה אֱֹלהֵַֽ ינּו בְאַ הֲבָה (אֶּ ת־יֹום .V’keravtanu malkeinu l’avodatecha הַשַבָת הַזֶּה ו)ְ אֶּ ת יֹום הַכִּ ּפֻרִּ ים הַזֶּה לִּמְחִּ ילָה .V’shimcha hagadol v’ha-kadosh aleinu karata וְלִּסְ לִּיחָה ּולְכַּפָרָ ה וְלִּמְ חָל בֹו אֶּ ת כָל Vatiten lanu YHVH eloheinu b’ahavah (et yom עֲֹונֹותֵַֽ ינּו. ha- hazeh v’) et-yom haKippurim hazeh lim’chilah v’lis’lichah ul’chaparahv’lim’chal bo et kol avonoteinu.

You have delighted in us among all of the nations, loving us, desiring us, elevating us and sanctifying us with mitzvot, drawing us near to serve You, that Your great holy Presence might be known to us.

With love, we have been given: (on Shabbat: this Shabbat and) this Day of Atonement for renouncing our wrongs, for asking for forgiveness, for cleansing, for reconciliation.

Translation from the Am Kolel . 37 אֱֹלהֵַֽ ינּו וֵאֹלהֵי אֲבֹותֵַֽ ינּו .מְ חֹל לַעֲֹונֹותֵַֽ ינּו M’chol - Forgive בְ יֹום הַכִּ ּפֻרִּ ים הַזֶּה .מְ חֵה וְהַעֲבֵר ּפְשָעֵַֽינּו וְחַטֹּאתֵַֽ ינּו מִּ ּנֶֶַּּֽֽגֶּד עֵינֶַּֽיָך .כָאָ מּור אָנֹכִּ י אָנֹכִּ י Eloheinu v’elohei avoteinu, m’chol הּוא מֹוחֶּה פְשָעֶַּֽיָך לְמַ עֲנִּי וְחַטֹּאתֶַּֽ יָך לֹא .l’avonoteinu b’yom ha-Kippurim hazeh אֶּ זְכֹר :וְ נֶּאֱמַ ר מָחִַּֽ יתִּ י כָעָב ּפְשָעֶַּֽיָך וְכֶּעָנָן M’cheih v’ha’aver p’sha’einu חַטֹּאתֶַּֽ יָך שּובָה אֵ לַי כִּ י גְאַלְתִַּֽ יָך :וְ נֶּאֱמַ ר כִּ י v’chatoteinu mineged einecha. Ka’amur בַיֹום הַזֶּה יְכַּפֵר עֲלֵיכֶּם לְטַהֵר אֶּתְ כֶּם מִּ כֹל Anochi Anochi hu mocheh f’sha’echa חַטֹּאתֵ יכֶּם לִּפְ נֵי יְהֹוָ ''ה תִּטְהַָֽ רּו: .l’ma’ani v’chatotecha lo ezkor V’ne’emar Machiti cha’av f’sha’eicha v’che’anan chatoteicha shuva eilai ki k’alticha. V’ne’emer etchem mikol chatoteichem lifnei YHVH titharu.

Our God and God of our generations, forgive our iniquities on this Day of Atonement. Blot out and remove our transgressions and sins from before Your eyes, as it is said: “I am He Who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and your sins, I will not recall.” And it is said, “I have swept away like a thick cloud your transgressions, and like a mist your sins; return to Me, for I have redeemed you.” And it is said, “For on this day God will make atonement for you, to cleanse you; from all your sins, before God, you will be cleansed. 38 Kadsheinu - Sanctify us (אֱֹלהֵַֽ ינּו וֵאֹלהֵי אֲבֹותֵַֽ ינּו רְ צֵה בִּמְ נּוחָתֵַֽ נּו ) קַדְשֵַֽ נּו בְמִּצְֹותֶַּֽ יָך וְתֵ ן חֶּלְקֵַֽ נּו בְתֹורָתֶַּֽ ָך שַבְעֵַֽנּו Eloheinu v’elohei avoteinu, r’tzeih) bimnuchateinu) kadsheinu מִּטּּובֶַּֽ ָך וְשַמְחֵַֽ נּו בִּ ישּועָתֶַּֽ ָך ( :וְהַנְחִּילֵַֽנּו יְהֹוָה b’mitzvotecha v’tein chelkeinu אֱֹלהֵַֽ ינּו בְאַ הֲבָה ּובְרָ צֹון שַבַת קָדְשֶַּֽ ָך וְ יָנַֽ ּוחּו b’toratecha sabeinu mituv’cha בֹו יִּשְרָ אֵ ל מְ קַדְשֵ י שְמֶַּֽ ָך )וְטַהֵר לִּבֵַֽ נּו לְעָבְדְ ָך .v’samcheinu b’y’shuatecha בֶּאֱמֶּ ת כִּ י אַתָ ה אֱֹלהִּ ים אֱמֶּ ת ּודְ בָרְ ָך אֱמֶּ ת V’hanchileinu YHVH Eloheinu b’ahavah) וְקַיָם לָעַד .בָרּוְך אַתָ ה יְהֹוָה מֶַּֽ לְֶּך עַל כָל uv’ratzon Shabat kodshevha v’yanuchu הָאַָֽרֶּ ץ מְ קַדֵ ש (הַשַבָת וְ )יִּשְרָ אֵ ל וְ יֹום הַזִּכָרֹון vo Yisrael m’kodshei shmecha) v’taher libeinu l’ovdecha b’emet ki Atah Elohim /הַכִּ ּפֻרִּ ים. .emet ud’var’cha emet v’kayan la-ad Baruch atah YHVH melech al kol ha-aretz m’kadesh (ha-Shabbat v’) Yisrael v’yom HaZikaron / HaKippurim.

Our God and God of our generations (accept our rest with mercy) help us make ourselves holy with Your mitzvot; give us a portion of Your Torah's sweetness; grant us Your goodness, help us rejoice in Your salvation and on this (Shabbat which is also a) holiday, help us be mindful of both, and to wholly rest as befits Your people who yearn to sanctify Your name. Translation from the Am Kolel Machzor. 39 Avodah - Accept רְ צֵה יְהֹוָ ''ה אֱֹלהֵַֽ ינּו בְ עַמְ ָך יִּשְרָ אֵ ל ּובִּתְפִּ לָתָ ם ,וְהָשֵ ב אֶּ ת הָעֲבֹודָ ה לִּדְבִּ יר R’tzeih YHVH eloheinu b’amcha Yisrael uv’t’filatam, v’hashev et ha-avodah lidvir בֵיתֶַּֽ ָך וְאִּשֵ י יִּשְרָ אֵ ל ,ּותְפִּ לָתָ ם בְאַ הֲבָה beitecha v’ishei Yisrael, utfilatam תְ קַבֵל בְרָ צֹון ּותְהִּ י לְרָ צֹון תָמִּ יד עֲבֹודַ ת b’ahavah t’kabel b’ratzon u-t’hi l’ratzon יִּשְרָ אֵ ל עַמֶַּֽ ָך :וְתֶּ חֱזֶַּֽינָה עֵינֵַֽינּו בְ שּובְ ָך .tamid avodat Yisrael am’cha לְצִּ יֹון בְרַ חֲמִּ ים :בָרּוְך אַתָ ה יְהֹוָ ''ה V’techezeina eineinu b’shuv’cha l’Zion הַמַחֲזִּיר שְ כִּ ינָתֹו לְצִּ יֹון: -b’rachamim. Baruch atah YHVH ha machazir Shechinato l’Zion.

May it be Your will, YHVH our God, that You accept our rest and take pleasure in our . Accept the service of our hearts and our lips which we mean to offer in love. May the offerings of our hearts always bring You joy in Your people.

May Your presence return to Zion speedily and with compassion. Blessed are You, YHVH, Whose presence returns to Zion and fills all creation.

40 Hoda’ah - Gratitude

מֹודִּ ים אֲנַַֽחְ נּו לְָך שָאַתָ ה הּוא יְהֹוָ ''ה אֱֹלהֵַֽ ינּו Modim anachnu lach she’atah hu YVH וֵאֹלהֵי אֲבֹותֵַֽ ינּו לְעֹולָם וָעֶּד צּור חַיֵַֽינּו מָ גֵן יִּשְעֵַֽנּו eloheinu v’elohei avoteinu l’olam vaed אַתָ ה הּוא לְדֹור וָדֹור נֹודֶּ ה לְָך ּונְסַּפֵר תְהִּ לָתֶַּֽ ָך עַל tzur chayyeinu magen yisheinu Atah hu l’dor vador nodeh l’cha un’s’aper חַיֵַֽינּו הַמְ סּורִּ ים בְ יָדֶַּֽ ָך וְעַל נִּשְ מֹותֵַֽ ינּו הַּפְ קּודֹות לְָך t’hilatecha al chayyeinu ha-m’surim וְעַל נִּסֶַּֽ יָך שֶּבְ כָל יֹום עִּמַָֽ נּו וְעַל נִּפְלְאֹותֶַּֽ יָך b’yadecha v’al nishmoteinu ha-p’kudot וְ טֹובֹותֶַּֽ יָך שֶּבְ כָל עֵת ,עֶַּֽרֶּ ב וָבַֹֽ קֶּר וְצָהֳרַָֽ יִּם ,הַטֹּוב lach v’al nisecha sheb’chol yom imanu כִּ י לֹא כָלּו רַ חֲמֶַּֽ יָך וְהַמְרַ חֵם כִּ י לֹא תַַֽ מּו חֲסָדֶַּֽ יָך , ,v’al niflotecha v’tovotecha she’b’chol et מֵ עֹולָם קִּּוִַּֽ ינּו לְָך: erev v’voker v’tzohoraim, hatov ki lo chulo rachamecha v’ham’rachem ki lo tamu chasidecha, m’olam kivinu lach.

