Annual Publication 2nd Issue 2012

Featuring Diatonic Siparia Pan on the Move The Lovable Lunatic "Crazy" La Divina Pastora Siparia Police Youth Club Spotlight on Sport - Ian Morris

The In this issue Culture & Sports Conference 2 Board& Diatonic Music Literacy Program 4 Diatonic Tour to Indiana 11 the Siparia - Pan on the Move 2011-2012 12 Committees Diatonic Fund Raiser 18

From L-R sitting: Wayne Sylvester (Asst. Manager – Steelband), Sparkle Joseph (Events), Akeba “Mankind” Scipio (Captain – Steelband), Summer Balkaran (V. Captain – Steelband) Andrew Cardinal (Musical Director – Steelband)

From L-R standing: Keith Byer (Director/Manager), Joel Joseph (Chairman – Education), Glen Glod (Chairman – Events) Dennis Noel (Education), Janelle Parris (Director/Secretary to all Committees), Ian Jackie (Events), Roy Alexander (Education), Vernon Dimsoy (Director)

Missing: Trevor Ravello (Events), Kalicia Reefer (Education)

Diatonic Pan Institute is established in Siparia Steel Orchestra; Special Events; Marketing as a registered Non Governmental Organisa- and Distribution; Education and Sports. tion (NGO) and Community Based Organisa- Members of the sub committees are being tion (CBO). It is intended that the programs of lled from personnel within Siparia and its Diatonic will directly a ect all communities in environs. To date, while all other committees the ward of Siparia and serve as a model for are fully functional, sports will commence in the national community. Diatonic will 2012 and marketing will commence in due continue to impact positively on poverty course. alleviation and social disorders in the society thereby exposing the tremendous social and economic power of the . The Board thanks its chairmen The operations of Diatonic are managed by a and members for their dedicated Board with the following sub committees: service to Siparia. Message from the Manager

Mr. Keith Byer

Greetings on the occasion of our 2012 Pan now’. Siparia nally has something to be every possible e ort to frustrate our on the Move competition and our 2012 proud of and Diatonic is overjoyed to be the attempts at securing tenure to house our magazine production. I am proud to one responsible for giving that gift to the operations. report that The Diatonic Pan Institute, Siparia community. now in its second year of operation has Notwithstanding those who continue to achieved substantially in the areas of While everyone continues to revel in the view civil societies as ‘cake sale’ institutions, steelband, education and events. While tremendous economic and social benets of Diatonic will persevere to achieve its some of our major achievements will be the Diatonic Siparia Pan on the Move, sadly, mandate of making a social intervention highlighted in this magazine, it will be the authorities in Siparia are prepared to sit geared towards creating a sustainable impossible to report on all our e orts due back and sponge on Diatonic’s e orts while tolerant society that will benet all. to limited space constraints. attempting to retard our progress in key areas. I would like to express my appreciation I would like to thank the executive and I must report however, how pleasantly for the limited infrastructural contribution members of the Steelband, Events and surprised I was at the response and outcome made by The Siparia Envirofest Committee; Education committees for their unselsh and of our 2011 Pan on the Move attempt. The however, to date no entity in Siparia has unwavering e orts in propelling Diatonic to objectives were way surpass expectations o ered any nancial support for this prestig- the envious position it now holds nationally. and Siparia Fete was alive again. Today you ious event. I am appalled by the manner in My gratitude to all nanciers, well wishers, can still hear the buzz on the streets, with all which organisations trusted with the supporters and community members for types of organization and persons receiving responsibility of developing and improving their belief and I promise you a bigger and spin o congratulations. The watchword the social, infrastructural and economical more festive Pan on the Move 2012 that will now in Siparia is ‘you cannot stop this thing framework of Siparia continues to make see exponential growth in the coming years.

1 Head Table Siparia L-R Teddy Belgrave, Solomon Ioannou of the European Union, Keith Byer, Marcia Riley and Nestor Sullivan

CULTURE & SPORTS CONFERENCE The Diatonic Education Committee staged two identical conferences entitled “Culture and Sports – A Tool for Social Transformation” in conjunction with the European Union. The conferences were held at Lions Civic Centre in Siparia and the Community Development Conference Facilities in Port of Spain.

