Mobile Exercise HTTP Web Server

# This is a simple quick exercise. You will create a simple HTTP Server in your Android application using AndroidAsync (

# Create a new Project in Android Studio. Then, in your build.gradle, add implementation 'com.koushikdutta.async:androidasync:2.+'

# For example, in your dependencies. Your dependencies may look like below: dependencies { implementation 'com.koushikdutta.async:androidasync:2.+' implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.']) implementation '' implementation ' layout:1.1.3' testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.12' androidTestImplementation '' androidTestImplementation '' }

# In your MianActivity class, add a new method as below: private void startServer(){

AsyncHttpServer server = new AsyncHttpServer();

server.get("/", new HttpServerRequestCallback() { @Override public void onRequest(AsyncHttpServerRequest request, AsyncHttpServerResponse response) { response.send("Hello World!!!"); } });

// port 50000 server.listen(50000); }

# This method will start the HTTP server with port 50000. Note when you paste the code, you need to import the classes.

# Run your application then from the browser of the same device you run the app, type localhost:50000 in the address bar, you will get the simple response - 'Hello World!!!'

If you are using a real device, you can also try opening the mobile's server from your browser, you just need to know the IP of the server (e.g. look under Settings ->About Phone -> Status). Just make sure the device's are in the same network (easiest way to try is to create a WiFi hotspot with your phone)

If you are using an emulator and want to access the mobile's HTTP server from your host machine (e.g. your ), check out: networking#redirection