We are grateful before You, that You are our God and God of our generations, for ever. You are the rock of our lives, the shield of our salvation; You, only You, from generation to generation we sing praises. For our lives which are in Your keeping; for our souls of which You take daily account; for all of the miracles which You perform for us, and all of the wonders and goodnesses which You bring forth in every era and in every day, evening and morning and afternoon; for the goodness of Your compassion; for all of these things we could 41never thank You enough. Hoda’ah - Gratitude וְעַל כֻלָם יִּתְ בָרַ ְך וְיִּתְ רֹומַ ם שִּמְ ָך מַלְכֵַֽנּו תָמִּ יד V’al kulam yitbarach v’yitromam shimcha לְעֹולָם וָעֶּד. .malkeinu tamid l’olam vaed V’chatuv l’chayyim tovim kol b’nei ּוכְ תֹוב ְל ַח ִּיים טֹובִּ ים כָל בְ נֵי בְרִּ יתֶַּֽ ָך. .britecha

V’chol hachayyim yoducha selah, וְכֹל ַה ַח ִּיים יֹודַֽ ּוָך סֶַּֽ לָה ,וִּיהַלְלּו אֶּ ת שִּמְ ָך בֶּאֱמֶּ ת , v’y’hallelu et shimcha b’emet, ha-el הָאֵ ל יְשּועָתֵַֽ נּו וְעֶּזְרָתֵַֽ נּו סֶַּֽ לָה .בָרּוְך אַתָ ה הו׳׳ה , y’shuateinu v’ezrateinu selah. Baruch atah הַטֹּוב שִּמְ ָך ּולְָך נָאֶּ ה לְהֹודֹות . YHVH, hatov shimcha u’l’cha naeh l’hodot.

For all of these we bless and elevate Your name, our Sovereign and Source, forever and ever. And we thank You for inscribing us, the children of Your covenant, into the book of life.

All that lives praises Your name in truth, our God and our help.

Blessed are You, YHVH, for Your goodness and for the many wonders which merit our thanks. 42 Shalom

שִּ ים שָ לֹום טֹובָה ּובְרָ כָה ,חֵן וָחֶּסֶּ ד וְרַ חֲמִּ ים , tovah u'vracha, chein עָלֵינּו וְעַל כָל יִּשְרָ אֵ ל עַמֶּ ָך .בָרְ כֵנּו ,אָבִּ ינּו , v'chesed v'rachamim, aleinu v'al kol Yisrael amecha. Barchenu avinu כֻלָנּו כְאֶּחָד בְ אֹור ּפָנֶּיָך ,כִּ י באֹור ּפָנֶּיָך נָתַתָ kulanu k'echad b'or panecha, ki b'or לָנּו ,יְיָ אֱֹלהֵינּו ,תֹורַ ת ַח ִּיים וְאַ הֲבַת חֶּסֶּ ד , panecha natata lanu, Adonai ּוצְדָקָה ּובְרָ כָה וְרַ חֲמִּ ים ְו ַח ִּיים וְשָ לֹום ,וְ טֹוב eloheinu, Torat chayim v'ahavat בְ עֵינֶּיָך לְבָרֵ ְך אֶּ ת עַמְ ָך יִּשְרָ אֵ ל בְ כָל עֵת ּובְ כָל chesed, u'tzedakah u'v'racha שָ עָה בִּשְ לֹומֶּ ָך. v'rachamim v'chayyim v'shalom v'tov b'einecha l'varech et amcha Yisrael b'chol eit u'vchol sha'ah bishlomecha.

May there be peace, goodness, blessing, grace, lovingkindness and compassion for us and for all Your people. Bless us, our Parent, all as one with the light of Your face, for in that light you have given us a living Torah, and lovingkindness, and righteousness, and blessing, and compassion, and life, and peace. May it be good in Your eyes to bless us in all places and times with Your peace. 43 In The Book of Life

בְסֵַֽ פֶּר ַח ִּיים ,בְרָ כָה וְשָ לֹום B'sefer chayyim, bracha ּופַרְ נָסָ ה טֹובָה ,נִּזָכֵר וְנִּכָתֵ ב ,v'shalom, ufarnasah tovah לְפָנֶַּֽיָך ,אֲנַַֽחְ נּו וְכָל עַמְ ָך בֵית ,N'zacher v'nikatev l'fanecha יִּשְרָ אֵ ל , ְל ַח ִּיים טֹובִּ ים anachnu v'chol amcha beit ּולְשָ לֹום . Yisrael, l'chayyim tovim u'l'shalom.

In the book of life, blessing and peace And of making a good living May we be remembered, may we be written Before You, Holy One. All of us and all Your people beit Yisrael For life and for goodness, for life and for goodness 44 And for shalom.

Forgiveness Prayers

45 By Adrienne What Kind of Times are These Rich There's a place between two stands of trees where the grass grows uphill and the old revolutionary road breaks off into shadows near a meeting-house abandoned by the persecuted who disappeared into those shadows.

I've walked there picking mushrooms at the edge of dread, but don't be fooled this isn't a Russian poem, this is not somewhere else but here, our country moving closer to its own truth and dread, its own ways of making people disappear.

I won't tell you where the place is, the dark mesh of the woods meeting the unmarked strip of light— ghost-ridden crossroads, leafmold paradise: I know already who wants to buy it, sell it, make it disappear.

And I won't tell you where it is, so why do I tell you anything? Because you still listen, because in times like these to have you listen at all, it's necessary to talk about trees. 46 The Thirteen Attributes

יהו׳׳ה ,יהו׳׳ה ,אֵ ל רַ חּום וְחַּנּון , ,YHVH, YHVH, El rachum v'chanun אֶַּֽרֶּ ְך אַּפַַֽיִּם ,וְרַ ב חֶַּֽסֶּ ד וְאֶּמֶּ ת : ,erech apayim, v'rav chesed v’emet notzeir chesed la’alafim, נֹצֵר חֶַּֽסֶּ ד לָאֲלָפִּ ים , nosei avon, vafesha, vechata’ah, נֹשֵ א עָֹון וָפֶַּֽשַ ע וְחַטָּאָ ה , .venakeih וְ נַקֵה:

YHVH, YHVH, God of mercy and grace, patient, loving and faithful. Who extends love to the thousandth generation, forgiving transgression, rebellion and sin, and granting pardon.

Singable English: Yod Hay, Vav Hay, Compassion and Tenderness, Patience, Forebearance, Kindness, Awareness. Singable English from Bearing love from age to age, the Aquarian Minyan machzor. Lifting guilt and mistakes and making us free. 47 Sh’ma Koleinu - Hear Our

שְ מַ ע קֹולֵַֽנּו ,יהו׳׳ה אֱֹלהֵַֽ ינּו, ,Sh'ma koleinu, YHVH eloheinu חּוס וְרַ חֵם עָלֵַֽינּו , ,chus v'rachem aleinu וְקַבֵל בְרַ חֲמִּ ים ּובְרָ צֹון v'kabel ’rachamim u'v'ratzon אֶּ ת תְפִּ לָתֵַֽ נּו . .et t'filateinu הֲשִּ יבֵַֽ נּו יהו׳׳ה אֵלֶַּֽיָך וְ נָשַֽ ּובָה , ,Hashiveinu YHVH elecha v’'nashuva חַדֵ ש יָמֵַֽ ינּו כְקֶַּֽ דֶּ ם. .chadesh yameinu k'kedem

Hear our voice, YHVH our God. Be merciful with us and accept our prayer. Return us, YHVH, to You and we will be returned. Renew our days, as in days of old.

48 Vidui

Many people have the custom of beating the breast during the recitation of this alphabetical list of places where we've missed the mark. Another way to understand that gesture is: we're knocking on our hearts, imploring them to open.

Our God and God of our ancestors, accept our prayer and do not hide from us. We are not so hard-hearted and stiff-necked to say before You, YHVH, that we are wholly righteous and pure. Rather, we confess that we have sinned.

49 Vidui

אָשַַֽמְ נּו ,בָגֶַַּֽֽדְ נּו ,ּגָזַַֽלְנּו ,דִּבַַֽרְ נּו דַֹֽ פִּ י . ,Ashamnu, bagadnu, gazalnu הֶּעֱוִַּֽ ינּו ,וְהִּרְשַַֽעְ נּו ,זֶַַּֽֽדְ נּו ,חָמַַֽסְ נּו , ,dibarnu dofi. He’evinu, v'hirshanu טָ ַפַַֽלְנּו שֶַּֽ קֶּר .יָעַַֽצְ נּו רָ ע ,כִּזַַֽבְ נּו ,לַַֽצְ נּו , .zadnu, chamasnu, tafalnu shaker Ya’atznu ra, kizavnu, latsnu, מָרַַֽדְ נּו ,נִּאַַֽצְ נּו ,סָרַַֽרְ נּו ,עָוִַּֽ ינּו ,ּפָשַַֽעְ נּו , maradnu, ni’atznu, sararnu, avinu, צָרַַֽרְ נּו ,קִּשִַּֽ ינּו עַֹֽרֶּ ף .רָשַַֽעְ נּו ,שִּחַַֽתְ נּו , .pashanu, tzararnu, kishinu oref תִּעַַֽבְ נּו ,תָעִַּֽ ינּו ,תִּעְתַָֽעְ נּו. ,Rashanu, shichatnu, ti’avnu ta’inu, titanu.

We have abused, betrayed, conspired, deceived, endangered, flattered, gossiped, hated, insulted, jeered, kept grudges, lied, mocked, neglected, oppressed, perverted, quarreled, rebelled, stolen, threatened, undermined, vilified, wasted, and yielded to temptation.

50 Al Chet

1 עַלחֵטְא שֶּחָטַָֽ אנּו לְפָנֶַּֽיָך בְ אַֹֽ נֶּסּובְרָ צֹון: 3 וְעַל חֵטְ אשֶּחָטַָֽ אנּולְפָנֶַּֽיָך בְאִּ מּוץ הַלֵב: עַלחֵטְא שֶּחָטַָֽ אנּו לְפָנֶַּֽיָך בִּצְדִּ יַת רֵַֽ עַ : עַלחֵטְא שֶּחָטַָֽ אנּו לְפָנֶַּֽיָך בִּבְ לִּי דַָֽ עַת: וְעַלחֵטְ אשֶּחָטַָֽ אנּו לְפָנֶַּֽיָךבְ צָרּות עַָֽיִּן: 2 עַל אחֵטְ שֶּחָטַָֽ אנּו לְפָנֶַּֽיָך בְ קַלּות רֹאש: עַלחֵטְ אשֶּחָטַָֽ אנּולְפָנֶַּֽיָך בְכַַֽחַש ּובְ כָזָב: וְעַל חֵטְ אשֶּחָטַָֽ אנּולְפָנֶַּֽיָך בְ כַּפַת שַֹֽ חַד: עַל אחֵטְ שֶּחָטַָֽ אנּו לְפָנֶַּֽיָך בְ לָצֹון:

וְּעַל כֻּלָּם , ֱא ֽלֹו ַהַּ סְּ לִ יחֹות, ,V’al kulam, Elo’ah s'lichot סְּ לַח לָּֽ נּו ,מְּ חַ ל לָּֽ נּו ,כַפֶָר-לָּֽ נּו. .s'lach lanu, m'chal lanu, kaper lanu

For all of these—God of forgiveness— forgive us, pardon us, grant us atonement.