Presentations were made from Marcia Riley – “E ects of Culture and Sports on Youth Development”; Nestor Sullivan – “Business of the Steelpan and its Impact on Crime”; Kenny Phillips – “Music as an Industry”; Richard Braithwaite – “Role of Sport in Social Development”; and Damion Richardson – Ministry of Arts and Multiculturalism Tax Incentive Program. The day’s proceeding was moderated by Teddy Belgrave. All presentations were extremely informative, interactive and provocative, and fully explored their theme

The NEWS newspaper of St. Vincent was represented by Mr. Duggie Joseph, who was sent to cover the event on their behalf. He was so impressed, that he immediately set about making plans for staging the conference in his country. Plans are also afoot to stage a similar conference in the sister isle of Tobago.

Congratulations to the chairman of the Education Commit- tee Mr. Joel Joseph and his team for a job well done.

Chairman Joel Joseph & committee members Dennis Noel & Roy Alexander relax after Conference POS

2 5 ALLEYNE’S Furniture & Appliances Ltd. Your Dealers In Sony, Sharp, Panasonic, The Festival of Daewoo, LG and Much More. LCD TV’s, Stereos, La Divina Pastora DVD Players, Microwaves, Part One Toasters and More. “The celebration of the Feast of La Divina Pastora is not only a Catholic religious festival; it is also deeply cultural, and dear to the hearts of Siparians.”

Two distinct festivals have evolved in honour of buggy from neighbouring districts, and by the our patron, La Divina Pastora. The original coastal steamer from Port of Spain and other areas festival, called The Feast of La Divina Pastora or of . These would disembark at the port of Siparia Fete, is held on the Feast-day observed by South Oropouche, and then travel over land to the Catholic Church, on the third Sunday after Siparia. With the advent of rail transport to Siparia Easter Sunday, when the gospel reading is that of in 1913, several chose the train, and the Trinidad the Good Shepherd. Government Railway had to schedule extra trains to Siparia for the event. Passengers often had to On this day, throngs of people journey to Siparia to disembark at the Coora Halt and walk the rest of the participate in the mid-morning Mass celebrated by way, due to the number of carriages parked at the the Archbishop of Port of Spain. The local parish Siparia railway station. makes preparations for adequate accomodation for the attendees; extra chairs are placed in the church After the church services were completed, the and tents are erected in the yard. Mass at 10.00a.m, feteing resumed. Horse racing, cycle racing and is followed by a procession with the famous statue other sporting events took place at the Irwin Park of La Divina Pastora through the streets. During the Savannah, while out in the streets steel bands procession, the Rosary is prayed and Marian hymns, entertained the crowds, and there was dancing in (hymns in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary) are the streets. In the rum-shops, both sung. The deejays and bars voluntarily turn o their and paranderos serenaded patrons with voice and music as the procession passes, a custom very ; and children enjoyed the rides o ered by much appreciated by the Church. At the end of the the fun-fairs set up for the occasion, while vendors procession, the faithful return to the church for o ered their wares for sale, and the gambling Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. This ends booths enticed patrons to ‘not be lucky and the ocial religious observances, but many people coward’.....for a fee of course! remain in the church for hours, o ering their private devotions. These observances have been Today, the crowds may not be as thick, and the the custom since before 1795, when the ocial factors of cultural celebration may have changed feast-day date was proclaimed by the reigning somewhat, the atmosphere of festivity remains, Pope, Pius VI. with dances, concerts, dance festivals and an old-time carnival parade, and all, Siparians and 2-3 Coora Road Siparia, The celebration of the Feast of La Divina Pastora is visitors alike, participate enthusiastically. 20 A George Street, Guapo Rd Fyzabad. not only a Catholic religious festival; it is also deeply cultural, and dear to the hearts of Siparians. In times Part 2 would be presented in the next edition. Phone: 868 649-1303 / 868 649-9695 past, Siparia Fete was one of the biggest events in 868 677-5104 Fax: 868 649-9695 this country. The crowds came to Siparia from all Theresa Noel, Amateur Heritage Historian, Website: over, often days in advance to attend the pre-Fete Retired Teacher dances and other activities, travelling by horse and

3 Diatonic launches its Music Literacy Program

PLNL President Roberto Mantellini hands over sponsorship cheque to Diatonic. Music Literacy Class

Diatonic Education Committee launched its Music Literacy Program on February 01 2012, which was made available FREE to the community, thanks to the timely intervention of Point Lisas Nitrogen Limited. The program will see participants sitting the grade 1 Trinity School of Music examination in May 2012 and progress- ing to grade 8 by 2014.

