International Journal for Scientific Research & Development
IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 2, Issue 11, 2015 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613 A Mobile Web Server Pradnya Gaikwad1 Priyanka Kumbhar2 Rupali Mahakal3 Pratibha Dekate4 Sandip Nagpure5 5Assistant Professor 1,2,3,4,5Department of Computer Engineering 1,2,3,4,5DCOER , Pune, India Abstract— In general the mobile device act as a client, employ firewalls that prevent access from the internet to because the conversion of IT and Mobile Computing phones inside that firewall. By implementing a custom domain the mobile device are also be viewed as a service gateway we could circumvent that limitation and we are hosting platform. Previously there is no any reason except now able to provide a web server on a mobile phone with a the storage area for the mobile device to act as server global URL than can be accessed from any browser, that because of less memory or less processing power, but due to means, the mobile phone has now finally become a full the Smartphone’s are introduce in market the problem is no member of the internet. more. Now a day the mobile devices have that much storage There are many software technologies related to the space. We are proposing a mobile web server which is mobile web server field. software that provides a mobile device such as a smart A. Nokia S60 Web Server: phone or tablet, the capability, to host web sites, web application, and web services. In this paper we are Nokia one of the few cellphone companies brought Apache proposing a web server which can run on a mobile device HTTP Server to their line of Nokia cellphones, running such as a Smartphone.
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