51 Al Chet

For the sin we have sinned against You by holding grudges, And the sin we have sinned against You by nurturing resentments;

For the sin we have sinned against You by thinking ill of others, And the sin we have sinned against You by thinking ill of ourselves;

For the sin we have sinned against You by giving up hope, And the sin we have sinned against You by giving in to despair;

וְּעַל כֻּלָּם , ֱא ֽלֹו ַהַּ סְּ לִ יחֹות, ,V’al kulam, Elo’ah s'lichot סְּ לַח לָּֽ נּו ,מְּ חַ ל לָּֽ נּו ,כַפֶָר-לָּֽ נּו. .s'lach lanu, m'chal lanu, kaper lanu

For all of these—God of forgiveness— forgive us, pardon us, grant us atonement.

52 Al Chet

For the sin we have sinned against You by not wearing a mask, And the sin we have sinned against You by not socially-distancing;

For the sin we have sinned against You by neglecting essential workers, And the sin we have sinned against You by forgetting every soul is essential;

For the sin we have sinned against You by caring less if it happens to “them,” And the sin we have sinned against You by turning away;

וְּעַל כֻּלָּם , ֱא ֽלֹו ַהַּ סְּ לִ יחֹות, ,V’al kulam, Elo’ah s'lichot סְּ לַח לָּֽ נּו ,מְּ חַ ל לָּֽ נּו ,כַפֶָר-לָּֽ נּו. .s'lach lanu, m'chal lanu, kaper lanu

For all of these—God of forgiveness— forgive us, pardon us, grant us atonement.

53 Al Chet

For the sin we have sinned against You by overlooking racism, And the sin we have sinned against You by ignoring police violence;

For the sin we have sinned against You by abdicating responsibility, And the sin we have sinned against You by turning a blind eye to Black and Indigenous suffering;

For the sin we have sinned against You by letting inequalities stand, And the sin we have sinned against You by not using our power to help others; וְּעַל כֻּלָּם , ֱא ֽלֹו ַהַּ סְּ לִ יחֹות, ,V’al kulam, Elo’ah s'lichot סְּ לַח לָּֽ נּו ,מְּ חַ ל לָּֽ נּו ,כַפֶָר-לָּֽ נּו. .s'lach lanu, m'chal lanu, kaper lanu

For all of these—God of forgiveness— forgive us, pardon us, grant us atonement.


Avinu malkeinu, sh'ma koleinu. אָבִּ ינּו מַלְכֵנּו ,שְ מַ ע קֹולֲנּו. Avinu malkeinu, אָבִּ ינּו מַלְכֵנּו ,חָטָ אנּו לְפָנֶּיָך. .chatanu l'fanecha אָבִּ ינּו מַלְכֵנּו ,חֲמֹול עָלֵינּו Avinu malkeinu, chamol aleinu וְעַל עֹולָלֵינּו וְטַפֵנּו. .v'al olaleinu v'tapeinu

אָבִּ ינּו מַלְכֵנּו ,כַלֵה דֶּבֶּר Avinu malkeinu, chaleh dever וְחֶּרֶּ ב וְרָ עָב מֵעָלֵינּו. .v'cherev v'ra'av me'aleinu אָבִּ ינּו מַלְכֵנּו ,כַלֵה כָל–צַר Avinu malkeinu, chaleh ומַשְטִּ ין מֵעָלֵינּו. .kol-tzar u-masteen me'aleinu

Musical setting by Max Janowski 55 Avinu Malkeinu

אָבִּ ינּו מַלְכֵנּו ,אָבִּ ינּו מַלְכֵנּו !Avinu malkeinu כָתְ בֵנּו בְסֵפֶּרחַיִּים טובִּ ים. .Cotveinu b'sefer chayyim tovim אָבִּ ינּו מַלְכֵנּו, ,Avinu malkeinu חַדֵש עָלֵינּו, ,Chadesh aleinu חַדֵשעָלֵינּו שָ נָה טֹובָה. .Chadesh aleinu shanah tovah

Avinu malkeinu, hear our prayer. Avinu malkeinu, we have sinned before You. Avinu malkeinu, have mercy on us and on our children. Avinu Malkeinu, rid us of sickness, sword, hunger, destruction. Avinu Malkeinu, rid us of persecution. Avinu Malkeinu, inscribe us in the book of a good life. Avinu Malkeinu, renew us; renew us for a good year. 56 Avinu Malkeinu

אָבִּ ינּו מַלְכֵנּו ,חָנֵנּו וַעֲנֵנּו , ,Avinu malkeinu כִּ י אֵ ין בָנּו מַ עֲשִּ ים, ,chanenu va'anenu ki ein banu ma'asim, עֲשֵ ה עִּמָ נּו צְדָקָה וָחֶּסֶּ ד וְהושִּ יעֵנּו. aseh imanu tzedakah vachesed v'hoshienu.

Avinu malkeinu, be gracious, answer us, for we have no deeds within us. Treat us generously and with kindness, and be our help.

57 Check-In

Face to Face

כַמַיִּם הַּפָנִּים לַּפָנִּים כֵן לֵַֽב־הָאָדָ ם לָאָדַָֽ ם׃ K’mayim hapanim l’panim kein lev ha-adam l’adam.

As water reflects face to face, so one heart reflects another. 58 Approaching Torah

אֵ ין כָמֹוָך בָאֱֹלהִּ ים ,יהו׳׳ה ,וְאֵ ין כְמַ עֲשֶּ יָך . ,Ein kamocha va’Elohim, YHVH מַלְכּותְ ָך מַלְכּות כָל עֹלָמִּ ים ,ּומֶּמְשַלְתְ ָך בְ ּכָל .ve’ein kema’asecha דֹר וָדֹר .יהו׳׳ה מֶּלְֶּך ,יהו׳׳ה מָלְָך ,יהו׳׳ה Malchut'cha malchut kol olamim umemshalt'cha b'chol יִּמְ ֹלְך לְעֹלָם וָעֶּד .יהו׳׳ה עֹז לְעַמֹו יִּתֵ ן יהו׳׳ה dor vador. YHVH melech, YHVH יְבָרֵ ְך אֶּ ת עַמֹו בַשָ לֹום. malach, YHVH yimloch l’olam va’ed. YHVH oz l’amo yitein, YHVH y'vareich et amo vashalom.

There is none like You among the , YHVH, and there are no deeds like Yours. You are sovereign over all worlds, and Your dominion is in all generations. YHVH reigns, YHVH has reigned, YHVH will reign forever and ever! YHVH will give strength to our people; YHVH will bless our people with peace. 59 Approaching Torah

אַ ב הָרַ חֲמִּ ים ,הֵיטִּ יבָה בִּרְ צֹונְָך אֶּ ת צִּ יֹון , Av harachamim, heitivah תִּבְ נֶּה חֹומֹות יְרּושָ לָיִּם .כִּ י בְ ָך לְבַד בָטָחְ נּו , virtzon'cha et tziyon. Tivneh מֶּלְֶּך אֵ ל רָ ם וְנִּשָ א ,אֲדֹון עֹולָמִּ ים. chomot Yerushalayim. Ki v'cha l'vad batachnu, melech Eil ram venisa, adon olamim.

Source of mercy: favor Zion with Your goodness; rebuild . In You alone do we trust, God of space and time.

60 Vay’hi binsoa

וַיְהִּ י בִּ נְסֹועַ הָאָרֹן וַיֹאמֶּ ר משֶּ ה ,קּומָ ה Va’y’hi binsoa ha-aron vayomer יהו׳׳ה ,וְ יָפֻצּו אֹיְבֶּיָך , ְו ָינֻסּו מְשַ נְאֶּ יָך Moshe, Kumah YHVH vayafutzu oyvecha V’yanusu b’sanecha מִּ ּפָנֶּיָך : mipanecha. Ki Mi-Tzion teitzei Torah כִּ י מִּצִּ יֹון תֵצֵא תֹורָ ה, U-d’var YHVH mi’Yerushalayim. ּודְ בַר יהו׳׳ה מִּ ירּושָ לָיִּם: Baruch shenatan Torah l’amo Yisrael בָרּוְך שֶּ ּנָתַ ן תֹורָ ה !bikdushato לְעַמֹו יִּשְרָ אֵ ל בִּקְ דֻשָ תֹו:

When the ark would go forth, Moshe would say: Arise, YHVH, and scatter enmity; those who hate You will flee before You. From Zion Torah goes forth, and the words of YHVH from Jerusalem. Blessed are You Who give Torah to Your people Israel in holiness! 61 My prayer before You

וַאֲנִּי ,תְפִּ לָתִּ י לְָך ,Va'ani tefilati lecha יהו׳׳ה ,עֵת רָ צֹון, ,YHVH, eit ratzon אֱֹלהִּ ים בְרָ ב חַסְדֶַּֽ ָך , ,elohim b'rov chasdecha aneni b'emet yishecha. עֲנֵַֽנִּי בֶּאֱמֶּ ת יִּשְעֶַָּֽך.

And I: I am my prayer before You, YHVH! May my words reach You in a good time. God, with Your great mercy, answer me truly with Your help.

62 Sh’ma

שְ מַ ע יִּשְרָ אֵ ל ,יהו׳׳ה אֱֹלהֵַֽ ינּו ,יהו׳׳ה אֶּחָד. Sh'ma Yisrael, YHVH eloheinu, YHVH echad. אֶּחָד אֱֹלהֵַֽ ינּו ,ּגָדֹול אֲדֹונֵַֽנּו ,קָדֹוש וְ נֹורָ א שְ מֹו. Echad eloheinu, gadol adoneinu, kadosh v'nora גַדְ לּו לַיהו׳׳ה אִּתִּ י ,ּונְרֹומְ מָ ה שְ מֹו יַחְדָ ו. .sh'mo Gadlu l'YHVH iti, u'n'rome mah sh'mo yachdav.

Hear, O Israel; Adonai is our God; Adonai is One. One is our God, great, holy, and awesome! Magnify God with me, and together let us elevate the Name.