In addition to Diatonic members, the program was made available to institutions and individuals in the community. Such was the response, that at present thirty (30) students comprising a mixture of youths and adults are enrolled at the classes which are held weekly at the La Divina Parish Hall. The target is that they all will progress to the grade 8 level, Some of the Grade 1 students listens thereby permanently changing the musical landscape of attentively to Ms. Premchand Siparia.

The opening ceremony saw short addresses from Mr. Joel Joseph Chairman of Diatonic Education Committee, Roger The Board of Diatonic applaud the Education Committee, the Worrell Leader Siparia Police Youth Club and Father Martin literacy lecturer Ms. Carol Premchand and our sponsor Point Sirju Parish Priest who all praised the initiative. Lisas Nitrogen Limited, all key players in making this literacy program a reality. Their commitment and dedication to this This exercise is another of Diatonic’s social intervention project is saluted. program, through career development that will create sustainable employment.

Excellence inEducation Congratulations Jemeel and Kalicia!

Diatonic in its mandate to develop well rounded individuals instituted incentives for its players to aspire to academic excellence. Jemeel Byer and Kalicia Reefer smile proudly after receiv- ing their award for excelling in End of Year Exams and CXC respectively.

4 11

Greetings from Pan Trinbago Pan on the Move 2011 At an early review of the competition a minor tweaking was e ected to further enhance the product. This said product can compete with activities next door in Point Fortin.

With so few proverbial tracks for “gouti to run on” Keith Byer has, with his cadre of young aspiring professionals, provided a highway.

We at South/Central in general and I in particular wish to commend Diatonic to the highest for performance beyond and look forward to The 2012 Edition.

Panicus Maximus

The Diatonic Pan Institute has delivered in aces all tenets of their promise. Siparia was Games once again throbbing with fantastic activity Elton J.W. Bain and ring on all cultural cylinders. Any naysay- Chairman/Supporter ers were bound and gagged with the grand occasion.

Edwin Ayoung rst march placings, a regular calypso monarch nalist in the sobriquet as “Wong Ping” 1980’s, appeared in theatre around the world and then “Mighty Arawak” performed extensively to sold out international audiences before being dubbed “Crazy” in the US, Europe and the Caribbean. by Fred Farrel to which he is now internationally known. The loveable lunatic as he is Crazy is also well known for performing chutney, pan fondly called, debut at the Sparrow’s OYB Tent with a songs and social commentary. He is even credited with popular hit called “The Electrician” in 1972. predicting the Presidency of Barack Obama in his rendition of ‘In Time To Come’. It was not until 1978 that Crazy rose to stardom with ‘Dustbin Cover’ a hit that was so popular many household Now sixty seven (67) years, Crazy continues to thrill lost their dustbin covers to party goers and revellers that audience at home and abroad and is passionately year. For the Christmas of the same year, Crazy created regarded as the children’s , a distinction he history by merging soca with and producing the earned with his 1982 hit ‘Uncle Crazy’ followed with others mega hit ‘parang soca’ which spawn the popular parang like ‘Nani Wine’. soca genre of music that is now enjoyed every Christmas and exploited by major artistes like Scrunter and Baron. Diatonic recognize the e orts of Edwin “Crazy’ Ayong and is proud to dedicate our Second Annual Pan on Crazy achievements include the Road March Title in 1985 the Move in his honour. with “Suck Meh Soucoyant’, numerous 2nd and 3rd road

6 The Winner Pan on the Move 2011

Fyzabad 4th Dimension Enhancing Your Beauty Members of the Fyzabad Playing with a lively rhythm and young 4th Dimension steelband energetic players, Fyzabad 4th Dimen- sion Steel Orchestra moved Siparia in a play their way to victory at WIGS WEAVES way that no other band did. Impres- the Diatonic Siparia Pan on PONYTAILS BRAIDS sively dressed and with discipline and the Move competition in precision, this band did their commu- Brand Names such as 2011. PHOTO: TONY nity proud to win the lion share of the Vanessa Afro Kinky, prize, and will go down in history as the HOWELL (Guardian News- Kanubia Weaves, Sol, rst winner of the Diatonic Single Pan papers) Freetress weaves on the Move Competition. and bulk braids, Supreme Double Led by Joseph Findley with Darren Shepp- ard as arranger, 4th Dimension stole the He praised the management of the Yaki Pony show, and to many it was no surprise. Diatonic Pan Institute and is determined Formed in 2003, they emerged to defend their title at the second edition. and much more South/Central Zone Winners in the Single From our point of view we are proud to Pan category in 2007, a massive achieve- tell all that Fyzabad 4th Dimension is our ment in only 4 years. Since then, they defending champion and more so our have stepped on the National Semi-Final rst ever. Stage for two consecutive years 2010 and 2011, and aim to be in the nals in 2012 which given their steady progress, will be Congratulations to our Defending no surprise. Findley accredits the band’s Champs rise in stature to its dedication and Fyzabad 4th Dimension. discipline and their intention to represent Fyzabad with distinction at all times. We also carry exclusive handbags and original perfumes #30A Upper High Street Siparia “From the Diatonic family we say Go Forward, Go Upwards, (opp the savannah) and Glory will always be yours.” Phone #649-9918

