
The Liturgical Year

As the we have special days and times that are important to us. During the we remember and rejoice in the saving action of Christ, therefore, we call the Church year the Liturgical year.

**During the liturgical year, We remember and celebrate the entire life of Christ and, most especially, his . During this year we also venerate and show devotion to, Mary, Mother of God, and all the .

The liturgical year is broken up into 6 seasons, one of which occurs twice during the year. Each season has a main color and important focus of Jesus’ life.

Liturgical Seasons: - Begins the liturgical year in late November or early December. - Time of joyful preparation for Christ’s birth, the first coming of the Son of God. - Colors: Purple/violet - preparation and penance

Christmas - Begins on day - Time of celebrating that God is with us always—celebration of the birth of Jesus, the Son of God - Colors: White/Gold - joy and royalty

Lent - Begins on . - We grow closer to Jesus through , and penance. - It is our preparation for our greatest event, the . - Colors: Purple/Violet - preparation and penanc

Triduum (white) - begins Holy Thursday eveing, and Holy Sat. until Easter Sunday evening. - The Church’s greatest and most important celebration. - Triduum means “three days” - During these 3 days we remember the Death, and celebrate his . - Colors: White - joy and royalty

Easter - Begins on Easter Sunday evening and continues until Sunday. - We rejoice in Jesus’ Resurrection and the new life we have in Christ. - Colors: White/Gold - joy and royalty and Red - inspiration and commitment

Ordinary Time - It is celebrated in 2 parts: 1st part is between Christmas and & 2nd part is between Easter and Advent - We celebrate the whole life of Christ and learn the meaning of living as his disciples. - Colors: Green - growth and life

*More details for each season to follow as we approach and celebrate the seasons during the year.