63 לְָך יהו׳׳ה הַּגְ דֻלָה וְהַּגְ בּורָ ה The Greatness וְהַתִּפְאֶּרֶּ ת וְהַּנֵצַח וְהַהֹוד , כִּ י כֹל בַשָמַיִּם ּובָאָרֶּ ץ :לְָך יהו׳׳ה L'cha YHVH hag'dulah v'hag'vurah הַמַמְ לָכָה וְהַמִּתְ נַשֵ א לכֹל לְרֹאש : V'hatiferet v'hanetzach v'hahod, ki chol רֹומְ מּו יהו׳׳ה אֱֹלהֵינּו וְהִּשְ תַ חֲוּו bashamayim u'va'aretz. L'cha YHVH לַהֲדֹם רַ גְלָיו קָדֹוש הּוא :רֹומְ מּו .hamamlachah v'hamitnasei l'chol lerosh Romemu YHVH Eloheinu, vehishtachavu יהו׳׳ה אֱֹלהֵינּו ,וְהִּשְ תַ חֲוּו לְהַר lahadom raglav kadosh hu. Romemu קָדְ שֹו ,כִּ י קָדֹוש יהו׳׳ה אֱֹלהֵינּו: YHVH Eloheinu v'hishtachavu lehar kodsho ki kadosh YHVH Eloheinu.

Yours, YHVH, are the greatness and the strength and the harmony and the endurance and the splendor, all that is in the heavens and on earth. Yours is the Malchut / Shechinah / Sovereignty. Exalt YHVH and surrender your ego before God and before the holy mountain, for YHVH our God is holy!

64 Blessings before Torah

בָרְ כּו אֶּ ת יהו׳׳ה הַמְ בֹרָ ְך: !Barchu et YHVH hamevorach בָרּוְך יהו׳׳ה הַמְ בֹרָ ְך לְעֹולָם וָעֶּד: !Baruch YHVH hamevorach le'olam va'ed בָרּוְך אַתָ ה יהו׳׳ה Baruch atah YHVH אֱֹלהֵינּו מֶּלְֶּך הָעֹולָם, ,Eloheinu melech ha'olam אֲשֶּ ר בָחַר בָנּו עִּ ם כָל הָעַמִּ ים asher bachar banu im kol ha-amim וְ נָתַ ן לָנּו אֶּ ת תֹורָ תֹו : ברּוְך אַתָ ה יהו׳׳ה ,נֹותֵ ן הַתֹורָ ה: .venatan lanu et Torato Baruch atah YHVH, notein ha-Torah.

Holy One of Blessing, Your presence fills creation. You have chosen us along with all peoples to receive Your Torah. Blessed are You, YHV’H, giver of the Torah.

65 Deuteronomy 30:11-20 (from Parsha Nitzavim)

ִִּּ֚כי ַה ִּמ ְצָ ָ֣וה ַה ֹּ֔זֹאת ֲא ֶּ ֶׁ֛שר ָא ֹנ ִּ ִ֥כי ְמ ַצ ְּו ָָ֖ך ַהּ֑יֹום ַֽלֹא־ ִּנ ְפ ִֵ֥לאת ִּהו ֙א ִּמ ְמ ָֹּ֔ך First Aliyah: Deuteronomy 30:11-13 ְו ִ֥לֹא ְר ֹח ָ ָ֖קה ִַּֽהוא׃ Surely, this Instruction which I enjoin upon you 11 this day is not too baffling for you, nor is it beyond reach. יב ִ֥לֹא ַב ָש ַ ָ֖מ ִּים ִּ ּ֑הוא ֵלא ֹֹ֗מר ִּ ָ֣מי ַי ֲע ֶּלה־ ָ ָּ֤לנּו ַה ָש ַ֙מ ְי ָמ ֙ה ְו ִּי ָק ֶּ ָ֣ח ָה ֹּ֔ ָלנּו וְ יַשְמִּעִֵ֥נּו אֹתָ ָּ֖ה וְ נַעֲשֶַּֽ ּנָה׃ ,It is not in the heavens, that you should say 12 “Who among us can go up to the heavens and get it for us and impart it to us, that we may observe it?” יג ְו ַֽלֹא־ ֵמ ִֵ֥ע ֶּבר ַל ָיָ֖ם ִּ ּ֑הוא ֵלא ֹֹ֗מר ִּ ָ֣מי ַי ֲע ָבר־ ָ֜ ָלנּו ֶּאל־ ֵָּ֤ע ֶּבר ַה ָי ֙ם וְיִּקָחֶָּ֣הָ לָֹּ֔ נּווְ יַשְמִּעִֵ֥נּו אֹתָ ָּ֖ה וְ נַעֲשֶַּֽ ּנָה׃ ,Neither is it beyond the sea, that you should say 13 “Who among us can cross to the other side of the sea and get it for us and impart it to us, that we may observe it?”.

66 Deuteronomy 30:11-20 (from Parsha Nitzavim)

Second Aliyah: Deuteronomy 30:14-16 כִַּֽי־קָרִֹ֥ובאֵלֶּ ֶׁ֛יָךהַדָבָ ָ֖ר מְ דאֹּ֑ בְפִּ ִ֥ יָך ּובִַּֽ לְבָבְָךָ֖ לַעֲשֹתַֽ ֹו׃ )ס( No, the thing is very close to you, in your mouth 14 and in your heart, to observe it. טו ְר ֵֵ֨אה ָנ ַ ָּ֤ת ִּתי ְל ָפ ֶּ֙ני ָ֙ך ַהֹּ֔יֹום ֶּאת־ ַַֽה ַחִּ ָ֖יים ְו ֶּאת־ ַה ּ֑טֹּוב ְו ֶּאת־ ַה ָ ָ֖מ ֶּות 15 See, I set before you this day life and prosperity, וְאֶּת־הָרַָֽ ע׃ .death and adversity

טזאֲשֵֶּ֨ר אָנֹכִּ ָ֣ימְ צַּוְָךָ֮ הַיֹום֒לְאַ הֲבָָ֞האֶּ ת־יְהוָ ָּ֤האֱֹלהֶּ֙יָך֙ לָלֶּ ָ֣כֶּת For I command you this day, to love the LORD 16 בִּדְרָכָֹּ֔יו וְלִּשְ רמֶֹׁ֛ מִּצְ וֹתָ ִ֥יו וְחֻקֹתָ ָ֖יוּומִּשְ ּפָטָ ּ֑יו וְחָיִּ ָ֣יתָ וְרָבִֹּּ֔ יתָ your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His laws, and His rules, that you ּובֵַֽרַכְָך֙ יְהוָ ָ֣ה אֱֹלהֶֹּּ֔ יָך בָאָָ֕רֶּ ץאֲשֶּר־אַתָ הִ֥ בָא־שָ ָ֖מָ ה לְרִּ שְתַָֽ ּה׃ may thrive and increase, and that the LORD your God may bless you in the land that you are about to enter and possess.

67 Deuteronomy 30:11-20 (from Parsha Nitzavim)

Third Aliyah: Deuteronomy 30:17-20 ְו ִּאם־ ִּי ְפ ֶּנִ֥ה ְל ָב ְב ָָ֖ך ְו ָ֣לֹא ִּת ְש ָ ּ֑מע ְו ִּנ ַד ְח ָֹ֗ת ְו ִַּֽה ְש ַת ֲחִּ ֶׁ֛וי ָת ֵלאֹל ִּ ִ֥הים But if your heart turns away and you give no 17 אֲחֵרִּ ָ֖ ים וַעֲבַדְתַָֽ ם׃ heed, and are lured into the worship and service of other gods, 18 I declare to you this day that you shall certainly יחהִּּגֶַָּּֽ֤דְתִּי לָכֶּם֙ הַיֹּ֔ ֹום כִּ ִ֥יאָבָֹ֖ ד תֹאבֵדּ֑ ּון לֹא־תַ אֲרִּ יכָֻּ֤ן יָמִּ ים֙ perish; you shall not long endure on the soil that עַל־הָָ֣אֲדָמָֹּ֔ האֲשֵֶּ֨ ראַתָ הָּ֤ עֹבֵר֙ אֶּת־הַיַרְ דֵֹּ֔ ן אלָבִֹ֥ שָ ָ֖מָ ה לְרִּ שְתַָֽ ּה׃ .you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess 19 I call heaven and earth to witness against you יט ַה ִּעי ֵֹ֨ד ִּתי ָב ֶּ ָ֣כם ַהיֹו ָ֮ם ֶּאת־ ַה ָש ַ ָ֣מ ִּים ְו ֶּאת־ ָה ָא ֶּר ֒ץ ַה ַחִּ ָּ֤יים ְו ַה ָ֙מ ֶּו ֙ת ,this day: I have put before you life and death blessing and curse. Choose life—if you and your נָתַ יָ֣תִּ לְפָנֶֹּּ֔יָך הַבְרָ כָ ָ֖ה וְהַקְלָלָ ּ֑ה ּו ָּֽב ַחְּר ָָּּ֙תַּ ַֽב ַח ִִּ֔ייםַּלְמַ ִ֥עַן תִּחְ יֶּ ָ֖ה —offspring would live אַתָ ִ֥ה וְ זַרְ עֶַָּֽך׃ by loving the LORD your God, heeding His 20 commands, and holding fast to Him. For thereby כ ְל ַַֽא ֲה ָב ֙ה ֶּאת־ ְיהָ ָ֣וה ֱאֹל ֶֹּּ֔היָך ִּל ְש ִֹ֥מ ַע ְב ֹק ָ֖לֹו ּו ְל ָד ְב ָקה־ ּ֑בֹו ִּ ָ֣כי ָּ֤הּוא you shall have life and shall long endure upon the soil that the LORD swore to your ancestors, חַיֶּ֙יָך֙ ְךוְאָֹ֣רֶּ יָמֶֹּּ֔ יָך לָשֶּ ָ֣בֶּת העַל־הָאֲדָמָֹ֗ אֲשֶּ ר֩נִּשְ עבֵַ֨ יְהוָ ָ֧ה .Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give to them לַאֲבֹתֶֶּׁ֛ יָךלְאַבְרָהָ ֶׁ֛ם לְיִּצְחָ ִ֥ק ּוַֽלְיַעֲקָֹ֖ ב ת לָתִֵ֥ לָהֶַּֽ ם׃ )פ(

68 Blessings after Torah

בָרּוְך אַתָ ה יהו׳׳ה ,Baruch atah, YHVH אֱֹלהֵינּו מֶּלְֶּך הָעֹולָם , .eloheinu melech haolam אֲשֶּ ר נָתַ ן לָנּו תֹורַ ת אֱמֶּ ת , Asher natan lanu Torat emet, וְחַיֵי עֹולָם נָטַ ע בְ תֹוכֵנּו : בָרּוְך אַתָ ה יהו׳׳ה נֹותֵ ן הַתֹורָ ה: .v’chayyei olam nata b’tocheinu Baruch atah, YHVH, notein haTorah!