7 Diatonic Launch Siparia Pan on the Move 2 0 1 2

The Events Committee of Diatonic launched its 2012 Edition of the Siparia Pan on the Move with a gala event at the Corner House Restaurant and Bar in 1st Tune of Choice (Baron) 2011 Fully Air Condition Quarry Village Siparia on Sunday 1st April and Great Ambience 2012. Cater for all occasions The event took the form of a Media Launch and Award Ceremony. Winners of the 2011 24 George Street, edition received their trophies, while tokens Siparia were presented to Baron and Crazy in whose honour the 2011 and 2012 Festival were dedi- 1st Best Pan on the Move 2011 cated respectively.

In attendance were Mr. Leo Doodnath Chair- man of the Siparia Regional Cooperation, Mr. Lulato “Bro. Resistance” Masimba President of TUCO and Chairman of COTT, Mr. Elton Bain Chairman of the South/Central Region of Pan Trinbago, Mr. Douglas Williams Chairman of Check us out at the Northern Region of Pan Trinbago, Mr. 1st Flag Waving Competition 2011 Steve John Regional Carnival Coordinator of STAR’S NCC and Ms. Melissa Sylvester Vice Chairman BEACH Envirofest among others.

RESORT A good time was had by all as Diatonic Los Iros Beach presented a highly entertaining and profes- Excellent Rate sional event. on Bed and Breakfast 1st Religious Category 2011

Diatonic recognizes Timothy “Baron” Diatonic recognizes Edwin “Crazy” Ayoung in Watkins in 2011 for his contribution to the 2012 for his contribution to the artform with a artform with a plaque presented by Brother plaque presented by Brother Resistance Resistance President TUCO & Chairman President TUCO & Chairman COTT and Call: 868 341-0608 COTT and assisted by Keith Byer assisted by Keith Byer Manager/Director Manager/Director Diatonic Pan Institute Diatonic Pan Institute

8 Siparia Police Youth Club ALLEYNE’S Ag Sgt, Roger Worrell Furniture & Appliances Ltd. and Fyzabad, were several high ranking Ocials, which included the Honourable Prime Minister of Your Dealers In - Mrs. Kamla Persad Bissessar, Sony, Sharp, Panasonic, Minister in the Ministry of National Security - Mr. Daewoo, LG and Much More. Colin Partap, Commissioner of Police - Dr. Dwayne Gibbs, Chairman of Petrotrin - Mr. Kenneth Allum, LCD TV’s, Stereos, Mr. Richard Brathwaite - Chairman of the Energy DVD Players, Microwaves, Sector Task Force and Diatonic Pan Institute Toasters and More. President - Mr. Keith Byer.

Our Youth Club which meets weekly at the Iere High School Siparia, has since taken the National Community by storm through our Social Interven- tion Programs. We are extremely proud to have The Hon. Prime Minister, Mrs. Kamla Persad- partnered with Diatonic in two major programs, a Bissessar pins an emblem on a music literacy program sponsored and hosted by youth member Diatonic and a two (2) year Media Training-in Videography program hosted by the Ministry of Social Development, and sponsored by (B.P.) British It is indeed a pleasure and appreciation that the Petroleum Company Limited for some of our Siparia Police Youth Club be given this opportunity members. We, like Diatonic are committed to to be part of the Diatonic Pan Institute 2nd Annual National Development and in the forging of Partner- Publication Magazine. About a year ago Diatonic ships with all Stakeholders in Youth Development. Pan Institute presented its rst Publication Magazine to Trinidad and Tobago and the World, On behalf of the Management and Members of the and boy, how impressive it was in promoting the Siparia Police Youth Club I will like to wish the Community of Siparia and those who have contrib- Diatonic Pan Institute all the best in the future, and uted to National Development. hope that together our objectives will bring glory to the beautiful Community of Siparia. The Siparia Police Youth Club, a very youthful and dynamic organization, just as Diatonic Pan Institute, was ocially launched on Monday 25th July, 2011 at Thank You and God Bless !! the Iere High School, Siparia. Present to support this initiative involving one hundred and seventy ve Roger Worrell (175) young people ages eight (8) to twenty (20) Leader Siparia Police Youth Club from areas such as Siparia, Penal, Santa Flora, Erin

