UNITED NATIONS I NATIONS UNIES SECURITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS FIFTEENTH YEAR th MEETING: 29 JUNE 1960 S70 Wi.e SEANCE: 29 JUIN 1960 QUINZIEME ANNEE CONSEIL DE SEeURITB DOCUMENTS OFFICIBLS NE W YORK TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Provisional agenda (S/Agenda/870) D I Adoption of the agenda .........................•...I Admission of new Members to the United Nations: Telegram dated 26 June 1960 from the President of the Malagasy Republic addressed to the Secretary-General (S/43 52/Rev.1, S/4353, S/4354, S/4358) ~ .................I If I TABLE DES MATIERES Ordre du jour provisoire (S/Agenda/870). ................I Adoption de I'ordre du jour. .........................I Admission de nouveaux Membres a.l'Organisation des Nations Unies: T~l~gramme, en date du 26 juin 1960, adress~ au Secr~taire g~n~ral par le Pr~sident de la R~pub1ique malgache (S/4352/ Rev.I, S/4353, S/4354, S/4358). ....................I S/PV.870 ( 15 p. ) EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTIETH MEETING Held in New York, on Wednesday, 29 ,June 1960, at 3 p.m. HUIT CENT SOIXANTE..DIXIEME SEANCE Tenue aNew York, le mercredi 29 juin 1960, a 15 heures. - President: Mr. T. F. TSIANG (China). President: M. T. F. TSIANG (Chine). Present: The representatives ofthefollowing States: Presents: Les representants des Etats suivants: Argentina, Ceylon, China, Ecuador, France, Italy, Argentine, Ceylan, Chine, Equateur, Etats-Unis Poland, Tunisia, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, d'Amerique, France, Italie, Pologne, Royaume-Unide United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northen Ireland, Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, Tunisie,Union United States of America.
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