Holy One of Blessing, Your Presence fills creation. This Torah is a teaching of truth, and from it comes eternal life for the people who embrace it. Blessed are You, YHVH, Giver of the Torah.

69 Mi Sheberach - Healing

Mi shebeirach avoteinu M'kor hab'racha l'imoteinu May the source of strength, Who blessed the ones before us, Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing, and let us say, .

Mi shebeirach imoteinu M'kor habrachah l'avoteinu Bless those in need of healing with r'fuah sh'leimah, The renewal of body, the renewal of spirit, And let us say, Amen -Debbie Friedman

70 Hear this: Isaiah 58: 1-14

קְרָָּ֤אבְגָרֹון֙אַ ל־תַחְ שֹֹּ֔ ְך כַשֹופָָ֖ר הָרֵָ֣ ם קֹולֶָּּ֑ך וְהַּגֵָּ֤דלְעַמִּ י֙ ּפִּשְ עָֹּ֔ ם Cry from the depth, says God – do not hold back, lift up your 1 voice like the shofar! Tell My people their transgression, and ּולְבִֵ֥ית ביַעֲקָֹ֖ חַטֹּאתַָֽ ם׃ .the House of Jacob their sin וְאֹותִֹּ֗ייִֹ֥ום יֹום֙ יִּדְ רֹשֹּ֔ ּון וְדִַ֥עַת דְרָ כַָ֖י יֶּחְ ּפָצּ֑ ּון כְגָ֞ ֹוי אֲשֶּ ר־צְדָקָָ֣ה ,Yes, they seek Me daily, as though eager to learn My ways 2 ָע ֹ֗ ָשה ּו ִּמ ְש ַָּּ֤פט ֱאֹל ָהי ֙ו ָ֣לֹא ָע ָֹּ֔זב ִּי ְש ָא ֙לּו ִּנ֙י ִּמ ְש ְּפ ֵטי־ ֶֹּּ֔צ ֶּדק ִּק ְר ִַ֥בת as if they were a nation that does what is right, and has not אֱֹלהִָּ֖ יםיֶּחְ ּפָצַֽ ּון׃ abandoned God’s law. They ask of Me the right way, eager for God’s nearness: ָָּ֤ל ָמה ַ֙צ ְמנ ּ֙ו ְו ָ֣לֹא ָר ִֹּּ֔אי ָת ִּעִִּּ֥נינּו ַנ ְפ ֵָ֖שנּו ְו ָ֣לֹא ֵת ָּ֑דע ֵָ֣הן ְב ָּ֤יֹום ַֽ ֹצ ְמ ֶּכ ֙ם They say “Why did we fast, and You do not see it? We afflict 3 תִּמְצְ אּו־חֵֹּ֔ פֶּץ וְכָל־עַצְבֵיכֶָּ֖ם תִּ נְּגַֹֽ שּו׃ ourselves, and You do not know it?” Because on your fast day הֵָ֣ןלְרִָּּ֤יב ּומַצָה֙ תָצֹּ֔ ּומּוּולְהַכָֹ֖ות ףבְאֶּגְרָֹ֣ רֶּּ֑שַ ע לֹא־תָצָ֣ ּומּו כַיֹּ֔ ֹום !You see to your business And oppress all your laborers לְהַשְמִִּ֥ יעַבַמָרָ֖ ֹוםקֹולְכֶַּֽם׃ Because you fast in strife and contention, And you strike with 4 a wicked fist! Your fasting today is not such As to make your הֲכָזֶֹּ֗היִַּֽהְ יֶּה֙ צָ֣ ֹום אֶּבְ חָרֵֹּ֔ הּו יֶֹׁ֛ום עַּנִ֥ ֹותאָדָָ֖ם נַפְשּ֑ ֹוהֲלָכֵֹ֨ף כְאַגְמָֹ֜ן .voice heard on high רֹאשֹֹ֗ווְשַָּ֤ק וָאֵ֙ פֶּר֙ יַצִֹּּ֔ יעַהֲלָזֶּה֙ תִּ קְרָ א־צֹּ֔ ֹום וְיִֹ֥וםרָצָ֖ ֹון לַיהוַָֽה׃ Is such the fast I desire, A day to afflict the body and soul? Is 5 it bowing the head like a reed And lying in sackcloth and ashes? Do you call that a fast, A day worthy of the favor of YHVH?

71 Hear this: Isaiah 58: 1-14

ֲה ָ֣לֹוא ֶּז ָ֮ה ָ֣צֹום ֶּא ְב ָח ֵרה ּ֒ו ַּפ ֵ֙ת ַ֙ח ַח ְר ֻצ ָ֣בֹות ֶֹּּ֔ר ַשע ַה ֵָ֖תר ֲא ֻג ָ֣דֹות מֹו ָּ֑טה Is not this the fast I desire – to break the bonds of injustice 6 and remove the heavy yoke; to let the oppressed go free and וְשַלַָּ֤ח רְ צּוצִּ ים֙ חָפְשִֹּּ֔ יםוְכָל־מֹוטָָ֖ה תְ נַתֵַֽ קּו׃ ?release all those enslaved ז ֲה ֵ֨לֹוא ָפָּ֤ ֹרס ַָֽל ָר ֵע ֙ב ַל ְח ֶֹּּ֔מָך ַו ֲע ִּנִִּ֥יים ְמרּוִָּ֖דים ָָ֣ת ִּביא ָּ֑ב ִּית Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and to take the 7 ִַּֽכי־ ִּת ְר ֶָּּ֤אה ָע ֹר ֙ם ְו ִּכ ִּסי ֹּ֔תֹו ּו ִּמ ְב ָש ְר ָָ֖ך ִ֥לֹא ִּת ְת ַע ַָֽלם׃ homeless poor into your home, and never to neglect your own חאָָ֣זיִּבָקַָּ֤ע כַשַ֙חַר֙ ָךאֹורֶֹּּ֔ וַאֲרֻכָתְָךָ֖מְ הֵרָָ֣ ה תִּצְמָּ֑חוְהָלְַָּ֤ך לְפָנֶּ֙ יָך֙ ?flesh and blood 8 Then shall your light burst forth like the dawn, and your צִּדְ קֶָֹּּ֔ךכְבִ֥ ֹוד יְהוָָ֖היַאַסְפֶַָּֽך׃ wounds shall quickly heal, your Righteous One leading the טאָָּ֤זתִּקְרָא֙ וַיהוָָ֣ה היַעֲנֶֹּּ֔ תְשַּוַָ֖ע וְ יֹאמַָ֣ר הִּּנֵּ֑נִּי אִּ ם־תָסִָּּ֤ ירמִּתַֽ ֹוכְָך֙ way before you. The presence of Adonai guarding you from מֹוטָֹּ֔ ה שְלִַ֥ח אֶּצְבַָ֖עוְדַבֶּר־אַָֽ וֶּן׃ .behind יוְתָפֵָּ֤קלַָֽרָעֵב֙ נַפְשֶֹּּ֔ ָך וְנִֶּ֥פֶּש נַעֲנָָ֖ה תַשְבִּּ֑ יעַ וְ זָרַָּ֤ ח בַחֵֹ֨שְֶּך֙ אֹורֶָֹּּ֔ך ,Then, when you call, Adonai will answer, and, when you cry 9 will respond “I am here.” If you remove the chains of וַאֲפֵלָתְָךָ֖כַַֽצָהֳרַָֽ יִּם׃ ;oppression, the menacing hand, the malicious word 10 If you offer your compassion to the hungry and satisfy the suffering – then shall your light shine through the darkness, and your night become bright as noon;

72 Hear this: Isaiah 58: 1-14

וְנָחֲָךָ֣ יְהוָהָ֮ תָמִּ יד֒וְהִּשְבִָּּ֤ יעַ בְ צַחְ צָחֹות֙ נַפְשֶֹּּ֔ ָךוְעַצְ מֹתֶָּ֖ יָך יַחֲלִּּ֑יץ Adonai will guide you always, slake your thirst in parched 11 places, give strength to your bones. You shall be like a well- וְהָיִּ֙יתָ֙ כְגֶַָּֽ֣ןרָ וֶֹּּ֔ הּוכְ מֹוצָָ֣א מַֹּ֔ יִּםאֲשִֶּ֥ רלֹא־יְכַזְבָ֖ ּו מֵימַָֽ יו׃ .watered garden, an unfailing spring

יבּובָנָּּ֤ומִּמְ ָך֙ חָרְ בָ֣ ֹות עֹולָֹּ֔םמֹוסְדִֵ֥י דֹור־וָדָ֖ ֹורתְ קֹומֵּ֑םוְקֹרָָּ֤א לְָך֙ From you they will rebuild ancient ruins, lay foundations for 12 ּגֹדֵָ֣ר ּפֶֹּּ֔רֶּ ץ מְ שֹבִֵ֥בנְתִּיבָ֖ ֹות לָשַָֽ בֶּת׃ ages to come. And you shall be called “the one who mends the breach and brings back the streets for dwelling.”

יגאִּם־תָשִָּּ֤יב מִּשַבָת֙ רַ גְלֶֹּּ֔ ָךעֲשִ֥ ֹות חֲפָצֶָּ֖יָך בְיָֹ֣וםקָדְשִּּ֑ י וְקָרֵָ֨ אתָ If you cease to trample Shabbat, stop pursuing your affairs 13 לַשַבָָ֜תעֹֹ֗ נֶּג לִּקְדָּ֤ ֹוש יְהוָה֙מְ כֻבָֹּ֔ ד וְכִּבַדְ תֹו֙מֵ עֲשָ֣ ֹות דְרָ כֶֹּּ֔יָך on My holy day; if you call Shabbat a “delight,” the holy day of מִּמְצִ֥ ֹואחֶּפְצְָךָ֖ וְדַבִֵ֥ר דָבַָֽ ר׃ Adonai “honoured”; and if you honour God by not doing business or speaking of everyday matters -

ידאָֹ֗ז תִּתְ עַּנַג֙ עַל־יְהוָֹּ֔ ה וְהִּרְ כַבְתִָּ֖ יָך עַל־בָָ֣מֳותֵיאָּ֑רֶּ ץ then shall you take pure delight in Adonai. I will lift up your 14 וְהַאֲכַלְתִֹּ֗ יָך נַחֲלַת֙ יַעֲקָֹ֣ באָבִֹּּ֔ יָךכִֶּׁ֛י ּפִִּ֥ ייְהוָָ֖ה דִּבֵַֽ ר׃ )ס( journey on earth to the highest of places, and nourish you from the heritage of your father Jacob. For thus spoke YHVH!