A section of the youth club members listen attentively 2-3 Coora Road Siparia, 20 A George Street, Guapo Rd Fyzabad. Phone: 868 649-1303 / 868 649-9695 868 677-5104 Fax: 868 649-9695 Website:

9 Tobago Wedding Mr. & Mrs. Elder

10 Diatonic Steel Orchestra Tour to Indiana

Diatonic performs at Shepperds Diatonic Musical Director Andrew Cardinal conducts the Community Centre Indianapolis workshop assisted by Captain Akeba Scipio at Westeld Indiana

In October of 2011, the Diatonic Steel Performances and workshops were held at Orchestra embarked on its maiden a number of Universities, High and Middle overseas tour of ve cities (Marion, Schools, Community Centres and Churches, Jonesboro, Fort Wayne, Westeld and while cultural ties were established with Indianapolis) in Indiana USA. The tour was the Indiana Wesleyan University and the organised as a means of assisting the community of Indianapolis. Already, the Indiana Steelband Association in establish- University will be sending students to ing the steelpan in an Indiana community Trinidad annually for tutoring in the art of where most of the citizens never saw nor playing the instruments at Diatonic’s heard the Steelpan before. facilities.

Keith Byer have the full attention of students at Diatonic Steel Orchestra’s objective however, Diatonic was instrumental in the formation the Kekionga Middle School Fort Wayne Indiana being a division of Diatonic Pan Institute, was of both an Indiana Community and an to create some level of commerce through the Indiana Wesleyan University Steelband sales of and to bring visitors to the Ensemble during this tour. It is expected shores of Trinidad and Tobago. that further commerce will be realised by this exercise through the purchase of The tour proved to be a success beyond what instruments to complement those already was envisaged. The Governor of Indiana donated. proclaimed the week “Pan Appreciation Week” in honour of Diatonic’s visit, while the Mayor of Diatonic takes this opportunity to thank Indianapolis gave the Mayoral Certicate of the following sponsors: Appreciation on the occasion.

Kyle directs a student in the art of playing at Fort Wayne Indiana. Kim and Swaydaka can be seen in the background with other students

Kim presents Jane Gelhausen Director of Diatonic members Jemeel and Che introduces Diatonic performs at Lakeview Weslyan in Marion Indiana Indiana kids to the instrument. International and Cultural A airs of the Inadianapolis mayors oce with a Diatonic tee shirt

11 2011 - 2012

This change came as a result of taking heed of the public’s comments, as our intention is to please Siparians and visitors who showered praise on the Diatonic Family for their e orts.

The enjoyment was so tremendous that the plan for 2012 and beyond is to consist- ently improve the product and revive the Siparia Fete experience to benet the private, public and domestic community of Siparia. People Are You Ready?? Well we hope so, because on the heels of our So to one and all, don’t wait to hear about successful Pan on the Move for Single Pan it, be there to be part of the whole revival Bands in 2011, the 2012 edition seems of our Festival of La Divina Pastora. Come bigger, brighter and better. Yes folks, enjoy yourself at the top of the hill, as they Diatonic Pan Institute will again deliver to say, there is always room at the top. The the world the most refreshing steelpan Diatonic family will be your host, and as competition to date. Atop the Siparia you know we do it professionally. plateau in an environmentally friendly atmosphere, 20 top Single Pan Steel I want to congratulate our Defending Orchestras will play at our two judging Champions in all Categories and all other points. At the Siparia Regional Corporation bands that drove them to excellence. Your Compound bands will play a Religious input and skill is what the people came to piece in Calypso tempo, then entertain on hear. Your footprints are embedded in the the Move to the NALIS Compound to play sands of Siparia, and we look forward to from the repertoire of The Loveable enjoying your renditions this year. Lunatic Crazy. Glen Glod The route has been changed to improve Chairman the ow and give the public a greater Events Committee Diatonic Pan Institute chance of enjoying the music on the night.