73 Lifting and Dressing

וְ זֹאת הַתֹורָ ה V'zot ha-Torah אֲשֶּ ר שָ ם מֹשֶּ ה asher sam Moshe לִּפְ נֵי בְ נֵי יִּשְרָ אֵ ל lifnei b'nei Yisrael עַל ּפִּ י יהו׳׳ה בְ יַד משֶּ ה: .al pi YHV’’H b'yad Moshe

This is the Torah That was given to us Before our very eyes From God's mouth and Moshe's hand! Woodcut by Loren Kantor. 74 כִּ י לֶּקַח טֹוב נָתַתִּ י לָכֶּם Tree of Life תֹורָתִּ י אַ ל תַ עֲזֹבּו . עֵץ ַח ִּיים הִּ יא לַמַחֲזִּיקִּ ים בָּה, :Ki lekach tov natati lahem וְתֹמְ כֶּיהָ מְ אֻשָ ר . .Torati, al t'aazovu דְרָ כֶּיהָ דַרְ כֵי נֹעַם , ,Etz chayyim hi וְכָל נְתִּ יבֹותֶּיהָ שָ לֹום . l’machazikim ba הֲשִּ יבֵנּו יהו׳׳ה, .V’tomche’ha m’ushar אֵ לֶּיָך וְ נָשּובָה , D’racheha darchei noam חַדֵ ש יָמֵ ינּו כְקֶּדֶּ ם. .V’chol n’tivoteha, shalom Hashivenu YHVH elecha v’nashuva! I have given you my Torah: do not forsake it. It is Chadesh yameinu a tree of life to those who hold it fast. All its paths k’kedem! are paths of pleasantness, and its ways are ways of peace. Turn us, O God, and we will return to You! Renew, renew our days as of old!

75 Yizkor


76 A Narrow Bridge כל העולם כלו Kol ha'olam kulo גשר צר מאד Gesher tzar me'od והעקר לא לפחד כלל Veha'ikar lo lifached k'lal.

The whole world Is a very narrow bridge and the main thing is to have no fear at all

Lyrics by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov

77 Healer of the Broken Hearted

הַרֹפֵא לִּשְ בּורֵ י לֵב ּומְ חַבֵש לְעַצְ בֹותָ ם׃ Harofei lishvurei lev Um’chabesh le'atzvotam. מֹונֶּה מִּסְ ּפָר לַכֹוכָבִּ ים לְכֻלָם שֵ מֹות יִּקְרָ א׃ Moneh mispar lakochavim Le’chulam shemot yikra הַלְלּו יָּה הַלְלּו יָּה Healer of the broken-hearted Halelu YAH Halelu YAH x2 אָ נָא Binder of their wounds אֵ ל נָא Counter of uncountable stars Ana רְ פָא נָא לָּה You know where they are EL na Refa na lah אָ נָא לאֵ נָא רְ פָא נָא לָּה Healer of the broken-hearted Binder of our wounds Ana EL na refa na lah x2 הַלְלּו יָּה Counter of uncountable stars Halelu YAH x2 You know who we are

Halleluyah Music by R’ Shir Yaakov Feit Please God heal her/him/us/them 78 We Remember Adapted from R’ Jeffrey Goldwasser

We remember those who lived, learned, prayed, celebrated and mourned with us in times gone by. We remember mothers and fathers who built a foundation for our lives. We remember the partnership of spouses. and the love that made those relationships holy. We remember brothers and sisters. We remember children, taken before we were ready. We remember friends who touched our lives. May this Zoom room be a safe container for our memory and our grief. O God, on this holy day, help us to remember.

79 Names

80 Blessing for the Brokenhearted

There is no remedy for love but to love more.—Henry Thoreau

Let us agree for now that we will not say the breaking makes us stronger or that it is better to have this pain than to have done without this love. Let us promise we will not tell ourselves time will heal the wound, when every day our waking opens it anew. Perhaps for now it can be enough to simply marvel at the mystery of how a heart so broken can go on beating, as if it were made for precisely this— as if it knows the only cure for love is more of it, as if it sees the heart’s sole remedy for breaking is to love still, as if it trusts that its own persistent pulse is the rhythm of a blessing we cannot begin to fathom but will save us nonetheless.

—Jan Richardson (2014) 81 Silent Prayers of Remembrance In memory of a father:

יִּזְכֹראֱֹלהִּ ים נִּשְ תמַ אָבִּ ימֹורִּ י... שֶּהָלְַך …Yizkor Elohim avi mori לְעֹולָמֹו, בַעֲבּור שֶּבְ לִּי רנֶֶַּּֽֽדֶּ אֶּתֵ ן צְדָקָה shehalach l’olamo, baavur sheb’li neder בַעֲדֹו. בִּשְ כַר זֶּה, תְ הֵאנַפְ שֹו צְ רּורָה etein tz'dakah baado. Bis·char zeh, t’hei ִּב ְצרֹור ַה ַח ִּיים ִּעם ִּנ ְשמֹות ַא ְב ָר ָהם nafsho tz’rurah bitzror hachayim im יִּצְחָק וְ יַעֲקֹב, שָרָה רִּ בְ קָה רָ חֵל וְלֵאָ ה, ;nishmot Avraham, Yitzchak, v’Yaakov וְעִּם שְ אָ ר צַדִּ יקִּ ים וְצִּדְ קָנִּיֹות שֶּבְ גַן Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel, v’Leah; v’im sh’ar עֵַֽדֶּ ן, וְ נֹאמַ ר אָמֵ ן. ,tzadikim v’tzidkaniyot sheb’Gan Eiden v’nomar: Amen.

May God remember the soul of my father who has gone to his eternal reward. I pledge acts of justice and charity in his memory. May his soul be bound in the bonds of eternal life along with the souls of our ancestors Avraham, Yitzchak, Ya’akov, Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel, and Leah. May he rest in the perfect joy of Your presence. Amen. 82 Silent Prayers of Remembrance In memory of a mother:

יִּזְכֹר אֱֹלהִּ ים נִּשְ מַ תאִּמִּ ימֹורָתִּ י... …Yizkor Elohim nishmat imi morati שֶּהָלְכָהלְעֹולָמָ ּה, בַעֲבּור שֶּבְ לִּי נֶֶַּּֽֽדֶּר shehal’cha l’olamah, baavur sheb’li neder ןאֶּתֵ צְדָקָה בַעֲדָ ּה. בִּשְ כַר זֶּה, תְ הֵא etein tz'dakah baadah. Bis·char zeh, t’hei ַנ ְפ ָשּה ְצרּו ָרה ִּב ְצרֹור ַה ַח ִּיים ִּעם ִּנ ְשמֹות nafshah tz’rurah bitzror hachayim im אַבְרָ הָם יִּצְחָק וְ יַעֲקֹב, שָרָה רִּ בְ קָה רָ חֵל ;nishmot Avraham, Yitzchak, v’Yaakov וְלֵאָ ה, וְעִּם שְ אָ ר צַדִּ יקִּ יםוְצִּדְ קָנִּיֹות Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel v’Leah, v’im sh’ar שֶּבְ גַןעֵַֽדֶּ ן, וְ נֹאמַ ר אָמֵ ן. ;tzadikim v’tzidkaniyot sheb’Gan Eiden v’nomar: Amen.

May God remember the soul of my mother who has gone to her eternal reward. I pledge acts of justice and charity in her memory. May her soul be bound in the bonds of eternal life along with the souls of our ancestors Avraham, Yitzchak, Ya’akov, Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel, and Leah. May she rest in the perfect joy of Your presence. Amen. 83 Silent Prayers of Remembrance In memory of a hurtful parent:

O God: You know my heart. Indeed, You know me better than I know myself.

My emotions swirl as I say this prayer. The parent I remember was not kind to me. His/her death left me with a legacy of unhealed wounds, of anger and of dismay that a parent could hurt a child as I was hurt.

Help me, O God, to subdue bitter emotions that do me no good, and to find that place in myself where happier memories may lie hidden, and where grief for all that could have been, all that should have been, may be calmed by forgiveness, or at least soothed by the passage of time.

I pray that You, who raise up slaves to freedom, will liberate me from the oppression of my hurt and anger, and that You will lead me from this desert to Your holy place.

(Rabbi Robert Saks) 84 Silent Prayers of Remembrance

In memory of a spouse (masc):

יִּזְכֹור אֱֹלהִּ ים נִּשְ תמַ בַעְלִּי הַיָקָר...... Yizkor Elohim nishmat baali hayakar שֶּהָלְַךלְעֹולָמֹו. בַעֲבּור שֶּבְ לִּי נֶֶַּּֽֽדֶּר she’halach l’olamo, baavur sheb’li neder ןאֶּתֵ צְדָקָה בַעֲדָ ֹו, בִּשְ כַר זֶּה, תְ הֵא etein tz'dakah baado. Bis·char zeh, t’hei ַנ ְפשֹו ְצרּו ָרה ִּב ְצרֹור ַה ַח ִּיים ִּעם nafsho tz'rurah bitzror hachayim im נִּשְ מֹות אַבְרָ הָם יִּצְחָק וְ יַעֲקֹב, שָרָה ;nishmot Avraham, Yitzchak, v’Yaakov רִּ בְ קָה רָ חֵל וְלֵאָ ה, םוְעִּ שְ אָ רצַדִּ יקִּ ים Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel, v’Leah; v’im sh’ar וְצִּדְ קָנִּיֹות שֶּבְ גַןעֵַֽדֶּ ן. אָמֵ ן. ,tzadikim v’tzidkaniyot sheb’Gan Eiden v’nomar: Amen.

May God remember the soul of my spouse/love who has gone to his eternal reward. May his soul be bound in the bonds of eternal life along with the souls of our ancestors Avraham, Yitzchak, Ya’akov, Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel, and Leah. May he rest in the perfect joy of Your presence. Amen.