12 Ian “Frinty” Morris is who one can call a true “Siparian”. His easy going aura his friendliness, his fun loving demeanor and his love for a game of cards with “ole talk”, let you know he is a Siparia boy. Born on November 30 1961, he came to national and international prominence through his Track and Field exploits. However this Siparia Champion holding the record for the 400 meters in the English Speaking Caribbean, and the best time in the 400 meters at sea level by any Carib- bean athlete (5th best National Record Worldwide) have so many other attributes it makes it dicult to pencil him in to any one sporting endeavor. Athlete A father of three, married and still living in Siparia, Ian said he never had an interest in Track, however at age 24 he su ered He is now giving back to the nation as a Track Coach with the a knee injury while playing national league football (called Ministry of Sport and Youth A airs, and performs with the soccer in the USA) and was told to do some running as a form Siparia Rhythm Section during his spare time. Mr. Morris of physiotherapy. Mr. Oswald Joseph, then coach of the himself, an ex pannist with the Siparia Deltones Steel Orches- Falcons Athletic Club of Siparia, reluctantly started to work tra, is an admirer of the work Diatonic is doing for the youth with Mr. Morris citing his age as a deterrent. Ian recalls how in the Siparia district and wishes them all success in their Oswald Joseph brought discipline to his running and he saw endeavors. signicant improvement in his timing which encouraged him to become a Track and Field athlete. The rest is now history. The following lists some of Ian’s achievements. Ian has since made two Olympics 400 meters nals, numer- ous international placings and holds many records.

Representing ACHIEVEMENTS Trinidad and Tobago

Year Competition Venue Position Event 1986 Central American Santiago, 2nd 400 m and Caribbean Dominican Games Republic 1987 World Indoor Indianapolis, 4th 400 m

Championships United States

1988 Olympic Games Seoul, South 7th 400 m Korea

1989 World Indoor Budapest, Hungary 2nd 400 m


1991 Pan American Havana, Cuba 2nd 400 m

Games Awards

1992 World Tokyo, Japan 6th 400 m Trinidad and Tobago Male Athlete of the Year Championships

1992 Olympic Games Barcelona, Spain 4th 400 m 1993 Trinidad and Tobago Humming Bird 7th 4 x 400 Medal Silver (for Sport) m relay World Indoor 1993 Toronto, Canada 2nd 4 x 400 2004 Championships m relay Trinidad and Tobago Sports Hall of Fame 1994 Commonwealth Victoria, Canada 3rd 4 x 400

Games m relay 1995 Pan American Mar del Plata, 3rd 4 x 400 2007

Games Argentina m relay Central American and Caribbean Hall of Fame


Pan Icon of Siparia

Classic BEVERLY ‘SLABBY’ PIERRE Clipper Wok Catering for Parties, Beverly Pierre, popularly known as Slabby held the prestigious position Weddings & Occasions “Slabby”, started playing pan in 1964 of in house arranger for the Siparia with the now defunct Hill Stars Steel Deltones for a number of years, and Specialise in Chinese Cuisine Orchestra of La Brea Trace in Siparia. was also part of the management After two years with Hill Side, he team. He was selected as manager Live indoor DJ’s on Friday moved to Siparia Deltones where he of the then “Texaco Deltones Agricultural Link Up” - A project after work lime was a regular player on the stage designed by then minister the late side and performed with them at Honorable Muriel Donowa Mc their rst ever Panorama in 1968. Davidson to create employment for 10:00am – 10:00pm – Mon. - Sat. members of the Texaco Siparia 5:00pm – 10:00pm – Sun In 1980, Slabby was forced to curtail Deltones. This project saw the stage side pan activities due to the production of livestock and agricul- demands of his employment, but tural products which adequately continued as a panorama player. supplied the school feeding Slabby recalls being given the program and sold in the public Classic Clipper opportunity to arrange for Deltones markets. in a major national competition held Restaurant & Pub In 1995, Slabby and Mr. Gonzales in Fyzabad in the early seventies. were approached by the manager of The band placed second playing his Petrotrin Deltones Mr. Keith Byer to arrangement. conduct pan classes for a group of professionals comprising teachers, After Deltones was eliminated at the bank clerks, etc.. This project was preliminary stage of a Panorama extremely successful with the group primarily because they played a graduating and was certied. Slabby virtually unknown Shadow song continued as an in house arranger (prance pt 11), Slabby suggested, at and panorama performer before a postmortem that a DJ should play retiring in 2004. the band’s tune of choice before Diatonic salutes Beverly’ Slabby’ they perform so as to enlighten the Pierre for his outstanding contribu- judges and audience. This sugges- tion to steelpan in Siparia. tion has been adopted and is # 69 High Street, Siparia practised at all national and interna- Tel: 868-649-3374 tional competitions to date. Clipper, 44 Main Road, Point Fortin 868-705-5984

15 Diatonic who’sWho Mr. Andrew Cardinal is an accomplished pannist who started his career with Siparia Deltones. He subse- quently performed with a number of steelbands in Trinidad including Couva Joylanders, Skie Bunch, Lee Chong Pan glow, Shades In steel, Pan Elders, Petrotrin Hatters, Antillean All stars, Super Vibes and Moods among others. Mr. Cardinal in addition to gaining considerable experience has mastered the art of playing all pans in the family of steelpan instruments. He is currently one of the stage side arrangers for the Diatonic Steel Orchestra and a dedicated father to his three children Leschelle, Arion and Tomary

Diatonic salutes its Musical Director Andrew Cardinal Mr. Andrew Cardinal on the tenor pan

The Town of Siparia The Evolution of the Irwin Park Savannah, Siparia

Some of the buildings constructed and the years they were erected include:-

The Irwin Park Savannah, situated at Upper High Sports Meetings. Special invitees to these Siparia Health Centre 1945 Street, was a gift to the people of Siparia by the occasions were the Venezuelan Governor, the Siparia Union Presbyterian School 1946 Siparia Presbyterian Church 1952 warden Mr. Irwin. This parcel of land encom- Warden, the Chief Engineer and Ministers of Siparia County Council Hall 1953 passed the area bounded by Grell Street, Park Religion. Siparia C.I.D. Oce 1953 Street, Gi Gi Arneaud Street and High Street. Siparia Police Station 1957 With the passage of time buildings were erected Siparia Home for the Aged 19601st phase The large expanse of land in the early days within the boundaries of the Park compacting it Siparia Muslim Mosque 1961 (1930’s and 1940’s) featured the staging of horse to an area now about fty percent of its original Siparia Community Centre 1968 racing meeting. Some of the main co-ordinators size. The construction of these building on the Ministry of Works Building 1983 then were Mr. Jimmy Gonzales, of La Pastora periphery of the Irwin Park Savannah made it Poultry Farm, druggist Mr. Josling and members impossible to continue the staging of horse Curlis Noel Fmr. Community Development Supv. of the Siparia Sporting Club. Most of the area racing events. It also caused the closure of the Retired PRO – Elections and Boundaries was enclosed with palm branches and carat third cricket ground which was situated in the leaves for the Siparia Fete Horse Racing and area of the Presbyterian Church. 16


Asst. Manager of Diatonic Steel Orchestra Wayne Sylvester (left) presents Nominees await the decision on player of the year 2011 trophy and cash incentive to Player of the Year Leslie Panteau (right). Congratulations Leslie!


2 0 1 1 Trevor Ravello conducts rae draw help of the Steelband Committee and players proved to be so. On December 9 2011, the Events Committee conducted the draw for The Diatonic Rae at the Siparia Community Centre, in the presence of witnesses.

All winners were contacted and during Diatonic’s Christmas function were presented with their prizes. Diatonic Pan Institute takes

Glen Glod Chairman Events Committee this opportunity to express its gratitude to all Glen Glod presents Christopher Cue presents Curte Fermin with 1st Prize participants for their support in this fund with 2nd Prize raising event and assure that their contribu- The idea was born at an Events Committee tions will go a long way in ensuring the Meeting that the Committee should do some- success of our projects going forward. thing to assist in the upkeep of The Family, so a rae was decided as the way to go. What Let’s see what other ideas will pop up at these would be the prizes? We are a pan family so a committee meetings. The rae was only one Chromed Tenor (encased) seemed a good idea in 2011, let’s see what 2012 will bring. We may for the rst prize; second prize was a trip for 2 just hit the jackpot. JACKPOT? Wow! you (with accommodation) to Tobago, and third realize that a Bingo is possible? Ahhh, these prize a DVD player. At $5.00 per chance the committee meetings just bring all kind of Glen Glod presents Thurston Esdaille idea seemed attractive enough and with the ideas. with 3rd Prize