85 Silent Prayers of Remembrance

In memory of a spouse (fem):

יִּזְכֹור אֱֹלהִּ יםנִּשְ מַתאִּשְתִּ י הַיְקָרָ ה...... Yizkor Elohim nishmat ishti hay’karah שֶּהָלְכָהלְעֹולָמָ ּה. בַעֲבּור שֶּבְ לִּי נֶֶַּּֽֽדֶּר shehal’cha l’olamah, baavur sheb’li neder ןאֶּתֵ צְדָקָה בַעֲדָ ּה, בִּשְ כַר זֶּה, תְ הֵא etein tz'dakah baadah. Bis·char zeh, t’hei ַנ ְפ ָשּה ְצרּו ָרה ִּב ְצרּור ַה ַח ִּיים ִּעם nafshah tz’rurah bitzror hachayim im נִּשְ מֹות אַבְרָ הָם יִּצְחָק וְ יַעֲקֹב, שָרָה ;nishmot Avraham, Yitzchak, v’Yaakov רִּ בְ קָה רָ חֵל וְלֵאָ ה, םוְעִּ שְ אָ רצַדִּ יקִּ ים Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel v’Leah, v’im sh’ar וְצִּדְ קָנִּיֹות שֶּבְ גַןעֵַֽדֶּ ן. אָמֵ ן. ;tzadikim v’tzidkaniyot sheb’Gan Eiden v’nomar: Amen.

May God remember the soul of my spouse/love who has gone to her eternal reward. May her soul be bound in the bonds of eternal life along with the souls of our ancestors Avraham, Yitzchak, and Ya’akov, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah. May she rest satisfied in the perfect joy of Your presence. Amen.

86 Silent Prayers of Remembrance

יִּזְכֹראֱֹלהִּ יםנִּשְ מַ תבְ נִּי הָאָ הּוב... דמַחְמַ עֵינַי שֶּהָלְַך :In memory of a son Yizkor Elohim nishmat b’ni haahuv… machmad einai ּותְהִּ י לְעֹולָמֹו. אָ נָאתְהִּ י נַפְשֹוצְ רּורָ הבִּצְ רֹור הַחַּיִּים shehalach l’olamo. Ana t’hi nafsho tz’rurah bitzror hachayim מְ ּנוחָתֹו כָבֹוד, שֹבַע שְ מָחֹות אֶּ ת–פָנֶּיך, נְעִּ ימות ביְמִּ ינְָך ut’hi m’nuchato chavod, sova smachot et-panecha, n’imot נֶּצָח. אָמֵ ן. .bimincha netzach. Amen

May God remember the soul of my beloved son who has gone to his eternal reward. May his soul be bound in the bonds of eternal life. May he rest in the perfect joy of Your presence. Amen.

יִּזְכֹר אֱֹלהִּ ים נִּשְ תמַ יבִּתִּ הָאֲהּובָה... :In memory of a daughter דמַחְמַ עֵינַי שֶּהָלְכָה לְעֹולָמָ ה. Yizkor Elohim nishmat biti haahuvah… machmad einai אָ נָאתְהִּ ינַפְשָ הצְ רּורָ הבִּצְ רֹור הַחַּיִּים shehalach l’olama. Ana t’hi nafsha tz’rurah vitzror יּותְהִּ מְ ּנוחָתָ ה כָבֹוד, שֹבַע שְ מָחֹות -hachayim ut’hi m’nuchata chavod, sova smachot et אֶּ ת–ּפָנֶּיָך, נְעִּ ימֹותבִּ ימִּ ינְָך נֶּצַח. אָמֵ ן. .panecha, n’imot bimincha netzach. Amen

May God remember the soul of my beloved daughter who has gone to her eternal reward. May her soul be bound in the bonds of eternal life. May she rest in the perfect joy of Your presence.

87 Silent Prayers of Remembrance In memory of other relatives and friends: יִּזְכֹראֱֹלהִּ ים נִּשְ מֹות ְ קרֹובַי וְ ֵרעַי Yizkor Elohim nishmot k’rovai v’rei·ai שֶּהָלְכו לְעֹולָמָ ם. הִּנְנִּי שֶּבְ לִּי רנֶֶַּּֽֽדֶּ אֶּתֵן she’halchu l’olamam. Hin’ni shebli neder ְצ ָד ָקה ּ ַב ַעד ַה ְז ָכ ַרת ִּנ ְש ֹמו ֵתי ֶּהם. etein tz'dakah baad hazkarat ָא ָנא ּ ִּת ְה ֶּיי ָנה ַנ ְפ ֹשו ֵתי ֶּהם ְצּרו ֹרות nishmoteihem. Ana tiyenah nafshoteihem בִּצְ רֹור הַחַּיִּים יּותְהִּ מְ ּנוחָתָ ם כָבֹוד, tz’rurot bitzror hachayim ut’hi שֹבַע שְ מָחֹות אֶּ ת–ּפָנֶּיָך, נְעִּ ימֹות -m’nuchatam kavod, sova smachot et בִּ ימִּ ינְָך נֶּצַח. אָמֵ ן. .panav, n’imot bimincha netzach. Amen

May God remember the soul of my relatives and friends who have gone to their eternal reward. I pledge acts of justice and charity in their memories. May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life. May they rest in the perfect joy of Your presence. Amen.

88 Silent Prayers of Remembrance In memory of those who died to sanctify God's Name: יִּזְכֹראֱֹלהִּ ים נִּשְ מֹות כָל–אַחֵיּנו וְכָל– -Yizkor Elohim nishmot kol-acheinu v’kol אַחִּ יֹותֵ יּנו, בְ נֵייִּשְָראֵ ל שֶּמָסְ רּו אֶּ ת–נַפְשָ ם -achoteinu, b’nei Yisrael shemasru et עַל קדּוש הַשֵ ם. הִּנְנִּי שֶּבְ לִּי רנֶֶַּּֽֽדֶּ אֶּתֵן nafsham al kidush Hashem. Hin’ni shebli ְצ ָדקה ּ ַב ַעד ַה ְז ָכ ַרת ִּנ ְש ֹמו ֵתי ֶּהם. אָ נָא neder etein tz'dakah baad hazkarat ִּי ָש ַמע ְב ַּח ֵייּנו ֵהד ְגב ָור ָתם ּ ו ְמ ִּסירּו ָתם nishmoteihem. Ana yishama b’chayeinu ְו ֵָיר ֶּאה ְב ַמ ֲע ֵשיּנו ּ ֹט ַהר ִּל ָבם ְו ִּת ְה ֶּיי ָנה heid g’vuratam um’sirutam v’yareh נַפְשֹותֵיהֶּם צְ רּורֹותבִּצְ רֹור הַחַּיִּים ותְהִּי b’maaseinu tohar libam v’tiyenah מְ ּנוחָתָ ם כָבֹוד, שֹבַע שְ מָחֹות אֶּ ת–ּפָנֶּיָך, nafshoteihem tzrurot bitzror ha-chayim u’thi נְעִּימֹותבִּימִּ ינְָך נֶּצַח. אָמֵ ן. -m’nuchatam kavod, sova smachot et panecha, n’imot bimincha netzach. Amen.

May God remember the souls of our brothers and sisters, martyrs of our people, who gave their lives for the sanctification of God’s name. I pledge acts of justice and charity in their memories. May echoes of their bravery and devotion be heard in our lives and may the purity of their hearts be seen in our actions. May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life. May they rest in the perfect joy of Your presence. Amen. 89 Eil Maleh Rachamim

El Malei rachamim, אֵ ל מָלֵא רחֲמִּ ים, .shochein bamromim שֹוכֵן בַמְ רֹומִּ ים , Hamtzei m'nuchah הַמְ צֵא מְ ּנוחָה נְכֹונָה n'chonah תַחַת כַנְפֵי הַשְ כִּ ינָה , tachat kanfei עִּ ם קֶּדֹושִּ ים וטְ הֹוִּ רים ,haShechinah im k'doshim ut'horim כְזֹהַר הָרִּ קיעַ מַ זְהִּ יִּרים, k'zohar harakia maz·hirim, לְנִּשְ מֹות יִַּקירֵ יּנּו l'nishamot yakireinu שֶּהָלְכּו לְעֹולָמָ ם , ,shehalchu l'olamam ּבְ גַן עֵֶּדן תְ הֵא מְ נּוחָתָ ם. b'Gan Eiden t'hei m'nuchatam. Compassionate God, Spirit of the universe, grant perfect peace in Your sheltering Presence, among the holy and the pure who shine with the splendor of the heavens, to the souls of our dear ones who have gone to their reward, may the Garden of Eden be their rest. 90 Eil Maleh

בַעַל הָ ַרחֲמִּ ים יַסְתִּ יֵרם Baal harachamim yastirem b'seter chnafav l'olamim, בְסֵתֶּ ר ּכְ נָפָיו לְעֹולָמִּ ים , v'yitzror bitzror hachayim וְיִּצְ רֹור ּבִּצְ רֹור הַחַּיִּים et-nishmoteihem, אֶּ ת–נִּשְ מֹותֵיהֶּם , .Adonai Hu nachalatam יְיָ ּהוא נַחֲלָתָ ם . V'yanuchu b'shalom וְ יָּנוחּו בְשָ ֹלום ,al mishk'voteiheim עַל מִּשְ כְבֹותֵיהֶּם , .v'nomar: Amen וְ נֹאמַ ר :אָמֵ ן.

O God of mercy, guard them forever in the shadow of Your wings. May their souls be bound up in the bond of life. May they rest in peace. And let us say: Amen.