6. What is the official name of the patron saint of the Catholic Church in Siparia? 1. A Siparia young lady was the joint winner of the first ever National Best Village Queen Competition. Who 7. Name the prominent retired business-woman and is she? pharmacist who is closely associated with the Coterie of Social Workers in Siparia. 2. Groups of Amerindians of the Warahun Tribe paid periodic visits to Siparia from ancient times up to the 8. A well-known national Jazz musician began his life mid twentieth century. From which neighbouring as a resident of Mary Street, Siparia. He now country did they come here? resides in Port of Spain. Name him! 3. He was a native of Siparia, well-known in the fields 9. This man was the main organiser of sporting activi- of Parang and Calypso. Who was he? ties in Siparia during the 1960s. What was his name? 4. The son of a prominent Siparia family and a great scholar, he became the Minister of Education. What 10. Which Siparian represented this country in the was his name? Olympics road cycling event in Munich Germany in 1972? 5. There is a body of water situated in the forest in Syne Village, Siparia. Name it! Submitted by Curlis Noel

ANSWERS 1. Carole Bacchus/Carole Bacchus-Wright 2. 3. Leroy Birch, aka Big B 4. Dr. Cuthbert Joseph 5. The Mora Dam 6. La Divina Pastora or Our Lady, La Divina Pastora 7. Mrs. Bernice Jeffers 8. Mr. Clive Alexander, aka Clive "Zanda" 9. Mr. Irving Alexander, aka "Vin" or "Vin Alexander" 10. Mr. Masden Saney, aka Clive Saney


Tel/Fax: (868) 636-2457 / 679-1912

FACTORY: Lot 9D, IDC Estate, Plaisance Park, Point-A-Pierre, Trinidad, W.I. Tel/Fax: (868) 659-2457/1912

SALES OFFICE: #8 Mucurapo Road, St. James, P.O.S., Trinidad, W.I. Tel/Fax: (868) 622-4588/1572



No. NAME OF BAND RELIGIOUS SELECTION CRAZY SELECTION LEADER 1 Arima All Stars A Friend in Jesus Suck meh Soucouyant Kenneth Jones 2 Caribbean Paradise S.O. Amazing Grace Suck meh Soucouyant Kernal Roberts 3 City Sun Valley One Day At A Time Sweet Jesus Don't Try That Hakeem Pope 4 Curepe Polyphonics Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart Don't Try That Courtney Andrews 5 Fyzabad 4th Dimension It is Well With My Soul Suck meh Soucouyant Joseph Findley 6 Gonzales Sheikers Hear My Cry O Lord Play Yuhself Fitzroy Lewis 7 Harlem Syncopators He Raise Me Up Nanny Wine Daisy McClean 8 La Famille S.O. How Great Thou Art Gimmie More Joel Whiteman 9 Pan Steronettes S.O. This Little Light of Mine Gimmie More Alphion Byron 10 Scrunters Pan Groove Nearer My God To Thee The Electrician Committee 11 T&T Defence Force O Happy Day Band From Space Hayden Ifill 12 T&T Fire Services Battle Hymn of the Republic Suck meh Soucouyant Peter Baptiste 13 Trinidad East Side Down by the River Side Suck meh Soucouyant Trevor Guilding 14 Uni Stars Battle Hymn of the Republic Drive It Lloyd Cooper 15 D' Original Woodbrook Modernaires Into your hands Don't Try That Leslie Waldron

Diatonic expresses its thanks to all those who contributed to its success 2011

REACT Roger Worrell - Community Police Carlan Harewood Athlyn Charles - Siparia Reg. Corporation Junior Cadogan The Chairman & Council Siparia Reg. Corporation Curtis Edwards Parents of Diatonic Members Thomas "Hustle" Parris Pan Trinbago South/Central Executive Senator Danny Maharaj Siparia Community Council Francis Sinanan - Transport Point Lisas Nitrogen Ltd. Denise Nurse - Rose Foundation Tourism Development Company Diane Duprey - Pan Trinbago South/Central T&T Entertainment Company Ltd. Steve John - National Carnival Commission Delegation of the European Union to Trinidad and Tobago Patrick Arnold - National Carnival Commission Penal/Debe Regional Corporation Roger Pascal - Frontline School of Drummers

25 Danaki Valley, Coora Road, Siparia, Trinidad W.I. Tel: 1 (868) 389-2232 1 (868) 686-2006 1 (868) 752-2118 e-mail: [email protected]