91 Psalm 23 ִּמ ְז ִ֥מֹור ְל ָדִּ ּ֑וד ְיהָ ִ֥וה ֹ֝ ֹר ִֹּ֗עי ָ֣לֹא ֶּא ְח ַָֽסר׃ :A psalm of David ִּב ְנ ָ֣אֹות ֶּ֭ ֶּד ֶּשא ַי ְר ִּבי ֵּ֑צ ִּני ַעל־ ֵָ֖מי ְמנֻ ָ֣חֹות .God is my shepherd; I shall not want יְנַהֲלֵַֽנִּי׃ ,God makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters to restore my נַפְשִִּ֥י יְשֹובֵּ֑ב יַַֽנְחִֵ֥נִּי בְמַעְּגְלֵי־צֶֹֹּ֝֗ קדֶּ לְמַ ָ֣עַן ;soul שְמַֽ ֹו׃ God leads me in paths of righteousness ּגַָּ֤ם כִַּֽי־אֵ ְךלֵֵ֨ בְגֵֵ֪יא צַלְמָָ֡ וֶּתלֹא־אִִּ֘ירָ ָּ֤ א רָֹ֗ע .for the sake of God's name כִּי־אַתִָ֥ה עִּמָדִּ ּ֑ י שִּבְטְָךִּ֥וֹ֝מִּשְ עַנְתֶָֹּ֗ך הֵָ֣מָה Though I walk through the valley of the יְנַַֽחֲמַֻֽנִּי׃ ,shadow of death I shall fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. תַעֲרְֹֹ֬ך לְפָנֵַ֨י ׀ שֻלְחָֹ֗ ן נֶּ ִֶּֽ֥גֶּד צֹרְרָ י ּ֑ דִּשַ ָ֖נְתָ You set a table before me in the presence of בַשִֶּ֥מֶּ ן רֹֹ֝ יאשִֹּ֗ כֹוסִּ ִ֥י רְ וָיַָֽה׃ my enemies אְַָּ֤ך׀טָֹּ֤וב וָחֶּ ָ֣סֶּ ד דְ יִֶּּ֭רְ פּונִּיכָל־יְמֵָ֣י חַיָ ּ֑י You anoint my head with oil; my cup וְשַבְתִּ ִ֥ יבְ בֵית־יְֹ֝ ההוָֹ֗ לְאָֹ֣רֶּ ְךיָמִַּֽ ים׃ .overflows Truly goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life And I will dwell in the house of YHVH forever. 92 Mourners’

יִּתְ ּגַדַ ל וְיִּתְ קַדַ ש שְ מֵ ּה רַ בָא. .Yitgadal v’yitkadash shmei raba B’olma di vra chir’uteih, v’yamlich בְ עָלְמָ א דִּ י בְרָ א כִּרְ עּותֵ ּה ,וְ יַמְ לִּיְך מַלְכּותֵ ּה בְ חַיֵיכֹון malchuteih b’chayeichon uv’yomeichon ּובְ יֹומֵ יכֹון uv’chayei d’chol beit Yisrael, ba-agala ּובְ חַיֵידְ כָל בֵית יִּשְרָ אֵ ל .בַעֲגָלָא uvizman kariv, V’imru, Amen. ּובִּ זְמַ ן קָרִּ יב וְאִּמְ רּו אָּמֵ ן :

May the Great Name be glorified and be made holy in the world God created by divine will. May God’s sovereignty be established in Your life and days, and the lives of all the House of Israel, speedily and soon, and let us say, Amen.

יְּהֵ א ׁשְּ מֵ ה רַ בָּ א מְּ בָּרַ ְך Y’hei shmeih raba m’vorach לְּעָּלַם ּולְּעָּלְּמֵ י עָּלְּמַ יָּא: .l’olam ul’olmei olmaya

May the Great Name be blessed forever and for all eternity. 93 Mourners’ Kaddish

יִּתְ בָרַ ְך וְיִּשְ תַבַח וְיִּתְ ּפָאַ ר Yitbarach v’yishtabach v’yitpaar וְיִּתְ רֹומַ ם וְיִּתְ נָשֶּ א וְיִּתְ הַדָ ר v’yitromam v’yitnase v’yithadar וְיִּתְ עַלֶּה וְיִּתְ הַלָל ,v’yit’aleh v’yithalal shmeih d’Kudsha Brich Hu. שְ מֵ ּה דְ קֻדְשָ א בְּרִ יְך הּוא .

Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, extolled and honored, adored and lauded be the Name of the Holy One – Blessed Be!

לְעֵילָא ּולְעֵילָא מִּ ן כָל בִּרְ כָתָ א וְשִּירָ תָ א , L’eila u-l’eila min kol birchata תֻשְבְ חָתָ א וְ נֶּחֱמָתָ א ,דַאֲמִּירָ ן בְ עָלְמָ א , v’shirata, tushb’chata v’nechemata וְאִּמְ רּו אָּמֵ ן: .da’amiran b’alma, v’imru Amen

Far beyond all the blessings and hymns, praises and consolations that are ever spoken in the world – and say, Amen.

94 Mourners’ Kaddish

יְהֵא שְ לָמָ א רַ בָא מִּ ן שְ מַ יָא ְו ַח ִּיים עָלֵינּו וְעַל כָל Y’hei shlama raba min sh’maya יִּשְרָ אֵ ל ,וְאִּמְ רּו אָּמֵ ן: v’chayim aleinu v’al kol Yisrael, v’imru Amen.

May there be abundant heavenly peace and life for us and for all Israel, and let us say, Amen.

עֹשֶּ ה שָ לֹום בִּמְ רֹומָ יו הּוא יַעֲשֶּ ה שָ לֹום Oseh shalom bimromav Hu ya’aseh עָלֵינּו וְעַל כָל יִּשְרָ אֵ ל וְעַל כָל יֹושְ בֵי תֵבֵל shalom aleinu v’al kol Yisrael, v’al kol וְאִּמְ רּו אָּמֵ ן: .yoshvei teivel, V’imru Amen

May the One who makes peace on high make peace for us, and for all Israel, and for all who dwell on Earth, and let us say, Amen.

95 If It Be Your Will

96 The Great Aleinu

עָלֵַֽינּו לְשַבֵחַ לַאֲדֹון הַכֹל , ,Aleinu l'shabe'ach la'adon hakol לָתֵ ת ּגְ דֻלָה לְיֹוצֵר בְרֵאשִּ ית , .latet gedulah l'yotzer b'reishit שֶּ לֹֹו עָשָ נּו כְ גֹויֵי הָאֲרָ צֹות , ,Shelo asanu k'goyei ha'aratzot וְ לֹֹו שָמָ נּו כְמִּשְ ּפְ חֹות הָאֲדָמָ ה , .v'lo samanu k'mishpachot ha-adamah שֶּ לֹו שָ ם חֶּלְקֵנּו כָהֶּם, ,Shelo sam chelkenu kahem וְגֹרָ לֵנּו כְ כָל הֲמֹונָם . .v'goralenu k'chol hamonam

It is up to us to praise the Source of all, to exalt the Molder of creation. We are made for God, like the nations of the earth; we are placed here for God, like the families of humanity. For God’s own sake is our portion here and our fate here.

97 The Great Aleinu

וַאֲנַחְ נּו *כֹורְ עִּ ים *ּומִּשְ תַ חֲוִּ ים ,*Va-anachnu* korim ּומֹודִּ ים...* ...*u-mishtachavim u-modim

...לִּפְ נֵי מֶּלְֶּך ,מַלְכֵי הַמְ לָכִּ ים , lifnei melech malchei... הַקָדֹוש ham'lachim, hakadosh בָרּוְך הּוא. .baruch hu

We bow low and prostrate in thanks … before the Source of all sources, the Holy One, blessed is God.

If body will permit:

At each asterisked word, we sink deeper into prostration: knees to the floor, palms to the floor, head to the floor. 98 Sealing the Aleinu Melody & words adapted from V’hasheivota el m’komecha R’ Shir Yaakov Feit וַהֲשֵבֹתָ אֶּ ל מְ קֹומֶּ ָך .Ki YHVH Hu ha-Elohim

כִּ י יהו׳׳ה הּוא הָאֱֹלהִּ ים V’ne’emar, v’hayah YHVH וְ נֶּאֱמַ ר ,וְהָיָה יהו׳׳ה ,L’melech al kol ha-aretz לְמֶּ לְֶּך עַל כָל הָאָרֶּ ץ, Bayom ha-hu בַיֹום הַהּוא Yihyeh YHVH echad יִּהְ יֶּה יהו׳׳ה אֶּחָד .Ush’mo echad ּושְ מֹו אֶּחָד:

And you will know in your heart and feel in this Place that God is God.

On that day God will be sovereign over all the earth. On that day God will be one and God’s Name will be one. 99 Holy Announcements

100 אֲדֹון עֹולָם אֲשֶּ ר מָ לְַך , בְטֶּרֶּ ם כָל יְצִּ יר נִּבְרָ א לְעֵת נַעֲשָ ה בְ חֶּפְ צֹו כֹל , אֲזַי מֶּ לְֶּך שְ מֹו נִּקְרָ א Adon olam asher malach, b’terem kol y’tzir nivra. וְאַ חֲרֵ י כִּכְ לֹות הַכֹל , ,L’eit na-sah b’cheftzo koll לְבַדֹו יִּמְ לֹוְך נֹורָ א azai Melech s’hmo nikra וְ הּוא הָיָה ,וְ הּוא הֹוֶּה , V’acharei kichlot hakol, וְ הּוא יִּהְ יֶּה בְתִּפְאָרָ ה :l’vado yimloch nora V’hu ha-yah v’hu hoveh, v’hu yih’yeh b’tif-arah. And after all has ended, You alone will rule in You are the source of all, majesty; who reigned before any being was created; You were, You are, When all was done according to Your will, Your rule already had been proclaimed. You will be in glory.

101 וְ הּוא אֶּחָד וְאֵ ין שֵ נִּי , לְהַמְשִּ יל לֹו לְהַחְבִּירָ ה Adon Olam בְ לִּי רֵאשִּ ית בְ לִּי תַכְלִּית , וְ לֹו הָעֹוז וְהַמִּשְרָ ה V’hu echad v’ein sheini l’hamshil lo l’hachbirah, וְ הּוא אֵלִּי וְחַי ּגֹאֲלִּי , ,B’li reishit ‘b’li tachlit v’lo ha-oz, v’hamisrah וְ צּור חֶּבְ לִּי בְ עֵת צָרָ ה וְ הּוא נִּסִּ י ּומָ נֹוס לִּי ,V’hu eili v’chai goali v’tzur chevli b’eit tzarah מְ נָת כֹוסִּ י בְ יֹום אֶּקְרָ א V’hu nisi umanos li m’nat kosi b’yom ekra.

You are One, there is none You are my God, my to compare or consort with You. living redeemer, Without beginning, without end, You are my rock in time of One alone – there is none else all power and all order come from distress; to match our God, to share all space. You. You are my banner, my refugeWithout a birth, without a death, You fill my cup when I cry out. all force and power in it are blessed. 102 Adon Olam

בְ יָדֹו אַפְקִּ יד רּוחִּ י , B’yado afkid ruchi בְ עֵת אִּ ישָ ן וְאָעִּירָ ה b’eit eishan v’a-ira וְעִּ ם רּוחִּ י ּגְוִּ יָתִּ י , ,V’im ruchi g’viati YHVH li v’lo ira. יהו''ה לִּי וְ לֹא אִּירָ א

Into Your hands I entrust my spirit, When I sleep and when I wake; And with my spirit, my body, too: You are with me, I shall not fear.

103 See you later!